12008 December 01

I spoke to my father as i stepped a little to the east, along the bank of the river, which flowed to the north of us. It seemed foggy out, and i could only see part of the structure that spanned the river. My father was to the southeast of me, up a short steep hill, on a paved area of the land. I noticed the tall crane structure in the air over the water. It seemed to have a cable running down to the bridge, and i wondered if this was how the bridge was supported. I stepped up to the metal structure on the edge of the hill over the river. There seemed to be a drop off just to the north of me that led down a dirt cliff to the river. The metal structure was mounted on the top of the hill and seemed to be part of the crane. The fog was clear now and i could see the metal arm that stretched across the river from where i was standing. It was a wide flat beam made of cross girders, like the arm of a crane. It was silver, and the large metal box just to the north of me was red. There was a smaller girder beam on top of the box. It was tipped to the west, with the slope of the red surface, and rotated to the northwest. I thought that the name of this arm was “full course”. A shorter arm ran perpendicular to it from a pivot point on the southern side of the top of the red surface. The long arm controlled the crane arm over the water. I knew that it could normally be pivoted around its southern end, allowing it to swing over the water. This moved the pieces of the bridge, but i knew that the equipment was old enough that it would probably be rusted into place. I pushed a little on it, but could not get it to move. I thought about the name of the arm. It sounded like a term from a diner, and i thought that the diners actually named their plates after this arm because the workers on the bridge would come to eat there. I looked across the wide shallow river. There were several narrow islands in the center of the water, to the west of the bridge, and there seemed to be long island running parallel to the northern shore, about three or four meters from the shore. Silver supports for the bridge reached up from the island, and there seemed to be some red columns in the center of them. I could no longer see the bridge across the water, as though it had fallen long ago, but i could see the part of the bridge that stood on the island. There was a fifty-five-gallon drum sitting in the gravel bank of the island, near the base of the bridge supports. It was old and rusted, but there was a small fire burning in it. I then noticed a similar fire in a barrel to the west, on one of the smaller islands. There seemed to be something dangerous about the fires, and i felt cautious of the people that might be around here. I looked back at the barrel under the bridge, noticing blue and orange flames flickering over the top. I said something to my father as i turned to the west and walked back to my car. I tried to wipe off my hands from touching the small girder arm on the red case. I noticed the white blinking light on the dirt ground to the west, near the back of the large object. I realized that the blinking object was my cell phone. I must have dropped it. My father was to the south of the phone, and moved to pick it up as well. The light must be blinking to tell me that there was a message coming in. I picked up the phone in my left hand and tried to listen to it, holding it to my ear with my left hand. There was something sticky on my right hand, and i wiped it on the sides of my pants as i headed back to the northwest, to the driver’s side. The sticky stuff had come from the bridge controls to the east, and i could not get it off my hand. It felt course, as though it was composed of small round beads that were stuck together with some kind of paste. I sat in the driver’s seat of the car, rolling the paste up in my right hand and trying to get rid of it. I looked at the yellow paste, which contained several small white spheres, and rolled it off of my hands and onto the floor of the passenger’s seat. I then turned to the south and started moving down the length of the long narrow room. The room was crowded with stacks of things on both walls. This room seemed to be in the lower floor of a tall narrow building in a city. The front of the building was to the north of me, and i was moving through the stacks of paper in the office. I started swimming through the air, but i was actually swimming through shallow water. The water channel ran between the desks and office shelves. I came to the southern end of the room and turned around. There were two people talking at the northern end of the room. I could see them from where i was, but i did not pay much attention to them. I looked around at the small office at the back end of the building. There were tall white scrolls leaning against the eastern wall, and similar scrolls on the desk to the west. The pale wooden desk extended from the western wall and seemed more like a table. There were white boards and placards leaning against the northern side of the desk. I picked up one of the long rolls of paper and unrolled it a little, noticing that it was a set of building plans. I turned around and headed back to the southern end of the room again. When i reached the desk at the southern end, i hopped over the white barrier, which seemed to be to the north of the desk. I then swimmed over it again. It seemed easy to swim across the water and dive over the white barrier when i came to it. I did this several times. The others were still watching me from the north. I stopped in the office and hopped over the wall to the south. This was some kind of trick i could perform. I then felt frustrated with the situation and pushed on the desk, knocking it over to the south.

Fonze was driving the large golden american car, which seemed to be a fifties Cadillac convertible. The car was moving to the west, but it did not seem to be traveling on a road. I was floating over the back of the car, watching it move. Fonze looked over his right shoulder at me, his right hand on the white steering wheel. I then realized that the car had been flying through the air, but it was now falling. Below us was a vast city, and it seemed quite a way down. The sun was in the southwestern sky, and the yellow light made the city look warm and sepia toned. I felt that i should help keep the car flying. I swooped down to help the others lift it and keep it airborne. We did not want it to crash into the city, which seemed like Eurivvonerga. I felt concern for the car and helped to keep it floating. I then turned to the north and walked into the small bedroom in the dimly lighted house. My mother was lying on the small dull-yellow bed, which was against the northern wall. The bed seemed to be a single bed or a sofa with a low back. Her head was to the west, and she seemed sick as she lay under the yellow and brown blanket. She was talking about something softly, but she suddenly stopped in mid sentence. I looked at her, wondering what had interrupted her. She seemed suddenly tense, and then she started to shake. She was having a seizure. I grabbed her and tryed to keep her from hurting herself. I felt upset and very concerned. I yelled for my father, telling him to come and help. After a moment of holding my mother, i called for him again. I did not think that he could hear me from here.

12008 December 02

I said something to $Z as i turned back to the southwest. I was sitting in the center of the large bed, which was against the northern wall of the room. $Z was to the northwest of me, but i looked again at the promotional poster that was hanging on the southern end of the western wall. It was of Laurie Anderson. I then noticed that Laurie was standing on the southern side of the room. She smiled at me and then glanced at the poster. I looked again at the poster. It had a black background and seemed to have a space theme. There was a headshot of Laurie in the upper-left of the poster, and she seemed to be wearing some kind of helmet. There were spaceships around the edges of the poster. I thought that it had something to do with one of her earlier shows. I turned back to the north and looked across the grassy area of the golf course. There was a small group of older men standing together on the green to the north of me. A small clubhouse or shack was to the west. I had to get home by heading to the northwest. I jumped up and started flying over the golf course. I did not care if the men saw what i was doing. I pulled through the air with my arms, as if swimming a breaststroke. My arms and sides felt tired, and i wondered if i could make it all the way home. I continued anyway.

I continued up the hill to the northeast, past the dark-brown cottage. I was to the northeast of myself, watching myself hike slowly up the steep slope. I had just past the long building, which seemed to be part of a multi-dwelling unit. There was a parking lot to the northeast of it, and i was standing on the northern side of the lot, watching myself cross into the center of the small lot as i continued up the hill. The lot seemed to be surrounded by the long short dark-brown wood buildings. I then looked up from myself and to the southeast. There was a large tour bus driving up the road that ran along the eastern side of the complex. The road was a narrow dirt road, and it seemed very strange that a bus would be coming up it. I wanted to point it out to the others because it seemed out of place. I could hear the bus’s engine rev as it slowly climbed past the parking lot and went up hill. The bus was mostly white, with a light-blue stripe along the bottom of the near side. I realized that the hard part for the bus would be making the turn at the top of the hill. The road ended on a flat area, where it turned sharply to the west. I thought that the bus might have trouble driving over the top of the hill, thinking that its bottom would hit the ground on the hill. I moved a little to the west so that i could see the intersection as the bus reached it. The bus was stopped at the top of the hill, and a man was being set on fire near the bus. The man had helped the bad guys get the bus to this area, but they were setting him on fire to keep him from talking. The man wandered back down the hill. I saw him with several other men in trench coats. He was Gene Hackman, and i could tell that his hair was burned. He had a bald spot on the top of his head, and his hair flared out around the sides, where it had not been burned. He smiled as he talked with the other men about something.

