12009 December 01

I walked through the large crowd of people with a few others. There was a wide lawn to the north of me and a building to the south. The building seemed to be a college student union, or some other public building. I was following the others as we walked toward the building, down the steep slope just to the north of the building. Students were sitting on the lawn all around us, and i was following the others through them. We walked into the building and stopped near the counter, which was to the east. It seemed like a bar. I stood around for a moment with the others. One of them seemed to be $A265. He mentioned something to the person standing to the north of him, and i asked him what he was talking about. He seemed annoyed with my question and repeated what he had told the other person about the moon. I did not quite understand what he was talking about, so i asked for a better explanation. He moved toward me and raised his arm to the east, as if pointing to the moon. He said that there was a point when the moon started to shimmer in the sky, and then continued to describe other conditions that would happen. I thought that he might be describing a subjective moment in the moon’s orbit in the sky, or perhaps a point in the sky when the moon changes appearance to others, but i could not figure out really what he was saying. I realized that he might simply be making the description more complicated than it needed to be. He did not really want to discuss it with me and was telling me something too complex to be picked up by someone who did not already know what they had been talking about. I felt annoyed by this. I was sitting on a stool in front of the bar, looking back to the northwest at him. I mentioned that i had been an astrophysics major, so i should be able to understand what he was talking about, even though i did not understand his first two explanations. He became insulting, telling me that i should know what they were talking about, but that i would not. I felt dejected, realizing that he did not want me to discuss the problem with them. I did not know what to do and stood near the bar. They were getting ready to leave, but i thought that i should simply leave without them. They talked to the west of me as they started moving west, out of the building. I turned to the north and walked out the open doors and up the steep grassy slope outside, passing several students as i went. A young man then passed close to me and said hello. I recognized him, but i did not know who he was. He chatted with me for a moment as he hurried to the west, saying that he had to get to $P30 to do something. I tried to remember where i knew him, but could not. He had a round face, with light-brown skin and shaved hair. His bleached hair seemed to be in small fuzzy beads. He started walking away from me, still talking in a friendly way. I did not think that i should follow him, because i should stay here. I then thought that this might be one of those times when something happens and invites you to play along. I did not want to miss the opportunity, so i started walking to the west, after the young man. I started talking with him, trying to figure out from where i know him. We walked across the bridge to the southwest and came into the area where the storefronts were on both sides of the road. It felt good to be chatting with him, even if i did not know exactly who he was.

12009 December 02

I moved to the northwest, across the small room of the small house. The walls and furnishings were dark brown, and the walls seemed to be made of wood. I followed the others to the western side of the room, where we started watching the scene to the west. It seemed like a play, but was really a movie on a television screen to the west of us. The screen seemed rather large at first. As i watched, i realized that i was watching myself act out the scene in the movie. I did not remember acting in this film, and it seemed strange to watch myself do the scene. The others were watching to see how the scene had gone. They were in the scene as well, but i started to worry that i could not remember filming it. $F42 was standing to the northwest of me, his head hunched forward to see the screen, which was on the desk to the southwest of us. I looked at the black-and-white images moving on the screen, feeling more and more upset. $F42 then turned to me and asked me what i thought of the scene. I was upset, and told him that i could not remember filming the scene. Something was wrong with my memory, and i started to feel helpless. I walked away to the east, wondering what i should do. I wondered if i was simply having large chunks of time missing from my memory. I wanted to know what i could do.

I crossed the large banquet room along the southern wall, heading east. I was in this hotel with $F45 and some other people, but i had left them for a short time. They were doing something elsewhere, and i was still in the hotel. People were sitting around the room in orange cushioned chairs talking to each other. I could feel the plastic card in the right back pocket of my denims as i reached the eastern wall, and i reached back with my right hand to pull it out. It was one of the door cards for a hotel, and i thought that it was for the Formule 1 hotel that we had stayed in. I had not returned the card after checkout because i had forgotten about it. I looked at the card, which was a thick plastic card with small rectangular holes in it, like a punch card, and realized that it was not for the Formule 1 hotel. The card was dull-yellow on the left side, with a picture of a building superimposed across the yellow and white parts of the card. It seemed to be from a fancier hotel than the Formule 1, and i realized that it was for the hotel that i was now in. It was the room key for the room we had checked out of the other morning. I remembered not being present when $F45 checked us out of the room, so i still had the key in my pocket. I wondered if it would still work on some of the doors in the hotel. I knew that it would no longer work for the room that we had been in because the door codes would have been changed. I looked at the door in the eastern wall of the room, thinking that i could try the key in several of the doors to the hotel to see if it opened any of them. I then thought that the front desk would probably be notified of multiple attempts to unlock doors in a given area of the hotel and would know that i had a key. They could see me from the cameras and know that i was trying to get into rooms. I walked out of the large banquet room, heading to the north, through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I was then upstairs, and i walked out of the stairwell to the south, entering the room through the doorway that was recessed in the western end of the northern wall. There were two double beds in the room with orangish-yellow spreads on them. The room seemed to be a little messy, with clothes on the floor and food of the western most bed. I walked around the bed. There was a wooden dresser against the southern wall, to the south of the western bed. It seemed to have plates or some other white objects on it. This was the room that i was sharing with $F45. It seemed to be a cheap room, and was in disrepair. I walked to the double doors that were recessed into the southern wall. I suddenly realized that $F45 had the key card to our room. I had been lucky to have come in the back entrance because the front door would have been locked. I realized that i would no longer be able to leave the room because i would not be able to get back in. I opened the western yellow metal door and tried the metal handle leaver on the outside of the door. To my surprise, the door was unlocked. $F45 must have left it unlocked. I walked back into the room and looked at the eastern-most bed, noticing that $F45 had left his clothes on the foot of the bed, in neat stacks. There was a pair of light-blue socks on top of one of the piles. I did not like the idea that the room would be unlocked, but decided that no one would probably come in to take our things. They would not know that the door was actually unlocked. I stepped out into the hall and looked at the door handles again. I turned to the east, looking down the hall and noticing a person standing near the northern wall. He seemed to be wearing a dull-yellow bellboy uniform, and he was looking in my direction as i played with the handle. I decided that i should not let anyone know that the door was unlocked, so i let the door close and started down the hall to the east. This corridor seemed to be a utility hallway, and i knew that the room that we were in was not a real room of the hotel. We were simply staying here because we knew someone. I passed the men and turned to the north, into the small informal room, which seemed to be a cafeteria. There were some women in white hairnets working behind a silver counter to the west. The cash register was on the southern side of the counter, and there was a large glass case on the northern side that covered the hot trays of food. I looked at the food, wondering if i should eat anything. Something seemed very informal about this cafeteria, as though it was for the people who worked here. The people in the room seemed to be janitors and maids. I then noticed the fancy lights on the ceiling of the room through a doorway to the northwest. The lights had wooden frames with decorative multicolored glass panes. The other room was the dining room of the hotel, but i knew that i should not be eating in there. I walked closer to the glass shield over the silver counter to the west and looked at the food. A woman was serving large round reddish-brown objects, which i thought might be steaks. I could not quite tell. I watched them as she dumped them from one pan to another. She had one on a plate with a round puck, which looked like a fried hash brown patty. She separated the meat from the patty and then dumped a silver warming dish of the patties onto the metal counter behind the glass shield. The hash brown looked overcooked and greasy, and i did not think that they would be appetizing. I knew that i did not want any of the red meat, but i considered having a hash brown. I then remembered that hash browns here were not as tasty as they were back home. I was carrying the tray of food as i turned back to the east. I placed the tray on the island counter in the center of the room, removing the white plate that was in the center of the tray and placing it on the counter. I decided that i did not want to eat here, so i picked up the brown rectangular object from my plate in my left hand and moved the plate off of the tray and onto the island. I had trouble putting the white dish down because something seemed to be in the way. The dish had a dark stain in the center of it, which i thought could be the chunk of meat that the woman had given me. I did not want to eat it, and i hoped that the people would not be suspicious of me because i was putting the food that they had given me back. I turned to the south, realizing that i still had the small stuffed thing in my left hand. It was almost hidden by my hand, and i thought that i should conceal it as much as i could and take it with me. I turned to the south and started walking toward the entrance doorway of the room. I acted casually as i passed the end of the counter on the western wall, where the women in white cook uniforms were moving the food around. There were three of them clustered together near the register. As i reached the door, one of the women told the others in a loud voice that i had something in my hand. I continued out the door and turned to the south, heading down the hall. I did not want to let them know that i had heard them, so i did not start moving fast until i was out of sight. I came to the end of the hall and quickly turned to the west, hurrying down the hall at a jog. I knew that there was a doorway along the northern wall that led into a stairwell, so i looked at the doors to find it. I hoped that it was fairly close so that i could get out of sight in the stairwell before anyone could follow me. The first door seemed to be light tan, but the door after it was bright blue. I noticed a square zigzag pattern running diagonally across the western side of the door; it was a design of stairs. I pushed the door open and started running to the north, up the flight of stairs that ascended along the western wall. I hoped that the man was not following me. As i reached the top of the stairs, i took a bite of the dark-brown pastry, which i thought might be a chicken pocket. I rounded the landing and started up the next flight, but realized that i should not have taken a bite of the food yet. I was moving up the stairs quite fast to get out of sight of the man who was following me, so that he would not see me if he came into the stair well. I would have to start breathing heavily to keep up the speed, and i would not be able to do so with food in my mouth.

12009 December 03

We drove down the long highway in the urban area. The city around us seemed tannish-gray around us. We seemed to be heading south, along the western bank of the river, but i was facing north as we moved. We were looking for the bridge that crossed the water. It seemed that we were following a trail, but we were not sure where it had gone. The others talked about crossing the bridges, and i looked up at the tall pale-gray cement bridges that arched over the river as we passed under them on the highway that ran along the river. The people in the car finally decided that we should take the tall stone one. The bridge looked familiar. The cement around it was curved into a stylish stone-like finish. It seemed to have a very narrow deck with no towers rising above the deck. I thought about the bridges as we approached the one that we were taking. The river seemed to curve through the city, which seemed to be nestled between tall rolling hills. I looked down at the bridge as we started to cross. There were four lanes of traffic going in our direction, but there were few other cars on the bridge. We were driving on the left-hand side of the road, in the second lane from the right. The on-coming traffic was in four lanes to the right of us. We seemed to pass between two very thin towers to the bridge as we approached the eastern side of the river. I then noticed that the two eastern-most lanes of the bridge ended only a short distance ahead of us. The bridge had not yet been completed, and it was too late for us to avoid the end of the lane. The car drove over the edge of the road, but we were still going fast enough to shift into the next lane. The car moved to the right a little and merged into the completed lane of the bridge. It seemed strange that we would be able to drive over the open hole in the road before merging, but i remembered it happening on one of the highways before. We had driven over an empty spot on the road, where the overpass crossed over some buildings, and the car had simply driven over the opening and crossed to the other side. This did not seem possible, but i knew that it could happen because it had before. As we reached the other side of the bridge, i was aware that we were driving over the tops of some of the buildings. The taller gray buildings rose to the north of the road, but i could see the roofs of some of the shorter ones under us. I paused with some of the others on a roof to the north of the highway overpass. I looked down on the gray roof to see a yellow mark with some writing in it. We had been following these marks across the city and had lost them before. We did not know which bridge to cross because we could not find the one that was marked. I realized that we must have jumped ahead on the trail, which seemed to be a run from $G4. I looked around the rooftop, noticing other marks in yellow and pink chalk. Most of them seemed like initials in chalk circles. They told us where the trail went, but i was not sure which direction we should run. We were in the middle of the trail, and i felt that we should travel backwards on the trail to find the others. The people i was with walked to the northwest, though, coming into the small dimly lighted pub. The room seemed to be part of an apartment, with dingy yellow walls and a wooden bar across the western wall. The man behind the bar greeted us as we entered through a doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. I turned around one of the tall bar chairs and noticed that there was a yellow mark on the seat, which appeared to be W with a circle around it. I knew that this was the place where the trail had gone. I asked the bartender about the marks, and he said that the person marking the trail had been through, but the large part of the group had not. This meant that we were ahead of the other runners. The bridge we took across the river must have been a big shortcut. We had taken the wrong bridge, but it got us here ahead of time. The others then headed out of the room through the door in the southern end of the western wall, just past the end of the bar. It was bright though overcast outside. We came into a small plaza between some modern shops. We seemed to have stepped out of a shop to the northeast. There was a store to the southeast with an overhanging metal bulge above the front door. I noticed more marks on the ground in yellow chalk, but i felt uncertain that we should continue to follow the trail. I told the others that we should be following the trail backward so that we are not so far ahead of the other runners. They did not comment, and i felt uncertain about what to do. I was anxious and wanted to rejoin the rest of the group. I headed back to the bar. As i entered the room, i noticed that it was now full with people. The runners had arrived and were already drinking. They seemed to have been here for a while and were almost finishing up. I was not focused on what was happening, and many of them seemed to have left when i was not paying attention. I should follow them out and continued on trail, but i was unsure that i would be able to.

