12014 November 03

I was in the corridor of the mall-like building. The corridor ran east and west, and i was waiting near the southern wall to get into a concert. The large theater seemed to be to the south of us. A small crowd of people was waiting near me. It seemed strange to be waiting to see a concert now that i was no longer with $A682. I would have waited in line with him before, but now i was by myself. Others were suddenly gathered to the east of me, and i thought that they were here to get tickets as well. I moved a little to the south, toward a pole that held up a solid roof over the opening of the theater. The pole was closer to the entrance door, and i moved toward it to let the other people know that we were in the ticket line before them. I then felt a little strange here. I was not quite sure what i should do. A woman then started asking people for tickets to the north of us. She was letting us into the theater. I then noticed $A540 near the front of the line, ahead of me. I wondered if i should say something to her. I thought that i would feel awkward doing so. The woman near the door started asking people for their names. The tickets must have been reserved under people’s names. I thought that i did not actually have any tickets reserved in my name. I wondered if they would let me in to the show. I decided that i should tell the woman my name anyway. I watched as the woman gave $A540, who also seemed like $A721, a pair of tickets. I was near $A540, and the woman let $A540 into the theater, and then waved me past. I wondered why the woman at the door had let me in. I thought that she must be someone that $A682 knew from tour, and i thought that she might have recognized me. I felt confused. I moved around inside the lobby of the theater. The walls were white. I was not sure where i should go. I did not have any assigned seats from tickets, and i was not sure what i should do. I then realized that $A682 was standing a little to the south of me. He seemed to be exchanging tickets for better seats. He was taking the tickets from the people entering the theater and giving them different tickets. I felt annoyed, thinking that he would not actually let me into the theater as the other woman had. I watched him for a moment, not really sure what he was doing. A man passed to the west of me and asked $A682 whether he was giving away tickets. $A682 smiled delightfully at the man. He was not going to answer the man, so he was smiling to be elusive. I thought that he was planning to sell the tickets he traded in, so he was just making a profit off of other people. I felt annoyed by this.

I followed the other person to the north down the road. We were in a rural area, and the land around us was mostly open fields on shallow rolling hills. I knew that the road we were on would end somewhere soon at an east-to-west road. I remembered this place, and i knew where the other road would lead. If we headed to the east on the other road, we would end up in $P57. I thought that, if we headed to the west, we would end up in $P211, or someplace like that. I could not remember exactly which town it was. We then turned suddenly from the road and headed to the west, through the forest. The forest was dense with vegetation, and i had to duck under some of the overhanging branches. The trees had thick green leafs. Some of the trees had fallen across the path that we were following. I was moving quickly, and i slided under a fallen tree trunk that was slanted to the north. I hurried to keep pace with the other person as we ran through the trees. The forest seemed gray, even though the leafs were green. All of the trunks were ashen, and they were very close together. I came to a row of trees that were very close together, forming a wall to the west of me. I had to squeeze between two vertical trees to make it through the wall. The trees seemed like young pine trees, with flaky bark. I came out on the other side and turned to the south. We had been following the western wall of the room, but we were now heading back out into the main area. The trees were wider apart here. The other two people chatted about something to the southeast of me. I slowed to a walk and thought about the trail that we had just run. I wanted to remember the details of the trees and branches.

I followed the man to the west on the northern side of the road. We were in a rural area, and there were houses around us. A bus was coming up the road from the south. I thought that it was the bus that i was supposed to take, but the bus passed before i could do anything. I then thought that the man with me had another bus here. I thought that i could take that bus home instead. I thought about this as i continued to walk. The people around me were chatting. I was in a larger crowd now. These people seemed to be waiting at a bus stop. I tried to remember the route numbers of the busses that i would take home, but i could not quite remember them. It seemed as though it had been a long time since i had taken a bus. A finally turned to the man with me and asked him if the bus went to my house. He turned to the north, where i saw a map. The map showed that the bus ran to the north from the center of the city. It ran to the southern end of the long lake. The red line that marked out the bus route formed a triangular shape just to the south of the water. I looked at the map, confused. I told the man that this could not be the correct map. It did not make any sense for the bus to make such a loop near the lake. The man said that it was the correct map for the bus. He pointed to the features of the map, showing me how the bus was actually on a tiny peninsula. The map was just viewing it from a different perspective that we were from where we stood. If we were on the bus, we would be coming from the south. He showed how the map was tipped so that the directions seemed off. I looked at the map. What he said seemed to make sense, but i could not tell if the bus would take me home. I wondered how i could get home.

The young boy was trying to get close to the brown dog to the west of me, but the dog felt scared, and it was growling at the boy. I watched the dog, thinking that the dog was barking because the dog was getting too close. I thought that the dog was unsure what it should do, and i felt that the boy was being too forward. I told the dog that it should bite the boy four times as a warning. I thought that the dog would bite the boy twice on each leg. I looked at the boy’s pants. They were bright blue and seemed to be made of a synthetic denim. I told the dog to bite the leg as the boy got too close. The dog snapped at the boy and bit the boy’s hand. This surprised me, and i felt suddenly bad for the boy. The dog was not supposed to bite the boy’s hand. I then felt bad for telling the dog to bite the boy. I had not expected the dog to bite the boy’s hand. I grabbed the boy’s hand and looked at it. It had puncture wounds in the heel of his hand. I felt bad for the boy.

12014 November 04

I was doing something in the house, but then i head generally to the west, across the rolling fields of yellow field grass. I was driving quite fast over the ground, and i felt somewhat reckless. A wire fence was ahead of me, but i drove the vehicle over it, bracing for a sudden deceleration from the impact. Nothing happened, and i continued moving to the west. I thought that i should really have a large truck if i was going to drive over the fields and through the barbed-wire fences. The wire of the fences was held up by old twisted fence posts, which looked like they were made of locust trees. I then noticed the metal fence ahead of me. The western edge of the field was lined with trees and bushes, and a gap in the tree line was covered with a metal fence. I would not be able to break through the metal rail fence as easily with the truck, but i charged at it anyway. I easily broke through the fence and turned to the southwest. As i broke through the line of trees, i noticed a house just to the north of the gate. I wondered if people had seen me come this way. I thought that i had to get out of view quickly so that they could not identify my truck. I turned to the southwest and drove up the shallow slope of a grassy hill. I speeded over the rolling hill to get out of sight of the house. I then remembered getting stuck in a car on these grassy fields. A road ran along the southern edge of the fields, and i drove toward it. I decided that i had to get out of the area before i was spotted. I got on the dirt road and drove to the west. As i drove down the road, i suddenly thought about the man did not like. I had been mean to him, and i had convinced him to kill himself. I felt bad about this, but i felt that there was nothing i could do now. However, i took his wallet, and i thought that i should get rid of it before someone notices me on the fields. I looked down at the worn brown leather wallet in my lap. It opened into two parts. I pictured the man as a poor man in ragged clothing. This would make fewer people interested in finding out what happened to him. I slowed as i approached an intersection with another road. I thought that i could dump the wallet in the nearby stream. The water would erode it faster and destroy the evidence. I looked to the south at the water in the deep ditch by the side of the road. The water was low this time of year, so this would not be a great place to drop the wallet. I continued to the west down the road, thinking that i was heading toward my parents’ house. I took the money out of the wallet and stuffed it into the left pocket of my pants. I looked down at my pants as i stuffed the money in, seeing a British flag over the pocket. I pulled some other things out of the wallet, trying to see what was in it. Some papers were in the right section, and i had a hard time pulling them out. I was in the bedroom of the house now, still trying to remove the papers from the wallet. I felt rushed, thinking that i had to defecate before too long. I decided to head to the bathroom, but i carried the wallet with me, still looking through the contents. I managed to pull the folded papers from the wallet and i tried to read them in the light that was coming in the window to the west of me. The papers were thin and waxy. They looked like muffin wrappers, with ridges running along them. One of the pieces of paper was even dull-green, like a muffin wrapper would be. I could not see the writing on them, and i wondered if they were really anything significant. I would have to get rid of them as well so that i did not have any evidence with me. I thought that i would have to go through the wallet first, though, and take out all of the useful things. My father then came into the bathroom from the main bedroom to the south. He said that i should leave because he had to use the toilet. I folded up the stuff i was looking at and walked out the bathroom door. I then realized that my father was naked as i passed him in the doorway. He must have just gotten out of bed. I headed to the west in the bedroom. The large bed was against the western wall of the room, and it was covered with a dark-blue spread. I noticed a large glob of peanut butter in the middle of the bed. I then realized that i still had the second blob of peanut butter in my hand. I was going to dump it in the toilet, but i had forgotten to do so. I felt annoyed with myself. I sat down in the chair just to the north of the bed, against the western wall. I would have to wait for my father to come out of the bathroom. I tried to do some other things while i waited.

