12006 December 02

I stood in the northern doorway of the dining room of my parents’ house. My mother stood just to the southeast of me. She seemed upset, and she told me that she wanted me to stay longer. I told her that i wanted to get home. She seemed more upset, so i told her that i have things that i need to do. I then realized that this was not a good thing to say, so i stopped in the middle of a sentence. I told her that i loved her, but that i simply had things that i needed to do else. I said that i could not stay here forever. She seemed very upset and backed away, into the kitchen. I followed her, trying to explain that i could not stay.

12006 December 06

I passed the police officer as i moved to the east, across the northern end of $P69. He was moving to the west, and i knew that he was looking for someone. I did not want to appear suspicious, because i knew that they would start questioning me to see if i was involved in the disturbance. I had a crutch under my right arm, and i limped up the walkway on it. I had to look as though i could not have been involved, and the crutch helped. As i moved, i realized that i was not limping on the correct foot. I passed the police officer and turned to the south, following the path into the middle of the quadrangle. I was aware that the man was watching me. I looked down at my feet as i moved to the south, trying to keep my left foot in synch with the crutch. This allowed my right foot to drag, which would be correct if it was injured. As the man reached the building on the western side of the grassy area, which seemed to be on the college campus, he looked back at me suspiciously. I was aware that i was hunched over from using the crutch. I was also moving very slowly, which would also make it seem that i had nothing to do with the disturbance. I felt nervous, thinking that i had to lose the man so that i could get out of this place. I would have to wait until he walked out of seeing distance before i started to run to the east to get out of this place. I glanced over at the building to the west, looking through one of the archways to see that the police officer was still watching me. He was wearing a long brown trench coat as he stood just behind the building, almost out of sight behind the northern side of the archway. I was worried that he would be following me, and i felt that i needed to get to someplace safe. I then realized that i was hunched over quite far and decided to adjust the crutch so that it was taller. I wondered if adjusting the crutch would make it seem that i had not been using it previously. I looked down at the single pole of the crutch, where there was a brass button in the center of it. It was a rounded push button that locked the pole into place. I pulled the pole so that it was longer, but, as i continued to walk, i realized that it stated to wobble. I took a few more steps, but decided that it was too awkward for me to lean on the long sword as long as it felt unstable. I realized that i had pulled it too far out of its scabbard, not allowing enough length of the sword in the case to support my weight. I adjusted it as much as i could and continued to the southwest, across the quadrangle of the college area. I kept glancing to the northwest, aware that the police officer was following me. I followed the paved path into an area of campus where the buildings were closer together. There seemed to be a street running east to west between the buildings, and i was walking on the southern side of the street. The street ran down a slight hill to the west. I had to lose the man who was following me. I knew that he was keeping his distance, and i knew that i would be out of sight from time to time, so i chose a moment when he had to walk around the other side of the red stone building on the northern side of the street to hide from him. I turned to the south. There was a set of stairs running up to the east. They were stone steps that ran along the northern side of the building. It seemed that the main entrance to the building was above me and that the stairs had led down from the quadrangle above to the lower end of the street that i was on. I turned around and sat down on the stairs, aware that i would be hidden from view of the man by the thick stone railings of the stairs. I watched the man walk down the northern sidewalk of the street, searching for me. I was sitting near the bottom of the stairwell, just out of sight. The man stopped in front of the red building, looking up and down the street for me. I felt good that i had gotten away with something. A large white car then pulled up to the curb in front of me. It seemed to be a limousine. I quickly hopped into the car while the man was looking the other direction. I knew that he would notice me as the car pulled away, but, by then, it would be too late for him to stop us. We drove to the east and then to the north. I felt that i had to get out of the area before he could track me down. I was then hurrying down the street to the north. I had to get back home where i could hide from this man. The man seemed to be to the southwest of me, in the center of the town. The street ahead of me ended just a few hundred metres away. I would have to take the street to the west. I then noticed that the street sign said Albany Street. I realized that this must be the same Albany Street that was on the other side of the tracks, to the northwest. I had never been in this neighbourhood before, and thought that this section of the street must have been disconnected from the rest of the street when the train tracks were put in. The houses here seemed old, and the trees were leafless, as though it was autumn or early spring. Since i was on foot, i thought that i could follow the street across the tracks, which seemed to be running to the north of me, and get out of range of the police officer, who was driving around in a car, looking for me. I moved to the northwest and found myself in a factory area. I knew that my house was just across the tracks to the southwest of where i was. I looked to the southwest, noticing that the large factory lot was open, and seemed to be abandoned. I wanted to cross through the old factory, thinking that it was a shortcut home. I could cross there and be out of sight of the police on the road. I would have to sneak through the short gray buildings at the southern end of the lot, but i thought that there might be a fence along the southern side of the lot that i would not be able to climb over. I walked down between the buildings anyway, hoping to get a better view of the fencing to see if there was a space where i could cross. I was in a narrow alley between the two cement-block buildings. There seemed to be a tin roof over my head. I felt nervous about being here, aware that there might be someone still in the factory. The building to the east of me seemed to have a large open room it the center with some rusted steel I-beams in the center. A torn piece of clear sheet plastic hung loosely from the southern end of the building. As i approached the fence, i saw a white police car drive down the road on the other side of the fence. I stopped, wondering if i should continue. There was a large red brick factory across the street from where i was. I wanted to cross over the fence and cross through the factory yard. I knew that if i went around the western side of the building, i could cross the railroad tracks in the thick weeds and approach my grandmother’s house from the back, where few people would be able to spot me. I could see that there was no fence in front of me, so i would be able to leave the factory yard where i was and get out.

