12012 December 01

I opened the door on the northern side of the house. The house seemed to contain only one room, which was a living room. I closed the door and moved around the room, ending up near the western side of the room. As i headed back to the north, i heard someone closing the front door of the house. I could also hear my mother talking to the dog, saying that $X3 was going outside. I could hear my mother to the south of me. She had let $X3 out the southern door. The person who came in the northern door seemed upset, though, saying something about the outside. I looked out the large picture window in the northern wall, which was to the west of the door. I could see bees swarming outside. The person must have disturbed their nest. Several bees had followed the person into the house and were buzzing around near the door. I turned to my mother to warn her about the bees, saying that $X3 should not be outside. As i reached the southern door, i could see several bees flying around the ceiling in the house. I had come into a small room to the south of the living room. The small room seemed to be a kitchen. I closed my eyes as i moved back to the north, trying to keep the insects out of my eyes. I told my mother that we would have to swat them, and i though about hitting them with my shoes, which i seemed to have in my hands. The shoes seemed to be old leather penny loafers.

12012 December 03

I moved around on the western side of the room, which was in a small plain building. The building was mostly empty and seemed like a shop. A small U-shaped counter seemed to be near the western wall, and i was standing near the southern side of it. The register was to the north of me. A shelf to the west of me seemed to be empty, and i was supposed to fill it with products. I thought that we had sold out of items, which seemed very good. The walls of the building had large windows in them, and i could see the flat land around me. A shallow hill rose to the north, and the land to the north and west seemed to be a golf course. I headed to the east, toward the interior wall of the building. The room i was in was empty, with no other objects on the cement floor. I turned to the south on the other side of the interior wall and started grabbing some of the loafs of bread from the metal shelfs. A man to the east of me was also grabbing some of the items, which were wrapped in clear plastic bags. I told the other man that these items were actually from my personal stock. I felt a little defensive about them, telling the man that i had purchased them with my own money. I was now selling them here at the store. I felt a little uncomfortable about it, thinking that i should not be selling the things i bought here, but i knew that we needed more merchandise for the store. I thought that i had purchased them to sell long ago, but would now have to sell them here, because the store had sold out of all of its supplies. I headed to the west again, noticing a short queue of people standing outside the store. They were queued in front of the service window, which was on the northern end of the western side of the store, and the queue curved to the south, following the paved path outside. The store had just opened toady, so it was very good that it had sold out of its merchandise already. It was nice to sell out, and i thought that we could get many things to sell tomorrow when we restocked. I grabbed something from the western end of the store, where the tall metal shelfs were still standing. A woman to the northeast of me commented on the small jar that she had taken from shelf. I turned to the northeast to see her. She was standing on the eastern side of a counter, which ran north to south in the northeastern part of the room. A shorter rounded woman stood on the western side of the counter. The woman to the west was working the register. I looked at the glass jar, which the tall thin woman in the dark long coat had placed on the counter. I remembered that it was one of my things that i had put on the shelf. She had said something to the woman to the west, and the cashier reached under the counter to get something. I realized that the thin woman was trying to open the jar, but was having difficulty. The cashier pulled a tool out from below the counter. I shook my head at them, telling them that the top of the jar was a twist off. I grabbed the tarnished tin lid of the jar and turned it open. I then looked at the contents of the jar, which seemed to be small metal bits from various things. Several screws and bolts were in the jar, along with small pieces from larger objects. I felt sad that the woman was buying the objects, because i still felt somewhat attached to them. I pulled out several of the pieces, looking them over and describing them to the woman. I then noticed a small pistol. It was about three centimeters long, and the barrel was actually a threaded bolt. I showed it to the woman, telling her that it was very interesting. I started to feel uncomfortable looking at the items, so i started to put them back into the jar, thinking that the woman had found the jar on the shelf to the west. I could not tell her that i no longer wished to sell it. I tried to put the items back into the small box with the sliding lid, but i could not seem to pack them all back in properly. I shifted them a little in the case, finally closing it. I then felt nervous that i had been looking through the items that the woman was buying. I handed the contained back to her, apologizing for going through it and saying that i hope she did not mind. She said that she did not.

I was on the northern side of the large auditorium. A show was happening to the south, and many people were gathered here and there across the room. I was not paying attention to the show, and i continued wandering to the west. Someone then started talking to the south of me. I glanced to the south, noticing that i was now in a corridor to the north of the auditorium. I could see into the larger room. I could see the pale chairs in the center of the room. The people i had been with were now to the southeast of me, clustered in the center of the large room. I pretended that i was looking for someone, but i was not really sure what i wanted to do here. I was interested in this area. I turned to the east, and walked down the hall, looking to the north. The hall had columns on the northern side, and spaces between the columns formed small areas where people were sitting. I passed the bottom of a stairwell that descended from the north. Just to the east of the stairwell, several people were gathered on couches and chairs. A rectangular table stood near the western wall, near the stairs, and a few people were standing between the table and the wall. A couch was against the eastern wall. The people were pouring drinks into cups and glasses. I had already had some alcohol at the party, and i was not sure that i wanted more. A man stood to the north of the orange couch. He joked about the alcohol, pouring the last of a bottle of red wine into a glass. He then dropped a bottle of something on the northern side of the couch. The others commented on it, saying that the bottle might have broken and the man was spilling the alcohol. The man grabbed the bottle and started pouring the pale-brown liquid into a glass, which was on the floor. I knew that he was doing this because he had broken the bottle, so he was trying to empty it before it spilled onto the floor. The glass filled up rather quickly, but the man continued to pour. I watched the pouring liquid churn into the glass for a moment, thinking that it would eventually flow over the top of the glass. The liquid poured in, but the level of scotch in the glass did not continued to rise for a moment. The man continued to pour until the scotch flowed over the western side of the glass. The others then started laughing about the mess that the man was making. They said that he would have to drink the scotch so that it would not be wasted. I did not want to drink any more of the hard alcohol, but i told the others that i would drink the rest of the wine. I reached for the glass, feeling a little awkward. I took a sip as the others started to complain about the wine. I then realized that the wine did not taste right. It seemed too sweet, and there was something sticky on the side of the glass here i had put my lips. A woman to the east of me said that there was semen in the glass. This annoyed me, thinking that the glass was dirty before the man poured the wine into it. The woman seeded disgusted, but tried not to giggle about the fact that i had tasted the wine from the glass. I thought that the alcohol was, at least, antiseptic, but i was disgusted that i had drinked from the glass.

12012 December 04

The woman was calling the dog, and i knew that she wanted to get the dog back into the house. She was somewhere else in the house that i was in, to the northeast of me. I could hear her in another room. A large black dog came into the room where i was, wagging its tail at me. I looked down at the labrador as it moved to the south and southwest of me. I opened the yellow wooden door, and the dog ran outside. I knew that the woman was leaving, and i realized that the dog was probably trying to follower her. I should not have opened up the door to let the dog out. I walked out onto the green grassy lawn to the west, feeling confused. I could not quite focus on the situation.

12012 December 05

I was in the middle of the small crowded playground, which seemed to be in the middle of a larger park. It was dark out, but i could tell that bushes surrounded the area. Few people seemed to be around, but the playground equipment left very little space in the area. A table was set up in the center of the playground, and i was supposed to be selling things from it. I sat on the southern side of the table, facing north. The surface of the table seemed yellow, and several objects were sitting on the table. A large building was to the west of us. I felt very uncomfortable here, and i thought that we had not been able to sell the things that we were supposed to. I started to pace to the north of the table. $A623 was now sitting to the south of the table. She seemed very nervous and stressed. I started to pack up things from the table. It was getting late, and we would not be able to sell the rest of the stuff. I was disappointed, and i felt very strange here.

I entered the dormitory room from the west. It felt odd to be here again, because i had not been in college for a very long time. I was not living here, though. I was staying with a friend. I knew that this room was on the eastern end of the hallway, which seemed to be on an upper floor of the dormitory building. A young woman was in the room rear me, and she asked me if i was staying here. I had said that i was staying here, letting others believe that i was actually living in this building, but i admitted to the woman that this was not actually my room. My friend had a bed here, and i was simply staying here for a while. I motioned to the bed to the southwest of me as i talked about my friend’s bed. The bed was against the western wall of the room, to the south of the entry doorway, which was in the center of the western wall. I told the woman that i was in the next room, and i pictured a room on the northern side of the hallway, to the northwest of us. I then thought about the large building that we were in. It seemed like a college dormitory, and it seemed strange that i would be back living in a place like this. I walked to the south, looking around the room that we were in. The decorations on the southern side of the room seemed new and clean, unlike the rest of the room. I did not remember these things being here. A white cushioned chair was in the center of the southern wall, and a round white column was behind it. A double french door was in the wall, just to the east of the column. I pulled open the door and looked into the large open room beyond. The polished wood floor of the room shined with the reflected sunlight. The room seemed wide. It was a new addition to the house, and i thought that it looked very nice. I did not remember it from when i lived here, and i wondered how it had been put on. I knew that it was too large to have been attached to the old building. I was surprised, thinking that a new building must have been built next to the old one. I thought that the two buildings must be related in some way. I felt shocked to see how nice the new rooms looked.