12008 December 04

$F45 walked to the east of me, across the old grocery store. The room seemed open, with an old dull white tile floor and old green coolers around the perimeter of the room. The room was oddly shaped. It was roughly rectangular, but a wall cut across the southeastern corner, running from the southwestern corner to the center of the eastern wall. People moved around, and $F45 was purchasing stuff at the registers to the east. I felt that i had to get going as i stood near the registers. $F45 told me to leave so that i would not be late. I took the four items that i had payed for and headed to the west, to the sliding glass double doors in the center of the western wall. I stopped half way across the room, realizing that i had driven my car here with both of us. I would not be able to leave without taking $F45, and i turned to the east and told him this. He did not seem to hear as he continued to get his things checked out at the register. I was carrying a tall green canister, which seemed like a type of spray oil, and three other items. They all had similar colorings. I had to get to my class, and i did not want to be late. I thought about the classes as i turned to the northwest and started walking across the room. I was taking classes in a community college, and i knew that i had a class soon. I wondered if i had done the work for the classes. I then thought about the second class of the day, which seemed to be a history class. The class had not met properly for most of the semester. I had not done the work for this class, but i thought that it did not really matter, since the teacher was not running the class properly anyway. I walked into the garage of the house, but noticed that my car was at the back of the garage. The front of the garage was to the north, and i had entered from the south. My car was a small yellow and white two-seated sports car. It was parked parallel to the back wall of the garage. In front of it was a larger yellow sports car, which was parked on the eastern side of the garage. There were several other objects on the cement floor of the garage, several of which seemed to be car frames. One of the frames on the western side of the garage was red. There was a long open space in the center of the floor, where $F45’s car had been. I thought that i could probably maneuver my car around the yellow sports car and drive it out through the open space. I then noticed that there were people moving to the south of me, across the grass at the back of the lawn. I was standing on the outside of the white garage, which now seemed to have only supporting beams on the side walls. The north now seemed to be the front of the garage, but the large door was closed, and i knew that $F45’s car was blocking me in the driveway. I would have to drive out the opening at the back of the garage and cross the grass to get out. The people from next door were setting up a large white tent behind the garage, however. They were working on something, and i thought that i would have to wait for them to finish. I was impatient, looking at my watch. It seemed to be after ten o’clock, and i realized that my first class would start at ten. The college seemed to be at least fifteen minutes to half an hour away, and i was suddenly worried that i would miss the class entirely. I then looked at my watch again to make sure. It was actually a little before ten. I would still not be on time, but i would not be as late. I turned to look at the people in the tent. They now had the tent fully set up and seemed to be working on cars on the long tables in the tent. I started to worry that they would not be moving quickly. I asked them how long the tent would be there. The man with the short dark hair, who was sitting in the middle of the tent, hummed a moment in thought and then told me that they would probably be there a few weeks. I was upset and told them that i had to get my car out of the garage. I realized that there was nothing but lawn behind the garage, and that the lawn actually belonged to the people on the other side of the block. My grandmother lived on the southern side of the block, so i told the man that i wanted to drive the car across the grass and out my grandmother’s house. I looked to the south, noticing that the land rose in a tall hill to the line of houses on the other side. To the south of us was a tall light-gray wooden house. It seemed very plain, with few windows on the back side. The men looked up the hill at the houses, and one of them commented on the house. The younger one, who was sitting to the west of me now asked if the house belonged to Giovanni. I looked at the houses and realized that i was actually more toward the center of the suburban block than i had thought. My grandmother’s house was near the western side of the block, so i really did not know whose house was at the top of the hill above us. The older man, who was sitting just to the south of me looked around, and said that he did not think that the house belonged to Giovanni. I thought about Giovanni, picturing him as an old italian man with white hair. I was reminded of The Godfather as i thought about this. The other people who were sitting in the tent started talking about who was in the houses. I looked up the hill, noticing that the gray house was now a little to the east of us. It was not the house directly across from the garage i was at. I looked at the people sitting in the tent. They seemed to be older, and were gathered for some social event. They all slouched in their folding lawn chairs as they looked up the hill and discussed where Giovanni’s house was and who owned the house directly up the hill. I looked up the hill, noticing that the houses directly across from us were darker. I could not see the one directly up the hill because a man was standing in my way, but i noticed that the one to the west of it was dark green. I leaned a little to the west to see around the man, and i noticed that the house on top of the hill was also green. I pointed out the green house to the people sitting down, telling them that it was the one i was referring to. The house i was looking at was a duller green than the one next to it, so i clarified by telling the man “The olive-green one.”. They looked at the large house, trying to remember who owns it. I looked at it, noticing the large semicircular windows on the back. I could see a similar window through it on the front of the house as well. This building seemed too large to be a single house, so i thought that it must be an apartment. Several of the people stated the same thing as they tried to remember who owns it. Someone to the west of me stated a name and asked the others if that sounded correct. Someone repeated the name, and they talked about it for a bit. I did not want to stay in the conversation, since i realized that the house was not my grandmother’s, as i had originally said. As they continued to discuss the owner of the house, i turned back to the south to get my car out of the garage. I cross the small dirty room at the back of the garage. I had to climb back up to the second floor, but the ladder now seemed to be unstable. I stepped onto the loose sheets of wood, which were supporting the sheet that the ladder was on top of. I looked down. The sheets were standing parallel to each other, running north to south. The sheets to the north of me were standing on top of them, and were leaning against the northern wall of the room. The room was dusty and the wooden walls were unpainted and dark with age. This seemed to be a shaft at the southern side of the barn. The step ladder was standing on top of the second level of plywood. As i tried to climb up to the top of the second sheet of wood, however, the plywood pressed against the northern wall, and the ladder started to slide off of it. I pushed to ladder to the east, letting it fall down the shaft. It hit the ground below and cracked. I knew that it had made a loud noise as it hit the ground, but i did not hear it. I thought that $F45 might hear it and be concerned about what had happened. He might think that i had fallen. I started to climb again, noticing now that the lower boards of red worn plywood had leaned against the northern wall. The lower pieces of plywood were now supporting the upper piece, which i was now climbing, by only a thin edge. It seemed very unstable, but i continued up the wood to the doorway on the second floor. The red paint of the wood seemed to be chipping away, and the wood was bending under the weight. As i reached the window, i heard the wood fall to the ground. I looked at the metal frame of the car in the southwest corner of the room as i started to cross the room to the north. I thought about $F4 as i crossed the room. There was a man moving things around on the northern side of the room. The room seemed very large now, with a wide-planked wood floor. I moved through the cars of the room, but i noticed that they had been moved around. I hoped that i could still squeeze my car out. I came to the north of the couch, which was on the western side of the room, facing north. There was something in front of it that i bumped. I looked down as the buffer started running again. It seemed to have a small gas engine. I backed away from it. The man who had been cleaning up the room must have been buffing the floor. He was now to the southwest of me with someone else, and he came back to the couch to turn off the buffer, which was now to the west of me. I looked down at the blue loafers on my feet, noticing that i had stepped into a puddle of wax. I stepped back, trying to wipe it off of my feet, but then i noticed that it had stained the cuffs of my tan pants. I was annoyed and tried to get the wax off of my pants. I pulled on the cuffs, trying to wring the wax out. The man who was cleaning was now to the northeast of me. He seemed oriental, with a round face and short black hair. He was wearing a dull-blue T-shirt. He stood very close to me and seemed to be angry that i had stepped in his wax. I was annoyed with him and complained about the wax on the ground. I wringed some out of my pants and then wiped my hands on his shirt in annoyance. I felt aggressive toward him and wondered if he would start hitting me. I was hesitant to fight, but i wanted to punch him out of annoyance. I moved toward him a few times, but then turned to the north and walked across the room. I had to get to my classes.

12008 December 05

I was i in the large kitchen with several other people. They were preparing some kind of holiday food for the group. Several of them were standing around the small square island in the center of the room, just to the north of me, fixing trays of things. One of the women mentioned the greasy dish, acting as though it was unappetizing. I looked at the bowl of stuff on the counter to the south of me. I was helping prepare some food, but i was not quite sure what to do. There was a large plastic bag in the metal bowl. The bag was filled with frozen chicken pieces that seemed to be battered. I picked up the bag, but noticed that there was a piece of the chicken on the floor. I picked up the small breaded nugget and tossed it into the metal trash can to the east. The woman from the counter asked me if it was part of the professor’s greasy dish. I told her that it was a piece of chicken. I was supposed to make the chicken, and i looked at the bag, wondering what i was going to do with the chicken pieces. I knew that i had to take them out and put them on a tray, but the others seemed occupied with the dish they were trying to fix on the island to the north. I turned to the north again, saying something about the food. $F12 was standing in the kitchen near me. He smiled at me, but did not know what help he could offer. I felt a little out of place here, not sure what i should be doing. There were two men talking to the west, and i thought that i should ask them a question. I walked over to them, but they continued to talk to each other. They had moved into the southwest corner of the room, which seemed to be a small alcove off of the room. It was like a pantry, but it seemed to be part of a corridor leading to somewhere else. I stood to the north of the men as they chatted. They did not seem to pay any attention to me, and i did not want to interrupt them. I stood for a moment to the north of them, waiting for them to stop talking so that i could ask them a question. $F12 walked behind me, heading to the west to do something. I then decided that the men were not going to listen to me, so i turned back to the east and walked across the kitchen, to the north of the island. The woman was still talking about the greasy food that the professor had cooked. She mentioned the professor’s name. I did not know about the food. She leaned her upper body across the counter, resting on her right elbow as she fixed something on a tray with her left hand. She had long dark-blond hair and seemed to be wearing a tight long-sleeve shirt. She looked up at me as she mentioned the professor’s name again. I did not know who he was, but i was not involved in preparing the food she was talking about.

12008 December 06

We walked down the hall, heading to the south. I was with my mother and father. I could see to the east, out the windows of the building. The sky was gray, and i could see the heavy clouds over the wide forested valley. The land looked rural, with green bushy trees. As i looked at the sky all around us, i noticed that several of the clouds looked like they had dark lines running from them. I looked at one of the clouds to the southeast and noticed a thin line running from the cloud. It reminded me of a tornado, but i knew that it was not probably that a tornado would form in this area. I then looked to the south, seeing a thicker tube running down from a cloud. There was one to the north as well. I mentioned these to my parents, telling them that i thought that there might be tornados in the area. I then noticed that the thick funnel cloud to the southeast was rather close to us now, and it had several thin wisps stretching down from the cloud above it. The wisps were small tornados, and they were spinning around the larger body. I told my parents that we should get to someplace safe. We hurried down the corridor to the north, heading toward the tornado. There was a large glass window at the end of the corridor, through which we could see the clouds approaching. We had to get to the lower level of the hotel, where it was safer. I hurried to the south, to the end of the corridor and ran down the stairs on the western side. My parents followed me to the east, into the center of the lobby on the first floor. To my disappointment, the southern wall of the lobby was made of large glass windows. It would not be safe to stay near the front of the building. There seemed to be a registration desk on the eastern wall. We walked to the northeast, across the room. We had to get farther into the building before the tornado came. Unfortunately, there was a large glass window in the center of the eastern wall as well. The entire lower floor of the hotel was open, with large windows on all of the walls. This place did not seem safe. There were thick cement columns in the center of the building, so i thought that we should sit near them to stay out of the wind. My parents sat in the deep red chairs on the eastern side of the room. The chairs were cubical with thick sides and back. My mother sat in a chair that was facing north, and my father sat to the east of her. I crouched in front of her, wondering if the chairs were sturdy enough to block the flying debris from the tornado. I looked to the east, out the window to see where the tornado was. The thin curved funnel cloud was approaching rapidly as it hit the restaurant to the east of us. I ducked, expecting it to hit the eastern wall just to the north of us. I crouched down in front of the chair where my mother had sat. I looked at the large window that covered the eastern wall. There were some metal support structures in front of it. I watched for a moment, but the tornado did not crash through the window. I then looked back to the southeast as the glass window to the south of us shattered. Dust and debris blew into the room, but there did not seem to be much wind. The people around the room gasped in surprise, and i held on to the chair. My mother seemed tense in the chair. I watched the dust cloud move across the lobby to the southwest. It was running parallel to the tornado above the building. As it broke through the glass on the southern end of the western wall, there was a sudden strong wind through the room. My mother’s chair tipped back a little, but did not move. She seemed surprised, but held on as the wind continued to move through the lobby. The tornado had passed and did not do that much damage to the area.

