12004 December 03

I walked to the northwest, across the floor of the wide room. The ceiling of the room seemed to be very far above. This place seemed like a gymnasium or auditorium. It seemed somewhat like the auditorium at $P7. There were a few men to the north of me who were practicing wrestling. I walked toward them, amused by their practice. One of the men knew me and walked over to me. He started wrestling with me in jest. He seemed to be wearing a red tee shirt and long blue sweat pants. I pushed him away as he circled to the east of me. I pushed back on him and pulled him to the ground. It seemed very easy to wrestle him, so i thought that he must be much lighter than i was. I pinned him to the floor fairly quickly, and then stood up to say something. The other man then started wrestling with me. I thought that he was bigger and stronger, so i might not be able to pin him as easily. He was wearing a brown singlet which had a yellow diagonal band across the waist. I pushed on him and was surprised that i was able to take him down so easily. He was then on the floor to the southeast of me, and i seemed to have him in a headlock. I was still behind him, though, and i had my legs wrapped around his so that he could not escape. I then realized that i was bending him backward, putting stress on his spine. The others watched from the northwest. I thought that the man would submit, but he kept struggling, so i placed my right knee in the small of his back and pulled his head to my chest. This seemed very easy to do. When i looked down at him, we were still struggling, even though he was bend backward into a V. He did not give up, so i pushed my knee into his back to put a little more pressure on him, hoping that he would give up and end the match.

12004 December 06

I looked over the map which i was holding in my hand. It seemed to be a map of Cleveland. The map was covered with thin red lines which represented the borders of streets. The area between the streets was mostly white, but there were areas shaded with light green and light blue. I looked around at the urban streets on the upper-right of the map, which seemed to be the southwest section of the city. There were many streaks of blue running down the center of the map. The area that i was looking at seemed to be like an island. The blue streaks represented small bodies of water which stretched across the map, making an arch across the upper part of the map and extending town to the center of the right-hand side. This place looked interesting to me, and i thought that it might be a nice place to live. I had been looking for a place to move to which would be better than where i was living. I looked more toward the center of the map, noticing the grids of streets which ran east to west, above the central light-green and light-blue area of the map. I wanted to know which section of the city would be best to live in. I then noticed that there was a number in the center of the map where i was looking. It said that i was on the 404 block of some street. This area seemed interesting, for some reason, so i looked around the area for some identifying name. Just to the right of the number was the name “Jammin’”, which seemed to be the same of the street. It sounded like a colloquial name rather than a real one, and i thought that it might be slang for the area. I then wondered what the real name of the area would be. I thought that the district of the city should have a name. I looked at the type on the map, but i was having difficulty making it out. It did not seem too small, but i could not focus on the letter. I finally made out the name “Ruben”, which was printed over the section of the city that i was interested in. I looked at the words again and realized that it looked more like “Bennson”. That was the name of the district of the city. This seemed to be a special place on the map, so i had to remember it. If i was going to move to the city, i would have to look up this area and investigate it. I then looked down to the central area of the city, which was on the left-hand side of the map. There was a long diagonal stripe of light-green across the center of the map which designated a park area. There were long strips of light-blue rectangles which ran the length of the park. They were the artificial ponds in the central park. Multiple orange lines ran parallel to the park, with branching orange lines spanning out into the surrounding city. These lines represented the shuttle trains and the public transport system. It seemed to be a strange set up, but i liked the fact that the city was so easily accessible by public transport. My eyes panned to the right-hand side of the map, following the green area of the park. He light-blue streaks were now long oddly shaped patches of water. This area was covered with small lakes. It was a beautiful design. I looked up, turning to the southeast. I could see the line of apartment buildings on the southern side of the boulevard. There was a nice green median in the center of the boulevard, and i seemed to be just to the south of the park in the center of the city. This place seemed beautiful to me. I had to remember the name of this place so that i could return here. I tried to think of the street name, but i could no quite remember it. I thought that it reminded me of “Bruce Jenner”, but i could not be sure what it was. I was having trouble remembering.

