12021 November 02

I was running with the others, heading east across the college quadrangle. I seemed to be running with $G4. As i entered the quadrangle, someone had told me that we would be stopping on the road. I knew that another stop was farther to the north. I crossed the northern side of the quadrangle, but i stopped to talk to the other person. It seemed that we were lagging behind a group of runners. I thought that the runners were very spread out. The other person was crouching down or sitting to the south of me. I could see myself standing to the north of the person from the east of me. Both of us were facing southeast. $F57 was then to the west of us. He seemed to be managing the run, and he told us that we would be heading to my house. I knew that we would head there eventually, but i knew that we would be stopping at the other places first. $A499 seemed to want us to run directly to my house, though. My house seemed to be down the long road to the north. I knew that he was trying to hurry us along, but i did not want to cut off parts of the trail. I ran to the east, leaving the quadrangle and turning to the north on the road that ran through the university campus. I ran down the eastern sidewalk, heading north. I stopped at the metal bench, which was between the sidewalk and the road. The bench seemed to be part of a bus stop, but no one was here. I thought that the others must have gone on already. I wanted to do something here, but i realized that the others had taken the drinks with them. I felt a little frustrated and disappointed. I decided to continue to the north. After a few steps, i realized that i would need to get my running shoes from the bag that we had left at the stop. I turned around and headed back to the bench. To my disappointment, the bag was not there. The others must have cleaned up all of their things and taken them to the north. I started running to the north again, realizing that the next stop, which seemed a ways up the road on the same side of the street, would also be taken. The land here seemed relatively flat. The land sloped down steeply on the western side of the road to the academic buildings, but it only sloped up slightly on the eastern side. The buildings to the east seemed to have wide grass lawns to the west of them. I felt disheartened and stressed, and i was not sure what to do. I was then in the small building, which was actually a fire truck. $F58 was driving the truck to the south. The interior of the truck was open, like a bus. The rectangular room had gray metal surfaces, with buses along the side walls. I stood just to the west of $F58 as she drove the bus. I told her that the old fire truck was nice. She shrugged of the comment. The truck was divided into two rooms. The front section was about two meters by four meters wide. The rear section was also four meters wide and stretched for about six or seven meters. It seemed very spacious, and the benches inside could also be used as beds. I thought that the fire company used this old truck for transport. I told $F58 that the bus could be used as a camper. She acknowledged without saying anything. I then noticed that she was driving from the southern side of the bus, which was now facing east. The northern side of the front room had metal refrigerator cabinets and food-storage areas. It was used as a kitchen for the people who stayed in the back of the truck. I then realized that the kitchen area was in the center of the front of the vehicle. A small compartment was to the north of it. I walked around the western side of the kitchen area and entered the small booth to the north of the kitchen area. This booth was the driver’s cabin of the car. As i leaned into the cabin, i realized someone was sitting just to the southeast of me. He was sitting on a high shelf, which as about my chest level. He seemed like $A823. He waved to me as i said hello. I then headed into the back of the vehicle, thinking that we would be taken to the start of the run. I felt sad about something. I then remembered that i need to find my shoes. The bags were on the ground on the southern side of the vehicle. I started to go through them, looking for my things.

12021 November 06

I moved to the western end of the building, which seemed like a hotel. I felt upset and tense. We had to get something done, and i felt anxious about doing it. At the end of the building, i turned to the north. The main corridor down the center of the building ended in a small entryway. The exit door was to the west, but we walked north, talking about the things that needed to be done. Two people were sitting on the northern and western sides of the room to the north and northwest of us. I talked to the two people with me, who were to the east of me, as i carried the long objects that we had picked up. I suddenly felt uneasy about the object that i was holding, thinking that the people sitting down might wonder why i was carrying them. One object seemed to be a long narrow black styrofoam pole, and another seemed to be a long thin threaded bolt. i had another long object in my right hand with the other two things as we stopped to talk on the northern side of the room. I felt self conscious as i stood for a moment. I then noticed that the threaded rod was rusty, and the top was bent at a slight angle. We had to go to the northeast, and as we started to leave, i bent the top of the pole over, breaking it into two pieces so that i could more easily carry it. I was aware that one of the men sitting near the western wall seemed to disapprove. I thought that he was a construction worker and that he would probably have used the rod for something. I continued walking to the east with the others. We had to get to the event. We walked along the southern side of the darkened street. I remembered that i would have to do the play. I had agreed to be in the production a while ago, and it seemed that i had forgotten about it. I felt unsure of being in the group. It was a Shakespeare play. I realized that the production would be starting very soon, and i wondered if i should have started memorizing my lines. I looked down at the small leather-bound book in my hands. It was my copy of the play. I knew that it was older than the copy the other people were using, and i hoped that this did not make a difference. I flipped through the pages of the book as someone mentioned King Richard. I thought that it might be better if i had a more modern version of the book. I worried that this book might be damaged in a production. I then remembered that i had another copy of Shakespeare plays that my mother had found at a garage sale. I leaned over the bookshelf to the north of me and tried to see the books on the northern side. It was dark, but i thought that the book i was looking for was on the lower shelf. I pulled a book out, but i could not quite read it. I then stood up and looked to the east. The others were standing on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, waiting for the class to start. I felt uneasy, still thinking that i was not ready for this performance. I crouched down and tried to stretch a little. I felt very stiff. I thought that the others were dancers, and i would be joining their group. I had no experience in dance, though, so i felt a little out of place. I moved a little to the east, moving into the group of people. The female instructor started talking to the northeast of us. I sat down, looking at the sneakers on my feet. I realized that i had put two different shoes on my feet, and i tired to swap them. I then looked back at the instructor as she said something. I was not sure why i had to be here. It seemed as though i had been forced to be in the dance group. I felt very unsure. I then looked at my sneakers again. They were gray in the center, with a pale-brown stripe on the upper parts of the sides and gray at the bottoms of the sides. I had a second pair which had the same design, but which were gray and black. I realized that i might have put a shoe from each pair on my feet. I mentioned this as i reached for the shoes. I moved the shoes around for a moment, wondering if i had the wrong shoe on the wrong foot. Something seemed strange, but then i realized that i did have the correct matching pair on. I was wearing the brown pair, and i had placed the black pair on either side of my feet. I sat back up and listened to the instructor as she spoke to the northeast of me. I then thought that it might be strange that i was wearing sneakers to the dance practice. They were running shoes, so they were not the best to dance with. I then thought that i should have put on the shoes that i did not use in running so that i did not wear down the soles too much dancing. I was indecisive, and i felt out of place here.

