11996 December 03

I drove down The Parkway in $P17. It was dark out, and the road was not well lit. I was heading toward the mall. I passed through the dark entrance corridor of the library and out into the main gymnasium. There was a stack of books to my right and a wall on the left. The wrestling team was there for a meet. I joked around with them for a while. Then two of the wrestlers started to wrestle me in jest. I was wrestling with one for a moment, then turned on the other one and wrestled him to the ground. I had my arm around his waist and started to squeeze him. I realized that he was $A28. He turned and got away, and we all got up. I walked around the room as the wrestlers got ready for their matches. I walked by the stack of books that lined the outside wall of the cinder block room, which was painted with a dull, pale yellow paint. There were some other wrestlers on the mat at the side of the room. They were in the middle of a match, both wearing shorts. Then the one in the red shorts moved for the one in the blue shorts. He grabbed the blue guy’s shorts and pulled them down. It was a joke. The man in blue called a foul and complained to the referee. The man pulled his shorts back up and they both continued wrestling. I walked over by the benched on the left of the mat. I noticed a wrestling suit there. I looked it over and noticed that there was a seam loose. The sewing had come undone. That was why the man in red had pulled down the shorts. The suit was short. I walked down the hall and backed my car out of my parents’ driveway. I had to get to work. I turned east on the road and started to head out, but then i realized that i had forgotten to bring my lunch. I turned the car around in front of $A29’s house, making a large loop across their front lawn. I got out of the car in my parents driveway, but i had forgotten the key. I grabbed the key, which was stuck in the side of the yellow Volkswagen Rabbit. I would have to hit the brake pedal on the front to stop the car once i removed the key. I held the pedal down with my foot while i slid the key out of the pedal mounting. I ran into the house. $X3 was excited to see me and jumped around. He followed me, but was hesitant to follow me onto the porch. I realized that he had defecated on the porch. I patted him on the head.

11996 December 04

I was running down the trail that ran along the edge of the woods. The trees were full of leaves and it was somewhat dark out. There was a fire in the fields to my right as i ran along the one lane dirt road. I could not see the fire, but i knew that it was just over the ridge, beyond the woods. It was a very large forest fire, covering a great deal of area. I could see the flames start to crest over the hill. The smoke drifted down the hill and rolled like a thin haze towards the buildings at the camp ground. People were running to help put out the fire. The fire was getting closer, and i wondered whether i should be this close to it. I walked through the forest on the dirt trail as i watched trees on my right get engulfed in flames. I reached the large cement structure. It was some sort of abandoned building, with a large, flat, smooth face that hung over a smooth archway and covered corridor. There was a small part of the fire burning in the archway. It was very hot. The firemen at the entrance of the building directed the people as to what they could do to help with the fire. Other people entered the archway on their way to the forest fire. They had to put it out. The smoke was bothering me. I was having trouble breathing and i would have to leave. I ran out from the building towards the metal bars that formed a sphere. They were a set of monkey bars on the playground. It was nighttime again, and the fire glowed over the hills. I could breath clearly again. I was disappointed that i could not help with the fire. I headed down the gorge trail, away from the fire. It was muddy. I would have to run $G4 run later that day. People were already gathering for the run. It will start on the trail going up the hill, where we had left off yesterday. We had followed the trail up the hill over the rocks the day before, and we were walking up this morning to get back on the trail. The hares said that the trail went away from the gorge. I realized that it was not like our trail. The hares had marked the trail up the small dirt road off to the right. Ours had continued straight up the gorge to where the cars were parked. The trail to the right joined ours through a small break in the dirt cliff that ran along the right side of the road. We had to stop. We would start again in the cinder parking lot where the cars were. We would then have to walk to the gorge from there to get back on trail. I remembered the mud on the trail that ran up the hill from the previous night. There were puddles on the trail. We walked up until we reached the building. There was a grating that covered the gorge today. We could not pass it. I remembered that there was a hole to the right that led underground to the gorge. That could get us around the grating. I climbed through the hole. I came out on the other side, where the girl was standing. $A30 then showed up at the $G4 run. We were in a house.

