11999 December 01

I knew that we were being watched from above as we were taken away from the shore in the boat. I knew that we had been captured by the Nazis. They were taking us out across the lake. I pictured the small boat leaving the shore from above. I could see the white trail of water as it sped to the southwest. I knew that the good guys could see us through their satellite. It would pick up the heat signatures of our bodies as we departed. I thought that the good guys would know that we were being taken across the lake because it would be the only warn spots that were moving across the cold water. The town that we had come from was full of signatures, and was on fire, but we were the only people traveling across the lake. I wondered how we could increase our chances of being seen on the infrared scope. I was standing in the back of the boat with the other two men who had been captured with me. One of the men was standing in front of me, leaning on the wooden counter in the center of the boat. I leaned forward, pressing my chest against the man’s back. I then realized that being so tightly packed on the boat would generate excessive heat between our bodies. I leaned back again, thinking that the man’s exposed back would generate more heat than the rest of us. After a moment, i leaned forward again to build up more heat between us and then leaned back again so that the satellite might spot it. I then turned to the east and looked out the large window of the hotel room. The other captive who was with me was leaning against the tall double bed to the west, still wearing his white tee shirt. The Nazis just left the room through the door on the west end of the north wall. They were waiting outside for us, so we could not escape, but i noticed a small black object hovering over the dark city outside. The city seemed to be lighted by a red glow, which seemed to be burning buildings. I realized that the black object was a hovering camera. The good guys were searching for us through the city. They had followed our heat sources here. I thought that i had to attract the camera. I walked across the large window, moving my arms to attract the attention of the camera, but it was looking to my left. I thought that i would have to be discreet so as not to let the Nazis know that i was attracting the camera. I walked back to the door to make sure that no one was coming. I then looked around at the window again to notice that the camera was closer. It was just outside of the window. I waved at it and smiled. I knew that they spotted us. The camera focused in on me. It was sending pictures back to my country. Now that they knew that we were alive, they would be able to come after us. I thought about writing something on a piece of paper for the camera to read, but through that the Nazis could come in at any time. I took my cloth wallet out of my front pocket and pulled out my ID card. I held it up in front of the camera so that the people receiving the pictures would know who i was. They would know that we were the captives for which they were looking. I then heard someone outside of the door and quickly put my ID back in my wallet.

11999 December 03

I walked ahead of the others as we crossed the large lawn of the public area. The lawn seemed unfinished. I knew that it had been a parking lot a long time ago, but had recently been replanted. We were on the back side of the shopping plaza. The sky above was grey and it seemed like a late autumn day. I walked my bicycle to the north, across the old parking lot and into the back side of the plaza. There was a long plain corridor which ran down the center of the plaza to the east. The other two people followed me as i walked the down the hall. I knew that we could pass through the building and come out on the other side by the street. I turned suddenly to the right, through a doorway. I knew that we could head to the outside of the building through the doors. I wondered, however, whether we were trespassing by going through the doors. We came into a short hallway which led to another large black metal door. I thought that it must be the door outside. I knew that we should not be in this corridor of the mall. It was a restricted section. I grabbed the black knob on the outside door and tried to open the door, but the door was locked. We would not be able to exit through it. Then a woman asked us what we were doing there. I turned to see a young woman standing near the entrance door to the room. She was wearing an unbuttoned white lab coat with a rust-coloured dress underneath. She seemed angry with us. She seemed familiar, but i knew that i did not know her. She told us that we were in a restricted area. I knew that this place was a top secret lab. She wanted to know how we got in and i told her that the outside doors were unlocked. We would not be able to get outside through this way. I started to get worried that the people would not let us go. I thought that we would have to escape. There was a man in front of us as we stood in the room. There was a window on the east wall of the room which looked out over the green lawn on the east side of the large building. There was a pond in the center or the lawn with brightly coloured flowers around it. I realized that if we had continued down the main corridor inside of the mall, we would have been able to make it outside. I pictures the tan stucco corridor ending at a left-hand turn. The corridor opened just after the turn to the other side of the mall. I wondered how we could escape the room. As the man was lecturing to us, i started to walk my bicycle back towards the door on the north side of the room. I thought that i could just sneak out while he was talking to the others. He seemed to be wearing a black suit and dark glasses.

11999 December 05

I carried the small boxes to the west, through the dark cement area. I was helping my mother load all of the things onto the large ship. We were about to go somewhere. I walked down the narrow cement corridor. It seemed that we were walking between two buildings, though i thought that the cruse ship was on the south side of the corridor. I walked under the large mattress. I felt unsafe and wondered whether someone was following us. I moved the mattresses that we had carried into place beneath the large one. The large one seemed more like a box spring frame without any springs. It was hollow on the bottom and covered with a very soft material on the top. I held up the large mattress, propping the bottom against the north wall as i lifted the other end. I pushed the double-sized mattress into one end of the large mattress, fitting it into the open space on the underside. I felt as though someone were watching me and thought that my mother and i would have to be careful. I moved to the east along the mattress to find that the smaller mattress of ours needed to be realigned under the larger one. I grabbed the twin mattress and pulled it into place. My mother was approaching from the east. I was having difficulty adjusting the small mattress because the top part was hinged, and kept swinging out from the large mattress. I eventually pushed it back and walked away from the area. I seemed to be in a vary large parking garage. It still seemed dark, but there were dim fluorescent lights overhead. I walked to the west, aware of someone standing near a dark car to the south. There was a square hole in the ground in front of me. I stopped over it and looked down. It did not go that far. I looked to the north and saw that the cement platform on which i was standing ended. There was a tiled floor below which seemed to be designed to have water flowing over it. I thought that the square hole really was a urinal. It emptied onto the level below which could be easily washed out. I decided that i had to urinate and started to do so into the hole. I noticed that there were several stains around the edge of the hole where people had spattered urine before. I tried to ignore the man to the south, but i started to wonder whether he was the one that was following us.

