12001 December 02

I was sitting across the table from the other man. He looked to the southeast, across the open lawn. We seemed to be on the edge of a golf course. The man said that he could see the stag. I looked to my right, out across the flat ground of the golf course. There was a man standing in the middle of the green, at the edge of the course. He had bright red hair and was dressed kind of like a clown. He seemed scary, at first. I then wondered whether he was the special one. I looked around at the others on the golf course. There were people moving in all directions. I spotted the man with the dark-purple hair and the blue face. I thought that he might be the bad one. I felt cautious of him as i continued walking to the west. $Z was carrying the ladder behind me and to my right. We had to return the ladder to the other side of the golf course. There was a tall wooden fence along the western edge of the golf course. I thought that the ladder went on the other side of the fence. We would have to push the ladder over the fence and lower it so that it was leaning against the fence from the other side. I thought that me mould have to put it back the way that we had found it so that no one would know that it had been gone.

12001 December 03

I moved around on the southern side of the small hotel room. There was a large bed along the east wall. It seemed to be covered with an orange and brown spread. My grandfather was lying down in the middle of it. This room seemed to be his room. I had been in a second room to the south. I seemed to open up a dresser drawer on the south side of the room. I was then walking to the south, down the main corridor on the outside of the hotel, which was to the west of the room. A second building of the single-level hotel was to the south of me. The building seemed dark brown and black. I walked into a room there. I knew that my grandfather did not want to leave his room. I felt annoyed with him, thinking that he should have died when we were on the trip. It seemed wasteful that he died once he had returned home. I was then walking back to the north. I wondered whether the police would suspect i had something to do with his death. I knew that they must realize that my grandfather had died after we returned from the vacation, not while he was with me on the vacation. I then thought that it was good that he had finally died. He had been sick for so long. I tried to focus on what had happened, but i could not. I just felt it would have been better if he had died on the trip.

12001 December 04

My father said something as i looked at the telescope in the center of my parents’ bedroom. I had just come from the other section of the house, to the east. My parents were in the process of redesigning the house. I pictured the large cubicle wing of the house to the east of us. It seemed very much like the section i was in. It seemed to be connected to the west side of the house by a shorter section which ran between the two white cubicle sections on the north side. My father was sitting on the foot of the bed, which was against the north wall, and my mother stood in the doorway of the bedroom, to the east. I looked down at the telescope and made a comment that this section of the house was getting to be like the section to the east. I asked them whether they had planned it that way. I looked at the white telescope again and then back to the people that were standing against the east and south walls. We were in the small airplane. The people had been trapped by something. I was crowded in with them. The steward stood in the doorway to the east. She told us about the Grand Canyon, over which we were passing. I thought that it was probably Hawaii. I noticed the face of a woman, who was standing in the southeast corner of the room. She seemed concerned as she stood in the crowd of people. I thought that we were being trapped by something that had happened on the ground. We could not actually see the sights below because of we had been captured. I turned to the east and started walking down the street. I then realized that this seemed out of place. There was a man standing in the street. He was looking at the people who were standing to the south of him, on the sidewalk. The people on the sidewalk were short and deformed. I realized that they were the artificial people. The real people were on the airplane. These people represented the bad part of them. I walked to the east, watching some of the short figures as i moved. I then saw a woman with red hair appear on the sidewalk to the west of the three pale dwarves. She was wearing a dark jacket, and i realized that she was the woman i had seen on the airplane. I felt suddenly concerned. Other people started appearing on the sidewalk. These were the real people. Something must have happened on the airplane. They should not have been returning to this place. Only their bad part was supposed to be here. I walked toward them, wondering what could have gone wrong. We were in a pub, and the bar was to the south of us. I walked to the bar and looked at the people around me. They started talking to each other. I then noticed the man to the east. He looked very unhappy. He was tall and thin, and had fuzzy grey hair on the sides of his head. He was wearing a light-coloured tee shirt and a denim jacket. I was standing on the west side of a small round table as he approached me. He seemed to be directing his attention to me. As he came to the other side of the table, he pointed a thin sword at my chest. I felt annoyed with him, knowing that he could be very dangerous. I asked him why he was threatening me with the sword. He touched the point of the sword to the left side of my chest, right over my heart. I could feel a tension in my chest. I told him not to point the weapon at me and tried to move the tip. I became suddenly afraid that he would stab me. I moved the sword away with my right arm, but he moved it back to my chest. I then grabbed the blade and tried to move it to the right again. I could not seem to keep the sword from my chest, and i felt a discomfort near my heart.

I drove to the west, around the slow curve of the road to the north. I was on my way to visit some relatives. It seemed that my mother was already there, and i was going to meet her. This place seemed familiar. I had driven to this town a long time ago, and i thought that i might remember the way. As i came into the small town, i noticed that the road ahead of me was under construction. I wondered whether i would be able to get around the work and find the house for which i was looking. The house was on the north side of the road. I turned to the north, onto a small side street of the rural town. I thought that i could follow the side roads around the construction. I followed the narrow street up the steep hill over the town and ended up on the other side of the construction. I continued down the main road to the house. As i turned to the north, i crossed the main room of the house. There was a large window on the back wall of the room. The wide yard behind the house went down hill slightly as it ran to the northwest. I could see the back side of the red brick buildings, which seemed to be on the near side of the central courtyard in the city. There was a small cubical building just in front of the brick building. I thought that it looked like the tower at $P52. I thought that it must be a small replica. I pointed it out to the other person, who was standing to the east of me, in front of the large window which was in the north wall of the room. As i looked more closely at the small stone building, i realized that it did not look that much like the tower at $P52. It was really just a small stone well with a roof supported over it. The roof was green and appeared to be made of old copper shingles. I continued down the road to the west, thinking that i had to get to the house in the small town so that i could meet my relatives. I followed the road around the slow curve at the beginning of town. I remembered that the house was on the north side of the road, but i was having trouble orienting myself while traveling around the curve. I was no longer sure in which direction i was traveling. I looked at the small houses on the right side of the road, but i was not sure which part of town this was. I should recognize some of this, but, though it was all seemed familiar, it was not recognizable. There were houses on both sides of the street which were set back from the road. They all had long green lawns, though it felt like winter here. There were a few large trees planted along the edges of the road. As the road started to straighten out, and it seemed as though i was heading to the west again, i noticed a fire in the middle of the town, ahead of me. I felt suddenly concerned. I thought that the town might be on fire. I leaned out the window of the car to get a better view. I thought that i might have to take one of the side roads to the north to travel around the fire. I saw a small pine tree burning in front of one of the house on the south side of the road. I felt uncomfortable. Something seemed very wrong.

I walked out to the road in front of my parents’ house. There was construction work being done, and the road was covered with dirt. I turned to the east and started to walk down the road. The surface of the road was covered with small sticks which had been stood vertically in the pavement. I looked at the sticks as i passed and saw that each of them was covered with a small white sticker which had a number on it. Each part of the road was sectioned and numbered so that it could be reconstructed later. I thought that the numbers had something to do with the clearing across the street, to the south. The construction crews were clearing the land for something. I thought that they might be putting some now houses in on the land. I continued to the east until i noticed the toys in the middle of the road. There were several model cars and houses. I thought that this might be a miniature plan for the new development. There was a woman standing to the southwest of me suddenly. She started to scold me for something. I felt hostile toward her, as though i had been threatened by her in the past. I walked away from the road, ignoring her. I walked into the house of $A29 and $A31 to get away from the woman. I was angry with her. I thought that i should take something from the model in the middle of the road. I could fold it into a piece of cardboard so that the woman did not see it. I turned around and started out of the house, but stopped at the door and asked $A31 if i could get a piece of cardboard. I told her that i needed it for a project. She said that she had something else which might do. I wanted to smuggle the things out of the house. I felt vengeful, and wanted to take what i could.

