11982 December 02

I was sleeping on the floor in my grandfather’s cottage when a man came up stairs and called my father down. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen of the cottage. My mother and grandfather were doing dishes in the kitchen. I looked out the window on the side of the cottage and saw the full moon over the trees. Everyone else, however, was looking out the other window. I looked out the other window with them to see a tear-shaped piece of moon. It grew into a big moon and then stayed in the sky. I felt uneasy watching it. I walked back up the stairs of the cottage and started to read a National Geographic article about it. It showed a picture of our solar system with a large planet between Jupiter and Mars. This planet was bigger than Jupiter, but it had a ring to match the diameter of the ring of Jupiter. I wondered why it was so important that National Geographic used it as a long article.

11982 December 07

I was walking past my garage and into a small field behind my house. $Z, whom i could not see, was with me. We were leading two horses into the field. Another horse belonging to the neighbours was watching us from the other side of a wire fence. I mounted the horse and started down the field. The neighbours’ horse then became outraged. My horse suddenly had wings and he flew into the air. I was followed by my friend. Up in the air, i could see many houses below me. I could see the neighbours’ horse running around in his pen. He was angry with us.

11982 December 08

I was in a camp, riding my bike from one tent to the next. I was riding on a little trail of dirt. Suddenly, i got off and i was in my house. I looked at my fish tank and saw that ice was forming on the surface of the water. I realized that it was cold. I walked outside. A strong wind was blowing around. I walked to the back of the house and the wind seemed to stop. I then saw my cat, $X1. I called to him, but he would not come inside.

11982 December 17

I was looking in front of our house when i saw a winged horse fly down and land on the road. It walked on the side of our house. I went outside to look at it. I started telling $Z that the horse had wings. Now, however, it looked like a normal horse. Then a tractor charged the horse and it unfolded its wings from its hide and flew away. I then tried to fly. I glided over the house. I landed on the roof. I then jumped off and glided to the ground. $Z was no longer with me. I was then in a house and a man showed me a secret door. I walked through the door and came to a roof top. I walked from the roof top to a tree limb several times. Then i looked back at the roof. It was very far away.

11982 December 18

I was in the back yard of my old baby sitter’s house. I was running from bush to bush with $Z. We crept around the barn yard for a short period of time. We kept looking up at the house on the hill as we crept. After a long while of creeping around, i went up to the house. I saw $A63 talking to a boy from my school. The boy then left and i told $A63 that our car was in their pond.

11982 December 20

I was walking into the gymnasium of my school in the field house. The coaches were talking about some exercises. They told everybody to do twenty-five. At first, i thought that they were talking about pull-ups; then, i thought that they were talking about push-ups. When we finally did the exercise, we were doing sit-ups. When we were done, i went to my locker and started to dress. The head coach, $A64, walked to my locker and said that i was dressed too warmly. I was wearing my shirt, sweater, pee coat, hat, and a scarf with no pants. I put my pants on and then went outside. $A65 stopped me to talk. He asked me about coming into school the next week during vacation. I told him that i did not like to wake up in the cold, so i would not be coming in. When we were finished talking, i picked my gloves up from the floor and left.

11982 December 24

I ran behind some houses in a suburban area. I was creeping through the bushes in the night. I came to the back of a house that was next to a hill. There was a stone staircase with metal rails running up the side of the hill. I looked up to the lit window in the house and then ran up the stairs. At the top, i saw power lines running along a mountain. I walked along the platform and up a ladder. I was then closer to the power lines. I was on top of a white building. I looked over the edge of the building in front of me and saw my mother’s office. I thought of jumping down to the ground on the other side of the building, but i noticed that i would be fenced in if i did so. I turned around and looked back on the other side of the building. I saw a shop with cars in front of it on the ground. I then climbed down the ladder, afraid that i might fall. I walked across the platform. Then i jumped down the stairs and was in the parking lot of the shops.

11982 December 28

I was watching a car drive into another car on the dirt road. Both of the cars were, like something from the thirties. Then the idea of practicing came to mind. In one of the cars was an inspector who was practicing driving people off of the road. Then i was with my mother in a house. We were in the house because ours was being searched. We were standing in the living room. This room had little furniture and two large picture windows on each side. In the back of the house, there was a long field with a forest of trees surrounding it. In front of it was a cut yard with a white shed in it. The rug in the room was blue. There was a small white dog that followed me around. Then i was outside opening the shed. I walked in and looked around. I looked out its back window and saw the white dog in the window of the house. I then left the house. As i went out the door, i saw a glass eye on the porch. I thought that it belonged to the cat, but i saw a cracked porcelain cat and i knew that it did not. I then walked to the car and my mother drove us down the hill. We left the house and dog behind.

I was watching an animated scene. It started with a small party capturing a troll. They told the troll to follow them and he did. Then i saw a bird-like animal blowing up balloons for a party. Then a man stood over the troll tracks and said that the party was captured by a troll. He then set off after the troll. A beast and a wizard were standing in a blank room. The wizard waved his hands and the room filled with balloons and party decorations. The bird was still blowing up balloons. The wizard opened up a door near where he was standing and walked in. A kangaroo was shooting down balloons from the ceiling with a blow gun. The bird then yelled “NO!” and ran after the kangaroo. The kangaroo jumped against the far wall and pushed off. He flew across the room, popping every balloon as he went. He flew out the front door. The tracker was still following the troll tracks, determined to capture the troll which had captured the hunting party.