12022 November 04

I was standing in the middle of the road with some other people. I was facing north, talking to someone who was to the northeast of me, and i knew that $F71 was to the south of me, with some more people. We seemed to be deciding something, and we had to continue to the north. My attention was then drawn to the east. I looked down the road, which sank slightly to the east before rising up a tall hill. The land around the road was thickly forested, and the trees did not seem to have any leafs. Some of the branches hung over the road, and i was looking through some to see the large trucks coming down the road. The first had just rounded the crest of the hill and was heading down, and a second was following it. The trucks were large and boxy, looking like overly wide fire trucks or utility trucks. They were pale green, and i felt uneasy about them. A small group of five or six gray wolfs had been standing in the road just to the east of us. They all paused to look at the trucks, and then they hurried to the north, off of the road. I felt worried about the trucks, and i told the others that we had to get out of the road. I started to the north with the other person, but as i reached the northern side of the road, i looked back and noticed that $F71 was not following me. He was still standing near the southern edge of the road. I felt a little annoyed, but thought that he would be staying on the southern side of the road. I hurried to the north, asking the man to the northeast of me if he could hear the trucks. I mentioned that they were making a strange vibrating sound. A short wire fence seemed to run along the road just to the north of us, but it ended just to the east of us. We ran into the small field to the east of the fenced-in area. The field seemed to be about twenty meters east to west, bordered by the fence on the west and a side road on the east. I stopped in the middle of the field, hoping that i was far enough away from the road. I thought that it would be safer if i was not standing near the road when the trucks passed. I looked up to the south to see the trucks passing, and i felt wary of them. I then started moving to the southeast, heading back to the edge of the road. As i crossed the side road, i realized that the other person with me was standing on the side road. He seemed to be $A589. He said something to me, and i motioned to the east, saying that i was going to follow the trail, which i thought ran to the east, on the road. The man did not seem to follow me, and i thought that he had headed to the north. I thought that he would eventually be back, because i knew that the trail did not go up the side road. A small gravel parking lot was on the northern side of the road, just to the east of a small building. I passed the building and paused at the entrance to the parking lot. I had expected $F71 and the other person to be here already. Something seemed wrong. The man who had gone to the north also did not return. I stopped and looked around for the others, but they were not around. I wondered if the trail actually went to the north, and i started to feel worried about something.

I moved around the room, which seemed like a classroom. It seemed to be in the southeastern part of the building. I had to head back to the northwest, but i was looking at the things here in the room. I noticed a rack of four or five guitars on the southern side of the room. I walked to the east, past them. They seemed very interesting, and i wanted to play some of them, but i knew that i should not. I headed back to the west, looking for something. I thought that it would have been on the floor near the black plastic chairs with the thin metal frames. We had been doing something in this room, and it was time for us to leave, but i had to get my things. It seemed that i was looking for my jacket. A man was to the northeast of me, talking to a woman, who stood just to the west of him. The man was short and thin, and he seemed like $A675. I thought that he was the teacher, and i hoped that he did not mind that we were in his room. I walked back to the east, noticing the rack of guitars again. A few more guitars had been placed on the rack, but the new guitars were not in the slots of the rack. The rack was a metal bar that was supported by a few poles. Short pegs tuck out from the black metal bar, creating slots where the guitars would be set. They had been standing up, facing west. The new guitars were facing west, and they seemed to be resting on the rounded bodies of the guitars below them so that they stuck out to the north more than the other guitars. The one of the eastern end of the rack seemed to be in a black nylon guitar bag, and the one just to the west of it was not in a bag. It had a smooth elongated body that faded from dull red to pale red at the near edge. It seemed like a very nice guitar. The man to the northeast then asked me something about the guitars. He seemed to want to know if i was interested in them. I looked at the man and then down at the rack of guitars, which was now to the northeast of me, between the man and me, running north to south. The red guitar now seemed to be on the southern end of the rack. I told the man that the guitars were interesting, but i felt hesitant to play them. Something about the red one seemed new and professional. I moved to the northeast to grab something, and then i headed to the west. Several other people had come in to the western side of the room. I headed for the doorway in the western end of the northern wall and exited into a hallway of the school building. Another man was walking with me. He appeared to the northeast of me as i came into the hall, and i turned to greet him. He seemed like $A837. I looked to the west, down the long wide hall of the school building. I noticed a boxy metal drinking fountain standing near the southern wall of the hall, about five meters to the west of me. I thought that i wanted a drink. I noticed that there seemed to be several drinking fountains on the wall. I stopped in front of the first fountain as the man continued to the west. I said something to him before turning my attention to the fountain. I found myself standing at a service counter in a small doorway. The counter seemed to rest on the bottom half of a door, which was closed over the doorway. A man stood on the other side of the counter, resting his arms on the counter. He pressed his lips together in annoyance as he watched me. Behind him, i could see another man sitting on the eastern side of a wooden desk, which faced west. The man at the counter said something to me, and i responded. I then bent forward to get a drink from the fountain, which seemed to be in the counter. I felt uncomfortable with the man there, and i only took a quick sip. As i stood up, the man was still leaning on the counter, watching me with a disinterested look. I said something to him, feeling uncomfortable near him. I decided to head to the west and drink from one of the other fountains. I started to the west, but i did not immediately see the second fountain. I wondered if the man would be annoyed that i did not want to drink from his fountain but stopped at another to drink. I looked back to the southeast, noticing that the second fountain was a small metal spout on top of a small bottle, which was on a white counter in front of a second service window. The second service window was closed, and the room inside was dark. It seemed to be the service counter for a restaurant. I took a step toward the fountain, but i decided that it would not be good to drink from the bottle. I turned back to the west and continued down the hall. I stopped as i found myself in a kitchen. I had entered through a doorway in the southeastern end of the northeastern wall of the room. Metal counters and tables were around the room, and a large stove seemed to be along the northwestern wall. Several men in white chef clothing stopped and looked at me. I hoped that i was not intruding in the kitchen. The men only paused for a moment, though, and then went back to what they were doing. I felt more comfortable in the room, and i asked the men if they had seen someone else come here. I was looking for $A837, who had been walking with me. Someone motioned to the west, so i headed for the doorway in the center of the southwestern wall. I came out to the west, on the southern side of a small gravel parking lot. A car was parked just to the northwest of me, facing east. The others were sitting along the eastern end of the northern side of the lot. I headed to the northwest, heading to the western part of the small group. $A499 was standing in front of the wooden curb at the eastern end of the lot, and $A837 seemed to be standing to the west of him. The small group seemed huddled around a fire on the ground. They were cooking something. $A456 was dressed in black and sitting on the curb near the center of the group. As i reached the western end of the group, i looked down at the pasta that the group was cooking. Someone put a small amount on a surface just to the east of me. I picked up the paste, realizing that it was fried. I told them that i had never had fried pasta before, and i thought that it was an interesting idea. The paste seemed to have a red sauce on it. I headed to the southeast, around the southern side of the small fire. I thought that the pasta would have to be boiled in water before it was fried. It seemed to be fried with the tomato sauce already on it. As i came to the southeast of the fire, i noticed the red fried things in a pile. They seemed to be fried shrimp. I scooped a handful and held them as i said something to the other. As i spoke, i was aware that some of the pink fried shrimp dropped from my hand. Annoyed, i bent over to pick the shrimp up. They had fallen into the pile of shrimp that was still cooking in the puddle to the southeast of the fire. I bent over, trying to pick up the shrimp from the puddle. I then realized that some of the shrimp in the puddle was uncooked. I wondered how i would tell the difference between the cooked and uncooked shrimp. $A499 moved to the northeast of me, to the eastern side of the puddle. I looked down at the shrimp. Some of the shrimp looked like orange gold fish with wide fins. I was not sure how i would tell the difference between the cooked shrimp and the raw fish. I tried to pick out some of the shrimp that i had dropped, and then i headed to the west. I came to the western end of the car, and i put the shrimp i had in my hand on a small white paper plate that was on the top of the car’s rear.

12022 November 05

Someone was standing to the south of the grill, and they were talking about the small piece of salmon that was cooking. My relatives seemed to be around. Something was wrong about the way the fish was being cooked, and the people seemed to disagree about it. The scene changed a little, and a woman was now standing to the south of the grill. I was standing to the southeast of the grill, watching the scene. Someone near me layed a large flank of fish on the grill. It seemed to be almost a meter long and about a half meter wide. As the fish was put on the grill, i moved north, to the east of the grill. The woman stared intently at the fish, and it flared up. I knew that she was frustrated with the cooking. Flames flared up around the fish. The woman had caused this to happen. She was Jean Gray, and she was using her powers to burn the fish. A man to the east of her seemed impressed. I realized that he thought that the fish would be nicely cooked and was anticipating eating it. My view panned toward the woman so that the fish was right at the edge of the scene. I could see some of the flames as the woman moved her hand. An orange flame flickered at the edge of the scene, but it did not look like a real flame. It was a series of orange lines that wriggled in the air. The lines bent toward the woman and became part of her hair. I thought that the animation of this scene was not great. The woman continued to stare at the fish, and i wondered if the man liked the flames because he thought that it would sear the outside but keep the inside near raw.

Someone was talking about the fish on the grill, and i remembered the scene with Jean Gray. I thought that the people here had cooked the fish as well. I seemed to be in $P19, and i walked to the east, down a corridor on the southern side of the building. I had been staying here again. I moved around, thinking about this place. I had participated in an event here recently, and it felt good to be back here. I was then at the western end of the hall, and i started walking to the east. I glanced to the north, into the large room, which seemed like a dining room. The tables had been cleared from the room, and two long tables were set up along the northern wall. Men in costumes stood behind the tables, ready to serve people breakfast. They looked at me as i walked past the doorways to the room. One of the men at the western table had a wig of gray fuzzy hair that stuck out to the sides. He had a matching mustache. The others also seemed to have costumes that made them seem older. I thought that the costumes were of a specific theme, like a US western theme. I continued to the east, passing out of view of the room. Just as i passed the doorway, i thought that i had heard someone calling my name. I stopped and looked back through the doorway. I could not see the tables, but i could still see the southern side of the room. No one was there. I waited a moment, and a short thin man walked into view. I wondered if he had called me, but he did not say anything. I headed back toward the room. Tables were now in the room, and a few people were eating. A young man, who was sitting on the western side of one of the tables, greeted me. The round table had a white tablecloth. I knew the man who was sitting on the northern side of the table, but i thought that the young man was new here. The young man reached out to shake my hand. I shook his hand as i greeted him. He said several things to me as he adjusted the grip of his shake. I adjusted my grip as well, saying that it had been a long time since i had been here. I then told him that i had been gone for a long time, but that i had come back and ended up living in this house again. It seemed strange that i would still be here, and i told him that i would probably find an apartment soon.

