11997 December 01

I was on the bus, but i had to get off. I realized that i was on the wrong bus. This was the bus to $P42, but i was not sure where we were going. I knew that i no longer lived in $P10, but i thought that i would take this bus because it went by my new apartment. The bus drove through the north side of $P17. It was not the normal route, and i was confused as to where it was heading. We were driving down $P43, and i watched as the bus drove around the curve in the road. I thought that i would get off at the corner. I had originally planned to get off later, but i realized that i was close enough to my apartment that i could get off earlier. That way, i would not have to take the other bus to get back. I thought that something was confusing. I felt unsure of where i was headed. Then the bus turned around at the edge of $P17. Something was wrong. This was not the way things were supposed to go. I sat on the bus, trying to figure out where i was supposed to be. Then i noticed that George Castanza was sitting near me. He spoke to me for a little while. I was confused. I did not know where i was supposed to get off of the bus.

I was with the class of young children as we sat on the sand at the edge of the water. I looked up to the wall on the north side of the room. There was a large map of the Finger Lakes region. My grandmother was in the room. I was working on the map. I had to cut along the contour lines of the map. I was adding texture to the map. I looked at the double lines that made up the elevations of the new three-dimensional map. I wondered how i could make the map better. Then i noticed the notches cut into the sand in front of me. They represented the Finer Lakes. I looked at them. They were not quite correct. I started to dig out the notches. I knew that the Finger Lakes were quite deep, so i had to dig out the hand print in the sand. I was right next to the water’s edge, and the water was splashing into the small trenches that i was digging. I sat in the holes that i was digging out. It was getting more accurate.

I walked into the lower school library at $P7. I was looking for the drinking fountain. I then thought that i was along the edge of the lake. I looked over the water and thought that it was a good place to swim. I remembered that it was the third beach from the top end of the lake. It was always a nice place to swim, because not many people knew about the beach. I thought that the beach was on the stream, but i realized that it really should be on the lake shore. It was not all the way on the north end of the lake, but it was fairly close, before the cliffs started on the east shore. I drove along the east side of lake, looking over the water. I drove up the road which ran up the hill along the east shore of $P44.

I was in front of my grandmother’s house. $F1 was there. I was recording a tape for him on the small black tape recorder. I was recording one tape onto another. I walked in front of $F1’s house, listening to the music from the tape player. He asked me about the song that was playing on the tape. He liked the song, but did not know what it was. I told him that it was “Mrs. Robinson”, by Simon and Garfunkel. I told him that the song was not on the tape that i was recording for him. It was on their other record. He walked away. I listened to the song that played on the small tape recorder. I thought that i had to move the recorder. I listened to the harmonies of the song that was playing and started to hum some of them. I thought that the harmonies of the Simon and Garfunkel song were well done. I was inside of my grandmother’s house listening. I thought that i could play harmonies like that. It was not that difficult. I then walked out the cellar door of the house. I had to get the hose in the front of the house. I walked to the garden which was just off of the front of the house. The tape recorder was sitting on the ground near the front steps. There was a short stone wall which ran along the edge of the driveway, from the edge of the stairs to the sidewalk. The hose ran through the flower bed, in a trench which ran between the stone wall and the driveway, from the steps to the road. I turned on the hose to water some of the flowers. Then i was back inside my grandmother’s house. I listened to the music. I thought that it was rather simple and that i could easily play it. Then i realized that i was taping my own songs. I suddenly wondered whether i should be playing the tape aloud where everyone could hear it. I thought that i was simply mixing down the songs. I then realized that the reverb that i was using did not sound right. It was on the wrong setting. I was upset and realized that i would have to rerecord the tape with the correct setting. The reverb should be on program 193 for this song. I turned off the tape and then decided to turn off the water. I looked at the end of the hose and noticed that the water was still coming out of it. It should have stopped by now. I lifted the end of the hose and held it over the other end. I wanted to make sure that the water was not wasted on the ground. The other end of the hose was very wide, and was easy to pour the first end into. I wondered why the water was not stopping.

11997 December 02

I flew over the water fall. I watched the water flow smoothly over the smooth stones in the wide creek. $F4 was down in the gorge as i flew over. It seemed very peaceful to fly. I sailed over the falls, watching the land drop away below me. I was high over the ground on the lower side of the falls. Then i realized that the target was a fake. I was not really able to fly. I looked up into the vast blue sky and started to fall. I returned to the street in the middle of the city. I should not have been flying. I walked along the sidewalk of the short road which ran along the side of the brick building. I watched myself approach the corner of the main road and turn left. The first shop in the building seemed to be some kind of thrift or junk store. It was right next to the apartment where i was supposed to go. I could not walk into the apartment, though, as i could not let them know where i had been. I walked into the shop, which was open on the front, and was a single, long, narrow room. The walls of the shop were red brick, the same as the outside of the building. The apartment had a large glass window on the front. This was all part of an I Love Lucy episode. Ricky was in the apartment with the guests. I carried the vacuum cleaner into the store. I had to hide it from the others. I then opened the door on the right wall near the back of the shop. It led into the apartment. I thought that i would sneak into the party from the back, making it seem that i had been at the party all along. I thought that, if no one saw me come in through the front door of the apartment, then everyone would assume that i had been at the party. The others saw me enter, though. They knew about the vacuum cleaner. I could not explain it, nor how it was some kind of time machine. I had hid it in the shop where no one could see it. I then spoke to the others in the party. All of the sudden, i remembered the shop next door. I remembered that it used to be $P47 record store, but that it had closed a long time ago. Now it was simply a junk store. I told the man at the party about it. I then felt that i had to get back to the store. I sneaked out of the party and back into the store. I had to get the vacuum cleaner, which was some sort of time machine. It was how i was able to see the older episodes of I Love Lucy as they were happening. I grabbed the bicycle from the left side of the open room and walked out the front of the store with it. I had to get away. I got on the bike and rode it towards the campus to the north. I seemed anxious about leaving. I was slightly afraid of what the others might think.

The girl dragged the body to the river and dropped it into the water. We were being very secretive. There was something very wrong with the area. I watched the body float away down the river. I wondered whether it would drown before it would die. I thought about what it was like to drown slowly. I remembered that the body was only asleep; it was not really dead. It would wake up on the other side of the river. I looked at the other body on the ground. It was covered with a purple velvet cloth. It was alive as well. I realized that we had to escape from the castle before we were found by the people. I was with the four other people as we ran out into the field. We had to get away, and there were others after us. The field around us was covered with piles of debris which was left behind by the others. I realized that the stuff that was left behind could be used as a weapon. The five of us started to dig through some of the things on the ground. We spent a great deal of time on the piles, trying to fix things, but i knew that the others would be coming for us. Then we crossed over the ridge of the small valley and walked into the great cavern. It seemed like a synthetic structure, with a smooth cement ceiling arching slowly overhead. The piles of debris filled the inside. The girl walked in front of me. I then thought about the carrot and stick concept. It was confusing, and had some relation to the girl. It took us a long time to figure it out. It was troublesome because we should have been spending the time on getting away from the people who were after us. I crossed the ridge at the edge of the domed cavern and walked into the next valley of man-made piles. I thought that we should create a balloon to escape. I then realized that we could make a weapon out of the substances in the piles. I looked at the white and tan soils on the edges of the pile. I walked over the hill with the other person, looking for things on the ground with which we could make a weapon. I knew that we could form gun powder out of the substances, but we would need sand. The others were behind us as we rounded the rocks on the edge of the hill. Then i heard the troops coming behind us. The other man and i ran between the sharp rock out-croppings on the top of the hill. We hid among the stones, hoping that the troops would not see us. I sneaked into the rocky area. The stones were reddish tan, and seemed like some kind of sand stone. I crouched down among the rocks. The other person moved behind the rocks to my right. He accidentally bumped into one of the rock towers. It wobbled. I was worried that the guards might see it. The guards passed through the opening in the stone wall to our left and followed the open path around in front of us. The stone was settling down, and i was afraid that one of the guards would notice it and come towards us. They would not search the rocks unless they knew that we were somewhere near. We waited in the rocks as the guard passed. Then i heard the other person move. He was moving round. He would not stay still. I knew that he was making too much noise. I pulled the silver knife out and looked at it. The blade of the dagger was long and bright. Then the guard heard the other person moving around. The guard started towards us. I got ready to attack him.

