12014 December 01

I walked to the north from the camp ground and started to the east across the lawn. The lawn seemed to be to the north of some houses. It was a rectangular lawn with pale green grass, which seemed damp. Trees surrounded the lawn, and an old chain-link fence seemed to be on the eastern and western sides. People ran across the lawn to the east of me, coming from the eastern end of the northern side of the lawn. They had come out of the trees there. I watched them as they jogged. A woman was jogging o the north, toward the opening in the brush where the others had come from, but she stopped and turned around. She had been jogging slowly. I looked to the south to see the other two heading away on a trail that ran to the south from the eastern side of the lawn. It looked like an old road that had been overgrown with grass. The woman turned around again, seeming confused. I thought that she was probably trying to figure out which trail she was supposed to be jogging on. The two people to the south continued jogging slowly away. They did not seem like regular runners because they jogged with short strides and waddling movements. The larger woman was wearing a red jogging suit with white stripes. She seemed to have a white towel or scarf around her neck. She reminded me of $A326. Another person came from the north on the hiking trail. A man approached me from the south, asking me how i knew which trail led to the place. I told him that i was familiar with this area. The man nodded and continued to the south. I felt suddenly awkward here. I did not want to be here anymore. I headed to the east, but i was now in a truck. I started to feel very anxious about this place. The other person was talking to me in the truck. I had to escape this camp. I looked at the dirt road ahead of us. It turned to the north and entered the western side of a large field. Once in the field, it turned back to the east. We seemed to have turned around on the western side of the field and were again heading east.

12014 December 02

I was moving over the grassy field, but the images were quick and obscure. I kept seeing the green vegetation passing by as if we were heading to the west. I caught a glimpse of the man. I could only see from his abdomen up. I said something about him to the other person. I was not comfortable here. I then started moving around in agitation. I was then heading to the south on the dirt road. This was the road to $P22. I looked around at the dark forest around me. I realized that a car was driving fairly close behind me. I thought that it might be following me. I started to feel uneasy. The woods to the east of me were very dark, and i felt that i had no place to go if the car was after me. I was now riding what seemed to be a golf cart or small motorized bicycle. I then realized that i was very close to the private camp area on $P22. I thought that the car would not be able to follow me on the private roads. I looked back to the south, seeing the metal pole that crossed the road as a gate. It marked the private property. I rode my tricycle toward it, pushing the gray pole open to the east with my left hand. To my surprise, the car continued to follow me. I thought that it would have to stop at the gate. I felt that i had to get away from it, and i continued into the center of the campground. The lights from the car suddenly disappeared. Either the car turned west onto the lake road or it stopped at the gate. I looked ahead of me, but i was not longer able to see well. Without the car’s lights, it was too dark for me to know here i was headed. I strained to see the dark row of pine trees on the eastern side of the dirt road. I had to follow the road to the south until i got to the houses by the lake. I knew that my grandfather’s cottage was to the northeast somewhere, but i did not think that i should go there at the moment. He had sold the cottage a long time ago, however, so i would not be able to go there. I thought that i had a tent set up somewhere near the lake, which as to the south of me, near the main cabins of the campground. I came to the grassy beach on the side of the lake. It was hard to see in the dark, and i moved around on the uneven ground. I turned to the west, stepping up onto a flat rock that was about a half meter tall. Nothing seemed to be in the area, and i wondered where the tents were. I moved along the northern shore of the lake, heading west a little. I then realized that the grass was damp and that i was getting my feet wet. I felt a little annoyed. I looked down as i started to turn back to the north. I was now on the western side of the small area. A small stream had eroded a channel into the ground just to the north of me. I was about to step off of the rock into the wet muddy area, but i stopped myself. The ground on the western side of the area was raised a little, and the stream had cut a thin channel through the mud to run off the western side of the field. I could step across to the higher land, but i felt hesitant to do so. I commented on the stream, telling someone to the northeast of me that the ground was very wet. I stepped over the stream onto soggy glass to the north. As i started to step forward over the stream again, my foot started sliding down the grassy mound that i was standing on. The mound was soaked, so the dirt had turned to mud under the grass. My foot slided down a muddy slope on the northern side of the mound into the stream. I complained about this to the other person. Someone laughed. I was startled by the sound. I looked across the room to the northeast of me. I was standing in the swampy land, which now seemed to be part of a large rectangular room. I could not see anyone in the room, but i looked up, noticing the grid of thick beams that formed the ceiling. It looked like an inlaid ceiling, but the panels between the beams seemed to be glass windows. I must have been in the main cabin of the grounds. The wealthy people owned this place, and i thought that one of them was watching me from the living room upstairs. I looked up at the darkened windows, but could not see through them. The voice seemed to be laughing at me because i had fallen in the muddy area. I tried to make my way across the room to the north again. I was still standing on the mound. As i looked down the slope at the water, though, i thought that i could see something gray just below the mound. I thought that a fish might be on the ground near the stream. It seemed like a large fish. It must be dying on the land, but i still felt that it might be dangerous. I turned back to the east and tried to walk off the mound that way. I noticed a large dead fish on the ground in front of me, which i carefully stepped over. The fish was about a meter long and was very thick. I started to feel uncomfortable here. The other man was to the east of me. He seemed like $Z. I then realized that other animals were on the ground near me. I looked down to see a large dolphin just under my feet. It was still alive, but it was dying. I started to feel uncomfortable, realizing that the floor of the area was covered with large sea animals. Some of them seemed to be sea lions and some fish. I had to get out of this area. The door was to the northeast. I was not sure how to get to it, though. Too many dead animals were on the ground, and i did not want to walk over them.