12004 December 11

It was warm and sunny out as i stood on the shore of the body of water. There seemed to be several structures around me which were brightly coloured. The others were to the north of me, sitting on chairs. Some of them were facing south, toward the water. There seemed to be a street to the north of us, and there were several structures around us which seemed like buildings. I turned to the west-southwest, noticing a small light in the blue sky. It flickered and seemed to move slowly downward, to the north. I thought that this light was significant. I thought that it was an aircraft, but there was something special about it. The others were doing something to the northeast of me now as i watched the light. There seemed to be tall palm trees along the shore to the north of me. I focused on the light, wondering whether i should bring it to the others attention. I felt that it was significant, but i did not want to draw everyone’s attention if it was really just an airplane. The light started to blur on the sky, and i could hear a loud humming. The sound seemed like the noise from a propeller airplane engine, but i still had the feeling that there was something strange about the light. It did not feel right. I watched it as it slowly moved to the north. I felt nervous, knowing that something was wrong. Red streaks then started to fall from the sky. I wondered if the light was from a meteor, but then remembered the humming sound and thought that it must be an airplane. The red streaks crashed suddenly to the ground, across the bay, to the west. The shore curved to the north a little from where i was standing before turning back to the southwest on the other side of the small bay. There were some large white buildings on the other side of the bay with green ferns growing near the base. The fiery fragments fell just on the other side of the building. I felt worried. This place now seemed like Florida, and i thought that the buildings might have something to do with NASA’s Mission Control. The crash must have been serious. A heard a loud boom as the bright light of the explosion illuminated the western sky. It seemed to be a serious impact, and i worried that the blast wave from the impact would hit us soon. I then started to wonder how i could have heard the sound already. It should have taken longer for the sound to reach us than for the light from the crash to reach us. I should not have seen both at the same time. I looked again to the west to see a big red fireball rising over the buildings. That must have been from the real impact. It will take time for the sound to travel to us, so we will not hear the explosion or feel the shockwave for a little while. I told the others that they should get down on the ground, warning them about the shockwave. I could see the shockwave expanding from the building, making ripples across the water of the large bay. I knelt down on the ground as it passed by us. I thought that i should be hiding behind something so that the blast did not hit me directly, but i did not have time to move. The others were hiding to the northeast of me. There now seemed to be a paved walkway running to the north of us, along the shore. Several buildings stood just beyond it. I stood up as soon as the blast was over. The sky seemed cloudy and grey now. I felt that something very serious had happened. The world had suddenly changed, and i felt that we had to do something about it. I wondered what we should do now. The others were wandering around to the northeast of me. It seemed that i was the only one who realized the gravity of the problem. The ground shook as i looked to the south. It must have been an after shock of the impact. There were tall buildings all around us, and several trees stood just to the southwest of us. The large dark building to the west and southwest seemed to be an old cathedral or an abandoned office building. The buildings in this area seemed to have been abandoned for some time and were run down. To the west was an old brick house, set back from the sidewalk on a short-cut grass lawn. We were in the middle of a city, and this place seemed to be Eurivvonerga. I worried that there would be another quake, so i told the others that we had to get to an open area. I started to the south, but realized that we were nearing the tall buildings, where there would be a danger of falling debris. To the east, there seemed to be an empty lot, but there were trees hanging over it. I decided that it would not be safe here. We needed to get to open lawn. I wondered where we should go. Then i noticed the tree to the south of us which had red and orange leaves. It was an old, wide tree with a round crown. I knew that there was an open lawn in front of the capitol building to the east. This town now seemed like $P6. I urgently told the others that we should get to the open field to the east. To the northwest, i could see the tall towers of $P132, and i pointed them out to the others. I looked at the tall towers as we walked to the east, noticing the broken windows. Everything seemed to be coloured red, as though the sky had a strange hue to it. The others moved to the northeast, ahead of me. As i started to follow them, a strong wind blew against us. I felt as though the wind was lifting me up, and i thought that i could fly all the way to the open lawn. I knew that i was able to fly and wondered why i could not simply do it. I opened