12009 December 04

I drove the car to the east, up the slight hill through the old tourist town. I had just left the hotel, which was on the western side of town, and i was heading out to see a specific tourist site. I was traveling on a street that ran along the northern side of the central part of town. I looked at the map in my left hand, following the street to the top of the map. I realized that it was a little dangerous to drive and read the map at the same time, but i tried to do both, looking back and forth between the green street signs and the street names on the map. I was following my progress across the map. I was now near the top of the map, where my destination was, and i looked up as i approached an intersection. I saw the street name in front of the tall tan building and then looked back to the map. Where i was going was just a few streets up and one street over to the south. I looked up through the intersection and noticed a tall brick building ahead of me. I could see most of the building down the street ahead of me, even though it was blocked by the tan apartment building that was close to the road on the southeastern corner of the intersection. The brick building had distinct white lines of mortar across it. It was a long low flat building of two stories, and there was a tall domed clock tower in the center, with white stone trimming near the curved roof. I knew that it was most likely the building i was going to, which seemed to be a special building in this city. I thought about turning to the south at the next intersection and parking the car near the tourist attraction. I looked to the south, between some of the building, and noticed the wide courtyard, which was paved with various shades of slate. I kept looking at the plaza in front of the important building, and then i was parking the small white car along the southern side of the plaza, in front of a short stone wall. There seemed to be trees beyond the wall. I hoped that i could park the car here for the day. It seemed to be a good parking spot, but there were no other cars parked here, so i was a little nervous about it. I turned to the east and walked across the lobby of the building, which was very long north to south and colored yellowish tan. A man stood behind a desk on the northern end of the eastern wall. He seemed to be rounded, with short black hair and a white button-up shirt. I asked him about my car, and he told me that it was okay to park outside in the center of the courtyard. I had not parked there, but i realized that my car would be fine where it was, thought i did consider moving it to the center of the yard. I moved to the south, down a maintenance corridor from the lobby. I felt that i should move my car, and i started to pull the white cart from the wall to the south of me. It was one of four carts on the wall, and it was the second from the west. Some people were now to the east of me, talking, and one of the women motioned to the cart. She seemed to be a maid because she was wearing a light-bluish-gray dress with a white apron over the front. I realized that the cart i had grabbed was a laundry cart and not the golf cart that i had driven here in. I pushed the cart back against the wall and motioned the woman to it. I remembered that i had parked my car outside against the stone wall. I turned to the west and walked out of the building. I looked at my small white car, which was against the stone wall between several other cars. Some cars had started to park in the middle of the square, forming rows. I knew that, as the day progressed and tourists started coming to this area, the rows would fill up the stone courtyard. I wondered if i should move my car into the center of the lot where the others were parking. I was still not sure about leaving it against the stone wall. I decided that there were other cars parked against the wall. There was a small blue car to the west of mine, and i dull colored one to the east. I was then back in the building, starting to move to the north, back down the corridor to the main lobby. I was alone today to see the sights, but i thought that i could take pictures for $F45. He was doing something else today. I suddenly realized that i did not have my camera with me. I had left it back at the hotel, which was on the western side of the small city. I was annoyed and would have to go back to get it. I wondered what i should do. I did not want to move my car because there was a chance that the parking spots would be taken by the time i got back. I exited the building and stood in front of it, looking at the lot and wondering what to do. I thought that i could probably run back to the hotel to get the camera. It was not really that far. $A551 was standing to the southeast of me. I could not decide what to do. It would be much faster to drive back to the hotel to get my camera, but i still was uncertain about leaving the parking spot. I decided that i would have to drive, though.

The two men had been given puzzles to work on, and i was watching them figure them out. The first puzzles were verbal quizzes with riddles or some kind of trick question. The first man had figured out the puzzles easily, but the other was still having trouble. I watched as the older man in the white loose clothing walked to the east, passing me on the right. He led the two men working on the puzzles to a small tree that was just to the east of me. The men had been working on puzzles on this branch, but the second man had not solved his yet. The older man, who seemed to be a wise man, with a long fuzzy white beard, said that the first man had finished the puzzle and would now have to work on the third one to the south. The first man, who seemed to be $F4, nodded and walked to the south, out of sight. I watched the second man play with the puzzle that was wrapped around the branch of the tree. The puzzle consisted of a metal look, which seemed to be a piece of a necklace, and a blue and white locket. They were wrapped around the tree in such a way that the branch passed through both the ring and the locket. The puzzle was to pull the locket through the ring and free the necklace from the branch. I knew that $F4 had done this by simply unfastening the necklace. It was not as much a thinking puzzle as a logic puzzle. The rules had not been set, so anything was possible, even if it seemed like something that should not be done. To solve the puzzle, one had to give up preconceived notions. The second man tried to pass the locket through the ring, but it was much too large to fit, even if the branch was not in the way. He then backed away a little and unhooked the clasp on the necklace, allowing it to be unwrapped from the branch. He had solved the problem in the same way $F4 had. $F4 returned from the south and stood to the east of the second man and the older man. He must have finished his puzzle to the south, and i wondered what it was.

12009 December 06

The bus pulled to a stop in the small town, to the east of the bus station. The others on the bus seemed to be students with me. I hurried off the bus and started to the east, thinking that i would get to the next bus quickly. I wondered what time the next bus left. As i passed through the wooden door at the entrance to the old brick building that was the station, i saw the silver letters that said “Lisle”. This was the small town that we were in. I was in a small entryway with a door on either side. I felt impatient to push my way through the other dark-brown wooden door, but there was a woman in a long light-blue wool coat pulling a large piece of luggage ahead of me. I had to wait for her to get through the door before i could enter the station. I thought about this small town and whether i would have to rush to the next bus. I then wondered why i was rushing to the next bus. The rest of the students on the bus with me would have to get on the same bus. We were all traveling to the same place, and i wondered suddenly why had left the students to come into the station. I started to feel bad about leaving the group. I pushed through the doorway and into the station, turning to the south and pushing through another swinging door to the ticket area of the station. The room on the south of the station was wide, with small dark ticked booths along the front wall. I thought i could read the time schedule for the next city as i passed through the area, but i did not. Instead, i turned back to the east and headed out of the room, feeling that i should rejoin the group outside. I felt bad for leaving them and hoped that they were still there when i returned. I tried to hurry through the small rooms of the station, thinking that if i just headed to the east i should exit the station where i had come in. I hoped that i had not headed too far south inside the station and would get stuck. I came out the side door of the station and could see the school bus standing on top of the hill to the east of the building. The short steep grassy hill led up to a large lawn, and the bus was parked on the southwestern side. There were no students around the bus, but i was glad that the bus was still here. Several people wandered around the slope, and i decided that the students must have wandered off in a group to eat lunch or picnic. I started to the north, trying to find them. I felt bad for rushing away and wondered why i had done so. There was a coach kicking a ball to the southwest in the field to the north of me. I had seen the young men in dark uniforms with white collars who had been playing with the soccer balls. As i approached the coach, i realized that i might be walking across their playing field. I looked back to the west to see the young men. I did not want to get in their way.

I thought about the small towns that i had been trying to get to and wondered how to spell them. I remembered that there were several names of towns that were not pronounced as they were spelled. I remembered Lisle and thought about how it was actually pronounced. I then remembered Valatie and how it was not pronounced like it was spelled. I wondered how to get there. I was standing on the north side of a street with $F45, and it was gray outside. We were waiting for a bus to the small town, but we were not sure which one we were supposed to get on. We started walking to the west, to the next bus stop, but i realized that there was a bus slowing down and stopping to the east of us. I pointed it out to $F45, and we turned back to get it. It was only ten meters to the east of us when it stopped, but i was not sure that we would make it. As $F45 started to get on the bus, i noticed that the sign over the bus had a red square with some words in it. This should mean that the bus is an express, and i was worried that it would not stop in the small town of Valatie. I tried to tell $F45 this, but he was already standing in the stairwell of the bus. The bus then started rolling to the west. I was not on, so i moved to get near it, but i could not get on before it passed me. I was upset and started to follow the bus to the west, but i could not catch it. The bus turned around in a big circle, and i felt that the bus driver was purposely not letting me on because i was late. The bus started back to the east on a road to the north of me. It was only a few meters away when it stopped again. I started heading toward it. $F45 was still standing in the doorway, looking uncertain. He turned to me and shrugged, letting me know that it was uncertain whether i would be able to get on the bus. I was still upset and ran after the bus. As it started moving again i became angry and wanted to start throwing things at it. There were small metal airplanes on the ground and i thought about picking one up and throwing it at the bus. I ran after the bus, which was now a small airplane. I was then ahead of it, and i thought about grabbing its starboard wing as it tried to take off over me. The wing would break and the plane would crash into the ground just to the east of me. I was very upset, but i realized that i should not make the plane crash. This would be a bad thing. I started walking to the west, carrying my books across the college campus. I would have to get to class. I was tense as i walked, thinking that this was a very bad time. I did not know what to do here. I walked into the house to the west of me and started upstairs. This was a place that i had lived in a while ago, and i was returning here to hang out for a while. I thought that i could stay upstairs and study while there was no one there. As i came into the long room at the top of the stairs, however, i realized that there were two other people in the room. I recognized them. They were standing near the southern wall, talking to each other. The walls of the room seemed to be made out of stained plywood, and there was a plywood bench built against the southern wall. It seemed to run the entire length of the wall, and it acted as a step up to the doorway that was in the center of the southern wall. There was bright light coming into the room through the windows in the room to the south, and through the window in the western wall. One of the two men sat on the eastern side of the bench, just to the east of the doorway, and the other tall man, with short curly blond hair, stood in front of him. They both looked at me as i entered; the man standing looked over his left shoulder at me. I nodded to them, thinking that they were listening to the people copulating upstairs and joking about it. I turned to the north and looked at the small bedroom. I thought that i could put my laptop down in there and do some work on the bedroom. The room was dark, but i could see that there was a round table set up in the center of the room. This had not been there before, but i thought that it was convenient since i would be able to put my books down on it and study more easily. I walked farther into the room and noticed the cribs near the eastern wall. I also noticed that there were several clear plastic baby bottles on the eastern side of the table. They must have been left here from the event where people had come to learn about feeding babies. I moved to the northern side of the table and placed my books down. I started to organize them on the table, thinking about what i should be studying. I was not doing well in my classes, and this bothered me. I felt that i had been studying very hard but was not getting anywhere. Something was wrong. I felt disappointed and was in a bad mood because i had been studying a lot but did not seem to be accomplishing much.