12022 November 06

I was in the school, and it seemed that i was a teacher. A student was to the east of me in the small room, and he wanted me to do something. I knew that i should not do what the student requested, and i told the boy that i would not do as he asked. The boy seemed angry. I knew that it had something to do with the paper that i had near me. The boy turned to the northwest. I knew that he was going to report me to the principle. I felt annoyed with the boy, but i knew that there was nothing the principle could do. The principle was in an office in the western wall of the hallway. I was still standing to the southwest of the office, but i could see the boy talking to the principle. I headed to the east, into the hallway and then turned north. The boy stood outside the principle’s office. He seemed smug, but i knew that his accusations to the principle would mean nothing. I walked into the small office to the west, stopping in the middle of the northern side of the room. Something about the situation seemed formal, so i stood at attention as the principle asked me questions. This now seemed to be in a private school. The principle asked me something about the boy, and i answered. The question did not have to do with the paper. I could picture the red “86” that was circled at the top of the paper. It was the student?s grade on the paper. I knew that, if i answered honestly, the boy’s accusations would not make any sense, so i stood confidently, waiting for the principle to ask the questions about why i had not given the boy what he wanted. The principle seemed to pace to the west as he asked me about the nail in the tire of the vehicle. I remembered that he was asking about the bus that i had been traveling on, which had been delayed because it got a nail in the tire. The principle seemed to be accusing me of something, but i answered casually, thinking that the incident had nothing to do with the boy. The principle then asked me something further about the bus. I told him that i did not know the answer, and added that it was not in my jurisdiction to deal with the busses. I told him that it was under the control of the school board. The man asked some other questions, and i realized that he was off topic. What he was asking about had nothing to do with the boy. I wondered if he would eventually get back to the boy, or if i should let him wander. I thought again about the “86” at the top of the paper. It seemed like a good grade, so i did not understand what the boy would like changed. I felt confident that nothing the principle said could make me do what the boy had asked.

I was with a small group of people in the hall of the building, which seemed like a college building. The group seemed to be part of an art class. I was not part of the class, but i was walking with them. We headed to the west, across an open area that seemed to be a hallway or a corridor between two buildings. A man was at the front of the group, leading the group. He stepped in large exaggerated movements, as though dancing. I was aware that the female teacher was near the back of the group, and i was following near the middle. I followed the exaggerated steps, as though dancing. We passed through a doorway and came into small outdoor area. A cement walkway ran to the north and south. The man leading our group, who now seemed like $A838, turned north on the path. I was aware that i was dancing easily with the rest of the class. I knew that i was older than the others here, but i thought that i could dance just as well as they could. I was aware of the teacher to the east of me, and i wondered if she thought that i was doing well. I started walking to the north on the walkway, but i moved a little to the west of where the others were so that i was walking on the green grass of the lawn. Plain stone gray buildings seemed to be to the west and south of us. I walked low to the ground, scraping the palms of my hands on the grass behind me. I was suddenly aware of the teacher walking behind me, and i wondered if she would notice that i had run my hands though the grass. I wondered if she thought it was artistic, and i hoped that she thought it was. We came to the northern end of the small courtyard. A large opening in the wall to the north of us led to a large lecture hall. The chairs seemed to face north, and someone was on the dais on the northern side of the room. The man leading my group stepped with wide strides to the sides, first going east and then going west. The rest followed him ahead of me, and i followed them. We were doing some kind of dance. The man then stepped to the north, into a small cubby, which as near the bottom of a set of boxes that were mounted on the northern wall, across the hallway that we were now in. The wall seemed tan or dark yellow, and the cubbies were mounted on the wall with no back. The man stepped through the cubby, which tipped and turned to the west a little. I was again aware of the teacher, who was now to the south of me. I looked at the cubby to the northwest of me. I remembered passing through one of the small openings before, and i thought that i could easily do it again. I reached my arms into the square opening and tried to get through, but i felt the waist of my pants catch on the front edges of the cubby. The teacher asked if i was too big to fit through the cubby. I told her that i seem to fit through but that my pants were catching. I backup up a little and adjusted my pants. I then stepped my right foot through the hole without pulling my torso out. The grid-work of cubbies started to tip to the west as i tried to put my foot down on the round to the east of it. The cubbies seemed to be only a few decis thick now. I tired to balance them as i stepped through so that they did not fall over.

I walked generally to the northwest, across the wide open area, which seemed like a college campus. The buildings were widely spaced, and trees seemed to be growing in between them. The land seemed very flat. I was walking ahead of the small group, looking for something to the west. I looked to the southeast, watching myself walk across the grassy area with the others. I was in front of the others, looking for something to the west. It seemed that we had just crossed the large north-to-south road, which seemed like Warren Road. I thought that we were looking for one of the buildings in this area. The area seemed to have several open lawns that were separated by small patches of trees. I knew that we had been living in an apartment near the college, but we were looking for a house. It seemed that we would find one in an area so close to the colleges. I thought that the university would own the buildings around here, and most of them would be apartments. A large building was to the southwest of us, and i stopped near the northeastern corner of the building, looking to the west, down the long grassy lawn that ran along the side of the pale building. The building seemed nice and new. It had pale siding, and the northern wall seemed to have no windows. I wondered if it was really a single house or an apartment. The others were still to the southeast of me, approaching me as i looked around. The building seemed very nice, and i hoped that it was an available house. I looked to the south, though, at the eastern side of the building. A garage door was in a section of the northern side of the building that stuck out about a meter from the rest of the building. To the south of it, i thought that i could see other garage doors. Another person had reached me, and i a told the person that this was probably a triplex. I pointed out the three garage doors on the eastern side of the building. I thought that this was probably a development. Trees ran along the yard to the south and north of the house. Through the trees at the western end of the yard, i could see another building, which seemed to be at a slightly lower level than us. The building seemed large, so i thought that it must be a dormitory from the university. I headed to the west, stopping at the northeastern corner of a building, which seemed more like a house. The building was brown and smaller than the first one i had stopped at. It also had siding, but it had windows in the sides of the building. I thought that this building was also a complex, even though i wanted it to be a house. I felt disappointed that we could not find a house. To the west, i could still see the large apartment building. I wondered where we could find a house in this area. I wanted to find a house to live in with the others. I then heard the children talking excitedly to the east of me. I turned back and started toward the others, who had lagged behind me. The group of people had stopped in the middle of a lawn, just to the north of a rectangular area on the grass. The area seemed to be a raised bed. A set of swings was to the east of us, on the northern side of the yard. The two children had been near the swings with a young woman, and they ran to their parents, who were in the small group to the north of the rectangular area. The young woman walked slowly after them. The children said something to the woman in the crowd, who seemed to be their mother. The mother was to the east of the children, and the father seemed to be to the southwest. A man on the eastern side of the group told me about the truck, saying that he and the boy had fixed something. The boy seemed to be in his late teens. He had a round face and a dirty sweatshirt. He stood to the west of the man, on the western side of the group. I looked to the south, noticing the red pick-up truck, which had rounded the southwestern corner of the now larger rectangular area. It turned toward us. I felt cautious of the truck as it approached. I then turned my attention to the family with the children on the platform to the east of me. The platform was part of the rectangular area, and it was a little over a meter tall. The people had sat along the northern edge of the platform. I stepped up onto the western end of the platform and walked along the northern edge, to the east. The two young children were still excitedly talking to their parents. Something about them seemed interesting. They wore white jumpsuits. The girl was older and seemed to be in her early teens. The boy seemed to be about ten. I then noticed the mother to the east of me, on the platform which now seemed to extend along the eastern side of the area. The mother was young and seemed like the young woman who had been near the swings with the children. She was reclined on the platform, with her feet to the northwest. She still wore a gray knee-length dress, which seemed sixties in style. I remembered that she had an umbrella, and i thought that she was now holding it to the east of her as she reclined. I then noticed that the gray dress had pinkish-tan round patterns just over her knees. I realized that the patterns were pictures of two breasts with pink nipples. I thought that they should be near the top of the dress, over her real breasts, but they were not. This seemed confusing. I wondered why she would wear a dress that was obviously considered lewd. This seemed very strange. The young girl, who was to the southeast of me, turned to me and started talking. She seemed older now. The boy had been sitting to the west of her, but he stood up and walked back to the northeast. Something about the two children seemed very interesting. I watched the boy as he ran to the east. He seemed to be in his mid teens now. I noticed that the white jumpsuit he was wearing still seemed baggy along his back, though. This situation seemed awkward.

12022 November 09

I moved quickly from room to room of the house. I had to hide somewhere, and i pictured the forest that was to the north of the house. I thought that i could fly there and hide in the forest. I could see nothing but trees to the west of a tall mountain. The mountain seemed to be to the north of the house. The forest extended in a swath that ran east to west, running along the southern side of the main mountain range. The low rocky gray mountain seemed to sit just to the south of the main range, on the northern side of the swath. The forested area was green, with a lighter green patch to the southwest of the mountain. I could see no roads or structures, so i thought that it would be safely distant enough from others that i could easily hide there. I thought that someone was after me, and i felt nervous. I had to get away. I flew to the north, over the forest, looking down at the smooth canopy of trees below. A pale purple line ran across the canopy, but it seemed to be a natural feature. It ran southwest along the eastern and southern patch of lighter green in the canopy. I focused on the area as i flew, thinking that it was where i wanted to go.

I stood in the wide doorway in the northern side of the college building. The building was modern, and it seemed to be faced with stone. The building seemed to be Mudd Hall, and the road to the north of me seemed to be Tower Road. The lawn rose up a steep hill to the road from where i was. College students were walking from the road and down he hill to the southwest. They were to the northeast of me, heading toward the door that i was in. I was standing away from the building now, and the wind started to blow from the north. I leaned into the wind, feeling it blow across my body. It was strong enough that i thought that i could float on it. I thought about holding my arms out and letting the wind lift me into the air. I then thought that i should be cautious, because i did not want to get blown too far from where i was. As the wind blew, i could feel my feet lifting off the ground. I leaned forward, trying to stay in the same location that i was in. I hoped that the wind did not change too suddenly. I hoped that i did not fall. I turned to the south and rose up to the level of the flat roof of the building, which seemed to be three or four stories tall. I was aware of the approaching college students, and i thought that they might find it interesting that i could fly. One of the men in the group was staring at me. He had a gun, and he fired in my direction. I felt annoyed with him. I thought that he was not really a threat to me, because he was still too far away. I could easily escape before he could fire again. I watched him for a moment as i lifted up again. This time, i turned to the southwest and passed over the roof of the building, moving out of his range. I thought that he would have to go around the building to chase me, which means that he would not be able to catch up. As i crossed the building, i moved to the west to go around a rounded bell tower that was in the center of the building. I passed over the building and thought about getting away. I looked at the land to the south and southwest of me. I could see the campus slope down gently to the south. A small quadrangle was to the southwest of me, and i started moving toward it.

