12016 November 01

I was in the old building, which seemed to be under renovation. The two-by-four beams of the inside walls were exposed. Several other people were in the room with me. I was facing north, looking at the dark green horizontal planks, which seemed to be the siding on the outside of the house. A small square window with a thick white wooden frame was in the center of the northern wall. I talked with the others about the old music. I mentioned phonographs. We chatted for a little while. People then started leaving to the west. I backed to the south, climbing down the wooden structure that had been standing on. The wooden studs on the southern side of the platform were new. I was standing on the plywood floor on the southern side of the room, but i tried stepping on the new platform that was to the north of me. The platform seemed unsteady, tipping slightly as i put weight on it. It was not fully secured to the outside walls. I had to be careful, and i said something about this to someone. I climbed down again from the platform, careful of the unsteady part. I stepped on the platform, testing its stability. I then looked to the northwest, down the corridor. The walls of the corridor seemed to be fake marble or some other glossy material. Two metal-framed glass doors were at the end of the corridor. The frames seemed to be brass in color, but they were dulled with age. Outside the doors, i could see $A359 trying to get in. I knew that the doors were looked for security reasons, so they would have to be opened from the inside. I hopped the short distance down the hall. The only light in the hall seemed to come from the overcast outdoors. I bounced oddly over to the door and pushed the release lever. I then hopped back a few steps to let $A359 in. $A359 was not close enough to the door, however. By the time he reached the door to try to open it, the security latch had re-engaged. I had stopped along the southwestern wall, but i again hopped over to the northeastern door and pushed the latch. $A359 was closer now and was able to open the door. He laughed at the silly bouncing motion that i was doing. I turned and hopped back down the corridor to the southeast. The corridor was a lot longer now, and it opened up into a large square atrium. The walls had the same stone-like surface as the corridor, but the building seemed much more modern here. A corridor ran off to the east an the northern side of the atrium, and the atrium seemed to be aligned north-to-south, with a large opening in the southern side of the eastern wall that seemed to lead into a shopping area. I felt surprised at the open area. I had come from the corridor to the east, which i thought led to the hotel or apartment where i had been staying. I looked to the southeast at the bright lights of the stores of the mall. A wide corridor now seemed to lead to the southeast from the atrium, taking up most of the eastern wall of the atrium. I felt amazed at the size of this place. I then looked up at the ceiling, noticing the blinking text printed above me. A beam ached across the ceiling over me, where the atrium met the smaller section of the atrium to the east. The beam seemed to be covered with monitors, and text and ads flashed across them. This place seemed very commercial. I turned back to the northeast to see the two men coming down the corridor and entering the atrium. They were the two that i had let into the building. One of them was $A694, and he smiled at me as he walked to the east, passing four or five meters to the north of me. I looked to the east, where an escalator ascended to the second floor of the eastern part of the atrium. The second level was open to the atrium, running south from the top of the escalator over the wide opening to the mall area. I was now sitting in a wheel chair, and i maneuvered it to the east, toward the corridor, which was just to the north of the bottom of the escalator. The escalator was now a moving walkway, and i headed toward the opening of it. $A380 was to the north of me, heading to the moving walkway as well. I greeted him. I felt happy to see him, and said it had been a long time. We chatted for a moment, but then i turned to continue to the southeast. We had reached the end of the walkway and i was now heading down the city street. Tall apartment buildings were on both sides of me. I headed into one of the buildings on the western side of the street. I was suddenly inside again, and the other man was with me. We talked about the old music, and the conversation seemed familiar. I stopped on the northern side of the room, noticing the wrestlers to the southwest. They were in the center of the southern side of the room, getting ready for something. Rows of white folding chairs were set up facing south. I moved to the west until i was even with the aisle that ran south through the center of the metal chairs with white plastic backs and seats. I watched a wrestler in a gray sweatshirt walk to the south down the aisle and then turn southeast. He walked across the stage and then turned back to the west before leaving the room. He seemed to be pacing before a match. I had spoken to another wrestler, but he had left the room to the southwest. I enjoyed our conversation and was interested in the man. A wrestler was to the north of me. We had been talking about something. He stood very close to me, and he seemed interested in me. He put his right hand on my right thigh and squeezed. I thought that he was feeling my leg muscle. He then said that i had a nice tan. I told him that it was from running all summer with shorts on. I liked that he as interested in me, and i felt attracted to him. I then turned my attention back to the south, focusing on the wrestler who was getting ready for the match. The others to the north of me joked about him. I thought that i had just said something funny about him, but i knew that he was someone that i liked, so my jokes were not meant to be mean. The man walked toward me, asking me about my joke. I thought that he was challenging me. The men to the north of me asked if i was going to wrestle with the wrestler. I was tempted to do so, but i knew that i was too out of practice to be a challenge to him. I said that i was not challenging him, but i did feel interested in wrestling him. I wondered if we could practice.

12016 November 06

I was racing to the north with the others, who seemed to be members of $G4. They were paddling kayaks down the narrow waterway. I was part of the race, but i was not in a kayak. I started running to the north, trying to keep up with the others. I knew that i could move faster on foot than they could in the boats. I ran across the surface of the water, realizing that i would have to continue to move quickly so that my feet did not sink into the water. This did not seem logical. The kayaks were following the western shore of the narrow lake, but i cut across the bay from the southern shore to try to catch up with the rest of them. I thought about how my feet were hitting the water and staying on the surface. I realized that i was actually not using my feet that much. I was paddling with my arms on the surface of the water. I was lying forward, so i could not use my feet effectively to run on the water. This seemed strange. It would be better if i could get to my feet. I thought about this, but was not sure that i could maneuver myself to my feet and still keep up my speed. I could not stop now or i would start to sink in the water. I continued to paddle with my arms, thinking that i would not be able to get back to my feet if i started to sink. I reached the narrow water channel to the north and headed over the yellow flume at the end. The flume led into a small room where others were waiting. This was the relay-exchange point for the race. I stepped onto the cement ground at the bottom of the flume, but i realized that i would not actually be able to go to the exchange point. I had not been a part of the actual race, even though i was following the course. The others had yellow shirts, but i was not wearing one. I then noticed a yellow shirt on the ground just to the west of the main walkway. It had been trampled in the muddy dirt and was a little dingy. I thought that i could pick it up and carry it with me, pretending that it was my yellow shirt. It would make people think that i was part of the race. I headed to the small rectangular pool that was on the northern side of the room. A woman stood on the western side of the pool watching people approach. She seemed to be one of the race officials. I handed off my small boat, which i had been carrying in my right hand, to the person in front of me. The person on my team seemed to be $F72. I still had the yellow shirt in a pouch at the bottom of the front of my shirt. I stood for a moment after the exchange. Someone seemed to say that i was disqualified from the race. I felt upset and disappointed. They must know that i did not have an official jersey for the race. I wondered if they had video at the beginning of the exchange point. They would have seen me pick up the yellow shirt.

