12017 November 01

I moved to the north across the small rectangular room of my apartment. I moved some things around before i turned my attention to the white light fixture that was hanging from the center of the ceiling. The light seemed to have come down, and i was trying to adjust it. The fixture was a short white cone, about a deci and a half long. It was about three-quarters of a deci wide at the front end, and around a half deci in diameter on the rear end. As i turned the light fixture over in my hand, i realized that a small black camera was just inside the wide end. I felt concerned about this, thinking that someone had been spying on me. I lifted the cylinder to my eye to look into it. The cylinder now seemed much bigger than it had been. I could see a television monitor fixed to the right side of the inside of the cylinder. Someone was watching me, and i was angry by this. I then remembered that i had been recording music by singing into the white cone. I wondered if the people had been watching me when i was recording. I thought that i should take the camera out of the light. I reached up, moving a little to the east. I looked up as i held the light to the west of me, thinking of how it would be reattached to the ceiling. I knew that the telephone cable would have to be clipped into the port on the ceiling. I thought about this as i moved back and forth on the northern side of the room. I was then aware of people in the other part of the house to the south and southwest of me. I moved to the south, thinking that i should close the door in the southern end of the western wall. I remembered closing the wooden door before, but i thought that it was open again. I then noticed that i had left the door in the southern wall open. The door led outside, and i could see a sunny summer day outside. I thought that i could actually leave the door open to let some warm air in, but i would have to close the door to the southwest so that others from the other part of the house could not come into my apartment. I then noticed that the door for the doorway to the southwest was in the middle of the floor just to the south of me. I was surprised that the door had been taken down, and i bent over to pick it up. The door was very thing, and it seemed to be incomplete. The lower panel of the door seemed to be missing, but i looked closely at square hole in the near edge of the door where the doorknob would have been. The knob had been removed, and the thin piece of wood on the outside of the door that held in the lock mechanism was not connected to the lower part of the door. I pulled at the thin piece of wood on the front of the door, noticing that the lower part of the wood should have been glued to the bottom of the door. I wondered why it had come unglued. I then noticed that the top of the door was covered with tan padded leather. I felt annoyed that the door had been taken off of the wall. I thought that $A16 must have taken the door down to fix it. I turned back to the north and walked across the room. I felt that i wanted to moved back to my apartment in $P10. I felt nostalgic about the place. I thought that i should put some of my things away.

I was in the restaurant, doing something on the small table on the western side of the room. The table seemed to be in the middle of a small wing of the restaurant. The main section of the restaurant seemed to be to the south of me. I left the table and headed to the northeast, toward the exit. I then wondered where i had left my compass. I turned back to the southwest and walked back to the table, but a woman had already moved to the southwest of it. She was a short thin Indian woman, wearing a pale-blue short-sleeve dress. She had chin-length black hair that curled at the ends. She leaned on the table with her right arm. The surface of the table was at the level of her chest, and she rested her arm on it as she posed for someone to the southeast of her. An older Indian woman, who seemed to be the first woman’s mother, was taking pictures of the younger woman. I stopped to the east of the woman, thinking that should wait until she finished posing before i asked about the compass. I then noticed the compass sticking to the top side of her right arm. She must have leaned against it. I waited for a moment. When the woman stood up and started to move to the southeast, i noticed that she casually wiped the compass off of her arm with her left hand. I thought that she was taking the compass with her, so i move to the north of her and asked about the compass. I asked her about the compass, but she said that she did not know what i was talking about. I felt annoyed with her, and i insisted that i was looking for the compass that she was holding. She turned to say something to her mother. She walked up to the maitre d’s stand and complained to the staff. I felt annoyed with her, and i moved to the stand to complain that she had taken my compass from the table. I was then to the north of the woman as she pulled a small black object from her dress. I reached for it, but i realized that it was not the compass that i had lost. It was round and black with small vertical white lines near the bottoms, but it was not my compass. I felt annoyed. $F71 was standing behind the woman now, and he smiled at me and said something to make light of the moment. I turned away angrily and walked to the north, toward the maitre d’s stand. I then noticed the compass on the table. I thought that the compass must have been found in the restaurant and turned in to lost and found. I asked the man on the eastern side of the stand about it. He showed me the compass. It looked like a compass that i had, but it was not the compass that i had lost. I told the man this. I then noticed the other compass on the table. It was flat like the one i had lost. I picked it up, noticing that it was missing the needle. It was the compass i had lost. I showed it to the man and explained how it was broken.

