12011 December 01

I was talking to someone in the small crowded apartment. The room was dimly lighted, and the colors seemed to be dark orange and dark brown. As i spoke, i could hear the music playing off to the south. I realized that it was probably from the band that was playing on the rooftop of the next building. As i spoke to the person, i felt interested in the band and wanted to join them. I headed to the south, through the small rooms of the apartment, trying to get a view out the window to the south. As i stepped out of the room that i was in, i came into a darkened corridor. A man was just stepping out of a shower to the south of me, and he looked up at me surprised. He seemed like $A598. He seemed to have rather an attractive body, but i tried not to look at him as i hurried to the east, into the small bedroom. The room was dimly lighted and square, and i could not really see anything around me, but i knew that the roof of the other building would be out the window on the southern side of the room. I could see out of the building to the east and southeast. It was night out, and i seemed to be very high off of the ground. A road seemed to curve around a narrow cement yard on the eastern side of the tall apartment buildings that i was living in. The yard seemed to have a playground to the southeast, with some tall thin leafless trees between the yard and the tall metal chain-link fence that separated the yard from the road. I turned to the south, looking over the roofs of the other buildings to the south of us. I turned several corners, trying to find my way to the roof. I turned to the west, and started heading down the length of the long dark room. I could still hear the music to the south, but i was now inside an enclosed space. A man and another person were in the room with me. I moved to the western end of the room, where a metal control panel covered the western wall, like a dashboard. I was in the open fuselage of an airplane. The other two people sat in the chairs in the center of the room, but i stood near the control panel. The two front windows of the airplane were cut into the rounded western wall. The ceiling was pale blue, and the wall was pale yellow, but the metal panel ran across the western wall, tipped at a fourty-five degree angle so that someone sitting in front of it could easily access the buttons. I looked at the buttons for a moment, pressing my finger on something in the center of the panel. I turned back to the others and spoke to them. I then looked to the west, out the curved windows of the airplane. The windows now seemed to form an elliptical dome on the front of the airplane, with thick blue frame supports forming a cross in the center. The lateral stripe was about a deci wide, and the vertical one seemed two or three decis wide. The airplane was moving very low to the ground, flying to the west. As i looked out the window, i noticed the ground outside tilting from the left to the right. We were listing from side to side, but i did not notice the motion in the aircraft. I did feel very strange, though, as if i were lightheaded. I thought that the feeling was more like intoxication, and i wondered if i should pretend that i was intoxicated to the others. I stood to the east of them now, but i could still see the window to the west clearly. The scenery then tipped more to the sides, and i started to feel queasy. The airplane turned to the north, following a cement sidewalk on the eastern side of a slightly curved driveway. The low building that we were approaching looked like a public school. This was our destination.

I was in the car with my mother, driving down the road to the west. The swampy land around us was flat and with thicket bushes and tall grass. We seemed to be very near the ocean, and this seemed like a saltwater marsh near the shore. The ocean seemed to be to the north of us as we drove. Areas of standing water were on both sides of the road. As we traveled, i noticed that people were walking through the bushes ahead of us, moving toward the north. I focused on two people approached the road from the south, to the west of us. They were a man and a woman. The man was chubby and was wearing only ragged shorts. The woman had on a pair of cut-off denims and a short tank top. They walked carefully between two bushes and headed toward the road through the shallow water. I mentioned to my mother that they were walking on the shallow coral, and said that they should not have been. I knew that no one was supposed to be walking in this area because it would damage the coral under the surface of the water. I watched the man and woman as we drove past them. I then noticed two other people to the northwest who had already crossed the road and were heading for the open water. The pale-tan road made a sudden sharp turn to the north ahead of us. I warned my mother about it, and she tried to slow down to make the turn, but we were moving too fast and we skidded off of the road to the west. The car started spinning as it skidded into the grassy swamp. I thought that we would get stuck in the muddy ground, but the car continued to spin as it moved to the west, through the bushes and trees. I knew that we were driving a truck, and i hoped that we did not get stuck here. I told my mother to keep driving so that we did not get stuck in the marsh, thinking that if we kept moving, we might not sink into the mud. The car spun into an open clearing where the grass was short. We should drive out of here, but i was no longer sure which direction we were facing. We had spun so much that i had become disoriented. We seemed to be facing west, but i did not know which direction we had to travel to get back to the road. My mother started driving, and she headed in a direction that seemed to be north. She drove through the bushes, and i wondered how we were able to drive through the thick bushes so easily. I then noticed that the sky ahead of us was faint light-blue, so i thought that this direction must be west, since it would have the last light of the setting sun. I then noticed the lights of cars moving ahead of us. The cars were moving to the northwest of us. We headed to the north, toward the road, which seemed to come from the west and ran to the north of us. As we broke through the bushes, i could see the road ahead of us. Thick metal guardrails were on the southern side of the road. Many cars were passing down the road, and i noticed two dark-colored police cars sitting on the northern side of the road directly to the north of us. I pointed them out to my mother, thinking that we would be entering the road very near them since that was where the guardrails ended. My mother had already turned to the northwest, though, and was heading for the guardrails on the road. She would not be able to drive over the guardrail, though, and i started to feel tense. I warned my mother about the guardrail, but she drove over the top of it. I felt confused for a moment, wondering how we were able to drive so easily over a guardrail. We started down the road, now driving through the eastern end of a small town. Multistory buildings stood on the northern side of the street, many of which seemed like shops. We turned to the north, into a pub, and continued walking across the wooden floor of the room. The lights were warm, and several people were hanging around the room. As we neared the northern end of the room, i noticed David Bowie standing in a doorway to the north. He was getting ready for his performance here. I turned back to the south, realizing that we were now in a long narrow room that was parallel to and to the west of the room that we had entered. My mother sat in a chair against the eastern wall, just to the south of the large doorway we had come through. I moved toward her, noticing a man standing against a closed wooden door in the southern wall. The man was wearing a large red and blue mask. The face of the mask seemed to be of a famous person, and i thought that it was Mic Jagger. The head was larger than it should have been for the man’s body, and something about it was very interesting.

I was lying down on the bed near the southern wall of the bedroom, and someone was to the west of me. We were talking when the other person entered the house. I could not see the third person, but i could hear him come in on the floor below. He was the brother of someone, and i had expected him to come. This was a scene that had happened before, and the man had appeared like he had before. He called out to anyone in the house, and i called back, saying hello. I sat up in the bed, pulling the light-blue sleeping mast from my face. I seemed to be in the small bedroom at the top of the stairs in my parents’ house, and the man with me was sitting against the southern wall just to the west of the bed. The stairs ascended along the western wall. The man who had entered the house came up the stairs, and i saw his head and shoulders appear above the level of the floor. He looked at us for a moment, and he said that he was Jeremy’s brother. I told him that i knew. He seemed suddenly disturbed by this, and he turned around and headed back down the stairs. I could hear him walking back to the east on the floor below. He opened the back door and left the house. I wondered why he was suddenly so angry. This situation seemed very strange.

12011 December 02

I turned to the south and opened the wooden cabinet, which was above the short doorway in the southern wall. I was on the western side of the kitchen, and the other man was standing to the north of me, talking to me as he leaned on the counter to the west. I looked at the slatted cupboard door that i had opened, noticing that it was not swinging smoothly on its hinges. It then seemed strange to me that the refrigerator would be in such a small space above a doorway. Someone was moving to the south near me, but i swinged the cabinet door closed again, looking at the brass-colored metal hinge on the eastern side, noticing that it was starting to pull loose from the wall. I decided that i should probably fix it so that the door closed properly.

12011 December 04

I was in the room with the others, looking at the white surface to the southwest of me. I was looking at an exterior wall that was slightly concave. The wall seemed to be covered with square tiles, and a narrow column stood in front of it. The column was part of a special object that did something scientific and seemed to be related to a telescope. The column was only about three decis in the center, but flared out by a deci or so near the top and bottom. I seemed to be on the outside of the building, standing on a balcony, but i still seemed to be within a room. The sky around me was bright blue, but the sun was setting to the west, blocked from my view by the large white object. Someone had said something, and i was focusing on the different shapes of the tiles on the white wall, which faced north to the southwest of me. I thought that i was looking for shade number three, and i noticed that the tiles on the wall and post were of slightly different shades of textures of white. I could tell that the ones around the top and eastern edge were a little darker white and seemed to have a glossy surface. The vertical section just to the west of the glossy tiles on the eastern side were brighter and seemed to have a slightly course surface. I focused on them, trying to determine which set of tiles was shade number three, but it was too hard to tell the shades apart. I turned my attention to the north. We seemed to be high on a mountain. The steep slope dropped off to the north, and i could see out over the flat valley beyond. A short set of jagged ridges rose to the northeast. Everything seemed warmly orange from the light of the setting sun to the west. The balcony i was on seemed to stretch to the east, along the northern side of the building. Several people were standing on it, looking out over the valley. I turned back to the west and headed into the small square room with the glass windows on all walls. The walls seemed metal and were coated with thick layers of white paint. Benches lined the northern and western walls, and people were sitting in them. The room seemed small. I noticed strange images projected on the wall above the people sitting along the short southwestern wall in the corner of the room. The people seemed to be sitting on large dark cushions on the bench, and the projections over them seemed to be of faces. Something suddenly seemed uneasy about this. The images were created by the sun shining through the device, which was in the center of the room to the northeast of me. It had something to do with spirits being projected into the people sitting here. I mentioned the images, speaking in a dramatic spooky voice. The people seemed dressed from the early part of the 11900s, and the man in front of me had a thick wide mustache. The people were startled as i mentioned the faces, thinking that the device would reveal the bad man who was in disguise. This had something to do with extraterrestrials or noncorporeal creatures who had disguised themselves as humans. The light projections would reveal who they really were. The man with the mustache started to get nervous as the others moved away from him. I turned to the northwest, moving to the western side of the white table. The other man, who was sitting no the northeast of me, on the eastern side of the table, asked me what had happened, and i told him that the device would detect people from the future. I was from the future myself, and i knew how to determine who else had come from the future. The man asked me how i would know them. I felt a little hesitant, realizing that if i told these people what would give away a person from the future, then the people trying to hide would know how to disguise themselves better. The man to the west seemed tense and wanted to know how i would determine people from the future. I felt suddenly suspicious of him, thinking that he was afraid that i would reveal him. He was the bad man, who was actually a creature from somewhere else. He started to transform and grow. I ran to the north with the other person, coming into the small kitchen that was to the north of the room that we were in. This scene had happened before, and i was familiar with this movie. We had trapped the creature here because he had grown too big to fit through the doors of the kitchen. We stood for a moment in the kitchen, and i looked to the south, at the two black doorways in the southern wall, one to the southwest of us and one to the southeast. The creature came through the western door and stood near us. I was watching the scene now from the northwest. I could see the two men in dark suits standing in the kitchen. They said something to anger the creature, and the creature cringed in rage, growing taller and larger. He seemed to have fur growing from his shoulders and torso now. The two men ran through the eastern door and into the southern room. The creature was now too large to fit through the doors and would be trapped in the kitchen. The men would be able to get away. This scene was not quite like i had remembered it, thought. The creature went through the eastern door, but the men had gotten away. I then heard the creature talking, reasoning out the situation. He discussed the situation, coming to the conclusion that he could get the others by simply changing the circumstances of the situation. He seemed to realize how he could hide from the others and kill them. I remembered this from the movie and knew what was coming. I had escaped to the east with the other man, but i was now looking through the eyes of the man left in the northern room. The creature was in the room to the south. I could not see him, but i could hear him reasoning with himself. I knew that he would come back to the north and try to kill me. I turned to the northwest and grabbed one of the pokers from near the fireplace. The one i picked up did not seem like the right one i had remembered from before, but i knew that it would not be of any use anyway. The creature would be too strong and too quick and would be able to kill me. The bad man came around the corner to the south of me and stopped when he saw me. I acted frightened, holding the poker in my right hand, which was to the north of me now. The man smiled wickedly at me as he stood still for a moment, taking me in. He wore light-colored pants and a white or light-gray shirt with pale-gray vertical stripes. He stepped toward me, a confident grin on his face. I new had a black metal poker in my left hand, which i swinged at the man. I realized i now had two pokers, so i wondered if i could distract him with one and hit him with the other. I hoped that i could get an advantage, but i thought that he would eventually kill me anyway.