12006 December 11

I felt upset about the situation. The man wandered off to the east, between the two buildings of the college campus. I seemed to be standing just to the south of $P94. I wanted the man to give me my things back, but he did not seem interested in doing so. I looked at the open green umbrella that i was holding in my left hand. There was a white string wrapped around the central pole, just above the handle. The other end of the string was attached to the man, and i wanted him to give it back. He reached the eastern side of the small red building, which was just to the south of me, and he start to fly. I knew that the string would pull me with him, so i resisted, pulling the man back to the ground. I saw him fall roughly to the ground when the string pulled back on him. I felt satisfied that i had prevented him from doing what he wanted. I wanted him to give me back the rest of the string. He then said that i could simply untie the string from the green umbrella. I realized that this was true, but i did not want him to be right, so i did not listen to him. I wanted the umbrella back and would not do as he said. I wanted the entire string back. I moved to the southeast, into the parking lot where my car had been parked. The man was walking around it with the other person. I crossed in front of the car, which was facing west, and walked around the southern side. The car was packed with things because i was ready to leave. I felt frustrated with the situation and did not know what to do next. I then noticed that there were several umbrellas sticking out of the roof and trunk of my red car. The man had put them into my car to mock me. I pulled one of the black umbrellas out of the roof of the car. I then walked around the northern side of the car, noticing that the man was wandering off to the west. I felt angry with him and stormed after him. I wanted to get my things back from him. He had my calendar still. I called after him, telling him to give me back my calendar. I felt that there was nothing i could really do, but i was angry and wanted my things back. He smiled and casually handed me a dirty wooden flip calendar. I took the small book, which was mounted on a small wooden board. It had been dirtied and soaked, and it was now ruined. The man had only given it to me because he knew that it was no longer of any use. I was mad at him and felt helpless to do anything. I walked back to my car. I thought of throwing the calendar at the ground in anger, but i did not want to the man to know how he had upset me.