I paced around the classroom nervously, holding the white paper in my right hand. The paper had questions on it, and it seemed to be some kind of a test. $F43 was there, and she asked me for the answer to D. I looked down at the paper as i faced north, but i could not read what it said well. I could not make out the letters, so i courted down four paragraphs, thinking that the fourth must be D. I asked $F43 if that was correct. I felt upset though, thinking that i should already know the answer to the question. I then realized that she was testing me because i had come into the classroom late. I looked at the sheet again, now realizing that the questions were actually numbered and not marked with letters. I could see that one question, which seemed to be the second questions, had subparts that were marked with letters. Frustrated, i tried to read part D of the question, but i could not focus on the type, because it was too small. I tried for a moment, but then told $F43 that i was unable to focus on the words. She asked me if i needed glasses. I thought about what i was seeing as i looked at her, but i realized that something seemed very strange. I realized that i could not see out of my left eye. I started to worry as i tried to focus. I then realized that my eye was blocked. I moved my hand to my eye, but i realized that i was lying on my side on my bed, and my left eye was below the pillow. I had been asleep.

12014 November 08

I was in the bedroom of the old house, and $A608 and $A593 were with me. They were both young, like i remembered them from high school. We joked about something. I was near the eastern side of the room. $A593 was to the west of me, on the western side of the room, and $A608 seemed to be sitting on one of the twin beds that extended from the northern wall. He was to the northwest of me. One of them then said that they had done two loads of my laundry. This seemed strange. I wondered what they had done, and then i decided that he did a load of shirts and a load of white clothes. I could not think of any other way to divide my laundry. I told him that there were shirts and whites. I wondered if he really did my clothing. I wanted to find out exactly what he washed. I joked about him not doing my whites because they had my underwear in them. I sat down on the southern end of the couch, which was against the eastern wall of the room. A man was sitting to the north of me, and he had his legs stretched to the south, along the side of the couch. I realized that i had stepped between his legs when i sat down, so our legs were now tangled together. I felt comfortable like this, but i thought that the others might not be as comfortable with two men sitting next to each other with legs intertwined. I joked that the other brother did not know the concept of clean underwear. I then thought that i might have insulted the other brother. I felt a little bad, and i did not follow up the joke with any comments. I got up to leave, heading west across the store. I then realized that my retainer was still in my mouth. I had been talking to the two brothers with it in my mouth. They must have thought that i was talking funny. I pulled the plastic retainer out of my mouth as i pushed open the glass door of the store with my right hand. I stopped just before the door was all the way open, noticing a woman standing in the way on the sidewalk outside. I looked around, noticing that many people were now crowding the sidewalk. I pushed past some of them to get out to a clear spot in the parking lot. People were walking around in the parking lot as well, though. I thought that they must have just gotten out of a mass in the church to the south. The church was an old gray stone church with two tall square steeples on the front. It was on the southern side of the parking lot, which it shared with the store. I looked for my car down the row of cars, but i did not see it. I knew that it was not on the western side of the lot, but i did not see it in the middle of the lot. I then realized that i was not looking for my car. I had driven my parents’ small red Volkswagen. I spotted the red Beetle on the northern side of an aisle, and i got into the car. I backed out of the space to the north. As i pressed on the brakes to slow down, however, i noticed that the car did not slow down quickly enough. I rolled back into the aisle to the east. I tensed a little, worried that the brakes were not working that well. I pulled forward a little and applied the brakes again, trying to see if they were actually working. I could not tell, so i backed up again. I then pulled a little to the northwest, trying to test the brakes. I noticed a young boy standing on the northern side of the parking lot, to the northwest of me. He looked like $A4. An older man was standing to the west of him, and i thought that the older man was probably his father. They both looked Indian. I wondered if the older man was actually $A4. He would have to be my age, and the child could have been his. I saw a family to the north, and they all looked very similar. They were all wearing dark pants and coats with dark-blue shirts or blouses. I thought that the man might not be $A4. I turned my attention back to the car and tired to get the brakes working. I moved to the west. The brakes seemed to be working, but i still felt unsure. This was an old car, and i thought that many things were worn out. I then noticed that the radio on the car was old as well. It had an analog tuning needle. I thought that it would not have any tape deck or CD players. I wondered how i could drive it a long distance without any music to listen to.

12014 November 10

It was early in the morning, and i walked to the east, across the room in my parents’ house. As i came into the back room of the house, i noticed that the door to the northeast of me was open. I felt annoyed that someone had left the door open. I walked to the back door of the house and looked out. I could see the workers moving around in the driveway outside the house. They were here early in the morning, and i was surprised that they had started work already. I then noticed that the screen door was open as well. I pulled the screen door closed, but, as i started to back away from the door, a workman walked toward the door to open the screen door. I turned away, annoyed by the man. I was now in the basement of the house. I had to move some things here for the other person. The boxes were set up in a square area in the middle of the basement floor. I walked along the northern side of the boxes, between the boxes and the brick wall. I looked back at the boxes as my mother said something about the boxes. My mother was on the stairs that descended into the eastern section of the basement. The wooden stairs descended to the east with no walls around them. I noticed that some of the cardboard boxes were filled with old toys of mine. My mother must have been packing up things from the house. A young boy was in the basement near me. He listened to what my mother said, and he seemed eager to moved the toys as she had asked. I wondered if he was interested in having some of the toys. The toys were in a cardboard box on the southern end of the area of boxes. The boy bent over to pick one up, and he carried it to the east.

I had to get my lunch ready for work, and i was in the kitchen of my parents’ house. I stood to the north of the sink, and the refrigerator was to the west of me. My mother was to the east of me, doing something on the counter to the north. I opened the freezer of the yellow refrigerator, trying to arrange things better. I noticed that my mother had left ice-cream sandwiches in the middle of the freezer. I then noticed the almost empty container of ice cream. I thought that i should eat the rest of the ice cream as part of my breakfast. It would get large container out of the freezer so that i could arrange things better. I started moving things around on the shelfs of the freezer. Several blocks of sliced cheese were stacked against the southern wall of the freezer. I pushed the plastic-wrapped packages of food against them, but i was having trouble keeping things from sliding out of position. My mother had been sitting near me, but she became frustrated with what i was doing, and moved in the way to take over rearranging the freezer. I felt annoyed that she had interrupted what i was doing. I moved to the east, behind her as she reached into the freezer. I then realized that she was not wearing a shirt. I could see her breasts, but they were on her back. This seemed odd. I looked away, thinking that this should be an uncomfortable situation. To the south, i saw the others sitting around a round wood table. The man on the southern side of the table was also shirtless. He was nicely built, with nice detail. I found him very attractive. I noticed a tattoo on his right shoulder. It was of an orange curved shape that looked like a ram’s horn.