We were in the large field, which seemed to be near a cottage. I thought that the cottage was my parents. The bright grassy field stretched out over the hills to the south of me. We had come here to clean things out. I felt anxious here and thought that i should be doing something. I then realized that i had to do something with the truck. I was in the truck, driving down the dirt road to the west. I was talking on the radio to a man. I had to finish the communication, but i thought that i was loosing the signal. I shifted around as the truck moved. I felt slightly distressed and did not know what to do. I then decided that i had finished talking and should head back. I turned the truck into a large gravel driveway on the left side of the road. The end of the driveway was large enough that i could make the turn without having to back up. I noticed the large house behind the driveway. It was plain and dark brown, and had bright magenta flowers planted in the dark soil at the foot of the house. I wondered if i had remember it from before. I knew that i had come down this road before with the truck. I remembered driving out and back once before, but was not sure how far i had gone. I decided that i had gone farther the time before. As i turned the truck to the east and drove back onto the road, i noticed a black cat perched next to the edge of the flower bed. It was sitting with its back to me, staring down into the flower bed as though it were watching something intently. I drove on down the sunny road. There were thick bushes on the south side of the road, and the sunlight flickered through the passing leaves overhead. I wondered why i did not drive the truck home. I thought that home as far to the south. I thought that i should simply do so, as i was upset and did not care what my parents thought about the idea. I then wondered how i had gotten here. I thought that it was not that far to drive, but that we had come up without the use of cars. I wanted to go back, but thought that i should return the truck to the cottage anyway.

11999 December 07

I was trying to see through the green things, which seemed like tree leaves. There were others me as we talked. The man then played some music by placing the black disk into the machine at the end of the room. I suddenly recognized the song. It was a rare mix of a song by Beck. I remembered that i had not been able to find the song and i wanted to ask the man where he had found it. The others then stood up. We were in a small bus, and they were about to get off. The interior of the bus was black and seemed to be made mostly out of plastic. I looked out the front window of the bus as the bus approached the end of the dirt road. There was a cul-de-sac at the end of the road, and the ground around us seemed to be covered with snow. There seemed to be tall mountains to the north of us, beyond the end of the road. The people stepped off of the bus and sank into the white ground. As the bus turned, i realized that they had stepped into icy water. I could see the turbulence around the corner of the bus as the bus started to turn. I realized that the last person to step off of the bus was $A116. He sank up to his neck into the freezing white water. I could see heavy blocks of ice flowing rapidly over the surface of the water. I wondered how they were going to survive. I knew that they had a hike in front of them. I told one of the other people on the bus about the people in the water. The bus started to pull away from the three of them. I wondered how they would survive in the cold water. I thought that they should not be left here. I then realized that one of the people was $A10. He grabbed onto a rope that was attached to the back of the bus and started to follow the bus. The other three people then grabbed onto the ropes and allowed the bus to drag them through the water. I realized that they would not be left out in the middle of nowhere. We could tow them back. I watched them as they were dragged through the water. $A10 was on the right as i looked off the back of the bus. There were two others hanging on to ropes from the left corner of the bus and a single man being dragged from the center. The man in the center looked familiar, and i felt that he was somewhat goofy. He then started to roll in the water. He could not stabilize himself over the waves and lost his grip on the rope. I thought that we should not leave him behind. I turned to look at the others on the boat. I could see the small buildings on the edge of the water, on the snowy landscape pass by. I was concerned about the person who fell off of the ropes. The other three people then let go of the ropes that they were holding onto. I knew that they had done so to stay with the other man. They were better as a group. I thought that we would have to circle back to pick them all up. I realized that i was in the water as well. I had been trying to help the people by being pulled through the water near them. The boat pulled to the east shore of the lake and stopped. I walked away from the water. I was very cold from being in the water. I looked down at my body and noticed that i was wearing a red down vest on my chest, but had nothing on underneath it. I quickly walked over to the objects on the east wall of the large garage and wrapped a large blanket over my body. I thought that i did not really feel that cold, and wondered how i could have stayed warm. I thought that the friction of the water must have kept me warm enough. The others watched as i crouched down next to the wooden structure and curled up under the blanket. The other person would be going into the water when we went back for the others. I wondered why i felt so comfortable when i was wearing so little clothing. It seemed very cold out.