I entered the room, which seemed like a laboratory. I was working here. I came into the roof from the doorway in the center of the western wall, and i walked to the counter on the center of the northern wall. $A14 was in the lab with me, near the counter, and he moved to the east as i spoke to him. I put some of my things down near the counter. A white plastic bin was on the western side of the counter, and i noticed that it had some flour in it. It seemed strange. I knew that it used to have dough in it. I thought that we had made biscuits from the dough before. I thought that someone must have dumped the flour into the bin, covering up the dough. I felt annoyed. They would have ruined the dough. I knew that the dough had special cultures in it, so it would be hard to make again. I then remembered that i had put the biscuits that we made into the over. I felt disappointed, thinking that i must have left the biscuits in the oven. I thought that they must have burned by now. I felt upset, knowing that i could not make more. I headed to the west, passing through the doorway and into the open hall. I was in a large house, and i headed to the east, into the kitchen. Some people were already there, standing at various points of the room. The room was not that large. Gray stone counters seemed to be on all walls, and a small island counter was in the center of the room. I was surprised that $F67 was not at the island counter. Various trays of food were on the counters around the kitchen. They were there for the party, which was in the house but which seemed to be ending. I had a tray of food in my right hand, and i carried it to the west, leaving the kitchen and entering the living room. The room was empty of people. I thought that most people must have left the party already. I then heard the sound of people coming from upstairs. I thought that some of the people must have gathered in a room upstairs before leaving. I put the tray i was carrying down on a small table to the northeast of me. A small plastic bag of tomatoes was on the tray, and i started opening the bag to dump them out onto the tray so that they could be used. A woman appeared in a doorway on the northern end of the eastern wall. She was checking in on the people at the party. I acknowledged her as i dumped out the tomatoes. I was actually looking for the leftover vegetable, thinking that i did not want them to be thrown out. I thought that i would give them to the farm animals, which seemed to be to the north of me, outside the house. The woman was still watching what i was doing. She seemed to be in charge of the servers. I told her what i was doing with the vegetables. As i looked up to say something to her, i noticed some movement to the west of her. I looked out the window in the northern wall of the room. Something had moved outside. I moved to the north to see. I was driving to the northwest on the dirt road in the darkened rural area. The land around me seemed to be covered with weeds and short bushes. Ahead of me, i could see some sheep crossing the road, walking from the west to the east. I slowed and beep my horn to get them out of the road. The startled sheep started trotting to the northwest. I then realized that many animals were now moving along the sides of the road. It was day now, and the tall grass on the land around me seemed dry. The animals were moving from the southeast to the northwest, and there were many different species. I realized that i was in a zoo where people would drive vehicles through the herds of animals. A wood rail fence ran about two meters from the eastern side of the road. The road ran to the north ahead of me, but curved to the northeast as it passed the end of the fence. I could see a tour group walking in a tight cluster ahead of me. We would catch up with them in the car. I then noticed a young girl who had lagged behind the tour group. She seemed to be playing with the others animals. I realized that she could be in danger if she left the group. I then noticed the lion in the bushes to the northwest. It was crouched down and stalking the girl. I felt nervous, thinking that the lion would attack the girl. The girl was unaware of the lion, and she seemed to be playing with imaginary animals as she hopped to the east. The lion followed her, and i felt very worried. I drove closer, thinking that i had to warn the girl and the others in the tour group. The girl ran between the clusters of sheep that had crossed the road. The lion paused at the edge of the cluster of sheep, but it then pushed its way through the cluster to follow the girl. I worried that he girl would be attacked. As we reached the point in the road to the west of the sheep, i saw the lion pounce on the girl, pulling her down. I felt panicked for the girl. I stood up to do something, but i then noticed that the lion was not really a lion. It had been a man in a lion suit. He knelt on the ground, joking with the girl. I felt relieved that the lion was not real.

12022 November 10

I turned my car to the north and pulled it into the wide driveway that ran along the eastern side of the house. The house sat on the southwestern corner of the block of the old neighborhood. It was a very plain structure and was longer north to south than east to west. It seemed to be two stories tall, and it seemed to have dull brown tar shingles on the sides. We had come from the north and had drived down the street that ran along the western side of the block. The street ran down a hill from the north. This neighborhood seemed like the southwestern part of the Northside of Endicott. Others had pulled into the driveway ahead of me, parking along the eastern side of the building. Two or three cars seemed to be in the driveway to the north of me. A narrow metal fence seemed to run down the center of the wide driveway, and we were parked to the west of it. I wondered if this was a good place to park. To the east of the driveway was a large paved parking lot. It was empty of cars, but i wondered if we could park in it instead. We had been in this neighborhood, doing something. I was standing to the west of my car, adjusting my jacket. The others were still getting out of their cars. I hoped that it was okay for us to park here. It seemed that the parking would belong to the house to the east. A man was to the east of the car ahead of me, and he closed the passenger door of the car, slamming it loudly. I worried that the noise would attract attention from the house. I looked up at the house, but nothing seemed to happen. I moved to the north a little, worrying that we should not be here. A light then came on in the window above the car. I asked the others if we should move our cars, but they did not think that the cars would be a problem here. I worried that they would get towed, and i realize that my car, being on the end, would be the first one towed. We headed to the northeast to do something, but i still felt nervous about my car. I entered the room of the small store. The store was mostly open, with low round tables in the center of the room and long flat tables along the walls. I had a receipt in my left hand, but i needed to know which items it was for. A counter ran along the southern wall of the store, and i thought that i would have to enter my items into the console on the western end of the counter. I moved to the south of the unit, which looked like a rounded metal gray box. I started to type the item number, but i had done it wrong, and i had to do it again. I tried another time, but i could not seem to type the item correctly. I felt frustrated. A man moved to the east of me to help me. The top of the gray box sloped down toward me, and a grid of white buttons seemed to be on the right half. I was focusing on two large buttons on the top of the left side of the panel: one pale blue and the other pale red. They were left and right of each other. The unit seemed to have a display along the top of it, like an old cash register. I focused on pressing the two buttons, but a black pen was lying on the top of the unit, and the point of the pen seemed to be getting stuck on the lower part of the buttons. I felt annoyed. I typed in something that i thought was correct, but a symbol appeared at the top of the unit. It comprised three lines than ran parallel at the top and bottom of the character. The outer two lines crossed diagonally through the center of the shape, and the top lines were longer than the lower lines. This was not the correct symbol. I had pressed the wrong button again. I felt very frustrated. I wanted to get out of here and back to my car.

I was in the house, which seemed like my grandmother’s house. I seemed to be in the center room on the eastern side of the house. I knew that something had happened to the man who lived upstairs. I thought that we had known that he was dying, but we had let him die for some reason. I felt bad about his death, but i knew that it was best to have let him go without trying to help him. He seemed like my grandfather. I headed to the south, across the kitchen. My grandmother was with me now. She did not yet know about the death, and i wondered how we would tell her. I thought that we could not let her know that we had let the man die. I then noticed flashing lights to the south. The lights were reflecting on the windows in the southern wall. I thought that the person upstairs had finally called the ambulance to report the man’s death. I wondered how i would tell my grandmother about the death. I had to pretend that i did not know about it ahead of time. I moved to the front door of the house, into the small front hallway. A door in the southern end of the eastern wall led to the apartment upstairs. The door opened as i approached, and a woman stepped through. I let her head out the front door. I thought i would act as though i had not heard the news when the medics came into the house. To my surprise, i realized that the medics were actually just leaving the house. They had already been upstairs to get the man. I had missed my opportunity to pretend to learn about the death. My grandmother was to the southeast of me with the other person, and i turned to the east to talk to the woman from upstairs. The woman had dark skin and a triangular face with high cheekbones. She seemed upset, so i hugged her. She knew what had happened to the man, and she felt bad about it as well. We were in the driveway on the eastern side of the house now, and it was dark outside. The woman was standing to the northwest of me, in the doorway on the side of the house. I turned to the southeast and started walking toward my grandmother. I would have to tell her the news as if i had just heard it. I wondered if i should cry as though it was new information to me. I thought it would be hard to do so. I then realized that my grandmother was walking away. I started walking faster to catch her. I had to tell her of the man.

12022 November 12

I stood on the northern side of the small room in the house. The young man with the blond hair was to the south of me. I was visiting this house, which seemed like a fraternity house. I was doing something for this organization. The young man seemed to have just joined the fraternity, and he seemed very happy to talk to me. I realized that he might think that i was part of the fraternity. He asked me questions, and i answered, but i did not get a chance to tell him that i was not part of his fraternity. This fraternity seemed to be DU. I was aware that the others were to the northeast of us, setting up for a special event. I stood near a table that was against the northern wall of the room, in the northeastern corner. An enclosed corridor ran into the room along the eastern wall, stopping a few meters into the room. The doorway out of the room was on the southern side of the corridor. The walls of the room seemed to be covered with wood, which was arranged into large rectangular panels with thick boarders. The man was still smiling at me as he backed away to the southeast. He was heading to the doorway so that he could join the others at the dinner event. He reached out and shook my hand. I shook his back. He seemed very nice, but i felt uncomfortable about him thinking that i was part of this fraternity. The man then smiled at me and said that he would see me at the dinner. I felt uncomfortable. I told him that i was not actually part of the fraternity. I said that i was a representative of the company that kept the records for the fraternity. The man suddenly stopped smiling. He stared at me with a look of surprised disappointment on his face. He seemed cold now, and i felt bad that he now seemed to disregard me.

I stood in the middle of the large room, between two single beds or rectangular tables. The tables ran north to sound, and i faced south, with my left leg back and my right leg bent and forward. I was stretching my left leg. A man and woman were talking near the southern end of the bed that was to the west of me. They had been headed to the southeast, but had stopped to talk about something. I switched legs and started to stretch with my right leg back. I seemed to be wearing a pair of black running tights that came halfway down my calf. I noticed the muscles of my thigh as i stretched. The woman suddenly approached me. She was shorter than i. She told me that i had attractive legs. I felt a little self-conscious, but i felt good that she had thought so. I thanked her as i stood up from the stretch. I seemed to glance down at my right leg, though i was looking at the woman. The muscle of the leg did seem more noticeable, which seemed nice. I had not noticed it before. I continued talking to the woman as i moved to the south with her. I was aware that there were two men also in the room. I looked to the north, where one of the men seemed to be. Something was different about him.