11997 December 03

There were many high school kids at the festival. I walked through the crowd. I remember being on the bus before. $A15 was there with me. Then my mother was in the crowd with me. I watched $A15 as he directed some of the people. He spoke to me and started telling me something special. I realized that he was really a dolphin. There was something special about his spirit, and i thought about it moving through the air as a dolphin would move through water.

I looked over my back to see that there was some fur sticking out through the dark purple plastic running shell that i was wearing. It had grown too long and was sticking out through the fabric of the jacket. I did not like the way it looked, and though that i should shave it. I was in the upstairs bedroom of my parents’ house, looking into the mirror on the west wall of the room. I then though that i had to get my things together, because i would be going out in a little while. There was a man coming to visit my father. He was a friend of my father, and would be going out to dinner with us. I walked through the dining room where my parents were. It seemed decorated with brightly coloured objects that seemed to have metallic paint on them. I walked into the small den and thought about the man coming over. There was a Joni Mitchell album playing on the old stereo. I looked at the picture and thought about my father’s brother, who would be coming over. I realized that i had never met him before and wondered how i should react to him. It seemed very strange to have a family member so close come over for the first time. I wondered whether i should hug him hello as i do my own parents. I thought that i should treat him as i treat my other relatives, but, since i did not know him, i felt uncomfortable. I wondered what he would think if i hugged him. I walked back through the main hall of the large building. The ceiling was far above me, and the walls of the corridor seemed to be stone. It was not well lit. I walked into the main entrance way of the building. $A54 was in the lobby. He had a large black horse with him. I thought that the horse seemed rather strange. Then the horse nuzzled up to me and wrapped its front legs around my torso. I was uncomfortable having the horse hanging over me, and i pushed it away. I walked over to the counter on the east wall of the lobby. It had a popcorn machine on the left side of it. There were several red and yellow items on the counter which were also for sale. The horse then nuzzled into me again. I pushed it away and watched it as it dropped to the floor. It was acting lazy and would not leave me alone. I then noticed that the horse’s skin was sliced and cut. There were several open wounds on the horse’s hide, which were red with blood. I pushed the horse away and started walking across the lobby when i ran into $A20. I was surprised to see him there, but knew that he had something to do with the horse.

11997 December 07

I was riding in the car with my mother. We were driving through the downtown section of a tourist town. We were heading back to my place. I thought that i remembered the way, as i used to live around this area. We turned onto the country road and started heading west. I recognized the place. It was the road that led along the creek towards my old apartment in $P10. I told my mother that i could remember the way from here. The area looked familiar. Then we were on a road that rounded the top of a rise and ran over a wide hill side. There were farming fields on both sides of the road, and it was a bright day. There was a small rural house on the left side of the road. I remembered that someone friendly lived there. Then i heard the small biplane flying overhead. I told my mother to be careful of that person. He lived in the house on the right, and was a grumpy old man. He would shoot at people who trespassed on his property. I thought of him flying overhead, shooting at us with his shotgun. We continued down the road. Then we were in a heavily wooded area. There was something in the woods to the right of the road as we rounded the sharp corner and headed down the short hill. It was very dark out, and there was snow on the ground. I then watched as the three men stumbled down the hill through the woods to our right. I watched them from slightly overhead. One of the men was injured and was wearing an orangish red vest. A second man was dragging him down the hill. Then i saw the third man higher up the slope. He was being attacked by a grey wolf. The wolf was attached to his back, and had chewed through his skin. I thought that the man would not survive. The wolf would have taken all of the meat from his back. He stared upward, dazed. I knew that he had lost too much blood, and was starting to go unconscious. I looked down the slope to see the other two sliding over the snow to the bottom. The second man then realized that his friend was being attacked. I watched as he climbed towards his friend and hit the wolf with his orangish red backpack. The wolf leapt away. It would not attack me because it was aware that i could defend myself. The wolf then lunged at the man again. I swung the backpack again and hit the wolf in the head. The wolf backed away. The small boy walked to the end of the bar, away from the attacking wolf. The wolf still wanted to attack the small boy, but knew that i would defend him. I knew that the wolf wanted what the boy had. I knew that the wolf would not attack the boy, because it knew that i, as an adult, would protect him, but the wolf would attack the thing that the boy had rather than attack mine, because the wolf knew that it could take the thing easier from a boy. The wolf started walking towards the boy again, so i hit it with the bag again. It growled at me. It stood on the shelf just behind the bar. Then the man to the left whistled at the wolf. The wolf laid down and placed its paws over its head. I looked at the man, who was older and had a short grey beard. He was thin and wearing a dark blue down jacket. I realized that the wolf was someone’s pet.

I walked up the side of the hill with the others. There was a large mansion on the left-hand side of the narrow road. We were on the side of a mountain which overlooked the city. It was some place special. There was a cliff to the right. The road had come up the side of the hill. It wound below, up along the cliff edge. I looked out over the city to the north. It was night, and the city lights seemed orangish. I walked with the others in front of the large mansion. Then something drew my attention. I looked out over the city. I knew that one of the others had noticed that my attention had been drawn away. I knew that he was watching me as i moved out over the edge of the cliff. I did not know what i was looking at, but it kept my attention. I then looked below me as i floated over the rough ground. I could see the very steep slope of the hill. It was very rough, and had thick green shrubs growing on it. I then noticed a group of high school children climbing down the trail which led to the west along the face of the cliff. It seemed like late evening. The light from the sky was a dull blue and orange. I floated to the west a little as i looked. I then looked back at the embassy. I had floated down the side of the cliff where the rocks rose in front of the road. I glided over towards the rocks, looking down on the road that ran in front of the embassy. I realized that there was a wall in front of the road which bordered the tall rocks. It was a cement wall for security. I flew over the top of it and watched some people pass below. I wondered what they would think of me flying in. I realized that it was not secure. I landed on the edge of the fancy trim in the large hall. It was just to the west of where i had been in front of the embassy. It was a formal hall, and was very large. The walls were decorated with decorative wood carvings. I looked across the room at the people coming out of the meeting. They walked through the large door. I was waiting for one of them. I saw him walk across the wide floor of the great hall. He was wearing a dark business suit. I then wondered how i was going to get down from the wall. I looked down to the marble floor, which was about twenty metres below me. It was sitting above a very large door. I wondered whether i could really fly. I thought that if i let go of the wall i would simply fall. I believed that i could fly, however, and though about floating out over the walls again. I let go of the wall and drifted down to the floor. Then, the men noticed that i was wandering around in the embassy yard. They did not think that i should be there. I knew that there was some important reason why i was here. I did not want them to catch me, however, so i pretended that i did not see them coming. They ran down the outside corridor which ran from the west along the front of the embassy. I floated up again, where they could not get me, and headed out over the walls. I was nervous as i passed over the wall and moved out from the cliff, but i felt good about flying.

I was driving back from $P24 with my mother. We were on the northeast side of the park, and were heading down towards home. I remembered that i had traveled this way once before. I then wondered why i would be traveling this way now. It did not seem like it was on the way to where i was going. It was farther north from where i usually traveled, but i thought i remembered the way. I looked at the road signs as we traveled down the highway. I remembered that i was simply supposed to follow this highway until i cross the other highway. I passed under a highway bridge which ran from an embankment on the right side of the road. I then saw overhead signs for route 103. I knew that the route was not the correct road. I was looking for something in the sixties. I saw another sign for 203. I hoped that i could remember the way. Then i noticed a sign that looked familiar. I quickly turned to the left and started down the other road. It was dark, and snow was falling. This did not seem like the right road. I looked at the large road tag on the right side of the road. It said that i was on route 44. I realized that this was not the correct road and pulled off to the side. I then noticed a road tag that said that i was on route 46. I wondered how i could have been on 44 when this sign said that i was on 46. I was out of the car and i looked to the left. I then noticed that there was a Y in the road. There were yellow poles in the center of it to direct traffic one way or the other. I noticed a road sign on the other road that said route 44. I realized that i was on the correct road. The other road went the other way. I then thought that it was strange that the signs for the two different roads would be so close together. I walked back down the road to look at the sign for route 44 that i had seen before. It did say what i thought it had said. I then looked off to the right side of the road. There was a creek bed which ran along the side of the road. I knew that it was part of a community park which was on the side of the highway. I could see the dim streetlights of the road into the park in the distance. It seemed very lonely. It was cold out, and there was snow on the ground. I suddenly felt alone. I thought about someone getting beaten and taken into the park. A car passed very close to me as i walked on the edge of the road. Its lights were yellow. I wanted to get back to my car, but something seemed wrong. The area seemed disturbed, and my senses were focused over it. I then realized that i did not have my car with me. It was not on the road. I realized that this was simply my imagination. I was not really traveling from anywhere. I had simply though up the idea of traveling. I did not really have my car with me. I was simply on the road alone. I realized that i would have to walk back, but i had to pretend that my car was still there. I walked over to it and pretended to open the car door. There was still nothing there, and i thought that it was silly to have pretended the entire dream. This place was not real.