11996 December 05

I drove down the street of the dark neighbourhood. It was very dark out, and this was a dangerous part of town. The street was narrow, and there were several cars parked on the left side of the road. A large grassy area stretched out to the right. It was some sort of park area. A sidewalk ran near the road in front of it, and a creek bed ran at a shallow angle from the road on the other side of it. There was one car parked on the right side of the road. I turned my car around and tried to park in front of the houses on the other side of the road. I parked at the end, where i could just pull in. I had to look like i lived here, so that no one would bother me. I thought about the girl in the other car who entered the house. I walked down the street to the small worn white house on the corner of the street. I walked in to the enclosed porch on the near side of the building. My mother was there. The room was long and narrow and stretched the length of the house on the outside wall. The glass windows on the outside wall had been blocked with curtains and cardboard. We had to sleep here for the night. It was a rented room. I could hear people talking outside of the house. They sounded like a group of young hoodlums. I would have to sleep in the bed that stuck out from the wall. I tried to get in, but the bed was too short. I arranged the sheets over the top of it. I looked over into the other room. There was a man sitting on a large bed, getting ready to go to sleep. The light in the room was dull and orangish. I arranged the two beds in the room that i was in. I tried to push them together. I would have to place my backpack between the beds so that no one could take it. I hid my wallet in the pack as well. My mother was trying to sleep in the bed to my left. I had to turn off the lights so that i did not disturb her. I turned off the two by the wall, but there was still one near my bed that was on. I tried the small switch neat the lamp, but it did not do anything. The real switch was on top of the lamp. I thought that there were too many lights in the room. I left the small pinkish light by the stairs heading up on. The overhead lights were also still on. I wondered how i could turn them off. My mother was already asleep. I flipped the switch for the overheads and the lights went out. Then i could hear the people in the outside hall of the house. I wandered around the porch for a little while. I had to get to bed. I would have to arrange all of my things before i got in bed. I found my bag under the edge of my bed. My mother had moved her bed away from the wall. I wandered around the porch. There was a young man in the next room. He came out to help me. He would be sleeping on the bed on the porch with us. He had taken the lower part of the bed that i had pushed together. My part was pushed over to the wall. My stuff, which had been under the bed, had been spread out over the floor. I was unhappy about this, and started to clean things up.

11996 December 07

I walked down the wet city street and rounded the corner to the left. There was a shop on the corner across the intersection from me. It was painted a pale green. A bus passed in front of me before i crossed the street and wandered into the shop. I had gone back in time. The shop was a place from the fifties. It was a MacDonald’s restaurant. They still had real china dishes to eat from in this time period. I looked at the pates, and asked whether they were real in astonishment. I was aware that i was simply acting to the people around me. I picked up one of the plates from the buffet table that stretched just to the right of the entrance door as i faced the door, separating the main dining area from the wing down the side of the restaurant on the right. I looked over the buffet table and noticed that they had vegetables out. This must have been a long time ago. Everything was so different. I saw a pile of yellow and grey squash cubes on someone’s plate. I acted surprised that they actually server real food in this place. I knew that this was just a time period when they did. I walked to my left and sat at the bench to one of the tables against the wall. I moved the dishes from the table and piled them in a short stack. I thought that i could beam the dished back with me into the future. They would be a very valuable collector’s item. I took several of the napkins as well. They would also be worth something. Then i looked up at the posters on the wall and noticed that i could see the digitized edges on the black and white graphics. The image was of a cat with fancy decoration traced around it. The design must have been done on a laser printer. This place could not have been in the 50s, because they did not have digitized pictures back then. I walked out the door to my left and into the dining room of my parents’ house. My parents and my grandfather were in the dining room, talking. My grandfather wanted to speak to me privately. My parents moved into the bathroom so that the two of us could talk privately. My grandfather took one of the chairs from the dining room table and placed it in front of the doorway to the bathroom. He said that he wanted to tell me something somewhat secret, and that he did not want my parents to know. I realized that he had placed the chair very close to my parents, and that they could hear everything that he said. He did not realize this because he was not thinking straight. He then moved his chair into the bathroom and asked me to come closer so that we could talk more privately. He was not aware that he was moving closer to my parents. I knew that he could not realize what he was doing. My parents were too close. I asked him to follow me. I turned around and walked into the kitchen. I sat down on the stool at the edge of the counter. Grandpa stood just off the counter and told me that he wanted me to know that his money is not being wasted. He said that, no matter what he buys for her --money, jewels-- it was not a wasted expense. He hoped that i did not mind that he was spending the money on her. I found his concern humorous and told him that i did not care what he did with his money. I walked out of the house and into the large field. There were power lines stretching overhead. The house was small behind me: not my parents house. The hills were very steep and covered with grass. They rolled away into the distance, dropping about a hundred meters between crest and valley. Clouds moved across the light blue sky. I thought that the area was very strange.