12006 December 16

I told the others that we should head to the east, across the city to get to our car. I had been in thin city before. The city was built on the slope of a hill, which sloped up to the northwest. I told the others that i was unsure where the care was exactly. I remembered that we had parked in the lot at the corner, and i could almost picture the surrounding buildings. There was a tall brown metal structure near it. I told the others that the city was built on two tiers, saying that we had to come down from the upper tier. As we walked down main road through the small city, i thought that we needed to get off the main slope of the hill on the west of the city center and make it to the plateau in the center of the city, where most of the tall buildings were. There seemed to be several people walking with me, and i felt that they were not all sure that i knew where i was going. I spoke about the street names that we were looking for. We were on Clinton Street, heading east, down the shallow slope of the hill. I looked at the modern buildings ahead, thinking that we were looking for the cross street. As we moved through a major intersection, i thought that this might be the crossing that we were looking for, but i noticed that the crossing road was Prospector. One of the people with me had mentioned another name for the street that we needed. We continued through the tall modern buildings, which did not seem to be taller than five stories. This was not the intersection that i had thought it was, but i recognized the tall brown metal stricture ahead. It seemed to be more of a small tower than a building, but i remember it from before, and thought that it was on the corner of the street near where we parked our car. I said something about the corner to the others. The road ahead of us curved slightly to the southeast as it passed beneath some more modern buildings. I noticed that one of the wide structures over the top of the road was rotating. I looked at it, thinking that it was some sort of shopping mall. The building was made of dark metals, which formed bell-shaped domes with pointed roofs. There were many glass windows. The building seemed rather large, and i thought that it was spinning too fast for people to stay in it. I thought that the inertia would make people fall or get sick. As i watched one of the small rooms of the building pass in front of us, i wondered if there was a rotating restaurant there. We were then on the other side of the building, heading down the paved path. The area around us suddenly seemed more open. We were following a sidewalk down a narrow pass, with a steep grassy hill to the south and a row of bushes to the north. I realized that this was not the correct direction. The land ahead did not seem to have any tall buildings, and i knew that we were looking for the intersection in the center of the city. The land to the east seemed to be residential and darker. It was getting dark out. I stopped, telling the others that this did not seem correct. They agreed. I turned back to the west, looking up the slope of the land toward the city. I could not see much of the city center because of the tall trees near us. I could not think of where we went wrong, and i did not know where to proceed from here. We looked to the west, down one of the narrow streets that led through the residential area. I told the others that we should get directions. I then noticed the man who had just come into the building from the large arched doors in the northern wall. We seemed to be in a chapel of an old church. The walls of the church were made of stained wood. The place felt comfortable. I walked over to the man, who seemed middle aged, with a square face and short dark hair. I asked him if he knew the directions back to the intersection. He motioned to the north, down a narrow street. I looked down the darkening road. It ran between short walls with shrubs on top. It headed to the north, up the slope of the land, through the residential district. I thought about the direction in relation to the city and thought that it could not be the correct way. I mentioned this to the man, saying that there were three tiers to the city and we were looking for the middle one. I said that it should be up the hill to the northwest of us, but i was not sure. I referred to the road just to the south of us, which ran parallel to the cement sidewalk that we had followed to get here. I said that the road was Clinton, and asked the man if that was correct. He agreed. I knew that this street ran through the center of the city, so i asked the man if we should be heading to the west, back up this street to get to the center of the city. He agreed, but did not seem reassuring. I looked back to the east, down the southern side of the small church. The roof on this side of the building was low to the ground, ending at my shoulder level. It seemed to be covered with gravel. There seemed to be large pine trees growing between the church and the path to the south of it. I spoke to the man, saying something about the chapel. There seemed to be something special about this place. I spoke to the man, who was now to the west of me as i moved around the room. I then heard the sound of a cat growling. I realized that something was wrong, and i turned to the west. I called out the name of $X11, thinking that she was in trouble. I stood up from the western edge of the bed, on which i had been sitting. $X11 was standing on the window sill, staring intently at something at the bottom of the old wooden multipane window. I hear her hiss and growl again as she pawed at something on the sill to the south of her. I thought that she must be hunting a fly. As i looked closer, i could see the long narrow bug, and i thought that it must be an earwig. Something seemed out of place, though, and i wanted to know why she was growling like she was. I said that the bug must have pinched her with its pincers. I told $F45 that it was an earwig as i watched it crawl away from the window. I then realized that it was not shaped properly for an earwig. There was something strange about it as it crawled off the sill and fell to the carpeted floor. It had bright yellow sides, and i realized that it was actually a spider. The upper parts of its legs were yellow, as was either side of its abdomen. I pushed $X11 away from the spider as i watched it on the floor. I told $F45 that i thought it might be a dangerous spider, and i suddenly wondered whether $X11 had been bitten. I watched the spider on the floor for a moment. When it pulled in its legs, it seemed very small and round, but when it started to move, i could see that it was actually rather large. It started moving toward me. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down the foot side of the bed to the floor. As the spider started to crawl up the off-white blanket that was hanging over the wooden board at the foot of the bed, i grabbed side of the blanket and flicked it open, tossing the spider across the room, to the northeast. I dropped the blanket and then started to look for the spider on the polished wooden floor. I could not see it in the small room. $F45, who had been sitting at the head of the bed, to the south of me, moved to the south, out of the room. I moved to the northeast, searching the floor for the spider. The polished wood floor continued to the east, into the next room of the house. There seemed to be a door to the outside in the center of the northern wall of the house. A wall seemed to separate the small bedroom from the room to the east, but it stopped about a metre and a half from the northern wall, just to the west of the door. I looked carefully at the floor again. I was worried that the spider might be poisonous and might bite one of the cats. I then heard a cat yowling. Something was wrong, and i worried that $X11 was starting to get sick from a sting. I called her name and moved to the south. The eastern wall of the room continued to the south into the next room. There was a narrow passageway on the eastern end of the southern wall of the bedroom, which seemed to run to the kitchen of the house. The eastern wall of the passage was the same wall as the eastern wall of the bedroom. I started down the passage when in noticed the black and orange tabby cat in the passageway. I called $X11’s name and bent over to pet her, worried that something was wrong. As i did so, i realized that the cat was not really $X11. It was actually a male tabby cat with a white coat and black stripes. It was eating from a bowl to the east of it. It looked at me as i pet it for a moment, wondering where $X11 was. I felt that i should find her. Someone then opened a wooden door in the eastern wall of the corridor, and i stood up from petting the cat. A man was bringing something into the corridor. I felt as though i was in the way, but i wanted to find out what was wrong.