11999 December 08

There was something wrong. I looked down and noticed that there was a large hole in the right side of my abdomen. I could see the raw flesh and the peeling skin around the edges of the hole. It did not hurt, but i was worried that it would get infected. I thought that i would have to get the wound taken care of. As i loved my stomach, i noticed that there were several shards of metal in the wound. I tried to move my stomach to see what they were. They did not belong there. I felt as though someone had placed them in my stomach, though. They did not seem to be pieces of shrapnel. I was worried, and thought that i should pull the metal object from my side. I walked over to the mirror and tried to get a better look at what was in my side. I could see the piece of metal. I became frightened and thought that i should get to an emergency room. I wondered how the metal got in my side. I worried that i might loose blood.

I walked into the cafeteria of $P7. There were many people inside. They were still wearing the uniforms. I thought that this was some kind of class. I walked to the front of the room and saw that $A40 was teaching the class. I felt uncomfortable here. I knew that i did not belong here. I worried that $A40 would ask me to answer some of the questions. I did not remember any of the material. It had been too long since i had been here. I wondered why i had returned. It seemed that i no longer belonged here.

11999 December 10

I walked through the small bar where the other people were gathered. It seemed dimly lighted, and the walls and tables in the room seemed to be made out of well polished wood. I was meeting the other people here. A bright beam of sunlight came in through the front door and reflected off of the floor.

11999 December 13

I got out of the car and started walking down the dirt trail which led into the woods. I was with $A7 and his family. I thought that i would hike through the woods on the trail, though i knew that all of the other people would not be hiking. I then wondered whether i would be able to hike the entire distance. $F12 seemed to be behind me as we started down the trail. I looked to the left, through the woods and up the dark grey slope of the gravel hill. I could feel the boots on my feet as i walked and wondered whether they would be comfortable the entire way. I started to worry that i would not be able to follow them through the entire hike. I watched $A7 as he walked very fast in front of me. He was almost jogging. I called to him, asking whether we were going to travel the entire trail at this pace. He did not answer me. He seemed to be staring off to the left as he moved along the trail. I called his name, but he did not respond. I remembered that he had been sick and asked $F12 whether he was all right. $F12 said that he was still somewhat sick. I tried to keep up with him, but said that i might not be able to follow him the entire way if this was the pace that we were keeping. He started up the steep slope. There was someone with him. I climbed up the steep slope, which was covered with dark grey cinders. It seemed almost vertical, but i did not have any difficulty making my way up. I wondered how $F12’s mother was doing as she climbed with us. I looked ahead of me to see a thin tree in the side of the hill. The trail turned around it. $F10’s mother rounded the tree with $F12. I followed, coming to the area where the trail ran along the hill. The path seemed very narrow as it led along the side of the cliff. $F10’s mother stopped at the beginning of the path. She was hesitant to continue along the narrow part. The path led away from the slope of the hill at first, rounding a section of the cliff before continuing along it. The trail seemed paved, with lines creases running down the center of it. The seams rounded the corner and continued along the trail, as though the trail were made of parallel planks of wood. I turned my back to the cliff wall as i started to walk, following $F10’s mother, who was very nervous about the height. $F12 seemed to be in front of her on the trail. There was a short stone wall on the outside of the trail which guarded against slipping off of the trail. I leaned back against the cliff and suggested that $F10’s mother do the same. I said that i had my back to the cliff to keep my weight against the wall. I looked down at my feel and told her that my weight was pushing through my heels, which were against the cliff walls. I could see her bare feet as i demonstrated. She then motioned me forward, saying that she would follow. I walked forward a bit and then turned to the south, away from the cliff. There was an old cement bridge which spanned away from the cliff. The trail seemed to go over it. The cement deck of the bridge was overgrown with grass, and it seemed unstable. There were short cement walls running across the bridge. The deck sloped to the right slightly. I climbed over the first of the short walls onto the bridge. There seemed to be people off to the left, down on the ground below. They were on a different part of the trail. I walked most of the way from the first short partition to the second when i realized that the bridge was not stable. I collapsed to the ground and leaned back against the first wall. I moved my weight to the right and the deck of the bridge tipped with me. I quickly readjusted my weight. I then focused upon a small section of a metal reinforcement grating that was exposed at the far edge of the deck. There was only a single strand of rusted metal holding the edge of the bridge to the partition wall, which was over a support column. As i watched, the metal thinned with the weight, but did not snap. I slowly tried to climb back over the first partition wall. $F12 was behind me and to the right. He was concerned and grabbed onto my jacket. I put my right arm over the wall and tried to reach around with my left. The jacket of my left arm stopped me as it snagged on a sharp piece of metal on the cement wall to my left. I sighed and tried to move carefully. $F12 grabbed onto my right arm in case the bridge fell. I moved my left arm around, trying to get the jacket loose from the metal jag. I thought that if the deck fell i could hold on to $F12. I thought about grabbing onto the wall behind me. I then realized that there would be more jagged pieces of metal along that wall which might prevent me from climbing over it.

