12015 November 02

$F4 was to the south of where i was, and he had just come to the room. I was lying in the large bed, which was against the southern wall of the room. I told $F4 that he could sleep in the large bed with me. I then thought that he might be uncomfortable with the idea, but i could remind him that the bed was big enough that we would not be near each other. I was on the western edge of the bed, and i got up as he did something on the eastern side of the bed. I started to wander to the south, into the trees. I had come from the car, which was parked at the end of the road to the north. I walked a short distance into the forest as $F4 got ready to get into the car to sleep. I felt very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open to look at the trees around me, but i could not. The trees were leafless and ashen. It seemed to be winter, but the ground was not covered with snow. I turned to look back at the car, my eyes closing. $F4 then shouted to me. I looked at the car, seeing only a blur of the headlights through my partially closed eyelids. I headed back for him, no longer feeling that i could not stay awake. I looked to the west. The area was open in a small rounded field, which was to the south of the parking area on the dirt road. The grass was dry and gray. I continued toward the car, wondering what was wrong. I looked back through the trees as i walked along the eastern edge of the opening, which now seemed very long. I was much farther away from the car than i had been. $F4 pointed to the south. He was panicked. I looked to the south, over the trees of the forest. I could see part of a valley. Everything was various shades of gray, but i could see nothing special in the view. I did not understand why the man was so upset. I continued to head back toward him, looking again at the grassy field with the rounded southwestern edge. I was surprised i was so far from the car when i remembered being very close in the woods. The man by the car then asked if i had seen the monster thing. I thought that he was referring to a large mechanical robot. I imagined that it should be standing above the trees to the south of me. I looked to the south again, but could only see the open valley. I still pictured the red towering robot, which seemed like a threat, but i could see nothing. I did feel nervous thinking about it.

12015 November 05

I had been in the room, and the others were there. I felt uneasy doing what we were doing. I left, heading south, but i moved around to the south of the building for a moment. I decided that i had to leave and that i would head to the south. I looked to the southwest, across the main street, which seemed like $P88 near my grandmother’s house. I could hear the sound of a train. I realized that the train was coming through town. The tracks ran across the block that was to the south of me. I could see the side street that i would have to take. It connected to the main road just to the west of me. I wondered if i would be able to make it to the side road before the train came. I thought that the crossing gates might have already closed. I knew that the train would be running slowly, though, so i thought that i could make it up the street before the train came. I backed out of the driveway and onto the main road. I was walking and pulling the shopping cart behind me. I turned the cart to the west and pushed it toward the side road. I could not see the crossing gates, so i hurried down the road. The train would be coming from the west, but i knew that it would take time to cross town. I followed the road as it turned to the east. A large low white building was to the south of me, and the train tracks ran between me and the building. The area i was in before had seemed residential, but this place now seemed more commercial. I would have to follow the road to the intersection to the east, where it met another road, which ran from northeast southwest. I pictured the gray building on the corner of the street. The train tracks ran just to the south of the building, which seemed like an old general store. I stopped just to the north of a gray building. The sidewalk that i had been following was now a meter above the road to the north. I was not sure where i should go, and i turned to the south, looking into the open door of the gray house. I realized that i had stopped on someone’s porch, and i felt uneasy, thinking that they might be upset that we were on their house. I turned to the south and walked into the main room of the house. The old wooden floor had been painted gray, and the simply wooden furniture seemed rustic. A large wooden table was in the center of the room, and a tall wooden cabinet was against the western wall. The others followed me in. I felt out of place here.

12015 November 06

I turned to the south and looked into the other room. The smoke in the air became illuminated just to the south of me, forming whorls and eddies. I was fascinated by this, and i watched the smoke form waves and patterns in the air. Some of the others were watching this as well. I realized that the smoke was suspended between a flat panel, which was part of a machine. The large black machine had a black bottom, which extended to the east form the couch along the western wall. A vertical black panel was attached to the eastern end of the large flat surface, rising more than a meter above the box. The box was about the size of a small bed, about a meter in width, three or four meters long, and a half meter tall. The western side of the panel was white and seemed to have small round holes in it. The machine was illuminating the smoke that was floating in the air. I watched as an older man stood near the eastern end of the machine, doing something to it. He wore a brown jacket, and he had a balding head of white hair. He leaned toward the machine as several small children watched the white waves between the panels, over the machine. I watched the waves for a moment, aware that i was standing to the south of the other adults in the room. They were talking to the north of me, but i was fascinated by the waves. I started humming, thinking that the waves were formed by vibrations in the air. I wondered if anyone could hear me humming. The man blew some smoke into the end of the machine, and i watched waves in the machine curl and oscillate. Something about the waves was special, but i did not quite understand them. I felt excited but uneasy. I felt that i was watching something that i should not be seeing. The man in the brown jacket was now leaning back to the south, and i realized that he was playing notes on an electric organ that was against the southern wall of the room. The eastern end of the wall was farther north than the western end, and the wall seemed to be covered with a dark gray wood that had vertical light-gray textured streaks in it. The man leaned forward again, and i looked back at the smoke. The patterns seemed very thin now, and i was not sure that they were the same as they had been before. I tried to focus on them, but i could not see the swirls that i had seen before.