12006 December 21

I walked to the southeast, across the grassy lawn and down the long gravel driveway. I was hurrying because i did not want to be late for the bus. There was a row of green shrubs growing along the eastern side of the driveway, and a thicket to the west. The dirt road at the end of the driveway seemed to run from the west, but turned sharply to the south-southeast just to the east of the driveway. $F42 was standing at the end of the driveway, on a small triangular patch of grass to the east of the driveway, between the driveway and the driveway of the next yard. I could now see a short chain-link fence surrounding the yard to the east. It was open across the driveway. I said hello to $F42, but realized that i had forgotten to get some pencils. I had something that i had to fill out and i needed pencils to do it before the bus came. I mentioned this to $F42 as i headed up the driveway of the house to the east. I was tense, afraid that i would miss the bus. Then i started to feel that i did not really care whether i missed the bus or not. I had to have the pencils. I walked around the western side of the short brown wooden house. A shallow grassy hill rose along the western side, heading to the back yard. There was party happening here. I thought that i had seen the bus behind me drive past the driveway, but i was not sure. I was no longer worried about missing it, thinking that i had more important things than getting to work. $F39 was sitting in a lawn chair at the back of the house, where the party was taking place. I greeted here, making a joke about how long it had been since i had seen her. I fell over backwards in a joking gesture, pretending to be so excited to see them. They laughed at the joke, and i felt good about being here. I moved into the center of the room and started talking to some of the other people. There seemed to be yellow streamers hanging from the wooden walls of the room.

