12002 December 03

I jumped out over the smooth surface of the water and floated to the south, leaving several other people on the north shore. I suddenly seemed to be very high over the water, looking down at the rectangular pond. The lake was in the bottom of a gorge, with steep reddish-brown cliffs to the east and south. There was a narrow ledge around the edge of the lake at the bottom of the cliffs. I knew that there would be several people walking on the paths of the ledges on their way to the event. I floated up to the top of the cliff on the southern end of the pond. I felt frustrated, as though there was something that i should be doing, but i did not know what it was. I thought that i should clean up the rocks on the top of the cliff, but they were too solid. I felt that i had to do something, but i could not get anything done. I felt frustrated, aware that others were gathered along the northeast corner of the pond. There seemed to be something wrong. I had to do something. I pulled on the rocks at the edge of the cliff, and they broke away and fell to the ledge below. I hoped that there were no people walking around the south edge of the pond where the rocks fell. It seemed that all of the people should have walked from the southwest to the gathering on the northeast corner of the pond. I floated back from the cliff and looked down at the lake. I could not seem to concentrate on what i was doing. I looked down into the dull blue water. It seemed very deep. I could see stone features under the surface of the water where the cliffs ran straight down from the shore. There was something very special about the deep water.

12002 December 08

I left the rest of my family and traveled south, across the main street of the small town. This town seemed like $P95. As i crossed the road, there were several other people crossing with me. I was on my bicycle, though, so i could not easily move through the crowd. I paused a moment, and then circled to the west to pass the pedestrians. There were small shops on the south side of the street, but most of them seemed to be closed. I was looking for something to eat, but i was unsure what i should get. I thought that i could look for some pizza. I remembered that there used to be a good place here before. I rode my bicycle slowly to the east, looking at the shops. One of the stores was faced with dull unfinished wood. It seemed old and had an open north side, as though it were a restaurant kiosk. I could see signs hanging on the south wall of the bar. I felt uncertain whether any of these places would have what i was looking for. I then realized that some of the people whom i had passed in the crosswalk were now walking right behind me. I was now holding them up. I pedaled my bicycle faster for a short distance, coming to the end of the row of stores. It now seemed that the stores were on a hill, the backs of the stores at a lower level than the fronts. I turned into the last store on the east end of the row. There was a flight of stairs running down from the east side of the store. There were wooden half walls on both sides of the stairs. The stairs led down to the lower level of the shopping district, which was behind the row of stores that i was looking at. I turned my bicycle to the south, but did not go down the stairs. There was a narrow ledge of floor boards to the east of the stairs. I rode my bicycle onto the ledge and came to a stop. I could not decide where i wanted to go, so i thought i would stop to think. Noticing the people walking up behind me, though, i decided that i had to get out of their way. I quickly turned my bicycle around. The woman, who was approaching me at the head of the crowd, stopped in her tracks because i had suddenly blocked the stairs. I hopped the tires of the bicycle to the west side of the stairs, where the floor of the surrounding building also formed a ledge. I was now facing east. I explained to the woman that i was just being indecisive. I said that i was looking for something to eat, but i could not decide what i wanted. I rode onto the sidewalk as the group of people walked down the stairs. I told someone that i thought about getting some pizza, but i was really not sure about it. The stores were not open late this time of year. I turned and started back to the northwest.

12002 December 09

I rode my bicycle to the south, down the suburban street. The ground around me was bare and dry, but the air did not feel cold. The houses on the west side of the road were wood, and were slightly up hill from the street. I could tell that there was someone behind me, and i felt rushed. $A103 said something from behind me. He was following me on another bicycle. I felt nervous having him behind me, and i tried to act normally. I would be making a turn to the right just ahead, so i started to raise my right hand to signal. Before i could take my hands off of the handlebars, however, the bicycle started to wobble. I was not stable enough to signal. There was a plastic grocery bag hanging on the left handle bar, and another closer to the axis on the right. I knew that $A103 would look down on me if i did not signal properly. I tried to keep the bicycle form wobbling, and i jerked my right arm as if trying to pull it from the handlebar, pretending that my hand had gotten caught under the handle of the plastic bag which hung from the curved handlebar of the bicycle. I reached the corner and turned, without signaling. I found myself on a narrow street in the middle of the city. The block buildings around me were dark grey and seemed to be warehouses and old factories. I stopped at the intersection behind the other cars. I was riding my bicycle in the left lane of traffic. I started to adjust the things on my bicycle, but the car behind me beeped impatiently. I was blocking traffic on my bicycle, and i suddenly felt embarrassed for not paying attention. I started to pedal to the west again, but i started to feel disoriented. I could not concentrate on what i was doing. I thought that i must have had too much caffeine. It was making me feel wobbly. I thought that i was better off being intoxicated on caffeine rather than alcohol. If i was stopped by the police, they would not arrest me for using caffeine. At the end of the street, i turned to the south, onto the road which headed south, toward downtown $P6. I thought that i would have to go through the city to get home. I would take the highway on the southwest side of town. I then realized that it was getting dark already. I worried that i might not be able to get home before it was too dark. I rode my bicycle to the south, on the narrow highway. I felt very uncomfortable. There was still someone on the road behind me, and i started to feel unsafe on the road. I knew that it was going to get dark soon. I then drove under the elevated roadway, which seemed like a tunnel. It was suddenly very dark. I could not see where i was going. I thought that i should have had a red light on the back of my bicycle so that the cars would not run into me from behind. I tried to concentrate on the problem, but something was not right. I was too incoherent from the caffeine to concentrate on what i was doing. I felt very uncomfortable and uncertain. I wondered how i was going to continue.