12017 November 02

I was on the northern side of the office, moving to the east. The space seemed crowded with desks and walls, and people were working. Something about the decor seemed orange, and this place reminded me of my office with $G6. I seemed distracted, and i was thinking about the buildings to the north of us. A street seemed to run just to the north of the wall at the edge of the room, and i pictured a gateway across from the western side of the room on the northern side of the street. The gateway had two square pillars on either side. The pillars seemed very modern. The street seemed like Dickson Street. I looked at the people who were sitting at the desks to the north of me. Somehow, they seemed dated. I had just started working in this place again. I felt a little uneasy about being here again, but i was distracted by something to the north. As i reached the eastern end of the room, i noticed two small square pillars on a desk to the north of me. A man was sitting in front of the desk, and he turned and said something to me. I mentioned the gate across the street, saying that we had to go there. I walked back to the west, looking to the north. I then turned to the north and crossed the street. Others were with me as i reached the northwestern corner of the intersection. An old garage and gas station was to the north of me on the corner. I said something to the woman who had been walking on the west of me. She stopped in the parking lot of the station a little to the northwest of me. Something seemed distracting, and i mentioned the dinosaurs that were around here. I then turned back to the south. I thought that one of the dinosaurs was coming. I did not feel threatened by it. It seemed like more of an oddity than a threat. Someone was behind me, and i thought that he was running toward me. I saw the man on the southwestern corner of the intersection. I then noticed the motion on the sidewalk to the south of him. To my surprise, a small theropod was running up the sidewalk no the western side of the street toward us. Someone said that it was breathing fire. My view of it was obscured by something that hung over the sidewalk from the west, but i saw a small orange flicker of flame from the skinny creature’s mouth. It had a long narrow face as it jogged quickly toward us. I moved to the north, thinking that we had to hide from the creatures. I ran into the open door of the gas station. The building was to the north of me. The southern wall faced south on the eastern half of the building, and the open doorway was a little to the west of the center of the building. Just to the west of the doorway, the southern wall faced south-southeast. A large opening was in the stone wall. I thought that the western end had the offices. As i entered the building, however, i could see that the western end of the building was abandoned. I stood in a small empty cement room. A wide doorway to the west of me opened up into the western end of the building. A hallway ran to the north, but did not seem to go that far. I then realized that the dinosaur outside was now very large. Two women walked past me. They came from the north and passed me on the west. They were dressed in short black dresses and had shawls over their shoulders. They seemed like college women, and i thought that they were not paying attention to what was going on. Just out the doorway to the south, i could see the red mottled leg of the tyrannosaur. I warned the women about it, but they did not seem to be aware of what was obviously in front of them. One of the women stepped out the door. The tyrannosaur, which was towering above the door to the west, gabbed the woman and pulled her away. I tried to warn the second woman, but she wandered after the first, not aware of what had happened. When the second woman disappeared, i shrugged, thinking that they did not care enough to pay attention to what was obvious, so i would not be concerned about what happened to them. I looked to the west again. Some of the others were sitting around a table in the large open cement room. I noticed that the tail and rear leg of the tyrannosaur was in the building near them. The dinosaur had mottled red smooth skin, like old drawings of the creature. It looked like it was lounging. I felt uneasy, thinking that it was really dangerous. I headed to the north, hoping that the creature could not make its way down the hallway. I had to get somewhere where the dinosaurs would not be able to follow. Another person followed me. At the northern end of the corridor, i turned to the west and walked into a very large room. I was surprised to see the room, but i decided that it was another part of the building that i had not explored. The room seemed to be a lecture hall, with white cushioned chairs that formed a large U shape. The U was not rounded; it had five sides, all facing toward the center of the northern wall of the room. I turned to the south and walked along an aisle that ran through the middle of the chairs. I wondered if the dinosaurs had known about this part of the building. I thought that we could hide here, but i wondered how safe it would really be. The room was large enough that the dinosaurs could easily move through it. As i turned the first corner and started heading to the southwest, i noticed a line of chairs that ascended steeply to the southeast of me. The cushions of the wooden chairs were very white, and the chairs themselves seemed to be built into the walls and steps of the rising floor. The cluster of chairs seemed to focus to a single chair high on the wall. I started past it, but was very interested in the chair. I thought that i could go sit in the highest chair. As i ran past them, i noticed some more chairs along the southeastern wall of the room. I ascended the levels of the room, i looked at the white chairs. I reached the highest level of chairs, which were now against the eastern wall. I sat in one, looking down over the room. The southeastern corner of the room had an enclosed space filling it. The chairs ran along the southeastern wall, which was the northwestern side of the space. An opening in the northern side of the face led under some of the chairs that i had seen first. Above the enclosed space, chairs ran along the eastern wall. The ceiling of the space seemed rounded. I not sat in one of the chairs near the southern end of the eastern wall, above the space. The man who had been following me sat to the north of me. We started chatting about something. A large window was in the eastern wall, just to the north of us. As we talked, the man glanced past me and out the window. He mentioned the large bats that were attacking the boats on the lake. The lake seemed to be just to the east of the building. I told the man that i was supposed to be on one of those boats. I knew that the docks were on the northern shore of the lake, which seemed to run from the northeastern corner of the building. I still had to do something with a boat, and i felt nervous thinking about doing it. I wondered how i could drive the boat with the creatures around.

12017 November 03

I ran with the others to the southwest, coming into the open area. The land around us was flat, and the sky was gray but bright. We slowed to a walk as we approached the north-to-south feature. The others were talking about the trails in this area. I pictured the map to the north of me, thinking that the Finger Lakes Trail ran somewhere near here. I also knew that other trails ran through the area, and i wondered where they went. I looked to the west, noticing two letters on the sign. The letters were printed in black on the white sign. They were near the lower left of the sign, near the bottom of a block of text. They had something to do with the trail designation. I told the others about the trail, but i could not quite remember the name. I thought that the initials represented the name of the trail, and i thought that it was the Finger Lakes Trail, but i could not quite remember the acronym for the trail. The two letters did not seem correct. I thought that they were simply missing the first letter. I tried pronouncing the letters to see if i could remember the full acronym. It seemed that the first letter should be C, but this did not make sense .The letters seemed to be “CNT”, but i could not figure out what the name would be. I thought that C could stand for “Cayuga”, but then i thought that the name of the trail would not start with “Cayuga”. I felt confused, and i took a few more steps to the west, following the others. I looked to the north at the map. Dotted red lines marked the trails that ran across the southern part of Central New York. The trail that ran from west to east across the state was the main hiking trail. I knew that smaller trails ran north to south, and i noticed the one running up the eastern side of one of the Finger Lakes. I then was looking at the rolling hills that rose to the north of me. I could see the open dirt paths running diagonally across the hills. They were the trails that i had seen on the map. I told the others that the trails crossed in this area. I thought that one of the trails must be the Finger Lakes Trail, but i could not tell which. I moved to the west a little more, looking at the long north-to-south feature that was now just to the west of us. It seemed to be a stream, but it was also a railroad track. The others moved to the south on the track a little. I stepped up onto the chair to look at the trails nearby. I could see the road running to the south down the western side of the tracks. It had something to do with the trails. As i stood on the small wooden chair, i realized how high off the ground i was. I seemed to be very high up, but, when i looked back down at the black ground under me, i was only standing on a small wooden chair that was less than a meter from the ground. I realized that the ground under me was a model city. It had streets and houses running along it. The black strip ran north to south under me, and the fake grass was green fuzzy turf. I stepped off of the chair and repositioned it to get a better look at the trails. I had to be careful not to put it back down on top of the small houses below me. I arranged the chair and stood on it again to see around. Again, i seemed very tall. I wondered if the others to the east of me thought i was very high up. I looked to the southwest, noticing the black street that ran to the south along the western side of the railroad tracks. The street curved a little to the southwest near the end, and it seemed to end in a cul-de-sac. The land around us seemed to be very flat, with low green trees. I moved to the south, down the road, wondering if it was one of the hiking trails. As i rounded the corner, realized that the road ended near an old barn. It seemed to have continued to the south at some point, but the old part of the road was now overgrown with weeds. I turned around and started back to the north to head back to the others. They were still waiting on the eastern side of the railroad tracks, which now seemed like a wide stripe of flat ground that ran north to south near us. Another person was watching me from the west as i made my way back through the tall grass. I would have to tell the person that i was following the road, but that it had ended. A woman ran with me from the field as we passed to the east of the barn and ran north. A pile of stacked pallets or planks was buried under weeds to the west of us.