12008 December 08

I was in the back seat of the car as my parents drove me to the west, down the streets of $P14. We were on the top of a hill, and the land sloped steeply down to the west. I could see the downtown section of the city, spread out in the valley below. My father was driving the car, and i was trying to give him directions on where we had to go. $F45 was sitting in the passenger’s seat as we started down the steep hill. I looked down the length of the road and followed it as it crossed the valley below. There was a set of wide flat buildings in the center of town, which i decided was the plaza area. The road we were on passed just to the north of it, but i noticed that there was a black object blocking the road on the western side of the plaza area. I remembered that several of the roads here were blocked off because of construction. I told my father that certain streets downtown were blocked by construction areas, so we would have to go around. I said the name of the street. I said that the college was building a new stadium. The car continued down the very steep hill, coming into the flat valley below. The construction area was now on the southern side of the block across the intersection from us, to the southwest. The street to the west of us was blocked by the construction, so we would not be able to travel on this street. I told my father that the street to the north was also blocked by the construction. We stopped for a moment in the downtown area. It was gray and dreary out, and it seemed as though it was near sunset. We had to figure out what to do, so i started walking to the west, across the lower level of the parking garage, where we had stopped the car. The garage was open on the northern and western sides, and we had been stopped in the aisle on the northern side of the garage. There seemed to be a construction site across the street from us, to the west. I walked down the central aisle of the parking area, heading toward the exit of the garage. There were several construction cones and cement barriers at the northwestern corner of the building. I crossed through them on the northern side of the building. I was a tight fit to squeeze through them. $Z followed me. We were riding something down the aisle of the parking garage. It seemed like a horse, but it was much smaller. I told it that we needed to go back out across the parking garage. We had to get back to the car so that we could leave this area. I thought that we could head around the construction area to get away. I headed for the stairs at the center of the parking garage, thinking that i had to go down to the lower level, where we had parked. I headed to the east, into the lower level of the parking garage, where my parents were waiting in the large gray car. The car was parked on the southern side of the aisle. I got in and told my parents that we should try to go around the construction site to the north. My grandfather started to back the car out of the parking space. I was nervous with him driving. He was not a good driver, and he did not pay attention to where he was going. I thought that he would wreck the car as he backed up. I was nervous with him driving, and i worried that he would wreck the car enough that we would be stuck here.

We were in the small old restaurant, with a white ceiling and dark wooden walls. Pictures and other things hung from the walls. My family was with me, but they started leaving, heading to the southeast. I watched them for a moment as they walked between the round wooden tables, which had white tablecloths on them. I would be joining them shortly, but i had to use the bathroom before i went. I walked to the north, into the small room. The lower parts of the walls were covered with a dark polished wood. I moved to the south wall, where there was a white toilet protruding from the wall. I wanted to urinate in it, but i could not figure out how to use it. It seemed to be closed, and i could not get it open. There was a man in the room behind me. I tried to act casually as he walked to the eastern wall of the room and started urinating in one of the porcelain urinals that were hung on the wall. I decided that i should have used them instead of a toilet, since i only had to urinate. I pulled my underwear back up, but left my zipper open as i walked over to one of the urinals. I seemed to be wearing my blue and red down parka. I moved to the urinal to the north of the man, but the edge of the urinal seemed very high. I could urinate in it by projecting my urine upward a little, but i realized that i would eventually start dripping on the floor near the end. It was too high for me to urinate in. I felt frustrated and stood in front of the urinal for a moment, pretending to do something there. I then realized that i was not in full control of my right hand. I was holding my penis with it, but my hand moved involuntarily. It slipped off of my penis and fell to my side. I lost my balance a little, but did not fall over. I thought that i must be drunk. I did not have enough control to use this urinal, so i walked back over to the south wall to use the toilet. I would have to figure the toilet out. As i reached it, i realized that it was actually a metal sink. It looked kind of like a bedpan, but it had faucets on top. I stood over it, thinking that i should use it carefully and then wash the urine down. I was having trouble balancing, though. I could not get in the right position to urinate into the sink. I kept moving around in the small stall, which was formed by two thin wooden walls on either side of the metal sink. I could not fit properly in the stall to urinate into the sink. I then realized that the sink was on the other side of the short half-wall from me. I was actually urinating into it from a distance. I had to be very careful not to miss the sink. As i urinated, i noticed that the stream of urine was white and cloudy. This was strange and not right. As i finished, i realized that i was now dripping into the round canister under me. I should not have been doing this, and i felt uncomfortable. I worried that i had been drunk. A woman walked on the other side of the short wall from me, and i tried to act casually. I could not let her know that i had been urinating into the sink.

12008 December 09

I was traveling to the west on the road through the rolling countryside. I was on vacation, and i was traveling to this area of the state. I looked at the black and white road sign as i pass. It said that i was on US Route 77 or NY Route 77. I glanced around at the snow-covered land to the northern side of the road. The land was rounded just to the north of the road, cresting with a line of thick pine trees. Snow covered the tops of the pine bows. The scenery looked beautiful, and i enjoyed it as i drove. I thought that i was somewhere in the western part of New York State, traveling west. I was not sure how far west i had traveled, though. This place seemed like the Adirondacks, but i knew that it was farther west. I wanted to drive on until i found a nice place to stop for the night. I knew that there would be small towns along the road. It seemed that it was evening, and that the sun was about to set, so i wanted to find someplace soon. I noticed the double arrows on the rectangular wooden sigh the northern side of the road, and i thought that it might be the state line. I wondered how far i had traveled, and concentrated on the road signs that were coming up on the right side of the road. They seemed different from what i had been traveling on. They were blue, with yellow lettering. They looked like the signs from Pennsylvania, but i thought that i should not be there. Pennsylvania seemed to be to the south of me, and i should not have crossed into it traveling west like i was. If i had, i would have run into Erie. There were some buildings on the southern side of the road now, and it seemed like i was heading into a small town. These buildings did not seem as nice as the ones i had passed before. They were run down common. The ones i had seen before seemed charming and touristy. I slowed down, thinking that i should turn around. I then noticed the large bandstand on the southern side of the road. There was grass around now, and it seemed green. As i passed the bandstand, i noticed that it was very colorful, with tie-dyed banners and bright lettering. There were people wandering around on the sides of the road, and i realized that there was a music festival in this area. It was some kind of neo-hippy festival. The woman behind me, to the east, started talking about it. I told her that i was not sure what the festival was actually about. The hippy festival was really a summer festival, and i told her that it was now the middle of winter, so it should not be happening right now. I continued walking to the west, over the dirt and grass on the northern side of the street. There seemed to be many tourists wandering through the town. Many of them seemed to be crossing the road and heading over a grassy area to the northwest. I walked into the small cafe, which was on the northern side of the old wooden building on the southern side of the road. There was a small gravel area between the building and the road, and several round metal tables were set up there. I sat down with the man and the woman who were with me, and we started talking about this town and the festival here. I sat on the western side of the table, the woman sat on the north, and the man sat to the south. A young boy sat on the eastern side of the table, and i started talking to him. There was something strange and special happening here. I was interested in the festival, but there was something else related to this area. The boy was actually a younger version of the man who was with me. I wondered how they could coexist in the same timeframe. I looked at the young boy. He seemed surprised that he was so similar to the older man at the table. I realized that i was also out of place in this area. This was taking place in my past, and i thought that i should be much younger in this time, but i was actually my regular age. Remembering that this was a dream, i knew that things would correct themselves when i woke up, and i told the boy that he would wake up too, saying “Just as if you were me.”

I moved through the darkened house in the middle of the night. I felt cautious, knowing that something was there. I could not see it, and moved through the room looking for it. Someone then said “zeta zeta tango”. The statement had some importance, and i thought about what it meant. I thought that it must be radio code for letters, but then i remembered that the letter Z was actually referred to as “zulu”, not “zeta”. I had to figure out what it meant, and i thought that the airline code had to do with the dance tonight.

I talked to the others about the meaning of “ZZT”. I knew that it was something important, but i could not figure out what it was. The people seemed suddenly suspicious, and mentioned “pdt”. I was sitting on the eastern side of the round cafe table in the old white building. They were both on the western side of the table, facing me. They translated the initials, telling me what it meant, but i thought that they had gotten it wrong before. They implied that it was simply computer related, and i thought that they were referring to “PDF”. There was something suspicious about these people, and i felt that they were trying to distract me from what the real letters meant. I wanted to figure out “ZZT”.