I was collecting my things in the small room. My mother and grandmother were to the east. The room was very narrow north to south, and the southern wall seemed filled with objects on coat hooks and boxes on the floor. I was confused and not quite sure where my things were. I moved to the west a little and pulled open the drawer on a short dresser to the south. I pulled some clothes out, thinking that these were the ones that i had to pack, but it was not everything. I pulled out the clothes and hung them on some of the open hooks on the southern wall. Too many things were here, and if could not figure out what i was supposed to be doing. I had a fuzzy blue scarf and a hat. I had been looking for them, but i left them on the stack of things near the base of the wall and turned back to the east, trying to find the other things. I felt rushed, like i had to pack things quickly and get going, but i was unable to find everything i needed. I was then standing to the north of the white counter, and a man was standing to the east of me. He asked me some questions, and i answered. I realized that he was quizzing me, and that, if i answered all of the questions correctly, i would win something. This seemed like a cheap game show, and i felt a little uncomfortable in this strange situation. I got the questions correct, and the man turned a little away from me, looking at his sheet for the next question. I wondered whether they would really let me get all of the questions correct. Someone else was sitting on the southern side of the counter, to the southeast of me, and this person seemed to be listening with a smile to the show. I was not sure what i should do. The man in the black suit turned back to me, starting to ask a question from the sheet that he was holding in his left hand, but he paused. He held a microphone to his mouth with his right hand as he furled his brow at the paper. He said that he was not reading from my sheet and he needed to find the correct questions. I was not really interested in this, thinking that they would never let me get all of the questions correct, and, since there were many questions, there were many opportunities to ask something that i would not know. Another man was now to the south-southwest of me, just across the table. He shuffled through some papers. He was getting confused by all of the sheets, and he complained that some of them were duplicates. He then looked up at me and asked about pork. I felt a little confused, knowing that i would not have answered anything about pork because i did not like to eat it. I told the man that i did not eat pork, and he raised his eyebrow. He smiled a little, as though he had trapped me in something. I then remembered the questions i had answered before, which was what the man was quizzing me on, and i told him that he had not asked the same question as i had been asked before. I remembered that the form had several check boxes in the center of it, and i was supposed to check the things that i had chewed on with the fake teeth. The man says that i had obviously checked pork before, so i was obviously wrong now. I corrected him, saying that the question i had been asked was whether i had chewed something in the past, not whether i do chew something, as the man had asked. He dismissed my explanation with the wave of a hand. I was annoyed with him, but really did not care because i was not interested in the contest anyway. I turned to the west and walked away, heading down the corridor of the open space. I seemed to be on the northern side of a large hallway or atrium. A railing to the south of me separated the white corridor i was on from the lower level of the area. A set of stairs descended to the south, between the railings, to the west of me. Directly to the west, a short set of stairs ran up to the higher level, which ran to the south across the western end of the area. The upper level had several chairs and tables and reminded me of a library. Most of the surfaces were white. I stopped at the top of the stairs on the upper level, looking at the classical guitar that i was holding in my right hand. Several other people came up the stairs behind me and turned to the south, heading into the open area. I felt a little sad, and moved near the wooden table against the northern wall. The others were gathering their things from this area, and i knew that i had to pack as well, but i did not quite feel like doing it. I picked up the guitar and played a little of it, but i realized that i had dropped it as the people passed. I hoped that it was not damaged as i lifted it up to look at it. As i ran my hand across the back of the guitar, i felt the tan plastic paper that i had taped over the hole in the back of the guitar. The paper seemed loose, so the tape must have come apart when i dropped it. I put the guitar on the table against the northern wall, which was now to the east of me and looked it over. The back of the guitar was still split, but the pieces now seemed looser. The old patching i had done was coming apart. I then realized that the curved side of the guitar could be pushed in like an accordion. I must have dropped it on its side and cracked surface. I was upset about this and hoped that the guitar was still good enough to play. I turned to the south and headed down the stairs to the lower level. The ground to the east of me now seemed to be a grassy slope. The slope formed the eastern and southern sides of the room. It was fairly tall and sloped up steeply from the flat ground, which seemed to have a sidewalk running in front of the eastern wall. I turned up the slope and came to the corner where the eastern and southern slopes met. I felt sad and lonely as i turned around to face the college campus to the northwest of me, which still seemed to be the room. Others walked on the path below the slope. This was a good place to watch the sunset, and i looked down the green grass of the slope, noticing the periodic white spot of a flower growing. Others then started coming up the slope near me. Several people climbed the southern slope and then walked along the ridge toward me. After a few moments, several people were gathered around me on the top of the ridge, facing west and northwest, waiting for something. As the people started to crowd around, i felt disinterested. This place was making me uneasy.

12011 December 05

I turned to the south, standing on the northern side of the small living room. The room was dimly lighted, and the ceiling seemed low. The rectangular room was longer east to west than north to south, and a wood-paneled wall extended from the southern end of the western wall, forming a small room or closet. The tall man in the blue shirt stood to the southwest of me, near the mouth of the closet. He had short wavy black hair, and i felt uneasy with him. I knew that he was angry with me, and i did not really want to talk to him, though i was unsure why he was actually angry with me. As i walked to the south, he suddenly approached me. He did not seem that confrontational, and he asked me why we were so hostile to each other. I knew he had been mad at me for some reason, but i did not know why, so i told him that i did not know. He shrugged off the comment and said that we should start talking again. He offered me a short strip of bacon that he had in his left hand. He had taken it from the white package that he had been carrying around with him. I thanked him and took the strip, turning back to the northeast and walking back across the room. I took a bite out of the bacon, but it did not quite taste right. A sink sat just to the east of the doorway on the northern wall, and i spit out the piece of bacon into the sink. I tossed the rest of the piece of bacon into the sink. The bacon was mostly white, with striations like muscle down the length of the almost square piece. The ends were narrower than the center, and the right edge was reddish brown. I wondered suddenly whether it had gone bad, and then i wondered whether the man had given it to me on purpose, knowing that it was bad. Maybe he was still mad at me for something.

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as we drove to the northeast, across the college campus. The woman sat in the back, and we talked about something. We were headed for something, and i was looking around the campus at various things. As we passed along the northwestern side of a green grassy quadrangle, i noticed a row of telephone booths along the northeastern end of the quadrangle, under a row of tall dark-green pine trees. The telephones were in tall bronze-like metal cases. I pointed them out to the woman as we passed, thinking that they might have been something that we were looking for.

12011 December 06

The man was chasing me through the large rooms over and over again. I moved through the upstairs room of the house, where a few other people were. I felt like i had had something to get done, and i felt defiant against the men who were trying to stop me from getting it done. I flew down the hall to the south, knowing that the men could not stop me. I then flew into the southeastern corner of the large cement room. I was hovering near the thick beam that ran parallel to the eastern wall when i noticed the man standing in the doorway at the western end of the northern wall. He seemed like an agent, and i knew that he was after me. He watched me to try to find out where i was going. I knew that i could fly up into the beams to get away from him. I moved to the north, down the corridor at the end of the room and started up into the beams. This was how i escaped the area. The man would have to walk all the way around on the north to get up to the next level. As i flew up to the beam again, though, i was aware of another man to the west. I thought that this was when i was supposed to be caught. I flew up to the beam, imagining that i could escape, but i thought that the men could simply shoot me. It would work this time and i would be captured.

12011 December 08

I stood on the eastern side of the room facing south. The room seemed like the back room of my parents’ house. I was speaking to the person to the south of me. I also seemed to be just outside the house, to the east, on a porch that ran the length of the building. The person said something to me and i responded. I thought that i had to get something done, though, so the person turned around and headed back to the south, along the narrow porch. I started walking south, just to the east of the porch. Before the person disappeared into the house, i noticed a flutter of red things near the eves. The red petals scattered from a small section of the eves and then fell to the ground. A small brown bird was trying to build a nest, and it was pushing a rounded red flower, which looked like a geranium bulb, into the hole in the side of the house. The bulb broke and the petals fell to the ground. I commented about this to the other person, who stopped in the doorway and turned to look at me for a moment before disappearing into the house. I moved to the south, closer to the bird. It seemed strange that they would be building a nest this time of year, and i was a little annoyed that they were doing on the side of the house. I pulled a red handkerchief from my left pocket and waved it at the birds. I did not think that they should be building their nest under the eves of the house. The birds seemed angry with me and flew into the air over my hand. I wondered if they would try to attack me because i was close to their nest. The reddish bird, which was shaped like a crested woodpecker but had dull tan feathers, flew to the west with its wings spread. I said something to the other person, and then turned to the west and walked across the lawn. My grandmother was with me. We turned to the north at the back of her house and started across the green grass of the cut lawn. My grandmother was telling me about something, and i noticed the people sitting at the southwestern corner of the house to the north of us. The house was tipped slightly, so that its back was facing south-southeast. The people were gathered in a small group, with some crouched on the ground and others standing. They faced us, and they seemed like relatives of mine. $K2 seemed to be standing with them, and he seemed young. Some of them also seemed to be $K1’s children. The house seemed like $K8’s old house. I knew that $K8 had moved out of the house a while ago, and i wondered why the people where here now when $K8 no longer lived here. My grandmother said that $K1 was moving to this house. I was surprised by this, and i asked my grandmother in astonishment how they were going to live in the small house with three children. I glanced back to the house, which was not to the northeast of us. The stone end wall of the house was two stories, and did not have any obvious windows. It looked like large square blocks of pale-gray granite that had been unevenly pieced together. The peaked roof had a square section in the center, like an old row house. As i moved to the north, i could see more and more of the front of the house. The house was turning as i moved, allowing me to see the entire front. By the time the house was to the east of me, the front of the building was facing a little to the south of west. I noticed the large front face of the building, which had an old wooden porch with small slate tiles on the roof. A rounded tower with a tall cone-shaped roof stuck up from the roofline in the center of the house. The building seemed like a small elegant mansion in old gothic design. It was very nice: much nicer than i had thought it was. I commented to my grandmother that it actually was a nice large house. We stopped to the west of the house, and i glanced to the west. The road curved from the north of the house to the southwest, running around the outside of the grassy lawn. The dry grass of the lawn now seemed to be covered with colorful dry leafs. I also noticed the large pond to the northwest, on the other side of the road. I could see it through the leafless trees along the side of the road. The land around the opposite sides of the pond seemed covered with leafless forest. I remembered that this area had flooded during the heavy rains. I then remembered that this place was downhill from my grandmother’s house, and i wondered if it was in more threat of flooding than my grandmother’s house. I glanced down at the lawn in front of me, noticing a deep tire rut in the soft muddy ground just off the road. The lawn had a curved recession at the bottom of the shallow hill near the road, and the rut curved along the road in the recession. $K9 was sitting at the edge of the house to the east of me, and he talked about the mayor’s speech, which had something to do with the water to the west. I thought that it was related to the flooding that had happened. The city was planning on doing something about the levies to prevent flooding next time.