11997 December 08

I was talking to my mother about the woman. I thought about the fact that i had gotten married to the woman, but it did not seem real. It seemed as though it was something that i had dreamed. I knew that i would not have gotten married to someone i had barely known. I thought about it for a moment and was worried that i might have actually married her. It upset me to think that i would have done it. I did not know where the woman was at the moment. It seemed that we lived separate lives. I thought that i must have dreamed that i had gotten married. I decided that it was a dream, but then i started to wonder about it again. It seemed very real. I asked my mother about the marriage. She mentioned that she seemed to remember it as well. I suddenly worried that it was true. I was worried that i had impulsively married someone whom i did not know well. It felt like a very wrong thing to do, and i was upset again that i had done it. My mother mentioned that it did not seem real and thought that it was a dream of hers. I thought about my relatives who had come to the ceremony. They must have thought that it was strange that i was married. I did not even know where the woman was, but i knew that my life was bound to hers. I felt uncomfortable. I stood up from the pale green couch which was in the small white room. The light in the room seemed hazy. I walked over the top level of the store. I could see down to the lower level, where my mother was shopping. I thought about the green car that we had parked in the lot. I was worried about the body that we had left in the trunk. I thought that we might have left the trunk unlocked and someone would take it. I knew that we would have to get rid of the body ourselves. I then noticed the brown horse walking outside the window of the store. I realized that it had a red and white bag slung over its head. The body was in the bag. I wondered how the horse had escaped from the car. We would have to get the horse before it damaged the body. I watched the horse as it walked along the creek bed out the window. It scrapped the bag against the tree branches. I was worried that the body would be discovered. I turned around and faced the people who were in the bus. I stood on the ground outside the bus door. I told them about the horse. I wondered what we should do about it. We would have to fix the situation.

11997 December 09

I was in the cave with the others. They were talking about the rumour that Robin liked hand cuffs. I could see Robin from the old television show standing along the back wall of the cave. He had his hands hand-cuffed behind his back. He was upset that people were spreading rumours about him. I turned and walked away from the others. I crossed the room of the restaurant and walked towards the back section. The restaurant was in an old house, and had various rooms in which people could eat. The walls of the restaurant were wood, and no longer smooth. They were covered with several layers of paint, the latest being white. I walked into the back room of the restaurant where there was a rectangular dining-room table in the center of the small white room. There seemed to be an entrance to the room on the right side of the rear wall. The left wall of the room was an outside wall, and had a small window in it. The right side had a four-foot high wall of wood, which was topped with a large window that stretched to the ceiling and to both the front and back walls. The window was made of several smaller panes. I could see another group of people eating through the window. They were in a similar room, sitting around a rectangular table. I sat at the head of the table in my room. I started to eat the soup that the waiter had brought. I thought that it was a very thick and meaty. As i was eating, i noticed the men walking boldly into the room to my right. They had weed wackers slung over their shoulders, and they seemed very confident. I could sense their determination and unrest. I was suddenly aware that i was in danger. Something was wrong. The men were dangerous. They then started up the gas motors of the wackers and attacked the people eating at the other table. They were going to kill all of them. I knew that it was a professional assassination. The people at the table had something to do with a crime syndicate. I had to get out of the room. The assassins would not leave anyone in the restaurant alive. I walked out of the room and into the hall. There was a stair case in front of me which led up to the right. I knew that it went to the bathroom on the next floor up. I thought about running up there, thinking that i could escape through the window. I would have to crawl out onto the roof and wait for the killing to end. Then i visualized the bathroom. There would be a man in there who was with the assassins. He would know that i was trying to escape and he would kill me. He would be wearing a dark suit. I then wondered how i could escape. I felt that i could, but i knew that the assassins were professional, and would not overlook anything. I thought about hiding under the table that i had been eating from, but i realized that the food on the table would give me away. My senses were alert, but i did not know what to do.

I was in the small housing complex. All of the buildings seemed to be square, two stories tall, and covered with wood siding. Their overall shape was almost cubical and they were painted a dull yellow. They had slanted black roofs of tar tiles. It seemed like a military area. There were several troops marching around the area. The area had been secured. I was nervous that the troops would stop me and question me. I tried to remain out of sight between the buildings. Then the officer in the green camouflage was in front of me. He questions me. I was uneasy having him talk to me. There was something wrong with the area. Then i walked around the side of the large house. It did not seem like the rest. There was someone else with me. He was hunting for ghosts in the area. He could sense one in the building. He stood behind me and to my right as we faced the large white building. I knew that there was a ghost inside of the building. We could not let the troops know about it. I tried to act naturally as i floated up towards the eves of the building. My feet lifted up until i was lying down in the air. My head moved up under the eves of the house. The feeling was very strong here. I felt uneasy, and the air around me seemed very grey and dim. It seemed hard to see through.

11997 December 11

I was sitting in the class room. It seemed like a room at $P7. $A48 was teaching the class at the front of the room. He asked me a question about the sphere that was at the back of the room. The sphere seemed strange. It was not quite a sphere. There were several examples of spheres along the back of the room. I realized that one of the spheres was actually a hypersphere. It simple looked round as it passed through the three dimensional space. I watched it for a while. I noticed that it looked like two bowls facing each other at one point. I visualized the hyper-object in its entirety. It seemed to glow with a dim green light as it passed through the three-dimensional space.

11997 December 12

I was standing in front of the small white cottage which was on the river’s shore. It was very bright out, and seemed like summer. There were other people in front of the cottage. I felt happy, and wanted to do something. I walked around the side of the cottage. The place was shaded by several tall pine trees, and it seemed very cool outside. I walked along the exposed bedrock that was the shore. The place seemed very much like a shore in $P24. I then started flying out over the water. I had my white guitar slung over my back. I hoped that it would not fall off while i was over the water. I realized that i could take it with me and play music wherever i ended up. I drifted out over the islands in the middle of the river. The wind was rather strong, and blew from upstream, which seemed like northwest. I tried to fly through the wind, but i was having difficulty maintaining my course. I had to stay heading in the correct direction, or i would never get to town. I flew west, into the heavy wind. I could see across the river to the south. The land was green and rolling. I suddenly wondered where i was. I seemed to be on the north shore of the river. I would have to rotate my body and head back across the river. I seemed to be expending a lot of effort to fly through the heavy wind. I looked across the river to see the small butte in the water by the shore. I remembered that it was by the shore of the village to where i was going. I looked at the steel-grey, stone walls of the butte. It looked like a miniature version of Devil’s Tower. I flew around the green leafy trees of the small island and started flying back across the river. I could see the tall yellow water tower rising above the town. I then noticed the hot air balloons which were being filled in the harbour, which curved into the shoreline on the left side of the village. It was all part of the festival. I could see many bright coloured decorations in the village as i approached. I then realized that i was having great difficulty flying back across the water. I seemed tired, and the wind was causing great resistance. I was flying too low to the water. I then realized that i was low enough that i might be in the way of the large boats. I looked up river, to the west, to see a large passenger boat heading towards me. It had a black hull and a white deck, with red trimming along the smoke stacks. I tried to fly upward, out of its way. I did not want to get hit by it. I then realized that there was another boat coming from the other direction. I was in the way of both of them. I tried desperately to fly upwards to get out of their way. I eventually flew over the passenger ship. I watched it pass under me as i flew into the air. I was safe.

11997 December 15

I was inside of the dining room of the large cottage. There was something wrong with the area. I was standing along the south wall of the room, looking across the room. The room seemed to be the inside of the Millennium Falcon, and Chewbacca was sitting in front of the counter that was on the east wall. There was some kind of emergency. Han Solo ran past. There were imperial soldiers up stairs and i had to get out of the area. I ran from the room, down the corridor to my left. I rounded the corner and headed down the outside of the cabin. Then i noticed the pile of ashes in the center of the room. I was frightened. I walked over to the pile and noticed part of a hand in the ashes. It was charred on the sides. I realized that some people had been burned in the fire which was still burning upstairs in the house. We could not let anyone know that the people had been killed. I ran out the back door of the cabin and into the parking lot, which was nestled into the L-shape of the building. There were a few cars parked there. I walked through the snow to the other end of the lot, where the small yellow car was parked. Someone else was already near the car. He had picked up four small objects from the woods beyond the car. They were the remains of four people who had been burned in the fire. Something was very wrong, and we could not let the others find out what had happened. I ran back into the cabin. The people who had been burned were brothers, and they had been killed by the fire upstairs. The bodies had been buried out back, but were too easily found. We had to hide the evidence better so that the others would not find out what had happened.

