12003 December 01

The man was to the north of me as i watched myself walk to the east. My point of view was from the south. I was then watching from myself. The man was very familiar, and there was something special about him. I thought that i would be doing something with him which was significant. I felt curious about him and wanted to know who he was. I was then aware that his name was Gabriel Tavis. The name sounded familiar, but i could not figure out where i had heard it. I wondered if he was one of the wrestlers on the local college team. I remembered that one of them was named Gabriel. I then thought that there was something strange with the last name. It seemed that it should be “Travis”, but i was fairly sure that the first letter was not followed by an “r”. I decided that it must be “Gabriel Taves”. I slowly paced to the east as the man moved to the west. This was all familiar, but i could not place it. I then noticed the other man. It was Michael, the younger brother of Gabriel. This suddenly seemed to make sense. I felt that i knew Michael much better, and that i had a stronger relationship with him, even though Gabriel would be the important one.

I hurriedly put on some of my clothes. I was in the room to the south of everyone else. I had to get ready for $F4’s wedding. It seemed as though i had just woken up, and i was trying to figure out where i was. I hoped that i had not already missed the wedding. Something felt confusing about this place. I was near the northeast corner of the large empty room, trying to get my things together. I put on my dress shoes and walked to the west, toward the exit door, which was on the northern end of the west wall. I walked out into the large open area of the hotel’s corridor. This place was a waiting area outside of the conference rooms. I turned to the north and headed into the next conference room to the west. The floor of the hotel seemed to be covered with red and dull-gold carpeting. $F4 was then with me as we walked across the room. People were sitting in chairs around the edges of the room. I wondered whether this was the wedding, but i soon realized that this was some performance area. There was going to be a play here. $F4 and i walked to the northeast section of the audience and sat down in one of the chairs. I knew that this was not part of the wedding, but the people here did seem to be familiar. A group of people then started entering the room from the west. The audience watched them enter the empty space in the center of the room. This was the cast of the play. $A360 was leading the group of actors into the room. He was the director of the cast. I looked to the west, through the rows of chairs which were to the right of us. I spotted $A181 sitting in one of the chairs. He looked as he did when i was in high school. He was in the play, along with several other people that i had known in high school. I had not seen many of these people in a very long time. $F4 then stood up and walked to the section of the audience which was against the east wall. He was going to announce his wedding to the people in the room. I suddenly felt uneasy, thinking that it would be inappropriate for him to announce his wedding before a play. He did not act uncomfortable, however, and i started to feel that he thought it was important enough to announce to the room. He seemed suddenly arrogant. He should not interrupt the opening of the play for such a personal announcement. I tried to act as though i was not with him, and i turned to the person just to the west of me, telling him about the wedding.

12003 December 06

I slowed the car just in front of the intersection, trying to remember where i had to go. $P7 was to the left, to the west of me. I had come back to school here. It felt strange to be back, and i was actually hesitant to go in. As i slowly rolled through the intersection, i tried to remember where i could park my car. I did not have my car registered as a student, so i could not park in the lot at the back of the school. I soon realized that i was blocking traffic, so i turned to the right, into the parking lot across the street. I thought that i might be able to park there, but, as i looked up, i realized that i was not really in a parking lot. I hesitated, looking to the northeast to see the small group of people standing in front of the old stone building. I felt out of place here. I then suddenly realized that i was not actually on a driveway. I had continued down the drive and accidentally turned onto the grass in front of the building. I felt nervous and frustrated. I must have turned onto a walking path. I looked at the grass in front of the car to see that i was not that far from the small parking lot in front of the stone building, where the group of people was standing. I drove forward, hoping that no police saw me driving on the grass. There were two small blue signs at the edge of the parking lot. I drove over them and into the lot, turning to the east toward the exit driveway. The students backed toward the building to let me pass. I realized that i was on the other side of the block from $P7. The street that i turned into must have crossed the block and come out near the parking lots of the schools on the east side. I started out the driveway, noticing the large old stone building to the south. It used to be a military academy, but i knew that the academy had closed. There were now students walking into the front of the building, so i thought that another school must have opened in its place. There were large white block-calligraphic letters above and to the left of the arched gothic door way. The top line seemed to say “Faust”, but i could not make it out clearly.

