12020 November 03

I was facing north and looking at the diagram that was to the northwest of me, as if it were in my left hand. The diagram showed several thick parallel lines. The lines seemed to be layers of thin hazy white bars that were floating in the air. They seemed to curve and join into a single line on the left side of the diagram, but it was the layers on the right that seemed important. The layers represented ideas or impulses that had been separated into the layers. They would affect what humans do as they get used. I tipped my hand and the layered bars tipped back slightly, showing that the bars were colored in a spectrum, with blue at the bottom, red in the middle, and yellow fading to white at the top. The colors had to be matched in the layers. This was how they should be organized. I thought that it was the safest way to store them. I was aware that i was now standing to the east of an intersection, on the northern side of a street. The land around me had many trees and seemed to slope up to the north and south. This place was familiar and seemed to be in Albany. I turned to the west, looking at the diagram, thinking that the power in the layers would affect the person who tries to use it. It seemed dangerous to have, and i felt wary of it. However, i thought that the layers could me made into an oscillating pattern that would be safer. I imagined the pattern supported on a thin round stick. I looked at someone’s hand to the northwest of me. It was holding a stick to the east, and an egg-shaped blur of the oscillating pattern was on the end of the stick. The oscillation formed a pattern of fine lines within the oval blur.

I wandered to the west, along the southern side of the large area, which seemed like some kind of stadium. An event was about to happen here, and people were just starting to gather to the north and northeast of me. I seemed distracted and was trying to think of something. This place reminded me of Albany. I seemed to be somewhere on Hackett Boulevard, just to the north of the Albany Medical Center campus. I was on the hill to the north of the road, and a similar steep slope rose to the south of the road. I could hear sirens to the south of me, and i thought something was happening in the neighborhood that was on the southern hill. I had stopped walking to the west and was now near the southwestern corner of the area. I felt concerned about the sirens, and i glanced across the narrow valley. I thought i could see flashing red lights between the leafless trees and houses on the western hill, but i was not sure that i could actually see anything. I thought that the sirens were moving to the north. I knew that a road crossed the boulevard just to the southwest of me. I talked to the other person in the area with me. He stood to the northwest of me, and i spoke of the situation to the south and how it concerned me. I thought that we should go to see what was wrong. I then realized that some construction equipment was to the west or southwest of us. I could hear the sounds of chainsaws cutting something to the west. I wondered if they were rescue workers. I continued talking to the person as i walked to the southwest. I reached the road, and i could see the intersection down a slight hill to the west of me. It seemed like the intersection of Hackett Boulevard and Academy Road. The road came in from the north, traveling down a narrow gap in the hill to the north. A small ravine of a creek or stream seemed to be just to the west of the road to the north, and the workers were doing something in the ravine. I could only see the heads and upper bodies of a few of them. They were wearing reflective vests with vertical orange stripes. I headed toward the intersection, noticing that the workers were cutting and grinding trees in the ditch to the west of Academy Road. I wondered what i should do. As i reached the intersection, i seemed to be in the southwestern part of a large area, which had walls that seemed to be the grassy slope to the west of the ditch and the road to the south. My father was sitting on a box to the north of me in the room. I sat down to the south of him on the low saddle, which seemed to be set on a low box. I watched the construction for a moment as i chatted with my father. I then thought that we should be doing something here. I looked around at the room that we were in. It had fancy off-white woodwork on the walls, formed by rounded molding with flowery cravings near the tops of the vertical columns. Arched details ran between the tops of the columns. We were sitting in the southeastern corner of the room. The room had low ceilings, and it was very large. It was empty, and debris was strewn around the floor from the construction work. No one was in the room at the moment but us. I remembered this room from a long time ago. I thought that people could get to this room from $P7 somehow. I thought that we could get here from $P7 through an underground corridor from $P7, which seemed to be up the hill to the northeast of us, but i did not remember tunnels from $P7. I looked around the room, thinking that it was like an old formal ballroom. People were still doing some work on the southwestern side of the room. I walked to the west, focusing on them. They were talking about birds. A man was standing, facing north. He held something in his right hand, and it seemed to be a bird, but it was oscillating so fast that it formed a blurry sphere near the man’s hand. The birds were fluttering around in small circles. The bird stopped for a moment but then continued buzzing, turning into a blurry egg-shaped haze. The man was now holding out a small wooden stick to the northwest of him, and the bird was on the end of the stick. The vibrating blur held its egg shape, but thin blue brachiated spines arched out from the center of the oval. The fine lines were jagged on the edges, looking like some kind of plant or coral. The spines then retracted to the center of the blur, and a separate pattern of spines reached out from the center of the egg. The patterns were interesting and attractive. I watched the blue spines reach out more slowly this time and form a star-burst pattern in three dimensions within the egg-shaped blur. I told the man that the pattern was beautiful. I admired the patters that were created by the birds, and i knew that the oscillations and the patters had some significance that i should have reverence for.

12020 November 06

I traveled to the east, down the narrow alley in the city. We were trying to do something. I then turned to the northwest and entered the small room, which was where the reception desk of the hotel was. The desk was to the north of us, and a man was standing behind the desk. He seemed to be a cartoon now, and the entire scene looked like it was drawn in the style of South Park. The man was talking to me, and he said something about the election. He made a comment about the man running for office, and i thought that it was a funny critique. I tried to remember the term that he used. The woman to the southwest of me then said something. I turned around and looked at the door to the south of us. We were in the hotel room, and the door in the center of the southern wall led outside. The woman was standing in front of the door, looking out the window of the door. I was to the northeast of the door, and i looked out the window that was in the wall to the east of the door. An animal was crawling toward the house. It had colorings like a raccoon, but it seemed larger and walked low to the ground, like a lizard. I told the woman not to open the door. The animal walked up to the house, sniffing something under the window. The woman then opened the door to see the animal, and it walked in and headed north. I felt annoyed. As the animal passed to the east of me, i thought that it looked like a dog, with a short face and curly gray hair. I told the woman that she should not have let the animal in, and i walked to the north to grab the dog. The dog had walked into the small bathroom to the north. I walked into the doorway of the bathroom. The dog was standing to the east of me, facing north. It glanced at me out of the corner of its eye. It did not seem happy that i was trying to grab it. The dog had a rope around its neck, so i grabbed the neck. The dog seemed angry, and i thought that i would have to turn the rope to tighten it and turn the dog’s head away from me so that it did not bite me. I felt angry with the dog and wanted it out of the house.

I had been running with $G4, and we had been running to the south, down the western sidewalk of the city street. $F57 had stopped in the middle of a block, and he was serving drinks to the other runners. I knew that a bunch of runners had continued to the south, but i was not sure that we were supposed to run in that direction. $F57 said that we should finish our drinks, and he handed me a shot glass with a clear heavy liquid in it. I did not want to drink any more alcohol, because i knew that i would be driving later. I held the glass in my right hand, not quite sure what to do. The liquid seemed like beer, but i knew that it was not. $F57 wanted us to continued, but i knew that the road ran up a steep hill to the south, just past the intersection. It seemed like a long way to go. $F57 then said that we would have to get to a place that was “under the GPS”. I knew that he was referring to a tall radio tower that was on the hill to the south. The tower was off to the east of the road, though, and the other runners had run up the steep hill. I thought that they must have followed a false trail. They should have hit a dead-end and would have to come back to head on the correct trail. I drank what was in my glass and started walking to the south. I decided that i would walk for a bit. I then heard some other $G4 coming back down the hill from the south. I looked to the south to see a large group of people descending the hill and starting toward us on the city block. A woman was with the group to the south. She was wearing a pale green dress that came down to her mid thighs. She was scowling and seemed angry. I thought that this was strange. She ran intently past me, her face tense with anger. After she passed, i turned around to see why she was angry. She jumped another woman who had been at the stop with us, and they started fighting. I felt concerned, wondering why the two women were fighting.