12017 November 04

I moved to the east a little across the room. Something to the southeast of me caught my attention, but i was not sure what it was. Something seemed to be wrong. I stared at the low table that was against the southern all of the room. Something seemed to have happened there, but i could not quite tell what. I then noticed a thin haze in the air. It looked like steam at first, but then i thought that it was a thin puff of smoke. I could not be sure. I moved to ward the table, staring at the thin gray dust in the air. It seemed to be floating in a stream from the east. I followed the stream to the east, not quite sure that i was seeing it or not. As i rounded the table, i focused on a large electrical outlet near the floor. The outlet was a standard three-prong outlet, but it was more than a deci tall, with wide holes, making it look more like a vent. All three holes of the outlet were round, and the holes on the top had ridges around the top of the upper two holes that protruded from the surface. The thin wisp of smoke was coming from the upper right hole. I thought that something must have happened, causing the wisp of smoke to come out of the outlet. I worried that it was not just a single event, though. I thought that the smoke was still coming out of the outlet, and i thought that the vent actually led to the basement. I wondered if the smoke was coming from the basement and leaking up here through the vents. I watched the smoke for a moment, trying to determine if it was still coming out of the vent or if it was just dissipating. I started to feel nervous, thinking that something in the basement was burning. The smoke still seemed to be coming out of the vent. I stood up. I was now in the kitchen of my parents’ old house. I moved to the door in the eastern wall and opened it. Thick black smoke was rolling up over the deck, which seemed like the deck on my house. I quickly closed the door and looked out the window at the deck. The smoke cleared a little. I wondered if the fire was under the deck or in the basement. I ran outside and down the stairs. I looked under the deck and did not see anything. The window to the basement was covered with soot, and i moved toward it. I could see an orange glow in the basement. I had to do something about the fire in the basement of the house.

I was standing on the brown wooden dock as the ship flew overhead, passing from the south to the southeast of us. I was not sure who was flying the ship, and i felt a little suspicious. The large brown building was to the north and northwest of me. I thought that Agent Coulson might be flying the ship, but i was unsure whether i should contact him or not. A woman was then on the dock to the east of me. She said something about the ship, and i suddenly felt better about waiting for it. She seemed to reassure me that it was the correct ship. The other man that was with me was to the west of me. I started to pace. I then realized that something had changed. I looked back to the north to see that the woman had taken off her long brown coat. She was wearing a light-blue and white spandex suit, and she had knocked over the man and was standing with her right leg on his chest. She was one of the bad guys, and she was trying to take over the ship. I moved to the west of them, looking up slightly at the woman as she attacked the man. We would have to do something about her.

12017 November 06

I came from the northeast to this area. I had been doing something, and i was looking for the others. The stone building to the north of me seemed to be an old school building. I stopped to the south of the building, looking to the north for something. Something was happening, and i was trying to figure out what it was. People were moving around. Several people were sitting on the grass around me, and i was looking across the school yard. A woman dressed in long ragged cloths stood among the crowd. She seemed to be acting for the audience. I realized that a show was going on here. I watched for a moment, amused by what was happening. I looked around me as others moved through the area. They all seemed to be part of the play, and they were moving through the audience, who were sitting here and there on the ground. A small doll was then to the north of me. It stopped in the middle of the grass, moving its arms in the air as it spoke. This was all part of the play. The doll was not wearing any clothing, and it had dark skin. It tipped from side to side, as though it were a puppet. It moved quickly across the ground. I watched it as it moved to the east of me and then to the south. It continued to face south, speaking lines to whoever was near. As it reached the south of me, i noticed a woman in black clothes standing to the west of the doll. She had dark skin and short curly black hair. She was short and had a heavy body on thin legs. she had her hair tied up in a white scarf. I watched her for a moment as she spoke her lines, balancing on one of her feet as the other rested next to it. I realized that she was voicing the doll, and i thought that it made sense that she was dark skinned because the doll was also dark.

12017 November 09

I moved to the east, leaning against the railing of the stairwell. I seemed to be in a small bedroom on the upstairs floor of a small house. It was dark in the bedroom, but light was coming from the room below. As i leaned against the railing, i noticed a shadow moving on the eastern wall, over the descending stairs. The stairs descended to the south. Someone was downstairs. I felt nervous, bet then imagined that i could be a shadow and sneak down to scare the man away. I imagined the man turning back to the west and walking across the living room below. I pictured the shadow moving down the eastern wall of the stairwell and then across the ceiling. I thought that it could appear in front of the man, startling him. I then thought that it would be better if it sneaked up on him somehow. I pictured the dark shadow moving across the ceiling. When the man turned back to the east, he would see the heavy shadow on the ceiling. It would seem like his shadow, but it would see strange. His shadow would still be on the eastern wall of the room. The man would think that a light was behind him to the west. He would lift his left hand and the shadow would mirror his motion. He would then turn to the west to see what was casting the light to create the shadow. When he turned back to the west, the shadow would be standing on the floor in front of him, which would startle him. It seemed like a good scene from a story. I thought about this as i moved around the living room. I had to do something here. I moved back to the east a little. It seemed that i had been here for a long while, and i thought that i really had to leave to get back home. Something seemed to be delaying me, though. I would have to wait for something before i left. I thought that i might be waiting for a ride. I felt uneasy and impatient. I wanted to leave, but i felt that something was keeping me here. I started to feel sad that i could not do something. I walked back up the stairs, thinking that i had to spend more time in this place. I exited the stairway to the south. The stairway was now in the center of the room, which seemed like an attic. The room was dark, and a man was working on something to the east of me. He shuffled several large pieces of dull-yellow cardboard on the floor. I thought that he was doing something artistic, and i felt that i might be intruding by being here. I was not sure what else i could do, though. I wanted to work on something artistic myself, but i felt out of place. I moved to the northwest, around the southeastern side of the stairwell, which was in the center of the room. Walls surrounded the stairwell on all sides. On the northwestern side of the room, some other people were doing things. A large bird then came from the west and hopped onto the back of the couch, which was just to the north of me. The bird was a raven. I felt a little weary of it, but i knew that it was a pet, and i wanted to greet it. I slowly reached out my right hand to pet the bird. The raven faced east, eyeing me. I was not sure how to actually pet a bird, so i tried scratching the side of its neck with my hand. The raven seemed indifferent for a moment, but then it leaned into my fingers, fluffing its black feathers out around its right cheek. It did no close its eyes, but i thought that it enjoyed the scratching. I then wondered if it would get annoyed at any point and try to scratch or peck at me. I pulled my hand back slowly and cackled. I thought that the raven might try to imitate the laugh. Instead, it hopped away to the north on the low table that was to the north of the couch.

