12010 December 02

There was a large body of water to the north of where i was standing with the others. The water seemed like a lake, and the shore was fairly close to me, just across a small area of flat dry glassy land. The man standing to the west of me seemed to be an official for this place. I glanced to the southeast, noticing that a group of people was heading into the thick vegetation of the forest at the edge of the grassy area. I wanted to head to the south with them. I knew that there was a gorge just beyond the trees, and i knew that i would have to cross it. The tour group must be heading for the bridge, which i pictured as a wooden deck running along the northern wall of the steep cliffs of the gorge. The gorge seemed to end just to the east, looking into a flat plain at the level of the bottom of the gorge. I was hovering over the eastern mouth of the gorge, looking down at the wooden decks that followed the damp dark rock of the northern wall. There were people talking about crossing the gorge, but i knew that it was not easy. There were bridges there, but they were hard to find. I was standing closer to the trees now as a tour group started down the trail to the east of me, heading into the forest on the southern side of the grassy area at a shallow angle. The dirt trail was tan in the green broad-leafed plants. I looked down at the gorge again, and i was looking at a map. The bridge was drawn in thin black lines on the off-white background of the paper. The bridge seemed to be to the southwest of where i had been, and it ran to the southwest across the gorge. I was too far to the east of the bridge, near the end of the gorge. I could see the wooden bridges, which were build like house decks through the trees and on the cliff walls. People walked down the stairs on the northern side of the gorge. The elevated walkway ran toward the east, on the cliff wall. As it reached the eastern end of the gorge, which was a narrow gap in the brown rock wall to the west of me, the walkway dropped down a few stairs and then turned back to the west, heading down another short flight of stairs until it ended on a lower walkway. The lower walkway seemed to run along the ground of the gorge. I was standing on the flat land to the east of the gorge now, and the large body of water still seemed to be to the north of me. I wanted to cross the bridge of the gorge, and i was suddenly flying over the gorge from north to south, looking down at the lush vegetation and tan bamboo decks.

I was talking to someone on the flat area near the lake. We were talking about something that interested me, but i turned to the south and headed down the road. The land to the south ran flat to the edge of a steep cliff, but the road sloped down in a V in the cliff, running to the lower level of sandy land to the south. As i headed down the hill of the road, i could see the dull gray water of the lake ahead. I had been here before, and i tried to remember what had happened. The road was now heading east as i reached the lower level of land. It was getting dark now, and i felt that i was meeting some people here. I was uncomfortable about the rendezvous. The road hooked sharply to the north, ending in a rounded area that protruded into the flat calm water of the lake. The lake to the north seemed hazy or foggy. There were people around the sides of the road were digging small holes, looking for something. The man mentioned the Book of Kingdom as i approached him. The teenagers had buried the book in this area, and they were begrudgingly digging holes to look for it. There was something here that made me feel cautious. This situation did not quite feel right, so i started moving away, heading to the west, back up the slope of the road to the higher land. The others would find the book without me.

My grandmother led me to the north, across the eastern side of the large white wooden-sided house. She was taking me swimming, and i felt excited about going. We turned to the west on the northern side of the house, and started walking across the porch. The porch had thin banisters and a roof that ran the length of the front of he house. I felt cautious as we walked past the large window of the house. We seemed to be sneaking out, and i did not want the people inside to know that he had been here. The house seemed to be at the southern end of a long dirt road in a rural area. I opened a door and headed to the east, into the dining room on the northern side of the house. I was surprised to see people at the table to the south of me. I felt uncomfortable, as though i was caught doing something i was not supposed to be doing. $K7 and $K5 were sitting in chairs on the southern end of the western side of the table. They looked surprised to see me, and i felt bad that they now knew that we were going to the pool. $K5 was a young girl, and she was upset that i got to go to the pool and she did not. I tried to say something nice to her as i headed out the door of the house, heading to the porch to the north.

12010 December 04

I traveled over the rocky ground, following the stream over the large flat stones to the west. The rocks looked like shale or slate with round pits all over them. The others were ahead of me, to the west. I climbed up the rocks, keeping up with the others. I kept looking at the rocks around me. They all seemed fascinating. There were small round rocks scattered over the surfaces of the large flat rocks. I then noticed the cliff to the west of me. It was about ten meters tall, and was covered with gray curving rock. The main face of the cliff was smooth, with an outward bulge near the top and a concave bulge on the bottom left. Across the surface of the cliff were small rounded pits of various sizes. They looked like impact craters, and they were amazing to look at. The sun was shining from the east, casting a reddish hue onto the rock. It looked beautiful, and i wanted to take a picture of it. I moved to the south of the rock, following the others as they headed away from the streambed and toward the camping area. There seemed to be a dry sandy area up the rocks to the south, and the others were setting up the tents. I thought that i could take a picture of the cliff as the sun was rising. That would allow for the orangish light to color the rocks for the picture. It was now sunset, though, so i would not be able to take a picture now. I was a little disappointed, but thought that i would have to get up early in the morning to take the picture. I turned to the south and climbed over the rounded rocks toward the campsite. The site was on the shallow southern slope on the top of the hill. I felt uncomfortable and agitated here. I wanted to do something, but was not sure what. I turned back to the north and walked toward the stream, looking for the cliff wall. I could not see it as easily as i had before. I talked to the others about this, but i started to feel upset. I had to get my body from someplace, since i seemed to be out of it. I looked at myself. I was actually $A485. I sat cross-legged on the rock to the northeast of me, facing south. It seemed strange to be seeing my body like this. I then focused on my red hair, noticing that it looked strange. I was also missing my right eyebrow. The eyebrow must have been burned off from the fire that i was in. I then noticed the scabs on my scalp, under my hair. I lay the body back down on the table. I would have to move it, and i felt frustrated about this. The body was on a rolling table, and i pushed it a little to the west. The black table under it was not rolling that easily, and the man said that the black cart did not work well. He said that i should put it onto the silver cart. I pushed the body to the east, onto the other cart. The black cart, which now seemed very narrow, rolled against the western wall of the room, hitting the dingy white radiator. The people pulled the large black coffin on the long metal table, rolling it toward the station wagon, which was parked to the east of us. They put the coffin in the trunk of the car, and i started riding to the east in the passenger’s seat. I then realized that i did not have my wallet in my pocket, and i felt suddenly upset and frustrated. I told $F43, who was driving the car, that i would have to go back home to get my wallet. I felt very upset now, realizing that it would be a long way out of the way. We had to drive the body to Massachusetts, and it seemed like we would be taking a costal road through New York City. I would then have to head all the way back to the center of New York State to get my wallet from home. It would take several hours to do, and i was very upset that i would have to do it. $F43 was concerned for me and wanted to know what she could do to help. I did not know what to do, and i was so frustrated that i did not really want to do anything. I stepped out of the car on the southern side and stood up, feeling like i wanted to cry. I had to do these things, but i did not know how i would.

12010 December 06

I backed away from the house, which was to the east of me. The lawn of the house seemed perfectly smooth and green, with a gentle rolling hill just in front of the house. The house was several stories tall, and i had climbed up the front of it before jumping down to the lawn. I felt uncomfortable climbing up the front side of the house, thinking that people would be able to see me there. The house seemed strangely tall. A white wooden entryway protruded from the center of the front of the house. A tall wooden structure surrounded the entryway, covering the front of the house. It looked like a wooden mesh, but the beams seemed thick. It had small square holes in it at regular intervals, and i had climbed the house by grabbing on to the holes. I moved around the northern side of the house and was then to the east of the house. The wooden lattice structure surrounded the house, as if the outside walls of the house were made of the thin crossing slats of wood. The brown roof sat on top of the walls, and i ran to the southeastern corner of the building and started climbing. It seemed easier to climb here because of the evenly spaced holes in the side of the house. I felt uncomfortable climbing the back of the house, though, because it seemed too easy. I had only lifted my feet from the ground when i jumped back down to the ground. I turned to the east and headed out across the lawn. The land around the house seemed very open because i could not see trees or other buildings at the horizons. I crouched down as i moved to the east, along the northern edge of a long garden. There were still plants in the garden. I crouched down in the center of some tall staked plants and started picking up some of the fruit that had dropped off of them. The fruit looked like polished stones. They were hard, but i knew that was simply because they had been frozen. I rolled several of the dark-green objects in my hand, thinking that they were a green variety of tomato. They seemed ripe, and i felt that i should collect them. I picked a few more up from the ground and held them in my left hand. I still felt nervous from climbing the house, and bounced on my heels like a monkey. I took the green fruit and ran to the east suddenly. There now seemed to be a street running north to south at the eastern end of the lawn, at the bottom of a short hill and on the other side of a tall black metal fence. I backed to the west suddenly, thinking that this place seemed like a public park. I was aware of people walking on the sidewalk on the other side of the fence. There was also a sidewalk running just to the east of me, over the top of the shallow hill that i was now crouching on. The cement sidewalk was set into the hill a little. A man in a tan trench coat was walking up the path from the south-southeast. I crouched low on the ground, pretending to hide behind something as he came near. He stared at me cautiously, with an expression of question and concern on his face.

$F45 was standing to the south of me in the confined area. He said something, and then made a joke about it, using “fucking” as an adjective. I felt suddenly uncomfortable with what he had said, since we were in a public area. I then realized that there were children near us. I noticed that a woman was sitting in the seat in front of me, to the southwest (the seats faced west). She had a baby in a bright-red snow suit on her right shoulder. The round smiling baby looked up at us questioningly, and i worried that it had been shocked at what $F45 had said. The baby had a light-blue pacifier in its mouth.

12010 December 07

I walked down the street with the long column of people, heading to the west. The crowd did not seem to be organized into a parade, but they moved uniformly down the street to the west, as if heading to a large event. I knew that there was no event, and it seemed as though we had just come from some kind of fair. I looked to the north, noticing the people in the small square area to the east of the building. They were performing something in the area. It then seemed as though i had moved around the northern side of the building and come back to the street. I was again heading to the west, and i noticed the square area to the southwest of the low brick building, which seemed like a school. The area was now fenced in with a low metal chain-link fence. I did not remember the fence from the last time this sequence of events had happened. There was a man standing in the center of the area, with a long white pole in his arms. The pole was five or six meters long, and he held it at his left side as he turned from the southwest to the north. The others in the area ducked to avoid the pole. A man in the northwestern corner of the area also seemed to have a pole. There was something special about this performance, and i tried to remember it as i lived the sequence of time again. The people were actors, and they started running to the west, along the sidewalk on the northern side of the road. They were acting upset with each other, and i thought that the man with the pole was threatening the others in some way. This was all an act, and it was done now that most of the people walking up the road had already past. This was so that the actors could start running to the west and pass all of the people. The people would remember the actors from the area and become concerned in their dramatic argument with each other, not knowing that it was all part of a performance. I started jogging after the actors, trying to keep up with them. The woman in the group was yelling at the man as she chased him. They had been fighting about something, and the people on the street were supposed to feel sorry for the woman. I came to an area to the west of the school building where the vegetation on the northern side of the road cleared. A falling branch from a palm tree suddenly attracted my attention to the north. The tall palm tree was on the western side of the lawn. I then became aware of the thick black power lines running across the front of the lawn. The palm branch had been knocked over by the man with the pole. He was not watching where he was swinging the long pole, and i worried that he might get hurt. I then noticed that the small lawn in front of the tiny white wooden house was littered with clipped branches. The man and woman who owned the house were standing on the eastern side of the lawn. They had been trimming their shrubs and trees, but had been surprised when the man with the pole knocked some of their trimmings down. The man, who looked like $A54, with a fuzzy beard and wide fuzzy blond hair, seemed incensed and started moving his feet as if to stomp to the west toward the palm tree. His wife, who was shorter, with short black hair and wearing a white sweater, turned to him, placing her hands on his shoulders to calm him down. I hurried to the west, following the actors. The woman was becoming extremely upset with the man and wanted to catch him. The man jumped up onto a stone structure, which was on the northern side of the road. It seemed to be part of an old archway that had had its top removed. The top part seemed uneven and dusty because some of the old mortar was still crumbling. The men hopped up onto the platform easily and continued running to the west, on the second level of the structure. The woman ran in front of me, jumping up to the platform and grabbing it with her hands. She could not quite make it up. She was becoming frustrated and angry with the man. She strained to pull herself up, but was not able to do it. I grabbed onto the top of the platform and tried to pull myself up again. I was frustrated and angry with the man, and i had to chase after him. I finally made it on top of the platform and started running to the west after him. I ran along the northern side of the room. I now had a screwdriver or an ice pick in my right hand, and i was threatening to stab the man. This was still part of the show, but i felt very upset. The crowd would think that the threat was serious. A man started chasing after me, and i realized that he was $F13. It was good to see him. He was smiling as he chased me through the corridors of the building. I finally turned around to say hello to him. It was good to see him.