$A606 was driving the car to the west, and i was sitting to the north of him, asking him about something. We were traveling through the city area. I felt that he was driving very fast, and i felt a little nervous. The car turned a little to the southwest and headed slightly down hill as we reached the end of the street. The city around us seemed brown. $A606 was talking about driving, and he mentioned “Boston suicide”. I felt uneasy with the term, but i knew that it did not refer to an actual suicide. He was referring to someone who drove recklessly. I thought that $A606 should specify this so that others did not think that he was talking about someone killing themselves. We then seemed to turn onto a street that ran to the northwest. I continued talking to the man as we moved. He was then sitting to the north of me. I stopped to the south of him and said something. He looked up at me as he spoke. He was $A419, and he had curly brown hair and wore a blue tank top. His cheekbones seemed square, with shadows under his cheek bones, and his body seemed oddly small and thin. I noticed that he still had nice musculature on his shoulders, though. I chatted with him, thinking that he looked nice. We were on the northern side of a room, and others were gathering to the southwest of us. I knew that the others were $G4, and they were getting ready for a run. I mentioned the run to $A419, wondering if he would be interested in running with us. A woman then came from the east. I felt uncomfortable with her presence, and i thought that we would have to stop talking about what we were talking about, because we did not want her to hear us. I felt uneasy with her here.

12020 November 07

I walked to the south, across the western end of the long rectangular yard. Others were gathered here and there for the music festival. I was working for the festival, and i was trying to manage something that was happening. I spoke to the person walking to the east of me. As i reached the southern side of the field, i walked around the front of the train engine, which was standing on a set of rails in the middle of the field. The engine was rounded, but it seemed like a modern diesel engine. The engine seemed to be about two meters wide and about five or six meters long. The man stood on the southern side of the engine, near the eastern end of the vehicle. He wanted to move the engine, but i knew that we would not be able to do this. The man started the engine forward anyway. I felt annoyed with him, and i backed to the south to get out of the way. The heavy metal wheels of the train dropped off of the short sections of rails that had supported them, and the train started moving slowly to the west. I was surprised that the metal wheels did not sink into dirt of the field. I then wondered how the wheels near the back of the train would roll over the short support platforms that the front wheels had been on top of. The man drove the train to the west, and i knew that he was going to try to drive the train downtown. I felt annoyed, and i walked back to the north to get something. I decided that i could not do anything to prevent the man from taking the train. I knew that he would run into problems in the streets. The police would probably try to arrest him for driving the large train on the roads. I decided to let the police deal with the man. As i approached the northern side of the open field, i could still hear the low rumble of the engine to the southwest of me. I started down a set of steps that descended the steep hill on the northern side of the filed. Others were coming up the steps, and i said hello to them. A large white house was to the west of the steps, and it seemed to have been converted into a restaurant or pub. People were sitting at tables on a stone terrace to the north of the building on the lower level. I had to get something. The woman and another person started talking to me as i got something and made my way back up the stairs. I remembered that i had left my white sneakers on the turn in the stairs, which was just to the south of me now. The stairs ascended to the south of me a few steps before ending at a square landing. A square frame of wood beams that had been filled in with small rocks formed the landing. The stairs then ascended to the east, continuing up the hill. I realized that i could still hear the rumbling of the train engine. I pictured the intersection to the southwest of where we were. The train probably followed the road that was to the south of the field. The road passed between some buildings, reminding me of Maple Avenue or the end of University at Stewart. I thought that the train would have to turn to the south and head down the hill, but i knew that it was too long to make the turn. It would get stuck in the intersection. I imagined that it was stuck there now, which was why the police would be coming. The police would then discover that the man had tried to drive a train down the street. At the top of the hill, i walked to the east. I was walking along the northern wall of the large room. People were still gathered in the eastern end of the room. I had to head out the door, which was in the eastern end of the southern wall. I stopped to put my shoes on in the middle of the eastern end of the room. Two young men walked up to me from the northwest. They smiled and said hello to me as they made their way to the east, heading into the next room where most of the people were gathered. I smiled back and replied, feeling good to see them. I then realized that they were not wearing their masks and that i did not have a mask on either. I tried to back away from them as they responded to me. They then walked off to the east. I felt uncomfortable in this room, realizing that no one was wearing a mask. I made my way to the door to the south of me, trying to get out of the building. I still had to go to the south to do something for the festival.

12020 November 08

I had been staying in the building, which was where $G3 lived. I moved to the south, down the center of the large room. I had been sleeping in this room with several other people It felt good here, and i had to do something to the south. It seemed that something was going on, and i had to get ready. I talked to several people as i moved through the building. I was then in a smaller room, facing north. I was doing something against the northern wall. My parents were with me in the room. I seemed to be doing something in a small alcove in the northern wall. My father was standing outside the alcove, just to the east of the opening, and my mother was sitting on the southern side of a small square wooden table that was against the wall, just to the west of the opening of the alcove. I said something about my college degree. My mother then mentioned teaching, and i replied by saying something about high-school teachers. I then turned to my mother and told her that i had almost been a teacher. I asked her if she remembered that i had gone to college in $P213 for a teaching degree. She seemed sad, saying that she wished she had not done something with financing. She thought that money had something to do with why i did not continue the degree. I moved toward the table that she was sitting at, and told her that i had left because of the admissions office. I asked her if she remembered that the man had asked me to retake many of the college courses that i had already taken. I told her that the man said i should retake Physics 101, and i said i had cursed at the man, using the word “fuck”. I felt amused by this, but i wondered if i should be talking about it. I moved to the east, thinking that i should leave the building; i had somewhere to be. I headed down the narrow corridor between the two plexiglas walls, which were held in aluminium frames. The corridor was on the northern side of a building. I descended the stairs as i headed to the east, talking to the other person. I opened a door at the bottom of the stairs, and someone was coming in. I backed up a little to let the person come into the stairwell. The door led into a small breezeway, which was a small cubical booth. I started into the booth, but people were coming in from the other direction. I moved to the northern wall as the people squeezed past. It seemed strange that so many people were coming into the breezeway. The people seemed to be stuck as they tried to squeeze past each other. I could feel the pressure of the people pushing against me, and i felt annoyed that we could not easily move. I thought that i would have to wait until the people pushed their way past each other in the booth before i headed out to the east.

12020 November 09

The man stood to the northwest of me, and we were talking about the specific species of animal. He had found a reference in a book to something i was been talking about earlier. I glanced down at the book, which was to the west of me on a table. I could see a paragraph in the center of the page that was highlighted in yellow. I remembered talking about the species earlier. The man explained something about he species as i noticed the large metal brackets that seemed to be standing to the north and northwest of me. The brackets seemed very large, standing about three meters tall, but they also seemed to be only a deci high in front of me. They were crudely made, with rolling bumps on the surface. The braces seemed to form a Y, with the open end on the top formed by five flat sides, like the lower half of an octagon. The two vertical sides were taller than the other three. Just below the open top, a roughly square shape was formed. The outside corners of the box stuck out from the center of the lower post. I looked at the outer corner of one of the braces, noting that the posts that formed this brace were all square in cross-section. The lower stem was thick but tapered near the bottom. I looked more closely at the surface, which seemed to be formed by several layers of metal that had been deposited over each other in molten scales. As the man spoke, i knew that the animal, which seemed to be some kind of lizard, had created the braces. The slow deposit of minerals on the surface caused the strange surface texture by the body of the animal. A scientist should be able to tell that the metal was formed in a slow layering process and not molded, as it would have been if it were human made. This construction seemed very special, and i imagined the small braces in a slightly curved line in a desert landscape. The braces ran from northwest to east across the tan sand, curving to the south of a cluster of rough bedrock. I wondered if the animals used the braces to trap other animals. The man was still talking about the animals. I looked at him to the northwest of me. He was sitting with several other people. He seemed to be at the western end of the northern side of the table, and a person was sitting to the east of him and few more to the southwest, on the western side of the table. A small square caged of metal was over the table. The metal of the cage seemed to be the same as the metal of the braces, and the cage was about a deci wide and about three-quarters of a deci tall. It seemed to be more than a deci long east to west. I could not see the western end of the cage, but it seemed to be supported by one of the braces. As the man talked, a squat lizard, which looked somewhat like a bearded dragon, walked into the cage. It seemed to have yellow markings on its underside that formed diagonal bands extending from its midsection. As i watched, a second lizard crawled into the cage, climbing on the back of the first one. I thought that this cage design was intended for mating. It was strange that the animals would have developed this type of structure, but i was fascinated by what they could do.