12001 December 06

It had something to do with an alternate future. I knew that the people had come back from the future to make alterations in the past. I felt excited about the idea as i looked over the things in the room. I had been staying here. This house belonged to $F14 and $F30. The room was small, with tall white walls and a polished wooden floor. I thought about the scenario from Star Trek as i collected the rest of my things. I had to get going. Something was going to change. I felt a little strange about leaving so soon. It seemed that it would be getting dark, and i knew that i had a long way to travel to get back home. I pictured the late-autumn scenery around the house. We seemed to be in an old house in the middle of a suburban area. There were many leafless trees growing over the roofs. The sky was cloudy and grey. It seemed bright, but the sky was growing dim as the sun started to set. I knew that i had to travel to the northwest, and i pictured the highways which ran to the northwest of where i was. It seemed that there was a cloverleaf intersection not too far away. I then looked back at the short bed along the east wall of the small room. I had already placed several of my things onto it. There was a wooden doorway on the east end of the south wall. Everything in the house seemed very narrow. There was a thin wooden dresser to the west of the doorway. It was stained medium brown. $F30 was standing in the middle of the room, watching me pack. I felt slightly uncomfortable with him watching me. It seemed as though i there was something unusual about me leaving. I pulled something from the dresser and placed it in my blue backpack, which was on the white cushion under the window on the east wall. I remembered this scene from somewhere else. It had something to do with the time travel. I felt bad about leaving, but knew that i had to leave this place and get home. There were items of clothing and other things on the floor of the crowded room. $F30 walked around me and out the door. I followed him, checking the time on my watch. I mentioned to someone that it was too late for me to get home before dark. I looked to the west, down the street in front of the small house. The sky was already dark, but had hints of red along the grey clouds on the horizon. I then looked to the west at the small white house. It was not the one from which i had just come. Above me, there were black telephone lines stretching from the wooden pole on the street to the house. The house was short and plain, with white cement walls. The north side of the house was square, and i could not see any windows. There was a smaller section on the south side of the house. The front door was on the east side of this section. The house seemed run down, with trees and bushes crowding in from all sides. I traced the television cable from the tall brown wooden pole to the edge of the house. I remembered that this had not been hooked up earlier. I thought that the man must have come to finish the connection. I then realized that there were two lines running to the house. I thought that $F14 must have ordered digital cable. The extra line was for the special service or internet connection. I wondered when the man had come. I did not remember seeing him. I thought about the basement of the house, where i had just been. The wires probably ran through it, and i tried to image the connection.

12001 December 07

The man walked past me on my left. He was talking about the baby. I knew that it was not quite human. Only one of its parents was human. The other was some form of alien. I knew that the baby had been brought up and was now old, but i could see the man carrying it in his arms. This was part of a story. Then i saw the alien walking past. I could not get a clear look at anyone in the house as that walked in front of me. I then saw the old woman sitting in the chair. She was the old version of the baby. She looked like a Scaran, from the television show Farscape, but she was dressed like an old english nanny. She was wearing a pink summer dress with white lace around the shoulders. On her head was a white wig. Horned-rimmed glasses were on her face, and she seemed to be sitting with an old white leather purse in her lap. She was telling a story to the audience. I watched her as she spoke, but i could not hear anything. The story seemed very odd. She was different from everyone else because she resembled her alien mother. I thought that it was humourous that she was dressed as an old woman.

12001 December 08

I walked to the south of the small section of the building. There did not seem to be any walls on the building, and i could see the people standing inside. The I-beams, which held up the roof of the building, were dark. There was a young man somewhere with the people. I knew that he was important in some way. I then looked out over the large open fields to the southwest of us. The field sloped up hill slightly. There seemed to be a building to the south which was dark. The sky was bright blue, and the ground was yellowish tan. Rows of dark-green crops were growing across the hill. I started to run to the southwest, over the field. It seemed that there was something important i was running after. I felt anxious and knew that there could be a problem. $Z was running behind me and to my right. I told him that i thought i had seen someone out over the fields. I looked across the thick grass that shifted slowly in the fields. I said that there might be someone here. It seemed that we had to be cautious of the other people. They were trying to attack us. $Z asked where the man had been. I was not sure that i had actually seen anyone, but i knew that, if i had, he would be running to the southwest, over the crest of the rise. We ran after him. I stopped in the middle of the field and looked around. I knew that he had to be here somewhere. I told $Z that he could have crouched down in the grass and hidden from view. I felt that we had to be cautious. I then started moving again to the south-southwest. I followed the row of corn, which was just starting to sprout from the ground. I made a comment to $Z about the crops. It seemed that the field had been covered with grass, but i told him about the corn. I said that i was familiar with it. We then stopped again. We were standing to the northeast of another large building. I looked to the south, along the east side of the building, trying to find the man. I knew that he was out there somewhere. Our attention was then drawn by the airplane coming at us from the east. I looked up to see the small World-War-II fighter swoop toward us from the southeast. It released a large bundle of branches as it turned to the north. I stepped forward, to the south, as the bundle tumbled to the ground behind me. I could see the stiff palm leaves that were tied into the bundle. I remembered that the planes had dropped these packages before. They did not have good aim. We simply had to move so that we did not get hit by the branches. I turned to the northeast. There seemed to be some other people running across the field. I could see the young girl sitting in the middle of the field. She had to be protected. There were others around her. I then realized that one of the planes had been hit with something. We had managed to drag it to the ground. I told $Z that we had to get to the girl before the pilot of the pane did. I started to run to the northeast. There was a large tree at the bottom of the hill to the north. It almost seemed as if there was a large light-blue wall at the north end of the field, right behind the tree. I ran down the slope toward the wall. I could see the female pilot running toward me along the base of the wall. I thought that we had to get to her. I watched the plants move past me as i ran. It seemed very easy to run fast. I then passed through a section of plants which were surrounded by four white poles. I ran under the wide green crown of the tree and came to a section where the taller grass on the north side of the field came to a corner, just to the east of the tree. The pilot was running toward me. She was wearing tan pants and a brown leather flight jacket. She stopped in front of me. I felt as though we had done something good to defeat the enemy and keep the young girl safe.

I looked to the northeast at the approaching car as i walked to the east along the cement walkway. The main road ran from north to south on the east of me. I was carrying a box in my hand. I felt very protective of it. I looked down at the square white cardboard box as i walked quickly to the east. I turned suddenly to the southwest and started walking down the driveway. I knew that i was carrying a brain in the box. It was part of my own. I had just had something down to my head which created two brains. I was carrying the second one. I would have to put it back into my head soon. I then wondered whether it was sanitary to simply open my head and place it back. I wondered whether it could get infected. I then thought that the brain did not have any neurons on the outside of it, so it should be safe from infection for a while. I was aware of a person getting out of a grey car in front of me. I felt cautious. I was then walking to the east, into the kitchen of my parents’ house. My father was bent over in front of the sink, picking up something from the ground. I looked at the stove and noticed that it had been taken apart. The surface of it was bare. I then looked back to the refrigerator and saw that my father had placed all of the parts to the stove in the refrigerator. He was going to bake them until the dirt fell off. My father stood up and said hello. I asked him weather he was cooking beef. I remembered that the brain i had was from the chicken. As i stood on the opposite side of the counter from him, i watched him place a coffee mug down on the counter. It landed on a small brain which was sitting in a styrofoam tray. The brain was covered with dark red blood. I felt suddenly worried that it was the chicken brain which contained part of my thoughts. He lifted the mug once he realized that he had done. I looked at the brain, noticing that part of it seemed damaged. The surface was broken on one side. I asked him whether it was the beef brain or the chicken. I was afraid that it might be the one that i needed. He said that it might be the chicken brain. I still thought that it looked like red meat.

12001 December 10

I jumped into the air and soared high above the trees. I looked down to where my mother had been standing. I could see her walking to the south, across the front yard of the small house. There were thick trees to the north of the house. I could also see the road which ran east to west in front of the house. The land below me seemed to be rotating, however, as if it were a large square hovering in space. As i looked over the dark green patches of trees and the light green patches of field grass, the land rotated so that the road was running north to south. I wondered whether my mother would notice me in the air. I knew that it might upset her to see me flying. I knew that she would worry. I looked at the short sword that i was carrying in my left hand. It was the sword from the wall of my parents’ house. I held the sword out, thinking that i should drop it back to the ground. I knew that it would stick into the dirt. I then realized how i had gone in such a short time. My mother seemed very small below me. She was wearing something red. I then shot into the sky again, rising suddenly to a much higher elevation. Everything on the ground seemed to shrink to small dots. I could still see my mother as she crossed the road. There was a small parking area on the other side where my father was standing. He was wearing something blue. There were a few cars parked in the small gravel area on the side of the road. I thought that my father had just brought something back in his truck. I wondered whether i was too far up for my mother to spot me. I should be nothing more than a speck in the sky. My attention then fell on the black power lines which stretched from east to west below me. They were suspended by light-green poles. I wondered how i had made it under the wires. I felt concerned that i had not noticed them before. I thought that i could have run into them as i was rising. I tipped forward and was suddenly much lower, to the south of the power lines. I hovered near the house. I looked to the east to see the thick canopy of conifers over my head. The tall thin trunks of the trees were bare under the canopy, with few branches stretching from them. I flew to the east, thinking that i should rise back up and get rid of the sword. I flew through the canopy of the trees and hovered in the air, looking at the sword that i was carrying. I wondered whether i should have brought it with me. I wanted to drop it, knowing that it would be safe in the dirt below.