11997 December 16

I walked through the large apartment. It was very quiet, and we were not supposed to be there. It seemed very dark around us. The apartment was lit with an orangish light. $F12 was there. We were in one of the end rooms of the apartment. There was something wrong with the apartment. The other man tried to help us fix it. I looked into the stove that was open. There seemed to be something wrong with it. The gas burners on the bottom of the stove were not working correctly. $F12 leaned into the stove to check them. I then turned around and walked back across the kitchen. The kitchen was narrow, and had strange angles to its features. The back and side walls were square, but the section of counters that was on the front wall was at an angle. The kitchen behind me was narrower than the kitchen in front of me. The back wall of the kitchen, which was to my right, seemed to have white counters and appliances along it. The stove was in the tight corner behind me. The counters to the left were wood, and finished only with shellac. The exit to the room was in front of me on the left wall, at the end of the counters. I walked over to the large silver oven that was on the wall in front of me. $F12 was sitting inside of the oven on the metal shelf. He was looking over the burner on the bottom of the oven, which did not work. The other man then lifted the door to the oven and closed it. It was a big enough oven for $F12 to fit inside of. I was worried about him, however, and did not want the door of the oven closed. I thought that it would get too hot for him. I told the other man not to close the door and opened it back up again. I felt close to $F12, and cared for him greatly.

I drove the car down the dirt road. We were traveling through the young woods. There was vegetation all around us, and the road twisted over the flat terrain. The road was very uneven, and i was moving very slowly over it. There were others in the car with me. I knew that the road we were on looped around the outside of the property. I then noticed the white smoke rising from the ground to the right. It was a fire in the woods. I was worried that we would not get past it. We had to hurry to where we were going. We had to get the other car so that we could get home before the fire spread. I saw small patches of fire burning in the woods. We then drove the car around the outer edge of the place. There seemed to be a road beyond the property to the north and west which had some houses on it. I knew where we were. The house would be to the south of us as we drove down the west side of the property. We traveled around the corner on the northwest side of the property. The area was open, with thick brush on either side. It seemed like a field which had started to grow. We then came to the house. I walked over to my car, which was parked behind the large white farmhouse. We had to get out of the area. The other car that was with me was a large american car. It drove down the dirt road that ran along the west side of the house. I started my car and tried to get it out of the parking spot. I then noticed $A20 standing in front of my car. He was standing between myself and the barn. I had to turn my car around, but i could not go past him. I backed towards the house and tried to turn the car around to the west so that i could leave. It did not seem to be working.

11997 December 17

I was in the restaurant with the others. The room seemed very crowded with people. I was sitting on one side of a round table. The tables in the room were very close together, and there were people all around me. I then realized that there was a man standing to my right. He was pointing a gun at me. I held my arms over my face and pretended to faint. I thought that he could not shoot if i was unconscious. I listened to the people around us talking about the gunman. I wondered whether he would actually fire on me. I then wondered what it would be like. I moaned slightly and shifted my head, as if i was partly conscious. I could not see anything, but i knew that he was still pointing the gun at my head. I then heard some of the others talking about me. They were worried about my health. They thought that something was wrong with me. I lay still as the man came over to examine me. He said that i seemed very sick and wanted to give me an injection. I was relaxed, and could not move my body easily. I knew that there was nothing wrong, but i let the others move me. The man took a large needle in his right hand and injected a slightly opaque liquid into the veins, which were standing out on my left arm. I did not think that he should be injecting things into me, as i was only pretending to be unconscious. I started to stand up. The gunman had left. I knew that he would not shoot me unless i reacted to him in some way.

11997 December 18

I walked across the large hall of the building and up to the edge of the stairs. The hall was round, and had a round hole in the center which looked down to the lower level. The walls were a glowing white, and a black railing circled the edge of the round balcony. The stairs went down from the balcony from either side of the hall. I ran up the stairs on the other side of the hall. There was something secretive about this place. I was not supposed to be here. I had discovered something here that i was not supposed to see. I carried the object to the top of the stairs. It was shaped like a suitcase. It had come from an extraterrestrial craft. I could not let the others know that i had the object. I then saw that there was an extraterrestrial craft floating overhead. There was a greenish light coming in through the sky light. They had found me. I ran into the garage at my parents’ house and opened up the box on the work bench. I pulled out the smooth green object and threw the briefcase out the front of the garage. I knew that the ship would collect the box, and i hoped that they would not notice that i had taken anything from it. I could not give them back the box with everything. I had to have some proof that they existed. I knew that they would be upset if they knew that i had anything, but i could not let them take it all. Then i saw the man coming towards me. He was from the craft. Before i knew what i was doing, i held up the object and fired it at the man. The man dropped to the ground. I realized that i had just killed him. I was now safe, but i had killed the man. The greenish craft still hovered between my parents’ house and the garage. I watched it from the garage window. I then turned and ran down the long white corridor of the immaculate building. I remembered that i had been caught in jail before, and i did not want to be held again. Then i ran into $A15. I spoke to him for a moment.

11997 December 19

I was in the dirt parking lot where all of the people were gathered. I had to leave and got in the car with my parents. The ground was icy and there was snow all around. It seemed that we were out in the woods, parked at a camp ground. I backed the car up from the parking space and started to turn it to the right, towards the exit. The car skidded on the snow, however. It seemed to move quickly over the ice and skidded to the other side of the lot. I was frustrated that i could not control the car and started to drive it forward towards the exit. It seemed to have skidded father than it should have on the ice. As i turned the car towards the exit, i noticed $K1 walking up to the car from the left. She came to say goodbye.

I was riding the bus home along the back roads. The countryside was flat and open, with buildings here and there. The bus was traveling relatively southward on the narrow road. I realized that the bus would not go all the way to my house. This was the last loop that the bus would talk, but it would not go as far as my house before it stopped service. I walked to the front of the bus and asked $A25 whether she would let me off. She said that it would not be a problem and stopped the bus. I got off of the bus, but then found that the bus was continuing on down the road. The bus signaled to turn right into the garage on the right side of the road. The bus pulled into the paved parking lot at the garage. There was a metal building on the left and rear of the lot. There was a smaller wooden building on the right, which did not seem to be attached to the other. The lot itself was fenced in with a tall chain-link fence. The place seemed to be some kind of construction yard. I could see building supplies on the back right corner of the lot, between the two buildings. I then realized that i should not be here. If someone caught me on the lot, i might get in trouble. I hid behind a pile of stacked boxes in front of the wooden building, which seemed like the main office for the garage complex. I sneaked along the outside of the building, trying to peek in when i could. The large bay door on the right side of the front of the building was open, and i could see crates stored inside. I then realized that this was some kind of storage facility. I stood up straight and was no longer worried about being seen. I walked down the front of the building, to where the cement stairs led up to a small green door on the left of the front of the building. The stairs were covered with a small roof, and there were four panes of glass in the top of the door. The door was propped open, facing towards me. I peeked into the office to see the man talking to someone else. I had been trying to see the man. They seemed to be on break. I then turned around to see the bus sitting in front of the long side of the other building. It was turned off and $A25 was sitting in a lawn chair in front of it with some of the other drivers. I realized that the bus drivers were finished with their shifts and were relaxing. They were having their coffee time. I decided that i would have to get home before it got dark. I walked through the front hall of the hospital, carrying my bicycle with my. It was a compact bike, and i would have to unfold it to get going. I started to unfold the bike, but i could not get it to work correctly. I placed it on the floor of the hospital’s hallway and looked at it. The white front wheel was standing upward, in the air. I realized that i would have to get it unfolded and get going. It would be dark soon. There was someone else who walked by. He was heading down the road in the direction that i should be heading. I was frustrated that the bicycle would not operate properly.