12017 November 10

The people mingled in the small area. I sat down on the northern side of the round table, talking to $A103, who was seated to the south of me. He sat slightly hunched, and stared at me as we spoke. I then noticed the black lines on the wall to the south. The white wall was three or four meters behind $A103, and i could see the vertical black marks over his head. The marks seemed to be about a half meter long, and i thought that they were writing. $A103 had been saying something to me, and he paused and pointed out that i was not paying attention. He said i was distracted by something. I looked back at him, feeling bad that he thought that i was ignoring him. I said that i was reading the writing on the southern wall. I then looked around the room. I told him that this was my new bedroom. I felt good about the way it had turned out, and i said something to him about it. He still seemed to be annoyed with me. The wall to the south now seemed to be on the outside of an old run-down pub. It was a small building to the south of us, across a street. It was now about ten meters away. The black letters were now on a sign that was strung up over the front entrance of the bar. A small gravel parking lot was on the northern side of the road, just to the south of us. A car was now parked it the lot, just behind $A103. The people in the car were dressed in gray costumes that looked like robots. I pointed them out to $A103. As the car came to a stop in the parking space, facing south, i said that the people inside were all dressed as Robocop. A car had parked to the east of the car that just pulled in. They had also been in robotic costumes. I thought that they were from another television show or movie that had robot characters. As the men in gray stepped out of the car, $A103 turned around to look at them. The man stepping out of the rear passenger’s door had a silver cape on, and i realized that he was actually dressed as a Cylon from the old television series. The other three were similarly dressed. The man turned to the south and started walking toward the bar. I felt uncomfortable talking to $A103, feeling that he was upset because i had payed attention to something other than what he was saying. I walked a little to the northeast. The others were moving toward the exit to the room, which was in the northern end of the eastern wall. I was still thinking about something when i noticed the people to the north of the room. They seemed to be in a parking lot outside. I thought that they were also dressed in costume, and i wanted to do something similar, but i was not sure what. I did not feel as though i could do what i wanted here. I followed the others through the doorway in the eastern wall. The rectangular room to the east sloped down hill to the east. It had several low long items on the floor in it. The others headed to the east, but i walked slowly, thinking about the people to the north. When i turned back to the east, i realized that the people were no longer in sight. I walked to the eastern end of the room. A small chamber was to the east of the room, and a doorway in the southern wall of the chamber led down a darkened hallway. I was not sure where the others had gone, so i started walking back up the slope of the corridor to the west. As i reached the top of the room, i remembered that the darkened corridor led to underground passages that ran to the east. The others must have gone into the tunnels. I thought that i could find them. I turned on the large round glowing object and used it to light my way as i walked back down the slope of the room. I walked south in the corridor and stopped where the corridor turned to the south. The passageways were dark. I shined the light down them, thinking that i could find the others easily.

12017 November 12

I was at the western end of the large rectangular room with high ceilings. The walls seemed to be surfaced with wood. My parents were here, and they mentioned the cat. They were to the south of me, and they started calling for $X4. I realized that $X4 must have gone out the night before and not come back. My parents were worried about the cat. I moved to the east across the room, and then walked into the room to the south. MY parents were getting ready to go outside to look for the cat. I headed to the east, thinking that i could go out to look as well. I felt worried for $X4. The eastern side of the room had windows all along the eastern wall. The windows had only thin spaces between them. I turned to the north, heading toward the side porch of the house. The porch was set into the side of the house, and i could see out onto the porch through the glass of the northern wall of the room. The western end of the northern wall was open to a small room, which was to the west of the porch. I had to go into the small room to reach the door to the porch. As i approached the opening in the northern wall, i noticed an orange tabby cat moving on the porch. It was just out of sight below the window, but it was on an old aluminum bench against the southern wall of the porch. I called back to my parents, saying that $X4 was on the porch. I headed for the porch door, watching the cat to the northeast of me through the window. The cat hopped off the bench and walked toward the door. When i opened the door, $X4 came in. He had fur missing from his back, and he had large scabs running down his spine across his entire back. I thought that a wiled animal might have attacked him. I felt concerned, and i wondered what to do. The other small animal was just to the northwest of me as i crouched down to pet $X4. As i pet the cat’s head, i wondered if the cat remembered me. It had been a very long time since i had seen $X4. The cat looked up at me. Its head seemed very small, and it had a long narrow nose. I was surprised at how small the cat’s head was. It seemed much smaller than the heads of the cats that i currently had. I looked again at the red scabs on the back of the cat. I stood up and walked a little to the south. MY parents had moved back into the large room to the northwest. I called to them, saying that we should go to the veterinarian. I thought that both of the cats needed help. The second cat seemed much smaller, and it seemed to be colored gray and black. I turned back to the north and walked to the door of the porch. The cats had moved. I walked to the west, into the small room that was the entry room to the west of the porch. I could see the cat’s orange tail sticking out on the southern end of a chair. I walked to the chain. It was covered with white textured cloth, and the apron was lifted over the cat’s back. Only the tail was sticking out. I crouched down and pet the tail of the cat. The cat hissed at me and turned around to face me. I lifted the apron and held my hand still for the cat to smell. I hoped that it would remember my scent and let me pet it. The cat’s head was very small. The cat smelled my hand and then closed its eyes as i pet its head. I stood up and walked back to the south. I turned to the west, heading back into the living room of the house. My mother was on the western side of the room, and i told her that the cat might have been run over by a car. I clarified that it did not get crushed. It seemed to have been under a car as the car passed over. I thought that this would explain the scarring on the back of the cat. I then turned back to the east. The man was standing in the middle of the room. He was shorter that i, and he wore a tank top. He had a nice muscle build on his shoulders and very short blond hair. I knew that he was the cat. I remembered that he had changed back and forth between a cat and a man. I tried to comfort the man. I held him by the shoulders and guided him to the couch, which was along the southern wall of the room. I sat the man down and tried to relax him. He remembered me from when i lived in this house, and i felt attracted to him. I said something to my mother, who was still to the west of us. I asked the man if i could see the wounds on his back, and he quickly said no. I hugged him, wondering why i had never cuddled with him as a human when i lived here.

