12000 December 01

I was in the long white corridor of the mall when i heard the sirens going off. There was something wrong, and i wondered whether the building was on fire. I looked to the south to see a few people running down the hall. The west side of the hall was covered with glass store fronts, but the east side seemed to be blank. My mother said that she wondered what was going on. I started to feel worried that something was very wrong. I knew that the people in the mall were just panicking. I told my mother that we should get out of the building. I knew that something bad was happening. I pulled my mother to the west, toward the nearest entrance. She was confused and did not know where to go. As someone ran past us in the hall, they mentioned the mustard gas. I knew that this was a terrorist attack. There was a large atrium near us with glass elevators on both sides. My mother started toward one of the elevators, but i told her that it would be dangerous. She understood, but i knew that she was thinking that an elevator was not safe in a fire. I thought that it would be too easy to be trapped in the enclosed compartment when the gas reached us. The white door to the elevator opened and i could see an old woman. We ran past the elevator door and into the stairwell. There were a few people in front of me as i hurried down the stairs. The stairwell had cement walls which were painted white. The stairs were wide, and descended several flights into the ground. As i reached one of the platforms on the north side of the well, a man ran from the lower set of stairs in my right to the door which was in the west wall. I followed him outside, hoping that the gas had not spread out of the mall. There was a group of people standing outside the door. We seemed to be on a cement structure, which seemed like the roof of the mall. I knew that the people had thought that the alarms were for a fire and were waiting by the building to go back in. I knew that we had to get as far from the building as we could. I told the people about the gas, but they did not respond. They stood in a group, wearing dark-coloured winter coats and watching the door. I moved away from them to the north. The car drove to the southeast, around the front of the mall. We were on a city street. The mall entrance was to the right of us. It had a white overhang above the large glass doors which prevented people from getting wet as they got out of their car. This place seemed more like a hotel. There were already police and firemen at the front door of the mall. They were trying to control the crowd. I then noticed some people running down the street ahead of us. One of the men on the right side of the street started coughing, and i was afraid that the gas had escaped into the city. I then noticed a fine yellow mist not far ahead of us. It was the mustard gas. I told the drive to turn away from the mall and get out of the area.

12000 December 02

I was wrestling with the man on the grassy area in the center of the small room. It was somewhat dark, but i could see what i was doing. He was well built and seemed pretty strong, but i was able to keep him away. I grabbed him by the arm and rolled him under me. I thought that it was very easy to wrestle him and i felt excited about doing it. He then started to wrestle his way free from me. As he broke away, i watched him. He was nicely detailed in his chest, and he was wearing a red singlet which was not pulled up over his shoulders. I thought that he was pretty strong for his size.

12000 December 04

The large airplane landed on the field. I looked around a the area. This did not look like an airport. I knew that we had been traveling across country, but we were not yet to our destination. This place felt familiar. I looked around at the large field of snow and realized that we had not landed on a runway at all, but had landed the large jet on a field of packed ice. I looked around and noticed that there were many other large planes that had landed with us. Someone mentioned that we were in Alaska. I looked around at the jagged mountains which surrounded the field of ice. They were snow covered and looked beautiful. The sun was very low in the sky, and there were thin white clouds streaked across the horizon. My grandfather stood up from the seat to my left and said something about going out to have a look around. I thought that we should wait in the plane. I knew that it would be taking off again. My grandfather did not listen and wandered down the ramp of the airplane. There seemed to be no roof or walls to the airplane. I worried that they would not be back in time. I then looked off to the west, where the sun was getting close to the horizon. I could see a large green glacier with a flow of water in front of it. I thought that we must be near the coast. The glacier reflected some of the sun light, even though the mountains were behind it, blocking the sunlight. I thought hat it looked very nice and wanted to get a better look. I did not want to leave the plane, though. Eventually, i decided that i had to get a closer look at the natural beauty here. I ran to the left, down the side of the plane and over the short green grass of the field. The grassy path seemed to be growing between a covering of white snow. I came to the edge of the field where the red pavilion was. There did not seem to be any people around. I walked out onto the red wooden down which ran from the pavilion. As i looked to the west, into the bright light of the setting sun. I could see the pale green cliff of the glacier on the opposite side of the wide river. I then noticed the motion in the water below me. The water was shallow, and i could see rocks and boulders under the surface of the water. Many small animals moved below the surface. I wondered whether they were seals or some other type of wildlife which only lived in this area. This area seemed special. I then saw the sun touch the edge of the horizon. It quickly disappeared below the edge of the mountains and the sky became very dark. I remembered that, at such a northern latitude, the sun set quicker because of its angle to the horizon. I decided that i should get back to the plane quickly. I did not want to be caught outside in the dark. I hurried back up the slope of the hill by the water, conscious that there might be small black animals scurrying around on the rocks along the side of the water below my feet. I did not want to step on them. I ran to the east, down the corridor of the building. I had to get back to the planes before they took off. I looked to the west and could see one of them moving across the field, accelerating into flight. I hurried through the corridors of the building. I turned left and started to head to the north. I knew that i had to cross through the building and get to the north, where the field was. I asked the people with me where the nearest exit was. I then noticed the red exit sign hanging from the ceiling down the corridor to the north of me. I remembered that all buildings had to have them, so it should have been easy for me to find an exit. I started walking quickly down the corridor. I looked behind me to see the travel attendant following me. She was going to show me the doors which led outside to the field. She was wearing a pastel purple tube dress with yellow stockings. She looked like a flight attendant from the late sixties. I realized that she was the woman who had played Lieutenant Ohura on Star Trek. I wondered whether i should call her by the name Ohura. I decided not to. She should be playing different roles in this version. I opened a door at the end of the hall and saw only a small room beyond which had white on the walls and ceiling. The man behind me told me to open the door and go out. I saw the two wooden doors on the west side of the north wall. one of the doors seemed to bend around the northwest corner of the room. I thought that the door on the right was the correct one. As i walked through the room, i noticed that there was a large opening to the west. I looked through it to see a small gymnasium with red wrestling mats on the floor. There were several pieces of equipment on the north wall of the room. I asked the other person about the wrestling room as he walked past me. I was interested in the room, but through that i should hurry to the plane. I ran out the back door of the building and found myself in the center of the university campus. I looked to the northwest, but could not see the planes. there was a large stone building in the way. I started running to the northwest. As i came to the corner of the building, i noticed that there was a group of runners running toward me. They were part of a race. I was near the finish line. I ran to the left of them as they rounded the southwest corner of the building. There was a pink ribbon on the south side of the runners. The runners seemed to be carrying a piece of it as they passed me. I grabbed onto the piece and continued running. one of the men who had been standing on the side of the race in a heavy winter jacket cheered me on. I wondered whether the tape had something to do with the finish line. I quickly dropped the tape. I did not want to have people thinking that i was part of the race. I tried to run faster as i rounded the building, but found that i was not moving too quickly. Something seemed wrong. I looked across the quad and realized that i had a long way to go before i reached the planes. Something was not right. I wondered how i had gotten so far away from the planes. I remembered that i was near them when i walked to the edge of the water. This did not seem right.

12000 December 05

I walked down the white hall of the dormitory. There was another man walking down the hall toward me. I was suddenly in the doorway of his room. As he started into the doorway, i squirted him in the chest with a water pistol. It was some kind of game that we were playing. He was surprised, but became challenging. He stood up taller and walked toward me. He was well built, and i knew that he was much stronger than i. There seemed to have been a woman with him. She seemed to be wearing as blue dress, but she walked away after i squirted the man. I did not back down as the man pushed into me. I felt challenged by him and knew that he would not really hurt me. I knew that he might attack me, though. I backed into his room, wondering what he was going to do.

