12005 December 02

I looked to the southwest at the others in the room. This was a small room, and was wider east to west than north to south. The walls were covered with white rubber mats and the fluorescent lights on the white ceiling cast an artificial glow. I stood on the red wrestling mats, which covered the floor, as i listened to $A226 instruct us on some wrestling techniques. I was practicing with the team in high school again, though it felt like it had been a long time since i had been here. I was then facing another wrestler on the mat. He was wearing grey sweats and had tried to reach for my legs. $A226 was standing just to the southwest of us, instructing me on what i should do next. I pushed down on the other wrestler’s head and spun around so that i was behind him. I was surprised how well i remembered some of the wrestling moves. I then tried to wrap my left leg around the wrestlers left side to pull him flat on the mat. We stopped and i was standing to the north of the wrestler again. There were many pairs of wrestlers in grey sweats practicing the same moves, but the practice was now over. I walked to the east slightly. $A62 seemed to be in the room to the southeast. I was then low to the mat, doing pushups as the practice ended. It felt good to be working out again. I remembered how challenging it felt to do all of the exercises in the past. $A226 told us that he was disappointed with the team. I thought that we must not have done well in the tournament we just finished. I felt disappointed and walked to the west with the others. We headed into the next room, which i thought was the shower room. I continued walking to the west, past the beds which were in a row in the center of the room. The beds were set up so the heads were to the south. Most of the other wrestlers seemed to be sleeping already, but i had woken up early. It still seemed rather dim in the room, and i wondered whether i should go back to sleep. I thought that i had gotten up so that i could go to the bathroom. The bathroom was to the east of us. I started to pick up some things around the campsite. The ground was bare between the beds, and the circular fire pit was cold. I thought that we would be practicing again today, and i hoped that it would go better than the day before. I picked up several things from the ground to the north of the beds. It was too early in the morning, so i thought that i should get back in bed. I suddenly felt a comfortable feeling thinking about getting back in bed. I remembered sleeping with $F4. It felt very comfortable to be with him, and i wanted to go back to bed and be next to him. I walked just north of the bed and looked at $F4, who seemed to be $F12 or $F45. He was under a tan blanket. I turned to the north to pick some things up. I wanted to be ready for practice today.

12005 December 05

I walked to the west, across the square of the small city. This place seemed like $P35, with a walking area instead of a street and shops on both sides. The other person and i had just come from somewhere where we were with a group of people. I felt good. It was a bright day, though it seemed to be early in the morning and cold. The sun seemed to be at a low angle to the south of us. We turned to the north and walked into the small bar which was on the southeast corner of a building. The bar was small and run down, and i recognized the place from before. I had been here a long time ago with my father. The walls inside were dusty with age, and it seemed dimly lighted. The bar ran along the western wall, covering two thirds of the wall, starting from the north. There were a few other people in the room, and i started to feel out of place here. The bartender was heavy and wore a white apron. He had a round face with black hair. I was suddenly aware that i was homosexual, and felt that the people around me might be wary of such things. I read a beer menu somewhere on the west wall. There was an old set of pale-green shelves embedded into the western wall with beer bottles and mugs on them. I looked at the bottles, trying to determine what kind of beer i wanted. I then told the bartender that i would like the “MB” beer. I could see it sitting on the center of the shelf, next to a large green glass mug. I thought that it would be not be as watered down as most beers. The bartender seemed surprised by my selection, and i suddenly realized that the large green mug had a white and blue “MB” on the front side of it. It was an advertisement for the beer; if you bought the beer, you could get the mug. I told the bartender that i did not care about the mug. I asked him to give me the beer in a simple pint. He seemed more at ease as he turned to fill up a glass pint. I turned to the east where there was a small round table in front of the large glass window. The window looked out over the courtyard outside. I felt that i was mixing with a culture that i was not familiar with here. I said something to $F41, who was standing to the south of me. He had brought me to this place. There was something special about it, and i realized that it had something to do with a philosophical movement. I thought that these people might have something to do with the music festival. I then thought that $F41 was a gypsy. I felt glad to have made friends within the gypsy society. This was a special thing.