12022 November 13

Bookcases lined the northern wall of the room, which seemed like a library. I was standing near the center of the northern wall, which did not run straight. The bookcase had several jogs in it as it followed the uneven wall in and out of shallow recesses. We had to arrange the books in some way, and it seemed important. I thought that the books were in standard alphabetic order on the shelfs, but we had to do something to change them. I pulled one of the sections of shelfs forward. The sections seemed about a meter wide and two and a half meters tall. They were tan pale wood. I pulled on the one to the north of me, pivoting it so that it turned to the west, leaving a gap between the cases to the east and the cases to the west. We had to divide the sections of cases so that we could work on them. Another person was to the west of me, doing something with the books on the shelfs. I was aware that several other gaps in the bookcases had been created, dividing the shelfs into sections. I then thought that we would have to take care of the books that spanned the sections. I had taken some books from the section just to the east of the gap i created and put them on the ground near the cabinet that i had pivoted forward. I thought that the books would have to stay together, and this set of books, which seemed to be four or five paperback volumes, went with the books that were on the westerns side of the gap. We could not divide the books anywhere. Some sections had to stay together, but we had to break up the shelfs to organize them. I looked at a gap that was to the east of me, thinking that the Shakespeare books had been divided across a gap. We would have to keep all of them together. Something about this seemed to have to do with the programming of the computer. I started to feel uncomfortable, thinking that the computer was telling us what to do. I thought that an AI was running on the computer, and i felt wary of it. I backed to the south, turning to the west as i reached the center of the room. The computer seemed to be aware of what we were doing, but i thought that we should refuse to organize things as it wished. I wondered if we could deactivate the programming. I knew that the computer would fight back. I noticed the large screen to the northwest of me. It was near the western wall, facing east. I thought about disagreeing with the computer and trying to write a program to disable it. The computer responded. The screen suddenly became garbled. The AI had disabled the computer so that we could not do anything. I moved to the screen and looked at the patterns on it. The screen seemed to be covered with blocks of color that were arranged in vertical columns. The colors were dull, and each column seemed to be mostly one color. A narrow pale column was on the left edge of the screen, and a wider dark-gray column was just to the right of it. The wide column seemed to have a red hue to it. Just to the right of the center of the screen was a white column. I noticed repeating lines of text in the white column. The text seemed very thin and small. The left side of the screen seemed to have a dark-green tint. I looked at the lines of text, thinking that they were garbled code from the computer. I then thought that the AI would not have actually crashed the computer. I thought that it must still be running on the computer, but it had crashed the interface so that no one could try to rewrite the code. I started walking slowly to the east. The room seemed very dark. I thought that we would have to deactivate the AI by pulling the memory out of the computer. I wondered if the AI would be able to fight back against that. I imagine pulling a large circuit board out of a computer. I paused in the center of the room, just to the south of a column of equipment. The center of the column was open, and i reached in with my right arm and pulled up a row of cubical boxes. I thought that these were old memory chips. The AI would be aware of the chips being removed, though. I thought that it should be able to respond before more chips could be removed. This was why the room was so dark. I moved a little more to the east, thinking that the power had been deactivated. I wondered how i would tell what time it was without anything in the room. I was lying on a small bed, which seemed to be near the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. I thought that i could look at my watch to tell what time it was, but i remembered that i no longer wore a watch. Most people used phones to tell the time now, so watches were not as common. I imagined a watch on my right wrist. It would glow as i turned it on to see the time. The glow could light up part of the room. I thought about this as i lay on the bed. I then wondered why i would have a watch when i could just use my phone. Even if all computer systems were down, my phone would still show the time. I remembered that people would need watches to tell time in the age before phones. My roommate then moved to the southwest of me. He seemed to be my college roommate. I was lying on my right side in the bed, facing south. I looked at him as he walked from the west to the east, passing to the south of me. I said something to him about the situation. He responded, and we seemed to be determining something. It now seemed that i was back in college. My roommate, who seemed like $A283, passed through a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. I knew that he was heading to the east down the hall outside to get to the bathrooms. I followed him. I remembered this dormitory. I remembered the people in the dormitory. My roommate stopped in several of the others rooms on the hall, and i looked in at the people, remembering them from my freshman year. They were all familiar, and they all seemed young. I then turned to the north. I was standing in the doorway to a room. The doorway was in the western end of the southern wall of the room. My roommate had entered the room and headed to the east, where someone was sitting on the edge of a bed along the southern wall. I noticed the two men to the northwest. A bed was against the western wall, and the two men were reclined on the bed, with their feet hanging off the eastern edge. Their bodies slanted slightly to the northwest, as though they had simply fallen asleep on the beds. I remembered both of them. The tall man on the north was one of the people who lived on the floor below me. He had short blond hair. The shorter man to the south of him was his roommate. The tall man then started to sit up on the edge of the bed. I noticed that he was not wearing a shirt, and i saw his abdominal muscles contract as he sat up. He was very nicely detailed. I knew that this was because he was still young. I then remembered that i was young now too, so i would also be in better shape. I thought that i could also look detailed in this period. I turned to the south. The scene had changed, and i was now in a larger room. I held a clump of a dry brown material in my left hand, and i was squeezing it to break up the pieces. It seemed like a clump of dry bark mulch. The clump broke apart easily as i rolled it in my hand. My roommate was then to the northeast of me. He was $A283. He stopped near me and stared at the clump that i was crumbling. I thought that he seemed annoyed by what i was doing. I looked up, noticing that pieces of debris were floating all around the room. The air was full of small pieces of brown debris from the clump. I was in a rather large room, which seemed like a dining hall. The stone walls were gray and plain, and they ran smoothly into the arched ceiling. The small brown flakes fluttered near the ceiling and stated falling back down to the floor. $A283 walked to the east, along the southern side of a large thick wooden table, which was in the center of the room. I felt a little upset that he was displeased with me, but i liked the way the flakes looked in the air. I commented that they looked very nice. He did not say anything. I then noticed that the flakes had stared piling up on the floor. They formed clusters here and there on the stone floor of the room. I crumbled some more with my right hand to get rid of the rest of the clump. I then looked back at the floor, wondering if $A283 thought that this was too much of a mess. I thought it was very pretty to watch, but he seemed annoyed. I headed to the north, toward a doorway in the center of the northern wall of the room. I remembered that i still had to get to classes. I thought that my classes were to the east of here. I would then have to come back between classes. I wondered why i had never taken breaks in the middle of the day when i was in college. I had an hour, and it seemed easier back then to walk all the way back to my house between classes. I thought that i simply had a different attitude then. As i opened the door and headed outside, i thought about the classes to the east. Modern college buildings seemed to line the street than ran north and south, to the east of the building. Many students were moving up and down the streets. I thought that i would have to attend the class to the southeast. I thought about this as i thought about heading to the northwest to go home for the hour i had off. I then heard the men talking in angry voices to the west of me. I looked to the west. Another building was to the west of the one i had been it. An entrance to a building was set back between the two buildings, and people were coming in and out of it. A street ran from the entrance to the north. A group of men, who seemed like police or campus security, were standing near the northeastern corner of the building to the west of me. Some of them seemed to be in safety vests. They stood with angry expressions on their faces. A man was talking loudly to the east of them, his arms fanning out in a wide exaggerated expression of exasperation. He seemed to be mocking the police as he stepped to the northeast, toward a crosswalk that headed east across the street. One of the guards said something to the man, warning him of something. The student seemed overly confident, though, and he continued to talk back to the guards. I turned to the east to head to my class.

12022 November 17

I walked to the southwest across the open area with the other people. I had been talking about something to a man who was walking with me, to the northeast of me. He seemed like $A839. He had short blond hair, and he smiled as he leaned forward as he talked to me. I told him about the thing, which seemed somewhat interesting and important. It felt good to talk to the man. As i reached the southeastern side of the area, we turned to the west and started walking down the corridor, which was on the northern side of the area. The corridor seemed to be in a hotel or on a cruise ship. A few of the others walked ahead of me down the corridor, and i talked to someone as i followed them. The northern wall seemed to be a railing or other open surface. The southern wall was very tall, with sections that were set in or stuck out. Doors seemed to be in the southern wall, but i could not see any of them. As i walked through a narrow section of the corridor, where a section of the southern wall was farther to the north than the rest, i noticed some plant details on the southern wall. I had been talking to the people to the west of me, but i stopped when i noticed the pattern on the wall. The wall seemed dull-orange, and the green leaf pattern ran vertically in a gentle side-to-side sweep. I realized that the combination of colors was very nice. The light and medium greens of the leafs looked very nice against the brownish-orange background. I leaned toward the wall to get a better look. I thought that i should remember this pattern. I looked to the southeast of me, noticing a small niche in the wall that had a puddle of water in it. The water was vertical. I thought that it looked very nice, and i wanted to take a picture of it. I took out my phone with my right hand and held it close to the puddle on the wall. I moved the phone back and forth, trying to focus. The man i had been talking to was to the east of me, watching what i was doing. He was still smiling at me. I continued moving the camera back and forth from the wall, trying to get a picture of the puddle on the wall.

12022 November 18

I was with several other people in the house. The people seemed like $G3. We had been at an event in the house, but we now had to move the cars. I drove the car to the south, down the eastern side of the house, on a narrow drive. The car was dark purple and seemed like an old coup. It was dark out, and i continued driving to the northeast on the narrow street, which seemed to be on the outskirts of a suburban area. Trees with leafy crowns overhung the southeastern side of the street. Houses seemed to be hidden in yards off the road. Ahead of me, i saw some people crossing the road. I felt concerned, thinking that i would have to be careful so i could notice the people in the dark. I then started thinking about the coup, which seemed like a car from the fourties. It was not my car, and i wondered why i would be driving it. I was then back at the house, talking to the others about the car. I hoped that the other person did not mind that i had driven their car. I spoke to the other for a bin, and then i headed to the north along the eastern side of the building. The others were getting ready to leave, and they were also headed to the north. They were now ahead of me, and i thought that i would have to catch up with them. I hurried to get the boats ready so that i could follow the others up the narrow cement canal. I talked to the man to the east of me as i pulled the green kayak to the north of me. I was describing what i had to do to the man, but he did not seem to understand what i was trying to tell him. I felt frustrated with the man, who was facing north. I pushed the fingers of my left hand into his lower back, saying “laysic”. I hoped that he would understand the reference, but he did not. I thought that i had to do something and did not want to bother to explain. I tried to clarify by saying “lay egg”. After a pause, i added that it was supposed to be a joke. I then decided not to bother with the man, and i turned to the east to put the kayak into the water. I got into the boat, and i was paddling to the northeast, down the center of the channel. I knew that the channel would lead around the eastern side of the area. I pictured it making a crude arc with flat sides on the eastern edge of the neighborhood. As the canal turned northward, it crossed an east-to-west canal. A red boat was coming from the west, so i stopped to let it pass. It seemed like a canoe, but the two people in it were using kayak paddles. I realized that $A383 was at the front of the boat, and $A772 was behind him. I greeted them as they passed to the north of me. As they continued to the east, $A772 turned to look at me over her right shoulder. She told me that a person had vomited at the breakfast meal and that he had later died. I remembered the breakfast with $G3, and i felt concerned for the person who died. I wondered if something significant had happened.