I was on the western side of the area, and the others were in the open rectangular space to the east of me. I seemed to be in the back yard of our apartment house on Nanticoke. The tall old building was to the northeast of me, on the northeastern corner of the lot. I referred to it as i spoke to someone to the southeast of me. I then started moving to the east. I thought that i could walk through the apartment house, just to see what it was like now. I then noticed several people around me in nice clothing. A woman was wearing a formal gown to the east of me. As she walked toward me, i noticed that her face was very manly, and i thought that he was actually just wearing the nice dress as a joke. He had a blond wig, and he reminded me of a Monty Python character. He passed to the south of me. Several other people were dressed rather formally, and i thought that an event must have been happening. I looked to the south. The southern wall of the room had a few doors in it, and a man with a dinner jacket opened the door on the western side of the wall and walked in with a few other people in nice clothing. I was interested in the way the people were dressed, but i thought that i should not really be here. I was just passing through the area, and i did not want to interrupt their event. I kept walking to the east, thinking that someone in the room to the south must be getting married. I then noticed a woman standing near the eastern side of the southern wall. She had just come out the eastern door, and she stopped, facing north. She seemed overwhelmed but happy as she brushed the hair out of her face with her right hand to try to regain her composure. A man paced to the east of her, looking at some of the other people around them. She wore a simple pale-green gown, which reminded me of a sixties style. She seemed very attractive. I turned my attention back to the east, thinking again about walking through the apartment. A man was then to the southeast of me. He asked me why i was here, and he seemed very bitter toward me. I was surprised that he would be upset by me, and i was annoyed by his bitterness. I did not want to engage him, so i turned to the south and headed through the kitchen area. I had to get some things here.

12020 November 10

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as my father drove roughly to the northeast, toward the city. My mother was in the back seat, on the driver’s side of the car. We had been staying someplace to the south of the city, and my parents were driving me to the city for something that i had to do. This place seemed like Canada, and i was supposed to visit a college here to see if i liked it. I was not quite sure where the college was, though. I remembered seeing the campus as i rode into the city on a train before, but i was not quite sure where in the city that it was. I was not very familiar with this place, and i tried to remember if the train station was in the middle of the downtown area or near the edge of the city. We crossed a wide river and entered the city, which bordered the northern side of the river. I felt anxious, trying to figure out where we should go so that i could tell my father where to drive. A main street curved along the edge of the river to the east of us. It had some large old buildings that seemed to be surfaced with stone blocks. My father crossed the street and headed down a street that curved to the northeast. I wanted to tell him to stop so that i could figure out where we were going first. I felt that i could not catch up. I told my father not to go to far into the city, because the university might be near the southern edge. I looked over the map that was in my lap. It seemed rather large, and i could not see anything that was labeled as the university, but there were so many labels. I then decided to look for the train tracks that came into the city. I knew that they came in from the east. I noticed that the river curved to the northeast after it passed the downtown section of the city. It then had a narrow curve that turned it back to the southeast. The city seemed to end at the top of the curve, and i could see the red line of the train track passing from the east along the northern edge of the curve and into the city. I followed the red link as it curved to the south, staying along the shore of the river. The river seemed to open up into a lake to the south and southeast of the city. Just before the train track turned back to the west on the southeastern side of the city, i noticed a large open area with buildings in a regular pattern. It looked like a college campus. The dark-green serif-text label over it, however, said that it was the community college of the area. The name seemed long and was broken into four or five lines. This was not the correct college campus. I had to find the university. I tried to follow the train line farther to the west, but i realized that i was suddenly looking at a map of the western part of the United States. I had flipped a section of the map over the area that showed the city. I flipped the paper back to the west to look at the city, but i could not immediately find the map of the city that i had been looking at. I felt frustrated. I caught a glimpse of it at one point, but lost it again and was looking at the states and provinces around the boarder in the center of the United States and Canada. I told my father not to drive too far, adding that we might have to turn around and head east along the river. I then realized that i could simply search for the college on my phone and use GPS to find it. I looked up. We were now traveling to the west. I reached to my left pocket for my phone, but i realized that it might be in my black backpack. I grabbed the backpack from behind me with my left hand. I then realized that i had not packed the things that i would need for the college in my bag. I felt suddenly upset. I had forgotten my books and notebooks. I told my parents this, realizing that it would take a lot of time to drive all the way back to the place that we were staying. I felt hopeless, thinking that i had messed up my college visit. I looked through the black backpack, which i had unzipped and opened in my lap. The round lower part of the bag was on my lap, and the thin lid was folded out to the south. A white roll of something like toilet paper was in the southern side of the bag, and several metallic things were around the bottom of the bag. I was very upset that i had forgotten my books.

I stood up and said something to the people to the north of me. We were in a restaurant, and the others were still sitting around the long wooden rectangular table. I was facing north, toward the western end of the table, but i had to leave. I kept closing my eyes, though, thinking that i was supposed to walk with my eyes closed. Someone at the table said that i would not be able to see where i was going, but i knew that i would not be walking with my eyes entirely shut. I thought that the others wanted me to stay for something, but i knew that i had to go. A stairway led down to the east in the center of the floor to the south of me. Short thick walls surrounded the stairway. I would have to be careful starting down the stairs. One of the men from the table told me to be careful of the stairs, saying that i would not be able to descend them with my eyes closed. I told him that it would be easy. I had my right hand resting on the western end of the wooden wall that ran along the northern side of the opening for the stairs. I glanced at the wood as i turned back toward the stairs. The polished wood surface seemed now, and the wood was beveled so that it formed a shallow peak on the western vertical surface. The top of the peak was beveled into a triangle so that the wood flowed into the surrounding wall. I closed my eyes as i put my foot on the top step. I could feel the stairs under me, and i started down them, feeling each step. I knew the spacing of the steps, so it was easy to descend. I then realized that i had descended rather quickly. I wondered if the man would notice. A glass door seemed to be in the northern wall at the bottom of the stairwell, and i walked outside through it. I was now on the western side of a street, heading to the north. I had my eyes closed most of the time, but i peeked at the surroundings as i moved. The building to the west of me was a large brick building. I reached out my left hand, with my elbow at my waist, and brushed my fingers along the wall to gage the distance i was from it. I then realized that the sidewalk had a narrow set of blocks that ran along the building. The road curved to the northeast, and the blocks followed it. A woman stared at me as she walked past, coming from the north and passing me on the east. I wondered if I could continue walking on the blocks with my eyes closed. Their texture could tell me where i was going. I followed the street as it turned back to the north. The buildings ended and a small open lot was to the west. The surface on the eastern side of the low was paved with bricks, and a row of short cubical blocks marked the outer eastern edge. I wandered into the lot, trying to keep my eyes closed. A small shrub was near the northeastern corner of the lot, and i passed to the east of it. It’s branches were very thin, and it had already lost its leafs. The few leafs that were left were red, like a fire bush. I reached out my left hand and brushed the tips of the twigs as i passed.

12020 November 11

I moved to the east along the southern edge of the parking lot. A large building, like a mall, was to the south of us. The others were gathered near the building to the south of me. The area of the building where the people were seemed to be recessed from the sections to the east and west, forming a small semihexagonial area. A paved drive curved into the area. It was separated from the parking lot by a median that had tall leafy vegetation. I had been pulling a small sled around with me, and i needed a place to put it while i spent time with the others. I had pulled the white flat sled into one of the parking spaces on the southern edge of the lot, just to the north of the median. I was now walking down a sidewalk that crossed the median and heading toward the others. I could see the sled to the northwest of me. It looked like a roughly square piece of an airplane fuselage. I had left it in one of the parking spaces, but i wondered if i should have left it there. I worried that the administrators of the building might move it. I was not sure what i should do. $A48 was then to the east of me, standing in the drive to the south of the median. He said something to me, and i turned to look at the sled again. The others were still waiting to the south of me, near the entrance of the building. We had to go into the building to get to the restaurant, where we were planning on having a meal. I then patted my pants pockets with my hands, realizing that i did not have my wallet with me. I had forgotten it in the pockets of my shorts, which i had been wearing earlier. It seemed that we had been in the water to the southeast, and my shorts were wet. I told the others that i needed to get my shorts. I was standing to the east of my car, which was parked against the northern side of the narrow parking lot, facing north. I opened the rear driver’s side door and took out a small duffel bag. I opened the top and pulled out my shorts. They were still wet from the water. My wallet was in the pocket of my shorts, so i had to take off my denims and put on my shorts so that i had my wallet with me. I then wondered why i would have to change my pants. I did not want to put the wet pants back on. I was already wearing denims, so i could just take my wallet out of my pocket and put it in my blue jeans. I turned to the south, now inside the restaurant. I was standing near the northern wall. We had come into the restaurant through a door in the northern wall, but we had walked down a set of stairs or a narrow corridor. I could see the glass window on the northern side of the restaurant down the corridor to the north of me. The corridor entered the room on the western end of the northern wall. This place seemed like a fast-food restaurant, with clean brightly painted walls. I had to change my pants, but i did not want too many people to see me. I moved to the east, standing near the wall on the northern side of the small room. I realized that a family had come from the south and was now standing to the south of us. I did not want to disturb them, so i moved behind a low metal set of shelfs in a metal frame, which seemed to be on wheels. The southern side of the rack was closed, and the shelfs seemed to slant to the south toward the enclosing wall. I thought that i could hide behind the bookcase to change, but then i realized that there must be security cameras in the room. I thought that they would be on the northern wall, above and behind me. I thought that i was wearing underwear shorts, so the management might not even notice that i was changing. A woman was then standing on the western end of the shelfs. She was one of my friends and had come in with us. She told me to go change in the bathroom. I looked to the north, where an opening to the bathroom now was. I walked into the opening and down a narrow corridor with white walls. The corridor ended in a small square bathroom, with sinks to the east. I started to change, but, as i looked back down the corridor, to the south, i could still see people outside. It did not seem to make much of a difference where i changed. People outside the bathroom would be able to see me change.