I stood in the corridor of the school, to the north of a wall of lockers. There were a few other students with me. We seemed to be to the north of a grocery store, with the entrance of the store to the southeast of us. I pulled some things out of my locker. There were some other boys to the northeast of us, standing in the hall. They were from affluent families, and were picking on us because we were normal. I felt hurt that they were picking on us, but i was defiant and would not let them know that i was hurt. I then worried that the other boys might get into my locker. I thought that i could secure my locker with a spell what would prevent anything from getting in. I then thought that they might be strong enough to do a counter spell that could get them into my locker. I opened my locker and looked at the things inside. I hoped that the snobby boys did not get into my locker. There was a small package wrapped in a white paper towel. I opened it up to see that it contained three squash muffins. I had brought them for lunch, and was glad that they were here. As i looked at them and showed them to the other person, however, i realized that there were chunks missing out of the top of each muffin. Mice had gotten into the locker and eaten part of my lunch. I felt disappointed. I spoke to $Z as i got the rest of my things together. We were on the southern side of the building, waiting for the bus to come. I had to get home. I then noticed something moving to the west. There was a wooden doorway to the west of us. It was unpainted, and the door was open to the left. There was a set of stairs which descended into the basement just beyond the door. Something had flown down the stairs. I looked down the stairs and saw a shadow on the west wall of the stairwell. It was the shadow of a raven. I knew that it was important and i told $Z about it. We had to get the bird out of the house, thought. It would be trapped in the basement. I hoped that it did not fly to the north in the basement. It would be hard for us to maneuver the bird out of the house if it flew to the north. I slowly approached the doorway, bending over as i reached my hand into the opening. I waved my hand in front of the shadow, trying to find out from which direction the light was coming. I decided that the raven was in the room on the south side of the basement. It would be easy for me to let it out. I walked into the basement, closing the door behind me so that the bird would not fly back up. I walked to the north wall of the basement and flipped the black switch to the upward position. The electric garage door to the south started opening with a rough hum. The raven was perched on several cardboard boxes in the center of the room. It hunched its shoulders and ducked as the door started to move. It then flew to the southwest, out the second garage door, which was already open. I then noticed that the door to the south of me was not open. I turned to the north and looked around at the many boxes. My bicycle was not here. I never brought it home the night before. I remembered driving it through the dark tunnel on the west side of the city. I remembered feeling disoriented. I tried hard to remember how i had gotten home.

I was in the southeast side of the class room, and the other children were sitting around me in metal-frame arm chairs. Something had just occurred it the class room. The other children to the northwest of me were from affluent families, and they were picking on my friends and me. The teacher supported their point of view as well and was talking down to me. The teacher asked me to stand up and told me to recite something. I finished something that i had been writing, as though i was not concerned with the teacher. I started to stand up as i wrote the second work of the name. I ended the word with “ies”, but realized that it was really a possessive, and should end with a “y’s”. I stood up and faced north, waiting for the teacher. The instructor asked me to list the song birds. We had just learned about the nine songbirds in class, but i knew that i could not name them all. I was not concerned that i could not answer the teacher’s questions. She walked to the west side of the room, passing the rich boys, who were chuckling at me from the back of the class. The teacher did not expect me to know the answer. she was just trying to belittle me. I then noticed that the boy, who was sitting in front of me, had turned the white sheet of paper around on his desk. There was black type on the paper, and i knew that it was the list of birds that we had been given before. The boy was trying to help me. I shook my head, letting him know that i did not want read from the sheet. I felt defiant by not answering correctly. The other woman then walked from the east, from the front of the class room. She bent over and looked at the boy with the paper. The boy leaned back, realizing that he had been caught. I thought that the woman was the teacher, but i knew that the teacher was still in the back of the class room. The woman was wearing a white sweater which had a grey swash over the right shoulder. I wondered who she was and where she came from. I then turned my attention back to the question and recited six birds: swallow, robin, sparrow, cardinal, blue jay, bluebird. I added the last two as i remembered them. Then i remembered the raven in the basement. I listed the crow with the rest of the birds. I thought that i had listed eight birds, but i was still missing two. I did not know what they were, and i was not concerned about it. I looked down at the white sheet which was still on the desk. The second-to-last entry on the list was “alternative birds”. This was a generic category for several of the smaller birds. I could not answer the question fully. The woman said that i answered the question well. I talked about it with the others as we stood on the south side of the large building. The building seemed to be a warehouse. We were waiting for the bus to take us home. I thought that i could actually bike home, but then i remembered that i did not know where my bicycle was.