I drove the car to the west, suddenly surprised when i saw the carcass of the large animal on the right side of the road. It looked like a large deer, with tan fur. Something about the dead animal was alarming to me. I then noticed the man casually walking to the northwest from the carcass. He was the hunter who had killed the deer, and he was heading to his old dull car to get something. I felt cautious of him as i started to drive past. His dog barked and jumped with excitement just to the north of the man. I turned at a corner and was heading to the north, down another road, which seemed like $P109. I was worried about the hunter to the south of me and thought that he might come after me. I tried looking in the rearview mirror, but could not see anything. I walked off the eastern side of the road and into the bus shelter. The frame of the shelter was formed from square brown metal beams with rounded corners. It seemed to have white translucent plastic walls, but, once i was inside, the eastern wall seemed to be made of crudely stained plywood. The others followed me into the shelter. I leaned against the eastern wall, remaining quiet as the others talked around me. I looked to the south, but could not see the hunter. I then realized that the wall behind me was hot. My back felt hot as i leaned against the wall. I leaned forward, shifting my weight back onto my feet to let my back cool.

12010 December 08

I hurried down the stairs of the building, heading to the west. The stairs ran down a cement corridor, and there was a doorway at the bottom that led to the south, into an east-to-west corridor. The president was with me, and i felt that we were in danger. We had to get out of this building, but there were people trying to capture us here. I started to the east, down the hallway. It seemed that we were on the second floor of the building, and i knew that we had to find a way down. I knew that we could not leave through the first floor because the people would be watching the main entrances there. I pictured the first floor of the building as a gray stone foundation with no doors or windows. If we descended to the first floor, we might be trapped inside the bunker-like walls, unable to get out the back windows. The bag guys seemed to be to the north of the building, where the building’s main exit was. We had to escape in the other direction. I paused in the hallway, wondering where we should go. I took a few steps to the west, but then came back. Feeling panicked, i could not think of a way to get out of the building before the troops came for us. I wondered if the stairways heading down would help us. There had to be some kind of emergency exit to the building leading out in another direction. I turned to the south and headed into the large room, which seemed like a laboratory. The walls were white, and there seemed to be several black-topped tables with equipment on them around the room. The central area of the room was empty. There were small window on the eastern, western, and southern walls of the room, and i wondered if we could simply escape through them. We were only on the second floor, so we should be able to jump down to the ground from the windows. There was someone working in the room. He stood to the west of me, looking at me, but he did not seem to be concerned by my presence. I felt worried about the soldiers that were searching the building for us, so i thought that i should lock the door to the room. The door was set into the northern wall of the lab by about two meters. I pushed the door closed and tried to figure out the complex metal locking device. I pushed the metal leaver to the west, wondering if i could jam something into it to prevent it from opening. I then headed to the west, moving along the northern wall of the room. There was a large square cement column protruding a little from the northern wall. I moved to the west of it and tried to hide from view of the room. I could hear voices from the troops. The scientist, who had been in the room, was talking to someone on a video screen. He did not let them know that we were here and seemed to be pretending that everything was normal. He then mentioned the emergency escape. When he was no longer on the video screen, i asked him about the emergency escape, realizing that it would be a perfect way out of the building. It could get the president and myself safely out. I imagined it as a shoot that dumped us out the back of the building. I pressed against the wall to the west of the column, though, because there were men on the video screen on the north wall again. They were troops from the control room, and they were talking about the professor in the room. They were going to seal the room, but they mentioned that the professor was still in it. The commander ordered the men to flood the room with humidity anyway. This would stop the professor, whom the troops knew was helping us. I felt suddenly upset, realizing that this would stop the president and me as well.

I stepped to the north, into the new office building. I had not been to this place before, and it seemed like a new place for my old job. I had been walking through the corridors of the building searching for the right room. I had turned to the north and then followed the corridor around a corner to the east. The building seemed very modern, and it seemed like a science building with laboratories to the north. There was a large glass window to the north, but i walked through a doorway in the center of the window, which led into a smaller office. The office had a counter running across the white northern wall. The computers were not yet set up there, but i knew that this was where i would be working. It seemed hard to find at first, and i tried to remember how i had come here. I turned to the southeast and started walking across the campus. I had just come from the bus. I walked across the southern side of the modern white building, which seemed to be mostly blank cement walls on the lower floor. I turned north into the building, which was a laboratory building. I followed the corridor a little to the north, and then followed it around a corner to the east. My room was in a small booth on the northern side of the corridor, but i could not remember how to get there. The corridors in this building were very confusing, and i felt a little lost. I turned to the north and came into the large laboratory. I remembered that my lab was a small room, but i thought that this must be my lab. This did not seem right, though. I remembered my lab being a small room surrounded by a larger laboratory. I backed out of the laboratory and headed down the hall to the east again. I turned to the north into the next room, which was much smaller, thinking that this was actually my room. There was a computer on the counter that ran along the black northern wall of the small room. I walked over to the counter and placed my things down. I then started to wander around the building again, looking for my room. I wondered why i had left it and why i was so confused by the corridors of this building. I looked to the north, seeing a small booth on the northern side of the corridor. It was not my lab, but it was another small room. This booth was not accessible from the hallway, but i could see into it from a large glass window. There was a counter on the black northern wall with control equipment on it. I turned to the east again but found myself heading north. The corridors twisted and turned, and so many of the rooms looked alike. I felt confused in this complex area. I then noticed an open area to the northwest of me. I stepped up a short corridor and turned to the west. There was an open cafe area just beyond two wide round columns. I continued to the north, trying to figure out the corridors, but i realized that i could not quite determine where i was going, so i turned to the west and headed across the open triangular courtyard of the green cafeteria. The cafeteria seemed to be a food court in a mall or an open train station, with a service counter to the north and a long curving wall on the south that bowed to the south. The ceiling was very high up, and seemed to have a skylight in it. There was a set of wide stairs ascending to the west, from the narrow end of the courtyard. The stairs ended at the main corridor of the mall, which ran northeast to southwest on the upper level. There seemed to be something running along the southern side of the area, like train tracks or another large corridor, but it was blocked by the southern curving wall. The round tables and the service counter were dark, with emerald green sparkling spots all over them. The tall thin columns that stretched to the high ceiling behind the counter were a lighter shade of green at the bottoms. There seemed to be many students eating at the cafeteria, and i thought that this was a popular place in the new building. I headed to the southwest across the courtyard and then up the stairs following the corridor to the west. As i moved, the corridor had turned into a cement walkway, and i was riding a wheelchair down the northern side of the street. People were walking around me. I pushed the wheelchair up the ramps in the sidewalk. I was turning the wheels with my hands, and i felt that it should take more effort than it seemed to be taking. I pushed the wheels, making the chair turn sharply to the sides. I corrected the motion and headed to the west. The floor of the hallway sloped up and became an asphalt path, up the rising slope of the hill. It still did not seem hard to push the chair. I came to a small step in the pavement and pushed the chair up over it. There were several more steps ahead, and i started to feel frustrated. I got caught on one of them. Several people walked around me as i struggled to get the chair up the step. I finally managed to do it. I looked around, noticing that i was at the top of the hill. The path had run to the southwest, into a sidewalk that bordered a roadway. The road ran east-southeast to west, and the land seemed to slope down a long rolling hill on the southern side of the road. There were trees on the northern side of the road to the west of me. The land seemed to slope down more steeply to the north, but i knew that there was a parking lot and some factory buildings to the north, about twenty meters below where i was. As i looked over the land to the south, i realized that i would have to get back to work. I was supposed to be at my new office at a certain time, and it seemed that i was now an hour late. I felt annoyed and started moving to the southwest. I told the other that i was late for my first day of work. There was a wide body of water at the bottom of the long hill to the southwest, and i started flying along the shoreline to the east. I could follow the shoreline to the east and get back to the building. As i passed over the beaches, i looked down at the low smooth dark-brown rocks with small stretches of sandy beach between them. On the top of one of the rocks was a large carved design of a salamander. It was very decorative and seemed cultural. It was nice to look at. I then thought that flying over the rocky shoreline was a very nice experience. There was a mist rising from the calm water, and it made everything seem beautiful. As the haze cleared ahead of me, i could see some people sitting on the beach in bathing suits. A man in red shorts was reclined, looking south into the mist. Two women sat to the east of him in bikinis, chatting to each other. They looked up with several other people on the beach as i passed. They must find my flying in the mist an amazing sight. The scene was beautiful, and i wanted to enjoy it, but i headed down the shore until i reached the tall white modern building of the laboratory. I turned to the north and came into a small room at the bottom of the building, which seemed like a loading bay. It faced out over the ocean, like an underwater docking bay. There seemed to be a narrow stairway leading up to the north in the western end of the northern wall. The room was dark-sepia and seemed damp and dingy. $A14 was standing on the western side of the room with another student. $A14 was wearing a brown ridded T-shirt that had a greenish hue to it. He acknowledged me, but quickly turned to the northwest to leave with the other student. He seemed upset with me. I wanted to explain that i had been here but was late because i was lost, but i could not. I wondered what i should do.

I followed $A14 into the new laboratory where i was working. There was a counter along the northern wall of the room with computer equipment on it. $A14 started showing me things on the new computer when a large picture of a man sunbathing came up on the screen. The background of the picture was mostly blue, with the man reclining to the left. The man was rather attractive, and i felt uncomfortable having the picture on the computer. I did not want $A14 to think that i was looking at attractive men on my computer. I moved the mouse and tried to close the desktop image, but the image remained on the screen. I tried a hide command, but it did not work. There was a second larger screen to the north, and i noticed that it had the same picture on it as well. I then noticed a small column of pictures on the left side of the screen, which showed thumbnails of other lust pictures. Most of them were of shirtless men. $A14 was sitting in front of the computer, trying to show me things now, and i was standing to the southeast of him, looking over his right shoulder. I then noticed that there were pictures of women in bikinis on a smaller screen that was down the counter to the west. These pictures should not have been on these computers, so i told $A14 that our computers had been hacked. This seemed strange, since they were new systems, but i said that someone had been downloading images from the internet. I pressed a button on the keyboard in front of the main screen and noticed a column of white text scrolling inside a black window on the screen to the west. I moved over to look at the screen. It looked like a scrolling conversation, so i told $A14 that people were chatting on the system. They were using our computer from a remote area. I tried to read the conversation to figure out what was going on, but i could not. I told $A14 that we had been hacked, and i asked if he had the original install disks for the computer. He handed me a set of small disks, which were less than half a deci in diameter. They seemed strange, and i asked $A14 if they were all that came with the computer. He was unsure and told me that he did not know. “Wow”, i said, thinking that the disks were so small for DVDs. I moved to the western side of $A14, who was still sitting in the chair, and put the small black box of disks down on the counter. They seemed to be part of a single unit that had small ports in it for plugging in memory cards or USB devices. I wondered if these disks were actually for the computer. I pulled one of the disks from the small black box and slid it into the slot on the right-hand side of the monitor. I then realized that they were much smaller than normal DVDs, and i hoped that they were not too small for the DVD slot. I waited for something to happen, and then i realized that i should have cut off the internet access first so that the people would not be able to see what was happening on the computer. I turned off the internet to the computer, and, for a moment, the screen stopped changing. Then the scrolling conversation returned, and i realized that the computer had reconnected to the internet. I was annoyed, looking at the scrolling again. I moved closer to read, but could still not figure it out. I showed it to $A14. I then noticed the pieces of a picture scrolling upward across the screen. The image seemed to be broken into thin horizontal bands, but i could make out the image. It seemed to be a crude painting of man with his arms tied up in a V over his head. The man was a solid color of tan against a dull dark-brown background, and the body did not seem to have a head. I recognized the image, thinking that it had come from some book that we had published. I tried to explain the picture i was thinking of to $A14, but i could not quite describe it. I turned around, finding a counter on the southern wall right behind me. There was a messy stack of papers on the counter, and i started sifting through them. There were several old line drawings of human forms, and i recognize one of a man with his arms up. It was similar to what i had seen on the screen, but it was not quite right. I worried that these people were stealing the pictures that we had created for our books. I had to shut down the computer, so i quickly turned the switch off on the left side of the monitor. I would need to restart the computer from the disks and reinstall the operating system. I hoped that $A14 was not too upset by the problems.