12015 November 09

I had been watching the movie on the large screen to the north of me, but something had happened and i left the cinema for a little while. I remembered the scenes from the movie. The characters had been trying to solve a mystery and were exploring an area. I now sat near the front of the cinema theater, on the eastern end of the room. A small television screen was set up near the ground below the main screen. It was showing the movie, but it was starting at a point where i had left off. The people who ran the cinema provided this screen for people who had missed part of the movie. I watched the scene on the screen. The man and the woman were walking through the passageway, which seemed to be a rocky gorge. The walls of the gorge were tan and glossy, as though they were made of metal or polished stone. The tall walls curved to the northwest just to the north of where i was. The man and woman were on a ledge on the eastern side of the cliff, just at the turning point. They were looking down into the gorge and talking about what they saw. I remembered this scene. I had seen it before. I should be farther ahead in the movie than i was now. The scene panned out and i could see a large jelly donut on the ground. The man and woman were looking at it. They did not understand why it was there. I thought that i would have to forward the video to the part that i had not seen. I was sitting now in the chair in the front row of the cinema. I leaned forward and looked at the slider at the bottom of the screen. It showed that i was more than halfway through the movie. I backed it up, trying to get to a part that i had not seen. I watched the screen again. The colors were tan and brown, and the people were talking about something. I did not remember this scene. I felt frustrated. I would have to back up the movie a little more. I felt that i could not properly control the slider though. I focused on a detail on the now-frozen screen. The object in the center of the screen seemed to be a tank. It had sharp square features. I moved the slider until it was close to one of the features on the tank, thinking that i should be far enough back in the scene. I thought that i would probably have to watch some scenes again, but i hoped that it would not be a lot of time. The movie started playing again. I sat back in the seat, which was on the eastern end of the front row of the cinema. I realized that the movie on the main screen had stopped. I thought that i heard music, and i noticed that the theater behind me was mostly empty. The people must have started to leave. I hoped that i could watch the rest of this movie before i would have to leave. I felt rushed. I watched the scene on the screen. A man was running to the right. He wore bright blue pants with yellow highlights. I then noticed that the same image was now playing on the large screen. Several other smaller screens around the room were also playing the scene that i was watching. This was not correct. The cinema had started playing the same thing on all screens in preparation for the next movie. People were already coming into the theater behind me. They should not be seeing the end of the movie before they saw the beginning. I felt nervous that something was wrong with the cinema. The images then stopped. I felt disappointed. I had not seen the end of the movie. I wondered what i should do. I would have to come back into the cinema to watch the movie again. I thought that i could probably find another theater where the movie had already started and watch it from the middle again. I still had the light-green bracelet on my right wrist, which showed that i had been in a theater. I got up and looked for my things. I was missing something. I realized that i did not have any shoes on. I had left my shoes near the eastern end of the northern wall of the theater. I went to get them but they were not there. I was annoyed, and i wondered what i should do. I started to pace around the eastern side of the cinema, wondering what i should do. I mentioned my shoes to someone, but i could not find them. I then thought that i could grab another pair of shoes from the rack in the center of the theater. I was standing to the east of the main section of seats, but a smaller section was now to the east of me. The smaller section was facing west, toward the main seats of the audience. I turned to the north, looking at the small collection of shoes on the floor in the aisle between the two sections. At first, i thought that someone had collected all of the shoes from the cinema, but then i thought that they were actually my collection of shoes from my closet. I said that i would put on an older pair. I grabbed a pair of brown shoes from the southern end of the pile, but i realized that the two shoes did not match. One was a light pair of loafers with a square toe, and the other looked very similar, but it had wool fur on the inside. The shoe with the wool was actually a slipper. I looked at the other pairs to the north, trying to find a pair that i could wear. I wondered if someone would think i was taking shoes randomly. I told the woman to the east of me that these were actually my father’s old shoes. I looked at some of the shoes on the square metal rack, but i found the matching loafer underneath the rack and put it on. They felt comfortable on my feet, but they were loose. I then thought again about going to another theater. I wondered how i would do that. I headed to the west, down the aisle in the middle of the audience. A group of women were talking on the western side of the theater as i approached. They wore dark blue suit jackets, which let me know that they worked here. I asked them about getting into another cinema, and i showed them the light-green bracelet that i was wearing. The bracelet looked like a thick shoelace, and it had bulges at regular intervals, which allowed it to stay tied. I explained that i had been watching the movie here but had been called away for something. I then wondered if the woman would think that i had left for reasons not important enough. The woman with the frizzy blond hair said that i could try to get into another theater. I felt better, and i walked to the west. I came out into an outside area where others were walking. This was part of the mall. I would have to get back in to go into another theater. I headed to the north, through the doors. I came into an atrium. I felt tired, and my legs were sore. I crossed the atrium, noticing that the walkway ran to the northeast and west. I started to head to the northeast, but then thought that maybe the west was the way to go. I headed up the stairs toward the center of the hallway, feeling the aching in my thighs. I was pushing myself in order to move. I felt annoyed that i was struggling to move. I looked down the hallway to the northeast. The junction of the hallway opened into a round area, and the walkway was about a meter higher than the center of the area. I had stepped down into the center of the atrium. I wanted to head northeast, but i did not follow the walkway around the southern wall of the room. Instead, i started to shortcut across the rounded area. The floor sloped down from the walkway, forming triangular areas that pointed into the center of the atrium. Several books were displayed on the slopes, and they seemed to be part of a store. I would be walking over them, but i did not think anyone would mind. The name on the second triangular slope said Barns and Noble. I then realized that i was not exactly sure where the cinema was. I could not be sure that i was heading in the correct direction. Annoyed, i looked back to the south, toward the door. I would have to find a directory of the mall. I started back toward the door, my legs aching with the stain. It was difficult to walk. I looked at the map to the north of me, noticing the red area on the left side of the map. It showed me where i was. The blue logo for the cinema was to the right of it, so i would need to head up the corridor to the northeast. I was then unsure that i was looking at the correct thing. I tried to focus on the map, but i could not quite make it out. Something was wrong, and i felt stressed. I tried to figure out where i was, but the map was not the same.