11996 December 10

My father drove the car down the back-country road. He passed through patches of woods with fields spaced in between. The dirt road dipped down slightly and turned slightly to the right as we headed towards the bridge over the small creek. The bridge was arched from the road level. There were kids swimming in the water hole to the right of the bridge as we crossed over it. We would have to leave the other car here. I walked down the field behind my parents’ house. There were two kids sitting on a picnic table just behind the barn, between the barn and garage. I said hello to them as i passed, telling them about $A29 and $A31 from next door. I walked into the side door of the garage. The female doctor checked me out as i entered the door. I stood just inside of the back door of my parents’ house. She listened to my chest with her stethoscope. She commented that she liked the way that i looked. I told her of my stomach pains. When i stood, the pains were at the bottom of my stomach, but when i moved, it hurt around the sides. She said that she had heard of the problem before. I continued cleaning up the stuff in the garage. I should get some exercise, but i would have to get everything out of the center of the room. There was a large green lawn mower in the center of the garage. The lady got on it and drove out of the garage. It was raining outside, and she would get the ride mower wet. I tried to stop her, but she drove away across the lawn to the left. I handed the power grinder to my father when i noticed that there was another on the floor. I looked at the chainsaw which was wrapped in a white plastic sheet on the floor. I would have to build a cement wall around the edge of the garage before we could pour the cement.

11996 December 11

I was in the front part of my parents’ house. The window at the end of the front hall was open. It was cold outside, so i went to close the window. The man with the boy was there. They were both muslim. The man was wearing a small, light blue turban and had a dark black beard. He opened the window at the front of the hall for fresh air. I could see him do it from the next room. I walked back into the hallway to close the windows. I was annoyed that they were open again. There was one window on the end of the hall and another on the left wall. The man had left a turban on the window sill on the left. Both of the windows were small swing-out windows. I pulled them closed. Then i turned and started to wander around the tower. The place was still under construction, and there were sheets of plastic hanging down the walls. The floor was very old and made of heavy wood planks. They were worn and splintering on the surface. We were very high from the ground in the tower. The floor we were on was at the top, and it was at least five hundred meters to the ground. I knew that there was nothing below the floor we were standing on. The rest of the tower was empty all the way to the ground. This made me rather nervous as i walked the floor. This building was the tallest sky scraper in the area. I rolled the dumb bell weights across the wooden floor. The floor sagged slightly under their weight. I was worried that the floor might fall through. The wind blew through the sides of the tower. It was rather windy at this elevation. I went down in the elevator and looked up at the grey building from the ground outside. It was a plane rectangular building with no features on the surface.

11996 December 12

I was at the back docking bay of the large mall. People were loading food onto the tractor trailer. The large blue boxes were hoisted onto the truck by a rope which pulled them from the top and rotated them onto the truck. The boxes were attached together by large metal poles, which ran across the bottom of the boxes, creating ridges in which the boxes rested. I looked over these ridges as the boxes lifted from the ground. We would have to slide a pole into one of the open holes where the boxes were not attached. It slid down an interlocking set of loops between each box. The large tank of milk lifted onto the truck. There was a hose sticking off the back of the truck from which the milk could be poured. The hose was made of a thin brown rubber. There was a small leak in the hose, and the milk started to spray out. I grabbed onto the hose and started to twist the hose to stop the flow. The other person tried to fix the hose while i held it. The long rubber tube flapped around as the pressure of the milk sprayed out. I squeezed the tube just below the white plastic bulb where the pressure was expanding the rubber. The other person tied the end of the hose off so that it would not leak any more. Then i suddenly realized that there was no longer any milk flowing through the hose. I looked to the end of the hose that i was holding to see that it had disconnected from the truck. The problem had been solved. The milk had stopped flowing.