I walked into the room from the west. This place was a forest, with many broad-leaf plants and ferns. The hard-plaster walls of the room were yellow, and the ceiling was white. I looked down at the polished wood floor as i closed the door behind me. The floor seemed, at times, to be made of packed dirt. I noticed something just to the right, near the bottom of a round white support column. I looked more closely and noticed that it was a coil of several small green and yellow snakes. I stepped away from it suddenly, surprised that it was there. I noticed that there was a small pile of discarded snake skins to the east of the coil of snakes. I wondered what the snakes were doing in the room. They made me uncomfortable, so i stepped back from the pile and continued on to the east. I quickly noticed another coil of snakes on the floor against the south wall. These snakes were larger and darker coloured. I stepped carefully past them when i noticed a third coil of snakes on the floor. There were many snakes spread out along the south wall of the room. They almost seemed to be on display, but i knew that they were still alive. I thought that they might be hibernating in this room. I then spotted the larger snake coiled up against the south wall. It had bright green scales and a flat spade-shaped head. I then noticed several severed snake heads on the floor. The snakes had rounded noses and dark scales. Some other animal in the room must have eaten the rest of the snakes’ bodies. A litter farther on, i noticed several pale shed snake skins scattered on the floor. They seemed to be of the same kind of snake as the snake heads, but the skins were distorted because they had been flattened onto the floor. I noticed a crescent-shaped piece of skin attached to several of the skins. It was the skin from below the snakes’ jaws. It was hinged in the area were the snakes jaw detached. I started to feel more uncomfortable here. As i walked along, i noticed several other animals on the ground. I spotted a few lizards and several other small animals. I looked up at the wall and noticed some animal parts arranged in a grid pattern on the wall. I then noticed the square patches of plants growing an the wall. I continued down the room to the east, looking at many other patches of plants on the wall. I looked closely at a plant with dusty green leaves. The leaves were shaped like little pointed ears. The edges of the tear-drop-shaped leaves had pointed fringes along it. I backed away from the plant and continued down the length of the room. Everything in this room seemed to be part of a collection, but i did not like being near them. I glanced at the many lizards and snakes in the room, thinking that $A14 would like this place. I stepped up a single step to the eastern side of the room, noticing something moving out the door to the south. I looked at the door to see a small yellow and brown lizard creeping out. Someone must have left the door open, and the animals were escaping. I should close the doors to keep the animals in. I pulled the door closed as i walked out. As the door banged into the doorway, a snake to the west fell into the middle of the room. It seemed startled, lifting its head and looking around. It was pale brown, with a yellowish-brown stomach and head. Its head widened as it scanned the room, and i realized that it was a cobra. I felt scared and pulled the door closed all the way, but it would not latch. I looked back into the room but could not see the snake. I walked back into the room, looking for the snake. I had to know where it was, but i could not see it. I then noticed motion along the northern wall of the room. There was something short along the wall, and i could see the snake moving just behind the object. The snake shook, and i realized that i could only see the tip of the snakes tail. The rest of the snake was to the right, behind the wood table. I saw the head of the snake peering over the table at me. I realized that it was trying to lure me near it so that it could attack. I turned and ran from the room. I pulled he door closed behind me, but it still did not latch. I could see the snake coming after me through the many panes of glass that composed the wooden-frame door. I looked at the latch of the door and realized that someone had stuffed a paper towel into the latch hole. I pulled part of the paper towel out of the hole and heard the latch click shut. I turned to the south, thinking that i had to find the small black lizard which had escaped through the door. I spotted the lizard on the floor to the south of me, at the base of the kitchen cabinet. The black cat walked over to the lizard and started playing with it. I was afraid that the cat might eat the lizard. I tried to get the cat away from the lizard. I grabbed for the cat, but it was circling around, trying to get at the lizard, which was now on the cat’s back. I grabbed he black cat, but it bit the heel of my right hand. I felt only a slight pressure on my hand as the cat’s teeth gripped my hand. I swung the cat over the floor, trying to distract it from the lizard. I then thought that i could sweep the lizard back toward the door with the cat. I tried it for a moment, but did not seem to be having any luck. The other cats then came into the room. The white cat with a grey patch on the back came over to where the lizard was. It had long fur and was looking around curiously. I put down the black cat and looked around for the lizard. I did not see where it had gone. I then spotted the large green snake coming into the kitchen from the door to the north. It slid through the door and under the piece of wood furniture which was just to the west of the door. I felt suddenly nervous about the snake. It was dark green, and had a fat bulge in its midsection, as though it might have just eaten something. I worried that it might have eaten one of the cats. The snake slid out from under the cabinet, and i backed away. It was very wide in the middle and had a green and yellow cross pattern along its back. The snake seemed to glide over the floor, heading to the south. The snake had two tails, which were rounded at the tips. They curled over the top of the snake and had black ends with yellow rings around them. The snake moved to the southern end of the room, where the other cats were. I was afraid that it would attack and eat the cats in the room, but i was unsure how i could stop it. I then saw the large furry animal crawling across the floor behind the snake. It had a head like a weasel, but its grey furry body was flat and wide, like the body of an alligator. It had short yellow claws for hands. I wondered whether the animal was going to attack the snake. I was not sure that it could kill the snake, and i was afraid that the animals would get into a fight in the middle of the room. The grey animal then jumped on the back of the snake and clamped its long mouth of jagged teeth around the snake’s neck. I realized that the animal would be able to take care of the snake, which made me feel much better. I then felt something touching my feet. I jumped, suddenly frightened. As i looked back at my feet, however, i realized that it was only the black rug from the kitchen caught on my feet.

12002 December 10

I was in the large, brightly lit room with the other man. He was standing near the west wall, in front of the paintings which were hanging on the wall. The paintings were mostly blue and yellow in colour. I liked the paintings very much, and felt that there was something important about them. I then realized that the man in the room was the artist of the paintings. He said that his name was Peter Max, and i realized that he was the famous artist from the nineteen-sixties and nineteen-seventies. I felt as though i had discovered something very special. I felt happy with my realization.

I was standing in the hallway of the hotel when the alarm went off. The white hall ran east to west, and i was standing to the south of the open door to my room. I was more annoyed with the alarm than worried that there might actually be a fire. I looked over my left shoulder, to the northeast. I could see the four white towers of the hotel a ways from me. The towers were square and featureless and stood in a row from east to west. They were slightly wider than the rest of the building, which also ran east to west, connecting the towers. The towers were also taller that the rest of the grey building, and interrupted the rows of windows along the southern face. There were large round holes near the tops of the columns which seemed to be for design. There was a thin grey smoke coming out of the hole of the second tower form the west. I hurried back into the room to the north, to collect some of my things. I thought that the hotel was on fire, and i had to get out, but i did not want to leave my things in the building. I checked my wallet, which was in my left hand. I did not want to lose my driver’s license. I tried to think of what else i should bring. I did not really feel rushed, as though i knew that i was not in danger. I looked back to the east, where i could see a man hurriedly pulling on his brown pants over his white boxer shorts. His room seemed large. I wondered why everyone was panicked. There did not seem to be any real emergency.

I ran down the eastern side of the driveway of my parents’ house and up the branch of the tall tree. The branch was on the north side of the tree, and was bowed over so that the end touched the ground. I stopped once i reached the trunk of the tree. I looked across the driveway to the west to see the tall locust tree. A broken branch was hanging off the east side of the locust tree. There was something significant about the branch. I thought about jumping over to the locust tree, but realized that it was too far away. I then looked down and saw that i was really far from the ground. I wondered why i had come up this high. I did not remember climbing that much when i ran up the tree.