I was riding my bicycle to the north, up the long streets of the city area. I had been somewhere to the south, visiting with some other people, and i had just left them. I thought about the other people, and one of them seemed to be $A608. I looked at the tall gray building as i passed down the street. I was riding on the eastern sidewalk of the street. I thought about where i was headed, though, and i wondered if i was going too far to the north. I had been paying attention to the buildings and was not paying attention to where i was headed. I looked around , thinking that i had passed the building that i was supposed to stop at. I turned around and headed back to the south, a little annoyed at myself. I turned my bicycle to the west, thinking that i would have to cross the street to head down the other side. As i started to make a U-turn in the middle of the street, i noticed a police car to the west of me, sitting in an old crumbling asphalt parking lot. The car itself looked clean and new, but everything around it looked deteriorated. A tall metal chain link fence seemed to run around the western and southern sides of the lot, and weed seemed to be growing through it. A short dingy white building was to the north of the lot. It looked like an old convenience store. I watched the police car as i completed my turn and started heading back to the south. The parking lot was on the southern end of a city block, with a narrow street running along it. This was a poor neighborhood. I noticed some children standing near the door of the store, which was on the northern end of the eastern side. They seemed to be waiting fro someone. I felt a little uneasy here, thinking that this neighborhood was probably not that safe. I headed to the south on the western side of the street for a short way, but then i turned to the west, down a narrow street. A second north-to-south street ran only fifty meters to the west of the one that i was on. I turned to the south on it, noticing the plain stone buildings to the south. They were quite different from the dingy buildings of the poor neighborhood to the north. The street seemed to be covered, thought the ceiling seemed more like the deck of a railway than a roof. Light came in from the sides of the cement structure overhead. The wall to the west of me was brick, and it seemed very clean and new. I had come back into the maintained part of the city. $A623 was walking along the street to the south of me. She had come from a walkway to the southwest. The sidewalk to the southwest seemed to be set under a separate cement structure. The wall on the western side of the alley was faced with stone, making it look like an old stone wall. $A623 was walking with a young child. The young girl was riding a small bicycle, and $A623 walked slowly to allow the child to keep up. I passed them, saying something in greeting. I looked to the southwest, trying to find the corridor that i could ride down. I had to follow it back to where i wanted to go. As i headed south, i started to feel that my bicycle was not properly adjusted. It seemed too small for some reason. I tried to readjust it. $A623 was to the north of me now, and she chatted with me as i looked at my bicycle. She thought that i was traveling ahead to look for the right path, but i really could not get my bicycle to move correctly. I looked down the long narrow road now, to the south of me. Steep buildings rose on both sides of the street. I tried to get my bicycle to move correctly, but it would not. I felt awkward, but i continued to the south. I came to the building on the eastern side of the street. I headed to the east, into the door on the southern end of the western side. The actors were gathering in this building. I had come to see them, but i worried that i might be late because of my bicycle. $A635 was to the east of me as i came into the square room on the western end of the open space. This place seemed like a pub or restaurant. I thought that i had come in the back entrance. The room was open now and filled with people. The main area of the establishment was made of two rooms. They were both roughly square, but they did not seem to align perfectly. The room to the west seemed a little wider, and seemed to be offset to the north a little. A bar ran along the northern wall of the room to the east. Most of the crowd seemed to be on the eastern side of the room. $A635 was on the western side with some of the actors. They were getting ready for a show. I realized that $A635 had come from rich parents. I had not known this about here, but something about this place let me know this. The actors were moving around on the western side of the room, getting ready. I was supposed to do something with them. I looked at the actors in decorative face makeup. Several of them were dressed in blue costumes, with pale blue and light-gray designs on their faces. This was all part of the show. Everything here seemed fancy and flourished. I was supposed to be acting with this group, but i felt that i had come in late. I posed for some pictures with some of the actors, but i did not really feel at ease here. Everyone seemed much more professional than i did. I headed to the west a little before stopping with another group of actors and posing for another picture. I did not feel as though i belonged with this group of people. It seemed that i did not quite fit in here. I looked to the northwest to see a group of people in decorative red face paint. I was heading to the west, and, as i passed them, i thought that the paint designs looked very good. I felt uneasy here, thinking that i did not quite belong with these people. I was not really sure what i should do. A temporary partitioning wall was set up on the western side of the room, extending from the southern wall. I walked behind it, thinking that i would have to get off of the stage so that the show could start. I also wanted to stay out of the range of the cameras that were taking pictures of people on the stage. I was wearing a denim jacket, and i did not feel that i was properly dressed for the situation. I then started to feel awkward here, not sure what i should do. I knew that i would have to be on stage for part of the show. I walked out from the northern end of the partition, making an entrance onto the stage. I felt out of place here, but i was supposed to act my part in this play. I pretended that i was drunk, which was part of my character. I stumbled a little as i came on to the stage. The audience was sitting in rows to the east of us now. I said something and then stumbled down the steps at the front of the stage. I felt nervous, but thought that i was just doing my part in the play. I hoped that it would be all right. I had said something about my shoes, which was part of the joke of the scene that i was doing. I looked down, pretending to fall toward the audience. I stumbled to the ground and then slowly stood back up. I suddenly realized that no one was talking around me. I remained drunk, brushing myself off. I thought that the other person should have had a line to say. I started to worry, thinking that i could not do anything to prompt the other person to say the line. I then started to worry that i might have another line to say. I hoped that i did not. I tried to think of what was supposed to be said next, but i could not remember anything. I felt worried. I continued stumbling to the east, heading down the aisle that was on the southern side of the room. I felt confused, not sure if i was missing a line or if someone else had simply not said theirs. I walked through the crowd watched in silence, and i continued walking to the east, not sure what to do. I wanted to get off of the stage quickly.

12012 December 06

I was floating through the air with the other person. We seemed to be hugging each other, and i felt very erotic being with this person. It felt very awkward to fly with him and hug him, though. We were trying to copulate, but i did not think that we could do it easily while flying. I thought that it would be very messy, and i wanted to stop doing it. I turned to the east and walked across the locker room. I had to get my things to go. I seemed to be at $P37. I then realized that the man to the southeast of me was taking a basket from one of the locker. This seemed to be the basket where we had put our things. I felt annoyed with the man for cleaning up our things while we were away. I complained to him, but he did not seem to care. He started walking away, carrying the basket with him. I called to him to stop, but he would not listen to me. I felt annoyed with him now, and i started chasing after him.

12012 December 07

I had been in the bathroom of the large event. I remembered walking to the north to use one of the bathroom stalls. I had put something down on the metal enclosure that was hanging from the eastern wall. I was now moving though the crowd of the party. This was a public event, and the people were dancing in the crowded and darkened space. Bright lights were flashing in the room as i followed the others to the southwest, toward the exit of the building. I was with $F45 and some other friends. We walked out of the school building and started walking around the sides of the building. We had parked somewhere to the north of the building, but we would have to walk around the western side of the building to get back to the car. We were walking north through a narrow passage between two wings of the building. The wall to the west of us was tan, and seemed to have tall thin vertical windows in it. $A598 was walking to the west of us, and $A606 seemed to be to the north. I started looking for something as i put on my jacket, searching the pockets. I suddenly realized that i had left my driver’s license in the bathroom. I had placed it on the metal case on the eastern side of the room. I felt annoyed, thinking that we had already walked most of the way around the building. It seemed to be a long way back to the entrance that we had come out of. I told $F45 that i had left my ID card in the bathroom. I would have to go back for it. I turned back to the south, realizing that an entrance to the school was just to the south of us, on the northern side of the building. It seemed closer to the dance room than the door we had come out of. I asked $F45 why we had walked all the way around the room. I walked down the cement path that led to the doors, pausing at the entrance, where two bouncers were standing. I started to say something about getting my license. The other three with me simply walked around the eastern side of the table, which was a few meters to the north of the doors. I could have simply walked in with them, but i had said something to the man at the door. He turned to me and told me that i could not get in. I felt annoyed, telling him that i did not have my ID with me because i had left it in the building. He seemed defiant, and he told me that i could not go into the building. The other three people turned and walked back to me, waiting in a line just to the south of the table. $A598 was standing in the middle of the group. He wore a black peacoat, and had his hands in the pockets. The bouncer stood to the south of me. He had curly light-colored hair, and he was not going to let me in. I felt upset, thinking that i would have to wait by the door until i could get back into the building to get my license. I opened up my wallet, turning to the north as i spoke to the others with me. I realized that i had someone else’s license in my wallet. I then realized that my license was underneath the other license. I told $A419 that i had his license with me as i turned the card to the side in my wallet. I tried to hide the fact that i had my own license. I knew that i left something in the bathroom, and i wanted to go back in to get it. I turned back to the north, but the bouncer was still insistent that i would not get back into the building. I thought that i could wait here anyway. I would have to wait until the party was over. $A419 moved to the north of me, as if to say something quietly to me. He put his hand on my crotch, and i realized that he was just trying to flirt with me. I backed away, trying not to get distracted.