12011 December 09

I replied to $F45 or $F10 as we headed down the trail to the west, through the thin young forest. The trees to the north of us were leafless, and dry leafs were scattered on the ground. $A536 was standing on the trail to the north of me. He had stopped to say goodbye because he was heading to the west. I said farewell and headed to the west to follow the other two people. As i started down the trail to the west, i noticed the trench of water along the northern side of the trail. A large alligator moved slowly to the east in the channel. I pointed this out to the others, commenting that the alligator was heading toward $A536. I hoped that it was not stalking him as i turned to the west and continued on. I then noticed some other alligators in the trench to the northwest of me. I started to worry that some of the lizards here were dangerous to us as we hiked. Looking to the west, i noticed that $F45 and the other person were standing near two lizards that were in the middle of the trail. They were squat lizards with wide flat heads. Their scales were grayish-green around the body and faded to dull yellow on the top of their triangular heads. $F45 and the other person stood back as the animals lifted and shook their heads. I thought that we should just continued sliding down the trails like we had been doing. If we slid fast enough over the lizards, they would not have time to react to us. I put the plastic sled up to my left shoulder and pushed to the west, sliding across the muddy ground of the path. I slided over the animals and stopped on the trail just to the south of them. The trail now ran north to south through the dense green forest. When i stood up, i realized that $F45 and the other person had hesitated before sliding over the lizards, which now seemed like alligators. They were now stuck to the north of the animals on the path. I wanted to them to follow me so that we could continue to the south, but they did not want to. I felt annoyed and wondered how i could get back to them. I looked down at the ground where the alligators were, thinking that i could slide over them again, but i could not see the animals on the ground. Light from the sky was reflecting on the water in the puddles of the trail, and i could not see through the glare. I could not slide over the animals without knowing exactly where they were, and i felt nervous about trying. I felt annoyed, and turned to the east a little, where a narrow trail ran to the northeast, up a steep dirt cliff. I started climbing up the cliff, but, when i could see over it, i noticed that the trail ran through a narrow section of cut logs near a log cabin. The ground between the logs was wet, and i could not easily see what was on the trail. It could be more dangerous to take this trail than to slide back over the alligators. I backed down to the main trail, wondering what i should do. I felt frustrated and indecisive. I called to $F45, but he did not reply. I could hear him talking to the other man, and i realized that they had started walking to the west, along a trail parallel to the one i was on. I could see part of the trail through the woods to the west of me now, noticing that it had deep round water puddles in the narrow path of tan sandy dirt. I turned to the south, thinking that i could head down my trail until i could find a place to cross to the other trail and rejoin them. I started back up the dirt cliff to the south. The cliff was about a meter and a half tall, with brown packed mud on the side and green thick grass and weeds on top. The trail ran up the western side of the cliff, up over a mound of dirt and then along the middle of the cliff before descending back to the southwest on the trail. I started over the hump and down the other side, but i was having trouble walking on the steep dirt cliff. I could hear the others to the west as i watched my footing carefully. A structure was buried in the dirt of the cliff, and i carefully climbed over it. The metal object seemed to be a venting cupola from an aluminium barn. I remembered that this red square object had been buried in the dirt. As i climbed down, heading generally to the southwest, i realized that several cupolas were actually stacked on top of each other. This object was really a pile of cupolas that could be attached to the tops of buildings. The man following me said something, and i cautioned him to watch his footing. The stack of objects seemed unstable, and i cautioned everyone to wait a moment to see how they were shifting under our weight. People were gathered around to the northwest of me now as i made my way through the cluster of metal roof vents, trying to head to the north. The man behind me seemed nervous about this place as we entered the large room. The people standing here were from the party. The man following me was uncertain about this place. I told him that they were all a bunch of drag queens. He seemed uneasy with this comment, and i realized that i should not have used that image because he was uncomfortable in taboo situations. The man was uneasy here, and i hoped that i did not make him feel worse. I watched him as we came into the center of the room. I thought that the people here would tease him because of what i had said, and i felt bad about it. A man in a dark-teal jacket came up behind the man with me and pinched his butt. The man with me was upset by this and did not want to be touched. I knew that the man in the jacket was teasing the man with me. The man with me wandered back to the southwest, but the man in the jacket was teasing him again. The man in the jacket pushed the man with me up against the southern wall of the room, as if searching him. This seemed inappropriate. The man with me had his arms up against the wall and his legs slightly spread as the other man pushed him against the wall. The man in the jacket pinched his left butt cheek again, but then grabbed something just inside the waistband of his pants. The man in the jacket pulled a dark-blue pair of boxer shorts out of the man’s pants. At first, i thought that he had somehow removed the man’s underwear, but then i realized that it must have been a trick. I could see that the man against the wall was still wearing a pair of red and blue plaid flannel boxer shorts. His black and white flannel pajamas were low enough that i could see the upper band of his underwear. The man i the jacket must have inserted the underwear into the other man’s pants when he pinched him before. The man in the jacket then reached into the waist band and pulled out a large pair of yellow boxer shorts. The young man stood with his hands against the wall as the man continued to reach into his loose sweat pants and pull out different pairs of underwear. The young man’s pants were now puffy around his hips, and it was obvious that things were stuffed into them. As the man continued pulling underwear out, the pants sagged in the back, and we could see the large amount of clothing inside. The young man’s pants sagged down to his ankles, but the man in the jacket continued pulling clothes out as part of the show.

12011 December 10

I moved to the east, across the open office space. The large central room seemed empty, and the floor seemed pale dull orange. Glass walls ran along the eastern side of the room, separating smaller offices from the main office in the center of the building. The glass walls were supported with vertical metal beams. We walked through the doorway and into one of the offices, moving to the outer wall, which was composed of similar large plates of glass. I looked out the window to see the grassy lawn outside. I then focused on the window, realizing that the large pane of glass had tipped in. $F61 was standing to the south of me, holding the upper-left corner of the window, which was now tipped in. The double pane of glass had fallen out of the window, and the lower section was hanging out over the edge of the building. I grabbed on to the top of the glass with $F61, trying to keep the glass from falling out the window. I did not feel concerned, though, not caring whether the glass broke or not. I looked at the top edge of the double-pane panel, noticing the white caulk between the two sheets of glass. All of a sudden, the window was gone. We had let go of it and it had fallen to the ground outside the building. I looked out the window again, hearing a shattering sound followed by the sounds of shouts and screams from the people outside. A man on a bicycle moved into view from below us, gliding his bicycle to the north-northeast, into a tree at the northern end of the yard. He seemed to be covered with blood. A person ran panicked after him. I felt suddenly upset, realizing that the falling glass had injured several people. I backed away from the window, feeling very worried and wondering what i should do. I was standing in the center of the office space now, and people were rushing from the south. We were on the second or third floor of the building, but the people in the office were worried about what had happened outside. I could see many of them rushing to the windows on the eastern wall to see what had happened, and i could hear the sound of ambulances arriving outside. I mentioned to someone that we had dropped the glass, but no one heard me. I was very upset about it. I turned to the south and came to the lawn to the east of the building. Emergency workers were already moving around the area, and most of the pedestrians seem to have been cleared from the area. I felt as though i was in a daze as i wandered to the north, looking for the injured people. I saw the wrecked white bicycle near the large thick trunk of the wide tree. Pieces of glass were scattered on the grass around the base of the tree, and a man reclined against the trunk as an EMT stood to the west of him. The man’s pale pants were torn, and i could see spots of bloody skin all along his leg. Yellow caution tape ran from the tree to somewhere to the west, blocking people from the area. I told the EMT that i had dropped the window glass, but she had no reaction. I felt upset and moved off to the west, trying to figure out what was actually happening around me. The area to the east of the building had been cordoned off, and there seemed to be distressed crowds to the north and south. I turned to the south and moved down the western side of the building, thinking that there was another injured person there. As i rounded the southwestern corner of the building, i noticed a ragged man walking to the south, toward the main street on the southern side of the large plain building. He had long shaggy graying hair and his clothes were worn and tattered. He seemed to be a homeless person, and i felt a little cautious of him. I turned to the east, walking across the front of the building. I knew that there should be another man hurt here, but i could not see anyone at the front of the building. I still felt uneasy, and i thought that i had to find the other person. I turned back to the north, hearing the sound of an ambulance somewhere near us. I needed to find the other injured person, but i could not see anyone around the building anymore. Something had changed. As i turned back around to the south, i noticed the grass around the building. It was bright green, and the lawn formed a crescent-shaped mound with its ends pointing northeast and northwest. The ragged man was walking across the top of the crescent-shaped mound of bright green grass, and the building no longer seemed to be to the south of me, though the mound had something to do with the building. A long eye-shaped window with a tan grid of window supports ran under the center of the mound, and it seemed to be an entrance to the building. The man started on the eastern side of the crescent and walked to the west. He was now wearing a flowing red cape and purple pants. A gold crown was on his ragged hair. This imagery had some significance, and i thought that the man was playing a special role. His clothing seemed part of the New Age movement. I watched him for a moment as he neared the western end of the crescent and started to turn to the south. I then moved quickly for the western end of the mound, where there was now an eye-shaped in the ground at the base of the mound. This was the entrance to the building. I was surprised that i would fit in such a small space, but i dove into the darkness easily.

12011 December 12

I paused for a moment at the northeastern corner of the intersection. The intersection was wide, with rounded corners and newly paved streets. The road running from the north ended at the intersection of the east-to-west road. Trees lined the sidewalk on the southern side of the intersection, and many trees seemed to be around on the other corners. I stared at the sky to the south nervously, though, looking over the metal lampposts and utility poles that had wires running between them. The sky was dark gray with streaks of lighter gray, and i knew that a storm was coming. I felt apprehensive about it as i turned to the west and started across the street. Several other people were walking with me, and i warned them about the storm. I turned to the south, standing in the middle of the street. The others were to the southeast of me, standing near a wall. The man seemed to be $K28, and he had his daughters standing with him. I looked up into the leafless branches of the trees to the south, hearing the wind start to blow. The branches did not seem to be swaying too much, but i worried that strong winds would come with the storm. I turned different directions, starting to feel worried. I could hear the sound of the wind, but i did not see any signs of wind. I then noticed the branches outside to the east moving. I was standing in a small room on the northern side of the house, looking through a small window in the eastern wall. The house had turned slightly to the north, shifting the brown and pale-tan scene outside. I realized that the winds were from a tornado, and they were very near the house. The view outside was a swirl of browns, though the house did not seem to be moving anymore. I looked down at the dirt ground to the north of the house, thinking that it would not be safe in the house. $K28 and the children were still standing to the south of me. The house seemed to be a meter or so off of the ground, and i felt like i should jump out of the house before it was swept away by the tornado. I realized that i would be abandoning $K28 and the children, but i knew that we needed to get out of the house. I jumped over the short worn cement wall, landing on the dry leafs of the ashen ground. I quickly crouched down, thinking that i could stay near the cement wall to prevent debris from hitting me. Suddenly, the house tipped and landed just above me, supported by the cement wall. I was glad that the wall prevented the house from landing on me, and i wondered whether i should stay against the wall or not. I was not sure whether the wall would support the weight of the house for a long period of time. I stood up. $K28 and the children were to the south of me as i looked at the small wooded area around us. The leafless trees were brown, and the branches did not seem to be moving with the wind. To the north, a row of buildings ran east to west. These were the back sides of the buildings on the main road of the town. I started walking to the north, looking for a way to get back to the main street. I noticed a large white metal platform on the back of one of the buildings. A ramp extended down from the eastern end of the southern side. The platform had a metal grating as a surface, and i could see a large animal pacing to the west on top of it. The animal seemed to be a horse, but it also seemed like a short giraffe. A lion was walking up the ramp. As i got closer, i realized that the ramp was a conveyor belt leading the lion up to the platform. The ramp also did not reach all the way to the ground. The entire platform must have been raised to load the animals into the back of the building. It was off of the ground now, so we would not be able to use it to get back to the main street. I wandered to the west a little, down the narrow drive that ran behind the buildings. I wanted to find an alley between the buildings that could lead back to the main street. Something projected from the upper floors of a dull-red building on the western end of the row, and a truck was parked under it. The projection seemed to be part of the building that extended to another building to the south, and the truck seemed to be a garbage truck. The street seemed damp.

I was near the southern edge of the large dirt yard where the construction workers were doing something. I felt very uneasy being here, thinking that i did not quite belong. I was uneasy with the other construction workers, thinking that they did not like me for some reason. My father was here, and i talked to him about the truck that was to the north of me. The large white pick-up truck was facing north, and i moved onto the bed of it. My father and i spoke about something as i got in the truck and started driving it to the north. I realized that the workers here looked down on me for some reason, and i was unhappy about this.

12011 December 13

I said something to the other person before heading to the west, into the long rectangular room in the center of the building. The room was filled with plants, and i felt that the plants were mine. The building was made of white cement walls that seemed old and dusty. The large central room of the building was divided into smaller spaces by short white cement walls that had plexiglas windows on top. The windows were supported by aluminium frames that seemed old and tarnished. The main space seemed to be the rectangular room in the center, where the plants were growing. I moved into the eastern end of the room, though the doorway, looking at the plants inside. The other person stayed on the outside of the room, to the east and just to the south of where i had been standing. I felt that the plants in the room were mine, and i was concerned about them because they seemed to be dry. The plants were in shallow basins formed by square cement ridges along the floor. The ridges were about half a deci tall, with sharp corners at the top and flanged bottoms that blended in with the floor. A square basin was against the northern wall of the room, about two meters from the eastern wall. It had some kind of low wide ferns covering the center of it and a tall thin tree just in front of the northern wall. The center of the room was filled with a long rectangular basin containing short brown plants and several tall tree-like structures. I could tell that another basin was in southwestern corner of the central room. I looked at the plants in the central basin, noticing that they were all dry and brown. This concerned me, and i worried that the person who was supposed to be taking care of the plants had been neglecting them. I turned to the north and looked at the large fern. It was a domed structure that looked more like a porous sea weed. As i looked at it more closely, i realized that the entire surface looked dry and cracked. I could see through the small holes in it to the dry ground below. I had been bending over to look at it, so i stood back up, noticing several people sitting in the room to the north. I could see them through the glass windows. They had been leaning on the table, watching me, but turned back to themselves when i looked at them. I felt bad about the plants, looking at the ground on the eastern edge of the central basin. The dirt was very shallow there, and i could tell that the rounded piles were dried solid. I was annoyed by this and moved to the south, complaining to the other person that the trees should have been watered. I reached to the south and grabbed one of the hoses from the southern wall of the room. The red garden hose was attached to the southern wall. I took it to the compartment on the western side of the larger room and started watering the ground. Before long, i realized that the ground here was recently wet. Someone had started watering the plants. I looked back to the center of the room. I was now standing on the eastern side of the room again. I thought that there were hoses in several of the rooms, but they seemed to be in inconvenient locations. They should have been over the basins so that i could simply turn the water on and water the plants. I was frustrated by this and pulled the hose to the southwest, across the lawn to the south of the building. I would have to bring the hose all the way around the building to get it to the central area. I wondered if it would actually reach. As i pulled it past the western side of the house and started to turn to the north, i noticed that the hose was running around a small tree that was to the west of the southwestern corner of the small house. It seemed like a long way to pull the hose, but i remembered that it had been done before. I was uncertain about what i was doing. Spigots with hoses should have been near every basin in every room. I turned back to the east, again on the eastern side of the large room. The woman was standing to the south of me again, and i complained to here about the water. I started toward the central room with the hose, but realized that water was flowing across the floor of the central room from the basin in the northeastern corner. Someone had already started to fill the basins again. I was still upset and complained to the woman again. I continued dragging the hose to the central room.