I had just received a new computer at my new job, and i was heading to the room to the south to get it. I entered the room from the south, and the computer was sitting in the center of the long white counter that ran along the northern wall of the room. It was an old CRT monitor, which seemed large and bulky. The monitor was square. I already had a CRT computer and thought that i would have to give it away. The new one was boxy, with a small green screen on the left side of the front face. I moved the computer to the east along the counter. The logo on the top of the box-shaped monitor said “Canon”. As i looked it over, i noticed that there was a projection tube on the right side of the unit. I could see several of the rounded coverings for the projection coils on the side of the tan plastic casing. The small rectangular screen was on the left side of the front. I wondered if it was designed this way for projecting scanned slides. I turned to the south, carrying the objects in my hands. I looked for other details about the computer, but could not see any scanning openings for slides or other projectors for scanning.

12010 December 09

I stood on the western side of the dining room in my parents’ house. There was someone else in the room to the south of me. It was dark outside, and i started to hear the voices of people walking to the north of the house. It sounded as though they were walking from the woods to the west, across the back yard of the house. I was annoyed that they were in the back yard again, and i complained to the person to the south of me. I was uneasy with them around, thinking that they were teenagers and were being disrespectful and destructive of private property. It seemed that they had been in the back yard several times before, and i did not trust them. I wanted them to leave the yard, but i knew that if i yelled at them they would simply return more often. I peeked out the window in the northern wall. I could see a young man and young woman standing next to the door at the back of the house. The door was in the western wall of the northern part of the house. They were trying to break in. I felt very concerned about this but was unsure what to do. I said something to the other person and then walked into the back room of the house. There were no people here, but i was surprised to see that the door on the northern end of the western wall was open. I had seen them at the door on the southern end of the western wall, but some of them must have entered the house through the other door. I felt very upset and hurried to close the door. I started to feel angry with them, and i complained about their presence. I did not want them crossing the yard any more because they were disrespectful of our house. I was then standing at the southern end of the room. There were people outside of the house to the east. They were older people, and they seemed to be the parents of the children who had come into the house. They lived across the field to the north of the house, on the side of the forested hill. I opened the entry door to the house and they started coming in. I felt a little uncomfortable with them here. My mother was then standing to the south of me. She invited them in, greeting them as they came through the door. They seemed upset that their children had invaded our house, and my mother was welcoming them in to talk about it. They started coming in, turning to the north as my mother led them into the family room. I looked at one of the couples. The man seemed slightly annoyed as he spoke to his wife, who was to the north of him. He seemed African or East Asian, with short sheared hair. He was wearing a dark dull-brown or gray ribbed T-shirt as he passed me. I recognized him, but i was not sure from where. He walked into the house, upset that he would have to apologize for what his children had done.

12010 December 10

We walked to the east, across the front of the train, which was sitting on the tracks to the north of us. People were getting on to the cars. I was with a woman, who was my wife, and our children. We did not have tickets for the train, so we would have to sneak onto the cars. It seemed that we were already on one of the cars now, and i was standing in the central aisle as the man in the uniform approached me from the east. I would have to tell him that i was just passing through. I tried to distract him as my children did something to the east. I looked past the man as he was talking to me, noticing that the two children were standing just to the south of the open door of a boxcar. The glanced back at me nervously, and i nodded, letting them know that they should sneak onto the car. This was how we had sneaked onto the train. I was near the children now as the young girl, who was bundled up in a heavy long wool coat, played with the narrow pieces of wood that seemed to line the wall of the car. They were thin bars of slightly different wood colors, and they moved easily as the girl pulled on them. They seemed to have odd turns in them, as if they were part of a complex wooden puzzle. We had jumped into this car before, and the guard must have seen us as we got in. I stood by the door of the car, ready to jump in with the children. I was aware of the Nazi guards watching us from the west, so i let the children climb in and continued to the east. The guards would be watching to see what i did. The train was being loaded from the west to the east, so the last cars were not yet filling up. This allowed my family to get onto the cars before the guards had started loading people onto them. I walked around to the eastern end of the train, hiding behind the last car. The last car was a caboose, and it was shaped like a coal car with a small housing in the center and an open bin on the back. I would have to sneak into this car as the train started moving, but i worried that i would be detected. The train started rolling to the east, and i grabbed onto the back of the car. I could not let the Nazis see me. I climbed around to the northern side of the car as the train started moving. I had to stay out of sight of the Nazis, who i thought had entered the central room of the caboose. I felt uncomfortable here, hoping that i could hold onto the train as it moved. I was now hanging on to the side of the black metal car. My left arm was holding on to the top of the car and my legs seemed to be resting on a small ledge near the bottom. I then noticed that there was an open space on the bottom of the car. I looked into the cavity, noticing that there were several poles running vertically around the area. The poles ran through the center of large brass bells. The bells hung from the top of the pole. Below them were what appeared to be brass clappers. The clappers formed two arms on a bar that ran across the pole. If there were a fire on the train, they would start spinning to ring the bells. The caboose used to be used as a watch room so that people could keep an eye on the train as it moved. If there was a fire on the train, the people in the caboose could sound the alarm and have the train stopped. I moved my left hand from the top of the car and grabbed onto one of the poles in the small area under the car. I thought that i would be better able to grab onto something there and hold on. I was worried about falling off. It was dark now, and i could not quite see what was ahead of the train. I then realized that it would not be a good idea to continue holding on to the side of the train. There could be bushes or small trees that brushed the side of the car as we passed. I would be cut or pulled from the car. I imagined that there was an old dry piece of a tree on the side of the tracks. If it scraped across the side of the car, it would pull me off the train or impale me. I could not continue to hold on to the side of the car, so i moved to the back of the car again. I realized that none of the soldiers had actually entered the caboose. I climbed onto the back of the car, lying down in the open bin. There were other things in the bin, which seemed to be long pieces of trimmed wood. I reclined on the northern side of the car, next to the wall. I was sure that there were no officers in the cabin to the east of me, but i wanted to be sure before i tried to get inside. I would have to get into the car to hide. I looked up into the night sky for a moment. It seemed very clear and peaceful. I wondered how i would get into the cabin of the caboose. The central tower of the caboose was just to the west of me, with windows on all sides. It seemed as though i would have to climb around the side of it to get into the door. The train rounded a corner, turning to the north and then to the east. There were tall rolling hills on both sides of the tracks, and the night seemed very peaceful here. I hoped that i was low enough in the car that people could not see me from the sides. I shifted my position a little. I then noticed lights on the side of the hill to the northwest of me. I looked up to see that a car was driving on the road to the west of the train. The train had just come around a corner from the southwest, and the road ran parallel to the tracks. I worried about the people in the car seeing me, but noticed that the car was separated from the tracks by a row of trees. The lights were obscured by the trees now. I wondered if the car would be able to catch up with the train. They might be soldiers coming after me from the station, aware that i had stowed away on the train. A new set of lights then appeared to the northwest of me, higher on the hill. I looked up to see a large bus traveling down the road. I wondered if either would come parallel to the train, and i tried to move myself lower in the car. I felt nervous that the vehicles were trying to catch up with the train. A bright light then shined on my car from the south. I was leaning against the wall to the south of me, so i was in the shadow of the wall. The people shining the light on the train would not be able to see me. I felt suddenly nervous, realizing that someone was inspecting the train with the light. The light went out, and i felt relieved for a moment, but then another light shined from the north. I hoped that i was low enough in the car to be in the shadow of the sides of the car, but i realized that i was not. I became nervous, realizing that the light was continuing to shine on me. I should be very noticeable in the back of the car. Someone had spotted me, and the soldiers would know that i was here. I did not know what to do.

12010 December 11

I was to the south of the large house, which seemed to be $P19. It seemed like late in the afternoon, but the sun was still bright. The sun seemed to be behind the tall pine trees on the northwestern side of the house. I was heading to the eastern side of the house, thinking that i had to get something from the building for the thing i was doing to the south. I had been here earlier, but i needed to return for the thing. As i started across the lawn of the house, i realized that i had not lived here in a while, and i wondered if it would seem strange for me to return here to get things. As i rounded the eastern side of the house, i was floating over the ground, and it suddenly seemed darker. There was a hill to the east of the house that sloped down steeply to the east. There was an entry door in the center of the eastern wall of the house, which seemed to be a main entrance. The rounded porch had two columns supporting the roof, and seemed to have wide rounded stairs to match the curve of the roof. There was someone outside the house. I landed suddenly on the ground to the north of him, and he stood up suddenly, startled. He looked around to the north of himself, but he seemed to be unable to see me in the dark. I floated up again, amused that the man was spooked by my presence. I landed again to the east of him. We now seemed to be in a large room on the eastern side of the building. The room had a very high ceiling and wall narrow windows on the eastern wall. I landed on one of the window sills near the northern end of the room. The man looked around, frightened because he knew that someone was there but could not tell who it was. Another man had entered the room. He glanced up at me. He seemed slightly annoyed that i was hiding in the room, but did not tell the other person that he could see me. I then swiftly flew across the room and out the door in the center of the eastern wall. I speeded down the wide white hallway in the center of the building until i came to the open room. The room seemed like a cafeteria, with long wooden tables on either side of the central aisle. The aisle ran east to west, lining up with the hallway. I walked down the center of the room as i entered, looking both north and south at the large number of people who were gathered here. They were all alumni of $G3. I recognized most of them, thinking that they were older alumni. Some of them looked back at me as i started across the room. I turned my attention back to the west and focused on swimming through the air to the west. I was doing a crawl stroke in the air. Somewhere in the western part of the room, i turned to the south, heading out of the room and down another corridor of the house. I had something to do.

I had been scanning the books in the small office, which was part of a larger room. Someone was standing to the west of me as i stood to the east of the desk. The twins had been in the room with me, and i remembered them standing to the east of the desk as well, but someone said that they had left. I remembered them wearing matching green dresses with complicated floral patterns on them. I started flipping through the pages of the book in front of me. I had to scan the plates from the book, but i was unsure how to do it. Something seemed strange. I flipped the large piece of paper around in my hands. It was a fold-out section of the book, and i wondered how i should scan it. I looked at the digital tablet, which i was holding in my left hand. It was about a deci tall and three-quarters of a deck wide. The book was printed on the front of it, and i had to scan the screen of the front of the tablet to copy the image, but i was confused about this. I turned the tablet over onto the scanner to the west of me, but this did not seem right. I did not know if the scanner would read images from an illuminated screen. I pulled the tablet from the small platform to the east and set it down on the desk in front of me. The scanner arm lowered over it like a phonograph needle and started moving back and forth rapidly. The scanner arm was a black tube that curved from the east down to the paper. As it moved back and forth, it got caught on the dull paper of the spiral notebook, starting to turn the pages. This would not work because the scanner was moving the paper as it scanned. I tried adjusting the notebook, but the black arm kept rubbing against the paper and turning the page. I worried that the motion would erase the pencil writing on the paper, so i picked the tablet up and moved it back onto the platform on the western side of the desk. I then repositioned the goose-neck arm of the scanner so that it was over the tablet. It started moving more slowly as it scanned the pages of the book, which seemed to be a digital tablet. I wondered whether the scanner would be able to read from an illuminated screen.