12012 December 09

I moved through the small bedroom in the upstairs of the house. This place seemed familiar, and other people were near me. I felt that i had to do something. Something seemed out of place, and i tried to figure out what it would be. I started moving to the east, thinking about the subject that we had been talking about. The others seemed to be to the south, but i did not feel part of their group. I drifted down the street. I looked back at the brown wooden house, which seemed old. It was in a suburban area, with leafless trees. Someone to the south of me was saying something, and i seemed to be floating in the air over the street. I glanced back to the west, noticing something red in the window. I looked at the window a little longer, seeing something flicker across the square screen. It looked like a series of horizontal red lines. This had some significance, but i tried to ignore it. It seemed dangerous, and i did not want to think about it at the moment. Instead, i headed to the east, passing through the branches of the trees. I weaved through the branches, aware that the person to the south was still watching me. I then realized that i was moving in a way that would make the person think that i was intoxicated. I thought that i should pretend to be intoxicated, and wondered what kind of drug i would be on. I caught glimpses of the thin branches as i passed through them. I was moving as though i was dancing, and i felt very good. I paused for a moment, suddenly aware that i was not sure where i was heading. I had been heading to the east, but i was not sure that i still was. I tried to focus, moving again through the trees. Once i cleared the branches, i realized that i was actually heading in the correct direction. I wondered what the person watching me would think.

12012 December 10

I was in the house with several of my relatives. The room seemed dark, and i was standing on the southeastern side of the room as some people talked to the north of me. I felt very tense here, thinking that something should be done. My grandmother said something to the north of me, and i started doing something in the room. I felt that we had to leave the room, so i headed out of the house to the south. I then started moving to the east, down the northern side of the darkened road. It was night, and the sky seemed very clear and dark to the northeast of me. A cement wall stood to the north as i moved down the road. The wall seemed to be part of a partly constructed building. I had to do something important here. The others seemed to be walking to the east of me. I had something that i needed to do, and i felt anxious about it.

I was heading to $P73, and i had come to the northern edge of the college campus. A gorge was to the north of me, running to the east and west. I was standing on the southern side of the street, which ran along the northern side of the college campus. I seemed to be near $P205, looking to the north. The trees on the northern side of the road seemed ashen-tan, and they had no leafs. The sky was gray, and it seemed as though it had rained. I started to walk to the east along the road, thinking that i would have to go to the bridge to cross over the gorge. As i stepped on the asphalt surfaces of the road, though, i noticed that it sounded hollow. The others with me continued to the northeast, but i paused to stamp on the road. The road felt as thought it was vibrating with my stomping. I said something to the others, stopping them from continuing. I then jumped up and stomped on the ground, demonstrating the hollow sound and vibration. I realized that the gorge was very close to the road here, and we were actually on a suspended section of road. The cliff must have sloped down under the road, so the road was built like a bridge across the gap. I then noticed a small hole in the deck of the road, just to the north of me. I could see the northern wall of the gorge through the crack. I felt nervous, thinking that the road was starting to crumble. It must be safe enough to drive, but the hole seemed to be a few decis across, and i thought that a car could easily get stuck in it. One of the people with me wandered to the west, but $F45 stood to the east of me. I picked up a snowball and tossed it to the north, watching it fall through the hole in the road. $F45 had seen the hole, but he thought that it was just a shallow pot hole. Now he would be able to see that the hole actually went through the deck of the road. This road was dangerous to cars, and i thought that it should be closed. I knew that the road crew was working on the road just to the west, and that they had sections of the road closed off, but i thought that this was very dangerous. The road must have been washed away by the heavy rains that we had. I moved a little to the north, realizing that the hole in the road was larger than i had thought. It was not just a little pot hole. It was about a meter long and a little less than a meter across, and it was roughly triangular in shape. I looked down into the hole, seeing cement archways that supported the road. They were old, and the edges were worn and crumbling. I started to feel more concerned, thinking that this road was very unsafe. I then realized that the northern edge of the road was actually missing. It had broken off and fallen into the gorge. I backed away from the holes, looking for the men who were working on the road.

I was with my relatives as we headed to the north, into the building. This place seemed to be a house. A table stood in the center of the middle room of the house, and the others moved toward it. I continued to pace around the rooms of the house, discussing the story that we were telling. I felt anxious, worried that i might get the story wrong. I could note remember all of the details, but i tried to recall what had happened. Another person in the room then started telling the story with me. I felt a little better that someone else knew the same story as i did. The person said something about the situation, and i tried to think of the next part of the story. I knew that the next part of the song had something to do with boats. I looked at the young woman with the long blond hair. She was sitting on the western side of the long dining-room table, and i was standing to the south of the table. She was telling the story with me. I told her that the boats were across the street, on the shore of the water. She seemed interested, and said that we should all go to the boats. the others stood up and started heading to the south, out of the house. One of the men in the room hesitated, though. I could tell that he was not sure he should be going to the boats right now. I walked out of the building. It was dark out, and i crossed the street that ran to the south of the house. A long low building was on the southern side of the street. I knew that the marina was just to the south of it. We were heading to the boats in the slips of the marina, but something seemed wrong. I felt worried about going to the boats right now. This place seemed suddenly dangerous.

I was with a group of people in the large room. I looked to the north, noticing a man standing near the northern wall of the room. He was tall and thin, and he was wearing dark clothing. Something seemed strange about him. I focused on him, noticing that he had actually been flattened into a round pile on the floor. I could picture him as a tall thin man, but he was now squashed into a blob on the floor. I tried to figure out what i was looking at, but i could not quite figure it out. Something seemed to be under him. I thought that this was a very strange image. I said something to the other person, who was to the east of me, about it. I then looked to the north again, at the picture. The short squat woman was wearing a green floral dress. She was Snookie, but she did not seem real. Her body was too wide to be real. It looked like a blob of something that had started to spread out over the floor. Someone in the room said that it was her real body, but i could not believe it. I thought that she must have been sitting on a large cushion that blended in with her dress. Her head seemed too small for the wide squat form of her body.