12017 November 14

I felt nervous and uneasy here. I was in the house where $G3 was. I moved to the north, into the kitchen. I had come from a dining room, but no one was in the dining room. I knew that the others would be coming back from somewhere soon. I was not sure what i should be doing here. I felt out of place, and i thought that i really did not belong here. The kitchen was a large square room, with a large stove against the northern wall and a metal cooking table to the south of it. Someone was on the northern side of the table, near the eastern end. I thought that $G3 was to the east somewhere, sitting in the dining room. They seemed to be gathered for a meal. I did not feel that i was a part of the group, and i felt a little awkward here. I wondered what i should do. I thought that maybe i should leave. I turned to the east and headed across the southern side of the living room, which was to the south of the kitchen. I ascended the stairs to the east. The stairs were on the southern side of the building. I stopped near the top, suddenly wondering where i was going. A man was walking down the second-floor hallway to the east. He passed me to the north. I seemed to be heading to the top floor of the building, but i thought that i did not live in room ten anymore. I then realized that i was actually staying in room eleven. I was heading in the correct direction after all. The man rounded the eastern end of the railing and started down the stairs, passing to the south of me. I continued up, saying something to him in greeting. I then wondered why i was living in room eleven. As i was only a few steps from the top step, i noticed a flash of blue light to the south of me. I stopped and backed up to see what it was. I was now facing south. The stairs turned to the south before reaching the second floor. A wall was to the east of me now, but it had no surface. I looked at the wires in the wall, telling the man that something had sparked in the wires. The man was in the hallway to the east of me now. He had not yet started down the stairs. I continued climbing to the east, but i realized that the sparks probably meant a loose wire in the wall. I thought that this was dangerous. I noticed a thick copper cable running vertically up the wall. It ran from the ceiling and ended in a junction near my waist. The junction seemed to be nothing more than a copper or brass triangular piece of metal that wrapped around the cable and a second cable. The second cable ran horizontally across the wall. I reached the second floor and looked back to the north at the wires. Several members of $G3 were pulling on the copper cables. $A36 jumped up onto the cables and hung from them, jerking them back and forth. I realized that this might be dangerous, and i hoped that he did not get electrocuted from a loose wire.

12017 November 15

I ran back to the west on the northern side of the narrow area. I seemed to be in a very narrow wooded valley, and i was running down the dirt road. I had set a trail for $G4, and they were starting to gather to the west of me. I thought about the trails. The forest around me seemed to be very dark, and i thought that this place felt a little spooky. I was uneasy here. I ran down the narrow dirt road to the west. Another road or stream seemed to be parallel to the road to the south. I came to the area where the others were. I pictured a road to the north, and i imagined that the trail ran across the long field. It was getting dark again, and i thought that we would have to start running or we would be out in the forest after dark. Some of the people started running across the short green grass of the field to the north. I thought that they would be heading to the northwestern corner of the field. I had to get something, though. I turned back to the southwest. Some of the others were still standing near me. Short structures were to the west of me. They seemed to be part of a building, but they seemed to be northing more than thin wooden walls. Four-by-four beams ran vertically, supporting the walls and holding up the wood paneling between the supports. I had to return to get my car. I then started to worry that i had left my car here for too long. It was in the woods on the road to the east. I turned to the east and started heading down the darkened corridor. The corridor did not seem to have a ceiling, and it seemed to be a narrow road in a thick forest or a long narrow room. The room seemed like a bar. As i moved to the east, i worried that i had left my car here for several days now. I then passed the main room of the darkened pub. The walls were painted black, and the gray bar ran along the southern wall of the room. A woman now stood behind the bar. I greeted her, and it seemed that i knew her. She greeted me back and said something about my car. I came into the next room, which was a corridor to the east. Walking around the outside of the thin wooden walls, to the south of the walls, i moved to the center of the room before moving back to the north into the main area of the corridor. My car seemed to be parked in the middle of the room, facing west. It was a small pale-green car that seemed to be European. I rounded the eastern end of the car and started back to the west. I thought that the woman at the bar would have been watching over my car. I felt better knowing that she was watching it. It would not be as easily vandalized. I headed back into the other room, thinking that i had to start the run for $G4.

