12013 December 03

I walked to the north across the eastern side of the long narrow room, which seemed like the kitchen of my grandmother’s house. I thought about the giant, who was outside of the house to the west. He wanted to play with me, but i felt uneasy about being with him. I did not want him to know that i was in the house. I wondered how i could hide. The western and eastern walls seemed to have large windows on them, and i thought that the giant could peer into the windows to see me. I wondered if i could simply crouch on the ground under the window so that the giant would not see me. I then wondered whether the giant was really coming. I felt very nervous about him being here, and i did not want to deal with him. I moved around the house, wondering what i could do to hide from the giant. I was then aware that i was eating a white substance from the small package in my left hand. I knew that it was some kind of drug. The giant would be upset that i was taking the drug and not sharing. I headed to the west, down the narrow corridor. I took another bite of the white substance, wondering how it would affect me. I thought that it was probably a hallucinogen. I stopped and headed back up the steep narrow stairs, to the east. I looked at the small cardboard container in my left hand. It looked somewhat like a matchbook, and it had a white gum-like substance in it. I had chewed the upper left corner of the substance. I did not want to share the drugs with the giant, and i did not even want see the giant. I then thought that i had purchased this drug, and it seemed that i had payed fourty-five dollars for it. I remembered that i had received similar drugs when i had taken the college course. I thought that i had gotten more drugs when i was taking the course and that i had payed less for them. I was no longer in the college, though, so i had to buy the drugs separately, which made them more expensive.

12013 December 05

I was to the north of the house, talking to the other person about something. It seemed as though we had been moving things in the house. We were standing next to a raised surface, which seemed like a wooden deck. Vertical wooden beams rose from the near side of the deck, which was to the southwest of me. A large brown growler sat on the edge of the deck, and i referred to it as i spoke to the man. I said that it was “Frutiger”, which had something to do with a place. I thought that the place was no longer around, but the people who made the beer that was in the growler still named the beer after the old establishment. I pictured the hotel to the west of me. I was moving down a street to the west, moving quickly along the southern side of the street. I had made a few turns until i was on the correct street. I was not really sure that the hotel was really there, but i hoped that it was because i had told the man about it. He said that the hotel was on Court Street. I know that it was the correct street, but i tried to think about where the hotel had been located. I pictured the white hotel on the southern side of the street, and then i could see it. It was a plain modern cement building with few windows on the front side. The building was still there, but the original hotel was no longer in the building. The hotel used to be called Frutiger long ago, but it was now a Holiday Inn. I thought about this hotel, and i was then standing back near the deck. I turned to the north to see a large delivery truck standing on the yard. The back door was open and facing us. We had been moving things in and out of the house, and i talked to the man about unloading the truck. He said that we should do it later because people were asleep in the house now and he did not want to disturb them. I started walking to the south, and i was aware that the man was probably driving the truck around to the western side of the house. I looked at the house to the south of me, seeing people inside through the large glass window on the western end of the northern wall of the house. They were higher than i was, but they seemed to be at the same level as the deck, which as around my shoulder height. The deck was on the western side of the house, but seemed to wrap around the northern side a little. I thought about how the man had driven the truck to the western side of the house. It seemed that he had driven the truck to the west in a wide circle before backing it toward the house and positioning it near the western end of the deck. I turned to the south, where my father was standing near the deck. I remembered that he had been drinking from the white plastic mug that was on the deck near the brown growler. The growler was now to the southwest of me, and the mug was sitting just to the south of it on the deck, which was around my chest level. My father had asked about Frutiger, and i thought about it again. I would have to remember the details of the old place. I looked to the west, though, thinking about the truck. I pictured the man driving the truck over the grassy hill on the old dirt road to the west. I watched the truck depart for a moment, heading up the slope of the hill.

12013 December 06

I was in the long empty room with the tall ceiling. The room as long east to west, and i was moving from the western end of the room as i spoke with the other person. The ceiling above seemed to be peaked, and tall windows ran along the northern and southern walls. A door with a window on the top was in the eastern wall, and i stopped in front of it, looking through the glass at the long room on the other side. The room to the east was in shambles, and people were sleeping in two rows on the floor. I felt suddenly concerned for the people, and i realized that they were the poor people who had gotten sick. An elderly woman was lying under a gray wool blanket on the northern side of the room, her feet facing south. She saw me in the doorway, and she reached out desperately for me with her arms. She could not sit up, so she simply rolled her shoulders to face me. He face was filled with plea. I was not sure what i should do. I backed into the room to the west and said something to the woman that was with me. I told her about the sick people to the east, and i felt upset about them. Some time seemed to have passed. She moved to the window in the eastern wall and looked into the next room. I looked with her, but the room to the east had changed. It was now messy, but the people had been moved out. I wondered if the orderlies had taken the people away so that no one would know that they were suffering.

I was running a race with a group of other people. I knew that this was a long running course, and i felt a little uneasy about it. I jogged to the north with the others, crossing the open area and passing through the low objects that were near us. As we crossed a paved driveway, i noticed my mother in the crowd to the northeast of me. I was surprised that she had come to this event. She had never come to one of my running events before, and i felt glad that she had come this time. I followed the runners to the east, down a paved driveway. They then turned to the north and crossed a short patch of grass. I could see several people standing near a gate to the north of us, and i thought that the course ran around the people. I started heading to the northwest, but realized that the gate was farther to the east than i had expected. Some of the other runners were heading directly to the north, toward the gate, and i swerved to follow them. I did not want to run through the crowd that was just to the west of the gate. I then thought about the long course again as i approached the gate. I felt a little uneasy about it.