12012 December 12

I was in the kitchen of the house. $F45 was with me. The house that we were in seemed to be ours, though i did not recognize the layout of the kitchen. I stood to the west of a white countertop, and $F45 was standing to the north of it. An apple pie was sitting on the counter, and i thought that i should cut a piece of it. I was not hungry now, but i thought that i could take a piece for lunch. I turned to the west, crossing the small area of the kitchen to get a knife from a drawer under the counter on the western wall. I turned back to the east, holding the butter knife in my left hand. As i approached the pie, i realized that it was actually all ready cut. I did not remember it having been cut before, and i tried to figure out how it had been cut. It did not seem to make sense. $F45 then came from the west and stopped to the south of me, at the counter. I continued packing my things for my lunch. I picked up a small plastic cup from the counter to the southeast of me. The cup was partially filled with a red liquid. A large sheet of plastic wrap was also on the counter near the cup. I commented to $F45 that the cup would be hard to wrap. $F45 asked me why, and i told him that the cup might spill in the bag. I told him that i would have to be careful to keep the cup upright. I packed several other things in the bag first. I then moved to the west a little, realizing that i had already packed the pie and several other solid things in the bag already. They would help keep the cup upright. I then thought that i should have some fruit for lunch. I turned to the east, now in my parents’ kitchen. I had to get something else for my lunch. The kitchen was now dark. I could not see where the fruit was, so i asked where the apples were. My mother followed me into the room. I then noticed the green apples on the northern side of the peninsula counter in the center of the kitchen. I looked at the apple as i brought it back to my bag. It looked strange, with odd holes in the bottom of it. The holes did not seem like insect holes. They were in ever rows, so i asked what kind of apple i had. I looked at the apple, thinking that i should know the answer to my question. I then said that the apple was a Crispin, but i knew that it was actually a Granny Smith. I thought about this as i continued to the west, down the street. I had to get my things and get to somewhere. I felt uncertain about where i was going, thought. I knew that my mother would think that i knew where i was going. This was good because i did not want her to worry about where i was heading. I looked to the south, past the buildings that were on the southern side of the road. i could see an old city in the distance. I thought that this city was actually the western side of Albany. I then thought that i would have to get to $P42. I knew that a river ran to the northwest of me, curving to the west, and i thought that i could turn down the next street to the south to get to where i was going. I looked to the south again, seeing the old cement buildings. I was on the eastern side of an intersection, and i started to cross the road to head to the west. I knew that i would have to use the street that headed to the southeast in order to get to the southwest. The street directly to the southwest would end at the river, where there seemed to be a wall, so i would have to take the other street, which led to an opening in the tall stone wall. I looked at the buildings around me as i started to the southeast. This part of the city looked very familiar to me. It was a factory district, and i thought that i must have been here before. I stopped on the western side of the street. A large parking lot was to the southwest of the street that i was on. I looked across it, thinking that i could walk across it to get to the road on the southern side. A row of hedges ran along the western side of the old lot, and the asphalt of the pavement seemed crumbling and deteriorated. I walked across the empty parking lot to the southwest, passing through the row of hedges on the western side. A grassy lawn separated the edge of the lot from the main road, which ran north to south here. The area here seemed very open and sunny, and the sky was very blue. I started down the road to the south, following it as it curved to the southeast and then back to the south. I thought that i would have to follow it to the southern end, which was just around the second corner. I knew that the street ended on an east-to-west road. I would then be able to take the other road to the west, across the river. I had crossed the road and was walking down the sidewalk on the western side as i approached the second turn, where the road curved back to the south. A large brick factory was to the southeast of me. It was composed of several large buildings, and seemed to be surrounded by a tall brick wall. Tall narrow smoke stacks stuck up from some of the buildings in the factory grounds. It seemed very interesting because of its age. It also seemed to be in good condition. As i headed to the south, to the west of the factory, i heard a deep thumping. The vibration resonated through the ground. I felt suddenly uneasy, thinking that something was wrong with the factory. I stopped on the sidewalk and looked at the factory buildings, focusing on a large round metal tank in the middle of the brick buildings. I then heard a voice talking over a loud speaker. It was coming from the factory, and the person was announcing that the dough was being made. I felt a little more relieved, thinking that the thumping must have been a normal part of the factory process. I thought that most people might not have noticed the thumping had the voice on the speaker not mentioned it. I continued down the street, heading past the factory. I had to get into the office. I crossed to the eastern side of the road, where a large cement-brick building stood. It looked old, with a stone archway over the front door. This building seemed to be part of the factory, and it seemed like an office building. A low wide set of stairs led up to the door in the archway. As i reached it, i heard and felt another reverberating thumping. I then noticed several small purple tubes on the cement sidewalk outside the building. I picked several of them up, wondering what they were. They must have been giveaways from the factory. They were about a quarter centimeter in diameter and three or four centimeters long. I looked at the tiny purple tubes in my left hand as i headed to the south. I passed another building, where i turned to the east. This was my office building. It was just to the south of the factory yard. I entered the building from a doorway in the southern side of the building. I then headed to the east, into the old office. The plaster walls of the building seemed a little worn. $A639 was in the office to the east, standing behind the wide wooden desk that was on the eastern side of the room. I asked her several questions relating to my work. She started to look for something, and i looked at the purple tubes in my left hand. The soft plastic tubes were mostly clear, and i could see the thick purple ooze inside. I thought that this was special dough. $A639 looked at the tube that i had placed on the desk. I told her that it was handed out in front of the factory. I then started talking about the thumping that i had heard at the factory. I still felt a little uneasy about it. I mentioned it as “dough thumping”. $A639 opened one of the tubes and looked in it. I suddenly wondered if the dough was toxic. I hoped that it was not. I looked down at my hand, realizing that i had purple ink on the fingers of my left hand. I would have to be careful with the tubes. $A639 put the cap back on the tube and headed to the west to get some records for me. I moved to the southern side of the desk, watching $A639 for a moment. I then looked to the north, at the tube. The liquid in it turned yellow, and then faded into green. This seemed very strange, and i thought that the liquid was not regular dough. I thought that it must have reacted with the air when $A639 opened the top. I told $A639 that the liquid had changed color. I moved toward the desk, thinking that the tube now looked bigger than it had been. It was more like a glass vial now. As i picked it up, the ooze turned purple again. Something seemed very strange about the liquid, and i thought that it was somehow affecting my motion. The liquid turned yellow again and started to expand. It pushed its way out of the top of the tube. The ooze touched my fingers, and it felt very sticky. I became worried about it and quickly pulled my hand away, thinking that this liquid could be dangerous. It did not act like a normal gel, and we would have to be cautious. I then noticed the secretary to the north. She had been sitting on the northern side of the room, behind a small wooden desk. A large multipane window filled most of the wall to the north of her. She was not that tall, and she had long blond hair that came over her shoulders and reached to her chest. She seemed interested in the gel. I had dropped the tube on the desk near me, and she was walking toward it, looking at it with interest. I knew that the liquid was dangerous, but i let her touch it anyway. It seemed that it was something that was supposed to happen. The liquid expanded, swelling around her hand. I looked at her right hand as the yellow liquid surrounded. The liquid actually seemed to be merging with her skin. She seemed confused, and said that the liquid felt strange. I knew that the liquid would kill her. It would soak into her body and take it over. I warned $A639 about the danger as i backed away from the blond woman. I told them that the ooze was spreading under her skin. I knew that it would posses her, and i turned to run away. I ran to the north, back up the street on the outside of the building. $A639 seemed to be with me. I then heard the secretary yelling at us, and i realized that she had already been possessed. She would alert the others that we knew about the ooze. We had to get away. I headed to the west, trying to run fast over the grassy yards across from the factory. I thought that i had to get out of sight so that the creatures would not knew in which direction we had headed. I tried to run as fast as i could. I thought that this was the lot where the others were trying to take over the world by possessing people. I would have to escape before they caught me. I thought about this story. The creatures would start possessing people in high offices to gain control of the country. I ran to the west, heading between some old buildings in the sunny part of the city. I then noticed something in the sky to the west of me. A rounded floating camera was moving through the air from the north. A smaller flying object was with it. The camera was very close to the ground, and it was moving right in front of me. I became suddenly scared, thinking that it would recognize me, so i smashed the camera with my hand, throwing it to the ground. I thought that, if the camera were smashed, at least they would not be able to see which way i ran to escape. I turned to the southwest and ran through the streets. I imagined flying over the city to escape. I imagined having a large winged machine, but then i thought that it should just be a motorcycle that could fly. It would look better in the story. I thought about this as i moved, but i could not quite remember what came next in the plot. I continued running, thinking that i still had to get away. I was again running down the road in the older part of the city. The streets seemed to curve here, bowing to the west, following some natural feature of the land. I had to head to the southwest, thinking that i had to get to the town hall in $P42. I would be safe there for a while, and i would be able to tell the others about the invaders. I turned to the south and ran down the driveway of the large building. A car was heading north on the driveway, passing me to the east. I felt strange running, but i knew that i was moving very fast. I then thought that my running would look good to an observer. It was not natural, but it would be good for the scene. The building was surrounded by a wide grassy yard, and i now seemed to be running down a driveway on the western side of the building. I looked to the southeast, noticing a short chain-link fence surrounding the yard. I thought that i should cut across the yard and hop the fence. I passed through a section of short fence and started running diagonally to the southeast, heading toward the street on the eastern side of the yard. I then noticed a square garden patch in the center of the yard, just to the southwest of me. A man was standing on the southern side of the garden, wearing a white environmental suit as he watered the plants with a hose. I felt weary of him, wondering if he was colluding with the invaders. He stopped watering the plant and moved a few things on the ground. I thought he had moved them because he had seen me running across the yard and did not want the things to be in my way. I passed him and jumped over the tall chain-link fence on the southern side of the yard. I had to get to the bus stop that was to the south. I thought that i had to catch the bus to escape. I worried that i would be late, though. I then heard the south of the clock tower to the north of me chiming. It was the clock tower for the university, and it was chiming the hour. I though that it must be five o’clock, and i worried that i was late. I hurried on, hoping that i would be able to catch the bus. I then thought that i would have to ask the bus to wait once i got there because my mother would be following me. She was not as fast, so i would have to ask the bus driver to wait for her. I felt a little anxious about this. We had to get on the bus because it was the only bus that ran all the way to the west, to the town hall in $P166. I thought that only one bus left the city each evening for $P166. I then looked around me, thinking that i was already on the western side of the large city. $P166 was a suburban area on the western side of the city, and i was already in $P166. I kept running to the southwest, but i realized that, if i was already in $P166, then the town hall would only be a few blocks to the south of me. I felt confused, not sure what i was doing. I then thought that maybe i was supposed to take the bus to $P42. $P42 seemed to be closer to my parents’ house, which would be how my mother would get home from there. Something still seemed wrong, though. I wondered if i was supposed to pick my mother up in $P166 on my way through the town. I slowed down as i reached the southern side of the area, trying to figure out what i was supposed to do. I came to a street that ran east to west along the southern side of the area. Others were gathered on the southern side of the street, at a place that i thought must be the bus stop. I crossed the street to head to them. The bus stop seemed to be a clear plastic shelter with a long roof and a southern wall. Someone said that the bus had not yet come and that it was running late. I felt glad that i had not missed the bus. I moved to the southern wall of the area to get a ticket from a vending machine. As i stood in front of the machine, i glanced to the east, noticing several people waiting for the bus in the short corridor, which seemed to be the bus-stop shelter. The people were queued up for the bus. I had to hurry, but i was glad that the bus had not yet come.

$A279 asked me about the event as he stood to the east of me. The keyword for the event was “sunny”. It had something to do with the plot of a story, and i had been thinking about the story. I thought about the event, and wondered how it would fit into the story. $A279 referred to the doorway to the west, which led into a room. The event was in the room, and it seemed to be an event for $G3. I moved to the west, thinking about the event. Many of the older alumni were here, and they seemed to mistake me for someone else. I admitted to someone that i was Sunny, even though i knew that Sunny was a real person. Someone asked me about the name, and i told him that it was a nickname that no one used. I told him that someone had given me the nickname and only used it once, so it really was not a name that i was known by. I tried to tell the man the story, but i was not really sure how it went. I then thought that i was actually making up the story. I tried to explain why “Sunny” was significant. I started telling a story, and i mentioned $A640. I tried to make the story interesting as i told it, but i was not sure what to say. I mentioned $A475, saying that he was in the bathroom. The story was actually a joke, and the punch line was related to the nickname “Silence”. As i mentioned the nickname, $A279, who was still to the east of me, laughed aloud at the joke. This also had something to do with the joke. I tried to describe to the person what had happened, and then i decided that it would be easier to mention some of the other people who had witnessed the story. I mentioned $A119. I then thought of all the older $G3 who were around at the time. I then wondered if the people i had mentioned were actually in the house at the same time. I realized that they seemed to be of different ages, and i started to think that i was making the story up and getting the details confused by mentioning people who had never lived here at the same time.

12012 December 14

I was sitting on the western end of the couch against the northern wall of the room. The young man was sitting to the east of me, leaning against me. I felt very comfortable with him, and i felt attracted to him. I felt a little uncomfortable doing much more than cuddling, though. My parents’ were in the room to the south, and this seemed to be the back room of their house. I tried to watch the show to the east of us. I had been watching it with the young man. Several people were acting on a small stage to the east.