11997 December 20

I walked down the narrow space and picked up the telephone. I was supposed to be going out with the woman this evening. I said hello to $F14, who was on the other end of the telephone. I looked back down the length of the long room, which did not seem to have any walls or ceiling and seemed very open. I could see the woman standing in the doorway on the right side of the room. She was wearing a tight black dress and was very attractive. I spoke to $F14. She reminded me that we had a date that evening. I told her that i would meet her at the place in the evening. Then i noticed that the woman who was standing just down $P35 from me became upset. I was supposed to have a date with her. I then remembered that i had already made plans with $F14 for the evening, and i was supposed to hang out with the man during the day. I could not go out with the woman. I then became upset that i had planned too many things at once. I felt sorry that i had upset the woman. I hung up the telephone and stood up. I was standing behind the glass wall in the small apartment. The walls seemed pale green. I walked across the room and invited $F14 in. I was in the yard of a small house. The house was a pale green, and seemed like a one-room, cinder block building. There was a man in the front yard with us in a yard chair. There was a party going on. Then the dogs ran around the side of the house and came over to us. They were medium-sized dogs, and seemed like mutts. I pet the black one.

I was in the car with my grandmother. She got out to get something. I sat on the edge of the highway. I was sitting in the driver’s seat. The car was just off of the busy road on the exit ramp. The road was a four-lane road which passed through an open section of the city. The exit ramp came up from the crossing highway through the cut section of the bedrock. There was a large outcropping of rock to the right and back of the car. I then noticed the large white birds flying overhead. I looked up at them and realized that they were eagles. They were dirty white, with large heads and grey tips on their wings. I thought that it was amazing that the eagles had come back to this place. I thought about the bald eagles being reintroduced to their original habitat, but realized that these were not bald eagles. I wondered what kind of birds they were. It was marvelous to watch them fly. They were such big birds. I then noticed one which seemed to be perched on top of the rocks to the left of the car. I shifted to get a clear view of the bird. I then realized that it was not sitting on the rocks, but floating in mid-air. I wondered whether it was floating on the drafts from the hills. I then realized that it barely had its wings extended. Only the tips were out from its sides. The bird floated along the side of me. I thought that it was amazing what the birds could do. I then watched as the bird soared away. It opened its wings and lifted into the air. I then realized that i might be blocking traffic, as i was sitting in the center of the road watching the birds. I was facing east. The exit through the rocks was to the south of me. I started down the road again. I then remembered that i could not go too far because i would still have to pick up my grandmother. She had gotten out of the car and i was waiting for her. I pulled off of the exit ramp which turned from the left side of the road. I thought that i would have to turn around. I wanted to pull over to the right side of the road and make a U-turn, but there were cars behind me, and some coming towards me. There were posts along the right side of the road with white markers on top of them. The road seemed very narrow as i went. I slowed down before the road ended at the intersection at the bottom of the exit ramp. There was grass all around us, and it seemed like i was on a driveway in the middle of a yard. I tried to turn my car around. Then i noticed a truck coming from the other direction. I was out of my car and walking across the lawn towards the house. I then realized that i should not have left the lawnmower in the middle of the driveway. The truck would run over it. I watched as the bus collided with the small red mower and crushed it. I thought that it was lucky that i was not in the car at the time. Then i remembered that my grandmother might have been in it as well. I was glad that she had not been.

11997 December 22

I was walking along the beach. I lived in a small house boat which was parked along the shore. I walked through the living room of the boat. My father was there, and my mother was outside. It seemed like a cozy place, and i felt comfortable in it. I knew that i owned it. It did seem small, however, and i thought for a moment that i should be able to do better. I walked around the back of the boat. The boat was sitting on the sand, with the nose partially buried in the sand. It was the way that the boat became a house. I then walked around to the front of the boat and noticed that the waves from the water were washing across the sand and right up to the front window of the boat. This should not be happening. The boat was moved away from the water so that it did not get wet. I was worried about it filling with water. I walked into the cabin of the boat and forward to the front wall. The floor of the boat was slanted forward. I noticed a small puddle of water collecting at the right seam of the window. I told my father that it was leaking. It was not good. I wondered why the water was rising. I decided that it was the high tide. The boat must be used to it. I guessed that the water collected at every high tide, but that it was not enough to flood the boat. I then started to worry about the boat. I walked to the back of the boat and tried to pull it out of the sand. I wanted to move it back up the shore, where it would not get wet. I tugged on the boat but was unable to move it at first. Then it broke free from the sand and slid upward out of the hole that had been formed around it. My father stood to the right of the boat as i pulled it up. I then noticed that the water was becoming quite hazy. A thick white fog had moved in to shore. I thought that there might be a bad storm coming. It did not seem right. I thought that i might have to stay in the apartment i had in the high rise, which was behind me as i faced the water. I thought that it was strange to have an apartment here when i lived in the boat, but i realized that i probably lived there when i could not live in the boat. I knew that i had all of my things in the apartment. I simply had two places to live. I then walked across the cement patio which was in front of the high rise. There was something wrong. The wind started to blow in from the ocean. The weather did not seem right. I was worried that there was a storm coming in. Then i heard someone mention that there was a hurricane coming. I was surprised that i did not know. I noticed that all of the people moving around on the beach were evacuating the area. The water must have been so high because it was part of the storm surge. I walked across the living room of the apartment and out onto the cement balcony where i had sorted my papers. I suddenly realized that they had been blown around by the wind. I had not expected the sudden storm. I was cleaning out my things and preparing to move, but the stacks had gotten blown around. I was upset that my papers were now ruined. I tried to collect them. I walked across the cement patio and pulled some of my papers from the puddles of water that were on the ground. Most of them were blown away in the wind. I walked around the edge of the dock, where my boat was. I pulled the papers from the small pool of water that was in the center of the wooden dock. The yellow and blue pieces of paper were floating in the water. I was upset at their loss and tried to collect as many as i could. I then walked along the side of the street in front of the large building. This was my apartment building. The others were evacuating the area, but i wanted to get my things out. I was annoyed that i did not know that the hurricane was coming. I piled some of my papers in front of the building, to the right of the entrance door. I walked up the stairs of the narrow hall of the building. The stairs were painted a dark brown and the walls were white. The building seemed to be old and worn, as if it had several old coats of paint on it. I turned left at the top of the stairs and then left again to head down the hall towards my apartment. The left side of the hall was exposed to the stairs. I wandered back into my apartment. I felt rushed. The storm was coming, and i would have to get out.

11997 December 23

I was with the actors in the basement of the building. There was a set of wooden stairs that descended from the upper level behind us. The stairs descended to the east, and were against the north wall of the room. The bottom of the stairs met a wooden platform which was against the east wall of the room. The walls of the room were made of cement blocks. I watched myself as i stood next to the stair case. I was wearing a bright blue dress with black stockings. It was part of the play that i was in with the other actors. It was a comedy, and i was part of one of the jokes. It was a small part in the play, but i was enjoying it. I watched myself laugh with one of the other actors, who was sitting in a chair to my left. I knew that it was part of my role to make-out with one of the other male actors. We had already done one of the shows earlier. I then realized that i would have to get ready to go on stage soon. I looked around for my costume, but i could not find it. I was anxious and worried that i would not be able to find it in time. I looked through the pile of things that were in the center of the floor. The costume was not there. Then the person approached me from the other side of the pile. He wanted to introduce me to someone. He sat me down and brought another man over. I knew the other man already. It was $A20. He took my right hand and kissed the back of it in jest. I told the others that i already knew $A20. We had met many times before. I got back up and started searching through the piles of things. I seemed to be in a large warehouse. There were other people searching as well. Then i noticed that there were several people moving supplies out of the warehouse. Something had happened. The people were moving the supplies in a great hurry. I felt exhausted from the stress. I thought about the stuff for which we were searching. The troops walked by me, grabbing some boxes of supplies and walking outside with them. I then noticed that one of the boxes was frozen in the freezer. The freezer was a large, white, horizontal freezer which sat along the west wall of the large warehouse. There were some more frozen supplies against the north wall. I picked up one of the frozen bags from the open freezer and looked at it. The others were considering discarding it. I realized that it was a bag of frozen chicken patties. I decided that we should leave them out for dinner, so that we would have something to eat. I told the others who were cleaning out the freezers with me about the chicken. Then the troops came in again for more supplies. I started to follow the troops out when i came to the desk. The exit door was on the north wall of the building, and reached all the way to the roof. There was a desk to my right as i faced the door. One of the troops led me over to it. There was a general sitting behind it, with a soldier standing at attention to his right. They both wore tan uniform shirts. I felt uneasy about being brought to the general, but i knew that he had no power over me. I was a civilian. I also knew that he disapproved of me. He told me that i did not have to help the military anymore. He said that i could take a rest and let the troops handle the supplies. I felt as though i should lend a hand anyway. There was some crisis, and i was assisting, but i felt very fatigued. I felt like taking a rest, but i did not want to stop. The general insisted that i relax for a while. I started to feel very fatigued. The general saluted me, but i bowed in reply. I considered a form of civilian salute. I turned to the right and started away from the desk. Then i noticed the soldier in green fatigues over the water. He was in what looked like an inflatable wheel. I sensed that he was distressed, and i was uneasy watching him. He rotated the wheel but did not move across the surface of the water. The wheel now seemed to be a round platform on which he stood. There was a man on the other side of the water from me who was pacing back and forth, watching the soldier on the water. It was some kind of experiment or trial. To my right, the troops were bringing more supplies up the short incline of a mound and over a small bridge. I knew that things were being prepared for the crisis situation.

