12018 November 02

The people were gathering for a meeting in the southern end of the large room. The room seemed like a gymnasium, but a wall was in the center of it. The people were starting to sit in the few rows of chairs that were in the southeastern part of the room. The room ran to the north and west of them, and the middle part of the room with walls around it was to the northwest of them. I wanted to find a seat, but i did not want to sit in the middle of the people. Several people were sitting in armchairs on the eastern side of the room, facing the metal gray chairs, which seemed to form two or three rows of five to seven chairs. The rows were elevated upward to the west. This seemed to be a formal lecture. I did not want to sit in the middle of everything, so i moved to the west. Several armchairs were set up in spots along the open wooden floor. I wondered if it would seem strange that i wanted to be in the back rows of the audience. I thought that it might be perceived as being antisocial. I walked toward the southwestern corner of the interior walls of the room. The lower part of the wall was covered with tan tiles, and the upper part seemed painted. A dark door was in middle of the wall. I walked past the corner of the wall and turned to the north. The metal poles of the bleachers were now to the east of me. They ran along the eastern wall of the larger room. I thought that i would climb up them, but i realized that there were no stairs. The round metal poles looked like scaffolding to the east of me. I grabbed on to one of the poles and swinged my feet upward to the north to get them over the top of the lowest edge, which seemed to be just over my head. I suddenly realized that it was difficult to climb up onto the bleachers. A man was standing near the pole, and he seemed to offer me help, but the man on top of the metal structure took my hand and helped me up. I rolled over the edge of the metal landing, but i did not quite feel safe. I was on a narrow part of the surface near the edge, and i felt that i could easily roll back over the edge. I tried to roll to the east, over the slightly higher surface, which seemed to be the seats. The seats seemed oddly tipped to the south, and i did not feel balanced here. I rolled onto the pale-brown surface, hoping that i did not roll back over the edge. I still did not feel safe, thinking that i could easily roll off. The man who had helped me over the edge was standing to the northwest of me. He seemed tall and slender yet athletic. Another man was sitting on one of tipped bleacher seats to the north of me. I rolled to the south, falling over the edge of one of the seats and landing at the southern end of the bleachers. A short metal wall was to the south of me now, and i put my feet against it as i rested on my right side on the padded light-brown and white seats. I was facing west, and someone was sitting to the east of me. I felt safer, and i was relieved to be here. I sat up a little, thinking that i could not easily roll out of this spot, even if the bleachers tipped more to the south. I looked at the men sitting behind the table to the west. They were on a small stage that was set into the white western wall of room, and they were not that far from me. They were dressed like judges in black robes, and some of them had long powdered wigs. They were just starting to sit down at the white plastic folding table to start the hearing. I thought that i had a nice seat to see the proceedings. The room then started turning. The bleachers that i was sitting in started moving to the south. I realized that the outside of the room was a ring, and it was rotating clockwise. I moved to the southern end of the room, and then the seats stopped. I looked to the north. I was now looking at the platform from the side. I felt annoyed that the seats were not as good as they had been.

I was aware of the others in the large meeting room on the eastern side of the building. I had to get to the meeting. I remembered being in the room before, but i was now several floors up from where the stage would be. The people gathered in the room seemed to be from $G4. I had been descending stairs to go down several floors, but i was still several floors high. I had to get to the bottom floor so that i could speak in front of the people. I was the GM of the group, and i was supposed to lead the lecture. I had been descending a flight of stairs, heading to the north. The stairs ended in a narrow hallway, and i would have to walk to the south, down the hall to get to the next flight of stairs down. A doorway just to the north of the bottom of the stairs, in the eastern wall led into the large lecture room. I had been seeing the many balconies of people waiting for the event to start. I realized that they were waiting for me, so i thought that i should hurry. I paused and turned to the north, walking to the doorway. I stuck my head in, noticing that i was still one floor up from where i needed to be. I called a greeting to the people in the room, telling them that i would be right there. It seemed that i had descend many flights already. I walked to the south, entering the lower floor of the room. I joked about having to climb down twenty flights of stairs to get here. I then thought that this was not the best thing to say. It might make it seem that i was special by having a room in one of the upper floors of the building. I felt comfortable addressing the people, and i carried a book and some notebooks in my left hand. I seemed to be wearing something tan or brown.

12018 November 03

I had been separating the clothing into piles on the floor. I put several of the T-shirts in a pile to the west of me. $A606 was then to the south of me. He asked me about one of the shirts, and i told him that it was in one of piles to the west of me. He walked to the north of the piles and looked at a shirt in one of short stacks on the northern side of the cluster of stacks. People were now gathering around the several piles of clothing that were on the ground. $A606 was not looking at the correct pile of clothing. He bent over and picked up a shirt, complaining that it was not his. I told him that his shirt was in one of the other piles, and i indicated one that was on the southwestern side of group of piles. I remembered that his shirt had a picture of a baby on it, and it had some text that said something political. $A606 moved to the pile. I was again standing to the northeast of the piles. When $A606 picked up the shirt, he was to the southwest of me, but when he unfolded it, he was to the north of me. The shirt was gray, and it seemed to be made of a synthetic athletic material. $A606 said that it was not his shirt. It did not have the lettering on the front. I told him that the shirt was inside out. He inverted the shirt and held it up. He seemed upset about the shirt. He said that it was now too small. I told him that it was the right length and that it would stretch when he put it on, but he seemed too angry to listen to my suggestions. I decided not to play into his anger, so i took a few paces to the west, looking at the ground near me. We were outside now, in an area that seemed like a park. Two houses were to the north and northwest of me. The pile of clothing was on a grassy area to the west of a gravel parking lot, just to the north of me. A large tree was to the north of the grass, to the south of the space between the two buildings. A dirt road ran just to the south of me. To the south of the piles of clothing was a small garden with dirt ground. It seemed wet and cold out, and plants in garden were nothing more than dry stems. Ole tomatoes had been dumped on the ground on the western side of the garden, to the east of a dry plant. I looked at it as $A606 complained to someone to the north. I thought that i should mulch my old tomatoes in my garden.

12018 November 04

We turned to the west and started walking along the northern side of The Commons. We had just come from some gathering. I was walking with $Z and a few other people. The eastern end of The Commons was crowded with people who were listening to a band playing. The musicians were spread through the crowd. I walked to the south of a large kettledrum, which as against the buildings on the northern side of the plaza. The head of the drum was about my shoulder height. A large rat was on top of the drum, playing it. I pointed out the rat to the other person as we continued to the west, saying something about the band. The other person, who seemed to be $F10, said that i had talked about the rat before, and he mentioned the name of the band. I had told $F10 about the band, but this was not the band playing. I knew that the musicians here were all local musicians from several bands. I did say to my friend, who now seemed like $F12, that the rat was the drummer of the band that he had mentioned. We continued down the commons to the west. $F72 was with me now. We turned to the south as we spoke, and then we were in the restaurant. I was sitting on the southern side of the round table. $F71 sat to the right of me, at the southwestern side of the table. The person to the northeast seemed to be $F10. We were eating our food, but i realized that $F72 was no longer sitting on the northwestern side of the table. I asked the others where she had gone. A small plate with a little food on it was at her spot on the table. $F72 then came from the south, stopping on the eastern side of table. She put her hands on the shoulders of the other two as she leaned in. She seemed disappointed and angry, and she said that the food “sucked”. She said that she had asked to pay for it and told us that she was leaving. I felt surprised and disappointed. I also felt concern for her.

I walked to the west, across the southern side of the building. I was in a corridor that connected the two large rooms on the eastern and western sides of the building. The corridor seemed to be part of the rooms. I then turned to the north on the eastern end of the corridor. I entered the small room, which was between the two open rooms. I had known that the athletes were playing rugby in the center room. I felt interested in sport and wanted to see what they were doing. As i walked in, i saw the people moving over the fake grass in the middle of the room. Several people were standing along the southern wall of the room. I had entered in the eastern side of the room, through a door in the southern wall, and i was surprised at how small the room was. It was only about seven meters north to south and around twelve meters long. It was way too small for an actual sports game. I mentioned this to someone. I felt that the situation was not right. I then thought that the people might only be practicing scrums. I thought about how rugby could be played with only the scrums and no running or passing.

12018 November 05

I was sleeping on the bed in the large bedroom. The bed was against the western wall of the room, and my head was to the west. I lay on my back, i was aware of someone sleeping to the south of me. I opened my eyes, but they would only open a little. Very little light was in the room. It seemed to be very early morning, and i could not see many features of the room. I suddenly wondered where i was. I had thought that i was sleeping on the bed in the middle bedroom of my parents’ farmhouse, but they had sold that house. I should not have been here. The situation seemed strange. I tried to see the features of the room, but i could not quite open my eyes fully to make out any details. I thought that the person sleeping next to me must be my mother, which seemed strange. I wondered if my father was in the bed also. The ceiling in the northwestern corner of the room seemed flat, with a square corner. I looked down the wall, reaching my left foot out from under the covers to touch northern wall of the room. A small window was low on the wall near the bed. This made sense for the bedroom of my parents’ house, but the rest of the details did not seem right. I could not be in that bedroom. I was then awake. I had been in the airport with my mother and my grandmother. We were waiting for something, which seemed to be to the north. I was lying down on a counter in a small lounge in the southwestern side of the large open space. The lounge was dimly lighted, and the northern wall was black. I was lying on a counter that extended from the northern wall. I seemed to be a small furry animal, like a teddy bear. Another anthropomorphic animal was to the south of me. It started moving to the east to head back in to the main part of terminal. I got up and ran across the counter, to the east. I jumped from the counter that i was laying on and landed on a seat to the east of me. I continued running to the east, jumping again toward the large square counter that was near the eastern end of the lounge. It was a long distance between where i had been and the next counter, and i realized that i might not make the distance. I was aware of the other person running parallel to me, to the south of me. I watched the brown flat counter get closer as i floated through the air. I was surprised when i was able to land on the edge of it, and i felt encourage to keep going. I ran across the wide counter and jumped the short distance to the next counter, which was a narrow bar that ran along the eastern edge of the lounge, separating the lounge from the open space of the airport beyond. I stepped on the last counter and then jumped down to the ground. The airport had a vast gray floor that was shiny and smooth. It opened up to the east and north. I was aware of a wall about a hundred meters to the northeast of me. My mother and grandmother seemed to be somewhere to the north-northeast of me. I headed north. I looked at something to the west, which had been on a counter. The counter separated a small area to the north of the lounge that i had been it from the main airport. The counter connected to the wall to the south of it at its southeastern side. It ran to the northwest, where it seemed to turn to the north for a short distance. The area behind the counter was now dark, and a short wall extended from ceiling over the counter to delineate the service area. I turned to the north, saying something to my mother and grandmother, who were now to the northeast of me. I then looked at the object in my hand. It was made of tan plastic and was a long narrow handle, like the handle of silverware. It had a small white ball on the end that opened up with a snap on the outside. Something metal seemed to be attached to the handle below the ball. I suddenly wondered where i had gotten the item, hoping that i had not taken it inadvertently from a store. I did not want people thinking that i had stolen it. I mentioned the object to my mother, asking were i had gotten it from. I turned back to the south. A set of two trays, one over the other, was sitting on the western end of the service counter to the south of me. The lower tray had other copies of the utensil that i was carrying. I was relieved to see that they were free giveaways. I put the utensil back in tray. I then noticed that several other things were in the tray. I noticed a small spherical sieve. I was interested in it, but i thought that it would only be big enough for making a single cup of tea. I wondered if any larger sieves were in the bowl. I noticed something that might work. As i rummaged through the small clear-plastic bin, i noticed a cup-shaped sieve. It was larger and did not have a cop over top, but i thought it might be useful. I picked it up and looked it over. It was now about a deci across. I realized that this was for sale, and i thought that the price would be high because i was in an airport. I was aware that my mother and grandmother were walking off to the east. I turned to the west, noticing other kitchen items on the shelf, which was at my eye level. I saw several other colanders on shelf. I picked one up and turned it over. It had a price tag on the bottom, and i was having trouble reading it. I knew that things would be expensive in airport. I turned the colander so that the tag faced me. The sticker had been folded over, but i could see that it was $4.87. I thought that the cents were set so that the final price with tax was an even dollar amount.