I was sitting on the southern side of the bus as it traveled to the west. I was in a seat that was against the wall near the back o the bus, so i was facing north. A man to the east of me was talking about music, and he mentioned an old song from the seventies. He was talking to another person in the seat with him. The two of them chatted about the song for a moment, and then i commented that it was on the charts fro a while. They seemed surprised by my comment. I looked at them for a moment, realizing that they were much older than i. I thought that they might think i was too young to know anything about the song, so i told them that i remembered the song. I then added that it was on the charts in July and that another song knocked it off the charts. The two men mentioned the other song. They referred to it by the main chorus, which was how most people would refer to the song, but i knew that the name was not actually the name of the song. It was just the common chorus in the song. I tried to remember the name of the song. One of the men then mentioned the author of the song. He said that it might be Gary Graw. The name did not sound quite right, and i asked him if they meant McGraw. They shook their heads and said no. I thought about the name of the singer. I then realized that the name of the song was still not quite right. I told them that the song was actually called “Seasons in the Sun”. They smiled a little as they heard the title and nodded their heads. The conversation then paused, and i looked around, realizing that the bus was now on campus. A festival was taking place on the college campus. $A556 was sitting in the seat near me, just to the west of me. I started talking to him, telling him where he could get tickets for the festival. I pointed to the north, across the open quadrangle where the people were gathered for the festival. He looked to the north, across the open grassy area, but he did not quite understand where i was pointing. He said that he had gotten tickets there before and that he did not recognize the place. I told him that the tickets he had gotten before were sold in one of the buildings on campus and that they were for a different kind of event. The festival tickets would be sold at a booth. I could see the booth in the center of the field to the north of us. I told him that this was the place where he would have to buy tickets for the festival. The bus pulled over to the northern side of the road and came to a stop. The booth was just to the north of us now. I thought that $A556 could easily get off the bus to buy tickets, but i could not leave the bus. I would have to head to the east to get to somewhere. I would have to come back to get the tickets.

12012 December 15

I walked up the street to the south, heading up the shallow hill in the suburban area. The places around me looked familiar, and i thought that i recognized this area. I looked at the old houses on the eastern side of the street. A large gap of empty yards was in the middle of the house, and i remembered that houses used to be on those properties. Several houses were now missing. I thought about this, wondering if this was really the area i had seen before. I convinced myself that it was, though i was now seeing it in a film. I looked around, recognizing several other places on the street. I wondered what had happened to the houses that were missing. I knew that the central part of the small city was to the northwest of where i was, down a steep hill from the neighborhood that i was currently in. I looked to the north, recognizing the store on the northeastern corner of the intersection, which was about ten meters to the north of me. I was sure that i had been to this place before, but it had changed, and i did not recognize as much of it. I thought that the film was made a while ago, so the community had changed. I then looked to the east. Something there seemed familiar, but i could not quite see what it was. I tried to figure it out, but then some runners coming from the south distracted me. They ran up the eastern sidewalk of the street that i was on. I realized that they were $G4. I felt very interested in them and i said hello to one of them. i wanted to run with them, but i knew that i would not be able to run at the moment. The person said hello to me, but did not realized that i knew which group they were. I moved more to the east, closer to where they were running, and i greeted a second person by saying “on on”. The second person smiled and greeted me. I chatted to the person for a moment, telling them where i was from and how i knew $G4. I knew that this was a foreign chapter of the same running club, and i was very interested in being with them. I wanted to run with them, but i knew that i could not at the moment. I told them this and let them continued to the north. I walked to the south, heading toward the large building at the end of the street. I had something to do in the college area to the south. I felt suddenly nervous, though, thinking that it was very strange for me to be here. Something felt uneasy about this place, but i was not sure what.

12012 December 16

I walked to the north with the small group of other people. I felt a little uncomfortable here. $F45 was with us, and i knew that he had done something bad. We walked across the outside area, which seemed to be near a cement garage. Tall dry weeds grew to the west of us, on the side of the lot. I thought about what $F45 had done. I thought that he had killed someone by mistake and that he had tried to hide the evidence. I was upset about this. I felt that i should tell someone what had happened, but i thought that i might not actually say anything because i felt very uncomfortable with the situation. I was not sure what i should do, and this upset me. I then remembered the dreams that i used to have about killing someone. I remembered how i would dream that i had killed someone and buried the body. In the dreams, i would always feel very guilty about it. I thought about the dreams, remembering that i had buried the body under the eastern end of a row of shrubs to the north of the garage. I started to feel uneasy thinking about the dream. I looked to the west, noticing the thin trees on the eastern side of the small stream, which ran north to south along the western side of the large room that we now seemed to be in. The room seemed to be the main room of the garage, which seemed like my parents’ garage. I felt very anxious and upset about something, and i thought that we would have to move our things out of this area. I looked at the wooden planks that were on the ground to the west of me. I picked up a few, thinking that we would have to put them down over the wet areas of ground. Something then felt very urgent about what we were doing. I looked to the south, noticing the fire burning on the southern side of the room. I felt tense, and i warned the others. We would have to get our things out of here quickly. I thought that i should call emergency before the fire spreads further. We seemed to be in a small building that was attached to the northern side of my parents’ garage. I worried about the garage burning. I told one of the other people that my father’s cars were in the garage to the south. I did not want the fire to spread and get to the cars. I hurried to the west, across the narrow room that i was now in. The room was long east to west, and it had a cement floor and bare wooden walls. I quickly started prying things off of the western wall. A man was with me, and he grabbed the air conditioner that was in the western wall. He pulled it into the room, removing it from the small square hole in the wall. At first, i thought that we would need to get the air conditioner out of the wall so that we could escape through the hole, but then i wondered why we had bothered to remove the unit. The hole was obviously too small of us to climb though, and opening the hole in the wall would just let more air in for the fire. I shook my head, not sure why we had removed it from the wall. I started to feel more nervous about the fire, but i thought that i had to get ride of something before the fire department arrived. I did not want the officials to see some evidence. I looked to the south, into a small room that was off of the room we were in. A set of wooden shelfs was on the southern wall of the room, and they seemed to cover an old glass multipane window. Flames burned from the shelfs. I could no longer wait; i would have to call the fire department now because the fire was spreading too quickly.

12012 December 17

I was talking with $F45 in the large old house, where we had been staying. He mentioned the course that i had been taking at the college, and i felt sad about it. I had wanted to take the course, but something had happened, and i was not able to finish. I thought that i would still remain at the college area, even though i felt that i was too old to stay here. I drove to the south, across the college campus. The road seemed to run through the center of the university. I looked to the east, across a grassy quadrangle where people were wandering around. The eastern, northern, and southern sides of the quadrangle seemed to have small tents and pavilions set up. A carnival was taking place on the grass of the quadrangle. I looked at it as i drove to the south. I then saw a woman sitting on the grass to the east of me. She was looking to the east, at the rides. She said something about wanting to ride on one of the rides, but she did not seem to know which rides were here. I wondered which rides were in the carnival. I continued down the street to the south, noticing the carnival tents on the quadrangle to the west of me, just to the south of the large gray stone building. I looked at them as i turned the corner at the end of the street, heading west along the southern side of the quadrangle. I looked at the large white tent on the southern side of the quadrangle. I thought that it was a carnival ride before. I remembered talking to a man who had been running it before. I looked at the wide white tent, which looked like a small circus tent. I remembered texting the man on my phone as i had passed by, watching him stand on the western end of the tent. He had waved at me before as i walked past. I wondered what happened to him. I felt attracted to him, and i wanted to meet him. I thought about this as i continued down the hall to the west. I was in the music building of the college. The hall was narrow and rather tall. I thought that i was here to sit in on a music course. I was not signed up for the course, but i wanted to hear the lecture anyway. I thought about the course, though, and i did not seem sure which course i was going to. I wondered which lecture i would be sitting in on. I then turned to the north and looked for the course catalog, which was on a shelf to the north. I was going to get it from the shelf, but a man was standing near the eastern end of the shelf, and he was holding the course book in his hand. It was a thick book, with thin paper. It looked like an old telephone directory. I then realized that i was in a class already. Students were standing near the walls of the room, reading books from the shelfs. They had been instructed to look up things in the books. I felt nervous because i was not really sure what was going on. The class was very small, with only about ten students. I would be easily noticed in the room if it was not reading something, and the professor would easily know that i did not belong in the class. I then noticed the professor standing to the east, at the end of the classroom. He had seen me here. I felt nervous and turned to look at the books on the shelf to the south of me. The wooden bookcase to the south of me ran down the center of the room. I tried to adjust my clothing a little so that it hid my features. I realized that i was still wearing my hat from outside. This was good because i thought that it could help hide my face. I did not want the teacher to notice that i was much older than the rest of the students. I looked at one of the books to the south, but i was not actually sure what i should be doing with them. I decided that i should try to find what the others students were looking at. I started to walk to the east. The professor had been walking toward me, and he passed me on the eastern side of the room. He glanced at me, but did not seem to mind that i was in the room. I still felt nervous about being here, though. I was not sure what i should do. I then noticed a woman looking at some phonographs that were in a wooden rack in front of the shelfs on the eastern end of the northern wall. The rack sloped down to the south and had small compartments that allowed the phonographs to stand up on edge. I realized that this was a library of music things. The books around the room were indexes to the various music materials that were in the library, so the students were just looking up where to find certain things. I then noticed the sound of the music playing. It seemed to be coming from somewhere to the southeast of me. It was modern music. The library must have music of many genres and ages. I thought that i could look up specific songs in the books and see if the library had the sound-recording of the song. I walked to the west a little, looking at the things on the northern wall. I wondered which book i could use to look up the song. The rack to the north of me seemed to have old CDs on it. I noticed one that was in a small box. The box was designed to look like a leather jacket, with bright colors splattered across it. It was a punk design. I thought that the box must be a collection of old punk music from the eighties. I picked it up to look at it more closely, but realized that it was actually a set of headphones. I turned them over in my hands, confused. I was not sure what to do with them, and i was not sure what to do in the room to look up music. I decided that i wanted to look up some music, even thought i was not sure that i could stay in the room with the rest of the class. I felt nervous that the professor would think i was too old to be in his class, so i pulled the front of my hat down farther, thinking that i could hide the fact that i was balding. A man was to the west of me now. He stared at me for a moment, and i worried that he would say something about me being here. He then walked to the south of me and continued to the east. I felt more relieved once i realized that he was just trying to get past me.