12015 November 10

I was with the other teenagers in the house. I was visiting the house, and i felt as though we really should not be here. It was late at night. I knew this house, and it seemed to belong to friends of $P1. The others joked about something, and the mentioned the structure to the east of us. The structure was like a barn. The others had been in it before, and someone mentioned standing near the edge and looking down. I thought that we really should not be in the building, but i followed the others to the east. We entered onto a wooden platform through a doorway that was in the southern part of the western wall of the building. The platform had railings along the northern side and a set of wooden platforms, which seemed like benches, along the southern side. Vertical beams ran up at regular intervals along the northern edge, supporting the ceiling high above. The room around us was very large, and we were about four or five meters above the dirt floor below. This building seemed like a barn, with exposed wooden beams and crude corrugated metal walls. The platform that we were on seemed to be a viewing stand, but it only seemed to cover a quarter of the area of the room. I walked to the east, looking over the northern edge at the dirt below. Bright outdoor light came in from around the doors in the northern wall. The man had talked about being near the edges of the platform. I wondered why they were special. The others wandered around the platform, looking at the structure. I walked slowly to the east along the northern railing. I was a little nervous about being near the edge, wondering if the man was actually telling people about being near the edge so that he could push them off in a joke. I looked over the eastern end of the platform, seeing a set of wooden bleachers below. They were facing north. I wondered what this barn was actually for. I then moved to the northeast as the others wandered around the dirt floor of the room. I thought that we actually had to leave here before someone found us here. It now seemed that we had sneaked into the area. The others headed to the northeast, but i turned to the southeast. A set of pipes ran up the eastern end of the southern wall. I ran toward them, thinking that i had crawled through the pipes to get here. The opening actually seemed to be formed by several curved things that had been buried in the ground between the edge of the pit and the roof. I stuck my head out the top of the tube, but found myself having trouble squeezing through. The curved shapes seemed like old tires, but they also seemed like metal quarter spheres. I pictured the rusted metal shapes as having horizontal bands on the outside. The opening at the top was wide east to west but narrow north to south. My waist got caught as i tried to push through. I wondered why i was having trouble squeezing through. I had easily slipped through the pipes to get into the hole. That was how i had gotten into the pit with the others. I was then with the others on the dirt ground to the north of the pit. The large barn structure was to the north of us now. It no longer had any walls on it, and i could see the thin beams of the frame. The woman, who seemed to be the mother of the man in the house near us, was talking to us. She stood to the north of us. A second woman said something to her and then hurried off to the northwest, heading toward the house, which was to the west of the barn. The front of the house stood farther to the south that the front of the barn. The man with me spoke to the woman to the north of us. She had to get to the house to help the second woman, but she was explaining something to us. She seemed interested in talking to us. I looked to the simple wooden house to the northwest, noticing the lights in the windows flashing on and off a few times. The second woman then appeared in the doorway on the southern end of the eastern side of the building. She seemed panicked, and she called to the woman near us, saying that it was an emergency. She must have been flashing the lights of the house to get attention. We moved to the house and now stood in the opening in the southern end of the eastern wall. The house now seemed like the barn. The southern and eastern walls were missing, and thin beams held up the roof. The western wall seemed to be made of old pale-yellow ceramic tiles or bricks. A person was standing near the southern end of the western wall, doing something. I then noticed some of the tiles start to slip downward. The second woman was now standing in the middle of the building, telling us that the wall was becoming unstable. The center of the building seemed to be deeper than the walls. I looked at the western wall, seeing more and more tiles slide from the dirt surface. I yelled to the others, telling them to leave the building. I thought that the barn would collapse. I backed up, looking at the thin poles of the barn, which also seemed like a large tent. It was swaying. I thought that the entire barn would fall over, and i worried it might fall on us. I started to the south, looking at the old roots and thin trees that were along the western side of the rectangular area that i was trying to cross. The area seemed to be underneath the tent. As i passed one of the twisted roots, i saw a small white rabbit in a hole in the root. I thought that i should grab it, but it had pulled back into the ground. I continued running to the south to get away from the falling structure. The barn fell behind me. I was still holding on to the small calico cat, which i had picked up from the barn. I had saved it from the barn. Another person talked to me about something. I held the cat close to my chest, petting it. It seemed very nice. I paced around for a moment, petting the cat, but it started to squirm. It did not want to be held. I tried to hold on to it as i talked to the person with me, but the cat wanted to get away.