We traveled to the east in the small car. My parents were driving, and i was sitting in the back seat, leaning forward so that i was between the two front seats. It was very foggy out, and it seemed like early morning. As we drove over the crest of a hill, i looked down into the deep valley to the east. There was a flash of light in the center of the valley, and i realized that there was something wrong. I warned my father about it. There was a tall silhouette of a construction crane rising up from the opposite hill on the east side of the valley, where the road construction was occurring. There was a spotlight on the top of the crane which sweeped from the top of the hill into the valley, coming to a stop on something in the center of the valley. I felt that it was pointing out the problem. I warned my father, who was driving the car, that there was something wrong on the road that we had to be cautious of. As we rounded some shallow curves, heading into the valley, i thought i saw a yellow flashing light at the bottom of the valley ahead. I pointed out the light to my father, saying that it was probably a police car. I watched the road ahead, trying to see through the fog. A police car was coming, but it was hard to see anything in the dimly lighted fog. The flashing light illuminated the fog over the crest of the small hill ahead of us. I then realized that the police officer was on a motorcycle. The motorcycle was coming down the next lane. I then noticed some dark objects on the right side of the road ahead of us which were backlighted by the approaching lights. I pointed them out to my father to make sure that he did not hit them. We were then in the town at the bottom of the hill. The fog was clear, but we were stopped in traffic. There was a long line of cars ahead of us, stretching up the hill to the east. They must have been stopped by the accident near the construction site. The fog was gone now, and it seemed brighter, as though the sun was completely up now. It seemed that we had been sitting here for a moment. We were on the main street of the small town, and the road rose suddenly ahead of us, heading up the steep hill to the east. The brick buildings of the main street ran to the bottom of the hill. The sides of the road after that were occupied with lower houses and small shops. There seemed to be a school office to the southeast of us, across a wide green grass lawn. I then looked to the north, noticing the other street which headed up a steep hill to the northeast. Taller buildings ran up both sides of the hill. My father backed the car up to turn down this other road. I could see the stop sign at the top of the hill on the other road where it ended on a main road. I thought that this main road ran parallel to the road that we were on. We should be able to take that road and circumvent the construction in the road. As we backed up into the middle of the intersection, i looked at the green road sign on the corner and tried to read the name of the street. I could not make it out clearly, thought the letters were distinct to my vision. My father turned the car onto the other street. I was now standing outside the car, on the right side of the car. My father leaned out the passenger’s window so see where he was driving. When i realized that the car was moving, i quickly hopped onto the side of the car, my right foot in the window and my left resting on the roof of the car. I held on, thinking that it was not really that safe to travel on the side of the car like this. I hoped that no one would notice. As we reached the top of the hill, though, there was a policeman standing in the middle of the road, directing traffic. I was worried that he would say something, but he just shook his head and continued to direct traffic.

12005 December 07

I walked through the dark area. It seemed as though i was in a building, leaving a group of people, but the area around me was dark, and the ground seemed uneven, as though i was walking across a hilly lawn. I turned to the east and then started southeast across through the courtyard which was nestled between the modern buildings. The buildings seemed to be part of a college science complex. The building was on all sides of me except the south. I walked up the slope of the hill, following the paved path to the south. The wind blew against me, and i had to lean forward to keep moving. A man came over the hill ahead of me, walking down the path toward me in the dark. I started to hover over the ground, floating on the wind. I could feel something moving through me, helping me to elevate. I was aware that this might seem amazing to the person approaching, but if felt amused to see his surprise. I floated slowly to the south, concentrating on elevating. I was glad that i was able to fly. I then lifted suddenly into the air, floating higher into the night. It felt great to fly over the town. I could not see anything in the dark, but i could feel the area around me. I thought about floating, and thought that i had to be careful how i flew. My attention was then drawn to the east. I was facing north now, and i turned my head to see a glimmer of three linear flashes of light just to my right. They were charged particles from the power lines which ran just to the south of me. I realized that i was floating right into them. I had to be careful not to hit them. I lowered myself a little, trying to be cautious of the electric lines. I tried to concentrate, but i found that my mind was foggy. I felt as though i was drunk. I could not focus, and my senses felt numb and distorted. I leaned forward a little, leaning north and feeling the strange buzzing numbness in by entire body. I thought for a moment that i might have been drugged, and i tried to focus against the feeling. I wondered why i could not feel my senses. I was then standing on the ground again, and there was a bedroom around me. My mother was sleeping on the large bed against the eastern wall, just to the northeast of where i was. There was something special about what i had just experienced.