12012 December 19

I was cleaning up the house where i lived. I moved around the room in the center of the house, picking up things. My mother came from the north and walked across the western end of the room, passing near me. She headed to the south and left the room. I continued cleaning, collecting my things from around the room and stacking them on the desk to the east of me. The desk was against the southern wall, to the east of the doorway that my mother had walked through. I moved to the desk, putting some more things on it. As i looked over the things, i noticed that several of them were rather old. They were not actually my things. I pulled one of the drawers out of the desk and looked at the small glass bottles inside. They seemed old, with small glass stoppers in the tops. I thought that they belonged to my father’s mother. I pulled the drawer all the way out and placed it on top of the desk. A man was to the north of me in the room, and i talked to him about the bottles as i inspected them. I pulled a few out, looking at the colored liquids inside. The bottles had been held in an old blue metal box that had a stamped metal surface. The surface stamp seemed form a decorative X across the sides of the box. I looked at the liquid. I knew that they were distilled flavors of different substances. My father’s mother probably used them for cooking. I thought that they must be very old. I looked through several other things in the drawer, noticing some small leather boxes and some metal implements. I was very interested in the old things, and i did not want to just throw them out. I felt hesitant, not sure what to do. I had to do something with all this stuff, but i was not sure what i should do with it. I just knew i did not want to throw it out.

12012 December 20

I drove the car to the south, down the highway, which seemed like $P$ROUTE13. As i headed down the road, i focused on the overpass ahead of me. It seemed to be the overpass of $P156. I focused on a man sitting in a chair in the middle of the overpass. He was facing west and seemed to be in the northern lane of the road. I felt suspicious of him for a moment as i approached the overpass, thinking that he might do something dangerous. I watched him for a moment, though, noticing that he was breathing strangely. He seemed to be breathing very fast, his chest heaving up and down. I thought that he was actually in a wheelchair and that he was probably in trouble. I watched him as i passed under the overpass, not quite sure what i should do. I thought that he might actually need help, but i still felt suspicious of him. I felt bad for not doing anything to help him, but i was not quite sure what i could do. I then remembered him from before. I had seen him on the street before. I remembered seeing him to the south of me as i passed, heading east. The man i saw on the overpass had the same dark skin, red T-shirt, and blue pants as the man i had seen before. They must have been the same person. I thought about this as i continued down the highway. I then noticed the orange construction cones on the western side of the road as i headed south. Someone talked about the exit, and i thought that i was going to miss the exit because the construction signs were blocking the signs for the exit. We now seemed to be driving down a wide street in the middle of an urban area. Short buildings were all around us. I followed the other car through the construction area. Large construction vehicles were parked on the sides of the street, and the pavement of the street was torn up so that a rough surface was exposed. I felt uncertain about driving over this area, and i started to feel anxious as i followed the large car down the road, hoping that they knew the way out of this area. We passed around a large construction vehicle, which was parked on the southwestern side of the street. I watched the reflective tape on the corner of the large dull-yellow vehicle as i started to pass it. The vehicle was still, but i was cautious not to run into the corner as i turned around it. The area seemed dirty, and i was glad that i was not in a new car. I then noticed the spikes on the surface of the road. They were attached to a strip that was across part of the road ahead of me. I felt worried about them, but i could not stop before i ran over them. I thought that they would deflate my tires. As i continued driving, however, i realized that my tires were not affected. This seemed strange. I felt concerned about the area as i turned to the east, trying to get out of the construction zone. I turned to the east, trying to head down the side street, but i realized that it was not the correct street. I paused in the street, thinking that i would have to make a U-turn to get back to the main road. I felt confused. The car i had been following was now making a K-turn ahead of me. I looked behind me, wandering back toward the intersection with the main road. I could see a man crouching on the ground. He was one of the workers, and he was doing something to the pavement. I realized he was crouched near the strip of nails that had been layed across the ground. The nails were very tall, and i knew that they were there to prevent people from driving across them. The nails were long and they should have punctured my tires. I wondered why they did not have any effect.

12012 December 21

I looked to the north, down the street in the old suburban area. The area looked picturesque, and there was something about that felt interesting. The street had something to do with a train, and i thought that it used to be train tracks a long time ago. The road was narrow, and trees were growing on both sides. The trees were older, with thick crowns. I thought that i had been looking at this road as it had been when the train tracks were here. I felt that i was realizing something important about this place, and i knew that i was seeing it as it had been before. A set of railroad tracks was now running to the north of me, down the center of what had been the street. I felt excited to see this. A car came from the west, appearing from behind a building to the north of me. It looked like a large american car from the fifties. It crossed the tracks and continued to the east. I turned to the south to look down the tracks the other way. I was surprised to see a train heading toward me. It was large, and it was too close for me to get out of the way. The train passed through me because i was not really a part of its timeline. I was just observing its timeline. I was then to the east of the train, watching it roll to the north, just to the west of me. For a moment, i watched the dark cars pass. I was then on the northern side of a street that ran east to west. I seemed to be in the same time as the train. I looked to the west, down the center of the shopping district of the small city. The storefronts were on the northern and southern sides of the road. The train came from the south and crossed the street on the tracks to the west of me. It was very noisy as it crossed the wide main street. I did not remember it being so noisy before. I then realized that $X14 was not in my arms any more. He must have been scared by the loud sound of the train. He had jumped down. I felt concerned, thinking that he was going after the train. I could see him now running to the west. I tried to stop him from chasing the train, but i realized that he was not actually heading for it. I thought that it would be very dangerous for him to chase the train. I took a few steps to the west, watching the train roll to the north, disappearing between two of the buildings on the main street.

12012 December 22

I walked with $F45 to the west, down the driveway, which seemed to be a long paved area to the north of some buildings. The driveway was uneven, with indents here and there. It was a bright sunny day, and we seemed to be heading to an event, which was in a building to the west of us. I chatted with $F45 as we walked. I felt curious about the event. We stopped near the western end of the long paved area, and i turned to the south. A man had been walking to the west behind us, and he came to a stop near us. I recognized his face. I had seen him on a web site before. I wondered why he was stopping near us, and i wondered if he was interested in being with us. He glanced at me, but then turned to $F45, who was standing to the southwest of me. The man was standing to the southeast of me. He was wearing a pale shirt with a gray unzipped jacket over it. He looked at $F45, making it obvious that he did not want to talk to me. I felt annoyed with him. He asked $F45 what a word meant. The term was a word that i had been using as a nickname on a dating web site. The man had seen my profile and was interested in me, but he did not realize that i was the person associated with the profile. $F45 told the man to ask me about the name. The man glanced at me again, making it obvious that he was disinterested in me. He turned back to $F45, asking him again about the name. I smiled, amused by the man’s discomfort with me. $F45 told him that i was the person he was asking about. The man still did not want to talk to me, and i started to feel upset with him. $F45 started chatting with him, and they started heading to the south. I started to feel self-conscious, thinking that the man did not want to talk to me because he thought that i was too old. I knew that i was going bald, so i wondered whether i should wear a hat. I then realized that i should have been wearing one anyway because it was very sunny out. $F45 and the man walked to the south, across the small suspension bridge. I walked to the west a little, down the dirt path in the forested area. The trail curved to the south, heading toward the gorge. I did not want to head this way, but i was thinking about covering my head so that i would not get a sunburn on my scalp. I thought that i should wear a bandana, like i did when i run, but i realized that i did not have one with me. I felt nervous, and i wondered what i could do. I stopped at the point where the path started to head down in to the gorge. I felt unsure, and i turned back to the north to head back toward the main trail. I would be taking the bridge instead of the long path. A man in dark-blue clothes came up the hill to the south of me. He seemed familiar, and i felt interested in him. He seemed to be someone that i knew. I thought that i would follow him on trail, but then i realized that i was not actually jogging like he was. I would not be able to keep up with him. I felt upset. I continued walking to the west, down the trail. I pictured the land around me as if from above. The land was mostly flat, with pale-brown rock formations across the area. The gorge was to the north of me now, and it seemed to be quite a way away. The main road seemed to be several hundred kilometers to the west of me, and it ran north to south. It crossed the bridge somewhere to the northwest of where i was. I pictured the dirt trail running east from the road to where i was. It then curved to the north, along the shore. The large body of water was to the east of me, and the trail ran along the bottom of the tall cliffs on the shore. Somewhere to the north, the trail curved to the northwest, where it ran along the gorge, connecting to the bridge. I had planned on taking the trail across the gorge, but then decided that it would be too long of a trip. I was now heading back to the road, where i could cross more easily. $F45 had already crossed the bridge at the road, and i pictured him there with the others. I headed to the east, back down the hallway, away from the event that we had come to. Many people were now moving through the hallway, and i started to feel uncomfortable here. I felt uneasy around these people, thinking that some of them did not like me for some reason. They now seemed older, and looked more like people in a casino. A woman in a white dress stumbled into me, putting her left arm around my shoulders. She was to the south of me, on the right side of me. I felt annoyed with her, thinking that she was drunk. I pushed her off roughly and tried to walk away. The hallway turned to the northeast. As i started in that direction, i put my left hand into my pocket, realizing that my wallet was now missing. For a moment, i thought that i must have left it somewhere, but then i realized that the woman must have taken it. I felt angry and turned to the south. I could see the woman standing with another woman near the southern wall. They were looking through my wallet. I felt angry with them and headed back toward them to get the wallet. People were standing in the hallway, though, and i could not easily get to them. I felt frustrated. I started pushing people out of the way as i approached the women. I felt angry, thinking that i would have to grab the wallet as i pushed the woman into the southern wall. I was then aware of a man standing to the west. I thought that he might be guarding the woman.