12001 December 11

The man said something about the attacks on September 11th. It seemed as though i was in the city, near where the attack occurred. Someone was talking about it, and i felt as though i disagreed with them. There was something unsettling about the conversation. It seemed that $F21 was near me. My father then walked in front of me. I looked up from the book that i had been reading. There was something bad with the book. The information was not good. I looked at the cover of the book. It was a large paperback book, with a bluish cover. I then flipped backwards through the other covers that i held in my hand. I felt as though i had ripped these covers off some other books. I wanted them to save, even though i knew that taking the covers was not a considerate thing to do. As i flipped back through the covers, i could see that they were all books on the attacks. They had various themes. Most of them were brown and black. One had a western theme on the cover. I thought that they might be valuable some day. Several of them seemed to be worn and wrinkled. I wondered whether that would decrease their value. I knew that it would be better if they were undamaged, but i thought that i could only save what i had. I thought that the covers were shaped more like the cardboard boxes that CDs used to come in. I flipped back to the main book that i had been reading. There was something important about the book. The cover was various shades of blue, with an overlaid image of a man in the center. He seemed to be a firefighter man or a business man. There were other images around the cover which had been blended into the main collogue. The title of the book was written across the top in tall, thin, uppercase, white letters. The letters had serifs which were very rounded and short. The title of the book was “Participants”. I looked back at the smiling man in the center of the cover, thinking that he must be someone who helped in the rescue efforts. I looked down to the bottom of the cover, where the image was faded into the background. The author’s name was printed in yellow upper- and lowercase letters. The book was written by Cameron Brooks. I recognized the name, and thought that he was considered a good author. I did not think that the book was any good, though. There was something very wrong with it.

I was in the back seat of the car as we traveled to the east on the small road. We pulled off the north side of the road, right in front a small wooden house. I felt strange about being here, as if i did not really belong with this group of people. As they got out of the car, i could hear music coming from the cabin. It sounded like people jamming. I thought that i should go in the house so it might seem that i have something to do. I felt very uncomfortable with the people. I walked around the west side of the log building to see a few people playing instruments. The man with the red guitar was standing on the east side of the group, facing west. He seemed very young. I listened to the group for only a moment, before they stopped playing. I wondered whether they would play again. I wanted to do some music. I felt uncomfortable here, but i knew that i could not leave. I looked around the room. This place seemed very familiar, even though i knew that i did not belong in this place. I knew that these people were part of a closed society. I thought that they were Scouts and that this was one of their cabins. I felt uneasy near them, as though they might disapprove of me if they actually knew how i thought. The floor and walls of the large room were bare wood, and there was a large brick fireplace on the west wall. I then heard music again, but, this time, it was a cappella. I looked to the east to see a small chorus of people singing. They were all wearing black robes and looked like a baptist choir. I felt uncomfortable with these people, as though i was not supposed to be in their group. I thought that i should leave, but there seemed to be something which prevented me from leaving. We were then traveling in a car to the east, down the narrow dirt road. The car turned to the north and pulled in front of the small cabin. There seemed to be grassy fields on both sides of the road, with a line of trees bordering them along the sides of the road. I knew that the others were getting ready to go on a hike. I stepped out of the car, thinking that the trail started on the north side of the road. I remembered that i did not have my shoes with me. I looked down at my bare feet as i walked over the dry tan ground. The others walked to the north around me. I wanted to leave, but knew that i did not have a ride back to the west. I told the others that i would have to get my shoes out of my car. I then realized that i was wearing my shoes. I looked down at the black walking shoes that i was wearing.

12001 December 15

I walked into the building. This place seemed like a dormitory. The others were with me. It seemed as though we had just come back from some place. I felt as though i had to take a shower. The other two people with me were already in the shower room. I turned to the west and walked down the hall a short way before turning to the south, into the shower room. I felt the water spray on my clothing as i entered. I bent over to start untying my white sneakers. The pants i was wearing were dark green and baggy. I then realized that i did not have a towel with me. I had to go back to my room to get it. I turned around and walked back out of the shower room, aware that i was still wet. As long as i had my shoes on, i would be able to get back to the dorm room with little trouble. I passed the two people in the hall, thinking that they might wonder why i was all wet. I walked to the east, past the entrance hall, from where i had just come, and turned to the south into the room. There were many articles of clothing scattered around the room. I walked from the door to the west, along the north wall. There was a large bed in the center of the room with a bright-yellow spread over it. I knew that it was the guest couch. I thought that i should ask my roommate whether we could move it. It seemed to be in the way here. I looked back to the north wall to see the large dark-brown dresser. I thought that we could move the dresser and put the bed against the wall, but realized that the dresser would have to go along the side of the bed. If i put the dresser on my side of the bed, though, i might annoy my roommate, who might want to use the dresser as well. I continued to the south end of the room and started collecting things on the floor. Someone else then walked into the room. I spoke to him as i picked up a few things from the floor.

12001 December 17

I watched the wrestlers practicing to the south of me. I was standing on the north edge of the red mats. The coach was to the southwest of me, watching two of the wrestlers practice. I was watching the two men just to the south of me as two more waited to the southeast. There seemed to be more wrestlers waiting to practice. It seemed as though i was supervising the practice. I was then on the east side of the mat, watching the match. The coach walked near me and told the two wrestlers that they could start their practice. I felt slightly hurt because i thought that i was supervising the practice. I then wondered why i would be supervising. I knew that i was not part of the wrestling team. I felt suddenly out of place, wondering what the wrestlers must have thought of me for being involved in their practice. I started to feel uncomfortable here, knowing that i did not belong. I turned and walked back to the east, into the classroom where i had been before. I walked to the south side of the lecture hall and turned to the north, into the third or fourth row of wooden chairs. It seemed that the lecturer was still talking to a few of the students at the head of the room, to the west. I looked up as he tossed a small blue frisbee into the audience. It was part of the class. Everyone had a frisbee from before. I thought that i should have had mine, but i had not been paying attention. I started to collect my things to leave the classroom. Someone walked past me in the row of chairs and picked up a backpack from the seat to the north of mine. As he walked back past me, i noticed that there was still a black backpack on the chair. I asked the man, who was $Z, whether he had left his bag. $Z said that it was not his as i picked it up to examine it. I wondered to whom it belonged. The front zipper was open, and i could see a few books inside. I asked $Z about it as i looked the papers inside for some identifying feature. I then noticed a yellow credit receipt at the bottom of the bag. I started to pull it out when a man to the north of us said that the bag was his. I felt suddenly awkward. I handed the bag back to him, apologizing for going through it. I did not even realize that he was there. He seemed somewhat young, with very light-blonde short-cut hair. I turned back to the seat where i had been sitting and started to pick up the flowers that we had acquired in class. I had to be careful with them. I thought that my mother had given me a few of them. I tried to pick up all of the carefully, in one hand, as i walked out of the aisle. $Z asked me about the flowers. I said that the dill plant had come from my mother. He noticed the small ice cube floating in the water in the bottom of the baggy where i had placed the roots of the dill plant. I also seemed to be carrying a pine branch and several other cuttings. I tried to be careful with them. I put them all in the came plastic baggy as i started to walk to the west. I was on the road to the west of the town. There was a steel forested hill leading down to the valley to the west. It seemed that there was a lake below me. I knew that the lake was to the south of the town. The forest road curved to the northeast ahead of me. I turned around and started back toward town. $Z turned with me and started jogging down the hill. It was a bright sunny day, and the cars drive past. They seemed to be old cars from the fifties or sixties. I thought that i should be jogging to keep up with $Z. I then thought that i really wanted to head in the other direction. I turned around once again and started jogging away from town. I thought that i could take the right turn ahead and continue to the right. It would eventually bring me back into the town. I was on the west side of the hill, though, and the town ran down the south face of the mountain. I pictured a map in my head of the roads that ran around the west side of the mountain. I could see the road that i was on and the roads which branched off to the right. It suddenly seemed like a long distance to jog. I was worried that i would not be able to make it the entire distance. I felt tired already. I could see the roads which led to the northeast and then back to the south. The one o was on curved to the northeast into a second road, which also curved to the northeast. I could have been heading to the south on the second road, though. It seemed to be quite a way from town. This place seemed like $P25. I tried to reassure myself that it really was a long distance. I thought about the scale of the map. I looked to the south, where the streets of the city were. I noticed that they were much closer together, meaning that the loop through the forest must be very long. I thought that i should simply head back to the town to meet my mother. She had come on vacation with me while i was at the conference. I felt annoyed that she had followed me, and was not in a rush to meet her. I thought that i had to get back to the water’s edge on the lake. I pictured the roads again as i walked down the hill to the east. There were thick pine trees all around me. I then pictured the roads which ran along the water as i looked to the east, across the docks of the lake.