I passed a small group of young people as i headed to the north, toward the beach. My mind was trying to remember a story idea that i had thought of. I felt myself walking and then noticed my tall thin shadow on the ground. It appeared to be getting dark out, and my shadow stretched to the north-northwest. I imagined that i was one of the characters in the story. They were dressed in black trench coats, which were designed more like cloaks. I felt myself walking slowly and steadily, keeping my back very straight. I was not wearing the robes, but i wondered whether the people i passed would think my manner imposing. I then thought that the characters in the story should be called “Enforcers”. They were spiritual creatures who protected humans, but they had suddenly become tangible. I realized that i could merge this story idea into one of the books that i had already written. I could see the shore of the lake in front of me now. The thin sandy beach stretched to the east and west. I could only see the small part in front of the grassy lawn. To the west, tall dark pine trees grew along the back side of the beach, blocking in from my view, and there was a small wooden house just to the east of me. It seemed that i could see the western shore of the lake through the trunks of the pines. I could also make out the northern part, but not where it connected with the curving western part. I could not see the eastern shore at all because the wooden house was blocking my view. I turned suddenly into the wooden shack. I was here to meet others. It was dark inside, but i could make out the figures of some people sitting at the bar in the eastern end of the room. The room looked run down, with greying white paint on the walls. The bar was very short, and the bartender stood to he north, between the dirty wall and the thin worn bar. A man sat on the south side of the bar, leaning with his right elbow onto the bar as he read a book. He had short blond hair and was wearing an unbuttoned white short-sleeved button-up shirt over a black tee shirt. I had thought that i was supposed to meet $A42 here, but i realized that i was going to meet this man instead. He was $A361. I walked over to him, still imagining that i was walking stiffly in a dark cloak.

12003 December 07

I walked down the northern sidewalk of $P1, heading to the west. There was a red car parked by the curb right next to me. It was an expensive sports car, and someone said that it belonged to Tom Cruise. I wondered what his car would be doing in a neighbourhood like this. I stopped to look at the car, aware that the owner had walked down the road to the west to get help. I thought that we should call someone about the car. We could not just leave it on the side of the road. It would get ticketed. I said something to the person to the east of me as i walked back past the red Ferrari. I felt strange, as though i knew someone famous but had to hide the fact. The large dark van then started backing down the street from the west. It backed into the driveway near me. We were moving the car so that no one would find out it was here. As the van backed into the driveway to the east of me, i noticed $A237 walking out of the driveway across the street. He had come out to help us. He seemed heavy now. He had gained a lot of weight in his abdomen since he was younger. He was wearing a blue tee shirt which over his stomach. I remembered that he used to be quite fit. As he walked across the street, he said that the van was okay in the driveway. It would be out of the way and safe there. I looked across the street, to the south, to see the van backing into the driveway on the southern side of the street. $A237 walked over to me, and we started talking about the car.