my arms and closed my eyes, concentrating on lifting off the ground. I could feel the wind pressing against my arms and chest, pushing me up. My red plaid flannel shirt was open in front, and it started to catch the wind. I concentrated, thinking that i could control the wind. I wanted it to lift me up and carry me to the northeast. A strong wind pushed against me and lifted me from the ground. I rose suddenly, watching the details on the ground become small. I suddenly worried that i had risen too high too quickly. I could not control the wind as well as i had hoped, and i worried that i would not be able to control my descent enough not to hit the ground too hard. I tried to control the wind, forcing it to move me to the north, but i was drifting to the southwest slowly. This was not working. The wind against my skin felt cool and firm, and i concentrated on moving it around me. I concentrated on the feeling of the wind on my skin, thinking that i had to change its flow. I felt worried for not being able to control the wind. The others then called to me. I turned to the east to see the others in the underground corridor with me. We had come here after the disaster, but i felt that it was a mistake to come here. We had come underground to hide, but i felt that we were trapped here. I remembered seeing the others with me in the corridor ahead. I moved through the large rooms with the other person. The others with me seemed panicked, and i felt that they would eventually make the wrong decision. We turned around a corner and headed north, into the wide cement room. I thought that we had to get upstairs to the ground level to get out, but the others would not let us out. They were trying to hold us here. As i reached the north end of the cement room, i spotted the yellow metal circular staircase in an alcove on the northern end of the eastern wall. Some people ahead of me started up the stairs by the time i got there, but they stopped before they got to the top. A dark-skinned man turned around on the stairway and looked back into the room, frustrated. He was from the crowd of people trying to escape. I already knew that we would not be able to get upstairs by going that way. The others would have blocked the passage. The small crowd of people around me seemed frantic and confused. I tried to ignore them, knowing that i could think about the situation better because i was not panicking. I ran past the stairwell, to the north end of the room and turned east, down the corridor. $Z was with me as we jogged down the corridor, looking for a way out. As we passed the open doorways of the underground complex, i looked in to see different groups of people gathering. There was a group of people in white suits in one of the rooms to the north who seemed to be practicing martial arts in the center of a plain cement room. We then passed a wider door which seemed to lead into a formal restaurant. I walked past the door, looking at the waiter in the bright white shirt and formal black slacks. He stood on the east side of the doorway, and he seemed East Asian. Inside, several other waiters were setting up the empty tables in tuxedoes. It seemed that the restaurant was just opening up. I thought that we might be able to escape by going north, through the restaurant and through the kitchen. However, i decided that the people in the restaurant would not let us through. They were part of the establishment which was keeping everyone in the underground city. I thought that the others would try to make it out through the restaurant, but i felt that we knew better. We would have to leave somewhere else. I turned to the north and headed across the long plain cement room. The others were to the south, but i felt that the double doors in the north wall of the room might lead somewhere. I pushed open the large wooden doors, expecting to see another cement corridor leading away to some part of the city i had not yet explored. Instead, i stepped out onto a paved outdoor parking lot between the single-level buildings. I was surprised to see the sunlight in the sky. It seemed so easy to get to this point, and i wondered why others had not tried to leave through here before. I felt confused, wondering why the others had not even checked this door before. I turned to the south to see some children playing outside a door on the southern wing of the building. They were dressed in white and were being guided back inside by a nun. I realized that they were the catholic students. I was looking west across the wide courtyard between the buildings. I remembered the nuns and orphans from before. We had passed them in another room. I had not known that they had a way out. I told $Z that this was the way out, still shocked that i had found the exit so easily. I started to suspect that there was some kind of trick. A man then walked up to us from inside the room. He discouraged me from using the door, saying that we can not let everyone know about the exit. I felt confused, looking around at the surrounding buildings, wondering where the trick was. The man told me that i could not use the door, but i did not understand why. It seemed like the way out. I started to think that i would get caught on the grounds of this place if i tried to escape to the east, down the driveway, between the buildings. I imagined that there would be a tall fence around the perimeter of the compound. It could not be this easy to escape.