12014 November 11

I was riding on the bus as it drove to the west. I stood in the center aisle near the northern side. I had to get off the bus soon near the university area to get my bicycle, which was chained near the side of the road. I seemed to be near the center of the bus. I looked out the window at the area around us. The landscape had low rolling hills, and it seemed to have few trees. I then noticed my blue bicycle near a street lamp on the northern side of the road. I pushed the blue square button on the metal post of the bus to ring for a stop. I then started walking forward to the front of the bus. The bus slowed as it reached the intersection, but it did not stop. I wondered if it had to stop at an official bus stop, and i wondered if the stop was on the other side of the intersection. The bus then turned to the north. This did not seem correct. I told the female driver that we were passing my ride. She was actually sitting in the back of the bus, and i had to turn around to talk to her. She said that i would be able to get off soon, but i felt frustrated that i was not able to get off of the bus. We then rounded another corner and started heading east. I wondered if the bus was heading around one of the campus blocks. I thought that i would have to walk across the grassy quadrangle to the south to get to my bicycle. The bus turned again and came to a stop on the western side of the street, facing south. Several of the people on the bus told my that i should go back along the road to the west to get back to my stop. This seemed out of the way, but, as i looked to the south, i could see a wooden fence across the southern side of a small parking lot. I would not be able to walk directly to my bicycle. I then noticed a narrow asphalt path along the western end of the tall wooden fence. It ran to the southwest, between the buildings and some bushes. I thought that it would take me to the other corner that we had just passed. It was close enough to my bicycle, so i headed to the west, toward the path. As i moved quickly down the path, i realized that people were running a race around me. They were heading in my direction from the west. I was now riding my bicycle down the long road, which ran to the west. I was heading home. I was now heading through the outskirts of a small city. The place ahead of me seemed like $P166. I biked down the long road, but i could see the intersection ahead where the runners were starting their race. I was not sure whether i would be able to ride past the runners, and i started to slow down. I could see the race officials in blue uniforms on the northern side of the road. I stopped, wondering what i should do. I then turned back to the east and walked back across the kitchen. My parents’ house seemed to be somewhere to the east. I stopped in my parents’ kitchen, turning to the north to put some things in the refrigerator. I then realized that i had left the cooler in the other place. I felt annoyed that i had forgotten it. I would have to tell my parents that i forgot it. I closed the refrigerator door and headed out of the kitchen to the west. I was near the race area again. I had to get to the west, but i was not sure how i could get through the racers that were gathering for the start of the run. I had to get through the building, but i wondered if i could bike around the crowd. I looked to the northwest, seeing a tall wooden fence running along the edge of the lawn to the north of me. The fence ended about a meter from the large stone building to the west, but i would not be able to pass between the fence and the building because police officers were standing near the gap. I decided that i should go into the building and try to come out the other side. I walked into the door on the southern side of the building. Another person followed me in. I thought i knew where to go, but i felt unsure. I headed to the west, coming into a large gymnasium. I stopped just inside the doorway, looking at the western wall. I would not be able to exit the other side. A headed back down the hallway to the east. I found a large open door to the east and headed outside. I followed the narrow driveway to the north. I thought that i would still have to ride my bicycle through the runners to get around the building. I stopped on the northern side of the building, in the alley between the two large gray stone buildings. I started to pace, wondering what i could do. Someone then called me on my cell phone. I answered. The man said that he had my cell phone and wanted to get it back to me. I remembered that i had left my phone in the cooler that i had left in the area. The man said that he was on the street, and he named the street. I recognized the name, and i pictured it somewhere in the middle of $P166 on $P58. The people would come to drop off the cooler. I felt relieved that i would be able to get it. I could put it back in my parents’ kitchen.

12014 November 14

I felt that i had to leave this area, and i knew that i needed to take something to the area to the west. It seemed important that i get the thing to the west. I headed down the hall, carrying the white box in my right hand. The northern wall of the hallway was low, and it separated this hallway from another corridor, which seemed lower that the one i was on. The walls of the corridor were made of orangish-red brick. I jumped over the low wall and landed on the railroad tracks to the north. I then thought that i really should not be walking to the tracks. Just then, i saw the train coming from the west. It rounded the corner of the mountain, which was to the north of the tracks. I did not want the train to see me, so i jumped down the steep embankment on the northern side of the tracks. As i slid on the gray stone, i dropped the white box. It landed just off of the tracks. I turned to get it, but i could not quite grab it, and i ended up pushing it under one of the railroad ties. The train was getting closer, and i felt nervous about trying to grab it. I wondered if my hand would get stuck on the tracks. I ducked as the train passed so that no one would see me. After it rode to the east, i went back up the hill a little and pulled the white box from between the ties of the tracks. I wrapped it in the black carrying straps, thinking that i could tie it around my waist. I then headed down the stairs of the main hallway of the building, heading to the east. As i left the building through a large arched doorway, i realized that someone was following me. I headed to the west, through the corridor. This building was like an open storage house, with large bins on both sides of the corridor. I felt nervous about the man following me, so i started to walk unevenly, pretending that i had something in my shoe. I wanted to see if the man would pass me. I stopped for a moment to look at my shoe. I did not want to look back to see if the man was still following. I was afraid that i might tip him off that i knew that he was there. I then thought that i should try to jog down the corridor. I started to move again to the west, but something seemed wrong. I could not run correctly. My coordination seemed off. I grabbed the wooden beams on the northern side of the corridor for support and stopped, looking down at my feet. I then tried to jog again. I had to make the movements look natural. Something did not feel right with the movement, though. I thought that i had a long way to go before i reached the canyon to the west. I reached the door in the western wall and looked outside. It was dark outside. I passed a person who was coming into the building, and i started jogging again. I thought that i would have to start jogging faster to get away from anyone who might be following me. I wanted to be out of sight of the man before he came through the doorway. I did not get too far before i heard the sound of the door opening again. I did not make it out of sight soon enough. I knew that he would be able to see where i was. I tried to get to the west quickly, but something was still wrong with my movements. I could not jog correctly.

12014 November 15

I looked up into the sky above me. I was facing south. The small white figure moved across the pale blue sky. It was an airplane. I thought about the missiles that were aimed at it. I imagined the missiles being launched. Someone would have to stay with the missile launcher to keep the green laser pointed at the aircraft. This would guide the missiles to their target. No missiles were being fired, thought. I was just watching the airplane moved to the northeast. I was just imagining how the story would run. As the airplane moved into the eastern sky, i could see it more clearly. I could now make out the two large engines on the wings of the craft. I glanced away and then back to the airplane. I seemed to be standing to the west of a dark wooden house. When i looked back at the airplane, it was to the northwest of me in the sky, and i noticed that it was now facing me. The nose of the airplane was tipped down. For a moment, the airplane hovered in the sky. Once the nose tipped down, it started to descend. I realized that it was still facing me, and that it was coming toward me. As it got lower to the ground, i started to wonder if the airplane would crash near where i was. The airplane leveled off just above the tree-line to the north of me. It then disappeared below the trees. I still worried that it would crash near me and that i would be in the way. The large silver airplane then appeared suddenly through the trees, coming to a stop just to the northeast of me. It was facing south-southeast, and it stopped just to the east of the building that i had been standing in front of. It had a thick red stipe down the side of the fuselage, and it seemed to say “American Airlines” along the side. I felt suddenly threatened by the airplane. It had come to confront me because i was thinking about the missiles. I ran to the west for a bit, heading across the southern side of the building. After running only a few meters, i turned around to look at the airplane. The nose of the airplane was sticking out from around the corner of the building. It was tan and had a flat surface on the end. It also had horns sticking out the tops. I thought that it was decorated to look like a bull. I felt that it was watching me and wanted to attack me. I ran around the western side of the house, trying to get out of its line of sight. I had to hide somewhere. I quickly ran to the west and ran behind the bushes that were along the eastern side of the next house. I crouched down behind the thick dark pine plants. The airplane was suddenly to the north of me. I was not sure if it knew where i was, but i worried that it did. It was facing north, and i thought that it could run its engines to blast me with jet fumes. I then wondered if it could shoot fire out of the engines into the bushes. I could not hide here for long. I ran to the south, between the bushes and the house. I had to find a way to hide. On the southern side of the house, i ran into the house through the front door. I came into the darkened bedroom upstairs. I had to get my things. I had been visiting here. The woman here seemed like she had something to do with $F4’s family. She seemed to be lying on the bed. I thought that the airplane was waiting outside for me. It would try to look through the windows. I carried the CDs in my arms to the east, into the smaller bedroom. I thought that they contained things that i did not want people to get. I would have to hide them. The airplane would claim that they we copyrighted material. I turned to the north and faced a dresser that was against the western wall of the room, just to the north of the door that i had entered. I opened the thin middle drawer of the dresser and dropped the CDs into it. I was carrying many CDs in my arms. I looked at them as i spread them out across the empty drawer. The labels on the CDs were hand written, and i realized that they were CDs of my photography archives.