12003 December 08

I jogged down the grassy slope toward the modern stone building to the southeast. I was on a college campus, and the long building ran east to west across the bottom of the slope. These were the new dorms on $P104. I passed a group of three students as i ran down the paved path toward the western end of the building. I ran into the round glass stairwell which rose along the side of the building and started climbing. I felt slightly out of place here because i was no longer a student. As i climbed the circular stairway, heading counter-clockwise as i ascended, i realized that the red metal stairs seemed to be very thin. The stairs were now straight as they climbed up the walls of the square stairwell. I was sitting at the top of the flight of stairs which ascended along the western wall, looking back down the flight. A group of college students had just passed me, heading up, but their dog was still climbing the stairs below me. There was no railing on the stairs, and the opening between the flights of stairs in the stairwell seemed very deep and scary. I backed against the wall as the group of students headed down the stairs past me. I looked down to see the skinny tan dog jump from the flight of stairs on the west wall to the flight on the north wall. The female student just behind me gasped, worried that the dog might fall down the stair well. The stairs were very dangerous without a railing around them. I moved up the stairs a little further, but realized that the stairs were very narrow as they rounded the corner and started up the east wall. The ceiling also started to slant out over the stairs so that i felt i might lose my balance. I was very uncomfortable here and had to get out of the stairwell. I decided that i would have to use the elevator in the building to get to the upper floors. I was heading for the lounge on the highest floor because i knew that it had a good view. I came out of the stairwell of the northwestern corner of the building and started down the white hall to the east. The hall looked very clean. Small groups of students walked the halls around me. A few passed through a red metal door which was recessed in the northern side of the hall. There seemed to be some sections of the corridor where vertical strips of gold-speckled wallpaper were hung. I came to the metal elevator door, which was in the south wall of the corridor. The door opened and a young woman with long brown hair stepped out. She was wearing a white long-sleeve sweater. I walked into the elevator and turned to the east, looking for the buttons. Before i realized what i was doing, i stepped out of the elevator through the door on the east and came into the department store. I turned to the south and rounded the elevator shaft, looking for the buttons to start the elevator moving. I then realized that i had walked right through the elevator and out the other side. I turned around to face west, looking across the white interior of the department store. There was a counter in front of the southern wall where two sales women stood. This was part of the campus store. Everything looked modern and clean. I walked back to the brass-coloured door of the elevator, which was on the east wall, and waited for it to open. Once it had opened, i stepped inside and walked to the door on the northern wall. The interior of the elevator was dark grey. I reached for the control panel on the right side of the door but realized that there were no buttons for floors on the silvery panel. There were only a few buttons for opening and closing the doors and a place to insert a key. I realized that the elevators were now made secure so that only the occupants of this dorm were able to travel to the upper floors. I would not be able to get to the conference room on the upper floor where i could look out over the lake in the valley. I turned back to the west just as the door behind me closed. I then realized that, without a key, i would be unable to get out of the elevator. A key was required to control the elevator, and nothing could be done without one. I felt frustrated and hit the red alarm button on the control panel to the left of the western door. I was angry, and did not care if i got in trouble for sounding the alarm. I then felt agitated and thought that i had to do something, so i hit the two brass doors. I put my hands into the small crack between the doors and forced them open. I was still on the floor where the department store was. I felt angry and thought that i had to get away from the elevator before the security guards came to respond to the alarm. I quickly walked out the south entrance of the store and back into the main hall. I walked to the east, past the front entrance to the elevator. I would have to take the stairs to the lower level. I felt very nervous about taking the stairs. They seemed very dangerous. I wondered how the students were able to climb down them.

12003 December 13

I drove up the driveway into $A328’s house. I remembered coming here in a dream, and it seemed that i should repeat this action in real life. I stopped my car in front of the large garage door. The house was stained dark brown. I remembered that a man had come out of the door to the basement of the house in the dream, and i wondered whether anyone would actually come out this time. I did not remember any young men who could come to the door. I felt strange about being here, and wondered why i had come. In the dream, i used the excuse that i had come to deliver a donation, but i did not have any checks with me, and i did not really feel like making a donation. I then noticed that there were table lamps with white cylindrical shades inside the garage. It looked as though someone had set up furnishings in the garage, and i thought that it was similar to my dream. I wondered what i should do. I thought that someone i the house should be able to see me in the driveway. I looked through a small window to the northeast, along the front of the house. I saw some movement within, but i could not tell what it was. I had to do something, but i did not know what. I then woke up and found myself sitting on something inside the garage. Something had changed. I looked around, wondering how i had gotten inside the garage. I stood up, wondering where my car had gone. I felt suddenly worried. I had to get my things and leave, but there was someone else in the room with me. I felt confused, wondering how i had fallen asleep and how things were changing around me. I turned to the southwest and walked to the side wall of the garage. I had to find out what happened to my car. There was a large cabinet on the southwest wall of the garage. I walked around to the northwest side of the cabinet and started to look through the items on the shelves. It seemed that there was something important in a box on the shelf. I thought that it had something to do with my car. I was nervous, and felt as though i had to get my things together and get out of here. This scene was not right. I pulled something off of the shelf and looked at it. It seemed to be what i was looking for, though i could not focus on it directly. It was in a large shoe box and was wrapped in plastic. There were several other items wrapped in plastic in the box, standing side by side.

12003 December 15

I moved in what seemed a westerly direction, though i was really moving through space. There was a long thin space ship to the north of me. This ship was a civilian passenger liner. I started walking to the west, thinking that we were in danger here. The Cylons were attacking, and i felt that we were unsafe in this area. We had to get all of our supplies together and leave before the Cylons found us. I ran down the central corridor of the passenger liner. There were people in the ship, but they were not interested in coming with us. They were Canadian, and were not really part of the war. I thought that they must have been hidden from the Cylons because they were too for north. I stopped suddenly, realizing that there was something to the northwest of us. I looked down the road to the west. The land around me seemed flat, with thick pine forests. There was something moving toward us from the northwest, flying low over the trees. I felt frightened, thinking that it was a Cylon Raider. I ran to the south, across the road to where out vehicle was waiting. The red SUV was backed into the ditch on the south side of the road. I called to the person in the car to hide. The rest of the world had been destroyed, so it would not be unusual for an empty car to be on the side of the road. The Cylons would only be looking from signs of life. As i approached the truck, i spoke to the two women inside. I then heard the Raider fly overhead, crossing the road as it headed to the south. I hopped in the passenger side of the car, hoping that the Cylons did not see me. I knew that the ship was circling back around for a second pass. I felt scared and worried that the Cylons would find us and kill us.