I started up the steep hill, to the north, but my car was having trouble making it up the slope. The pavement was ashen tan and had horizontal ridges for traction. I said something to $Z about the hill. He was sitting to the right of me, in the passenger’s seat of the car. I strained to move forward, now walking up the slope of the hill. There was a small stream of water running down the gutter on the western side of the road. The muddy water was from all the rain that we had been having. I realized that the street was an old design, with thick plaster curbs and deep gutters. The buildings seemed to be very close to the roads. I told $Z about the rocks on the side of the street, which seemed to be embedded into the cement pavement of the road. They were put there to provide traction for vehicles, thought the road seemed to be much older that automobiles. It almost seemed roman. I looked at the rocks in the center of the road. They had ripples across the surface of them from years of erosion. These designs actually caused water to run down the street. I spoke to $Z about the gutters in the center of the old street. I then looked up, looking at the blue sky above us. We started talking about something as i looked at the blue sky. I was now standing still in a high place where the view of the western horizon seemed unobstructed. I told $Z about the planes that i remembered as i focused on the blue in the sky. I felt that i was trying to see something. I thought that i could see a spy airplane in the blue, but i was not sure. It would be flying at a very high altitude. I then knew that i could see something special, and i told $Z the time before, when i had seen the plane. I then saw the small airplane, but it was really the time before. I described the airplane as a jet. It was not the same spy plane that i had seen before. It was moving slowly now as i watched it in the eastern sky. It was moving out from behind the tall building to the south of us. I realized that it looked like a Colonial Viper as it turned around the building. I talked about the triangular spy plane, thinking that this could not be the one i had seen before. I then saw the small triangular aircraft over our heads. It was descending toward us. I realized that i was having trouble focusing on the craft. Something then landed on the roof to the west of us. I looked up and to the south to see the spy plane sitting on the side wall of the plane cement building, which rose above us, to the south. I could see through the windows of the airplane, noticing that there did not seem to be anything or anyone inside. I felt nervous, knowing that some people would not want us knowing about the aircraft. Once it realized that we could see it, it detached from the building and landed to the west of us. Other airplanes now started to come down onto the room around us. They were all secret planes, and we should not have been seeing this. The agents were there, and they would try to detain us because we saw the airplanes. I then thought that we were special because we could see the airplanes, even though we would get in trouble for doing so. I looked at the small ship sitting on the roof to the west. It seemed like a car, with large windows on the passenger section. I walked around the northern end of the ship, studying it as $Z walked to the north. To the west of me, a second red car landed on the room. It looked like a small hatch-bark automobile. I looked through the back window of the can and noticed that there was a machine taking up most of the trunk space. This must be the machine which allows the car to fly. I looked closely at it, noticing that there was a chain running over a fly wheel on the side of the machine. It seemed strange that the machine would have such mechanical parts. I thought that the new elevation drives would be more complicated and electronic. I walked to the back of the car, which was now open, wondering how the machine could make the car fly. The small mechanical box in the center of the hatch-back trunk seemed too small and simple. I knew that i should not be seeing this secret technology, but i was very interested in how it worked. The car was facing south, and the pilot got out and walked around the western side of the car. He was dressed in a dull-green jumpsuit. I asked him about the technology. He leaned into the trunk of the car and started pointing out the system to me. He pointed to the red and black tubing on the western side of the machine and said that it was the fuel supply. There was a black tube running from the western wall of the room to the fuel tank of the car. I guessed that the fuel from the wall pumps the regular fuel into the car, but then the box in the trunk filters it and changes it into something special for the machine. I said this to the man as i figured it out. I felt special for being able to understand this part of the technology. The man acted like it was a complicated system, but i understood it. After he described it to me, i spoke the words back to him, confirming my understanding of it. He then pointed to the yellow tubes which were running from the small metal box to the back of the trunk. I knew that they had something to do with the feed to the levitation device, but i the pilot was interrupted before he could explain it to me. An agent grabbed my right arm. I wanted to understand the technology, and continued to question the man about as the agent pulled me away. He brought me to a cell on the north of the hall. I passed through the narrow passage and came into the cell, which did not seem to be sealed. I concentrated on the levitation technology as i looked around the cell. $Z was already in the cell with me. There was a long bench hanging from the northern wall of the room. I noticed that there were several plastic utensils on the counter. I thought that they had to give us the fake knives so that we would not have weapons in our cell. I turned around, realizing that there was no door on the western wall. I walked out of the cell to look around, not worried that i was breaking the rules. $Z stayed in the cell, afraid to disobey the agents. I felt out of the realm of the chain of command. I did not think that there was really anything that they could do to me which mattered. The agent found me, though, and brought me back to the cell. Frustrated, i looked around the cell again, noticing the plastic knives and scissors on the counter in the northwestern corner of the black room. I picked up the plastic scissors, but they fell apart into two pieces. I thought that i should pretend to cut $Z with the plastic knives. I knew they would not cut, but i thought that it would be funny. $Z was now to the west of me. There was also a third person in the cell with us, to the north. The third man would get the fake folding blade. We could stage a confrontation to distract the guards. I then realized that the third man was playing Velma from Scooby Doo. We were supposed to play parts in this scene. I took the book from the table on the south wall where the knives had been. It was a children’s menu with a picture of Scooby Do on it. This was part of a game, and we all had to play the characters in the game. I suddenly felt that this was rather silly.