12006 December 22

I was worried about what i had done as i walked to the east, around the southern side of the small white farm house. I felt guilty about killing the person, and tried to remember if i had really done it. It had been so long ago that i had done it that i was not really sure that it was real, but i knew that it was. I remembered having dreams where i though that i had killed someone, but, when i woke up, i remembered that it was not really true. I wondered if this was one of those dreams, but i decided that it was not. I could remember too well what had happened. I had killed $F1 and buried his body under the row of shrubs on southern side of the small cabin. I felt upset about what i had done, and wondered why i had done it. I felt that i had hidden the memory in my mind until it was forgotten, but it was now surfacing. I remembered killing $F1 long ago, but i also remembered that i had just killed him recently. I had killed him twice and buried his body both times. No one had known about it, and i felt guilty for keeping it a secret for so long.

12006 December 24

I stood to the north of the large outer wall of the old barn. The tall wooden structure seemed to be falling apart, with sections of wood missing on the lower part of the wall, exposing the vertical beams. It was night, but i could see the tall wall in the orangish light that shined from somewhere below the wall. There was a round stained-glass window at the top of the barn wall. It seemed clean and untouched by the age that had worn down the rest of the wall. I threw a small rock at the window. I knew that the window was special. It could not be broken. I tossed the rocks at it, but they never seemed to hit the yellow glass. There were short shrubs around the base of the barn, and i stepped over as i walked to the other side of the barn wall. The rest of the barn seemed to be missing, as though only the front wall was still standing. As i stepped through the wall, i noticed that there were many small white stones on the ground. These were the stones that people had thrown at the window in the past. I was amazed by the window. I mentioned the window to $Z, telling him how special it was. I then realized that i needed to get dressed the rest of the way. I hid behind one of the bushes in front of the barn so that i could change my underwear. There was an old dirt road just to the north of the barn wall, and i was standing between the barn and the road. I grabbed a pair of white underwear from somewhere and tried to put it on. I had some difficulty pulling it up because it was catching somewhere. I then noticed the cat sitting on the rock to the east of me. It had startled me because i was not expecting anything to be moving near me. I hurried to try to pull up my underwear, but a light came from the east. It was a car traveling down the road. I quickly hid behind one of the bushes as it started past, but the car stopped on the road just in front of the barn. I was annoyed with it and wondered what to do.

I was nervous about being here. I walked to the south, toward the door of the white office building. I was walking down a flagstone walkway toward the front of the building. There were small bushes on either side of the walkway. The door was dark and made of wood. I had been taking care of the young boy, but i knew that he really was not mine. I had found the baby and did not know what to do with it, so i had to come here to explain what had happened. There was a large dark-brown desk on the southern side of the room. The walls of the room where white, and there was a tall dark bookcase to the east. This was the lawyer’s office. I was here to talk to the father of the boy and the lawyer. I wanted to keep the boy and take care of him, but i did not think that he was mine. I tried to think of a way that i could keep him with me, and i felt distressed at the idea of having to give him up. I imagined that i would ask the lawyer for a DNA test. I would want proof that either the other man or i was the father of the boy. I wanted some kind of justification for what was happening. I then thought that i would have to be honest with them and let them know what i had done to take care of the boy. I would have to admit that i was not really the biologic father of the boy.