12011 December 14

I moved to the east, passing along the counter on the northern wall of the kitchen. This place seemed like the kitchen of my parents’ house. I had to make my lunch so that i could get to work, but i thought that i might be out of peanut butter. Several jars crowded the counter to the northeast of me, and i noticed a jar of Skippy peanut butter on the northeastern side of the cluster. The jar had been turned upside down. I felt that it was my father’s peanut butter jar, but i thought that i could use it to make a sandwich. I picked up the jar, noticing how the peanut butter inside had been scooped out with a knife. Long gouges were missing from the peanut butter in the jar, and the surface looked a little oily, as if the peanut butter was starting to separate. I wondered if the peanut butter was still good. I moved around for a moment in the kitchen, noticing how messy the place was. I felt upset, knowing that my father had left the house. He was mad with me and had left me here. I looked around at other things in the kitchen, turning to the west to open the refrigerator. The refrigerator shelfs were mostly empty, and i thought that there was little food elsewhere in the house. This distressed me, and i felt upset about my father leaving. I moved to the west, out of the kitchen and into the dining room. Looking to the north, i could see a car on a gravel driveway to the north of the house. I was looking through the window of a narrow door in the eastern end of the northern wall of the dining room. The car started spinning its tires as it speeded off to the east. This upset me. The car seemed to be a tan two-door sports car from the seventies. It had a wedge-shaped short back end, with an inlaid white panel in the center of the side. As it speeded off, the dust from the road rose around it.

I turned to the west, crossing the northern side of the kitchen, which seemed to be in $P19. The large wooden preparation table was to the south of me, and several objects were standing along the northern edge of it. I looked at the large metal machine near me, which looked like a broiler over. It was a large square machine, about a meter square. The northern face had an opening near the top through which i could see the black ridged of the grill. We were getting ready to do things in the kitchen, and i felt that i had to get things ready. A man stood to the north of the metal box, looking at it as if trying to figure it out. As i approached him, a large sheet of white wood or plasterboard seemed to be standing up between the oven and the man. The man seemed to be holding it up so that it did not rest on the metal appliance. We had to turn the broiler on to get it ready for cooking. I looked at the white glowing ring of the power button on the upper-right side of the appliance’s eastern face. I thought that we would press this button to start the machine, but, as i approached, the button suddenly flared up, and i could hear the sound of gas inside the over igniting. I stopped moving for a moment, watching the oven to make sure that it was all right. I started to feel uneasy about it, thinking that the over should not have been doing that. I asked the others in the room about it, and they mentioned that it had been doing that lately. I was uneasy about this and told the others that there might be gas leaking within the over. When the gas builded up enough, it would then ignite. I did not feel comfortable about this, and warned the people that the oven could be dangerous as i turned to the east. Everyone was getting the kitchen ready. I then realized that people were talking about something to the south of me. I turned my attention to the doorway in the center of the creamy-blue southern wall. A woman was standing in front of it, facing east. She was talking to someone about the items that were trying to be delivered to this house. I realized that people were trying to come through the kitchen door from the outside. The door was in the southern end of the eastern wall. I realized that the people trying to come through the door were the delivery men who were bringing in $A550’s things. He was moving into the house. I did feel that this was a bad time, though, and i was annoyed at him for having his things delivered now. I tried to pay attention to the things on the table to the west of me, but i could hear the one of the men to the south mentioning to the woman how silverware had to be ordered because there was none. I remembered that $A550 did not have anything to bring into his new apartment and that he had to buy everything new. He had said something about ordering things from Ikea. I moved to the south, looking at the door to the east. The movers had wedged tall thin boxes in the doorway and were trying to push them through. The boxes looked like very thin mattress boxes, but they were too tall for the doorway. I decided that it must be the desk and other furnishings that $A550 had ordered. I did not want to deal with it at the moment, so i continued to the south, into the hallway on the southern side of the building. I turned to the east, walking through the glass corridor and into the wing of the building. The western end of the corridor had yellow fiberglass insulation on the western wall. I realized that i had grabbed a piece and carried it down the hall with me. The woman had followed me down the hall. I felt upset and frustrated about something. I glanced to the north, out the glass windows in the corridor. Several people were playing games on the grass outside $P19. I felt separated from them, and i felt as though i did not belong here. I turned to the south and started up the short flight of stairs to the landing. The stairs ran in a square pattern as they ascended to the second level of the house. I stopped on the platform, tossing the yellow chunk of insulation to the west, under the brown metal stairs. I sat down on the railing, felling upset that i was not part of $G3 anymore. I could no longer relate to these people. The woman came from the west, but i did not say anything to her. I felt upset and i did not know what to do.

12011 December 15

I was with some of the other $G3 in the small bedroom in the upstairs floor of the house. I had just put a T-shirt on over a long-sleeve T-shirt and turned to the west to walk into the center of the room with the others. I felt a little overdressed, realizing that i had several layers of shirts on. I followed the other to the north, into the small bedroom. The double bed was in the center of the northern wall, and several people were sitting around the edges. The light from the incandescent bulbs seemed yellow, and the others were chatting when we entered. The person i was following walked to the eastern side of the bed. The people who had been in the room were to the west of the bed, with one of them sitting on the edge of the bed, facing west. I walked to the southern side of the bed, and, realizing that i would be too hot in the shirts that i was wearing, took off a few of the outer layers of T-shirts. I tossed two of them that i had taken off together onto the bed. A blue T-shirt was on the outside, and the shirt on the inside was red. I pulled the left bottom of the white long-sleeve shirt down to my waist and adjusted the sleeves as i looked at the T-shirts on the bed. I did not want to take off my shirt here entirely. I had also tossed a yellow and red tie-dyed shirt on the bed, just to the east of the other two. I spoke to the others for a moment. Most of them were still standing to the northwest of me, and the grass of the small square lawn. Something was happening to the southeast, and i turned around to look at it. We were standing on the eastern edge of a lawn, which bordered a cement sidewalk. To the east of the sidewalk, a street or drive ran north to south. School-age children were lined up in rows and columns to the southwest of me. They wore tan uniform shirts, and i thought that they might be from a religious school. One of the teachers was standing to the west of them, on the sidewalk, and another seemed to be wandering around the northern end of the phalanx. The children had been facing north, but it seemed that they turned north and started marching to the north. I noticed a young boy at the front of the group, on the eastern side of the group, carrying a thick pole. The pole was wrapped in a light-blue cloth with gold-colored rope around the center and a gold-colored cap on the end. The pole seemed rather heavy for the young boy, and it sagged near the end. At first, he held it with the point facing northwest, but turned it so that it was facing northeast. He seemed to be struggling with the weight, but he held the pole in front of him. I commented to the person with me that i remembered marching like this when i was in high school. As the group moved to the east of us, someone had called out a flank command. The group seemed to turn to the east, but did not move away from us. The leader then called out a column turn, and i watched the children start to turn back to the north. Each row of children started turning at the same time, moving as a row as they rotated to face north. I wondered how the individual rows in the center of the group would pass through each other. There was not enough room between them to turn the rows fully, and i could see that some of them were running into each other. I told the person to the north of me that this was a problem, but he did not seem to understand me. I tried to explain a little better, watching a group of children falling out of formation and quickly hurrying to get back in. I remembered that the person on the inside of the turn would have to go much slower to allow the person on the outside to catch up. The others then said something, and i turned my attention back to the west. I followed them back into the house, where other $G3 were gathering. I was standing again on the southern side of the small bedroom, near the doorway. The doorway now seemed to lead to a vertical shaft, like an elevator shaft. I knew that it only led down one floor to the living room below. I was doing something on the floor near the doorway when a young man climbed up the shaft and paused to the south of me. He was shorter than i, with a rounded face and short choppy blond hair. I found him very attractive and felt very erotic near him. I started kissing him on the lips, and he hugged me back, starting to rub his groin on my legs. He reclined to the south, and i was on top of him, kissing his neck and pinching the skin of his neck with my lips. He was turned on and seemed just as attracted to me as i was to him. He lifted his left arm and flexed his biceps to show off. This interested me, and i started massaging his biceps, moving my head to the right side of his so that i could more easily reach his arm. As he kissed the right side of my neck, i started kissing his biceps. I then moved up his arm and started kissing the right side of his neck. I was then aware of someone standing to the southeast of us. I sat up, looking up at the tall thin man in the brown long-sleeve shirt. He seemed to be $A177, and he looked sleepy. I wondered if we were in his way, so we moved a little to the north. I was then kissing the blond man again, this time reclined on the bed to the north. We started petting each other for a moment, but then stopped when i realized that the tall thin man was back. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that we were interrupting the thin man. The blond man moved to the south and stepped over the edge of the shaft, crawling down the northern side as if on a ladder. I felt disappointed that he was leaving and wanted to be with him again, but i knew that i should leave this place as well. I headed to the west, down the flight of stairs in the center of the building. As i reached the bottom, i thought about the structure of the house, remembering that it had been redone. The basement was now remodeled into nice rooms. The stairs seemed to descend to the basement level, but they emptied out to the back yard of the house. As i reached the bottom of the stairs, i could see the basement room to the south of me. Part of the house overhung the western side of the basement, providing some shade over my head. I looked down to the dirt ground at the bottom of the stairs, noticing a small hole next to the foundation. The room to the south probably had some space under it where the dirt had been dug out for renovations. I was facing east not, looking down at the hole. It seemed to be a burrow from some animal, and i wondered if it had been intentionally left under the cement foundation of the house. I knew that they had dug out the basement to make it larger, but this hole did not seem to be part of the construction job. I had expected the holes to be in the cement wall to the southeast of me, but the hole was in the dirt instead. I turned to the north and started walking along the side of the house. The cement wall of the basement to the north of the stairs seemed unfinished, making the foundation wall seem old and crumbled. I thought that $G3 had simply not had the money to renovate this part of the basement. The basement inside the wall was dark, but i could see several large metal cylinders. They looked like small milk kegs. Just past the hole, i turned to the east, heading up another long flight of stairs, which ran along the northern side of the house, in an unlighted corridor. As i headed up, i found the stairs hard to see in the dim light, but i noticed the bright blue eyes of a small cat staring at me from one of the steps. I stopped where i was, looking at a reclined cat at my chest level on one of the upper stairs. At first, i thought that the cat was $X8, but then i remembered that it could not be. $X8 would have been with my father’s parents, and they were both dead. I then remembered that $X8 was dead as well. This cat was a siamese cat, but it could not be $X8. The cat seemed uneasy with me so close, and it sat very still, watching me with wide blue eyes. I then looked down, noticing two or three small furry kittens on the steps under me. They were walking around. I thought that they were cute, but as i focused my attention on them, the mother cat became angry and tried to attack me. I was floating in the air, so the cat could not quite reach me. It tried to bite the toes of my feet, so i floated a little higher. I moved around a little, trying to pet the mother to calm her down, but she still seemed angry with me. Every once and a while, she seemed docile and interested in me, but then she started swiping at my feet again. I moved to the east, exiting the stair corridor and coming to the platform on top. The mother cat was still jumping at my feet. I then noticed that the kittens had also come to the top of the stairs, but they were now young adult cats. Their fur was fuzzy and mostly dark gray with patches of orange and white here and there. They should not be out of the stairwell because this would upset their mother more, so i tried to usher them back through the door at the top of the stairs. The mother still thought that i was endangering her kittens, and tried to prevent me from being near them. I pushed the white wooden door to the west, and two of the kittens turned to the west and walked back down the stairs as the mother cat jumped for me.

I was in the house doing something when i noticed the car in my parents’ driveway to the east. I felt uncomfortable here, and i worried that something was wrong. I felt serious and grave. My cell phone rang, and i could hear someone leaving a message on it. It was not the first message that the person had left. A man’s voice was speaking, and he said that he was calling me because of something important. He stressed that, because i had not picked up the telephone or responded, he would assume that something bad had happened to me. He had left some earlier messages about this issue, and i remembered that a woman had initially left a similar message, though she did not yet seem concerned. The man was calling because the woman had not gotten a response from me. I knew that there was nothing wrong, but they were calling me because they were part of the security team, and they were checking on my safety for some reason. I had not done something, and they were worried why. I glanced to the northeast, noticing the black cell phone sitting on the counter. The black plastic phone looked like an old pager with a rectangular screen that had rounded edges. The screen was blinking red, letting me know that i had a message. I walked to the north, into the back room of the house. I stopped in the northwestern corner of the room and faced west, toward the television that was under the window on the western wall. I had to call the people back, but the telephone to the south of the television was ringing. I tried to turn down the television before i answered the telephone, but i could not seem to make it quieter. I started to feel frustrated with the television, realizing that i had to answer the telephone before it went to the messaging machine again. I quickly answered the telephone, but i could not really hear what the man was saying. I hoped that he would realize that i was okay because i had answered the telephone. I moved back toward the north, looking at the black box on top of the northern side of the television. The front of the box had several buttons on it. I realized that a video tape was playing, so i turned it off to stop the sound, but the television started to show a screen of static, and i could hear the hiss of white noise. I could not hear what the man was saying on the telephone, and i started to feel annoyed. I looked back at the telephone for a moment, still holding the receiver to my left ear and telling the man on the other end to hold on for a moment. I tried to turn down the volume on the set, but i could not. I noticed a large red button in one of the lower rows of buttons on the black metal box. It was the off button, but the television did not turn off when i pressed it. I tried to talk to the man again, but i could not hear what he was saying, and i felt very stressed. I had to tell him that i was not in any trouble, but, because i could not answer, he might think that i was still in trouble.