12021 November 07

I talked with some of the others as we cleaned up things at the camp. We seemed to be at an event for $G4, and we were cleaning the cabin. The cabin had bare wood floors and walls, and bunk beds filled most of the room. I was in the southeastern part of the room as i talked to the others. I then headed to the north, into the smaller bedroom. I had to clean up something there. The other person was walking with me, to the east of me. He had been talking to me. A man near the southern wall of the main room made a comment as we passed through the doorway to the small bedroom. He had made a joke about sex, and it had something to do with whom i would have sex. I replied to him, snickering at the joke. I then made a comment about my cousin, thinking of $K1. I joked that i would just have sex with her. The man to the east of me, who was $A822 looked at me in surprise. I smiled and let him know that i was joking. I stood to the south of a small single bed, which had its head against the northern wall. $A822 was to the east of the bed. I pulled some of the blankets off of the bed to clean them, revealing white sheets underneath. I then walked back to the south and was on the southern side of the main room again, standing about two meters from the eastern wall.$A649 then came into the room from the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. She moved quickly, greeting me as she passed. She paused briefly in front of me to greet me. She seemed to have her hair combed straight down from the sides of her head, and she had colorful makeup around her eyes. Her clothes were brightly colored. I was surprised that she was here for the party. She hurried to the west. Others started coming in. I had not expect so many people to join us here at the camp. $A121 then came in through the door and stopped to the east of me. She introduced herself, using her full first name. I said hello and shook her hand. She smiled as though happy to see me. She then asked if i remembered sharing a towel with her in the shower. I remembered being in the shower with $A215, but it also seemed like $A121. I told her that i remembered, but it felt a little strange that $A121 continued to bring up the same memory. She always seemed to be reminding me that we had showered together. $A649 then said something on the western side of the room. She complained about another man. I felt annoyed with the other man. He was not here, but it seemed that he might be to the east of us with the others. I felt defensive of $A121, and i imagined defending myself against the man who would be abusive to us. I felt violent toward him, and i pushed his head down, knocking him over. As i imagined doing this, i suddenly wondered why i would feel violent toward him. I felt uncomfortable that i had thought about hurting the man so easily.

I sat in the small room of the pub, which seemed to be an old run down place. The walls were covered with wood paneling, and i sat on the eastern end of a bench of a booth that extended from the western wall. I was aware of people sitting in another booth behind me, to the south of me. The booth to the south seemed shorter, though. It could only fit one person on each bench. The woman sitting to the west of me on the bench was Queen Elizabeth. A man was sitting opposite her in the booth. I felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that i had to act very proper. Someone handed me a plate of salad, which i held in my left hand. I grabbed a pinch of salad in my right hand, but i then realized that i should have passed the plate to the queen first. I moved my right hand over my right shoulder, trying to hide the salad that i had taken as i passed the plate to the queen. I felt foolish and wondered what i was going to do with the salad. I then noticed the plates to the east of me, and i reached to the east and grabbed a white plate. I dropped the salad on it, hoping that no one would notice. I was aware of the queen leaning forward to scowl at me. I felt very awkward.

I continued talking to the other person as i walked to the east, across the northern side of the corridor area. The corridor was short, with an opening to another hallway to the south of me and another opening in the eastern end of the southern wall. The other hallway seemed to run parallel to the short hall that we were in. I noticed the booth near the southern wall of the room that we were in. It seemed very familiar. I realized that it was some kind of play set. It was about two meters tall. It had a wider back than front, and the back wall was about a meter and a half wide, facing east-southeast. It was black, with a set of shelfs set into the interior side of it. She shelfs had action figures and scenes of different places. I thought that it had something to do with Star Wars or Space 1999. I wondered if i could built a play set like it. The booth had a trapezoidal roof that stretched about two meters from the back wall. A short wall with a glass window ran for about three-quarters of a meter from the back wall on both sides of the booth. Thin metal legs reached down from the west-northwestern end of the top to support the roof. I felt very interested in the booth, thinking that i could make one for myself.

I ran to the south with the others until we reached the street. We had been running on a sidewalk, which passed between two buildings. I was running with $G4. Many of the others were behind me, but a few had run ahead of me. $F71 seemed to be running just ahead of me as we reached the street. He turned to the southwest and started running across the dark street. I recognized this area from before. We had already run two runs previous to this one, and we had been past this intersection on both. The road ran east to west, and we had come down a sidewalk from the northeast that seemed to come from a large yard or quadrangle behind the buildings. I started to follow $F71, but i thought that we had run to the southwest the last time we were here. It did not make sense that we would repeat the same trail. I told $F71 that we should be heading somewhere else. I then noticed the chalk marks on the sidewalk. A chalk-drawn arrow pointed to the west. I started running down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, telling $F71 that the trail was in this direction. I then reached a set of marks that indicated that the trail split. An arrow pointed west, down the sidewalk, and the arrow had the letter T next to the end of it. A second arrow pointed to the north, up a narrow sidewalk that ran north-northwest. It had the letter E near the end of it. This was a trail that we had not been on before. I called to the others to let them know that i was on the correct trail. I looked to the south, down a narrow street that ran south-southwest from the main road. I could see three others slowing to a stop as they heard me calling out. One of them seemed to be $A601. I told him that i was on the true trail. I thought that i would do the trail marked with an E, but i started moving to the west.

12021 November 12

I moved around the old house and ended up in the large open room on the upper floor. This was the house that my parents used to own. I was inside a room that was under the peaked roof of the house, but i was able to see the dark forest of tall thin trees around us. The trees to the north seemed leafless and very tall. I kept looking at the beams of the ceiling, which was the underside of the roof. I seemed to be moving through different rooms, but the rooms all seemed to be under the rafters of a peaked roof. I noticed that the rafters were crude unfinished wood. Some of them seemed to be old trees that had been cut in half and used as beams. The large trees that had been used for the rafters fascinated me. I moved to the center of a room, which had a peaked ceiling that ran north to south. To the southwest of me, one of the beams was a thick trunk of a tree. The tree was about a meter and a half wide. It had no bark, but it had several thin scraggly branches extending from various points along the trunk. The thin branches made the tree look like a willow. It seemed to be three or four meters long, and it ran from the eves to the peak of the room. I noticed a similarly thick tree to the northeast. It had a paler wood and fewer branches, but it seemed equally as old. I was impressed that the builders had used entire trees as beams. My mother was in the room to the west of me, and i pointed out the thick beams to her, saying how impressed with them i was. The house seemed unfinished here, with openings in the roof above me. I thought that someone would have to renovate the house and seal everything in, but i kept thinking about the thick trees that were built into it.