12016 November 08

I heard the sound of the answering machine to the north of me. I seemed to be lying on the floor of the back room of my parents’ house. I listened for a moment, thinking that someone was calling late at night. I remembered that the election was the next day, and i said something about the callers. It seemed that many messages had been left on the machine overnight. I lay on the ground, listening to the machine. I could see myself lying on the ground in a puffy orange sleeping bag. My head was to the east, and i seemed to be lying in front of the back door of the house. I then heard the sound of a young boy talking. He was leaving a message at the door. I opened my eyes and focused suddenly, realizing that he had come here to meet someone and was concerned that they were not here. I remained lying on the floor, listening as the boy talked. He said that he was coming to pick someone up at one. He then mentioned the time, and it seemed that it had been much later than one. I did not want to get the door because it seemed that i would be intruding on the message. The boy sounded disappointed, and i felt a little bad for him. I then heard him walk off the porch. I thought that his mother must have driven him over here. He was supposed to meet someone, but would now have to be taken back. I stood up and headed up the stairs to the second floor, climbing to the south. I thought that i was heading up to see the young man who was staying in the bedroom to the south of the top of the stairs. As i was halfway up the stairs, i heard a ringing hum. I looked behind me to see an old acoustic guitar hanging over the top of the stairs. Its neck had been wedged into the gap at the bottom of the wall, and the strings vibrated as i brushed the bottom of the guitar’s body. I lifted the guitar from the wall and thought that i should take it with me to put somewhere else. It was my old nylon-string guitar. I thought that i should bring it back to Ithaca so that i could practice on it again. I came to the top of the stairs and looked into the bedroom to the south. The young man was doing something near the bed on the eastern end of the room. The doorway to the room was in the western end of the northern wall. The man seemed like $A556. He was awake, so he must have heard the message from the boy at the door. I asked the man if i could drive him to campus. I thought that he would have to get to his classes. Others were then in the room around us. I headed to the west, thinking that i should do something before we left. A young woman was in the other bedroom with me. I talked to her about going to the campus. As i walked to the west, i noticed the mottled gray design of the ceiling of the bedroom. Light-colored beams crossed the ceiling from north to south, but the main part of the sloped ceiling was painted to look like spotty marble. I looked at the pattern, realizing that it was actually a pattern of stippled stars. The walls were mostly blue, and the ceiling had been spotted with red hues. The pattern was very intricate, and the small dots filled much of the ceiling area. The combination of the blue and red mixed together on the sloped ceilings, making the colors look gray. I liked the designs. I continued to the east, back into the other room. I would have to take the others back to campus. The college campus seemed to be to the northeast of us. I thought back to when i had graduated the college, but i realized that actually never had graduated from college. I had simply left. I walked across the road to the east. I was now on the college campus. I had just dropped the boy off. I felt uneasy and out of place here. I was no longer a student and really had no connection to the college anymore. In some way, i felt good because i was no longer a student here. I felt free of the commitment of my studies. I also felt sad because i would not have a degree. As i continued walking, i thought that i already had a good job, so i did not need to have a degree for anything. I still felt sad, though, wondering what i should do now.

12016 November 09

I walked to the west from my parents’ garage, carrying the tray of food. I was going to feed the dogs. $X3 seemed to be in a pen to the west of the garage. I walked across the grass, looking at the tray of food that i was carrying. The pen was a small brown building with a tall chain-link fence surrounding a grassy area. I did not see $X3. I looked at the plate of food. Some of the meat on the plate seemed to be sliced ham. I knew that the ham was for the cats, which seemed to be following me. I would only give the beef and dark meat to $X3. I walked through the open gate of the fence and crouched down to do something with the food. The other man was with me. A row of pots were now on the outside edge of the tray that i was carrying, which i had moved to the south of me as i crouched. The small ceramic pots seemed to be filled with different types of melted cheeses. The other man with me had moved to the south of me. He was doing something near the bottom of the fence along the southern side of the pen. I looked to see that he was pulling up something from the ground. He had found a green plastic hand in the dirt. I moved closer to look at it. It seemed very strange, and i wondered if it was a real human hand.

12016 November 11

I moved to the south, across the darkened kitchen of my grandmother’s house. Someone seemed to be in the dining room to the north of me. I then heard someone at the door. The door was to the southeast of me, in the eastern side of the house. I did not want to answer the door, so i ignored the person knocking. I continued to the south, trying to get out of the kitchen and out of view of the door. I wondered who could be at the door. I ran upstairs, trying to look out the window on the upper floor. I could not see down to the east, however. I was actually on the western side of the house, looking to the northwest across the neighbors’ lawn. A cat was outside on the grass. I watched it saunter toward the house. Something then seemed very familiar about this scene. I had seen the cat in this spot of the lawn before. I tried to think about it, but i felt that had something to do. I had to get ready to for work. I moved to the south, into the bedroom on the southern side of the house. I turned to the east to turn on the light, but i noticed two people lying on the floor near the eastern wall. One of the people was $A550. He was covered with a puffy pale-red sleeping bag. I did not want to disturb him, but i had already turned on the light. I said hello quietly, indicating that i was sorry for disturbing him. I turned the light back off and walked to the western side of the room. A man was sleeping on the couch that was against the western wall. He seemed like someone that i liked a lot. He sat up, very excited to see me. I thought that he was very interested in me. I wanted to talk to him, and i sat down just to the north of him. He talked excitedly to me, and i realized that he was still a little drunk from the night before. I watched him as he spoke. He had a very narrow face and fluffy hair. I then realized that others were now coming into the room from the north. I turned my attention to them, even though i still wanted to chat with the man. The people coming in seemed to be from $G3. I stood up from the couch and headed to the northwest, to the round table near the western wall of the room. I moved to the west of the table and sat down, watching the people gather in the room. The room was now filled with many people. I liked them, but i had to do something.