12008 December 10

I walked with the others to the south, down the street in the urban area. The buildings around us seemed to be apartments. There was then a loud noise in the street to the east of us. It seemed very strange, like a grinding or hissing sound. I turned to see a large dump truck on the northern side of the street, very near us. It was facing east, and the back end almost seemed to be a garbage truck, but it had a dump-truck flap on the back. It had been backing up toward us, but stopped. There was something suspicious about the dark-green beaten-up truck. A small wheel, which looked like a thin go-cart wheel, dropped from under the truck. It bounced on its side and came to a rest under the rear transmission of the large vehicle. I wondered from where it had fallen. There should not have been any place on the truck from where a wheel could have fallen. It seemed strange, and i mentioned it to the others. Our attention was then turned upward, to the bed of the rusted red pick-up truck. There was a woman in the back of the truck, and she asked us for help. I looked at her and realized that something was wrong. He was now to the west of us, and the truck was parked on the southern side of the road, facing west. There seemed to be junk in the back of the truck, and the woman was reclined on top of it. There was something very suspicious about her, and i realized that she looked like a man in makeup. I thought that she was trying to distract us from the dump truck. I did not trust her, and warned the others that this was some kind of gag. The woman was wearing black fish-net stockings and a tight white dress with large red and green flowers on it. Her face was pasty white from too much makeup. I knew that it was a man in disguise. She was lying on her back, holding on to an old tubular vacuum cleaner. She had long hair and heavy mascara on her eyes. She looked at us seductively and, in a breathy voice, asked us for help. I felt very unsafe around her, but thought that the others might fall for her affectations. I forced myself to laugh loudly at her, thinking that it would help break the mood that she was trying to set. I had to make it seem that i knew that it was a joke. I quickly turned away and started walking to the east, down the southern sidewalk of the street. I was worried that they would come after me, realizing that i had seen through their ploy. I quickly turned the corner at the end of the brick building and headed down the alley, to the south. I had to get away from them before they came after me. I hoped that i could round the corners ahead of them and get out of sight before they came around the corners after me. I left the others behind, hoping that they would realize that this was a trap and leave on their own. I turned to the west on the next main street over and started to head around the block. I did not look back, in case there was someone following me. I did not want them to know that i was suspicious of them. I rounded another corner and started heading to the north, on the western side of the same block. I had to somehow sneak back to same block where the truck had been. That was where my apartment was. I was heading to the north when i noticed the large trunk on the western sidewalk of the street, in front of a small run-down white house. The house seemed to have aluminum eves over the windows. There was a set of cement stairs near the sidewalk, in front of the house. The lawn of the house ran from the building to the north, sloping only slightly down, but, just before the sidewalk, it formed a rounded hill. The steps joined the cement path at the top of the hill with the sidewalk. I realized that the large black wooden trunk was the one that i had used for instruments. As i approached the trunk, i noticed the tall man in the dark suit, who was standing on the sidewalk just to the north of the trunk. He was dark skinned, and he had short graying hair. He was old, with a slightly wrinkled face. He commented on the trunk, saying that it used to be his when he was the leader of the band. I felt a little awkward, saying that i hoped he did not mind that i had become the owner of the trunk. I was the leader of the band now. I moved to the west, across the small room of the house. The room was quaint but very plain. The walls were covered with vertical boards that had been painted tan. There was a small bed against the northern wall, to the west of the window in the center of the wall. Everything seemed well kept but a little run down. I had to get my things together for a show. I did not want to ignore the old man, but i felt uncomfortable engaging him, so i chatted as i did stuff in the room. I had to get things together in my trunk and then put it on my truck so that i could leave for the shows. The man pointed out the small wooden dresser that was against the northern wall, just to the east of the window. The door to the room was in the eastern wall, just to the east of the dresser. The man implied that he had used the dresser when he was famous. It was now mine, but i was not sure what to do with it. I had simply inherited it with the title of band leader. I opened the small wooden drawers of the dresser and looked through them. They were all empty. I did not know what i should do with the dresser now that it was mine, and i felt depressed about it. I did not have a place to put it at home. People then entered the room from the east. They were the rest of the band members, who had finally arrived. They all seemed younger. We talked for a moment, but then they went to sleep in the room to the south. I stayed in the central room of the house. This is where i would be sleeping. I knew that this had to do with position in the band, and i was uncomfortable with the idea of rank. Because i was the leader of the band, i got to sleep in the central room while the others slept in the rooms around me. I hoped that the other band members did not mind this arrangement. I felt uncomfortable by it as i wandered to the north, coming to the front of my grandfather’s house on $P12. Once inside, i turned to the right and headed south, into the sun room. The room was filled with plants, and it looked quite nice. Green vines and tall stalks were everywhere. I then turned to the north and headed across the living room. My grandfather was there, standing near the couch on the eastern wall. He seemed tense, and i thought that something was bothering him. I continued to the west, into the television room. I should have gone to bed, but i felt agitated. I then heard music to the east. I wandered into the larger part of the house. I knew that the rest of the band had left, so i had to do something here by myself. My parents were to the east, in the kitchen of their house, and i was walking across the dining room of their house toward them. I then heard the band again to the south of me. I realized that they must have left the house but not have left the grounds. They must be playing outside on the front porch. I went to the front door of the dining room and looked out onto the porch. The band was sitting with string instruments along the porch, playing acoustic songs and singing. I wanted to join them, but i knew that my parents would disapprove. I opened the door and walked out onto the porch anyway. The band stopped playing when they saw me come out. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that there must be some tension between. I knew that my mother did not want me on the porch, watching the band, but i was here to be defiant. I wanted to hear them and sing along with them.

12008 December 12

I stopped walking to the northwest for a moment and looked up at the tall narrow building ahead of me. It was a new skyscraper, and it was supposed to be one of the tallest. The building was gray, with a long row of glass on each floor. It seemed to be somewhat crooked as it rose to the sky. I knew that it was part of a disaster scene, though, and that it would burn like Towering Inferno. I had to get to the party that was happening at the upper floors of the building before it was too late. I turned around suddenly and headed back across the lobby to the elevators that were behind me. The elevator doors were narrow and made of a dark metal. They appeared to be old, but i knew that the building had just been finished. I pressed the thick black button, which stuck out from the wall about a centimeter, and the door opened. I stepped in. The walls inside were brushed metal, and there was a long line of buttons to the west of the door, set into a black panel. There were only eight to twelve buttons in the panel, and i realized that the elevator could not go all the way to the top of the building. It must be a lower-level elevator, running up to only the lower part of the building. I pressed the top button, thinking that i would have to transfer to another elevator to get to the top. I felt that i had to hurry, because i knew that the fire would start at any moment. I was looking down as the elevator rose. My vision seemed to be darkened a little, allowing me to only see a round spot in the center of my vision. I moved my head around to see the elevator door open. I quickly stepped out to the north and turned to the west, where there was another elevator that could take me up to the top of the building. The door to the other elevator opened and i stepped in. I could see clearly again, and i noticed that the floor of the elevator was made of crossing slats of wood. The elevator was still under construction, so the floor panel had not been put on. I felt a little nervous about this as the elevator started to rise. I could feel the wind moving through the floor and unfinished walls. A man stood against the southern wall of the elevator. He had been talking to the other man as i had stepped onto the elevator, but was now leaning his left elbow on the metal railing that ran across the southern wall. He was a little chubby, and was wearing faded blue jeans, a light-colored flannel shirt, a denim jacket, and a yellow hardhat. He was one of the foremen working on the construction project. I said hello to him as the elevator rose. I felt that i was not really dressed for the party at the top of the tower, and i wondered if anyone would try to stop me from entering the building. I had not been invited because i was not special enough, but i had to get to the top of the building to do something before the fire started.

I was working with the other man on the art project in the classroom. I felt attracted to the other man in some way. We had to make a model of something out of a clay-like material. I felt that we had to hurry. We were soon finished, and the teacher was looking at the object that we had placed on the eastern side of the class. I did not feel good about what we had done. The other man seemed to be getting all of the credit for the work. My work on the project was rushed, and not done well. I looked at the clay figures. I had been too hurried to finish them properly, and i did not think that they were good enough. I looked at the small spot of clay on the knife that i had it my hand. It looked like a small head. I pointed it out to the other man, who commented on it to the teacher, who was a tall thin man standing to the southeast of us. I felt bad about the project. If we had had more time, it could have been done properly. I turned to the west, and it seemed that the classroom was clearing out. The place was a theater now, and people were leaving. I moved around the northern wall, feeling bad about something.

12008 December 13

I left my grandmother and started driving to the southeast. She was heading in the same direction that i was, but i knew that she would not take the highways, so i would probably arrive before her. We seemed to be on the southern side of $P7, heading south. I turned onto the interstate that headed to the southwest. It seemed wide, with no other cars on the road. The pavement was gray, and seemed very smooth and clean, as though it had just been layed. I started moving down the long straight road, heading south. I thought about this road as i traveled on it, remembering that the exit used to be closer to where i got on. I looked at the weeds on the eastern side of the road as i swerved to the east. The grass and weeds in the gully between the two lanes of the highway seemed very green and fresh, as though it was just rising up in the Spring. I thought that the ground must be damp underneath it. I swerved back to the western side of the road, looking at the grass there as well. There was a cement bridge ahead, which i quickly passed. This bridge was probably the main highway. I tried to remember when they had changed the exit of this road so that it connected with the main highway farther to the south. I shifted position now. I was traveling quickly down the road, watching the grassy sides, but i now seemed to be sliding on something rather than driving. I turned the east a little and started sliding down the gulley of light-green plants. I thought that i might start to slide faster over the grass than i would over the pavement. The road ahead of me seemed to be descending a long gentle hill, so i knew i could pick up speed here. I moved back to the west, sliding on the green grass along the side of the road. I then shifted back into the center of the road, trying to adjust the small gray oval object that i had been sliding on. I sat on it and started moving quickly down the hill in the center of the road. The land around me now rose from both sides of the road. It was sunny out, and the light-green grasses raggedly grew on the slopes, which led up to the green forests around me. I noticed a man running up the hill toward me. He was on the eastern side of the road, wearing a blue tank-top and dark shorts. I nodded at him as i passed. I then noticed several other runners following him. Several of them were fooling around as they jogged. They were all heading up the eastern side of the road. One man jumped on another’s back as they fooled around. I wondered if these people were from $G4. I was passing them quickly, and i knew that they would find it interesting that i was skidding so fast down the road. I watched them run in a line past me as they headed up the hill. They must be part of $G4, so i called out to them, saying “On on.”. I looked at the ground near them, noticing that there were a few round white marks, which i assumed that they were following. Ahead of me, a few people ran out of the woods on the western side of the road, stumbling down the hill and onto the pavement. They crossed the road in front of me and started following the others to the north. They were $G4, and i wondered which chapter they came from. I thought that i might be in the Hudson Valley by now, but i was not sure. Maybe i was not actually that far from $P7, and they were the local $G4 group. I continued jogging as the hill ended and the road started to slope up. I had come to this area to visit, and was out for a jog. I should have run with the local group. It was a Saturday, and i could have run with them today. I started up the steep hill to the south, noticing that the road ahead of me curved to the west. I could hear the sound of children playing off to the southeast. As i approached the corner, i wanted to see what they were doing, so i jogged toward the eastern side of the road. I watched the corner ahead of me, since i could not see what was coming around it, and i did not want any cars to come unexpectedly. I jogged on the eastern shoulder of the road near the curb. The land to the east dropped off suddenly, and the children were below me. I looked over the edge, but the drop off seemed very steep as i approached the side of the road. I kept looking down, but i could not see the grassy park below me. The hill seemed to be a steep grassy cliff. I felt very uneasy about it and continued down the road to the west. I started walking again because i was back where i had started. I had not run that far, and suddenly felt disappointed that i had not gotten a good workout. I walked across the room of the house where we were staying. My mother was sitting on the large off-white couch in the center of the room, which faced west. I kept thinking about the $G4 group that was near us. I should have gone running with them. I felt very disappointed that i did not run that far. I looked around the apartment. There was a small room to the north, where a man was sitting on a bed. There seemed to be a kitchen to the south, and the room i was in was L-shaped, with a small section to the east of the room to the north. I remembered that i had seen the sign for the church on the curve of the road. It had said that the famous church was to the south of us. I told my mother that we were not quite there yet. She seemed disappointed with me and asked me why i had not gone to church. She seemed to be insulting about it. I felt very upset, and yelled back at her. I then turned to the south, walking toward the kitchen. I knew that i should not have been so mean to her, but i did not know why she had been so negative toward me. I felt bad now, and started walking to the east, into the smaller section of the room. I had to stretch out from running.