12010 December 12

The person to the east of me swatted at the air, complaining about the hornets. I felt suddenly tense and looked to the east, noticing two or three large yellow jackets hovering around the person’s hand. At first, i thought that they might be honey bees, but, as i looked closer, i noticed that they were really yellow jackets. I then noticed that there was a large yellow jacket on the wall to the east. I seemed to be in the living room of the house at $P12. There was a couch against the eastern wall of the living room, and, above it, was a large plastic wasp. It was mounted to the wall from its back. Its plastic wings seemed to stick out to the sides. The wasp was facing into the room, with its abdomen pointing forward as if to sting someone. I noticed that there was a small hole near the top arm on the right side of the plastic model. A wasp crawled out of the hole and started flying around the room. The plastic yellow jacket must contain a hive. I felt worried and scared of the wasps. I told the others to leave the room so that we did not get stung, since the wasps seemed to be getting agitated and swarming. I looked back at the plastic wasp. It seemed to be hanging strangely from the wall, as though it was mounted onto something that was mounted onto the wall. I could not understand why it was hanging like this. The others ran to the west and then to the east, into the front hallway. I started following them, but then had to lead my grandfather to the southern hall. He was not aware of what was happening. I thought that we would have to head down to the basement to get away from the wasps. I grabbed his right hand and led him to the east, across the southern side of the dining room and toward the front hallway of the house. He seemed feeble and confused, and i was worried about him. We walked past the basement door and into the front hall. I realized that the others were in the front hall and was surprised to find that we would be safe there. I was concerned for my grandfather, and wondered what i should do. I left him at the front of the house and then ran back to the living room. I was still afraid of the yellow jackets. My mother was on the western side of the living room. She seemed frightened, but was unaware of what was happening. She had gone looking for the wasp nest, not aware that they were already swarming. I turned to the west. The large plastic wasp was no longer attached to the wall. It had been knocked down and was now lying at the foot of the couch. I thought that i should run because i knew that the wasps would be swarming once their nest was destroyed, but i did not notice any wasps in the room. They must have left by now. The large plastic wasp was broken; its wings were missing and there seemed to be a chunk of its head missing. I then noticed the cuckoo clock that had been hung on the wall behind it was lying on the ground, partially under the couch, behind the plastic yellow jacket.

12010 December 13

I came back into the locker room from the east, carrying the large blue towel, which was folded in my right hand. A man had entered just before me and walked to the north. He had just sat down on the wooden bench near the eastern wall when i tossed the towel onto his head. He had been looking to the west at one of the other people in the room, so he did not notice me toss the towel. I felt annoyed with him, and i turned back to the south, as if ignoring him. He pulled the towel from his head and became suddenly annoyed. I realized that i had tossed his dirty towel onto him. It had patches of caked mud on it. He had already showered and was now dressed in a nice brown tweed jacket. His curly hair had blond tips, and he seemed to be $A379. As he pulled the towel from his head, i noticed that there was now some mud in his hair. He became very angry, and i realized that i should not have tossed the towel so casually. I did not apologize to him, however. I simply felt sorry for what i had done and continued changing on the southern side of the locker room. I then realized that $A379 was twisting up the clothes that were on the bench. They were my clothes, so i started to feel defensive of him. I grabbed one leg of the blue jeans that he had tied to several other articles of clothing. I tried to get them apart, but he was pulling on them, trying to get the knots tighter. I felt frustrated, but did not say anything to him. I wanted to apologize for what i had done, but the damage seemed to be done. Now i just wanted $A379 to not be mad at me. I tired to get dressed, but i was constantly thinking of what $A379 might do next.

I started talking to the woman to the west of me. $F12 had been in the room with me, but he was leaving to the south. I felt good about chatting with the woman. It seemed like she was interviewing me for a job. I talked about my resume, smiling as the woman smiled back. She then started talking about some of the things that i had put on my resume, and i realized that i had included some things that i had made up. I started to worry that she would realize that i was simply making some of the stuff up, and i wondered what i should do. As i spoke to her, i mentioned that i still had to go back to my resume and check the references on several of the entries. She seemed concerned by this, and i realized that it would not look good for me to have put things on my resume that i had not already researched and confirmed. I tried to explain a little better, making it seem that some of the things on my resume might be strange without letting her think that i had been negligent. I started to feel bad, wishing i had not put the false things on my papers. I wondered what i should do as i started walking to the north.

12010 December 16

I was in the central room of the small house, facing north. The others were in the room with me, to the north of me. There was a man standing on the eastern side of the group, and he was talking to the others. My attention was focused out the large window in the northern wall. The clouds in the sky to the north of the house seemed very dark, and i realized that there was a very strong storm raging outside. I said something to the others, trying to point out the storm to them. They did not seem to be listening. As i watched the dark gray clouds in the sky, i noticed that a shadow seemed to pass over them from the west. I wondered for a moment whether the clouds were really dark, or whether there were darker clouds over the house that were simply casting dark shadows on the clouds that were out the window. I focused on the clouds, noticing that some of the lower clouds were actually very dark. All of the clouds were moving very fast to the east. I felt very concerned, and told the others that a very serious storm was outside. The man, who had been talking, looked to the east. I then noticed that there was bright blue sky outside the window. The storm had passed very quickly. I turned to the east, finding myself outside the house now. The man was standing to the east of me, watching the sky. The dark clouds were speeding away to the east. Smaller black clouds followed them, as if trying to catch up with the rest of the clouds. The clouds were moving at the speed of jet aircraft, leaving behind bright blue sky. I looked overhead and to the west, seeing nothing but blue sky. There was something very special about the storm, and i felt a little concerned about it. I was also relieved that the storm had ended. I then started to turn back to the house when i noticed large white clouds across the northern horizon. The clouds to the north looked like fireworks, with long thin strands fanning out from several spots. I felt suddenly worried, realizing that these clouds were another approaching storm. The clouds looked like exploding debris, and i pictured the individual wisps of clouds as long streams of water that were pouring to the south, splashing in tiny droplets. I felt suddenly afraid and turned to the west to run for the house. The clouds looked almost still, but i imagined that they were waves of pouring water. They were moving in slow motion. As i headed for the eastern door of the house, i saw the water droplets moving across my vision in slow motion. I then realized that i was also moving in slow motion. Time had slowed in front of the approaching storm.

I was in the large central room of the building. The room was longer east to west and seemed to be a public dining room. The room seemed to stretch across three separate structures of the building. The central hall had a very tall ceiling, which seemed to have windows on the northern and southern sides. The roof seemed peaked, with beams running across the open space to brace the walls. There were columns under the walls, but the lower parts of the northern and southern walls were open to smaller sections of the building, which had lower ceilings. The floor of the room was covered with brightly polished wood. There seemed to be several wooden tables in the room, but most of the floor was open. The room was filled with people, who seemed to be from my high school. I turned to the north as several people were moving one of the tables out of the way. They grabbed a wooden table from the western side of the room and slid it against the northern wall. I commented on the table as they moved it, saying that we should keep it here to make roof for dancing on the floor.

12010 December 17

I turned to the west, walking along the southern wall of the small room in the center of the second floor of the house. This seemed to be the middle room of my parents’ house. The wallpaper on the worn southern wall was dull yellow, and there were small brown objects in a pattern across it. I had something in my hand, which seemed like a military dog tag. As i passed by the southern wall of the room, the metal tag at the end of the chain lifted and tugged me toward the wall. I was surprised by this, and felt suddenly concerned. There was something magnetic in the wall. I seemed to remember this happening long ago, and i worried that there was an electrical problem in the wall. I pictured thick black wires running down the outside of the house on the other side of the wall. The old wood siding on the outside of the house was yellow, and the wires ran from the roof down to the ground in an inside corner of the building. There was something wrong with the wiring. I moved to the west, holding the metal tags up. The tags seemed to be made of aluminium, but they were pulled toward the wall. We had to do something about this. I told my father that there was something wrong. He moved to the center of the room. I headed east, sitting down on the eastern side of the small round table. There was a small object, which seemed to be a transformer on the table. It had several wires coming off of it, and i started to look it over. It needed to be rewired so that it would not create a magnetic field. I moved around the area. I tried to concentrate on the problem, but i just kept worrying about it. I then looked over my left shoulder, to the east. My grandfather was standing to the southeast of me, holding the small transformer. He was playing with the red and yellow wires. I felt upset by this, but remembered that he was an electrician and could probably fix the problem. I hoped that it got fixed soon. I walked to the west, talking to my father about the problem. The others did not seem to know what the problem was, so i walked near the wall and let go of the small crescent wrench. The wrench flew to the wall and landed with a clank. There was a gasp from the people to the west. They had not expected the magnetic force to be so great.

12010 December 18

I carried the small stack of books to the north, up the eastern sidewalk of the street, which seemed like the street at the end of $P183. It seemed like a sunny day, and i was delivering the books to the school to the north. I was not quite sure where the private school was, though. It seemed like it would be on the eastern side of the road to the north of me, but i was not sure. I imagined a set of plain stone buildings on a small grassy campus. I turned to the east and walked into the large building, which seemed like the hospital. I still had the books with me, and i asked the people there were the college was. They said that it was up the road to the north. I seemed to be in the living room of a small house, and the people around me were familiar. One of the people to the north seemed to be $A42. A young man to the west of me, who was sitting down and leaning back in the chair to the south, told me again where the school was, saying that it was only a fifteen minute drive from here. I had not walked that far, and the distance seemed too long now. I thought about the dirt road that the house was on. The road ran a long distance to the west before it met up with the main road. I had not walked the dirt road, but i would have to return to the main road. I told the person that i would be driving on the dirt road, as i had done to get here. I moved around the room in the center of the building, which actually seemed like a central hallway in $P7. I wandered a little to the east, noticing that the hall on the eastern side of the building was different than i had remembered. This place had changed a lot. This building seemed like the building i had turned into on the eastern side of the main road. I turned to the south and headed up a short set of stairs that let to a southern hallway. There were some young students descending the stairs. I grabbed the wooden railing on the western side of the stairs with my right hand and pulled myself up as i climbed the steps two at a time. I was back here taking classes, but i felt older. I was no longer a part of the young people that were walking through the halls, and i felt out of place. I wondered why i was here. I did not know how to explain why i would be back here taking classes. I felt confused. I stopped in the hallway and asked some of the young men, who were wearing dark sweaters with uniform shirts underneath, where the college was. I mentioned that i was delivering books to the school. I knew that it was still to the north of me on the main road, but i wanted to confirm that. One of the young men said that the college was to the north. He then described the building on the eastern side of the street. He said that the emergency room for the hospital was on the eastern side of the road, with Rockefeller Hall to the west. I knew that the large square white building was on the western side of the street, just a little to the north of the hospital, but i had not known that it was called Rockefeller Hall. I pictured the grassy lawns of the community buildings on both sides of the street. The college was to the north of the hospital. I was in the western room of the large building now. The room seemed like a gymnasium, with a wooden floor and matching walls. $F4 was sitting on the eastern side of a small round table to the east of me, and he motioned me to sit on the western side. I moved to the east to sit at the table. He had come out of the meeting to the northeast, and he wanted to talk to me about something special. I felt uneasy here, not sure what was going on. There was a woman to the south of me. I walked with her about the meeting for a moment as she moved toward the table. $F4 said that he had an idea for a new class. I listened to him as he tried to explain it. He said that it would be a class teaching women something. He had mentioned the thing, but i did not hear what he had said. I felt a little uncomfortable with the conversation, wondering if the woman might find a class specifically teaching women something offensive. It seemed strange that $F4 would mention a class teaching only women something. I glanced at the woman, noticing that she had something white in her lap, which seemed to be an origami bird or dog. I did not understand the conversation. The woman repeated what $F4 had said, but i still did not catch the word. I asked $F4 what he had said, and he repeated the statement, but his voice was still too quiet for me to hear the words clearly. I did not understand the conversation. There was then another man to the east of me. I told him of the emergency room and Rockefeller Hall. I said that i had known the area and the buildings, but i had not known that the building on the western side of the road was called Rockefeller Hall.

12010 December 20

I was standing to the north of myself, watching myself move on the carnival ride. I could feel the change in momentum as the ride spun around. I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the motion. I was riding a Scrambler, and pictured the arms moving through each other. At some points, the motion seemed more intense, and i liked the feeling of turning. The area seemed unclear, and everything seemed brown and sepia. I stood to the south of the ride now, talking to the other person about it. The woman from the south then put her hands on my shoulders and guided me into the seat of the Tea Cup ride. The seat had a high domed back, but it did not seem to be part of any ride. I thought that i would be taking a ride on the Tea Cup. I knew that you could control the spinning by turning the wheel in the center of the seats. The woman started pushing the chair from behind, though, and we moved to the north until we were just to the north of the Scrambler. The woman then turned the chair to the east and started pushing me along the asphalt sidewalk that ran along the northern end of the amusement park. She accelerated suddenly, pushing me up the side of the empty grandstand. We ran up the seats, tipping to the south as if speeding up a slanted curve. As we slowed, we shifted to the south, ending up on the flat asphalt pavement again. The movement felt exciting, and i was amused. The woman then started pushing me again. We speeded to the east, and the cart started to lift into the air. We passed over the dark-green trees on the eastern side of the area, turning slightly to the south. I was thinking about this for a moment. I then headed back to the east, thinking that i had been gone for a while. I was arriving home late, and i knew that my mother would be upset. I did not care, and would tell her that i was enjoying myself.