12009 December 07

I arrived at the house by driving into the gravel driveway from the east. The driveway seemed rather long and ran across a dry grass field. The house was to the west of the driveway and seemed rather small. It seemed like $A328’s house. I stopped my car in the middle of the square parking area at the end of the driveway and got out. There were cars on both the northern and southern edges of the driveway. I turned to the east, looking at my small blue car, and i told it to got home. I felt that people might be watching me from the house. The car backed out of the driveway slowly. This would be impressive to others watching. I suddenly realized that the cars parked along the driveway made the passageway down the center of the driveway very narrow. My car was backing a little too close to the cars on the north and hit the front of one as it backed up. I was nervous about this. The blue car pulled forward a little and backed up again. This time, it was very close to a white car on the southern side of the driveway. I thought that it was going to sideswipe the white car, but it only came very close and missed it. The car then continued out the driveway, accelerating as it went beyond where the other cars were parked. It disappeared out of sight, and i turned back to the house. I had to do some work here, and it seemed as though i was doing construction. I stopped just inside the large square room in the center of the house. The house seemed to be only one room. The walls were made of thick slabs of wood, as if the building were a log cabin. The room was empty, and i wondered why the children were not here for nursery school. They should have been here by now. I moved into the center of the room, but i felt bad being here. I did not want to be in this place anymore, and i wondered what i should do. I realized that i should not have sent my car away. I would need it to leave this place. I was tense and frustrated. I thought that i should simply fly after my car. It would be easier to fly over the fields. I did not move, though. I could not decide what i should do as i stood in the middle of the empty room.

12009 December 08

I stepped from the hall into the large hotel room to the north. I had been staying in this room for a while. This place felt strange, and i was not quite comfortable here. There were two large beds against the northern wall, spaced evenly across the northern wall of the room. There also seemed to be large windows on the northern wall which had drapes drawn over them. $A425 seemed to be in the room with me, standing to the east of the easternmost bed, near the northern wall. I moved past her to the east, where the northern wall was recessed a little to the north. There was a short part of the wall that ran diagonally to the northeast, just past the eastern side of the beds. Both of the beds now seemed to be on the western side of the room, and the eastern side seemed open, with no furnishings. My parents also seemed to be in the room, somewhere to the west. I felt preoccupied and did not speak to any of them. I could not concentrate on something as i moved to the north to open the dark-pink drapes. I pulled on the chords on the western side of the window and the drapes started to open, but they got stuck partway. I felt a little frustrated with them and tugged harder to get them open.

12009 December 09

I was hiking in the mountainous area with the people, and they had gone up into the peaks to the west. I was now watching the mountains from far above, as though i was looking down at a map. The mountains were very rugged, with sharp ridges and deep erosion channels. The tops were covered with green vegetation, and there seemed to be deep brown colors to the exposed ground. The people were coming down a thin trail, which i could see as a narrow tan line. The trail ran from an angular mountain peak on the northwestern side of the area and ran slightly southeast. As it reached the lower slope of the ridge, where the base of the mountain became less steep, there seemed to be a more rocky terrain. There were thick pine woods on the northern side of the lower slopes, and the tan trail ran into it. I wondered how to get the people through the woods and back to the main trail, which seemed to be a jeep trail running north to south on the eastern side of the map. I tried to describe the descent to the people as they came down the slope. I then noticed a sandy area to the slope, just south of the center of the map, where the tan trail ran. The people would pass just to the north of it, but i felt very interested in the yellow sand. I imagined that it was a small depression in the mountain, about fifteen meters across. It was filled with soft pale-yellow sand, and i wanted to go visit it. The others had already come down the trail on the slope and were nearing the jeep trail. The trail they were following ran down a gulley just to the north of the sandy area, which seemed to be exposed on the side of the mountain, just below a reddish sedimentary cliff. I met the others as they started to the north on the dirt road, but i wanted to go back to visit the sand. I felt anxious, feeling that no one else wanted to go with me, and i was uncertain about going alone. I could not figure out what to do, and i finally told the others that i wanted to head back to the sandy area. $F45 was walking with me. He did not want me to head back, but he encouraged me to go anyway, saying that he would not come with me. I decided to turn back. I started walking away from $F45. He continued to the north, and i knew that he would be upset that i had left him. I tried to hurry back, thinking that i only had a little time before the others reached the end of the trail and had to get back onto the bus. I had only started a few meters down the trail when i saw $F12 approaching me from the south. He was behind us. I told him that i was heading back to the sandy area and told him to come with me. I was excited that i had run into him, because i knew that he liked to hike, while $F45 did not. $F12 shook his head and told me that he did not want to go to the sandy area. He seemed to be tired. I was very disappointed, but continued on to the south by myself. I started to move faster, thinking that it was getting late in the day and the others would be gathering back at the school bus to the north. I was heading west on the narrow trail that ran through the dense pine forest. The sun was shining from a low angle through the trees, and i realized that it was nearing sunset. I hoped i could reach the sandy area and get back to the main trail before it got too dark. I knew that i could continue on the main trail after dark, but i had to be out of the wooded areas before the night fell. I moved swiftly over the dirt trail and came to a crossroads. There was a four-way intersection to the west of me. A dirt or gravel road crossed the narrow jeep trail that i had been following, running north to south. I knew that the mountains were to the north of me, and it seemed that the main road that the people had been walking on was parallel to the jeep trail i was on, to the south of me. I tried to remember which way i had to go to get to the sandy area, but i was having difficulty remembering. To the south of me, on the southeastern corner of the intersection, was an old wooden building with faded light-blue paint. It seemed to be a bar, and there was a man standing on the low deck on the northern side of the building, just to the west of the entry door. He seemed to be holding a beer in his right hand as he leaned on the railing and watched me. He was wearing dark pants and a dark windbreaker over a white shirt. He seemed to have a baseball cap on and had thick black hair and a bushy mustache. He stood up straight as he saw me and watched me for a moment. I tried to remember the map, picturing it in my head. The sandy spot should be to the northwest of the intersection. I turned to the south in the intersection, and then continued turning until i was facing west again. I was indecisive and could not think of what to do. I was going to head to the sandy area, but i had to get there before dark. It already seemed like twilight out. I could not decide what i should do.

12009 December 10

I rode my bicycle into the area near the center of the small city. The surrounding trees seemed dark-gray and leafless, and everything seemed damp. The others were gathering on the northern side of the intersection, where several roads seemed to come together. I looked around, wondering where i should park my car. There seemed to be a stone building to the east of us, on a narrow triangular corner. The main road seemed to run east to west here, and there was a small street running off to the northeast. A black metal train bridge seemed to cross over the road, running from the stone building to the north. The northern sides of the streets were lined with brick or stone apartment buildings. I turned to the southwest and started riding my bicycle down the narrow road, looking for a place to park my car. I went a ways down the road. The land on either side of the road was covered with tall dry weeds, and i could see snow on the ground between them. There were parking lots on both sides of the road. To the northwest, there seemed to be a tall mound running parallel with the road, on the opposite side of the small parking areas. It seemed to be an elevated train bed or dike. To the south seemed to be small modern buildings. They belonged to some businesses. I thought that i could easily park in any of the lots here, but i was unsure whether i was allowed to park in the lots. They seemed to belong to the businesses here, and i was not sure they would let me park in them. Some of the lots on the northern side of the road had grass growing up through the cracks in the asphalt pavement. I was disappointed and did not know where to park. I turned around and rode back toward the buildings. I came to the intersection and crossed the street. There was a wide door in the front of the stone building to the east. The building seemed to be the station. I wanted to walk through the red wooden doors to get to the other side of the building, but i was not sure that i would be able to drive through in my car. I knew that it was possible, but i wondered if people would actually do that in this city. This city seemed foreign to me, and i suddenly thought that it might be London. I moved to the north a little, heading toward the corner of the building. I then turned into a corridor that ran through the center of the building, thinking that i could drive through here. I was still on my bicycle, so i had to be careful not to run into any of the people walking. A woman passed behind me on the sidewalk, heading north. She was wearing a long black wool coat with a matching hat. She seemed very english. I came into the center of the station, which was a large open room with many corridors heading off in different directions. I had come from the west and stopped just to the south of the opening in the floor. I seemed to be in a hallway with no walls to the north and south. To the west of me, i could see a brown staircase heading up to the west. The walls and floor of the station were creamy blue, and the high ceiling seemed to be arched over my head. To the east of me, the corridor seemed to continue into the center of the building. I moved to the northern edge of the hall, looking over the metal railing with the wooden handrail to see the long corridor below. I decided that the trains must come in on the level below. The corridor below me came through the large arched opening in the building to the west and passed into a tunnel to the east. There were tracks on the near side of the corridor, at the base of the wall that i was standing on. I wondered if it was our train. I decided that it was not because it would be too far down for us to reach. I looked across the opening to the platform to the north. There was an arched doorway in the eastern wall of the platform, and it seemed to be an entrance to a cinema. This place seemed familiar, and i felt that i had been here when i was very young. My mother was then standing to the west of me on the platform. She mentioned the cinema and said that she remembered standing in queues here a long time ago. I looked over the edge again and saw a queue of people standing over the tracks, which now seemed to be two parallel lines set in stone in the gray stone floor. The queue was suddenly very long, and people were still coming in from the west to join the end of it. I wondered if we would be able to catch our train or get into the movie. I remembered this place, and i tried to remember more details about it.

12009 December 12

There was a large group of people returning to this area, which seemed to be outdoors, even though the area seemed to be contained by walls. I moved through the people, recognizing many of them. They seemed to be alumni that i was familiar with. This place seemed a little like $P19, and the people seemed to be belong to $G3. I did not know what to do here.

The man to the north of me had a bruised nose, and he was bleeding. I felt concerned for him and moved closer. We were standing in a small dimly lighted room. I told him to relax as i tried to look at his nose to see if it was broken.

12009 December 14

I was in the small basement room underneath the old house. The dingy walls were made of stone, and there were small pieces of debris suspended along them by old cobwebs. The wooden house above me rested on the side walls and seemed old but not rotting. I moved to the northeastern corner of the basement, where there was a square hole in the ceiling, leading to the first floor. In order to get out of the basement, i had to hang the red metal ladder on the edge of the hole and climb up. The wooden hatch was closed over the top of the door, so i had a hard time stabilizing the ladder under it. I would have to climb the ladder to open the hatch. I tried attaching the ladder a few times, but was unable to hook it properly on the edge of the door. The hatch then opened suddenly. $A420 was standing in the room above me, looking down into the basement. He said something to me and then moved the old white refrigerator over the hole. He was trying to lower it down into the basement and wanted me to help him. I reached up and tried to help him get the refrigerator down. It was not as heavy as it seemed, but it was blocking the hatchway so that i could not get up. $A420 lowered it down slowly, and i tried to keep it from falling to the floor. I should have gone up the other stairs on the western side of the basement. I felt annoyed as i helped to lower the appliance. $A420 seemed to be holding on to only a small section of the refrigerator, but he did not seem to be having a hard time lowering it or positioning it over the floor, but he could not reach far enough to set it on the floor, so i would have to lower it the rest of the way. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that i had come the wrong way. Now i was stuck helping with the refrigerator. I turned to the southeast, walking across the room to where the others were. This place seemed like a living room now with a small bathroom off to the east. My parents were sitting on the couches on the southern side of the pale-blue room. There was a large window in the southern wall, with an exit door just to the west of it. $F43 was telling my parents about the investigation from her seat in the cushioned chair against the eastern wall. She told them how it was hard for me to investigate the murder. I felt somewhat uncomfortable about her talking, and i wanted to stop the conversation, but i was not sure how to do it. The investigation had some impact on my father, so it was inappropriate for me to be fully investigating the murder. As i listened i felt more and more tense. I had killed the man and covered up the murder. No one knew that, but it worried that $F43’s story would start people questioning my involvement in the investigation. I glanced quickly into the bathroom on the western side of the room, where the body had been lying. The body was no longer there, and the blood had already been cleaned up. I did not have to keep people out of the bathroom anymore. $F43 moved to the northern side of the room, still describing the scandal. I wanted her to stop talking, worried that she would say something that would make people suspicious of me. The investigation into the murder had ended, but, if she said the wrong thing to the wrong people, she could make people suspicious enough to open the investigation again.