12018 November 06

I stood on the sidewalk on southern side of the street, just to the north of the apartment building. The building seemed old but well maintained. Trees full of leafs grew along sidewalk around me. Something seemed to be happening around us. People were moving down the street, and they seemed worried. The sky above the apartment building seemed orange. I headed into the apartment as someone spoke to me. The man was talking about the thing in the sky. I looked to the south. I seemed to be level with the horizon, and clouds obscured the ground. The orange at the horizon faded into yellow above, and long lines of clouds crossed the sky. Something was in the southern sky. The man referred to it as an airplane, but i knew that it was not an airplane. It seemed to be extraterrestrial, but it was in the shape of an airplane. I could see the cross-shaped object. The dark fuselage ran east to west, and light-gray fins reach up and down from the sides of it. The fins were intended to be vertical, but people still described it as an airplane. On the ends of the long fins were shorter round tubes, which looked like shorter versions of the central tube. The ship seemed to be moving directly toward me. It was very far away and seemed a silhouette against the bright sky. When i looked again, i could not see it, but i thought that it was closer than it had been the day before. I could still see sections of it through the clouds, and it seemed to be very close now. I told the man that i understood why people had said that the alien spacecrafts look like DC-8s. I turned to the east. Others were standing around me now, staring to the east. I was on the southern end of the line, and i turned back to the west to see where the spacecraft was in the sky. As i looked to the west, i was looking south, at the reddish sky. Something moved across the sky from east to west. It looked like a fighter jet. We seemed to be high in the sky. I wondered if the spaceship was being attacked. I turned back around, now facing east. The others stood in a group that was spread out to the north of me. They stood in silence, watching something to the east. I looked east. We were high in the air, and the horizon and sky were deep blue. A streak of yellow moved across the sky, heading to the east. It was a fireball. A second one streaked below it, heading in the same direction. I thought that the extraterrestrial craft must have been shot down. The fireballs were moving toward a tall pale rocky peak that stood out to the east. We suddenly started moving toward the mountain, and i knew that we had to get to the craft before others did. We seemed to be on the top of a large platform. As the platform approached the mountain, it started to descend. I realized that we must be very high in the air, and i wondered how we were able to breath. I mentioned this to the man to the north of me, thinking it strange that we had enough air to breath. We moved quickly toward mountain. As we reached it, the mountain seemed to be much smaller. I looked at the green surface on the near side of the mountain. The peak had a tall pointed top with a shoulder to the east and one to the south. Small white and gray debris ran over the eastern shoulder. A hand reached out and grabbed the green material that was covering the southern face of the mountain. Part of the material tore away, and the debris bounced as it was disturbed. The green material looked like fake grass that was about a centimeter tall. The mountain was about a meter and a half tall. Pieces of the debris seemed to be made of Lego blocks. I watched the mountain for a moment, wondering about the oddity of it.

I was standing on the southwestern corner of intersection. My parents were to the northeast of me. We had come from the south, on the main road that ran north to south through this town. We had been traveling together, but i wanted to head down the road to the west. I felt that i wanted to see something, but they did not want to come. I drove the car down the long open road to the west-southwest. I had been in an area with several shops and restaurants close to the road, but i was now in an area where the buildings were set back from the road. Several of them seemed to be old offices. A large dark-red building was off southern side of the road. I wanted to see this area. I was then at the end of the road, where it intersected a second road that ran northwest to east-southeast. I was now outside of the small town, but i knew that both of the roads headed back. I was going to head back on the road that i had come on, but i thought that i should take the other road to the east-southeast. I felt indecisive. I knew that the road to the east-southeast would meet up with the main north-to-south road that we had traveled on. We had come from the east on a main road. We had then taken a main road to the north, which ended on the first road. I thought that, if i traveled to east-southeast, i would be able to see parts of the town that i had not yet seen. I looked down at the map, which showed the roads in black against a gray background. The road we had come in on came in from the left side of the page, heading mostly east. It then arced around the southern edge of the darker gray area on the top of the map, which was the southern side of town. It eventually ran to the northwest. The rounded gray area marked the center of town, and the pointed southern end met up with the north-to-south road just north of intersection. The road i had just traveled on ran from the east and turned at the intersection to head west-southwest. Just before it met up with the southern road, it curved to the northwest and then arced down to the southwest. I was now at the intersection of the southern road and the end of this middle road. I looked over the shape of the town. Something seemed to be to the east of the town, but most of the urban area was in a block in the center of the map. I then noticed a bulge of gray at the bottom of the map, which was the northern side of town. It looked like another populated area was just to the north, but separated by only a few blocks from the town center. I thought that this must be some kind of campus. It was mostly clear of white lines, which marked the buildings, so i thought that it must be a fairly open area. I then noticed a large rectangular building on the northeastern side of the lower area. It had a rounded feature in center, and i thought that it was a stadium. This seemed to be more evidence that this was a college campus. I then looked to the east, along the left side of the map. Another patch of gray was to the east of town. This one also had a large stadium. I was now looking at the stadium from a high elevation to the north. It was gray and looked drawn, but i could see a large crowd of people gathered on the cement sidewalk to the east and northeast of the stadium. I then noticed a large set of letters to the southeast of me. It said “NC”. I rode to the east, into the room of the building. I had come down a corridor and entered the room through a doorway in the northern end of the western wall. I realized that this campus was part of North Carolina University. The corridor i had been in was wide, and the doorway was only in the northern end of the eastern wall. I was standing on the hovering device as i paused just before the doorway. The vehicle seemed like a pogo stick. I was standing on a footrest above a rounded white bulge at the bottom of the stick, and i was holding the top of the stick in my hands to control it. I could hear air rushing out the bottom of the stick, which was keeping me floating. I leaned forward and zoomed into the next room, which seemed to be a lavatory. The room extended to the south, and a dividing wall extended from northern wall about three meters from the doorway. The floor black tile-like floor had specks of white or light gray in it. A man was standing in front of a counter that ran length of the western wall, to the south of the doorway. He was leaning over one of the sinks and looking in the mirror. I moved into the room quickly and spun the stick around in a tight circle under me. I thought that it would seem like i was “doing doughnuts” on the floor. The man looked at me curiously. I felt excited to be in this university in North Carolina. I moved to the east, entering the next room, which seemed to be an outdoor patio. I knew that $A626 attended this university, and i realized that i should say hello to him while i was in town. I had not thought about this earlier when i was with my parents. I could have spent more time with him. I would only be able to say hello now, because i would have to get back to my parents so that we could continue on. I felt concern for him, wanting to say hello. I turned back to the west. I was on the eastern side of the area now, and people were sitting at most of the picnic tables that were here. A roof extended from the large building on the western side of the cement patio to the small brown building on the eastern side. The small brown building seemed to be made of wood, and it looked like a rustic cabin. I knew that it was a place where food was served. The picnic tables ran north to south in three or four rows. I was in the middle row, and at least one row was to the west of me. I looked at the people in the room. I hoped that i could see $A626, but i knew that it would be luck if i did spot him. I really wanted to talk to him again. A woman stood up from the eastern side of table to the west of me and started walking to the south. I watched her as she approached me. She had a round face and reddish-brown hair. She seemed very familiar. She wore a blue shirt under a dark-blue puffy coat. She stopped when she realized that i was staring at her. I wondered if she recognized me. I thought that she was $A626’s mother, but i was not sure. I asked her if she was his mother. She said “Yes.” uncertainly. I greeted her and told her that i had met her at the house before. I said that i was at the event that $A626 was at. I then noticed that several of the other people standing up were also familiar. I had hung out with them before. A woman had stood up on the western side of the picnic table, to the northwest of me. She was short and slightly overweight. She wore tight black denims and a dark jacket. She had a rounded angular face and curly fuzzy brown hair that came down to her shoulders. She seemed to be wearing a pair of dark-rimmed glasses. She stopped to the west of me and waved at me, recognizing me. I greeted her. I then looked at the tall man, who had stood up from the bench on the eastern side of the table, across from where the woman had been sitting. He was taller than i and wore a pair of blue jeans. He also had a light jacket on, which seemed to be a windbreaker. He seemed to remember me, and i remembered being with him at the event. We chatted for a moment. The woman joined us, and we were standing in the middle of the area with no picnic tables between us. I mentioned $A626 and asked one of them where he was. I wanted to see him. His mother said that he was just here, but someone said that he had not showed up for the work they were supposed to do on a paper. I wanted to meet him, but i knew that it would be hard to find him on a large campus like this. It was improbable that i would just run in to him. I also realized that i would have to get back together with my parents. I would not have time to be with him for too long anyway. I decided that i should call him. I looked at my cell phone. It was old and boxy. It was about seven centimeters long and about three centimeters thick. It had a raised red box in the center of it, which seemed to be a cover over the buttons. I felt disappointed in it, thinking that it would not be good enough to contact $A626. I wanted to do something, but i felt anxious and upset that i could not. I moved to the west. I was now in a small pub. $A626’s mother was to the west of me with some of the other friends. I turned to the north and headed toward the door. I was at the intersection of the main north-to-south road and the main road that ran through the center of the town. The bar was on the southwestern corner of the intersection. Through the glass door i could see a man standing on the corner, facing away from me. He looked like $A626, and i wondered if it was he. I moved toward the door and stepped outside. The man wore a tan trench coat and stood with a slight hunch. He had a bald head and was looking for something in the left breast pocket of his jacket with his right hand. I moved toward him. He then looked to the northwest, and i could see the side of his face. It was not $A626.