11996 December 13

I wandered around outside the town of $P18. I had come up on the bus, and now walked across the fields just outside of town. It was a warm sunny day, and the leaves on the plants were green with summer colour. I walked down the narrow path between the farm fields towards the barns and the farm house. There were wire fences on both sides of me. I thought that this was a strange place. I walked through the end of the fence and into the yard of the farm house. There were pieces of machinery stacked under the shed roof to my left as i followed the driveway out to the road. I wondered if anyone would mind that i was trespassing on their lawn. The farm house had wood siding, with chipping white paint on the sides. I walked out the driveway towards the main road. The dirt drive was long, and passed through the woods along the edge of a gorge. The gorge was on the right. Several trees stood between the drive at the beginning, but the road ran closer to the gorge and the trees cleared. There was a low railing running between the road and the gorge. I carefully looked over the edge and down into the deep gorge. I could see the water flowing down a shallow creek at the bottom. It was flowing from the right. I thought that if i fell over the edge i would end up in the water rather than on the stone slope. The cliff wall was that steep. I probably should not be on the road, as it had been closed to traffic do to erosion at the edge of the gorge. A man then appeared from my left and told me that i was trespassing on private property. I apologized and continued down the road towards the city. It was very sunny. Spring had come early this year. I walked through the building and came out on the street in the suburban area of town. I wondered suddenly where i was. I could see the towers of the university on the hill to my right, so i must have been heading in the correct direction to get back. Then my vision was obscured by some buildings or trees. I wandered down the streets wondering if i was heading in the correct direction. The university could have been used as a positioning marker, but i could not see it any more. I continued in the direction i had been heading. I came down the street and reached the intersection of the main road through town. I was at one end of the main road, looking down the busy street to my left. I rounded the corner and started down the road. It was lined with small buildings and had tracks running up the center of the street. This is where the bus station was. There was a clock on a dark metal post in front of the station. I would have to get a bus going back down the Ithaca. I could say hello to $F11 as long as i was in town. I decided not to, though, as i was only here because i was wandering around. I was depressed and had to wander, and i just happened to end up here. I had to catch the bus back to $P14.

11996 December 16

I had spent the night at $P19 and was coming down in the morning. I could not leave before, but it might be all right for me to leave now. I fixed the last buttons on my pants. Several other brothers were in the television room to my right. I did not feel like i should stay here any longer. I should drive my car home. I crossed the street and walked around the side of the house and out into the parking lot. There was a car on fire on the right side of the lot. There was nothing left but a square charcoal frame where the car had been with a charred corps sitting in what looked like a lawn chair in the center. It was $A24’s car. I realized that another bomb had gone off in one of the brothers’ cars. There have been several bombs before. I went back into the house and told the others what had happened. Everyone was very distressed and gathered outside near the car. They knew that it was a gasoline emitting bomb that had exploded. It had covered both the car and the man in gasoline before it ignited. I walked out the end of the driveway, passing my car. It was on the right side of the paved driveway near the end. It was the yellow Volkswagen Rabbit. I looked under the fenders of the car to make sure that there was not a bomb hidden there. I tried not to act suspicious, because i did not want to worry anyone. I casually wandered out across the front lawn, wondering whether i should move my car out of the parking lot. $F16 walked up behind me as i walked near the end of the driveway. He was crying for the lost brothers. I hugged him and tried to comfort him. Eventually, i wandered back to the wreckage of the other car. The police had arrived and were inspecting other cars in the lot. They had found something under the left front wheel well of my car and were working to disarm it. That was why i did not leave the house the night before. There had been a bomb in my car and i could not have driven it. I felt disturbed that i had acted on this information without knowing it. I walked into the dining room and started to pace. Then there was a large explosion. It was my car being detonated. I ran across the room and hid behind the small wall in the corner in case there was a second explosion. The others started talking of the lights.