$Z said that the construction vehicles had come here to clean up the water. I was interested in this, and i wanted to see what they were doing in the water. We followed the dirt road to the east-southeast. It ran just to the north of the wide creek or small river. I asked $Z why they were cleaning out the water, asking if it was because of algae. I then asked if it was bacteria or weeds, or some other thing. I wanted to see for myself what was in the water. We jogged down the dirt road. I spotted the area ahead where the construction vehicle had repaired the road. A patch of dirt running diagonally across the road had been replaced. I looked to the south as we crossed it, noticing that the area of the creek to the south of the water seemed to have been dredged. Nothing seemed special about the area, and i did not want to go into the water to investigate what was going on. I continued jogging to the east down the road. I then paused, thinking that i would have to head back to the northwest. I had started on the other road, which was to the north of me. I pictured the two dirt roads running parallel to each other. I usually jogged this route, and i knew that a dirt path ran between the roads to the east of me, but it seemed like a long distance to the east. I then noticed the gravel road running to the northwest of where i was. It had been put down by the construction vehicle. I thought that i could use it to take a shortcut back to the other road. I started down it, but decided that it was not really going in the correct direction. I then wondered how i would measure the distance for jogging. It seemed like i had already done a complete loop while out running. It would be hard to estimate the distance on the new roads, which would not be on maps. I would not be able to measure the distance i was now jogging. I then saw another crude road crossing the one i was on. It too was created by the construction vehicles. I looked opt the northeast, down the other road, noticing that it seemed very muddy as it climbed a slope. Neither road was heading in the direction that i wanted. I thought that i would be running out of my way if i took either. I wanted to head to the north to get back to the main road. Looking to the north, i could see rough weeds leading up a tall slope. I thought that the road was at the top of the slope. I wondered if i could run across the weedy field, but then i thought that the weeds were more like jungle, and it seemed dangerous. I had already passed through some sharp weeds, and i still felt them tingling my left hand. I decided to run across the filed anyway, feeling the weeds pass along my legs. As i ran, the weeds became low grass, and the uneven texture that i had seen turned out to be rills in the muddy slope. I struggled up the slope, $Z jogging just to the west of me. The mud on the slope of the hill was thick and seemed like wet clay. It was gray and had brown streaks in it. I grabbed on to the mud as i pulled myself up the hill. A section of clay broke off. It was long and stringy. I reached the top of the hill, where the road seemed to run. This road was packed gravel and seemed well maintained, unlike the other roads. $Z and i continued to jog to the north, passing the large house, which was to the west of us. I remembered the house from before. We had been here a little while ago. I remembered that it was a beautiful old mansion. The overall shape of the house seemed cubical. The details made it look gothic. It had a square tower on the eastern end of the northern side. I remembered liking the room at the top of the tower. It had many windows and everything about it seemed very nice. $Z mentioned the room, saying that he had seen lights in the windows earlier. We ran across the lawn. As we passed the northeastern corner of the house, i looked up at the room at the top of the tower. The northern face of the tower was covered with glass, and it seemed to slope outward so that the window faced down slightly. $Z commented on the beauty of the room. I liked it, and wondered if i could build a room like it in a house that i would buy. I felt that i wanted a house like this, but i did not want this house. I wondered if i really would be able to construct a room like the one i had seen. I pictured the glass of the large window. It had beveled corners and seemed very fancy. I continued jogging across the lawn to the north. Another hill was ahead of us.