11997 December 24

I was with the others as we stood in the outdoor area. It seemed like an open lawn, but there seemed to be some kind of boundary to the area. At times it seemed that we were on a hill top. There was a small rectangular area in the center of us which was fenced in with a white picket fence. It seemed kind of like a small graveyard, but there were not headstones in it. I was part of the play, and i was acting with the others. I had not been part of the production for too long, and i was not familiar with my part. I knew that i had never actually read the script. I stood in the middle of the small fenced in area as the others were talking. A man walked into the area with us from a small opening on the southwest corner. Then, i said my first line. They knew that i had not learned all of the part, but were hoping that i could approximate the lines. The others then continued on. I turned and headed north, towards the other wall of the fence. The others were reading from their scripts. Then there was a silence. I suddenly wondered whether i was supposed to say something. A girl walked towards me from the east. She was wearing a white shirt with a loose brown dress. The dress seemed almost western in style. She whispered to me a line that i was supposed to say. I was nervous that i did not really know my part. She told me to wing it, but i had never read the script and did not know the context of the scene. I did not remember what came next. She was upset with me, which made me feel more upset. I looked over the script in my hand, trying to find out where we were. I was supposed to greet the other man. I said something to him. He replied, “Oh... is that the wind in my ears?” He was supposed to act hostile against me. I turned and walked around the lunch room in which we were practicing. The others still stood in the rectangular space at the center of the room between the tables. There was a counter on the east wall with a refrigerator, a sink, and a microwave on it. There were several cabinets around the room. The others then started to collect their things. I thought that i would have to memorize my lines before we returned. The rehearsal was over. I started to follow them out the exit door which was on the right-hand side of the south wall. I walked out the door and into the hallway outside. The hall ran east to west, and was painted white. The others were dispersing down the hall. I then realized that i would have to go back into the room. I started towards the door when $A69 passed me in the hall. He had come from the west. I slipped through the door as one of the other people held it opened. I knew that it would lock on us if we let it close. I brought my mug into the room. It was for tea. I had to get some tea because my throat was bothering me. I knew that i could heat up some water easily in the break room. I poured some water into the mug and then opened up the microwave to place the mug in for heating. There was something in the microwave, however. At first i thought that it was burned, but then i realized that it was a blueberry cake. It was dark on top. I wondered who had left it in the microwave. I wanted to take it out, but i was worried that i had interrupted the cooking. I wondered who would come back for it. Then one of the girls came back into the room. The sandwiches in the microwave were hers. She had been cooking them for the crew.

11997 December 25

I ran along the peak of the roof of the long narrow building. It seemed like some kind of barn, with a vented lift on top. The building was a dark dull red, and the roof tiles were black. I easily jumped over the gap between the two sections of roof and started running down the other wing of the building. I was not afraid of falling off of the building, because i knew that i could fly. I felt very free running over the top of the building. Then i came to the end of the building and looked over the edge to the ground. It was very far down to the gravel parking lot below me. There was a woman on the ground who became suddenly worried about me. I thought about jumping off, knowing that i could fly to the ground. The woman was worried that i would jump and kill myself. I suddenly grabbed onto the edge of the roof below my. I felt unstable. I was afraid that i would fall off. I was on my hands and knees at the edge of the roof, terrified that i would fall off. I thought that i should be able to fly, but then i thought that it was a silly idea. I felt that i might actually try and fall. I then started moving back across the roof. I then came to the gap in the roof between the two wings. I was afraid to jump over it. I looked at the gap and realized that it was not that far across, but still i was afraid. I wondered where the fear had come from. I also wondered how i had made it across the gap so easily before. I then jumped over the gap and started flying. I flew down into the barn and started flying through the furnished rooms of the place. The building seemed very large, with many rooms of fine furnishings. The rooms seemed white, with dark-stained wood furniture.

11997 December 26

I was in $A101’s class room. It felt strange to be here. I had to write a paper. I wondered what the topic was. Things did not seem clear to me.

I was walking through the field with the woman. The grass of the field was overgrown, and the field seemed to be going wild. There were several small thicket plants in the grass. An old stone wall lined the side of the field. The ground of the field seemed wet and muddy. We had just run from the woods on the back side of the field and were following the narrow trail of parted grasses. As we reached the front edge of the field, i suddenly thought that we could be alligators. I pictured the alligator hiding in the grass along the trail. I crawled low over the ground as i crossed over the stone wall at the edge of the field and turned to the right. There was a suburb bordering the field. I could see several houses to the left as i crawled along the edge of the field to the next field over. I transformed into an alligator as i stepped across the ditch on the side of the road. I looked down at the alligator below me. It seemed to be painted with bright coloured designs on its back. I started to fool around with the woman, who was also an alligator. Then i noticed the other alligator in the next field. I was somewhat afraid of it. The woman i was with started wrestling with the other alligator. They were rolling around in the mud. As i watched them, i realized that they were two women who had been painted with deep blue paint. They had markings and patterns in other colours as well. They rolled around on the ground. I then noticed that they were telewrestling. The one woman wrapped the other up in a grape vine and then drove her elbow into the others head. It was all fake, but they put on a good show. The two alligators then rolled around each other in the mud. There was a man watching the fight with me. He stood to my left, leaning against the fence at the edge of the field. I then realized that the woman who was winning was heavier than she was supposed to be. She outweighed her opponent by quite a bit. She had lied about her weight class. That would mean that she would be disqualified from the match. I continued on through the field. I walked away from the road and headed down the long hill towards the other end of the field.

I was at $P7 in the shower room. I had just finished a shower and was going to change into my clothes. I was wearing a light blue towel around my waist as i walked out into the front hall of the building. I knew that i would have to walk to the back locker room to change. I then thought that this situation was rather strange. I wondered why the showers were so far from the actual locker rooms. It seemed strange that they were so far away. As i started across the entrance hall, a group of children walked from the left into a door on the right side of the hall. I felt slightly uncomfortable walking through the group in just a towel. I had to get back to the pool, and walked quickly towards the back hallway. I thought that they should have showers in the back locker room. I then thought that it was harder to get to the field house now that it had been reconstructed. I walked through the aisle of the department store, trying to get to the back door, which led out to the field house. I came into a section of the store which was narrow and ran left and right of me. A boy walked from my right to my left and looked at one of the electric pianos on the shelf. The back wall of the room was filled with electronic synthesizers and other musical instruments. I started to turn to the right to head into the back of the store when i realized that there were some guitars on the shelf. I paused for a moment and looked at the electric guitar on the third shelf up, which was at my eye level. It seemed like a nice guitar. I then decided that i had to get to the back locker room in the field house. I walked to the left and turned right, heading into the back section of the store. I knew that the exit door was at the end of the next aisle on the left. I walked past a rack of brown clothing and turned into the next aisle. I then realized that the door was not at the end of that aisle. I was confused for a moment, but walked on and looked down the next aisle. The door had been moved. I walked out the door and started up over the hill towards the field house. There were people wandering around. There was a large outdoor pool in the back of the field house. I walked down the hill towards the edge of it. I would have to walk across the pool patio to get to the field house. There were quite a few people hanging around. It was a warm summer day, and the air seemed relatively dry. I walked over the crest of the hill towards the pool when i started to fly. I thought that i should fly over the pool. I looked down at the sandy path that had been worn in the ground beneath the tall pine trees that lined the top of the short hill. I flew over the edge of the pool patio and over the woman who was sunbathing on the blue and yellow towel. She was nicely shaped and had nicely tanned skin. I then got caught in the air. It seemed that the wind was blowing against me, and i was not able to move forward. I was just hanging in mid air. I moved my arms, trying to swim through the air, but i was not moving all that fast. I realized that i would have to start moving in some direction or i would be caught in the air. I tried to swim over the sidewalk that led into the front of the field house, but the wind kept blowing me back. I was becoming tired with the effort.