12017 November 16

The area around me seemed post-apocalyptic. I was in an urban area, but it seemed run down and oddly deserted. Everything was brown with hues of yellow and orange. Other people were near me. I started running to the southeast, down a long narrow street or alley. I had to get someplace. I knew that i could fly, so i started to fly down the street. I felt joyous, thinking that i could go places that most other people would not see. I thought about flying very fast to the southeast to get somewhere, but i moved slowly through the air, looking down at the dirty alley below me. The alley opened up into a slightly larger area just to the southeast of me. The buildings were two or three stories tall, and they seemed to have air-conditioning units or other ventilation equipment on the roofs. Ahead of me, the alley seemed to be blocked by a wall. It seemed like a bridge that ran from one building to the next over the alley, but i could see it as a solid wall across the alley. The wall seemed dull yellow, and the building seemed to be made of brick. The top of the wall had small mechanical units on top. They looked broken or crushed. Everything here seemed abandoned. I moved to the southwest, into the small room, which seemed to be on the roof of the building. I was thinking of how i could fly over the building. I imagined that i would run to the southeastern end of the building and jump off. I could see a long straight road running to the southwest. I imagined flying down it. Instead i turned to the west. I was inside a room, and i had to get out so that i could continue heading to the south. I looked out the small door in the western wall. I was on the second floor of the small building, which seemed to be my apartment. The door led to a small balcony. The sky was dark, and i could only see the ground near the house where the lights of the house illuminated it. The steep green tiled roof sloped down on either side of the balcony, and i wondered if i could easily climb down. I then saw the man come out of the building from the floor below me. He had opened a door to the north of where i was, and a pale light shined out onto the dirt ground below the building. I could see that the slope of the roof to the north and northwest ran down to the dirt ground, but i was hesitant to run down the slope because the man might be angry if i did. I wondered how i could get away. I then looked down the steep slope of the roof to the southeast of me. I noticed that the roof ran down to the dirt ground, meeting a hill that sloped farther to the south. The hill seemed to lead into a field to the west of the house. A short chain-link fence ended at the top of the eastern end of the hill. I could only see part of it in the light. I wondered how i would get out of the house. I thought i would just run down the southeastern slope and get away, but i did not leave.

I walked to the south, down the main corridor of the mall with $F71. We spoke as we walked, and i looked at the stores around us. I thought that we would be able to cross the mall to exit out the southern end. The corridor widened into a circular area. We turned a little to the southwest, but i noticed that a large store was across the atrium from where we were. A salesman was standing outside the store, watching us. He seemed closer to us than the store, but he was standing within the doorway of the store. A second man stood to the west of him. The first man smiled as he watched us. He seemed curious about what we were doing. I told $F71 that we would not be able to leave the mall through the southern entrance. I remembered that the old department store had been here, but that store had closed, and several smaller stores had filled in the space. The small stores did not have exits on the outsides of the stores. I told $F71 that we would have to turn around and go back out another exit of the mall. The man near the store watched us, continuing to smile for appearances. We headed back to the north, and i looked at the large store to the north of us. So much seemed to have changed in this mall. I felt a little sad that the large stores were no longer here. I described one as we headed to a doorway to the northeast of us. I looked at the large store to the north. It seemed glossy and new. I thought that many stores in this mall were really closed. We came outside heading to the east, and then we turned south. I started walking down the sidewalk on the western side of the parking lot. The lot ended with a curved corner just to the south of us, but the sidewalk continued to the south, across a garden-like area. It was autumn, and the plants in the garden were all dry and tan. The ground of the area was covered with bricks, and benches seemed to be at the sides of a rectangular area that had thick wooden beams crossing over the top of it. I remembered coming here a while ago when it was warmer. I had been here with my family, and i remembered thinking that this would be a great place to relax and enjoy the day. I did not want to stop now, though, because the weather was cold and gray. I thought that $F71 and i would have to come here when it was warm to enjoy the place. I suddenly felt sad, thinking that i would not have time to do so. It seemed that everything i put off was simply lost.

I started at the items on the shelf to the east of me. I was in a store, and i was looking at a small green thing on the shelf. I felt interested in the items here, but they seemed like something from a long time ago. I thought that they were some kind of stationery. I felt that i had to go, however. I had my backpack in my left hand; i was holding it by the loop at the top of the bag. The bag seemed to be green and silver. I tried to sling it over my shoulder, but my jacket was dark and bulky, and the strap did not slip easily over my jacket. A man then appeared to the south of me. I was in a small section of the store that stretched to the south from the eastern end of the room. The man had come out of a doorway to the south, and he asked me if i needed any help with anything. I told him that i did not, but then i started to feel that he might be suspicious of me putting on my bag in the store. I wondered if he thought that i had taken something from the store. I felt that i had to go, and i turned back to the west to leave the store. I realized that i had been here a while. I must have been staring at the items on the shelfs. I thought that i was really wasting my time here, and i felt hurried to get back. I walked quickly to the west, along the southern wall of the store. I hoped that the man did not think that i had taken anything from the store.

12017 November 17

I left the bedroom and headed back to the south, into the large room of the apartment. I was in a room that seemed to serve as a hallway. This place seemed very familiar. I looked to the west, into the main part of the room. The walls of the room were bright white, and a woman stood on the western side of the room, looking around. She wore a long coat that came down to her knees, and she seemed to be wearing black stockings on her legs. She had straight black shoulder-length hair. The room she was standing in seemed very familiar. I had had a dream of the room in the past. I remembered visiting this apartment in the dream, looking to see if i wanted to rent it again. I knew that this apartment was in Etna, and i thought it was related to one that i had lived at before. In the dream, i was considering living here again. I remembered the large wall of windows to the southwest that viewed the other side of the house. I could see part of those windows now to the south of the woman. I felt strange being here. It seemed like a special place, and i wondered if i should moved back. The idea seemed distasteful, though. I had not wanted to live here before, but something about this place seemed very special. Because i had seen this place in a dream, it seemed like an important place now. I wondered if i should rent it again. I moved toward the center of the room, not sure what to do. The woman turned to look at me, surprised to see me in the room with her. I payed attention to something down the corridor to the west. The room was open to the southwest; the corner of the room met the corridor outside. The corridor expanded to the south, forming a triangular room with the southwestern wall made of square panes of glass held up by thick dark-brown wood beams. The southern corner of the room seemed to lead to an exit door to the apartment, and the western corner led into a corridor. I headed down the corridor for a bit, but found myself on the eastern end of a rectangular room, which seemed like a living room. A man was to the west of me. I again seemed to be on the eastern side of the house. I set of stairs ascended to the north along the eastern wall. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and started talking to the man. It felt good to be here. I had to go do something, though. I told the man that i would have to go back to the place, and i mentioned driving. He said that the people living here did not have a car. I looked past the man to the west, noticing the woman who was doing something in the room near the northern wall. She had long hair and wore colorful clothing that reminded me of hippies. I thought that the people living here were poor and were living as though they were a commune. I realized that the man would not be able to help get me where i needed to go, but i knew that i had a car here. I turned to the east and started down the dirt driveway. The man had said implied that the people in the house had only one car and that the car was out somewhere. I followed the driveway as it curved to the northeast, running to the north of an old barn with a red roof. A rusty green truck was parked in the driveway, facing southwest. I wondered if it was the vehicle that the man was talking about. As i walked to the southeast of it, i realized that it might be blocking my car in the driveway. I was parked to the north. I reached my car, realizing that my car was dented and rusted as well. Something had collided with my car, and the fenders and side were wrinkled. I felt annoyed. I did not feel disappointed, though, thinking that it happened somewhere else and was not the fault of anyone here. I spoke to the other person as i got into my car. We would have to drive to the south to get to the main road. I then noticed that the dirt driveway continued to the north behind my car. I looked to the north, noticing a large open park to the north of us. Trees grew in the lawn, and the place seemed like a country club or a resort. I thought that the golf course must be part of a private country club. I wondered if i could drive to the north, because the driveway to the south was blocked. The other person got in the car with me, and i discussed heading to the north. We drove up the dirt driveway, but i did not want to cross the railroad tracks, because i knew that the country club was private property. Instead, i turned to the east, following the one-lane dirt road that ran over the bumpy yellow ground. Grass grew in the middle of the dirt road, and i thought that the dirt seemed very sandy. I hoped that my car did not get stuck in the dirt. I then realized that we were heading along the southern side of the railroad tracks. The road went up a short hill, with thick green forest to the south of us and a grassy opening to the north where the railroad tracks were. I realized that a train was heading past. I hoped that this road really led out of this place.