12016 November 12

I lay on the bed in the room, hearing the sounds from outside. I felt suspicious of the noise, and i raised my head to look out the window to the north. I could see a traffic light outside the window. Two men were talking underneath the light. They were tall and wore gray suits. They seemed like characters from the 1950s. They stopped talking at looked at me. I worried that they could see me. $F71 was lying in the bed to the north of me. I thought that the men might dislike that i was sleeping with him. I layed my head back down on the pillow, thinking about them. I then noticed the sound of a guitar playing. It sounded like an acoustic guitar. I turned around and stepped out of the bed, looking out the window to the south. I was on the second floor of a house in a suburban neighborhood of a small city. It was dark outside, but i could see things in the yellow light of the street lamps. The houses were nicely kept, with little grass between the house and the sidewalks. A man was crouching on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. He had a guitar, and he was crouching over it, facing east. He played something on the strings, and i thought that it sounded nice. At first, i though that he was a homeless man, but then i realized that he was probably waiting for a bus. As i looked at his features more closely, i thought that he might be $A695. His face was facing east, looking down at the guitar. He had dark skin, and his frizzy hair was pulled back into a high ponytail on the back of his head. I listened as he played. The melody seemed classical, and i liked the way the individual notes rang on the bass line. I thought that i should play guitar again. It had been a long time. I turned to get back into the bed, thinking again about the two men to the north. I then heard a quick beeping sound, and something changed. I looked to the south, realizing that the red letters of the bedside clock were no longer illuminated. The traffic light to the north also seemed to be dark. The power had gone out, and the beep was an alarm from one of the smoke detectors. I looked back out the front window. The scene outside had not changed much, but i could tell that the lights of the houses across the street were now dark. I then noticed the silhouette of a woman sitting on the western end of the porch, to the southwest of me. She lived in the neighboring apartment. She had been talking to someone else on the porch, which was on the southern side of the house i was in. The other person seemed to be where the guitar player was, but he was on the southern edge of the eastern side of the porch. The woman waved at me, and i waved back. I then backed into the room, thinking that she would be able to see $F71 and i sleeping in the bed together. I was not as comfortable about this. I looked to the north, noticing that the bed in the northeastern corner of the room seemed more like a couch. I wondered why i had set up the bedroom in this room of the apartment. This seemed like the living room. It seemed very exposed to the windows of the porch. I thought that the room to the east might have been intended for the bedroom. I then thought that someone else had been using the bed in there. I walked through the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall, though the darkened smaller room, which seemed like a kitchen. I knew that the bathroom was through a door to the south, in the eastern end of the southern wall. A bed seemed to be along the southern wall to the west of the door. I continued to the west, coming into a modern white room. The rooms i had been in were dark and of simple design. They seemed to be in a wooden house with plaster-board walls. The room on the western side of the building opened up to the south and seemed to have modern linear features and bright white plaster walls. The room was hazy, and several people were gathered there. I chatted with some of them. I noticed that my legs seemed tight, so i tried to stretch my hamstrings. I put my right foot up on something and stretched my leg. I was facing south now, and $F71 was standing to the southeast of me. I chatted with him as i stretched. I then stood up straight. I had rested my foot on the white cement steps that led up to the east. The set of stairs were in the center of the sidewalk, which ran along the southern side of the store fronts. I seemed to be at a place like The Commons, with an open courtyard to the south of me and stores running down both the northern and southern sides of it. Several other people were around us. I felt that i had to do something, and i mentioned this to $F71. I felt uneasy, feeling that i had something to do. I turned to the west and started walking down the slope of the sidewalk. I was thinking of my friends. It occurred to me that there would be defining times with each of my closest friends that seemed important. I turned back to the southeast, heading into the grassy center of the long courtyard. The courtyard sloped uphill to the east, sloping at various angles. A shallow round depression was in the center of the tan dry grass. As i walked across the northern side of the round depression, i thought about all of the special times that i felt really close to someone. I became suddenly overwhelmed with sadness. Something about the history upset me. I stopped in the center of the area for a moment, looking at the sidewalk to the north of me. I wondered where i had been standing near the stairs. I then noticed the stairs about thirty meters to the northeast of me. They were farther to the east that i thought they would be. I thought again of the special times with my friends. I thought of $F4. I then turned to the west, focusing on the specific times i had spent with these people. I thought that the special time with $F12 would have been when we sat up all night talking at the dining-room table. I then thought about spending a night on the beach in Cape Cod talking with $F4. I wondered if all of my special times were just talking with someone. I then remembered that the special time with $F10 would have been when we fell asleep on the grass in the arboretum. I considered these memories. They all seemed very special, and they made me feel good thinking about them. I sat down on the white bench near the southern wall of the room. I seemed to be sitting in the front row of a small auditorium. I looked to the west, down the side of the wide corridor, which as the courtyard. People to the west of me were coming this way. I was now sitting in a lecture room for a class. People were still entering through the wide doorway in the eastern part of the northern wall of the room. The brown wooden chairs all faced north. I felt that i was doing well in these classes. I looked down at my notebooks, trying to get things together for the class. The teacher then walked from the southwest past me. She moved dramatically to the northern wall, leaned back suddenly against the blackboard, and held her arms out in front of her. She leaned her head forward as she held her arms out, her left arm higher than her right. She was dressed in a costume that seemed to come from an old science-fiction movie. It was various shades of gray, with metallic flecks that sparkled slightly. A dark gray collar arched over her shoulders and fanned upward. Her fluffy gray hair seemed like a cheap wig, and her eyes were outlined with dark colors. This was some kind of performance. The dress she wore seemed light and exposed her thin figure. I thought that she must seem very attractive. Other students cheered from the west and southwest of me. I then turned to the southeast. A long gray figure was coming down the stairs in the center of the lecture hall. The figure was formed of dark gray inverted U-shaped structures, which i thought were being held up by people. The structures moved in a row down the aisle, and they were covered with a pale-gray gossamer fabric. I thought that these must be the men of the performance. I thought that they were shirtless dancers under the cloth. I could not see them, but i thought that they would compliment the woman at the front of the room. The long figure moved down the aisle and to the front of the class. I sat down again in one of the chairs just to the west of the aisle and pulled a notebook out of my blue backpack. The dark-red cover of the notebook seemed streaked with black patterns. I opened the notebook, but realized that it was not the correct one. This class had something to do with agriculture. I searched for another notebook. I thought that i was doing very well in this class. I glanced at the white book just to the east of me, thinking that i had been keeping up with the readings in the class. This seemed different. I had usually fallen behind in classes because i could not keep up with the reading. I was surprised that i was doing so well now. I thought that i must be more interested in this class than i normally would. I opened a green notebook. Many of the pages in the front of the notebook had notes in a curvy green handwriting. I thought that this must be an old notebook from some other class. I then though that i had written in the back of the notebook and wrote forward. I turned the notebook over and looked through the last pages, but could not find the notes for this class. I flipped through several more pages. One of the notebooks should have been new, but it seemed old and worn. I did not understand how this had happened. I flipped through several more pages of notes, looking for the notes to this class. I then noticed that the class had become suddenly quiet. I looked up to see the person in front of me working on a white sheet of paper with typing on it. Part of the type in the upper center of the page was bold and set in from the other paragraphs. It looked like a list of something or a table. I looked around, noticing that others were all working on the same piece of paper. I wondered if it was a quiz or a test. I had not heard the teacher say anything about it. I felt puzzled. I wondered how something could have been said in class that i heard nothing about. I must have missed the instructions and skipped over the time that they happened. This made me feel nervous that this could happen. I wondered what i should do.

12016 November 13

I drove to the west, talking to the other person, who was following me in another car. I told the person that we had to get to someplace. I thought that i would be able to turn around at my grandfather’s old house. I told the other person this, and i turned to the south onto Vly Road. I headed up the hill, looking at the houses that were along the side of the road. It was a nice sunny day, and all of the colors seemed dull orange and brown. As i headed up the hill, i watched the eastern side of the road, thinking that i would not see my grandfather’s house until i reached the top of the hill. I then realized that we would not be able to stop there to do what we had intended. My grandfather no longer owned the house, so we would be strangers to the people who lived there. I reached the top of the hill and saw my grandfather’s house. Two tall round gray towers reached up from the house. One seemed to be near the northwestern corner of the house, and the other was in the middle of the eastern side. Wooden framework ran along the front of the house. The house was under construction. I thought that the new owners must be wealthy, and they were building a larger building around the old house. I slowed the car, but knew that i could not stop there. I thought that i could turn around in the driveway, but decided to continue on and turn around later. I drove forward, past the next house on the eastern side, which was a white farmhouse. A small dirt road ran off to the southeast from the main road. I turned around on this road and stopped along the side of the road, facing north. The other person, who seemed like $F70 or $A682, drove past me and did the same. I was out of my car, talking to the other person, who seemed like $A682 or $F71. I had a blue car, and my friend had a white car. We parked at the edge of the lawn of a small farmhouse, which was set back from the road a little, on the northern side of a grassy lawn. The property seemed to have a gravel road running along the southern side of it. I thought that the road was a small loop that ran to the east off the main road. I started speaking to the other person when a man came from the north. He was a young man who was pudgy. He wore a blue hooded sweatshirt, and he smiled as he told us that we should not leave our cars here. I thought that they would only be here for a short time. He told us that we should not be parked on the lawn, implying that something bad might happen. I felt annoyed with him as he turned back to the east and walked away. Someone was then coming from the north. We were now inside a house, which i thought was the small farmhouse. The father of the house was coming from the north with several of his children. He said something, and it seemed that i knew him. He told me that his name was $A696. I recognized the name. I was standing at the southern end of a narrow white room that ran along the southern side of a house. The room seemed to be a kitchen, and a long black marble counter top was just to the north of me. The man came into the room directly to the east of me. I greeted him, remembering his name from work. He was tall and slender, and he wore a purple T-shirt with a white chevron across the upper chest and the letters “TKE” printed across the front, with the K larger than the other two letters. Two of his sons were at his sides, and they both wore the same T-shirts. The one on the east had short-cut blond hair and a rounded face. I greeted the man, telling him why we had come here. I said that we had intended to turn around at my grandfather’s house but that i had forgotten that he no longer lived there. I said that he had just died. The man reacted to this statement by pulling his head back in acknowledgment. He stood to the north of the counter, asking me about my grandfather. I told him that my grandfather had suffered altzheimer’s disease for a long time, adding that he first had a nurse and then had to live in a home. The man played with some sliced potato wedges on the counter as i spoke. I realized that i was implying that my grandfather had recently died, which was why we were driving past his house. I knew that this was incorrect. He had died a long time ago. I felt bad for implying that he had died recently, but i was not sure how to correct my statement.