12020 November 12

I had been riding my bicycle down the highway to the southeast. I was in the tunnel, which seemed like a very wide overpass, and i noticed the some people around an opening in the cement wall on the northeastern side of the road. I had been riding down the road along the wall, but i noticed the orange cones on the ground across the opening. The people were standing just to the northwest of the opening, looking over a low wall. The low wall was part of the main wall of the tunnel, but the opening in the wall extended over the top of it for two or three meters. I stopped to the southwest of the opening, watching what was happening in the opening. I had turned my bicycle around and was now facing the opening. People were standing just through the opening. I could see a short wall that extended from the southeastern side of the opening to the north. It ran along the east of a narrow drive, which seemed to be outside. I had wanted to ride to the north, but i did not think that i could get past the opening, which seemed to be closed off. A man was standing just inside the opening, facing east. He was talking to some other people, who seemed to be dressed up in costumes. I thought that these people were actors, and they were filming a scene. I noticed that the narrow road to the north was separated into two lanes, and the lane that ran along the cement wall was blocked off with caution cones. The cones started at the wall just to the east of the opening in the hall of the tunnel, and they ran about a meter and a half to the center of the road. They then ran down the center of the road, spaced about a meter apart. I would not be able to travel down that road. I was interested in the actors, but i did not feel like watching them, so i turned back to the northwest and started riding back down the lane in the tunnel. I thought that i would be heading back to the college campus. After traveling only about five to meters, i pulled to the wall and suddenly stopped. Low white barriers were on the ground in the road. The large cement block was about a meter and a half long, three-quarters of a meter wide, and a half meter tall. The other one seemed to be about a meter long, a quarter of a meter wide, and less than a quarter of a meter tall. Both of the blocks were painted bright white. The large block ran north to south, with the northeastern corner next to the tunnel wall. The smaller block was to the southeast of the large block, with one of the small ends facing the wall. A man was now standing to the northwest of me as i stared at the blocks. I felt trapped, thinking that i was not allowed to go someplace that i wanted to go. A man near the opening seemed to be intentionally stopping me from doing something. Something on one of the blocks seemed to be a picture in a magazine. I looked at the rounded gold or bronze objects in the photograph. The color patches had thin white lines across them, making them look like solar panels. I thought that the shapes were either coins scattered on a surface, or small hexagonal pods indented for use on Mars. I turned back to the south, now in the room of the bedroom of the apartment. The walls of the room seemed to be dull red. I felt upset because i could not do what i wanted to do. My mother was in the apartment with me. She was in the room to the southeast. She had said that she thought that i should be doing something, but i felt annoyed, and i was not sure what i should do. I felt like going back to sleep. The bedroom i was in was in the northwestern corner of the apartment. I started to pace, moving into the room to the south. A long corridor ran to the south form the bedroom, with the reddish wall to the east. The corridor was part of the larger living room to the south. I felt upset that my mother was here, thinking that she was trying to do something here that i did not want her to do. I felt bitter, and i wanted to tell her to leave. I wondered what i should do. I then noticed the picture to the east of me, on a surface like a table against the wall. The image was of the bronze space pods. I then looked up to the northeast, other things on the wall. A sprinkler pipe seemed to run along the ceiling near the wall, and it had something hanging from it that seemed like thin dangling lights. I then noticed that the fur around the pipe was blue, and it ran down the wall, following what seemed to be a pipe. At first, i thought that the blue might be some kind of mold, but i moved close to it and could see that it seemed to be a plastic fur, with rubbery short hairs. The wall seemed covered with it, as though it had grown on the surface of the wall. I noticed a small face on the wall just to the northeast of me. It seemed like the smiling face of a doll, but it was almost hidden behind the fur, which seemed to form a layer about two centimeters thick. I thought that the fur had grown over the wall and was now hiding the details of what had originally been on the wall. I headed south, looking at the other things on the eastern wall. A high shelf ran along the wall at the level of my head. The decorations on the shelfs seemed to be vases and old bottles. The decorations seemed to be of a style that was well out of date. As i entered the room to the south, i noticed that the corner where the eastern wall of the corridor met the northern wall of the room was beveled, with a meter wide slanted wall between them. The shelf curved around the corners. I looked at the vases on the corner shelf. They seemed taller and had a typical trumpeted tops and narrow rounded bottoms. One seemed gray, with darker-gray horizontal stripes around the bottom half. Two or three on the northwestern end of the corner shelf were in the shapes of faces. I liked the vases with faces. My mother, who was now to the southeast of me, asked me about the decorations. They had come with the apartment, and i told her that i liked the ones with the faces. I wondered if i could take them with me when i left the apartment. I turned back to the north and headed up the street. I was on a bicycle now, riding around the neighborhood. I seemed to be riding north on Wyckoff, heading toward the intersection with Dearborn. The area of the intersection was wide and open.

12020 November 15

The person was coming from the west, and i had to hide again. I moved through the empty rooms of the house. The lights in the house were not on, but daylight was coming in from somewhere. The walls of the rooms seemed to be bare plasterboard, and everything seemed dingy and abandoned. Something about this place made it seem like an old attic. The woman was coming from the west, and i had to hide again. Others had come with her, and i knew that they were searching for me. I moved from a small room that ran north to south and headed east. The walls of the room were short, and the ceiling seemed to slant down to them. The southern end of the eastern wall was open to the next room, and i jumped through the opening. The room to the east was about two meters below the room i had been in. It ran east to west, and the northern part of the ceiling sloped down toward the tall northern wall. I stopped and looked at the eastern wall, which was now very close to me. I thought that i should hide in the walls, as i had done before, but i did not have time to get into one of the walls before the men who were searching for me came. I was not sure where to go, so i lay down on the floor in the southwestern corner of the room. One of the men appeared in the opening between the two rooms above me. My head was to the northwest, and my feet and arms were spread out. I stayed still, hoping that they did not see me, but i knew that they should be able to see me. The men did not seem to notice me, though. This seemed wrong. The man then moved off to the south. I walked closer to the western wall. The wall then moved. A panel in the wall slided open, and i saw several children hiding in the compartment in the wall. I was surprised to see them, but i realized that they had been hiding from the woman as well. I was facing east, and the children were behind a dull-orangish-red panel in the center of the eastern wall. They asked me to hide with them, and i decided that i should.

I was doing something on the northern side of the room, which seemed like my bedroom. Something drew my attention, and i moved to the window in the western wall. A truck was parked on the side of the road under the window. I realized that the truck was very close, and i thought that it must be parked on the grass rather than on the road. The road was not that close to the house. The large black pick-up truck was facing north, and i noticed that front driver’s fender was burning. Short flames were burning along the length of the ridged fender. The orange flames were flickering and did not seem to be burning strongly. I thought that the fire must be coming from the car, though, so i worried that it might spread to the rest of the car. I looked down, trying to see why the car was so close to the house. It seemed strange that the car was parked so closely. I glanced up to the west, noticing a man standing on the road that ran along the northern side of the house. The man seemed older, with gray hair and a scraggly beard. He had a slight belly. He was looking down at his cell phone, which was in his right hand. I thought that he was probably calling emergency. I knew that i should call emergency as well. I picked up the receiver from the black telephone that was on the small table just to the south of the window, between the window and the bed to the south. I typed “911” on the white keys of the telephone and put the reviver to my right ear. I then wondered why the telephone had buttons on it. It seemed that the telephone would have something more primitive. I looked back down at the truck, thinking that it was parked over the valve for the gas main. I would have to tell the people that the fire might cause a break in the gas main. I worried about this. I told the person on the telephone what was happening, but, as i stopped, i heard a recorded voice respond to me. I had not reached emergency. Annoyed, i hung up the receiver and picked it up again to dial again. I listened to the receiver, though, and heard a digital sound that sounded like the recording. I pressed the buttons under the receiver to hang up the telephone, but i could not hear a dial tone. The line was silent. I felt annoyed, not sure what i should do. I hurried to the east, thinking that i should do something. I entered the large room on the eastern side of the building. The room seemed to be part of a store, and others were there near me.