I had just finished something, and i was walking to the east, away from the crowd. I was on the northern end of a large grassy lawn, which seemed to be a field to the northeast of $P7. I felt somewhat happy here, and i spread my arms out, thinking that i would fly. I knew that people to the west of me would see me flying, but i did not care if they were concerned about it. I thought that i might be able to impress them with the fact that i could do something special. I spread my arms out and started to float. I thought that i was actually doing exercises to practice flying. I started by facing east, but i moved my hands down near my waist, tipping slightly to the north. This as some kind of practice. I held the position for a moment, concentrating on staying aloft. I tried to keep my body stiff as i moved, thinking that it would be more effective. I then started spinning around in the air, letting my arms span out like a propeller. I thought about the people watching from the building to the southwest of me, and i wondered if any of them would try to have me arrested for what i was doing. I focused again on my form, turning sharply between different positions in the air. I bent my body forward again, keeping my legs straight. I started to tip forward, but i kept my body straight and allowed my head to tip down and then spin up to the west. I started to feel my torso bend a little, but i tightened my back and abdominals to keep it straight. I was tumbling forward while hovering in the air. I felt good about what i as doing, and i thought that it would probably look impressive to the others. I then landed on the grass and turned to the southwest, heading back to the large building, which seemed like $P7. The lower part of the building was a cafeteria, and people had been watching me out the large windows in the eastern wall. I walked into the room, noticing that $F45 was there. I said hello to him. He walked with me to the southwest as i crossed the eastern end of the long room. He said that people were watching me from the cafeteria. He then said that they were actually watching my body. I realized that i had had my shirt off when i was flying. I was still in shape, so some of the people must have been watching me simply because they thought i was attractive. I crossed the room and exited through a door in the southern end of the western wall. Coming into the hallway, i thought that i would have to get some things together. I crossed the uneven ground, coming to a tall set of pillars, which looked like they had been part of an old temple. I thought that they were decorative and simply formed a curved structure in the middle of the garden. We had been sitting out here in the sunshine with the others earlier. The white structure seemed to have four pillars, and it curved to the east, forming a slight arc that bowed to the west. We moved to the west side of it, where the base of the structure formed a few low steps. The ground to the west of the structure was bare, and the roots of trees made it uneven. The ground sloped slightly away from the structure. As i approached the structure from the northeast, i noticed a dark photograph on the ground to the west of the steps. It looked like a scene from Star Wars. I realized that it was actually a large celluloid still from the movie. Several other pieces of film were on the ground. They were slightly larger than writing paper, and depicted scenes from science-fiction movies. I picked up the image i had first seen, looking it over. The colors seemed faded. Water was dripping from the top of the structure to the ground at the bottom of the steps, and i thought that it must have ruined the film. I told the others that the celluloid sheets would probably be worth a lot of money had they not been ruined. The two men who had followed me sat down on the steps to look at the image. I wandered to the south, looking at some of the other images on the ground. We chatted about the stills for a moment. I then noticed a still to the southeast of me that seemed rather clean. I picked it up. It had a cartoon drawing of a fox, and i thought that it was from a Disney film. The film contained several sketches around the main image. I wondered if this celluloid sheet was still worth something. I handed it to the others as i spoke about it, saying it could be worth something. I felt like giving it to them, thinking that i was not really interested in its value. I then noticed the large brown figure moving over the ground from the north. The land to the north sloped down gradually for about fifty meters before it started up the steeper hill to the building. The building was a few hundred meters away. The large animal was a grizzly bear, and it was trotting toward us. I felt suddenly worried. I could only see part of it below the thick green foliage of the tree, which spread from the northwest of me. I warned the others that the bear was coming back. It had been here before, and i knew that it was dangerous. I ran to the south, around the tall structure. I then headed to the east, heading out into the middle of the golf course. I stopped in the middle of the fairway, looking north up the fairway. I realized that some golfers were still playing toward me, and i thought that i should probably not be in the middle of the golf course. I started running north, heading toward the main building, which seemed like a country club. It was the building where we had been attending the event. The cafeteria had been filled with people from the event. I tried to run up the fairway, but i had difficulty moving. I could not move properly. I then noticed other people running to the east in front of me. They had been sitting on the grass to the east of the pillars, but they had been forced to flee by the bear. I then saw the golfers on the course ahead of me. One of the men was wearing a gray vest over a white short-sleeved shirt. I covered my head, thinking that they might be hitting balls in my direction. I had to get to the building to be safe from the bear. I came into the building and headed to the north. I crossed the main room and entered a small bedroom, where i had been staying. $A640 was on the western side of the room. I told her about the bear as i moved to the northeast to head into the smaller bedroom. I would have to pack my things so that i could leave this camp. It seemed that the event was over, and everyone was leaving. I felt uneasy about leaving here, thinking that i would never be coming back. I had to make sure that i had all of my things. I tried to gather my things together on the small bed in the northeastern corner of the bedroom so that i would not forget anything. I turned to the west for a moment, heading back out into the larger room to the south. $A640 was talking with the other woman, and i did not want to interrupt them. She was discussing a sad story, and i felt awkward listening to them. I went back to packing, feeling sad that i was doing it. I felt a little worried that i would forget my thing. I turned to the south, walking along the eastern wall of the room. The stairs to the lower floor seemed to be to the east of the wall. A bed was set into the eastern wall, and i grabbed a vacuum from near the bed and took it back to the north. I then returned to the room to the south, noticing that the bed in the wall was actually a couch. A large wooden model boat was leaning against the southern end of the couch. I would have to remember to bring it with me. The others were still talking on the western side of the room. I started to head to the north a little, carrying the boat with me. I put it in the room to the north and returned. I then noticed the deer outside the window to the west. The two people were still talking near me. I suddenly noticed that a small fawn was standing just to the south of the larger deer, which was lying on the ground, reclined to the north. The deer had just given birth to the fawn. I quickly pointed this out to the others, telling them that we had missed the birth. I looked closely at the deer, thought, noticing that the fawn was still standing partly in its mother’s vagina. A second baby deer then came out of the large hole in the southern end of the mother. The mother deer now seemed to be lying on its back with its feet along the ground. Several other babies came out of the gaping opening on the southern end of the deer. The opening was arched, and looked like a hole just below the rib cage of the deer. I counted the fawns standing near the mother. I told the others that seven babies had been born. I then realized that some more babies were still coming out of the womb. This seemed very strange. I knew that deer did not normally have this many children. Others were watching the deer now. I felt curious about what was happening, thinking that something seemed illogical here. I asked how the deer had gotten so many babies in the womb. Something did not seem realistic.

12013 December 07

I stood in the dirt yard between the two buildings, talking to the other person. The low buildings were to the north and south of us, and the landscape around us seemed to be tan. The wind was blowing from the south, and it looked dirty and streaked with smoky black lines. I knew that the storm was coming from the west. The others seemed concerned about it, so i thought that we should get to place safe. I had been holding part of a cement block in my left hand. I lifted the chunk of block as if to drop it, but it floated upward and drifted to the west. I felt suddenly worried. The wind was strong enough to pick up the cement block and carry it west. I thought that a tornado must be coming. I warned the other to the south of me, and i started to worry about where i should go. The winds around us seemed strong now. I looked to the west, over the dark-brown trees to the southwest. The clouds had hues of dark brown and black. I thought that i could see a funnel cloud to the west, but i was not sure. It seemed to be behind the trees growing to the west. Everyone ran to the east to hide from the approaching storm. I ran to the southeast, wondering where i could go. I though that i should not be in the buildings because they would not be safe. I ran to the south, heading down the small grassy hill to the lower part of the hill. The land to the west of me was forested, and i wondered if i could hide among the trees. I then thought that i might be able to find a culvert to hide in, even though it knew that it would not be a good place to hide if the wind got to strong. I wondered if i would be safe in the trees. I then thought that the hills around the trees might disrupt the flow of the winds, making the tornado dissipate. I looked out the window to the west of me. The rain was now coming down heavily. It looked strangely brown. I thought that pieces of the pine trees must be falling down with the rain. They must have gotten swept off of the trees by the strong winds. I was in a house, and i moved into the interior, telling the others about the rain that was falling. It seemed very strange. I walked to the east, looking out the basement door of my grandmother’s house to see the brown rain falling in the driveway. I continued to talk to the others in the house as i watched the rain. The others seemed to be in the kitchen, to the north of me. I stepped out into the driveway with the cardboard box in my right hand. I held it out in front of me, and was surprised that i was actually catching solid objects from the rain. The things that were falling no longer seemed like pods from pine trees. I looked into the box, yelling back to the others to tell them what i was seeing. I noticed that white worms were collecting on the ground near me. They looked like large maggots. I decided that the maggots must be falling with the rain. I then thought that i must be catching them in the box. I looked into the box to see several darker worms and some brown centipede-like creatures. I stepped back into the door of the house, talking to the north. $F45 was to the north of me, and i told him about the worms in the box. He did not believe me. I looked into the box to the east of me again, realizing that many other kinds of bugs were in the box. I had thought that only grubs were in the box, but other larger insects also seemed to be in the box. I then noticed the long scorpion tail on the northern side of the box. I followed the tail to the center of the box, where i could make out the shape of a dark-brown scorpion under the crawling bugs. I became uneasy holding the box, so i moved to the east. I told $F45 about the scorpion as i threw the contents of the box out onto the driveway. The scorpion landed on the black pavement of the driveway. It was a lot larger than it had been. It was now a large lizard, and it turned its head to look at me. Its head was to the north, and its tail curled around the western side of it. I felt very uneasy about the lizard now. It was now about a meter tall and several meters long. I backed into the house and closed the door. I did not want it to get in. It came after me, banging on the door to the east of me. As i backed up the stairs to the west, the man continued to bang on the door. He was trying to get in. I pulled on the doorknob, making sure that the door was locked. I was worried that the man would come after us. I had to keep him out of the house, though i knew that he would eventually get into the door. I stood at the bottom of the stairs now. A corridor ran to the south of me, along the outer wall of the house. The eastern wall of the corridor was made of glass that was held in by thin rectangular black metal beams. A man was approaching me from the south. He was looking out the window at the man to the east of me. I knew suddenly that the man coming from the south felt sorry for the man outside and wanted to let him into the house. I worried that he might unlock the door and let the man it. I tried to warn him about the man, but i could not do so. I turned and ran to the west, heading up the flight of stairs that ran through the thin corridor. I had to hide. I came into the small apartment at the top of the stairs. It looked like a loft apartment, with one large room at the top of the stairs. The stairs ended along the northern wall of the room, and the kitchen area seemed to run along the southern wall. I thought that we were Sam and Dean from Supernatural. We had been living in this area, but the bad guys were coming after us now. We would have to get our things together to leave before the man could get up the stairs. The apartment seemed crowded with furnishings as i moved around near the southern wall. I had go get things in the darkened room so that we could run away from the threat.