11996 December 17

I walked through the house toward the bleachers where the game was being held. There were a couple of young children on the bleachers with us. I remembered talking to one of them before. They were picking on each other and joking around. They had to act tough in front of each other, so they started to pick a fight with $F4, who was sitting near me on the bleachers. I was mad at the children, so i grabbed one of them and told them to stop. The other boy was startled and fell through the bleachers. I could see him land on the floor below. He was not hurt, but angered. The first boy listened to me. He had some kind of respect for me that i did not understand. I wondered why he respected me like he did. I then wandered out into the room on the left. My parents were there. There was a hallway leaving the room along the left wall, and a set of stairs coming down in the center from the far wall. $K3 was sweeping the floor with a rather large broom. I tried to get past her and down the hall towards the kitchen. The others wanted me to help them clean the house, but i was supposed to be doing other things. I sat on the ledge which overlooked the small circular room. I was one level up from the floor of the room. Movies were being shown on the opposite wall of the round room as people sat in the center to watch. I was wearing a black cape that i had wrapped tight around me as i sat casually on the edge of the ledge. Several kids started talking in the hall behind me. They were punkers, wearing spiked leather. I jumped down into the room where i could move. $F5 and $F4 were there. We wandered around the room as we talked. I looked out the large windows of the office at the buildings outside. The building right across the way was a typeface-manufacturing building. There were letters running up one corner of the dark grey building. Each floor of the building was dedicated to manufacturing a single letter in the various typefaces. I read the bold red san-serif letters that hung off the right side of the building. I suddenly wondered what city we were in. I realized that it must be Princeton, somewhere in Rhode Island. I remembered the type building from before. Was it Tokyo? I wandered down the city street. Everything around me seemed very familiar. I crossed the street and noticed the church on the opposite corner. This must be New York. I walked up to the blackish stone building and walked into the arched wooden front door. The architecture on the front of the church was plain but gothic. It was very dark in side: too dark to see. I knew that there were monks to my right, just inside the door. They helped the visitors along. The door from the outside then closed and it was pitch black inside. A tourist who had entered just before me opened one of the heavy wooden doors to the inner chapel. The dull orangish light help me see for a short time. I could hear the sound of the televised tour guide speaking from inside, giving the history of the church. The inner door closed and it was dark again. I would have to make it back out of the church in the dark. I walked back down the short flight of steps at the front of the church and onto the sidewalk. I again wondered where i was. I walked to my right as i faced the church. There was a dirt lot right next to the church. It was night outside. I walked towards the back of the lot where the short hill of dirt rose into the wooded area. There was an old rusted chain link fence that had fallen down along the edge of the parking lot. I saw the dirt trail through the woods that ran through the tall grass and reeds. I followed it through the thicket area. I must remember this place. I then saw several cars parked on the road at the other end of the trail ahead of me. The road was part of a small suburban development. The cars were still running and had their running lights on. It was dark out. $A14 stood by the cars with his students. He was on a field trip with them and was teaching them things about the wet grassland that i had just walked through.

11996 December 18

I walked up the edge of the creek, which flowed down the shallow hill over the large flat bedrock. I hopped up the rocks as i went, trying not to get my feet wet. The creek was shallow as it tumbled over the gradual falls. There was a factory across the river to my right. The river ran very fast over the dam that was just down river from me. I looked down into the deep water at the swift turbulent current. I walked over the catwalk that spanned the river and headed into the cement building of the factory. There was a cement overhang covering the walkway that ran along the side of the factory. I could see large rusted iron pipes spitting out water from the cement wall below me. I wandered into the hall of the old building. There was a set of stairs going down to the main entrance corridor. There was an office on the far wall to the left, with a dull green time clock on the wall just outside. The office door was closed, and the glass in the door was cloudy and tinted green. A stairwell went down from the main floor to the left of the stairs that i was on, and an old wood door to the main part of the building was closed just to the right of the stairs that i was on. I walked down both sets of stairs. I was thirsty and needed a drink of water. I filled the glass at the sink on the lower level and drank it, but i was still thirsty. I looked back outside at the water flowing though the cement channel and into the river. I could not drink that water. I went to the silver drinking fountain to the right of the office door and tried to get some more water, but it did not work. I was very thirsty and had to find some water. I went back outside. I would have to cross the river to get out of the factory before i was found there. There was a large water duct that ran across the raging waters. I thought about crossing on it, but it would be too dangerous. The water under it was too swift and pounding.