12012 December 23

I was following $G4 as they ran to the east, down the southern sidewalk of the urban street. The buildings were small and spaced out here. The people running ahead of me were turning to the south, heading down a wide driveway. I came across the front end of the building and turned into the driveway, which ran along the eastern side of an old brick building, which seemed to be a store. The driveway ran down an alley between the building and a tall chain-link fence that was covered white plastic. A large warehouse shed sat at the back of the alley, on the eastern side of a small paved area. I could not see where $G4 had gone, and i paused for a moment to see if i could see them running. I looked on the ground, but could not see any marks showing which direction they had run. I was holding a piece of sheet plastic in my hands, and i had wadded it up. A large pick-up truck was parked on the western side of the alloy, along the fence. I thought that $G4 must have come from behind the truck and run to the south. I wandered slowly down the alley, unsure what i should do. A group of workers then wandered out form the store to the west. They looked to the south, looking for $G4 as well. I felt uneasy, wondering if $G4 was trespassing. One of the men in the crowd seemed to be the manager of the store. I tried to act as though i did not know what was wrong. I walked to the truck, putting the wadded piece of plastic in to the cab, which was on the southern side of the truck. I thought that this was where recycled things would go. I glanced at the workers as i stuffed the plastic sheet there. The manager did not seem to be paying much attention to me, so i thought that he did not realize that i was running with $G4. I walked casually to the south, trying to follow the others. I looked through the wide opening on the northern side of the warehouse, which seemed to be an open building with tin walls and roof. Once i was far enough from the workers from the store, i started jogging down the center of the large building, which was very dark. Light came in from openings on both sides of the building, illuminating the stacks of lumber and other things. I felt nervous as i started jogging through the building. As i continued to the south, i moved to the western side of the building, running between the tall stacks of objects. I was then moving through several small rooms in the building. Walls with doorways in them formed small rooms, but the rooms had no ceilings, so i could see up to the roof of the large building far above. I hoped that the trail would lead out of this place quickly, before the people to the north of me got upset. It made me nervous to be running through what seemed to be private property. Other people were in the rooms as i started passing through them. I turned to the west, entering into a large rectangular room, which seemed to be on the western side of the building. $G4 were waiting in a queue to the north of me. A few of them were scattered around the eastern side of the room to the north. The room was L-shaped, with the ends facing south and east. $G4 seemed to be playing croquette in the northern section of the room. I realized that the people who had set trail set up a game for the runners. The runners were queued up to play croquette so that they could continue with the run. They formed two uneven lines that ran to the south from the croquette area. $A611 was standing just to the northeast of the start of the lines. She had just hit a ball to the east, rolling it through some objects on the floor. The ball had to roll to the east, under the gray box structure. It would then start back to the west on the northern side of the room, where it would run through a small channel in the gray rectangular area that ran diagonally across the floor. I felt a little impatient, thinking that the obstacle course was holding us back from the run. I moved to the western side of the room, waiting for the people to finish the course. I did not want to join the croquette match, even though the others seemed to be having a lot of fun. I walked to the north, along the western side of the room. I felt impatient and wanted to walk around the area and continued on the trail. I felt nervous because we still seemed to be trespassing in this area, and i wanted to get out before the woman to the southeast gets upset with us. I walked through a door in the western end of the northern wall, which led to a short set of stairs. I turned to the west, heading up the short set of stairs toward an exit door. I exited the building, heading southwest. I came out of the tall brick building in the middle of a small yard. The building ran a short distance along the northern side of the yard, and the door i had come out of was in a short wall that faced southwest, between the northern and eastern walls of the building. A section of the building also seemed to extend to the west, across the south of the yard. It extended a little farther than the section to the north, and it seemed to have a short section that turned to the north. On the pavement, i saw a flour mark that turned to the south, heading into the enclosed yard, but the mark had been wiped out. I thought that the trail could not go to the south because the grassy yard was enclosed. The trail must really go to the west. I started jogging to the west. $F57 was to the northeast of me now. He had come out of the building behind me. I followed him to the west, across the courtyard. I then thought that the rest of $G4 must be here. The trail was more complicated that i had thought. I looked at the tall dull-red brick building as we passed along the northern wing, which now seemed longer than it had before. It was very nice. It had wide ledges under each window that were made of a white stone. I looked back to the east, down the long yard between the two wings of the building. The building to the south had the same design as the one to the north, but it seemed much more modern. The dull-red wall seemed smoother, and it had sections that did not face directly north. I had felt uncomfortable here, but i actually liked this place now. The building seemed European in design, with flower pots along the bottoms of the windows. I felt that it was very nice.

12012 December 24

I stood in the group of people in the open area. A large building seemed to be just up a shirt hill to the north of us. The people gathered were runners, and they were getting ready for a run. A tall thin man was standing in the center of the group, to the northwest of me. He was telling everyone about the race that they were going to run. He seemed like $A641. He turned to the north and asked if there was anyone here who could give some people a ride. I knew that i could, but i did not want to. I said something, though, and the man agreed that i would give the others a ride to where ever they needed. I felt a little disappointed. I moved to the east to take the others somewhere. The runners started their run, and i turned to the west to look down the street at where they were. I seemed to be in an older suburban area. The runners were heading through the area, and i headed to the north to follow them through the buildings. A large park was on the northern side of the street, to the northeast of me. I could see a few of the trailing runners crossing the northeastern corner of the park, heading to the west. I wanted to catch up with them. I felt that i could now run well. I started to jog through the small housing development, trying to find the rest of the runners. A woman in jogging clothes was walking to the west, on the street to the north of me. She was to the northeast of me as i headed north, to the road. I turned west on the road and started jogging after the other runners. I felt good, even though i knew that i had not been feeling that well. I wondered whether i would really be able to keep up with the others. I had not been jogging that much, so i did not think that i would be able to run a full race, but i still felt good about the way that i was running. I thought about how i was running, realizing that i was stepping with very long strides. It felt very easy. I tried to catch up with the others, but could not seem to catch them. It seemed strange that i was always behind. We then came into a large square in the center of the modern buildings. We entered the southern end of the square from the east, and i slowed to a walk as i came to where the others were stopped. The ground on the southern side of the square formed a shallow bowl, and was paved with medium-gray square blocks. Cubical cement blocks were set up around the southern side of the area, and several people were already sitting down. I stepped over the benches on the eastern side of the area. Several small trees grew up through the paving blocks to the east of the line of cement benches. I crossed into the area, looking to the north as the others continued to gather. They were resting here to have some beer. I noticed that the ground to the north of me seemed to be at a lower level than where i was. I could not see it, but i could see the heads of several people moving across it. I moved to the north a little to get a better look. I then realized that a long hole was in the ground between where i was and the northern part of the plaza. The ground on the northern side of the hole rose to form a rounded edge. The hole was long and seemed to be eye-shaped. The edge near me only seemed to be a few meters above the bottom of the pit, but the northern side seemed to be three meters tall. A man was kneeling on the eastern side of the pit. He wore white robes, and i realized that he was playing the role of Jesus. The others in the area were acting out a manger scene. I felt suddenly nervous, thinking that we were disturbing them by resting here. I hoped that the other $G4 would not disturb the actors. A man was then to the northeast of me, standing by the side of the pit. He seemed drunk already, and he started making fun of the actor playing Jesus. I was annoyed with the man, and i felt bad for the actors. The man who was playing Jesus ignored him at first, but then stood up in frustration. I turned back to the south, not sure what i should do.