12009 December 15

I walked to the north, through the urban setting. I had just gotten off of the bus and was trying to head to the traffic circle, which i knew was to the north of where i was. I had to head to someplace that was just off of the circle, but i was not quite sure how to get there. I thought that the circle was on the next main road to the north, but i was not sure. I could have taken another bus to get closer, but i was no longer on the college campus, so i would have had to pay for the city busses. I tried to think of the area around me, picturing where the traffic circle might be. I was walking up the sidewalk on the western side of the street, in front of the tall gray stone buildings. I came to an intersection of a small street and crossed the road, continuing north. The street that i was on had ended at the intersection, but i knew that i still had to head north. There were stores on the northern side of the street, and i decided that i should be able to walk through them to the other side of the street. I came into the long narrow store and started walking to the north. The store was a clothing store, with pale-green walls and round metal racks of clothes scattered around the floor. As i reached the center of the room, a woman moved toward me from the counter that was against the eastern wall. She asked if i needed any help. I felt hurried and told her no as i continued to scan the back wall of the store for an exit. I realized that there was no outlet in this store, so i turned back to the south and walked out of the store. I turned to the east and started walking up the street, hoping to find another road to the north. As i started down the street, i noticed the men in the taxi to the east of me. They were complaining that they were not moving as fast as they wanted. I thought about the area again, almost picturing it from the air. I wondered if the circle might be on Everet Road, down the highway to the west of where i was. The highway was just a little to the north of us, and Everet Road seemed to be an exit on the highway. I felt frustrated and slung my bag over my shoulder. I was in a suburban area now, and i had gone quite far from where i was a moment ago. I stood on the northern sidewalk of the road, facing west. The men i had seen before were now in the driveway of the house to the west. They had finally arrived here in the taxi. I had come here by walking and arrived just before they did. The traffic must have been bad. I walked past them, watching them as i passed the driveway. One of the men seemed rather well dressed, and he talked with a flourished motion of his hands. I knew that he was homosexual. I turned to the north, into the large apartment building on the northern side of the street. I had an apartment here. I passed through the house, heading to my room. I was renting a room in this apartment, and i walked through the off-white common areas of the apartment, heading to the northwest. I turned to the east, into the small bathroom so that i could undress. As i entered, i noticed that the shower was running, even though there was no one in it. I felt annoyed. This place was Australia, and i knew that they were having a water shortage, so i turned off the shower. I had taken off my clothing and was ready to get dressed, but i had forgotten something and would have to get it from my bedroom. I wrapped the large blue towel around my waist and stepped out into the common room again, heading to the south. In the bedroom to the west i could see a man stretching on the floor, just to the southeast of the large bed, which seemed to be against the northern wall. The man was wearing dark-gray sweatpants with a lighter gray T-shirt, and he seemed to be doing some kind of yoga. I then turned to the east, noticing that the woman in the bedroom to the east was also doing some kind of yoga on the white mat that she had put down over the polished wooden floor. I headed through the bedroom on the east, thinking that my bedroom was just off of this one to the southeast. The bedrooms were not fully contained rooms, but rooms with other rooms off of them, so i had to walk through the woman’s room to get to my room. The man i had come to this apartment with had gotten the only closed bedroom, which was to the west. The apartment seemed very wide and spacious, with shiny wooden floor and white walls. There was a lot of sun light coming in from windows in the southern wall. I remembered when i had first come to this place as i crossed the bedroom to the southeast, heading toward the darkly stained wooden multipane double doors in the southern wall. The man i had come with was here early, so he quickly claimed the room to the west. I felt a little annoyed with him. I passed through the doors and into my room to the southeast, looking for the things that i had to get. The decorations in the house seemed nice. I then turned to the north, crossing back across the grassy area to get back to my room. I had to get to the building to the north, where my room was. I was still wearing a towel, and i suddenly thought about the police following me because i was outside in a towel. I imagined running in bare feet to get away. I would be running away from my building, which was on the northern side of the lot. I looked around the grassy area, which seemed to be a large rectangular lawn between the buildings of the apartments. I could run where i was now, or i could move a little to the west, on the other side of the trees that lined the yard. If i was on the other side of the trees, i might not be as noticeable from the road. The police might have a harder time finding me. I then wondered whether they would shoot a naked person for running away. As i thought about this, i dropped the metal thing that i had been carrying. It landed on the ground with a heavy thud. I looked down, noticing that it had made a large indent in the grassy ground. I picked it back up, imagining that it could have fallen from the sky. If it had fallen that far, it should have made a larger dent, though. I continued to the north, into the house.

12009 December 16

I turned down the corridor and headed to the east. I was in the large building. At the end of the corridor, i headed down the metal-edged cement stairs and turned to the southeast, heading out of the building. I was now moving to the southeast down the long road, and it seemed to be getting dark out. The sky was gray, as though it was evening, and everything seemed damp, as though it had just rained. I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as my father drove down the road. I was nervous about the rains, thinking that they had been quite heavy. I worried that the road might be washed out ahead of us. We passed through the small town, which seemed like $P10, following the northern side of the small creek. We passed a large white church, which was on the southern side of the road, and then we passed the open green yard that was to the east of it. There was an old metal bridge with a cracked cement deck heading to the southeast, diagonally across the creek. The other side of the creek seemed more forested, but i knew that there were houses in the trees. The creek was passing through an old canal here, with worn cement retaining walls. As my father started across the bridge, i noticed that the deck was not quite level. The flood waters had weakened the bridge, and i felt suddenly anxious. The deck was almost a deci below the road on the opposite side of the bridge. I tried to warn my father, but he was not listening to me. I told him to stop and felt tense with dread. He tried to stop, but was already on the bridge. The deck of the bridge tipped to the south a little, and the front of the car hit the ragged edge of the embankment on the other side, just under the level of the road. The bridge swayed back and forth, feeling like was floating on water. I was still tense as my father backed the car off of the bridge and stopped on the northern side. I realized that there was another road to the west that crossed the water on a larger bridge. We had come around that road and were not stopped on the southern side of the bridge. There were weeds growing along the top of the cement embankment on the southern side of the creek. I told my father that we had to mark the damaged bridge so that no one would try to drive across it. I walked along the southern bank of the creek, looking for something to put across the road near the bridge to let others know that the bridge was damaged. My father stood on the embankment to the north of me, looking down into the heavy waters of the creek. It was dark now as i turned to the south, heading through the tall weeds. I could see yellow caution tape tied to some of the weeds along the narrow embankment that ran along the southern side of the creek. There was a church yard to the south of me, and the weeds along the creek were to the north. The grass here was tall, with weeds growing in it, but it was trimmed around the edges so that people could walk along the creek and the narrow channel. The yellow tape was tied to the tall dry weeds on the southern side of the narrow channel. It seemed like Autumn because all of the weeds were dry and dark-brown. The yellow caution tape was marking the area where the flood was eroding the banks of the creek. Some other people were near me now as i headed to the southwest, down the path of cut grass that ran along the bottom of the hill, which was now to the south of me. The hill had taller grass. I was moving away from the embankment, through a field of tall dry grass, but i kept moving, hoping to find something to mark the bridge with. I then realized that there was a path running parallel to the one i was on, just to the north. I cut through the grass to get onto that trail, hoping that it did not stray as far to the west as the one that i had been on. Someone was talking with my father, who was on the northern side of the weeds. I could not see them through the weeds, but the man seemed like $A552. They were heading in the same direction though the weeds as i was. I turned to the north, through another patch of weeds and found myself near a small brown house. The house seemed to be part of a visitors’ center near the creek. I then noticed the pick-up truck parked to the east of the building. I thought that it might belong to the caretaker of this place, and, as i approached it, i noticed that there were several rolls of caution tape in the back. I called to the others, letting them know that there was a truck with caution tape in it. There were large rolls blue and green tape, but i did not see a roll of yellow. I wondered if it had been used up in marking the weeds along the southern side of the creek. I then spotted a yellow roll in the back of the truck and reached for it. At the same time, i noticed a man coming out of the building to the west of me. I told him that we needed yellow caution tape. He seemed angry, though, and told us to get off of his truck. The others had been hanging over the sides of the truck as well, looking into the bed for the tape. I told the man that it was important that we find the tape. I said that the bridge was out, and that we had to mark it before any other cars tried to drive over it. He did not seem to believe us, but i walked to the east with him. I could see the flood water in the canal to then north. There were tall muddy waves in the river. I then realized that the waves were staying in one place as the water moved. This seemed strange. The waves must be from the turbulence of the water, but they were not rolling. It was as if they were fixed in place as the water moved under them. This was very strange. I stepped back from the canal a little, noticing that there was water around my feet. The ground was getting wet. The flood must be getting bad. I then noticed the woman in the long coat to the east of us. She walked to the cement embankment on the side of the canal and stopped. Without stopping, she stepped down into the water, as though descending a set of stairs. I was distressed by this, and said something to the person with me. The woman was wearing a white head covering, like a rain scarf. As i told the other person about her, she again walked toward the canal and stepped into the water. I thought that she was killing herself by drowning in the flooding canal. As i approached the edge of the canal, though, i noticed that there were several other people in the water there. The canal now seemed to be a large cement basin, with an embankment along the eastern side. The water was not yet draining from the canal, so there was no strong current, so the people were enjoying the water. Several of the people were in shorts and summer clothing. I then noticed several men with no shirts hanging out around the opposite edge of the pool. They were on the other side of the cement wall that held in the southern end of the basin. The man with me commented on the shirtless men. He seemed to lust after them and made several perverted comments. I was uneasy with his statements, and made a joke out of it instead. I was standing on the eastern side of the narrow pool, and i walked back round the retaining wall on the east of the pool and along the southern shore of the canal, heading west. I suddenly wondered where all of the water was going. It did not seem likely that the flood water was just staying in the canal. There must have been a dam somewhere that was holding back the main flow of water. I passed around the northwestern corner of the pool. Someone mentioned that the water flume looked nice. We had been walking along the northern side of the large cement building, which seemed to be a stadium. The water pipes ran under the northern edge of the stadium and came out near the northwestern corner of the building. I looked at the spiraling cement flume on the corner of the building, thinking that the water flow was not as heavy as it should have been for a flood. Something seemed strange about the water. I stood close to the flume, looking down into the dry cement trough. The water would be coming here soon, and i waited for the rushing sound to the east of me, above my head. I waited for a few moments, but no water sound came. I could not figure out where the water from the flood was going. I then looked up the flume, which curved clockwise as it headed upward. I realized that it was actually too small to carry all of the water from the canal. The flume curved up the center of the circular stairwell, heading up the corner of the stadium. I decided that this flume only drained water from the stadium’s roof and upper floors. It was not the waterway running from the flooded canal. I then wondered why there would be a water channel here. There did not seem to be enough water from the stadium to fill such an elaborate channel. I backed up to the north, moving out of the stairwell and into the large corridor that ran along the northern side of the stadium. There were metal double doors to the west of me that led out of the building. A bulky dark-skinned man in a dark-blue uniform stood at the door, checking tickets. I walked back out of the doors and then turned back to the east, heading toward the door to the south of the doorway i just exited. The bathrooms were to the south. I wondered if there was a water flume running down the bathroom walls as well. I could not figure out where the water from the canal. The bathroom was a plain cement room. It was very large, with open space in the center and urinals along the southern and eastern walls. There seemed to be stalls on the eastern end of the northern wall. The flume would have been on the western wall, but it did not seem right. I walked back out to the west and around the northern side of the building. I had to head back to the flooding water canal to see if i could figure out where the water was going. I decided that i should follow the water back from the channels to see where it flowed out.