I was nervous as i moved around in the small outside area. I turned to the east. The others were cleaning up the mess on the ground. A man was lying on the ground just to the northeast of me. He had blood stains across his chest and face. I knew that this was fake. He was just playing a role. The man opened his eyes as someone raked the leafs toward his body. He seemed to be $A605 or Eddie Murphy. The woman pulled the leafs over his face and closed the thick blue body bag over his face. I wondered if he got any debris in his eyes. He should not have been moving. I watched the bag for a moment as the others continued cleaning up the area. He lifted his head, and it was noticeable through the bag. I hoped that it was not noticeable enough to stop the filming of the movie. I backed to the west, feeling uneasy about something. The others were gathering the evidence from this place. A small thick metal wall ran on the southern side of the street. It seemed to be a railing over a bridge, but it must have been blocking the area where a small water channel ran under the street. I crossed the channel, thinking about something. As i neared the bridge, i could hear the others arguing about something. I turned back to the east. Something had just happened, and someone was hurt. I asked what had happened. The situation seemed serious, and i was not sure what we should do. I turned to the west. The man had started driving the old car to the southwest, down the street. I looked at the man in the dark trench coat sitting in the car. He was slouched a little and was not facing me. The pale-green car looked like an old Silver Phantom, with an open top. I turned to the north east, where the police chief was standing. He seemed familiar, and i pictured him as Commissioner O’Hara. I referred to him as “chief”, and i told him to stay in the car. I felt that the car had to be protected, so i told him to make sure that nothing happens to the car. I would have to head back to the east to take care of the scuffle. I crossed the waterway again, looking at the small hill just to the east, where the others were doing something. A short dark square stone wall surrounded the grassy mound. Something here was upsetting, and i knew that i had to be careful with these people. Something could get out of control here, and i did not want to be part of it.

12014 November 17

We headed down the dirt road, moving quickly to the east. I had been traveling on the dirt roads earlier, and i had gotten stuck in a muddy area. I thought that we were on one of the roads that i had traveled before. I tried to remember the road, thinking that we could figure out how to go over the hill this time. I thought i had come from the other direction on this road. I tried to remember the details of this road. We started heading down a steep hill, and i could see that the road turned to the south ahead of us. The road on the outside of the curve had a bare area of rock, which was raised above the ruts. I thought that i remembered this from before. I thought that this was just before the intersection, and that i had traveled up that hill to get to the area that i had gotten stuck in the mud before. We rounded the corner. I wondered if my car would have gotten stuck on the raised area of dirt in the road. After we turned to the south, we came into the intersection. It did not look familiar to me. I remembered making a turn before to get to the muddy area, but i was not sure which road led there now. I thought that we should go a different way. The person driving headed to the south, across the intersection. The road immediately turned to the east, and i could see the fallen trees down the center of the road. The long thin logs ran down the center of the road. I had driven over them before. My mother was driving the car, and i told her that this was the road that led to the bud, where i had gotten stuck earlier. I did not think that she would drive down this road. Looking over the long thin tree trunks, i was surprised that my car would have made it over them before. I told my mother that this was the muddy road, but she turned to the east and started driving over the trees. I felt a little uneasy about this, thinking that we would get stuck on the road again. She commented on the road. The area around the trees was very muddy. I then saw the area of standing water just to the east of the trees. I warned my mother about this area, saying that it was where i had gotten stuck before. More water now seemed to be on the road. My mother kept driving, though. She said that the rocks under the water would be good to drive on. The car started floating. My mother continued across the water, but i tried to keep the car going in the correct direction. I was now standing on the car, which had sunk under the water. I grabbed a long thick pole from under the water and lifted it out, surprised at how straight and clean it seemed. It looked like it had been used as a structural pole in the past. It was coated with reddish clay mud. I used it to steer the car under the water. I looked down, seeing the front end of the old car turning to the east as it moved across the river. If we could get it to the bank on the other side, we could drive the rest of the road. I hoped that the rest of the road was not as messy as thin. I did not want to get stuck again. I stepped onto the gravel shore on the northern side of the water and turned to the west. My mother had stopped somewhere to the east. I placed the pole against the wooden structure on the eastern side of me. I was trying to stand it up, but it fell back against my head. I pushed it away, wondering if i should put it between the small section of two-by-four that was sticking out of the southern end of the wall and the plywood area of wall to the north of it. I leaned it against the small board. The wood of the wall was gray with age. Other people were on the shore with me now. I turned to the west and washed my hands in the sink that was on the northern wall. I wanted to get the mud off of them. I then turned to the south to pull some paper towel from the dispenser. A man to the west of the dispenser watched me as i took some towels. I wiped my hands off, thinking that it would be hard to get the mud off. I then headed to the west, through the door of the bathroom. My father was with me, and i thought that we would walk the rest of the trail to the west. As i exited the door, however, i wondered suddenly what happened to our car. We were on a wooden walkway outside the bathroom, and the rest of the trail seemed to be a hiking trail. If we walked it, our car would be left here, and we would still have to come back for it. We could not leave the car here. I wondered how we could take the car with us.

I felt tired and walked down the dirt road to the east. I had been doing something with $G4, but i felt tired now. I thought that i would go to sleep. I felt a little upset because i had left the others while they were still celebrating an event. I did not feel as though i fit in there. I had decided that i would just leave and get some sleep. Some of the others seemed to be to the east of me somewhere. The road curved to the south just in front of me. I walked to the east, into the cabin on the eastern side of the turn. I started brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed. I felt upset and lonely. I layed down in the sleeping bag, which seemed to be in the back of a small car. I was in a building that seemed to be a garage. A few other people were to the north of me, talking. I tried to ignore them as i shifted my position. Another person had placed a white mattress on the cement floor on the northern side of the room. The group of people then headed to the west. I was aware that the car i was in was a hatchback, and i was sleeping in the trunk. As the people passed to the west, i realized that i could not see the man who had been sleeping on the floor. I adjusted my position again, and i wondered if he could see me. I rolled over on the bed, thinking that i did not want to be seen as i slept because i might have an erotic dream. I then saw the man moving near the northern wall of the room. He had moved his bed onto the shelf, which ran along the northern wall. I could only see him over the edge of the shelf when he shifted his position. He was wearing a red Santa Claus costume. His head was to the west as he slept. I started feeling uncomfortable here. I then realized that it was rather bright in the room. I looked out the window to the north, seeing the trees and houses of the small suburban area outside. The sun was shining on them from the southwestern sky. It had been dark before, so i thought that the clouds must have hid the sun, making it seem dark and late. I started to feel upset, thinking that the others would be outside in the sun for a little while. I wanted to be with the group, but i did not feel like i fit in there. I was now lying closer to the ground. The entire northern wall of the building seemed to be a window now, and i could see the bright day outside. Frustrated i started to get up. I noticed that the grass inside the building was bright green and looked like artificial turf. I realized that the area outside the window seemed like a golf course. I thought that the others would be running around the area. I had to get out of here. I headed to the west again, leaving the building. I was then on my bicycle, riding to the east on the dirt road. I approached the corner again, but, this time, i turned to the south. I seemed to be sitting on the bicycle facing backward. The bicycle was rolling in the reverse direction down the hill. I leaned back on the handlebars, being careful to steer. The road was white and seemed to be covered with packed snow. The road sloped down to the south, and i was accelerating as i descended the hill. I squeezed the brake behind me to try to slow the bicycle. I watched the hill ahead of be. A car came from the other direction, passing me. I focused on steering in a straight line so that i did not slip on the icy road. The hill varied between steep and shallow, but i kept rolling to the south, and i kept applying the brakes so that i did not pick up too much speed. As i came to the crest of a hill, i could see the steep curve in the road. The road below turned sharply to the east, but it also sloped steeply to the east on the curve. I would have to maintain my speed to stay high on the white wall of ice on the curve. To my annoyance, a car was coming from the other direction at the moment. I pulled my brakes and came to a stop at the top of the hill. I would not be able to go around the curve if a car was coming from the other direction. I muttered a complaint about the car as i turned my bicycle back to the north. I wanted to back up as much as i could so that i could have some more momentum going into the turn. I realized that the hill just to the north of me was very steep. It looked like a vertical wall now. I turned my bicycle around in front of it and looked back to the south, waiting for the car to come up over the top of the hill. Once it did, i started to the south again. I thought about the curve, nervous about riding on it. I wondered what i would do if i was not able to keep myself high on the wall. I did not want to slide down into the stream below.