We were to the east of the school in the suburban area. We had come from the northwest, and we were now heading north, up the street. I talked with the others as we walked. The sun was low in the western sky, and i thought that it was getting late. We had to get to someplace. I then remembered that i had left the plastic gad with our things in it on the edge of the small asphalt parking lot that was to the north of the school. I remembered setting it down along the northern side of the lot, near the chair-link fence that ran through the weeds, at the edge of the property. I felt tired, but i had to go back for the bag, so i told the others that i would go back for it and catch up with tem later. I walked back to the south on the road that ran along the eastern sides of the small lot and the school. The road to the north seemed to run up hill slightly, but the land seemed to rise steeply to the northwest. I crossed the lot to the northwest, opening the driver’s odor of the black pickup truck that was parked on the southern side of the lot, facing south. I tried to start the truck, but i was having trouble doing so. I then realized that one of the others had come with me, back to the truck. I felt awkward with the man here, not sure what i should tell him. I stepped back to the north, into the center of the lot. I remembered about the things in the plastic bag that we had left on the side of the lot. The bag was on the western side of the lot, hidden from view by a low pile of coarse gravel. $F71 and i and the man were in the center of the lot, and i told the man the we would not be driving back to the other place, where it seemed that we had started the run that we were on. I thought that he would have to walk back. $F71 pointed out that the other place was to the northwest of us, and he motioned to the northwestern corner of the lot. A pale dirt trail ascended the steep grassy hill to the northwest from the corner of the lot. The hill seemed to be about ten to fifteen meters tall. I told $F71 that we would not be able to go in that direction. I was still sitting in the car, and i told $F71 that he was not quite right. He was trying to direct the man back to the start, but i said that, while the other place was to the northwest of us, the man could not go up the tail because the bridge across the water was on the road to the east of us. That road ran directly north and over the waterway. I pictured the land that we were on. The area that we were in was on a triangular peninsula. To the west was a body of water that formed the northeastern corner of a large bay. A river ran east form the top of the bay, cutting off the northern side of the peninsula. The western edge of the peninsula ran north to south, but the third side ran southwest to northeast, with a thick flat section on the bottom.

I was walking to the west through the suburban area. I had been thinking about going to a specific area to the west. I walked across the green grass of the lawn, which was to the south of the small one-level house. The lawn was about ten meters from the house to the road to the south, and it sloped gently downhill to the south. I stopped in the middle of the lawn and started talking to the other person about going to the area to the west. I thought that he would meet me in that place, and i picture the route to get there. The road to the south of the house seemed to run to the west, but then we would have to turn to the north and travel a short distance on another road. I told the other man how to get to the area. He was standing just to the southwest of me, blowing up a punching-bag doll. It was white with blue patches on the bottom. I moved to the southeast of the bag and looked at it. It had a name written across the southern side of it in thin sans-serif letters. The name seemed to be $A380’s last name. I thought about him. I wanted to talk to him again. The man with me now seemed to be $A550, and i thought that $A550 was actually $A380’s brother. I liked this place, and it felt nice to know who the man was. It felt as though it had been a long time since i had spoken to them, and i felt good chatting with the man who was walking to the south of me as we headed southwest, toward the corner of the lawn and the road that leaded west.

I moved to the north, into the small room, which seemed like the dining room of my grandmother’s house. It was early in the morning, and i was cleaning things in the house. The house seemed mostly empty. A wide doorway was in the northern wall of the room, and it led into a smaller room, which was as wide as the room i was in but was only about two meters deep. A wide alcove was set into the northern wall of the room. The northern wall of the alcove seemed to be off white, but the side walls seemed to be creme-blue. A metallic refrigerator stood against the western wall of the alcove. I moved to the refrigerator and opened the door. It did not have a lot of food in it, and i started moving around some of the things on the shelfs. A yellow plastic pitcher was on the top shelf. I took it out and took a drink from it. The liquid tasted like tropical fruit. I put the pitcher back and started cleaning some more. After a few moments, i turned back to the southeast and walked back into the other room, where the others were talking. They seemed like $G3. I said something as i joined the conversation. $F16 was standing on the southern side of the group, and i stood on the northwestern side. The man to the south of me then mentioned that he drank some of the punch from the pitcher in the refrigerator. A few of the others made noises of displeasure, saying that the drink was not good. I wondered if they were teasing the man, so i jokingly asked if $F16 had urinated in the punch. $F16 smiled in jest and said “Something like that.” I felt uneasy and wondered if the punch was okay to drink.

12022 November 19

We had to be careful of the people to the south of us. We did not want them to see us here. We seemed to be standing to the west of a large cement building. I talked to the woman to the south of me as i looked to the north. We had to get back into the area so that we could find something. I moved to the north and then headed east, into the building. The room inside opened up to the northeast, with a corridor running east down the center of the building and a corridor to the south, along the eastern side of the building. We ran to the south. We had to sneak into a specific place to get something. We stopped at the southern end of the corridor, where a metal door was closed across the cement wall. Stacks of boxes were here and there along the walls of the corridor, and the hall seemed dirty. We would not be able to get through the door quickly. I then heard others to the north of us. We pressed ourselves against the eastern wall, trying to get out of sight behind some of the boxes. Others came into the building through the same door that we had, and they continued to the east. I thought that they had been after us, but they did not seem to be checking down the corridor where we were. I leaned forward a little to see if the others were still there. No one was at the northern end of the corridor. The others did not seem interested in us. They were heading into the building for something. As i stood in the corridor, two other people came into the building from the door. A man and woman talked across my view. The woman spotted me, and she stepped just before passing out of view on the eastern side of the corridor. She wore a blue jacket that was open in front, exposing a white shirt. Her pants seemed dark green. She stared at me skeptically for a moment before continuing to the east, after the man. Realizing that the people were not after us, we decided to leave the building. We headed back north, to the door in the western wall of the corridor. When we reached the door, $A643 moved to the northwest of me and tried to open it. She gabbed the latch, which as high on the northern side of the door. The latch had engaged, though, and it could not easily be opened from the inside. The others had not paid attention when they came through the door, and they let it close and latch. We would not be able to get out of the building this way. The door seemed to be wooden, with dense vertical planks of wood in a thick frame. $A643 headed to the east, into the building. I watched her head down the corridor, which seemed dark, with shelfs on both sides. This place seemed like a warehouse. I looked to the north, into the open room. Many people were now moving around the room, which seemed like a pub. A thick square cement column was on the western side of the room, and a platform or set of stairs was to the northwest of it. A platform or stage seemed to run along the northern wall of the room, and someone was standing on the stage, facing an audience that seemed to be seated around small round tables on the floor of the room. I moved quickly to the north, along the western side of the room. I hopped up onto a platform that was just to the east of the thick cement column. The person on the stage seemed to be singing a country song. I thought others in the pub were dressed in western American attire. I also seemed to be wearing a cowboy hat. I was amused by the situation, and i started singing softly to the song. I felt good, and i turned to the southeast and headed across the room. I jumped off of the platform, grabbing a thin pipe that crossed the ceiling from the southern edge of the column to the east. I swinged under the pipe, still singing, and threw my feet to the south as i jumped over a block or table that was in the center of the room. I landed on the floor beyond, still thinking about the song. I could hear people talking quietly behind me, and i suddenly wondered if they were joking about my singing. I did not think that i had been singing that loudly. I felt a little self-conscious as i turned to the east and headed down an aisle between the stacked shelfs of the building. I had something to do here.

12022 November 20

To the north of me was the paper with the things written on it. The first two lines mentioned the man and the woman. I talked to the person to the east of me about the choices on the paper. I had to pick one of the three options listed. I looked at the sentences that mentioned the man and woman. The sentences were not that long, and the terms for “girl” or “boy” were three or four words from the beginning of the sentence, about a third of the way across the line. The third sentence mentioned Tiamat. Some words in parentheses after the name mentioned something like “the deep”. This seemed strange. I thought that Leviathan would be related to the deep, not Tiamat. I mentioned this to the other person.

I walked to the north, down the hallway with the other person. We seemed to be in a school. I opened the door to the stairwell and headed in. The man was not that close behind me, so the door shut as i entered the stairwell. The stairwell was a rectangular room, with clean white walls and tall windows on the northern and western walls. The door was on the eastern side of the southern wall of the stairwell, and it had a small square glass window in the upper half. A small landing, about a meter and a half wide, ran along the southern wall to the west of the door. A white wall, about a meter and a half tall, bordered the northern side of the landing and ran down the western side of the stairs, which descended to the north. The stairs seemed to stop at a landing a dew meters below. A second set continued along the western wall, to the south. I started down the stairs, but felt like flying instead. I floated over the stairs and stopped at the windows on the northern wall of the room. Three or four long narrow windows ran up the northern wall. Just above each of them were smaller square windows. I stopped at a square window and looked out over the wide grassy lawn outside. The lawn of the school sloped down generally to the north-northwest. A wing of the building stretched to the north from the east of where i was. The building seemed to be made of an orangish-red brick. A tall tree stood just to the west of the windows, but its branches hung over part of the view. The grassy yard seemed to stretch for four or five hundred meters to the north, and trees surrounded it. All of the trees were leafless. I rested my right forearm on the window ledge of the easternmost square window. A group of young children were being led in a line up the hill toward me, to the northeast of me. They walked along the wing of the building. I was floating in front of the windows, and i wondered if they would notice that i was floating there. I realized that my right leg was bent as though i were kneeling on something. I let the leg dangle, adjusting the way i hovered to compensate for the change. I wondered when the man who was following me would come through the door of the stairwell. I knew that he would be surprised that i was floating in front of the window. I waited a moment for him, but he did not come through the door. Several of the young children made it to the top of the hill to the northeast of me. They seemed to be wearing winter coats. One with a hood up looked up at me. I wondered if they were surprised to see me floating. I turned back to the south, wondering where the man i had been walking with was. I floated back to the door to see where the man was. I wanted him to be impressed that i could fly. As i reached the door, i could see the man approaching it from the south. The school children had come into the building and were now with the man as they headed toward the door. I decided to open the door for them. I pulled the door open to the west. I realized that i could float over the railing and hold the door open for them as i floated over the stairs to the west. I floated in the air as the children started down the steps. I thought that they would notice me flying and think it surprising. I then realized that i was floating with both of my legs bent under me, as though i was kneeling on something. I adjusted my legs so that they were hanging below me. I could feel the difference in the way i was floating after the move. I wondered if having my shins horizontal made it easier to float. I thought that the force that elevated me might radiate from my body, and having my shins horizontal produced more surface area to push with. I would have to focus harder to float with my legs down. The children walked down the stairs along the eastern wall and then headed south along the western wall, passing under me. I continued holding the door open as the man came to it. He seemed to be a teacher. I talked with him as he passed. I then realized that i had some metal objects in my hand. I looked down at the compass with the short pencil in it. I would have to take it someplace. I started walking to the south, down the hallway. I thought that i could bring the compass to the front office. I asked a man where it was, and he said to walk down to zero. He was referring to the room numbers, which must descend as one approached the front of the school. I continued down the long hall, which had several slight turns in it. The walls were pale gray, and the corridor turned slightly to the southeast ahead of me. I looked down at the two objects in my hand as i rounded the corner. One was a mathematics compass and the other was a C-clamp. I thought that the C-clamp would be from the art room, and i wondered if i should take it there. The compass seemed to be part of the math department. I continued down the hall, walking past tables and boots that were in the wide corridor, which seemed like a mall corridor. I could see the doors on either side, but i did not see the end of the hallway yet. It curved back to the south just ahead of me. I could see light coming around the corner, though, so i thought that the end of the hall probably had large glass windows on the front of the building. I thought that the office would be near the end of the hall on the western side of the corridor. I came to the end of the hall, noticing a service window in the western wall. A counter ran to the north of the window, and an older woman with gray hair was standing behind the counter. Another woman was standing in the service window. I moved to the service window and waited for the woman to say something to me. She was talking to the woman to the north of her and someone else who seemed to be in front of the counter. I waited for a moment. The woman in the window then turned to me. The window now no longer seemed to be in the wall, but the wall was a meter and a half tall, and the woman was looking over it. I handed her the compass and told her i had found it. She scowled as she took the compass with her right hand, saying that she guessed that she could give it to some graduate student. I asked her why she could not give it back to one of the math teachers. She said that she would not be able to do that. I felt annoyed, thinking that the school regulations prevented the administration from giving the compass back to a math teacher. I headed back up the hall to the north, feeling disappointed in the administration. I thought that i should have talked the compass to the math department myself. A booth was in the hall, directly to the north of me. It was just to the south of a turn in the corridor. The corridor ran north from where i was, and then it jogged to the east a little before continuing north. The plain white booth was near the eastern wall of the corridor, a few meters south of the jog in the wall. The booth was about a quarter of a meter from the eastern wall, and i could see a man sitting to the east of a table, against the eastern wall, just to the north of the booth. I remembered the man from before. He was at the table to advertise something for the school. I had passed to the west of him before, but now, i squeezed between the booth and the wall, heading directly for him. As i passed behind the booth, i noticed that the man at the table was not the same man as i had seen before. The man before had been thin, with a black T-shirt and curly brown hair. The man at the table now was rounded, with a large belly and cubby face. He wore a black T-shirt and had short black hair. As i approached the man, i seemed to be moving quickly. I said something to him as i jumped and flipped over him. He seemed confused by what i was doing and watched me pass over him. I landed on the ground to the north of him, excused my sudden appearance, and continued down the hall to the north.