I walked into the restaurant from the west. $F67 was with me, as was another man. They sat down at a table in the center of the room. I was with them when we ordered, but i then got up to look at the northern wall of the room. I had been painting something on the wall. A woman was standing to the west of me. She had recently come into the room. She had long frizzy hair and seemed like $A697. I knew her, and i said hello to her. She was much older now, but she remembered me. She was looking at the mural that was painted on the wall. The wall was painted to look like a blue and yellow sky, with streaks of paint running horizontally across the wall. A tree was painted on the wall in front of $A697, and i pointed it out. When i looked at the tree now, i could see that it started from the lower part of the wall and ran diagonally to the right, fanning out at the top. It was painted in brown with only light dabs of paint implying the branches. I said something about it to the woman. I noticed that the top of the tree was where the coat rack was. Wooden pegs stuck out of the wall where the branches were. I told the woman that, every time i looked at the tree, my eyes would see the tree in a different shape. I drew the shape with my hands for her, making a vertical trunk with two main branches that split at the top of the tree and curved up and then down on each side. I told her that the shape that i kept seeing when i looked at the tree was something more reminiscent of a willow. It was something about how the painting was made on the wall that made me see this when i glanced the image quickly. The woman said something to me, and then i realized that i should probably go back to sit with the others. I moved the long rectangular painting that i had leaved against the wall. I looked at it. It had a brighter blue that the wall, and the shading was in dark gray or brown. It was a landscape that i had painted. I stood the painting against the wall, thinking that i would work on it again later. I could see the pencil marks on the painting where i was planning the foreground images. I said goodbye to the woman and carried the painting back to the table. I walked around the eastern side of the room. I looked at the painting again, noticing the nice landscape. The picture seemed to be more than a meter long, and it was only a few decis tall. The landscape seemed very nicely done, but i had not quite figured out what to draw with the pencil. I would have to paint the rest of the images later. I felt anxious about doing this. I carried the picture back to the table. People had moved around at the table. $F67 had been sitting on the west-southwestern side of the round wooden table, but she had left her seat. A man was still sitting on the northern side of the table, and a babe was now sitting on the southern side. I walked around to the western side of the table. A waiter came to the north of me and placed some food in front of the man. Our orders were ready. I tried to move around to the southern side of the table, where i had been sitting, but a waiter was now to the southeast of me, holding a large tray. He showed me the food on it. They seemed to be dumplings. I said something about them, but i realized that they were not for me. The waiter though that i was sitting in the chair near me. I told him that the food was for the person that was sitting in the chair near me. I said that $F67 would be back soon. I then explained that i had been on the southern side of the table but had to move when we put the baby there.