I was in the house laying in the bed. There was a window just to my right which had thin white curtains hanging over it. I looked at the window, but was not really sure whether i was awake or not. There was a flash of yellow light across the curtains. I looked again at the curtains, but did not seem able to focus on them. There seemed to be something wrong. I tried to focus on the windows, but was unsure whether i was asleep or not. I looked at the curtains, and they seemed farther away than they were before. I thought that i was in my bedroom. I then saw a flash of light again. I looked back at the curtains and they were just off of the bed again. I thought that there might be someone below the window, neat the basement door. I wondered whether they had flashlights. I got out of bed and started wandering around the house. I wanted to know who else was there. I walked to the front of the old shed. This place seemed like someone’s house. It was run down and cluttered, but i knew that someone lived here. The walls were bare wood and everything looked like it had been placed into storage. I walked into the small room on the front of the house, still talking to the person with whom i had been walking. I walked out the front door of the house and onto the dusty dirt driveway. There were tall weeds growing around the edges of the dirt drive. The house was to the southwest of me as i looked to the northeast, down the dirt driveway to the road. There was a car driving from the north on the main road. It slowed and turned into the driveway. It seemed to be an old green station wagon with brown paneling on the sides. I knew that it was the owner of the house. I felt uncomfortable and thought that the owner might not like that i had been walking through his house. I walked back toward the house as the children approached me. I decided that i should casually walk through the house as though i had been invited in.

12000 December 06

I followed $F10 down the center of the small creek. We seemed to be in $P24, and it was a bright sunny day. I felt pleased as i watched the water below me move over the small pebbles of the stream bed. There were wall pine trees to the southeast of us as we followed the stream to the northeast. $F10 was a little way ahead of me, on the eastern shore of the water. I looked down the center of the creek, noticing that there was a wash on the east side where several wild flowers had started to grow. I hopped over the small line of rocks in the center of the stream to get to the other side, but the shore was farther than i could jump. I landed in a shallow section over the sandy bank and hurried to the dry shore. My right foot was wet, but i continued on. $F10 said something and i called back to him.

12000 December 07

I was talking to $Z by the side of the water. We moved to the south, down the eastern shore of the small river. The water seemed muddy. The shore where we were standing was a metre or so higher than the level of the water, and there was grass growing around us. I looked down over the water to see that there were several people in the shallow water near the shore. I mentioned to $Z that there was some significance to what they were doing. It seemed to be a religious ritual. I wondered whether it had anything to do with recreating a baptism. I then noticed a man splashing around in the water. He had long hair and a rugged beard. I thought that he was a mad man. $Z said something to me. Suddenly, the mad man was standing in front of me. He started raving about something as he gestured with his arms. $Z referred to him as “Bones”. I realized that the man was Doctor McKoy. I wondered what the play was all about.

12000 December 08

I was lying in the large bed with $A291. I thought that he was rather young, and felt strange with him, but i was happy to have him there. It seemed as though we were being erotic. We struggled for a moment playfully, then i rolled over to the side of the bed. I realized that i had just ejaculated. I pulled back the sheets. It was dark in the room, but i could see enough to clean up. $A291 got out of the bed and brought me a small blue napkin. I covered my crotch with it, trying to clean up the sticky sperm. A older woman then walked into the room. I laid the napkin over the sticky gel on my lower abdomen and tried to act casual. She walked to the east, into the small bathroom off of the room. He seemed to be ignoring us as she did something. I felt annoyed with her and wanted her to leave. $A291 just stood by the foot of the bed, waiting for her to leave.

12000 December 09

I was in the small room of the house with the other people. It seemed that i was visiting them. This place seemed to be in another city from where i lived. The person who had invited me was a friend of mine, and he knew one of the people who lived in this apartment. I was on the north side of the apartment when i spoke to the heavy person. He was wearing a light blue shirt and tan pants. He was familiar. I thought that he was someone from $G3. I seemed to remember him from before. I said hello and greeted him. He seemed happy to see me. I wondered why he was interested to see me here. It had been a very long time since i had seen him and i did not know him that well. I looked around the room full of people as i spoke to him. I then noticed that $A123 was in the room. I knew that he was living with the man with whom i was talking. I realized that they were a couple. I then wondered why my friend had brought he here. I thought that the people here were really homosexual. I was amused that i had not know about them before. I walked around the room and talked to some other people.

12000 December 10

I walked toward the southeast, to the college. It seemed that i was to the west of the college’s main campus. The sky was cloudy, but it was bright out. The air seemed somewhat cool, as though it were late autumn, but i felt warm. The ground sloped down in front of me. It seemed as though i were heading into the valley. There was a U-shaped building in front of me. I thought that it had something to do with the college. It was made of white stone and seemed somewhat old. There was an archway in the center of the building which led down the hill. I rode my bicycle between the two wings of the building, thinking that i could carry it down the stairs which ran down through the center of the arch. As i approached the building, though, i noticed that there were flames coming out of the wall just to the left of the arch. I stopped and looked at the fire. It seemed to be traveling through the old structure. The flames then seemed to flare up. I thought that the fire was getting worse. I felt interested in the fire, as though it had some significance. I wondered whether it would spread through the entire building. I decided that i would not be able to run into the arch because the flames might grow around me. I then noticed the flames through the large window that stretched over the arch. I knew that there was a cafeteria on that floor. I could see the flames burning inside, rising diagonally as they moved from left to right. I now seemed to be in a courtyard which was in the building. The fire burned on the wall in front of me. I looked to the left, through an opening at the corner of the building. I could see a streak of flame floating out of a doorway on the left side of the corridor and into a doorway on the right. The fire seemed to have started somewhere in the north wing of the building and spread to the center section. The center section was still covered with flame. I then backed up to the door of the building. There was a corridor to the north of me which ran down the north wing of the building. The hall was pale yellow and seemed to have glazed plaster walls. I noticed two torches mounted on either side of a doorway on the south side of the hall. The torches were black, but had long orange and yellow flames. The torch nearest me had a long flame which was being sucked into the doorway. I realized that the flame must have gone into the doorway and set the room on fire. The flame was then traveling down the other corridor that i had seen and into the center of the building. I looked back to the center of the building and noticed that the center section was entirely covered with flames. I decided that i should run out of the building before i got trapped in the fire. I turned around and ran to the west, out of the glass doors of the building. I could see red and orange embers drifting to the ground just outside of the door. I hurried through them, hoping that more of the building did not fall on me. I ran from the building, now heading east, across the large open field. The field was part of the college quad, and the grass was green and trimmed. I ran up the slope of the hill short hill by the tree and stopped to turn and look at the building. I could see the large stone building to the west of me, in the middle of the quad. There were several green deciduous trees blocking the view. An older man near me seemed very concerned about the building. He walked up to the police officer who was to the southeast of me and asked him about the instruments. He said that there were instruments in the building and asked whether they had been saved. He seemed very urgent. I remembered something about the instruments. There was a collection of very rare instruments in the building. I thought that there must be old sheet music as well. I pictured the special room with the torches by the doors. I thought that the instruments must have been in that room. They were protected by a society which ran the building. There was something special about the room. I had a feeling that i wanted to see the inside of the room and the instruments. I started to walk to the east again. The man turned to me. He still spoke with urgency as he grabbed my right arm. He was wearing brown pants and a brown vest over a white shirt. He had long white hair with a bald spot on the front of his head. He asked be about the instruments. I had a cello in my right hand. It was my cello, but i knew that the man was asking me about the instruments because he was aware that i was a musician. I told him that i did not know what happened to the room. I then turned to the west and started flying. I thought that i should get back to the building. I started to fly. There were many buildings on the campus. I seemed to remember this place from before. As i traveled to the east, between two of the large buildings, i noticed that there were more and more students on campus. I noticed that they were dressed in white pants with grey uniform jackets. I thought that they must not have heard about the fire because they were now just getting out of class. I walked down the cement path, looking at the students. I wondered whether the ones in uniform had just come from a marching competition. This place seemed familiar, but i felt slightly out of place. I thought that the uniform that i was wearing was old and outdated. I had on white pants, but i was wearing a heavy coatee. I started to fly down the path. I flew to the west, between the two buildings. As i came to the other side, i turned to the north because there was a long grey building blocking my way. The building seemed to be some type of office for the university. I glided over the cars in the paved parking lot between the buildings. The trees around the lot seemed to be leafless and the ground seemed to be covered with snow. I floated past an icy tree branch. As i watched the branch float by, i realized that i was flying. I remembered that i could always do this in my dreams, but i was never able to do it in reality. I felt as though it were easy to do. I was aware that i was awake, and was surprised and happy to see that i could do it for real. I flew over a metal post that was in the center of the path. I came to the north end of the large grey building and turned to the west again. Flying made me feel happy. I glided over the ground, feeling happy that i could really do this while i was awake. I headed away from the college, across the large open field. There was a wooded area just off of the buildings. I looked down at the ground to see a large patch of bright green vegetation. It seemed like some kind of reed, but it had tall stalks with a single fan-shaped leaf on top. The leaves looked somewhat like ginkgo leaves, but were a little over a deci wide. I felt joyous as i flew over the leaves and then out into the large field. I wondered how it was so easy to fly. There was a tall oak tree to the west-southwest, in the center of the large field. The field had cut grass, as though it were a park. I glided low over the grass, thinking that it might be complicated to maintain balance while flying. I then realized that i could not make out too many images in front of me. I wanted to make a tight corner around the tall tree, but i could no longer see it. My vision was a blue or green from the branches and grass. I thought that i would have to rotate my body until i saw blue. I had to fly upward. I did not want to hit the ground. I turned around until i saw the blue of the sky. I then headed toward it. I thought that it would be safer to be higher over the ground. I would have less of a probability of running into things with my lack of vision.