12020 November 16

I entered the room from the northeast. The chamber was about five meters square, with white walls and i high ceiling. The walls curved at the top to join the ceiling. A small number of people were gathered in the center of the room. This seemed to be a foreign place, and i thought that it was in England. Light was coming into the room through a skylight in the center of the ceiling. The skylight took up most of the ceiling and seemed to be composed of four smaller square panels. It seemed strange that light would be coming in from outside at this time of day. I thought that it was too late for the sun to be up. I looked at my black watch, which was on my right wrist. It said that it was in the hour of five, and i knew that it was in the evening. It did not make sense that the sun would still be out. We were much farther north in England than i had been in the United States, so the sun should have set much earlier. I had walked to the south along the western wall trying to figure out the time. I finally stopped and asked the others in the room what time it was. They concurred that it was evening. I told them that it did not make sense that it was evening because it was still daylight. They seemed confused and did not believe that the light coming in the window was from the sun. I walked to the northeast, to the center of the room. The light looked like natural sunlight. I looked up through the large glass window, but i could only see gray clouds. I then spotted the sun to the southwest of us. It was behind the clouds, but i could see the round disk behind the gray. The others murmured in disbelief. I then looked to the east a little in the sky, and i noticed a river delta. This seemed strange. I looked over the features of what i had thought were clouds, and i realized that i was looking at the features of a landmass. I inadvertently said “Uh no.” as i realized that i was looking at the surface of a planet. The others asked what was wrong. I was not quite sure how to tell them, so i paused for a moment. I then told them that i could see rivers and land. I had to tell them that we were in a space craft, but i was not sure how to say the words correctly. I then said “We’re in orbit.” As i said it, i realized that it was the correct term to describe where we were without creating any confusion. I also realized that i had been talking with a strong British accent. It seemed to have hints of northern Britain, but not quite Scottish. The others were in disbelief. I then said that the landmass looks like the central part of the southern United States. The brown land had a large river that ended in a delta, which i thought was the Mississippi River. I could also see a large body of water below it, with land on both sides. The proportions of the continent did not seem correct, though. Florida was much thicker than it should have been, and the Mississippi Delta was quite large and prominent in the center of the northern part of the bay.

I was standing to the north of the desk, which ran along the southern wall of the room. I worked here, in this library. The office seemed to be on the southern side of the building. I was standing near the western end of the long desk, which seemed to run from the eastern wall to the center of the room. A woman was to the south of the desk, to the southeast of me. She asked me to get the article. I knew that i would have to head north on the eastern side of the room to get it from the main part of the library. I walked to the east, talking to the woman as i took off the shirt i had been wearing and pulled on a white button-up dress shirt. As i spoke to her, it seemed strange that i would have gone shirtless in the office. I told her that i could get the article, but i said that i could not photocopy it. I said that i had no payment card for the xerograph machine. This seemed strange to say. I knew that i had payment cards from long ago, but they had no money on them. I wondered if the library would put money on the payment cards so that i could xerograph what they wanted me to. This did not quite make sense, though. I felt confused, and i asked the woman what she wanted me to do.

12020 November 17

I wandered around the southern side of the area, which seemed to be part of a stadium. I had come here for an event, and i was moving to the east, trying to accomplish something. I had been talking to the people to the north, who seemed like $G3. $A750 was there, and i felt very concerned for her. I wanted to talk to her, but i knew that she did not want to talk to me. I thought that something had happened to her, and i worried about her. I moved around and did something, and then i headed back to the west along the southern side of the area, still thinking about $A750.

12020 November 18

I was with $F79, and i was driving her car. I hoped that i could drive it better now that i had done in the past. I had not driven a standard car in a long time, and i hoped that i could keep control of the gas pedal, which was very sensitive on her car. I turned the car to the north and headed out of the parking lot. The drive to the main road went up hill. As i approached the road, i shifted into second gear, and i thought that i did not really have to stop at the intersection with the main road. As i approached the road, however, i noticed three cars coming from the east. The nearest car was too close for me to pull out in front of, so i stopped the car at the end of the driveway. I was on a hill, so i would have to start the car on a slope. $F79 was sitting in the passenger’s seat to the east of me. I wondered if she was anxious about me driving the car. The cars coming from the east had their lights on, and the first car had a wider distance between it and the car behind it than the second car did. I waited until all three cars passed, and then i pulled out into the street. I got the clutch to work smoothly, and i started accelerating to the west. I shifted up into the next gear. I thought that i could get the car into fourth or fifth gear as i headed down the roadway, but then i noticed the road sign ahead. The road had gone uphill slightly to the west, and it leveled off for a few meters before descending into a shallow valley ahead. Leafless trees were on the northern side of the road, and i could see a large farming field to the south of the road ahead. The white road sign just ahead of us said that the speed limit was thirty, so i would not be able to shift into any higher gears. I put in the clutch and slowed down a little. I could see buildings on the southern side of the road, just past the field. The field now seemed narrower than it had. The buildings seemed to be part of a shopping area, and i remembered the commercial district that was on this road. I remembered that the road would turn a little to the northwest ahead, and both sides of the road would be lined with shopping plazas and large stores. The road seemed to end just past this on a major thoroughfare, which ran northeast to southwest, sloping down slightly to the southwest. This place seemed very familiar. A large pale building was now near us, to the southwest of us, on the southern side of the road. It was the back of the first store. I turned to the south and started walking down the parking lot to the east of the store, along the back of the store. I then looked up to the south, realizing that i was walking on a rugged dirt path. The soil was red, and large rounded rocks poked up here and there. A mound of dry brush ran along the eastern side of the road, and a dry tundra-like field was beyond it. This place seemed very arid, and it reminded me of Arizona. It seemed strange that i would be walking on this way. I looked up, noticing the large governmental buildings that towered over the western side of the path. I had just passed the southern end of the store, and an opening was to the west of me. The next building was a large stone building with a rounded top and pillars on the front. I thought that this was the courthouse. Just beyond it was another stone building that housed some other governmental office. I was heading to these buildings, but i thought that i should be entering the front side of the buildings. It did not seem that i could get to them correctly by following the path. I turned back to the north and started walking along the side of the store again. I thought that i could drive around it and park in the large parking lot that was to the west of the store. The lot seemed to be in the middle of a U-shaped plaza, with the courthouse on the southern end of the eastern side. I told $F79 this as i met her. She had still been heading south behind me when i turned around. We then turned to the south together. We were now to the west of the store. The courthouse was to the south of us. The lobby was a large room in the center of the northern side of the building, and the northern wall of the entry way made of glass, which had a pale-green tint. I could see people inside as i opened the door and headed in with $F79. I stopped just inside, thinking that i still had to go to the courtroom to the south. I had to appear in court to do something. The lobby had an opening in the western end of the southern wall, which led into a corridor. A pudgy man in a suit was standing on the southern side of the lobby, talking to someone. I headed down the corridor to the south, looking at the open doorway in the eastern wall. The western wall seemed to be a glass window. As i approached the doorway, i could see the large empty room inside. This seemed to be the room that i had to go to.