12014 December 04

I rode in the taxi, heading to the south on the city street. We seemed to be on the eastern side of the city. A man was in the taxi with me, to the east of me. He had dark skin, and he seemed to be someone from my high school. He said something to me, and he seemed to be fooling around. He seemed like $A276, and i started to get annoyed with him. He was doing things that seemed inconsiderate. I was then standing on the western side of the road, watching myself ride the taxi to the south. The two men were now on the roof of the car. I started to feel unsafe around them, and i wanted them to go away. The other man seemed to be $A723. The taxi turned to the west, and i was on the southern side of the street watching. I felt more uncomfortable here. I was not sure why the men seemed to be a threat, but i wanted to get away from them. Then something changed. The men were no longer the same men that i had known. I told the other person that this was an alternate universe and that we had crossed into it. We came from someplace else. The two men were still after us, and we moved to the west. I saw the two men talking on the street as they followed us. I walked to the north, into the house. The men were still after us, and i was nervous about them coming after us. I knew that they were not the same men as before because they were from the alternate universe. They had come across with us. I knew that something about this universe would make us safer against them, though. The men seemed to be mobsters, and i knew that they would be the first to come after us. I looked out the small window at the men, who were now in a car to the east. They were talking. One of the men seemed concerned about something. He told the other man that he did not want to attack us here. He then mentioned that this universe had a different view of homosexuality. He said that he liked it here, and that was the reason that he did not want to fight the other gang here. I started to feel excited about the fact that the mobsters no longer wanted to attack us. I hoped that he could convince his friends not to attack us either. I started walking to the south, across the room. My mother was coming from the south, walking through the doorway. I told her in a hushed voice about the men out the window, saying that homosexuality was not a problem in this place. I was talking quietly so that the men did not overhear that i was glad that they would not attack us. My mother seemed angry, and she told me bitterly to stop shouting. She walked quickly past me, into the room to the east. A younger woman followed her from the room to the south and stopped just to the east of me. I felt very upset that my mother had treated me so badly. I wandered to the west. The rest of the mobsters were gathering to the north of he house. I could see several men in tan trench coats standing on the sidewalk to the east of a park-like area. A cement planter with a bench on the edge ran along the eastern side of the sidewalk. I was hopeful that they would not fight because the other man would convince them that this universe was better than ours and that there was no longer any reason to fight.