11999 December 14

I was sitting on the bench in the middle of the city park. This place seemed wide open. I knew that the city was Minneapolis. I remembered this place from before. I had a laptop computer on my lap. I seemed to be doing some work. It felt good to be back in the city, but i kept trying to figure out why i was here.

11999 December 16

I walked across the downstairs of my grandmother’s house. I felt upset at something. My mother was telling me to do something, but i wan annoyed with her. She complained about something. I said, “Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch.” I was mocking her complaints. My grandmother was mad that i had used that word. She walked over to me with a stern look on her face as i sat at the north end of the room. The center of the room was empty. I thought that my grandmother was going to slap my face for using words that she did not like. I told her that i would hit her back if she did slap me. I felt defensive and got ready to slap her. She just stared angrily at me. I stood up and looked at the small paperback book which was in my hands. I was on the southwest side of the room as my grandmother started to arrange thing son the large wooden table in the center of the room. I was still angry with her. I said to her in an angry tone, “You know, maybe you should look up that word.” I implied that she did not even know what it meant. I then stormed upstairs. I was upset. I walked through the small room, which seemed like part of a school. There were doors to the east of me which seemed to lead into small classrooms. A female teacher seemed to be in the room on the right. The stairs which led back down to my grandmother’s house were along the north wall. I then noticed a set of pictures on door to the left, which was closed. They were mounted on a large piece of blue construction paper. I noticed some pictures of $F1 and his mother. I felt sad. I looked over the pictures and noticed several people from the neighbourhood where i grew up. They seemed to be pictures of $F1’s family. I then noticed the photograph with $F1’s mother and a few other older ladies. One of the two women were named “Stacy”. I wondered who they were. I did not know that $F1 had any sisters. I thought that he had a single brother, but could not remember the rest of his family. I felt confused. I then looked out the east window of the bedroom of my grandmother’s house. I noticed my white and black guitar hanging on the clothes line which stretched from my grandmother’s garage to some point in front of a large willow tree in the neighbours’ back yard. The guitar was blowing in the wind as the sun shined on it. I thought that i should bring it in before the sun damages it. There was a black keyboard hanging just beyond it. I walked downstairs and out into the back yard. I remembered hanging the guitar out earlier. I walked around it to collect it. I still felt defensive of my relatives, and thought about what to say to them if they asked why i was outside of the house. I grabbed a set of small cinder blocks which were on the ground under the guitar. I then realized that they were covered with insects from the ground. I then spotted a large spider inside the top cinder block. I dropped the blocks and moved away. The white spider was on the ground near the blocks. It seemed to have broken one of its legs off.

11999 December 17

I walked west across the north side of $P35. I was headed to the meeting with the others, and seemed to be carrying something in my right hand. I knew that $G7 was going to have a meeting in the building to the west of $P35. I pictures the building in my mind as a large grey federal building with stone columns on wither side of the front stair case. I thought that this must be the post office. As i crossed an alley which connected to the square across which i was walking, i remembered that the post office was to my right, down the alley. I suddenly wondered whether the meeting would be in the small branch of the post office, or whether it was in the main building to the west. I wrapped the blue towel over my right shoulder and continued over the tan cobblestones of the walkway. There was an elderly man in a tan jacket to my left who watched me as i passed. I thought that the meeting was going to be a beach party. We had come to a meeting once before in beach attire, and i remembered that we were going to do it again. I passed a bouquet of red flowers which were on the right, in front of a store window. I walked beyond the western edge of the square and seemed to be in a wooded area. There was a gravel parking lot in front of me, on the other side of a line of green undergrowth. There seemed to be tall pine trees around me. I was headed for the wooden lodge which was on the other side of the gravel parking lot. As i stepped thought the plants and entered the gravel lot, i noticed a car pulling out of a space to my left. The gravel entrance to the lot was just to my left, and the car had been parked in a space just off of it. The small red car backed towards me, not paying attention to where it was going. I stopped so that it did not hit me. The person in the small blue sports car stopped with his front bumper just off of my left leg. I leaned forward, though, to catch my balance. My light blue towel draped over my head and across the front of the car. The man in the car thought that he had hit me. I regained my balance and looked at the person in the small car. I felt annoyed with him, but kept walking towards the lodge. I limped slightly as i carried my swimming stuff. It seemed to be getting dark and i thought that the lake would be getting cold. I then remembered that i had gotten cold the last time that we had a meeting as a beach party. I remembered that the shorts were too little for the time of year. I thought that i should have brought better clothing as i walked up onto the wooden platform which served as the porch of the cabin. There were a few men standing on the left side of the porch. They seemed to be wearing flannel shirts and winter vests. I walked into the front door of the old building and walked through the small room which was at the front of the building. The room had wooden walls and seemed dimly lighted. The room was to the left as i walked through, and seemed to be a general lobby for the post office. I walked into a larger room which opened to the right. I turned right once inside the dimly lighted room. There was a large rectangular counter in the center of the room, and there seemed to be boating equipment hanging from the old wooden rafters. The walls of the room were a dark grey. The place seemed like some sort of old office. The old woman, who was standing on the north side of the black counter, asked me a question. I did not understand her at first, but realized that she was asking me whether i wanted to be secured with a rope. I realized that she thought that i was going swimming because of the clothes i was wearing. I knew that the water was cold and that it was late in the season. I asked her to repeat herself and she asked me again whether i would like to be fastened with a rope. I explained to her that i would not be swimming as the water was too cold. I told her that i was wearing the bathing suit for a meeting. As i looked down at my clothing, i realized that i was wearing a black wet suit underneath my bathing pants. I thought that it would help keep me warm. I walked out of the office and into the small conference room where the others were starting to gather. $A154 asked how i was. I told her that i had forgotten to bring warm clothing. $A188 walked over to me, telling me how they all had brought short clothing. She was wearing a red bathing brazier underneath her white button-up sweater. I paced around the room, trying to think of something. I was plotting to do something, but i was not sure what. The room then seemed unclear. I was in a bedroom which had no furniture. The walls were a light blue. I knew that i was picturing this place in my mind and that it was not real, but i felt as though i could interact with the surrounding. I imagined the tyrannosaur standing to my right. It was a creation of mine and i wanted to describe it to the others. I thought that i could make a story out of it, but then i realized that it was really a large animal. I was still aware that it was part of my imagination, but i felt uncomfortable as it started to move. I knew that it would have to eat something. There was a large blue chair in the corner of the room. The dinosaur reached over and clamped its mouth around the sides of the chair. I thought that there could be someone in the chair who was going to get eaten. I became frightened and moved back, away from the dinosaur’s large mouth. I could see its white teeth as it crushed the chair between them. I was worried that the dinosaur would come after me, so i walked to the other side of the room. I ran downstairs and into the dark room. I had to do something. I picked up the large metal can and started to fill it with liquid from the tap. I thought that the liquid was explosive. I was creating a bomb. I moved the large rectangular metal container into the center of the room. I still had to do something else, but i could not remember what. I moved back to the sink and then back to the can. I looked down at the cylindrical container. The lid was loose and it moved aside as i brushed the top of the small paint can. I thought that the top should be fastened to the container. I knew that the liquid was explosive and thought that it must be very volatile as well. Another person came into the room as i was preparing the cans. I asked the person what i should do. I could not remember what the next step was.