I started walking to the east, down the southern side of the road. My parents had just left this place, which seemed like a cottage, and they had driven down the road to the west. I was walking to the north of the large building, which seemed like a brick row house. It seemed to be on the northern shore of a body of water, like a narrow river or bay on a lake. I was carrying the cardboard box of things back to the cottage. I turned to the south and opened up the door to the cottage. As i shifted the box in my hands, i noticed $X13 running out of the cottage and down the road to the east. I became annoyed and sighed. I put down the basket of clothes that i had been carrying and started to follow him. I had to be careful not to chase him because i knew that he would run away from me. I called his name. He paused as he heard me, but then turned to run to the northeast. I became very upset and called him. He then started running across the paved driveway to the north. I started to feel frantic, worried that a car would hit him, and i started calling to him in a strained voice. A red station wagon drove past the house from the east, and i felt frantic and upset. There was a woman driving the car, and she stared at me as she slowly passed. She seemed to be offended at the way i was staring across the road. After she passed, i saw $X13 running to the west along the northern side of the road. I was still very upset, but i decided to ask him if he wanted any treats. I called after $X13, saying that i had some treats for him. I opened the door to the house and grabbed the metal can that was on the wooden shelf to the south. The door seemed to lead into a stairwell. The stairs descended to the east along the outside wall of the building, and ascended to the east, just to the south of the descending set. I shook the can so that $X13 could hear the sound of the treats. I then looked to the northwest to see that he had stopped to look back. I hoped that he would return to the house. I shook the can again, but realized that there was something not quite right with the sound. It was not the sound that i had expected from treats. I turned back into the stairwell and noticed $X13 running across the floor of the lower level of the house. He had already come back inside. I quickly closed the outside door to keep him inside. I then descended the stairs to the lower level of the house. The kitchen was on the eastern end of a large open room. The room was darkened, but there was a light coming in from the windows on the southern wall. I moved to the island counter that separated the kitchen from the rest of the room and tried to find the treats for $X13. I knew that they were in one of the cupboards. As i started looking around on one of the shelves near the northern end of the island counter, i wondered why my parents had forgotten to take $X13 with them. It seemed very strange. I thought that i should call them and ask if they had forgotten him or left him.

The woman was standing with her lawyer to the east of me. She had admitted doing something, and i thought that she should not have admitted to it. She would get herself in trouble if she told the others that she had done the thing. She told them anyway. The lawyer took a paper from the woman and told her that he would have to tell what she had done. The other legal team, which seemed to be to the south of them, was upset at the woman’s actions. She had been part of their group. She was admitting to something that would make them look bad, but they realized what had happened, and were aware that it was not really her fault.

12009 December 17

I was standing on the southern side of the eastern edge of the large outdoor pool, which seemed to be to the north of the low house. $A59 was in the shallow water on the eastern side of the pool, showing people how to do the exercises in the water. I listened to him as he spoke to me. He was sitting on a small red chair in the water, and he kept jumping up out of the water and tapping my hands. I held out my hands from the side of the pool so that he could tap them as he came out of the water. It was then my turn, and i was in the water trying to jump up. I had to get as high as he did so that i could tap his hands, but i could not jump high enough to get my feet out of the water. I felt frustrated and told him that i was not that strong. I then said that i normally could get out of the water, but i was having difficulty. $A62 was then on the southern side of the pool. I was now standing on the eastern edge of the pool, on a dull-red rug that was on the cement deck. I was trying to do the exercise out of the water to get the form right, but my balance was off. I kept jumping up, but i was wobbling as i stood. I could not remain balanced.

I was in the long white corridor of the building, which seemed like $P40. There was a man to the south of me, and he seemed like $A14. I spoke to him for a moment, but then i noticed that something was moving past the window to the north of me. I started to feel the building moving under me, and i glanced out the window, but i could not see well. The building was turning, and i could see the brown science building across the street passing the window. The building i was in was being carried away by something. I suddenly started to worry that we should not be in the building. It was not safe to move the building while there were people in it. I moved away from the window, thinking that we should get to the inside of the building. I moved down the short corridor to the south, coming into the common area on the southeastern corner of the building. I could see the large football stadium of the college campus to the south of us. The building was being carried over the campus. I thought that they would put the building down on the southern side of the stadium. This seemed very strange, and i started moving down the corridor to the east. I then realized that they must have removed our part of the building from the lower floor. There were only two floors of the building being transported at the moment, so the lower floor must have remained in the ground at the original location. I mentioned this to the man with me, and he told me that it was intentional. It seemed like a strange thing to do. I came out of the wing of the building and into the main atrium. I stopped at the edge of the corridor, not wanting to walk out onto the balcony corridor that ran around the outside of the atrium. There were no floors below us anymore, and the balcony seemed too thin without anything under it. I then noticed $F16 standing in the doorway across the atrium from me. He seemed confused and was looking around to see what was going on. He was glancing to the northwest, and i turned to see what he was looking at. I then noticed that the large window on the southern side of the atrium was broken. It seemed to have been removed intentionally, and i asked the man if that would be the new entrance to the building.

12009 December 18

I came back into the classroom from the door in the southern wall. I had been in the bathroom. The students had already left the class room, so i had to get my things together and get to my next class. $A40 was sitting at the wooden desk on the eastern side of the room. I moved to the southern side of the desk and grabbed the yellow folder from the surface. I had to collect my things quickly and get to math class or i would be late. $A40 did not seem to notice me as i took the folder to one of the armchairs in the center of the room and stuffed things into my bag. I would also have to change my clothing before class. I hurriedly stuffed things into by bag, but then the bell rang. I knew that i would be late, so i started to pick up my things to leave. $A40 did not seem to notice that i was in the room. I rushed out the door, wondering how i would explain my lateness to $A48.

I was setting in the western side of the class room. This seemed to be a math class. I was getting my stuff together and putting it into my bag. I was not prepared for this class. People around me were doing math work, solving the problems that were on the board to the east. They sat in armchairs around the room, writing answers on their papers. I had done these problems previously, and i was aware that i was reliving this scene a second time. I was not sure what to do this time, though. It did not seem right to solve the problems again. I felt nervous and stressed, and i started shifting through the things in my bag. I should pretend that i could not find my paper. I then realized that the teacher would probably ask me about the questions that the others were doing, and i would not know the answers. I should look at the problems in the book in case the teacher asked. I knew that i would be able to describe them, since i had done them before and i knew more math this time around. I looked up at the problems on the board to the east. They were like squares. There was a boy standing near the board, and he had solved the problem already. I tried to remember how to solve it, but i was not quite sure anymore. I should know more math now, so i should be able to figure it out. There were numbers in the boxes, which were arranged in a grid on the board. The boy was focusing on the box that had the number eight in it. It was near the box with the number ten. There was some relation to the numbers. I wondered if there should be an eighteen in the box. I could not be sure, and i was not sure i knew this problem. I tried to focus on it so that i could solve it easily when i was asked.

12009 December 19

I was riding my bicycle to the north, across the open area of the college campus. I was in the center of a wide road, but i kept drifting from side to side. I did not seem able to control the bicycle well, and i struggled to keep it in a straight line. I felt uneasy about riding it. I would have to stay out of the car lanes of the road. I kept trying to get the bicycle to go straight, but it would not. I then decided that i should not be riding it any more. I stopped at the stop sign at the end of the road. There was a bus platform straight ahead of me, across the intersection. I decided that i could walk my bicycle to the platform and take the bus home. I was on $P45 at the moment, and i knew that the busses that came here would go past my house. I stopped my bicycle on the side of the bus, thinking that i would just get on the bus to get home. I then wondered if i would be able to put my bicycle on the bus. I would have to find out if there was a free space on the bike rack.

12009 December 20

I was standing on the southern end of the stage, just off stage, watching the woman standing in the center of the stage. The play had been performed earlier, and i remembered that i had let $X14 cross the back part of the stage. There was a fake wall running along the back of the stage with a doorway in the center of it. We needed a cat for the show, and i had let $X14 stray out onto the back of the stage. He was not trained to perform, but he happened to be on stage at just the right time, pausing in the center of the doorway as $A513 said her lines, and then running to the north at just the right moment. It had all worked perfectly by coincidence. $A513 stood in the center of the stage watching the black cat leave on the opposite end of the stage from where i was. She then turned back to me, smiling. The audience was no longer there and this was all a memory. I moved to the east, into the front seat of he car, which was parked in one of the first slots of the large parking lot, near the building. The building was just to the west of me. I was getting something near the bottom of the driver’s seat of the car, or i seemed to be very low to the ground near the driver’s seat, and i could see $X14 running around on the floor of the vehicle. I felt that i should contain him in the car before he got away. I did not want him running around in the open. I was worried about him getting away. I got into the car and closed the door. The car was parked along the curb on the western end of the parking lot, across the sidewalk from the school building. It was dark out and i was waiting for someone to come out of the building. It seemed to be $F45. I looked up at the stars in the sky for a moment, just to the right of the rearview mirror. They seem clear and bright, and i knew that it was a cold night. I felt impatient and did not want to wait in the car any longer. I was warm, but the driver’s door was open, and the car would cool down quickly. I pulled the door closed and looked at the window, which was halfway open. I rolled it up and leaded back in the seat to wait. The car around me seemed brown. I felt immediately impatient and decided that i did not want to wait in the car all night. It seemed like i had been here quite a while and i did not want to stay much longer waiting for the other person. I backed the car up along the curb, moving it to the south, in front of the main entrance to the school. I looked to the west. The main entrance was recessed into the building slightly, and there was a long thin cement overhang extending from the building. The overhang was bent into a very wide V shape and seemed to be blue. The bright lights around the white metal entry door illuminated it from below. There seemed to be two open spaces on the southern end of the curb. I looked behind me, to the south, and saw that the sidewalk coming from the main entrance extended into the road a little, creating an end to the parking. I had pulled back almost to the edge of the sidewalk’s curb, and then i started to pull forward again, into the parking space behind the large brown car. As i pulled forward, however, i realized that the parking space was painted blue and had a handicapped symbol in it. I would not be able to stay here. The spot behind me did not seem to have a handicapped marking, though, so i though i would simply back up. My car was now facing east and seemed to be on a short stretch of curb that ran to the east from the entrance. The sidewalk seemed to curve around the corner of the building. I had been waiting on the eastern side of the sidewalk to the north of the curb, and was now trying to park on the southern side of the curb. Behind me, the parking lot curved back to the south, toward the entrance to the building. I backed up into the first space, looking behind me at the tan patch of cement that was the space. The space was now on the part of the sidewalk that faced east, just off of the entrance. The space behind me seemed dirty. Dry leaves and small twigs had collected in the small space, which was recessed slightly into the curb to the south. It was not handicapped, though, so i decided that it was a good place to park my motorcycle. I also thought that the space might be smaller, which would be a good place for a bicycle. I looked forward to the north again as i revved the engine of the motorcycle. It rumbled under me for a moment. I then walked it back into the spot, looking back at the thin tree that was growing through the curb behind me. Its round head of leaves diffused the light from the streetlight above it. I turned back to the north, looking down at my blue bicycle. I wondered if i should chain it to the thick black metal streetlamp to the west. The lamp was right near the handlebars of the bicycle. The bike was then lying on the ground, under my feet, and i stood over it, waiting for the person to come. Two young women approached me from the north. The one leading the way was a short stocky hispanic woman in a tight dark-gray knee-length skirt and loose jacket. She had long puffy black shoulder-length hair. She grabbed my right arm and told me to move off of the bicycle. I knew that she was trying to steal the bicycle, so i did not move. She was aggressive, and tugged at the blue sleeve of my shirt. I said “Nyet.” to her, hoping that i did not speak Spanish. I could make her think that i spoke some other language than English, but i should not speak Spanish because she probably knew how to speak it. I knew that she would get into a fight easily, and i did not want to indulge her. The other woman with her did not seem to want to cause a scene and pulled on her friend’s sleeve. I did not get off of my bicycle, but decided that i should start riding away or the woman might attack me and take the bicycle.