12014 November 18

I moved around the small room on the second floor of the house, feeling very uncomfortable. I had killed $A665 parents, and i was thinking about this. I thought that i had to do it, but i also knew that it had already happened. I thought about how i had done it, thinking that this seemed very strange. This situation did not seem real. $A665 was in the room with me, which seemed to be a train car. He sat on the northern side of the room in the chair that faced to the east. A woman sat with him. I walked to the west down the length of the room and stopped near him. I felt bad for him. I did not want to kill his parents, and i thought about how they had been killed. I said something about killing both parents and a sister. He started talking about it as he sat in the seat looking east. He was very upset. I thought that i had actually never done it. I had just thought about it. I told $A665 that the events were really from a dream. I remembered having dreams about people i had killed. The dreams would always upset me, but i would wake up knowing that they were not real, even though they felt very real while i was sleeping. I then wondered if the person doing the murders was actually another me from a parallel universe. I thought that maybe this was real, but it was not I. The memories of the other person could be entering my mind as i dreamed. This seemed like a very good explanation, and i felt very interested in the theory. I was still walking to the east, down the dirt road in the countryside. I stopped on the road, looking across the swampy water that was on the southern side of the road. The land around me was forested, but the forests seemed very thin and young, and few of the trees still had their leafs. The swamp on the southern side of the road was narrow, but ran down the length of the road for a ways. I looked out over the water as i walked to the east. I spoke about the dreams where i had killed someone. I remembered hiding the bodies under bushes in the back yard. The dreams recurred several times; killing someone seemed to be a theme. I mentioned the dream where i had buried the body of a neighbor to my parents’. I then wondered if the other me from the parallel universe had actually killed the neighbor. I looked at a section of the swamp water that was covered with floating moss. The moss grew along the side of an old log, which was still partially above the water. I thought that it would be easier to hide a body in the swamp. I thought that they would float when they started to decay, but they could be hidden under the green moss until they decay into bones. This did not seem like a good idea. I knew that things did not rot as quickly under water because the water did not contain enough oxygen. They would decay faster if they were dumped in the woods near the swamp. I turned to the south and continued down the road a little way. It was a bright day, but the sky was gray and overcast. If the bodies were in the forest, the animals would eat them as well. This would help destroy the body more quickly. I then though that the bodies would have to be placed in the woods at the right time of year. If they were dumped in the winter, then they would freeze and not decay as quickly. I looked into the dark woods on the eastern side of the road. Something made me feel uncomfortable. I thought that animals might be around the bodies in the woods. I hurried back to the west and onto the dirt road. I imagined that i had stumbled across a skeleton in the woods. I thought that i would have to report it to the police. The skull would be very recognizable as a human. I stopped on the road and looked to the south. I noticed the thick wooden utility pole to the southwest of me, on the western side of the road. It had a cable running down the eastern side of it. The cable had a handle that acted as a switch. I noticed a faint blue glow around the metal part of the handle. A strong lightning storm must be coming from the south. The blue shimmer was electric charge coming down the pole. I looked into the southern sky down the road. The clouds were dark gray, but they did not seem that ominous. I felt excited about the storm and started down the road to the south. I then stopped and looked to the west. A second road ran to the west just to the north of where i was. A line of utility poles ran along the southern side of the road. I could see the same metal hooks on the bottom of all of the poles. I felt something shift in the air, and i saw the blue electric glow shimmer around the handles of all the poles. The electric fields were very strong from the coming storm. I started to feel uneasy. I would be in danger here if the storm came. I turned to the north and hurried back up the road. I had to get back as quickly as i could. I started to jog, but i started having difficulty. I could not jog as quickly as i wanted to. The country road stretched out in front of me quite a way. I jogged on the dirt shoulder on the western side of the road. I started to feel that i was wearing too many clothes. I realized that i was in a winter parka and wearing gloves. I pulled off the gloves and put them in my pockets. The road was about a half a meter higher than the dirt that i was jogging on. I came into the bedroom of the darkened house. I seemed to be on the second floor, and the small rectangular room was wide east to west. It was dark now, and it seemed to be early in the morning. I still felt wary of the storm to the south of me. I wanted to get my things together and go jogging. I knew that i had a long way to go to get back to the place. I moved to the western end of the room, near the bed. A tall dresser was to the northwest of me, in the corner of the room. I wondered if my mother would mind that i was heading out to jog. I then noticed the clock on the dresser. It said that it was five o’clock. It was not as early in the morning as i had thought it was. My mother and my grandmother should already be up. I then realized that it was Thanksgiving. My mother and grandmother were probably already cooking in the kitchen. Something about this did not seem right. It was my mother’s birthday, and i wondered why she would be cooking on her birthday. I then realized that i still had not gotten her a gift. I felt suddenly upset that i did not have a gift. I was supposed to get one but had not. I hoped it was not too late.

12014 November 20

I had been to the north of the place that i was now walking with the other person. I was in a neighborhood area, which seemed like the block to the east of where my grandmother lived. We walked to the south, down the sidewalk that led between the houses. We then turned to the east along the sidewalk on the southern side of the block. After passing a few houses, we turned to the north, walking into the wide grassy lawn in front of the large white building, which was set back from the others. The house seemed to be plantation or French colonial in style, with thin columns running up the surface of the building at regular intervals. People were having a part here, but i did not feel that we were welcome at this party. $K1 was with me as we headed down the sidewalk in the center of the yard, heading north to the western end of the house. Some people were gathered on the lawn to the east of us for the party. I felt that we did not quite belong here. We were different from these people, and they did not like us being here. I turned to the east and walked onto the side porch of the house. I thought that i should leave, but i also felt that i had to do something here. I came into the kitchen of the house and paused indecisively. I was holding a dirty paper plate in my right hand. I said something to the person with me, again thinking that we were not welcome here. I moved to the eastern side of the room. A counter ran along the northern wall and turned to continue along the eastern wall. The counter stopped at the doorway, which was in the center of the eastern wall. I dropped the paper plates in the tall rectangular trash bin that was on the floor at the southern end of the counter. The countertop was pale green. I turned to leave the house, but paused in the middle of the kitchen again. A woman was then in the room with me. She had come from the east. She was watching me, so i exited the house and paused on the porch. A child had exited the house just behind us, and he asked me something. I said something to him, trying to make casual conversation. The woman still seemed to be watching me as i talked to the child, and i knew that she did not want me here. I headed back to the south, across the lawn. We were not welcome here because of what we were, but i did not know what that was.