12003 December 18

I stood with the rest of the large crowd around the small grassy area. There seemed to be something in the middle of us, but i could not tell what it was. I stood in the front row of the crowd at the northeast side of the circle. The people were all part of a chorus, and we were supposed to be singing part of a play. I watched to section of people on the western side of the group as they sang part of the song. I recognized the melody, but i did not know any of the words. I wondered what i would do when it came my turn to sing. I had not practiced the script enough. The group on the northern side of the crowd then started singing. Then the people around me were singing. I pretended that i knew the words and mouthed along. As the others sang our part, i recognized the melody. I did not know the words, but i could sing to the melody. The words of our part seemed very simple. They were only “Ya” and “Ta”. I looked to the south to see $A192 standing with some of the others. He was the director of this play.

12003 December 19

I walked over to the counter which ran in front of the southern wall of the atrium. This place seemed like a food court in a crudely build mall. There was a corridor which headed to the south in the middle of the southern wall, and i was headed to the counter just to the east of the corridor. There was a glass case on the counter with several doughnuts and cakes in it. I had ordered some cinnamon rolls at this place, and i was waiting for them to be served. Something felt strange about this area. I looked around at the small white round metal tables to the north of the counters. There did not seem to be many people in the mall eating, and the chairs seemed to be pulled out from the tables, as though people had been here and no one had cleaned up after them. I stood on the western side of the counter, where it curved around from the main counter to meet the southern wall of the atrium. There seemed to be an awning overhead which made the ceiling over the counter lower that the main ceiling of the eating area. I turned back to the counter as the woman behind it packed some cinnamon rolls into a small white bag. She seemed oriental, with short black hair. She was wearing a white uniform. She handed the white bag to a man who had walked up to the counter to the left of me. The man took the bag and left. I felt confused. The cinnamon rolls should have been for my order. I started to protest to the woman that she had given my order to the wrong man, but she walked away before i could say anything. I felt suddenly upset. I turned around to see where the man had gone, but i could not see him. I then noticed that there was a second counter on the western side of the entrance to the corridor which was also selling cinnamon rolls. I walked over to that counter, wondering if i was really supposed to place my order in one place and pick it up in another. As i walked, $Z seemed to be with me. I said something to him as we headed toward the restaurant on the other side of the hall. There was a glass partition surrounding the door of the restaurant. We would have to enter from the west. This place seemed familiar.

I sat on the floor of the guest bedroom in my grandparents’ house at $P12. I was sitting at the foot of the bed, leaning against the southern wall. My mother was sitting just to the west of me. She seemed sick, and said something to me. Her words seemed to have some significance. After she spoke, she fell asleep. I felt that something was wrong. I thought that she might have passed out. I was afraid that she might have died. I grabbed her by the shoulders and laid her down. I was worried about her.

12003 December 22

I drove to the north on the long country road, which seemed to be $P109. There was an open field to the east which was covered with green grass. I suddenly realized that i was near the intersection at $P110, but i was moving too fast to be able to stop at the stop sign. I drove through the intersection, worrying that i had done something wrong. I then realized that there was a police car behind me. I felt disappointed with myself and started to pull over to the side of the road. I then realized that i was already driving on the gravel shoulder of the road. I started to slow down, but worried that i could not stop too quickly or i would skid on the gravel. As the car came to a stop, i looked down to find my registration. I suddenly realized that i was in the passenger’s seat of the car. I had been driving from the wrong side of the car. I could not let the police officer see that i had been in the passenger’s seat. I decided that i could tell the officer that i had moved over to this seat so that i could search for the registration in the glove compartment. I quickly tried to unbuckle my seatbelt so that it would not seem that i had been in the passenger’s seat all along. I pressed the release button, but the buckle would not release. I hurriedly tugged at it until it unclipped and tossed the belt to the side. I then continued looking through the papers from the glove compartment. The officer came to the window of the car on the driver’s side. I looked at her. She seemed very old, with short grey hair. I started to talk to her, but then i realized that my car was rolling. I reached for the brakes, but the car had already rolled into the middle of the road. The officer must have thought that i was trying to drive away. I turned the car to the west, onto the small side road where i could make a U-turn. I turned the car around to face the south and stopped it on the opposite shoulder of the road. There was a large wooden barn just to the southwest of me. The paint on the outside of the barn had worn off long ago, and the wood of the barn seemed to be rotting. Tall weeds grew along the road in front of the building.