12008 December 15

I left the factory area by heading to the northeast, across the grassy lawn. I should not have been here, and i hoped that no one noticed that i was leaving. The lawn to the north of the large building sloped down toward a short retaining wall. I walked along the top of the wall for a while before jumping to the green cut grass below. The main road ran a little to the north of the yard, and i was heading toward it. I was traveling to the east down the road, but it seemed as though i had been talking with someone in the factory, which seemed to be a Russian factory. I moved more toward the road as i reached the eastern side of the factory property. I wanted to get back onto the road before anyone noticed that i had left the factory. A car passed me, heading to the east. I reached the macadam of the southern shoulder of the road, which seemed like $P188. I looked around as i walked, trying to figure out where i was on the road. I had to head to the north to get back, but i as not quite sure which roads would take me there. There was an intersection ahead with a light at it, and i knew that it was the main road that crossed the hills to the east-to-west road that would bring me back to where i wanted to go. I also looked to the north, noticing a wide road there as well. It had to cross the hills to the others road as well. I wondered if i should take it. I looked down the road, noticing that there were multiple lanes and an intersection not to far from where i was. I then realized that this did not quite seem right. The road to the north should not have been so wide and new because there just was not that much traffic heading in that direction. I wondered for a moment if there was a factory just off to the west of the road where all of the cars would travel. I then realized that i was not looking down the road to the north, but was actually looking down the road i was on to the east. The large intersection was the main road that crossed the hills. As i continued walking east on the road, i looked to the southeast, noticing a lake in the river valley to the south. It must have been the reservoir. I then thought that it was too far to the east to be the main reservoir, so i looked directly to the south of me. Through some of the thick green trees on the hill leading down to the center of the valley, i could see pieces of blue water. I was very near the reservoir, so i should be close to the roads that lead across the hills to the north. I continued to the east on the road, gazing over the valley to the south as i went. There seemed to be a long string of lakes in the valley, but i could only see bits and pieces of the water through the breaks in the forest below. Someone was then calling for my attention to the north. I turned around to see a woman standing in front of an old dingy Volkswagen Beetle, which was parked to the south of an old gas pump in the wide parking lot of the small repair garage. The garage was a small white building on the north side of the wide arched lot. The woman asked me where they were, and she said that she needed help with directions. At first, i felt that i could help here, but then i felt suddenly cautious of her. There were other people in the car, and i felt that they might capture me. I spoke to her anyway, and i was in an enclosed area of the gas station. There were several other people there moving around. The gas station had been abandoned, and these people were taking refuge in the area. They were going to keep me here, but i did not feel threatened by them. The man in the old dark-blue parka said something as he walked to the east, toward the wall of the dark room. The young man with the short bright-blond hair moved toward me from the northwest. The older man had told him to watch me, and i felt a little threatened. I then realized that the younger man did not seem that threatening. He moved close to me, but seemed to be smiling. He seemed somewhat attractive, but i did not know whether i should be cautious of him or not. I was being held in this place, and the young man was supposed to watch me, but he started pushing me in just, and i realized that he was trying to challenge me. I started pushing back. He seemed stronger than me at first, but then i realized that he was not actually in shape. He was bigger, but his muscles were soft. I grabbed his left chest muscle and squeezed, thinking that it would discomfort him. He seemed to relax a little as i pushed him to the ground. He then had to leave, and i started wandering around the dark room. The others walked out of the storage area through the door in the eastern wall. I was being held here, and the young man was to watch me. He was somewhere to the north. I moved around the room, looking at the junk that was left here. There was a counter to the west, along the southern wall. There also seemed to be two floors to this place. I was on the upper floor, which had a bare wooden floor and junk piled in various places. There was a set of wooden stairs in the center of the floor that descended to the south. I looked down them to the dirt floor below. Daylight shined across the floor below from the east. The older man and some of the others had left through the door on the lower level. The younger man, who had been watching me, now seemed to be somewhere near the crude bed, against the northern wall. I headed down stairs while he was not paying attention. I could easily escape here, but i did not seem too concerned to try. The dirt floor of the lower level sloped upward to the north, making the crawlspace under the loft shorter there. The southern wall was the exterior wall of the old abandoned garage station. The western side of the area was covered with black cloth. I pushed on the cloth, realizing that it was only stapled across the bottom. I could easily pull up the staples and lift the cloth to get out. I started to do this, but then walked back upstairs and started to look around. I was on the northern side of the room, and i looked over the piles of discarded items on the northern side of the room to see if there was anything heavy that i could tear the black cloth with. It would be easier to tear it than to rip it up from the staples. I moved through the room, aware that the people were not really watching me. They were not worried about me escaping. I then looked at the old wooden counter on the western side of the room. It had a short glass display case over the top of it. I reached over the top of the glass and picked up a set of old headphones. They were not exactly what i was looking for, so i started rummaging through the items, looking for something else. I was aware of the others no the northeast of me, but i was no longer concerned with them. They seemed like they did not belong in this area, and were trying to hide here.

12008 December 16

I was in the large lecture room with a few other people. We were moving through the blue seats, which faced to the south on the sloped floor of the room. $A509 seemed to be to the north of me as i stopped in front of one of the seats and started doing something. My book bag was on the seat, and i started getting things from it as i talked to $A509. We were doing something together. Both of us had to change our pants, and i started to unbutton mine. I put on a new pair. Someone then started talking to us from the northeast. $A509 discovered that i was homosexual, and he seemed suddenly surprised and upset by this. He quickly moved away with the other man. I felt hurt that he would ignore me because of this. I continued to change my pants as i listened to $A509 talking to the other man. The other man seemed to be a “white trash” stereotype, so i expected him to judge in a bigoted manner. I continued what i was doing and ignored them.

I was in the dimly lighted room of the house. Other people were to the west of me as i fixed some things on the bed. I had just woken up, and i was pulling the dark-blue wool blanket over the bed, which was against the eastern wall. I seemed to still be in the bed as i listened to the others talk to the west of me. Someone was complaining about something that had happened, and i commented on this as i stood up from the bed and gathered some of my things together. I moved to the east, into the next room, and then followed the others through the forest. It was dark out, and we were hiking through a leafless section of trees. I followed one of the other people to the northwest when i suddenly realized that there was a shallow layer of water covering the ground. The other person stepped into the water and continued to the west, but i did not want to step into water that deep. The other person had sunk up to their knees as they walked across the puddle. The land we were on was still above the water. There seemed to be several small ridges marking the boundaries of the puddles. The ridges ran between the bare trees, forming lines over the ground, running generally north to south. There was a high spot of land to the west, where the other person had gone, but we would have to step into the deep water to get there. I looked to the north, noticing the ridge as it twisted back and forth over the ground, remaining just above the level of the water. There were several roots stretching from the trees into the water to the west, and they seemed to form smaller ridges of their own. I moved to the north a little and tried walking over the water by stepping on the roots. I knew that my feet would sink under the water still, but they would not sink as much as they would in the deep puddles. I stepped to the west but continued to sink. The others were waiting to the east for me, looking for a way to cross without getting wet. I finally realized that there was no way that i could step to the next ridge of trees to the west without getting my feet wet, so i jumped off of the roots and quickly stepped through the water, sinking up to my mid calf. I came onto the ridge of dry land to the west, noticing that there was an old wooden platform running to the west, out over the large lake near us. I followed the other person onto the platform. The land around me was still filled with thick leafless trees. The trunks of the trees seemed smooth, and the branches seemed to spread out wide over out heads. Everything seemed to be tan or beige. I looked to the north, noticing the old structures, which seemed to be old buildings or stone columns. The sky was very blue, and the clear calm water reflected white light from the sky. The reddish-tan rocks and building looked picturesque. I asked the man with me whether there was enough light left to take pictures. The sun seemed to be setting to the southwest of us, and i wanted to capture the image to the northeast before it was too dark. I admired the tan buildings, and the way the windows reflected the golden sun light. I then noticed a man sitting at the northern edge of the wooden platform. He was painting a picture of the town to the north east of us. I looked at his roughly drawn image. It seemed to be impressionist, with very rough vertical lines representing the sides of the building. I watched him for a moment, but i realized that the other people who had come with us were getting bored. This expedition had not gone anywhere in a little while so that the artist could capture the image ahead of us. The people were upset with the artist, and i thought that he would be removed from the expedition. I felt worried that the artists would be left behind. I did not want to leave them. I felt that they were necessary, and i knew that i had artistic talents as well. One of the men then mentioned that the christian monks could choose to leave the expeditions. I realized that the artist was one of the monks. The man was implying that the man should choose to leave the expedition himself so that the people did not have to throw him out. I was upset by this situation.