12014 December 06

I walked to north, into the dining room of the house. The others were already sitting around the long rectangular table, which was in the center of the room. My mother sat down on the southern side of the table with some of the people i knew. The woman who was running the dinner stood to the north of the table. She pressed her lips together as she looked down at the people who were getting ready to eat. She had shoulder-length blond hair. I felt uneasy about her, thinking that she was actually part of a cult. She was aware that i did not pay attention to her religious beliefs. I knew that she did not want me here because i would not be susceptible to her cult. I felt defiant, though. I would not leave my mother and my other relatives here by themselves. I felt that the cult would take advantage of them. I started to sit down on the southern side of the table, pretending that nothing was wrong. The woman stiffened as she moved along the northern side of the table. She was obviously troubled by my presence. She criticized me, saying something negative about my appearance. She was trying to get me to leave the table. I asked the woman to the west of me if something was wrong with my appearance as i stood up, pretending that i did not know that the blond woman was trying to get rid of me. I turned to the south, now is the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, realizing that i was still wearing a bandana on my head. I pulled the bandana off, looking at myself in the mirror. My hair was curly and matted. It looked dirty, but i knew that it was just flattened by the bandana. I told the other person that i could not help my appearance. I thought that i would head back to the dinner table. I would not be deterred by the cult. I worried that they might have an influence on my mother. I felt worried about her. I knew that she might be susceptible to the cult. I tried to think of how i could deal with the situation.

I was with my family in the dining area. I remembered eating at this place before. A man in a dark-blue shirt walked up to the southwest of me and started talking to me. He looked very familiar. I chatted with him, finding him rather attractive. I then remembered him from before. He had been one of the hosts at a dinner event i had been to in the past. He was preparing the dinner here, and he said something to me. I realized that he did not recognize me. I told him that i had met him at a previous dinner party. I remembered him with his husband or date. I pictured other man. He was shorter with a round face and short blond hair. I told the man where i had met him, but he did not seem to understand what i was talking about. He looked puzzled as he walked past, heading to do something to the north. He was gone before i could fully explain how i had met him. I thought about the other house. Someone was then with me, talking about this place. I sat on the couch, which was facing north, on the southern side of the living room. I would have to wait here for something. The man sat to the east of me on the couch. Others seemed to be in the room, a few sitting on the couch on the northern side of the room. The man near me seemed rather attractive, though i could not quite see him. He was leaning against me, and it felt good to be near him. I could feel his warmth on my shoulder. I hoped that the others in the room were not uncomfortable by the fact that we were together. I then wondered if this man was supposed to be dating anyone else. I did not feel perfectly comfortable with the other man, because i was worried about what the people in the room would think of us. The man then pulled me close, and i hugged him. We were then more reclined to the west on the couch. The man was lying on my side. I still wondered if it was appropriate for us to be hugging in this crowd. I then realized that i had been asleep for a little while. I opened my eyes and shifted my position. I was very groggy. The man also seemed to be groggy. He sat up so that he was not leaning on me anymore. I wanted to be close to him. I then felt a wetness on the right side of my crotch. I wondered if i had ejaculated earlier in the night. I pulled at my underwear to shift their position on my legs. I then looked down at my pants. I was wearing blue corduroy shorts, and a dark wet stain ran from my right crotch down to just above my left knee. I realized that it was a sweat stain from where the man had been lying on me. It was hot here, and he was very warm against me. He had his leg across my lap, which created the sweat between us. I pointed this out to him as he sat up. I put my right arm around his shoulders again, pulling him closer to me. I still felt groggy, and i wanted to sleep more. I wanted the man close to me because i liked the way it felt to have someone that close.

12014 December 07

I had been in the kitchen on the southern side of the building, which seemed like $P19. $A707 was there. She was cooking some kind of meal. I knew that her birthday was next weekend, and i knew that she would be getting stuff ready for it. As i crossed the rooms in the house, i could hear people outside, to the east. I thought that they were here for the birthday party, but i knew that the party would not happen for another week. I moved into the library and looked out the window. A car was parked across the street, to the east, just in front of the large brick apartment buildings. Four or five people were getting out of the car with packages in their hands. They started crossing the street toward the house. I thought that they must be family. I backed into the house, wondering what i should do. I heard them moving around the northern side of the house, so i opened the northern door to talk to them. Most of them had passed the door and were heading to the west, around the side of the house. I called to them, asking them if they were here for the birthday party. I then told them that the party was not until next weekend. The man near me seemed confused and called to the others to come back.