I thought about the fact that i had been somewhere when i was supposed to be home. I would be coming back late, but i did not care. I started moving to the south with the other people. There were two other men with me, and one of them seemed to be $F49. The road to the south ran through a shopping district, with storefronts at the bottom of taller buildings. The area seemed like $P30. I remembered flying over the area before, and i started to fly again. One of the men to the west of me motioned to the south with his hand, and a jet of flame reached out down the road. We would be traveling on wizards’ fire. I started to fly, thinking that my wizards’ fire was more like a silver liquid floating through the air. I concentrated on floating on it as we drifted to the south. I opened my arms and pretended to glide down the street. There was a large green dumpster on the western side of the road, just to the south of us. My silver stream of fire floated under me as i landed on the top of the dumpster, which was actually a van. The others landed with me. I remembered flying down this street before. We had flown to the south, to where the double-lane cross street was. When we came back the last time, we had been late. We would be late again this time, because we were repeating the same event. I would have to explain to my mother why i could do nothing about being late. The van then started moving under us. It backed away from the curb to the west and turned south. The other two jumped off of the back of the van, but i remembered riding to the south on the van before. It was a quicker way to travel. The van started moving to the south, and i wondered if i should get off with the others. It seemed dangerous to ride on the back of the van. There was a white fin curving from the roof of the van to the west. I grabbed onto the back section of the fin, which curved upward at the end. The van started moving fast. I knew that the others would be coming, and i felt impatient knowing that i would have to wait for them at the large intersection with the double-lane road, which seemed like $P113. I was then at the intersection, as i had been the last time i was in this scene. I would have to wait here for the others. I looked to the south at the traffic lights that were suspended by a wire over the intersection.

12010 December 21

I was following the road to the south. There seemed to be a hill to the west and southwest of me and an open field to the east. The land was grassy, but there were trees on the slope of the hill. There was a flat section of the land between the paved road and the mountain, but, just to the south of me, the slope of the hill became very steep and ran up against the road. I heard the sound of a train coming as i moved quickly down the road, and i looked to the west to see where it was coming from. I was just about to cross a pair of tracks. To the west of the road, the green grass was taller, and the trees were growing at the northern slope of the hill. I noticed a corridor running to the west, along the bottom of the steep slope of the hill. It was shaded by trees, and tall weeds, but i could see the opening where the train would come. As i crossed over the tracks, i looked down the dark path, but i could not see the train coming on the tracks. I continued to the south, where the hill bordered the road closely. The train must be about to pass behind me. I looked to the east, noticing that there were railroad tracks running parallel to the road, very close to the road, just on the other side of the metal guardrail. These tracks could not be the same as the ones that i had just crossed because that would have been too tight a corner for the train to make. I looked out across the golden-tan grass of the field to see a train speeding to the south on another set of tracks, about fifty meters away. There were people walking along the sides of the tracks, unaffected by the train. I looked ahead of me as the road started to go up a steep incline. I could see where the tracks from the field turned back toward the road and merged with the tracks that ran close to the road. The hill just ahead of me was very steep, and there was a set of metal stairs running up the center of it. Train tracks ran on either side of the stairs, and i knew that these were the two sets of tracks that i had been seeing. I started climbing the stairs, thinking that the train would pass very close to me as it came up the hill. I worried that i might be too close to the train, but i continued up the stairs. Near the top of the stairs, i noticed that the two sets of train tracks merged just past the metal platform at the top of the stairs. As i reached the top, i was about to continue on when i realized that i would be crossing the tracks. I knew that the train was very close to me, so i stopped. The train passed swiftly on my left, turning suddenly to the west on the sudden jog in the track. The train was then gone down the road, and i continued on. I felt upset and thought that someone was after me. I had discovered something, and there were people after me. I walked into the eastern end of the office, heading west. The senator knew that i had discovered his secret, and he wanted me silenced. I was afraid that there was someone trying to kill me. I walked down the central aisle of the office. This place was familiar, and i knew the people that worked here. They seemed like people from $G6. I did not know whom i could trust. There was a secretary sitting behind a thin white lectern at the western end of the central aisle of the open office. People were working at desks on both sides of the aisles, apparently typing at typewriters. I walked up to the secretary, wanting to ask her something but hesitating. She was the secretary for the big man upstairs. I had asked for his help on something before. He seemed like a very powerful man, and i knew that he could help defend me from the senator who was trying to capture me. He had helped save me from a similar situation before, but i was afraid to ask for his help again. He had saved me from a bad man, but i was unsure whether he would do it again. I thought about this as i walked back to the east, down the southern aisle of the office. The eastern end of the room had two large square rooms in the center of it. They were on the northern and southern sides of the central aisle, and they left enough space for to the north and south for aisles to run along the outside walls. The outside walls of the rooms were covered with orange material, and seemed to be covered with papers and whiteboards. As i walked to the south of the southern room, i noticed that the northern wall of the corridor had a counter along it that was covered with computers. People sat at the machines, working. One of them turned around and nodded at me as i passed. The man to the east seemed like $A382. I passed down the corridor and came to the small eastern end of the room, where i started heading north, toward the exit door. The woman in the room showed me the tapes. I had been looking at them, thinking that they were something important. They had something to do with convicting the senator. The woman revealed them to be fakes, and i felt suddenly betrayed. She said that she would take the reels of tapes, and that i would have no evidence. She said that the other things that i had were fake. They had tricked me. I felt angry with them, knowing that they were trying to trap me, so i said that i had kept the actual evidence. I knew that this was not true, but i threw the tapes and the small black box to the east, out the door of the small house. I would not hand it over to the woman. She was shocked by the action and started toward the door. I ran out, thinking that the evidence was now free from them. I felt nervous and had to get away, so i ran from the porch, which was on the eastern side of the building, and started running west. I was carrying a bottle and something else in my hands. These were important pieces of evidence, and i could not let the senator get them. I ran down the street and turned to the north, heading up the business district of the small city. I had to get out of sight from the people chasing me so that they could not follow me. The streets were lined with green leafy trees, and the buildings on either side seemed to be houses, though some of them were large enough to be brick apartments. I had to hide. At the northern end of the street, i turned to the west. I still had the backpack with me, and i put it over my shoulders. I ran to the west, across the northern side of the block. This place was familiar to me, and it seemed like $P3. I was then running through a pine forest, following a well-worn trail. The trees seemed regularly planted to the south of me, and there seemed to be some kind of border to the area just to the north. I remembered that the school building was to the southwest of where i was. I would be running across the northern part of it. The ground was covered with new snow, and i was jogging, afraid that i would be caught. I had to get to the west, away from the others. I started to pass people on the path. They were coming from the high-school area. The event must have just ended, and they were leaving. I then noticed that some were actually heading toward the event. As i passed the northern end of the high school, which seemed to be a long flat-topped building to the south with dull-yellow paint on the thick edging of the roof, i noticed a trail running to the north. The path was paved and ran through the tall chain-link fence on the northern side of the area. People were walking through the fence and turning to the west. I was floating now, and passed over several of the people. Just past the school, a lawn stretched to the south of the path. It too was covered with snow, and there seemed to be a playground on the southwestern corner of it. I followed the crowds to the west, through the trees at the edge of the field. As we came to the other side of the clearing, i noticed a large open area to the southwest of us. There was another low building to the northwest, which seemed to be part of the school. The area to the southwest was paved, and there was a platform on the northern side of it. The crowd gathered to the south of the platform, watching the band play. There was a short chain-link fence along the western side of the area, and i floated over the top of it to continue west. One of the people walking near me had stopped at the gate so that the man could check for tickets. There was a festival concert happening in the area, which is why all of the people were coming here. The man started running parallel with me, to the south of me. He seemed to be $A571. I explained to him that i was just passing through the area and was not here to see the bands. I looked at the bandstand to the south of me as i passed between it and the cement utility building to the north. On the western side of the area was another chain-link fence, but this one was taller than i was. I tried to fly higher, but seemed unable to get enough elevation to get over the fence. Something felt wrong. I was then aware of the tall thin man in front of me. He seemed to be $A571. The first man had said something to him, so he tried to help me jump over the fence. He offered to help by cupping his hands down near his legs. He wanted me to step into his hands so that he could toss me. This seemed strange, and i did not want to be thrown. I should be able to fly. I felt indignant, but i realized that i was not able to fly the way i wanted to, so i put my foot in his hands. He threw me upward, but i did not get high enough to make it over the fence. Instead, i landed on the flat roof of the utility building, which was to the west of me. I felt annoyed and had to keep moving, so i ran along the roof and jumped over the top of the fence from there. I floated down to the pavement of a large parking lot and started running again to the west. I realized that something was wrong, though. I could not fly like i had hoped. I felt disappointed by this and tried to fly again. I floated off of the ground, but could not get as high as i thought i should. There were two trucks parked in the center of the parking lot, which seemed to have only a few cars scattered around it. I was to the east of the cars as i tried to fly again, but could barely make it above the roofs of the SUVs. I felt upset by this. I strained but was very disappointed that i could not get too high.

I pulled my car into the small square parking lot on the eastern side of $P2, just across from the house where i used to live. The lot was covered with old asphalt, which was now dull gray and worn to almost gravel. As i started walking through the gates at the western entrance to the lot, i noticed two cars stopping on the road to the southwest of me. They seemed like cars from the seventies. Something seemed wrong, so i stopped just outside the gate, on the eastern sidewalk of the street. I looked to the northwest, noticing a dark car stopped in the center of the street. A dark-skinned man in a black leather jacket had stepped out of the car. He pointed a gun down the street toward the other two cars. I realized that this was some kind of gang shooting, so i ran back through the wooden gates of the parking lot, closing them behind me. The lot seemed to be surrounded by a tall wooden plank fence now, and the arched gates of the fence had two swinging doors. The wood of the fence seemed to have been painted at some point, but was now dull gray wood. My car was parked facing west, and the parking lot now seemed like a narrow street. I could not back my car up because there were other cars parked behind mine. I was trapped, so i started running to the west, hoping that the gunmen did not try to shoot at me. Two men were standing near the cars to the east of mine. They were both dark-skinned, and i was afraid that they were part of the gang that was on the street. I ran past them, but i heard one of the men from the street saying that i should stop. I knew that he was pointing a gun at my back, and i hoped that he did not shoot. There was a small white church to the east of the lot. I was running along the northern side of it. I thought that i could turn to the south on the eastern side of the church to get out of range of the gunmen. I then thought that i could hide in the church, but decided that it would not be a good place to hide. The gunmen could easily come inside. I imagined that i would run across the street in front of the church, to the east. There was a small lawn there, with autumn leaves scattered on it. A row of trees ran parallel to the eastern side of the lawn, and there seemed to be a forest to the east. The forest was leafless, with orange and tan fall colors. I imagined that i could run down the trail on the southern end of the eastern side of the lawn. The trail would run into the woods, where i could hide. I turned around to face west. I was on the eastern side of the long room, and the armchairs were lined up to the east of me, as the cars in the lot had been. The gang members were walking along the sides of the chairs, inspecting the people there. They were still looking for me. I had a screwdriver in my hand, and i worried that the gang member would see it. He would know that i was the one. I felt uncomfortable. I hid the screwdriver in the desk in front of me, but realized that i still had the small wooden-handled hammer in my hand. They would know that it was i. As the man approached, i started to feel scared, but then i thought that i was actually out of time with him. There was some strange paradox here where i was not in the same time reality as the man. I could see the large digital numbers on the western brick wall of the kitchen, at the western end of the row of chairs. The man would threaten me, but he could not harm me because i could simply fade into the other timeline of this place.