12008 December 18

I was with the other person when i had entered the door on the northern end of the long university building. We were running to some place, and i knew that we would have to run down the building. We came into an entryway that was two stories tall, and i could see the corridors that led to the south. The building was dark, but i could see everything in dull details. I started bicycling down the wide central corridor on the second floor, but i realized that it did not go that far. There were decorations on the walls of the corridor. At the near end there seemed to be flags standing on poles. This place seemed like the outer office of the university president. I moved to the southern end of the office and went out the doorway on the southern end of the western wall. There was also a doorway on the southern end of the eastern wall. I came into another office, but ended up back at the atrium on the northern end of the building, where all the corridors met. I had gone around in a circle. I mentioned to $Z that this was not the correct way, and i said that we should look for the corridor. I started down the central opening in the lower floor this time. $Z asked me which corridor we were looking for, and i looked up to where he was on the balcony above me. I motioned with my hand in a north-to-south direction, saying “The corridor that runs the length of the building.” I started into one of the other offices on the lower level. I knew that the offices had been built recently, so the corridor had been covered up. We did not want to be seen going through the offices, so we had to be careful. It seemed that $Z was walking to the east of me, in another office, so we were walking parallel to each other. I moved down the long room on the western side of the building. When i came to the southern end, i noticed a brown metal enclosure around a doorway in the center of the southern wall. The enclosure seemed to be very crude and made of cheap metal sheeting. It was decorated with vertical white stripes, making it look like an awning. There were wide plexiglas windows in the top part of it and a doorway on the western side. The north side was open and pressed against the southern wall of the room, where there was a doorway. I thought that this must be the way out. I had to find $Z and tell him that i had found the doorway to the southern corridor. As i glanced around, i noticed a man sitting behind a table to the north. He was sitting in one of the offices that i had passed, but i had not seen him, and i hoped that he did not see me. I stepped to the east quickly to get out of his sight. He looked like a stern man in a brown business suit. He reminded me of Vladimir Poutin. I looked to the east, through the doorway to the east of the enclosure. $Z was sitting down in a chair behind a bar there. This place seemed to be a pub, with many bottles of alcohol around the walls. I called to $Z and told him that i had found the doorway. I then backed up and opened the door to the south. There was a long narrow room on the other side, which seemed to be an empty pub. It was decorated with bottles and items on the walls and seemed very clean. I could see the sunlight coming in through the windows on the southern wall, and i knew that this was the way that we wanted to go. I was a little confused that this place had been turned into a bar. I looked to the north again, at the man sitting behind the table, facing south. He could see me now, and i worried that he would be upset that we were in the offices. These offices also seemed to be pubs, but i thought that they were the executive pubs for the administrative workers. We should not have been here, but it was the only way through the building.

I came to the west, into the room through the door in the northern end of the eastern wall. This place seemed like a library, and there were books on all of the walls. The center of the room had song rectangular tables in it, as well as some smaller tables. I pulled the white book from the northern wall and started to flip through it. I realized that all of the pages were blank. It was a small book, about ten by fifteen centimeters. I looked at the front of the book, noticing that it was soft and white, like a pillow, and had small blue down feathers sticking out of it along the left side. I flipped through several of the pages again, noticing that there were some at the beginning of the book that had text in them, but only a few. There was also one or two near the end that had text near the bottom. The pages themselves also seemed to be fluffy. I turned to the front cover of the book, which was now black. There was a line of gold text across the bottom that said Renee Descartes. The title of the book was also in gold, and i realized that it was a popular work of his. The blank pages were actually part of the book. It was a philosophical statement that most of the work was blank. I put the book back on the shelf and walked to a table on the northwestern side of the room. There was a woman sitting at the eastern side of the southern part of the room. She was sitting on the southern side of a small desk, facing the rest of the room. All of the other chairs in the room were facing south, so she seemed like the teacher, even though this place seemed like a classroom. A younger woman was standing just inside the doorway, which was on the northern end of the eastern wall. There seemed to be several people standing near the northern end of the room, facing south, toward the woman. The younger woman asked a question, holding up a small white box in her hand, which i thought was a tape. The teacher asked what the importance of the box was, implying that it was of no significance. The younger woman did not know how to answer, but i stood up a little from my chair and said “It’s a marketing ploy.” I said that the tape was a product, and that it was simply made for marketing purposes to sell the product. I then told the teacher that it was very much like the book they had on the shelf from Descartes. I knew that referring to the book would imply that the library had purchased something that hand nothing more than a market value. This would stop the teacher from commenting negatively on the product that the woman had. I described the book, saying how it was empty and that it was designed only to sell. I then sat back down. A moment later, i was standing near the eastern end of the northern wall, where the book had been on the shelf. I pulled the small white book from the shelf. It was smaller and thinner than it was before. I then realized that it was not the same book. This padded white book was only about five centimeters wide and about ten tall. It had tall thin gold type on the cover, and, when i flipped through the pages, i could see that there was text on all of the pages. The book was only about twenty or thirty pages thick. I put it back on the shelf, in the open space between the standing dark-covered books. There was another matching small book lying on the shelf. On the shelf above it, i noticed a small white box of several white books. They were all writings from Descartes, but none of them were the book that i had seen before. All of them had text on every page. I looked up one more shelf and noticed the book i had seen before. It was standing in a row of darker books on the left side of the shelf.

I sat in the center of the northern side of the table, listening to $F13. He sat across the table from me and was talking about his wedding. I had received an invitation for it, but i was not sure exactly when it was. I remembered seeing the time on the invitation, but there was no date listed. $F13 was sitting a little to the west of me on the southern side of the table, and he told the other person that his wedding would be on Wednesday. I asked him whether the wedding would be on this Wednesday or next. I realized that today was Tuesday, so tomorrow would be this Wednesday. $F13 looked at me as if i was asking a foolish question. He said that it was next Wednesday, and i felt a little relieved. I then told him that the date was not actually on the invitation. He looked at me as thought i was strange. I started to feel bad because the others in the room were now thinking of me as stupid. $F13 stood up and walked to the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. I sat on the western side of the table as the others continued to work around the long white table. The walls of the room seemed to be white as well. $F13 stopped and stared at me from the doorway. He was criticizing me. I glanced at him, but then purposely avoided his gaze. I felt upset that no one believed me, but i was sure that there was no date on the invitation i had seen.

12008 December 20

I turned to the south as i listened to the people speaking to the east of me. I was in a small kitchen area, which seemed to be part of a theater set. The cupboards and counters were white with pale-yellow vertical surfaces. There was a large window over the counter to the east of me that looked into the next room of the house. The refrigerator seemed to be just to the south of the window, on the eastern wall. The people to the east spoke their lines as part of the comedy skit. I could not see them from where i was standing in the room, but i knew that they were talking to the man to the south. I cross the kitchen to the half wall on the southern end. The wall extended from the eastern wall and had a counter on top of it. There was a tall thin dark-skinned man with short curly hair standing behind a long counter to the south of me. He was speaking with the people to the east, and he asked me some questions. I accidentally knocked an empty plastic gallon milk container off of the counter on the southern half wall. It bounced on the kitchen floor. I knew that we were being watched for this skit, so i acted overly casual, trying to quickly pick up the carton and put it back on the shelf before anyone noticed. The man to the south tried not to laugh at what i had done, but ended up snickering a little as he said his lines to the people to the east. I listened to what they were saying, but i had no idea what i was supposed to say back to them. I made something up when the tall man asked me a question. I tried to look over my shoulder, thinking that there should be a teleprompter with my lines on it, but i could not see it. I looked back at the tall man, wondering what i should say. I did not know any of the lines from the script, and i wondered if i could simply say nothing. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that i should not be on the show at all. I had not been given any of the scripts, so i did not know what i was supposed to say. I thought about this as i paced to the south, along the eastern side of the buildings. As i stepped into a small entry alcove on the eastern side of the street, i wondered if i could simply improvise my lines. I then thought that improvisation would only work in the short term. I would still have to know where the scene was going and what actions my character was trying do. I could not simply make up the entire scene. I started talking with the other person about what i should do. I then noticed the young man to the northeast of where i was. We seemed to be standing outside in the middle of a small city or town. The streets around us ran east to west, but they seemed very narrow, like alleys. There seemed to be some open spaces around us, like courtyards. I knew that the young man to the north of us was someone famous. He seemed like Zac Efron, and i knew that he was the star of a musical for young people. He was wearing a brown long-sleeve button-up shirt or jacket, and he had ragged medium-blond hair. I felt awkward near him, thinking that everyone else would be fawning over him. I did not want to be around the fans, but i noticed that there were very few people near him at the moment. People must not have known that he was there. I spoke with $Z, who was to the west of me. I then looked back to the east. The young man was signing a poster of himself, which was hanging on the brick wall to the east. I watched him write the thick black letters at the bottom, but i noticed that the s at the end of his last name was rather awkward. The man leaned forward and played with the letter a little. At first, i thought that he was correcting a letter that he had drawn improperly, but then i noticed that he had drawn an s-shaped symbol at the end of his name. The symbol seemed to slant downward to the right, and it reminded me of the “zoso” symbol on a Led Zeppelin album cover. The man seemed to be reusing the symbol from Led Zeppelin. I said something about this to $Z. I then noticed that the man had three names, and that the last one was Page. I wondered suddenly if he was the son of Jimmy Page. $Z said that he was, and i smiled. I had not known this, but i found it interesting to hear. The young man then turned around toward us. He was much closer, and i said hello to him and shook his hand. I did not quite know what to say to him, since i was not really a fan of his. I was more interested in his father. He smiled back at me and said some things. I did not know what to say, and i felt awkward in the conversation. I did not want to seem like a fan, but it would be nice to talk to him as if he were a normal person.