12014 December 08

I was setting a trail down the country road, heading north. I had already set the trail earlier, but i had to do something else on the trail. I looked to the east, across the field. It was snowing. It had not been snowing when i set the trail earlier, so the snow had covered my marks. I would have to reset the trail. I thought that i was here to do just that. I started to hike through the snow to the east. It seemed rather deep now. Several young people were playing in the field to the north east of me. I could see them, but i could not see the field directly to the east of me because a mound was now in my way. I hiked over it, feeling annoyed that i would have to reset all of my marks. I then realized that it was still snowing. The marks might get covered before the others could find the trail. I started to feel frustrated and exhausted. It was also getting dark. The sky was already dim from the falling snow. I started to cross the field, but i was having a hard time trudging through the snow. I saw the open area in the forest on the shallow hill to the east. I remembered setting a mark in the center of the clearing before. I was heading to that mark, but i thought that the sun might go down before the others could get there. I would have to do something to shorten the trail. I tried to imagine where the trail went from that mark. A hiking trail seemed to run north to south through the forest, and i pictured the mark being on the trail. It would be hard for the others to follow the trail through the forest once it got dark. I wondered what i should do.

I stumbled down the driveway, thinking that i should get the mail. Something seemed wrong, though. I had been in the house, and now i was in the driveway. I tried to walk to the south, down the black pavement, but something was wrong. I could not quite concentrate. Something occurred to me about the mail not being at the end of the driveway. I turned around and started back to the north. It was dark outside, and i was having a hard time seeing. This area did not seem right. I reached the stairs that led up to my house and tried to climb them. I felt dizzy and wobbled. I seemed to be drunk or intoxicated. I worried that something was wrong with me. I had to get back into the house. I put my hands on the wooden railings that were on either side of the stairs, noticing that the stairs were too narrow. These were not my stairs. I looked up them at the porch, noticing a board running diagonally across the stairs. It had prevented me from ascending the stairs. This was not my house. The porch looked like mine, but the house was blue, and the porch light was on the wall just to the north of the door. I did not belong here, and i wondered how i had gotten here. I started to panic, feeling that something had happened to me. I opened a door and headed back into the house. This place was not mine, and i felt that i had to do something, but i could not concentrate. I looked around carefully. I remembered this place from before, but it was not where i should be. I had been in this room before. I had to get out of here, but i stood for a moment, staring to the southeast. I seemed to be in a garage, which was being used to store old furnishings. Several boxes and cushions were in the center of the floor, to the south and southeast of me. Two green metal wedge-shaped objects sat on the floor, one on the eastern end of the pile in the center of the room, and one just to the north of an aisle that ran from the northwestern corner of the garage to the center of the eastern wall, where a doorway was. The green objects were square on the sides, and had green metal bands crossing it horizontally. They seemed like folded up lawn chairs, but the metal seemed heavy. They stood on the wide end of the wedge. The one on the southern side of the aisle faced me with the flat side, while the other one was turned to the south-southwest. I moved down the aisle, glancing at a white cushion to the south of me. As i reached the eastern end of the room, i suddenly focused on the dull pink cushion of a chair in the southeastern corner of the room. The chair was an old wooden chair, with curved armrests and a rounded backrest. The oval cushion was in the center of the backrest. The chair reminded me of something that my grandparents had. Dark-pink thread formed an embroidered design across the cushion, making several loops crossing loops up and down. I had to get out of here. I turned to the north, grabbing the metal handle on the door in the northern wall. The wooden door was modern and was set into the northern wall. The door seemed to be worn, but it had something like paneling over the surface, making it look smooth. A round hole was cut in the tan wooden surface for the metal door handle. The plasterboard on the walls around the door seemed to be attached to the surface off the wall, and the exposed edges were frayed around the doorway. The handle of the door was shiny, and formed a square hook. I pulled on it, trying to turn it, but it pulled off. It had fit over a small axil, which was covered with an orange electric-wire cap. As i put the handle back over the cap, i thought that the fins on the cap probably slid into the grooves on the inside of the handle, allowing the handle to turn easily. I turned the knob and pushed on the door, still feeling that i had to escape and figure out where i was. The door pushed open without me turning the handle far enough. I realized that the door was not latched. The bolt must have fallen out. This was why the handle did not have to be attached well. I looked outside, trying to figure out which house this was. It was dark out, and all i could see was the tall grass about ten meters to the west of me, at the edge of the grass lawn of the house. A field seemed to be beyond, but i could not see across it. I was in the country, and there were no lights. I looked to the south, down the length of the run-down house. The driveway was dirt, and it curved at the southwestern corner of the house, turning slightly to the southeast before heading to the south. A low sloped porch ran from a door on the southern end of the western side of the house to the driveway. I could see a light from the house illuminating the front lawn. I felt that people were talking at the front of the house. I could not let them find me, so i pulled the door closed and headed back into the house. This was all very strange. I felt that the house might be a house that i had just moved in to, but it did not make sense that i would sell mine to move here. This entire place did not make sense. I did remember being in this house before, though, and the memory created bad feelings in me. I wondered how i had come here and why i was here now.