I said something to the others as i turned to the south and headed away from the northern wall of the large white room. Several young children ran toward me from the southeast, pouring around me and sitting in the seats against the northern wall. I headed to the long conference table in the center of the room, where the others were sitting. Someone said something, and i replied with “fuck you”. It was a joke, and what i said had unexpectedly rhymed with the original statement. I then realized that i should not have sworn with the children in the room, and i made an expression of apologetic surprise. The others looked at me in surprise, and i explained that i was not used to being in this room with children. This was a conference room of the business, and i knew that people cursed in here all the time. I explained this to the others as i sat down on the northern side of the table. The others started getting up and i got up with them, still talking about something that was happening. I moved to the western end of the table. I was already on the western side of the room, and the table seemed to stretch very far to the east from here. There was a square cement column in the center of the table, to the east of me and in the center of the room. I talked to the people at the end of the table. One of them seemed to be my brother. He was Kevin from Brothers & Sisters. I joked with him about something that our father had said about us. We moved as a group to the northeast, and we came into a corridor. There was an elevator door on the eastern end of the corridor, and we stopped in front of it. I kept looking at the ground, thinking about something as the people walked around us. There was a wooden door standing in the middle of the hall, just in front of the elevator. I looked down at the round object in my hand as i walked to the south of the door. The cylindrical object seemed to be on the floor near my feet, but i was holding on to the wooden handle that stuck out from the side of the round thing. I pulled up, watching the long hot-dog shaped pads pull out of the hole in the round object on the floor. They looked like they were made out of silk, with yellow floral patterns embroidered on the sides, like something from a chinese celebration. They were connected by a thin white string that ran back in to the hole on the ground and attached to the top part of the object in my hands. I thought about the object that i was playing with as we waited for the elevator. Kevin was pacing to the north of the door, and i again mentioned the old saying that someone used to say about us. It seemed like an old idea to me, and i was amused by hearing it. I then walked to the north of the door myself, aware that Justin was standing to the south of us, his hands on his hips.

12009 December 21

I jogged to the north, on the western side of the block. I was running with the others through the residential area. The land around us was very open, with grass and bushes everywhere, but there seemed to be house along the eastern side of the street. We had started at the house on the southern side of the block and had cut across a grassy path between the houses to get to the street on the western side of the block. We were now moving down the western side of the block. It seemed bright out, and there seemed to be few houses on the western side of the street. We stopped for something near the northern end of the block. I had taken my shoes off and was walking across the gravel driveway, heading north. The others were resting here for a moment. I felt like doing some exercise. A man was lying on the ground doing sit-ups to the northwest of me. He was wearing a red shirt, but he was lying in a mud puddle, and i could tell that he had gotten some mud on his bare chest. He was $A541. I watched him for a moment, thinking that the mud had something to do with me walking barefoot. I was then jogging back to the south with the others on the eastern side of the block. We had run around the block and reached the house that we had started at. I was surprised when they continued to the west to start another loop. I was still barefoot and did not really want to run any more. I did not want to stop if the others were continuing, though, so i followed them. We started down the mowed trail of grass between the taller grass of the back lawns. He path ran diagonally to the northwest from the house that we had started at to a white garage on the western side of the block. We ran around the northern side of the garage and started down the street. I was conscious of my bare feet as i ran and felt stressed about it. I knew that i only had to run to the northern side of the block. I could put by blue high-top sneakers back on there and continue running.

I stepped away from the group of people and headed to the north. We had arrived at this area, which seemed to be a tourist area. We were on a platform over water, with a shore to the north of us. I stepped to the north, onto the narrow strip of land that ran east to west across the water. It was about a meter out of the water and had dense dark soil, out of which grew thick green tropical bushes. I remembered that this land was swampy, and i wondered if the water was high enough that all of the land was covered. It seemed that the water should be lower this time of year. I looked to the north to see a small boat of people floating on the water. There was a channel running to the north from where we were, and the land was to the west of it. I thought that the land was swampy enough that the boat could easily go across it. As i looked down the straight coastline to the north of me, i realized that the land was actually a series of long narrow rows of bushes running to the west from the channel. The boat could drive down the water passages between the land. This place was some kind of nature park. As i turned back to the south to join the others, i noticed several small lizards on top of the round cement column to the east. The top of the column was not that far above the land, and the brightly colored lizards were collected in the center of the top. One of them was green with yellow hues to its sides. Another was dull red with green hues on its flanks, and the third was dull yellow and tan with pale sides. I considered taking a picture of them, but i turned to the south and headed down the long boardwalk, across the strips of land, to the southern end of the preserve. $F45 and the others were still on the boat to the north, unloading. I did not want to wait for them. I reached the southern shore of the island and glanced out over the water to the south for a moment. We seemed to be in a swampy lake. To the west of me, on the top of another cement pillar, there were some more lizards. This pillar, however, had a thin black netting over the top of it, and the lizards had crawled underneath. There were three lizards on the pillar, and one of them had raised its head, lifting the netting up. I could not take pictures of them like that because i would get the netting in the shot and it would not look natural. I walked a little to the north, looking at the swampy water channel that ran along the eastern side of the wooden walkway. I was looking at it through the black plastic weave of the fence, and i realized that any pictures that i took would have the fence in them. I was annoyed until i realized that i had seen the lizards before without the fence in the way. Most of the park had clear views of animals. I then noticed that there were animals all around me now. To the west of me there was a nest on the ground with two tan doves in it. They were shifting position in the nest, as if trying to get comfortable with each other. I wanted to take pictures of all of the animals here, but i did not have my camera with me. $F45 still had it on the boat and was still bringing it to me. I hoped that he would hurry. He was with $A553. There were some people moving to the west as well, and they seemed to be very close to the doves, but the animals did not seem to mind. I looked back down the boardwalk, which was now a meter higher than the ground that i was now standing on. I seemed to be on the southern shore, which was made of yellow sand. The land rose sharply to the north of me for a bout a meter and a half. The top part was covered with dark-brown soil, which seemed to be infused with thin pale roots from all of the trees. $F45 came down the boardwalk, which was set a little into the soil. He handed me my black SLR camera and then handed me the small instant camera. He did not seem to like the smaller silver camera and told me i had to carry it in a tone that implied that the camera was a hassle to have. I put the smaller camera into the left pocket of my pants and looked through the lens of the larger camera. $A553 said something about the other camera from the north. He mentioned that he could turn the older camera into a digital. $F45 thought that it would be a good idea, but i did not want to change my grandfather’s SLR camera to a digital because i felt that it would ruin the camera. I looked at the manual SLR. It had a silver top. I had another film SLR camera that i had been using, and i would not mind that one being made into a digital, but i did not want this one changed. It was a classic camera, and i wanted it left as a film camera. My other one had digital light meters and sensors, which would make it easier to use as a digital camera. This one was very simple, so it could be better used as film. I looked through the view scope, watching the man on the sidewalk to the north of me move. I was in a window of a building, and the view of the man seemed to be in black and white, as though from an old photograph. I took a picture of him. I then aimed the camera into the sky and held down the trigger, remembered that it would take several shots in a row if i held it down. I focused the camera again on the man and took several shots, watching the man in the still black-and-white shots walk to the west, pause, and turn to look at me. He knew i was taking pictures of him. I turned to the south and started walking with $F45. The boardwalks ran just over the surface of the silty water, forming a grid. There was a deck to the southeast of us where people seemed to be eating around tables at a cafe. I headed to the southern end of the boardwalks, looking out over the murky water as a long wooden boat floated past to the west. It dragged a long wooden deck with chairs on it. This was a tour boat, but it was empty of passengers because it was still very early here. I turned back around and spoke to $F45 and the other person. We were in the western part of the stone building, which was over the water. There seemed to be old stone walls sticking up from the water, forming the rough outlines of rooms, with wooden decks as floors. I turned to the west but realized that we were in the western-most room of the building. This place was a tourist place, and it seemed like some kind of museum. I walked back out of the room through the doorway in the center of the eastern wall. The floor slanted down slightly as it left the room. We came back into the cafeteria area and i sat down at one of the round tables. I spoke to the others for a moment, but my attention was drawn by the objects hanging on the eastern wall of the gallery. I kept picturing them as bones, but, when i looked at them, i could see that they were long chains of curved triangular objects hanging from a string in vertical rows. There were several sets of them, some in all white, some in all black. They were part of the museum’s exhibit and had something to do with the native art in the area.

I had been sitting on the round table on the wide balcony of the fancy building, but i was now heading to the west. The balcony had a flagstone deck and black metal railings around the outside. I seemed concerned about something, and i moved to the west to look over the house. I then moved back to the east. The house was to the north of me, and i was floating along the side of the large mansion. The stone building seemed to sit atop a steep cliff, which dropped off sharply to the south of the building. I was looking at what the workmen had done to the outside of the house. The foundation of the house was sliding southward on the eastern part of the house. There were two sets of balconies that were set into the cliff like wide round stairs. The balconies were coming apart and the lower one was sliding down the hill slightly. The two-level house was made up of two round floors, which were like two disks that were sliding across each other. I floated around the house, looking at the damage. I then told my mother about it as i came back to the balcony on the second floor. People were coming into the second floor rooms to the north of me. There was a party starting here, and i could hear the music playing. My grandmother told me that she liked the music. I looked at the album poster to the south of me. It was of a man on a motorcycle. I wondered if it was a poster for the movie Wild One. The song was about Jet, and kept mentioning the name. I thought that it was probably from the movie. I listened to the sound, which seemed like a big-band orchestra playing. The sound then shifted, as though part of the instrumentation was in reverse. I moved to the phonograph player and removed the phonograph from it, looking the phonograph over. It was dull yellow and had a paper cover over the top of it. The man started playing a song from a different phonograph. I told him that this was the jazz version of the song, and the other was the big-band version. He seemed to take the music too seriously, though, and scowled at my remarks. My father told me that it was not the jazz version because there were no horns. I listened again, saying that there were horns in this version of the song. I could hear a man’s voice singing the melody with horns in the background. I then turned to the east and headed the thin flight of stairs than ascended along the southern wall. The flight of stairs was shaky, though, and i worried that they were unsafe. I thought that the entire house might fall down the hill because of the failing foundation. The house then tilted. We would have to move stuff to the north to balance the house again. I then realized that i would not have time to gather my things. I would be trapped in the house if it slid off of the cliff. I then realized that this was really a dream, so i could simply float everything away at once.