12005 December 12

I walked through my parents’ house. It seemed to be unfinished. I was moving through the westerns side of the house. I then turned to the north, walking across the room on the second floor. There was a door to the west which led into the western side of the house. I wondered why the door was closed. I thought that the western side of the house was finished and should have been open. My father was standing to the north of me, on the other side of the small round table. My mother also seemed to be in the room. I walked to the west, across the back yard of the house. Tall weeds grew to the north of me, and the grass seemed strange. A cat was just to the south of me, on the edge of the small pond. The ground at the edge of the pond was raised, and the brown cat was leaning over the edge, looking at the water. I remembered that there was something wrong with the cat as i bent over to pet it. It seemed like $X8. I scratched the cat on the back of the neck, noticing that there were fewer boils on the cat’s head than there were before. I was relieved that the cat was getting better. As i pet the dark siamese cat, however, i noticed that there were small lumps under its fur along its back. I looked to the west, remembering the bright coloured weeds that had been on the lawn. The ground seemed wet, and i realized that the grass under my feet was actually rather tall. I looked to the northwest and noticed that there were some tops of corn stalks sticking up from the grass, but the tops were at the same level as the top of the grass. I wondered how i was able to walk on the surface of the grass, and i thought that it had something to do with the water in the bog. I looked across the ground, noticing the red leaves of the strange plant just to the south of me. I thought that it might be a toxic plant and wondered if the cat could be allergic to it. I asked my father, who was standing to the southeast of me, if the grass was really as tall as i thought it was. I looked to the west, where my mother was gardening in a deep pit in the ground. My father had dug out the grass is a square area of the lawn, and my mother was using a hoe to pull up some rocks at the western edge of the area. I was surprised that the grass could be so tall and that it was dense enough to allow us to walk on it. I turned to the south, speaking to my father as i grabbed onto the tree limb which was hanging over my head. I explained to my father that the brightly coloured weeds could be causing the boils on the cat’s skin. I said that they might cause an allergic reaction. I pulled myself up onto the branch as i spoke, but then realized that i was quite far off of the ground. I stood on the branch, which seemed to extend from the brick wall to the north of me. The wall turned to the north just to the west of where i was. I looked to the west as i said something to my father, who seemed to be at the same level as i was, though he was standing to the northwest. I noticed the alligator which was sitting on the shore of the pond, facing out over the water, to the south. He was sitting just beyond the tall reeds where i had been standing to watch my mother. I reached around the corner of the wall and grabbed onto the lower branch, thinking that i could lower myself to the ground. I knew that the other branch was still too far off of the ground, so i would still have to jump. I leaned onto the thick branch, noticing that the smooth grey bark on the outside was loose. There was a chip on the right side of the bark, near the wall, exposing something white underneath. I hung from the branch, thinking that i wanted my feet as close to the ground as possible before i let go. The bark started to rotate in my hand, lowering me to the ground. To my surprise, as i got to the lowest point, my feet touched the grassy ground. I looked down to see that i was standing on the ground. I then remembered the alligator that i had seen. My mother was still in the water tending the garden, and i felt suddenly worried for her. I looked up to see a green crocodile standing on the dirt shore just to the west of me, between my mother and me. It held its head up slightly as it walked to the south, out of the tall weeds which ran along the north side of the yard and into the water. I ran to the west, hoping i could warn my mother. I looked at the crocodile’s teeth as it slipped into the water, remembering that the overhanging narrow jaw was typical of a crocodile and not an alligator. As i moved toward the west, i spotted my mother in the water. She had seen the crocodile and started to panic. She screamed and splashed in the water as she ran to shore. The crocodile was to the southwest of her, and it turned suddenly around at the sound of the splashing. I wanted to tell my mother not to panic because the animal was attracted to the splashing noise, but i knew that she would not listen. She was out of the water, on the shore, but it seemed that the crocodile had bitten down on her bare foot. I knew that there was nothing i could do for her as long as she panicked without thinking.