I walked to the east, down the sidewalk in front of the small diner. I thought that i was supposed to meet someone in the diner. I walked into the entrance, which was on the east side of the building. I walked to the north, into the building. It seemed dark inside. The place now seemed like an office building. It was old and the interior was faded and dirty. The green carpeting and wooden paneling were worn, and the lights seemed to be fluorescent. There was a room to the west of the entrance corridor which seemed to be an office. I rounded the end of the wall between the entrance corridor and walked into a large room which seemed like a break room. I was aware that members of $G4 might be in the back side of the building, but i had to get something from the front first. I walked across the large room, which had a table in the center of it.

12000 December 11

I walked to the east, down the corridor of the large hotel. The building seemed square, and there seemed to be corridors running on all sides of the building. The hallway was dark, and the walls were covered with a dark red and green wall paper. The place seemed well decorated and clean. I was about to enter the doorway to a room on the south side of the building. The doorway to the room was at the east end of the south corridor, on the south wall. A woman stepped out of the room pushing a cart in front of her. The cart had her luggage on it. I wondered whether i had the correct room. She said that she was leaving the room and would be moving to another. I thought that i would be taking her old room while she moved into another. She told me that she would be moving into room 410. I looked at the card that she showed me and saw that there was a range of numbers listed on the card. The range was from something in the ones to the tens in the four hundred range. The woman then handed me a black credit card. I took the card, thinking that it had something to do with the room reservation. I thought that she wanted me to take the card to the front desk of the hotel and have them charge her for the room. I thought that i could do that and walked to the north along the eastern corridor. There was a set of stairs in the center of the east corridor which led down to the main floor. I seemed to be on the second floor. I thought that there was something wrong. I started to walk to the east. I had to get to someplace. I was suddenly outside of the large brick building. It seemed like $P40. I thought that i had to get up to my office in the building, but i was unsure about where i was going. I was approaching the tall brick building from the west, walking along the white paving stones of the courtyard. The place was very modern. The courtyard seemed to be cut into the ground on this side of the building, and ran between the brick building and another to the north of it. I walked through the large glass doors on the north end of the west side of the building. There was a group of people walking into the building in front of me. I noticed that one of the people was $A270. I thought that he was going to lunch in the building’s cafeteria with the other people. He glanced back over his left shoulder at me as i came into the large entry way of the building. The room was enclosed with white cement walls that were painted and clean. The roof overhead was three or four stories above us. I could see the brick wall of the main section of the building to the east of us. I realized that i had never been in this section of the building before. I had expected to come into the hallway near my office, but i thought that i would have to walk across the indoor plaza to reach the main building. I walked to the north side of the large brick wall where there was a doorway leading into the building. The cafeteria around me seemed to be an indoor garden, with only a couple of thin trees and round white plastic tables scattered across the white cement squares of the floor. I walked through the doorway and into the modern white corridor. I still felt that something was wrong. I thought that i would have to tell someone about it. I tried to think as i walked to the south and turned left down the southern corridor of the building. The area around me seemed forested. There was a hill to the south of me which was covered with leafless trees. It was grey outside, and it seemed like late winter. Someone was walking through the trees toward me as i continued down the corridor to the east. I thought about Cerin and what she was planning to do. I knew that she was going to join forces with Sauren. It was a dangerous combination. I knew that once she merged with him, she would be stronger than before. I felt as though i had to warn someone about the danger. I turned to the left at the end of the corridor. I was on the second floor of the hotel. I remembered what the woman who had moved out of the room had said to me. I looked at the dark-blue credit card that she had given me. I suddenly did not understand why she had given it to me. One of the hotel staff members was standing to the west of me as we both stood in the middle of the eastern corridor, the descending stairs to my back. The man asked about the woman who had been in my room. I told him that she had moved to another room. It seemed that she would be on the west side of the floor that we were on, but i remembered that she was on the fourth floor of the building. I handed the man the credit card. I did not want to take it down to the desk and charge the woman for something. I felt confused by what she had actually wanted. It seemed strange that she would have given me her card and asked me to charge her room at the front desk. I turned around and started down the stairs. I thought again about what Cerin was trying to do. The railings of the stairs were brass and nicely polished. They were somewhat ornate. As i reached the first floor, i walked to the north, to where the front desk of the hotel was. Several people walked past me. I thought that i would have to tell someone about Cerin. I knew that Sauren was very dangerous, and i did not want Cerin to merge with her. As i walked in front of the opening which was the front desk, i noticed one of the women of the hotel. She was dressed in white and pale creme robes. I spoke to her as she started to walk past me, catching her attention. She wore a white habit on her head which partially covered the top of her eyes. I referred to her as “mother” as i started to speak. I knew that she was part of the religious order of this place. The order was run by Cerin. We walked to the east, out onto the wooden porch. It was bright outside, and there seemed to be several people in white robes walking around on the grounds. The mother sat down on the wooden bench, and i sat to the south of her. I watched us both sit down from the west of the bench. I told the mother that Cerebus and Cerin were going to merge to form Sauren. Her expression widened as i spoke, but she did not really seem surprised. I realized that she was loyal to Cerin and that i might be getting myself in trouble for telling her.