11996 December 19

I walked through the dining room of my parents’ house. It was actually a fraternity house. I walked up to the piano that was against the brick chimney and started to play. I should not pay it, though, because it might wake up the brothers who were sleeping upstairs. I picked up the baby grand piano and carried it down the basement steps. I carried it to the back of the basement and placed it down. I started to play softly. I wanted to record some piano sections for my music, but i had to be sure not to wake the others. There were people upstairs, and i could not disturb them. I contemplated recording anyway. I decided to walk back up the basement steps to see if anyone was in the dining room. There were a couple brothers wandering around the room, wondering where the piano had gone. I decided that i would have to carry the piano back up stairs. I picked it up and carried the upright piano in my hands up the stairs. As i was going up the stairs, i suddenly wondered how i was able to carry the piano. It must be very heavy. It was a baby grand as i looked at it in my arms. I had no trouble lifting it though. I took it back upstairs.

11996 December 20

I was talking over the phone to the bank teller. She had asked me who i was, and i told her that i was someone whom i was not. $F21 came into the room. I showed her the alternate reality that i was interacting with. I was the other person in a different reality. It was all part of a dream sequence. The person that had gone to the bank was someone else. They went under the dirty cement bridge to wait for the others. $G4 crossed the water under the bridge where it ran shallow over the smooth rocks and gravel.

11996 December 22

I walked through he grocery store. There was a glass case of hand guns to my right on the isle. All of the guns were modern clip-style pistols, made of a dark metal. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair was very long. I had let it grow for a long time. Things seemed so different. I walked up the drive that led into the golf course. The area was full of decorative and well groomed vegetation. There was a flower bed running along the road to my left just in front of a low cut row of pine shrubs. I followed the drive to the main buildings. I worked here, like i used to a long time ago. I have been forced to work here again. I adjusted the silvery letters on the low brown sign just to the left of the road. It gave directions to the main lodge. I was standing near the main entrance to the golf course. I headed up the path to the right and walked along the wall of lockers in the light blue room. The floor was painted cement, and the lockers were a dull tan. I walked up to my old locker. I remembered it from before, when i had worked here a long time ago. Another person, with whom i was not that familiar, stood to my left, getting things from his own locker. We talked as i tried to open the lock on my locker. I could not remember the combination. I started to get frustrated as i tried several different combinations. Finally, i got it open. I pulled out the large apron that i used to work in. It still had all of my old work equipment in the pockets. There were a couple of spray cans, a couple of sponges on handles, and an iron. It felt very heavy as i held it in front of me. Everything was as i had left it all that time ago. I was disappointed to be back here again. It was a let down.

11996 December 23

Jean Leuc Picard was with us in the room. There was also a robot there, who was not supposed to be with us. Picard was actually the robot. It was some sort of plot, though he was unaware that anything was wrong. He did not know that he was a robot. He should not be in command of the ship, because he was actually a robot. The others knew that the robot should not be in charge, and they talked of taking over the ship. We sat in the bar talking about how we could take control of the ship before it was to late. We had to be casual about it so that the robot would not suspect anything. Sylvester Stalone was sitting at the other side of the table from me as we talked. He played the black baby grand piano as i watched him from across the surface of the piano.

11996 December 25

I was a stranger on the ship. I did not really belong here, and i was not whom everyone thought i was. I was some kind of entity impersonating one of the crew. Warf was the alien creature who was being impersonated. He never really was a Klingon. All these years he was simply an entity playing the part of a Klingon. I wondered how this would affect the show. I thought that it was an interesting plot twist from out of nowhere. He was always a fake, and now the crew has discovered his secret. They did not know what to think of him. They wondered whether they could trust him. I thought that he would become a less important character now, and he would no longer have to be worked into the movie plots. This would make it easier to explain how he returns to the Enterprise.