12013 December 08

I was in the small theater, on the stage on the northern side of the room. The room was black, and i could not see out into it, but i knew that a small audience was sitting to the north of the stage. I had to do my lines, but i could not quite remember them. I felt a little nervous, and i spoke my lines anyway. The lines seemed like something from Shakespeare. I had not fully memorized the lines from the play. I hoped that i could remember them. I paused for a moment, trying to think about what i should be saying. A voice then interrupted me. Someone was talking from the north of me. I looked at the stage to the north. Other actors were now entering the stage from the west. I felt awkward because i did not get a chance to finish my lines. I had several other lines to say, but the other actor had started his lines early. I sat in the audience to the south of the play, wondering if the play would make sense without my lines. I was sitting on the western side of the audience now, watching the actors on the stage. I felt a little annoyed with them because they had interrupted me. The actors were then talking about something that was not part of the play. A man stood on the stage, talking to the east. I realized that he did not quite know the lines either, but he was trying to make something up until the other actors could remember their lines. This was awkward, and i thought that the play was not heading in the correct direction. The man said a line to the east and then paused. No one was responding, and i thought that something was wrong. The man then opened the door in the northern end of the eastern wall and walked off the stage. Someone must have missed their entrance, and the man was leaving the stage to find the other actor. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that the play was not going well. We waited for a long moment in the silent theater. I wondered what i could do to get the play back on the correct lines. A man who was sitting just to the east of me then stood up and started doing a monologue. The man, who seemed like $A641, was doing some lines from the play. I felt annoyed, thinking that i should have stood up and spoken my original lines. I could have done the lines that i did not get to do at the beginning of the play because the other actor had interrupted me. The two men on the stage were telling a joke now. They were trying to keep the audience occupied, but i suddenly felt that the play was falling apart. The joke was not appropriate. They should have been doing lines from the play to try to get back to the plot instead. The two men suddenly left the stage, and the room was again silent. The play was not going well at all, and i started to feel bad. The audience then started to murmur. They were confused and were starting to complain about the play. The house lights then turned on, signaling the end of the play. The play should not have been over, but the director must have decided to stop the play. $A623 was the director, and i was annoyed that she had given up so easily. The audience stood up and started to leave, heading up the slope of the room to the north. An older woman got out of her seat to the northeast of me. She was wearing a dull-red wool coat and had her gray hair fluffed on her head. I thought that she would probably complain about the show to the producer. I stood up and headed to the northeast, thinking that i would have to clean up some of the things from the production. I headed to the east, into the next room, and i started gathering some of the things on the shelf on the western wall. The low shelfs were near the floor, just to the north of the door i had walked through. As i crouched down to get some things from the shelf, i heard $A623’s voice over the intercom. She said that this show would be the last show of the production. I was more annoyed with her because she had a habit of reacting without thinking first. I started walking to the north when i heard $A623 complaining about the theater company. She must have left the intercom on and was talking to someone else about the show. Frustrated, i headed to the north. She was somewhere to the southwest of me, at the front of the theater, but i thought that i could more easily turn off the intercom system than stop her from talking near an activated intercom system. I came into the backstage area, where some other people were cleaning up from the show. I could hear the noise over the intercom in the background. It must still be on. I looked along the northern wall of the room for the intercom controls, but i could not see what i as looking for. Several gray metal electric panels were mounted on the back wall, but i knew that they supplied power to the lights. I felt stressed and wondered how i could switch off the intercom. I said something to the man to the west of me. He was doing something backstage. I mentioned the intercom panel, and then i spotted an intercom panel on the northern wall. I moved to the gray panel, asking the man about it as i tried to figure out how to switch it off. I pressed some buttons on the bottom of the panel, but i was not sure if they were working. A round speaker was on the top of the panel. I scratched the speaker, thinking that i should be able to heard the sound over the intercom if the intercom was still working. I could not hear the scratching sound on the main speakers, so i through that i must have turned it off. I was still not sure, though, so i played with the buttons. I turned to the east wall, which seemed like a short wall that extended from the northern wall. I played with the green buttons. White rings were in the center of the box on the eastern wall, and cross-shaped leavers were on the front of the box. I pulled on the white leavers, trying to do something. I then noticed the description written on the wall next to the box. I tried to read it, but i felt confused. I did not know what i should to do stop the intercom.

12013 December 09

I was piloting the zeppelin as we took off to the north. I looked out into the gray scenery, but it was very hard to see anything. I thought that we were driving around the large parking lot to get to the runway. We had to maneuver the zeppelin over the pavement to get it to the runway. I turned on the propulsion a few times to keep the zeppelin moving forward correctly. Someone then said that we were fully loaded, and i thought that the air bags of the zeppelin were not inflated at all. I turned the ship to the south on the western side of the paved area. I felt annoyed trying to find the runway, and i pulled back the leaver to take off. I thought that we could just float upward as we headed to the north along the eastern side of the parking lot. I pulled back on the leaver, but i suddenly could not remember what the leaver did. I pulled back on the leaver, and i could feel the zeppelin rising upward. I adjusted the leaver, but i was not sure what i was doing anymore. I started to wonder if the zeppelin was descending. I looked to the west to see trees outside. We were moving to the south, but we seemed to be too low. We had to get higher, so i tried playing with the leaver again. It controlled the zeppelin, but i did not know what it did. I tried to make the zeppelin ascend, but the leaver did not seem to be doing anything. I pulled the leaver all the way back, toward me. The zeppelin did not seem to be getting any higher, and i worried that we might hit something. I had to get the ship higher.

12013 December 10

I was i the large open room, which seemed like a cement structure. The room had no walls, making it seem like a parking garage. The floor was covered with water. I was on the western end of the southern side of the building as the others played in the water to the north of me. The water was deep, and the others were swimming. I started to swim to the north to get the raft, which was floating in the water. The person to the east of me said something, but i did not pay attention. The red raft was long and narrow. As i pulled it to the south of me, it seemed like a small boat. I tried to float on the boat in the southwestern corner of the room, but the boat was partially submerged. I oriented the boat east to west on the southern side of me, and i tried to lay on it. I thought that i could lay on my back on the boat to distribute my weight. As i pulled on the boat, though, i noticed that water was pouring over the eastern rim of the canoe. Annoyed, i tried to dump it out. I was floating in the water, so it was not easy to empty the raft. I tried to get into the boat again. I was then aware that $F43 was to the south of me, sitting on the tile edge of the pool. I was lying on my stomach in the water. I wondered why $F43 was not swimming. I paddled with my arms to the east, heading down the hall in the water. $F43 was now on the northern side of the water, and i talked to her as i continued walking down the hall. I was in a school building now, and i was heading generally to the northeast. I turned north from the long hall that i was in, coming to a smaller hall and then to an entryway. The small entryway of the old building had a pale-green floor. A set of stairs seemed to ascend to the west, along the eastern wall. The door faced southeast, in a short wall that was at a fourty-five-degree angle from the other walls. The sturdy doors were made of heavy tan wood, and they had small square windows in the upper parts. I walked out the doors, coming to a small covered entryway with a few stone steps that led down to a paved sidewalk. The sidewalk led away to the west. To the north, along the side of the building, the ground seemed to be paved into a playground. Several other people edited the door behind us and continued to the east. I then heard an announcement over the loudspeaker system. The voice said that the students would have to gather for something. Someone near us then said that it had to do with the whale on the southern side of the school. I thought that the whale must be in the water at the bottom of the steep cliffs, which was to the south of the school. I thought that we should go see it, but i realized that we could not head to the south from here. A tall brick wall ran from the building to the east, blocking our view to the south. I told $F43 and the others that we would have to walk back through the school to get to the southern side. I hurried back to the thick wooden doors of the school and went into the building. I had to get to the front side of the school. As i entered the building, i noticed a large rat in the hallway to the north of me. I felt weary of it, and i cautioned the others, telling them to be careful of the rat. I hurried down the hallway to the west. The floor of the hallway was off-white and made of polished terrazzo. I looked behind me to see the tiger cub following me. It trotted to keep up with me. I must have let it into the school when i had the door open. I still hurried to the west, though. I came to the southwestern part of the building. I looked back again to see that two larger tigers were now following me. People in the hallways moved out of the way of the large cats, scared of being attacked. I was not afraid of the cats. They were really friends of mine. I was taking them through the school so that we could all get out the southern doors. I wanted to see the whale.