12016 November 18

I had been helping the people get their things at the large old store. Everything in the store seemed clean and modern, and the structure of the inside of the store seemed to be made of shellacked wood beams. I told the group of people to the north of me that they should contact the others. I thought that the people that the customers should contact would help the customers to get something, but i also thought that the people were religious extremists or some other group of disliked people. However, these disliked people somehow related to the product. The woman i had been talking to headed to the north, taking the young girl with her. I looked to the south, across the large open store. The store now seemed more like a warehouse, with piles of cardboard boxes in rows and column across the wooden floor. I headed to the south for a moment, down one of the aisles. The room seemed L shaped, with a cement wall just to the south of me that formed the western wall of the southern side of the room. I jumped to the southeast, up onto a stack of boxes. I knew that i was actually floating up to the top of the boxes, which was something others would not be able to do. I thought that people who see me jumping to the top of the stack of boxes would be scared and consider me a threat because i could do special things. They would think that i should not be jumping to the top of the boxes, but i wanted to. The other people in the area seemed to be looking for someone. I wondered if i should be drawing attention to myself, wondering whether the authorities would mistake me for the man they were looking for. I was on the floor again, and i floated up to another stack of boxes. From the top, i could see over the other stacks around the room. I looked around to the south. A balcony ran along the southern wall on the southern section of the room. It had an old metal railing with a wooden top. A man was moving from the eastern side of the balcony, moving slowly. He seemed only a few meters from me, but he was on the other side of the store, which seemed to be about ten to twelve meters away. The man was dressed in a Santa costume, and he was obviously sneaking across the balcony to the west. I then realized that he had a knife in his right hand. He spotted me and froze for a moment. He then ran off to the west. I floated to the balcony to the east of the man, thinking that i should do something to get the authorities here. The man was then with someone else, and they were struggling with each other. The bad man ran to the south, and the other man chased him. I had to get someone to help. I looked around, realizing that i was in a corridor that ran along the eastern side of the store. The balcony along the southern wall was to the south of me, and i could see now that it was not really a balcony. It was a hallway that ran over the floor below. It had no walls, and it was open to both the store and the large room to the south. The floor of the hallway was polished stone, and the room beyond seemed to have stone on the walls, making it seem like a federal building. I looked to the east, across the hallway. The hallway on the eastern side of the building seemed to be separated from the main room of the store by a thin wall with wooden-framed windows in it. I noticed a round white button in the center of a tarnished brass plate on the eastern wall. This place seemed like an old department store, and i wondered if the button called an intercom. I thought that i might be able to call to the front desk, which was on the northern end of the building. I pressed the button, but realized that it was simply a call button for the dumbwaiter in the eastern wall. I looked to the north now. I was to the west of the eastern corridor, standing on the southern elevated hallway. The store to the north of me now seemed to be at my level. I called the front desk, seemingly on an old telephone. I told the woman who answered that the bad man was near the dumbwaiter. I tried to speak, but i found myself fumbling with my words. I was not quite sure what to say about the man. I had seen him run away with the man he was fighting with, but i was not sure where they had gone. I looked to the north, seeing the police in black uniforms running toward me. I hurried to the west, trying to lead the officials to the bad man. I stopped and looked up the aisle to the north now that i was in better view. The police were coming, so i talked to them. I then noticed that the hallway led directly to the dumbwaiter to the east of me, where i had been when i called the front desk. I had thought that i was a little farther north than the corridor. I ran back to the west. In the center of the room, i turned to the south and walked through the doorway into the large open room to the south. A set of wide stairs descended into the room. The floor of the room seemed to be about five meters below me, but the stairs descended near the southern wall of the room. As i trotted down them, i looked to the east, noticing another set of stairs running down from the second floor along the eastern wall. As i descended, i described to the police how the men who were fighting had descended the stairs to the east, which had red velvet steps on them. I remembered that the men had fallen down the stops as they struggled with each other. I told the police that the men then ran across the room to the west and exited the large area up the short set of stairs to the west. The stairs led to room that was between the first and second floors of the building. The police rushed into the large room, but then headed to the south, through a doorway and into a smaller room. I felt confused, but followed the police into the chamber. I wondered why we had gone into the small room when i had said that the others had run to the west. Red cushioned fold-up chairs formed a gallery along the northern side of the chamber, sloping down to the south. This room seemed to be a political chamber. The police came into the room and sat down in the gallery seats. This seemed strange. I headed into the room, looking for the men, even though i knew that they should not be here. They ran to the west and should be in the other part of the building. I noticed a section in the center of the southern wall that was recessed a little. I ran to the eastern side of the recession, noticing that a small corridor ran to the south from a space in the eastern wall. The stone of the short corridor, which was only a meter and a half tall, was a lighter color than the gray stone in the rest of the room. I kneeled down and looked into the small cubical recession in the eastern part of the small area. A rounded shape was on the southern side of the recession, forming a cubical area in the center of the recession, and leaving space for the narrow passageway, which ran to the south along the western side of the rounded shape. I felt nervous about looking down the narrow space, thinking that bad men could be just inside and might attack me. I quickly stuck my head into the space and looked to the south. The corridor ran about ten to fifteen meters before stopping. I backed out of the space, noticing that the curved shape on the southern side of the cubical area was actually a circular stairwell. It ran up into the wall, but seemed too narrow for a human to climb. I backed up a little and looked up the wall. A large statue of an eagle with outstretched wings was mounted on the wall. It had two holes under its wings that formed recessions in the wall. The circular stairwell seemed to ascend to the space under the northern wing. I then noticed the yellow beams high overhead. They ran across the ceiling from east to west and seemed to be decorated with paintings. I thought that i could float up in the center of the room to look more closely at the ceiling, but then i thought that i should not. I then wondered where the bad people had gone. We should be after them. I thought that i should leave. I hurried to the west, coming out of the building and following the long dirt road toward the campus. This place seemed like North Campus at Cornell, and the road ran along the southern side of it. I had to leave this area. My car was parked on the northern side of the road. I approached it from the east, noticing that the large sixties-style truck had parked very close to my rear bumper. I though that it might have hit my car. I hoped that my car was not damaged as i moved toward it. My car was bluish gray. The truck was not touching my car, but i could not tell if it had damaged my car. I would have to pull my car forward. I got in my car and drove a little forward. I started to get out to look more carefully at the truck, but i realized that i had stopped at the precipice of a very steep hill. The two ruts of the dirt road ran down the steep hill to the west of me. As i got out, my car started to roll toward the hill. I tried to put on the breaks, but then realized that they would probably not be strong enough to hold the car on such a steep hill. I decided to drive my car down the hill before i got out to look at the back end. I drived down the hill, heading toward the small stone lodge, which was on the northern side of the road. The road turned to the southwest just in front of the lodge, and it now seemed to be a narrow paved driveway. I passed some students who had been walking to the east on the driveway and stopped my car near the southeastern corner of the lodge. The building was L shaped, with a wing to the east and a shorter main hall on the south. I could see the lounge in the eastern part of the building through the large glass windows. The room was very messy, with things littering the floor. Orange stuff was scattered in the center of the floor. I thought that the students had left the mess after the event. I should probably clean it up, but i did not want to. I had something to do with organizing the event, but i did not want to clean at this time. I decided that i should just leave this place. I felt frustrated and annoyed. I started heading to the southwest, thinking that i would be leaving the college for good.

12016 November 21

I left the other person and headed to the north, across the busy four-lane road. The cars had stopped coming from both the west and east, so i ran across the four lanes to do something on the northern side. I stopped and looked back to the south. The highway was busy with fast-moving traffic again. I felt nervous about something and thought that i had to get back to the southern side. I looked to the east as a pack of cars raced toward me. The shoulder of the road was wide enough here that i felt myself to be a safe distance from the cars. The day was overcast, and water seemed to be flowing somewhere to the south. I looked at the highway overpass to the south. It was an elevated roadway, but it seemed to be at about the same level as the road i was on. Water poured over the side of the roadway suddenly. I knew that a river crossed under the road that i was on. It passed under at the bridge, which was just to the west of me. The cars kept speeding across the bridge. I thought that the flood waters might run over the top of the bridge. I then started to worry that the bridge might collapse into the river. I felt unsafe here, but i did not feel concerned enough to do anything about it. I was more concerned about the flooding. I looked to the east again. An overpass crossed over the road that i was on about ten meters to the east of me. The road i was on cured to the northeast under the bridge so that i could not see far down it. The cars had stopped coming from the east. I looked back to the west to see that cars had also stopped coming from that direction. I ran quickly across the road, watching the cars to the east and then west as i crossed. I then turned my attention to the south. I had left the road and headed into a gravel driveway that headed toward the northwestern corner of a large one-story building. The building seemed like a school. Tall chain-link fencing ran along the eastern side of the driveway to the south of me. Several cars were stopped. Piles of dirt seemed to be on the other side of the fencing, and i could see some construction equipment. The cars would have to turn to the west to go around the side of the building. I was then to the south of the building, walking to the east across the grass. Cars were parked on the lawn to the north of me. The rows were slanted to the southeast, but the cars were facing east or west. The other person was still with me. A man was suddenly to the west of us, and he said something threatening. I backed up a little, letting him pass to the north of me. He faced the other person, which was to the east of him. I looked at them to the northeast of me. The man seemed threatening. I then saw the black pistol that he had pulled out of his pocket. I felt scared of what he might do with the gun, but i complained about the gun and tried to act as though i did not really care. I wandered to the west, trying to get away from the man. He kept saying things to us that seemed angry. He then pointed the gun at me. I ducked down behind the cars to the west, trying to get out of his way. The man started yelling and followed me. I ran back around the southern side of the cars and crossed the aisle between the cars, hoping that he did not shoot at me. The other person then said something about a bigger gun. I knew that i was too far away from the man for him to hit me with a pistol, but i thought that he must have now been getting a rifle. I hoped that i did not get shot.