12018 November 08

I walked to the west across the room. Others were gathered i the large plain room, mostly near the western side. I headed to the southwest, toward a door in the southern wall. It leaded into an office. We were in a college building, and i felt disquieted here. I walked into the office and closed the door behind me. It was a professor’s office, and i realized that she had entered the office with me. She walked to the southwest, toward a plain brown wood desk that was near the western end of southern all of room. I headed toward the large multipane window in western wall. I felt disinterested in something. The room was very plain and very empty. It did not seem to have any furnishings in it. The woman was wearing a brown suit jacket with a matching skirt. She walked behind the desk and put something on its surface. I wondered what kind of professor she was. I then noticed the thin white curtains hanging on the northern side of the window. The material seemed too thin to be a curtain, and there was too little of it to cover the window, but it looked good there. It had large elongated brown shapes in a regular pattern on it. The shapes seemed like a curved stem with a long thin leaf running parallel to it and some round berries on end. I then remembered that the woman was a professor of design. I stopped in front of the window, looking to the south at the long narrow table that was now against the southern wall. It had several magazines and pamphlets on top of it, and framed pictures now hung on the wall in a staggered grid. The image on one of the magazine covers was attractive. It was a pattern of red objects interspersed with yellow, green, and white in an uneven array. The white seemed to be the background color of design. I looked over several of other pamphlets and pictures on the wall as i slowly walked to the east. I liked the design here, and the artwork interested me. It made me feel good to see it. I stopped and looked at another image of mostly red shapes. Small ketchup bottles were on a table, interspersed with green leafs and white patches of the table. Everything was very nice.

12018 November 10

I sat on the northern side of the small round table in the middle of the rectangular room. The three or four young children ran to the east, heading through the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. I was supposed to be teaching them about acting. I was interested, but a few older people had come in from the west. One of them seemed to be Bob Morley, whom i knew as Bellamy. A few women were crouched on the floor to the east and northeast of me, where they had been talking to the young children. I would have to go into the next room, but i was interested in the men who had come in, and i wanted to talk to them. I was not sure what i should do.

12018 November 14

I was to the southwest of my parents’ farmhouse, and i was looking northeast at the front of the house. It was dark out, and i could see the lights of a car in the driveway that ran along the eastern side of the house. The lights were shining to the north. I moved quickly to the north, along the western side of the house. I wanted to go into the house, but i felt uneasy about the car in the driveway. As i came to the west of the house, i could see a small pink hatchback car driving up the paved driveway to the driveway to the north. The car disappeared from sight, and i thought that it had turned around and headed back down the driveway. I crossed the back yard of the house and came out at the northeastern corner of the house, right next to the driveway. I looked to the south cautiously. I did not want the people in the car to see me. I saw a dark-pink car drive out from behind the southern side of the house. It was on the main road, and it continued to the east down the road. The driver did not seem to notice me. It was lighter out when i saw the car, but it was dark again as i walked to the south down the driveway. I wanted to go in the house, but i thought that i did not have a key for the house. I stood for a moment to the east of the house, feeling uncomfortable about the other people who had been in the house. I remembered that people had forced open the front doors of the house and gone inside. I felt uneasy about them being in the house, but that seemed to be something haunting the past. I looked at the door that seemed to lead into the northern end of the kitchen. Short walls and a peaked roof that extended from the house surrounded it. The narrow door had a long rectangular window that ran most of the length of the door, and it was illuminated with yellow light from inside. I moved to the door, thinking that i might be able to force it open the way others had forced the doors open. As i reached the door, i could see that the glass window had been broken. I stepped through the narrow opening in the door. I had to squeeze a little to get through. I stopped on the western side of the northern end of the kitchen, just to the north of an island counter. I looked at my left hand, and i was trying to think about something. I then realized that a voice was talking around me. I listened and could hear the electronic voice of the alarm system to the north of me. I had accidentally set off the alarms coming into the house. I would have to deactivate the alarms. I knew that the code to deactivate the alarms was “4080”, so i typed it on the small keypad in my hand. I pressed enter, but i realized that i had mistyped the password. I then heard the voice count down to one and stop. I realized that i had missed the time to enter the passcode. I tried to enter the code again on the small plastic device. The device was a flat black box that was about two centimeters thick. The buttons were about a centimeter tall on the surface, and their edges slanted slightly inward. The buttons were gray. The second time, i accidentally typed the four twice. I felt frustrated and tried to delete the second four, but i realized that i would not be able to back up. I entered random digits for the remainder of the code and had to start again. I felt tense. I thought that the police should be showing up at the house sometime soon. My father was then to the north of me, and i was standing in the dining room of the house. I told him about the alarm. I had tried to type the letters. I then pictured myself to the east of me, standing on a small gray roughly oval patch of land. The land slowly rose as i watched. There was something interesting in the effect.

12018 November 17

I moved to the eastern end of the bus, which seemed to be the front of the bus. The bus seemed like a narrow room, with dull black walls. I was aware of the man who had entered the bus from the east. I had been doing something on the western side of the bus, but i moved to the east when the man with the gun became a threat. He seemed to be pointing the gun at the driver, but i knew that the bus had safety features. The man was standing in the southeastern corner of the room, and the driver was seated in a chair near the northern wall. The door to the bus seemed to be in the northern end of the eastern wall. I moved to the southern wall, just south of the bus driver, and sat down. I knew that something was electrified in the bus. The man with the gun put his right hand on the eastern wall of the room. The electricity would paralyze him. I looked back at the bus driver, who reclined a little in his seat. He turned the seat so that he was facing northeast, and he looked at the man with the gun over his right shoulder. As he leaned back in his black fake-leather seat, he put his right ankle on his left knee. I noticed the black metal pipe that ran from the eastern wall of the room toward the driver. It seemed to be a cast-iron pipe. I knew that it must be electrified as well. I thought that the bus driver would simply not have to touch anything metal in the bus when there was an emergency, and the bad guys would get electrified when they did.

I moved to the west, across the small rectangular room, which seemed to be a bathroom. $F12 was in the northwestern side of the room with $F47. They were standing in the bathtub. I wondered why they were holding each other in the tub, and i felt a little jealous of them. $F12 then asked me to join them. I felt uneasy, but i walked into the tub and hugged $F12. It felt very good to be near him. He turned and hugged me back. We were then lying in the water at the bottom of the tub. I was very comforted hugging him, and i wondered why he wanted to be held. I was lying in the shallow water in the bottom of the tub, and i was hugging $F12, who was lying on top of me, facing away from me. He seemed to enjoy the feeling. I then noticed $F47 standing just to the north of us. He was facing west, as if rinsing himself off under the shower. The situation seemed strange. I wanted to enjoy the situation, but i did not understand why $F12 and $F47 would have been together in the shower. $F47 had no interest in being comforted by other men. $F12 then stood up. I thought about something that he had been doing in the area, and i pictured the desert area around us. The dry hills seemed to extend to the west and northwest of us. I thought that $F12 had been running on the hills, but something about the hills seemed like a suburban area. He had gone out to do something and had traveled on the road that led to the north, along the western side of the house that we were in. He walked to the north now, exiting the room. I wondered if $A564 knew that he had been here with me. I then thought that she might be upset if i had been cuddling with $F12. She then came in to the house from the west. She seemed to be carrying a paper shopping bag by handles. She greeted me. I was not sure what to say. I wanted her to think that i was showering by myself. She moved to the east of me. I was holding a towel in my arms to the south of me as i faced south and looked over my left shoulder at her. She then touched the left side of my torso. She was pointing to the T-shirt that i was wearing, and she asked if we had gone running. I felt nervous and thought that i should lie to her so that she did not get upset. I told her that i had been in the shower. I then realized that i was also wearing running shorts. I should have told her that i was running, but i did not feel good saying that.

I turned to the southeast to see the black and white images of me. The photographs were square, and they showed me standing in various poses. I thought that they were part of the album-cover collection that i had created, but i did not recognize the images. They must be from covers that i had not yet created. The woman stood to the east of me, and i asked her about the images. My view panned to the west, and i could not see the images that i had been looking at. I asked the woman to show me the images that i had seen. She had taken the images. I turned back to the south, looking at a black and white photo that was framed in a baroque gold border. Looking at the image, i realized that it was actually a reflection in a mirror. The gold frame was around the mirror, and the black and white scene was in the middle of it. I turned to the west and then to the north. We were standing on the upper level of a store. The room to the north of us was open to the floor below, and i could see over a metal banister to the people below. The banister had square metal poles of a fake-brass color and a black round top. Below us, i could see people standing near a curved service counter, which was on the eastern side of the room. The store was filled with racks of merchandise, and $F12 was to the west of the counter talking to someone. I felt confused. I remembered being with $F12 before, and i knew that it made sense for him to be in the store with me, but something about the situation seemed out of place. I turned back to the south, trying to understand the photographs. Something about them seemed from the Victorian Era.

12018 November 18

I wandered down the street to the east. I had come from the northwest, and i seemed to have walked down a long street in the packed suburban area from the north. The houses in the area were crowded together, and they all seemed to be two stories. This area seemed like a college area, but the houses were residential. I felt a little uncomfortable here, and my view of the area was hazy. I moved across the gravel parking lot, crossing from one of the main north-to-south streets to another. I seemed to be wary of the people in this area. I thought that they might not want me here. I then thought that some of the houses here were fraternity houses. I could not quite see the buildings clearly; my vision seemed hazy or distorted. I turned to the northwest to see the large plain house with tall round columns on the front. The columns supported a flat roof over the brown face of the building. The building seemed very modern. Someone was to the south of me. I turned to see two men staring at me. A third was to the south of the, and more seemed to be nearby. One of the two men was skinny, and he wore a blue denim jacket. He laughed at me as i moved past. The man with him was smiling. I then turned to the southwest to see the scene of blue hues. A square gray sign was in the middle of my vision. It had the Greek letters for Delta Phi surrounded by rays pointing inward. The men were part of the fraternity. I moved to the east, into the center of the street. $A643 was to the north of me now. $F690 also seemed to be nearby. I told $A643 about the houses in the area. I then tried to describe where we were. Everything around us seemed hazy. Someone wanted to know about the area. I looked around, noticing that the gray sky looked like low clouds. It glowed yellow to the northwest of us. I told the others that i had come across the bridge from the city, and i motioned to the northwest. I decided that the yellow glow was from the city lights. I looked to the northeast at the eastern side of the street. The front yard of an old run-down house was tan dry dirt. I seemed to be somewhere that had a tropical climate. I then headed east. A band was set up on a small stage on the northern end of the structure. I thought that i recognized the band from before. $A532 had played with the band. Four or five people were in the small booth on the lower-north side of the structure. The booth had low walls around it, separating it from the rest of the structure, which seemed to be a grandstand. I looked at a man who was playing the drums. I was not sure that i recognized him, but i was sure that this was the band that i had seen before with $A532. I then looked to the southeast. A man was in a second smaller booth a little farther up the slope of the grandstand. He seemed to be moving leavers on a mixing board. He had thick brown shoulder-length hair that hung around the sides of his face. He was definitely one of the people i remember seeing in $A532’s band. I walked up the white steps of the grandstand. People were sitting in various places in the stands. $A532 was then to the north of me, near the top of the stands. I walked up to him and said hello. He greeted me, and we chatted for a moment as he did something with the man sitting to the east of him. He then told me that the concert was paid for, and i realized that i had not paid anyone to get into the bandstand. I thought that i would have to pay someone ten dollars for the show, but i did not really want to stay to see the show. I felt uncomfortable, and did not really respond to $A532. He walked off to the east to do something. I moved near the wall on the northern end of the stadium seating. The white ceiling was just over my head, and the top row of seats was a bench against the wall. A woman was then to the east of me. She asked me for money. I knew that she was $A532’s mother. I felt uncomfortable, but she seemed insistent on getting money from me. I wanted to leave this place, but i felt guilty that i had not giver her any money, so i have her a twenty-dollar bill, thinking that i would be paying for myself and $F71. The woman then had a ten-dollar bill with her, and she mentioned that she had gotten it from $F71. I felt annoyed, realizing that i had overpaid for the event. I did not want to be here.