12015 November 11

I took the cubical loaf of bread. I had taken it out from the library. It seemed to be a book. I carried it to the north. As i walked, i opened the bread and looked at the pages. I was surprised to see that they were blank. I flipped through several more pages, but did not see anything written. I was sitting now, and i closed the loaf of bread. It was actually just a loaf of bread. I then flipped through several of the slices again, noticing that they were almost completely dry. I was on a bus, and we were traveling north. Someone was sitting in the seat behind me, leaning forward to look at the loaf. The young boy leaned around the western side o the seat. He took a piece of the bread to look at it. I looked at one of the slices myself, feeling that it was still soft on one side. I looked back at the boy, seeing that he was tasting the bread. I pulled the slice from him, telling him that he should not eat the bread. I told him that it was old. As i stacked the slices back together, i put a small crumb of the bread into my mouth. I then wondered why i had done that. I looked up, the bus was driving to the northeast now, following the road around a shallow S-curve. The grass of the rounded field to the west of the road was very green. I pointed out something on the filed.

12015 November 14

I chatted with the person who was standing to the west of me. Several other people seemed to be to the north of me. I then turned to the east and looked down at something that was about my knee level. Two large black spiders hung in the air, about a deci from the off-white wall. They had thick rounded abdomens, and their bodies were large enough that i could see the rounded edges of the plates on the underside of their thorax. One hung with his head up and to the right. His abdomen was slightly under the other spider, which as upside-down. Their legs moved as they did something with the web. They seemed strange, and i realized that i was not really worried about them. I thought that i would have been scared of such large spiders.

12015 November 16

I was watching the video scenes to the north of me. It was a television show, but it was based on the Star Wars universe. Tie fighters moved across the screen, flying low over the open water, which seemed to be a lake. Various other things were flying through the air. I was interested in watching the scene, but it seemed very strange that the Star Wars ships were in a modern setting on Earth. The view then move upward so that we were looking diagonally down to the northeast at a ship. A man near me was describing how the ship could be forced down. I watched the small white craft floating underneath the larger dark-gray ship. The larger ship was flat on the bottom and had a domed top. It seemed to have fins off the side. The man said that the small white ship would jump away, forcing the larger ship into the water. I thought that this made sense. When the small ship jumped into hyperspace, it would create a vacuum where it had been, which would suck at the bottom of the larger ship. The larger ship would be pulled downward, into the water. I watched the scene for a moment. I was looking at the gray water and several white shapes floating on it. The white shapes looked like the facades of houses. They were facing southwest on the water. They were made of white wood and had red or pink trimming around the square windows in the peaks. Flags seemed to flap on poles from the peak of the roof. This did not look right. The thin walls were floating on the water, but they looked very plain. They reminded me of cottages from a northeastern United States shore. I wondered why a Star Wars movie would have buildings that looked so much like modern life on Earth. I imagined the metallic buildings that i would normally see in a Star Wars movie, picturing the tall thin poles that would be sticking up from it. I decided that i was not happy with the new movies. They seemed to link the Star Wars universe to Earth. This ruined the mythology. I then looked at the screen as they showed an old black-and-white photograph of a battleship with some soldiers standing in front of it. The voice said that the Star Wars universe started in 1947. The movie would be making a connection to the start of everything in that year. This seemed silly. I did not think it was a good idea to create such a plot for the Star Wars universe.

I stood on the southern end of my parents’ garage. My parents were doing something there. I could see tall green field grass out the two windows in the northern wall. I then turned around and looked at the door, which was in the southern end of the eastern wall. The door was slightly ajar. I thought that it should be closed or $X13 would get out. I asked my parents why it was open, and i started to move toward it. $X13 was then at the door. He ran out. I called his name and ran after him. I called back to my parents, saying that he had gotten out. I stepped outside and looked to the northeast, into the field. I could see $X13 chasing a bird on the ground. I stood for a moment and watched him, wondering how i would get him back into the house. He seemed to disappear into the grass. He then moved, and i could see him jumping over the grass, following something in a circle to the south.