12014 December 11

I was in the new apartment. This place seemed foreign to me, and i was not quite sure why i was here. I had moved to this place, but it felt as though i should not be here. I lay on the bed in the northeastern corner of the room, feeling depressed. My head was to the east. I had come into the room from the northeast, through a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I did not feel well, and i thought that i might be sick. $F45 was then in the room with me. He seemed to be concerned about me. He lay on the bed just to the south of me and tried hugging me. I did not feel comfortable with him hugging me. He had not been close to me in a very long time, and it seemed strange that he was hugging me now. I was not sure what i should do.

12014 December 13

I had woken up early in the morning. It was light out, and i was walking to the northeast across the grass of the yard. I had left the others in the cabin to the west of me and was headed to the second cabin to get something. The cabin to the northeast was long north to south, and the rough wooden siding of the cabin was stained dark brown. I walked to the eastern side of the cabin, wandering around. I felt that i had to do something. The others were still sleeping in the main cabin, where i had been. I moved around the area. I was then walking to the east again. It seemed that i had been asleep in the cabin to the east, but i was now coming back to the main cabin, where the others had been staying. I approached the cabin from the west. This house seemed to belong to $F57 and $F58. I stepped up onto the small porch that ran along the southern side of the cabin. The cabin seemed very long north to south, and a porch ran down the eastern side. I had come up a set of stairs on the western side of the southern end of the porch. As i came under the heavy roof of the porch, i noticed $F57 talking to a man just to the east of me. The man was standing near the back of a jeep. He was talking in hushed tones to $F57 about something. I thought that $F57 must be buying something from the man that he did not want anyone to know about. I stayed back so that i would not scare off the man from the jeep. I was then talking to $F58. She was to the north of me. It felt good to be with these people again. We were driving up the dirt road, which ran into the forest from the campground. I had been on this road before. I was sitting on the left side of the vehicle as $F58 drove from the right. The dirt road ahead was rather steep and sloped up sharply in front of us. I remembered driving on this road before with $F57. I told $F58 that he had taken me here before. I was worried then because my car was not able to make it up the hills. I watched the hill in front of us tip up as we approached it. It was almost vertical now, and the part of the road under us slanted to the west as well. The car tipped with the hill, but we continued up the road. This vehicle was better suited to off-road driving.