12003 December 25

I was moving to the south on the long straight road. I was on vacation in this place, which seemed quite far from my home. It was dark out, and i could see all of the stars in the sky very clearly. I remembered that i was far enough to the south that i could be in the tropics. This place was Hawaii. The last time i had been here i remembered looking for the Southern Cross in the sky, but it had been the wrong time of year. The constellation was only visible in the very early morning. I looked down at the horizon, thinking that i might be able to see it in the early evening this time of year. I looked at the stars on the southern horizon, but could not recognize any of the constellations. I tried to remember what the Southern Cross looked like as i found some bright stars along the horizon. They were not up high enough that i could see an entire constellation, but i wondered whether they might be part of the Southern Cross. They seemed bright enough. I then noticed the skyline of the city to the south-southeast. The tall towers looked like Waikiki. There was a faint glow in the sky around the city. My father then turned the car to the east, down a short road. He was driving and was trying to get to the ocean. I did not think that this was the best way. The land around us was flat, and it was now daylight. We had turned into an industrial area of the island. A short cement building stood to the northeast of the road. It seemed to be part of a shipping company. We were near the docks, but i thought that the water here must be part of a bay or river. We were not on the southern shore of the island, where i wanted to be to see the constellations. I told my father that this was not the right place, but he turned to the north at the first driveway on the narrow road. We turned into a small parking lot which was to the east of a bluish-grey cement building. The building was to the west of the lot and had docking bays along its eastern face. My father drove the pickup truck that we were in to the east, down a narrow section of the paved lot which headed out over the water. This was a loading pier for the ships, where large tractor-trailers could be driven off of the boats. I could see the ocean to the east, but we were not facing the correct direction to see the southern constellations. I complained to my father that he was driving in the wrong direction. I also told him that we should probably not be in the shipyards. This was private property. He did not seemed concerned as he drove the truck right to the edge of the short pier. I worried that he would drive over the edge. There was nothing to stop us from falling over. There was a thick red metal brace on either side of the dock. They were bend into square loops and seemed to be for securing a large boat. My father drove the truck between them and up to the edge. I told him to be cautious, but he seemed to be teasing me by getting as close to the edge as he could. He nudged the car a little bit forward, and the front wheels fell over the edge. Before i could say anything, the truck slipped down the metal ramp, which was below the dock, and fell into the water. I felt upset and surprised. We would have to get out of the car.

12003 December 26

I looked down at the map as the woman described the city to me. She cautioned me against driving in the hot area of town. I could see on the map the there was a large round area just to the west of the center of the city which was called the burning area. Most of the downtown section of the city was to the east of it. I pictured the burning area as a deep crater with lava along the edges. The city was build around a volcano, and the burning area was the main crater of the volcano. I thought that there might be some nice roads which circled through the burning area. The burning area seemed to be a city park. I looked at the woman, who was reclined to the west, just to the north of me. She had long blonde hair and seemed very familiar. I looked down at the map again, wondering how a city could be built so close to an active volcano.