11999 December 18

I walked through the open room of the big house. The room was nicely furnished and clean. The wooden surfaces of the furniture reflected the soft sunlight which poured in through the large windows. The ceiling seemed to be two stories above me as i walked to the north over the green carpet. I looked to the east and could see the trees at the edge of the yard. I was in the front yard of the new house. It was my new house. I was having company over for some occasion, and i had to get the house ready. My parents had already been there. The driveway of the house wound to the northwest as it left the west side of the house. The lawn was bright green and there were flowers growing along the outside edge. There was a large tree which was full of green leaves. Everything seemed hazy, as though viewed through a haze filter. There seemed to be a young girl in a white summer dress and white hat running across the lawn by the tree. I was then aware of someone walking up the slope at the end of the cobblestone driveway. It was a friend of my parents, and seemed to be $A235. I watched as the red balloon rolled over the surface of the driveway from $A235 toward me. I thought that it might have gotten away from him. I wondered what it was for and thought that it might be something for the party that i was going to have. The balloon floated toward me. I thought i should catch it, but it floated out of my arms. I was afraid that the red flower was caught in the wind. The balloon drifted past me and into the house. I followed it, thinking that there must be a draft from one of the windows that i had left open. I passed out of the large living room and into one of the back halls which led between the living room and the rest of the house. I The hall on the right side of the room led to away from the main part of the house. To the left, it led to the kitchen. I turned to the right and looked down the plain hall. It did not seem as nicely maintained as the rest of the house. I saw the outside door at the end of the hall. The door was open. I thought that all of the heat in the house must be escaping. As i walked towards the door, my left hand was outstretched. I could feel the cold air as it blew over my left hand. The door opened inward from the right, and was painted with a thick coat of white. I looked out the thin window of the door to see a white wooden slat fence on the left and a white shed on the right. I wondered what was in the shed. I realized that i had not seen the entire house since i had bought it. I felt excited about what could be in the rest of the house. I turned around and looked down the short white corridor to the arched door. The door had a large window in it through which i could see green plants. It seemed warm and humid outside. There was a set of white stone steps which curved to the left as they descended from the door and disappeared around some green ground plants. I knew that it led down to the beach. I felt strange to have this house. It did not seem as though i should own something so large. I turned from the door and started to walk down the hall. It seemed that i had walked up a set of stairs and down a long hall. There were windows along the ceiling of the hall which looked out over the room of the house. I was on the second floor. The hallway seemed modern and was a rosy pink. I looked out the small window to the east and saw my father standing on the roof. He seemed to be repairing something. The tiles were removed from the roof and there was a large bag of cement on the exposed black tar paper. My father was setting bricks to the left for some reason. He was building a small wall. I realized that the wall would cover up the window. My father seemed to realize this as well when he saw me in the window. He sighed in disappointment as i backed up and rounded a corner, coming out onto the roof. I asked him not to cover up the windows because i liked them. There were other people on the roof with my father. I felt strange to own such a house and wondered what i should do as i walked back down the hall.