12004 December 12

I viewed the large house to the west of me. It was an old wooden house that was painted white. I then looked to the north, at the large barn behind it. The barn was wide, with wooden siding which had been painted white. On the east end of the barn seemed to be a deck with a gazebo on it. I walked along the gravel driveway to the entrance to the barn and into the front entrance of the barn. It was dark inside, but the light from the windows allowed me to see where i was going. I turned to the east inside and headed toward the gazebo. The walls of the corridor were made of bare wood, and the outside wall seemed to be exposed so that i could see the beams and the back of the wood siding. There were windows on both the inside and outside walls. I came into an area where the walls curved outward at the corner of the building. Both the inside wall and the outside wall curved at the same time, keeping the width of the corridor the same. This was the gazebo of the house. I looked at the plain windows on the inside wall, finding them very attractive, even thought they were simple and rustic, with a few remains of chipped paint on the frames. This was a very nice old building, and i liked it. I felt nostalgic here. I turned to look out the outside windows, which now seemed like open spaces. I was in the gazebo, looking out over the railing at the surrounding yard. To the north, the yards seemed lower, as though i was on the second floor of the barn. I decided that the land around the barn must have sloped downward so that the back of the barn was at a lower level than the front. The yard of the neighbour to the north was nice and green, with a white picket fence around it. The neighbours’ house was to the northeast of the barn, and the white fence bordered the barn for a few metres right below me before it ran off to the north. I was obviously on the second floor of the barn, and i wondered what was below me, in the back part of the barn. I had been looking at this property as something that i could purchase, and i wondered if the seller knew about the floor below. It did not seem obvious from the front of the barn. I said something to $Z, who was standing to the east of me. I was now outside the barn again. I looked to the north, at the barn as i spoke. The ground around the barn dipped down just before the barn, as though there was a trench dug all around the barn. There was a wooden platform running from the ground in front of the barn to the main barn door, stretching over the small trench. Below the platform, i could see a small door which led into the lower level of the barn. I pointed it out to $Z as i looked over the barn again. I then noticed that there was a tall plastic tower extending above the gazebo on the eastern end of the barn. The tower was actually behind the barn, in the neighbours’ yard. I thought that it might be a lifeguard tower for their pool. The white plastic pole of the tower supported a small white booth which was just large enough for a human to sit in. The tower swayed as the wind blew, and i thought that it did not really look sturdy enough to support the weight of the basket on top. I wondered how it stayed up all this time. I thought that it would break off if the tower started to sway too much in the wind. I then thought that the children could force it to sway by pushing on it. As i watched and thought about this, the tower started to sway. I knew that there were people in the neighbours’ yard, so i thought that someone was trying to break the pole by getting it to sway in wider and wider swings. There was another pole just to the east of it which had a small green pennant on it. The second pole seemed much thinner. When the first pole collided with the second, the second slowed the oscillation of the first. The others were standing around me as we watched the poles swing in. It did not seem that the people could get the first pole to break because it would keep swinging into the second pole, decreasing its oscillation. I said something to my mother about the garage. I wanted to buy this house to live in, and i was interested with what could be in the first floor of the barn. I headed into the barn again, entering on the first floor this time. My wife was with me. We stepped through the front door and came into a fancy hallway. The hall was dim, but i could make out the ornate detail of the polished wood trimming. I was impressed by the detail of the decorative woodwork. I then turned to the west and headed into one of the side rooms. Dim light seemed to be entering these rooms from small windows on the outside walls. The large room was crowded with stacks of old wood furniture. There were rolls of oriental rugs leaning up against some dressers to the south of the door, and a tall stack of cabinets to the north. I could see dining-room chairs stacked to the west, beyond the cabinets. I admired the fine craftsmanship of the wooden cabinets as i walked into the room. As i reached the end of the cabinets, though, i noticed that there wan an old woman sitting on a chair between the cabinets and the stack of chairs. She seemed placid and dazed. I thought that she had been lost and had happened on this place for shelter. She did not seem to notice that i was here. I stepped back out into the hall and continued to the north. I wondered if all of these fine furnishings came with the barn. I hoped that i could buy the barn and get the furnishings. Then i thought that the sellers might not even know that these things exist. I turned to the east at the end of the barn and walked outside. The corridor ended at the outside of the barn. The ground became dirt, and the woodwork of the barn was dirty, with white chipping paint. I walked to the south, along the eastern side of the barn. Part of the barn still hung over the corridor where i was. There seemed to be a lot of things stacked to the west of me, in a long corridor under the barn. I looked at some of the scraps, thinking that this was a junk dump. I then spotted an old-fashioned microphone on a metal stand just inside the corridor, against the southern wall. It seemed nice, and i felt encouraged to look further at the stuff. I then realized that there were some old musical amps standing just behind the microphone. The amps were black and seemed dusty, and i wondered whether they worked. I thought that they were nice, though, and i wondered if they still worked. The amp on the bottom was a guitar amp. I felt excited to see the musical stuff here. I then realized that there were instruments standing just to the east of the amps, and i felt even more excited. There was a tall thin instrument which seemed to be a fake acoustic bass. It was an electric instrument, and did not need the full body of the acoustic instrument. I plucked one of the strings and listened to it resonate. It had a nice sound. The strings were strange, though. They seemed to be too course for an instrument, but i decided that they were electric strings rather than acoustic strings. I excitedly looked over the other stuff in the room, noticing the pictures hanging on the southern wall. The southern wall to the west of me was covered with old post cards, magazine ads, and photographs. I was very interested in these things. Many of them seemed to be collectable items, and i thought that they would be valuable. I then noticed that some of the images hanging on the wall were really old comic books. The old man who had owned this place must have been a collector. I looked to the west. The room was full of trinkets and junk which was all very nice. I felt intrigued with the stuff. The others were behind me, looking at the things in the barn. This place was very nice. There were many things of interest here, and i wanted to explore them.

12004 December 13

The man scrambled through the hole in the brick wall of the building. I knew that someone was chasing him from the other side of the hole. There was something strange about this situation. There were several superheroes here with me, ready to stop the thing from coming through the hole. Spiderman stood in front of me, ready to head through the hole. I felt annoyed that they were pushing me out of the way. I watched Spiderman approach the hole, but i knew that he was not the real Spiderman. This was an alternate universe, so this Spiderman would not be as nice as the one that i knew. He sprayed webbing into the hole to prevent the other person from chasing the man. I knew that the spray was not really webbing, though. In this alternate universe, he was spraying acid. I had to stay out of the way so that i did not get burned. The Hulk then appeared in the hole. His skin was grey, which meant that he was one of the later incarnations of the Hulk. His face was covered with the white ooze which Spiderman had sprayed. I wondered if the Hulk was from my universe or not. I turned and moved to the north, trying to think about this. I thought that i was also a superhero in this universe. I had special powers, but there was something wrong here. I told $Z that i was really from an alternate universe because i had powers in this place. I turned to the west in front of the wall and started walking along the face of the dark brick wall. $Z was talking to me about the alternate universes. He was like Jimmy Olsen, but i thought he was really $F45. I told him that he did not have any super powers here because his alternate had not switched with him from the other universe. I told him that i had switched before birth. This sounded like a fascinating idea. My essence was switched when i was still in my mother’s womb, which allowed me to have powers here. That was also why my powers seem to have come from this universe. Jimmy, on the other hand, was switched after his birth, so he did not really have any powers in this universe.