12009 December 22

I was in the long narrow dimly lighted room with the other people. The room was long north to south, and i was near the southern end of the room. The floor of the room seemed to be dirt, and the others were digging through the stuff in cardboard boxes along the eastern end of the northern wall. Something was happening here, and i felt uneasy about it. I moved to the east of the others. I had to get something out of the boxes, but i did not want to interrupt them. I had to get my things and leave. I did not want to be stuck here with these people. I sneaked around to the eastern side of the room, hoping that they would not notice me. I had to get my things from the other part of the house. The man was looking through one of the boxes for some maps. I hoped that he did not see me as i walked out the door in the southern end of the eastern wall.

12009 December 24

I carried some things to the north, down the narrow driveway in the middle of the large grassy park. There were trees here and there along the road. My car was parked in the middle of the park, and i was packing it up to go. Several people were wandering around me as i tried to get the things into the car. My father then called me from the south. He seemed upset, and he wanted to leave. I closed the trunk of my car and headed to the south, toward the other car, which was parked several meters away. My father was doing something near the car, and i could tell that he was very mad. He told me again that he wanted to go, so i got in the white car. I felt upset because he was so mad.

I was driving through the city area, looking for the park. I headed south on the road, but came to an intersection where the street split into a Y. I started to head to the southwest, but backed up and turned to the north-northwest. I thought that this was the road that headed back toward the highway, so it might go past the park. I did not realize that the highway ran parallel to the other streets in the city, but i knew that the park was somewhere near the highway. It was getting dark now, and i was starting to feel frustrated. I looked at the signs on the road, but they did not mention the park that i wanted. As i continued down the road, i noticed one large green sign that mentioned a park, but it was not the right one. I mentioned the other park that i was looking for, but then i wondered whether it was the right one. I could not quite remember where i had left my car. I thought that i could see a hill ahead, through the low buildings around me. This was probably part of the park that i was looking for. I continued walking through the tall grass of the field, heading for the hill. Something shifted. It was dark out now, but there was a bright light ahead, which seemed to be a bright full moon, though it was very low to the ground. I could not see the source of the light, but it illuminated everything around me. It seemed very spooky, but i liked the way the soft light made everything look. As i crossed the grassy field of the park, i noticed a dark shape in front of me. There seemed to be some kind of large structure in the field with an opening in the middle of it. I slowed down as i approached, trying to figure out what was in front of me. It was hazy, so i could not see that well. I then realized that there was a person in the park near me. He had not seen me yet, so i moved behind one of the dark objects to get out of his line of sight. The dark objects were large and round, and they appeared to be arranged in a circular pattern in the center of the park. I crouched down behind one of the red objects, which looked like a sphere with thin horizontal striations. The man was moving things around in the center of the circle. I felt suspicious of him and did not want him to see me. He moved to the east for a moment, but then returned to the west with something. I ran to the south, where the circle of structures was partly blocked off. There would be more area of structure for me to hide behind. It seemed like it was daylight now, though i knew that it was still rather dark. I crept behind the curved plywood surface on the southern side of the ring. I was somehow inside a set of concentric rings, but i had to get out. I headed to the east a little until i saw an opening in the structure that led south. As i ran out of the object, i thought that the man moving things was actually $F38. I snuck to the southeast, trying to keep the sphere between the man and myself until i was far enough away. I then realized that the people to the north of me were $F38 and $F39. I moved to the east to stay out of sight, but i wondered why i was hiding from them. They were friends of mine, and it suddenly made no sense that i would be hiding from them. I then noticed people i the park to the east. It was bright daylight again, and there were many people milling around in the park. They would have been able to see me sneaking from object to object in the sandy area. I looked the west to see the people approaching $F39 and $F38. They had passed around me and into the object. I stood up now, not concerned about hiding. Some of the men from the group were looking back to the east, and i suddenly realized that they were looking at me. They did not seem to have much expression on their face. They then looked up above me, and i realized that they were watching something in the sky over my head. I looked up to see a large orangish-tan thing flying over us. It surprised me and i watched it pass to the northwest. I thought that it was a pterodactyl. The men to the west of me had watched it fly over, but i noticed that there was one man who was still looking in my direction. I focused on him and saw that he was staring very intently at me. I felt uneasy and nervous about this.

I floated to the west, across the college campus. The grass of the quadrangle under me was short and green, and the buildings at the edges of the large open area seemed to be made out of tan stone. I was floating down the length of a paved path, turning a little to the southwest. There was a man walking on the path, and i passed to the south of him. He seemed upset at something, and was more upset that i had startled him by floating past. As i moved, i lifted my feet from the ground and crossed my legs into a sitting position. I remembered that i had done this in dreams before, and i had always thought in the dreams that i was awake. I knew that i was awake now, and realized that i was still able to float without putting my feet on the ground. I was happy and surprised about this. $A111 was to the east of me, in the quadrangle, and i knew that he was watching me. He thought that what i was doing was interesting, and he told me that he wanted to take a picture of it. I was moving away from him too quickly, though, and i did not think that he would have his camera ready in time. I slowed down as i moved across the center of the quadrangle to give him time to get out his camera. I then realized that it was dark again. It had been light and dark before. The daylight was varying strangely.

12009 December 25

I floated to the south, along the western side of the pub. The pub was filled with people. The design of the pub seemed rather crude, with brick walls and exposed metal beams on the ceiling. The beams slanted at angles near the wall, and the room seemed dark, though there seemed to be light coming in through a window in the western wall, somewhere to the south of me. Some people were talking about the green beams and referred to them as “five beams”. This was the type of beam. I looked up at the green I-beams and thought that they must be five-foot sections of I-beams. I then realized that the people at the table were mad at us, and i felt upset. I felt out of place in this pub, and thought that the people in the pub were beginning to notice. The men at the table were angry with us, so i tried not to notice them. I continued to the north with the others. The men started to follow us, and i turned around to threaten the young men. I did not say anything, and they paused, unsure what to do as i stared at them. The dark-haired man had started to follow us, but the blond had stayed in the kitchen to the south. I started talking to the dark-haired man, trying to reason with him. I knew that he was afraid of me and had resorted to hate, so i tried to talk to him. I told him that the other man cared for him, emphasizing that he cared for him “like a brother”. I wanted to stress those words so that the man did not feel afraid that i was calling him a homosexual. As i spoke to the man, i started to notice the features of his face. He seemed young and somewhat attractive, but i noticed that he had thick black eyelashes on the sides of his eyeballs. They seemed strange. As i spoke to him, he seemed to relax a little. The blond man came out of the kitchen to the east and stood by us. I asked the blond man for the keys back, and he handed them back to me. I was getting them to be less afraid of me, and i felt that i could actually leave them without getting into a fight. I started telling them about the warrior. It seemed to be an interesting idea that came into my mind, and i wondered if they knew about the symbolism of the warrior. I thought that they could learn this idea to help them. They seemed like nice people; they were just afraid.

12009 December 26

I was woken suddenly by the loud noise. I looked around in the darkness to try to figure out what it was. I realized that it was the garage door opening in my house. Something was wrong. The door should not have been opening in the middle of the night. I became suddenly afraid and realize that someone was breaking into my house. I felt in danger here and started to move around the room. I wondered what i should do. I knew that there must be people coming into my house through the garage door.

I was standing in the dry forested area near the small hole in the ground. I was looking down at the hole, which was only about a centimeter thick. There were small red ants crawling around on the ground near the hole. I felt suddenly worried that the ants would get all over us, and i told the others to run. As i started to move to the northeast, through the thin trees, i imagined that the ants were clicking ants. I could hear them clicking as they swarmed across the forest floor. I passed between the narrow trees as i headed through the woods, pretending that i could hear the clicking of the ants. I told the others that we should run i the opposite direction of the south. I said that these were the army ants that would eat anything in their path. They would tear apart the vegetation and any animal that was in their way. I then realized that i was actually in a jungle and not a forest, and i wondered if i would be able to run through the dense vegetation of the jungle. I looked ahead, noticing that i was still moving quite fast and noticing that i was actually in a very thin forest. The ground to the north of me was swampy. My feet would sink into the thick black mud, but i was hopping over the umbrellas that were open and on the ground under me. The umbrellas seemed to be floating in the shallow murky water, and i wondered if there were crocodiles under the surface of the water. I could not head to the east because the land was too wet, so i headed to the west, thinking that i would head for the shore. I moved from under a large yellow umbrella and stepped on another umbrella. I made my way to she sandy shore of the swamp at the edge of the forest. I then remembered the ant hill that i had seen and wondered if i was still near it. I was still heading to the south when i came out of the tunnel and onto the small balcony. The balcony seemed to overlook the ocean to the south. This place was special, thought. It was somehow a clue to what had happened. It was night here, and i could not see that far into the distance, but i had a flashlight with me. I shined it over the edge of the balcony, noticing that there was a set of stone steps leading down the side of the steep cliff far below me. They did not run all the way up to the balcony, and i wondered if i was supposed to climb down the cliff to get to the steps. The cliff seemed very steep, and i was weary of climbing it. I then shined the light to the west. There was dirt ground to the west of where i was, almost level with the balcony. It seemed only a short distance off. I then noticed the two glowing eyes of an animal looking back into the flashlight beam. I was unsure which way i should go. I looked back to the north, up the surface of the tall rocky cliff. It would be hard to climb up from her, and i was unsure what i should do. This was a puzzle, and i was not quite sure how i should solve it. I then realized that there was no other way to get off of the balcony. There was no obvious exit to the balcony, and i wondered suddenly how i had gotten here. I had not come from any of the places that i had investigated. I thought about this as i moved down the hallway to the west. There had to be some solution to this puzzle. I was in the house, and there was someone watching us. This was some sort of game, and i realized that there were cameras everywhere in the house. I told the others that we were being watched as we walked to the south, into the other room. There was a camera on the western wall, attached to the southern side of a large wooden picture frame that was hanging on the western wall. I pointed out the camera to the others as proof that we were being watched here. I then noticed the woman sitting on the floor on the eastern side of the room. She seemed like $F43. I was angry about this place. I did not want to be watched and used as part of a game. I grabbed the camera and pulled it out of the picture frame. I thought that i should pull all of the other cameras out of the walls as well. I did not like this game. The woman to the east started to move, and i felt threatened by her. She moved to the other side of a small dividing wall, and i moved suddenly to keep her out of view. She had done the bad thing. She now seemed like my mother, and i thought that she had actually killed the people. I accused her of doing it. She moved to the north a little, trying to see me around the large wooden column that was in the room, but i moved to keep her out of sight. There was a young boy moving with her, and i could see him try to keep up with her as she tried to see me around the column. I kept moving, thought, trying to keep the column between her and i so that she could not shoot me. I accused her of the murder as she moved to the north. Finally, she seemed frustrated and turned to the north, walking to the wooden counter on the northern wall of the room. She stopped at the counter, and i moved toward her. I felt very anger and i yelled at her, accusing her of the murder. She sighed and admitted that she had killed the people.