We were walking to the west on the northern sidewalk of the street. The street seemed not to be a main street, and it curved to the south and ended just to the southeast of us. We had come from the house to the northeast, where we had been gathered with the other people. Several other people were walking in the same direction that we were, and we seemed to form a dispersed line walking up the sidewalk. I glanced to the southeast, noticing a tall man walking to the north from the southern part of the street. I recognized him as Hunter Rhodes. A few people started walking toward him to greet him. I told my friend that Hunter was here. My friend stopped suddenly and looked back. He then turned to me. He was $A59. He smiled with shy excitement as he looked at me. I realized that he was interested in saying hello to Hunter. He asked me if i wanted to go to greet Hunter, and he nodded his head to the east in encouragement. I realized that he was very excited to see Hunter but that he was too nervous to see him by himself. I smiled and started walking to the east. $A59 moved quickly to the east and stopped to the east of Hunter, saying hello to him. I turned my attention to the north for a moment, looking at the house that we had come from. I then realized that Hunter and the others were headed to the north, back into the house. They were going to see the movie as part of the event. I looked around for a moment, but then i realized that the others had already gone inside and where out of sight. I decided that i should follow them. I walked into the large living room of the house, which was on the northern side of the building. The room seemed mostly empty of furnishings, and a woman was on the eastern side. She seemed to be the woman who had been watching the children. I could hear one of the children playing to the west somewhere. She asked me a question, and i responded to her, saying that i would catch up with the others who were going to the movie. I was not here to play with the children. I headed back to the south and turned to the west in the corridor outside the room. When i came into the corridor, i was surprised that i did not see anyone to the west of me. The others must have already gone on to the cinema area. I headed down the pale-green corridor, which was very plain. The walls seemed to be covered with flowered wallpaper with thin vertical patters. Something about this house reminded me of a fraternity house, and i thought that it was Sigma Chi. At the western end of the corridor, i turned to the south and passed through a doorway, entering a wider hall. This hall was shorter and ended with the entryway of the ballroom. As i walked over the dull-green carpet, i noticed that a glass wall was on both sides of the door to the event room. The hall was empty, and the small space beyond the glass was also empty. The glass seemed more like plexiglas; it did not seem to have any supports, except for the white wooden ones on either side of the doorway in the center. The southern wall of the corridor was a few meters beyond the glass, and they were slanted so that the door in the center of the wall was farther from the doorway in the glass barrier. I looked in the enclosed area to the east, noticing a chair and some items on the floor. I thought that this enclosed area was intended to be where people took off their coats for the formal events. This place seemed old and well used. I passed through the doorway in the glass barrier and entered the room.

12020 November 19

I was moving to the west, along the southern side of the building. I had to leave the area quietly so that the others did not find me. I was then to the south of the building, watching myself step carefully over the wood boards of a small porch, which as on the southern side of the building, to the northeast of me. I started walking down the shallow steps on the western side of the porch. The man i was watching was actually Keanu Reeves. He had only started down the stairs, which now seemed covered with a layer of snow, when he fell forward and landed on his chest on the steps. The rifle he had been carrying across his chest went off, shooting down the steps and to the southwest. “So much for stealth,” i joked. I knew that the others would come. I moved to the west, into the car. The passenger’s door of the car had been open, and i slided inside. The car was facing north. The other person moved toward the car as the flow of dark mud ran down the steps behind him. We had been doing something, and i thought that we had to divert the stream of mud into the car. The other person said something, demonstrating how to do this. The mud was then flowing past me and into the floor at the front of the car. A larger flow of mud was moving to the southwest from the north of the car. A woman, who seemed to be in a tan sheriff’s uniform, came from the east with another person. She stopped and looked at us in surprise. The man with me, who was now getting into the back seat of the car from the passenger’s side, acted surprised at her surprise. The woman wanted him to turn off the mud, but he motioned to the mud in the front seat with his left arm, saying “What’s the matter? It can’t be prevented, so it can’t be a problem.” I knew that he was using a political argument that someone had recently used. The argument stated that something would happen no matter what we did, so it was not worth trying to prevent it. I thought that the man was right in his parody. The doors on the passenger’s side of the car then closed. The woman stood in shock, not sure what to do. The mud covered the hood of the car and started coming over the windows on the side of the car. The woman was supposed to turn off the mud flow, but she had acted slowly. The mud then covered up the windows so that we could not see anything. The man complained, saying that his mother did not react quickly enough. He seemed frustrated with her inaction. I thought that they would turn off the mud, but it would be a few moments before we could get out of the car. We would have to wait.

12020 November 20

I was moving my things into an apartment, thought i had not yet been in the building. I was standing on the northern side of the street in New York City. The city was on the shore of the river, and the river was to the south of me. Other buildings seemed to be across the river from the where i was. I headed up the stairs of the apartment building to the north of me, thinking that it would be nice to have an apartment that overlooked the river. It seemed a rather wide river, and i thought that it would be nice to live on it. I did not know where my apartment was, and i thought that i would probably not have the preference of being on the southern side of the building. The entry hall ran to the east, with a small section to the west. I opened a door directly across the hall from the entryway and walked into the small room. I started to put my things down in the room. Someone was talking to me from the west. The person seemed to be from the apartment that was on the western end of the hallway. I put my bags down on the floor in the small room to the north of the hallway. I then realized that a large square bathtub was in the northwestern corner of the room. It took up most of the room. A toilet and sink seemed to be along the eastern wall, to the northeast of me. The entry door swinged open to the east, so it was blocking my view of the southern end of the eastern wall, but i thought that a doorway must lead into the rest of the apartment. I said something to the person to the west of me. I then realized that it seemed very strange that a bathroom would be the entry room of an apartment. I thought that this was a very strange design. I then realized that this was the only room inside the door. I was not in an apartment. This must have been a public bathroom on the main floor of the building. I backed to the south, into the hallway. Looking to the east, i could see a few more doors in the eastern wall of the hallway. They all led to bathrooms as well. They were the shared bathrooms of the building. I thought that all of the other apartments must be upstairs from here. I then looked to the east, seeing the closed door of the apartment of the people i had been talking to. I wondered how they had gotten an apartment on the first floor of the building. I suddenly wondered why my things were. I thought that they had been put in my apartment, but i did not remember doing that. I started to the east, knowing that a set of stairs ran up to the north on the northern side of the hall. The stairs seemed to be about fifteen meters away. I had climbed the steps and had come into a dining area, which seemed to be a pub. The island bar was to the east of me, with a brass rail around the bottom. I did not recognize this place, but i knew that i must have come through here before to put my things in my apartment. I felt confused. I was not sure where my apartment was. I felt confused. I had to find someone who was a manager for this building so i could ask for my key and where my apartment was. I was not sure what to do, thought. I was near the southern end of the bar when i saw an older woman finish a conversation with a young woman and start to head to the north. The old woman said something that made it sound as though she was the manager here. She was very short, with curly white hair, and she walked with a hunch as she moved to the north. She had keys for the apartments in her left hand. I would have to ask her for mine, so i started following her, trying to catch up with her. The young woman who had been chatting with the manager then started talking to me. I realized that she was with $G4, and she recognized me. There was a large event happening here, and she asked me about it. She seemed interested in me, and i thought that she was trying to get me out on trail. As the older woman headed to the east across the northern side of the room, i asked her for my key. She responded, but kept walking for a moment. I then told the younger woman, who was to the west of me, that i had to change my clothes and get my things. I looked at the large white plastic key in my right hand. It was not the key for the apartment. I wanted a smaller key, because i knew that the large key would be inconvenient. I showed the white key to the woman as we paused near the older woman. The manager then handed me something and started walking across the street to the northeast. We were standing on the southern sidewalk of a street to the north of the apartment building. It was evening now, and the sky was getting dark. I wondered if i should still keep following the manager. She seemed to be meeting people across the street in a small empty lot. I looked at the silver key in my hand. It was shaped like a lipstick tube or large bullet. It had a brassy center section, with thin silvery wedges that reached up over the rounded top. I showed it to the young woman, saying that it was the key. I had to hurry back for my things, aware that it was now getting dark. I had to hurry to get ready for the run.

12020 November 22

I was walking to the west along the southern side of the wide corridor, which seemed like the hallway of a mall. $K14 was with me. We were heading someplace, but i had to go back for something. We seemed to be near the western end of the corridor now, and i knew that i had to go back to the room, which was on the eastern end. I told her to wait here, and i turned and hurried back. I turned south into the room. My parents were still in the room. My mother was standing near the eastern wall on the northern side of the room, and my father was standing near a bed that was on the eastern wall near the middle of the room. He was facing south, but he turned to look at me over his right shoulder as i came into the room. I said hello to them. I moved to a bed that was on the eastern wall on the southern side of the room. I was then lying down on the bed. I had been sleeping for a while. I had felt tired and thought that i should take a nap. I got up. My parents were still in the room, and they talked about going to the other place. We stared walking to the west, down the southern side of the street or corridor. I suddenly remembered that i had come this way before. I had been with $K14. I realized that i must have left her waiting for me near the western end of the street. It seemed strange that i would have done that, and i felt bad for forgetting about her.