12017 November 21

I was with $G4 at a campground area, and i was doing something on the western side of the area. It was dark out, and i felt that i had something to do. I had climbed a ladder, which seemed to be mounted on the back of a truck. It was like a fire ladder. I had lain down on the ladder to try to do something, but i felt uncertain that i would be able to get it done. I felt nervous, and i tried to adjust my position on the ladder. I then realized that i was very near to some electric wires. The wires ran along the eastern side of the road, which ran north to south, just to the west of me. I looked at the heavy steel cables than ran just above and to the west of me. The cables seemed to come out of red insulators to the south, and they seemed to have white markings on them. I thought that the electricity might jump from the wires to the ladder that i was on. I started to feel worried, and i wiggled to get away from them. Someone was moving the ladder, though. I told $F57 not to push the ladder closer to the wires. He moved it to the west, though, so that i was passing below the wires. I was afraid that i would get electrocuted, and i tried to back away from the wires as best i could. The ladder then started tipping downward, as though it was falling. It hit the ground abruptly, and i could feel my left wrist hit something metal on the ladder. $F57 had tipped the ladder over to get me away from the wires. I looked at my wrist, noticing a gash on the outside of my forearm, just above my wrist. I was bleeding. I also seemed to have something else wrong. I felt very bad, and i was annoyed that $F57 had tipped me over. As he came close, i complained that i had been injured. I felt very upset, and i knew that something was wrong with me.

12017 November 22

I sat in the seats of the eastern side of the auditorium. We were waiting for the show to start. The bluish-gray seats of the theater ran east to west, and the floor sloped up to the south. We sat facing north, toward the stage. We seemed to be seated near the front rows of the audience. Very few people were in the theater, but i had several of my friends sitting around me. We were not sitting next to each other, but we were all sitting in the same general area of the theater. The people with me seemed like people from my high school. A woman behind me started singing a song softly. It had something to do with the show. I looked over my left shoulder at the woman, who was sitting to the southeast of me. She seemed to be $A166. I thought that her voice sounded very nice, but it did not have a lot of power to it. I said something about the song, and then chatted with the others around me. A second woman started singing from the back of the theater. She was singing loudly, and she had a strong clear voice. I looked back, but could not see the woman. She was outside the open doorway in the center of the back wall of the theater. A bluish light illuminated the other side of the doorway. I thought that she was one of the singers from the show. She sang in high clear tones, and i recognized the song. The woman seemed to be singing opera, but i though that the song was the popular song from _Phantom of the Opera_.

I started to head west with the others from $G4. We had to start our run, and i was heading to the west to finish getting ready. We jogged slowly on the dirt path, which crossed the middle of a large field of yellow dry field grass. I could hear people singing from behind us. Some of the $G4 had already started the run. I thought that we would have to hurry to get ready. I did not want to miss the run. I looked back to the east to see a small cluster of people standing in front of the wall of the large room that we were in. They were moving in our direction. They must be starting the trail. I felt that we had to hurry, and i started to feel nervous about missing the run. I came to the counter, which was on the northern side of the corridor. A man had just ordered his food at the bar, and the woman who had taken the order turned to the west just as i arrived. She had seen me, but she left the room through a doorway in the northern wall. I felt annoyed that i had missed her, and i thought that i would have to wait until she came back so that i could order my food. I stood for a moment, but the woman did not return. I then saw her through the round window in the brown wooden door. she was talking to another woman with short black hair. They looked out at me, but did not come out to take our order. I wondered if they were closing the service window. I then thought that they might be on their lunch break. I felt impatient as i waited for them to return. A man was standing to the east of me at the counter. We were both waiting. I started to feel anxious that we were not being server. We had to get our food so that we could make it to the run. I then wondered why i would be eating food just before a run. It did not seem to make sense. I looked back to the south. Two men in brown loincloths were running up the narrow path that ran to the west across the field. The path sloped uphill slightly to the west. The men were to the southwest of me as i watched them for a moment. The run had already started. These two men were heading to catch up with the others. I felt upset. I could still hear singing from the group somewhere to the south of me.