I got onto the innertube and pushed off from the tree. I was on a narrow stream which curved down the side of the hill. The children at the bottom of the hill were watching us. I saw one of the boys who was wearing a red towel. I reached out of the innertube and grabbed at the ground, trying to steer us as we headed down the road from campus. I was driving the car with my grandmother. There were many other cars around us. The students had just come back from break. We were moving very slowly through the traffic. Then i looked into the back mirror and noticed the car behind us. It was sideways in the traffic. I then wondered how the car could have gotten sideways in the road. It did not make any sense. We continued down the road until we were in the downtown area. I looked in the rearview mirror to see the white car behind me. It was turning to the left, and was parallel to me when i saw it. I spoke to my grandmother as i followed the road in its gradual turn to the right. We were heading towards China Town. My grandmother wanted to get to the chinese restaurant that we had been to before. I told her that the restaurant was not in China Town, but that this road did run into China Town. I pictured the road running straight across the edge of the city. There would be a section of the downtown area with tall modern buildings. We would have to turn right there to enter China Town. The road curved to the right around a tall blue building. There were barricades along the right side of the road. Some large event must have happened here. I looked at the building to our right. It was a very large chinese restaurant, with an ornate wooden facade and a bright blue top. There were golden letters across the top of the building. The road curved around the building. An oriental man then walked from the left, crossing the street in front of us. He was wearing a white oriental shirt. I knew that this was not China Town, but it seemed very close. I then noticed the large white restaurant in front of us on the right. It was a very tall building. I could see the upper floors of it over the highway overpass.

11997 December 27

I was upstairs in my parents’ house. I walked through my parents’ bedroom when i heard some voices. They were coming from outside. I looked out the front windows of the house. It was sunny outside, and it seemed like a warm autumn day. The voices seemed to be coming from the left. I looked down the road from the window, but could not see any people. Then i heard the voices again. I looked both directions, but i could not see anyone. The windows faced to the south, and the trees in the front yard were full of autumn leaves. I thought that the trees were blocking my vision. I could not see the people in the road. I moved to the window to the right to see if i could see the people. I could still hear them, but i could not see them. I then moved to the room to the right. I looked out the windows on the front of the house, to the north. I could see the road as it ran along the bottom of the hill at the outer edge of the short lawn. I was at the corner of the room, looking out of the window on the front of the house. I could see four older people walking along the road. I stepped out onto the porch on the east side of the building. I could hear the elderly people talking. I did not want them to see me, so i slipped quickly back into the french door. I wanted to run back into the other side of the house, but that would mean that i would have to hop out of the window on the west side of the room and walk cross the roof. The old people would be able to see me as i walked across the roof, but i could not let them see me. Then i noticed that they had stopped on the road and were talking to each other. The two women wanted to walk up to the house. I had to hide. They started walking up the hill towards me. I ran to the front of the room and leaned against the east wall of the room, out of sight of the windows. I thought that the elderly people would only see into the side window of the empty room, and i did not want them to see me. Then i saw them open the door and walk into the room. They swung the glass door towards me, blocking me against the wall. I knew that they would be able to see me, even though they did not yet notice me. I pushed the door away from me, annoyed, and said hello to the people. I was not happy having them there. Then the woman pulled out a card and showed it to me. They were having a birthday party for $A56. I looked over the card. I had to sign the cover of it. The woman placed a large white cake on the table in front of the large window on the side of the house. I wrote out $A56’s name on the front of the card. Then i realized that i wrote the name incorrectly. My hand writing was not good. The first R in the name looked more like a K. The letters were all capital, and were in a dark pink colour. I corrected it by rounding off the top. Then i noticed that i had forgotten the first three letters of his name. I tried to write them in, but there was not enough room left on the paper. I thought that it did not look good. The first three letters were crammed on the left side of the card. Then i realized that i had written the second letter wrong. I tried to correct it. I was unhappy with it. I put down the card and started to walk away. $A56 then came into the room with some other people. I wanted to go back to my house to get a few things. I walked across the street towards my parents’ house. I looked down the street to the east to see the dense woods on both sides of the curving country road. I ran into the old abandoned trailer house that was just across the street. It was right next door to my parents’ house, and i would enter my parents’ house through it. I walked into the small building and down the stairs of my parents’ house. I walked into the kitchen. Then i felt that something was wrong. I looked around. I looked across the dining room and noticed that the bathroom door was closed. I then heard something in the kitchen. I looked over to the kitchen counter and noticed that there was something in the microwave. It was making a bubbling noise. I knew that no one should have been cooking something in the microwave. I looked into the bowl that was in the microwave and saw that someone was cooking eggs. I knew that someone had broken into the house. I walked out of the kitchen and started across the dining room. Then i noticed that the door to the bathroom was open. There must have been someone in there. I stood in the doorway of the dining room looking around. There was something i was supposed to notice. I then realize there was someone sitting in the chair next to me, hunched over with his arms over his head. He was wearing a dark red long-sleeved shirt. I grabbed him and stood him up. He was slightly taller than me, and was a little bit older. He seemed oriental, and was wearing black-rimmed glasses. He seemed scared of me. I did not want to let him get away, however, because i did not know whether he had stolen anything. I dragged him into the kitchen and held onto him as i called emergency. I tried to dial 9-1-1 on the wall telephone, but i was rotating the dial the wrong way. The man did not want me to call the police and was struggling against me. I tried to hold him as i hung up the telephone and tried again. This time, i turned the dial the correct way with my left hand and held onto the man with my right. I heard the operator talking on the telephone. I asked for the police as the man struggled with me. The woman on the telephone told me that i would not be able to ask for the police through 9-1-1. She said that i would have to call the police directly. She said that i would not be able to call the police though 9-1-1 unless i had an emergency. I noticed the yellow sticker on the side of the refrigerator which listed the number of the local police. I dropped the telephone as i tried to struggle with the person. I made grunting noises as i struggled, and hoped that the operator would think that i was in trouble and send help. The woman then stopped struggling and stood up. I tried to hang up the telephone, but i kept hearing the recorded message from the emergency number. Then the woman stated struggling again. I swung my leg behind her and threw her to the ground. I then grabbed onto her and held her down as i tried to call the local police. She kept struggling. I called out her name and told her to stop struggling. She was $A94. I had to hold her until the police came. I thought that she had stolen something and i wanted to have her arrested so that i could make sure that i could get the stuff back. I then let her up and felt along the back of her pants for her wallet. I pulled her wallet out of her pants and placed it into the left rear pocket of my own pants. I knew that if i had her wallet i could tell the police her identity, even if she did get away. I then let her go. I was standing in the doorway to the dining room. I walked over to the telephone and started to dial the police. I looked for the number which was on the side of the refrigerator, but i did not see it there any more. I thought that it must have been knocked off when we were struggling. I could hear the woman leaving out the back door. I then decided to check my back pockets. I realized that her wallet was no longer in my pocket. I realized that my wallet was missing as well. I quickly ran after her. I knew that she was already in her car. I ran out the back door to see the black car pull into the center of the driveway. I thought about jumping from the porch onto the hood of the car, breaking the windshield. The woman called to me from the small call, mocking me as i ran towards her. She was going to get away but i still ran after her.

I was in the play, but i was not sure of what i was supposed to be doing. I walked down the long aisles of the grocery store towards the front of the stage. I performed briefly before the curtains closed. The curtains were black and crossed over the ends of the aisles. I moved to the side of the stage, where i was out of the way of the audience. I then realized that i had to run back down one of the aisles to get to the backstage part for my next entrance. There was someone standing near the front of the stage, and the black curtain was open in the center. I decided that i had to get to the back stage area, so i ran into the first aisle and ran towards the back of the stage. I knew that the people in the audience could see me, but i had to get back. Then i was aware of the man standing in the center of the stage. There seemed to be something odd about him. As i reached the back end of the aisle, i realized that i had to go back to help pull the car out of the water. I told the person at the back of the aisle that the car had sunk into the water at the end of the stage. I went back to the front of the aisle to pull the car up from the water. I wondered whether there was anyone in the car. I was in the truck which had a crane on the back of it. I thought about the lifeguards which would be here to help rescue the people in the car. I threw the cable from the back of the truck into the water and wrapped it around the car. I then looked up to where the cable ran over the metal arm, which swung out from the back of the truck. I wrapped the cable several times over the end of the arm, to make sure that it did not come undone. It had to be safe if i was to pull the car from the water.