12004 December 18

I walked down the sidewalk of the small town, heading south. The old bar was to the east of me. It was a run-down cement building with chipping paint and dingy signs outside of it. I seemed to be with some other people, who were ahead of me on the sidewalk. A group of men passed us, heading north to the east of us. I focused on the blonde man in the group. There was something about him which drew my attention. I watched him pass, trying to figure out why i was interested in him. I thought about it as i entered the bedroom. I had been staying in this place for the past few days. The others were staying in other rooms of this place, but they were now starting to leave. I started going through the bedroom to collect my things so that i could leave as well. The room seemed fairly wide, with a bed against the north wall. $F12 had been staying with me, but he had already left. I missed him, thinking that there was something special about him which interested me. I thought about him as i looked around the bedroom for the rest of my things. The bedroom was decorated in a country style, with rustic wood furniture and white blankets and sheets. The walls were plain and white, with few hangings. The bed was set into the western end of the northern wall, about two metres from the western wall. The door to the room was in the northern end of the western wall. There also seemed to be a door on the southern end of the western wall. The middle of the western wall was set back about a half metre from the wall where the doors were. I turned to the east as i heard some of the others outside. There was a window on the eastern of the north wall which looked out toward the back door of the house. The others, who seemed to be young adults, walked to the east, toward the cars in the driveway. I walked to the door in the eastern wall of the room. There was a window to the north of the door, and a few windows to the south. There was also a window in the top part of the door. I pulled back the white curtains on the door and looked at the teenagers in the driveway. I then checked to make sure that the door was locked. I felt that the house needed to be secure, and i worried that it was not. I then walked to the door which was in the southern end of the eastern wall and checked that it was locked as well. The doors to the room had not been locked. I wondered who had left them open and why. The others did not secure the house. After locking the doors, i walked back through the small cluttered room, heading to the west. The windows on the eastern wall were covered with thin white curtains, and this place felt unsafe now. I turned to leave the room, thinking that this room must have been the old kitchen of the house. I thought so because of the way the windows looked. This house seemed very nice. I walked out into the hall and turned to the south. The house was very large, and i felt that someone wealthy owned it. The house was fancy. I walked down the hall, admiring the size of the rooms. I thought that it must be very expensive to own, but i wished that i could live here. The hall had a few jogs in it, which gave it more character. There were more bedrooms to the east and west, and i felt that i was in the southeastern corner of the single-level mansion. I looked into the room as i passed, noticing the clean furnishings with and the made beds. They looked like hotel rooms. This must be where the guests stay, but they looked empty at the moment. As i came to the end of the hall, i could see that there were two more rooms at the end of the corridor, one to the east and one to the west. The room to the west seemed to be a bathroom. I remembered that not everything in this wing was a bedroom. I then started to do something in the hall. I felt happy in this place, and started faking a cheerful dance. Someone was in the room to the east of me, and i realized that he could see me dancing. The man was sitting on the foot of the bed, which had its head against the middle of the southern wall. I felt amused as i turned to the east and flew into the room. I did not care that he could see what i could do. I flew across the room and into the small bathroom which was off the east of the bedroom. As i got inside the second room, i realized that it was not really a bathroom at all. The room was rather large, and seemed to be an unused room which was being used as storage. The room had plain white walls and a white carpet. Several cardboard boxes were sitting to the south, in the center of the room, and there were some small boxes to the north. I looked around at the crates and noticed that there were several interesting things sitting outside the boxes, still to be packed. I looked into the tops of some of the open boxes, interested in the things i saw. I then flew over to the southeast corner of the room, where a large blue drum was sitting on the floor. The large white drumhead on the top of the drumhead a round painted symbol in the center of it. I hit the drumhead and it vibrated with a loud resonate hum. I was surprised at the breadth of the sound. I thought that it felt powerful, as though it resonated through my body. There was something spiritual about the sound, and i thought that this must be a very important drum. I hit the drum again and felt the vibration resonate through my entire body. It felt very good. I was aware of the other person in the room to the west, and i wondered if he understood what i was doing. I thought that he might think that what i was doing was strange, but i did not care what he thought. I concentrated on the sound of the vibration, which was still humming through the air. I hovered in the center of the room, feeling the peaceful vibration trickle through my arms and legs. I then turned and flew to the west, passing the other person as i crossed the bedroom and headed out into the hall. I still thought that this was a nice old house. I headed a little to the north, admiring the large house. I thought that this house belonged to the father of the woman who had let us stay here. There was a corridor off to the west, and i noticed that there was a corridor running north, just on the other side of a wall from the corridor that i was in, just a little to the west. It seemed to be a maintenance corridor because it was not as nicely designed as the other corridors. I walked up the corridor, noticing the metal shelves with stored items on them. This place must be used to store supplies. I followed it into a dimly lighted storage room, which expanded to the west. The walls of the room were bare cement, and there seemed to be metal girders across the roof. The room seemed to be packed with old things and things that were not being used. I looked into several of the cardboard boxes which were stored on the shelves, taking interest in several of them. Many of the things seemed special or old. I admired many of the things that i found in the boxes, but thought that i should not spend too much time looking around here. I did not want anyone to think that i was going through everything. I wished that i could live in a house like this. It seemed very special.