12006 December 25

I sat in the front section of the bus as we drove down the road to the east. It seemed to be late out, but it was still daylight. I was drawing some crests on a large notebook in front of me as i sat on the left side of the bus, facing forward. There seemed to be some people standing around me, but i did not pay attention to them as i drew. I looked at the shields that i had drawn on the page. There were two across the top of the page, one in the center and one to the right, leaving space for a third on the left. There was a larger crest in the center of the page, which seemed partly finished. The smaller crests at the top had snakes over the top of them. It was a symbol of something. I looked at the crests, wondering if anyone was watching over my shoulder as i drew. I thought that they would say that the crests were Greek symbols because of the snake imagery. I knew that they were really Egyptian symbols. The larger crest in the center of the page had lines around it that seemed to form a cross. I completed the lines, drawing a thick even cross around the crest. I made sure that the ends of the cross were folded around so that it would fit with the Egyptian theme. I realized that this type of cross resembled a swastika and wondered if the people around me would be offended that i was drawing something that they would consider taboo. I knew that i was actually a symbol of wisdom in the theme i was using, but i knew that they would not understand. I looked again at the crests on the paper, noticing that the crests had other intricate designs within them. I looked around the bus to see if anyone else was noticing the figures i was drawing. No one seemed to take interest in the drawings, so i turned my attention back to them. I then noticed that the crest in the center of the page was partly erased. I must have tried to make changes to it. I felt disturbed that i was erased because i thought that i was very nice. I tried to fix the pencil lines around the outside of the crest, but i could not recreate the exact image. It did not look as good as it had looked before. I started to trace the lines along the right side of the crest. I then realized that i had been riding this bus for quite a while. I wondered if i had passed my stop. I looked out the front window of the bus to see a rolling countryside ahead. We seemed to be heading east, on a winding road, which cut through the grassy hills. I moved forward and asked the bus drive if we had already passed $P144. He said that we had, and i felt upset. I was annoyed with myself for missing the stop. I told the driver that i did not recognize the area in the daylight. I felt bad and wondered if i could stay on the bus until the driver made it back to my house. I watched the land ahead of us as the bus followed the gentle curve of the road over a hill and to the southeast. The driver told me that there was a church before the next bus stop, implying that i could get off there to make it back home. I did not understand how this would help and asked the driver if the church ran busses that would go back toward my house. He said something else about the church, but i did not understand what he meant. The bus turned to the right, down a road that curved to the south of a small hill and headed southeast. There seemed to be a wide valley to the southeast, which was covered with rolling grassy hills. The bus followed the road around a curve to the south and turned around a small hill. As we rounded the hill, turning back to the southwest, i spotted a wide parking lot on the northern side of the road. At the eastern end of the parking lot was the modern wooden church. There were several tall pine trees in the front yard of the chapel, near the door. I asked the bus driver what he meant about the church, but he just smiled to me as he turned the bus into the large gravel lot. I felt uncomfortable about this idea, and did not understand what i was supposed to do to get home. The bus driver started to explain.

12006 December 28

I looked at the large red and yellow dots on the screen to the north of me. They looked like bulbs turned on across the black surface. This was a map of special things. We were in space, and the bad guy was with us, trying to figure out the data. I did not trust him, but i knew that we had to find the sources of the power and contain them. Several red dots covered the lower part of the area, with a few yellow dots strewn in. There were also some blue dots on the right-hand side of the surface. The situation seemed to be resolved in that we had identified all of the power centers. Then the board changed. Two tall columns of new lights suddenly appeared in the left side of the area. Everyone was taken by surprise. I looked at the new signals, realizing that something had been hidden from us. The bad guy had tricked us. Someone from my crew mentioned that there were two columns, but i noticed that the pattern of red and yellow lights down the columns were similar. Both had a discontinuous line of dots running down the center in mostly red, with a few red and mostly yellow dots on either side. Where one had one yellow on the left and two vertically on the right, the other did as well. I said that one might simply be a radar reflection of the other. Several other columns started showing up. The area to the north of me was suddenly filled with points of light in tall columns. The colours were now split between yellow and red with some dark blue scattered on the right side. I felt betrayed by the bad guy. He had discovered many more power centers that i had known about, and he was now in control of the data. I walked to the west, looking at the strings of lights that were handing from the narrow oval region in the center of the room. The room now seemed like the kitchen of my grandmother’s house. I walked around the northern side of the array of strings, looking at the red and yellow glowing beads on them. We had to do something, but we were trapped here. I could not think of what to do to prevent the bad guy from taking control of the power centers. I pulled on one of the strings, thinking that i could disrupt the collection of data from the scanner. Someone stopped me from messing up the display, so i continued circling the area, heading to the east. I came back to the western side of the array, noticing a small pile of light-blue chips on the ceiling. They represented some kind of energy source. I picked up the chips from the ground and tossed them across the ceiling, where they stuck along the grid of strings. This would add invalid data points into the array. I hoped that it would disrupt the calculations that the computer was trying to do on the sensor data.