12021 November 13

I had to move, and i looked to the north. I was in Mudd Hall, and i seemed to be just to the south of the atrium. I stood in a corridor that was open to the large atrium to the north and northeast of me. A man was standing just to the north of me. A wall seemed to be just to the northeast of me, but the wall was nothing more than metal support beams. I thought that an elevator ran somewhere in the wall. I felt mischievous, and i started running to the north. I had three small sticks in my left hand. They looked like they were thin sticks from a tree with pale bark. I tossed the sticks to the north, thinking that they would pass through the opening in the wall just to the west of the main beam. I would run to the east of the beam, in the corridor. The man watched me in surprise. He would not know why i was throwing the sticks, but there was some significance to the motion. I thought that i could run into the large open space on the other side of the wall and retrieve the sticks as they fell. As i passed through the opening into the large open area, i noticed yellow caution tape across the corridor in the northeastern corner of the atrium. The building was under construction, and that section of the atrium had been closed off. I wondered if i would be able to cross through that area. I had to get to where the sticks would have fallen. I ran down the eastern side of the large open area. I seemed to be on the second level of the atrium, where the corridors circled the open area in the center on balconies. I had run down the eastern balcony and circled to the west, along the northern side of the atrium. A glass booth in the center of the northern side seemed to be the breezeway of the building. Many construction vehicles seemed to be in the center of the building now. I headed south down the western side. The sticks were probably just under the opening on the southern side of the building, and i would have to circle back to the east on the southern side of the atrium to get them. The atrium seemed very wide now, and the floor and wall surfaces seemed to be plain cement. The ceiling over the corridors that i was running down seemed to be about two and a half to three meters tall, but the ceiling in the center of the room seemed another floor higher. Large construction vehicles were in the center of the room, and i realized that i would have to avoid them. It would not be safe to run through a construction area. I turned to the east on the southern side of the area. I noticed several long vehicles parked on the western side, all facing north or south, parallel to each other. Metal cables ran from the ground just to the south of the truck, and they stretched over the tops of the trucks. It seemed that they ran on guides that were on the tops of the trucks. I thought that the cables had a lot of tension on them and that they were connected to something in the center of the room. I suddenly felt cautious of them. I thought that they were holding something and that they might snap. If the cables broke, they would whip back to the south, which was where i was running. I moved quickly past the area, feeling tense about the cables. I headed up a set of metal stairs in a narrow corridor, ascending to the east. The room seemed to be to the east of the northern side of the atrium. Others were there, and i started talking to them as i climbed the stair. Time then seemed to have passed. We had to get somewhere, and i started descending the tight square of short flights in the stairwell. I descended to the north on the eastern side of the well. The others were following me. My mother was with me. I looked and said something to her as we moved. I focused on the metal railing of the stairs. It was a rounded metal bar that was supported by thin square poles. My mother’s hand rested on the top of the railing as she started to turn a corner from one flight of stairs to the next. Another hand then came down on hers, and i saw something sharp stab through the top of my mother’s hand. I felt suddenly concerned, and i turned to the east, now on the southern side of the stairwell. My mother lifted her hand to her chest. Her fingers were long and thin. The wound seemed to be in her left hand, and her right hand wrapped around her left wrist. I could not see a wound on the top of her left hand, where i thought it would be, but an orange opaque liquid started dripping from the black cuff of her shirt. The liquid poured as a stream, and i thought that she was bleeding profusely. I felt very concerned, and i told her that we had to stop the bleeding. We had come to a landing near the bottom of the stairs. I moved to the north, where a counter was against the eastern wall of the dark room. The walls of the room seemed black. I had put my mother’s hand down on the counter to the east of me, and i was trying to bandage it. We had to keep pressure on the wound to stop the flow of blood. She seemed to be losing a lot of blood. I folded the white wax paper over her hand and then tried to fold the aluminium foil over the top of that to keep it secure. This seemed wrong. I felt very worried. I moved to the west, supporting my mother as we walked. We had to get her to a doctor before she lost too much blood. She walked to the south of me as we walked across the large open room, which seemed like a chapel of a small stone church. The pews ran east to west and seemed to face to the south, toward the entrance to the church. As i reached the central aisle of the chapel on the northern side of the room, i was aware of my grandmother descending the narrow wooden stairs to the northwest of me. The stairs came from somewhere to the northeast and curved to the south as they descended toward the stone floor. The staircase seemed to be only a meter or so wide, and it had wooden walls on either side that were about a meter and a quarter tall. The walls seemed decorative, with vertical designs, but the wood was too dark for me to make out patterns. I was worried that my grandmother would get upset about my mother, and i worried about her as well. I turned my mother to the south and walked her quickly down the central aisle of the chapel, toward the large arched door in the center of the southern wall.

12021 November 14

I push my bicycle to the east, walking along the brick wall to the north of me. The wall seemed to separate me from a corridor on the northern side of the building. This place was a school, and i had been sent to this place. I felt a little uncomfortable here, thinking that i had not been to a public school in a while. I used to attend school in a different town, but now i was back at my local high school. I felt uncomfortable here, as though being here was intended to be a punishment for me. A large auditorium opened up to the south and southeast of me, but i continued moving along the wall. A section of the wall was covered with glass windows or doors to the east of me. I wondered what it would be like to be back in public school. I no longer had the mindset for high school. I seemed to be locking the bicycle up to a rack just to the west of the glass section of the wall. I crouched down near the rear tire, which was to the north of me. The bicycle seemed dull yellow with mottled black and brown spots. This place seemed like Endicott, and the building seemed like the high school there. There was something familiar about this town, but i did not feel comfortable here. I then stood up and walked to the north, through the doorway. I was leaving the school building. Tom Cruise stood in the doorway with his hands akimbo, as if posing for something. He faced north. I patted him on the left shoulder with my right hand as i passed him, wishing him luck. I knew that he would be headed to the casino to gamble. He was smiling widely as he faced north, but he dropped his hands as i passed. He told me that we were not going to the gambling place. He had to do something else and had changed his mind. I thought that he was actually uncomfortable about gambling, and he did not want any of the students to know. Several walked to the south past him as i continued to the north. As i reached the street to the north of the school, i turned to the west and continued walking.