I was in the car, and $F45 was driving. I sat in the passenger’s seat on the left side of the car. We headed to the west, down the city street. We seemed to be in an older city, and the day seemed damp and gray. I looked at the dark car to the south of us. The car had started to pass us, but slowed a little and was now going at the same speed as we were traveling. I noticed a young girl riding in the front seat on the southern side of the car. She was wearing a red jacket with a hood. I then remembered that we were in Britain, so the girl should not have been in the left front seat of the car. That would be the driver’s seat, and i thought that it would be very strange for the young girl to be driving. She could not have been driving the car. I then realized that i was sitting in the left front seat of a car as well. I too should be in the driver’s seat. I quickly looked forward, noticing a steering wheel in front of me. The wheel was oval and wider than tall. I grabbed the wheel and continued turning the car to the north; we had been going around a turn in the road. I felt panicked because i was not sure what i was doing. I turned the car a little to the east, steering into the next lane as i approached the intersection. I tried to remember which lane i should be in, but i could not focus on it correctly. I moved to the right-most lane and came to a stop. I then noticed that the yellow arrows in the lane were pointing toward me. I thought about this, but decided that i must be in the correct lane because this was Britain. If the driver was on the left side of the car, then the car must drive on the right side of the road. It seemed logical. I parked to the east of the lane of traffic and started walking to the north. We had come to the area that we were supposed to be in. I had left the car in the wide parking lot at the end of the road. This seemed to be a tourist spot, and many people were heading to the north-northwest to look at something. I started walking through the gap in the stone wall, which ran along the northern edge of the parking lot. I noticed the large tree to the northeast of me, and i stopped to look at it, letting several others pass. The tree seemed massive, but it was obscured by darkness. It seemed to be in a dark corner of the outside area, and most of what i could see seemed to be a silhouette of the branches against a dark background. The thick massive trunk curved to the south or southeast, and the many branches fanned out from the top, creating a thick dark canopy with many long thin branches sticking out from the lower edge. The trunk was heavily knotted, with thick coarse bark. I was surprised to see how huge the tree was. The trunk must have been more than three meters in diameter. Something about it fascinated me. I realized that i wanted to take a picture of the tree. I was disappointed that i did not have my camera with me, but i wondered if i should take a picture with my phone. I then thought that the phone really did not have a high-quality camera. I should get my regular camera from the car. I took a few steps back to the south, still looking at the tree in amazement. As i walked to the west of a parked car, a man told me that i should take a picture. He was standing to the southeast of me, near the rear of the car. He was older, with a round face and balding head. He had a rounded figure, and he stood with his hands in the pockets of his tan pants. He wore a light-colored spring jacket. I told the man that i would need my camera to take good pictures. I then told $F45 that i was heading to the car to get my real camera. I kept staring at the tree as i made my way to the south. The complicated features of the trunk were very beautiful. The tree seemed very special.

12014 December 14

I had three baby birds in the small dish, and i held them carefully in my hand. The other person had given them to me, and i was supposed to take care of them and keep them alive. I felt very concerned as i knelt down to the ground with the small dish. The small brown fuzzy animals were no more than a half deci long. Their features seemed too small to be real. I then realized that one of the animals was missing its head. Something had happened. I felt very bad, thinking that i had done something wrong. I put the other two down on the ground and picked up the body of the third. The three animals now looked like tiny cats. Their bodies were gray, and they had white paws and bellies. I picked up the limp headless body of the dead cat, wondering what had happened. It had a small ring of blood around its collar where its head was. I felt very upset and started petting the other three animals, which now looked like small birds. They were nested in a small basket. They had brown fluffy feathers near their heads, and the color faded to white as it reached their tails. I thought that they needed help to stay alive. Something was wrong with them. I picked one up and gently squeezed it, trying to keep i alive. I seemed to be helping it breath. I was very concerned for the animals, which seemed like mice now.

I felt upset about something, and i thought that i had to feed the cats to keep them alive. I worried about them. I was in the kitchen of the home. The adult cat was to the west of me, at the other end of the narrow kitchen. I had put food in its dish. The other cat was small and seemed oddly rounded. It looked small and fluffy. I felt very bad for it. It seemed to be in trouble, and i thought that both cats had been starving. They had not been fed in a long time. I felt bad and wondered what went wrong.

12014 December 16

I was with a few other people in the open area. I stared off to the north, looking out over the flat grassy lawn. Something had just happened, and i thought that someone had drugged us. I started to see a grid of black and white tiles in front of me. They looked like ceramic tiles on a wall. The tiles were mostly black, but they formed white Xs in a horizontal row. As i looked at the pattern, though, the pattern changed. The Xs became crosses. The pattern started switching back forth between the two patterns. This must be some kind of hallucination. I watched the patterns switching for a moment, thinking that the people must have given us LSD. I tried to focus, not wanting to hallucinate. The others with me were gathered in a small group to the northeast of me. One man picked up another man and held him in the air. He then pointed a pistol with his right hand. He seemed to be aiming the gun and the man to the northeast, but he was pointing the gun at the ribcage of the man. He was aiming the gun so that it would shoot upward through the ribcage near the shoulder joint. I realized that he would shoot the man if he fired, so i warned them to stop. The others lowered the man, saying that it seemed like a hallucination. They must have thought that, by shooting through him, they would be better able to hit the target in the distance.