12004 December 21

I was sitting on the bed in the small bedroom at my parents’ house. It seemed to be late at night, and i thought that everyone would be asleep. I heard a sound from outside, so i looked out the window on the eastern wall. There was someone sneaking up the driveway. I could see the man on the blue motorcycle driving along the side of the house. He was wearing a blue and black riding jacket and had a dark helmet on. It was night out, and i could see the square light which ran up the center of the curved plastic surface which covered the front of the handle bars. The light seemed blue. I remembered seeing this person sneaking up the driveway before. He was up to something and could not be trusted. I walked down stairs and ran to the back door to see if i could see what he was doing in the driveway. It was dark in the house, but i realized that there was a night light in the back room, which might illuminate me as i stood next to the door. I was then standing by the foot of the stairs, where i could not be seen from the door. I could hear someone moving outside. Then i heard the sound of a car trying to start. I realized that the people were trying to start one of my father’s cars. They were going to steal it. I walked over to the door and turned on the outside lights. There was a set of light switches to the right of the door, in an off-white panel. I could not remember which switch turned on the main lights out. I flipped several of the switches, hoping that the bright overhead light might scare away the people who were trying to steal the car, but i could not seem to figure out which switches were turning on the lights and which were not. I wanted to turn on all of the outside lights, but the overhead spot light was the most important. I tried to look out the window of the door to see if the lights were on, but i cold not tell. I pressed the button of the timer switch which was on the left-hand side of the panel, thinking that it would turn on the porch light. I looked out to see the blue motorcycle sitting in the driveway, just to the north of the porch. I could see the tan car in the parking space to the east. There seemed to be many other cars in the driveway, and i thought that the man was trying to steal the tan one. It seemed like a special car. I was still having trouble seeing, so i pressed several of the other buttons on the panel to the right, trying to get as much light as i could. I then realized that i had turned on the light in the entryway. I quickly turned it off and backed away from the door. I did not want the people outside to see me. I moved to the west wall and picked up the green cordless telephone from receiver, which was sitting low on the wall. I was going to call emergency and tell them that someone was stealing the car. As i turned back to face the door, i imagined what i would say to the emergency operator. I would tell them the telephone number and the address very quickly, in case the people outside tried to cut the telephone lines. I would then tell the woman that the car was being stolen. I thought about what i would say again as i looked at the green phone in my hand. I decided that i did not want to use it because it was a cordless telephone and would broadcast my voice to anyone nearby. I did not want the thieves to hear what i was saying to the operator. I turned to the south and ran into the kitchen, trying to get a look at the car thieves out the window. I thought that they must have already taken car, so i should really no be calling emergency. I should simply call the police. I turned to the west, trying to remember where my parents kept all of the telephones. I passed by the one in the kitchen, thinking that the thieves could see me using it from the window and would know that i was calling the police. I could not let them know what i was doing so that they would not simply run away. I ran to the west, into the next room. I seemed to be in the bedroom on the second floor of the house, in the middle bedroom. I remembered that there was a telephone here and thought that i should use it. I then realized that i had stepped into my parents’ bedroom. My mother was lying on the bed, which was against the north wall, and my father was standing near the west wall. The lights in the room were on, and it seemed as though they had been woken unexpectedly. My father was putting on some clothing to head down stairs. I told him that there was someone stealing his car. He seemed upset and hurried to dress. I remembered that i should telephone the police.

12004 December 25

I was moving through the small room where i was living. This place seemed to be part of a college dorm. There was someone else living with me. I was taking classes at this place. I had not been taking classes in a while, and it seemed strange to be back here. I remembered that i had switched to another class because something was wrong with my first class. My first class had been canceled, and i did not remember going to the second. Something seemed wrong. I stood for a moment, trying to remember what i had done. I thought that the first time i had gone to class there was a test. I used the excuse that i could not find the class in order to miss that one. I realized that i could not actually remember being in a class. I knew that i should have gone, but i could not remember actually going. I felt bad that i was not attending like i should have been. It was a humanities class, and i thought that i had already missed the class today. I tried to remember what the class was teaching. I should try to catch up on the material. I thought about where they were in the class. I continued to walk through the halls of the school as i tried to think about what the class was teaching. I wondered why i had not taken class, as I should have. I felt bad, thinking that i had messed up the opportunity to learn something nice. I would not be able catch up now, and i felt disappointed. I knew that it was too late to drop out of the class now. I will have to get a bad grade in it because i did not think that i could catch up on the material. I felt frustrated. I had to do something. I turned into the lecture room. This was my new class. The professor was teaching to the north of where i had entered. He stood on a short stage at the front of the lecture room. There was a television next to him which had a funny video playing on it. This was part of the class. The class was on sociology, and the television show demonstrated something about our culture. The professor stopped the film and joked about it. I remembered the professor from before. He was a thin man with a short white beard. I realized that his features were rather distinctive. If i described him to others, i would probably refer to him as the man with the white beard. I had only guessed what he looked like before, but now i knew that he did have a beard. I turned to the west. I was in the hospital room now, talking with the others about the class. I mentioned the man with the white beard. I suddenly wondered how i could have forgotten what the professor looked like. The female doctor then told me that i could leave. I had been here for an examination. I started to get my things ready to leave, but the male doctor checked my back. He felt along my spine, asking me if i felt any pain. I said that i did not. He seemed surprised. He told me that i might have an infection. I wondered if the infection could have caused all of my trouble. It seemed that i had been having a lot of medical trouble. The doctors then left the room. I got my clothes together and got ready to leave. I was aware of someone in the room to the north. The person was cleaning the room and could see into where i was. I got my things together and headed to the west. As i walked into the corridor, i saw the doctors standing to the north. They were standing near a counter, chatting about something. I asked them if i was ready to go now.