I left the others and started walking north, down sidewalk on the western side of the city street. The street sloped down to the north, and i felt as though i was picking up speed as i walked. I started to take longer strides, and then i held my foot in the air longer to allow myself to glide over the cement pavement. The street curved a little to the northwest and then rounded a corner to head back north. I focused on my left foot as i put it in front of me. I did not want to put it down on the ground yet. I held it in the air as i fell forward, feeling myself glide over the ground for a moment. I then remembered that i was able to hold my feet up from the ground and simply let myself glide over long distances. I held my feet under me, as though i was standing, but i was about five centimeters off of the ground. I focused on the force coming out of the arches of my feet. There was something about this motion that was very familiar. I knew that i could not fly in real life, but i thought that i could do this. I thought that this was one way to differentiate between a dream and reality. In reality, i was only able to float near the ground, but in dreams, i could fly high through the air. I thought about this as i started to pick up speed. Because i was floating over the pavement, i had little friction, and i was starting to accelerate going down the hill. I thought that i would have to put my feet down periodically to slow my speed. I then noticed a sudden drop in the sidewalk as i approached the corner that turned the road back to the north. The cement on the top of the drop-off was paler than the rest of the cement, and the step from the side walk that i was on to the sidewalk below seemed to be about a meter tall. I went over the step, and i thought that i would have to focus my energy out the arches of my feet to keep me from hitting the pavement at the bottom. I strained as i fell to the lower pavement. I seemed to land easily. I was surprised at how little effort it took to take long strides and never let your feet touch the ground again. I rounded the corner and started down the slope to the north. The slope seemed to be a little steeper here, but not that steep. Ahead of me, i could see the main street where the street i was on ended. I seemed to be heading east now as i approached the north-to-south road. I thought about letting my feet scuff the pavement here and there to slow my speed enough to stop. As i neared the end of the road, i heard a loud thud. Someone was then moving with me. A flat plain building was on the southern side of the street, and a narrow sidewalk ran along the side of it. I heard the thud again, and i realized that it was in a regular slow rhythm. It sounded like something hitting a large cement block. As i reached the intersection, i looked around the northeastern corner of the building on the corner to the south of me, noticing a few construction cranes around a modern cubical building to the southeast. I thought that the construction workers must be lifting heavy cement tiles, and the tiles were bouncing off of something at a regular beat. The sound stopped though as i came to the corner and looked to the south. The cubical building was plain, with some girders exposed on the northern side. Tall round pillars stood near the sidewalk, to the west of the building. The building seemed to be about ten meters from the sidewalk. A few cranes were in the excavated yard between the building and the sidewalk. I wondered what was making the noise. I could not see anything special in the construction yard. I then heard something from the south. I looked down the long road toward the skyscrapers of the center of the city. A large shadow moved across a yellowish glass building. I was surprised by the shadow, wondering what could have made such a large shadow. I then heard a sound that seemed like a monster from a Godzilla film. I felt suddenly anxious, thinking that the city might actually have a giant monster. I moved a little to the east to catch a glimpse of what could have caused the tall shadow. I saw a tall lizard monster in the downtown area. It was walking slowly to the west. I felt surprised and excited at the spectacle. I could only see the head of the monster. I then noticed two other monsters to he west of the first. They were all walking in a line. The monster in the middle had dull-yellow tendrils hanging from its head. I realized that this was the monster parade. The monsters had walked down the main street of the city and were now heading into the western neighborhoods. I was disappointed that i had missed the main part of the parade. I could still hear the monsters bellowing, though. I wanted to see more, but i could not see around the buildings near me. I then thought that i could fly upward to get a better view. I focused on lifting from the ground. I heard a monster more to the west of me, and i thought that they were turning to the northwest to head through the western part of the neighborhood, which was just over a low hill from where i was. I would have to get fairly high to get a good view of the monsters. I struggled to get off the ground, pulling with my arms as if swimming. I focused on pushing the air under me to get height, but i was having difficulty. I only managed to float about four meters from the ground. A man was then to the southwest of me. He stared at me as if in awe, and he wanted to know what i was doing. He seemed very interested in me. I was only about a meter off the ground now. I moved toward him to answer his question, but something felt wrong. I opened my legs under me to maneuver to the southwest, aware that i was wearing a dark wrap over the top of my denims. As i approached the man, i felt wary of him, and i realized that he was probably trying to abduct be, because i knew how to fly. I felt suspicious of him, and i started flying off to the northwest. I thought that i would have to gain enough altitude to get away from him.

I had been talking to the others on the northern side of the road, which seemed to be in a rural area. I started walking to the west with a few others. I had a beer in my left hand, but i thought that i would have to get more somewhere. The others had been getting beer from a cooler somewhere. The road sloped down the hill slightly, and trees and bushes were on both sides of the road. Houses seemed to be set back behind the vegetation. An opening on the southern side of the road exposed a brown wood house to the southwest of me. The house seemed small, with a tall peaked roof that had gable facing east. To the east of the house was a square gravel parking lot. Two cars were parked along the side of the house, facing west. The one to the north seemed to be a red pick-up truck. The gravel driveway ran to the road from the eastern side of the lot. I turned into the driveway, thinking that this was the place where i was supposed to go. $A539 stopped in the middle of the parking lot as i came down the driveway. She was with another woman, who stood to the east of her, and $A539 was carrying a small child with bright blond hair. I stopped at spoke with her for a moment, feeling festive about something. She motioned to the north, and they walked across the main road and into another gravel lot on the other side. I followed them, thinking that we could hang out for a while. An open wooden structure was to the north of the small lot to the north. It seemed to have thick brown trunks supporting a roof. A plank seemed to run around the bottom of the poles, separating the fine gravel inside the area from the ground outside. It seemed to be a playground. I chatted with the person to the west of me as i watched the two women walk into the area. The small brown dog that had followed them trotted over the plank barrier and started to pee on a low wooden structure. I giggled about it to $Z, who was to the west of me. A house seemed farther to the north. I had to get back to the other place, though, so i turned and headed back to the south. As i reached the main road, i realized that i had walked with the women back to the top of the hill, to the east of where i was. I was standing at the southern end of a driveway from a house that was at the top of the long shallow hill, which descended to the west. Across from me was a paved driveway that ran down the hill to the southwest, curving first to the south and then to the southwest before forming a long oval to the east of the low modern cement school building. The wide grassy lawn around the school was short, and a sports field seemed to be to the west and southwest of the building. I felt annoyed that i would have to walk down the hill to the west again to get back to the house on the southern side. Something was there that i had to get. It seemed like a long way. I must have been chatting with the women as we walked up the hill and had not noticed how far we had come. I entered the office through the door in the center of the eastern wall. A pale counter was just to the west of me, and it seemed to be filled with laboratory equipment. A woman stood behind the counter, doing something. I asked her for the app. She seemed tense from doing the job in the laboratory, though.