12009 December 27

I was flying fast down the streets of the urban area. There seemed to be people after me, and i had to get away. I turned several corners, trying to evade them in the streets. I then crossed the grassy park area. I tried to move quickly, but i knew that they would be able to see me across the open area. Someone was shooting at me from the south, so i circled across the northern side of the park, heading east, trying to stay behind the buildings at the edge of the park so that the shooters could not get a clear shot. I then headed over the top of one of the buildings on the eastern end of the northern side of the park, hoping to get over the brick building and out of sight of the shooter. I tried to go faster, imagining that i was heading down long alleys and corridors to try to get away from whoever was chasing me. This seemed like a good story, and i wondered what would make it more exciting. I flew don the alley to the north, with brick walls on both sides of me. As i reached the end of the alley, i suddenly realized that it ended in a brick wall. I turned quickly upward, but stopped when i realized that there was a ceiling above me. This seemed strange, and i realized that i had paused in midair, floating with my back down as i hovering just below the white stucco ceiling. I wondered if anyone could see me. I must be in a funny position in the air like this. I looked over my left shoulder at the ground below, hearing a noise below me. There was a large dark-green garbage truck below me. Several garbage collectors were on the side of the truck, dumping cans into the back of the vehicle. They looked up suddenly, noticing that i was above them. I wondered if they would mind me being here. I was out of place in this area, and i did not want anyone to alert the people after me. I turned to the west and started to fly away, into the next room of the building. I had to hide from the people that were after me. The room was elegant, with fancy wooden furnishings. Everything seemed brightly polished and nicely kept. The room seemed like a library, but it was very open, with few books in the center. There were large windows in the southern wall of the room. The southern wall had several rounded sections that protruded outward from the building, like small towers. The windows around the towers looked both to the east and to the west. I stopped in the eastern most protrusion, noticing that the window to the east looked out at another section of the building. I could see people standing in another room to the east. I realized that they were the people who were after me, and i had to hide from them. I ducked down suddenly, trying to get out of their view, but i felt that one of the people had seen me. I started to worry and did not know what to do. I then heard people coming toward the room from the hallway to the north. I moved away from the window, but did not know where else to head. I flew up to the ceiling, thinking that i could lie against it, but there was really nowhere to hide on the ceiling. The white plaster ceiling was flat, and it was too low, so the people coming in the door would notice me floating there. Even if i floated near the door, they would see me when they left the room. I moved over the door on the northern wall as the people came in. They glanced around the room. One of the men looked up, but did not see me because there was a wooden shelf at the bottom of the window that was over the door. I had moved against the wall close enough so that the man could not see me over the door. The others came in and moved around in the room. After a few minutes they went back out, but one of them stayed in the room. The man said that he wanted to stay in the room as the others left, and i worried that he had seen me. As the others went out of the room, i looked down for the man, but i could not see him. He was still in the room, but he must have been invisible. I started to feel nervous, thinking that he was moving around the room. He might know that i was there, and i felt tense.

12009 December 29

The others started to the east, and i followed them for a moment. I felt upset with something and decided to storm off to the southeast. I headed across the grass, and i knew that $F45 would be upset with me for leaving. I lay down on the sled and glided across the shallow grassy hill toward the large building. The white building was on the southern side of the lawn and it seemed to be a museum. I reached the large door in the center of the building and stood up. $A42 approached me from the north. He had been with $F45 as we walked down the sidewalk, but he decided to come after me in the museum. I thought that $F45 should join us, but he was not coming. I felt that he would be mad with me for taking off. I walked to the south, down the long open corridor of the museum. $A42 followed me through the exhibits, and it seemed that we were having a good time looking at things. I had not expected to enjoy myself like this, but i was glad that i was. We then walked back to the northwest, across the lawn to the intersection where we had parked the car. The other man walked into the dark-colored house to the northeast of the intersection, and i continued to the west, to where my car was parked. I realized that i had not heard from $F4 since i had left him. He must be mad with me for not calling him. I then realized that i did not have my cell phone with me. I had left it in the car, so i could not have called him from the museum to tell him where we were. He would be upset. I looked at the car and realized that i did not have the keys to open the car, so i still could not get to my cell phone. I knew that $F4 would be very upset that i had not contacted him, but i did not have a way to do so. I wandered back to the house, to the east.

12009 December 30

I felt rushed as i looked into the mirror on the northern wall of the small bathroom. My sideburns were growing all the way down to my chin. I did not remember growing them this long, but i thought that they looked rather nice, so i decided that i should keep them. The hair was getting a little long, however, so i thought that i should trim it. I was in the bathroom of my parents’ house, on the lower floor. It was morning, and my mother was in the kitchen. She was rushing to get ready to leave, and i realized that i would be late for work if i did not leave soon. I had to trim the sideburns, though. My mother asked me if i had everything ready for work. I knew that i had not started packing my lunch yet, but i could easily put things into my bag at the last minute. I thought that i would just grab something from the freezer and then toss some fruit into my bag. I then realized that i should probably pack some vegetables as well. I hurried back to the mirror, which was on the southern wall. I had grabbed the shears from the cupboard to the west and placed the blades on the counter in front of me. I was looking for one of the long blades, which would not trim the hair so close to my chin. Most of the blades on the counter were slanted, though. They were the kind that cut at variable lengths across the width of the comb. I looked at the metal combs, trying to find the long one. I was frustrated to find that it was not on the counter. I shuffled through the metal comb blades again before opening the cupboard door and looking inside. There were a few other blades scattered on the shelf, which was at my eye level. I moved them around, trying to find the long one. I felt rushed. I spotted one that was longer than the rest. It was still not the one that i was looking for, and i thought that it would trim the hair too short. I then noticed that it had a V-shaped fork on one end. I wondered if the longer blades had this feature to help guide the hair across the comb. I noticed the longer blade in the back. The scene then changed. I was hurrying to the south, across the white ground on the northern side of the road. I had to get ready to leave. I was on the bus, which was stopped on the southern side of the road. The lawn to the north of me seemed to be a steep snow-covered hill, which seemed like the hill to the south of $P7. I was aware of $F12 walking away from the bus. He had just dropped me off at the stop. As the bus started moving, he had just reached the sidewalk on the northern side of the road, but he turned around suddenly and walked in front of the bus, waving to the driver. He had forgotten something, and i realized that i still had the key to my house in my pocket. He did not have a key. I wondered why he did not carry a key with him, and i thought that he could always get the key that was kept by the house. It then occurred to me that $F45 was the one who lived with me, and he knew where the hidden key was. $F12 did not know. $F12 moved to the door of the bus, but the driver did not want to stop for him. I felt bad, but i knew that there was nothing that i could do. The bus moved through the intersection and turned to the south. I thought that i should call $F12 on my cell phone and tell him where the key to the house was kept. It then seemed that i would still have my cell phone in this situation. I would have had it with $F45. This situation with $F12 seemed like it occurred before i started carrying a cell phone.

I looked at the newspaper in front of me as the person told me that Obama was dead. I realized that the president had been killed, and it seemed out of place. Someone was talking, and they mentioned that the situation with Biden was different than when John F. Kennedy was killed. The voice, which seemed to be a line of the story from the newspaper, said that Biden seemed actually shocked that the president had been killed. This was different from when Kennedy was shot, because Johnson had known that the assassination was coming. I focused on the text, wondering if this was really happening. It was late in December, and it seemed too soon for the president to be assassinated in office. I focused on the text, noting the date as the twenty-eighth. This was the morning when the incident occurred. I was surprised that it had happened today, and i still expected to wake up and find that it was not really happening. It should not have happened so early in his term. It was less than a year since he took office.

12009 December 31

I drove my car to the south, along the eastern edge of the large parking structure. I had done this before, but had not been able to get where i wanted to go. There was something at the southern end of the structure that i wanted to get to, but i was having trouble getting there. I followed the driving lane around the side of the parking garage. The pavement of the garage was tan, and the lane was marked with yellow and red lines on the ground. There were also yellow and red squares on the walls or on posts that marked out the sides of the lane. The lane curved a little to the southwest as it reached the southern side of the garage. I was looking for the ramp that led down to the lower level of the lot, but i could not seem to find it. I felt that i was driving backward in this lane, but it seemed to be the way i had to go. I stopped the car at the southern end of the lane, realizing that i could not go any farther because there were people crowding around the narrow doorway through the southern wall. The people walking around this area seemed to be college students, and they were all wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts of solid colors. Some of the women seemed to have long straight blond hair, as though they were from the early seventies. I backed my car up, looking in the rearview mirror to see where i was going. I suddenly realized that i was traveling very fast as i backed to the north. I did not hit anything on the sides of the lane, and suddenly, i was aware that i had passed a small metal housing on the eastern side of the lane. The lane had shifted to the west a little to go around it, and i was surprised that i had stayed in the lane while going backward. I could not see the lane that well, and i wondered how i was able to stay in it while moving so quickly. I stopped the car and started driving forward again, this time, turning into the center of the parking garage, to the west. I followed another lane in a large arc across the center of the garage, turning to the northwest. There seemed to be people walking all across the garage, and i had to be careful not to run into them. I concentrated on the lanes that i was driving in, hoping to figure out which one was correct to get me to the ramp that led down to the next level. I circled the outside of the parking lot on the west, but could not seem to find the ramp down. I had come back to the same point on the eastern side that i had gotten stuck at before. I turned again, but could not figure out where to go. I then started heading to the south, thinking that i had to get to the southern edge of the lot. There were too many people walking around in the building now, and i did not think that i could drive anymore. I stopped my bicycle and looked to the south, through one of the large openings in the southern wall. I could see the outside wall of the parking garage to the south of me. On the other side of the opening, there was a smaller section of the garage, which seemed to be out in the open. Where i was seemed to be more enclosed, but the parking deck to the south was exposed to the sky and to all sides. I noticed, however, that there was a stack of blue styrofoam insulation against the center of the southern wall. The construction on the garage was not yet complete. I could not put my thing on this part of the wall. I needed to go to the lower level to place my device. I picked up the large round device, which looked like a thick blue disk, about a half-meter in diameter and a deci or so in thickness. There were four spokes curving up from the sides and connecting to a round metal wheel, which made the entire thing look kind of like a steering wheel. It had white or pale-yellow bands crossing parts of it. As i picked it up, there seemed to be two sets of spokes with round metal rings around them, one on each side of the disk’s flat surfaces. I carried the object to the south, where there was an elevator tower. The crowd of people was growing thicker, and, as i reached the elevator, i realized that there was a long line of people waiting to get on. I stopped to the south of the elevator doors, watching the people stand in front of them. I thought that it would simply be easier to walk down the stairs, since i only had to descend one flight. I looked over the edge to the north of me, seeing the elevator doors on the level below. They opened at the same time that the elevator doors on my level opened. I realized that i could see down several levels, noticing that all of the metal elevator doors opened at the same time, and the people started walking into the elevator cars. The floor below me was number five, and there was a large white number five on the elevator door. I turned away from the elevator and started down the stairs, pushing past the people who were trying to get into the elevators. I reached the next level down on the cement stairs and turned to the south again. To my dismay, the southern wall of the smaller section of the parking garage was solid here. The southern section seemed mostly empty of cars, and the tan southern wall was completed. It had a curved top, which was lower on the eastern and western sides and bowed upward in the center. I felt confused, not sure what to do. I thought that i had to place the object near an incomplete section of the wall, but no the wall that had been upstairs. I backed up a little and looked across the upper level, noticing the stack of blue insulation on the southern wall of the top level. The construction must have completed on the lower level and was now being finished on the upper level. I could not place this thing on the upper level, though. I wondered what i should do. I then looked to the west, noticing the curvature of the lower wall. The walls of this section of the parking garage were decorative. The lower part formed a hump that spanned from square cement column to square cement column, and the upper part, which seemed to be decorative metal, had a curve to match the lower part, leaving a crescent-shaped gap about a meter wide between the two sections. I thought that it was very interesting, but i still did not know what to do with the object that i was holding.