12002 December 14

I was with $F37 and some others in the room, which seemed to be the dining room of my parents’ house. I was then upstairs, in the bedroom in the center of the house. I walked around to the north side of the bed, looking out the skylight in the slanted ceiling. There was an object falling across the light-blue sky and disappearing below the bottom window sill. I thought that it might be a plane. As i stood near the bed, i watched the sky through the smaller window in the wall, under the skylight, expecting the white object to pass across that window as well. I watched for a few moments before i realized that the object must have stopped in the air before in fill far enough to be visible in the lower window. I stood up taller and looked out the skylight again. The silvery object was hovering in the lower corner of the window. I thought that it must be a flying saucer, but it looked more like the cabin section of the Lunar Lander. It hovered in the sky, shifting from side to side to remain in place. It must have been a space ship. The ship moved behind the left window frame suddenly, so i moved to the right to see it again. It then adjusted itself again, moving down and out of my view, as though it was purposely trying to hide from my vision. I felt suddenly nervous about the ship. I watched it intently as it tried to move out of my view, around the window frame. I then noticed that there was a second ship hovering to the west of the first. There was then something wrong with my right eye. I could not see part of my vision, and my right eye did not seem to be working. I tried to focus, concentrating on my vision. My eyes then opened, as though i had been asleep the entire time. I was still standing in front of the skylight, staring out. The sky was now black, and there was a small circular cluster of stars where the flying saucer had been. I tried to concentrate on the stars, wondering whether it was related to the ship. I felt confused and could not concentrate. This was not real. I felt as though i was still asleep, and i had to wake up.

I was standing with the group of people to the east of the house, but i seemed to me speaking only to the young man to the north of me. I thought that there was something attractive about him, but i did not think that i should say anything. He then said something to me, asking me whether i was interested in him. He hinted that we should have sexual intercourse. I was hesitant, but i felt as though i should simply try to have intercourse with him. I said that i would be willing, and he said that we should go somewhere private. I said that we could go into the house. He said that we could go into a bathroom. I did not feel comfortable with that idea. It seemed like a place to go for a quick cheap thrill. We walked through the rooms of the house. I was starting to feel unsure about having intercourse with the young man. We came to the north wall of the wide corridor. The wallpaper was cream-yellow, with a pattern of small soft-red flowers. I knew that the wall was not real, and i motioned the young man toward it. We passed through the wall and came into a small room. The walls of the room were covered with the same wallpaper. The young man started to undress, but i told him not to get undressed here. This place did not seem appropriate. I thought that we should have more room, but this place seemed to be more like a place for a quick flirt. I turned around and pushed against the south wall. It was now solid. I told the man that we would have to wait for the ping sound, which would mean that the wall would open again. I rubbed the tall trapezoidal shape in the middle of the room. It seemed like a vent, with horizontal openings. There was then a ping, and we came into the bedroom through the door on the north end of the east wall. There was a bed just inside the door, to the south of the door, against the east wall. The boy walked in ahead of me, stopping to the west of the bed. This was my bedroom. I looked from the red comforter on the bed to the red pillows on the floor. The pillows were covered with a pink floral design. I told the man that my room seemed to be strangely decorated. I was surprised to see the decorations myself. The boy took off his shirt, and started to flirt with me. I was hesitant, but started to hug the man. I then started to wrestle with hid. I pinned him to the ground and then wrapped my legs around his waist. I did not feel comfortable, but i tried to force myself to enjoy the experience. I grabbed the man around the upper torso and started to pull on him. He told me to stop suddenly. He was not interested in wrestling. He wanted to do something less strenuous. I felt disappointed and realized that this was simply not going to work. I sat up and looked at him. He seemed very small and skinny. I thought that he was really not attractive to me at all.

I walked through the grocery store with $Z. The metal shelves ran north to south over the pale-green and white tiled floor. This place seemed very old. I tried to focus on something. I felt very distraught here. $Z walked around the store while i stood in the southwest corner of the store. I then heard a song from somewhere. I stopped to listen to it, thinking that it was a very pretty song. I realized that is was a song from the church nearby. I walked to the east, across the store, listening to the music. It sounded both like bells and like voices. I came to the southeast side of the store and stopped to listen again. I looked to the north. There was a door on the north side of the east wall, set into the room slightly. I walked out of the store and into the parking lot. There was an arched structure to the north, which seemed to be part of a shopping plaza. I looked to the northwest, across the parking lot, to the large grey church. There was a street on the other side of the empty parking lot, to the west, and the church was on the other side of the street. I started to feel strange, and i noticed that $Z was to the southeast of me. I was very upset, all of the sudden, and told $Z that i did not belong here. This place was in the nineteen-fifties. We did not belong in this time, and i started to feel like i could cry. I could not contain my despair as i moved to $Z.

12002 December 16

I was in the room with the other students, sitting at a long fake-wood table. I sat on the north-northeast side of the table with one of the ends just to the left of me. There were three other students at the table with me, and we were taking a test. I knew that i really should not be here. This seemed to be some kind of medical exam, but i had never studied medicine before. $F11 was across the table from me to the right, but then he seemed to be to the east of me, at another table. I remembered considering taking a law exam without studying law. I had imagined that i could do quite well on the exam. I tried to remember this idea from before. I was then talking to someone about the test. $F11 was asking me about the exam, and i was trying to talk about it. I was on a bus, traveling to the university to take the test. $F10 was on the bus with me, and i was telling him about the test. We were heading to the east, down the shallow hill. I mentioned to $F10 that i did not bring a pencil with me for the test. I did not feel worried, though. It seemed that things would just happen the right way. $F10 started to look around in his bag for a pencil, but i told him not to worry. I thought that i could simply pick up a pencil from the ground. There would be one conveniently on my way to the test. As the bus pulled up to the curb near the east side of the engineering quadrangle, i told $F10 that we were walking across the engineering quad, so there must be at least one pencil on the ground. $F10 chuckled.

12002 December 18

I left the place where my parents were and headed across the field of dry field grass. The sky was grey, and all the colours around me seemed to be faded. There was a tree to the east of me, on the shore of a small pond. I followed the path of trampled grass to the western shore of the lake. My parents were with me as i looked at the dark water. The land around me seemed to be part of a sepia-toned black-and-white photograph. My parents said something to me, and then walked off to the southwest. I had wanted to stay here, but i started to feel that this place was dangerous. There seemed to be something cursed here. I looked down into the water. There was something in the water near my feet. I knew that i was not supposed to go into the water, but i was not sure whether i should believe the superstitions. Something then fell from my hand and plunged into the water. I looked down, thinking of the old legend of and evil witch and a body buried under the water. I did not think that there really was anything in the water, but i felt very uncertain. I looked into the water, near where the stone had fallen. Something moved behind the large stone which was right on the edge of the water, just to the right of my right foot. I backed to the edge of the pond and looked to the right, into the water of the pond, which wrapped to the southeast of me. Something drifted out from behind the large rock and floated along the bottom of the water. It looked like a wet piece of cardboard which was cut into the shape of a fish skeleton. I felt frightened as i watched the symbol undulate across the bottom. This was a warning left by the old woman who cast the curse upon this place. I remembered the wide low tree which was to the southeast of me, in the middle of the water. I thought that there might be a small red bag of something hanging from it. The bag was a warning of the curse.