12021 November 15

I was in the large room on the southern side of the building. I seemed to be in my office, and i had been talking to the other people that i had been working with. I then headed to the north. I had to use a toilet, and i thought that the restrooms were to the north. I walked into the separate room, which seemed like the bathrooms. The toilets were on the western wall of the room, and i thought that the urinals would be to the north. The room seemed rather large, with a smooth cement floor. I stopped in the center of the room, realizing that the toilets had been removed from the room. I realized that the room was under construction. The high sinks were still on the southern wall, to the west of the door. Some seemed to be on the northern wall. Two or three men were mopping the floor of the room, and i asked them where the urinals were. They seemed to be part of the construction crew. The man to the northeast of me stopped mopping, holding the mop to the southeast of himself, and he told me that i should not use the urinals now. I realized that i probably should not be in the room while the others were working. I headed to the south to leave. As soon as i turned, i was faced with an opening in the southern wall. The wall was now not surfaced, and i started walking through the wooden studs. A short piece of plasterboard was at the bottom of the wall, and i stepped over it to get out of the room, which now seemed to be about a half meter above the level of the corridor outside. I glanced back at the young men who were still working. I felt interested in one of them, but i thought that i needed to be out of their way. I held on to the stud to the east of me as i carefully lowered myself to the corridor outside, which was now about a meter below the floor of the bathroom. As i climbed down, a section of wall fell apart behind me. I was annoyed that i had created more of a mess for the men to clean up, but i realized that they were already working on the reconstruction of the room, so they would have had to break apart the wall anyway. I headed to the west. I then realized that it was 12:24. I felt rushed, thinking that i should have left for lunch a while ago. The woman in my office had gone to the car to the west a while ago, and i was supposed to head out just after her. I headed to the north, across the office, which seemed to have cubicles around the sides. The boss was not here, so i could not let him know that i was still here. I thought that i could not tell him that i was now going to lunch anyway. He would want me to be on lunch at the precise schedule. I headed to the west anyway. I was going to my car so that i could leave for lunch.

I was on the balcony on the eastern side of the building. I seemed to be on the second floor of the building. The street was to the east of me, and i seemed to be in a city of low buildings. The building i was on was shabby, with dull white plaster walls. I headed to the north along the balcony, but i came to the end of the cement deck. I looked over the northern edge of the balcony, noticing the small play tower below with roofing on the bottom. The roofing seemed like a quick patch, however, and did not seem safe to walk on. It seemed that i had to head in that direction, but i was worried that the thin particleboard would collapse under me. I wondered what i should do. I looked to the west. A sliding door was to the west of me, and it led into a large living room. The walls of the living room where pale, and a large couch faced south, toward a wide-screen television that was mounted on the wall. People were on the couch, but i could not see their faces. I could only see their shoulders and heads. I took a step back and slided the door to the south, opening it. I stuck my head into the room and asked the people if it was safe to walk across the thin wood that was just below the northern side of the balcony. The man on the couch did not answer me. I leaned in a little farther, and i realized that the second person i had seen was actually a child. The child looked at me, but seemed too young to understand what i was asking. The man was reclined on the couch and covered with blankets. I backed out of the room and tried to slide the door closed again. It caught when it was only halfway closed. I looked down, noticing that a nail in the bottom of the track was high enough that the door was hitting it. I felt annoyed, and i lifted the door a little to slide it the rest of the way closed. I moved north again, trying to climb around the eastern end of the railing on the northern end of the balcony. I stepped carefully on the wooden structure, trying not to put too much weight on it. The wood balcony seemed loose, and i was nervous about it. I tried to slide my left foot off the balcony, but it got caught on part of the railing. I was annoyed, and i moved my left foot over the partition and found myself standing on the northern edge of the balcony. I looked to the north, but i was not sure where to go from here. I thought that i might be able to jump down to the next balcony, but i worried that i might actually break the lower balcony. The balcony i had been standing on then started to crumble. The wooden platform on the northern side fell below me. I grabbed a vertical pole and swinged to the north. The pole rotated slowly, lowering me to the ground, where i was safe. I wondered what i should do now.

12021 November 16

I left the large building and headed to the west, along the southern side of the building. The building seemed like a mall. A narrow parking lot sloped down toward the building to the north of me. I was looking for something as i drove around the western side of the building. As i drove to the north along the western side, i heard the sound of an alarm to the southeast of me. It was coming from one of the stores in the building. Several people were standing outside the building, but they did not seem concerned about the sound of the alarm. I turned to the east and headed back down the hall. An old man opened a door to the east of me and hurriedly walked into the hall. I thought that he was probably dealing with the fire alarm in the store. I was aware that $F71 was to the northwest of me in the corridor, walking with me. I watched the old man hurry to the east. He seemed to have difficulty walking, and i felt bad for him. I called to the man by name, and i asked him if he needed help with anything. I then thought that i should let $F71 know that i knew the older man. I felt concerned for him, and i did not want him handling the fire alarm on his own.

12021 November 18

I sat on the southern side of the large rectangular table in the conference room. We were here for a meeting. Two others were with me. One was sitting to the east of me, and the other was to the northeast, on the opposite side of the table. We had to present something to someone, and i thought that we still needed to get things ready. We asked the woman to the west about the services here. We would need her to set up some things for us so that we could put on the presentation. She seemed unconcerned with our needs, and she told us that there was no way for us to get response forms for the presentation. I felt confused, wondering why should would not have told us this before. She had already told us that we could not do other things here, which had limited what we could do for the presentation, but without having a way for people to respond to us, we did not have any way to do the presentation at all. I looked at the others for a moment, feeling very frustrated. I was not sure how we could do what we were supposed to do. I thought that we would not be able to do our meeting, and i thought that we should cancel our room. We seemed to have rented this room at a hotel. I told the woman to the west about this, but she seemed unconcerned. Annoyed, i stood up and walked to the west, passing the woman and leaving the room. I headed to the north in the corridor and headed for the entryway of the building. The corridor opened up into the entryway on the northern end, and a reception desk was on the southern wall of the western side of the room. I thought that we would have to cancel everything here. I turned to the east, where some bags were on the ground against the eastern wall. We had not set everything up yet, and our equipment was still in the bags and boxes. I still wondered what we were going to do. I looked through the boxes and bags on the floor, looking for our supplies, but i could not find them. I felt annoyed again. I talked to the two others with me, explaining my frustration with the situation. I then turned to the southwest and headed to the reception desk. I would have to cancel the room that we rented. I knew that it was reserved under the name of Daniel. A woman sat behind the desk, and i told her that i wanted to cancel the room. I felt angry with the people here. I then headed to the west, toward the exit door and left the building. I found myself on the eastern side of a large building, and i started walking to the north, down the sidewalk. Cement stairs descended from the northeastern corner of the building to the sidewalk that ran along the street. I thought that i would have to pick up my things, and my car was parked on the street, in front of the building. I reached the street and started to the northwest. I could see my car parked on the southern side of the street. A woman was opening rear passenger’s door of the car and leaning in to get things. I felt annoyed. I wondered what she was doing, and i thought that she might be taking boxes from the car, because she was angry that the meeting was canceled. As i watched her, i noticed that she was using a tool to open the cardboard boxes. I then noticed stacks of things on the ground near her. I felt frustrated, and i headed back up the stairs to get our things together. Several of the things seemed to be on the stairs. I then headed to the west, back into the entryway of the hotel, and i sat on a bench against the northern wall of the room. I had to get our things together and organized. I started sorting through the papers from the boxes. I knew that i did not need most of the papers in the stack now that the meeting was canceled. I felt that i had to clean things up and get rid of the things that we did not need. I opened a plastic binder, but i could not find the papers that i was looking for. I asked $F42 if he knew where the papers were. He was to the west of me, and he had something in his hand. He had picked up several of the things that i had already sorted through. He had a copy of People magazine in his hands, and it had a cover story about Rolling Stone magazine. I remembered that $F42 had asked about Rolling Stone before. He wanted to keep the copy of the People magazine, which made me feel uncomfortable. I had separated that as something that we were going to keep. I wished that he did not want to keep it, because i wanted to save it for something, but i told myself to let it go. I felt frustrated and disappointed by giving up the magazine, but i knew that there was no point in me having it. I turned my attention back to the other papers, trying to collect them. I was frustrated that i could not get all of our things together.