I spoke to the man as we walked up the hill to the south. We were walking on the sidewalk on the western side of the street. We had crossed several streets in this city area, and i tried to picture where we were headed. It seemed that we would have to head to the southeast form here. As we walked up the slope of the hill, we were in a tunnel. The gray cement wall arced over the top of us. We were walking along the wall on the western side of the tunnel. We reached an intersection, which seemed to be near the top of the slope. A crosswalk with thick white lines ran to the east across the street. The street we were on continued to the south, up the slope, but it seemed to end twenty or thirty meters to the south. A second street ran to the east, descending a steep hill into another tunnel. The second tunnel was not lighted, and i thought that it must lead to a parking area. I knew that we wanted to cross the street to the east, but i thought that we would have to go into the building on the southern side of the eastern side of the intersection. Many people were walking up and down the hill on the western side of the main road. I said something to the man with me, but he did not want to cross the intersection and head through the college buildings. I looked to the southeast to see the glass doors of the college building on the northern face of the plain cement building on the southeastern corner of the intersection. I looked down the dark tunnel to the east, and i told the man that it must lead to parking. I started to cross the main road to the east, toward the southern side of the road that led to the tunnel. The man told me that he did not want to go that way, and he said that he would go around. He headed up the hill to the south. I crossed the side street toward the glass doors of the college building. I wondered what the trick was to getting out by heading south. It did not seem like a good way to go. I stepped into the elevator near the entrance of the building and headed up to the next floor. I stepped out, heading south, into a library. I paused for a moment as the man to the south of me spoke about the building. I thought that he was trying to help me find my way around the library. I really just wanted to head to the southwest and find an exit to the outside on the ground level. The man to the south of me then faded into a pale-blue glow. He was a projection on a video screen, which stood as a flat panel that was about a meter across and three meters tall. Written questions appeared on a screen to the northeast of me. They asked me questions about the library and the local college. I thought that i would have to answer the survey before i was allowed into the main room of the library. I felt annoyed. I did not want to be delayed here; i just wanted to leave. I wondered if the man i had been walking with knew about the survey. I then noticed an opening in the room to the northeast of me. The elevators were to the north of me now, and the smaller projection panel was just to the east of them, standing in front of the metal wall. The eastern end of the northern wall of the room receded farther to the north. I realized that it was open to another room. I did not have to answer the surveys. I could simply walk past the board and out the door there. I did so. As i came into the next room, i noticed $K1 to the north of me. She was standing with her children and some other people. $K25 had something wrong with his right foot. I looked down at it. He had been standing with his foot extended in front of him, flat on the floor, but he retracted it as we mentioned it. I realized that he had left a strange footprint on the ground. It seemed as though part of his foot had stuck to the ground. The residue was pale, with a greenish tint. I realized that the residue was actually part of his foot. His flesh had rotted, and his foot was not well. I looked at his feet as he stood to the northeast of me. His ankles were swollen and pussy. They formed rounded knobs at the bottoms of his legs. His feet were missing. They had fallen off. I looked at the foot on the floor under me. I could see the tendons and muscles that ran across the top of his feet. It looked as though his skin was falling apart. This was a bad situation, and i thought that we should do something. I knew that $K1 was a nurse, so i told her to triage the feet to stop them from leaking more fluid. I was going to call for help. I looked at the foot on the floor again, wondering if i should pack it in something cold so that we could take it to the doctor to have it reattached. I hoped that it was not too rotten to put back on.

12018 November 19

I moved around, getting ready for the special event. I moved through the crowd of people. I seemed to be somewhere in the city, and i was getting ready for an event that had something to do with $P7. I thought that all of my graduating class would probably be at the event, and i felt interested in it. I had to go back to my car, which seemed to be to the southeast of where i was. I walked to the east, down the center of the wide alley as others started to gather. They were all in different uniforms. I had left mine i my car, so i would have to go back to get it. I felt a little frustrated that i had forgotten it in the car. I hoped that i did not leave the uniform at home. I felt upset that i had not brought it with me. $F4 was somewhere in the crowd near me. I wanted to be with the people here, but i had to go get something. As i moved through the crowd, i suddenly realized that i had driven my old car today. I pictured the old tan car. I had left my coat in my regular car, which i realized was not in this area. I felt upset again. I did not have anything to wear for the ceremony. I was not sure what i should do. I started to pace around. I sat down in one of the seats on the northern side of the bus. The seats were facing to the east. I felt anxious, not sure what i should do. I did not think that i could be part of the ceremony without being in uniform. Two men in military uniforms were sitting in the seat to the east of me. They were talking about how the voting would work. They said that everyone attending the meeting would have to vote on who can stay in the organization and who could not. I knew that they would only be able to vote on the people who attended, so i knew that i would not be voted to stay. I felt even more upset. I wanted to make it to the meeting, but i did not have my uniform, and i did not want to be excluded. A man then approached me from the west, stopping in the aisle of the bus just to the south of me. I realized that he was holding up a small sign in front of me. I looked at the sign, noticing that it had the letters for $G3 at the top, with the letter O underneath. I realized that he was a member of $G3, and the O represented his chapter. I stood up and greeted him, happy to see him. He was a thin man, with curly blond hair and a rectangular face. I wondered how he knew that i was part of $G3. He pointed to the left cuff of my jacket. I realized that i was wearing my denim jacket with the letters of $G3 on it. I looked at the cuff of my jacket, thinking that i must have the name of the organization embroidered on it. The man wore a pale green military uniform, and he had several medals on his left breast. I told him which chapter of $G3 that i was from, and we shook hands in greeting. I then moved toward him to give him a hug. As i did so, i realized that it would probably seem awkward. He stood stiffly as i hugged him. I moved away again, not quite sure what to say to him. I asked him where his chapter was as i pointed to the letters on the sign he was holding.

12018 November 22

I was walking down the long narrow dirt road with two other people, one of whom seemed to be my grandfather or my father. I was leading the way. It was very sunny out, and the leafs and grass around us seemed very bright and green. I headed to the east. Trimmed grass grew on either side of the road for about a meter and a half before the taller weeds and trees started. I looked to the west, realizing that the other two people were falling behind. I felt that i could not wait for them. I wanted to get somewhere, and i knew that they would catch up. I turned back to the east, now seeming quite a way ahead of them. The road turned sharply to the north and west, just to the north of me. The turn was a switchback, and it rose sharply up the steep slope of the hillside. The slope was grassy, and i could see the old crumbling stone wall on the outer edge of the road above us. I was inside a small kitchen in the old stone house that was to the east of the switchback. I was cooking something on the stove to the north of me. I looked out the window to the west, seeing my father and/or grandfather approaching the house. They would take the road up the hill. They did not know that i was in the small stone house. The kitchen i was in seemed cluttered with small quaint things, and it was poorly lighted. Everything seemed old but well taken care of. I was then to the west of the house again, remembering the area around the house. I was looking to the east. The road entered a long elliptical field, running along an old pale stone wall that was on the northern side of the field. The wall was flat and about two-thirds of a meter tall. The narrow field was a park, and the grass in it was cut nicely. The bowed southern side of the field was shaded by tall trees and seemed to follow a stream. To the north, the land rose up the steep hill, which ascended at what seemed like sixty or seventy degrees from the ground. The soil of the hill was dark, and few plants seemed to cover the surface. I remembered this place, and it felt good to be here. At the far end of the park, i could see the small stone house. It was a narrow two-story house with a steeped peaked roof. A shorter barn or shed was to the southeast of it, at the far edge of the yard. The yard around the house seemed to be somehow separated from the rounded park. I turned my attention back to the things on the floor near me. I was going through piles of old things to see what was there.

I walked to the north across the theater area. A round table was against the off-white northern cement wall of the room. I had been collecting things around the theater. A large portfolio was resting against the wooden chair that was on the eastern side of the table. It was about a meter tall by a meter and a half long. I pulled the thin book toward me. It seemed to be bound in cardboard, and i thought that i would take the posters that were inside. $A168 had told me to take the stuff from the theater. As i started to pick up the book, thought, others came in to the theater from the east. They seemed interested in the book and asked me about it. I wondered if i should be taking everything that was in the folio. The large book was not mine, but i thought that i should collect it. I looked at one of the smaller posters as a man to the east of me looked over my shoulder. The poster had a dark background, and it was tall and narrow. It seemed to have the image of a person in white and blue hues standing in the center. Silver letters across the top spelled out “Eleven”. It had something to do with a rock band. I talked to the other person about these things.