I was in the kitchen of $P19, and $G3 was remodeling the kitchen here. I stood in a narrow room just to the north of the kitchen. The doorway to the kitchen seemed to be in the western end of the southern wall. I had been listening to the man to the southwest of me talk. He seemed like a coach, and i realized that he was asking us to help the others moved the kitchen cabinets back into the kitchen. They had been taken out so that the kitchen could be remodeled. To the south of me was a long row of metal cabinets, about four meters in length. They were all attached, and a row of people stood to the south of them, facing north. They were ready to lift them. I turned my attention to the cabinets, thinking that we should help lift them, but the people had already lifted the cabinets off of the floor. The cabinets were tipping to the south as the people held them. I reached for the bottom edge of the center of the cabinets, thinking that someone should be supporting this side of them. The person to the east of me did not rush forward to help right away. Realizing that we were not quite ready to coordinate the lifting, the people set the cabinets back down, and the coach started saying something to the others. The others then lifted the cabinets again, and i again moved to help them. Before i could reach the cabinets, though, they had set them back down. The coach was still explaining how we should lift them. The others seemed to be waiting for us. I mentioned that we should be on the other side of the cabinets to help move them. When i looked back to the south, the cabinets were gone and i was standing on the northern side of the kitchen. A man stood to the southwest of me. The others had already moved all of the cabinets into place in the kitchen. I looked around the large room, though, and i could not figure out where all of the cabinets had gone. A long metal counter was just to the south of me, with a large metal machine on the western end. Several people were standing near the southern wall, where they had just finished pushing several of the cabinets against the wall and were securing them to the wall. They seemed to be standing under a large fume hood. The row of cabinets that they were putting in place was not as long as the row i had seen earlier, though, so i thought that it must only be part of the cabinets. I wondered where the other parts of the cabinet went. I then noticed that the wheeled conveyor counter with the pale-yellow wheels had been set up just to the south of me. It attached to the eastern side of the dishwasher, which was the large aluminium machine to the southwest of me, in the center of the kitchen. I said something to $Z, who was with me as i glanced around the room, noticing another wheeled conveyor counter against the eastern wall, just to the north of the window that was directly to the east of me. People were all around the room getting things ready, and i started doing some things as i glanced around the room, looking at the new kitchen installations.

12011 December 16

I woke up in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house and sat up on the bed. The brown and tan bed was on the eastern wall of the room, under the large window. I pulled the covers back over the bed, thinking that i had already put my bag of clothing in the car. I would only need to bring the few things that were left in the room. I had gotten up on the southern side of the bed, but moved to the northern side to pull the covers up. I suddenly wondered whether my grandmother had sleeped in the bed with me the night before. She could have come into bed after i was asleep and left before i woke up. I realized that i might have been sleeping in the middle of the bed, and i hoped that she was not prevented from getting into bed because i had left her no room. I had to leave, and i thought again about getting everything in my car. I had already packed my bags and large things into the car the night before, so i would no only have to take down the small things. I felt as though i was being rushed. I turned to the north, grabbing the jug of milk from the table near the bed. I hurried down the stairs on the northern side of the room and turned to the south at the bottom, into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator door to the east of me and put the milk inside. I had left the milk out all night, but i felt that it would still be good because it had not been out that long. I turned to the south. I had to drive to my parents, and i thought again about the things i had already packed in my car and about the small amount of stuff that i still had to pack.

12011 December 17

I walked to the north, into the large auditorium of the school. I was following the woman into the room. I remembered waiting here after school when i was young. A piano was in the room directly to the north of me, facing east, and i ran my fingers on the keys. I could play a few more things now than i could when i was in school, and i thought that, if i knew how to play then, i could have spent my time playing music while waiting for my mother to pick me up. The woman had her back to me as she placed some of her bags on the chair to the northeast. She asked me if i knew how to play the piano. I admitted that i did not know how to play too much, adding that i only knew riffs from several songs here and there. She headed to the north to prepare something near the stage. I realized that there was one song that i could play, so i told the woman i could do the theme song to Koyannisqaatsi. I then clarified that the song was really intended for an organ. I knew there was an organ in the northeastern corner of the auditorium, but i told the woman that i had trouble with the organ because i did not know how to play the foot pedals, and the song required low notes on the foot pedals. I moved back to the east, to the north of the piano, which was now facing north. The notes rang out louder than i had expected for only brushing the keys. I wanted to play something, but i really did not know any songs well.

12011 December 18

I followed the other person to the west, across the northern edge of the area. We were following $G4 on the run, but we were far behind most of them. We had been doing something near the cars and had lost sight of the group. I knew that they turned to the south and ran across the fenced-in pen ahead of us. I ran to the center of the northern side of the pen and paused in the gateway. The pen was about four meters square, and was formed by walls of old wire mesh fencing that had tall green weeds growing up through it. A trail mark seemed to be on the ground at the mouth of the pen, so the others had run through this area. When i looked inside the pen, though, i noticed that the ground was covered with deep ruts of thick brown mud. Some green grass grew here and there, but most of the ground was wet mud. The other person caught up with me and paused in the doorway. I thought about how i could cross the mud without getting my feet too wet. I stepped carefully into the pen, trying to stay on the solid high ground. I realized that the area on the southern half of the pen was actually submerged in water. A wooden structure was just to the southwest of me, and i stepped on it, thinking that i could stay a little above water here. When i looked down the length of the structure, i realized that it was actually a bridge made of two long logs running parallel with many smaller branches tying them together. When i stepped on the northern end of the bridge, the southern end rose up to the surface of the water. The southern end must have rotted away, leaving the bridge to sink below the water level. I stepped over the bridge and onto a log, making my way slowly to the southern side of the pen and the grassy field beyond. The people setting the trail had taken us through this area so that we could get all muddy, but i knew that many people would not want to get their feet that wet. As i stepped across, though, i was aware that my feet were not getting wet. I must have been staying on the tall parts of ground. I saw a log ahead of me with its round top just out of the water, so i stepped on it as i made my way to the field. I could hear the person behind me trying to keep up. I paused for a moment in the muddy field of tall pale-green pasture grass, wondering which way the trail had gone. I could no longer see any marks on the ground. I headed to the west a little, finding myself on the northwestern side of the pen. I could not see any markings, and i could not see any runners around the edges of the field. We had fallen quite a way behind them. I called to $Z, who was still coming around the western side of the pen, asking him where the dog had gone. We had been running with a small tan and white bog, which seemed to be some kind of collie. I looked around the area to see where dog had gone. I then noticed some runners to the northwest. A lawn ran to the north of the pen, stretching out around an old farmhouse to the east. Part of the lawn ran between some thick bushes, running down hill to the north, and the runners were walking up the hill from the north, following the edge of the bushy thicket on the eastern side. The woman, who was walking between the two men, pushed on her quads as she made her way up the hill. She carried a plastic cup of beer in her left hand. The men had similar cups, so i knew that they were with $G4. The woman was wearing denim shorts and a short-sleeve blue and white plaid shirt, and she seemed to have a woven cowboy hat on her head. She nodded and waved at me as i started to the east. $Z was following me. I looked around, still wondering where the dog was. I was now standing in a room on the eastern side of the house. I could see the grassy yard out the window to the northwest: the same yard where i had seen the three runners with beer cups. A wood rail fence now crossed the eastern side of the yard, not too far from the house, and there seemed to be other structures nearby. A man sat on the couch on the eastern wall, just to the south of the window. I asked him about the dog, wondering where the dog had gone. Another person was sitting to the north of me, another couch. I then spotted $F58 out the window to the northeast, standing on the lawn.

12011 December 19

I moved through the upper floors of the tall cement building, working my way to the lower levels. This building was under construction, and i was working on the construction crew that was building it. We were getting ready to leave for the day, and i moved to the south, toward the door in the center of the building. I was carrying several small plastic bags of trash out of the building. I had taken them from the upper floors of the building, and i was thinking that i would take them out, but i did not really want to carry them all the way to the place that we were heading, which seemed to be to the west of us. I stopped just outside the building, standing on a small cubical recess in the front of the building. The walls of the building were unfinished and seemed to have sheets of styrofoam insulation on the outside surfaces. $F59 came out of the building and stopped to the west of me. I was looking down at the two clear-plastic bags of trash that i had taken from the building, contemplating whether i should leave them on the cement slab outside the building, or whether i should take them with me. I did not want to take them, but i also did not want to carry it, so i dropped against the eastern wall of the small recess of the building. I started walking to the south, and $F59 started talking about the small dark-gray stone that was on the ground to the south of the building, on the cement path that led from the building to the sidewalk. I stopped just on the sidewalk, turning to the north to look at the large block. It seemed porous, like pumice, with rounded corners. It was about a meter long, but i thought that it was actually rather light. $F59 picked it up and turned it on its side, talking about it. He said that he wanted to make a stone bowl with it. I knew that this stone could be used to carve rocks, and i told him that it would take a very long time to carve stone. $F59 said that he knew. He smiled mischievously as he said that he wanted to carve the stone anyway. I turned to the west and headed across the college campus. I then turned to the north and came into the small locker room. The alumni of this college were here for an event, and i was part of this event. I stood near the southern wall of the locker room, just to the east of the entry door, which seemed to be in the western end of the southern wall. I took off my clothes and put them on the bed to the east of me as i listened to the others to the north of me talking. I had to change my clothes so that i could get to the alumni event. As i took my shirt off, though, i realized that i had left my bag of clothes in the building where i had been working. I felt annoyed and grabbed my towel to wrap around my waist. I then realized that i would have to wear more than a towel to walk to the building, so i looked around at the clothes i had here. I did not want to put my long black pants back on because they were all dirty from work. I picked up some of the clothing from the bed, looking at it. I still had a pair of tie-dye shorts that i could wear, but i did not think that they would be good either. I was annoyed that i had forgotten my bag. I started to put on the shorts, but realized that they would not do either. $A518 stood to the northwest of me, changing in the locker room. He was talking to the person to the east of him. He turned around and commented on something. I looked down, realizing that i was wearing a pair of knee-length gray shorts, which had a darker-gray curved thorn design down the center of the fronts of the legs. These shorts were not mine, and i wondered why i had them on. $A518 said that they were his shorts, and i felt awkward. I took the shorts off and handed them back to $A518. He stood facing north, but looked back at me over his right shoulder, commenting that i was much skinnier than he was. I looked at him as he stood with in a pair of knee-length shorts and a dull-green polo shirt. I turned back to the bed, looking for clothes that i could wear. I suddenly realized that my soap and shampoo were in my bag, so i would not be able to take a shower without my bag. I felt more disappointed, realizing that i would have to go back to get my bag from the building. I then remembered that the building would be locked because it was past working hours. I felt upset and was not sure what i should do.

12011 December 20

I was in the middle of the room as my mother and father walked from the north to the east. My mother seemed surprised by the story she had heard, and she started talking about the picture of the goat that she had seen around the internet. She spoke about it with slight disgust. I felt suddenly uncomfortable, realizing that i had posted the pictures to the internet. My mother seemed to think that the pictures were horrible, and i wondered if i should tell them that i had actually taken the pictures and posted them as a joke. I did not want my relatives to think that i was posting obscene things to the internet, though. My mother described the pictures to my father as they moved near the counter on the eastern side of the room, which seemed to be part of a kitchen. I kneeled on the couch to the south of me with my right knee, facing east. I had my cell phone in my right hand, and i was looking for pictures on it. I wanted to find the original photograph, wondering if i should show it to my mother. I wanted to tell her that the picture was sent by me, but that it was not as obscene as she had thought that it was. It was actually more of a joke. I looked at the two pictures that appeared side by side on my screen. Both of them were pictures of a goat on a couch. The picture on the left showed the goat lying on its side on the couch, while the one on the right showed the goat with its back turned and its feet in the air. Both pictures were taken from the end of the couch near the goat’s feet, looking up along the couch. The picture on the right was more suggestive. I could see the hand-written words in white over the bottoms of the photographs. The picture on the left had only a few words on it, but the one on the right had two lines of text. It seemed to be the words of the goat, asking if anyone had seen its “vag”. These were not the words that i had put on the picture, and they seemed to be more obscene than i remembered. I tipped the screen, realizing that the writing was actually not part of the pictures; it was written on the screen. I quickly rubbed the pencil writing off of the screen, feeling a little annoyed that it was there. My mother came from the northeast, interested in what i was looking at. She probably thought that i was looking up the pictures on my cell phone. I wanted to tell her that i had actually taken the pictures.