11999 December 20

I left the area on my bicycle and started to head home. It seemed like it would take a few minutes for me to get home. I rode down the hill from the parking lot and turned left onto the main road. I was heading west. The are around me seemed to be country. There was an old farm house on the left side of the road which seemed to have been converted into a diner or bar. The road was flat and there were woods on both sides. The road seemed to be traveling down the center of a valley. I then remembered that it was almost the winter solstice and thought that it would be dark before i could make it home. The sky was already grey. I decided that i could not ride my bicycle home because it would be too dark. I turned around and started to head back to the parking lot. I felt somewhat disappointed. It then seemed very dark out. I thought that the sun must have set very fast. I remembered that it set faster neat the winter solstice because it was hitting the horizon at a steeper angle. I lifted my bicycle and placed in the hatch-back trunk of my red car. I was surprised that it fit so easily. I then wondered whether i had taken off the front wheel of the bicycle to get it to fit. I did not remember doing so. I lifted the dark blue article of fabric that was resting on top of the brown bicycle. The front wheel of the bicycle was disconnected and resting on top of the frame. I grabbed the frame of the bicycle and shook it slightly to see that it was resting securely on the bottom of the trunk. It seemed to fit nicely into the car. I thought that there was enough room for my luggage. I would have to clear my things out of the room while i was here. That was why i had come back. I walked into my grandmother’s house and came into the upstairs bedroom.

11999 December 21

I was in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. It seemed to be late in the morning and i was still laying on my bed. There was someone else in the room with me. I felt strange about having him here, as though i did not want my parents to know. He seemed like a friend of mine. He woke from the bed as i nudged him. He sat up. He was slightly smaller than me, but he was nicely muscled and athletic. I felt challenged by him. We started to joke about something. I felt happy to have him here. We pushed on each other and then started to wrestle. I felt happy and liked the man.

11999 December 22

I felt good as i walked across the room. I wanted to do something, so i started to do a workout with the weights that were in the gym near me. There were other people in the gym. I noticed some of the other people in the room. They were not wearing shirts, and i thought that they looked very nice.

11999 December 25

I was driving down the road on the outside of town. I was thinking that i had to get home and wondered what was the best way to do so. The road was wide and had two lanes of traffic on either side. There seemed to be shopping plazas on either side of the road. I watched the road as i headed to the east. I thought that i could turn left on the next main road and get on the bridge that led to the highway i could take home. I drifted to the left, trying to pass the person who was in front of me. I then realized that i was drifting into a turning lane and pulled back into my lane. The traffic light was red, so i slowed down. There were cars to my right, and i could see cars on the opposite side of the road. As i came to a stop, the two lights overhead turned green. The man who was squatting in front of my car, however, did not start moving. He was crouched down, aiming his camera in front of him. I thought that he was trying to take a picture of the cars stopped at the green light. I felt impatient and wanted him to get going. I beeped my horn and tried to drive forward. He turned to look at me, an expression of annoyance on his face. I drove around him and continued down the road. I then realized that i could not continue in the direction that i was heading. I turned the car around, but then wondered how i would get home. I thought that i would have to get on the highway which led to the bridge. I knew that i could head south on the road on which i was traveling and then turn west. I decided that it would be the long way around, however. I felt confused and wondered where i should go. I pulled off of the road to the right, driving into the parking lot, but the lot was empty of cars. There was a small animal standing in the center of the lot. It was about the size of a dog and had black and white stripes, like a zebra. There was another animal to the left of the lot as well. They were both exotic animals and did not belong in this part of the country. The black and white animal was frightened by the car and turned to run. I watched it as it ran, wondering what kind of animal it was. As it hopped away, i decided that it must be a zebra. It had a sharp ridge running up its spine. I walked to the left, thinking that the animal must have escaped from the local zoo. I thought that i should tell someone, but i did not know what kind of official to contact. As i walked, i found myself on a suburban street with thick green trees on the right side. The tall trees overhead blocked the sky, but it was still bright. There seemed to be a small white house to the left. Two men were standing in the street ahead of me. They seemed to be working on the power lines overhead. I thought that they were part of the utility company. I asked them whether they had seen any strange animals around. As i asked, a black goat hopped out of the trees to the right. It was a large goat, with thick fluffy fur and horns which curved down along the sides of its head. I told the men that it was not native to this area. A small white mink then ran up the center of the road. I told the men that all of the animals must have broken out of the zoo. I spotted a second mountain goat and pointed it out. It seemed as though the men might be public officials. I thought that we should warn people. I then remembered that there was an elementary school to the left of me. I thought that the people at the school should know that there were animals on the loose. I told the men that i had seen a pack of wolves in a parking lot a little way away. I knew that i had not seen wolves, but it made the men seem more serious about the situation. I turned and walked across the front of the elementary school. I thought that i should walk back to my car to get my things. I had warned the school. The man walked behind me with his young son. The boy seemed to have blonde hair and the father seemed to be wearing a trench coat. I walked ahead of them, looking ahead at the sidewalk, which curved to the left. I felt better than the man. I knew that he considered himself better than me, but i knew that i had an advantage. The man was looking for his car. I knew that the man thought that his expensive red sports car was better than anything i could have. I knew that i rode my bicycle to this place, however. I did not have to deal with parking like the man and did not feel that he had any advantage. I felt smug as i walked in front of the large stone building, which had a store front with a large awning. My bicycle was parked under the awning. I bent over to unlock the blue bicycle. As i turned around, i noticed that rain was falling. It splattered on the dark pavement and wet my hand as i reached down to feel it.