12003 December 28

I walked down the empty corridor of the school. It seemed to be either late in the evening or during a weekend. I did not expect anyone to be here. There was light coming into the dark corridor from the glass doors to the east of me. I walked west, over the white tile floor. The corridor ended after only twenty or so metres. It was just an entrance corridor which ran along the southern side of the large room. At the end of the corridor was a north-south corridor with grey tiles on the floor and walls. I turned to the north and walked for a meter or so before turning west again down the long corridor into the center of the school. The long corridor was dark, and there were two stairs leading up to it. I walked a little way down the corridor, approaching the closed metal doors in the middle of the school. It seemed as though there should be something going on here. I turned around and walked back to the junction of the corridors. I could hear some people moving in the main gymnasium. I stopped in the junction of the corridor and looked to the north. There was a small group of people standing outside the door to the gymnasium. The double dull-yellow doors which led to the gymnasium were in the east wall of the corridor. There was a martial-arts competition happening in the gym. I was interested to see it, but something felt out of place. I then noticed $A253 walking from the door of the gym. She walked around the group of people in the corridor and headed toward me. I stood still, still facing the west. She glanced at me as she got closer, but continued to walk. I blinked as she passed in front of me, bet noticed that she did not turn to say hello. I felt as though she might have been ignoring me. I wondered whether she was angry with me because i had not been coming to class regularly. It seemed strange that she would have simply walked by. I stood in the hall watching others pass by as they left the tournament. I then looked over my shoulder, to the east, to see $A247 limping out from the competition. She was being supported by two men in brown jackets. I felt concerned for her and wondered what happened. The three of them passed by very close to me, and i reached out casually with my hand to catch one of them. I grabbed the sleeve of the man nearest me. He stopped as the other two continued on. He said in a quiet voice that the competition was not fair, that it was filled with too much politics. He leaned in very close to my ear as he spoke. I mentioned that $A253 seemed upset as she passed and questioned whether the politics could have been the reason. The man agreed that she was probably upset because of the politics between the different martial-arts schools at the tournament. He then walked in front of me, to the west of me. He stood very close as i spoke to him. He seemed to have blonde hair, and was the same height as me, though i could not really make out the rest of his features. I spoke softly to him about what had happened in the tournament, and he replied. I then started to feel attracted to him. I could feel the heavy brown coat he was wearing brush against my arm as we spoke. I tried to focus on his face, which was right in front of mine, but i could not see him.

I walked down the corridor of the old school building. The martial-arts tournament was happening here, and i knew that people would be getting ready. I remembered the man who had stood very close to me. I felt interested in him. I was heading to the east, down the hall which ran along the northern side of the main gymnasium. At the eastern end of the hall, there was a pair of glass doors which led outside on the southern wall of the corridor. Opposite them was a set of double metal doors which led to the smaller gymnasium. I opened the metal doors and looked inside. $A362 was standing just to the east of the doors, in the middle of the polished wood floor. She was practicing her martial-arts forms. I looked in only for a moment before starting back down the corridor to the west. I knew that $A362 had seen me, however, and i wondered whether she would be curious so know who had opened the doors. I turned around to look at the metal doors as she poked her head out into the corridor. It seemed that she was very quick to run to the door and look down the corridor. I wondered how she had moved so quickly to the door. I then turned back down the hall and continued to the west. I thought that the corridor was too long for me to have run all the way down before she could look out into the corridor. I could not have hidden on her so than she could not see that it was i who peeked in on her. I then noticed the open doors on the southern side of the corridor which led into the main gymnasium. I considered that i could have run across the hall and disappeared into the main gymnasium before she could have looked out into the corridor. I turned and headed into the main gymnasium. The room inside was very wide and empty. Only a few people stood in various spots around the large wood floor. It seemed that the tournament was over. I remembered how upset people had been about the politics of the tournament. I walked diagonally across the floor to the double doors in the center of the western wall of the gymnasium.

12003 December 29

I walked into the entrance hall of the building on the college campus. The walls of the hall were made of thick dark-brown bricks. We seemed to be at the bottom level of a two-story atrium. I could not see the south wall of the room, but the north wall stretch up near us. It seemed that i had entered the building at the basement level. The north wall of the first floor above us was covered with glass. It seemed that the building was built on a hill so that the main entrance was on the first floor, just above us. I spoke to the man, who was to the west of me. He seemed to be someone from $G3. There was also a woman standing with us. The man smiled as he spoke to me. It felt good to see him. I then remembered that he had given me a key to the building. I mentioned it to him as i started to the west, toward the elevators. The man had to get somewhere, so i tried to make it seem as though i had to head to my office in the building as well. I stepped into the elevator in the north wall. I had to test the key that the man had given me. The woman was in the elevator with me. I said something to her as the door of the elevator slid shut. I then noticed that the metal door at the back of the elevator slid open for a brief moment and then closed. There was a space between the back wall and the elevator door which seemed to be for storing janitorial gear. For a moment, i thought that i saw a short man sitting on the floor behind the door. I pointed out the door to the woman, asking her whether there was really someone behind the door. The door had already slid back to the east, but did not slide all the way closed. I told the woman that i thought there was a janitor behind the door. I called the name of the janitor, thinking that it might be the janitor i knew. I called for $A363, but no one answered. The front doors of the elevator then started to close, but i reached out and stopped them from doing so. I wanted to see the man in the back, so i would have to prevent the elevator from going up a level. The woman looked to the north as the metallic wall on the north side of the elevator slid open again, exposing a short man in the center of the wall. He was sitting on the floor with a broom in his hand. I thought that he might be asleep, since he was sitting so still.