12000 December 12

I walked through the small rooms of my grandmother’s house. It seemed that i was considering buying my grandmother’s house. I felt uncomfortable with the decision. I did not know why i would want it. Still, i felt some sentimental connection to the house. I walked to the north, through the dining room as my parents walked around me. They seemed to think that i should get the house. I was uncertain. I felt as though i had to make a decision, but i could not understand why i wanted to buy a new house. I thought about the house that i had bought up north. I wondered what i would do with it if i had to buy this one. I felt as though i had to buy it, though. My mother then focused on something at the entrance to the bathroom. I remembered that she had taken a picture down from the wall. I moved closer to the bathroom as my mother stared at the wall just to the right of the entrance. There was a small object on the wall. I thought that it had been covered by the small round picture frame. My mother held up the frame with the brown picture of flowers on it. It somehow covered the small meter which was on the wall. I was not in the bathroom, standing in the narrow entryway between the door and the bathroom. I looked at the meter on the north wall. The wall was white, and seemed to have raised designs on the wall paper. There was a small round meter just above my head which had five digits across it. They digits were part of a rolling gauge. I thought that this was probably part of the gas meter. I remembered that there was a hot-water heater behind the wall below us. I moved my hand over the dial and told my mother what the meter was for. I wondered whether the gas company would have to some in to read the meter. I backed into the bathroom to the west. The room was very small. I looked out the narrow entrance and noticed that there was a second meter on the opposite wall from the first. I wondered whether this meter was for the electricity. I wandered back out into the living room of the house and looked around. I told my parents that i was uncertain about this house. I said that the bathroom was way too small. I remembered how large my bathroom was in the house that i owned already. My father agreed that this one was much smaller. I then mentioned that this house had a larger living room than mine. My father again agreed with me.

12000 December 13

I was in the kitchen of my parents’ house. There was a radio talking someone where in the room. I listened to the signals as people spoke back and forth. They seemed to be communicating. I could hear one side say something and the other side reply. The first side would call out to the other side a few times. After a while, the second side replied and all was okay. This had something to do with the airplanes. I knew that the airport was trying to contact the planes as they flew over, but this section of the country was secluded enough that planes overhead could not reply to the tower. There was a blank spot in their communication range that they had to pass through as they flew over the house. I then focused on the radio as the tower called out to one of the flights. It did not respond for a long time. I thought that there must be something wrong. I then heard the sound of the propeller engine over the house. I realized that the plane was diving. I ran to the front window of the house and looked out. I could see a line of orange flame streaking down from the sky across the street. It seemed very small, though it was just behind the tops of the trees that were at the edge of the road. The streak moved slowly to the ground across the driveway and crashed. I could hear the sound, but there was no flash of light. I ran to the back door of the house, telling the people inside with me that we had to help the people in the crash. I told someone to call emergency as ran to the back door. I asked my father where the fire extinguishers were. I thought that we had some old water ones somewhere in the house, but i wondered whether there were any chemical extinguishers. my father had a few red canisters near him as i passed him in the back entry way. I took one and ran down the driveway. It was dark out, and i could not make out all of the details in the field. I could only see a few things around me. I ran across the road and started to jump down the steep slope at the edge of the road. My father called out to warn me about something as i leaped from the top of the hill. As i jumped, i realized that there was a mount of burning debris just below me. I could easily pass over the debris when i jumped, but i realized that my father was trying to warn me that it was there so i did not land in it. I walked into the grassy field and looked around. I could see several pieces of charred debris, but nothing which looked like an airplane. I looked to the northeast and noticed a wooden frame which had been charred to a thin black structure. It was shaped like the fuselage of a small airplane. I wondered where the people from the plane were. I thought that they had all been burned in the crash. I then saw someone sitting to the southeast of me. It appeared as though the person were still in a seat. The person sat with his back to me. I thought that it was the pilot of the plane. I called out to see if anyone responded. I did not think that he would reply. I expected any survivors of the crash to be unconscious and injured. To my surprise, the man looked back over his left shoulder at me. He then rolled to the left, out of his seat and stood up. He was wearing a yellow jacket and a tight flight helmet. I started to walk toward him when i noticed that there were several other people moving from the darkness and into the light of the various fires. There seemed to be many survivors of the crash. I walked around the area, looking at the people. As i reached the north side of the crash site, i saw a woman with two young children. They were standing near a parch of burning debris. The children turned toward me and i could see that their heads had been burned. I could see a glowing ember of burnt skin on the forehead of one boy. He was wearing a blue baseball cap over the fire. I suddenly sprayed them with the fire extinguisher which i had been carrying in my hand. As the white mist came out of the canister, i realized that it was a chemical extinguisher. I hoped that it did not hurt the children. I then wondered how the child’s head could be burning without hurting the child. It seemed illogical.

12000 December 14

I was moving across the yard to the east of my parents’ house. It seemed to be dark out, yet i was able to see very well through the thinly spaced trees. I felt tense and knew that something was wrong. I crouched down and looked cautiously through the trees at the neighbours’ house. I knew that they were not in, but someone else seemed to be around. I moved behind three small trees which were growing very close to each other, thinking that i had to hide my motions from someone who might be watching. I then noticed someone moving across the lawn to the east. They seemed to be heading for the road, to the south. I knew that they were not supposed to be there and thought that i should call the police. I could not simply run back to the house, though, or they would see me. I had to sneak back. I crouched down and started to move to the west. I was near the road, and was worried that the man might see me in the shadows. I felt scared, and tried to move as carefully as i could. I knew that the man was getting closer, though. I had to be careful. I came to the side porch of my parents’ house and ran inside to call the police. As i stood in the kitchen near the telephone, i wondered whether the people outside could see me. I knew that they would be sneaking around the house. I had to act casually so that they would not know that i was reporting them.

I was in the small room of the house. It was a new house that i had just bought. As i walked to the east, i noticed that there was a patch of white paint along the side wall which seemed to be dripping down the wall. I realized that the paint was melting from the heat. The apartment was too hot. I felt worried about the situation and wondered whether i would have to do something about it. I then looked out the window and noticed that the neighbours were leaving their apartment. They exited through a small door in the same white building that i was in. I wondered whether they were leaving because the house was not safe. I kept watching them as they walked. Some of them seemed interesting. Several people walked by the window, down the city street outside the house. I then noticed a man and a young boy walked on the street. It seemed late in the evening. The light was dull and discoloured, as though the sun was near the horizon. The man and boy moved joyfully as they walked. I then realized that they were dancing to a beat that was playing from somewhere. I could hear the bass riff as they danced. I liked the rhythm of the sound and wondered whether i could replicate it on my bass. The bass melody seemed familiar, and i thought that it was something that i could have made up. The man and the boy danced in place on the street.