12010 December 22

I followed some of the other runners as i ran the race. IT seemed strange for me to be here, and i was a little uncertain about my ability. I knew that there would be swimming involved as i approached the river. $F57 was explaining how to swim the course to the person ahead of me as i approached them. They were to the southwest of me, and $F57 was pointing to the southwest, talking about a specific spot on the shore ahead. He said that there was something to avoid, and i seemed to know about it. I saw the sandy bank no the northwestern shore of the river. It did not seem as far away as i had thought it was. I was worried about swimming so far. I moved to the southwest, looking at the muddy water of the winding river. The sun seemed to be reflecting off of the water from the southwest. I moved across the land, heading north now. I seemed to be coming back from the first part of the run. I would have to make the long swim soon, and i felt a little nervous about it. The shore was to the north of us, and the body of water seemed like a large lake or an ocean. The water seemed calm, and i was following a woman as i jogged across the dirt ground to the north-northeast, toward the shore. The land sloped down to the north of us. I would have to swim to the island, which seemed like Hawaii. I felt that the swim was too far, but i knew that i would not be swimming to Hawaii. I had not been swimming lately, and i was a little worried that i might get too tired on the swim. As i reached the shore, the woman was in the water, swimming to the west. As i got into the water, i wondered if i should be wearing a life vest for the long swim. I then realized that it might get in the way. I started to swim, thinking that the distance was not that long after all. I focused on my crawl stroke. Something seemed awkward in the movement. The stroke felt smooth, but i did not seem to have my head in the water as i turned breathed. I kept moving my arms over my head, but the swim stroke did not feel right.

12010 December 23

I was walking to the west, down the urban road. I seemed to be approaching the town of $P5 from the east. The land here was familiar, and i seemed to recognize the green forests and short grass of the hill i was starting to ascend. There were a few houses on the sides of the road around me. I looked at the large yellow house to the south. I then noticed that the shoulder of the road ahead of me had water running over it. The road rose to the west of me, curving slightly to the northwest before disappearing through the trees ahead. There was a house on the northern side of the curve. There seemed to be a stream running under the road, traveling on the eastern side of both the yellow house to the south and the dull-dark-blue house to the north. I looked down at the stream, which cascaded down from the road on the northern side, falling over small rocks and through a patch of small white flowers. The water pooled on the ground to the north of the road, which was about a meter or so below the level of the road. It seemed swampy, and i knew that i could not walk through the area. I looked up at the road, realizing that there were no sidewalks here, so there was no place for me to walk. The land on the other side of the elevated road also had water on it, so i would not be able to cross the street and continue on the others side. I was annoyed, but i turned to the north and walked into the eastern side of the dark-blue house. I remembered that this house had belonged to $A503. I crossed the basement of the house, hoping that the people living here did not mind. The basement seemed broken into small rooms, and there seemed to be a laundry room to the north of me. I crossed the basement to the east and tried to leave through the door on the other side, but the door was locked and would not open. I started to feel nervous and decided that i had to get out of the house before anyone caught me. As i backed into the center of the basement, though, i saw a young man to the north. He was standing between the white linoleum counters, which had wooden two-by-fours as a frame of shelfs below, and seemed to be doing something with the laundry. He seemed surprised to see me, so i tried to make him feel relaxed. I held up my hands, saying that i was just trying to get out of the basement. I asked him if there were any other doors heading out, and he said no. I felt annoyed and turned to the south. There were others in the house and i hoped that i was not intruding. The large family stood to the north, looking at me with apprehension. The father stood behind the children, who clung to each other as they stared nervously at me. I tried to let them know that i was just trying to leave the house and continue to the east. I walked past the family and headed across the small yard to the north of the house. I thought that i should tell the family about $A503’s family, who used to live in this house. I knew them a long time ago. I could tell them that they lived in this house until the husband and wife were divorced. I headed to the south, starting up the ramp that was the northern room of the house. As i stepped onto the sloped wooden floor, i noticed a small set of windows on the northern edge. The floor had long boards of slightly different shades running north to south. The floor sloped up slightly to the south as it headed into the kitchen, but there was a small meter wide area that was raised on the northern end by about half a meter. There were two meshed windows in the white rectangular wall under the northern end of the raised area, and the floor above the raised area sloped back down to meet the rising kitchen floor to the south. I had noticed the windows as i was stepping over them, but i backed up to look at them again. They were very familiar. They seemed like windows on a boat, but i knew that i had seen these windows before. I suddenly felt that i had seen these windows in a dream before. There was something memorable about them, and i knew that it must have been some dream from long ago, but i could not remember which one. I finally continued to the south, into the kitchen. There was a peninsula counter extending from the eastern wall just to the southeast of me, and i walked past the western end of it as i headed into the house. The walls and shelfs in the kitchen seemed to be made of the same cherry-like wood as the floor. I passed through the narrow door in the southern wall and headed down the short hall before turning to the east again. There was a dark crowded hallway to the east that seemed to lead to an outside door. As i turned down it, thought, i ran into a man who was heading into the house. I said hello. He greeted me in a rough voice. He was wearing a white T-shirt and seemed a little dirty. He had bushy black hair and an old rough face. He brushed past me into the house and headed to the north. I stepped into the entryway behind him, which was separated from the house by a rounded archway. The top of the wooden exit door had a similar arc at the top of it, and there seemed to be jackets hanging from hooks on the southern wall of the entryway. I pulled open the door, which swung from the north, but it would not open all the way. There was something about the hallway that obstructed its motion, so i had to squeeze through the narrow space between the door and the frame. I wondered suddenly how the man had come in so easily. I found myself outside the house in an alley. There was a narrow wooden gate to the north that led to the back yard of the house. I had gone through the house so that i would not have to make my way through the things in the alley on the other side of the gate. I turned to the south and walked toward the street. I then continued down the sidewalk on the northern side of the road, heading west. The area around me was suburban. I was now in the town of $P5. Two dogs started barking at me from a lawn to the north. The lawn seemed to be on a corner of the main road and one of the side streets. I was riding by bicycle, trying to avoid the dogs, but their chains let them run out to the sidewalk. I tried to avoid the larger dog, which was a white terrier with black spots, but it seemed to be in front of me. I lifted the tire of the bicycle, as if to run over the dog. The smaller tan dog was somewhere else on the lawn and did not pursue me as far. I finally reached the corner, and the dogs had disappeared. I looked around the suburban area. The lawns seemed treeless, and the grass seemed dull, as if it had not yet grown back for the spring. It was bright an sunny, and all of the houses in the area seemed small and single level. I looked down the road to the south. The east-to-west road seemed to end at the intersection where i was. The north-to-south road ran about a block to the south before ending on another road at what seemed to be a school. I then noticed that there were two other roads leaving the intersection to the southeast. They curved down the slope of the hill, heading first toward the east and then turning to the southeast. I tried to describe the roads to the others who were with me, saying which road was which. I knew that the lower road to the southeast ran along the lakeshore. The lake seemed to be to the southeast of us, at a lower elevation. I also noticed the road running up the hill to the northeast. We started moving up the road to the northeast, and he woman with me pointed out that it was Hoit Road. I corrected her, saying that it was State Street, but then i remembered that the road to the south was State Street, and that it changed names as it passed through the intersection. I told her that the road we were on was Hoit Road. We followed it up the hill as it curved a little to the north, through the low houses of the suburban neighborhood.

12010 December 25

I had come from the room to the northeast, and was now heading down the long hallway of the community house, heading east. Something was wrong, and i felt that the people were coming after us. The bad people had taken over, and they were invading the house from the west. The others would be obedient, but they did not know that i was staying here. I was not yet under their control, and i wanted to hide from the soldiers. I looked to the west as some of the creatures came in the door at the other end of the long narrow room. The large robotic tyrannosaur led the way. It was mostly red, but had silver seams and ridges around its mechanical body. Behind it marched the humanoid troops. They were dressed in black suits with red stripes down the side and matching helmets. I was surprised that the extraterrestrials looked so human. I then wondered whether humans had been helping these creatures take over. I had to run back to the room to the northeast. There was a door in the northern wall there that led into a closet. I had been hiding in the closet so that the troops could not find me. I then realized that the troops might check the closet, since it had an obvious door. I would have to find some place else to hide. The others in the long corridor seemed like refugees. They were ragged and did not quite seem to know what they were doing. Some children in loose tan overcoats were doing something on the southern side of the hallway to the east of me. I thought that i could hide behind the wall to the south. There was a space there, and the doorway was not obvious. I stood to the south of the wall now, which seemed to be open just to the east of me. The child was still standing in the opening. I could hide here when the troops came so that they would not find me. I felt nervous about them, thinking that they would recognize who i was and take me because i would not simply obey them like the others in this shelter.

I walked to the south, toward the large building, which seemed to be an old inn or public house. I was hiding from the officials in this place. They wanted to capture me, and i had to be careful of them. The plants around me, on the sides of the street, seemed tropical, and the rolling land seemed to be covered with low flat-roofed buildings. I felt uncomfortable heading back to this small hotel. I had been staying here, but i suspected that the people might know that i was here. I felt worried and glanced around as i approached the building. There seemed to be someone in the back hall of the building, to the south. I thought that they were watching me, so i had to be careful. I wandered away from the building, heading to the southeast. This place seemed to be Hawaii. As i walked to the west, along the street that ran over the hill, through the neighborhood, i was aware of someone following me. I wondered if they were actually spying on me on whether the man was just someone else walking on the street. I started to feel scared, thinking that they had tracked me down. The land was higher to the south of me, and lower to the north, where there seemed to be an ocean shore. The dry hill to the south rose slowly from the road, but the land to the north of the road dropped off steeply to the wide costal plane below. I wondered what i should do. I was then heading to the southeast again, along the road with the coast to the south of me. The hill rose steeply to the east, and the road i was on was the bottom part of a set of switchbacks that ran up the side of the hill. The officials knew i was here, and they were following me. I tried not to act suspicious, thinking that they were still unsure that i was one of the people they were trying to capture. The sound of helicopters came from the south, and i glanced up to see two green military helicopters flying parallel to the road. They passed me, and the first one started up the switchback. The man had told them where i was walking, but they were not sure what i looked like. I tried not to act scared so that they could still be unsure whether i was the one that they were looking for. The second helicopter was hovering to the south of me, near the top of a bushy palm tree. I looked up at it, wondering what i should do.

I walked down the hallway to the southeast. I seemed to be late for class, but i did not feel upset about it. $A87 was standing in the doorway to one of the classrooms on the southwestern side of the hallway. I handed him the stack of papers, feeling confident that i had tricked him. He wanted to be angry with me, but i acted casual, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. He took the stack of papers and started looking through it, realizing that he must have been wrong about me. I felt glad that i had bested him, and i continued to the west, down the corridor. I was not outside, on the northern side of a street in the middle of the academic campus. There were modern buildings to the south of me, with a tall glass and metal tower in the center. The tower was square, with ten on twelve floors, and the outside seemed to be covered in bluish glass windows. $A87 was down the street to the east of us, and the other two students with me were sitting on the green grass lawn to the north of the black road. The woman was sitting on the grass just to the southeast of me, and the man was a little farther to the east. The sun was high in the southeastern sky, and i could see its reflection in the silvery-gray building on the southern side of the quadrangle that was on the southern side of the road. There was something strange about the reflection, though. I could see the full disk of the sun, but it had a small bright spot on the upper-right rim, and the edges of the disk seemed brighter. It looked as if i was seeing the moon during an eclipse. I glanced at the sun, seeing the full bright disk in the sky. I reflection still looked like an eclipsed sun, though, and i wondered how this could be so. If the sun was shining in the sky, then there should not be anything blocking it in the reflection. I looked back at the bright yellow disk in the sky, noticing that there was something on the lower-right rim. The object was something on the far side of the sun. It then moved to the right, as if rotating around the glowing orb and coming into sight. At first, it looked like an old space capsule, but, as it turned to face me, i realized that it was an optical lens, like the upper portion of a microscope. I was surprised to see this and pointed it out to the others. There was something special happening here. I was amused to see these things. I looked at the orb of the sun again, watching the tan and black eyepiece of the microscope rotate around the object again, turning from south to northwest. I looked back to the reflection in the large building on the southern side of the quadrangle. To my surprise, a man stepped out of the side of the large central building. I knew that he was a regular man, but he seemed as tall as the ten-story building. I then realized that he was Barak Obama. He was wearing a dull-blue suit, and he turned to me and smiled. This was all part of the illusion, and i told the others that these illusions were being generated in some special way.