12015 November 22

I carried the things into the building to the west of me. The building seemed like an old stone municipal building, like an old school or town hall. My mother was following me as i carried the things in. I felt uneasy in this building. Something was bothering me, and i did not want to talk to my mother about it. The building seemed to have a corridor that ran in a rectangle around the perimeter of the building. I walked along the northern side of the building and then turned to the south, into the central room. I had done something in this room, and i started to feel suspicious, thinking that my mother had brought me here to find out what i had done. I moved around in the inner room, thinking that i had killed $K9 here. I felt tired as i moved about. My mother then asked me to bring the trash outside. I pulled the large bag to the south and then to the east. My mother had started heading to the west, but i told her that it was quicker to head to the east. I then wondered if she was trying to look around the area. I though about how i had killed $K9. I remembered getting rid of the body, but i thought that there might be blood in the building. As i walked back out the door of the building, i thought about the blood on the back seat of the car. I pictured the red stain on the tan cloth of the back seat of the car. The stain was on the edge padding on the driver’s side of the back of the seat. I then wondered how $K1 felt when her husband turned up missing. I felt bad for making her go through that. She would not exactly know that he had died. He would have just turned up missing. I then thought that she would now have to live on just her salary. I felt bad thinking of the hardships that she would have to go through, but i could not tell her what actually happened. I was back in the building, and my mother was following me through the rooms. The people were talking about remodeling the building. I hoped that my mother did not notice any of the blood stains on the floor. I knew that she might be trying to get me into the western part of the building. I tried to remember where the blood stains were. We walked into a room to the north. Someone was working in front of a closet on the eastern end of the southern wall. I walked around the room for a moment. My mother then started to head out of the room, and i followed her. Before she left, she told the man working on the closet that she would like to leave the section of wood in front of the closet. I looked down at the darkly stained floor. The wood formed a rectangle in front of the closet. My mother liked the design, and wanted to leave it in the floor. We turned to the west and headed down he hallway. I worried about the bloodstains on the floor. No one had really noticed them before. I wondered if they would be discovered during the renovations. My mother then said something about the floor to the west of us. We had come into a bathroom. She pointed to something on the floor and told me that she wanted them taken downstairs. She said we would have to ask my father whether he was leaving them there or not first. I looked opt the square poles of wood that were screwed into the floor. They ran in a W pattern along the southern wall of the room and seemed to have small spotlights attached to them. I could see where they were screwed to the floor. They seemed to point to the bathtub, which was on the northern wall. I could easily unscrew the wooden rods from the floor and take the lights downstairs. Something seemed strange about the arrangements of the rods, though. They formed a single zigzagging line on the floor, and i thought that they should form multiple parallel lines. I also thought that they should be on risers so that one line was higher than the one in front of it. The rods were covered with a clear shellac, which made them look like the wood planks of the floor.

12015 November 23

I was in the room of people. We seemed to be sitting at short wooden tables. The students were all around me, and the were people from my elementary school. I recognized $A58 to the south of me. I pointed him out to someone. I then looked for his brother, knowing that he would be in the crowd as well. I spotted $A2 to the west. He seemed very thin. I remembered him having a larger build. I told the person that $A58 and $A1 had been killed in an airplane bombing. I then thought that $A2 had been on the airplane as well, but i could not remember. I then started telling the story of the PanAm 103 bombing, mentioning Locherbie, Scotland. I said that the two brothers would be killed in the crash.

12015 November 24

I moved around happily on the northern side of the large building. The building was old, and i pictured it as a large brick factory. I had bought this building, and i was living in a small part of it. Others moved around the room with me, and i chatted with them. I was pleased with the small apartment that i had, but i suddenly wondered what the rest of the building was like. I would have to do something with it. I drifted to the south, through a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. A room opened up to the east of me. It was a long rectangular room with gray cement walls. The lower parts of the walls were lighter in color than the upper parts, which seemed to have wood trimmings. A large table was on the eastern end of the room, with several old wooden chairs around it. The upper parts of the walls on the eastern end of the room seemed to be filled with old windows, many small rectangular panes of glass held in a metal frame. The windows were dark, though, as though they were covered up from the other side. I drifted further to the south, looking at the beautiful details of the old factory building. I thought that the building must have an open space where i could let people run a theater. I knew that the town had been wanting a space for community theater for a very long time. I continued to move around, floating from one area to another. I headed back to the north, moving along a brick wall, which was to the east of me. The wall had archways that formed recesses in the wall. Some of the archways had windows in them that let in outdoor light. I wondered suddenly how i would maintain this entire building. It seemed like such a huge building. I thought about the old brick structures, picturing the red brick with patches of white paint over it. I then remembered that the building had tall chimney stacks. I wondered how i would maintain them. As i passed to the west of a large window, i looked through the glass, commenting to someone about the building. The window looked down into a large square room. On the eastern side of the room, i could see a large arched window, the many opaque square panes of which let in the outside light. The room was two stories tall, and its ceiling seemed level with the tall ceiling in the hallway that i was standing in. The floor was three or four meters below me. I noticed a swimming pool in the floor of the room almost below me. The water was calm and dark. I thought that it was shut down at the moment. I thought it would be nice to have a swimming pool in my house, though. I would be able to get exercise in the building. I then thought again about the upkeep of the chimneys. How would i do all of this.

I moved across the small paved lot, heading east. I talked with the other people, who seemed to be scattered around the lot. Train tracks ran along the southern edge of the lot, and i thought that a train was coming. I looked to the south to see the large engine of the train standing just to the south of me. A road ran along the eastern edge of the paved area, and it crossed the tracks as it ran south. The road then seemed to descend a shallow hill. The train was still about to cross the road. I felt good here, talking to people about something. I then turned to the north. The young girl was swinging two short swords. I seemed to be watching a television screen, but the girl was really in the bedroom of the house. She pushed a doll to the ground to the northeast of her and sat on its chest, crossing the swords over the doll’s throat. She was performing the martial-arts moves very well. I thought that this was still some kind of performance. The girl seemed to be seven or eight. She joked about what she had done. I spoke to the others around me about the show. The girl was in the bathroom of the house, but we were in the kitchen or dining room, just to the south of a small table as we talked about her performance. An older woman, who seemed to be the mother, now stood to the north of us. I said something about the girl, and another child made a joke about what the girl had said. She said that the girl had jokingly called the man “Dick”. I thought that this was his name, but, in the context of the bathroom, it made the comment seem phallic. The mother gasped in surprise at the statement, and i thought that the girl probably should not be making such jokes at her age. It was a funny reference, though.