12005 December 17

I walked into the large open room of the building. The thin vertical boards of the wall were painted white, and the place seemed old fashioned. The ceiling on the southern part of the room slanted down slightly, where it met the roof above. A man looked up at me with a start as i entered the room. He was standing near a brass pole in the center of the room. He was wearing an old-fashioned white shirt with dark pants. I knew that he was up to something that he should not have been doing. A young boy was with him, and i realized that there was a small rocked on the floor near them. They were planning to launch the rocket through the ceiling. The man saw that i was not in authority to stop him, so he quickly bent over to light the rocket, a devilish smile on his face. The rocket launched, breaking through the plaster of the room. After a pause, i could hear the crackling of wood as the rocket broke through the roof. I then heard the sound of fireworks exploding outside. The man and boy were setting off fireworks without permission. I felt that the man was the boy’s father. A woman in a dark late-1800s dress walked into the room. She was upset with them for launching the fireworks, but i knew that she was not going to stop them. The man launched another rocket. I felt that i should get out of here before the police come to arrest the man. I did not want to be around. I took a step back, watching the fireworks explode over the castle to the southwest of me. I was standing in a field with a small pond just to the southwest. There seemed to be some tall reeds just to the south of us. I had been hanging around with the others in the field, but i felt that i should go back to our tent. I did not want to get caught here. I felt that i was at a large festival. The main area of he festival was to the northwest of us, on the other side of the small pond. We were watching the sky to the west, however, as there seemed to be a storm coming in. I felt wary of it and thought that we should get into shelter. I could see the heavy rain falling to the west of us. The others and i walked around the north side of the pond. They continued across the narrow strip of land which crossed the northern end of the pond, but i ducked into one of the small wooden kiosks just to the north of us. The others turned to the north as the rain started falling. It was a heavy downpour. I was glad that i was in a real building. I thought that the others were in tents for the heavy rain, and i thought that the tents might not be so good in the storm. As i moved to the south, into the old building, i thought that the tents were really cabins which could sleep six people. I thought that they might be better for the storms. I came into the small room to the south. I seemed to be in the basement section of the large building. There were old wooden pens on all walls of the room which held small farm animals. I looked at the chickens in the pens to the east of me. I remembered this place. I had been in this building before on a tour. It was an old building which was being kept up as a tourist attraction. I knew that the pond was to the southwest of us. I turned back to the north and walked into the main corridor of the building. The corridor ran northeast to southwest and seemed dark. The only light came from the rooms at the ends. I knew that i had to head back to the north to get out of the castle, but i could not remember exactly which way to go. I came to the end of the corridor, where the hall widened into small room. The uneven white plaster walls of the room were arched slightly near the ceiling. There were four doors around the eastern side of the room, with short steps running up to each. I remembered being in this room before, trying to find the way out. It seemed that the door to the northeast was the correct way out of the room, but i remembered that it was not really the way out. I had been tricked by the obviousness of the door before. I walked to the eastern end of the hall and opened the door, thinking that it was the door opposite of the one which seemed correct. I looked through the doorway to see a dark basement room which was filled with pipes and machines. This was the boiler room of the castle. A set of stairs led down into the room from the doorway in which i stood. This was obviously the wrong door. I thought that i might have been tricked again and taken the opposite door. I closed the door and tried the one that i thought would not be correct. I stepped through the door and found myself in a large hallway with a tall arching ceiling. This was one of the main corridors in the center of the building. This was a tourist place. I had taken the wrong door again and ended up here. I turned around to head back through the door, but realized that it was not where i had thought it was. The stone wall was blank, and i could not see the entryway that i come through. I looked back to the northeast, where the hall opened into a small room. Two women stood behind a large wooden counter in the northwestern corner of the room. It appeared to be the information desk of the castle. I asked the women how i could get out of this place. They seemed confused, and i remembered that this building was only part of the larger castle. I stated my question again, asking the women how i get out of the complex. They pointed to the east, down the hall. I turned and looked through the archway leading out of the room. The corridor was dark, but i could see the courtyard outside at the end. I realized that the corridor led to the grounds at the entrance of the castle. It would get me out.