I walked to the east, across the finely polished wood floor of the large house. The wall to the south of me was also made of nicely polished wood, which was laid in vertical boards. There were tall narrow gothic windows in the southern wall with leaded-glass panes. The arching white ceiling seemed to be very far above me. This place seemed very nice, but i felt as though there was something wrong. Just before i entered the large room to the east, which had a dark red rug on the floor, i turned back to the west. There was a large black panther walking down the hall toward me. I felt scared, and froze in place. I did not think that the panther would attack me, but it seemed, in some way, threatening. The animal circled me on the south, and i just stood looking at it.

I was with my parents in the large grassy field. We seemed to be on a small island, and we seemed to be on vacation. The large grassy field was dull, as though it was a faded photograph. There seemed to be something to the southwest of us that felt uneasy. I thought that it might be the pond where i had seen the cursing symbols. My parents said that they would like to visit other parts of the island today, but i felt uncomfortable about going anywhere. My mother mentioned that she wanted to see the special place where they have the elections. My father then mentioned that these people had a special way of holding elections. I felt nervous about this, but then remembered that there was a place where there were many stakes in the ground with something on the top of each one. The sea gulls would drop feces over the area where the stakes. The object, which got hit with the bird droppings, would determine which person had one the election. My parents wandered off to the southwest, but i stayed in the room. I looked out to the southeast to see the large field roll up a shallow hill. I then turned and walked down the wooden corridor to the east. There were windows in the south wall of the corridor which were tall and narrow. They were arched at the top. I stopped at one and looked out at the murky pond outside. The image of the death symbol in the water was still tormenting me. I looked over the surface of the water of the pond and could see where the algae and water weeds were growing up in the shallows. I wondered if any of the clumps of material were from the dead body. The sky over the water was grey, and the faded grassy field continued on in the distance. I continued to the east, but there was something behind me. I turned to see the large black animal walking very near me. The black wolf snarled at me as it walked to the south of me, its teeth at the same level as my face. I was worried that this animal might attack me, so i stood very still.

12002 December 19

I finished talking with the group of people and walked down the street of the old suburban neighbourhood, heading to the east. There were white and dull yellow houses on the south side of the street. It seemed a little far to walk home, but i felt as though i did not have any other way to get back to my parents’ house. There was a tall hill to the south of me that i would have to climb over. The street that i was following would end less than a block to the east of me on the main road, which ran south up the hill. The main road would then head to the southwest to my parents’ house. I did not feel like making the long journey on foot, and turned to the south, making a short-cut across the lawn of the house at the end of the street. The tall pale-yellow apartment house to the east of me had a wooden staircase on the western side of the building. The lawn rose up hill slightly toward the line of trees on the southern end. I suddenly wondered why i did not fly up to the top of the hill. At first, i thought that it was a silly idea, but then i concentrated and started to lift into the air. I looked up, noticing the black power lines which ran to the southwestern corner of the house. There were two lines, one going to a pole to the south-southwest, and the other heading across the lawn to the west-southwest. I had to be careful of the lines as i rose between them. Once i was above them, i thought about soaring into the sky. I rose abruptly to a great height and looked down at the hill. I could see the circular road which rounded the forested park at the top of the hill. I remembered being in this park before. It felt like a special place. I thought about the road to the southeast of the hill, which ran to my parents’ house. It seemed as though i still had quite a distance to fly. I thought about the long flat road which ran over several low hills. I had a faint memory of something that happened while i was driving on the road sometime in the past. I came low to the ground suddenly. There was a large building on the north side of the hill, where the road reached an intersection on the slope. One of the roads from the intersection ran up to the park. The building seemed like a church, or same other large congregational modern building made of brick. I landed on the wide lawn at the front of the building. The building was two stories tall, and had large rectangular windows on both floors. There seemed to be construction going on in front of the building. There was a yellow bulldozer near the driveway to the northeast. I walked past the vehicle and started to climb up the mound of dirt in front of the building. I felt as though i had to climb, even though i knew that it might be disruptive. The dirt on the pile started to slide under my feet. I paused a moment, not wanting to ruin the pile, but then continued. I started up the eastern side of the pile again, and again, i caused parts of the pile to fall. I looked to the north of me to see the small yellow bulldozer teetering on the crest of the pile. It was about to roll backward, away from me. I then noticed that there was now a large gap in the pile between the building and the eastern half of the pile. I had caused the dirt to clear from the building. I thought that the workers would consider that a good thing. I continued to move up the pile, thinking that what i was really doing was not helping. I then saw the small bulldozer topple over the side of the pile as more dirt rolled away from the pile. I decided that i should leave the area and headed to the northeast, back to the main road. I thought again about the distance i had to fly over the flat land at the top of the hill. It seemed like a long distance.

12002 December 20

I watched the children in the water to the north as $Z and i walked along the dirt road to the west. The children had climbed onto a green metal tower to the east. They seemed to be in a wide stream, and the tower was part of an electrical line tower. I started to worry that the children would get electrocuted if they were not careful. The tower seemed to be made of two rounded vertical columns, one to the south-southeast of the other. There was a thick horizontal brace between the two towers on which the children were now standing. They were jumping off and into the water. I could see the high-power wires hanging in front of them, and thought that the children were lucky that they were not in contact with the tower and the ground at the same time. I then focused on two of the young boys on the southern side of the cross brace. They were both shirtless, wearing dark coloured shorts. The one to the north jumped off of the tower first, followed closely by the second boy. The second boy, however, reached out and caught hold of the two wires that arched down from the tower. The two wires ran in a pair, with insulating brackets between them. I knew that the boy would be insulated as long as he did not touch the ground and the wires at the same time. The first boy hit the water, though, and a long splash of water squirted up, hitting the boy on the wires. I realized that the water could have created a connection for the current. I felt worried and walked toward the shore. I was going to tell the children that they were in danger. I then noticed the boy’s face go blank and his eyes close. He had been shocked, and he was going unconscious. He fell limp into the water. I rushed over to him and lifted him from the water. He was unconscious, and i considered giving him first aid and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Instead, i ran with him in my arms to the southwest. I called to $Z to help me. We had to get the boy to help.