12013 December 11

I stopped my bicycle on the eastern end of the building. The white building seemed to be an old house or small office that had been converted into a shopping center. It seemed to have a long central corridor with small rooms on both sides. This place seemed familiar in some way. I looked at my bicycle, which was to the north of me. I had put it on the bike rack. My orange and white flip-flops were over the pedals of the bicycle. I walked to the west, down the hall. I had been in the store for a little while now, and i was looking at the things near me. These stores seemed like small craft stores. I started to leave one of the stores when i suddenly realized that i was not wearing any shoes. I suddenly remembered the sandals i had left on my bicycle. I should not really be walking through the stores barefoot. I felt that i still had to do something here, but i would need to get my shoes on first. I quickly headed into the elevator to the north, which had opened for someone else. I was then moving quickly to the east, jogging along the northern wall of a large room, which seemed to be to the south of the main corridor of shops. I had put something on my feet so that it did not seem that i was running around the area barefoot. I did not have shoes on my foot, but, as i looked at my feet, it seemed that they were wrapped with something black. I could feel something round under the ball of my foot. It was uncomfortable to walk on, but i thought that i would only have to wear it on my way back to my bicycle to get my sandals. It felt awkward to run on the black objects, and it hurt the balls of my feet. As i jogged, being careful to stay on my toes so as not to put my weight on the round ball in the arch of my foot, i could hear a strange clicking sound as the black balls hit the ground. I was aware of someone watching me from the southwest. I felt a little embarrassed about the sound i was making, but i continued jogging, heading a little to the southeast across the room. I was then heading to the east along the northern wall of the large office. The office was familiar. It seemed to be to the south of the main corridor of shops. It was a large open room with many desks in rows and columns. The room seemed dust from misuse, and so one sat at the desks. A secretary sat at a desk to the south of me. She was the only person in the room. She seemed to have her white hair up in a beehive, and she wore a pink blouse. I knew that i would be working in this office soon, and i said something to her. A man was doing something on the eastern end of the room. He seemed to be in charge here. Something about this place seemed old and run down, and i imagined the man wearing a brown suit that seemed to be from the seventies. I asked the woman about the printer, thinking that i had to get something. She referred to the orangish-pink paper that was in the printer. I wanted to do something here before i returned to the shops to the north. The woman then asked whether i had white paper. I realized that only the colored paper was in the gray laser printer on the northern end of the table to the southwest of me. The woman motioned to the printer. I looked around the room for white paper. I noticed two large stacks of paper on the small table to the east of me. The wooden table was just to the north of one of the desks. At first, i thought that the forms were carbon-paper forms, but then i realized that they were actually stacks of paper. I moved to them and flipped through several of the sheets. The edges of the stack were stained with age, but the paper in the stack was white. I pointed it out to the secretary. I then started wandering to the east, thinking about my new job, which i would be starting here soon. I glanced around the room, which seemed to be scattered with dusty forgotten items. I thought that i would have to start the job by cleaning up several things. I felt a little excited to explore the old files here. I glanced in a small wooden box to the north of me, noticing several old logbooks. I thought that i should not go through them at the moment. I was still interested in the old features of this office. I noticed that the box of logbooks was set into a large wooden cabinet in the wall. The frame of the cabinet had a rounded shape carved into the top of the wood. It reminded me of an old clock face. The secretary then approached me from the west and asked me a question. I talked to her about the job that i would be doing. I then noticed a white plastic ruler on the lower shelf of the cabinet to the north of me, just to the east of the box of books. I remembered that i had needed a ruler in my other job and i wondered if i should take one from here. I noticed a black ruler in a book just to the north of the first. I thought that this place probably had many old rulers, since it seemed to be an old drafting or graphic-design shop.

12013 December 13

I had been driving to the west on the country road. My father was in the passenger’s seat. We stopped on the northern side of the road, pulling off onto a short dirt drive that ran parallel to the road. The drive was only about ten meters long, and it started and ended on the road. As we stopped, the drive seemed to be about a meter and a half above the level of the road, on the side of a hill that sloped south to the road. We were just on the western side of the slope, starting to go back down toward the road. Something seemed wrong with the car, though. I looked at the dashboard, noticing a blinking red light. It warned of a fire. I felt suddenly worried that the car would start burning. I told my father that something was wrong, and we got out of the car and moved to the east. I spoke to my father about the car. I was worried that it would explode. I did not want it destroyed, though, and i wondered if i should have turned off the engine. I hurried back to the car, hoping that it would not explode. I wanted to turn it off to see if the warning would go away. I reached into the driver’s door to turn off the key. As i turned the key, the car started rolling to the west. I realized that we had not put the brakes on in the car. It was still in gear, so it was rolling slightly. I looked to the northwest to see the other car that was parked in front of us. It would not be good if the car exploded and ruined the other cars in the area. I was now on the street of a small town, with paved sidewalks and parking meters. I would have to stop my car from rolling so that it did not roll into the middle of the town and damage other things.

12013 December 14

I stopped on the southern side of the road. I had been riding my bicycle from the west, but i was now standing near the bicycle. Someone seemed to be to the northeast of me, and i was chatting with them. I looked at the pale-green cement house to the southeast of me. I remembered being there before. It seemed to be the house of $A320. I had been in the large living room on the northwestern corner of the house. I remembered the open room. It seemed a little messy, with clothing over some of the furniture and things scattered on the surfaces. I looked at the house now from the street. The house was down a short hill from me, and i could see the wide glass of the living-room window on the second floor. Below the living room seemed to be a garage. The house was supported on round metal poles. I could see a few under the living room, supporting the house on the sides of the garage doors. I would have to leave my bicycle here, but i was uncertain whether i should do so or not. I thought that i could lock it to the metal beams near the porch on the lower level, which seemed to be to the south of the garage. I felt uneasy about leaving it. I walked to the east, stopping near the end of the area. I was now to the south of the cottage, which was an old wooden structure. I turned north and walked toward it as i spoke to the other people. I had to do something, and i felt a little anxious. I headed east but stopped in front of the cottage door. I said something to the other person, hesitant because i was not sure about what i was supposed to do. I turned to the west, still talking to the people to the north of me. $F4 was now to the north of me, standing just to the north of the large wooden cutting table. We were in a large industrial kitchen. A few other people were doing something near the stove, which was against the northern wall. Something was said about Neville Chamberlain. I repeated the name, thinking that it was somehow important. I moved around, still thinking that i had to get something done, but i kept repeating the name Neville Chamberlain. I moved to the north, heading into the next room of the house. A short stocky woman was to the north of me. She had shoulder-length red hair, and she seemed like $A642. She seemed somewhat attractive, and i thought that she was well built because she seemed to have some muscle on her. She moved toward me and hugged me. I was interested in her, but i knew that i could not have a relationship with her because i was homosexual. I was aware of the older woman behind me, to the southwest. She seemed to be related to the redheaded woman. I liked hugging the woman, even though she was really the one hugging me. She seemed to like me very much. Her mother said something behind me. The woman hugging me then pushed me backward until i fell onto the bed or table behind me. I was aware of the older woman standing up to move away. She seemed to be walking to the southwest, into the other room. I lay on the table, wondering what i should do. I felt uncomfortable, but it was nice to have the woman hug me. I did not hug her back, and i wondered whether i should tell her to get off of me. She felt rather dense, and i could tell that she had a nice body.

I walked to the west, across the southern side of the college campus. It seemed to be late in the evening, and i was heading to an event. I followed the long flight of paved steps down the hill to the west. The parking lot was at the bottom of the hill, and my car seemed to be parked in it. I thought that i would be meeting the other people from the party soon. As i descended the steps, i played with the red cape that i was wearing. It seemed to be part of a costume. I came to the car in the parking lot and got in. I felt as though i was waiting for something. I had to get somewhere, but i had to wait for someone. I felt anxious as i anticipated their arrival. It seemed like someone i had not really met before. A man then walked into the parking lot from the west. I realized that he was $A103. I felt a little uncomfortable having him here, but i greeted him. He nodded to me and said something, so i felt that i should talk to him. Several other people followed him into the parking lot. They seemed to be coming from a gathering, and i thought that they were getting ready to go to a party. I chatted with the people for a moment, thinking that i could stay with these people, even though i did not want to. I chatted uncomfortably with several of them, moving to the northeast toward the trailer. The trailer was parked along the eastern edge of the parking lot, and it seemed to be a mobile home. I was very uncomfortable here and i wanted to leave, but i was not sure what i would say. The people were heading for a party, and i wanted to be social, but i was not comfortable with them. I finally told them that i wanted to leave, and i headed out the door, saying goodbye. I walked to the north, along the front of the trailer. I then turned to the northeast and headed up a flight of stairs that ran back up the hill toward the college campus. As i neared the top of the hill, i realized that i had my car keys in my pocket. I realized that i had not walked to the parking lot, so my car was still near the trailer. Annoyed, i turned around and headed back to the southwest to find my car. I passed the trailer. Everyone seemed to be inside. I hoped that they did not notice me. I was carrying something in my hand. As i neared a metal pole, which stood in the middle of the open area to the west of the trailer, i accidentally passed my left hand near my left leg, catching the object i was carrying on my pants. The object, which seemed to be a pencil, fell to the ground. Annoyed, i bent over to find it. I thought that the pink cap eraser had fallen off the end of the yellow pencil. I looked on the ground, but could not easily see it. The ground was made of paving bricks, which were arranged in a circular pattern with the metal pole to the west of me, in the center of the pattern. I looked over the ground, noticing the eraser just to the south of me. As i bent over to pick it up, it was actually a short pencils with erasers on both ends. I had been carrying it with the other pencils. I felt frustrated here and wanted to leave.