I ran up the bare cement stairs of the small stairwell after the other man. The walls of the stairwell were grey cement, and we seemed to be in a parking garage. Through the openings in the stairwell, however, i could see bright green jungle vegetation growing on the different levels of the cement building. I had to stop the man from doing something. He was chanting something, and i felt that he was trying to bring some magical creature back to life. If he made it to the top of the stairwell, where the main part of the creature was, he would be able to bring it back to life with the water. I knew that the creature was dangerous and chaotic, though. It was one of the monsters mentioned in the Necronomicon. If the man brought it back to life, he would not gain power from the creature, as he was planning. Instead, the creature would just kill him. I stepped over the trail of ashes which ran up the center of the stairs as i followed the man around the tight clockwise turns. I could hear him pouring water on the dust as he climbed, and i could see some of the water spilling over the edge of the stairs and down the thin space between the flights of stairs. He was creating mud for the creature. The ashes were really part of the creature. Once the ashes became mud, they would be brought back to life as an amorphous creature. I rounded a corner and stepped over a mound of mud in the stairs. More water splashed over the edge of the stairs form above. The mud monster should be brought back to life by now. I worried that it was too late. Rather than following the man to the top of the stairs, i ran out of the stairwell at the next level, passing the man, who had stopped on the stairs. I hopped over a section of the jungle and turned around to head back down the other set of stairs. I had to get out of here before the creature started moving around. It would be too powerful to stop. I had failed to prevent the man from waking the beast, so i had to leave this place. I ran back down the stairs of the parking garage, but i was not paying attention to what level i was on. I had entered the stairs at the first level of the parking garage, but there were a few levels below that. When i came to the bottom of the stairwell, i realized that i had gone too far. I still seemed to be chasing someone as i ran to the east, out of the stairwell and across the wide platform. The area surrounding the stairwell was square, with the stairwell in the center. At the edges of the square was a wall that was a few meters tall. To the east of me, i could see the other man standing on the top of the wall, on a higher section of the parking garage. I too would have to climb up one level to get back to the first level. I was thinking that i would have to get back to the stargate in order to leave this place. The man was wearing a dark suit with a white shirt, and he seemed against me. He fired a pistol at me with his left hand and yelled to me. He referred to me as Arturo. I thought it might have something to do with the television show Sliders. I fell down to avoid the bullet, reaching out with my hands to stop my fall. The ground below me was made of soft green clay. The clay had a pattern of small brown rectangles on it which made it look like some man-made organic substance. I looked up at the man. I had to stand back up and get out of his range before he shot again.

I crossed the street, heading southeast to the bar on the other side of the street. As i started up the stairs, i noticed the men standing to the west of the door, on the cement stoop. The one near the door, who was leaning casually against the brick wall of the building, looked familiar to me. I thought that he was $A72, but i was not certain. He was wearing a brown coat, which seemed to be made of leather, over a white shirt. I looked at him as i reached the top of the stairs. He looked at me and smiled, saying that it was really he. He called me by my name and said hello. I greeted him and asked about the alumni event which was happening in the bar. I wondered whether i would see any of the other people i had remembered in high school. I spoke to him briefly before entering the bar. Once inside, i spotted several people that i had known. They did not seem much older, and some of them recognized me. I was hoping to run into several of them, but i was not sure whom i wanted to see.