12002 December 21

I was in my new house, which sat to the southeast of a small stream gorge. The land around me was wooded, and the gravel driveway ran from the main road on east. I was in a large room on the northwestern side of the house. There was some kind of control in the room which moved the house. I felt mischievous and turned the control so that the house started to move to the east, up the slope of the gravel driveway. The house moved slowly, and i imagined that it was sitting on top of a large metal frame with wheels under it. The house rumbled up the driveway, and i started to worry that i would be ruining it if i let it go to far. I looked to the east, up the driveway. The land to the southeast of me, along the side of the house, was raised by a few metres from where the driveway was. I could see the other section of the house, which was on the stone raise, passing by as the section that i was moving rolled up the driveway. I then realized that the lower driveway curved to the right, merging with the driveway from the other section of the house. I would not be able to take the house all the way up the driveway because it would not be able to make the turn. It would hit the large pine tree near the end of the driveway. I felt tense, and i moved back across the disheveled room to turn off the control for the house. The walls of the room now seemed to be only vertical studs with several cross slats. I seemed to be in a kitchen. I stopped the house, thinking that i must be very close to the tree. I wanted to move it as far as i could. However, i looked back up the driveway to see that i still had ten or so metres to go before i was near the tree. I then started moving the house back down the driveway. I started to worry that it would not fit back together with the rest of the house. I stopped the section that i was moving when i noticed that it was dragging against the rocks of the ledge. I walked to the southwest of the house, thinking that the house had caught against the southern section and slid on its metal platform. I looked at the back of the house and could see that it was angled slightly from the stationary section of the house. There was a small rounded multi-pane window on the southwestern corner of the house which seemed loose. I pushed it back into place, but it fell toward me. The house had come apart, and i felt disappointed. I pushed the window into place the best i could, and then headed back across the room. The house was crooked on the platform. I wondered whether i would be able to push it back into place. I thought that the house should be way too heavy for me, but i went back to the southwest corner and tried to move it. It seemed to be falling apart. I would have to remodel it again. My father seemed to be there. I thought that i would have to organize everything in the house again.

12002 December 25

I walked to the west, across the area which seemed like $P35. I had been talking to the others in this place. There was a small section in the middle of the public square which was raised. We stood around it, looking at the people in the center of the square platform. Someone was talking to me from the platform. He seemed to be a friend. I was standing on the north side of the platform, facing south. I then looked behind me, noticing someone who looked familiar in the crowd. I realized that he was from $G3. I said hello, and he replied. He was with several other people that i knew from $G3. As i looked around at the crowd, i realized that there were several people in the crowd who were from $G3, and more of them seemed to be coming. I realized that most of $G3 was here. I said hello to some of them, and started to feel that i would like to hang out with them. I felt strange around them, though. I no longer felt as though i belonged with them. I wanted to talk to them, but i did not know what to say. They then started walking to the east, heading off to do something. They started cheering as they jogged across $P35 to the southeast. I wanted to go with them, but did not feel comfortable. I then spotted some members of $G4 on the hill to the south. They had noticed the group from $G3 heading away and started jogging after them. They were all jogging away to get some beer. I wanted to go with them, but i did not move. I then decided to run after the others, but i ran down $P35 to the east. I started flying as i reached the east end and soared into the air.

I came into the large building through the door on the west wall. The room inside seemed like a maintenance room, with cement walls and floor. The room was very long east to west, and only the width of a regular corridor. I was above the room, looking down at myself as i entered the room. The ceiling seemed to be two or three stories above the floor, and there was a landing running along the southern wall with a set of stairs near the west end. I watched myself run down the length of the room from above. All of the metal in the room was painted light green. As i reached the east end of the room, i was then back in my body. There were a few other people in the room with me. I turned to the south and started to talk to the man, who was wearing a dark green uniform. He had dark skin and short hair. I felt a little uncomfortable around him, as though i was not really supposed to be in this building. He said something to me and then turned to the east and walked away. I ran back to the west and turned up the stairs. I then started to fly back to the east, rising up to the second level of the room. There was a door to the south, which led outside. I knew that others would see me flying, and would know that it was not something usual. I thought about focusing energy as i flew, knowing that it would make a surprising display. I came into a small lot on the outside of the building. Several other people were standing around as i watched myself float in the middle of the lot. I was not really doing this, but simply thinking about it. I knew that i could not really focus all of the energy as i was watching myself do. I could see a blue light circling my body as i floated with my arms out. I was watching myself from the northeast side of the lot.

12002 December 26

I hurriedly walked to the north, across the parking lot and away from the hotel. The man was still following us. He had been threatening us, and i wanted to get away. He seemed like a bully that would not leave us alone. I had put something into my car, which was on the southern side of the lot, in the first parking space near the building. I looked back to see the man looking at the car. I had tossed the white package into the car and locked the doors so that the man could not get it, but i realized that he now knew where my car was and what it looked like. I worried that he would now be able to follow us. I continued to the north with the other person, aware that the man was following us. I thought that i might have to do something violent to prevent him from coming after us. If he attacked, i imagined kicking out his legs, knowing that i could disjoint his knee. We came to the north side of the lot, where others seemed to be gathered. Several vehicles were moving around in the large open field to the north of us. Some of them seemed to be small airplanes. We were then in one of the small airplanes as it moved across the grass. I felt uncomfortable here, as i did not know how to fly the plane.