I hiked back into the woods, carrying the computer with me. I needed it to write with, even though it felt awkward to bring a computer into the woods. I remembered being on this trail before. I had hiked here earlier. There was a road to the south of me where i had parked my car. Someone else had been with me. I knew that the trail ran to the north, over the small ridge, which was just inside of the woods. I remembered that the land dipped down to the northeast, but the trail curved along the western side of the bowl-shaped valley. The trees were deciduous and thin. As i climbed over the ridge, though, everything looked different. The woods were much thicker, as if they had overgrown. I looked down at the tan computer in my arms. I did not want to carry it through the woods unless i was sure of where i was going. I placed it down at a sharp curve in the trail, where the trail turned back to the northeast, on the western edge of the depression. I hoped that it would be safe there. I knew that not many other people would be in the forest. It should be safe until i returned. I then looked to the northeast. I was on the west side of a small amphitheatre. The circle of stone seats curved down the hill below me, toward a small outdoor stage. I climbed down the steps of the small stadium and crossed the cement stage at the bottom. There was a man working in the area. He seemed to be talking on a portable telephone on the south side of the stage as i walked through. He seemed to be dressed in a green uniform, like a forest ranger. I wondered whether he would stop me and ask why i was there. I looked at the red wooden doors along the back of the stage. As i walked through one of them, i could see that the back-stage area was lower. I stepped down. The bathroom was to the west, along the north wall, and there was an opening to the outside to the northeast of me. I walked through the opening and looked at the large grassy fields beyond. I thought that this was all part of the national park. I stepped through the square opening in the cement structure, stepping over the dull red metal fins which lay horizontally across the ground. The fins were shaped like small wings from a plane, and had thin ridges running around their circumference. I knew that this hole was part of the old damn. The building i had come out of was an old mill, and this was there the machinery to run the mill used to be. The dirt below me was washed out in an arch to the northwest. I looked to the northeast to see that the water used to flow between the cement wall and the back of the cement building. I stepped up onto one of the dull red wings. The wings seemed almost metallic, most of their paint worn away. I was then aware of the official behind me. He had just gotten off of the phone and was curious about what i was doing. He asked if there was anything he could help me with. I told him “No.”, thinking that i was familiar with this place. I told him that i was just looking around. $A322 was then standing behind me on one of the wings. I was still walking forward over the wings, trying to head to the fields. He asked me a question, and i answered him. He was really $F24, though. I asked him whether he had seen the computer sitting in the woods still. I looked through the cement structure to the west, noticing a large parking lot on the end of the field. It was full of cars from the people in the park.

12001 December 18

I was in the middle of climbing up the north face of the white building. The building was actually a wall of drawers. All of the drawers were square and metal, with small sections cut out of the top edge of each drawer for someone to grab on to. We were using the hand spaces to grab onto the wall. The people around me seemed to be from my Tae Kwon Do class. I grabbed onto one of the metal squares with my left hand as i looked behind me at someone else on the wall. The instructor was telling us the proper way to climb up a wall. I had climbed up the wall very easily, and wondered whether i was a special case. I felt a little as though i did not need to hear the speech on how to climb safely. I knew that safety was simply logic. Someone was telling us the proper way to hook ourselves to the wall so that we did not fall. $A253 showed up how to attach the black straps to the wall. I pulled my straps out in front of me, holding the wide flat metal hook away from me. I placed the hook over the hand hold in front of me and let the strap take my weight. I wondered whether the straps would be able to support our weight. I imagine my strap breaking. The black strap them snapped, but i did not fall. I was still holding on to the wall. $A253 seemed tense as she moved away from the wall on the ground. She was going to get something to rescue me. She told the others to secure me so that i would be safe until help arrived. I did not think that i was really in any danger. I did not have a safety line, but i had easily climbed up the wall and was confident that i could simply climb back down. I told the woman, who was hanging on the wall to the west, in front of me, that i could simply jump to the ground from here. I then looked down and realized that i was higher than i had thought. It was too far down to jump. Some of the other people in the group seemed tense about the situation, but i did not think that i was in danger. I rotated my body so that my back was facing the wall. I thought that i could pull out one of the drawers of the file cabinet and sit on it. As i maneuvered, though, i realized that there were rows of retractable shelves just below one of the rows of drawers. I reached behind me and pulled one of the shelves out. The woman to the west of me, who seemed to be $A278, thought that it was a good solution to the problem. As i sat on the ledge, i was aware of $A253 scrambling to get something to help me from her car, which was parked on the road to the north of us.

I walked to the east, though the large store. I was with the group of people who were walking ahead of me. The walls of the store were white and very tall. There were several circular metal racks of clothing on the floor. Everything in the store seemed to be sports related. The store seemed very narrow north to south. I then realized that i was here with the group to rock-climb on the artificial cliffs of the south wall. I felt strange, knowing that i had never rock climbed before. Some of the others were already starting to climb up the bluish-grey strips of wall. I then heard the store clerk in front of me instructing one of the men in my group on how to clip the safety line to the black strap of the harness. He clipped the man to the safety line and turned him to the wall. The two strips at the east end of the wall were white, and i thought that they were for beginners. The man with the strap was on the eastern-most strip of wall. I turned to the instructor, hoping to be told how to be secured to the line, but he backed to the north wall, not noticing that i had approached. I realized that he was $A323. He then bent over and held out the black harness for me. I stepped in to the harness, pulling it up to my waist. I felt disappointed that he did not give me as much instruction as he gave to the others. I wondered whether he thought that i knew how to do this. Once i had the harness on, he turned and wandered away without saying anything. I felt slightly neglected. I hooked myself up to the safety line and pulled. The white line stretched, and i could hear the pulley near my feet letting out some of the line. The line seemed to have a red stripe on it. It ran up the wall to a second pulled, which was out of my sight, at the top of the wall. I hoped that the ratchet of the lower pulley was working properly. I knew that it would have to catch me if i fell from the wall. The man to the east of me had already started to climb up the easy cliff. I placed my hands into the small round holes in the wall and started to pull myself up. The holes were lined with purple plastic. They seemed very small. I was only able to stick a few of my fingers into the tiny holes as i pulled myself up. I then wondered whether i would be able to climb without using my legs. I looked down at my legs, trying to fit the toes of my shoes into the small holes. All of the holes were in a line going up the wall, and it seemed awkward to climb. I then realized that me feet kept swinging away from the wall. I could not keep my legs close enough to the wall. I thought that the angle of my arms pulling me up must have been forcing my lower body out. I was grabbing for the holes right in front of me face, and i could feel my shoulders tensing with the strain. My elbows were above me. The position seemed awkward. Shortly, i reached the top of the wall and then came down. I looked back up at the beginner’s wall and thought that i wanted to do another wall. I thought that i should try a slightly harder one. I asked one of the shop clerks where another wall was, and he told me that they were all over the store. I looked around and noticed that there were artificial cliffs on various walls of the store. I wandered into the middle of the store, noticing that there was a back section of the store to the north of me. The store was only narrow to the west. I wanted to find a relatively easy wall to climb. I walked into the large open area to the north. The walls of the large room were plain cement. The floor also seemed to be cement. There was a doorway in the north wall which led into the back of the store. I thought that there was a store room there. This place seemed like a gymnasium. There were not racks or shelves from the store. I noticed that there were stripes running down the walls where the artificial cliffs had been places. They all looked like complicated climbs. I wondered whether i would be able to do any of them. I wandered around the outside of the room, looking at the walls. I noticed a stripe by the back door and wondered whether it was an easier one. I walked toward it, but then became distracted by the others in the room. The people seemed to be playing some kind of sport in the center of the floor. I then noticed the metal arm of the machine near me. It was connected to the ceiling, and was carrying a flat piece of rusty metal. It swung the metal plate into the center of the room, to the south of me. It moved the square plate toward me and dropped it suddenly on the wooden gymnasium floor. I jumped back in alarm as the plate hit the floor. I thought that the heavy metal tile might damage the floor. I quickly moved to the east to get out of the way of the machine. I did not know what it might do next. I started to glide around the east side of the room. As i passed close to the east wall, i noticed that the wall was covered with large metal tiles. I noticed a section where the tiles had been removed by the machine. I wondered why the machine was taking the tiles off of the wall. I flew into the center of the room. The three people were still playing sports to the south of me. As i crossed to the west side of the room, the woman on the south side of the group called to me. She told me to catch her pass. I felt uncomfortable and did not want to play their games. She threw the ball at me, and i felt it bounce off of the left side of my forehead. I caught the ball in my left hand. She told me to pass it back to her. I felt like i did not belong in this game. I tossed the football poorly back to her. I knew that it should spiral as it flew, but i let it wobble. It landed short of her, and she walked forward to pick it up. The second woman was to the northwest of me, and the man was to the east. I flew to the south, on the outside of the group as they started throwing the ball to each other. I felt as though i had to make an explanation for my poor throw. I made an excuse and, in as much of a british accent as i could speak, i told her “Last time i played football, the ball was round.” I laughed slightly, as though it were a juke, flying close to her head to get the point across. She did not seem to pay any attention. I turned and flew back to the south, through the door and back into the main part of the store. I found myself in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. The room was narrow east to west, with chairs lining both the east and west walls. There seemed to be a reception desk on the south end of the west wall, just to the south of a corridor leading into the main part of the office, to the west. I looked to the south to see a group of occidentals sitting on the east side of the room. They were dressed in turquoise and white ceremonial clothes. Some of the men were wearing hats with turquoise feathers in them. I turned to look back at the door through which i had just come. I still wanted to climb up a cliff, but i could not find any. I then noticed the stripe running down the wall to the west of the door. I reached for it, but realized that it was a set of light-brown ropes with knots ties in them. It was not a rock-climbing wall. I then thought that the ropes were some sort of decoration and wondered whether they had anything to do with the occidental people. I thought that the people were somewhat special. I wondered whether they would notice me flying. I thought that they might think it something special. I looked back to the south and thought that i could push off of the wall and glide into the center of the room. I thought that i would have to be careful, though, as i did not want anyone to notice that i had to push off of the walls to get momentum. I put my feet against the door and pushed myself into the center of the room. I turned to the west and headed into the doctor’s office. There was a large formal room to the south which was very wide and very wall. It had brown walls with decorative murals. A doctor stood to the west of me as i looked into the room. He seemed to be curious about what i was doing there. I could see a climbing wall on the south wall of the room, but i thought that it might be for the executives. I wondered whether i would be allowed to climb it.