12015 November 26

My mother was to the northwest of me, looking out the door of the room. The room seemed to be the back room of my parents’ house. I said something to her and then turned around, looking back into the room. I focused on the pile of green vegetables that my mother had put down on the ground in the southern end of the room. She had been picking things in the garden to the northwest, and she brought in a basked of green vegetables. I immediately noticed a snake on the ground just to the south of the vegetables. I cautioned my mother and looked more closely at the snake. It had a spade-shaped head and a thick green body. It looked like a venomous snake. It must have been brought in with the vegetables. Looking over the other things that were in the basket, i noticed a few other snakes. One of them started to head our way, opening its mouth in aggression. I backed to the north, telling my mother that we should leave the room and head outside. I felt very nervous about the snake. I turned to see my mother exiting the doorway to the northwest. I then stepped to the south a little to look more closely at the snake. It had a white mouth, which was very wide. The lower jaw seemed flat against the ground, and the upper jaw formed a wide arc. I looked at the puffy interior of the mouth, looking for fangs. I saw two small bulbous protrusions on either side of the top part of the mouth. I thought that they must be the venom glands, so the snake must be poisonous. I headed out the back door as well.

12015 November 27

I followed the others across the courtyard to the north. It seemed that we had just come from a wedding, and several of the others around me were still dressed up. The sun was bright, and the grass and trees seemed very bright green. I felt happy to be here and hurried to the large gate that was on the northern side of the yard. We were heading out into the city. I opened the wooden doors under the stone archway and stopped outside. A corridor led down the steep hill to the north. A small fire was burning at the entrance to the corridor, which seemed like a small tunnel. I looked down the eastern side of the outside of the rounded gray structure. I could see the beautiful landscape down the hill. The tunnel seemed to run down the center of a wide set of stairs, which ended at the back of a large building. The building was illuminated with orange light as if it were glowing. The woman standing to the west of me said that the view was beautiful. I recognized the building, and told her that it was Independence Hall. We were looking almost down at it, but i recognized the tower and features. The others were reaching the gate behind us. I decided that i should take a picture of this. I had been here before, but i did not take a photograph before. I took out my cell phone and took some pictures of the view, making sure to capture both the tunnel and the building. The long tunnel made the picture look nice. I then looked at the screen of my phone, realizing that i was able to see details of the tunnel wall. I looked down at the fire burning in the small pit at the mouth of the tunnel. I could not see the flames, but i could see the glowing red objects. Something about the uneven details on the tunnel walls interested me, and i wanted to get a better picture of it.

They were talking about the man who had killed the other people. I watched him move to the east of me. The area was dark, as if it were night, and the man moved to the south. He had a long knife, which almost seemed like a machete. Something about the man was special, and i watched as he walked stiffly through the thin crowd of people. The people turned to look at him with concern. I moved behind the man as he strode to the south. He had an ax in his right hand now, and the tip of the ax seemed to be smeared with blood. He started hitting people with the blade. This was a scene from a movie, but it was telling the true story of what had happened. I thought that it was an interesting story, and i should remember it. I moved to the west of the man again as he stopped in the middle of the people, which had parted around him. He wore a white apron over a pink coat. I knew that this had something to do with the 1970s. The pink plush jacket looked like a pimp coat, but it was covered by the blood-splattered apron. I could only see the lower part of the jacket, which was near the man’s knees. The man had wide eyes and messy hair. It seemed that something was covering his face, but i could not really tell. He looked in my direction as he paused, but then he continued to the south. I thought about this movie. I had something to do with the production. I thought that i was playing the man. I walked to the south and turned to the west. I push open the doors of the dark bar. This was where i had killed the people. I had a shotgun in my right hand. As soon as i entered the bar, i would have to fire it at the bouncer. I then fired a second shot at someone who was running toward me. I had come to this place for vengeance. I cocked the shotgun, thinking that i could get two more shots into the short double-barrel gun. The people in the bar did not know that i could do that, and two men were already charging toward me. I shot one of them. I was supposed to kill someone behind the bar, which was to the northeast of me. I thought about this movie. It seemed important in some way. I had to remember the significance of the killing. I was then in the middle of a field on the top of a hill. The rounded grassy hill curved to the east and south, and the jeep was driving toward me from the north. The killer was in the dark-colored jeep. The man to the east of me spoke about the plot to the story, and i thought that it was a good story. I thought that is should tell it, but i then remembered that it was already a movie. Tall mountains seemed to be in the distance to the northeast of me. The person to the east of me mentioned the three men. He said their names, and i could see them printed. I thought about the three names. I had to write them down. I quickly wrote down the three names, but decided that i should copy the entire names down. I could copy them from the original text, which was above the thing that i was writing. The person moved to the southeast of me as the jeep drove past, and i focused on copying the names correctly. The first name seemed to start with an H, like Harold or Herman. It also seemed to have a double consonant in the middle. I copied this name with the initial that followed. I then copied the second name, which looked like Amos or Rosa. I had to get the names correct. The boy then seemed upset with me. I looked up at him as we stood in the grassy field. He talked about the camp, which was at the bottom of the hill to the southeast of us. The vehicle seemed to have driver down the hill to the south and then turned to the east to get to the camp. I mentioned the three men and the plot of the movie, but the boy now seemed upset with me. I did not understand why he was upset. I asked him what i had said wrong. He said that ISIL was using the camp. This did not seem to make sense. I did not understand what the three men had to do with the terrorists. I thought that this should be a movie. The boy became angered with me because i was talking about this, but i was not sure why.