12002 December 27

I sat at the desk in the small office. I felt as though i was concentrating too hard on the work that i was trying to do and not making any progress. I was in my cubicle at $P116, sitting in the seat which faced north. Someone was saying something to the west of me. I felt frustrated here and started to walk to the east. There were some business men down the corridor ahead of me. I was suddenly distracted by the small plants that were growing in the sod to the north of me. The north wall of the corridor was really the front side of a long brick house. This place seemed like my house. I turned to the west and looked at the plants on the ground. There were small green buds pushing up through the ground. I then noticed the small curls of a flowering bush pushing up through the ground behind the rounded cement object. I bent over to get a better look at them. They were the pinkish-red flowers which normally come up on the front corner of my house. I was happy to see that everything was starting to come up. While i was bent over, i looked at the back of the rounded cement object. The object seemed to be a cement pipe which came out of the ground and then curved at a right angle, toward the house. I thought that the back of the pipe should be open, but it was sealed with cement. I looked more closely at the flat surface of the cement on the back of the pipe and realized that he cement was still wet, as though it had just been applied. I stood back up and continued to the west, along the southern side of the house. Just to the west of the cement vent was a patch of tall thin grass-like reeds. The tops of a few of the green stalks had been chewed by the deer. I thought that these plants must be the lilies that i had planted. I then started to wonder whether the deer had eaten the tulips. I knew that deer liked to eat them. As i walked along, i saw several other plants just starting to sprout from the ground. I then noticed the thin blue flowers that were growing on the tall thin bushes. Everything was starting to bloom again. I was then aware of the sun to the northwest of me, shining around the side of a cloud. I was aware just how warm the day was. It was rare to have such a warm day at this time of year. It was only December, and i knew that the coldest part of winter would still be coming. The plants that were starting to bloom would have to go back into hibernation once the winter weather came back. The other person then came up to me from the south and said something. I was standing in the cubicle of my office, facing the computer screen to the west. The man walked off to the south to speak with the others. There was a conference room to the south of my office, and there was a long table inside with a man sitting at the west end. I could see the west end of the table through the door of the room as i stood in front of my desk. The younger man, who had been talking to me, walked into the room and started explaining the problem to the man sitting at the end of the table. The younger man described the problem with the computer programming language by describing classes and families. The man at the table did not seem to understand the concept of classes, and asked what a “family” was. I started listing names of people who might me in a family as a joke. The man chucked, but i started to feel that i should not have made a joke out of the situation. I did not want the man to think that i was listening to conversations that took place in the conference room. I sat down in front of the large computer screen and started typing. There was as list of things on the screen in front of me, but i could not seem to concentrate on them. The man who had been sitting at the table was now sitting at a desk to the west. He now seemed to be $A206. The others were explaining things to him, and i kept staring at the screen in front of me. I was supposed to be doing work, but i could not concentrate. I glanced away from the list of things on the screen and looked at something to the north. I felt frustrated, and could not concentrate on by work. I kept looking at the list of white text on my screen and then at the thing to the north. I felt as though i did not belong here. I could not concentrate on something.

12002 December 28

I left my grandmother’s house and headed to the west to look for the other woman. Something had happened, and i wanted to find the woman that my grandmother had known. I walked down $P23 to $P86 and turned to the left. The houses in this suburban area were packed tightly together on the curving street. I seemed to have gone quite a way before i turned around. Something was happening, and i did not quite feel comfortable. I could then hear the people shouting to the east of me. I continued to the north on the curving road. I should get back to my grandmother’s house before trouble started. I could not believe that the trouble was starting again. It did not seem like something that could happen again. I then saw the black jeep in which the men were traveling. They were wearing white tee shirts. They were nazis. They were in this area marking the houses of those they disapproved of. I watched them as they passed, then i continued around the curve in the road, heading back to the east. I could hear the nazis still yelling behind me. I then noticed that there were black numbers spray-painted on the house on the south side of the road. The house was marked with the number “509”. Just beyond it was another house that was marked with the number “544”. The numbers marked the occupants as anti-Americans. I was uncomfortable with the return of these people, and went back to the house where it was safe. I was in the house when someone else came in. I was looking through things in the closet of a back room. I tried to say something to the person, but they walked out again. I thought that it must have been $K1. She was supposed to arrive soon. I would have to go out to get her. I ran to the door, but it was already closed. I thought that she must have walked to her friend’s house, to the north. I started out the door, but then remembered that i would need the keys to unlock the door when i came back. I grabbed the keys from the rack and looked at them as i stepped through the door. I looked closely at the keys, trying to figure out which one was to the door. I thought that i would have to walk down $P23 to find the woman. I suspected that she went to visit her friend. I then remembered that she knew someone to the west, in the area where the nazis had been. I felt worried. I did not want to return to that area.