I drove to the north along the curving street in the urban area. I looked at the large factory buildings to the northwest and west of me. They had been redecorated, and people were living in them as apartments. This seemed strange, because i thought that the grounds of the old factory must be polluted. The people living here must be poor people. I then thought that they might be poor people who had been moved from their houses and put on a reservation. I then wondered if this was a reservation for native people. The road curved a little to the northwest and then back to the north. I noticed some children playing on a swing set made of thick round rust-colored pipes. It seemed very strange that they would be playing on the polluted factory grounds. Two or three children were on the swings. I continued to the north, watching the children as i passed. I noticed that one of the swings had a wide metal band at the front of it. The bowed band arched in front of the swing, looking like an archery bow. It seemed that it was designed to mimic a rider on a horse with a bow. It seemed like a natural stereotype of the Native Americans who were on this reservation, but i thought that it was a somewhat offensive stereotype. I looked at the child on the swing as i passed. He had a narrow face with a wide cranium and large ears. His skin was mid-toned, but i realized that he had African features. I wondered why he would be in a Native American reservation. Then i remembered that this place had to do with poor people. I turned my attention to the north, where some people were gathered. I imagined a man coming here from another time. This seemed like an interesting story. He would not know about this place, and his presence would raise awareness of some issue. I thought about this as i walked across the lawn and through a second swing set, which was to the north of me. I grabbed the metal bar of the swing set, which was over my head. I imagined the man appearing where i was standing. He would fall to the north as he appeared, stumbling out over the chipped wood. He would stand up and not recognize his surroundings. He would ask the people for something that they did not understand. He would be able to see these people differently because he was from the past. He asked me something, and i told him that my name was Damien. It was not my real name, but it was the name that i used for these types of meetings.

12014 November 21

I moved around in the darkened area. I was at my work, but the place seemed to be outdoors. The surfaces were black and red and seemed like rock. The area to the south of me seemed to be a large open pit, like a rock quarry. The men approached me from the south, talking about my work here. One of the men started telling a story about me. I felt a little uneasy, but i knew that he was paying me a compliment. The man was $A601, and he walked to the east of me as he spoke. He said that i would come into the office and say hello. He then paused. I was looking to the south when i heard the other men around me chuckle. I was sitting at the southern side of a wide conference table, and the others were around the table with me. I looked to the east to see what $A601 had done to make the others laugh. He was sitting at the eastern end of the table. He smiled and tipped forward, as if passing out on the table. I knew that he was imitating me, making the joke that i kept my head down when i worked. It was a compliment, because it meant that i would greet people in a friendly manner, but then i would be focused on my work and not paying attention to others.

12014 November 23

I felt busy as i opened the door in the western wall of the room. I was trying to do something with the house that i was in. I looked outside as i did something in the doorway, holding the white metal screen door open. I shook out something and then noticed the door to the northeast of me. The door was facing south. It seemed to be in a separate section of the house. The door was open. I felt annoyed. It was the door to the bathroom, but, if it was left open, someone could get into the house. I moved to the northeast and tried to slide the screen door shut over the bathroom stall. The door was old and did not slide on its track correctly. It pulled from the west and slid to the east to cover the opening of the bathroom. I was annoyed that someone had left it open. I pulled the screen closed and then locked the other door over it. I turned around to head back to the door i had come out of, which was now to the south of me. I realized that i had left the screen door open, and i worried suddenly that the cat had gotten out. I looked around the area. My mother was near me, and i told her that the cat might have gotten out. I asked if it was inside as i wandered to the west to look for him. My mother was helping me look. I called for the cat, but i did no hear anything. I then looked back to the east. I had walked about thirty meters down the street from the house. I looked down the long cement sidewalk to the east. A cat was walking near the eastern end of a narrow brick building. The western end of the building came to a narrow point that was about five meters long. The cat must have crossed the street from the south and was now trotting around the building. It was not $X14, the cat that i was looking for. It was fluffier and seemed to be a tortoise-shell tabby. A man stood on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, just off the southwestern corner of the building. He threw a plastic water bottle at the cat, yelling at it. I felt annoyed with him. He should not have been abusing the cat like that. I told my mother about it, and i started back to the east to yell at the man. Another man came around the northwestern corner of the brick building just as the bottle landed on the ground near the cat. The second man glared at the first, and i decided that the second man would scold the first for being mean to the cat. I turned my attention back to the south and the west, calling for $X14. I then saw $X14 to the east of me. He walked up to the sidewalk on the southern side of the street from the south. He stopped on the sidewalk and looked at me. I called to him, and he started jogging toward me. I watched him approach. He was tan with dark markings on his face and paws. When he reached me, i hugged him. It felt very good to see him.

12014 November 24

I jogged to the west with the others. $A722 was jogging in front of me, just to the southwest of me. He was shorter and was wearing a dark blue hooded sweatshirt, with the hood down. Some of the other people jogging with me had mentioned the “clash of the captains”. Another person with us had a title of captain, and so did $A722. I thought it was a funny joke. I then realized that some of the people were referring to me. I jogged close to $A722, keeping up with him, to the north of him. I realized that he seemed nervous. He must have taken the others seriously when they talked about a fight between two people. I thought that he was worried that i would be fighting him. I did not want to fight him, and i told him so. I told him that i do not hurt people unless they attack me. I then realized that that might sound strange because i was still saying that i would hurt people under some circumstances.

I moved around in the darkened room of the fraternity house. I had been staying here with a few other people. I had seen something strange to the west, and i thought that i should leave the room to do something about it. I gathered some things and turned to the east to leave the room. The small room seemed crowded. A dresser was on the eastern wall, just to the south of the exit door, which seemed to be in the northern side of the wall. Just before i headed out the door, i heard $F11 move. He was getting up to leave as well. I glanced at him as he leaned from the bed, which was against the southern wall. His head leaned forward from the eastern end of the bed. He looked young, and he had dull blue lights blinking under his black hair. I turned to head toward the door, but realized that the lights did not seem right for him. I backed up a little and looked more closely at $F11. His eyes were unfocused and staring down at the floor on the northern side of the room. A pale blue light glowed on the left side of his temple, and a second was farther back, above his ear. Both seemed to be hidden under his hairline. I thought that he must have some kind of virtual-reality mask on. He must be looking at something that was not really there. I headed out of the room and turned to the south, walking down the short corridor. I wondered if i had the same virtual-reality device on my head. As i reached the end of the corridor and turned to the west to head down the stairs, i peeled something down from my right temple. I heard the sound of a buzzer alerting someone to something in the room to the north of me. I pushed the object back up on my face, noticing that i could still see the stairs in front of me. My vision had not changed when i pulled the mask down from my eyes. When i put the mask back up, the alarm stopped. I pulled the mask down again, just to see if it was related to the alarm. The buzzer again sounded. I let the mask flop back up the right side of my face, and i headed down the stairs. The stairs were real, and i could see them through the mask, so i thought that the mask must be adding objects into my vision as part of the game. As i reached the bottom of the stairs, the man to the south of me threw something on to the cement floor of the darkened room. The walls were black, and the boxes and objects in the room were painted dull black. I looked down at the gray object. It looked like the shell of a crab, but i knew that it was some kind of armor. It had V-shaped ridges on the front of it. It looked like it was made of metal, but i thought that the man had taken it from a creature. I then saw the hand shaking the metal object near the ground. The object had a similar look to the metal shell, but it was a single bowed piece with several small pieces pivoting from the larger piece. At first, the smaller pieces were folder up along the longer piece, but the hand shook them so that they turned perpendicular. This piece of metal seemed to be part of a rib cage, and i thought that i was part of the armor that the man was assembling. He had to piece it together as part of the scenario. I turned to the east to see the arm reach into something on the floor. The end of the arm disappeared into the invisible object. It then jerked a few times, as if trying to dislodge something from the object. I thought that the object must be an invisible monster that the man had slain. He was trying to pull the other ribs from the creature to complete the armor. I looked up at the video screen that was on the eastern wall. The screen showed a white bowed object with several white ribs extending from it. The object jerked as the arm pulled on the monster. The screen was showing some kind of x-ray or tissue scan. I noticed that the ribs of this section had curls on the ends of them, turning in opposite directions like a decorative fence. My attention then turned to the west, where the general was standing with his troops. They were the bad men, and they wanted the weapon for themselves. I knew that the man would have to building it before the general got to him. I looked back at the man. He tossed something that looked like a leather breastplate on the ground, and it formed part of the armored vest. I was an actor in this scene, and i was watching myself assemble the armor. I had to hurry before the general made it across the room to get me. I saw myself throw the shield to the ground, knowing that all of the pieces to the armor would magically assemble. This did not seem realistic, but i knew that this was how it worked. The man to the east of me, who was I, stood erect from the armor. He had a strange gaunt face with a large cranium. His eyes glowed blue, and i thought that this was because of the magic of the object he was building. I hoped that he could finish the armor before the general got to him. He turned to the east again and whipped something in the air, stripping the cross straps off of an armored vest that was standing against the eastern wall. The leather straps would be used to reinforce the magic armor. I wondered how the man knew how to build everything here.