12011 December 21

$F45 and i moved around the northern side of the large white room of the house. The house was very large, and the ceilings were high above us. I moved to the western side of the room, where there were counters against the northern and western walls. The kitchen seemed to be part of this room, and i moved to the counter and started doing something with the small square container of raspberries that was on the western counter. An island counter seemed to be to the east of me. I turned to the island counter to see what $F45 was doing in the center of the room. $F59 had invited us to this place, and this place seemed to be his house. I had expected him to be here, but he was not, and i felt a little uncomfortable about being in his house without him. i turned back to the west, looking at the bowl-shaped black appliance on the counter. When i pressed the button on the front, the creamy-red liquid inside foamed up. I had made something with the raspberries and was now turning it into a sherbet. I wondered suddenly whether i should be cooking with the raspberries. $A570 might have been saving the fruit for something else. I wondered what i should do with the berries, but i realized that i had already used some of them to make the sherbet. I poured more of the liquid from the large bowl into the black appliance and pressed the button again. the liquid foamed up again, but started to overflow from the domed top of the appliance. I had put too much in the appliance. I would have to get rid of the liquid before $F59 and $A570 came home. I realized that the liquid was turning to sherbet, and i thought that the black appliance must have been in the freezer. It was precooled so that it could be used to make ice cream and sherbet. I then realized that it had been left out for a while, so it should have warmed up. I decided that it must have a cooling element in it to cool it. It could have been pugged into the western wall. I felt bad about using the berries, and i hoped that $F59 and $A570 would not be mad that i had used the fruit they left out. I looked at the black bowl, realizing that the liquid i had put inside was now frozen into an ice cream. Most of it had been scooped out, but there was still some on the near side of the bowl. I felt that i had to get rid of the sherbet so that they would not know what i had done with the berries. I pulled the plastic bag from the counter to the north, thinking that i could just put the sherbet in the plastic bag and stuff it in the freezer. I would have to freeze the rest of the mixture, though. I decided that i should get the rest of the sherbet out of the black bowl and put the liquid in so that i could make more. I felt rushed and hoped that i could get everything cleaned up before people got home. I moved to the east, looking out the large windows on the eastern wall, which faced slightly to the southeast. We were on the second floor of the building, and i could see down into an oddly shaped parking lot to the southeast. The building we were in stretched to the east, across the northern side of the lot, and a lower white structure, which seemed to be a docking bay, ran along the southern side of the lot. A large bus stood along the northern side of the lot. People were coming back from their vacation and were getting off of the bus. I did not think that $F59 and $A570 would have taken a bus home. I then noticed the large white limousine parked near the eastern side of the lot, facing southwest. That was more the kind of car that they would take home, and i thought that people would be taking the limousines and taxis from the bus to their houses. The bus had something to do with the airport. I was then standing on the western side of a counter, facing east. $F59 and $A570 and their children were standing on the eastern side, smiling at us. I greeted them. $F45 was now on the north of me. I felt a little nervous about being here, so i explained that $F59 had called us and invited us over, so we came, even though no one was here at the time.

12011 December 23

My mother stood to the northwest of me and my grandmother was standing to the south. My mother seemed concerned, and she told me as if in confidence that my father was taking the medication. I thought that i knew what she was talking about, but i was not entirely sure. I asked my mother which medication she was talking about, and she glanced around, saying “The stuff that’s not legal here yet.” I wondered why my father would be taking medical marijuana. I then started to worry that he might be taking it because he had cancer, so i asked my mother about it. She said that she did not know why he was taking the medication. I was glad that he did not have any serious disease, and then i found it humorous that he was taking marijuana. I thought it might be good for him. I remembered that he used to be a hippie, and i thought that he would probably enjoy having marijuana again.

I walked down the hall to the east, through the academic building of the college. I had just come from a room where people were, and i was now leaving the building. The hallways seemed darkened because it was late in the evening. I looked to the north as i passed a glass window in the wall. I could see a woman sitting cross-legged on the floor, facing east, with a dramatic spotlight shining on her from above. A large curving instrument was sitting on the floor in front of her. She seemed to be East Asian, and she was playing the stringed instrument, which also seemed to be East Asian. Two people, who seemed to be the parents of the girl, were sitting to the west, on a bench or bleacher seat. I stopped to watch, very interested in the instrument. I stood for a moment, watching the woman play, though i could not hear any sound. I glanced at the family again, noticing that the mother had seen me standing in the doorway. I smiled widely, pretending that i was enjoying the music a lot. I did not want to seem that i was annoyed by the sound of the music and was just looking into the room to see what it was. I watched the woman for a moment as she played. I then glanced over my left shoulder, to the southwest of me, noticing the people sitting on the raised steps of the room. I was standing in the room, now, just off the performance space, and the woman was playing in front of me. I realized that i might be blocking the view of the people behind me. The music started to build, and i backed up a little to let the people behind me see better. The music now seemed to have a deep drone to it, and it seemed meditative. I leaned back, breathing out and humming to the music. I then realized that i might be making too much noise, so i glanced up at the older woman to the northeast of me. She was wearing a silky light-blue robe, which looked somewhat like a kimono style. She seemed to be the leader of the ceremony, and she did not seem to mind that i was humming to the music, so i leaned back and hummed again.

12011 December 24

I was taking courses at this college, but things did not seem quite right. I had not been studying, and i did not think that i had been taking classes. I felt bad about it, but i was not sure why i would have been taking classes any more. I started talking to the other person about it as we wandered to the east, through the college area.

I jogged with the others, looking for the trail that was set by $G4. We headed down the road to the south, across the green grassy field. I remembered being here before. Trees seemed to line the eastern side of the road, but a large grassy field flowed to the west. On the northern side of field was a small farm house, which was a place that we had just come from. Some of the others were still jogging down the road on the northern side of the field, coming from the west. The people jogging in front of me, to the south, were slowing down, as if looking for the trail. I was not sure that we were no the correct trail, and i slowed and started to look around. I looked at the large red faded barn to the northwest, watching the others jog slowly down the road to the north of the barn. I then noticed two runners jogging back from the east on the road to the north of us. They were both tall and skinny and looked like good runners. The came back to the intersection where i had turned south, and they slowed to a walk, turning south toward us. One of them was close to us now, and he placed a large diamond-shaped sign on the western side of the road near me. I looked at the orange sign, which looked like a construction sign. A white piece of paper was taped to the center of the sign, and it had thick black letters on it. The sign itself said that the road was closed. A steep cliff of dirt was now on the western side of the road, just beyond the sign. It seemed to have grass growing on the top of it. I realized that the people setting trail were pointing out that the road to the south was actually closed because of the rains. This meant that the trail heading in that direction must be a false trail. The people who had run in that direction were now coming back, so i headed back down the road to the west, toward the barn. I slowed as i reached the northern side of the barn. The small white wooden barn was just off the side of the road, and seemed to have a wide porch on the northern side. The others went inside the barn as i paced along the road in front of the door. I thought that this must be the end of the trail. I walked a little to the west, coming to the northwestern corner of the building. A gravel driveway ran to the south along the western side of the house, and a car was driving to the north, toward me. I could see the East Asian man driving the car. I knew who he was, and he was wearing a blue hat. He was a member of $G4, and he was coming to the event. It seemed good to see him, and i backed to the east as he came up the driveway past me. He stopped to the north of the building, in the gravel parking lot that ran across the northern side of the building. I turned back to the south and the man tried to maneuver his car into an appropriate position so that he could drive out the driveway again. I tried to remember his name as i walked inside. The people inside were gathered on the eastern side of the area, and i wandered to the south, to the west of them. I tried to think of the man’s name, realizing that i should use their names in $G4 rather than their real names. I could not remember the man’s nickname.

12011 December 25

I followed the other two people to the east, walking along the road or stream that ran along the southern side of the small cottage. Everything seemed very sunny and bright. The green grass around the sides of the cottage were glowing. A man stood on the edge of the path, just to the south of the house. I realized that he was Barak Obama. He smiled to us and greeted us as we walked down the path in front of him. Someone started talking about the cottage, saying that it was the on the presidential island. I continued down the road to the east as i listened to the voice describe the special house. I felt good being here, but i was not sure what to do. I had been invited here, and now i was leaving. The other person who had been walking with me stopped to talk to the President. I headed down the dirt road to the east, thinking that it was already time to leave. The voice was instructing us on how we should act at the presidential house. I headed across the quadrangle. I had said goodbye to the President, and i decided that i should catch the bus heading home. As i walked away from the President, though, and started across the cut grass of the dull college quadrangle, i noticed a bus driving down the road, heading south. The bus stop was in the center of the U-shaped building to the south of us, and the road ran down the western side of the courtyard between the building and up the eastern side. I would not be able to make it to the bus stop before the bus had to leave, but i started jogging toward the road anyway. It was a gray day, but it was not raining. I knew that the bus driver had seen me jogging toward the road, but he probably would not realize that i was trying to catch the bus. I stopped jogging, wondering if i could cross the narrow courtyard between the two roads and wait for the bus when it came back up the other side. I was not sure that the bus would stop there. I then remembered that i lived not far to the southeast. I could walk home, but i would have to follow a trail through the forest that i was not sure i wanted to take this time of year. There was no snow on the ground, so i would not have to deal with wet feet, but i did not think that the trail would be that easy when the ground was damp. I then wondered why i would take the bus such a short distance. It seemed that i only lived on the other side of small forested lot. I was still deciding whether i should hurry to the bus stop on the eastern side of the road or not, but i eventually decided that i should simply walk. I turned to the north, heading up the trail through the wooded area. The trail followed the western side of a creek as it ran up the hill to the north. I looked up the hill, which was clear of trees down the center, where the creek ran. Water was washing down the hill to the east of me in a wide flow over the white ground. The creek was still flowing over from the heavy rains that we had gotten. I continued up, hoping that i would not have to step through the creek or any of the overflowing washes to get home. I then wondered why the creek would still be overflowing. The water should have gone down by now. I decided that there must be a pond at the top of the hill that could supply the large about of water flowing down the slope. I could see a clearing to the northwest of me. The edge of it seemed level, so i decided that it was probably a steep dirt wall around the southern side of a man-made pond. As i reached the top of the hill, i could see the dark water of the pond. The ground around me was white with old snow, and the surface of the pond seemed partially frozen. I remembered this part, thinking that there was a gravel trail that ran around the southern side of the pond. I could see the park along the western and northwestern shores of the lake. A bench sat on the shore to the west, with a leafless rounded tree shading it to the north. I reached the end of the gravel trail and started to follow it to the west, around the southern end of the pond. To my disappointment, i could see that the water from the pond was partially overflowing the banks and cutting across the path. Two large puddles bulged from the pond, covering the trail. I could easily walk through them, but i realized that i would get my feet cold and wet, and i did not want to do that. I felt annoyed and started to look around the area. I then thought that this was not a real problem. I was close enough to home, and i wondered why i did not just change the situation so that i was home. It would be like teleporting. I would simply change the reality around me so that i was already to the house to the southeast of me.