12013 December 15

I felt the ground shake, and i knew that something was wrong. I turned to the south, looking down the long corridor on the eastern side of the large building. The corridor was more like a lobby to a large hotel or convention center. It was a few stories tall, with a ceiling that slanted upward to the west, joining the rest of the building. The ground shook again, and i thought that the volcano was erupting. The other man was telling the woman about the eruption. The people in the room started to panic, and they started running to the south, leaving thought a doorway on the western side of the corridor. The man was saying that they should not leave the building because the salt would be falling from the volcano. I remembered this idea from before. We would have to stay in this building as the volcano erupted to avoid being buried in the ash. The man said that there would be two days of salt. I looked at the large window on the slanted ceiling on the southern end of the corridor. This ceiling faced southwest. As the man talked about the salt, a layer of gray gravel-like material landed on the glass, covering it. I thought about it, wondering why salt would fall from a volcanic eruption. It seemed more appropriate that it would be ash. I looked at the window for a moment, thinking about this. I then wondered where all of the people had gone. It suddenly occurred to me that the corridor was now empty. We had to leave this place before the main volcano erupted. I looked to the west, but i could not see anything. I knew that we were on an island, and we seemed to be on Oahu. I knew that a large volcanic column was rising under the islands, and a new volcano was being born. It would be very destructive. I moved to the north a little. I was outside of the building now, on the western side of a street. I walked to the north to get past the building. I wanted to see the volcano for myself. I talked to the man to the south of me as i walked to the north. The city around me seemed dark. I looked out over the open land to the northwest of us. I could not quite see the volcano because a large mountain stood on the western side of the island from where i was. I moved a little farther to the north. I could see the bay to the west where the island curved around to the north. After a few more steps, i saw the tall red volcanic cone in the distance. Glowing orange lava poured over the top rim, and the mountain was making a disturbing vibrating sound. I felt very uncomfortable watching the mountain. The call cone seemed to be standing in the middle of the bay, and i thought that it had risen from the water. I headed back to the south, telling the other man that the volcano was dangerous. I thought that it would eventually erupt and bury the city in ash. This seemed to have happened before, and i felt uneasy about being here. I thought that we were on Oahu, and that the volcano was actually to the west-northwest of the island. I thought about this situation. The volcano would be a new lava column rising to the surface of the planet. I wondered if the cone would form a huge mountain in a small amount of time. I then thought that it was strange that a new volcano would form to the west of Oahu. The main volcanic column should be on the eastern side of Hawaii. I wondered if the volcano on Hawaii would start erupting again. I imagined a massive eruption that would create new mountain on the island.

12013 December 17

I spoke to the people as we moved to the south. Something seemed unsafe about this place. The people talked about being captured. This was something that had happened before, but it was also something that had not yet happened. I thought that it was about to happen again. The people mentioned the other warriors who were coming to help them. They were the freedom fighters. We moved into the small room of the building. The others sat down at a round table to the south of me, continuing to talk about the fighters coming. I wondered why they would want to join the warriors, knowing that the bad guys would capture the warriors. I said something to them, not understanding why they insisted on jointing the freedom fighters. I looked to the door, out the door of the room. The door led to the outside, and i could see a small group of men with assault guns approaching from the north. They moved cautiously, but seemed festive in some way. A few were walking casually with their rifles held at midpoint in their lowered hands. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that the bad guys would simply capture these people. I did not want to get caught with the others. One of the approaching fighters was wearing loose dull-blue clothing. He looked arabic, with simple pants and shirt. He wore a brown vest over his shirt and had a dull-blue turban on his head. He smiled as he walked toward me. Several people behind him seemed similarly dressed, and they all seemed to be walking casually now. I glanced to the west as i started back into the house. Several men were now standing on the western side of the yard. They also looked arabic, with black beards and rough faces. They were the bad guys, and they were here to attack the approaching fighters. I backed into the house quickly, wondering if the bad guys had seen me in the doorway. I turned quickly to the south and warned the others that the bad guys were here. I knew that they would come because it had happened before, but i did not want to be here when the others with me got captured. I felt anxious, and i wondered what i could do. I would have to escape before the bad guys could come for us. I thought that they would be attacking the approaching fighters first. I was then aware of the bad guys to the southwest of me. They were on the outside of the building, and they could see the southern face of the building. We would not be able to escape to the south. I felt trapped, and i did not know what to do.

12013 December 18

I was doing something in the western side of the building, which seemed like an old store. I stood near the southeastern corner of the room, where a doorway was in the wall to the east of me. Several other people were near me, and we started moving around the area. I was aware of the racks of things to the northwest of me. They seemed old and dusty. We headed north at first, but then i was watching myself walk to the south, toward me. I chatted with the others as i walked. We turned to the east and walked through a doorway. I thought about the sounds of the rock guitar i was thinking of. I was mimicking the sounds in the back of my throat. I listened to the music as i made the guitar noise, and i liked the way it sounded. I thought about the sounds, thinking that i was producing a nice resonant growl, which sounded like an electric guitar with heavy distortion. I felt good about the sound and wanted to use it in a song. One of the notes near the end of the refrain slid down, and i listened as i lowered the tone in my voice. I wondered if i would be able to replicate the sound in a recording. I continued to the east, coming into the large industrial kitchen. The kitchen seemed crowded with aluminum equipment. A large table was in the center of the room, to the north of me. Pots and pans hung from a ceiling rack over the table, and a large metal fume hood extended from the eastern wall. The others stood around the room, talking about something. I wondered what i should do. I felt a little impatient here. I listened to them talk for a moment. I was not comfortable in this place, and i felt as though i was visiting. I then heard a knock on a door to the north of me. I thought that someone must have arrived. I knew that the door in the northern wall was rarely used. I walked around the western end of the cutting table and moved to the white door. No one was at the door. I knew that $A29 was coming, so i thought that he might have knocked. I wondered if he walked around to another part of the house. I looked out the door to see the small yard between the house and the old white garage. The view looked like a faded discolored photograph. I then heard the knock again. It was coming from a door in the eastern wall. I chuckled at this and commented to the others about it. The door to the east was rarely used, and i knew that it would be blocked. As i approached it, a large aluminium rolling cart was in front of the door. The cart was almost as tall as i, and its shelfs were empty. I moved the rolling shelfs out of the way, pulling them across the north of me, to the west. I then opened the old white door. The paint on the door was worn and chipping. Once i opened the inside wooden door, i could see the thick gray mesh of the screen door outside. $A29 called to me, and i greeted him. I opened the screen door to see him, $A135, and $A26. I let them in as i talked about the door being closed and not in use. I said that this screen door was not usually open. I did remember the cooks opening the inside door, though, so that cool air could circulate into the kitchen. I pointed out the other doors around the room, telling them about the northern doors. I said that they could have come in from there. I was then aware that some of the other people in the room were leaving. I sat on the table as i talked with the people to the north of me. I was sitting on the northern edge of the large cutting table in the center of the kitchen. Most of the people who had been in the kitchen were now wandering around. Some of them had left the room, and i started to feel out of place here. I turned to the south and started driving down the long road. The land around me seemed familiar. I thought it was like the place where my grandparents lived on $P12. The land was flat, and the narrow road ran very straight to the south. The land seemed newly landscaped, with few trees and bushes, and all of the colors seemed faded and worn. A tall plain building on the eastern side of the road seemed to be an apartment building. I glanced to the southwest at a similar building. The second building had a circular driveway in front of it. Something about the buildings seemed very comforting, but they seemed old, like a memory. I then noticed the police car coming from the south. It was a white car with a blue flashing light. I felt uneasy, wondering if i was going faster than the speed limit here. I concentrated on going slowly as the police car approached. I then wondered if i was driving unevenly, drifting into the other lane as i looked around at the buildings. I tried to act normal as i watched the car approach. The police car suddenly swerved in front of me, turning to the west and driving off the road. It came to an abrupt stop on the grass to the western side of the road. I felt a little relieved that it was not coming after me, but i wondered what was happening. As i passed, i wondered if it would turn around and start to follow me. I looked back at the car, noticing that it was not moving. I then looked to the west, down the parking lot of the small apartment complex. The red brick buildings stood to the north and west of the long rectangular parking lot. A second small white car was parked on the western end of the lot. It also seemed to be a police car. Something must have been going on in the apartment complex. I continued down the road, noticing that i was heading into a small shopping area. The old storefronts lined the both sides of the road. This place seemed very familiar, and i realized that they were old shops where my father’s mother used to shop. The stores seemed like old small privately owned clothing stores. I slowed as i looked at the old stores and the people walking the sidewalks. The stores seemed off color, like an old photograph where the blue had faded. I came to the end of the road and slowed to a stop. The road made a sharp turn to the east, but ended among the small shops only thirty or fourty meters to the east. I wondered if it was really a road, since it seemed to head through the shops. I might have been driving on a walking plaza. I stared to the east, wondering if i should be driving on this pavement. The road to the east had yellow arrows on it, and i realized that the road descended into an underground parking garage for the shopping area. I did not want to head into the parking lots, so i turned my car back to the north, getting ready to drive out of this area. As i turned around, i stared at the clothing stores. I remembered this place. I had been here long ago with my father’s mother. Something felt very familiar about the place. Many people were walking around me now, and i felt somewhat comfortable here, but i knew that i would have to leave.