12008 December 21

I was in the bed in my parents’ house, and $X3 was with me. He lay on the eastern side of the bed in the central bedroom of the house. $X3 was sick, and i was taking care of him. I lay under the covers, trying to sleep. I could feel the weight of the dog’s body on the bed near my legs. $F45 was then petting the dog. He had brought the dog into the large bedroom of the house and placed it on the bed. I was now standing on the southern side of the bed, petting $X3. My mother was sleeping in the bed with the dog, trying to keep the dog company. I paced around the room, glancing out the front window of the house as i neared the southern wall. There was a bus on the main road in front of the house. It had stopped and was letting some high-school-aged boys off near the driveway. There was a large dump truck on the northern side of the road, in front of the house. It was facing east, and it was backing up to the west as the boys crossed the street. They crossed behind the truck, staying far enough from it as it continued to back up. I became concerned about the boys, thinking that they were out of place here. They walked across the grassy lawn, which had a few dry leaves scattered across it, and toward the house. The trees in the front yard seemed to be leafless for the season. The boys walked very close to the western side of the house, and i thought that they were going to walk to the trails in the woods behind us. I started to feel suspicious of them, thinking that they should not be on this property. I thought that they might be up to mischief. I watched them as they disappeared around the western side of the house, and then i moved to the back side of the house to watch them come around. They appeared on the northern side of the house now, and they were in the middle of the lawn. I felt that they were too close to the house and i did not trust them. They seemed dangerous, and i felt that they would damage the house. I felt tense as i watched them cross the back of the house, heading to the east, toward the back porch. I realized that one of them was carrying a pair of shoes in his hand. I did not trust them. I thought that they would toss the shoes on the roof of the house or try to break the windows. They passed behind something, which seemed to be the corner of the roof below me. I could not see them for a moment, but then i heard a bang on the window in the next room, and then i heard the shoes falling on the roof. I looked to the east to see one falling down the slope of the metal roof. I was mad at the boys and quickly moved to another window to get a better view of them. I wanted to threaten them. I was on the first floor now when i looked to the north, across the small back room of the house. I could see the boys out the double door just to the north of me. There were more than three of them now. There seemed to be six or seven, and they were all wearing similar red jackets. They walked up the driveway, to the north, toward the large wooden garage. I followed them, heading up the corridor to the double door at the end of the hall. I then heard a buzzing sound, but i did not know what it was. I felt tense and more nervous when i heard it, and i looked around to see what it was. I wondered if it was an alarm. I could not be sure. I walked out of the back room of the house and into the breezeway that connected the two buildings. It was a few stories tall and seemed to connect the barn to the house. To the north of me was another set of double doors with large glass windows, leading into the barn. The barn was illuminated, and i walked into the large room, which seemed to be a shop. There were people moving around near the fruit stands to the north of me. There seemed to be a raised platform of pumpkins and other gourds just to the northwest of me. A round woman in a long tan coat leaned forward to inspect the gourds from the eastern end of the northern side of the platform. The boys had walked to the west, into the small enclosed area of the barn. It almost looked like a shed contained in the larger building, but i realized that the bare new wood walls of the shed had no roof. This was the library, and the boys had gone into it. I could see rows of books through the rectangular window in the wall of the shed, just to the north of the door. I did not know what to do now. I looked at the window of the library, noticing that my reflection should be in it. I could not quite see myself, and i tried to position myself in front of the window, which was about fifteen meters away. I felt awkward here and did not quite know what to do. I wanted to pursue the boys, but i felt strange about going into the bookstore after them. A woman came from the north and asked if she could help me with anything. She was an old woman, with a thin wrinkled narrow face and fluffy white hair. I did not really need help, and i did not know what to say to the woman. I felt awkward here.

12008 December 22

I walked along the southern side of the small yellow hatchback car, turning to the north to the west of it, at the side of it. The back side of the car was open, and the car now seemed much larger. I stepped into it, finding myself in the front end of a large vehicle, which seemed to be a van, even though i knew that it was still a small hatchback. The inside of the car was yellow, and seemed decrepit. I could see the framework of the back of the van to the west of me. There was a woman sleeping on the floor on the northern side of the van. There seemed to be a tattered decaying tan couch across the back of the van, and the woman was resting her head on the northern end of it. She was covered with a multicolored blanket, which seemed to have red and blue horizontal stripes that were covered by smaller patters of yellow and orange shapes. There were other people outside the van, to the southeast. I could hear them talking as they walked near the vehicle. I was supposed to stay in the van while camping in this area, but i did not really want to be here. This place felt unsafe and unclean. I was not really that tired, so i decided that i would leave the car and go somewhere else. The woman was still sleeping, which meant that i did not wake her up while i was here. As i opened the sliding door on the northern side of the van and stepped out, i could hear running water. I looked to the west as i stepped out the door, noticing the rubber tube coming out from under the van. It was about a centimeter thick, and i thought hat it must be a catheter. It drained urine from the woman who was sleeping in the van. I felt disgusted at the situation and walked to the west, toward the tables in the open area. There was a darkly-stained wooden building to the south of the round white tables, which seemed to be an old forest resort. People were gathered around the tables, getting stuff ready to go. They were packing up all of the equipment and personal affects. Most of them seemed like business people in dark-gray suits and white shirts. I was here at a conference with them, and i had to gather my things so that i could leave with them. I did not feel happy here. I headed north, through the tables, walking through the opening of the white wooden railing that surrounded the patio area of the building. I was actually inside the building, and there seemed to be a white hanging ceiling with fluorescent lights overhead. This building seemed to be a store or inn in $P24. The land around us seemed chilly, with dark-green pine trees and rolling hills. I sat down on the southern side of the old road, which ran across the northern side of the building. I could see the business people walking to the south, out a doorway in the southern dark textured wall of the room and down a narrow run-down hall. I did not belong with them, and no longer felt that i should stay with them. I looked around. There was an intersection just to the east of the building, and a road ran to the south, along the eastern side of the tall inn. There also seemed to be a road running to the north, directly to the north of the inn, slightly misaligned from the road running south. I did not want to be in this place. It felt very awkward and uneasy here, and there was something nostalgic about this place that made me feel very distraught. I should head back. I turned around and headed to the south, across the room. I could no longer see the business people in the room, and realized that they had gone too far ahead of me. I would not be able to catch up with them, and i did not know exactly where they had gone. I was depressed.

The others had already left on their bicycles, traveling to the west, through the small suburban area, which seemed like $P3. I had to catch up with them so i could follow them somewhere. I tried to hurry so that i could catch up, but i was very far behind. I started to fly over the streets, rising up over the tops of the houses and trees here. I wanted to try to catch a glimpse of the bicyclers so that i knew which way to travel. I felt stressed and did not want to lose them. I then thought that i actually would have to bicycle through the city to catch them. I was only flying to see where i should go, but i would have to go all the way back to my bicycle so that i could ride it through the city. I flew over the streets of the small city, looking for the group, but i could not see them. I was worried about getting too far behind, and decided to go back to my bicycle and start riding to the west. I could not find the others, and i started to feel stressed and disappointed. I turned to the north, walking down the alley between the tall brick apartment buildings in the middle of the city. I did not know what i should do. I stopped at the set of black metal stairs on the eastern wall of the alley, where a fire escape descended the brick wall of an apartment building. David Hasselhoff was standing near the bottom of the stairs. He said something to me as i paused near him. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a white button-up shirt. I had to find the others, but i was unable to find them. I then realized that i could not get through the alley because of the people standing in the way. They were trying to talk to Hasselhoff, and i was annoyed that they were being so shallow. They were simply fans, and they were forming a line across the southern end of the alley. I was trying to get into the alley from the main street to head north, but the fans were blocking the way, and i could not push through them.

12008 December 23

I was inside the building, which seemed like a house, but did not seem to have any walls. There was green glass on the ground, and a ceiling above, but there seemed to be nothing more than wooden supports for walls. It seemed like a living room, with chairs and couches around the area. My mother was sitting to the east of me, in a black pseudo-leather cushioned chair. There were several people moving around in the room, and there seemed to be a party going on. I then noticed the woman to the east of me. She had a large card that was shaped like a guitar or giant bottle. I tried to get a better look at it as she turned around in the room. There was something about it that drew my attention. I looked near the top of the card, where the head for the guitar would be. It said something like “STADINIEL” near the top. I took the card and examined it, trying to figure out its significance. I flipped the card over several times, checking to see what was on either side for more clues. There was a banner across the middle of the tan guitar body that said “Gibbson ’80”. I recognized the name as something similar to a make of guitar, but i thought that the banner actually related to a graduation year. There was something here that i had to figure out. I turned the thin card over again and read the top label again. It was important, but i could not understand why.

I headed to the east, down the street, which seemed like a wide maintenance corridor, with white cement walls and rubber trim. I was looking for a woman named Amanda. She worked in this place, and it seemed important that i find here. As i passed down the corridor, i heard some of the people around me say to each other that they had not seen Amanda. They were talking about her because something had happened. I felt that i should find her. I turned back to the west and headed back to the junction of the corridor. There was a doorway to the main warehouse to the west of me, and a corridor running to the north. The corridor to the north ended at two wide white double doors, which had small glass windows near the inside edge. The doors led into the main part of the department store, and i was in the back corridor of the store. It seemed that i worked here. I headed up the corridor to the north, thinking that Amanda would not be in the store because no one had seen here. I worried about where she could have gone. As i reached the doors, Amanda stepped out. She stopped when she spotted me, and i said hello to her. She was obviously very tense and upset, so i spoke to her for a moment, trying to figure out what was wrong. We walked to the west, into the elevators that were in the western wall of the yellow corridor. I wanted to go someplace more private to talk with her. We came to the upstairs of the house, where others were moving around through the rooms at what appeared to be a party. I was no longer with anyone as i moved through the room. I realized that this was $A42’s house. I had not seen him in a long time. The house was very modern and well kept. It seemed somewhat expensive. I headed downstairs to check on something. I descended the stairs on the western side of the building, descending to the south. As i reached the bottom step, i heard a door close to the west and south of me. I looked around the lower floor of the house. The room was long north to south, with a multifaceted dividing wall running along the western side. I was to the south of the wall, were there seemed to be a clear corridor to the western side of the building. I could see an open door in the western wall, and i thought that we must have left the porch door open. I felt nervous about who could be in the house. I walked toward the door to check if anyone had entered. As i reached it, i looked out into the wide garage area, which seemed more like an empty storage warehouse. The ground seemed to be dirt, and the walls were plain cinderblock. To the south, i could see that the garage door was closed, so no one could have come into the garage from the main doors. I then looked to the north. There was a dark-red metal door on the eastern end of the northern wall, with a window in the top half of it. It too was closed. I walked down the eastern wall of the garage to check the back door. It was a heavy metal door and seemed to be built for security. I opened it to make sure that the lock was turned on. Through it, i could see a corridor running across the back side of the garage. There seemed to be an alley between the garage and the house running to the north as well. I stepped back into the garage and pulled the door closed behind me. Something felt wrong. I turned to the east, back in the living room of the house. Something was amiss, but i was not sure what it was. I then heard noises to the south and realized that there were people coming in the front door of the house. I could hear a woman’s voice. I realized that i had come here without letting the owners of the house know that i was here. I had to make sure that i did not let anyone else in, but i knew that the owners did not know that i was here. I did not want to surprise them. I knew that $A42 would not mind that i was here, but the woman would not know who i was. I did not want to surprise her by standing in the middle of the living room. I thought that i should get out of the house before she could see me.