12004 December 28

I flew to the south, looking at the suburban houses to the west of me. I was flying over the block of the large development. I seemed to be flying along the eastern most edge of the housing development, along the back side of the houses to the west. There was a parking lot to the east of me which bordered the northern side of a large cement building. There was a grassy strip of land right under me which separated the parking lot from the back yards in the development. In the center of the grassy area was a water channel with a small amount of water running in it. I thought that the water was from the drainage of the surrounding land. The water would run into the pool of the houses and through the gutters of the houses before emptying out in the water channel. This seemed like a very nice neighbourhood. I looked at the backs of the house as i passed. Some had chairs out in the small grassy back yards, and some had boats and extra cars. The yards seemed small and crowded, but comforting. I thought that i was getting a view of what the people in the houses were like. Their yards said something about the people. I felt happy and peaceful flying over this neighbourhood. I came to the end of the row of houses and turned around. I swung my legs under me as i hovered in the air and then started moving to the north. This time, i passed over the parking lot, noticing the construction underneath me. As i moved, i watched the houses again, trying to get a better view of the details of the houses. However, before i could enjoy the back yards of the houses, i came to the end of the street. This place seemed to be $P1. I thought that i should stop at my grandmother’s house while i was here. I was sitting on the trunk as i flew. It was keeping me aloft, but i thought that i should turn around to face the other way so that i could get a better look at the houses. I wanted to get a view of the houses again. I then thought that i should move to a different neighbourhood. I started to feel disappointed that i could not see the back yards in the way i wanted to. I looked around the area, seeing the hills rising to the north and west. I thought that i should head to the east where there were more houses near the center of town. As i started flying, thought, i decided that i wanted to head to the hill to the west. I could see houses along the eastern side of the hill, along a long thin road which rose to the north as it traveled along the face of the hill. The houses on it were spaced out compared to the houses in the developments i had seen before, but i thought that i could look into their windows to see things about the houses. It was getting dark now, and it seemed to be just after sunset. It would be easier to look into the houses once it was dark outside. Looking into the houses would not be as interesting as looking at the things in the crowded back yards, but i thought that i could still find interesting things. I flew toward the hill, but could not seem to slow down enough to look at the houses. I passed over the ridge, thinking that i was flying way too high. I was having trouble controlling my flight. I tried to concentrate on where i was moving. I was now very close to the hill, and i looked down at the painted houses on the street below me. They seemed to be modern wooden houses, with vertical siding on the outside. It was dark now, and i approached the houses to get a better look at them. My grandmother said that the houses were not real, and, as i approached, i realized that they were just facades. The houses were set up so that the people in the valley would think that there were nice houses on the hill. I felt disappointed. I talked to my grandmother about flying. I said that i wanted to go elsewhere. I wanted to explore something. I then noticed that my grandmother was disappointed about something. She said that she could not fly anymore, saying that her sister was sick. She mentioned her sister’s name. I started out of the house, thinking about the sister. As i walked out the front door, $K7 closed the door behind me, saying that there was no such sister. I thought about the name, wondering if there really was a sister. I tried to concentrate on the name, but was not sure if i could remember it. I thought that it sounded like the name of a soda pop, but it ended with “nia” rather than just “na”, as the soda pop did. I flew into the air again, heading to the northeast, across the yard. As i passed over the back of the house, i noticed that there was a small fire on the back side of the garage. I felt concerned, thinking that the fire would set the garage on fire. I hovered over the back yard for a moment, wondering what to do. I looked around, seeing the neighbourhood around me. Everything seemed old here. It was daylight again.

12004 December 31

I looked at the fan which was lying on the top of the small dresser. The wooden dresser sat to the south of the bed, against the eastern wall of the room. The fan was really made of thin knives, and it seemed like a weapon. I picked up the fan and looked at it, waving it around in the air. I imagined how it could be used. I then pulled one of the knives out of fan, noticing that the knives came apart from the main fan. Each knife looked like a surgical scalpel. There were others in the room with me. I was staying in this place for the night. I talked about the fan to the man. He was standing to the northwest of me. I then turned to the south and headed into the room where the others were. These people had just come to this place. $A45 was in the room, and i walked up and talked to him. This was an event of $G4. However, we had to get something, so i traveled to the east with $A45 in the car. We headed down the wide suburban street. $F45 had forgotten something back at the house where the others were and he had to go back to get it. He was going to drop me off here and then go back for the thing. I felt a little uncomfortable being dropped off here, but i trusted that we would come back to pick me up. He turned the car around in the middle of the street of the small town. I got out onto the northern sidewalk and thanked him for the ride. I hoped that he would come back for me.