12002 December 29

I had followed the others through the large playground structure, and was now starting up the small rise to the north. The rise was covered with dry yellow field grass, and the runners were following a narrow trail which rounded the east side of the small hill. I turned around suddenly, along with the people who were in front of me. I wanted to run back across the playground area. I headed to the south, looking at the large circular area in the flat ground at the bottom of the shallow hill. Some of the area seemed to be covered with water, and i thought that i had climbed around the water before. I ran out the long wooden platform, which seemed to be a dock with rope railings on either side. The platform did not run entirely straight to the south. I ran the length of the boardwalk and came to the edge of the circle. There were some other people climbing on the wooden structure in the middle of the circle. I decided that i did not want to cross the playground in the same way that i had grossed before. At first i thought that i should run around the raised rim of the circular area. I looked at the western edge of the rim, where the wooden benches ran on the inside of the raised rock mound. If i ran on the rim, it would not be as exciting as if i ran through the center of the area, though it would keep me out of the water, which i could now see in the middle of the circle. I decided to go straight through the circle. As i reached the edge of the playground structure in the center of the circle, i looked at the man approaching me from the southeast. He was balancing carefully across a tan rope which was strung over a shallow pool of water. I stopped under the metal bars as he reached me. I considered running across the rope once the man was off, but the rope was slightly under water, and i did not want to get my feet wet. I was wearing sneakers. I decided that i would have to run to the southwest, across the wooden structures, from the same direction that i had come before. I started through the wooden structure and found myself in the corridors of the large building. The walls of the building were stone, and the ceiling seemed to be very high above us. I was walking with the woman as we stepped into the small room. The man in the room said that he would show us something. The elevator in which we were standing was at the top floor. I could see the tall buildings of the big city far below us through the window in the western wall of the elevator. I felt very unsettled about being here. There was something strange with this place. The man spoke to the woman with me as the elevator started to descend. The windows on the eastern and western walls were suddenly blocked by the elevator shaft around us. I wanted to see the buildings of the city some more, but they were only visible from certain angles. The shaft outside had decorative stone carvings which moved up the center of the window. The carvings formed a long narrow window on either side of the booth. I could see glimpses of the city through the openings in the curving stone work. I looked out the eastern window and was able to see more of the tall buildings outside, but i could not see what i wanted to see. I then started to feel that we were not really supposed to be in this place. We had sneaked into the building. As the decorative brass elevator doors opened on the ground floor, i was suddenly outside the elevator, watching the two people and myself exiting the elevator. We were carrying automatic rifles. We had snuck into this building to do something, and now we had to get out without getting caught. The doors to the elevators were in a short corridor to the west of the main corridor of the building. I let the others go in front of me as we turned to the north in the main corridor and started for the exit. The floors of the hall were brightly polished and tiled in a dark-yellow and brown checkerboard pattern. The walls of the corridor were made of a dark-grey stone which had the appearance of marble. Just after we turned into the main corridor, i was aware of a set of metal doors in the corridor to the south. The doors were open, and a man was walking toward us. He was one of the guards in the building. We had to act as though we belonged here so that he did not get suspicious. I turned to the west suddenly as the others were rounding the corner ahead of me to the east. They were heading for the exit doors. I decided that i would go into the bathrooms. The door to the bathroom was on the south wall of a small access corridor to the west of the main corridor. As i adjusted the gun over my left shoulder and pushed open the white bathroom door, i was aware that the guard that had been following us. He stopped at the junction of the corridor where i had turned away from the others. He seemed to think for a second before turning to follow me into the bathroom. I walked into the small room and turned to the west. There were three white urinals on the dark-grey northern wall of the room. I walked up to the middle one and started to urinate. The man come into the room and looked around, but did not say anything. I then walked to the southern wall, where there was a white counter with sinks in it. I washed my hands, acting as though it was very natural for me to be in this building. As i walked out of the bathroom and started up the main corridor to the north, i was aware that the guard in the green jumpsuit was still following me. As i reached the turn to the east, i started walking a little faster. I wondered whether the guard would try to stop me. I could see the bright light of the outside shining through the glass doors at the end of the corner to the east of me. I started walking even faster. I tried to concentrate on the man behind me to see if i could sense how far away he was. As i came to the end of the hall, which now seemed like a sidewalk with a smooth dark-grey stone wall to the north. The top of the wall was lined with thick bushes. As i reached the eastern end of the wall, i started walking as fast as i could. The man following me was sure to say something now. I rounded the corner and started to run across the large open plaza. I imagined that i could sprint very fast so that the man would not be able catch me. I could see the circular area at the north end of the plaza, in front of the low white academic building. I thought about speeding across the plaza and jumping over the playground structure in the center of the round area. I then thought that i should not let the guards see that i could fly. It would not be good to let them knew that i had this power. I would have to move swiftly over the ground and pass back through the circular area to get to the safety of the building on the other side.

12002 December 30

Something felt wrong here. I moved through the cramped space of the room. This place seemed like a hospital, but i thought that it was a cafeteria. There were several vertical structures and many flat white surfaces in the room. I was standing to the north, watching myself weave through the objects as i moved to the north. I was then looking from my own eyes as i turned to the west and walked into the bathroom. I walked up to one of the urinals and started to urinate. Something seemed very wrong. I did not feel right and i thought that there was something very wrong with me. I looked down and noticed that my urine seemed slightly pink. I worried that there was blood in it. I then saw it turn darker, and i realized that there was a lot of liquid coming out of me. I felt worried, knowing that something was wrong. I finally stopped urinating and walked to the north, out of the building. I had to go to the hospital. It was too late to go to my doctors, so i would have to go to the emergency room. I felt confused as i walked from the large building and across the small paved area. There were other buildings around me. I did not want to walk all the way to the hospital, which seemed to be to the east somewhere. I pictured a large building with white and blue layers across the front. I started to the west, and found myself in the car with the others. The woman who was driving seemed familiar to me. There were two other young boys in the car with me. I told the woman that i thought that she would be driving farther to the west. I said that i wanted to get to my grandmother’s house. My grandmother seemed to be the closest person who could help me. I told the woman that she was not traveling in the direction that i thought she would. I said that i should have simply walked to the hospital from where i had been. I pictured the hospital very near to the building that i had been in, but i knew that they were really not that close. I told the woman that there was something wrong with my stomach. She seemed like a relative of mine. I did not know what to do

12002 December 31

The area around me was very flat and open. There seemed to be a long structure to the north of me. Someone had said something that interested me, and i was looking around at the people in the large lot. I turned to the south as someone said something about my music. I could see several people who seemed to be from $P7, though i was not sure whether they were people i knew. I really wanted to meet someone i had known. There was a group of people to the east, discussing something which seemed related to the music. I felt that they should talk to me as well, but i did not know how to start a conversation here. Then i spotted someone running generally toward me from the west. I turned to look. He looked like $A335. I wanted to talk to him if it was really him. I watched him as he jogged past. He was wearing black shorts and a grey tee shirt. He looked like $A335, but i was still not entirely sure as he ran to the south of me. His gate was very steady and tense, so i though that it must be $A335. I then realized that he was wearing dark-blue uniform pants with a black stripe down the side. His grey dress shirt was also part of the old uniform, and i thought that he must be wearing it for this special event. He continued jogging to the east, on his way to deliver a message to someone. I wanted to speak to him, but still felt uncertain that he was who i thought ho was. Someone then mentioned the music again. I turned around to the north and started walking toward the room where the others would be. I then realized that there was someone following me. I turned to see a young man in uniform. He was $A336. I spoke to him as we walked to the north. I continued to look around for the other young man who had been running across the area. He seemed attractive, and i wanted to know if he was $A335. I was then traveling to the southeast, along the shore of the river. It seemed that we were now on the southern side of the large open area. There was a hill on the north side of the river as we turned to the east and started walking toward the large crowd. I could hear a band playing some music near the crowd. I wanted to be part of the music, but i did not know how to go about it. The people here were planning something with music, and i wanted to be a part of it.