12017 November 25

I was with $G4, and i felt uptight. The others were talking about the trail that we had to set, but i knew that we really had not yet started setting the trail. We were in an urban area, but the city around us seemed old and worn. A grassy area was to the north of us, and on old stone structure, which seemed to be an archway or entrance to a park, stood just to the southwest. The grass and weeds were littered with trash from the city. We stood on a paved area, which seemed to be a road, but it ended just to the south of us. A large cement structure bordered the southern side of the area. We started running to the southwest. A tall cement structure to the west seemed like part of an old railroad bridge. We headed south down a paved road. The asphalt pavement was broken, and weeds were growing up out of it. We entered a short cement structure. It seemed to be an old building with thick cement walls, but it had no ceiling or roof. I realized that the corridors within the structure turned in strange ways. This place was like a maze. We were thinking about setting trail within this maze structure. I imagined white marks on the walls to mark trail. We then came back to the place to the north of the cement structure. Others were gathered here, and they were talking about the trail. I felt uneasy. We should have been setting trail, but we had only talked about setting part of it so far. I was nervous that we would not be able to set the entire trail in time. A woman, who seemed like $F58, sat to the southwest of me. I told her that we had not set the full trail, and she glared at me in disbelief. I wanted to get the others moving, but i was not sure how. More and more people were gathering in the area. I looked around the circle of people to the north of me. I then spotted $F12 standing on the western side of the circle. It felt very good to see him. I moved toward him, but he seemed upset about something. I hugged him hello, but he stiffened and pushed me away. I wondered what was bothering him. He seemed very upset. I wanted to comfort him, but i was not sure how. I asked him how he was doing, but he did not say much. I felt very concerned for him. I tried to hug him in comfort, but he pushed me away again. I stood, staring at him.

12017 November 26

I was in the house with several people, and we were talking about something. It felt good to be here. As i left and started driving to the west, though the small town, i thought about how i had moved to this place. This city seemed like Endicott. I could see the busy shopping street ahead of me as i drove west-southwest. The streets looked familiar, and i remembered this part of town from before. I remembered driving around the southern part of the city before. The day seemed bright and sunny, and the buildings seemed brown with patches of red and white. I thought that it was nice to live here again, and i was happy that i had moved to a new place. I thought that it was always good to move into a new environment. I then wondered why i had come to Endicott. I knew that the city was not as prosperous as it used to be, and it was not doing well lately. It did not seem like a good place to move to. I then realized that i would have sold my house to rent an apartment here. This seemed strange. I was then aware of the car ahead of me, to the west. I was following it rather closely. I steered my car as the road turned west. I was driving on Main Street, somewhere just to the east of Washington Avenue. I was now having a hard time keeping the car going straight. It seemed to curve to the north a little. I could see the family in the car ahead of me. They seemed to be upset that i was not driving in a straight line. My car was driving in reverse to the west. I spinned in around so that it was heading forward again, and i continued down the road. I felt uneasy and confused. I said something to the other people on the bus with me. I was sitting in a seat on the northern side of the middle of the bus. The other person was sitting one row ahead of me on the southern side of the bus. The bus seemed to be a short bus with tall dark-green padding on the seats.

12017 November 28

I moved to the east a little, but the others who had come stopped me. The woman to the northwest of me mentioned the invaders. I thought that the device in front of me was part of an extraterrestrial invasion. It was a large white sphere that looked like a snowball. I felt nervous about the invaders. I then picked up the sphere and held it in my hands. It seemed large, but, when i held it, it seemed about the size of a basketball. It seemed to be a product of Apple, but i knew that it was from the invaders. Small things would come off the sides of the sphere. As i held the sphere with extended arms, i noticed the small black things that were attached to the back. They had something to de with the extraterrestrial beings, but i realized that the creatures were not actually here to invade us. They were simply visiting this place. They had come here for some other reason. I felt better about them as i looked at the textured sphere in my hands.

12017 November 29

I stopped juts before the eastern wall of the room. I had been talking to the person to the northwest of me as i had been heading east. I now turned to him. The deep valley stretched out to the west of us. The man said something about the lake, and i was aware of the small red propeller airplane flying over the center of the lake in the bottom of the valley. The lake was very long east to west, and i was near the eastern end. I was aware that another lake was to the east, though. It too was in a narrow valley. The green sharp features of mountains rose to the south and north of the lake, and the water of the lake seemed very clear, though it appeared to reflect brown from where i was standing. The man moved to the south of me as the airplane flew to the east. He said that the photography from the airplane was amazing. He said that the lakes were so clear that he could see the narrow gorge where the two mountains met below the lake. I thought that, because the sun was very bright and high in the sky, it must have been shining down through the surface of the lake and reflecting on the brown rocks below. I imagined a thin river running down the center of the lake at the bottom of the valley. It sounded so spectacular. I looked at the lake to the east, imagining the same kind of scene at the bottom of that lake. I then continued to the east, into the next room of the house. The walls seemed yellowish-tan. It felt good to be here.

I left the small shed and headed to the north across the open dirt ground. The other person was walking behind me and said something about the farm. The person mentioned unicorns. This seemed like a strange idea. I looked to the east, wondering if this was a farm of actual unicorns. I knew that unicorns did not exist, but i thought that the horses here might have been altered to look like unicorns. A large herd of brown and black horses was walking to the north in the pasture to the east. They seemed to be in a narrow group as they traveled. They seemed like normal horses, and i did not see any horns on them. I then noticed an animal closer than the horses. It seemed to have a horn. In a pen just to the northeast, a horse-like animal bowed its head to the south, and i could see a thick horn growing out of its temple. I thought that the horn must have been genetically added to the horse. The horn was twisted and thick near the bottom. I then realized that the animal was actually rather heavy for a horse. I could not see its body, but its head was thick and furry. The animal then lifted its head. It was very tall. The thick long neck had been arched over the brown wooden rail fence of the pen so that the man to the south of the animal could pet it. The animal had proportions like a giraffe, but it had a thick body that was covered with long brown fur. It bent over its head, and the man petted the horn. The horn seemed loose, so i thought that it must not have been properly attached. The man grabbed the lower end of the horn, which seemed flexible. He was then holding the long horn in his extended hands. The horn seemed to be around two meters long, with the pointed end facing northeast. The thick lower end seemed about a deci in diameter. The man held up the horn, offering it back to the large animal. The animal lifted its head again, straightening its neck. It seemed to be about four meters tall. I wondered if it was something that naturally got confused with a unicorn.