12008 December 24

I was sitting in the dull office room with the others. The walls were pale greenish-yellow, and they seemed to be bare of decorations. There were old gray metal desks around the room in various locations, and they seemed to be covered with stacks of paper. This place seemed like it had something to do with the military. I was part of the group that worked here. I looked around the room, noticing a young man looking around the office to the northwest of me. He seemed slender, wearing an unbuttoned jacket. He had short dark hair and seemed to be lost. There was something about him that seemed important. I moved to him, asking him where he was trying to go. He said that he was looking for the army. I felt that i should help him, so i led him to the southeast, across the southern wall of the room, where there were several doors leading to the south. The doors all had glass windows in the upper halfs. I thought that i would take the young man to the person in charge so that he would not have to wait in the main office. I walked through the doors to the south, and the man followed me. I tried to remember the name of the general who ran the army from here, but i could not remember. It would have been better if i could introduce the boy to the general by name. We came into the outer room of the military offices. The walls were a light-green or light-blue, and there were glass offices along the southwestern wall of the room. The boy walked through a door to the south and recognized a secretary there. He knew where he was going after all. I felt a little disappointed, thinking that there was some importance in following this man and being with him in the offices, but i turned to head back to the north. I came outside, and the north of the building. I turned to the south and climbed up the ladder that was leaning against the northern side of the house. Something was happening at the neighbors’ house to the east, which attracted my attention. A road ran along the northern sides of the houses, heading to the northwest. I looked at the small brown house to the east, but could not see any thing unusual. I then turned to the northwest, noticing a young man standing to the northwest, on the southern side of the road. He was standing in front of the house next door. I wondered if he was part of the neighbors’ house. There was something strange about him that interested me. I descended the ladder, coming to the ground behind the tall thick green bushes that ran along the front of the house. As i walked away from the wall of the house and out through the bushes, i noticed that the boy was following me. He stared somewhat shyly and blankly at me, as though not quite sure what to do. I felt interested in him, and i also felt attracted to him. I tried not to watch him for a moment to see what he would do. I turned around and grabbed the navy-blue housecoat from the rack to the south of me. I then turned back the west. The boy was standing very close to me, and he was not wearing a shirt. I handed him the housecoat and sayed hello. He walked to the north a little, around the gravel shore of the small lake. He acted disinterested, but he did not seem to wander that far from me. I followed him, but stopped on the shore. I thought that i should push him into the shallow water of the lake as a joke. He seemed interested in physical contact with me, and i wondered if i could wrestle him as a challenge.

12008 December 27

There was a person moving through the crowded room of the party, to the north of me. There was something about this person that attracted my attention. I realized that she was showing a card around the room. She seemed proud of the card, and i realized that it was of $F43 and $F44. I felt suddenly nervous, realizing that it was very inappropriate for the woman to be showing the card to the party guests. She would be upsetting a lot of the people here. I moved toward her as she showed the cards to some people on the couch against the eastern wall. $F39 walked up to the west of the woman and angrily confronted her. She was mad that the woman was showing the cards around the room. The woman did not know why people were upset. $F39 shoved the woman backward, to the northeast. $F39 then started yelling at the woman. I caught the woman as she started to stumble over a cushioned ottoman. She seemed to be $A121. Her long blond hair fell over her face, and she became very upset that people were yelling at her. She did not understand what had happened. I calmed $F39 down and tried to talk to $A121, who seemed to be naked and shaking with distress. I took her to the east, telling her that there was a woman in the party whose husband had just died. I sayed that the photographs that she was showing on the cards would upset the woman, and that it came across as very insensitive for her to be showing the cards around the party so soon after his death. I explained that the man in the card was $F44. He was the one who had died, and his wife, $F43 was in the room and would be very upset if she had seen the photographs. I pointed out $F44 on one of the cards. I then glanced at $F44, who was sitting with his back against the northern wall, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands held loosely in front of him. He smiled widely at me, and i realized that there was something special about this. He was dead, but i was able to see him here. I knew that this was now a special moment, and i would have to remember what it meant.

12008 December 28

I stood with the group of people in the basement hallway of the large building, which seemed like $P7. The people were well dressed, and stood mostly on the eastern side of the room. They were to decide on the new uniforms for the school. People had submitted ideas for new uniform designs as part of a contest, and there were models to the west of us, showing off the new uniforms. I though about the old uniforms, and then though that the school had switched to blue blazers and khaki pants. I looked at the young models, who seemed to be regular school children. There was a dark-skinned girl on the southern side of the western half of the room. She had long braided or locked hair and a round face. She was wearing a blue sweater over a white shirt. She also had a dark skirt on. The blond boy to the north of here was wearing the same style of blue sweater. He was taller and thin. They were showing us how the fashion would look on both men and women. I liked the blue sweater. It looked very clean and crisp. I then noticed the strange style of the brown pants. They seemed odd. As i looked closer, i realized that the dark-red jackets that the students on the north side of the room were wearing were actually tails. The maroon tails hung over the back of the strange baggy brown pants. This seemed strange. Someone then called to me from the southeast, asking me to leave. I had to leave the room, but i commented to the others on the tails. I was surprised that someone would come up with such a style, and i liked the way they looked, but i did not think that they were practical.

I walked into the field house of $P7, noticing that the runners were heading out of the door to the south of me. I was late and would have to hurry to catch up with them. $A335 was running at the front of the pack, leading them down the dark narrow hall of the building and out the front door. I hurried to the north, into the locker room. I had to change my clothes before i could catch up with them. I hurriedly tried to change my clothing. I then noticed $A527 standing just outside the window in the white cement eastern wall of the room. The window was very high on the wall, and seemed to be at ground level. $A527 was standing in the trench where the walkway exited the building. I asked him if he knew where the runners were going, since he was a runner himself. He told me that he was not sure. I felt frustrated and tried to change as quickly as i could so i could catch up to the runners.

12008 December 29

I rode the bus to the east, down the road to the south of the campus. It seemed that the bus had already been driving around the campus, and i had not gotten off, but then i thought that it had not gone close to where i wanted to go. Several people were talking on the bus behind me, and i watched the campus approach. It was up a short steep grassy hill from the road. I was glad that the bus was passing the campus again. It would allow me to get off where i needed. I then noticed the large brightly colored boxes moving along the southeastern side of the road. The closest box was orangish red, and the one in front of it was yellow. The boxes stood four or five meters tall, and i noticed a man pushing the last one. As the bus started to pass the boxes, i wondered how the people were able to push them on over the black macadam that was on the shoulder of the road. I noticed the thick black platform on the bottom of the cubes, and then i noticed that there was an empty platform in front of the two cubes. The platform seemed as though it was being towed from the front, and i noticed that the platform had large rubber tires. The large tires allowed it to be pushed over the rough gravel without getting stuck. I then looked back to the north to see the buildings at the edge of the campus. The bus was still heading to the eastern side of the campus, but i was walking north, up the slope and between two of the white buildings. This place was a theme park, and everything was built to simulate the Wild West. I was dressed in brown leathers like a cowboy, and i was wearing a wide rimmed hat. I did not expect this theme park to be doing that well, but there seemed to be many people wandering around. I turned to the west and walked through the building, aware that i was dressed as one of the cowboys. I stood tall as i walked slowly through the room. I had to look imposing. I wondered if i actually had a gun strapped to my side. A tall heavy man walked past me from the west. He was wearing a blue windbreaker and had off-white pants. He seemed out of place here, but i knew that he was one of the tourists. I then thought about how people would react if i drew a gun in the room. I continued to the western side of the room, where i noticed a white fax machine on the counter along the western wall. There were cupboards above it and some cupboards and drawers under the counter. I realized how out of place the fax machine looked. It was not from the era that the park represented. It was part of the office equipment, but it should not have been so obvious. If the tourists saw it, it would ruin the illusion of the Wild West for them. I headed out of the room to the north and turned down the hall to the east. I was had been walking through a series of rooms in the long building, and i was now heading down a corridor that ran to the north of the rooms. I was in $P19 now, walking into the bedroom on the third floor. The room seemed very large and had very few furnishings. There were some bunk beds against the eastern wall, and there seemed to be some desks against the western wall. The bare wood floor in the center of the room looked worn and dingy. There was no one in the room, and the house around me seemed empty as well. I felt that i should pack to leave for break. Everything here felt empty, and i had to get out of this place. I thought that it was now Tuesday. I had planned to leave on Thursday, but i thought that i should leave early. I felt distressed and thought that i should leave as soon as possible. I turned to the northeast, where there was a tall bookcase against the northern end of the western wall. It was full of paperback books that were mine, and i realized that i would actually have to take all of my stuff with me for this break. It was a long break, and i could not leave anything here. I then realized that exams had not yet started, so i should not be leaving so soon. I could not stay, though, because i felt too upset about this place. I felt very depressed and empty. I had missed many of my classes. I simply had not been going to them, but i also thought that i could not remember when they were. I tried to think about the classes, but i could not remember whether or not i had attended them. I would not be ready for the exams if i had not gone to the classes. There seemed to be something wrong with me. I could not concentrate on this place, and i could not remember what i was supposed to be doing. I wondered if i should call a psychiatrist. I did not know what to do.