I walked down the narrow road. I was on the college campus. It seemed that i was near $P41. I felt as though i had to urinate. I thought that i should find a bathroom. I was unsure where i was. I walked between the old buildings of the campus. The building to my right was made of a red stone, and seemed very old. I turned to the left and walked along the sidewalk. I could not recognize any of the buildings. I then came to a main street. I looked to the east and noticed that there was a tall brown tower. I could see it over the rest of the college buildings. I realized that it was $P91. I looked to the west to see the tall white structure of $P92. I was on $P33. I felt suddenly amused that i knew where i was. I looked around at the buildings. They were all familiar to me, but it seemed as though i had not seem quite this way before. I still had to urinate. I thought that i had to walk to the west, but then realized that i did not know this part of campus as well as i had thought. I suddenly felt lost. I looked to the east to see a large set of brown towers. They had a stair-case shape along their side. The building was not familiar to me. I could not figure out where i was. I started to the west. I had to find a lavatory. I then stumbled. I was having difficulty walking. Something was wrong. I staggered again.

11999 December 26

I was standing on the tall rough rock in the middle of the water. The water seemed like an ocean, but there were no waves on the surface. I could see several other rocks poking above the surface of the water. I knew that they were islands. I felt strange, as though there were something special about this place. I then noticed the large blue creature floating toward me. I was worried that it might be a shark or a giant squid. It seemed dangerous. It seemed round. I thought that i should get out of the water and back onto one of the islands. I should not be floating in the water when the creature came. As i watched, though, the creature became a cartoon drawing. It was a bizarre blue humanoid creature floating on a large black inner tube. Something seemed strange about this. I stood on the edge of the large dark-brown rock and looked down at the creature. The inner tube then seemed like a large flower, and it closed over the creature. The creature submerged and disappeared from view. I became frightened. I thought that it might sneak up on me. I did not feel comfortable not knowing where it was. I thought that it was some kind of giant octopus that was trying to attack me. I felt as though i had to get away. I then thought that i could send out some kind of signal which might shock the monster. I tried to concentrate on the radio pulse. I could see the cartoon drawing of the radio waves moving away from my body. There seemed to be something in the water to the northeast of me, but i could not see it. I thought that the radio signal should repel the monster, but i was not sure that it was working.

11999 December 27

I was moving over the ocean. It seemed dark out, but i could see clearly. There was a set of lights on the water. I knew that it was from the submarine that was sneaking into the territory. I felt as though this was part of an old story. I could visualize the yellow paper of the old map as i looked out over the water. The submarine was part of a secret mission. I felt that it might be dangerous. I thought that i should act casual so that the submarine did not suspect that i knew about them. I tried not to noticed the submarine as it moved near. I remembered that there was a secret code for the submarine. I wondered whether i should warn the others of the submarine. I could see the code written on the side of the old map. It had something to do with the german enigma device. The paper said “40201”. I knew that the code was something important.