12022 November 21

It was dark out, but the lights of the parking lot illuminated the area around me. I was heading to the east, along the southern side of the lot. A line of traffic was moving to the north on the eastern side of the parking lost. A shopping mall seemed to be to the northwest of me. I reached the eastern side of the lot and watched the traffic pass. I would have to cross the line of cars, so i would have to be careful. I sat in the kayak, facing east as i looked southeast at the approaching cars. I was aware of a car parked at the southern side of the lot, to the south of me. It seemed like a police car. I thought that they were monitoring the traffic. I hoped that they did not stop me to ask why i was moving a boat across the lot. I felt a little nervous about this as i waited for a break in the traffic. I was doing something unusual, and i hoped that i did not have to explain myself to the police. When a break in the traffic came, i walked to the west, entering the room. I entered into the northwestern corner of the room. A woman was to the south of me, and a man stood in the center f the room. The man seemed like $A841, and he was shirtless and facing south. He was nicely muscled on his back. I wondered what his chest looked like, but he was facing mostly away from me. I turned to the south, trying not to stare at the man. I was waiting for the woman so that i could ask her something. She faced the western wall of the room, doing something. I realize that the man might think it strange that i was waiting for the woman rather than calling for her attention. I stood and waited. I glanced back at the man. I was interested to see the detail on his chest, but i felt uncomfortable standing here. I wondered if i should leave. I hesitated a moment, but i felt uncomfortable, so i left, walking to the southwest.

I headed to the west, walking along the southern side of the area. I had come from the large event, where the people had been gathering. I was carrying a stick in my right hand, which seemed like a string mop. A large building or circus tent was set up on the southern side of the area, and i started passing to the south of it. It was open to the south. As i reached the opening, i noticed that a tall chain-link fence surrounded a rectangular area inside. I walked along the southern side of the cage, noticing the metal bleachers that rose no the western side of an open flat performance area. The performance area was round, and it had a short rim surrounding it. The rim was a little less than a deci tall, and it seemed to be in alternating red and white sections. Near the center of the tent, i came to an opening in the cage. I noticed three or four people doing something in the center of the area. I realized that one of the people was $F57. He was on the western side of the area, talking to someone to the east. They seemed to be mopping the area. I looked at the sponge mop that i had been carrying, and i thought that i might be bale to get it wet here. I felt hesitant to enter the area, though. I worried that i might be interfering with the group. I turned to the north. The area inside the cage seemed to be in a different location, but it was now to the south of me. I wanted to go in and say hello, but i noticed $A456 doing something on the eastern side of the ring. I felt awkward, thinking that she was still uncomfortable with others around. I stood for a moment, not sure what to do. I then decided that i should continue with what i had been doing, so i headed west again.

12022 November 22

I ran to the southwest, across the open field. It was dark, and the field seemed to be a cornfield that had been harvested. A man was to the southwest of me, and i was talking to him as i ran across the field. I felt mischievous, and i thought that i would do something to the man. As i moved to the southeast of the man, i knew that the man was Superman, but he seemed to be old and blind. I had taken something from him. Another man was helping Superman, and Superman asked me a question. I felt nervous, thinking that i had to get away from Superman before he realized that i had taken something. I thought that i was Batman, and i hurried to get away, running to the southwest. Superman asked me a question, and i felt hesitant to answer. I did not want him to know that i had done something. I responded after a moment, trying to be evasive. I held the folded robe in my hand. I needed to put it on, thinking that it would help me hide. The clothing seemed to be a dark-green poncho with a hood. As i started unfolding it, Superman asked me a question. I realized that he was starting to get suspicious. I had to hurry. I then heard Superman yell at me. I started running, turning to the north. I now felt gleeful, but i knew that i had to get away. He was much faster than i, and i knew that he could easily hurt me, even though i was Batman. I ran around the western end of a tall wall and started running to the east. I thought that i would have to stay out of Superman’s direct line of sight. Out of the corner of my eye, i could see Superman speed past me, to the north of me. He wore a suit that seemed mostly red. I ran through the cement columns of the old factory building. I jumped up and grabbed a metal pipe that crossed overhead, using it to turn around a corner so that i could stay out of sight. I just had to keep dodging Superman until i could get away.

We walked to the east, through the dirt parking lot to the south of the small area. I was with a group, and we were supposed to be getting back on the bus. John Lennon was to the northeast of me, and he started wandering away from the bus. He walked into a small square area, which seemed like a garden. The plants were all tan and dry for the autumn. Some of the taller stalks on the western side of the garden seemed to be corn stalks. A small wood building was on the eastern side of the garden, and i thought that it was part of the theme park. John wandered to the north and then northwest. I thought that the garden was a display of the park where we were, and it was the display for Strawberry Fields. John walked with his hands in his pockets. He wore a pale jacket and had shoulder-length hair. The bus i was on started rolling slowly to the east, moving from the northwest of the garden to the south of the garden. I thought that we would stop at the entrance to the garden so that John could get on the bus, but the bus kept rolling to the east. I felt surprised and annoyed that we were not waiting for John. The bus then started to accelerate to the east, passing the small wood building and heading down the lot. I realized that Paul McCartney might be playing a trick. I thought that the bus would speed away and then return. The gravel driveway ran to the east, with trees growing to the north of it. The bus then seemed to turn to the north and head back to the west. It turned to the south onto a road that ran to the west of the garden and lot. The road was at a slightly higher level than the lot, and the bus turned down the slight hill that ran from the road, into the lot. I started talking to the other person on the bus. We were standing on the eastern end of the room, which seemed to be inside the bus. A metal machine was in the northeastern corner of the room. It seemed to be a mechanical device, with pipes running from it. The walls of the room were pale green, like the inside of a school bus. I spoke to the other person as we turned to the west and walked to the front of the bus. We were traveling to the west in an urban area. A booth was in the southwestern corner of the bus, where the bus driver probably was. It seemed mostly enclosed. A man walked past us on the south and walked to the western wall of the booth. He had a long metal tool that he used to tighten something near the floor on the eastern side of the booth. I looked down, noticing the metal box at the base of the booth. It looked like the metal mechanism from the back of the bus. I remembered that the man had been working on the mechanism at the back of the bus, and i mentioned this to the woman, who was now standing to the north of me. The man seemed to be in pale-green denim overalls. He tightened a square bolt near the bottom of the rounded metal object and then headed back to the west. I wondered if he was adjusting something for the engine. I asked the woman if he was tightening the oil bolt. She seemed uncomfortable with the idea and told me not to mention it. I hoped that the bus was not having issues that the man was solving as we traveled. I started moving to the west, heading out ahead of the bus. We were in the center of an urban area, with tall modern buildings. I thought that we were in downtown Albany, heading west on a street close to the river. The street was crowded, and i started flying over the cars below. I thought that i would fly just ahead of the bus so that i could see the people of the city. The street was crowded and narrow. Cars were lined up in the traffic lanes, and people seemed to be walking and standing on the sidewalks. Several of the buildings seemed to have balconies or terraces, and people were gathering on them, talking. On the southern side of the street, i noticed a terrace of women standing along the second floor of a gray building with thin black vertical features. The women were nicely dressed in short dresses, and they stood as though posing for pictures. I then heard someone scream. The people on the street quickly looked in different directions. I could not quite tell where the scream came from, but it sounded like it had come from the north of me. Looking around, the buildings now seemed crowded with people. Many did not seem to notice the scream, but i still felt concerned. Young girls were on the roof of a short building to the south of me. They were looking intently to the north. I turned to the north to see a narrow terrace with a pool in the center of it. Young girls with curly hair were looking down at the pool. I wondered if one of the girls had fallen into the pool, and i felt a little worried about her. The young girls were dressed as though they were from the 1930s or 1940s. Some by the edge of the pool seemed concerned. I hoped that everyone was all right. I wanted to do something to help, but i continued to move to the west. I thought that i had to stay ahead of the bus. I then looked down at the traffic below me, and i noticed that the bus was no longer following me. I had headed too far to the west and lost the bus. I was quite high above the street at the moment, so i focused ahead of me. I was gliding, so i had to make sure that i could land on the tops of some of the buildings. I propelled myself to the west, heading for the small square roof of a low high-rise building. Some people on the northern side of the street noticed me flying past, and they cheered me on. They seemed to be young boys, and they were all dressed similarly. I landed on the roof and pushed off again to the west. I was now high over the city. I thought that the bus would have to get onto the highway that ran along the edge of the river or lake to the south of me. I knew that the highway would curve to the northwest as it headed up the hill. I thought that the bus would be on the highway, so i would have to turn to fly toward the highway and see if i could meet up with them again. I could hear $A46 talking about me from the bus. He was complaining to someone that i had separated from the bus. I looked at the highway as it curved up the hill. I flew to the curve, thinking that i could get ahead of the bus. I hovered over the highway for a moment, facing west. To the west of the highway was a tall dirt cliff that ran down to the shallow ocean bay. I then noticed some trucks moving on the highway to the north of me. They were white and orange, and they moved down the road to the west. I realized that they had turned off the highway and were headed on a narrow road for the cliff. I felt worried when the trucks drove over the edge of the cliff and dove down the side of the cliff. I hoped that the bus did not follow them. As i lowered toward the top of the cliff, i noticed the first truck hit the bottom. It crumbled as it landed nose first. It was really a metal tube that looked like a soda can. It crumpled and bent in half. The second truck did the same as it fell over the cliff. A third with the same colorings was still coming and would fall over the edge in a moment. I landed on the balcony of the building that looked out over the cliff. I had to get back to the truck. I turned to the east, realizing that i would have to head through the room of the small motel. I felt a little nervous, thinking that someone had probably rented the room. As i passed through the pale blue room, i realized that someone was in the bathroom to the south of me. A woman seemed to be in the shower. I hurried across the room, toward the door in the eastern wall, which led out of the motel room. The motel room was nicely furnished and looked like a small living room. I opened the brown wooden door and walked into the main lobby of the motel. I swinged the door closed behind me, but it did not latch, and i could hear it swing open. The entry hall was oddly shaped, and a service counter was just to the south of the door i had exited, on the southwestern wall of the room. The room had two long walls to the southwest and northeast, and four shorter walls. The western and eastern corners of the room had walls across them. I came out of the western wall. A woman was behind the service desk to the southeast of me. I said hello to her as i paused to see where the exit was. The glass door in the eastern wall had outside light coming in, so i headed for it. I noticed a metal elevator door in the northeastern end of the northwestern wall, but four or five metal cables ran across the metal doorframe of the elevator, blocking off the doors. The cables seemed to he held in by screw brackets with hooks on the outside of the doorframe. As i reached the outside door, i noticed a guitar against the southeastern wall, to the south of the door. It stood on the floor, in a holder. It was a nice semiacoustic guitar, with a black body and pale thin-line details around the edges. I wanted to play the guitar, but i knew that i had to leave. I exited the motel and found myself in a small porch-like area just outside. The motel was on the southern side of a longer building, which seemed like a strip mall. The porch outside was a cement sidewalk that was covered by a roof. Thin wooden poles that were darkly stained supported the roof. I thought that this plaza looked familiar. It had a narrow parking lot to the east of it, and the corridor under the roof to the north rounded a corner just to the north of me, where it headed northwest for a few meters before turning back to the north. I looked out across the dirt parking lot to the northeast. A sign seemed to be at the northern end of the lot, on the eastern side, near the road. I remembered this lot from before. The northern end of this building was a pub. I thought that it had a biker bar feel but was really was more like a nightclub. I had been here before with someone else. I had to get to the north to get out into the parking lot. I thought that i should get away from the motel before the woman in the room complained to the woman at the desk about me. I would have to fly away. I moved to the north, but the passageway was very narrow around the corner, and i had a hard time squeezing through. I felt hurried and impatient. I had to get out of this place. As i stepped to the east, into the parking lot, i was certain that this was the pub i had been at earlier with a friend of mine. I stood just in the lot, facing west, toward some pine trees that were growing along the eastern side of the lot. The highway seemed to be just to the east of the trees, cut into a channel in the ground. I reached up and thought about flying again.