I was standing in the front yard of $P7. The yard seemed to be on the south side of $P7. There was a group of people around me talking about something. It seemed like an interesting discussion. They seemed to be talking about religious beliefs. One of the people in the crowd had a unique belief. The others seemed to be making fun of him in an argumentative way. The man walked past me, to the east, as one of the others asked him rhetorically about the religion. The second man referred to the religion as “allreligion”. Someone then joked about “allreligionbuddhism”. I could tell that the man believed in several religions together. I thought about the names that they had called the religion and thought that they did not seem correct. The religion had pieces of the buddhist belief, but was not really a part of Buddhism, so “buddhism” should not have been part of the name. The first man then starts mentioning the religious books from behind me. He mentioned the Bible and the Talmud, but fumbled with the name of a third, calling the “kurry”. I mutter the correct name, “the Koran”. One of the men from the crowd to the west then corrected him aloud. I then noticed $A46 in the crowd to the southwest of me. He was smiling at the conversation. He spoke about the new system of beliefs. I was curious and asked him what his system of beliefs was. He replied to me, but did not answer my question directly. He said something rather cryptic. I felt good about the conversation, and wondered just what $A46 had meant. I then looked up into the blue sky and noticed a lamp post floating above me. It was an old green lamp post, with vertical ridges running down the side of the main pole. The base of the pole was flared out, and the arm at the top held an oval shaped bulb which came to a point at the bottom. I watched the lamp post float across the sky. The colours seemed vivid to me. I thought that the sight was strange, but it felt somewhat mystical. There was something special in this image. I laid back onto the rich green grass and watched the lamp float over, rotating back and forth around the long axis. The cycle seemed inconsistent. The rotations changed direction with abrupt jerks. The view seemed very interesting to me, yet i knew that it was not quite logical. I wondered what it could mean as i watched the lamp start to drift to the west. I then watched it set behind the government buildings on the western horizon. The buildings seemed to be photographs which had been cropped against the sky. I could also see the head of the Statue of Liberty poking up behind one of the white domes of the buildings. I thought that this would make a memorable image. I wished that i could capture it. I then realized that the experience was over. There were no longer any people on the lawn of $P7. They had all gone back into the building. I realized that the recess must have ended. I walked to the front door of the building. As i opened the door, i quickly realized that the man with the guitar inside was singing a soft song of respect. He was on the left side of the hall as i entered. He sat to the north of a door to a room, facing east toward a wall near the main door. I could not see what was on the wall, but i knew that it was a memorial. There were people standing in other places around the hall. The man had looked at me as i entered the hall, but he continued to sing the slow song. The others around the room started singing with him. I wondered whether i should also start to sing. I walked through the crowd, heading up the short flight of stairs to the west. I came into the front hall of the building and looked around. I thought that i had to get to class, but i could not remember exactly which class i was supposed to go to. I decided that my math class was right after recess. I turned to the south and started to head for the set of stairs which went up to the second floor. I suddenly noticed that i was wearing a pair of blue pajamas on my legs. I thought wondered why i had not gotten dressed. I thought that i would tell the others here that it was part of the costume. I noticed that some of the other people were not in uniform. Someone asked me a question about where i was going, and i replied. I then noticed that the man who was just starting to climb the stairs in front of me was also wearing pajamas. I felt relieved that i was not the only one. I climbed the stairs and started to the north, down the second floor corridor. I looked at the classrooms on either side of me and realized that these were not the classrooms that i had expected. They seemed like elementary-school rooms. I could see small tables and finger-paint pictures on the walls. I remembered that the school had rearranged the location of their classrooms. The lower school had been moved to the second floor on this side of the building. I wandered to the end of the hall and started down the stairs at the end. I noticed several young students playing with a rubber ball on the floor below me. It was some kind of game. One of them spotted me coming down the first flight of stairs. I grabbed onto the polished brass railing with my left hand thought that i should hop over it and land on the second flight of stairs, which was heading back to the south. It was not that far down, and i thought that i could avoid walking through the students. I hopped over the railing, but did not land. I wondered whether the students might think it was impressive that i had taken the short cut. I started to float to the south as some of the students played below me. I then grabbed onto the edge of the first-floor’s ceiling, where the second floor ended at the edge of the stairwell, and swung my feet forward. I threw my feet forward and wrapped them around the shoulders of one of the students. The student was facing the other way. He was taller than the other students. I pulled him backwards and brought him falling to the ground. I then landed and helped him up, wondering why i was so rough with him. I knew that he had been picked on by the other students. I put my right arm over his shoulders and started talking to him, telling him that he should not worry about the other students. I said that he should not pay as much attention to their taunts. I felt a connection with him. I then left him and continued down the hall to the south. I had to find the math classroom. As i reached the end of the north wing on the first floor, just before i was heading back into the front lobby, i looked into the open classroom on the east side of the hall. There did not seem to be a wall dividing the classroom from the hall, but there were several short objects which delineated the class from the hall. One of the objects seemed to be a teacher’s desk with papers piled on top. This was $A48’s room. I knew that i would be late for class and knew that i could not simply walk into the room. $A48 would be mad at the interruption. I looked into the classroom and noticed only one student sitting at a desk. $F4 was seated in a metal framed armchair, in the first for from the hall. I looked at him through the glass in the door of the room. He noticed me and shook his head slightly, telling me that it would not be good to enter the room. I was aware of $A48 standing near the board. $Z said something from behind me. I told him that it was too late to go into the room. I walked back to the north a little, up the hall to a small round cafe table. I told $Z that it was too late to enter the classroom because it would be intruding. He then said, “Well, we can just sit in the hall.” I realized that he had said this too loud. I knew that the teacher inside would hear. As i sat down, i could see the teacher looking at us over the short dividing wall of the room. He started to walk toward us, shifting his weight with a slight limp. $F4 looked at us as we stood near the table. The teacher, $A324, walked around one of the obstacles which separated the room from the hall and walked up to the edge of the table. He was very angry, and i could see that his face was tense with rage. He spit out some disgusted words. He told us that we were not just going to sit here. He told us to pick the place. I grabbed some of the pens which were on the table in front of me and started to place them into a plastic cup. This situation did not seem real, and i did not feel concerned that $A324 was so upset with us. $Z grabbed some things from the other side of the table and started to rearrange them. I then noticed that there were people all over the halls scurrying to clean up. Someone walked to the east side of the table and placed a few dark-coloured pens into the plastic cup, which i was holding in my right hand. I stuck a few yellow highlighters in as well, but the cup was getting full. I thought that this was really a useless task, but i did it anyway. I did not feel serious about this situation. I no longer cared to follow what others thought was good. I knew that the teacher was very mad with me, but it did not seem to matter to me. I looked over the table and thought that we were finished cleaning it. A woman then ran down the hall from the front lobby, from the south, and placed an empty paper coffee cup on the table. I thought that it really belonged in the track, but i did not care to say anything. I felt annoyed that she simply placed it with the stuff that we had just cleaned up. It was inconsiderate of her. Several people were hurrying to their classes before it was too late, but i no longer cared about the situation.