12000 December 16

I was in the car as we drove to the east along the south side of the large lake. The lake was long east to west, and was surrounded by rolling hills. The road on which we were traveling was up the south hill a way from the water, and there were mounds and patches of trees which blocked my view of the lake. The hills around us were painted with autumn colours, and the sky seemed overcast but bright. My father drove the car down the narrow road along the edge of the lake. It seemed that he was going too fast. I felt uncomfortable as we glided around the sharp corners in the road. I thought that he was being very reckless, and i wanted to get out of the car. I walked quickly to the east, into the glass door of the tourist building. The building was a one-story yellow adobe-like structure with plain exterior walls. As i walked inside, i noticed that the place was actually a general store. The air inside was colder, and the light was darker. There were many aisles of merchandise with crows of people walking through them. I felt that i had to get away from the man that was following me. He seemed dangerous. I turned around several corners and walked down the corridor of the building until i came to the glass doors on the other side. I hoped that the man was not able to follow me as easily through the gift shop. I walked out into the paved parking lot on the other side and saw my grandfather sitting on a large tan bolder in the center of the parking lot. I knew that he was not aware of his own actions and thought that he might be dangerous to be around. I thought that he would get me away from the store, though. The other man would not be able to drive his car through the store. He would have to go back to his car on the other side of the building and drive around. I knew that the road did not go around the building, though. The man was trapped. I quickly hopped on the rock behind my grandfather. We started to ride away down the road to the east. The rock wobbled and tipped a little as we went. I knew that my grandfather was no longer able to drive, but i thought that i did not have any other choice. I felt that i had to get away before the other man saw me. The rock tipped as we traveled, and i thought that we must be on it crooked. We were off balance. I was happy that we were away, though. We then moved out over the water of the lake, heading southeast. The lake now seemed to be long north to south. There was a narrow part of the lake to the south. It was divided from the rest of the lake by a forested peninsula which protruded from the western shore. I started to become worried as we sped over the water in the small boat. It seemed that we were traveling too fast. I thought that the water at the end of the point might be very shallow and swampy. We suddenly passed the point of the peninsula without hitting bottom. I was still worried, however, because i knew that my grandfather was senile enough that he was not aware of how he was driving. Something then fell on the water to the right of the boat. I looked but did not see anything. I thought that it must have been a tree falling from the side of the water. Something felt wrong. I wanted to stop the boat, but i was afraid to say anything to my grandfather.

12000 December 17

I walked across the large open room of the building, to the east. It was dark out, and the bare room of the barn was dimly lighted. The floor was made of unfinished wood. I felt like i was a child who was sneaking around. I knew that there was a party in the yard outside, but i was not invited. I was too young to join the adults. I wanted to see what was going on, even though i knew that i was not supposed to be near the party at all. I carefully walked to the east end of the building where the windows were. The windows seemed to have boards over them, and it was difficult to see outside. I could make out a courtyard between the barn i was in and a second large white barn to the east. The courtyard was enclosed on the north and south by a white wooden rail fence. There seemed to be a large deciduous tree in the southwest corner of the courtyard which dangled its green leave overhead. Many guests walked around the yard in evening gowns and black dinner jackets. I could see many sparkles on people, as though they were wearing jewelry. I felt strange about the party. I knew that my mother was upset about something and i wanted to see what was happening. I tried to listen to some of the conversations, but i could not make out much of what was being said. I then heard my mother’s voice as she walked toward the barn. She seemed to be talking with my father. Her voice was upset. I tried to listen to her as she walked through the large door of the barn and across the floor below me. I followed her voice, looking down at the wooden floor boards as i moved. Something strange had happened at the party. I felt concerned and alert. As i reached the west side of the barn, i could hear her talking outside with a man. I tried to see what she was doing through the vertical cracks between the barn’s siding, but i could not see where she was. I quickly turned around and ran to the southeast corner of the barn, where there was a set of old wooden stairs leading up to the third floor. I peeked out the old dirty glass window on the east at the guests. They were still hanging around in the courtyard. Nothing seemed to be wrong. I then heard my mother and father talking to the west and quickly but quietly ran across the floor to the other window. The wooden shutter of the window was red, and i pushed it to the left to open it a little. I could see a house to the southwest. It was an old white farm house with a wide field around it. There was a dirt road winding across the field from the southwest. I could see police cars coming up the road toward the house. I looked down to see my parents standing in the driveway which led to the door of the barn. The lawn on wither side of the driveway was held back by a retaining wall which was a couple of metres tall. Both of my parents were dressed in formal wear. I no longer seemed to be very far above my parents. I started to feel that something was very wrong. My mother then looked up at me in the window. She frowned and told me that i should not be seeing this. I wondered whether someone was dead. My mother reached up and closed the red shutter of the barn window. I turned and ran back across the floor to the east. As i passed the middle of the barn, noticed a group of older children sitting in a circle near the middle of the south wall. I stopped in surprise. I suddenly felt unsafe near them. They appeared to be high school children. They looked at me, smiling as though they were teasing me. I tried to ignore them and started to walk to the stairs. One of the boys stood up at the edge of the circle and called to me. He said that he would show me something. I kept walking toward the stairs. He then asked me how my rabbit was. I looked back at the man, wondering whether he had done something to my pet rabbit. As i looked at him, i suddenly knew that my rabbit was dead. The boy was wearing a white tee shirt under a faded denim jacket. He held up his right hand, which had a puppet on it. He started to tease me with the puppet, pretending that it was my dead rabbit. I felt uneasy, and wondered whether the puppet really was made form my rabbit. I quickly turned and ran toward the stairs. The group of children started to laugh. I felt angry with them, and yelled “Fuck you, bitch” as i rounded the top of the stairs. I knew that i was not old enough to curse, but i felt as though i could get away with it now because i was so angry with them.

12000 December 19

I looked down through the shallow water as the other person moved in front of me. I was trying to grab something just below the surface of the water, but was unable to. The water seemed like part of a pond, which was very small. There were some green algae around the rim of the pond in front of me. My vision seemed obscured, as though i were looking through a strange lens. My view seemed round and focused only on the area in front of me. I tried to grab the thing under the water. I looked down at the sandy bottom of the pond. I then became afraid that there were alligators in the water. I wondered why i was wading in the water and trying to grab something when the alligators were near me. I backed away from the water, thinking that i might have upset one of the alligators. I ran to the west and closed the door behind me. I then realized that there was a very large alligator who was angry with me. It was following me. I was worried that it would break down the door, so i ran to the southwest, down the hall. I felt as though i had closed the door to the bathroom of our old apartment at $P2 and that i was running into the adjacent room. I thought that i could circle around behind the alligator and come out into the main bedroom. There was a woman running with me. I stopped to turn around. I was in a large building. The corridor was cement, and was open to the southeast. There were cement walls which stretched from the cement floor of the corridor, creating large stalls. The floor of the stalls was about a metre below the floor of the corridor, and the cement walls seemed to be crumbling around the corners. There was a man standing to the east, in one of the stalls. I jumped down from the platform, aware of the people chasing me and the woman. The woman stayed on the platform. I suddenly recognized the man as i approached him. He was Rhett Butler, from Gone with the Wind. He was wearing a fancy maroon coatee and blue pants. I remembered that he had been killed before, but this was a different recurrence of the movie. He had not yet died. As i spoke to him, i wondered whether i could tell him how to save his life. I walked away from the woman, knowing that i was changing the plot of the story. There was a set of railroad tracks which ran on the east side of the parallel walls of the stall. It seemed to run directly north and south, and was thus at a slight angle from the corridor and the ends of the walls. The walls seemed to slope away to the west as i moved north along the tracks. I remembered that we had driven the small green steam engine through the small mound of debris. I pictured the engine forcing its way through the debris. The engine seemed to be on a track that came toward us from the west. The tracks that it was following ended at the tracks that we were on. There seemed to be a thin cement roof over the main set of tracks, as though the tracks were part of a factory loading area. I stepped over the thin stream which ran along the west side of the tracks and started to walk up the mound in front of the other train. There was a man approaching me from the northwest. I realized that he was one of the bad guys and that i had to act casual so that he did not interrupt our plot. He was wearing a tan suit with a white shirt. He had a tan fedora on his head. I tried not to notice him as i paced back to the south, stepping over the second set of tracks. I then realized that the tracks below me were electric, and i was worried that i might get shocked. I thought that i should not die because it would alter the plot of the movie. I looked down at the grey transformers which were on the ground in front of me. They were casting flashes of electricity between each other. I tried not to step on them as i moved to the southeast.