12012 December 26

I followed the woman to the west, heading back toward the pub where we had been before. I felt hungry, and i thought that we could get something to eat there. I turned to the south, heading into the room where the bar was. The bar ran along the eastern wall of the room, and we headed to the southern end of the room. I felt uncertain here, not quite sure what i should be doing. I wanted to look for food, but i was not sure that i could simply take something from the storage area. The bar turned to the east, forming an L-shaped counter that ran around the eastern side of the room. I stood to the south of the bar, looking at the people who were standing around. The man to the east of me, who was sitting at the bar, seemed to be a television news anchor. I recognized him, and i thought that he was rather famous. He was chatting with the other man, who was sitting against the southern wall. The news anchor seemed to be Brian Williams, and he was speaking to someone to the southwest of where he was. I looked at the second man, who was to the southeast of me. He also seemed to be a famous news anchor. Brian was complimenting the other news man, saying that he was a good interviewer. I felt a little awkward listening to the conversation. I was not quite sure what i should say or do. Brian then referred to the man as a very “analytical” person. I thought that i was also a very analytical person, which meant that i had a similar way of thinking to the man that Brian was complimenting. I started to feel nervous here, thinking that i did not really belong in the conversation that was happening. They looked at me for a moment, not quite sure what to say to me. I decided that i would have to get back to the other place that i had been in. I turned to the west and walked away from the conversation. Another person was with me as i headed to the other side of the room to get some food. Halfway across the room, i suddenly realized that i did not know where to get food. I looked around, wondering where the food was. I thought that some food might be to the south. I hesitated in the middle, not sure what i should do. I started to feel anxious, thinking that i had to get back to the lecture that i had come from. I did not have a lot of time to get the food. I drove to the northwest, feeling rushed. The land around me seemed uneven, with tall hills to the north. The city seemed to border the southern side of the hills. I thought that i could watch the cars drive up the walls to the northeast of me. I made a sharp turn to the north and started up the steep hill, out of the city. The white walls on the outside of the town were actually part of the hills. They were very steep, and the cars driving up them seemed to be heading up a vertical slope. I had to travel up the hills myself. I had to get back to the observatory at the top of the hill.

12012 December 27

I felt tense as i headed down the hallway of the school, heading to the south. I felt that i had to get back to the classroom on the southern side of the other hallway. I came to the end of the hall that i was on, which seemed to run down the western side of the building. I turned to the east and started down the short hall, which ran along the southern side of the building. The classroom was on the southern side of the hall, and i stopped in front of the classroom door. I had to get into the classroom to use the portal. I knew that i had to have something special to float, though. I could not easily go through the portal unless i was floating off the ground. A male teacher said something to me from the east, and i felt a little nervous about him. He approached me, saying something. I did not want to deal with him, so i headed to the northeast, still thinking about the shoes that i would have to get so that i could go through the portal. I headed north across the classroom, looking at the small tan cap that i would have to put on my feet. The cap seemed to have a spiny texture, though i knew that the spines were made of rounded rubber. I thought that it would help me float over the floor so that i could use the portal. I would have to be suspended in the air in order to be transported from one place to another. I put the rubber cap on my feet, hoping that it would help me float. I started to float over the floor, but i could not control the rounded brown object properly. I started to tip, and my feet went up into the air. I was hovering upside down in the air. I felt annoyed. A woman was now in the room with me, and she watched me from the west as i tried to figure out the object. I felt frustrated, thinking that i had to hurry to get through the portal. I fussed over the small rubber dome on my feet, trying to figure out how to use it properly.

12012 December 28

I moved through the bedroom on the northern side of the house. This place was $P19, and i was living here again. As i walked through the halls, i wondered why i was still staying here. It did not make sense to me. I felt out of place here, and i thought that i should have left this place a long time ago. Something seemed wrong. I tried to figure out why i was still here, but i could not.

12012 December 29

I was in the small apartment with the others. The place seemed a little run down. We had been in the living room, but i wandered to the north, into the small bedroom. I was thinking about something, but i could not quite figure out what i was trying to do. I tried to focus on my thoughts as i moved into the small bedroom, away from the others. I was imagining a scenario, but i could not quite get the details correct. The scene had something to do with the east-Asian man and the others who were living with me. The place seemed like a dormitory room at a college. I tried to focus on the story, but i was having trouble. I felt interested in the east-Asian man, but i could not remember what was supposed to happen.

I was in the large hall, where the event was to be held. This place seemed like a conference room in a modern hotel. It was a wide room with a ceiling at the normal height. Sue Sylvester was standing near a large wooden desk on the southern side of the room. She seemed interesting, and i was supposed to take pictures of her with the strangely shaped glass camera that i was holding. The camera was made of glass, but seemed white in areas where the light could not shine directly though it. I looked into the camera and took a picture of Sue standing by the northwestern corner of the desk. She stood with her legs apart a little and with her arms crossed over her chest. She was wearing red and white polyester warm-up pants with a matching jacket. I looked at the picture, thinking that it was very nice. I then tried to wind the film in the camera. I turned the dial at the top to advance the film, but i was not quite sure how far i would have to wind it. I looked at the camera, not sure when i should stop. I was hoping that the camera would stop the film by itself, but it did not seem to. I looked at the right side of the camera, where i could see the film winding onto the spool. I thought that i had wound the film too far, and i felt annoyed. I tried to adjust the knobs on the top of the camera, but my hand slipped on the glass and i dropped the camera. I felt worried as it fell, thinking that it would break on the floor. It just bounced and came to a rest. I quickly picked it up and looked it over. I tried to see if the lens was broken. I looked at the body of the camera. It was shaped like a dog bone, with a thin part in the center and bulbous ends. I realized that the rounded ends made the camera look transparent because they were allowing light to pass through. I knew that the camera itself could not be transparent or the film would be exposed to light from outside. The center of the camera would have to be opaque. I held the camera up again to take more pictures of Sue, who was still standing to the south of me. We now seemed to be in a hallway to the south of the large meeting room. Sue was standing near a large white glass structure, which seemed to hang from the ceiling in the center of the hall. The hallway was rounded on the southern side, and had hallways leading off to the east and west. Both hallways seemed to slant to the north slightly, and i thought that the main entrance to the building was to the southwest. I took some more pictures of Sue, but i was not sure that this camera was taking great pictures. She started to walk away because the photographs were over, but i wanted to take more photographs with my good camera. She stood in the hallway, not posing any more. I lifted my black camera and took a few more pictures. They were not as good as the posed photographs, but they looked good. I took a few more of her as she stood in the hallway. I then told her that i wanted to get pictures of her in the other hallway, where we had been. She had moved to the west, but the hallway with the rounded southern side, which was just to the south of the conference room, had a linear pattern of white spires that ran in a radial pattern from the southern corner of the area. The pattern looked very good, and i wanted to get more pictures of Sue standing there. She was busy with other things now, however. I decided that i should take some pictures of the other hallway to the south of the room. I backed to the east, taking out my cell phone. I looked to the south at the linear rays of the hall area, but i realized that a cart had been left in the way of the picture. I wanted to get a picture of the empty hallway so that i could use it elsewhere. The cart was a housecleaning cart, with white linens and towels on it. Annoyed, i pushed the cart out of the way so that i could take a picture of the hallway. A rounded female maid came up the stairs, which ascended from the west. I could see the top of the stairs through a doorway in the southern wall of the hallway, just to the west of the decorative area that i was in. I then turned my attention back to the room, but a few people had wandered into the room from the east. They were dark-skinned and wore heavy robes. The robes seemed like choir robes, but i knew that the people had come from some type of ceremony. I felt frustrated and disappointed that they were in my way, but i muttered that i would have to wait for them. $A623 then came into the room from the north. She seemed to confront the people in the way of the pictures, but the man casually said that he was doing something and that he would be here for a while. I felt upset, and i turned to the north to leave the area. I wanted to get a picture of the hallway, but i would not be able to. I walked to the northern wall and pushed against the wood texture of the wallboards. A hidden door opened, and i walked through. I felt disappointed, thinking that we had to head to some place, so we would not be able to stay here to wait for the people to leave the room where i wanted to take pictures. We were at this place for a conference. I turned to the west, heading toward the parking lot on the outside of the building. I started talking to $A623 about the events for tomorrow. I mentioned food and wondered what we would be eating. $A623 said that she hoped the events did not start until ten. I turned to the south on the southern side of the parking lot, heading up a set of wooden stairs that ascended a steep embankment. $A623 was following me. I told her that i thought that breakfast would be served before ten o’clock, so some of the events would be before ten. I thought about this as we climbed the stairs. The lower half of the stairs extended from the vertical retaining wall of darkly stained logs, and the upper half followed the slope to the upper area.

12012 December 31

I stood on the northern side of the small shop, just behind the service counter. I was working here. The place seemed old but well kept. A few people approached the counter from the south to ask a question. I seemed to be the only one working here at the time, so they approached me to ask the question. The people seemed well dressed, and i thought that they were rather important. One of them asked if they could speak to my boss. I thought that they had some important business, so i told them that he was here and that i would go get him. I turned to the north and walked away from the counter, heading into the white hallways near the offices. The offices seemed to be on the northern side of the hallway, and i had entered the hallway through a doorway in the northern wall of the main room of the store. A woman came up to me as i started for one of the office doors. She seemed upset as she told me that my boss was not actually here. Her voice seemed urgent, and she acted as though i had lied to the important people in a disgraceful manner when i had told them that my boss was here. This seemed strange, and i felt annoyed with her concern. I headed back to the south, to the main room of the store. I told the people that my boss was actually not here at the moment. I then added that i had been wrong in thinking that he was here. The people moved toward me as i said this. This was some kind of test. The people in the store were not all customers. The management here had several people acting as customers. These people would test the people working here, and this question was some kind of test. I felt a little annoyed with the questions, and i thought that this was a very strange practice.