I jogged to the east, through the residential neighborhood. I was supposed to be exercising with the others, but i was not sure what i should be doing. I could hear the others to the north of me, on the other side of the houses, so i called to them. I yelled for $A46, because i could hear his voice. I then spotted the runners on the street to the north of me. They had just emerged from around the eastern side of one of the small wooden houses, jogging east. $A46 replied to me, so i asked him about the workout. They would be starting on their jog, but $A46 told me to go back to $A62. This seemed like a better thing to do because i did not feel that i cloud still go jogging. I started to head back to the west, down the street. As i started, i could see the group of runners to the northeast more clearly. They were all tall and thin, and they jogged off as a group to the northeast. I turned my attention back to the west, heading to the end of the street, where a small low wooden building with a wide low roof stood. The building was on the southern side of the street, facing slightly to the northeast. It was gray with white trimming, and i could see the ocean and sandy beach to the south of it. I came around the western side of the building and onto the beach. I was gliding over the ground like an airplane, and i started speaking to one of the people in the water. $A62 was standing in the water with several other people swimming around him. He told me what i should do as i swooped over the roof of the gray building and out over the water toward him. He was telling me what kind of exercise i should do. I swooped past him and turned in a large arc to the east, thinking that i was actually moving like a paper airplane. I watched several of the other people in the water as i dipped and soared in a wide loop back to the shoreline. I come to the gray building and walked inside, coming to the locker room on the northern side of the building. I stood in front of a locker on the southern wall, starting to change my clothes. I felt a little rushed, and i became annoyed when $A407 appeared at a locker to the east of me and started asking me questions. He put some of his things near the small metal rack that was on the eastern end of the lockers. I was annoyed by this, because i was supposed to put my suitcase in the same space. $A407 put his small blue canvas suitcase in between the vertical metal supports. The supports had wire mesh on the sides and was open in the front and top. I was not quite sure where to put my bags, so i decided to put them in the slot that $A407 was supposed to use. I knew that he might be annoyed that i was putting my bags in his space, but i felt that it was the best thing to do, and i did not really care what he thought. I started to move my things to the other cubby hole, which was to the west a little. I put several of my things in the cubby as i continued to change my clothing. $A407 returned to the lockers from somewhere to the north. He seemed confused by the luggage in his cage, but i knew that he could figure out what had happened. His luggage was still in the spot where he had put it, so it should be obvious that someone had switched places with him. I did not want to deal with him when he asked questions about it, so i turned to the north and walked back out of the building. As i came outside, i wondered if i should have locked up his case, where my things were. I could have put my padlock on the case so that he would not be able to pull my things out. I did not want to deal with the situation anymore. I looked around at the people wandering around me. A large woman in a brown shirt came out of the building to the south of me. I noticed that she had $A407’s briefcase in her hands. I jumped into the air to the east and started flying around the area again. I circled over the building, looking at the people on the yellow sands of the beach to the south. I circled to the south and then to the west, swooping low over the people on the beach. I turned a little to the southwest and started flying out over the water for a moment.

I stood up from the small round table in the cafe area. I had to start heading back to the west to get back to where i had come. I was with several other people, though, and i would have to leave them. They were also getting up from the table to leave the restaurant, but they were not heading in the same direction as i was. The small area where we had been sitting was recessed into the floor, so i had to step up to the main level of the floor to head to the west. The restaurant around us was crowded, though, so i had to squeeze between people who were standing around in the area. It was difficult because i was carrying something bulky in my arms. I headed to the west, but there were a few large women standing just in front of me. I said goodbye to some of them as i tried to squeeze past them. I was having trouble getting past them because they were taking up too much room in the aisle of the area, so i simply pushed past one of them and headed down the corridor to the west. $F16 was following me through the crowd, and he commented on what i had done, saying that i was pushy. I complained that i was carrying things in my arms, so i could not have simply squeezed past them. I continued to the west, walking down the wooden dock. The buildings on either side of the dock seemed to be small shacks or stands, but they were closed at the moment. As i turned to the south onto another boardwalk, $F16 jumped onto my back. He was joking around with me. I commented to him, saying something funny as i pushed him back off. We turned to the west again, and continued across a large open area, which seemed to be a parking lot.

12011 December 26

I was walking to the east, through the center of the parking lot, which was to the northeast of the large building. The building seemed to be an arena, or some other type of large gathering area. I was working for the grounds crew for this place, and had to do something to the east. I could see roads running along the eastern side of the parking lot, where several overpasses seemed to run north to south. I sat in the car, which was to the south of a main highway intersection. The cars were moving very fast along the highway, to the east of me, but several cars were coming around the curve of the ramp to the north of me. I watched several of the cars going around the spiraling ramp, which looked like the ramp to a parking garage. I looked to the bottom of the cement ramp, realizing that the ramp near me was closed. The cars coming from the north were approaching fast, and one went to the south, onto the ramp. A white van was following it as it started making the turn onto the ramp. When they reached the ground level near me, they came to a stop, realizing themselves that the ramp was closed. I hoped that the cars did not continue on the ramp anyway. I could see that it was closed, but i did not think that it was closed for construction. It seemed to be closed for some event, so people were simply not supposed to be driving on it. A woman in a red car was coming down the road that i was on, coming from the west. She worked for this place as well. I had been sitting in my car for lunch, but i had been stopping people from traveling up the ramp because i knew that they should not. Now the woman, who had stopped her car just to the west of the opening for the ramp, could block the ramp with her car. She had come to stop the cars with me, but i knew that i had to get back to work. I looked at the large old red brick buildings to the southwest of me. They looked like part of an old factory. I worked in this area, and i felt that i had to explain to the person with me exactly where i had worked. I looked at the square brick towers that rose from the buildings. I pointed out one of the towers in the center, which had a clock tower on it. The towers seemed fancy, with pointed cone-shaped roofs. I told the person to the west of me that i worked in the building in the back, with the clock tower behind it. I then walked to the south, entering one of the building. I had to get back to work. As i entered the large open room of the warehouse, i realized that all of the equipment had been cleaned out. I could still see where the aisles of stored items had been, and many of the things there were missing. A group of people was doing something to the southwest, and i started toward them. The warehouse had been cleaned out, but it was not perfectly clean. Tall metal racks formed rows where the merchandise had been stored, but some of the racks still had merchandise on them. I was supposed to help people clean out some of the aisles in the center of the store, but the work had already been done, so there was nothing for me to do. I moved through the aisles to the southeast of where i had entered the building, noticing that pieces of plywood still formed some of the aisles in part of the large open area. This was not something that i was supposed to take care of, so i headed back to the north, walking along the eastern side of the building. The plywood would have to be cleared out by someone else. I did not want to take care of it, and i knew that i was not actually responsible for it. I felt that, if the others did the work without me, then it was their responsibility to come back and properly clean out the last of the plywood.

12011 December 27

I was moving the cars to the west, across the southern end of the parking lot. I had to move the cars for some reason. The parking lot seemed to be divided into two sections. The main gravel lot was roughly square, and a thin rectangular strip ran along the western side. A raised mound seemed to separate the two parts of the lot, with a space on the southern side where someone could drive between the lots. A wooden utility pole stood just to the north of the opening between the lots. When i was finished, i was walking back into the center of the larger lot. $F38 approached me from the east, driving in a small car. He asked me where to park. I motioned back to the west, telling him to park next to the large black picks-up truck, which was parked on the western end of the lot, facing west. As we headed toward the truck, though, i realized that there was not enough room in the parking space for him to pull in between the truck and the large thing to the south. We talked about this for a moment as we moved around in the center of the lot. We continued to talk as i walked through the house. I felt a little confused. I walked to the south, through the rooms of the house. I had just woken up. I looked out the windows on the eastern side of the house. The lawn to the southeast was rocky and uneven. It looked very strange, and the sky around it seemed to glow in a red hue. I felt suddenly worried when i realized that the ground was actually covered with a lava flow. i looked to the east, noticing that the cars in the large gravel parking lot were now covered with lava. I could see the round shapes of the cars under the dark-gray rock. The lava must have surrounded the house. I felt confused then, wondering how the lava could have flowed around the house without hitting the house and catching the house on fire. I turned to the west and headed down the stairs in the center of the building. The stairs descended to the west, into the large open living room. The entire floor of the living room was covered with rock, though. I looked at the wooden wall to the north. Yellow drapes hung from one of the windows in the northern wall, and i could see that the material on the bottom of the drapes was melting into the rock of the floor. I looked around the room at the furnishings. Many of the things here were melted. My things were ruined, and i felt very upset about it. I did not have time to worry about it, though. I had to get out of the house, though i was not really sure how i would do it. I thought that the others must have been evacuated already, but i was still here. I knew that my car was in the parking lot to the east, so it must be buried in rock, like the other cars. I then remembered that i also had a car in the garage, which was under the western side of the house. The molten rock was only on the southeastern side of the house, so i thought that i should be able to drive away to the west. I moved to the northern side of the house and looked out the back window. I could see several large rocks to the northeast. I could not figure out where the rocks were coming from. The lava seemed to be flowing from the east somewhere, and i wanted to make sure that i could escape to the west. I thought that i would have to drive the car out of the house and then across the lawn to the north. I noticed a small square structure just to the north of the house, on the eastern end of the house. It was made of cement, and the bottom part of it was glowing with heat. I wondered suddenly if the melted rock was radioactive. I headed to the east to look at the rock again. I wanted to see if there was any other evidence of radioactivity in the melting rock.

I was mixing drinks for people at the bar. I stood to the north of the bar as i made drinks for the people in the room. I thought that i would make a BFIT for someone. I got a large glass from somewhere and put ice into it. I was going to mix it in the large metal glass, and then i would transfer the entire drink to an ice glass later. I poured six shots of rum into the mixing glass, but then i realized that it would be too much. I looked at the liquid in the glass. The glass was almost full, so i would not have room to pour the other alcohols into it. I decided that i should mix the drink without ice and then pour it into the ice glass. I did this, and then i added a cherry to the top. I then noticed several men to the west of me, talking about something. I was now standing in front of the bar. I knew that i should be attending to it, but there was no one really at the bar. I then thought that i should not have been mixing my own drinks at the bar, and i felt bad about doing it. I was not a bartender anymore, so i should not be allowed to mix alcoholic drinks. I looked at the drink with the cherry in it, and i thought that i would simply tell people that it was cherry juice. I hid the drink behind the counter, but decided that i should dump it out before someone found out what i had done. I was supposed to be here working for a new job, but i was still not supposed to be making the drinks. I started to wander to the west, across the large room. My mother was in the room now, and she said something to be as she started to leave. I acknowledged here and started to get my things together so that i could leave. I suddenly felt awkward in this job, and i started to move around the area. Small groups of people were gathered here and there in the room. They had come here because of the lava. I suddenly thought about the lava flow again. It seemed like such a strange thing, and i wondered where it had come from. No volcanic activity seemed to be in this area, but the lava was actually flowing from somewhere. I wondered if some kind of radioactive meltdown could have cause the rocks to flow. The people who were investigating the lava should test for radioactivity. I thought about the lava, which seemed to be to the south of where we were now. I had come to the north, crossing the large cement plaza. I was standing with the others who had fled the lava. The special society was investigating the lava flow. This society was unconventional because they usually investigated strange and unexplained things. I wanted to ask them about the lava. I headed to the west and started around the western end of the plaza, turning to the north. I knew that they would be on the northern side of the plaza. The plaza now seemed rounded, but this did not make sense to me. I wondered if the area could really be rounded. I then wondered if it was rounded like the round cloud holes in the sky. It was a strange idea that clouds were really seen through holes in the sky. I walked toward the people who seemed to be part of the society, but i realized that they were not. A large crowd of people were gathered on the northern side of the plaza. I asked randomly whether the society had geiger counters, but no one near me seemed to be from the society. I moved through the crowd, but i could not find anyone who was running the investigation. I wanted to know about the strange lava, but i did not know whom i could ask.

12011 December 28

I returned to the bedroom, entering from the east. I walked along the northern side of the bed, where $F45 was sleeping, but stopped when i realized that two other people were in the bed with $F45. The two people were sleeping to the south of $F45, and they looked at me nervously as i came near the northern side of the bed. The man near $F45 seemed to be $A598. The man on the southern side of the bed seemed to be shorter, with balding dirty-blond hair and a square face. I felt disappointed that they were in bed with $F45. I stood by the bed for a moment, not sure what to do. $F45 lay on his back, and he motioned the others with his right had to leave, but they did not move. I felt annoyed with them and wished that i could have been part of their group. I felt left out, and that upset me. The others seemed unsure what they should do, so they did not move. The man on the outside started to move, but $A598 seemed determined to stay in the bed. I felt very bad and started to move around. I looked to the south, where $F45 was standing with one of the other men. He was trying to act young again, and he was wearing his rollerblades. A man in black skating gear grabbed $F45’s hand, leading him to the east. He was trying to do a trick with $F45, where $F45 would bend backwards and skate through the man’s legs. $F45 did this, ending up to the west of the man. He then pulled the man through his legs. The man seemed done with the trick, but $F45 hopped over the man as if playing leapfrog, landing to the east of the man. The man did not seem to expect this, but realized that there could be more to the trick than he had thought. He started skating faster to the east, but stayed to the southeast of us. Both of them seemed to be skating across the cement paving stones under the large plain modern building. This place seemed like a courtyard at $P9, with the length of the courtyard running east to west. We were standing near the western end of the area. It seemed strange that $F45 was doing this, and i thought that he might have trouble keeping up with the man, who now seemed to be moving fairly fast. I glanced to the east, down the length of the courtyard. The man was now to the east of me, walking away. He seemed taller, but still had a small bald spot in the middle of his short straight ashen-tan hair. He was wearing tight white pants and a white short-sleeve shirt. As he walked away, waddling slightly from the hips, i noticed that he actually had a rather nice body. I felt attracted to him and wished that i could have spent some time with him as well. I then felt upset again that i was not part of the group with $F45. I turned to the west, moving to the western end of the room. The picture or model of the mountains ran along the northern side of the room, and i looked at the details of the stones. We seemed to be looking out over a valley to the north of us, but it was actually a model of the mountain range. As i looked more closely at it, it seemed to be a high-definition photograph of the rocks of an area. Someone was looking closely at them, and i was interested in the rocks as well. $F43 was standing to the west of me, and she said something about the rocks. The man to the northeast of me pointed out the types of shale and stone in a certain area of the map. I looked at the gray surface, noticing the texture of light-gray and dark-gray features. I then noticed several streaks of pale-brown on the rocks, running to the west and southwest. They looked like erosion lines, and i thought that they showed some of the features of the area. I mentioned them to the others, saying that it was erosion. $F43 corrected me, talking about the composition of the rocks. She said that we could not really tell where the rocks came from by the details in the picture, but we could tell what the rocks were made from. The other person had been talking about how the rocks and shale had come to this area from somewhere else. The stone that i was looking at seemed to be harder igneous rock, though. $F43 seemed to be speaking down to me as she told me that the rocks were of a certain composition. I knew that i had not been talking about this and wanted to explain what i actually meant. I started saying something about the erosion, but she cut me off, saying something else about the rocks. The model of the mountains was now to the west of us, along the western side of the room. I had been moving to the west across the features, but was now moving to the south. I noticed an area where the rocks had a different texture, and, as i looked at it, i noticed that the picture actually showed a deep gorge in the mountains. I wondered if it was one of the gorges that i was familiar with. It seemed like an area of the state to the south of $P14, but i should know some of the places here. I pointed out the gorge to $F43. She looked at it, seeming confused by my statement. She then asked me whether i had been to this area, thinking that i would have had to have been there to know that it was a gorge. I said that i had not been there, but that i could tell by the dark shadows around the photograph that the rock was eroded around a river or creek. She seemed suddenly disappointed in what i had said and leaned back to the east, lecturing me loudly about the shadows of the image. She told me in a patronizing tone that the image was full of shadows from the light, implying that it was not possible to tell where the shadows were coming from. I looked at the overall picture, noticing that the sun on the tall mountain peaks was coming from the north-northeast of the model. This was a pretty strong indication of how the shadows were being cast. I then realized that the area that i was looking at was in the shadow of the surrounding mountains, so someone could argue that the shadows could still not be determined. I knew that i was correct, but $F43 seemed to be ignoring what i was saying and treating me like i was coming to conclusions without evidence. I felt very upset about this and did not know what to do. I stopped listening to $F43 and gave up trying to explain myself.