12003 December 30

I pressed the buttons on the elevator as the other person looked on over my left shoulder. The buttons were in a brass-coloured panel on the western side of the south wall of the small booth. I was supposed to press the button for the first floor, but the elevator did not seem to be working properly. I remembered doing this before. The other man was with me in the elevator the last time i played with the buttons, but, this time, i was alone in the elevator. I was doing this as an acting exercise. The elevator scene was one of the scenes from the movie, but the elevator prop was not working properly. It should have brought me to the lower floor. I looked at the four black buttons on the panel, which were all arranged in a vertical column. The main door to the elevator was closed and the woman had left, but i could not get the elevator to go to the third floor, where i needed to get off. I then remembered that i could get to the second floor by typing a code into the number pad on the panel. I had just typed in the code with the woman a little while earlier, so i thought i could remember it. It was just a sequence of numbers which descended sequentially from one number. I hoped that i could remember the starting number. I leaned over to the keypad and typed “8765”. The door of the elevator opened and i stepped out. I was aware that there was something at the edge of the door which was responsible for operating the sliding metal door. I stepped back into the elevator, pulling one of the three black fuses out of the edge of the door. The door of the elevator closed behind me, but the brass-coloured doors seemed to catch on each other. The thin metal of the door buckled in the center, pushing into the elevator. I looked to the bottom of the door to see that the styrofoam insulation on the door had slipped and gotten jammed between the doors and the floor of the elevator. I turned to the north and was suddenly outside of the elevator. I thought that i had left the elevator on an upper floor and walked back down. I crossed the floor of the room, heading to the north, toward the elevator’s doors. $A15 was sitting on the north side of the room with a group of people. They were directing the play, and i was helping them make sure that the plot would flow properly. I told them that i could not get out of the elevator on this floor and had to go up to the next floor. The elevator was a failure. It did not work as it was supposed to in the script. I started to wonder what effects the elevator’s failure would have on the completion of the screenplay. $A15 sat in the chair in the middle of the group of directors, a contemplative and disappointed look on his face. He was then sitting back in the chair, and it seemed that a lot of time had passed. $A15 motioned to the large blue book which was sitting on his lap. It had a medium blue cover with white lettering. I knew that it was the revised script for the movie. It had finally been finished.

12003 December 31

I spoke to the other person as i headed to the east, watching the people sliding down the long grassy slope to the east of us. The slope was covered with grass, but the people seemed to be having no trouble sliding down it. I thought that the snow on the slope must have melted and turned to mud, but i did not think that the mud would be slippery enough for sleds to slide on. I then realized that one of the sleds moving down the narrow strip of the slope was pushing a pile of torn grass in front of it. I thought that the grass had been torn from the slope by the sleds, but then i realized that there was a lot of grass under the sleds. The people had spread the grass on the slope so that the sleds would work better. I casually asked the woman walking with me where they had gotten the grass. I watched a man in a brown jacket reach the bottom of the slope. Once he was at the bottom of the slope, he stood up from his yellow plastic sled and started to scoop up a mound of grass from the bottom of the slope. I realized that they were carrying the long grass from the bottom of the slope and carrying it back to the top, to spread it back over the hill. I talked with the woman about the grass for a moment before i headed to southeast, down the dirt trail. I had to head back to the cars to get something. The trail to the southeast seemed to be an old road, with two parallel tracks of muddy dirt. I walked along the trail, trying not to get my feet too muddy. As i stepped carefully along the right side of the trail, however, i found that my feet were sinking into the mud. I did not want to get that dirty, and i said something about the mud. I knew that the others would accuse me of complaining about getting dirty, and i felt that i should not say too much aloud. I looked at the mud on my denim pants and realized that i had been walking up to my knees in wet mud. There was a mound of snow on the side of the road. I stepped over it and tried to wipe my muddy pants off on the snow bank. As i moved to the south, i scrapped the legs of my pants on the west side of the snow. When i came to a set of short trees in the middle of the snow bank, i realized that i could not climb over them. I tried to walk around to the west and south of the tree, but realized that there was a very large puddle on the road just to the south of the trees. I could not step around the tree because i would be stepping into the middle of the puddle. There also seemed to be an old metal fence just to the south which prevented me from walking through the woods at the side of the trail and coming back on the trail farther to the south. I looked at the puddle to figure out how i could step over it. I then realized that the water of the puddle was really pooling behind a mount of snow at the edge of the trail. The water was flowing over a rock by the northeast corner of the low chain-link fence. A mound of snow on the rock had turned to ice and had trapped the water behind it, allowing only a thin stream to flow out. I seemed that i could drain the water from the puddle if i could break through the mound of ice. I poked a stick through the western side of the ice and withdrew it again, watching the water pour through the small hole. After watching the water pour out for a moment, i wondered how long it would take to drain the puddle. I poked another hole in the north side of the ice block, but then decided that i should simply remove the entire ice block and let the water flow out all at once. I leaned forward and pulled the ice toward me. The ice easily broke off of the brown rock and slid to the ground to the west. The water spread out over the ice more quickly now. As the water ran free, i noticed that there was a white film forming on the rock. The ice was refreezing on the surface of the rock. This did not seem right. It seemed that the rock should be warm enough that the water would not freeze so quickly on it. I then stood up and stepped carefully around the tree, placing my foot carefully in the middle of the drained puddle, hoping that it did not sink too far into the water and mud.