12000 December 20

I left the place and headed east down the country road. It seemed like fall, and there were dry leaves scattered across the narrow paved road. I remembered this place from before. I thought that i had always come here. There was a small furry dog wandering on the road in front of me, right where the road turned sharply to the right. It had long tan hair with black streaks around its flattened face. It looked at me as i approached. I remembered that the dog was aggressive and used to charge at me. The dog came from a house to the south on the road. I remembered that a man used to walk it. The dog must have wandered away from him this time. I was cautious of the dog as i approached. I was going to take the dirt trail which led off to the north from the corner of the road. The small dog started to wander up the trail. I then realized that it was simply checking out the larger golden retriever that had walked down the trail. I turned onto the wide dirt trail and passed the small dog. The trail sloped uphill suddenly as it turned to the east. I thought that i should be running up this part of the trail, but i seemed to be sitting as i moved. My momentum carried me up the slope of the hill, and i used my arms to push on the ground behind me. I thought that it was somewhat strange that i could so easily make it all the way up the small hill simply by using my arm strength. I came over the top of the hill started through the woods. I remembered that the cliff was ahead of me, and thought that i could easily climb down it. I stopped suddenly as i came to the edge of a drop off. The dirt ground in front of me fell off suddenly to the cliff. I suddenly realized that i was facing north, over the cliff. I had been disoriented. I backed up and was glad that i had stopped in time. I wondered how i had gotten confused. I felt as though i had been down this cliff so many times that i could do it easily without thinking. I moved to the east along the edge of the cliff until i came to a second drop off. This one was not as steel. I pushed my feet ahead of me, over the rounded rocks at the top of the cliff. There was a slope of land which led down. I thought that i would always be able to come down this cliff. The dirt crumbled over the edge of the cliff on the north side as i put my left foot down. I realized that the old path was wearing away. I backed up and put my feet down on the south side of a small tree which was growing out of the cliff. I thought that i would have to shift the path in the future. I continued down the hill, turning to the north before turning again to the west and following the slope down the face of the cliff. I stepped over the large rocks, remembering how easy it was to remember the trail. I thought that i had down this so many times that i did not even have to think about where i was going. I looked down at the rocks as i stepped over them. There were several large flat rocks standing up to the west as i started to round a corner in the cliff and head north. The flat rocks seemed to be decorated with brightly coloured decorations. I shifted some as i descended, thinking that they were some type of art work.

12000 December 22

I walked back to the small bedroom on the second floor of the house. This place seemed like $P19. I was living in small dormitory room and had just come from downstairs. The bed of the room was along the west wall on the north corner, and it was covered with dark coloured blankets. They seemed ruffled and untucked. There were some clothes scattered around the room. There seemed to be a dresser to the south of the window, which was in the west wall, to the south of the bed. There were items cluttering the surface of the dresser, which was also a desk. I strummed a G chord on my electric guitar. I could hear the sound from the speaker which was on the south end of the bed. I decided that it was too loud. I knew that some other people might still be sleeping in the rooms near me. I thought that i should not make as much noise, so i turned the blue electric guitar down. I then decided that i should play it without the amp. I strummed it again, but it was still making sound. I then remembered that $A42 had been downstairs in the back room of the house. I was talking to him and a few other people. I suddenly felt as though i should have spoken to him more. I decided that i should hurry back downstairs to catch him before he left. I was not sure how much time had passed between when i was talking to him and now, though. It seemed, for a moment, that i had been in my room for a long time. I ran downstairs and started to the south, toward the back hall. There was no one there. I could hear someone moving in the dining room to the southeast. It sounded like they were frying something. The sound was quite loud. I then noticed a thin mist of white smoke drifting through the hallway which led to the back door, to the west. Something seemed strange about the smoke. I focused on it. A thick white curl floated in front of me. I thought that it was coming from the kitchen. It all seemed natural. I stepped to the east, into the entrance of the dining room. As i moved, i realized that the sound i was hearing was not the sound of something frying, but the sound of water falling. I thought for a moment that someone might have left the sink running, but when i looked to the south, into the dining room, i could see a large black patch in the center of the room. I realized that the sprinkler was running in the center of the room. Something had been on fire. I thought that i should call emergency, but i was suddenly unfocused. I leaned to the right, catching myself on the doorway of the room. I tried to focus, but the sides of my head felt numb and i was having trouble concentrating. I realized that there must be some dangerous gas in the room. I had to get out of the house. I concentrated on where i was, thinking that i had to force myself to move out to the back door. I focused my thoughts as much as i could, feeling frightened that i was in danger.

I sat up suddenly. I had just been fooling around with the younger people near me. I was now on a bus. There was someone a few seats behind me who was watching me. I wondered whether he thought that i was strange for playing around with the children. I stood up as the bus came to a stop. We seemed to be out in the country near my parents’ house. I realized that i was some distance from my parents’ house, but i knew that i had missed my stop on the bus. I thought that i should have gotten off of the bus earlier. I stepped off of the bus onto the gravel driveway of the house. It seemed as though i were at the house of $A292. I thought that i would have to walk to my parents’ house. I did not really want to do so as i knew i would be fatigued by the time i got there. I remembered that i would have to carry my pack with me. I thought that it would be very heavy. I picked up the pack and walked to the southeast, around the front of the bus. The bus was sitting in the large driveway, facing east, toward the street. As i rounded the front of the bus, i noticed the long neck of a crane stretching out to the bus. I looked up cautiously as i hurried out of the way. I thought that it might be dangerous to be under the crane. There was snow on the ground, but it seemed old and well packed. I started out the driveway to the road. I walked to the north, up the road. It was not dark. As i started walking on the west side of the road, i could hear the sound of a bus slowing down behind me. For a moment, i thought that it might be a local bus stopping to pick me up. I wondered whether the local bus just happened to be driving by. I turned around to look, starting to wonder whether the vehicle might run into me. as i turned, i saw a van on the other side of the road slow. The back door of the tan and blue van was open, and i could see a man hanging from it as it swung out to the side of the vehicle. The man fell to the ground and rolled to a stop. I wondered whether he had fallen from the truck. I then noticed a blue plastic janitor’s cart just behind the van. I thought that the door of the van must have struck the man as the van was passing. The van stopped near me. It was dark all around us, but i could see the man lying on the ground clearly. I ran to the back of the van, wondering what i could do for him. I then noticed that the blue cart on the back of the van was not a cart but a trailer. The man must have fallen from the back door of the van. I looked down at him as he lay between the van and the trailer. He was face down, with his head turned away from me. His left hand was over his head, and i could see streaks of flesh and blood in a crescent under his arm. I thought that he was too injured to be alive. I looked to the north to see the woman step out of the van. She froze in shock as she looked back at me. I thought that i should run into one of the houses nearby to call emergency. Then i thought that i should ask the woman whether she has a cell phone.