I was collecting things in the small room of the house. A young boy stood to the east of me, and i motioned to the old folded paper that was on the floor to the west of him. I picked up the yellowing paper and unfolded it. He asked me what it was, and i looked at some of the words. The letter was not written in the Latin alphabet. I thought that it was written in Russian, but i did not recognize the scratchy characters, which were written i a dark-blue ink that had faded a little over time. I told the boy about the paper, saying that it was from the boy’s father. The script was very messy, and i admitted that i could not read it. I let the paper fold back over into thirds, and i put the letter back down on the ground. Several other pieces of yellowing paper were around it. I picked up a small pamphlet and unfolded it. It was folded in half, and, when i unfolded it, i revealed a black drawing of a recorder. I told him that it was instructions on how to play a recorder. I joked about this with the boy. I was kneeling on the ground now, facing north. The boy was to the northeast of me. I put the paper for the recorder down and pickup one of the other objects on the ground near me. It was a small black shiny object that seemed to be made of plastic. Three rounded knobs projected from the top and fanned out toward the northern edge of the box. The knobs had narrow slits running up from the rounded end and over the top. I knew that this box was a kind of musical pipe. Several similar boxes were on the ground near me, and i picked up a few more. Some were black and some were the dark brown of polished wood. I knew that each set was in a different key. I was interested in the pipes, and i did not want to tell the boy about them, because i did not want him to take them. I put them on the floor near me and to the west of me, thinking that i would use them for something. I then picked up a gray plastic box that had red buttons on the side. I realized that it was actually shaped like a video-game controller. I had picked up the controller on the eastern side of me, and i could not see a larger cube with similar colors and patters. The top half was dark gray, and the bottom half was light gray. A crease separated the two sections, and the bottom of the seam seemed to be red. The top of the box also had a red button in the center of it. Something about the design seemed diamond shaped. I pointed out the game console to the boy, saying that it was very old. I looked at some of the other things around me, interested in them.

12018 November 23

Many people were all around me, and they were moving quickly, getting ready for something. Something had happened, and it was part of the story. I remembered that someone had attacked the place. This seemed like a story related to Harry Potter. We had to evacuate the place because of the attack, and now we were in the new place. We still felt unsafe, thinking that the bad guys would come after us. We had to be careful of the digital virus. It had attacked the other place, and we worried that it would infect us here. Others were preparing themselves for an attack. I stood on the eastern side of the small group of people. We seemed to be to the northwest of some cluster of structures. Everything around us seemed white, as if it was not fully drawn. Even the sky seemed blank white. I said something to the people to the west of me. Something then moved quickly past me, passing low to the ground just to the west of me. People started to panic. The virus had found us. I turned to the south to see where the virus had gone. Two or three people were standing in a line, holding back two or three dogs on leashes. The dogs looked like beefy Dobermans. The mist of fine particles hit the people and the dogs, and they froze in place. Their bodies become covered with gray circular spots, which looked like a thick ring inside of a larger thinner ring. It was the infection of the virus. We had to get out of here. The people to the west of me started running. I turned to the east. $A618 was standing to the east of me. He looked panicked. I told him to run, and he quickly turned to the east and ran across the narrow patch of ground between the lawn to the east and me. I then turned back to the west. $F4 had been to the west of me somewhere. We had to go, but i felt more relaxed again. We had escaped the virus again. The group of people to the west was standing in a loose semicircle. The two on the south looked down at the three or four objects on the ground. One of them was wearing a white laboratory coat and held a white box in his or her hands. The box looked like an old radio controller with a joystick in the middle. They studied the long objects on the ground. Others stood in a crescent to the west and north, watching the objects. I looked down, noticing that the objects changed shape as the people touched them. It was part of the virus. The virus was trying to infect the area, but it could not quite get a fix on the objects. The objects looked like crude model space ships, with long roughly cylindrical bodies and a tapered nose that extended to the north into a long point. The bodies of the objects had rough edges, as though they were crudely rendered with old thee-dimensional wireframe software. The shape of the object changed as they were touched, but the object remained roughly tubular. I realized that the virus was trying different versions of the objects to gain access here. When the objects were touched, the virus changed the shape, hoping to come up with a shape that could infect this place. I thought that it was dangerous to play with the objects, but i knew that the others were observing them to understand the virus. As they touched the object nearest me, it started changing shape. I reached out with my right foot and kicked the object with my toe. The object fell over. It now looked like a crude rendering of a disposable shaving razor. We watched it for a second. It had stopped changing shape. I had disrupted the flow of the virus. I was glad that i had discovered that. I looked to the north now. I was floating on the surface of water. The water was calm, but it seemed to be part of a much larger body of water. The water was to the west and south of us. A rounded nub of a narrow peninsula was just to the north of me. It had a narrow edge of yellow sand, and small buildings ran along the edge of the water. The brown building in the center was open to the water, and it seemed like a food service counter. Others were floating in the water around me. We had come to this place to be safe from the virus. I hoped that we could stay safe here. A narrow channel of water extended to the north along the eastern side of the peninsula, and the main land ran in a straight line, north to south, to the east of me. I felt that we still had to get rid of the virus. I wanted to feel safe here, but i was still uncertain.

I had to get to my class, and i left the stairwell and headed to the west, into the northern end of the large open room. The room was on the upper floor of a building. The room extended to the south. It had a peaked ceiling that matched the roof of the building around us, and it had doors in the eastern and western walls that led to classrooms. Several large old wooden tables were in the center of the main room, and people were sitting at them. The room seemed very large, and the building seemed to be an old college building. The plaster walls were worn but in good shape. I walked to the south along the western wall of the room. I had to get to my class, and i knew that it was in room six. It had been a long time since i had been to a class, but it seemed that i was just starting this class. I came to the southern end of the western wall and noticed a large wooden door in the western wall. It had the digit five on it in large brass type. I knew that my classroom must be the next one. I turned to the east, noticing an open door directly across the main hall from where i was. I thought that the open door must be room six, so i hurried through it. As i entered the room, i was surprised to see that it was really a library. Many tables were around the room, and people were wandering about. The wall to the south had glass panes along the top of the wall, and i could see though them to another part of the room that was at a slightly higher level. That part of the room seemed to extend to the west, across the southern end of the main hall. The wall to the south was covered with books, and books lined the shelf at the base of the window. The room did not seem to have many books, and the books that were here seemed old and mismatched. They did not seem like books in a library but rather books that had been collected and saved. I knew that this library was part of a school that did not have much money. The books would not be in good shape, and they would only cover what subjects the library happened to find books on. I turned back to the door and looked across the hallway at room five. I thought that room six must be to the north of me on the eastern side of the main hall. I then thought that i was actually late for class. I felt disappointed, thinking that i had messed up my classes again.

I headed to the west, thinking that i had to get to my class. I felt stressed because i knew that i as already late for my class. I could see the class sitting in a room that did not seem to have an eastern wall. They were to the northwest of me, and i hurried toward them. They were seated in armchairs, facing north. A teacher was standing on the northern side of the classroom, leaning forward as he spoke to the class. I worried about being late as i approached the room. This class seemed to be a history class. I was sitting in a seat that seemed to be against the southern wall of the room. I thought that i would usually sit near the front of the class, but i did not want to disturb the class by walking to the front. I felt uneasy. I was then aware of a woman to the west of me. She seemed to be an assistant teacher. She was collecting homework. This was actually the second day of class for the students here, but it was the first day that i had come to this class. I had come from somewhere else and was not able to make the first day of class. I realized that i did not have any homework yet because i had not yet gone to a class. I felt upset that i had missed the homework, and i worried that the professor would think negatively of me. I looked at the ruled paper that i was holding up to the north of me. It seemed to be work that i had done. The woman leaned over and drew a large circle on the top of it, as if circling something. It was her way of pointing out that i did not get a grade for the homework. I felt bad. I then realized that the teacher to the north was acting mean to other students. He was not a nice man. I felt uncomfortable with him, and i did not really want to be in his class, but i knew that i would have to take the class. I then realized that the students were getting up to leave. The instructor to the north had said something, and the students were all heading out of the room through a doorway in the northern end of the western wall. I hurriedly gathered my things and went after them. As i reached the northern end of the room, i realized that all of the students had already left. The teacher was still to the north of me, and he seemed threatening in some way. I tried to ignore him. I headed for the door. He was also heading for the door. He opened the door and let me walk through. I tired not to anger him. I had come into a narrow hallway, which ran to the north. I was in a bathroom, and stalls were behind doors along the western side of the hallway. I thought that the students must have headed to the north, but i could not see them because it was dark in the room. The teacher entered behind me and went into one of the stalls to the west. I could see only a very little of the hallway in the dim light that seeped under the door from the classroom. I pictured the students huddled in a small cubical to the north. They seemed frightened of the teacher. I wondered what the teacher did to the students in here. I started to think that he punished them somehow. The teacher then said “Pick up the peaches.” I realized that he was defecating on the floor and forcing the students to pick it up. He was trying to mentally abuse them.