11997 December 28

I was heading for the stairwell in the building. I was in a college, and i had to get to the lecture. I had already missed the earlier lecture. I was upset about missing it, but i did not get up early enough to get to it. I decided that i had to get to this lecture. There were two people waiting on the stairs as i headed for the class. The lecture was in a room to the left. Then the telephone rang in the small room to the right. It was my mother, and i had to answer it. The man handed the telephone to me as i walked from the stairs. I could not talk long because i had to get to class.

11997 December 29

I was at the back side of the theatre. I was helping with the production, but one of the actors was missing. I would have to play part of his role. I sat at the desk at the front of the theatre, looking down at the script that was in front of me. The other actor said something. I replied. I then realized that i was simply reading off of the script. It did not sound real. I waited for a moment, but then realized that i did not know the first line. I was supposed to start the conversation. There was a long pause. I hoped that the other person would continue with his lines, but he did not. I looked down at the script which was in front of me and read my lines. I then realized that the audience would not be able to see me most of the time because there were stacks of papers on the front of the desk. I read the lines from the script, poking my head out once and a while so that the audience could see me talking. I thought that i could read the script the entire play. I then looked at the sign to the left. I watched myself sit at the desk. I was in the audience. $A15 was there as well. He was directing the play. I looked up at the computer screen on the wall and thought that i had to change the title of the sign. I quickly typed in a few things. The text came out small on the screen. I thought that i would have to type in the text first and then arrange it and enlarge it so that it matched the old sign. I selected the sign and pressed the key for a colour change. The letters turned a pale green. I realized that it was hard to see them against the white background. I told $A15 that i had pressed the incorrect key. I tried to change the colour by pressing several other keys, but the colour combinations were no more readable. The large letter I was in the center of a square with rounded corners. It changed colours, but it was still not readable. It turned a dark purple on a black background. I had forgotten the key to turn the letter white, which would be more readable on the black background. I looked at the sign on the side of the bus as the bus started to pull away from the stop. I seemed to be at the bus stop on $P45, in front of $P46. I looked around at the people with me. I had to get somewhere. I should not be waiting at the road side. I thought that there was something that i had to do. I turned around and walked between the two buildings. I walked down the hall in the old building. I wanted to turn to the left, but the area was roped off due to construction. I remembered that the building was still under construction, and remembered that the entire back side of the building was as well. I thought that some of the construction in the main hall was finished, however, and i would be able to walk through to the other side. I came into the large room which had stone walls. The walls were made of a reddish stone. In the middle of the room were several monuments. They stood upright and were made of stone. I remembered several of them as i wove between them to get to the other side of the room, to where the corridor exited to the back of the building. I then noticed the narrow pylon-shaped monument near the exit door. It was new. It had a flat front which was etched out. The removed surface was rough, but the letters were smooth. They were greek letters in a vertical arrangement. It seemed that the middle letter was a lambda. I thought that the monument must be for some honour society. I ran out of the room through the back corridor and headed to where i had to go.

11997 December 30

I was in the class room of the elementary school. There were other children in the room with me. I was in the entrance door of the room, which was on the right wall near the front of the room. $A40 sat in a chair, which was his desk, on the left side of the front of the room. I walked into the room wearing large snow boots. I should have taken them off. $A40 looked at me, slightly disturbed, as i fooled around with the boots. He did not think that it was something that i should be doing in the middle of class. I was not concerned with what he thought, however. I found the situation somewhat humourous. I walked over to the short set of stairs that was near the back side of the room on the right wall. There was a young girl there with a lunch box. I took the lunch box and looked it over. It had something to do with the other men who were with us. I was supposed to go with them. I placed the lunch box back down on the step and followed the men down the street. There was something special going on. I was much younger than i should have been. I realized that it was because i had switched bodies with my grandfather. I was my grandfather in my body. My persona was in his body, which was somewhere else. I hoped that his body would be all right for a while, as i wanted my persona back. If his body died, then my persona would be lost. I walked down the center of the road, where the median ran between two rows of yellow poles. I thought about how interesting it was to be young again. I tried to do a somersault, but never got my feet into the air. The two men in the dark suits who were guiding me down the road followed the cross walk through the median and crossed the second half of the street. I crossed the street after them. They seemed to be official guards, as if they worked for the government. We came to the courtyard in front of the hotel. This was the place to which we were returning. The courtyard was separated from the street by a row of trees which had shrubs growing up between them. I walked to the left, around the back side of the pool. It still felt a little strange to be walking around in this body. I then noticed the young people at the back side of the pool. There were two women and a man on blanket sunning themselves. They seemed to be in their early twenties. I felt as though i could relate to them now. I was interested i what they thought of me. One of the women watched me as i passed, and slapped me on the back of my left thigh. I felt pleased that she found me attractive. I knew that they found me attractive as i approached. I felt good that they did. They watched me as i passed in front of them again. Then i noticed the old man on the other side of them, on the back corner of the pool. He had a large glass-encased booth that he was fooling with. It seemed like a cigarette dispenser, but i realized that it was actually an old multitrack recorder. I was excited to see it, as i always wanted to have my music professionally recorded. I stood to the right of the man as he leaned over the recorder. I could see a black deck, which was inside of the glass box and which was the head assembly.

11997 December 31

I woke up suddenly on the couch. I looked around the apartment. I was lying on the couch on the back wall of the room. The entrance door to the apartment was to my left as i sat up on the couch. There were three other people in the apartment with me. They were all $G4, and were waiting for the run to start. It seemed that it should have started by now. I looked at the clock on the table to the right of the couch. It said that it was 5:14. I was confused. I asked $A95 when the run was supposed to start. He said that it was not supposed to start until 6:45. I had thought that it was going to start at 3:00. I thought that i had missed it. I then realized that i did not really want to go on the run if it was going to be so late at night. I told $A95 that i would not be able to make the run. When he asked why, i told him that i had something to do at 9:30, and would not be able to make it if the run was so late. The other two people in the room were wearing musketeer costumes as they got up from the table. The other $G4 were collecting in the apartment. The run would start sometime soon. Then the two people started fencing with each other. It was some sort of celebration related to the run. I turned and walked back towards the building. $A95 was following me. He was on his way to the run. I headed across the quad towards the dormitory. It was a modern building. I mentioned that we would only be able to server gin and oranges. $A95 knew about the joke, but did not understand why i was mentioning it. It seemed to be an inside joke. I had to get to my car. It was on the other side of the dorm. Then i saw the man approaching me as i walked towards the dorm. I realized that i knew him and stopped to talk to him for a moment.

I sat at the table in the class room. $A96 walked in front of the long table at which i was sitting and handed back the test papers. I did very well on the test. I only had two points taken off. I was surprised to have done so well. $F4 sat to my right. I looked over the test. I realized that it was some kind of survey. It asked a series of questions and i had to circle the thing that i liked best from a list. I then wondered how i got the two points off. I looked over the paper. I then noticed a small “2n” written in pencil near one of the lines. I looked over the line and noticed that i left out a word in the part that i had written in. I realized that i was supposed to have filled in the missing words from some of the sentences. I looked down the paper further and noticed another “2n”.

I walked into the apartment. It was my apartment. My mother had just come into the apartment for the first time in a long while. I was glad to have her over. I was going to cook dinner for everyone. My father and my grandmother were going to arrive soon. The entrance to the apartment led into a small kitchen. It seemed poorly lit at the time because i did not have the lights on. The entrance door was on the north side of the room, and the stove and counters were on the west wall. My mother sat down at the wooden table which was against the east wall of the kitchen as i placed some things on the counter. The appliances on the west wall seemed to be black with chrome lining. The walls of the kitchen were an off white. The south wall of the small kitchen was open to the living room. I walked to the edge of the living room with my mother to show it to her. It was very bright. There was sun shining in through the large windows on the south wall of the room. It illuminated the rich brown wood floor and reflected onto the clean white walls. There did not seem to be any furniture in the living room at the time. The apartment also seemed to be partly under ground, as if the rest of the house were over it on the north end.