I headed to the west up the steep hill, following the others. I started to jog a little, but slowed to a fast walk. $A722 was walking in front of me. A woman had been walking on the southern side of me as we headed up the sidewalk, but she fell behind. I wondered if $A722 would think that i was following him. I thought that he might be nervous about it. I tried not to get too close to him as we walked. A stone wall was to the south of us, and just beyond it was a driveway. I thought that i had to go to the house that the driveway belonged to. I then realized that $A722 was turning into the driveway. I felt annoyed because he would now think that i was following him. He stopped in front of the door of the house, which was just on the other side of the tall stone wall. I got caught behind him and wondered what i should do. He rang the bell of the house. I tried to look at the car in the driveway so that it seemed that i had something to do. I was finally able to move past him, but i stepped into the car. He then turned away from the door and headed up the steep hill to the west again. I had to let him walk away so that he would not think that i was following him. I then realized that a woman was standing in the door to the house. She waved at me. She had come to answer the bell and was probably wondering what i was doing in the driver’s seat of her car. I waved back at her, acting confused, as though i did not know what she wanted. I thought that i should pretend that i was confused about the house number, letting her think that i had simply come to the wrong house. I should say the street name, but say “lane” instead of “street” at the end. I glanced back up the steep hill to the west.

12014 November 27

I chatted with the others at the small gathering. The people here seemed to be from $G4, and this event was related to $G4. I stood on the southeastern side of the room chatting with someone who was to the west of me. I noticed that the registration table for the event was on the northern end of the room. I walked along the eastern wall to the northern side. A rope line formed an aisle along the eastern wall, between the wall and some other tables. No one was in queue at the moment, so i walked up to the table. I realized that i had not registered for the event, but i would have to say that i had. The woman with me told the person behind the registration table her name. I moved up to the table, looking at the orange things on the table. I told the woman my name, and she looked at me blankly, as if she did not understand. I asked if they had tags for the event, but she told me that they did not. I felt disappointed that they did not have tags. I moved to the west, talking to the others that were with me. The registration people then gave me a few pieces of folder notebook paper. I looked at the paper, which had words written in pencil on it. The words were some kind of joke that i would have to learn. I felt uneasy about having the paper as i walked back to the south through the room. I was on the eastern side of the room, where several others were gathered. I started to feel less comfortable here. I did not want to carry the pieces of paper anymore, so i put them down and started to head to the north along the eastern side of the building. I was in a long corridor, which ran down the side of the building. Some of the people joked about the papers, saying that i should not be without them. Annoyed, i picked up the large piece of newspaper again. I noticed that the man was lying on the ground to the east of me. I had put him down. He must have been part of the paper. He had dark skin and African features. He had short curly hair and wore a red jacket with a dark shirt collared shirt underneath. It seemed suddenly very strange that i would be carrying around part of a man. I pulled the paper up over my shoulder, thinking that it would lift the man with it. The man was very light, which meant that he was not real. I felt relieved about this. He was only made of paper. I carried the paper to the south. I was now on the wide sidewalk of a street in the middle of a city. The building was to the west of me, and the street was to the east. I moved with the other people, talking about something. I then noticed he large school bus coming up the street from the north of us. As it passed, i tried to read the name on the side of the bus. It seemed to say Greenville. I had just driven through that area earlier, and i wondered if it was really a bus from Greenville. As the bus turned to the west and started passing in front of us, i looked at the letters again. They did not quite say Greenville. I focused on them, but could not read them correctly. I looked at the people in the window of the bus. I could see several men and women in blue varsity jackets with white sleeves. The jackets did not come from the Greenville school, so the bus must be from somewhere else. I felt interested in a man that i saw sitting on the bus. He had short blond hair and faced forward on the bus. I then realized that the bus was still to the east of us, and it was still turning the corner near us. We were very close to the bus, so we would have to be careful as it turned near us. I cautioned the woman who was walking with me. She was to the southwest of me at the moment. I told her that the bus was turning the corner, so we had to be careful. I then looked at the white side of the bus to the east of me as the bus started turning the corner. The wall of the bus kept moving toward me. I ducked with the woman, passing under the bus. I then realized that the back tires of the bus would be coming toward us from the north. I looked to the north, afraid that we would get run over by the bus. I lay on the ground, facing up. The bus tires passer around me, but i was very close to the tires that ran to the west of me. I had my left arm out, and the tires must have gone over it. I stayed on the ground for a moment, pulling my left hand to me. I did not feel anything bad in my hand, but i thought that the tires must have run over it. I felt confused, not sure what had happened.

I moved around in the small room of the old house. I had been living in this house. My mother was to the east of me, and i was facing southwest. She said something about the house, telling me that i would have to make sure that it was in good condition. I thought about the house. This house was a large gothic mansion, and it seemed to be downtown. I had just purchased this house, so i would no longer own the house i had been living in. I thought about where i lived and decided that i must have moved into this house. I told my mother that i was living in a single room of the new house. The house was old and run down, and i had only rebuilt one of the rooms so far. I moved through this building, thinking that it was located at 112 McGraw Place. That address sounded familiar, and i wondered if it was the correct address. The building had a large outdoor terrace on the southeastern corner of the house. The small bedroom was to the southeast of me, and it seemed to be separated from the rest of the house by the terrace. I turned to the north, thinking that i should reconstruct the terrace so that the bedroom was connected to the rest of the house. I could build a corridor along the eastern side of the house, connecting the rest of the house with the bedroom. I then thought that i would rather leave the terrace open for parties. I imagined having a gathering with friends on the terrace. It would be a large area where we could hang out. It was night now, and people were gathered on the terrace. I headed toward the door that was in the wall to the north of me. It looked more like two wooden panels covering a doorway. The panel on the top of the doorway was plain, but the one on the bottom had a horizontal pattern in the center of it. I thought that i did not really want to open this door right now. I would take the door to the east, which led into the corridor of the house. A room was to the north of me. I entered the house through the door to the east, but started wandering around the large empty room to the north as i thought about the situation.