12013 December 20

I sat on the northern side of the small table, talking to the woman to the north of me. I was in a small cafe or fancy restaurant. The round tables had white tablecloths on them. I was aware that $F43 was sitting to the west of me with several other people. I thought that she was having dinner with someone like $F42 and $F46. I felt bad for not being with her, and i wanted to leave my table to go talk to her, but i was supposed to remain in this crowd. I hoped that she did not think that i was ignoring her. The person at the table with me then left, and i was free to move around the restaurant. I tried to get over to $F43, but i realized that they had already left. The table that they had been sitting at, which was at the edge of the terrace, was now empty. The edge of the terrace had a short stone wall running along it. The wall curved back and forth as it ran around the northern and western sides of the building. I floated over the stone surface of the terrace, wondering what i should do. I felt upset that i had missed $F43. I then ascended farther into the air, floating over the dark-gray slate roof of the fancy inn. I thought that i would be able to see $F43 as she got into her car. The long building ran east to west, and the terrace was now on the northern side. The land to the north seemed to drop off steeply. The land on the front of the building was level with the main door of the restaurant, but the land on the back was a floor or two below the restaurant level. The green fields to the north were dotted with tall bushy green trees, which seemed almost tropical. The land seemed like a golf course. I could now see the long narrow parking lot that ran along the northern side of the building. I could not see $F43 there, but i saw her car driving out of the western end of the lot. It got onto the road, which curved from the southern side of the white building and started heading northwest to the west of the building. The land to the south and west seemed at a much lower level that the building. It seemed to drop off steeply at a long hill or a cliff. Her dark SUV turned to the north and started driving up the road. I thought that i should follow her. I would recognize her taillights on the road and would easily be able to spot her around the mountainous curves. The road seemed to round the edges of the rounded hills, like a picturesque ocean-side road in California. I looked below me again, noticing some people cleaning up a table on the rooftop terrace below me. I thought that i could jump down and land among them. $A518 was there. I joked about my flying as i walked toward them along the stone terrace. I then ran to the edge and jumped off. They did not know that i could fly, so it would be a joke to make them panic. I let myself fall for a bit first, but then glided out across the green lawn to the north. I knew that they would see me flying and be relieved that it was a joke. I turned to the northwest to find $F43. I would have to be careful of the power lines that ran along the side of the road. I would have to go under them and then up over the field to the north to cut across the hill. I wondered how i would track $F43 along the road. I needed a way to follow her even though i could not always see where her car was.

I was riding in the van with the others as we tried to leave the area. I looked out over the water to the west. We seemed to be in California, or some place very similar. I loved this place and felt very comfortable here. I thought that the water to the west was actually very swampy, but it looked just like the ocean. $F45 was with me as we drove. He seemed grouchy again. I then noticed the large gray platform below us, on the edge of the shore. It had been an old building, but the building had been torn down a while ago. Only a small wooden shack was left on the property. It was just to the south of the large platform, which used to be the foundation. I wondered if the building had been destroyed in the hurricanes. I noticed that the sand from the beach reached out like fingers into the water around the platform. Some of the ridges ran to the edge of the platform, looking like they had been washed there after the building was gone. $F45 was complaining about something. I felt upset with him. He always seemed to be making negative comments about things, and i did not like that. I lay on the bench, feeling upset that $F45 was being so negative about everything. The man talked about the van driving itself. He said that it was a good driver, but that it did not take corners well. I looked ahead suddenly, concerned about the van and its driving ability. We were now driving in a darkened tunnel. The road turned to the right, and the van followed the corner. I watched the wall ahead as the van moved along it. The van was adjusting to the curve, but the front corner of the van scrapped the wall because the van was not turning as sharply as the wall. I then realized that the man who had been talking to us about the van seemed very familiar. I looked out the window again. We had come out of the tunnel and were now heading down a hill to the east. The land around us was rolling hills. I wondered if the van would speed up on the slope. I thought that a good control system should be able to slow the van and keep it at a steady speed. I hoped that the van would drive all right by itself. I was still a little weary of it. I then thought that i should hold on to the bench if the van started driving too fast down the hill. The road started to level off, and i looked to the north. The land still descended steeply to the north, and the land was covered with forest. I felt nervous, hoping that the van did not roll over the side of the hill.

12013 December 21

I was acting in the play, but i was having trouble doing the scene. A man was fooling around to the east of me, acting childish. I became frustrated and thought that i could not act with him. He was $A605. Annoyed, i decided that i would leave the room. The man was not taking the play seriously enough that this could be a productive rehearsal. I picked up my book and headed to the east. I wanted my book with me so that i could at least go over my lines. I headed into the bar area, which was in the next room. I still felt annoyed, and i wanted to order a beer as i read my lines. I looked at the drinks that the bar offered. I thought that i should probably not order a beer because i was supposed to be in rehearsal, but i decide that i might as well have a beer. I asked the bartender about Ithaca beers. The man stood to the northeast of me, on the other side of the bar, which an along the northern wall. I thought that i would order Apricot Wheat, but then thought that i should just get the Amber Ale. The man gave me a special beer. IT was one of the expensive ones, and it came in a wine glass. I did not really want anything this fancy, but i took it anyway. I carried the glass to the south, into the next room of the pub to sit at a table and drink it. Others were moving around in the dimly lighted room. I set the glass down on an old wooden table. A woman near me said something, but i did not pay attention to her. She did not seem to be talking to me. I then thought that i should get my things from the theater where we had been rehearsing. I headed back to the north and then to the west. I purposely left my beer on the table. I did not want the director to see that i had bought a beer when i should have been rehearsing the play. I thought that he was a stern director. I suddenly wondered why i was doing this play. It seemed to be the wrong time of year to be rehearsing in a play. I also thought that $A605 was acting poorly. He was not really a good enough actor to make the play work, and now he was fooling around. I grabbed my backpack from the floor near the northern wall of the room. $A605 was now sitting to the west of me, near the wall. He was quiet. I felt nervous about what the director would say when he found out that we were not rehearsing. I thought that i would have to tell him that $A605 was ruining practice. I was then glad that i did not bring my alcohol back into the theater. It would have made it seem that i just wanted to drink rather than rehearse. As i put my bag over my shoulder and started back to the east, i heard the director’s voice in the hallway to the west. I turned to see him come into the room. $A605 was now very upset. I realized that something bad must have happened to him. Maybe the director had scolded him for fooling around.