12010 December 26

I had been heading to the west, across the grassy field. There were large canvas tents on both sides of the aisle that i was traveling down. I turned my car to the north, heading through one of the tents. There were wooden poles with green tape running from pole to pole, marking off separate areas of the tent. There did not seem to be anything in the areas, but i thought that they marked where the tables for the flea market would go. I knew that i should not cross through the green lines, but i drove my car through them, knocking over some of the poles. I was aware of two older men to the southwest of me and wondered if they would come after me. I continued through the tent until i came out on the filed to the north. A green forest lined the western side of the open field. The land sloped down gradually to the north, and i drove my car over the grass toward the road at the bottom of the hill. I then noticed a large faded blue tractor sitting to the northeast of me, at the bottom of a deep erosion channel, which ran north to south. The dirt ground seems to have been flooded with a large amount of water, and the old beat-up tractor had fallen in. It was standing on its tires, but i still thought that it had fallen into the ditch. I would not be able to cross the field that way, so i turned to the east, heading toward the upward slope to the road to the east. I noticed similar erosion channels on the northern side of the field, running from the road to the bottom of the hill. They were steep near the road and faded to nothing at the bottom of the hill. I wondered how i would drive to the top of the hill to the east. My way seemed blocked by the erosion. The people around me were then talking about the Eiffel Tower and the problem it was having with the erosion. Someone mentioned that the tower did not have a true foundation, so the erosion was eating away at the area under the feet. I thought that it would fall over because of the worn soil. I glanced to the west and looked down. I could see the Eiffel Tower below me. I seemed to be looking through the tinted windows of a very tall tower of my hotel. Because the windows bent toward me at the bottom, to give a better view of the vertical drop of the building, i could not see the tower clearly through them. Someone was talking about it falling over, and i wanted to see it. I moved a little to the west, stepping across the cement platform. The land to the south of me seemed to be thirty or fourty meters below where i was standing. The cement block seemed to be a huge cubical structure on the side of the hill, and it was one the southeastern footing platform for the Eiffel Tower. I walked across the edge of the hill, looking out across the flat valley below. I eventually ended up on the southwestern footing block, talking to the others about the erosion of the soil. I told them that the tower had no foundation, which i was simply repeating from an earlier conversation. I realized, though, that the large cement block under us must be some kind of foundation. I wondered if the block simply did not have anything under it. I turned to the north and was standing on the northern edge of the northeastern footing stone, looking off the steep ridge at the flat field below. I tried to point out to the man, whom i was talking with, where the erosion had occurred so that he would understand the problem. I showed him the filed, but could not see the obvious channels that i had seen before. There were wrinkled tan lines running across the green grass of the field. They looked like old riverbeds, and i pointed them out as part of the erosion, but they were not as distinctive as i had hoped. There were other marks in the field as well: there were some darker green flower-shaped patterns to the northwest of the tan line, which ran roughly north-northwest to south-southeast, and there were some brown patterns which seemed to be crops in farming fields. I noticed a tractor and some old men standing in the field to the northwest as well. The man did not understand what i was referring to when i talked about the erosion. I had pointed out the tan lines, but he did not see them. I wanted to find the deeper channels i had seen earlier, but i could not see them now. I tried to explain that the dirt was being taken out from under the footer stones of the tower. The others were now to the east of me as we stood on the cement block at the northeastern side of the tower. I was still looking down the steep hill to the north to try to find the water spots, but i could not see them. I was then traveling to the west, down the highway, which seemed to be on the northern side of the tower. The road ran under the tower, just to the south of the northern feet. Looking up, i could see a series of parallel cables. They ran from somewhere to the south to the main lower beam of the tower. The beam was painted light-green, as were the cables. As we passed under the tower, i saw the cables jerk and break away from the beam. The tower was falling, and i started to worry about it. We continued down the highway, passing out from under the tower before it collapsed. It seemed to be just after sunset, and the sky was turning a dark purple. The dull-orange lights of the city spotted the black ground to the south of us, just under the orangish-yellow glow from the set sun. I tried to look back to the east to see the tall hotel tower that i had been in before. It looked down on the Eiffel Tower, so i should be able to see it standing next to the tower. I could not see its silhouette in the scene, however, nor could i see the Eiffel Tower. I turned my attention back to the west. The elevated highway started through a corridor, with walls on both sides. The walls were decorated with lighted billboards, and there seemed to be a ceiling after about twenty or thirty meters. There were then doors in the walls, and the man driving the car said that we should stop to eat. The doors seemed to be small shops and restaurants. As we slowed, the corridor spilt into a Y, as if we were getting off of a highway exit. We shifted to the southern lane when i noticed the brightly lighted sign advertising ice cream. We drove a little past the sign and turned to the south, heading through a narrow corridor connecting two roads. The walls of the corridor seemed to be black in the poor light. I tried looking down to see the Eiffel Tower below me again, but i could only see the large square feet of the tower to the southeast. I then realized that both of the southern feet were visible under me and that i was standing i at the top of the Eiffel Tower. I looked to the north, at the other person in the small room with me. The tower was tipping a little to the west, and i was nervous about being in it as it fell. The man talked about the tower, and i warned him about the tipping. I said that i was concerned that the feet were breaking free of the soil and would cause the tower to fall over. I pictured the bulbous black room at the top of the narrow tower flopping over to the west, and i wondered if we would survive the fall. The man moved to the south of me as another person fell to the floor of the oscillating tower. There was a low bench extending from the southern wall. It was made of black plastic and seemed to have black straps on it. I noticed the long narrow doors in the floor under me, which ran north to south. They were double doors and seemed to be escape hatches. The man was trying to strap himself down in the chair to the south, and i thought that he would be using the escape hatches to get out of the crumbling tower. I stood on the northern end of the eastern most door, thinking that i should strap myself down as well. The building would be tipping soon and we had to be safe. I then realized that we were already falling, which was why i was having trouble getting to the ground. There was not enough gravity to move me. I wanted to strap myself in over the door, but then i worried that the door might open and i would fall through. There was something strange about this arrangement. I was then aware of other people in the small capsule with us. A man was sitting against the eastern wall, strapped into one of the gray plastic seats that circled the room. He had his mouth open and seemed surprised and confused by what we were doing. There were more people in seats against the western wall. I was still standing over the long doors, which i decided was not a good idea. I then noticed the building rushing past us through the windows in the upper part of the southern wall. The capsule that we were in seemed to have thick beams and a solid construction, and the thick glass windows were small, but i could see that we were falling past the gray building. The view then turned, and i could see a spiral tube twisting out from the eastern side of the northern foot of the tower. He had been in an escape pod that was traveling down the rifled tube, and the round pod had just slid out the bottom of the tube. I watched the twisted mouth of the tube for a moment, which seemed to be nothing more than four rails twisting around each other to form the loose structure of a tube. We were near the northeastern foot of the tower. I worried about this because this was the foot that was eroding. I suddenly wondered if everyone who was in the tower had used the escape pod to get away. We had taken it early, and i wondered if it could be reused to rescue those who might still be in the tower. The tower was still falling, and i felt tense thinking that we had to get everyone out. I tried to explain to the others about the faulty foundation near us, saying that we were not safe here. I then realized that we were standing on the eastern side of the large cement block that had been under the northeastern foot of the tower. The dark metal structure of the tower loomed over us. The cement must have eroded away so that the edges of the foot were now exposed. I worried that they would slip over the rock. I then looked to the north, noticing the tall rusted metal pin that was still holding up the corner of the tower. It looked like an old nail, and was pale-green from corrosion. The pin was put there to support the weight of the tower once the cement had eroded. I pointed this out to the others, but, as i did, the pin suddenly snapped, and the foot of the tower fell down. Just as it was falling, a small tubular escape pod had been descending along the eastern side of the cement block. The pod was stopped suddenly as the foot fell against it, pinning the pod between the dark metal beams and the cement. The others were trapped in the escape tube. I knew that the weight of the tower would eventually crush the tube, and i wondered how we could save them. As i watched the scene to the north, i could see pieces of the tower crumbling down the northern side of the foot. There was then a woman crawling on the cement rubble right in front of me. She had come from the escape pod, but her legs were trapped under one of the falling beams. Her legs were to the east of her, and she was wearing a tight pair of skimpy shorts with a ragged shirt, which had the sleeves cut off. It looked like a scene from a B movie. To the north of her, i could see debris crumbling to the ground outside the cover of the large metal foot of the tower. The scene looked hokey, and i did not think that the special effects of this movie were good. I wondered what i could do to save her, but then realized that she would get killed by the falling debris. Several stray beams already seemed to have piled up around her. It did not seem right that she would be killed in the movie, but i knew that we would not be able to save her. I then noticed the top of the tower falling to the north. It fell straight down, as if it had been cut off and dropped beside the tower. The bulbous top passed my view as it crashed to the ground. The woman was then dead as more debris fell from the tower. I did not understand this scene; why was there so much senseless death here?

The girl was explaining something to me as i stood to the north of the table. She was to the west of me, and i could not understand what she was trying to say. She seemed to be my manager, but i did not think that she was very good at her job. This upset me. I wanted to correct what she was doing, but i knew that she was the daughter of $A536, and he was the boss of this business. He had insisted that she work on the project, but i felt that she did not know enough about the project to be efficient. I was doing this work for $A548, and these people were the clients that we were working for. The woman was the one telling me what specific projects i should be working on, but she seemed to be causing more delays and problems than was necessary. I moved to the west, around the side of the table. It was late, and i decided to start cleaning up the area. I no longer wanted to work on this project, so i decided to end work for the day and come back to it tomorrow. They young woman took some of the things from the table and headed to the north, to the small house. We seemed to be in the large room of a warehouse or old barn. I felt annoyed here, not wanting to work with these people anymore, but i was uncomfortable telling $A536 about the girl’s poor performance, so i did not know what to say. As i picked several books up from the table, which was again to the south of me, i looked to the west at the young man there. We was $F10’s younger brother, and he also seemed to be part of the family that was running this project. He had short blond hair and was tall and thin. I found him very attractive. I did not know what to say to the family that would not upset them, so i though that i should let $A548 handle it. I could tell her what was wrong and let her negotiate with the family on how to manage the job. She was supposed to do that kind of work anyway. I moved to the southeastern side of the room, where there was a small round table. $F10 pointed out a spot on the table to the people who were sitting around it. He was standing to the south of it, and was to the northwest of the table. The table seemed L shaped, but, as $F10 lifted the lower section, i realized that it was simply three square tables that had been pushed together. There was a man sitting on the southern side and a few more people on the northern side. $F10 was upset that someone had carved graffiti into the table, and he picked up the serving tray to expose it. The students that had been sitting there did not seem to care, and were annoyed that $F10 was making a point of it. I felt impartial about the situation, but i also felt a little guilty because i knew that i had carved some of the initials into the table a long time ago. $F10 complained that the “low” table was “hard to find”. He meant that it was a rare type of table, which was why he was so upset that it had been defaced. I looked back to the west to see that the others were cleaning up. Most of the people had left to the north, heading out the large sliding door of the building. I carried some of the small binders to the north. There was a young black-haired man on the western side of the room with a woman. They were sweeping the floor, but had stopped to chat with each other. The young man smiled widely at the woman. I walked to the north, across the dry dirt ground outside. There was a small house to the north, which seemed to belong to $A536 and his family. I would have to take the rest of the stuff there until work resumed.