12001 December 22

I walked to the north, through the living room of the house. The room seemed crowded with furnishings. My mother sat on the couch in the center of the room, which was facing north. It seemed that my father had already left the house to do something. I walked out the door of the house and looked back at the house. The house was covered with a deep layer of snow. Everything seemed grey. As i moved to the west, along the front of the house, i noticed that there were large icicles hanging from the roof of the house. It seemed strange that they had formed already, since the snow had just fallen. I wondered whether the icicles had been big enough to damage the gutters of the house. I then noticed a spot along the edge of the roof, which was at my eye level, where the large bar of ice had cracked. The bar ran the length of the roof, where the snow had started to melt. The small section that had cracked was pushed back into the roof. I could see that a section of the white gutter under the broken piece of ice was missing. I looked along the rest of the roof. The rest of the gutter seemed fine, but this piece would have to be replaced so that water did not get into the house. I then wondered whether the new gutters on the back of the house were damaged. I walked to the east. As i rounded the east side of the house, i could not remember whether this was my house or my parents’ house. I looked around the yard as i came to the south side of the house. The field to the west was featureless and white. I thought that there must be houses just over the rise, but i could not be sure. I then decided that this was my house. I looked at the back of the house to see that there was a mound of snow all the way up to the roof. I thought that the snow must have blown off of the field and gotten caught behind the house. It would make it easier to climb to the roof and try to get the icicles off. I stepped to the north and found myself on the roof of the house. It seemed too easy a climb. I had expected to walk of one of the lower roofs first. I turned around and hung my feet over the edge, thinking that i could break off the icicles hanging from the gutter with my feet. I suddenly realized that there was nothing on the back side of the house. The mound of snow had collapsed and disappeared, and i was several stories from the ground. I wondered how i was going to get down. I knew that this could not be real. I thought that this must be a dream. I then realized that i could fly in my dreams. I pushed myself over the edge of the roof and hovered in the air. I then pushed off from the house with my feet and thought about swooping down to the driveway.

I walked into the room from the street to the west. The long narrow room of the apartment was dim, and seemed to have an old shirt green carpet on the floor. I had parked my car just a little way up the street to the south. The entrance to the house was on a corner where the street turned from the south to the west. I knew that the other people who were coming here would probably have to park further up. I had gotten lucky in finding a spot. I walked into the living room, there my parents were sitting. My mother and father were sitting on a couch along the east wall. There was someone sitting on the floor near the north wall of the room. I knew that he was a relative of mine. I felt interested in him. He was wearing a tan sweater and had long wavy blonde hair. I asked him about the movie that we had wanted to go see. He said that he was still interested. I then realized that i would need a way to contact him. I asked him if he could give me his address. I felt slightly uncomfortable asking. My mother seemed concerned. He said that he did have his address and handed me a green card. The card was the size of a letter envelope, and it had small round white stickers on it. I looked at the stickers on the right hand side of the card. They seemed to be made of russian letters. I told the man that i had seen this before as i looked closely at the labels. I then realized that the labels were in pasted onto the card over certain areas. There were black lines drawn on the card which formed vertical columns with circles running down them. It looked like a standardized-test form. The white stickers covered the proper places on the form. I started to walk back to the east, looking at both sides of the green card. I could see that it was covered with stickers of all different shapes. Many of the stickers had writing on them. As i came to my spot, between where the man was sitting and the couch where my father was sitting. I asked him why there was not more russian writing on the card. I then spotted some dark blue letters near where the stamp for the letter would go. The letters were stamped onto the envelope with a rubber stamp. There was another set of russian letters to the right, in black ink. I quickly tried to pronounce the russian as the man replied to my question. I realized that i could not pronounce it as well as i had been able to. I looked at the letters in blue and tried to read them more slowly. The word started out with “Trad”. The man then said something about his car. I remembered that he still had to park his car near the street. I looked out the window to see that someone had just pulled away from the curb in front of the house. The man said that he could go to get his car. I then noticed a car coming down the street from the south. The small black car put on its yellow blinker to signal that it was going to turn into the parking space. I thought i could also bring my car closer to the apartment. A tall man with short blonde hair walked from the car and into the parking spot. I thought that he was holding it for the man in the car while the others cars drove by. The man was wearing an off-white sweater with blue denims. He glanced back at the car as something started to move on the north side of the street. I turned to look at the man next to me, who was still talking about getting his car. I then glanced back out the window. The small black car had driven over the curb and was just disappearing into a garage door of a building on the north side of the street. I thought that the man outside the car must have gone to open the garage door. The black door closed and a second vehicle started to maneuver on the sidewalk in front of the tall red brick apartment. I remembered that my father had told me about the large blue truck which belonged to the people next door. He said that it was also a motorcycle which detached from the main part of the truck. I could not picture the vehicle in my mind. I thought that the black car certainly did not seem to be part motorcycle. I looked back up the street to the south to see that many of the parking spaces were now empty. I thought that people must have all left at once when the working day ended. I thought that i could easily move my car down the shallow hill to a spot right in front of the apartment in which we were standing. The man with me was going to get his car from somewhere and drive it here. I walked up the street, thinking that i could let my car simply roll down the hill. I was then aware of a car on the sidewalk, in the corner of the turn. It was a large blue truck. It was backing toward me at the edge of the road. I thought that the owner was parking it right in front of the apartment. Our apartment was on the east side of the corner, and there was still an open parking space in front of it. I looked at the back of the truck again. It looked shiny and new, sparkling in the daylight. There were chrome details around the frame of the truck. I then noticed that the center of the truck’s bed was different from the rest of the truck. It was the motorcycle. It had a very wide tire which rested on the road in the middle of the truck. The cap on the back of the truck hid the top part of the bicycle. The bicycle looked like it was designed to fit into the truck. I knew why my father had found it so interesting. As i turned to walk up the street to the south, i was aware of a man reaching over the back of the truck to secure something. He was the owner of the truck. I thought about talking to him. I then realized that i did not understand the language here. I knew that i was in Paris. I glanced at the white house to the east as i walked up the street, imagining that the man had asked me a question. I knew that he would be asking me to move my car so that he could fit his truck on the curb, but he would be asking in French. I would naturally reply with “pardon” because i would not understand him. I pictured myself realizing what i had said, making the man think that i understood French. I would then have to rephrase my words. I thought that i could tell the man, in French, that i could not speak French. I thought about this as i walked to my car.

12001 December 24

I started to ride my bicycle down the hill, to the west. This road ran to the center of town. I was on the sidewalk on the north side of the road. I noticed that the road to my left was rough dirt. It was under construction. There was a line of cars traveling up the hill which were slowing down due to the construction equipment behind me. I was gliding down the hill from my apartment. I then realized that i would have to come back up the hill. I did not want to have to wait in the line of traffic on the hill. I decided that i could turn to the north at the next block and make a loop in the other direction. I knew that it would take longer, but i thought that it was a nice sunny day. The sky was very blue, and the trees along the sides of the road were thick green. As i approached the street where i was going to turn, a man flew past me on the street. I looked at him. He was wearing a brown shirt and blue pants. I was suddenly excited to see him. I realized that i had never seen someone else flying. I was usually the only one who could. I exclaimed aloud, “Awesome.” I started to turn the corner, noticing that the man was also heading in the same direction. I wanted to keep up with him, but i was not sure that i could on a bicycle. I started to pedal when i noticed that there was a large green park on the west side of the road. The park was covered with thick green trees. It stretched down hill a way. I also noticed that there were many people sitting in the park enjoying the weather. I thought that the man must have known about the park. I felt excited to see the people as i rode past. I thought that they must be from the college. It seemed exciting to me that they would all be young. I then looked to the north to see the other man on the bicycle ahead of me. I started to pedal after him, placing my hands on the brown curved handlebars of my bicycle. The handlebars felt strange. They brushed against the insides of my forearms, as if they were too wide for me. I was catching up to him. He was not moving as fast as i was able to. I stopped pedaling and tried to slow down, but i realized that my brakes were not working. I squeezed the left handlebar, but noticed that the front brakes were not attached. I then squeezed the right, hoping that the back brakes would slow me. I looked at the light-blue shorts that the man was wearing as i approached. I was too close to him. I mumbled “Fuck fuck fuck.” as i tried to slow the bicycle. The man looked around at me. He was $A325. He stopped his bicycle and turned around to greet me. I asked him how he was and said hello.