12021 November 19

Someone said something about the man as the man passed to the south of me, heading west. I watched the man for a moment. He was a little taller than i was and seemed somewhat muscular. He walked into a room to the west. He seemed indifferent to what was happening around him. I felt interested in him and wanted to talk to him. I was in a corridor that ran north to south on the eastern side of the house. Some others were to the north of me. They said something about the man. A narrow table was between the wall and us, and i seemed to be getting something from it as i listened to the men to the north. They were part of a fraternity, and i seemed to be visiting their house. I wanted to know more about the man to the south, who seemed somewhat solitary. The man to the north of me said that the tall man had gone to his room. I suddenly pictured the room, as though the man from the north were describing it. It seemed that the tall man had a fetish for performance wrestling. He would grab people by then neck and lift them from the ground. I thought that he must like pretending to choke others. I felt a little hesitant about meeting the man. Someone then referred to the man as Deathstroke. I wondered if it was a reference to the comic character. I still seemed interested in the tall man, but i thought that it might be dangerous to interact with him personally. I walked to the south. The men to the north continued to talk to me, and i responded, saying that i would be heading back. I could see the street to the south of the house now. I seemed to be on the second floor of the building, and i had a clear view of the wide house on the southern side of the street. The house to the south seemed to be my fraternity house. Several people were moving around the outside. I thought that the brothers of the fraternity house that i was in probably did not know that i was a part of the house to the south. I walked out of the house and hopped down to the street. I seemed to be jumping very high. I hopped to the southeast, around the eastern side of the house to the south. The brothers to the south had been on the western side of the building. I thought that i would go around the building to get to the back yard. I wondered if the members of the house that i had been in would be impressed with the way i could fly.

12021 November 20

I packed some of the things in the large duffel bag. The man was to the east of me with my mother. He told me to bring the things that i would be taking with me. I bent over to pick up the dark-blue nylon canvas duffel bag, which was on the cement floor to the south of me. It felt very heavy. I strained to lift it up. The man to the east of me commented on how heavy it was. As the western end of the bag tipped down and landed on the ground, i realized that the bag had wheels on it, so i started to wheel the bag to the east, into the center of the garage, which seemed like my grandmother’s garage. The main door of the garage was open to the south of me. A large black pick-up truck was parked just outside the garage, with its tail facing the garage. We seemed to be loading things into the back of the truck. I dragged the bag toward the truck, thinking that there were a lot of heavy things in it. I then remembered that the bowling ball was still in the bag. I was now along the western side of the truck, walking to the south. I thought that i really did not need the bowling ball, and i thought that i could leave it here. I let the bag fall, and i turned to the west, walking across the open room to the west of me. The room had a cement floor, and it seemed to be in my grandmother’s house. I thought that the bowling ball was an old ball that my grandfather used to have, but i knew that this was not correct. I saw the ball on the floor to the northwest of me. I seemed to be in the basement of my grandmother’s house, and the ball seemed to be near the southern end of a set of wooden shelfs that were against the western wall. The dull-green ball was sitting on the cement floor. I had thought that the ball did not have any holes in it, but i could now see three finger holes in the ball. The hole for the thumb seemed rather large, about two or three centimeters, and the two holes for the fingers seemed rather small, about a centimeter or smaller. The small holes were to the south and above the thumb hole. The two holes also seemed to be only about two centimeters apart. The holes faced east and up slightly, with the center of the two holes about thirty degrees higher than the thumb hole. I thought that the ball would be no good because no one could actually fit their fingers into the holes. I then noticed that the ball had a deep crack in it just to the north of the thumb hole. The crack started just under the thumb hole and reached around the northern side of the ball. The ball was ruined. I picked up the ball. It would be no good, so i did not want to have to carry it in the bag that i had. It would make the bag too heavy. I tossed the ball to the southwest, down the cellar stairs and into the basement. I was now standing just inside the cellar door of my grandmother’s house. The cellar stairs ran down to the south of me, along the eastern wall of the house. The western side of the steps was open to the cellar, and i had tossed the ball through the opening. The house was being sold, so i thought that the next owner of the house could take care of the bowling ball. I did not want it. I glanced to the south, noticing a shelf extending from the eastern wall above the stairs. It had several old bottles of cleansers and chemicals in them. I wondered if anyone had looked through the items on the shelf for anything of interest. We had cleaned out the house so that it could be sold to someone. I walked to the west, across the southern end of the kitchen. I turned to the southwest and headed into the southern end of the living room. Some items of furniture and decorations were still in the room. I seemed to have come from the center of the living room and walked south. A large surface, like a darkly stained grand piano, was to the southeast of me. It extended south from the end of the eastern wall of the living room, where the narrow northern part of the room ended. The wall to the south seemed dull olive green. Decorations were on shelfs on the southern wall, but i knew that no one wanted them. We had looked them over before. Everything that someone had wanted had been cleaned out of the house. I then noticed some items that had been laid out on the surface of the piano. Two pair of metal spectacle frames were on the northern end of the items, and a plain silver cross on a chain was on the southern end of the piano. I felt attached to the items, and i did not want to leave them here. I took my backpack off of my right shoulder and opened the top. I took the metal cross and moved to the north to grab the glasses. The brass glasses frame was decorative, with horn rims that seemed like decorative plant designs. I thought that i could use them for some kind of costume design. I hurriedly tried to stuff the glasses into the open top of my backpack, which seemed like the orange and black backpack. I did not want my mother to know that i was taking more things from the house. She thought that i was trying to keep too many of my grandmother’s things. She seemed to be to the northeast of me, in the kitchen or driveway. I put the glasses in the bag and started walking to the north. The room had so many things still in it, but i knew that i had no use for any of them. I felt sad here. My mother came into the living room from the entrance in the northern end of the eastern wall. She sat down on the couch, which as against the eastern wall. I looked at the items hung on the western wall of the room as i walked slowly to the north. Several pictures were on the wall, along with hanging vases and other decorations. None of the things seemed interesting to me. I turned and walked back to the south, looking at the western wall. I then looked up. The ceiling was rather high on the western side of the room, and i could see where the plastic skylight had been put in. The skylight seemed crudely constructed with plexiglas. It had a grid of supports over it. The grid ran about a meter and a half into the room on the western edge of the ceiling, and it ran down the entire western wall. The entire window had been new to the house. I looked up at the part of the skylight that faced south, over the old roof of the house. The southern two meters of the ceiling and western wall of the living room were original to the building. The glass window had been added on afterward, and they extended about a meter to the west of the original western wall and about a meter taller than the original ceiling. I remembered that this addition had something to do with the artificial fireplace that my grandparents had installed. I looked to the west. A shimmer of light reflected off of water reflected in the northern end of the western window. It seemed like a narrow pool ran along the western side of the building, held it by a low cement wall to the west. I then thought that a swimming pool was actually on the floor below the living room, and there was a narrow gap between the window and the end of the floor of the living room where one could look down into the pool. I felt apprehensive here, remembering that we would be leaving this place for the last time soon. I walked to the east, back into the dining room of the house. I wanted to make sure that we took everything that seemed of interest to us. I did not want to leave anything of my grandmother’s things that could be of use to us. I put something down to the north of the table, which was in the center of the kitchen, to the south of me. I then looked to the north. A doorway in the center of the northern wall led to a small entryway on the northern end of the house. A short set of stairs seemed to lead down just past the doorway. I saw someone doing something there, and i walked to the north to see if everything had been cleaned out of the other part of the house. This other part had been lived in by my grandaunt. I had not looked through the things there, because i had thought that they were no my grandmother’s, so we should not take them. I walked into the small room and down the steps. Someone was in the small room to the east of me. The room had wooden shelfs on the eastern wall. I walked toward the shelfs as the man opened one of the cabinet doors. The shelfs were filled with glasses. The glasses were in the northern cabinet on the wall. I noticed a brown and tan mug, which was in the shape of a smiling face. It was like a mug that my mother had had, and i thought that we should take it with us. I then wondered if any of the other mugs with faces on them would be here. I knew that my mother had a set of mugs with characters from a book or play. I thought that there might be a similar set here, but that this set might have different characters that the ones my mother had. We should take the mugs so that the new owners of the house did not throw them out. I said something about the mugs to the man. I then told the man that the some of the mugs had wobbled on the shelf as the shelf got jostled. I told him that the wobbling made the faces on the mugs seem to nod. I then opened up a cabinet to the south of the one that the man had opened. The cabinet was filled with dolls that resembled Loony Toons characters. I felt suddenly interested in them. I knew that these things did not belong to my grandmother, but i thought that we should not leave them here. The people who bought the house would waste them. A large fuzzy doll of Bugs Bunny was standing on the northern side of the shelf. Behind it, i could see some smaller dolls of other characters. I felt excited to see them, and i told the man that we should take the dolls. I walked to the south. My mother was still in the kitchen. I excitedly told her about the things in the other part of the house, and i told her that we should take them. I was trying to get her permission to collect them. I then told her about the tan mug, which was similar to the one she had. I thought that this might convince her to look at the things in the other room. She seemed uninterested, though. I felt excited, but i wanted my mother to say that we could take the things that were in the other part of the house, even if they had not belonged to my grandmother.