I was in the old city, in a place which felt like a foreign land. The buildings of the city were very close together, and seemed to be made of a similar dark-grey stone. The style of the houses seemed European, but i knew that this place was not Europe. I moved to the north, crossing over one of the old cobblestone streets to the steps of a large public building. The old grey building was to the northeast of the intersection of the main street and a narrower street which ran up hill to the north-northeast. The building had a rounded front with tall light-grey columns. It seemed very nice. This entire place felt comfortable and welcoming, and i thought that it felt very much like the city in my dreams. This place could be Eurivvonerga. I felt at peace here, and started to hum. I knew that there was power in the land, and i wanted to hum for the magic in the area. I knew that if i hummed, i could pick up on the frequency of the city and use its magic. As i hummed, i realized how loud my voice sounded. The tone was clear and resonant. I was able to match the hum of the area. I then turned to the south and jumped into the air. I landed on the steep slate roof of one of the houses on the southern side of the street. As i crouched on the northern face of the roof, i hummed again. I was aware of the people walking on the street below me now. I realized that what i was doing would attract their attention, but i did not care. I did not mind if they were frightened of my actions simply because they did not understand them. I tried to change the pitch of my humming until it started to resonate. I thought that the sound could make me float, and i wanted to fly, no matter what the people on the ground though. I then remembered this place from before. The city was familiar to me. I concentrated on the place, trying to feel its tone.

12005 December 21

I walked into the crowded cafeteria of the small community college. There were many round tables scattered around the room with people sitting at most of them. I walked to the northeastern section of the room, where i could see $F5 sitting at on the northern side of one of the white tables. I said something to him, but it was not part of a conversation. It seemed that i was just telling him a fact. $F26 was also sitting at the table. I said hello to him when i realized that he was there.

12005 December 27

Something was terribly wrong as i looked to the west, out the door of the large college building. There was smoke rising from the northwest, from a large stone building in the distance. We were standing on the eastern side of a short street, which ended just a few buildings to the north of us. I could see the formal stone buildings of the campus along the road. The land to the west sloped downhill, allowing me to see more of the campus over the roofs of the buildings near me. I was at $P52, and the building that had exploded seemed to be the student union. I worried that this was part of a plot. People were trying to attack the university, and i felt that there would be more explosions in this area. I thought that the government planned this plot, and that they would try to trap us here. I thought that we had to get out of this area before it was sealed off, and i told the others that they would have to get away before the other blasts happened. I ran to the south, across the street and between the tall buildings of the university. I was afraid that i might be too near a second blast. I came down the hill and onto the next street. There was a long stretch of park to the south of the road, to the northeast. Directly to the south of me was an old gothic building made of a dull dark-red stone. I thought that i should have an alibi prepared in case i was questioned about where i was. I could not just tell someone that i had been running across campus. I had known that the plot was happening and had told others about the multiple blasts. I had guessed this because of what i knew about the government agents, but it would sound that i had information about the plot, so i had to have some reason for being here. I then thought that i should call someone about the ad i had seen in the paper. It related to this area, and it would make a good reason for me to be here. I ran to the south, into the large red house. I wanted to stay out of the public areas as much as i could, so i thought that i could cut through this house and come back out the other side. I then thought that there were bombs in many of the other buildings on $P52. I had to get out of here. I ran with the others to the west, thinking that we were to the east of the campus. The hills around us were rolling, and this seemed to be an orchard area on the outskirts of campus. I wanted to get home, but i would have to travel to the northwest, through some of the agricultural buildings of the university. I felt that i was still too close to the college to be safe. I then noticed the black smoke rising just over the hill to the west-northwest. One of the greenhouses had been blown up. This area was not safe, and i felt exposed here. I then realized that there was a road just to the north of me which ran through the arboretum. Just in font of the road was a small greenhouse with green-tinted windows. It appeared that the greenhouse was full of junk. I walked to the north, around the end of the green house and noticed that there appeared to be a large yellow deflated raft pressed against the lower windows. This building was being used for storage, and there were things piled up within it. I then moved to the east with $Z, thinking that i had to get away from the campus. I noticed a small package of dynamite sticks on the inside of the glass, just near the eastern end of the building. I though that the building must be rigged to explode, and i was afraid that we were far to close to what was happening. I had to get out of this area before i was framed for the bombings. I ran back into the building to the east, where i had been when the first explosion took place. I felt that i had do to something, but i was unsure what. I then noticed the toaster on the wooden counter which was set into the eastern wall of the room, just to the north of me. The toaster was smoking slightly, and i thought that it had caused plume of black smoke that we had seen over campus. Someone had burned their toast and set off the fire alarms. Something did not seem right here, and i turned to the east, noticing the door in the yellowish-tan wall of the room. The polished wood of the door matched the trimming of the baseboards and ceiling rails. There was a large frosted glass window in the top of the door.