12006 December 30

I was riding the bus through the college campus in the urban area. It was night, and it seemed warm out. The leaves of the full trees seemed to catch the light of the nearby buildings. I had parked my red car on the other side of the campus, and i was hoping that i could make it back to it before it was too late. I hoped that it was not so late that i would not be able to get my car out of the pay lot. I had left my car there over the weekend, and felt a little worried about it now. I turned to the southwest walking down the main corridor of the building. I was trying to get out and head to the southeast, down the slope of the campus. I turned into a room to the southeast of the corridor. This building seemed old, with plaster walls and old wood floors. The classroom to the southeast was open, with no chairs and a worn black southeastern outer wall. It seemed to be some kind of performance room. There was a woman sitting on something against the southeastern wall, just to the southwest of a small window. She was practicing something with the man, who was standing in the southwestern part of the room. I excused myself as i passed through the room, walking over to a small window that was in the northeasters side of the wall. The small rectangular window was near the floor, and i hand to kneel to look out it. I thought that i would be able to hop out the window and continue to the southwest, to get across campus to where my car was. As i looked out the window, however, i saw the paved sidewalk a few stories below me. There was a tall red brick building to the south, which seemed to be one of the buildings in the center of campus. I thought that i was near $P141. I was too high above the ground to jump out the window, and i felt disappointed that i could not continue across campus. I stood up, wondering how i could get out of this building. I then remembered that i had come down stairs to get to this floor, and i wondered how i could have gone up from ground level. I should have been closer to the pavement. I looked at the others in the room, who were smiling at my confusion. I thought that they understood the building and were amused that i did not. I wondered if the stairs were inverted, bringing me up as i descended them. I remembered this happening in the hotel form the book Mage. I left the room and walked out into the hall. I turned to the north, thinking that i still had to head down the stairs to get out. I came into the old chapel that was part of this building. I noticed $A414 at the door in the eastern wall of the large wooden room. There was a small child with him. Something seemed unusual about this place. I thought that $A414 was having a performance, so i backed out of the room and started to head to the south again. I then realized that this was not the correct direction. Something was confusing me, but i knew that i would have to go through the chapel to get to the exit door of the building. I turned around and walked back into the large chapel. This was a special building in some ways. I knew that a group of people met here regularly, and it seemed as though i was familiar with this group, even though i was not a member. I looked around the large room, which now seemed to be multiple rooms. I was standing in the corridor in the center of the room. The corridor ran north to south down the center of the old room and was separated from the room by low wooden walls. The wood on the floors and walls seemed old and dull, but nicely kept up. There were several people sitting at the tables to the west, and i felt that the people gathered in the eastern side of the room were holding special meetings. I knew that this group met in private to discuss things that others did not know about. I was aware that there was an art room to the north, and i knew that many of the people here did various types of art. I felt as though i wanted to be part of this group, but i felt that it was no longer possible. I was not in a position to be part of this. I turned to the south, wondering what to do. I then realized that i needed to use a toilet. I wondered where the lavatories were in this building. I stopped in the central corridor, noticing that there was a blue chair on top of the dividing wall to the east of me. The dividing wall was now just a tall hump in the floor, running north to south. The room around me now seemed dirty, and the area to the southeast seemed to be a kitchen, where several people were lingering near a large metal stove. I looked at the small blue chair, which, i realized, was a toilet. It was rather high and in the middle of everything, so it seemed strange, but i thought that this must be the custom in this place. I still had to defecate, but i felt strange about doing it on the toilet in the center of the room. I also noticed that the toilet was not that clean, and i though that i would have to take some of the trash out of it in order to use it. I looked in the seat and noticed that the toilet simply led down a hole in the floor. I could see a blue shag rug at the bottom of the hole. I wondered how i was supposed to use this toilet. Nothing seemed right about it, and i felt annoyed. I reached into the bowl and pulled out the book of matches along with several other things, wondering how i was to use this as a toilet. I felt that