12021 November 21

I moved to the west, through the crowd of people on the western side of the area. We seemed to be in a large courtyard, with white modern buildings on all sides. The long courtyard was rectangular. I had started talking to the others near the center of the courtyard, when the people started arriving. We had all come from the east, entering the courtyard between a gap in the building on the eastern end of the northern side of the area. One of the men with me seemed like $A760. He had been upset with us for something, but we had started talking in the center of the courtyard. I was with another man, who seemed to be close to $A760. $A760 had been mad at him too, but we had come to an understanding about what was upsetting him. IT was nice that we could be together again, but something was happening around us that seemed to be an emergency. We were deciding what to do as we moved through the crowd on the western side of the area. I thought that we had been avoiding $A760 for too long a time. We should have started speaking to him earlier. I felt that something was still wrong, though. We were not safe here because of the emergency. We should have started doing something earlier. I decided that we should have started the scene over at an earlier time. I was then in the center of the courtyard. People were just starting to enter the yard from the east. We had jumped back in time a little so that we could start our plan earlier. The man was standing to the south of me as we watched the people enter the yard and start to approach us. $A760 was with them. He started toward us, but when he saw us, he scowled and slowed. We still had the disagreement at thin point in time. I thought that we had arrived early enough that we would be able to talk it over sooner than we had in the previous version of the time line. If we could resolve the conflict now, we would have more time to make our escape. The man and i started talking to $A760. It felt good to be able to resolve the issues sooner. I was glad that we would now have the time to do something.

Time had reverted itself, and i was watching the scene again. The three people walked quickly to the south, toward the large door in the tall archway of the stone building. The others would be inside at the ceremony. The three had to get inside to do something, and they now knew how the time line had run on the last iteration. The scene changed. I was now in an inside corridor of the building. The ceilings were very tall, and this place seemed like an old gothic church. The three people came from the north, walking down a short entrance corridor. They walked quickly, with assurance. They turned to the west and started walking toward me. The man in the center was tall and wore a black robe, which seemed like a graduation robe. He seemed to have a hat, but i could not see it on his bushy curly black hair. He had a crooked smile on his light-skinned face. He was attractive, and i thought that he was actually a cinema actor. A woman walked to the south of him. She also wore black robes. She seemed like my mother in some way. To the north of him walked another woman. She was much shorter than the other two, but she was able to keep pace with them as they moved. They had something to do at the ceremony to the southwest, and they now had knowledge of the last loop of time that they had experienced. They would be able to solve the problem this time. They seemed confident.