12005 December 28

We slowed down the car as we saw the large explosion to he west. I was traveling with $Z to the west, across the wide rolling landscape. The area around us seemed rural, with farms on all sides. There was a brightness in the western sky, followed by a rising plume of fire. I felt that something very serious was going on, and i felt that this was a dangerous situation. We pulled the small white car to the side of the road for a moment as we watched the fireball rise just to the north of where the road passed over the crest of the small hill in front of us. There were white streaks streaming from the explosion, arcing high in the sky. Some of the arcs headed toward us. We started the car to the west again, but i felt that we should not be seeing this event. Someone would not want us to know that this accident had happened. I felt that we were seeing something that would get us in trouble. As we drove over the rise in the road, i noticed a glowing piece of hot debris in the ground to the north of the road. There was a small brick one-story house up a short hill from the road just to the north of the road. The edge of the hill near the road was eroded away, exposing some tan soil. Just to the west of the dirt cliff was a small crater in the lawn where a smoking white object sat in the grass. It must have been blown off in the massive explosion. I thought that there must have been an explosion at the factory. It was something we should not be seeing, but we approached anyway. I suddenly felt that i wanted to see more destruction. I wanted there to be another explosion in the distance. I felt that this was something significant, and i wanted the explosion to be more serious so that more people would take note. We then saw another explosion to the west-northwest of us. As the fireball rose and we sad streaks of debris, i started to think that the white debris might be dangerous. It could be contaminated with radiation or toxins. The people in charge would want to trap us in this area if they knew that we were exposed to the debris. I told $F10 that the white debris might be dangerous. He was in the passenger’s seat of the car as we cautiously drove forward.