12016 November 24

I came from the west and walked into the room. The man was sitting on the old couch that seemed to be on the northern side of the room. I walked just to the south of the couch and sat down on something. I started chatting to the man. He had wavy black hair and seemed somewhat nicely built. He was wearing gym shorts and a T-shirt. His T-shirt seemed pale green. I chatted with him about something, joking as we spoke. He reclined against the couch, leaning a little to the east. He said something about his legs being sore. I looked at his legs. They were a little furry, with short curly hair, and they seemed nicely muscled. I asked about his soreness, thinking that he had been running. He mentioned that he remembered being sore from when he had wrestled. “Wrestled?” i said in surprise. He realized that i was interested in the sport, and he leaned forward, grabbing me. I pushed back at him as we rolled to the south, onto the thick white mat. He tried to trap me in a grapevine, putting his legs around my head. I felt excited to be wrestling him. I was on my right side, so i could easily move my legs around his torso. I grabbed him around the head, thinking that i could squeeze a little to get him to submit. I squeezed, but then noticed that he was not really squeezing me. He could easily have put pressure on me to get me to submit, but he was not doing much. I wondered why he was not trying to wrestle. I squeezed my legs together around his head to get his attention. I could feel something soft between my legs. I tried not to squeeze too hard because i thought that i might be squeezing on his neck. He did not really respond. He seemed more interested in being trapped than in trying to wrestle someone else. I looked up as i squeezed again, realizing that a third person was on the mat with us. The mat was elevated from the floor, and the third person was standing to the south of the mat, leaning over the mat. I had my calfs around his neck. I squeezed, feeling his neck between my legs. His head was bent over, and he tapped out. I let him go and tried to focus my attention on the man i had started grappling with. I thought that me might engage me now, but he sat up suddenly. He had short blond hair now and a longer face. He stared to the northwest, a surprised look on his face. He seemed concerned about someone coming. I realized that he had heard a noise in the house. I rested my back on the mat and looked up at the man as he knelt on the mat, straddling my chest. I thought that someone was downstairs in the house, and i arched my back and tried to look above me to the northwest.

12016 November 26

The constructions crews had been working on the southern part of the store, where i had been doing something. I was working on the eastern side of the southern area, where the merchandise was still on racks in the store. I thought that i had to pick something up. I walked to the west, along the southern wall. I had left the clean area of the store and entered the construction zone. The main area of the store was empty of racks. Equipment was scattered on the floor, and i could see a few thin metal supports running vertically in the middle of the room. Several wires seemed to be hanging from the ceiling every once and a while. I had left some things here, and i wondered if they were still around or if the construction crews had moved them. I remembered that i had left a gray plastic can of gasoline in the middle of the area that i was working on. The southern side of the store now seemed to be a long corridor, running to the west of me. I continued moving to the west, passing the construction workers, who were wearing heavy grayish-tan coats. Some of them watched me as i passed. They must know that i worked in the store. I continued to look for the things that i had left. I was then in a narrow section of the corridor. White wooden shelfs seemed to be along the northern side of the corridor. This area seemed more complete than the part of the store that i had gone through. I realized that the gas can was here, so i felt better. I then noticed a roll of something on the floor that was unrolled to the west. The material seemed to be linoleum, and it arched over something in the center of the corridor, which seemed like thick electric cables. I stopped and looked at the loose flap of the rubbery material over the wires. It made me fell better to know that i was there, and i explained to the other that the wires had been covered by the material.

I moved with the others to the south, through the large hall of the stone building. This building seemed like an old collegiate building. I had done something special, and i felt good about doing it. I had some special abilities, and i had used them to do something that was helpful to others. I was with a group of people who seemed to be warriors. Many of them had swords, and i knew that they were skilled in using them. I did not have a sword, but i did not need one. We turned to the east, and i felt good about what we had just done. I was wearing a long jacket, which seemed to be blue. It was open in front, exposing a lighter color shirt. I also seemed to have tight gray pants. The person walking to the north of me wore leathers and clothing that made him seem to be a fantasy character or traveling knight. I liked him, and i wondered if i would be able to use a sword like he and the others could. I started to jog across the open hall of the building. The hall had a peaked roof. The man next to me started jogging, and i wondered if i would be able to keep up with him. I knew that i was in shape, but he was a warrior and trained to be in shape. I felt good about being with him, thinking that he was an expert warrior. I had then been given a sword. I still did not know how to use it, but i held it out with my right hand as we reached the eastern end of the hallway. I was thinking about something. The others might have killed the people whom we fought. This story seemed interesting. I looked at the sword. It looked more like a long kitchen knife or machete, with a dark-brown wooden handle. I moved it in the air a few times, testing it. I remembered that the others had been killed. At first, they seemed like zombies, but i knew that something else was happening. I looked to the east. The small laboratory that i was in was filled with people. The human subjects sat at both the eastern and western sides of the long black tables, which filled the room. Many people in white lab coats stood behind them, watching the experiments. I knew that the people who had been killed before were subjects who did not survive the experiments. I watched the people around me as the new set of tests was concluding. The human subjects started moving, trying to stand. Something was happening to them. I looked at the man to the west of me. He had been sitting at a counter that ran along the northern wall of the room. He had a rectangular face with a square jaw. He was old, and his dark-blond hair was turning gray. He seemed surprised by the sensation that was feeling. He stood up, his mouth agape as he stared at the wall. He glanced my way. His cheeks were wrinkled with age. Something about his appearance seemed familiar. I watched him struggle for a moment. He did not change, and i thought that the experiment was going to kill him. I then knew that the people in the lab would have to kill him so that he could not tell others of the experiments. The man leaned forward on the counter. He wore a long dark wool coat. The female lab worker came up behind him to kill him. She seemed East Asian, with her dark hair tied back and a pair of black-plastic-rimmed glasses on her eyes. She slit the man’s throat. I watched him drop to the floor, feeling impartial, as if i were watching this in a movie. I then realized that i was one of the people who had survived the experiment. I would be special, but the people here could not let me be so. Several of the people in white lab coats came from the northeast and north, grabbing to restrain me. I struggled, reaching for one of the knifes that they were using. I had to fight back. The people tried to restrain me, but i grabbed at the dark-brown handles of the knifes in the wooden block to the north of me. The others were trying to prevent me from getting the knife. I pulled a knife from the block and tried to slash the lab workers with it. The knife looked like a long kitchen knife, with a rounded handle that had a guard nub and wider hilt like a culinary knife. It was very long, though, and i thought that it was more like a machete. I swinged the knife in the air, practicing with it. I was then standing outside the door of the lab. I seemed to be outside of the building now. The double doors were in the side of the grassy hill to the southeast of me. I knew that the people who had escaped from the experiment would be trying to get out of the lab. I would have to kill them before they could escape. A sound to the northwest of me then caught my attention. I backed to the west, away from the door and looked to the north. White round poles about a deci in diameter held up a clear plastic canopy over the door. The canopy seemed to dome upward in the center. The hill bulged around the doorway, but the sidewalk ran to the north, along the base of the slope. A parking lot seemed to be somewhere to the north, but i could not see it. It was nighttime, and everything around me was dark. Only the lights from over the doorway illuminated the surroundings. I looked to the west, but could not see anything coming. I then noticed the animals to the north, on the slope of the hill to the east of the walkway. At first, they looked like chickens, but i knew that there was something special about them. I felt unafraid but cautious of them. One of them was now standing in the middle of the path to the north of me, facing west. Its tan body looked like the body of a deer, but its legs were very short so that the body was barely off the ground. The short legs made the animal seem more like a pig. The head of the animal still seemed like the head of a bird, however. It had a yellow beak and a narrow face, with a collar of feathers that radiated backward to blend in with its body. Several other similar animals stood to the north and west of the first, grazing on the grass of the grounds. I then turned my attention back to the door, waving my long knife or sword in front of me. Someone pushed out the doorway. He was struggling with the man with him. The man who had tried to escape was wearing a blue sweatshirt, and the other man was in brown. Someone else was behind them, to the southeast of them, just inside the door. I moved toward the man in blue, thinking that he had survived the experiments, so i would have to kill him. The man in brown grabbed him, preventing him from running away. As i got close to the two, i could see that the young man in blue was smiling. He did not understand the seriousness of what was happening. The man in brown held on to him, pushing him against the wall to the northeast. The wall was a retaining wall, forming a flanged corridor in the dirt of the hill that led to the door. I moved quickly toward the man, putting the long narrow machete across his throat. The man in blue did not seem to understand what was happening. He seemed to know and trust the man in the brown coat. I looked at the man’s face. He seemed attractive, and i thought that he was nicely built. He had short dirty-blond hair that was combed back from his face. His face seemed long, and his narrow jaw seemed to have a distinct squareness to the bottom. He smiled, thinking that we were joking with him, but i could tell that he was starting to worry about the situation. He slumped down against the wall as the brown man pushed him down, and i pressed the blade across the front of his throat. He realized that we were more serious, and he looked worried. He asked the man in brown if he was serious. He still did not believe that we were going to kill him. I could feel the pressure of the blade against this throat, partially cutting off air in his throat. He tried to make light of the situation, saying that he did not want to be killed. I pulled the blade across his throat, feeling the metal cut into the cartridge of his larynx. The man became frightened and surprised, but he did not struggle. He looked at me in fear. I tipped the knife upward to cut the left side of his throat, where the artery was. I pulled the blade. He man gasped, saying that i had bled him to death. It seemed strange that he should say that because he would not have had time to loose that much blood yet. I also noticed that no blood was coming out of his neck. I thought that i must have missed the artery. I pushed the end of the blade down and pulled on the blade to cut deeper. The man seemed to be losing consciousness, but he was not dying quickly as i had expected. I looked at his left shoulder, noticing the white of bone or tendon sticking out. I seemed to have cut across his collar bone. He had an open gash in his shoulder where the collar bone should be, and i could see red flesh inside, but he still did not have a lot of blood coming out. I had missed his neck, but he was still dying. It was my job to kill him.