12018 November 24

I walked quickly to the northwest along the narrow drive, which seemed to run along the bottom of the hill. The hill rose steeply to the northeast of me. I knew that i was in the neighborhood on the lower side of Collegetown. The main part of town was up the hill to the east of me. I remembered being in this place before. A wooden rail fence ran along the northeastern side of the drive. The rails were two-by-six planks, and the top rail was horizontal, and it had a thin vertical piece under it. The texture of the gray wood was rough, making it look like artificial wood. I remembered that this place was at the bottom of the hill from the apartment building in Collegetown. A man was standing near the fence to the northeast of me, at the bottom of a set of stairs that ascended the steep hill. I was looking for the stairs up. I knew that this was the correct place, but i had to make sure that these stairs led up to the apartments that i had been thinking about. A young East Asian woman with shoulder-length dark hair came from the west and started up the stairs. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, noticing a sign that was on the fence, just to the south of the entrance to the stairs. The sign said something about this place. Aware that the man was watching me, i told him that i knew where this place was, and i acted as though i had just figured it out. I remembered that i could pass through the apartment building at the top of the stairs and get to the main street. I started up the stairs, which ran slightly to the north of due east, up the slope. I carried my blue bicycle on my left shoulder. A man was coming down the stairs, and i realized that the stairs were fairly narrow. I moved to the northern side of the stairs, but i still had to squeeze around the man. I was at the edge of the wooden steps, and there was no railing, but i still leaned carefully around the man as i passed. I came to the top of the stair. The large modern apartment building curved from the northwest to the east in short flat walls. The stairs ended on a sidewalk that ran along the lower floor of the building, under an overhang that was he upper floors. I headed to the east, realizing how familiar this place felt. I stopped in the middle of the store, which seemed to be in Collegetown. I was now inside a building. The store also seemed like a college laboratory, with dark tables around me. I talked to the other person, who was to the east of me in the room. I had six or seven long white balloons in my hand. They were about three meters long, and i let them dangle to the west of me. The long white tubes were kinked in several places, and the balloons fanned out over the ground in a cone-shaped cluster. I had to leave the room heading to the west, so i carefully moved the balloons in the air so that they did not get caught on anything. I headed into the corridor. The corridor ended in a wider corridor just to the left of me, and i started to turn the balloons to the north. A young girl in a heavy coat stopped as she rounded the corner, finding herself confronted with the balloons. I apologized to her and her mother as i adjusted the balloons in the hallway. I turned to the east and headed down the hall a few steps before turning to the south and heading toward a double glass door in the southern wall. The door led outside, and i could see sunlight coming down from the hazy sky. Outside, i was in a courtyard that ran east to west between the large buildings. Shops and stands seemed to be on either side of the paved court. I headed to the west again, but my attention was drawn by a short box that was sitting in the middle of the sidewalk, just to the north of a service counter, which seemed to be part of a stand in the middle of the court. The small cart had cooler boxes on it. A short metal mesh wall held the boxes in. The metal handle was tipped up on the western side of the cart. Several jugs of milk were in the bottom of the cooler cart. I looked to the south, noticing the metal display container, which seemed to be a cooler. I thought that the jugs were supposed to go into the larger cooler, but someone had been distracted. I picked up the jugs, which were now box-like. They were square on the sides and about a deci thick. They had rounded corners and gray rubber tubs coming out the tops. I lifted one of the jugs and put it into the empty cooler to the south. A woman was working behind the courter and the cooler, to the southwest of me. As i put some of the containers into the cooler, i looked to the southwest and watched the woman for a moment. I could not see her face because i was watching her hands move mugs and carafes around in the coffee machines and other appliances. She was working in the northwestern corner of the booth. The western wall above the counter seemed to be taken up by metal appliances, but the northern counter was open. The woman was serving someone to the north of her. I noticed that the space under the counter had two shelfs. On the shelf just under the machine that the woman was working from, i could see a small white jug, similar to the ones that i had been moving. The rubber tube of the jug was not attached to the metal machine above it. I realized that the milk was disconnected, and i told the young woman this. She backed up a few steps to the south and looked down, not sure what i was talking about. She was nicely shaped, and she wore a skirt that came down to her knees. She seemed to have long blond hair that ran straight over her shoulders. I pointed out that the bottle under the counter needed to be attached, and i moved toward it. I was now inside the counter. I pulled the plastic Coke bottle out from under the spout and dumped the contents into the drain. I then tried to put it back so that the bottle could catch the runoff from the machine. I had the bottle in my right hand, but i put the vessel in my left hand under the counter just as water poured from the faucet. I then bulled the large paper cup away from the faucet, realizing that i had put the wrong container under the spout. I had taken the drink that the woman had been preparing for the other woman to the north. I realized my mistake, and i felt annoyed with myself. I apologized to the woman to the north. She had an oval face and dark skin. Her hair was tied back from her face, and she wore a puffy dark-magenta parka. She seemed disappointed. I told her that i would pay for the drink. She shook her head and held up her right hand, indicating that she did not want that to happen. She then started to move away to the east. I felt bad, and i told her that i would pay for it. She paused and moved back to the counter. The server stood to the south of me. I crouched down again and tried to attach the Coke bottle to the machine. The server moved closer to me as she tried to get the woman another cup of coffee. I suddenly noticed that the server was wearing a wool miniskirt. She did not have any stockings on her legs. I was very close to her, and i felt uncomfortable, thinking that she might feel uncomfortable with me near her like this. I fixed the bottle and started to move away.

$F71 was performing to the south of me somewhere. I could hear him setting up. I was sitting in one of the upper seats on the northeastern side of the theater. I felt interested in what he would be doing in the concert. The theater was a large room, and i seemed to be in the upper part of the balcony. The floor of the balcony was pale yellow, and it sloped away from the northern and eastern walls. An aisle ran from the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall down the crease where the two slopes met. I looked to the south, seeing several people sitting in chairs that were facing west. My chair was facing west. I realized that this was not a good seat, but i knew that i did not pay for it, so i was happy to be where i was. A large thick column was just to the southwest of me, blocking my view of the stage. I could still hear the music, though. To the west, a large booth or room extended from the northern wall, filling three or four rows of seats. The plaster walls of the booth were also painted dull yellow. I looked to the north, through the doors. I could see people sitting in chairs in a room to the north. They were part of the audience, but they had different seats. I realized that i knew some of them from the concerts i used to go to with $A682. I wondered if they knew $F71 or had just come to see him. $F71 started playing the guitar, and i listened to the music. It sounded nice. A woman was then standing to the northwest of me, in the aisle. She was directing people to sit farther to the south. I realized that she was an usher, and she was telling people that they could move into the empty seats near the front of the audience. I stood up and moved to the south, into the room. I was now in a long narrow rectangular room, which was the front part of the theater. $F71 was sitting on a short dull-yellow wooden stage on the western side of the southern end of the room. The seats in the room seemed informal. They were pushed against the eastern and western walls, with a few facing south and some facing west. I moved near the bottom of the audience to be close to $F71, but then i realized that he might be nervous with me so close. I moved back to the north a little, looking for a chair near the eastern wall. I started to sit in one of the chairs of a group of three or four chairs that was facing south, but i decided i should move back a little farther. I sat just behind the road, in the southernmost chair of a set that was against the wall, facing west. I thought about the fact that i would have to turn to see the show, but i did not think that this would be a problem. I listened to the song that $F71 was singing. His voice was very nice, and the song sounded attractive. Just after i sat down, he stopped singing. I thought that the song was over, but i could hear him sobbing. I did not look at him. I thought that i might make him more emotional if i looked at him. I listened for a moment, hoping that he would start another song. I hoped that he was not too upset. A man then approached me from the north. I remembered him from before. He was East Asian, with short dark hair and a thin mustache and beard along the bottom of his jaw. He had been attracted to me in the past. I hoped that he did not try to be sexual with me. He put his hand on my shoulder as he sat next to me. I thought that he was trying to cuddle with me. I told him that i was with $F71 at the moment, so i could not be with him. I was then aware that $F71 was standing to the south of me. The man stopped hugging me, but he still had his arm on my shoulder. I did not want $F71 to be upset, so i thought that i should push the other man away.

12018 November 27

I moved around the small room on the northern side of the building. The woman came from the south and told me “Places”. I was doing a play, and i realized that she was telling me to get ready to go on stage. I said “Thank you places.” as i walked to the south a little farther. I would have to get my things ready to go. The woman stopped a little way to the north of me and looked back at me. She seemed insistent. I wondered if she wanted me on the stage now. I told her that i had only been given places, so i would still have to wait until the play started before i went out. The stage seemed to be to the north, outside the door in the center of the northern wall. The woman seemed to be waiting on me, and i felt confused. I asked her what she thought i should be doing. I clarified that i was ready, but i would have to wait. $A200 was standing in front of the door to the north of me now. He seemed impatient as well. He was the director of the play. I then realized that i would need the script for the play. I had done this play a long time ago, but $A200 had asked me to perform it again as a reading. I had just started doing the play a few days ago, so i did not know all of the lines. I would have to take the book out with me. I asked $A200 where the script was. He had not given it to me yet. He seemed annoyed with me, and he scowled as he stormed out of the room to the north. I felt frustrated with him. He was going to start the play without me. I was not sure what to do. I thought that i could not go out without a script, so i would just have to wait for him to come back. I knew that he would be angry. I started looking for the script instead. A long rectangular table was in the northeastern section of the room, to the east of the door. It was covered with items, and i started looking through them for a book that had could be the script. I could not find it, and i was not sure what to do. I saw the small book, but it did not seem right for the script. I opened the door to the north. I was looking to the north across a small yard. A path led from the house, between two rows of vegetation, which seemed like they could have been on slopes rising from the wide grassy path. The path extended about fifteen to twenty meters to the north before opening up into a wider lawn. $A200 stood on the western side of the path, near a large rounded rock that was on the southern side of the path. I could see sunshine on the grass behind him, where several people wandered. He leaned forward, staring angrily at me. I was not sure what i could do, and i told him i needed a script. He yelled at me. I closed the door and went back to searching the table. $A200 was then in the room to the north of me. He seemed furious. I picked up the small book, thinking that it might be the script. The small book was only three of four centimeters song and about a centimeter wide. It was enclosed in plastic, but it seemed to be part of a script. It was not the script that i was looking for, but i thought that it might have the lines that i needed. I started to open it to the east of me. $A200 complained that i was opening it. The thin plastic case was hinged along one of the short edges. I pulled it apart and flipped through some of the pages, which now seemed larger. I realized that several things were stuck between the pages. I opened two of the pages, and a red leather lace uncoiled and fell into my hands. I remembered it from the last time that i did this play. It was a necklace. It had a pendant on the bottom. I had used it as one of the props. Several other props seemed to be between the pages of the small book. I would use these props again when i did the play now. I headed to the north and came into the yard of the old farm house. People were gathered around the area, but they were not yet seated and waiting for a production. I thought that i still had to set up all of the props for the play. I moved around the area, thinking that the audience was not yet paying attention, so it would not matter that we were still setting up the play. I headed to the west, thinking of where i should put the props. I then thought about the last time i had done this play. I looked to the north again. Most of the people were milling around to the west of the old farmhouse, but i remembered that we had performed the first part of the play to the north of the house last time. I walked around the northwestern corner of the house to look at the yard to the north. The center of the yard was raised, with rounded squat boulders poking out from under the grass. A white trellis seemed to be in the center of the mound. I remembered that we had lights here before, and i knew that we did not have theater lights this time. This would make it too dark to perform for this show. I decided that we would not use this part of the lawn for the performance this time. I then noticed the candles on the ground. They were large candles in small buckets. They were unlighted, but they could be lighted to show some of the stage. I decided that i did not want to bother doing the play in this area, and i walked back to the south, heading to the western side of the house. I started moving things around, but someone then mentioned using the northern part of the yard. I thought that $A200 wanted to use it for the show, so we would have to set up things there now. This show was not as well developed as the original, so it seemed strange to have such an elaborate production. This show would only be a reading, but i reluctantly decided to set up everything as the director wanted.

12018 November 28

I heard the sound of machinery start up as i walked to the west, across the second floor of my parents’ farmhouse. I was in the middle bedroom, and i noticed the trapdoor in the floor just to the north of me. The rectangular trapdoor was tan, a slightly different color than the wood flooring around it. Some heating system must have started up. I continued to the west, toward the middle bedroom, where my mother was standing, but i noticed the small door in the northern wall of the room. It led to the crawlspace under the roof to the north. I could see metal ductwork running to the north along the western wall of the lighted space beyond the door. As i started to pass into the next room, i felt worried that the cats would get into the crawlspace. I worried that they could get stuck there. I then caught a glimpse of a cat darting trough the small square door in the wall. It looked like a calico cat, and it jumped into a duct on the eastern side of my view of the room. Part of the metal duct had been bent open so that the duct could be accessed. I stopped in the doorway and backed up to look into the room. My father was standing on the western side of the room now, looking at the ducts under him. He had been working on the ducts. Some kind of machinery ran near his feet, just under the opening in the wall. I could see pipes and valves just above the edge of the door. I told my father that the cat had run into one of the duct to the east of him. I was not sure which one now. He looked around. Realizing what i had said, he cursed. At the same time, i heard the sound of a fan hitting something. I realized that the cat must have run into one of the ventilation fans. I hoped that the cat was not hurt. I could hear the blades of the fan hitting something, making a flapping noise as the fan continued to spin at a slower speed than before. I turned to the west. I was now at the bottom of the stairs, in the back room of the house. I was under the area where my father had been standing. The southern wall of a room ran to the west of me, and i realized that several small pools of blood were on the floor. I realized that the cat must have been hurt a lot more than i had realized. I felt suddenly upset. I sat down on the stairs and started to cry. I was then aware of my mother at the top of the stairs. I realized that i was making sobbing noises, and i thought that i would continue until she asked me what had happened.