it was very unsanitary because there did not seem to be any running water under it. I thought that it might not really be a working toilet at all, but i knew that there was no other in the building. $F45 was then standing to the east of me as i stood on the western side of the toilet, still pulling things out. I explained the toilet to him, knowing that he would be disturbed by the openness of the facility. He was surprised that the toilet could be used here, and stated insistently that he would never use a toilet like it. I then turned to the west, looking out across the open room with the wooden table. The people were gathered there around the table. They were the editors of the writing group here. There was something special about the group. I knew that they were part of the special society that inhabited this building. I felt as though i had already been informed of them, and did not think that they were as special as most people would thing. Several of the people started moving to the east. I turned to the east to see a large open room. This was a formal meeting of this group. The room was a large auditorium, with seating along the sloping walls on all sides. The room was shaped like an inverted pyramid, with a flat square section in the center. Something was wrong here. The man wanted to take over the government that was now in power. I felt that this was part of the plot of the new Battlestar Galactica. The people in this colony had something very special, and they were trying to protect it. My attention was then drawn by something to the south. I turned around to look down the narrow dirt road, which led through the bushy green woods. There were two people riding toward me on bicycles. They were Apollo and Athena from the original Battlestar Galactica series. They stopped just to the south of me and put their feet down around their bicycles. Apollo stated boldly that they would take the things. I felt confused and turned around to the north again, looking back across the large throne room with the sloping walls. People were sitting on the walls. In the center of the slope of the northern wall was a line of stairs with a large throne in the center. The woman in the skimpy gold dress was in change of the people here. Her blond hair was fluffed up in a style from the 11970s, and her clothing seemed campy. I remembered that this entire television show was somewhat campy. The man stepped in front of me. He was the bad guy, and he told the woman that he wanted the thing. I watch the woman as she sat indignantly on the edge of the large shiny metal throne. Two women in thin white bikinis with dark-bronze metallic skin took a few steps down the stairs on either side of the throne to stand guard. The empress was still descending the stairs behind the throne as she replied to the man in the center of the square throne room. She was wearing a feathery white dress and had a gold tiara in her fluffy blond hair. She threatened the man in a dramatic voice, saying “You keep running to sanctuary, so we will take away sanctuary!” I know that this would destroy the special thing that the man had come for, and i wondered if this would actually happen. I knew that this could not happen in this plot. She was simply standing up to the bad guy, forcing him to back down. Something felt wrong here. The bad guy, who was now wearing dark, overly dramatic leather armour, turned in annoyance, heading out of the throne room, toward me. He gave a quick command to his battle troops, who released small glittery things into the floodlights around the base of the room. The small glowing dots buzzed over the lights for a moment. The man grumbled to his men as he left, saying in an amused gloat that the glittery things should distract them. He and his troops then started running up the stairs and out of the throne room. The glittering lights then started attacking the people in the room. People started screaming as the lights passed through their skin, leaving small burnt holes. I watched as several people passed across the view, starting to melt from the inside. This was a tragic disaster, but it was all part of the plot of the show. I moved to the west, across the lawn, trying to get away from the disaster scene. I felt upset that this had happened. The bad guys were not supposed to win like this. I saw my father working outside on the lawn to the west of me. I said hello to him, and then said something else. He commented on the tragic disaster, and then felt upset that it actually happened. I joked about it, trying not to talk about. I then noticed a pile of tan sand in the grass just to the south of me. I remembered that i had poured it there a while ago. I thought that i should not have since it was so noticeable in the ground. I turned back to the east and continued. I was not sure why i had come out of the building, and i tried to remember what had actually happened there. It was dark again, and i was still walking across the campus. I had come out on the western side of the brick building, which i had tried to walk through before. I had to head west, though, so i had come back out on the same side that i had entered. I continued to the east, thinking that i should stop in one of the other buildings on campus to use the toilet so that i would not have to use the blue one in this building.