My grandmother entered the parking garage through the entrance on the east side of the north wall. I was floating toward the building after her. I knew that i would not bee able to go through the gate of the building, but i thought that i could fly to one of the upper floors and sneak in. I flew around to the east side of the building, looking at the dull-yellow grate that covered the second floor. I thought that i could squeeze through the grate, but i knew that i had to make it to the upper floors. In the center of the east wall was a square stairwell. I knew that my grandmother was climbing it to the top floor. I started to circle the stairwell, slowly climbing upward. I would have to squeeze through the grate at one of the upper floors. As i circles, i noticed a guard standing in the stairwell. I wondered whether he noticed me flying around the building. I came to the top floor and looked out at myself. I was hovering just outside the grate on the upper floor. I moved toward the grate as i watched myself do the same from the outside. The grates on this floor were of a different pattern than on the lower floors. The spaces between them were narrower. I was not sure that i would be able to squeeze between the bars. I watched myself try as i became aware of a guard calling up from one of the lower floors. We had to hurry. I looked up noticing that the curved grate over the top of the stairwell also had very narrow slits. I then realized that i was inside the building looking at this. I had made i through the grates. I wondered how i had done it. I quickly turned to the west and tried to set up. I had to get this done before the guards realized that i was in the building. There was a small pointed structure in the middle of the floor. It was dark, and there was a ball on the top of it. I remembered that i had brought the ball with me. There was something special about it. Someone was approaching the small tower from behind me. I moved in his way, but he knew some martial arts. He threw his arm around the front of my neck and started to pull me back. I quickly tuned away from him, thinking that i could slip out of his grip. I then reached my arms out toward the small tower. There were two points on the top of it, with a white ball on the left one and a black ball on the right. The balls seemed to shimmer with inverse shades. Thee balls zoomed into my hands as the man started to push me out of the way. I felt amused by his wrestling, but knew that i had to keep the balls safe. As i broke free from the man and stepped back to the east, i held the balls in front of me. They merged into a single ball. It was the ball that i had been carrying up to the building.

I was in the school of wizardry with the other person. Someone had done something, but we could not let them succeed. I watched as some of the people moved through the white halls of the school. The other person was working with me. I watched him grab the handle in the control room and pull it down. It would cause the ruin of the other person’s project. An adult from the east side of the room then turned around and looked at the boy who was pulling the handle. He asked him what he was doing here. Everyone in the control room was wearing white. The boy was also wearing white. The man mentioned the boy’s name. I then saw the name appear over the leaver. The name was “Bolt”. I was disappointed that the boy had been caught. I knew that he was acting for the good off the school. The other boy had done something dishonest, and was trying to accomplish a task. We could not let him complete his project. The teachers did not understand that we had to sabotage his project. I then saw the black computer screen on the north wall. There were names flashing across it. I realized that they were not sure who the boy in the control room was, so they were searching all of the names which contained the word “bolt” in it. I hoped that they did not discover the boy who was working with me, but i knew that he was the only one named “Bolt” in the school.

12001 December 25

I was riving the car down the suburban streets. Thee person had given us directions. I could picture the map in my head as i drove. We had to head up the streets to the north, which would eventually bring us in a loop back to the highway which led south, out of town. I started to wonder why we did not simply get onto the road to head to the south. I felt that we had taken many of these long loops to get to where we were going. Someone had given me directions to follow the mp, but the map took a very round-about way off getting to where we needed to go. It seemed like it took a very long time. I could not understand why we were following the directions.

12001 December 27

I moved through the crowd of people at the party. There were many people here that i knew. I started to head to the west-northwest when i noticed that i was in the back of the canoe. Me glided smoothly over the surface of the lake. It was dark out, but we were able to see everything around us. The water in the lake was very shallow, and there were other people standing around talking in it. A man moved toward the canoe from the south and tried to grab the handlebars which were in the middle of the canoe. The handlebars were metallic, with white rubber grips. I thought let him try to steer the canoe for a moment, but the woman who was sitting in front of me got angered that he touched the handles. She wanted full control over the handlebars. I felt annoyed with her. I wanted to steer the boat as well. The man in the bow of the boat continued to paddle while the woman steered u to the south. We came ashore on the sandy beach and everyone got out of the boat. I felt annoyed that she would not let me use the boat and walked to the west. I was in the house again, where the rest of the people were gathered for the party. I turned down the narrow hall and walked too the south. I felt suddenly tense and thought that there might be something wrong. I then wondered whether anyone would believe me if i said anything. I followed it around the corner and headed east for a moment before turning to the north and walking into the small room. There were people sitting around a small round table just inside the room. They were all very quiet and were watching the television on the north wall. The television had a black screen. I suddenly became concerned that something had happened. I asked what was going on, and the television flickered to a commercial. I realized that the television was between shows. The people looked at me. I told them that i thought that something major had happened in the world. I was concerned with thee silence of the television, thinking that they were about to change to a special report. $F12 sat on the northwest side of the table. I wanted to talk to him, but i did not think that i should interrupt the group further. I stepped out of the room, feeling sad that i could not talk to $F12. There were then some people to the north of me. I was talking to $A326. He was very happy as we spoke. There was also someone else there whom i knew. $A326 then turned and started to speak to $A36, who was standing to the north of us. I spoke to someone else in the crowd. I felt comforted to have these people around.

12001 December 28

I was talking to the other person in the middle of $P39. I was on the south side of the quadrangle as the other person stood in the middle. I started to fly, thinking that it would be fun to fly over the quadrangle. I jumped into the air and hovered for a moment. I wondered what the other person would think of my ability to fly. I then swooped down and flew to the buildings on the east end of the quadrangle. I paused in the air, thinking about the sensation of flying. I thought that there should be a sense of free fall as i dove toward the ground. I turned back to the west and dove again, swooping down and up over the center of the quad. I concentrated on the feeling, but did not think it was that strong. I thought about going up once i reached the west side. I soared up into the sky until the ground below me was very far away. I wondered again what the other person thought of my ability. I then left myself fall to the ground, trying to feel the weightless sensation. I could feel it in my abdomen, but it did not seem strong enough. I willed myself to fly to the east again as i approached the ground. I flew in an arch to the south, around the edge of the quadrangle and into the building to the south. I was in the laboratory building. There was a class about to start here, but i was doing something for work. I was sitting on the floor in the hallway, trying to do something. I suddenly realized that the class to the west of me had started. The people were doing warm up exercises. I stood up and walked to the edge of the large room. The room was full of people who were practicing Tae Kwon Do. They were arranged in a large block formation which filled most of the room. I wanted to run to the north side of the room to join the back of the group, but the block of people was moving right near the door so that i could not walk through them. I saw $A253 leading the class from the west side of the room. I was then in the northwest corner of the room. The group had finished their movements and were getting ready to do a second. I stood in the back of the group, ready to start with them. The man who was leading the group said that we were to do Tae Kook 4. He was not our normal instructor, and i thought that he did not know exactly what our forms were. We had only learned Tae Kook 1 through Tae Kook 3. I thought that he probable meant for us to do the next highest form we knew, but i remembered that we did know Tae Kook 4 as a later form. I decided that we were doing the later form. The man called the start command and i stepped into the first move. I quickly realized that everyone else in the room was doing a different form. $A326 was doing the form just to the east of me. She looked at me as she continued through the movement. I felt frustrated. I did not know what i was supposed to do, so i stopped and stood, waiting for the next form. I was discouraged by the new teacher. He was not familiar with what we had been doing in class. I was then on the southwest side of the room as the others finished their form. I started to run through the form that they had just done slowly. I was not part of the group, and i felt out of place here. There was a corridor to the west. I thought that i could walk into the corridor to practice the form while the man talked to the class. Instead, i backed into the small room to the south and started doing the form slowly. There were some other people in the room, but they did not seem to be using the entire room. The instructor outside told the class to do a few more things. As i moved through the form, i was aware of a man standing to the east of me. I turned to look at him as he approached me with his right hand extended. He had light-blonde hair and was wearing a light-tan sweater. He seemed to be interested in the fact that i was practicing Tae Kwon Do. He said that his group was practicing wrestling. I smiled and told him that i liked wrestling. I asked him whether he was the club group. For a moment, i considered taking his class rather than working under the new Tae Kwon Do instructor. I was then back out in the main room with the large class. The instructor had everyone lined up in a block so that he could dismiss them. Everyone then started to leave the room. As they broke up, i watched them walk out. I noticed that a few of them were wearing coloured uniforms. A woman in a green uniform walked in front of me. I thought that she must be a green belt. Her school must change the colour of the uniform with the belt. The large group was made up from different schools. I felt uncomfortable with them. This was not the group that i had normally practiced with. I thought that $A253 was no longer able to teach us. I wondered whether i should practice with the wrestlers.