12013 December 22

I was talking about religious things with the other person as we walked to the north. He headed down the corridor and then started down the steps. I mentioned to the other person that science doesn’t need a god. It was unnecessary to the practice of science. $F10 seemed annoyed with my answer, and he said that i had said that just because of the man. I was confused my his statement, not quite sure what man he was referring to. He seemed annoyed with me. He then said that he meant the short science man who had been near us when i made my statement. I realized that $F10 was trying not to let the scientist know what we thought. I told him that i did not know that the man could hear us. We continued to the north at the bottom of the stairs, coming into the front entryway of the building. This building was an old church, with gray stone walls and arching walkways. We were loading things into the northern entrance of the church. It was raining outside now. The event in the church had ended, and we were cleaning up. I looked to the south, into the main chapel of the church. The stairs that ran up to the doors of the chapel were now blocked by the object that we were trying to move. Someone was still in the main room. I could see through the narrow opening of the doors. Tables were still set up inside the large stone room. I thought that we would not be able to get the tables out of the room because the things were blocking the stairs. I wondered how we could move it. I tried to back up, but i could not get the doors to the chapel to open fully. The entryway was very small, so there was not a lot of room for us to move the object, which seemed to be a large couch. We had taken it up the stairs on the eastern side of the entryway and tried to get it up the stairs ascending to the chapel, but the couch got stuck on the railings. I squeezed past the couch and sat down on the stairs below the doors. I thought that we were disturbing the people who were in the church now. A man then opened the doors of the chapel to see what we were doing. The couch was now on the ground at the bottom of the stairs. We had not moved it to where we need it. A woman came near me from the east. I was weary of her. She was from a cult church. She started expressing her beliefs of free love to me. I was uncomfortable, knowing that her beliefs would not extend to me because i was homosexual. I could not tell her that i was homosexual, though, or she would become angry with me. I was annoyed with her, and i tried to leave the church with a few other people. I then realized that the table was still propped above the door to the chapel. We would have to move it so that it did not fall when someone moved the doors. The others were now gone from the entryway, though. I did not have anyone to help me move the table, so i told the people in the church to be careful of it. I then made my way down the steps toward the exit door to the north. I was carrying one of the objects from the stairs as i came outside into the rainy area. A large white tent was set up to the northeast of the door. The people were now sitting under it. I moved under the tent to get out of the rain and sat down in one of the folding chairs there. I looked down at my brown loafers as i sat i the chair. Green grass stuck out the sides of the shoes. I felt annoyed that someone had put grass in my shoes.

12013 December 23

I was with $F45 as we headed to the shop. It would cost us five dollars to get into the shop. I remembered that one of the other places in this mall also changed an admission to enter. I pointed this out to $F45. I looked into the store to see what they had to sell. It looked like they only sold colored T-shirts. The back wall of the store was covered with red shirts. I then realized that $F45 had a paint can from the store. We had gotten the can without paying for it. We must have walked out without anyone from the store knowing about it. I thought that we would get to mix the colors of the shirts, but then this seemed like a strange idea. I did not understand how we would mix the colors of T-shirts with paint cans. I turned and headed to the south, toward the bleachers. I sat down to look at the can of paint. $F45 sat near me, to the west of me. I realized that we did not grab the top of the paint can from the store, so we would not be able to seal the can properly. I felt annoyed by this. $F45 then pointed out that some of the other people in the bleachers to the east of us also had cans of paint. A man with a young girl were looking at something, and $F45 motioned to the lid that they left on the seat near them. He wanted me to steal the lid from them. I was angered with him and told him that i would not steal from them. I also told him not to do it. I thought that we could look around the bleachers to find a top that was not being used by anyone. I saw a metal lid tear the top of the bleachers and picked it up, thinking that the girl who had left it did not need it anyway because she did not have a paint can. I tried to put it on the can i had, but it was too big. Annoyed, i started walking to the west. We were at the fairground, and we were following the corridor through the bleachers.

12013 December 26

I walked to the east down the street as i talked to the man to the north of me. I mentioned the young man, and i remember talking to the young man before i had left $P14, which seemed to be somewhere to the west of where i was. I felt interested in the young man, and i mentioned his name to the man that i was talking to. The man with me seemed to be a construction worker, and he said that he knew the young man. The young man was supposed to work in this small town. I looked up a street to the north as we walked to the east along the southern sidewalk of the street that we were on. Small houses lined the roads. The man then told me that the younger man was supposed to show up for work this morning, but he had not. I said that the young man had left before i did, so he should have been here by now. It seemed that i had left quite a bit later than the young man, so i thought that he should be here by now. I thought that he had probably gotten lost. I knew that the main road ran to the north of us, and i thought that the man had probably reached the exit on the highway, but was not quite sure where the construction site was. The man with me then crossed the road and started to the north. Other construction workers were standing outside the door of a building on the northern side of the street. The young man should have been here, but he was not. I said something about the young man, and then i mentioned that i had worked with $G18. I mentioned that i was heading west to go to the main office. The man nodded in acknowledgment, and i continued walking to the east. I was then aware that i was still wearing a blue hardhat from $G18. I adjusted it on my head. As i did, i became aware of the men on the grass to the south of me. They seemed to be playing golf. I was a little self-conscious as they stared at me, so i adjusted the blue hat again. I tried not to stare at the men as i walked east. I passed to the north of the pond, keeping my head tipped forward. I turned to the southeast and walked into the dirt parking lot that was to the east of the pond. My car was here, but i still had to get something from the campground. I moved around the darkened area, thinking about the things that i had to do. I started to moved to the southwest to get something, but i realized that i would have to go back around the pond to get to the area that i was heading. I thought about heading around the northern side of the pond and coming back to the south. I concentrated on what i had to do, feeling anxious to get it done.

12013 December 28

I sat in the back seat of the car as we drove to the south, heading out of the driveway of the place. I had been with $F45 in the store, but he had asked the older people to drive me home. The tall thin man with the gray hair was driving the car. He turned to the south on the main road. This surprised me because we were now heading away from town. They were taking me to their house. I wondered how i would get back to town. I thought that i could get out of the car and walk, but it seemed to be a very long distance. I then thought that $F45 would have to come to get me. He would not want to drive that far to the south to get me, but i thought that he would have to since he was the one who wanted me to come with the elder couple. I moved to the passenger’s side of the car and tried to relax. I thought that i could sleep for a bit while we drove, but then i thought that it might not be a good idea. I tried to get comfortable in the car, and i realized that i was slouching on the seat so that i could put my head against the back of the seat. I wondered if the man could see me in the rearview mirror. I knew that i could sit up, even though i felt the glass of the back window above my head. I adjusted my position and looked out the window to the front again. We were now heading to the west. I wondered if we were close to the house of these people. We had rounded a corner to travel west, and a field with a baseball diamond was on the inside of the corner. We now seemed to be traveling down a narrow road with apartment complexes on both sides. The road sloped down steeply to the north, toward the dark building of one of the apartment buildings. This area seemed like the outskirts of a town, but i had not seen this area before. It seemed like a resort town. We turned to the north, and i walked into the store. This place was familiar, and i thought that it was a store that i had been to many times. I knew that $F45 was going to pick me up here. I felt board here, though, and i wandered to the west, along the northern side of the store. As i moved around in the western part of the store, i was aware of $F45 coming into the store from the east. He was here to take me home. I started back to the east, walking to the south of the island sales counter on the western side of the room. The room was long and narrow, but it seemed to turn to the north on the western side, with another long and narrow section running north. I started back to the east, but realized that i could not see $F45 anymore. He must have been looking for me in the store. I wondered where he had gone. As i started past the southern side of the counter, i noticed someone entering the store from the east. The man was wearing a tan jacket, and i realized that it must be $F45. I headed toward the eastern side of the store, but the man had walked past me now and was on the northern side of the counter, to the west of me. I tried to head back for him. I said something to $F45 about leaving this place, but i thought about this store. I had not been shopping here in a while, and i wanted to look around some more. I told $F45 that i like The Present Company. He started talking to someone on the western side of the room, and i headed back to the west, to where he was. People were pacing around in the area of the room, which now seemed like an old theater. $F45 told me that he was here for an audition. This seemed strange, but i knew that he had been practicing a part for a while. He spoke to some of the people here as i walked around the room. I thought that i could have tried out for the audition, since i had acting experience, but i was not interested in doing a play here. This town seemed too far from where we lived, and i did not want to do a play this time of year. I then heard the man talking about the dates. I could see the writing on the large surface to the south of me. It seemed to be the names of the many plays. $F45 had mentioned which one he was trying out for. The names of the plays were written in cursive, and the dates were printed next to them in narrow bold sans-serif uppercase letters. I spotted the name of the play that $F45 was trying out for. It seemed like a nice play. I then heard $F45 talking with the man about the plays to the west of me. The man said that the play was not on the correct dates. He said that the dates that $F45 had chosen were actually for a different play, and he mentioned the name of the play. I looked to the west to see $F45 and the man sitting on the northern side of the table in the middle of the area, which seemed like a stage. The stage was on the northern side of the room, facing south. $F45 seemed disappointed. He had read the incorrect date on the poster. I realized that, because the names were printed in random orientations around the page, it was hard to tell which date when with which play. He must have gotten the date wrong. I paced around, trying to feel sorry for him. Some of the others were wandering around in the hallway to the east, and i moved with them as i listened to $F45 talk. He was coming with me now. One of the young men who was auditioning stood to the southwest of me now, leaving against the curving staircase that ascended to the east along the southern wall of the front hall. I thought that i could have auditioned, since i was familiar with acting, but i then remembered that i had not really studied any lines. I wondered what $F45 had memorized. I wanted to know which play he was so interested in. I thought that it could be a musical, but i realized that he would probably not sing. I thought that i could tell the others that i was an actor, but i decided that i did not want to seem to be bragging. Several people were clustered to the southwest of me now, and a woman on the northern side of the group said that the play was called “The Kid”. I immediately pictured a yellow play book that i had at home, which said “The Cid” on it. I asked someone if they were talking about the play that was spelled C I D. No one answered at first. Hey continued talking until one of the people headed up the curved steps. I asked the question again, and a woman with long black frizzy hair asked me about the spelling, not sure that i was spelling it correctly. I told her that i had a play that was called “The Cid”, and i emphasized the spelling for her. She did not think that i was remembering correctly, but i told her it was true.