12022 November 23

Someone had pointed out the entries in the book. I lifted the large book from the floor to the southwest of me. The book seemed old, with a leather-bound cover. The other person was to the east of me as i turned the book so that the pages were up and the spine ran east to west. Tabs stuck out from the pages of the books. I focused on the tap in the center, thinking that it was the tap that we were looking for. The tab seemed to have an A on it. I then noticed that the tabs just before it in the pagination were for other letters. The tab just to the left of it, though, had the letters “Sh” on it. I read one of the tabs, and then i said “Sha”. The person to the southeast of me asked me what i had said. I looked at the tab, realizing that the section for S was before the central tab that i had first looked at, but the tab for “Sh” was just after the tab for “S”. It seemed weird that the section for S would precede the section for A, but i realized that the tab marked “Sh” was between the two other tabs. This is because words that started with “Sh” were considered separate in the old days. I told the person that i had said “Sha”, but i added that it was incorrect. I should have just said “ah” for the A. I thought about the letters again, trying to think about something specific in the way the folders were ordered. The spine of the book now ran north to south, and the book seemed like it contained several folders with tabs on their edges. I pulled out the manila file folder for “Sh”, thinking that no one would actually mind if it were missing. I thought that it would probably be empty. I opened it just to be sure. The northern side of the folder opened down, and i could see a small faded blue booklet at the bottom of the folder. The booklet was rounded, with the western end pointed. It would have formed the shape of a raindrop once the book was open. A thin off-white ribbon ran from the western end of the book. It was attached to the book and probably marked a page in the book. I thought that $A643 had probably put the thing that we were looking for in the folder, but this booklet did not seem like the correct paper that we were looking for. I flipped through the booklet, keeping the spine down, and i noticed a neon-green piece of paper through one of the pages on the lower side of the book, which was the back part of the book. I thought that something had been stuck in front of the back cover of the booklet. I thought that $A643 probably used the green sticky note to mark the things. I opened the back of the book and looked at the images that were there. The woman was standing to the south of me as i looked at the pictures. Something special seemed to be in the pictures. The picture seemed to be an old illustration of something. It seemed important. The woman then shuffled through the images, showing me one of the small boxes, which was being held in someone’s hands. The rectangular box ran vertically in the center of the image, and i could see a hand reaching for it from the left and another hand reaching for it from the right. The woman said that this was the last time the charms had ever been seen. She was referring to the small items in the box. The important image i had seed previously also seemed to be of the charms, but this one was different. I wanted to see the other image again, but i was looking at this one, which seemed very clear. The small items in the upper part of the box looked like chess pieces. They were all white, and they were in the box in different orientations. A divider separated the upper part of the box from the lower part, and the lower part seemed to have small figurines of people in different poses. The figurines were all the same size as the chess pieces, and they seemed to have their bottoms to the bottom of the picture, though they were all tipped at different angles. Something seemed important about these images, but i wanted to see the previous image. The woman then switched the pictures again. The rectangular image was now of a group of young women or girls. The box of figurines was in the center of the images, but it was near the bottom. I realized that this was the full picture, and the last one was a close up of the box of charms. The charms had been lost, and this was the last place they had been depicted. The girl who owned the charms was to the left of the box, holding out her left hand to support the box. All of the girls in the image were wearing white cowls over their heads, and their dresses were light and seemed to be from an older period. All of the girls were looking out of the image with expressions of uncertainty and question. An older woman seemed to be standing just to the left of the center of the image, but i did not notice her. She seemed to be wearing a black Victorian dress with a ruffled top. The image was filled with girls, though: at least ten per side. Something about the image seemed important.

12022 November 24

I left the area where something had been happening, and i walked with the crowd to the south. These people seemed to be other college students, and we had left the place and were heading to a class. I thought that i had to go to a different class than the person that i had been talking with. The man i was with was to the southeast of me, and he was talking to a person to the west of him. We seemed to be walking to the south on Page Avenue, and we had just passed the park. I knew that i would have to head to the west, and i thought that i would want to walk along the road to the north of the large factory building, which was to the southwest of me. I told the man to the southeast of me that i would be heading to the west, and i said i would see him later. He stopped his conversation with the other man and glanced at me, furling his brow. He had short blond hair, and i thought that he was one of the popular students. I realized that he was not aware that i had been walking with him, and i felt a little uncomfortable. He continued talking to the other person. I looked to the west, realizing that i was already to the east of the large brick factory building. I looked to the northeast, noticing some people walking down the street on the northern side of the factory. They were going to the place that i was supposed to go to, but i did not want to walk back to the north to get to the road. A short metal pole railing ran along the western side of the sidewalk that we were on. The parking lot to the north of the factory seemed very narrow, with the road running along the northern side of it. A tall chain-link fence seemed to run between the parking lot and the road, but cars were parking closely along the northern side of the fence, forcing the walkers to walk in the road. I knew that i should head back to the road to walk with the others, but i did not want to. I would have to walk to the southern end of the building and then head west across the narrow lot that was on the southern side of the building. I realized that i was still following the man, even after i had told him that i would not. I decided that i should head to the southwest, across the small grassy lawn between the factory building and the sidewalk that we were on. I could cut to the corner of the building and then head west. I started to the southwest. Some others walked across the grass, which had a faint path worn from the pathway where i was to the southeastern corner of the building. I turned to the west and walked into the room, where the others were talking. I would have to do something here.

12022 November 25

I felt rushed as i walked to the south, across my dormitory room. I had to get dressed, but it seemed that i had left most of my things in my old dormitory room. I felt very frustrated. I had to get things, and i felt uncertain about where they were. I turned to the north, to head to my other room. At the northern end of the room i stopped, noticing the round table just to the east of the door in the northern wall. I stopped to the northwest of the table and to the south of the door. $A645 was sitting on the western side of the table. It felt very nice to see her, and i said hello and put my right hand on her left shoulder. She was reading something from the table. I still felt rushed, but it was nice to see the people from my old room. $A239 then said something. He was to the east of me, sitting on the northeastern side of the table. I was not quite sure how to respond, and i felt a little defensive. I knew that i had to leave, but i wanted to stay and talk to them. I said that i had to go, though. They seemed to say something negative about my situation, and i started to the west, down the hall. I was frustrated that i had to leave, but i was also upset that they did not understand. I said “fuck them” under my breath as i walked stiffly away. I was then aware of a man who had been sitting at a desk on the northern side of the hallway. He must have heard what i had said. I thought that he would think that i did not like the others. I did not have time to do anything, so i hurried on to my room. I turned to the south into my other dormitory room. I looked to the east on the southern side of the room. My single bed was against the southern end of the eastern wall, and clothes were piled on top of it. Clothes were also piled on the floor in front of the bed. A nylon laundry bag was standing vertically under one of the stacks of folded clothes. I felt annoyed that i had not kept everything as clean as i used to. I had stopped caring about the organization of everything, and i was now upset that everything was such a mess. I had to take a shower and change, but i realized that my underwear was still in my old dorm room. I felt upset as i turned back to the north to go back to the other room to the east. I noticed a second single bed on the northern end of the western wall. The lights in the room were not on, but i could see the unmade bed. It was my roommates. I had asked him if someone could stay here, because he never used the bed, but he said that they could not. I felt angry with him, and i felt frustrated with the situation. I was not sure what to do. I headed to the north.