12001 December 29

I was part off the acting group which was practicing the play in the small theatre. $A200 was directing us as we read through out lines in the small room. I did not have my lines memorized, but i realized that we should have started already. I felt as though we had abandoned this play once before and were now going back to it. I had a large amount of time to learn the lines, but i never read the play like i had intended. I flipped through the pages of the stapled script. My lines were highlighted in green. I had a few lined at the very beginning of the script which i read through. $A200 told us to start acting. I flipped through the script, trying to find the first page again. I recited my first line from memory, hoping that i got it correct. I finished the line before i could find my place in the script. There was then a long pause. I looked to the south, at the other actor who was leaning forward on the edge of the object. He was $A211. He caught my glance and stood suddenly upright, thinking that he must have the next line. I was not sure that i had completed all of my lines, but i had to let him continue. I flipped through the script again, looking for the front page. $A200 stopped us and asked us to do the scene again. He seemed annoyed at our mistakes. I walked to the northwest, under the wooden two-by-four, which was part of the stage structure. $F16 asked me whether i had lost my place in the script. I told him that i had. As i stopped at the edge of the wooden platform, i found the first page of the script and started again. I read my part with emphasis, as though i was addressing a crowd: “Excite yea, those who come, yea Cheneys, those who enter this thesbitarium.” The type was in helvetica, and the last word was written at the end of the stanza in faded letters. I knew that the last word was referring to the theatre that we were in. The other person then continued. $A200 stopped us again. He seemed confused. He asked why we had not skipped to the next part. I realized that he had thought that a section of the script had been omitted. I remembered that we had been working under the other director for a while before $A200 took over. I knew that the other director had not omitted any of the text. I looked over $A200’s left shoulder at his script. There was a large block off text on his right-hand page which had been outlined in pencil and then scribbled out. I flipped through my script and realized that i was supposed to finish the long speech which an announcer should have started. This part was not highlighted in my script. I thought that i would have to learn it. For not, i simply read the last part of the text.

I could hear the rain coming down on the room of the house. I thought that the weather would be too wet for us to go to New York City. I was then unsure how much rain was falling. I could not tell whether the sound of the water was from the rain or my father in the shower below me. I asked my mother if it was really raining outside as i followed her off of the bus. As i walked down the steps and came to the curb, i suddenly wondered how i had gotten onto the bus. I was unaware that i had been traveling and was surprised to have found myself on a bus. It was grey out, and there was a light rain falling. I opened my small black umbrella and started to walk down the sidewalk to the south-southwest. My mother followed. I was walking rather fast, but my mother tried to keep up. I asked my mother whether we were still going to New York City. She said that it did not seem like we would be going. I started to jog. I felt disappointed. I thought that we had been planning the trip for a while. It was disappointing to have to cancel it now. I then decided that i could simply drive home. I knew that i did not have anything better to do. As i jogged, i noticed a plume of water spurting from the left side of the road ahead of me. I looked down the hill to see a red fire hydrant shooting water from its top. The column of water was perfectly straight as it rose. Near the top, it opened up into a perfectly smooth bubble which wrapped back down. It was shaped like an inverted rose bud. I watched it shift as i approached.

12001 December 30

As i drove to the west, the person in the passenger’s seat said that we needed to head back for something. We had just passed the large brown building, which seemed to be a school. I turned the car to the south, up the gravel driveway, toward a white picket fence. I was turning the car around so that we could get back to the school. As i pulled up next to the fence, i noticed a dog in the yard of the small white house. There seemed to be many small shrubs around the edges of the yard. The dog was a golden retriever, and it started to growl as we stopped. The woman next to me seemed to be worried that the dog was going to attack us. I knew that it could not do anything to the car, so i ignored it. I also thought that the dog would not leave the yard I backed the car up slightly and then drove it close to the fence again. The dog tucked its ears back and lowered its head as it snarled at us. I knew that it would not do anything. I noticed the headlights of the car on the white picket fence as we started to back out again. I turned to the west and drove down the gravel road. It formed a triangle with the driveway and the main road. I drove to the southwest, coming out in the small room where the others were gathered. $A85 was there. He greeted me and started to ask me some questions. This place seemed like $P19. I asked him if he wanted to come up to my room I said that i thought that it would be more private, so we would be able to talk more. He agreed and followed me as i led him to the west, down the hall to the stairs. I explained that the people in the house needed to have someone else stay in the room, so i agreed to live there. I felt strange about living in the house. It seemed that i was too old for this place, but i was still staying here. I felt uncomfortable about being in the house as i walked into the living room of my grandfather’s house on $P12. $A85 was standing in the middle of the living room as i walked to the east, into the television room. I started to float over the floor of the room. I wondered whether the other person in the house could see me flying. I hovered in the room. I felt uneasy yet excited. I noticed that there was a window in the south wall which had the drapes open. I thought that i should close the drapes so that no one else could see me flying. When i looked at the window, though, i noticed that it simple looked into the next room. I could see the light from the room i was in falling across a green arm chair in the next room. I thought that the person standing in the living room, to the east, could probably see the light on the chair through the doorway to that room.

12001 December 31

I just woke up in the small bedroom of the house with $F4. It was very early in the morning, and i was sleeping in the bed against the east wall. $F4 was in the other small bed against the north wall. I felt very strongly toward him, and wanted to hold him. For a moment, i thought that he had come over to my bed while i was sleeping. I lay on the bed, trying to remember what had happened. I thought that i must have dreamed that he came aver to my bed. I tried to fall asleep again. When i awoke the second time, i looked around the room to see if i could find $F4. I still wasn’t sure whether i had been dreaming. I saw him sleeping on the bed against the west wall. He had moved in the night, but i could not be sure that he had come over to my bed to hug me. I knew that this was simply a dream i had, but i could not be sure.

I was at the conference in the large college. I stood outside one of the large buildings, trying to decide to which session i should go. I knew that i had to be on the other campus for something later in the day, but i did not know haw i was going to get there. There was a large white modern building to the north of me and a long tan building down a short hill from me, to the west. There seemed to be another building to the east, but the south was open, as though it was a parking lot. The older man was talking to me as i glanced behind him, at the green grass of the sporting area on the other side of the parking lot. The man said that i would need to go down the hill to the east to get to the next session, but i did not think that he was correct. I walked away from him, heading to the west, to where my car was. As i approached my car, i realized that the others were already in it. The car was a small light-tan Rabbit. It was in the middle of the parking lot, in front of the large white building. The car was facing to the east, and i walked up to the passenger’s side. The people in the car seemed to be indian. I had told them that they could borrow my car, but i now felt as though i wanted the car to myself again. I would not be able to drive, so i opened the back door of the car and slid into the crowded back seat. The people inside shuffled around so that i could fit. I felt upset and wanted the car to myself again.

I was in the hall, which seemed to be on the first floor of the north wing of $P7. The man punched $A327 in the face, and $A327 fell to the ground just outside the door of the classroom. I did not know exactly what to do. I felt worried about him, but i did nothing to help him. I looked to the east to see the others in the classroom. They did not seem to notice what was going on. I then spotted the magazine on the ground, just outside the door. It had an article in it about thin people, with a picture of $A327 on the cover. He was very skinny in the photograph, as though his features were exaggerated into bone-like shapes. It looked very unhealthy, and i though that he was very fragile. I worried that the man might have broken him when he hit him. I looked back at $A327, who was lying on the floor, unconscious. There was blood dripping from his mouth, and i thought that there might be some internal bleeding. I was very worried about him. I picked up his light form and carried it to the lower floor, where the nurse’s office was. I called out for a medic. I walked into the small office with light-blue walls. The room had an examination table in the center of it, but did not seem to have any other furnishings. The nurse was walking toward the room as i looked back at the door in the north wall. I knew that she had the austral woman with her. “We don’t know what happened.”, i told the nurse as i laid $A327 on the table. He seemed very small now. I felt his chest for a heart beat, but i could not feel anything. I picked up his arm and tried to feel for a pulse. His features were so small and thin. He no longer seemed human. I could see the lines of bone down his lower arm. He was then conscious, standing up at the edge of the table. I thought that he must not be real. I thought that he was really a toy. I was holding him in my arms as i looked at him in front of the table. The lower half of his body was folded back, as though he had just been pulled from a package. He started to wake up, and he was now back on the table. I still felt worried, but i was aware that this was no longer a real situation.