I had been doing something in the apartment in the middle of the city, but i was now moving to the northwest, along the northern side of the highway. I moved along the side of the road. It was a bright sunny day and the sky was very blue. This area of the city was open. The highway curved to the north ahead of me, and i walked along the side of the road, staying close to the tan barrier on the eastern side. I felt very good. I had come on this highway before from my apartment. I knew that i normally headed to the northeast from my apartment, which led into the downtown section of the city. That part of the city seemed less bright, and i pictured in with gray buildings and a gray sky. It seemed old and worn compared to where i was now. It made me feel anxious thinking of the gray place, but this place made me feel very good. I turned my attention back to the north, noticing the camera that was mounted on the gray retaining wall on the eastern side of the road. The retaining wall was formed of horizontal beams that looked like metal plates. They were about two decis tall and reminded me of metal plating. The cement below them seemed to have yellow on it, and they were topped with a yellow rim. The camera hung low on a vertical support that ran over the horizontal beams. The rounded camera was facing me, and i realized that i was still zipping up my denim pants. The camera would see me doing so, and i wondered if the people thought that i was urinating on the highway. I did not care, but i tried to pretend that i was adjusting myself. I started to button the pants, but i made a motion to unbutton them. I stuck my hands down my pants and adjusted my penis to one side. I then reached down and pulled at the bottoms of the legs of my underwear to pull them down in my pants. I wanted the people watching to get the idea that i was trying to adjust my clothing so that they did not think that had urinated. It was better to have them think that i was simply unabashed enough to adjust my pants in public like this. I walked past the camera, not looking at it. A cement building rose along the eastern side of the highway. A cement bridge crossed over the roadway from the building, connecting to a smaller structure on the western side of the highway. At the near corner of the building, a metal grate sloped up from the road. I would have to climb it to continue walking on the shoulder. Instead, i turned to the south and leaned back against the grate. It had wide horizontal slats in it. The sun was to the south, and i reclined on the grate to feel the warmth of the sun. I felt very good, and i enjoyed being here. I was lucky to have an apartment that led both into the city and to this place. I stayed on the grate for a little while, enjoying the feeling of the sun. I rested my left arm against the rough tan stone of the building to the east of me. The bottom of the grate seemed to meet the pavement only a deci or so from the southwestern corner of the building. I then sat up, thinking that i should head back. I liked being here, but i had to get back to the apartment. I turned with the highway to the southeast, starting to jog. The other person was to the north of me, jogging along with me. I seemed to have a simple pair of sandals on my feet, and i wondered if would be able to jog well enough to head back to the apartment. I thought about how my left calf felt, thinking that it was not hurting as much as it had been hurting. This was good. I did not want to strain the tendon again. I hoped that i could continue jogging with the other person. I was not sure i could keep up all the way. I then was heading north, along the eastern side of the street. I walked under the overhanging part of the parking garage, which was to the east of me. I hurried to the north, thinking that had something to do. The ground sloped down suddenly. I walked down the slope. The ground was flat for three or four meters before it sloped back up on the northern side. The wall of the building recessed to the east at the bottom of the slope, heading to a wide entryway that seemed to lead into the lower level of the parking garage. Before i headed back up the other slope, i stopped and looked at the large book, which was on the ground to the north of me. It looked like an old telephone book, but it was filled with small print that had something to do with ordering plants. I had to take it with me. I picked up the book. The others were to the west of me now. The person i had come with was to the northeast of me, and $F58 had come from the south and stopped to the southeast of me. She seemed surprised to see us, and it felt good to see her. She said something, and i felt defensive about taking the large book. I knew that i was supposed to take it, but i felt that she would not understand why i was taking it from this place. She leaned forward a little as she smiled and spoke to the other person. I said something as they talked. I then turned to the north and started up the slope. The slope ended in the cement ceiling above, but i would have to climb up through the opening in the floor. The opening was oddly shaped. It was roughly square, but seemed to have tabs sticking in from the east and south. I pulled myself up, still carrying the book. I looked to the north, across the open room of the upper floor. A goat stepped into a doorway on the northern side of the room, noticing me. I remembered the goat from before. It was obnoxious, and it would try to butt me. It had long horns that curved out and down from its head. I had to avoid the goat, so i hurriedly let my self fall back down the hole, but i controlled my descent by pushing against the cement walls of the opening with my hands. I had to get away before the goat could hit me with its horns. I dropped down to the lower level, knowing that the goat could not follow me. We had been in this situation before, and i said something to $F58 and the man about it. I felt frustrated with the goat, but also uneasy that it would get us.