11999 December 28

I walked to the east along the sandy beach. There were many people out on the beach enjoying the sun. There seemed to be some people getting ready to go flying on a long narrow vehicle which seemed like a bicycle frame. It had a thin pole on the bottom which was connected to an arching pole on the top. The pole on the top seemed to be attached to colourful objects which could be balloons. The people started to get onto the machine by lining up between the two bars. I turned toward the ocean and started to walk to where the people were. As i approached the vehicle, i noticed that there was an orange bar which came down vertically at the end of it. It was a single seat which was separate from the rest. The people were loading onto the ride, and a single woman stood on the foot bar which was at the bottom of the orange metal bar. I realized that she must be one of the controllers of the ride. The people who were in the center could control most of the ride, but her position was to steer the ship. She was wearing a silvery orange body suit with a tight hood over her hair. As i started to pass the vehicle, the white propeller plane lifted from the sand and sailed over the vehicle. I thought that both of the vehicles were for tourists. I felt the wind from the plane in my hair as it passed overhead. I continued walking down the beach. I knew that i would be able to fly without the vehicles and wanted to do so. I opened my arms and started to lift off of the beach. I thought about the white wings which were strapped to my back. They were to catch the air and lift me. I knew that it was able to fly without any help, though, and wondered why i needed wings. I looked down at the people on the beach as i started to float away. I wondered whether i should be showing them what i could do. I then noticed the tall green power lines which stretched across the sand of the beach, between me and the water. The poles were tall and thin, and the wires were arranged vertically on them. There were three thick wires grouped along the center of the pole. They were spaced several metres apart. There was also a single thinner wire at the tops of the poles. I glided up past the wires, thinking that their thickness meant that they were insulated. I knew that they must be safe in some way or the other planes would not be able to take off from the beach. I widened my back and started to ascend suddenly until i was above the last of the wires. I then wondered that the people might think of me sailing over them without the help of a machine. I drifted to the north, out over the ocean. I then realized that they might report me. Someone might know what i could do and try to examine me. I floated back down to the shore of the ocean. The sky seemed darker, as though it were just after sunset. I moved over the water, heading back toward the shore. Some officials were on the shore near us. They wanted to know how i was able to fly. I thought that they might be with the government. The others walked near me. They seemed like friends of mine. I wondered what i would tell the officials as we walked to the east along the beach. We started to walk over a rocky surface. The rock was black in the dim light and sloped upward. It glistened as the water washed over it. I thought that it must be a large mount in the center of the beach. As we climbed, however, i noticed that the ocean level was above us. The waves rolled onto the shore and splashed over the top of the rock, flowing down the steep side to where we were. I climbed until i was at the top. I wondered how the waterfall could exist so close to the ocean. I looked to me left, toward the woman who was climbing with me. I felt very close to her. I told her about the waterfall and said that it was strange. She asked me why it seemed so strange. I said, “Well, all water flows into the ocean... so how can this place be lower than the ocean?” I thought that the hole would eventually fill up since it was lower than the ocean and water would not be able to escape. She seemed to understand and started to wonder herself. Everyone then looked to the west. There was a silhouette of a large battleship on the water. It had fireworks sparkling all around it. I knew that it was part of the show. One of the people with me had set up the pyrotechnics. We came back to the shore and started to walk to the west, into the center of the large ship. I felt cautious, thinking that someone would be near us. The train car which was to the north of us then started to roll back and forth on its short track. It was on the ship. We had to be cautious because someone would be concerned about the fireworks show which was being performed. The train car then broke loose and rolled to the east. It rolled off the edge of the ship and into the large black chasm. I remembered that the chasm was supposed to be bottomless. I did not hear the train car hit the bottom as i climbed back up the west side of the hole. The others were waiting for me. We had managed to get rid of the bad guys.

11999 December 30

I walked through the crowded building, heading towards the north. The place seemed like a mall, and the passageways were crowded with people. The walls of the building seemed to be gold in colour and reflected lights from around the area. I walked up the stairway and over the arch with the other people. It seemed as though i had somewhere to go. I was with my parents, but was not walking with them at the time. I decided that this was not how i wanted to travel. I came out the other side of the large old building and thought that i had to return, but i did not want to walk back through the crowd. I started to fly, lifting up past the three stories of the old wooden farm house. It seemed like an old school building with a wide roof of grey tiles. As i flew over the edge of the roof, i wondered how i was able to fly so easily. My head was cocked forward as though i were being pulled up from my shoulder blades. I did not care whether the people on the ground saw me flying. I glided over the top of the building and flew across the brown walkway which lined the roof. As o came over the crest of the walkway, i again seemed to be inside. There was a group of children who ran down the walkway in the opposite direction. I suddenly realized that the walkway on the other side of the roof was very steep and that the children might slip and fall. I also thought that the walkway ended at the edge of the roof and that the children might fall. I tried to warn their mother as she walked past me, but she seemed to be in too much of a hurry. She was wearing a blue dress which was in tight on the torso. The dress protruded from the hips and fell to the ground in a bell-like shape, exposing a white under-dress on one side of the front. It seemed like a style from nineteen hundred. I landed on the ground near my parents. I wondered whether the children had made it over the room. My mother nodded that they had made it safely to the ground. I thought that the roof on the other side must not have been as high off of the ground as i had thought that it was.

11999 December 31

I was in the small bedroom of my parents’ house at the top of the stairs. There was a bed against the left wall, and the computer was in front of the window. I thought that this was a strange arrangement. I did not remember the furniture being this way. I was sitting in front of the computer, but i was not using it. It seemed very hot in the room. I leaned over the computer and opened the inside window. I knew that this was the only window with a screen in the room. I thought that there were many things that i had to do. I did not feel like doing them. I felt tired. I wanted to take a nap, but i knew that i had to get to work. I wanted to sleep through my job. I decided that i should not miss work, but i could not stay awake. I started to fall asleep.

I woke up in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. It seemed to be late in the afternoon, and i was hot. I felt very thirsty. I walked into the kitchen of the house. My mother was there. The kitchen was very run down and dirty. It did not seem like the kitchen of our house. I walked over to the green sink which was in a counter on the north wall. I had a glass in my hand and was about to get a drink, but my mother told me to use the other sink. I remembered that the water in this sink was clean, but had a heavy sulfur taste. I turned and walked down the path on the college campus. I could hear the sound of an alarm in the distance. I walked across the large quad. This place seemed like $P39. I felt out of place here. I knew that i was supposed to take a class at the university, but i felt that i was not prepared for it. I thought that i should have studies. I talked to the other person. There was a building in front of us which had a large hole in the corner of it. It seemed to have collapsed. I walked toward it. I felt lost. I should not be here. I thought that i should have studied. I wandered back to my class. This place did not seem right. I wondered where i should go. I did not really want to go to class.