12000 December 23

I drove to the northwest, through the streets on the outside of the city. The buildings seemed mostly residential, with a few shops and apartments scatter throughout. I was trying to get to someplace in the city, but i was not sure where. I saw the green street signs on the right hand side of the road as i drove. They were numbered. I knew that i was looking for 10th Street. I saw it ahead, at an intersection which seemed to have a restaurant on the west corner and a small plaza on the north corner. I felt confused. I was not sure that i was going the correct way. I knew that $F24 lived in this section of town somewhere, but i was not sure where. I thought that 10th Street ran straight to his house. I looked around me at the tall stone buildings. It seemed that i was driving through the college campus. I seemed to be on $P33, heading to the west. I felt confused. This place did not seem to be near $F24’s house, but i knew that i should be in the general area. I looked at the walls around me. I was traveling through the long white hall of the large academic building. I then realized that it was not appropriate to drive my car inside a building. I thought that i might get in trouble. I wondered how i got out. As i drove down the corridor, i looked around at the street signs for an exit sign. I slowed down as i looked around. I then noticed a woman standing at the intersection of two corridors. I asked her how i could get my car out of the building. She laughed. She said that it was very funny that i would be driving a car in a building. I listened to her for a moment, but she was talking about the car and not about an exit. I then spotted a small exit sign over a square doorway at the end of the long hall to the south. The door was covered with a red sign which labeled it as an emergency exit. I thought that i could escape from it quickly and get away. I walked over to the door, anxious about opening it because i knew that an alarm would go off. I felt that i had to get out of the building, though, and touched the metal bar handle with the fingers of my left hand. The door opened and i quickly skated away. I had to get away from the building before anyone came. As i skated away down the sidewalk, i wondered whether there was someone following me. I looked back to see a man walking toward me from the building. I wondered whether he was security or just walking in the same direction that i was. I turned and hurried away. I hopped into the skateboard and rode down the slight slope of the paved driveway.

I walked to the north, across the small living room to where the television was sitting. It was an old cabinet television with a brown wood case. There was an advertisement for a new show playing. It seemed familiar, and i tried to figure out what it was. It seemed that i had seen the show before, but i was not quite sure. It seemed like an episode of Deep Space 9, but there was something strange about it. I wondered whether it was a new movie. The screen showed a section of outer space with stars in the background. A large ship moved across the screen as the view panned to the left, across the atmosphere of a large orange planet. I then guessed that it was a new television series based on the original show. I wondered what it was. The announcer mentioned a new colony in a new place. The show seemed different that what i had remembered, and i wondered whether they were holding it in a totally new location so that they could start with a new perspective. It sounded interesting. I then through that it reminded me of Babylon 5. A title appeared on the screen. The show was called “New Scene”.

12000 December 24

I walked down the hall that was on the west side of the auditorium. I was with the people whom i had just practiced with. We were part of a band. As we passed one of the doors of the auditorium, i noticed that there were a few people on stage practicing. One of them was Chicote. He was a member of the band that we were with, but he was now practicing with some other people. I then noticed that $A293 was playing piano on stage with him. I felt disappointed that members of out group had left to perform with others. I asked the woman who was with me about it. She was a leader of our music group. I walked into the auditorium as the small band started to play. I looked to the east, across the back of the auditorium to see the people playing the keys on the piano. $A294 walked around the back of an organ and played a few keys on the high end of the keyboard. I knew that she was playing the bass noted of the song. When she was finished, she continued walking around the organ. I realized that she had planned her walk so that she was ready to play her notes every measure. I felt upset that i was not part of this band. I wanted to play with them. I then noticed a man standing behind an organ to the east of me. He leaned over the back of the instrument and played a few keys. I wandered to the east side of the room. There were some audience members sitting in the red chairs that arched across the slanted floor of the room. I stopped on the east side of the room. I was standing behind a woman who was sitting in one of the chairs. She seemed like the leader of our larger musical group. As i started to talk to her, i noticed that one of the musicians from the stage was riding away from the stage on a horse. He had to leave. I thought that it was strange that there was a horse in the theatre. Then one of the women from the stage started to ride toward us on a smaller horse. There was a large bird running next to her. It seemed like a partridge or a quail, but it was very tall and skinny. The woman was $A295. She smiled as she passed us and said, in an apologetic voice, “I have to be somewhere.” I watcher her ride off with the neck of the large bird still under her arm. This seemed very strange. I then noticed another large animal running toward me from the stage. It was a llama. I knew that it belonged to one of the performers who was leaving. I moved to the right slightly, away from the aisle, to let the animal pass. The llama ran past me and toward the door at the back of the theatre. It reached the white door but did not stop. It rammed its nose into the right side of the door. I realized that the door hinged from the right, so it would not have opened unless it was hit from the left. I laughed at the animal as i continued speaking with the woman who was seated in front of me. As i spoke, i turned my attention to the group of people at the back of the room, to the east of the llama. One of them was on a step ladder looking into one of the holes in the underside of the balcony where the light fixtures were attached. The man on the ladder told the others that he had found him. I thought that they must have lost one of the animals in the white ceiling of the theatre. I thought that it must be a mouse or something else small. At i watched, though, a man stepped down from the light and onto the ladder. He was wearing black pants and a red shirt. He smiled as me as he climbed down the ladder. He had short white hair and a very angular face. I wondered how he had fit into the light socket.

12000 December 25

I turned to the right and started to head up the slope of the hill tot he north. I was in a restricted area of a factory, but i had to get back to the cave. There was some kind of structure above me which seemed like a conveyor belt. I knew that this place was monitored and i could hear the alarms go off as i ran for the entrance to the cave. This was a place that we had always come to before. I walked up the incline of the cave floor, thinking that i had to get our stuff out of the cave. Some of the other people were with me. I ran down the narrow corridor of the cave and into the small room. The room was crowded with books and other things. I thought that i would have to take all of this stuff out eventually. I could not leave the things here or i would lose them. I looked over an old guitar that was sitting along the back of the room. It was an acoustic guitar with the sound hole to the left side of the strings. I thought that it would make a different sound that my other guitars, so i should take it first. The others around me grabbed a few items. I thought that i should take as much as i could, but i wanted to get the important stuff out first. I knew that it would be difficult to come back, and i felt disappointed that it would be hard to get the rest of my things. I looked down at the mandolin in my left hand. It was strung like a guitar, but had the double strings of a mandolin. The other people took the two larger guitars. We started to walk out of the tunnel, past the houses. The ground was covered with snow, and it was bright. I felt distressed that i would not be able to get the rest of my things easily. The other people now controlled the tunnel.

12000 December 26

I walked to the west, across the small apartment. I felt as though i had just moved into the place. It seemed old and run down. The walls were dark, and the carpet seemed to be rust coloured. There was a small kitten that i has found on the dirt ground to the south of me. There seemed to be a small hill on the house side of the apartment which ran under some leafless trees. The ground seemed damp and covered with matted leaves, as though it were late fall or early winter. I picked up the small orange kitten. It was smaller than the palm of my hand. I thought that someone must have abandoned the kitten here. It seemed strange for it to be roaming around by itself. I felt as though i were its new owner. I held the kitten in my left hand as i walked to the west. $G4 were walking around me. They had just finished a run. I felt as though i should hang out with them, but i felt preoccupied. Something was strange. I walked back into the apartment and tried to think about what i should be doing. I then remembered the kitten. I had placed it in the left pocket of my coat. I had forgotten about it. I hoped that i had not bumped it against anything during the run. I lifted the small orange kitten from my pocket. It seemed alert, but there was a small smudge of blood along the back of its neck. I wondered what it could have gotten scratched on. I looked at my knuckles and noticed that they were smeared with blood as well. I wondered what was in my pocket that was scraping the skin of the kitten. I felt worried for the cat. I remembered that i had found it and was taking care of it. I lifted it with my right hand and looked it over. I knew that it was abandoned, but i wanted to hold onto it. I then noticed that it had some small tags hanging off of its collar. I wondered whether the tags had an address on them. I tried to read the large brass tag. It seemed like a rabies tag. It had several lines of text. The word “ENIGMA” was engraved on the top line of the tag. I thought that it might be the cat’s name. I wondered whether the rest of the test was the address of the owners, but i could not seem to read any of the information. I looked at the smaller white tag. It was round, plastic, and shaped like the cap to a small pill bottle. There was red type in the center of it, but i could not read it. I thought about the cat’s name. It seemed strange.