I decided that i had to get something done, so i hurried to the west, across the first floor of my parents’ house and into their den. My computer was set up against the western wall of the room. I sat down to do some work on the computer, but i suddenly could not see the screen. Something was wrong with my eyes. I felt frustrated, thinking that i was unable to do anything because my eyes ached. I was then aware of a noise outside. I looked to the south. I was at the front window of the small living room, and i pulled the curtain aside to see out. A car was stopped in the middle of the road to the southeast of the house. It was at a strange angle, as though it was trying to turn around in the middle of the street. I felt cautious of the car and backed into the room. The car turned west and pulled in front of the house, stopping at the end of the lawn. I backed into the room, but then started heading toward the front door of the house, which was now to the southeast of me. As i approached the large wooden front door, i could see the man standing outside the door. He was putting something down on the stone steps outside. I quickly moved behind the door so that he could no see me. I tried to stay hidden, but i suddenly worried that he could see me around the door. I tried to stand in the middle of the door so that he could not see me, and i peered through the eyehole in the center of the door. The man had turned to walk away, but he had stopped, standing still and facing south. He wore a light-blue flannel shirt. I thought that he might have heard me standing on the side of the door. I then heard the door creak and realized that i had leaned against it. I also heard the wind start to blow outside, which was a good thing. The man might think that the creaking of the door was from the wind. I looked through the peephole again, but i was having trouble seeing. My eyes were getting dark and i could not quite see the man. Afraid, i turned to the north and ran upstairs. I could hear the man outside talking to a woman. I wondered if they were scoping out the house. I thought that i should hide upstairs. I then thought that i could call emergency from the upstairs telephone if the man tried to get into the house. I would not need to see to be able to find the telephone in the middle bedroom. I then noticed the white screen door to the north of me. It seemed very strange that the door should be in the middle of the second floor of the house. It would be easy to get in, but it would be off the ground. I unlocked the door and opened it, looking out over the back yard. I quickly saw the red car, which was suspended on a tall thick pole just off the back of the house. The pole seemed like a hydraulic service lift. The car was just to the northwest of me, parallel to the house. It seemed like a sports car, but it also seemed like an everyday car that my mother would drive. I remembered my father putting it on top of the pole. I could see part of the metal platform that held up the underside of the car. I then wondered if i could jump onto the back of the car. I quickly decided that this would not be a good idea. The car would fall off the pole, and it would probably fall on top of me. My parents would know that i had tipped the car over because i would end up dead under it. I looked to the west out the door, noticing that the pole seemed to be tipping a little toward the house. I wondered if it was tipping in the dirt. The grass outside was dull, and the air seemed foggy and wet.

12013 December 29

I exited the small house to the west, turning to the south and walking around the side of the house. I had been visiting the people in the house, and i remembered that i was in a run-down room on the lower floor. I looked back at the building now, noticing that the house had two stories. The yellow beams of the house now seemed worn and chipped. The second story of the house was open, with no walls. I had thought that the people did not use it because it was not insulated. I looked up to see a paneled roof over one of the rooms on the western side of the building, where i had exited from. It seemed that it would be hard to insulate the roof sections of the house because of the way they were paneled on the inside. I thought that the owners might not be living in the second floor because they could not easily insulate it. I looked around at the open spaces above the house. I seemed to be to the south of the house now, looking at the rafters and beams that formed the main part of the structure. The house seemed old and warn, and i wondered why no one had fixed it up before. I walked to the east, back into the house. As i entered the door, i found myself in a corridor, which seemed to run between different parts of the building. The corridors to the south and east opened to the outside, and i now seemed to be on the second floor of the building. I was still outside, between the parts of the house, and i seemed to be on a platform that ran to the east, down the corridor. The platform formed a square section to the south. Over the edge of the platform, i could see the ground below to the south. I realized that i would not be able to get into the house. I was aware of a woman working to the east of me. She seemed to be in a window to the east, where i could see her. I was also aware of a man to the south of me. The building on the eastern side of the alley had a large picture window in the northern wall, and i could see the man working on a table just inside. He was facing me, so i motioned to him. I had to get him to let me into the house. The man looked up at me. He was $A190. He moved a piece of paper with his right hand, placing it on the table near him. He continued to look at me, and i understood that i was supposed to read what was written on the sheet. I moved to the south a little to get a better look, but i could not quite see the paper clearly. I realized that i could see a reflection of the paper in the window when i looked up. I looked up, focusing on the blue writing on the paper. I spoke it as i read it. $A190 continued to look at me, but he pursed his brow in confusion. I could see him glancing up, trying to figure out what i was looking at. His face then relaxed, and i knew that he had figured out what i was doing. I backed away from the widow, realizing that i was standing very close to the edge of the platform. I felt a little nervous about stepping over the edge. $A190 stood up and said something to me. He would still have to let me in because the door was locked. I walked to the south, into the room where $A190 had been working. I spoke to him about something as i walked. This room seemed to be a small recording studio. I said something here. The room opened up to the south now, and $A190 continued walking to the west. I stopped at the round table near the northern wall, where two young girls were sitting. One sat on the southern side of the table and the other on the western side. I walked up to the eastern side of the table and said hello to the girl on the southern side. She had long black hair and was drawing something on the paper. She asked $A190 how to spell something as she passed. I stopped to look at the paper that the girl was writing on. The work was familiar to me, and i old the girl how to spell it. She then said the word, and it sounded like “princess”. I realized that i had spelled the incorrect word for her. I had thought that she was trying to spell something more complicated, which also started with “prin”. I had told her that the middle letter was an S, but, realizing that she was trying to spell “princess”, i told her a different way to spell it. I then stressed that the word started with the word “prince”. I mentioned the names of princes that i could think of, and i said “Prince William and Prince Harry”. The girl sighed affectionately and repeated “Prince Harry”. The two girls then looked at each other and giggled. I nodded, saying that Prince Harry was fairly attractive. The young girls agreed. I then looked at the word again, trying to figure it out. It did not really look like the word “princess” because it was too long. I looked at it, thinking that the girl must have just misspelled it before, but it still did not look like “princess”. It had the same beginning, but was a much longer word, with a D and an N in the second half.