I walked to the north, up the eastern side of the lake, which seemed like $P44. I was thinking about where it would be nice to have a house in this area. I was on the northern end of $P17. I remembered this area. Steep cliffs ran down to the lake from here. I remembered them from before. I pictured the curving road that descended the cliffs in tight switchbacks. I looked out to the west now, looking out over the water of the lake. The water seemed fairly level with where i was. I had just passed the area where the cliffs were, and i thought that it would be dangerous to be in the water here. A few men were standing on the shore, looking at a third man who was on a small motorboat just off shore. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that the boat was too close to the cliffs. I then thought about this, realizing that i was not making sense. The water would have to be level no matter where it was. I had been moving along the top of the cliffs, so i had been quite a distance above the lake. I was now at the level of the lake, so i thought that the water in the lake must go over a cliff just to the south of where the men were. The water was not flowing, though, and this was all the same lake, so the water must be all at the same level. I tried to figure this out. I walked toward the lake, recognizing the road that was heading to the west. It was the road that led to the field that overlooked the lake along the eastern shore, at the northern end of $P17. I used to come to this field all the time. I thought that i would not be able to go out into the field now, though, because someone had built a house on it. One of the men was standing at the entrance of the road, facing east as he spoke to the other man. I walked past him, wondering if they would try to stop me from walking in the driveway. I could not see over the rounded hill to see either the new house or the lake. I walked a few meters into the road, seeing the old driveway that led to the field turning off to the south. I then realized that the area to the southwest of me was open. It had been forested before. I moved closer to the corner of the field, at the intersection of the two roads. I was trying to figure out what was in the field. Stumps of trees seemed to be lined up in the clearing, forming a perimeter. The ground was covered with snow, but the stumps stuck up through the snow. As i moved to the north of the area, i spotted a swing set along the western edge of the rectangular area, inside the stumps. A playground must have been built here. I moved to the west to get a better view. The area now looked like a garden. I thought that it was a nice area for a garden, though i realized that it would be easy for the deer to eat from. No fences surrounded the area to keep the deer out. I looked to the northeast, noticing a house hidden among the trees. I thought that this was actually a very nice place to have a house. It was secluded and could look out over the lake to the west. I then noticed the steep hill to the north of me. It was covered with snow and crested several meters over my head. I thought that it blocked the view from the lake to the north, which was good. The tall trees around the house seemed to be pine. The two men were now standing on the road to the north of me, to the west of the house. An animal jumped up from the ground, landing on the side of one of the tall trees near the men. The men talked about the animal. It seemed that they were trying to capture it. It jumped from one tree trunk to another tree trunk, standing sideways on the eastern side of the trunk. It was a goat, and it was wearing a red sweater vest. I looked around the area again, thinking that the tall pine trees to the south of the house actually shaded this area from the sun. I thought that it might not be a great place for a garden after all. It still seemed like a nice house, even though i could not clearly see the house.

12014 November 28

I jogged slowly to the east, down $P1. I was with a group of other people, and we were running a race. I was not running the race yet, but i was jogging into position at the western end of the block. We were running a relay of people racing around the block. The other runners had just passed off a baton to the west of me, and i watched the runners start running around the block. The headed to the north, around the corner. One of them did not seem to be in shape, and i thought that it was good that he was not on my team. I hoped that i would be running with someone who was not that in shape. I was the last person running on my team. I turned to the west and looked down the block. I could see the two runners starting down the street toward me. One of them was $A30. He seemed to be jogging slowly. I knew that he was on my team. He spoke my name as he jogged toward me, turning his torso to the side a little as he ran. I moved into place near the starting line, where he would hand off the baton to me. I thought that i would start running slow and pick up the pace on the northern side of the block. $A30 then tossed the baton to me before he was close to me. I looked up at the baton, which was a gold-colored beer can, as it rose high into the air, cresting almost over my head. I was annoyed with $A30 for throwing the can. I turned to the east to try to catch it, but it landed on the ground near me and bounced to the north. I quickly tried to catch it, but it rolled to the northeast. As i chased it, another runner passed me from the other team. I felt annoyed with $A30 because he had been ahead, but now our team was behind. I started running to the east. I thought about this situation as i moved. I was actually in the kitchen of my grandmother’s house, which was on the eastern end of the street. I spoke to the other man. He stood very close to me, and he seemed to be attracted to me. He walked in front of me as we headed east down the street. He had short red hair and pale smooth skin. He seemed young. I thought that he did not have a great body, but he was very nice. He kept looking back at me. I felt awkward trying to talk to him because others were standing around us, but i hugged him when he turned to look at me. He hugged my back, and we sat down on the couch that was against the northern wall of the room. He layed across my lap as i hugged him. The race was over now. I talked to the man as i sat on the couch with him. The others were still standing around near us, and i felt uncomfortable with them there.

I wandered around the town. It seemed like a nice sunny day. I headed to the west, toward the boathouse on the shore of the lake. I seemed to be near the northern end of $P17. I used to come to this place a lot a long time ago, but i had not been here in a long time. I remembered coming to the stores every Saturday to look at what was there. It seemed like a long time since i had been here. I wandered to the north, through the yellow building. Several cars were inside the building. This place seemed like a rental shop. I did not actually need anything to rent. I remembered that this shop had smaller things, but they did not seem to have anything interesting at the moment. I continued to the north, through the building, feeling disappointed that this was not as i remembered. I wondered why i had come here. Nothing was really interesting here anymore. I thought that i should go somewhere else in town. I continued down the hall to the north, thinking about the woman whom i had killed. I remembered burying her somewhere, and the memory had something to do with being in this place again. I remembered having dreams a long time ago about killing someone. This seemed real, though. I was surprised that i would have killed someone, and i tried to remember when i had done it. I thought about it, but could not remember the events. I thought that this event could not have been real. I thought that i had killed the woman for some kind of magical spell, but then i thought that this did not make any sense. It seemed like a movie plot. I tried to think of where the body would be hidden, but i could not remember. This memory must be part of a dream. I then wondered why i was having these dreams.

12014 November 29

I moved around the western end of the swimming pool as the others swam. Some of them were hanging out on the southern side of the pool, and others were swimming. The floors and walls of the room were covered with small square tiles. The tiles were various shades of pale green. I joked with some of the people. I then turned to the west, noticing that the stairway down to the locker room was filled with water. The pool had overflowed, and water was covering the ground. I said something to the others. I stepped into the stairwell. The stairs descended to the north into the rectangular opening in the floor. I floated near the northern end of the opening. I could feel the metal rail that ran down the eastern wall of the stairwell. I tried to feel the stairs, but i did not want to submerge to get to them. I thought that someone would have to open the door at the bottom of the stairs to empty the water from the stairwell. I thought that this seemed dangerous. I remembered that someone had gotten trapped under the water in the corridor, and i wondered if it was because the water had filled the corridor from the flooding pool. I reached under the water with my foot, feeling the door handle with my foot. I thought that i could dip my head under the water and open the door with my foot. I then thought that this would be dangerous because the sudden flow of water would sweep me down the stairs. I held on to the wall and said something to the other person. I then stepped on the door handle. The door opened. I held on, expecting a sudden flow of water, but i did not feel anything. The water in the room started to drop. I looked down the stairs to see that the water on the floor below was very low. I headed down the stairs. The water was gone from the floor. I had opened the door on the eastern side of the short hallway, which led to the men’s locker room. The door to the west led to the woman’s locker room. All of the water must have flown into the men’s locker room. The door was closed now, so i pushed it open. The off-white tile floor of the men’s locker room had about a deci of water on it. It started flowing out the door and back into the hallway where i was. I talked to the others about the water. I wondered if we could drain some of the water through the women’s locker room.

12014 November 30

I looked out over the grassy lawn behind the house, to the south of me. The lawn was green, but it looked damp. The sky was also gray, and the day seemed foggy. Trees grew around the rectangular sides of the yard, and a road seemed to run along the western side. I thought that i should probably mow the lawn. It seemed to be getting long. I chatted with the others about it. I looked out over the lawn again. I seemed to be on the second floor of the house. Something about the scene made me feel a little sad. I then said something to the others, whom i could not see, and then turned to the north. I took a step, carrying something in my arms. I then turned to the east to head up the stairs. I looked down at the ground below me, which now seemed to be a stream bed. The ground was cement, but water was flowing over it from the east. I stepped carefully, trying to stay on the rocks that were in the stream so that i did not get my feet wet. I stepped with my left foot, realizing that the rocks were not big enough to keep my feet above the surface of the water. I was getting my sneakers wet. I felt annoyed. I looked to the east at the wide cement steps, which ascended about a meter to the higher level of ground. I tried to walk to them without getting my feet wet, but i had already gotten my feet wet. I started up the stairs, noticing the water running down them. I thought that the water was rising because of the rain.