12021 November 28

I was near the southern side of the campground, cleaning up some things. We had an event here recently, and we had come back to clean some things up. It was day, but the light seemed dim, as though the clouds were very gray. I walked to the northwest, to the western side of the southern part of the campground. I started to pick up some things from the ground when i noticed a small pile of blue containers to the north of me. I felt annoyed. Someone had not picked them up when we had cleaned up from our weekend. I started picking several of them up. They seemed to be small coolers, but they had thin translucent blue plastic sides and white opaque lids. I thought that i could take things out of the coolers and stack them. I moved one of the coolers to the south of me and then turned to the west to get some of the others. Many coolers seemed to be here, and i felt annoyed that they were just left here. They should have been collected as trash. Several empty bottles were in the containers, and they should have been taken to the trash or recycled. I walked back to the east, across the northern edge of the southern section of the camp ground. The southern section seemed rectangular, with short cut grass. Something ran along the northern side, separating it from the more ragged section of grass in the rest of the grounds to the north. I stopped near the middle of the northern side, where the others were. I told the others that we would have to clean up the things that we had left here. I felt upset that we had left so many things here. Some $G4 seemed to be to the east of me, and $A782 seemed to be standing to the northeast of me, on the other side of a low surface, like a table or wall. Some young adults were standing along the northern side of the low surface, to the northwest of me. I expressed my disappointment in the fact that we had left so much stuff here. $A782 said that he thought we had cleaned very well. His statement did not seem honest, though. I looked to the northwest, noticing a wall of boxes that had been stacked along the northern side of the area. They seemed to form shelfs with small cubbies. Several tall alcohol bottles were standing here and there on the shelfs. We had left these as well. I was annoyed. I pointed the items out to $A782 and said that they really should have been cleaned up. He admitted that he had noticed the junk but did not say anything to us, because he had assumed that we did not know about it. I then pointed out that the alcohol definitely should have been taken, because kids would be coming to the camp, and they should not see the bottles of alcohol. Some of the teenagers to the northwest of me chuckled at the idea. I felt bad that we had left all of these things around. I got up and moved to the east, thinking that i should clean some of the things up. Something started to feel wrong, though. I passed to the north of a small building on the edge of the campground and continued across the short grass to the east, which seemed to be a parking lot. A line of dark pine trees ran along the eastern side of the parking lot, to the southeast of me, and a small white building, which seemed like a trailer, was just to the west of them. Some others were in the parking lot to the southeast of me, and i started toward them. I thought about getting the trash picked up at the campground, but something was distracting me. I was suddenly aware that it was getting dark. The sky to the east and south was black with clouds. The others mentioned the storm, but they did not seem to be concerned about it. As i crossed the old fine-gravel lot, it seemed very dark out, but i knew that the sun was still up in the northwestern sky. I felt uneasy about the storm clouds. The others said something about what we had to do here. The sky then brightened again as the clouds thinned out to the west of us, letting more sun in. I still felt wary of the clouds to the southeast. The storm seemed dangerous. I told the others that we had to see something to the southeast, but we could not see it from here. I backed away from the others, heading north. I thought that i would fly up and get a look to the southeast from a higher altitude. I stopped about ten meters from the others. A woman with the others looked my direction for a moment. She stood on the western side of the others. I thought about flying up. I realized that i had been having trouble flying like i used to. I used to be able to jump up and float easily in the sky. I now had trouble just hovering over the ground. Something had changed over the years. I told myself that i could fly like i used to, though. I thought that i would simply move directly upward and hover about twenty meters off of the ground. I knew that it should be as easy as it used to be. I then wondered about the approaching storm. I wondered if i would be at risk for getting hit with lightning if i floated so high.

12021 November 29

I was working in this office again, which seemed to be my office at $G24. I felt rushed. The office seemed small, and i was on the western side of the room. I had to do something, and i headed to the east to do it. I thought that i needed an idea for something that i was creating. I pulled some paper out of a trash can that was to the southeast of me. I thought that i would look at the layout of the old designs for ideas on new designs. I looked at the styles used in the papers. I then realized that some of the papers were letters, and i wondered if it was bad to be going through them. I then found several pages that looked like a brochure layout. They had large black images on the pages. I flipped through them, looking at how the design was done. A woman was to the north of me. I showed her some of the designs and talked to her about them. I hoped that it was okay that i was going through the trash of someone else. I assured her that i was not reading the letters. I walked to the southwest, doing something with the pages that i had in my hand. I then headed to the north to get back to my office. I walked into the stairway, which was off the eastern side of the room. I started for the stairs on the northern side of the square stairwell, but i noticed that they were not real stairs. I had started up them, but i noticed that they ended in a decorative column. The column had a wide flared bottom and stood about three meters tall. It was made of wood, and had various vertical and horizontal lines on it. The main section was shaped like an ellipsoid. The bottom blended in with the flared base, and the top rose to a narrow point. Puzzled, i stepped back down. I would have to look for another set of steps. I headed to the west, into the large room, which was a large library. I looked around the room for another set of steps. I spotted the staircase rising in the center of the room, to the southwest of me. It had a set of white stairs on the western side that ascended to the south, stopping halfway up to the ceiling at a small landing. Another flight of stairs ascended to the north from the eastern side of the landing. I headed toward it. As i reached the bottom step and started to climb, a man to the east of me put his arm in my way. I stopped and looked to the east at him. He seemed indignant but did not say anything. I felt annoyed with him, and i pushed past and started to climb the stairs. I then noticed that the stairs were roped off halfway up the first flight. Annoyed, i backed down the stairs, wondering how i could get up to the second floor.

I was doing something in the office, and i felt rushed to get things done. I headed to the south, now outside on a road that ran along the southern side of the building. I was making food, and i tossed things in the tall square container. I stirred the food in the container, but the container deformed a little. I could now see a small clump of spicy paste on the outside of the bottom of the container. I realized that the bottom of the container had come unsealed, and i tried to reseal it. I felt annoyed with the container. I then realized that the blender was still running, but i knew that it should not be. I had already put the pasta in the container, and i did not want the past to be chopped up. I felt frustrated with the blender, and i felt that i was rushing to get the food ready. I then noticed a small group of people down the road, to the east. I headed to the east. The road seemed like the road that ran to the south of $A328’s house.

12021 November 30

The other two started walking to the west, along the southern edge of the yard, which was to the north of me. I started walking to the northwest, thinking that i had to go around the house, which was to the northwest of me. I was trying to get back to the other place. As i started walking, i realized that the man and the woman might thing that i was following them. I slowed down a little so that i was not as close to them. They had wanted more privacy, so i should have let them walk to the west. The others stayed to the south of me as i crossed into the grassy yard to the east of the house. I then wondered if anyone would mind that i was crossing the yard. I thought that this was private property, and i should not be crossing it. As i started across the small patch of asphalt to the east of the house, i noticed something on the ground. It looked like a couple of worms in a small patch. I slowed to avoid the patch so that i did not step on them. A plastic watering can was on the ground to the southwest of the worms. I picked it up, noticing a larger patch of earth worms under the bucket. Something about the worms was interesting. I said something about them to the person who was to the south of me. I bent over to look at the small worms. They wiggled on the black pavement. I tipped the buckets, as if pouring water from the can. Only a small worm came out the end spout, and one seemed to be stuck in the spout. I joked to the person to the southwest of me that we would not be able to drink from the watering can anymore. I thought that we should do something about the worms. It seemed that they should not be left on the pavement in the cold weather.