12015 November 28

The man drove the small red convertible car to the southeast on the street in the city area. The area around us had few buildings close to the road. Most of the area seemed to be parking lots, but we were driving near the old formal school. I was sitting on the passenger’s side of the back seat of the car as we moved. The man who was driving was saying something about the car. I looked at the black metal fence to the east of us. We had to pull into the lot to the east. The fence was made of thin vertical metal poles that curved inward at the top of the fence. We came to an opening in the fence, where the fence turned to the east, forming a narrow corridor around a driveway. The white car that we had been following was stopped in the entrance to the corridor. $F4 was driving the white car, and he must have been having trouble getting the gate open. He would have to enter a code on the keypad. The man driving our car said something about the keypad and the fact that $F4 seemed to be having difficulty. We finally turned to the east and entered the narrow corridor. The fences on either side seemed very close to the car. As the man finished turning the corner into the driveway, i heard the passenger’s side of the car scrape the fence. I looked at a small black object on the fence, which seemed to be a doorbell or latch. The man said that it was not good that he had scraped the car. I thought that he had not been driving that well previously. The car had been scraped before. We pulled into the small lot and turned north. The rectangular lot ran north to south, with the fence on the west of it. A large stone building was to the north. It must be the man’s house. He seemed rich. Four or five cars were parked along the eastern side of the lot, facing east. The man maneuvered the car to the south of the other cars, but then drove it to the west, parking in a small empty space in front of the fence. I knew that he would park his car there, and i thought that it seemed typical. The car would now be in view of people outside the fence. I thought that the man was putting the car on display because it was a red sports car. I then noticed the large tree just to the west of the car. It seemed like a maple tree, even though i could not see any of the leafs. It had a thick trunk, which ran without branches to the bushy crown above. I thought that the man was making a mistake parking under the tree. Sap from the tree would get on the car. The tree seemed to have small reddish pods among the green leafs.

12015 November 29

I stopped the bus in the middle of the intersection of the dirt paths, trying to figure out where to park it. The bus was filled with people on the tour, and we would be staying at this campground for a few nights. I looked to the west, where an old man in a flannel shirt and coveralls directed me to park the bus along the western side of the main dirt road. I was unsure where he wanted me to go. A building, which seemed to be a gas station or general store, was on the western side of the road. It was set back from the road, and two entrances led into the parking lot in front of the building. The man seemed to be directing us to park in the road in front of the median between the two entrances. At first, i thought that he might mean for us to park on the grassy median, but he seemed to be directing us to park in the dirt road. I looked to the south, thinking that it would be better for us to stop the bus on the median to the south of the southern entrance to the lot. I decided that i would have to turn the bus around in order to park where he wanted. I pulled the bus into the southern entrance and then backed it to the north. The other man was leaning over my left shoulder, trying to offer me suggestions. I stopped the bus in the middle of the road again, not really sure where to go. The road to the east opened up into a field, which seemed to be where most of the festival would happen. A pavilion was on the southern side of the road, and a large tent was set up just to the east of it. The man in the coveralls seemed to want us now to park in front of the tent. This seemed to be in the way. I wondered if we could park between the tent and the building. I looked at the building, which seemed to be a wooden frame structure that was covered with metal sheeting on three sides. The northern side, which was facing us, was open. I could not see much detail inside because the building was dark. It seemed to be a stage or practice area for bands. I could make out a few black objects near the edge of the building, which looked like amps or speakers. The ground in front of the building had exposed bedrock, which was rounded. I though that, if we parked in front of the building, we would block the stage. We would have to park between the building and the tent. The other man, who had been offering me advice, then started driving the bus forward. He turned the bus to the southwest, heading back toward the main road. I tried to tell him that this was incorrect, but he ignored me. I felt annoyed with him and started to feel anxious that we did not have a solution. He was just taking us back to where we had started.