12010 December 27

I headed back to the south, along the western side of the large modern buildings, which seemed to be the outside of a stadium. The stadium seemed to be to the east, with a row of tall narrow buildings in front of it. I had left my books here last night, and i was worried that they would be taken by the time i got back to them. I came to the center of the western side of the stadium. There was an opening in the row of white buildings were a small cement court was. There were chain-link gates to the east of the court, and i could see a gate attached to the southern wall of the building to the north of us. The center of the court had two raised planters, with bare dry dirt on top. It seemed to be winter, and the dirt seemed frozen. I noticed the notebook and piece of paper still sitting on the dry ground where i had left them. A person was sitting on the western end of the planter, facing west. I walked to the south of him or her as i grabbed the notebook and other thing. I was glad that not all of my things had been taken. I continued to the south, down the corridor between the stadium and the buildings. I was then crossing from the east across the western side of the stadium. I passed back out through the courtyard. There were several athletes in yellow and black uniforms standing to the south. A coach was talking to someone as i passed. I moved quickly past them, hoping that the coach did not yell at me for being here. I turned to the north, heading along the eastern side of the small house. There was a row of small cabins that ran along the eastern side of the area, and i moved along them, continuing to the north. The small wooden buildings were painted white. I had to get to the open area to the west. There was a gap between two of the cabins, and i turned down it. The dirt ground was formed into a crude stair that led up into the field to the west of the buildings. It was dark now, and i could make out some of the tan canvas tents that were set up around the field. I walked into the field, noticing the two white candles that were burning on either side of the step that i had come up. There was something mystical about the candles. I thought that they might have been set up there for ceremonial purposes. I looked around the dark field, uncomfortable to be here. There was something bothering me. I turned around and headed back to the west, through the candles that marked the opening in the row of thick bushes. I stopped just to the west of the buildings, on the eastern side of the street. It was daylight again, and i realized that i did not have my backpack with me. I was suddenly upset by this and realized that i must have left my backpack in $P30. I was annoyed that i had been leaving my things around different places, and i turned back to the south and headed down the eastern sidewalk of the street. As i had turned around to head to the south, a man had approached me from the east. He was jogging and had come across the cement court that was in the gap between the row of buildings on the eastern side of the street. He had blond curly hair and was wearing a white T-shirt and running shorts that reminded me of the seventies. He glanced back at me as i followed him south, and i wondered if he thought that i was following him. I was now carrying a box under my left arm. It was a stack of books. As we continued down the road, the man was on a bicycle, but he did not seem to be getting father ahead of me. I tried not to make him think that i was following him. I was then distracted by the power lines that ran across the road. Because i was walking upright, i was very near them. It had something to do with the box that i was carrying. I was going to run into the black lines, so i stopped and backup up to duck under them. I noticed the man on the bicycle now crossing the bridge to the south of me. I continued down the street and then turned east on the cross street, where the other man had turned. I walked along the northern sidewalk, turning north at the eastern end of the block. The others were already gathered here. I walked in the door on the southern end of the eastern wall of the building, which seemed to be an old run-down structure. There was a dark overhang on the eastern side of the building. I came into the garage, where many old things were stored. $F14 was here with some of the others. One of the people referred to $F14 by a name that i was not familiar with. It was some kind of joking nickname, and i thought that it would be a good nickname used by $G4. I stood in the middle of the garage, looking at some of the things here. They seemed like lost items, and i wondered if they had been collected here on purpose. I then noticed my blue backpack sitting on the hood of the car to the east of me. The car was facing north against the eastern wall of the room. I picked up my bag and started looking through it. I wanted to make sure that all of my books were still in it. I thought that it must have been put here as part of lost and found. I was upset to see that the large box of software that i had in the bag was no longer there. I wondered if someone had taken it out before the put the bag here, or whether it had been stolen. I started to feel very upset about the missing things. I wanted to get my bag and all of my things back. I would have to ask someone in charge here about the bag. I hoped that all of my things were still safe.

12010 December 29

I stood in the entryway of the large abandoned house. I was helping the others fix the house, but there seemed to be no one here at the moment. The building seemed like an old fraternity house. It seemed to be a large colonial or gothic house, with a long corridor running to the north from the main entry door. There was a set of stairs running down the eastern wall. I was then on the porch of the house, to the south of the entry door. I was holding a tall stepladder to the east of me, and i tipped it forward and walked it into the house. The inside of the house was dark, and i thought that there would be no one here. I tipped the ladder on its side and leaned it down the stairs, which now descended along the eastern side of the entry hall. There was a room to the northeast of me that was too dark to see into. Its door was on the western end of the southern wall of the room. As i put the ladder down, i noticed a man in the room. There were rags on the floor, which seemed to be a makeshift bed. Someone was actually sleeping in the house. I greeted him as i put the ladder down, wondering what i should do here.

I headed to the south, walking to the east of $F58. We were walking down the darkened street into the small neighborhood. All of the houses in the neighborhood were empty, but we seemed to be staying in one of them. It was dark out, and the houses were illuminated from the inside, as well as from streetlights. We seemed to be walking into an area where the street formed a small square around a patch of grassy median. I said something to $F58 as i glanced to the east at the large house. It was different that the rest of the houses in this area. The other seemed to be small one-floor houses of modern design, but the large two-story house seemed older. It was a fake plantation style, with tall thin metal poles running from the cement porch to the overhang of the roof. The windows were large and square on the first floor, and i could see drapes parted and fake electric candles illuminated inside. The windows on the second floor had the same multipane design as the lower windows, but they were arched on the top. The house seemed to be down a short hill from us so that the second floor was at the same level as the road that we were on. I could not tell whether the house was occupied, but i told $F58 that it was. I said that it was probably not vacant like these other houses, so we would not be able to stay there. She wanted to make sure that it was occupied, though, and walked to the front door. I continued on, looking at the small darkened houses on the southern side of the area. Someone answered the door of the large house, and i heard $F58 talking to them. She introduced herself shyly and told the people that we would be gathering for a party in the house downstairs. I knew that we would be in the house to the south, below the house that i was looking at. She said that, if the party got too loud, they could simply come and let us know.

I sat at the southern end of the room, which seemed like a classroom. The students to the north of me seemed to be seated in desks or armchairs, which were arranged in regular rows or columns. I was sitting in the last row to the south. There was a female teacher on the northeastern side of the room, but the man that was speaking to the class in an authoritative voice was standing to the south of me. I looked over my head as the man paced to the east. He was looking for a student named McArtle, and he was asking the class where he was. As he spoke, he held a yellow sheet of paper in his left hand. I looked up as he passed by me, holding the paper in front of him. I tried to read the blocks of text on the yellow paper as the man turned back to the west, inadvertently passing the paper over my head. It seemed like i knew McArtle, and i wondered what he had done that would get him in trouble with the school. I felt a friendship with McArtle, as if he was someone that i had known for a while, so i thought that i should not tell the people in the class what i knew about him. The man paced up the western side of the room, still talking about McArtle, mentioning “hacking”. I remembered that McArtle had been a programmer for $G2, so he knew something about computer programming. I was amused by the possibility that he had hacked into something that would upset the principle. I thought about this as i walked to the north, crossing the college area. I seemed to be approaching the bridge to $P73. I thought about meeting McArtle again and letting him stay with me. I imagined the house that i had been staying at. It seemed like an old abandoned fraternity house just north of the bridge. There were no furnishings in the house, and it seemed that i was simply sleeping in the back room, to the north of the main entry door. I was sleeping on a bedroll on the floor there. I stopped near the bridge to $P73. I had just walked into the doorway, which was the bridge, and i looked at the large room to the north. My grandmother was sleeping on the large bed that was on the southern wall of the room, just to the east of the door. I grabbed the long slender fork that was sitting on the plate to the northeast of me. There was a bright red raspberry on the end of the fork. I spoke to McArtle as i turned the fork over and banged it on the edge of the plate, trying to get the raspberry off. I could not see McArtle, but he seemed to be to the west of me. I focused on the plate, realizing that when i hit the fork to the plate it made an unusually loud noise. I looked at the fork on the right side of the plate. The plate was all white, but seemed to have raised decorative fruit designs in a ring around the central section. I was not worried about the loud noise, for some reason. My mother then said something to me. She was sitting in a chair to the northeast of me. The white plastic chair was facing to the west. I was sitting just to the north of a doorway. There was a man in another white chair to the east of me. There seemed to be a raised cement patio to the east of us, but we were sitting on a narrow lower level of ground that ran from the door, between the cement patio and the northern wing of the house. I had my feet up on the cement thing to the east, which seemed to be almost a meter tall. I then realized that $X13 was standing in the doorway to the south of me. I had turned suddenly to focus on him. I was suddenly aware that he was outside the house, and i felt suddenly concerned. He stood for a moment looking around, but then he started walking to the north. I tried to grab him as he passed under my chair, but i could not grab him. My hand slipped over his tail, but i could not get a grip. He was to the north of us now, standing near the trail to the barn. We had to get him, so i started after him. My mother was mad at me because the cat had gotten out, but i felt that she was the one who had left the door open, so i could turn the blame back at her. I wondered how we could grab the cat. I then realized that we should simply change the reality so that i had already grabbed him before. I could simply alter the situation so that he had never escaped.

12010 December 31

I wrote something on the white sheet of paper on the top of the writing tablet. I was trying to calculate something on the paper, but i was having trouble figuring it out. I seemed to be on the eastern side of a large room, which seemed like a department store. The room was dimly lighted and seemed old fashioned. I tried to write out the prices for the list of items, but i was having trouble. I wrote the stock number first, then the name of the item with the price following. I looked at the blue ink on the paper. The ink feathered out a bit as it soaked into the paper. I reached the right-hand side of the paper, but i still needed to write more things on the line. I started to feel anxious trying to cross out part of what i had written to get more words on the paper. Frustrated, i decided that i should start over on a different piece of paper. I started writing again, but something was still wrong. I moved to the east, into the next room and started writing on the larger piece of gray paper. My mother was in the room, but i did not pay attention to her. I was focused on rewriting the numbers on the paper. The paper seemed more like rough paper towels and the ball-point ink looked pale and uneven on it. I focused on writing the serial number at the beginning of the line, but the numbers came out messy. The paper was bending under the pressure of the pen, and i could not write cleanly on it. I started to feel more and more upset because i could not write properly. I started over again on a white piece of writing paper. I focused on writing carefully so that i did not mess up the paper again.

I had been putting dirt on the northern side of the road. I was working construction, and i was looking down at the black asphalt of the newly paved road. The road was to the south of me and ran east to west. I seemed to be to the north of $P73. I looked at the brown dirt i had just packed on the northern side of the road. The work actually looked complete, and i was surprised by this. Some of the other workers moved to the southeast of me, and a few were still to the west. I looked over the dark black asphalt of the newly paved road, wondering what i should do next. I seemed to be working for $A84. He was in charge of this job. I paced a little to the west, but then i headed to the southeast. I had to find the other workers to find out what i should do next. I was in the large building that was to the southeast, standing in the gray stairwell. The stairwell was on the northeastern corner of the building. This building seemed like a school, and i realized that there was no construction work happening here. This building had never been part of the construction project. This part was simply closed off so that we could work to the north of it, but the main part of the building still had high-school students in it. I felt uncertain here and pushed the gray metal door to the east of me open, heading back outside. Crossing the road, i entered the small building on the northern side of the road, turning east into the empty dining room. This room seemed like a house, but there were no furnishings. I asked the man on the eastern side of the room where the other workers were, and he told me that they were in the trailer. I was not sure what i should do. I turned around and headed to the west, away from the small building, down the northern side of the road. The construction trailer seemed to be to the west of me, on the corner at the end of the road. My father said that $A84 was running this construction job poorly. He said that $A84 had run several other jobs the same way in the past, mentioning that he was loosing too much money. I looked at the black asphalt again as i reached the corner. Two men carried something large across the road from the northern corner to the southern corner. I realized that they were moving the white trailer to the southern side of the road. I followed them across the road. The grass on the southern side of the road seemed matted down, as if it was damp from late-winter snow melt. There seemed to be a flat area to the southeast of the corner, slightly higher than the roads. It seemed to be a set of tennis courts surrounded by a tall chain-link fence. I watched the men carry things to the southern side of the road. There was a rectangular area of the grass that ran parallel to the road, and it seemed to be flattened and indented into the ground a little. It looked like there should have been a sidewalk there, but there was only grass. I wondered if an old sidewalk had been taken out. I then realized that the construction workers were putting the white trailer on the grass where the sidewalk would have run. This did not seem right because the sidewalk should not be blocked. I talked to some of the men about the sidewalk being part of the school’s property. The school was to the southeast of us. One of the men said that he did not think that the sidewalk outside the school would actually be part of the school property. As we walked back across the street to the north, i told him that i had thought so too, but then i had heard a story. I said, “A boy got injured on the sidewalk outside of a school, but the school said that the side walk was not on school property, but the judge said it was.” This meant that the boy was suing the school and the judge had determined that the school was responsible because it owned any sidewalk outside of it. The man considered this with a “Huh” as he turned back to the north to pick some things up from the ground. There was a trench in the dirt on the eastern side of the road. I walked to the eastern side of the trench, noticing a few small cardboard boxes of coiled electric cable. I picked them up as i continued speaking to the man. We were moving all of this equipment across the street to the south.