12016 November 29

When we were done doing something, we climbed over the mound and headed to the south. I chatted with the other person as we climbed over the steep slope. On the southern side, the land dropped down a short dirt cliff to what seemed to be a stream bed. The cliff had a section that stuck out farther to the south. I stepped over the grassy top of the cliff and started down the eastern side of the section. The soil of the cliff seemed like packed dirt and river stones. As i climbed down, i noticed a large structure to the west of us. $F47 and i reached the bottom and stood for a moment on the rounded rocks of the stream bed. I looked to the northwest. A large culvert ran from the dirt wall of the cliff. The cliff was now slanting to the southwest, curving from the north of us to the west of us. The large culvert was over three meters tall, and it faced northwest in the cliff wall. It was filled with what appeared to be ice sludge. I pointed it out to the others, who were gathered to the south and southeast of me. $F47 was standing to the west of me. I said that the ice was clogging the tube, and i joked about it breaking free. I hoped that water was not behind it. I started to climb up the dirt cliff to the east of the large culvert. About two-thirds of the way up, i noticed a smaller culvert. The black plastic tube was about three decis wide and stuck out from the cliff a little. It too was filled with ice sludge. As i stepped along the eastern side of it, the dirt near me slided a little under my feet. The ice in the tube then broke, and a wave of water poured out, taking some of the snowy ice with it. I watched it flow down the hill. I hoped that the big one did not break so easily. I said something to the others about this. Some of them had left to the south already. The other man was with me. He seemed to be $F47. We continued to chat. I reclined on the dirt slope to the northeast of the pipe. I was now aware of the blue sky and bright sun to the southeast of us. It seemed like a very warm day, and i felt like relaxing on the rocks of the cliff. I pulled my right foot close to my body as i sat on a rock, letting my left leg dangle over the southern edge of the rock. $F47 seemed to be reclined on the southwestern side of the pipe. I put my right arm up over the pipe and looked up. I could hear the helicopter flying past, and i wondered if it was watching us. I thought that the helicopter might belong to the officials and that they might not like us hanging around on the dirt area. I felt annoyed that the tan helicopter was flying relatively low past us. It was to the east of us as it flew from south to north, arching slightly to the northwest as it passed us. I thought that the authorities did not want us here, and i felt frustrated, but i tried to relax anyway. I continued chatting with the person to the southwest of me as i looked around the area. The helicopter was flying away to the northwest. I suddenly realized that a smaller vehicle was hovering underneath the helicopter. It had a purplish hue to it, and six light-brown things hung down from the sides of the vehicle. The long objects seemed like insect legs, with rounded corners and black joints. The bottom metal pieces of the legs tapered into rounded points. They attached to the side of the vehicle underneath a fender-like structure, which ran along the center of the vehicle near the top. At first, the rear of the vehicle seemed to be tapered and rounded as well, making me thing that the vehicle was designed to look like a wasp. As i focused on it more closely, i thought that it really had a square back and front. It was also tan. I thought that the helicopter must have been towing the vehicle. It seemed to sway under the helicopter, as if it was being held by a cable. This must have been some special kind of vehicle. I thought that we were probably not supposed to see the vehicle being taken by the helicopter. The smaller vehicle then turned to the north, away from the helicopter. The helicopter continued to the northwest. The legs of the vehicle seemed to retract, and the vehicle, which was now red, lowered itself onto the highway off-ramp, which was to the north-northwest of me. I could only see the top of the road from where i was, but i knew that it had ascended from a highway that ran to the north, and it ended at an intersection with another road just to the east of the bridge over the highway. The vehicle looked a little like a fire truck, and it came to a rest on the road. I wondered if the vehicle behind it would think it strange that a truck flew down to the road. I knew that the technology to make the truck hover was not readily available. This was special technology, and it was probably a secret. I thought that the truck was not seen by many people, and the ones who had seen it would be discredited if they told the story. I told my father about the advanced technology. I felt a little uneasy here. I was now on the northern side of a street that ran through a flat suburban area. Houses or other small buildings were on the southern side of the street, and a park was to the north. Tall thin trees, which seemed like palm trees, grew along the northern side of the street, on the northern side of the sidewalk, just inside the park. Bushes or a shallow hill that was darker green rose to the north and northeast of me, hiding my view of most of the park. I could see a large field to the northeast beyond the end of the hill or bushes. I sat in a truck, which was facing south, and my father was to the west of me. I looked across the road to the south now, noticing a police officer in a tan uniform shirt and blue pants on the southern side of the street. I asked my father about the spinning gun, and he said that the person was to the east. I felt confused for a minute, looking down the road to the east. I then remembered an old conversation we had had about a man who had dropped a gun, and the gun had spun in the air as it fell. It had taken place to the east of us, on the beach. The beach seemed to be only a kilometer or so to the east, and it ran a long way north and south. I told my father that the man to the east was not the man i had been talking about. I looked again to the south. The officer had an automatic rifle, and he was looking north, across the street. A cement wall ran along the southern side of the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. A bus stop seemed to be just to the north of the wall, with a cement bench near the corner. The wall seemed to slant a little away from the street so that the eastern end met the sidewalk, but the western end was farther from the street. A trash can was on the edge of the road, just to the east of the officer. People in long coats walked behind the officer. I felt nervous of the man. He seemed to be watching us. I then noticed that he had taken out a cell phone and was taking pictures of people in the area. He pointed the camera to the west of us, then at us, then to the east of us. I felt uncomfortable knowing that he had our license-plate number, but i also new that we had done nothing wrong. The pedestrians around him started to leave. I then noticed the assault rifle on the ground to the southwest of the man, who was now wearing a light-blue button-up shirt and light-brown pants. He seemed a little pudgy, but he still looked like a government agent. The other members of $G3 had already left the area, but the pedestrian started to notice the weapons on the ground. A yellow trash barrel was just to the south of the assault rifle. Smaller barrels seemed to be on the sides of it. The man looked at the barrels and then back to us, as if trying to indicate the barrels. I thought that explosives might be in the barrel. I felt uneasy, thinking that i should leave. The people on the sidewalk near the man suddenly became panicked, talking about the explosives and weapons. Something was being planned here, and i did not want to be a part of it.

12016 November 30

The others were talking about the animals that had been in the bags and pouches. It was a surprise to everyone in the room that the animals had been hidden in the places. The two men stood to the west of me, holding a small white change purse in their hands. The purse was made of a soft material and seemed to have thin white beads sown onto the fabric. They had found animals in the thing that was now sitting on the table to the west of the, and they were talking about the animal in the purse. They described it as a grayish-blue snake. I pictured the snake with yellow rings around it. It seemed like a dangerous snake. When they asked about the snake, i told them that it sounded like a krait. I knew that the snake was poisonous, and i thought that they should be careful. I was not quite sure about the snake, though. I told the people that the book i had worked on had information about the snake. The man to the north picked up the book from the north of him and looked through the index for a reference to a krait. He could not find one. I was not sure that there would be a reference in the book. I then thought that the book that would talk about the snake would be the book on New Caledonia. I was not sure that i had a copy of that book, though. The man stared looking through another book as the man to the south looked into the small pouch. I thought about the other books that i had seen. I then realized that the men were only guessing that the snake was a krait. I had said that from their description of the color, and i could picture the snake clearly as they described it, but i had still not seen the snake and was still not sure what kind of snake it was. The man to the south seemed to be $A601. He had his hand inside the purse and was pulling at the inside lining to turn the purse inside out. The two men then moved to the north, dumping the purse out. One of the men withdrew his hand from the purse. A small green lizard was perched on the top of his right hand. It was not actually a snake at all. The man moved to the north toward the table. I then realized that there were many small lizards near the man’s hand. At first i did not notice them in the pattern of things in the background, but i now recognized the features. I then noticed the pinkish-tan frog no the table under the man’s hand. I pointed it out as it sat in a small cluster of mushrooms. I then realized that the pinkish-gray mushrooms all had raised eyes like the frog. They were actually similar frogs of various sizes. They seemed to cluster in a patch near the center of the table. The patch tapered to the north and spread out along the central and eastern part of the southern side of the table. I told the man that the table was full of frogs. They clustered together in such a way that they seemed to be a pattern, causing the individual frogs to blend in with the pattern. As i described the frogs to the man, there seemed to be more and more frogs on the table.