I entered the small restaurant from the doorway in the center of the northern wall. I had been outside doing something, but i had to return. I realized that the others must be paying for the meal now, and i had not yet paid. They were sitting around a round table in the southeastern section of the room. The interior of the restaurant seemed red. I moved to the table as some people stood up. I stopped just to the north of the table, telling the others that i had not yet paid. They were still counting out the money. I remembered that my meal had cost ten dollars before, and i had ordered the same thing this time, so i knew that i would need to pay them ten dollars. I took out my wallet and moved to the south around the southwestern side of the table. The others had thrown their cash on top of the table, and someone was still sitting on the northern side of the table, trying to count out the money. The money was mostly small white slips of paper, which seemed to be foreign currency. I could see large black characters on one side. It looked somewhat like fake money. A few of the bills near the bottom were pink. I looked into my wallet, knowing that the white bills were the singles. I started counting the white slips, but i realized that i did not have ten of them. I wondered if i had enough to pay for my part of the meal. I then realized that i could charge my part of the bill. A waiter was cleaning up things on the eastern side of the table, and i looked down at the mound of white dollars that was now it the center of the table. I thought that it was Korean money. I asked the waiter if i could pay the remainder with a credit card. He smiled and said yes.

12020 November 24

I was sitting in one of the armchairs of the classroom, facing south. I seemed to be sitting near the front of the class. A young man was to the east of me, and i felt very interested in him. He seemed to be very smart. We seemed to be sitting in the center two rows of the classroom, which was very long north to south. The teacher had moved to the northern part of the classroom to talk to some of the other students. She was talking about a subject, and she mentioned Darth Vader as a classic villain. This seemed to make sense. She then talked about pirates and commented that there were many pirates in stories at this time. I knew that she was talking about villains in stories and that, in some periods, people chose certain types of villains. In the time we were talking about, people had become fascinated with pirates, so the villains were all pirates. I asked why pirates, and the man to the east of me said that there was a time when we had many pirate stories, and he emphasized the need for villains. I agreed with him, saying that we had to have many villains so that the heroes had someone to fight against. The man seemed surprised that i knew these details. I smiled and told him that i read a lot, but he seemed disappointed that he was not the one to state the answer. I seemed to be quite a bit older than he was, and i knew that i had read and experienced a lot more that he had. He handed me a bit of food as we turned around to listen to the teacher. I took a small bite out of the snack, but it did not taste that good. As i faced north, i looked down at the small chunk of food left between the thumb and fingers of my left hand. It was a small golden flaky pastry with a small brown sausage in the center. The sausage was the flavor that i did not like. I did not like eating meat. I thought that i would finish this piece of food, but i would not accept any more from the man. We listened to the rest of the lecture.

I was talking to the other person on the southern side of the road. We had been in the forests to the east of town, and we were now ready to head back. I would have to ride my bicycle back to town, and it seemed like it was a long way to the west. The sky was gray, and the clouds seemed very low. The road ran relatively level to the north of us, curving to the northwest and running to the east. Low hills were very close to the north, and the clouds seemed to flow over their rounded humps. This place seemed like it was on Route 96, just south of Candor. I rode my bicycle up the slope of the drive toward the road, stopping on the edge of the pavement. I looked to the east, seeing a line of cars approaching me. I would have to wait until i could cross the road to start riding west in the northern lane. Many cars seemed to be coming from the east, so i would have to wait for a bit. I then looked to the west. No cars were near me, but i could see several coming. They were about one hundred meters away. All of the cars seemed to have their lights on due to the dreary weather. I watched the cars to the west as they came around the curve from the northwest. I was standing near the edge of the road, and i thought that i should back up a little when the cars came past. I did not want to be too close to the edge of the lane. I then noticed that one of the cars approaching from the west was a formula-one race car. I could only really see the shapes of the cars, and its silhouette stood out from the other cars. It seemed to be the second to last car in the group. As the cars finished rounding the curve, the race car started to pass the others. This seemed dangerous, because i knew that cars were heading toward it from the east. I took a step backward, moving onto the macadam shoulder of the road. The other cars from the west then seemed to drift to the south, off of the shoulder of the road, and the race car started accelerating toward me. The race car then hit something in the road, and it flipped forward into the air. I felt worried that it was coming my way, and i started to back out of the road so that i did not get hit. The car arced high over me, though, and crashed to the ground to the east of me. I was aware of an old red barn to the south of me, just off the shoulder of the road. I could see the western part of it as i looked to the west. The other cars seemed to be off the side of the road. I was glad that the race car had missed me.

I was in the room of the small apartment, which was on the northwestern side of the building. I seemed to be on the lower floor of the small house, and i was moving around in the room, doing things. Two people were talking to the southeast of where i was working. They seemed to be the landlords, and they seemed to be $A220 and $A805. I felt unsure about what i should be doing, but i listened to them talking as i did things in the apartment. I moved to the southwest. I seemed to be outside the building, on the grassy lawn to the west of the building and inside the apartment of the building. A red upright piano was on the southern end of the eastern side of the room. The keys seemed to be facing west, and i leaned on the piano as if stretching my legs. $A805 continued to talk about me, and she told her husband that i was nicely muscled. I felt flattered by this. I realized that i was not wearing a shirt as i leaned on the piano. I stood up and started walking to the east, along the southern side of the room. I did not want the landlords to think that i was paying attention to what they had been paying attention to what they were saying. I passed along the southern side of the living room, heading toward the stairs, which ascended to the north along the eastern wall of the room. I had been staying in this place. Some of the other tenants here seemed like $G3. I then noticed a note on a surface in the middle of the southern wall. I looked at it just as i had passed. It was to the west of me when i realized that it was for me. It was on the low table next to the black telephone. Someone must have called for me, and one of the other residents had taken a message. The handwriting on the pink piece of paper said $A36’s name, and i knew that he had called for me and wanted me to call him. I remembered that there was something that i was supposed to do for him. I felt annoyed that i had not gotten in contact with him. I headed up the stairs to the north, thinking that i should have contacted him a while ago. I then thought about some of the others in the house with me. I was in a room with other people, and the room seemed to be on the northwestern side of the house. A few others were standing to the southeast of me, on the eastern side of the room. $F47 seemed to be one of them. I felt concerned for him. He said something. A woman to the north of him was also talking, and she said something to me. I turned to look at the red refrigerator that was against the western end of the northern wall. It had a large digital clock in the center of it, and i was looking at the time. I thought that i had to eat something.

12020 November 27

I moved around on the western side of the southern shore of the lake. The lake seemed very long, and we were at the bottom end. The end of the lake was rather narrow and flat. A beach stretch along the flat edge of the lake. It seemed to be a different color than the rest of the ground around it, as though it was made of small white rocks or some other kind of artificial fill. The landscape around us sloped up gently from the lake, but tall mountains seemed to be in the distance to the northwest and east. The ground near us was damp, but snow seemed to be on other parts of the ground. I talked with the other people, who were also at the conference with me. We started walking to the south, away from the water. I then noticed something moving to the northeast of us out the window. We were now in a large room on the eastern side of a building. The wall to the north of us was a wide multipane window with thin supports, and it looked out over the lake. The snow billowed across the ground on the eastern side of the lake, and the blow was approaching us. I asked the others what it was, pointing to it. It looked like an avalanche, but the steep mountains were too far to the north to have created an avalanche that would flow this far. I watch the tumbling snow roll to the south, toward the eastern side of the large building. I knew that the others were on the terrace to the north of the eastern part of the building, and people from the conference would be in the cafeteria to the south of them. The height of the snow billow shrunk, and the cascading snow rolled to a stop just before the building. It seemed very strange, and i looked at the clearing mist to see what was happening. I then noticed several metal fighter jets on the ground at the head of the snow flow. They must have skidded to a halt on the ground, pushing up the snow around them. The fighters looked like rounded jets from the nineteen fifties. A man was now standing between the two jets on the western side of the row of jets. He stood akimbo, looking generally to the southwest. The others were out of their jets as well. We were closer to them now, and people were asking them questions. I thought that they must have crashed, but then i noticed the others who were standing in a row to the east of us. I was near the southern end of the row. The people in the row were wearing snow suits of various designs, and they had large plastic sleds with them. Several of them were lying on the ground, relaxing. One person sat near the northern end of the row, facing south. He had a long green sled, which was shaped like a kayak. The sled fit over his head so that his head was sticking through the hole in the middle and the sled was resting on his shoulders. A woman was lying on a wide pink plastic sled in the middle of the row, wearing a mostly white snow suit and a fuzzy hat. I realized that the others in the jet planes must have pulled the people on the sleds. This seemed impossible, though, so i asked one of the men on the northern side of the group if the jets had really pulled them. They said that they had. The people seemed a little reckless, but they appeared to have enjoyed the ride. I started talking with some of the others who had been with me. We walked farther to the east. We turned north from the hall and entered the cafeteria through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. People were still gathered here for the lecture. Someone seemed to be ready to talk on the eastern side of the room. The room was very wide and sparsely filled with small round tables. I was aware of the large window in the northern wall that looked out over the snowy landscape where the avalanche had been.