I was in driver’s seat of the car, which was parked in the small gravel parking lot on the northern side of the road. The car was parked on the northern side of the lot, facing east. My parents wanted to go somewhere, so i left them in the lot. I would meet up with them later. I wanted to do something in the city. I backed the car to the south and turned to the west. I drove out of the lot to the south and turned west on the street. The street was in a city area, off of a main street. The large buildings around us had old cement outer walls with few windows. They seemed like old storage warehouses. The street sloped slightly downhill to the west. Just past an old building on the southern side of the street, the block was covered with grass. The area seemed like an empty lot. It was bordered on the west by a side street, and a tall white building was on the western side of the side street. I turned my bicycle to the south, heading onto the grassy lawn of the park. I stopped my bicycle as soon as i started to cross the grass, realizing that the grass was strewn with garbage. I had stepped on something bulbous and plastic with my right foot. I looked down at it, aware that a young man and young woman were sitting on the grass to the south of me. The young man was thin, with short dark hair and a sharp jawline. They were both facing west, with their arms on their knees, but the man leaned forward to look at what i was doing with the objects on the ground. I pushed the purple rubber thing out of the way to the east, and then looked at some of the other litter on the ground. Most of it seemed to be broken pieces of larger things, but some seemed to be scattered papers and wrappers. I started pedaling to the south again, thinking that i should leave the park. I had to avoid the people on the lawn, but there seemed to be so many of them. I had to be careful not to hit anyone. I turned to the west and headed for the street. I then hit something with my left foot. I looked down at the bulbous plastic object. It was about five centimeters across. One of the people in the park was watching me from the south. I told him that i was fixing the broken piece as i rolled it to the east with my foot. I then started moving again to the west. I had been following two other people as i exited the pub. They were running to the west. I thought that they were running on a pub crawl, and they were heading to the next pub. The building across the street to the west was a modern cement building with few windows. It had plain columns along the lower floor, and the runners ran though the columns and turned south, heading down the corridor behind the columns. I was on a bicycle, so i did not follow them onto the sidewalk and into the building, but i turned to the south and started riding parallel to them on the road. I was moving slowly, and they were getting ahead of me. I noticed pink and pastel-green chalk marks on some of the columns and on the sidewalk. The trail had been marked in chalk. Some of the marks seemed to be circles, and i knew that the runners were trying to figure out the trail. I then noticed a mark that seemed to have my name on it. I wondered if $A744 had set this trail. She would have known that i was on a bicycle and would have set a separate set of marks for me to go around areas that bicycles could not pass. I rode down the street, noticing marks on a column on a building to the south of me. The street seemed to end, and a grassy lawn was to the south of me. Across the lawn were two buildings. They were both modern and covered with pale cement. I was headed for the gap between the two buildings, noticing the pink chalk line drawn vertically on the round column at the northwestern corner of eastern building. As i passed through the buildings, in seemed to be after sunset. The sky was still illuminated, but it was getting dark. I could see a thin line of red along the southwestern sky. I had seen several runners heading to the southwest, down the sidewalk on the southern side of the road that ran southwest and curved to the west. I slowed to a walk, trying to figure out where the runners went. I felt that i had fallen behind. I walked long the sidewalk on the southeastern side of the road. A large parking structure was to the southeast of me. A low guardrail separated the sidewalk from the grassy slope, which descended from the sidewalk to the parking garage, which was about twenty meters away. The building was pale tan, and it had long rectangular openings in the outside wall. The openings had curved corners at the tops. I could see the smooth cement floor inside, with a few cars parked here and there. The light from inside had an orange hue to it. I said something to the person near me as i turned my attention back to the southwest. I knew that the others must have gone into the parking garage, but i could not see the marks on the ground. I wondered where the trail had gone. I hoped that i could easily find the others. As i came to the area where the road started to curve to the west, i could see that part of the sidewalk ran straight to the southwest, along the parking garage. The main road seemed to ascend slightly to the west now, but the sidewalk to the southwest did not rise in elevation. I followed the sidewalk, telling the other that they must have gone through the parking garage. I started to feel worried that it was getting dark and i would not be able to find the others. I was then heading up a ramp to the southwest, inside the northwestern edge of the parking garage. I rode my bicycle up, noticing some marks on the cement walls. As the ramp turned to the south, it became very narrow. Ahead of me, i could see the ramp go through an arched opening. It rose on the other side and curved to the west. I remembered the circular chamber on the other side of the archway from before. The ramp would rise and curve to the west to get to the next floor. As i reached the archway, though, i realized that i was too tall on my bicycle to ride under the archway. I was staring at the cement wall over the top of the archway now, not sure how to proceed. I worried that the others had gone far enough ahead of me that i would not be able to find them. I knew that marks in this place were set so that some people could run and others could ride bicycles, but i was not sure which i was on. A small opening was just above me, to the east. Through it, i could see the upper part of the ramp. I decided that i would have to carry my bicycle up the ramp. I started walking up the ramp, leaning to the east because i was carrying my bicycle to the west of me. The center of the circular stairwell seemed to be a cement funnel pointing downward. I felt cautious to the hole to the north of me as i followed the stairs around the southern side of the stairwell. I remembered being here before, but the hole in the center of the stairs seemed different. I stopped at the large door at the top of the stairs, noticing that it was now blocked by debris that had fallen from the ceiling. The wall to the south of the door seemed to be crumbling, and i could see the thick wooden beams sticking out from it. The beam looked like an eight-by-eight beam, and it was rotting on the end. This place seemed dangerous. I thought that it was probably crumbling. I would not be able to get through the door because the debris was piled near the bottom of it. I moved to the north, somehow going around the door and getting through the wall. On the other side was a small restaurant. I seemed to be on a terrace that looked out to the south. The wall to the east of me was tall, and a curved wall was to the northwest. A low retaining wall curved from the north to the west, ending to the southwest of me. It seemed to hold a small curved basin of water or dirt between it and the sloping tan wall. The wall was uneven, as if made to look like a sandstone cliff. Plants grew up the sides of it. Tables were set along the edge of the low wall, and people in dinner jackets and dresses were eating meals. This seemed to be a fancy place. A man at a black cast-iron round table sipped from a cup as he stared at me uncertainly. I felt a little uncomfortable here. I moved to the south, stopping at the railing at the edge of the balcony I thought that the trail must have gone over the edge. It seemed like a long way down, though. I did not want to jump over the railing while the people were watching me. I thought that they might be disturbed by the action. Several board-leafed plants seemed to grow along the edge of the balcony, and i pushed the fronds aside to see down. A large rock was just below the level of the floor on the other side of the balcony, but i could not see anything below it. I seemed to be on the second floor of the building, and i worried that it was a long way down from the rock. I did not have anywhere else to go, though, so i stepped over the balcony and onto the brown rock. I stood near the wall, realizing that the rock was unbalanced. The rock was not really a rock. It seemed to be made of a heavyweight plastic. It had several segments, and i decided that it was designed to look like a large leaf or frond. I wondered how i could get down to the ground. I then remembered that the others must have come this way. I stepped out toward the edge of the frond, and i could feel the branch sinking under my weight. I realized that it would descend slowly toward the ground, allowing me to jump off from a low distance. The others must have come this way as well. As the large brown object descended, i realized that it really looked like an open hand with the palm up. As it neared the ground, i jumped to the west and landed on the green grass. I was aware that people from the restaurant would be mad at me for going through the dining area and jumping over the railing. I thought that they would b e after me, so i hurried to the south, across the large grassy lawn. I would have to find the rest of the trail and leave this area. I then noticed two large modern buildings to the south of me, across the lawn. I noticed a chalk mark on the western end of the northern side of the eastern building. I ran toward it, hoping that i could catch up with the others. I felt nervous. It was very dark out now, and it was getting harder to see the marks on the ground.

I told my parents that i was going to the CD store, and i drove my car to the east, through the streets of the city. I seemed to be in Endicott. I would have to find a place to park. I crossed an intersection and noticed an open space on the southern side of the road. No other cars were parked here, and i thought that i might be able to park. A large building seemed to be to the east of me, and the street ahead curved to the northeast to meet up with a street that would run along the northern side of the pale building. The lot to the south of me seemed small and empty, its ground covered with grass. A short long building was on the northern side of the street. I seemed to be close to Washington Avenue, but it was still several streets to the east of me. I slowed down on the southern side of the road, thinking that i would park here and walk, even though it seemed a long way to walk. I opened my door and stepped out of the car. I then noticed the no-parking sign on the southern side of the street to the east of me. It was white with red letters. I looked to the west, noticing a car approaching. I got back into my car and looked in my rearview mirror, seeing a car just behind me. I continued driving down the road to the east. The tall city buildings now seemed to be all around me. I came to an intersection with a north-to-south street and stopped. I had just missed the green light and would have to wait at the red light for a little while. I looked ahead down the long street. It seemed to run more east-northeast that i thought it would have. I wondered if it ran all the way to Washington Avenue. I then thought that it probably ran to North Street, which seemed to be only a block or two to the north of me. I then remembered that the CD store was to the northwest, on the eastern side of the business district. It would be beyond Washington Avenue. I would not want to park on this side of the town center anyway because i would have to walk across the commercial district. I looked at the street sign of the street that crossed the intersection in front of me. The green sign had white letters, and it was mounted on a pole on the southwestern corner of the intersection. The name of the street was Endicott Street. I had not heard of this street before, but it seemed appropriate that it was here. When the light turned green, i drove across the street heading east. The street ahead seemed very narrow, and a large parking garage seemed to be on the northern side of the street. I decided that i wanted to cross Washington Avenue and park closer to the record store. I continued driving, now driving down a corridor. The walls and ceiling were off-white and had no features. The walls seemed smooth and newly washed. I thought that i must be within one of the IBM buildings. I followed the corridor as it turned to the south. Another car had come from the south and passed me just before the turn. I looked down the long corridor ahead of me, not entirely sure where i was headed.