11996 December 26

I was at the construction site where $A16 was building a new house. I wondered if she would fix up the old one while she was at it. I turned around and walked into the old house. She was there, so i talked to her. I told her about the mail that had been on the porch. She was always unaware of what was going on in the house. The mail had been slid under the door by the delivery person, but the letters would always get caught under the rug on the porch. We walked out to the porch and looked under the rug. There were quite a few pieces of mail there. She had never noticed them, but i knew that they were there. We looked thought them, wondering how long they had been there. I found that i had gotten a catalogue from a graphic design place. I walked back into the apartment. There were some children with me. A girl sat at the desk in the entrance room of the building. I was Peter Pan and the children were the Lost Boys. We had come to make mischief for Captain Hook. The lady was wearing glasses, and she asked me what i was doing there. I knew that she had a small camera hidden to her side and a microphone in her jacket. I could not tell her the truth because Hook would hear on the other end of the microphone and camera. I asked her if she had a microphone on her and she said that she did not. I casually covered the camera, as if i had not noticed it. I then told the lady that we were going to steal things from Captain Hook. I said that she could not tell anybody. I was lying to her, telling her the fake plans so that Hook would not figure out what we were doing. I also wanted to keep the lady out of trouble with our schemes. We had to look like we were stealing things. I slid off of the desk, on which i had been sitting. Then a boy came into the room and warned us that Hook was coming. It was just what we wanted. He had to look like we were stealing things. We all grabbed some of the crates that had been sitting around on the floor and make it look as though we were loading them up with precious things. I tried to pick up the boxes, but they were very heavy. It would be hard for us to move all of them. Then this old man came in. He had a round face, with a bulbous figure and a bald head. He wore a small pair of spectacles as he scowled at us. We then started to throw food at him. It was all part of our plan. We simply wanted to get him in a food fight, but he would not have come out unless he thought we were going to steal things. We made sure that the food we threw would leave stains on both the Captain and the walls of the room. The Lost Boys were throwing strawberries at him. He was worried about everything being ruined around him. We started to run away. I threw the canned cherries last. They hit the white walls and smeared slowly down them. I ran away with the rest of the children.

11996 December 27

I was standing with $G4 at the large pavilion. There was a large crowd of people with us. It was like a ceremony from a large $G4 gathering. Then one of the people on the podium up front announced that they had found a pair of shorts. They held them up and i noticed that they were from the $P7. I remembered that one of the other brothers was wearing $P7 shorts. I borrowed the microphone from the speaker and called out for the brother. $A32 stood up from a seat in the crowd. I could see that he was still wearing his $P7 sweat pants. The shorts must not have been his. Everyone in the crowd was watching me. They laughed at me suddenly, and i laughed in embarrassment. The people up front asked me to drink for interrupting $G4 with my usage of the microphone. I had to drink a beer as punishment. Then they all drank without me. I walked up towards the front of the pavilion. They had forgotten to make me drink. I stopped by the table on the left side of the crowd and told the lady there that the shorts belonged to someone, but i could not remember their name. I then walked up towards the front of the pavilion. They had already skipped the drinking that i was supposed to do. It was okay with me that they skipped me. Then one of the people there asked me if i actually drank for my punishment.

I got on the bus from the country road. There were woods all around the local area. Then this young girl got on the bus as i sat down in a seat near the back left-hand side of the bus. The seats were made of dark green fake leather. I realized that the girl was $F22, but she did not recognize me. She had long brown hair and was very attractive. I watched her as she got onto the bus. She suddenly noticed that i was watching her and she scowled back at me. Then she recognized who i was, and remembered me.

11996 December 29

I was lying on the floor of the woods, wrapped in the thick wool blanket. It was cold outside. It seemed like autumn, and there were traces of snow on the ground. I had been sleeping in the woods because i was feeling self abusive again. I tried to get comfortable on the ground, but i could not. I curled up, but i was still cold. It was too cold here. I decided that i should get home before too long. I got up and started walking towards the parking lot in front of the large brown housing complex. The complex was a single building stretched out in front of me, and contained several apartments. Then the cop pulled up along my right side. I realized that i must look like a vagabond wandering through the housing community. I asked if he could give me a ride back to my house. I told him that it was not too far away. It was just to the northeast, down the long country road that stretched over the fields. I knew that it was in the direction beyond the complex from where i was standing in the lot. He was hesitant. He did not trust me, but he eventually agreed to give me a ride.

11996 December 31