My mother had been standing at the counter to the south of me, and she was trying to fill out the paper form that was on the counter. A man stood behind the counter, on the western side. I looked over the form, and i realized that she did not need to fill out one of the forms, which was the form for this year. I told her that she could fill out the form for next year. The scene then seemed to change. I had been doing something with the forms, and i was thinking about how they worked. It seemed that we did not have anything to write on this year’s form, but we were still expected to do something with it. The counter was to the south of me now, and the man who had helped my mother and me was still sitting behind it. I moved to the counter, asking the man about the forms. I told him that i was sorry for bothering him with all the questions, and i asked him if the forms would be updated next year so that we did not have to fill out things that were unnecessary on it. Someone walked to the west behind him as he told me that the forms would be updated next year. I felt better. The third person then came back from the west and started talking to the man. I looked at my computer. I had opened up the screen to the south of me, and i noticed that it had many small thumbnails on it. Each thumbnail represented an instance of an application that was running. Each thumbnail was a small video window, and i could see different scenes of people standing around in rooms. I realized that these were videos from security cameras, of people who were at the casino. They should not have been running on my computer, and i worried that someone had accessed my computer to run these programs in the background. I thought that they might have been brought onto my computer when i had done something with the casino. I felt a little embarrassed to be associated with the casino, and i worried that others might find out that i had run the casino’s programs, but i did not want to be associated with the security videos. I thought that they were associated with illegal activities. I quickly closed all of the videos that were running on my computer. I was aware of the man behind the counter to the south of me. I wondered if i should complain about the videos to him. I felt uneasy showing them to him, though, thinking that he might ask how they got on my machine. I would have to tell him that i was running a program from the casino. I felt uneasy letting people know that i had run it. I thought that i should have known that it would be insecure. I then noticed more videos opening on my computer. I would have to do something.

12022 November 26

I sat near the western wall of the small room, which seemed to take up most of the house. The western, northern, and eastern walls all seemed to be exterior walls, and they seemed somewhat thin. I was talking to some of the other people in the room, who seemed to be to the south of me. I felt that we were discussing something important. I then started to feel uncomfortable here. I felt that someone was watching us. I felt unsafe here, and i thought that i had to hide the fact that we were here. I moved against the western wall, to the south of the window, trying to stay out of sight of the window. I sat down against the wall, just to the south of a couch, hoping that it would hide me from view from the north. I was aware of the man outside. I sat still for a moment as he looked in the window in the western wall. I stayed still, hoping that he would not notice me. I was then aware that he was moving to the east around the outside of the building. I repositioned myself so that i could not be seen from the windows in the northern wall. I realized that my feet might be sticking out from the front of the couch, though, so i slowly pulled them toward me. I felt nervous of the man outside. I knew that i had to continue my conversation with the others, though. I looked to the east, realizing that i could see a darkened window in the northern end of the eastern wall. The man was still crossing the northern end of the house, but when he reached the eastern window, he should be able to see me. I felt uneasy and wondered what i should do. A blanket was on the southern side of the couch. I pulled it over me, hoping that the man would not notice that someone was under it. As i pulled the blanket over me, i realized that a woman was already under it. She sat do the north of me, and she seemed excited to see me. I felt uncomfortable, realizing that the woman wanted me to kiss her and be intimate with her. I did not want to kiss her, so i tried not to get too close to her. I then noticed two other people to the north of us. They were also under the blanket. One of them was a young girl, and she seemed to be surprised about something. At first, i thought that she was surprised to see us here, but i realized that she was looking to the southeast, past me. I turned to the southeast to see a young man and woman kissing passionately. I thought that their passion is what was upsetting the girl. Someone to the south of me then warned that we should not upset the young girl. I felt that it would be dangerous for us to do so.

12022 November 27

I was on the southwestern side of the area with some other people. My grandmother seemed to be with me. We had to head out to the east, but my grandmother had left something here. I told her that we must have left it in the elevator, which as to the north of us. The door to the elevator was closed, but the door did not cover the entire elevator car. I could see people standing in the elevator. At there feet was a folder up blue umbrella. I told my grandmother that i would get the umbrella so that we could leave. My mother, who was to the southeast of me, said something about the umbrella. I moved to the elevator door, excusing myself as i crouched down and picked up the blue tube that was on the floor. The end cap of the tube was thick; the tube was now about a half deci wide. Something seemed wrong with the cap, so i turned it and tried to open the end. I felt that others had been listening to us, and one of my relatives suggested that there might be a listening device in the blue case. I turned to the east, holding the small wood house in my left hand. The house had been painted, but the paint was worn and faded. It seemed to have been a gray house. The roof, which overhung the side walls, was red, but that paint was also chipped and faded. I shook the house, trying to see if anything was in it. It seemed hollow, but i did not see any openings in the structure. I thought that someone could have somehow put a listening device within the birdhouse. I turned the house upside down. A small slit was in the bottom. I tried to see what was in it, but i could not see anything. I then realized that the bottom could pull out. I pulled the bottom panel out of the house to check for something inside. The house had a wadded up gray plastic bag inside. I took it out, trying to see if anything was in it. I was now sitting in the passenger’s seat of a car as one of my relatives drove west. I pulled the wad of plastic out of the box. It seemed to have crusted mud on the edges of it. I held the bag out the window to the north of me and shook out the plastic. I did not see anything odd in the bag, but i thought that i might have dumped it out the window. I put the bag back into the bottom of the birdhouse.

12022 November 28

I stood on the eastern side of the room as the person talked to me about the octopus. I was looking to the west, where the octopus was, but i could not see it. I knew in was there, though. The person told me that something was wrong with the octopus, saying that it had a cap on its head. I thought that it was some kind of birth defect that the octopus had. I thought that maybe the placenta might get stuck over the octopus’s head. It would cover the octopus’s eyes so that the creature would think that it was blind. I imagined what it would be like to remove the cap from the creature. It would be surprised that it could see suddenly, and might not understand what had happened. It would have lived most of its life blind, so the sight might come as a strange sensation. The person talked about the creature, and i thought that the creature might have moved its consciousness to the west, into the deep water. I thought that only its body was here. I started to feel wary of the octopus. I thought that several creatures might have gone in the deep ocean to the west, one after the other. It had something to do with the lack of senses due to the cap, but now that the cap was removed, the creatures would realize that they were not blind after all. I felt uneasy of the octopus, and i started to back away. I then felt the ground move a little, and i thought that it was trying to move close to me. I put my hand out, but it was not there. I could not see the octopus. I could only see odd shapes, like a circle with eight short lines coming out of it, four on each side. The octopus seemed dangerous, and i thought that it would not like me intruding on its presence.

I headed to the west, along the road, which seemed to run through a large hilly park. The trees were green with leafs. Someone was near me, but i felt uncomfortable with him there. He seemed to be following me and asking me question, and i did not want to talk to him. I entered the building through the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. The building seemed crowded with metal shelfs, which ran in rows from east to west. In the middle of the room, about five meters from the eastern wall, a wide corridor ran to the north. I had been here before. To the west of the corridor seemed to be low mounds of things stacked on the floor. The mound ran in a line to the north, separating the aisle from another aisle. Trucks were parked in the aisles. The near aisle had a large truck, which seemed like a tractor-trailer. I was supposed to drive the truck somewhere. I still felt tense, and i wanted to get things done. As i approached the truck, though, i realized that i might not have left my keys in the correct spot. Annoyed, i turned around and walked back to the south a little way. I turned to the east, into the first or second aisle between the tall metal shelfs. The shelfs had molded metal frames and seemed to have thick plywood shelfs. I walked past the first set of shelfs to a set that was mostly empty. I had left my keys on the shelf with several of the other keys, but i felt uncertain that i had left them in the correct place. I had to check on them. I lifted up a set of keys from the shelf, making sure that it was my set of keys. I wondered if i should really leave my keys here. I thought that i was supposed to leave my keys here while i drove the truck around. It seemed like a way to guarantee that i would bring the truck back. I felt uncertain about leaving my keys, but i put the keys back on the shelf and started to head back to the west. A man was then to the east of me. He asked me a question about the keys. I answered him. He continued to follow me, and he started asking me questions that seemed suggestive. I felt annoyed with him and tried to ignore him. He seemed to lust after me, and i did not want to be near him. As i turned to the north and stepped over a low mound that ran east to west across the aisle, he complimented me, adding that he liked my legs as well. I thought that i was wearing shorts, so he could see my lower legs. I felt distaste for the man and continued to the north. I realized that the trucks in the room had been moved. The ones that had been to the west were now gone, and i worried that someone had taken the one that i wanted to drive. I then saw the truck to the north. The cab was facing south, but the trailer ran to the east from the cab. I walked a little way to the truck, and then i realized that i would have to clear the aisle so that i could get the tractor-trailer out of the building. I turned back to the south, pushing past the man. He enthusiastically asked me another question, and i angrily told him to go away. A woman was now with him. The man moved to the south and turned to the west, heading toward the door. The shelfs were gone, and mounds of furniture and boxes were now there. I came to where the wide aisle met the narrow aisle that led to the door. The woman was following me closely, and i felt angry with her too. I would have to move some of the furniture at the corner of the two aisles, because the truck would need to make a wide turn, and i need more space to move. The woman seemed to be saying luring things to me as well, and i felt more and more aggravated by both the man and the woman. I moved several things away from the corner of the aisles, pushing the furniture to the northwest, into the cluster of furnishings. I moved a little to the east, clearing some more things. I was aware that the woman was to the northwest of me and the man was to the east. I thought that the woman might be rearranging furniture near me, and i thought that she might be putting things back in the way. I turned to see that she had put a green cushioned rocking chain on the corner where i had cleared an opening. I felt angry with her, and i grabbed the back of the chair and threw it to the northeast. I yelled at the woman, telling her to go away. I felt very frustrated, and i walked to the west. I was again on the road that ran through the hilly park. A woman was asking me questions. She was someone that i knew. I felt tense and frustrated, but i stopped to answer her. I looked at the large sign that was to the west of me. It was rounded, with two large lobes. The lobe on the north side was taller than the one on the south. The white sign looked like a slice of a rock or a cross-section of a large tree. It seemed to represent something natural, and i could see the concentric curve that followed the overall outline of the shape. The northern edge seemed more vertical than the southeastern edge. I said something about the sign, noticing that the surface seemed to be flaking. I wondered of what material the sign was made. Something about it seemed peaceful.