I was talking to the other person in the room, but i felt as though i had to do something. I felt anxious as i moved around the western side of the room. Donald Trump was to the east of me. He walked with his shoulders hunched, moving to the south but remaining to the east of me. He had a nasal spray, and he put it in his nose and inhaled. I thought that he was unaware that the nasal spray actually had THC in it. This seemed strange, and i wondered if he would notice. I felt humored, imagining that he would be panicked because he had not realized what he had done, but i felt that he had made the mistake through his own stupidity. I walked to the south, trying not to think about the situation. The others seemed to stay in the room to the north. People were moving around in the open space that i was now in. I was moving to the south from the northwestern corner of the area. The room was open, with low piles of things around the walls. The piles ran in a curve around the southern wall, but there was a break where an entryway seemed to be in the eastern wall. Some kind of structure, like a set of stairs, filled the northeastern section of the room, just to the north of the entrance in the eastern wall. Two women then came into the room from the northeast. They were dressed entirely in white, and they had long hair. They seemed worried. I knew that they were the main characters in this anime story. They were trying to escape, but they had become surrounded in this room. The people in the room now formed a loose circle around the center of the room. They all faced the women. A third woman then came in from the east. She seemed out of place in the story. I did not recognize who she was, and she seemed threatening. I thought that she would try to fight with the two women. I then realized that she was standing in the center of the room with the other two women, and all three of them were surround by the others. I watched as the people started moving. I was to the west of the movement. All of the people lurched to the south in a sudden movement. They stopped, leaning to the south, but then swayed slowly upright. They then jerked back to the north. This happened a few times, and i thought that this was like a dance. The two sides of the room were actually attaching each other. All of the people were leaning first to the north and then to the south as the attacks exchanged sides. It seemed more symbolic of an attack than a physical attack. The people all seemed to be colored in shades of gray. The colors of the room then changed, and something seemed orange. I looked to the south, noticing the three women kneeling in the center of the arch of people who were fighting from the southern side of the room. The action in the room seemed to have frozen, but one of the women stumbled backward a few steps. She was glowing with a white light, and she started floating. Something was happening to her. She started to float to the south, away from the others. I heard a voice from the woman saying that she could not breath. I felt concern for her, thinking that she was in danger. I was watching a part of her spirit moving, and worried that she was dying.

12018 November 29

I sat on the eastern side of the office as $A407 and $A745 entered the room from the west. The room was small and crowded, and it seemed like an office in Olin Library. The two men were unhappy, and they seemed argumentative. $A407 complained about something that i had done, and he seemed to imply that i was at fault for something. I talked to $A745, who seemed to have asked a question. The questions seemed vague, and i answered it in an indirect way. $A407 complained about the answer. I ignored $A407 and spoke directly to $A745, saying that he would need to clarify the question before i could give a more specific answer. I felt that i was not really sure what he was asking. $A407 stood on the southern side of the room, watching us. I felt angry with both of them for being so confrontational. I felt annoyed and started gathering things together in the office. I thought that i would take them with me when i left. I stacked up several boxes on the southern side of the room. $A407 was no longer in the room. The office now seemed to be more open to the west, and $A407 seemed to be on the southern side of the office, where a corridor ran toward the room i was in. I thought that he might object to me taking the boxes home with me, but i did not really care. I started to restack the boxes, fitting them together so that they were more compact. I then picked up the other thing and headed out of the office. I thought about $A396, who seemed to be to the southwest in the office somewhere. I walked out of the stone building, which seemed like Uris Library, and i headed down the asphalt walkway to the north. I hurried to the next building to the north, trying to get away from the people in the office before they had time to object to me leaving. The next building was a stone building with a rounded southeastern corner. I walked along the eastern side of it a few meters before i came to an archway in the building. I turned west and headed down the steep stairs that ran into the building. The narrow corridor on the other side of the archway seemed to curve slightly to the west-northwest near the bottom. Just as i entered the darkness of the corridor, i realized that a lion was lying across the stairs in front of me. I felt suddenly scared, and i hesitated for a moment before i moved over the top of the lion, careful to stay out of its way. I hurried down the rest of the stairs before the lion could follow. It seemed restless and stood up. I quickly opened a door in the stone wall to the south, at the bottom of the stairs. Other people were in the small square office with the high ceiling. This place seemed like a press office. I hurriedly told the others about the lion, and they acknowledged casually, as though they had known and the lion had been more of a nuisance than a threat. I felt happy to be here, and i showed the others the things that i had brought with me. I chatted for a moment, but then left the room and headed back out into the stairwell. Looking up the stairs, i noticed a man and his son starting down the stairs. They stopped suddenly when they realized that the lion was there. I flew up the stairs, over the top of the lion. I commented to the man as i passed out of the building. I flew to the north and passed around the northern end of the building. To the west was a large grassy slope that descended from the campus. I flew low over the grass toward a large stone building at the bottom. It was also part of the college campus. I flew to the western end of the building. I remembered entering the building from another exit to the south before, but i had to come in the rear exit now. I black framed glass door was in the western end of the northern wall of the building. I landed near the door and walked toward it. I was aware of a woman standing just to the south of the entrance. She seemed to be a security guard. I knew that she would not stop me if i acted confidently, pretending that i belonged here. I nodded to her as i pulled open the door and entered. A wide set of stone steps descended to the large open room below. The lower room of the library seemed to fill the entire space of the basement of the building. I knew that i had come in from a door in the western end of the southern wall the last time. I jumped over the stone railing at the top of the stairs and floated over the floor. I thought that the jump would startle the woman who had been guarding the door, but i felt good about flying here. I swooped down to the east of the stairs, which descended to the south and ended about halfway across the room. I glided to the east, noticing a service desk along the southern wall. A woman stood behind the southern end of the counter. I knew her from before, and i felt good about her. I landed in front of her and greeted her. She called my name as i approached and chatted with me for a moment. The woman then held out her left hand, showing me an orange bracelet that she held in her fingers. It was a plastic woven bracelet, with dark blue or black threads along the edges in angled dashes. I took the bracelet and told her that it looked nice. She was giving it to me, and i felt happy about it. I then left the building, heading west. I was now at the top of a sloped lawn that descended to the west. A parking area was just to the west of me, bordering the northern side of a roadway, which ran north to south across the top of the hill. A low modern building was to the west of me. I stared flying, heading toward the northern end of the building. The building seemed to be faced with dark bricks, and it had a flat overhanding roof that was trimmed with black metal. Tall trees seemed to be growing to the north and south of the parking area. I started flying to the west. Several small trees were in front of the short building. I then noticed the deer in the lot in front of me. I slowed as i headed toward them, thinking that i might startle them. I was aware of a man walking from the south, toward the deer. The man seemed to be on a path to the south of the road, but the deer were on the grass just off the road. The southernmost dear was chewing on the leafless branches of the small tree between the path and the drive. The middle deer turned and looked at me as i slowly approached. I thought that it would be afraid of humans, but it seemed more curious. It had a gray furry coat and a rounded nose like a horse. It moved toward me, and i was aware that it had small horns that looked like moose horns. I flew above it, and it lifted its nose to smell me. I thought that it was looking for food. I reached out carefully to pet its nose as i passed over, but it pulled back, and i could not reach it. I then looked at the man who had been walking on the path. He was walking two large dogs. They barked at me and seemed aggressive. I flew higher so that i would be above them, even though i was only about three meters off the ground. The man said something to me about the dogs, but i tried to ignore them, because they were being angry. I flew down the slope, over a patch of trees. I then turned to the south. A road ran to the south, descending the slope of the hill. I knew that it ran downtown, and i started following it. I spread my hands wide, but i felt something pulling at my right hand. I looked at my hand, realizing that the large silver ring that the woman had given me was catching the wind as i flew. It seemed to throw off my balance. I stretched out my arms again, trying to control my flight, but i could still feel the wind catching on the edge of the ring. I thought that i should be careful that i don’t lose it. I adjusted in on my finger and put my hands out to control my flight. I had to be careful of the ring, so i tried to adjust my hands so that the ring would not catch the wind as much yet so that i could still control my velocity and direction. I could feel myself trying to balance.

12018 November 30

I drove back to the dirt parking area on the northern side of the street, which seemed to be in a residential area. We seemed to be near North Campus. I turned into the parking area. I had come here to pick up something that we had left. A construction crew was working on something in the lot. A large yellow backhoe seemed to be near the northern side of the lot, and i stack of supplies was in the middle of the eastern side. A man was standing to the north of the stack. He saw me looking for things by the tall chain-link fence that ran along the northern side of the lot. I told him that we were just grabbing some things that we had left here, and i asked him if he had seen something. I picked up a bag that was on the ground just to the east of a pale-green portable toilet booth. $F57 then arrived. I said hello to him. I felt that his presence complicated matters, but i asked him if we had everything from this area. He said we did, so i cleaned up our things and headed to the east, traveling back down the street. I was then traveling to the west on the road again, approaching the parking lot. I had to go east, so i thought that i would have to turn around in the parking area. As i approached the entrance, i noticed a young child sitting on a bench near the eastern side of the northern edge of the lot. The lot now seemed to have two tiers, with a higher level beyond a mound of grass, to the north of the front part of the lot. The boy was sitting on a bench on the southern side of one of the mounds. People were gathered to the north, doing something, but the child had his knees up to his chin, and he seemed very upset. I felt annoyed. I did not want to have to take care of the child. I pulled into the lot to the west of the child. The child was a boy, and he seemed very thin. He wore a loose long-sleeve gray shirt. I felt bad for the boy, and i thought that i should help him out. I started to approach him, but a priest in a black robe appeared behind the boy. He stood over the boy, looking down at him. The child was uncomfortable near the priest. A woman was then standing to the west of the priest. She wore a plain brown dress. The priest spoke commandingly to the boy, but something seemed wrong with this scene. The priest seemed to be trying to take advantage of the boy. He then talked about playing secretary. I felt uncomfortable here, and i thought that the priest was a pedophile. I was then moving to the east again on the road. I was riding my bicycle now. A woman was riding a bicycle with me, just to the northeast of me. I thought that i could not do anything about the boy, and it seemed strange that nothing had been resolved. I said something to the young woman. I felt disgusted by the scene i had just left. The woman wore tight-fitting blue jeans and had a gray denim jacket. He had dark skin, and her long brown hair was coiled in frizzy locks that hung over her shoulders. I told her that i would have to head back to the place. I knew that it was to the west, but i would have to turn around ahead. We turned to the south on a short street. The street seemed to enter a commercial area. The road was under a cement structure, and it ended on a road that also seemed to run under the structure. A large plain ashen building was to the south. The entrance seemed to be to the south east of the intersection. The building seemed to be a theater or casino. Just after we made our first turn, the woman stayed to the inside of the lane we were in. She would be turning to the east with the car traffic. I would have to turn to the west to head back to the area. This area seemed touristy, like a shopping district. It also seemed to have more affluent people. The road under the structure was dimly lighted as i headed to the west.