I rolled around in the bed. The room was dark, and the bed seemed to be on the northern wall. Someone else was in the bed with me. My head was to the north, and i rolled onto someone’s legs. The person had moved their legs near my head. I thought that the person was $A682, but this did not seem right. It should have been $F71. I rolled to the west, trying to decide what i should do. We were staying in this hotel room for the conference, and we would have to head east to get to the events.

12020 November 28

I followed the others to the northwest, across the small rectangular yard, which seemed to be within walls. The enclosed area of the lawn was to the northwest of the small building. We had come into the area from the south, and we headed toward the opening in the southern end of the eastern wall, which led back into the building, which seemed like a pub. It seemed to be daylight, but it was not that bright. I stepped into a small square area, which seemed to be an entryway on the side of the building. The entryway was cluttered with objects that were stacked on the floor. Several of them seemed to be plastic chairs and plastic crates. We had passed through this room several times as we walked in a loose line to the west. The people seemed to be $G4. The person in front of me pushed some of the plastic items out of the way, but a few more fell over in his wake. I felt annoyed that the others had made a mess of this area. It had been cleaner the first few times we had walked through it, but it now seemed to be in disarray. The entryway had a cement floor, and a dumpster seemed to be to the south of me, facing north, in the southeastern corer of the room. I noticed some small plastic items that were stacked on the floor to the southwest of me. The small stack to the southwest had fallen from the larger stack that was to the north of me. The items looked like miniature molded-plastic tables. They had a flat surface at the bottom, with a rounded edge around the sides. The legs extended from the sides. They were formed from a bent sheet of plastic, and they had rubber caps on the small rectangular ends. I picked up the stack from the southwest and put it on top of the stack to the north. I was annoyed that the area had become so messy. The man behind me then started talking to me. He was very familiar, and it felt good talking to him. We continued to the west, following the others into the darkened room. The walls of the room seemed to be dull black. I stopped just a few meters in the room as the man to the east of me said something. He stood just inside the doorway, talking to me. I felt very interested in him, but i also felt a little uneasy about something about him. Another person was standing to the northeast of the man, and he was trying to get the man out of the room. I thought that he might be trying to remove the man from the pub. The man started to follow, but turned back to me, motioning to his face with his left hand. I was not sure what he was talking about. I knew that the man to the northeast did not like this man for some reason and wanted him out of the room. This reason was why i felt uncomfortable about the man, but i still felt interested in the man. I looked at the man’s face. It was a rectangular face, with short brown hair. He seemed to have something over his face. The obstruction seemed to be a strip of cloth. I noticed a strange ridge running vertically along the left side of his mouth. I wondered if this was what the others objected to. The man leaned forward toward me, smiling, but he did not say anything. I then noticed something about his left eye. Something seemed to be through his skin just above the outside corner of his eye. He seemed to have a piece of black tape over his left eyebrow, and i noticed that he had a screw sticking out over the top of the tape. The wood screw must have been stuck through the skin of his brow, with the tip pointed down. The man then turned and started walking away. I thought that he must puncture his skin with various objects. I did not like this idea, but i was still interested in the man for some reason. I turned to the north and headed toward the doorway in the center of the northern wall. The room seemed to have cement or thick plaster walls.

I headed to the east in the large building. I had to do something here, and i knew that i had to get to one of the upper floors. We seemed to be on the ground floor or on a basement level. $Z was walking with me, to the southwest of me. I remembered this building. It seemed like $P7. As we reached the end of the corridor, we turned to the southwest in a small opening on the southern side of the corridor. Tables seemed to be set up in the opening. I could see two metal doors in the southeastern section of the room. One of them was on a corner wall that faced northwest. This was the door to the stairway, but i knew that this stairway went up to a section of the building that was outside of the area of shops that we had been in. I stopped and told $Z that we would not be able to get to the enclosed area that we were headed for by using those stairs. I also know that we would not be able to use the stairwell on the western side of the hallway. The area of shops or small businesses was sectioned off in the center of the building. I told $Z that we would have to use the stairs in the center of the building, and i started walking back to the west. I turned to the south, pushing open another metal door that had been painted white. I entered a large room, which had several tables in it. People were behind a long table on the western side of the room, and they seemed to be arranging something. A man was sitting on the southern side of a table to the south of me, near the center of the room. Several objects formed levels behind him, and a set of stairs seemed to ascend to the west along the southern wall to a doorway high on the wall. The man glanced up at me as i walked into the room, looking at the long table to the east. The people here seemed to be organizing a filming. The man at the table to the south of me was wearing headphones, and he had several mixing boards on the table in front of him. He seemed uncertain of my presence, and he glanced to the west at the others, who were getting ready for the recording. I felt interested in the recording, and i wanted to be a part of it. The man to the south seemed uneasy with us there. I continued to the southeast, heading for the white metal door in the southern end of the eastern wall. As i pushed the door open, i realized that it had been taped at the edges. The people recording must not have wanted it open. I thought that i would have to remember not to come back though this area. A short cement corridor led to the south, merging into the eastern side of a square stairwell. The stairs started to ascend to the west along the southern wall. I climbed the stairs, thinking that i should not interrupt the people in the recording again. I then came into the center of the large room, which seemed like the room where the people had been recording. It was later. I realized that i had come back into the room from the southeast, and i wondered why i would have come back in through the door that was taped. I felt annoyed that i had done so. The large room now seemed like a shop, and a young boy was moving around on the western side of the store. Another person in the store seemed upset with the boy. He seemed to think that the young boy had taken things from the store. I did not believe that the boy would steal things. I headed to the west, crossing the street in front of the store. The store seemed to be on the second floor of an old brownstone building in the middle of the urban area. The second floor seemed to be open to the outside, and i could hear the man talking to someone about the boy. The man was in a large opening over the main entrance of the building. Brown stone stairs ascended toward the entrance. I could not believe that the boy had done what the man said, but $Z and i watched the store to see if what the man said was true. $Z seemed to be in a car that was parked on the western side of the street, just to the southwest of me. A square opening was on the ground level, just to the north of the steep stone steps. It had a dirty white curtain over the opening, and the curtain was drawn to the north with a string. A flash of light appeared in the opening, and the boy appeared as space opened up around him. He had teleported to the spot. His appearance here indicated that he had taken things, like the others had accused him of. I felt bad, but i knew that there was more to the story. The boy had something in his arms, and he quickly walked to the north, down the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. I thought that someone was controlling the boy, and i wanted to find out who. I felt sure that the boy would not do these things on his own. I felt concerned, and i wanted to help the boy. I turned to the north. The street ended about fifteen meters to the north of me, and the building across the northern side of it had an archway in the center. The building seemed like a wall to a room, and the archway seemed like doorway. The boy headed for the doorway. I started after him. The wall around the doorway seemed dark.

12020 November 29

The person mentioned the name of the airline, and i looked down at the pamphlet that i had in my hand, which had the name on it. Something was wrong with the airline, and i had to find out what. I turned to the east and walked down the corridor toward the room. Few others were in the building. The name of the airline was Nevis. This seemed like a strange name. I had not heard of the airline before. As we entered the small white room at the eastern end of the corridor, i felt that we were doing something that others might not want us to do. The man continued to the southeast, heading through a doorway in the southern wall. I stayed in the small room, which seemed like a classroom or waiting room. I was looking at the text on the page or computer screen that i held in my hands. A man then came from the southeast. He seemed to be an official here, and i felt nervous about him. He asked me what i was doing, and i told him that i had looked up some information. I felt that i was not being quite honest, but i knew that i had some information on the surface that i was reading that i could show him as evidence. It was not exactly what i was looking up, but it would be close enough to satisfy him. Others were now gathering in the room and sitting in the chairs, which were facing west. I sat down in a chair on the eastern side of the room. The other person i had been talking to sat in the chair to the west of me. He asked to see what i had, so i handed him the tablet. I continued to talk to the official, who now seemed to be to the north of me. The man ahead of me then held the tablet, which now looked like a small radio in a plastic case, over the back of his head. I grabbed the radio just as he dropped it. I would have to look up more on the thing called Nevis.