12005 December 29

I stopped in front of the large double doors, which were to the west of me, at the side entry of the large stone building. The doors were solid wood, with arched tops and metal bands across them. I turned to the east, looking at the people walking across the small courtyard, which was in the center of the large building. I focused on one of the people walking from the south. He passed me on the west, saying something to another person. He then turned around and started toward the large door, which was now a corridor to the west. I recognized him as $A190. I smiled when he looked at me and said hello. He greeted me. I noticed that his hair had been cut into a mohawk, with short dark hair on the sides and a short blonde ridge in the center. The ridge was higher in the front and had two small round holes through it. The front hole was slightly larger than the back hole. I asked him how he was doing, and he said that he was fine. He laid down on the large bed which was against the northern wall of the room that we were standing in. This room seemed to be part of a department store, and it was dimly lighted. I asked $A190 what he had been up to, noticing the small girl who ran along the western side of the bed. I asked him if he had been taking care of the children, thinking that i had not seen him in a while because of the birth of the two children. He reclined on a pillow, agreeing that the children had kept him busy. The young boy in the dark shirt hopped onto his lap as the young girl crawled onto the pillow to the north of where i was sitting. $A190’s wife seeded to be to the southeast of me, on the bed. I wanted to get to know him more, but it seemed that he was going to be busy with other things. He started walking to the north, saying that he was meeting people. We were outside the building again, but we now seemed to be to the north of the building. There was an archway to the south of us which led into the courtyard. I looked to the north to see $F39 and $F38 walking to the west, through the crowd of people. $F43 was following them, and i realized that they were all meeting $A190. I felt bad that i could not join them, but i knew that i had to get something done. I turned back to the south as $A190 walked to the north to greet the others. I opened my arms and thought about flying. I lifted into the air slightly. I then realized that the others would see me flying and realize what i could do. I decided that it did not matter what the others knew about my abilities. I thought that i should just fly over the top of the building to get back into the courtyard of the building. I thought about raising into the air, but realized that i was just learning how to fly. I should take the skill close because i was not sure that i could control it properly. I thought about rising suddenly into the air, soaring very high above the building. I wondered if i would be able to land safely. I knew that it would be hard to control the energy fields which would keep me suspended. I flew up to the roof of the building, landing on the opposite edge of the roof, looking down into the courtyard. I thought that i would have to coordinate the flying so that i could safely lower myself to the ground. I could not come down with too much force or i would injure myself. I moved into the courtyard, watching myself stand on the parapet of the roof, which was mode of lighter colour stones than the rest of the building. I thought that i could simply adjust the fields until i felt that i was balanced with gravity, about ready to fly. Then i could simply let up a little, allowing myself to fall into the middle of the courtyard. I turned to the west, looking around at the things around me. I was supposed to do something here, but i felt that it was no longer worth doing. There was something out of place. I looked at the small map in my hand, which showed a floor plan of the building to the west of me. There was a yellow square in the center of the map. This was room that i was supposed to live in when i was in college, but i never moved into that dorm room. I tried to remember why i did not live there, but could not. I thought that it must have been when i left $P52. I walked to the west, thinking that i had to get something from the building as part of my mission here. I started down the corridor when i realized that the large sliding elevator doors were closing over the corridor again. The corridor was very wide, with off-white walls. A carpet covered the floor, and there were posters on some of the walls. The blue metallic doors started to slide into place form the side walls. I ran toward them, thinking that i did not want to wait until they opened again. This was the underground corridor into the building. As i moved, it seemed that it was farther to the door than i realized. I hurried, knowing that i could make it through the doors just in time. I moved quickly through the two doors just before they sealed. I then noticed the second set of blue doors closing. I started for them, but then realized that i did not have to make it through them, so i let them close. They separated the corridor from the central part of the building, but i was not interested in the center of the building. I walked to the south, around the southern side of the building. I came into the main lobby of the building, where there was a central corridor leading to the west. I knew that the room i was looking for, the one on the map, was to the west. I walked to the end of the corridor and turned to the right, but found myself in an office. The corridor ahead of me ran to the north, but it seemed modern, as though it had been redesigned. There was a door to the west with a large glass window in it. I looked at the white door to the east, but realized that it was just another office. Nothing here looked like a dorm room. To the north, the corridor opened into a business office. I thought that they must have replaced the dorm rooms on the first floor with offices. There seemed to be a desk to the northwest with a large plant in front of it. I turned around and walked to the south, across the main lobby and into the other side of the building. The south side opened up to the west with aisles of shelves. This was a store. I saw greeting cards and other items. There was no college room here, and i felt that i was not able to do what i had to do. I turned back to the north, thinking that i should just leave. I would have to collect my things. I walked to the east, coming back out into the courtyard. Several other people walked into the small door of the stone building to the northwest of me. I spotted my bicycle on the rack just to the south of me and pulled it free. It had been sitting there for a very long time, and i wondered whether the tires were still good. They seemed to be thin racing tires, and i thought that this must be my brown bicycle. As i pulled the bicycle to the north of me, however, i realized that it was really my blue bicycle. I was standing to the east of the building, in the shadow of a arched corridor which ran from the north. I finished unlocking my blue bicycle and turned to the west. I was standing just to the north of a doorway, in a hallway which led to the west. There were shelves on the wall to the north of the doorway. I looked at the two small paint cans in the plastic bag which were on the shelf. I was supposed to use them to do something, but i would not be able to finish what i had come here for, so i thought that i should just leave them on the shelf. I looked down at my bicycle. I had already paid for the paint cans, so i decided that i should just take them with me. I felt disappointed for not being able to do what i had come for. I reached up for the bag, realizing that the rectangular can of turpentine was also with the paint cans. I had forgotten that i purchased it. I wrapped the top of the bag up and looked down at the rack on the back of by bicycle, trying to figure out how i could hook the bag on the bicycle. I thought that it was too big for the rack, but i wanted to take it with me. I pulled on the thin white clip in the center of the rack, but i quickly realized that the rack did not open that way. The other person said something to me as i pushed the clip forward, realizing that it slipped under the cross strap, which was across the rack. I opened it up as i replied to the person. I remembered that the white piece of plastic would fold over the top of the rack and clip under the metal latch. Something seemed to come apart, though, so i moved to the north, looking at the pieces of the clip as i placed them on the bed. I spoke to the man as he asked me something about the clip. The clip had come apart. There was small white pole in the center of the rectangular metal loop. I knew that he large knob fit onto the end of the rod. This would hold the latch in place. The other person was sitting on the bed to the north of me as i knelt in front of him, trying to fit the lock back together. I then looked up the man as i said something. He started to respond, but his attention was turned to something behind me. He looked up and seemed shocked, leaning back in surprise. I realized that there was someone standing behind me. I thought that it was probably a man with a knife.