12000 December 27

I was working in the cubicle of the small office. This place seemed to be my office, but i was unfamiliar with this place, as though i were new here. A woman walked into the cubicle and asked me some questions. I answered as though i knew a lot about the subject. She seemed to be asking me about computers. There was a computer on the south side of the cubicle. I stood up and started to walk to the south. I had to leave the building to get something. As i started out, i noticed that there was a line of people in front of a table in the southeast corner of the room. They were standing in front of a table. I realized that there was a voting machine on the table. They were all waiting in line to vote. I wondered why they would be voting when the election was finally over. I walked to the left of the line and looked over a man’s shoulder as he tried to vote. I realized that this voting machine was the same kind that was under dispute in the last election. The machine sat on the dark brown table and looked like a typewriter. There was a manila disc with many paper petals. The man aligned the small black holes in the center of the ballot in the black metal machine and started to push a small pen into the holes in the ballot. I thought that the different petals of the ballot were for different elections. The man moved a lever on the right side of the machine to the left and the ballot rotated in the machine. The man started to poke out some of the holes in the ballot. I then noticed that he took the pencil and started to cross out some of the holes. I thought that he was making sure that they would not be counted when the people counted the ballots. I started to walk away from the machine when i noticed the woman at the table on the east side of the room. She asked me whether i would be voting. I realized that she was suspicious of the way i was watching the man vote. I told her that i was not from this area and that i could not vote here. I said that i had heard of the ballots but had never actually seen how the machine worked. I said that i was from the north and was here to study the machine. I knew that it was a lie, but i thought that it might sound more official. She then asked me where i came from. I told her that i was with a university and that i was doing a paper on the ballots. She seemed interested, but i did not want to keep telling her lies. I started to walk to the north, away from the room. I now seemed to be outside. I thought that i could say that i was studying psychology. I knew that it was not my major, but i had enough knowledge in the subject in case she started to ask questions.

12000 December 29

I rode my bicycle to the south, away from the house. I was in the suburban area, and it was a bright sunny day. I rode through the streets to the southeast. It seemed as though i had just been doing something at the house. I came to the end of the suburban street and turned to the north again. I seemed to be quite a way from the house, now. I thought that i would go on a long bike ride. I then became aware of someone following me. I looked back to see a young man on a bicycle. I wondered whether he would be able to catch up with me. I felt like racing him, but i did not know whether i would be able to ride as fast as he could. I looked ahead of me again to see the a group of young children running along the side of the road. They were dressed in red shorts and white jerseys. The man someone mentioned “football” as i started to pass the children, slowing to stop at the approaching corner. I knew that the children were part of a youth soccer team. The young man on the bicycle caught up to me, and i stopped to speak to him. I turned to my left to say hello. I felt as though i should challenge him to a race. I was unsure how fast i could bicycle, though. My legs started to feel tired. I was then aware that i was carrying a football in my left arm and a wad of clothing in my right. I would not easily be able to ride until i put them down. I spoke to the young man. He suggested running, but i was weary about running around here. I thought that my knees might act up. I knew that i was not a good runner anymore. I wanted to challenge him, but i did no know what to do. I started talking about the trails that ran over the hills to the northeast. I pointed them out to the man. I remembered them from before. I had gone running on them. I told the man that they went up the side of the hills and ended at the top. They did not really lead anywhere. I wondered what i should do.

12000 December 30

I was on the back end of the third floor of $P7. I walked into the room on the north side of the hall. The room was large and empty. It seemed to be a laboratory, with grey floor and walls. There was a counter top along the north wall of the room which had a black stone surface. An arm of the counter extended into the center of the room. I places my bags on the small arm. I came to the room for my tai kwon do class. I did not think that i was early, but i thought that everyone would be there soon. I looked over several of the things that were on the counter. I noticed that there were several long narrow saw blades which seemed to be part of a jigsaw. As i watched, one of the longer blades started rotating on the counter top. I thought that the blades should not be moving by themselves. I broke one of the blades in half, but the two smaller blades started to move. I ducked under the edge of the counter and covered my head with my hands. The blades spun off of the counter and over my head. A couple of the blades hit me on the head as they passed by. They clattered to the floor and continued spinning. I felt the top of my head, where the blades had hit me. I could feel a thing scratched across the top of my scalp. It stretched from the back of my head to the left font side. It seemed to be bleeding. I pulled my left hand down and looked at it. There was a clear liquid on my fingers. I knew that it was not blood, but i worried that it was from my skin. I thought that it might be ichor from the wound. I stood up and watched the blades spin on the tile floor. I kicked one to the north. A second was spinning in the center of the room. I kicked it to the east, toward the dividing wall which was separating the room into two classrooms. I realized that there was a class on the other side of the wall. I could see the female teacher and several of the students through the wall. As the spinning blade passed under the wall. The teacher looked down at it. One of the students walked over to it to find out what it was. I left the large room and headed down the hall to the east. I thought that i could look into the other class room as i passed to see what they were doing with the blade. I thought that i had to use the lavatory. I looked over the doors in the hallway, but did not know where the lavatory was anymore. I had not been to $P7 in a very long time. This place seemed to have been remodeled recently. I knew that it was new. I walked past several classroom doors, wondering whether any of the students would be watching me as i passed. I hoped that $A253 did not go into the end room with the other students and wonder what had happened to the saw blades. I came to a junction in the hall and looked around for a lavatory. I felt as though i had to defecate. There were some chairs in the center of the hall. A woman was sitting in one. I asked here where the lavatory would be as i looked as a doorway to the south. She referred me to the door, saying that it was the gay bathroom. I walked into the door, thinking that it was the bathroom for the younger children of the school. I then realized that she had called it the gay bathroom. I wondered whether the school actually had a bathroom for homosexuals. It did not seem logical. I wondered whether i should use the room. The front of the room seemed to be covered with a sheet of clear plastic. I could see the individual stalls that lined the west wall of the room. The room was decorated with a large rainbow pattern which started at the ceiling and went down the entire wall to the floor, covering the doors to the stalls. I walked around the south end of the plastic and into one of the stalls. I thought that this was the bathroom for the younger children and wondered whether i had misheard the woman. I thought about questioning her on her use of the word “gay”. I would say “This is the gay bathroom? So, where do the unhappy go?” I then remembered that “gay” meant unhappy and joyous. I revised my question and thought i should say “Where do the depressed and unhappy people go?” I sat down on one of the toilets, but realized that i no longer had to defecate. I wondered whether it would seem strange for me to leave so quickly from the bathroom. I stood up and wiped myself. I walked back to the west. As i was heading back down the hall. I noticed that some of the people from my class were arriving at the room. They walked into the room and then left. I suddenly realized that our class was not in this building this week. I had forgotten about the change in location. The man who was in my class walked out of the room and into the stairwell in the west end of the hall. I thought that i should collect my things and follow them. They must have come back to see if anyone was in the old location. I realized that it was getting late for the class. I wondered whether i should still go.