12011 December 29

I headed to the west, across the area, which seemed like a college campus. The buildings were modern and somewhat square. I looked at the tannish-gray building to the south of me, noticing that people were coming out of the doors. Classes had just ended, so the students were starting to walk between the buildings toward their next classes. I came to the end of a quadrangle and stated down the long flight of stone steps at the end. $F58 was with me as we continued down the stairs, which seemed to be inside a building now. I chatted with her for a moment, but, as we reached the bottom of the stairs, which were now descending to the south, then she turned to the east and headed down a hallway. I continued to the south, down the white corridor. I felt rather alone. I walked into the office at the end of the hall, thinking that i still had to do work. I felt sad about this. I wanted to do something with the other students, but i felt that i was stuck doing work here. I had entered the office from a door in the eastern wall, and i was again heading to the west. As i came into the office, i glanced to the north. $A412 was sleeping on a small bed that was against the northern wall of the room. This seemed very strange to me, but i knew that he was forced to keep the office running. I felt sad about being here. I wanted to do something else, but i had to be here.

I walked to the east, into the lecture room of the class. $F10 or $F45 was with me. I felt uneasy about the class, thinking that i had been missing some of the classes. It seemed to be in the middle of the semester, and i felt bad that i had been missing the classes. I moved to the back of the classroom and sat against the northern wall. I felt confused, and i looked over my class schedule. I tried to figure out which classes i had missed. As i looked over the schedule, though, i did not see any that i had missed. I seemed to have gone to all my classes. This made me more confused, because i felt that i had been missing some. I then realized that the class i was currently in was not listed on my schedule. I suddenly wondered whether this was my class. I started to feel uneasy here, and i decided that this was not actually my class. This was $F45’s class, and i had mistakenly followed him into the room. I felt anxious here, and decided that i should leave the class, but i did not want to get up in the middle of the lecture. It would be awkward to leave in the middle of a class. I looked across the students who were sitting in the audience to the east of me, realizing that some of them were asleep. I noticed some of them who had pulled their hair over their eyes so that it was not obvious that they were sleeping. I then looked to the front of the class room, to the south of me. The teacher was sitting on the black desk at the front of the lecture room. He had his eyes closed as well, and i realized that he was meditating. I felt even more uncomfortable here and wondered what i should do. Then, suddenly, the people in the class were standing up and walking around. Something very strange seemed to be going on.

12011 December 30

I was lying in the bed on the northern side of the room, and the East Asian man was with me. I felt strange in this situation, but i wanted to be close to the man, so i stayed on the bed. It was dark in the room, but i could The small bed was against the northern wall of the room. I was lying on the southern side of the bed, and the man was lying to the north of me, behind me. He hugged my, and i felt comforted. I knew that he was not doing it intentionally, though. He was asleep, and he had just hugged me because i was lying next to him. I did not do anything, though, because i liked the fact that he was hugging me. I lay for a moment on the bed, but then i was aware that the man was actually awake. He stood up to the southwest of the bed, and he said that he liked hugging me. The man walked to the western wall and turned on the light. He then took off his shirt and headed back toward the bed. He was not in great shape, so i was not that attracted to him, but, as he came closer, i started to hug and kiss him. He stopped me, and i knew that he wanted to take a longer time being intimate. He did not want to be sexual so soon, so we started talking to each other as i leaned back onto the bed. The lights were off in the bedroom again, and i thought that they had been turned off so that we could sleep. As i lay on the bed, i noticed daylight coming in around the shade on the window in the southern wall. It was getting brighter outside. The scene then changed, and i was standing outside, in the street of the suburban area. I was near the college campus, and these houses were student apartments or fraternities. A young man was walking down the street to the west, on the southern sidewalk. I turned to the west and walked after him. I had a backpack over my shoulder. It seemed to be very early in the morning. I had to get to class, but i wanted to be with the man who had been in my bedroom. The situation still seemed strange to me. I looked at the tall thin houses around us. The man i was following was the man that i had been with, and i was following him to his house. We stopped in front of a tall thin apartment building, which seemed to be in a style from the fourties. The man lived in the house, and i thought that it looked rather nice. It sat in a narrow space between the taller buildings.

I spoke with my mother about the trip that we were on. We had been traveling somewhere, but we were not really going anywhere. We sat in the car, which was on the southern side of the road in a small gravel pull-off. My mother talked about the house to the southeast of us, which i thought was my grandfather’s. She mentioned that it was sold, so i knew that we could not easily stay there. The land around us seemed very open, like a rolling grassy hill with small houses on it. My mother then told me to check to see if we could stay at the house to the southeast. I thought that it was a strange thing to ask, but i got out of the car, which as facing east. I felt nervous about entering the house, but i walked to the south, toward it to see if anyone was around. The small dwelling to the south of us was yellow, and it looked like several small sheds, but i knew that it was all part of a single house that was mostly underground. I walked around the eastern side of it, looking for the entry door, but i came into a small area in the center of the house where i was surrounded by plain walls. I would not be able to enter the house from here. Annoyed, i walked back around the northern side of the house and to the western side. The ground was lower on this side of the house, and i could see several old wooden multipane windows with arched tops. The window looked old and worn, and i could see many trinkets and bottles on the shelf just inside. The house looked like a quaint country cottage. A small white wooden door was in the wall just to the south of the large window. It was almost square, and i realized that it would be too small to walk through. It seemed like the door i had seen on the house before, so i was surprised that it was so small. A stone slab created a stair just in front of the door. I tried to push open the door, to get into the house, but i realized that a large ship’s compass was standing just inside the door. I would not be able to open the large white door. As i pulled the door closed again, i noticed that a smaller reddish-brown door was set into the larger door. It had come open, allowing me to look more clearly into the building. I could hear people talking inside the house. I wondered whether i should be entering the house. I really did not know what to say to these people. I was then standing inside the main door of the house, in a small entryway. A tall white ceramic umbrella stand with canes in it stood to the southeast of me, against the wall. I also noticed the small table that was against the southeastern wall, to the southwest of the umbrella stand. A black purse was sitting on the table. Someone must have been in the house, and i started to feel very awkward here. I knocked on the door anyway, to announce my presence. I looked to the northeast, into the small room with the domed ceiling. The ceilings of the house seemed rather low, and everything seemed very quaint. I short rounded woman came across the other room from the north. She was wearing a reddish-purple sweater and she looked at me questioningly. I asked her about the apartment, pretending that i had come here to rent it. I did not want her to think that i had just entered the house to see if we could stay here. She said that i must be a vegetarian and that i must be clean. I had expected her to say that i was in the wrong house, and i was surprised that there actually was a room for rent. I asked her whether the room was still for rent, and she said that it was. I then thanked her and headed out of the house to the east. I was not sure where to go to now.

12011 December 31

I was in $P19, and i walked to the east, across the large bedroom. This was not actually my bedroom. My room was to the north of this one, through the doorway in the center of the northern wall. I was sleepy, and i did not want to go to my room. The beds were around the walls on this room, and i wanted to sleep in here. The bunk beds extended from the southern and northern walls. Someone was near the bed in the southeastern corner of the room, to the east of me. He seemed familiar, but i noticed that his face was strangely swollen or distorted. He seemed like Corey Feldman. He seemed surprised that i was here, so i apologized for disturbing him and headed to the north, into my room. $A485 was reclined on the small twin bed that was against the eastern wall of the room, in the northeastern corner. I felt annoyed with him and ignored him as i headed to the east. My bed was against the southern wall of the room. I started to collect some things from the bed. I was not entirely comfortable here. To the west, $A91 was standing near his bed, which was against the western wall. He was changing his clothing. He smiled at me as we chatted. He pulled off his shirt to put another one on. I noticed that he was no longer in shape, like he had been. I continued to talk to him as i sat down on my bed.

I was heading back to Disney World. We had been here before, and we had just come out of the theme park, but i now had to go back inside. It seemed to be early in the morning. I walked down the lobby of the large modern building. The wall to the east of me was gray and had a metallic sheen. The western outside wall was glass, with thin metal frames holding in the panes. The corridor ran to the south and was two stories tall. An escalator ascended to the south along the eastern wall. I hopped on the lower step. $F45 was not with me this time, but he had been with me earlier. As i reached the top of the escalator, i suddenly realized that i did not have my card with me. I would need the card to get into the next part of the theme park. I felt nervous about it, and i pulled my wallet out of my pocket as the escalator turned the corner at the top and circled to the west. It then started to the north, down the hallway on the second floor. The outside window to the west was glass, but a part of it near the top of the escalator was black because a part of the building was blocking the window. I looked up at the white bar on the ceiling that i was traveling along. A white metal hook extended from the ceiling, forming a seat under me. I was riding it to the north as it rolled along the top of the bar on the ceiling. I could not find my card in my wallet, but i already knew that it was not there. I then noticed $F45 and the other person sitting against the wall to the north of me. The corridor curved to the northeast, but the western wall ran straight to the north until it stopped in a short wall. As i approached the wall, i realized that the man who had been sitting cross-legged on the floor was not $F45, but $A603. The man in red who had been sitting next to him reminded me of $A621. They stood up as i reached them, but i explained that i did not have my tickets with me, so i would have to go back down to look for them. I felt disappointed and looked at the double glass doors to the north of us. They were the entry doors to the park, but i was not sure that i could go through them, even though no one was guarding the door at the moment. I then realized that no one had asked me for a ticket when i had come in through the doors to this building. I had been in the park before, but the two guards might not have checked for my other card before. I wondered if i had the second card now. The second card would have gotten me into the building that i was in. I then thought that it was Saturday, so maybe the rules were different on weekends. They had not checked my cards before, but they might need to see them now because more people would be coming to the park. Frustrated, i turned to the south and started down the escalators. I did not want to deal with the guards that would have to check for my card entering the park. I would have to go all the way back to my room to find the correct cards. As the escalator descended to the west, i could see the glass entry doors to the north of me on the lower floor. I then noticed the dull-red rubber ring at the bottom of the escalator. It was set into the floor and seemed to be some part of the ride. I stepped over it and turned my attention to the people coming in through the glass doors to the north. I knew them. The man and woman pulled open one of the doors and entered the building. The man seemed like $A537. The woman was shorter and reminded me of $F62. They greeted me with smiles, and i felt as though i knew them well. I told them i had forgotten my card, and the woman mocked a frown. I turned around and walked with the woman, following her up the escalator, which ascended to the east. The man stayed on the lower floor. I watched him for a moment as he stood near the large glass window on the western side of the hall. He walked out the door to the west, stopping just outside. I could now only see his feet below the second floor of the building as i rode the escalator. He was wearing black pants, and i saw him put down his black leather briefcase. I wondered suddenly where he was going, so i asked the woman. She said that he was heading to the store for aspirin. I watched him for a moment as i continued to ride the escalator to the east.