I was with the group of people at the festival in the city area. It was after sunset, and the lights of the city made everything seem gray. Most of the festival was to the west of me, and i was standing with a man on the western edge of the small bridge. The bridge ran to the east over a small water channel and blended in with the city street. The festival seemed to have something to do with homosexuals, and i felt a little uncomfortable being on the street with the other person. We spoke for a moment. Another man then appeared to the east of us. He was older, and i recognized him as a famous movie actor from the early days of Hollywood. He was homosexual al well, and he said goodbye to us. He reached his left arm to me, and i squeezed his arm just above the elbow. I felt a little affection for him. He turned to the east and walked away across the bridge. I continued talking with the other man, who was standing to the west of me. We walked to the southern side of the bridge, where a tall black net stretched above the railing. The man and i leaned back against the net as we spoke. It bent with us, feeling like a hammock. The man was to the west of me, and he leaned toward me and kissed me. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that someone might see us. I was uneasy having others watch us. The man then had to leave for something. I stood for a moment as he walked to the north. I then headed across the bathroom to the east to use the toilet. The bathroom was long east to west, and i sat down at a toilet that was on the northern wall. As i made myself comfortable on the seat, a man entered the room from the west and moved to the toilet seat just to the west of me. He was very close to me, and i felt uncomfortable. I tried to pull the plastic curtain from the northern wall to separate us. The man asked me if i was gay. I did not answer him. I just pretended that i was annoyed by the question and pulled the plastic curtain the rest of the way across the room, separating him from me. He said that he never understood homosexuality when he was young, but he said that he has experienced some things now that he is older, and he congratulated me being who i was. This seemed strange, but i realized that he was saying that he no longer had a fear of homosexuals. I still felt uncomfortable talking to him, so i stood up and walked to the east to leave the building. I stepped outside, finding the other man near me again.

I moved through the large rooms of the apartment. This was the apartment on $P2, and it had been a long time since i had been here. I remembered being here sometime after i had moved out. The others were looking over the rooms as well. I thought that they were probably looking to rent the apartment. I headed out of the living room toward the master bedroom, which was to the south of me. As i headed down the short corridor to the bedroom, i noticed an opening to the east. It was the old closet, but it seemed wider and different than i had remembered. The floor or lower wall was dull red, and the eastern wall curved from the south to the east. I stepped into the small space and followed the curve into a small room, just to the northeast of the opening. I moved quickly around the space and then headed back to the main corridor. I was surprised to see this closet. It did not look familiar, yet i knew that it had been in the house. I turned around and headed back into the room. A young child was in the closet as well, looking around. I thought that the people who renovated this apartment must have cleaned up the closet and made it look nice, which was why i did not seem to recognize it. I then noticed the drawings on the curved eastern all of the room. They were drawn in crayon onto the polished wood. I looked closely at them, noticing that they were covered up with a new coat of brown paint. I could still see the faint shapes of cartoon faces. I told the young boy near me that i had drawn these figures when i was younger. I thought that they must have been here since we lived here. I then looked more closely at them, realizing that they were actually drawn nicely. I remembered that i was not able to color well when i lived here, so i probably did not draw the pictures. I thought that my mother must have drawn them for me. I would have scribbled at that age. I backed out of the curved hallway and came into the master bedroom. The room had been redesigned, and a fake wall now covered up the large rounded windows that had been in the southern wall. The wall blocked the view of the windows, but it was about a meter from the southern wall, so it allowed the light from the windows to illuminate the room through the spaces over the top of the wall and through the tall narrow gap in the center of the wall. It acted to reshape the windows from the room. I had visited this house before, and i remembered that they had made these changes to the style of the room. The new walls were smooth and modern, with bright coats of paint. I was disappointed that i could not see the main windows, though. I remembered that they were quite nice to look at. They were arched with many panes in them. I headed to the north, into the living room. The windows there had been covered up in a similar fashion to the ones in the bedroom. A man and another person were standing in the living room, looking at the window. I told them that the windows used to be in five columns, with the largest in the center. Each column ended with a rounded top. The man said that they must have looked nice.

I was speaking to someone on the southern shore of the large body of water. I was somewhere to the east of my parents’ house, and i felt that i had to get to the house, even though it was the season that my parents did not live there. The air seemed cold, and few people seemed to be around. I remembered running on the rocky beach before. I started to jog to the west along a low cement embankment. The water was splashing against the northern side of the old worn wall. I felt a little nervous looking down into the deep water, hoping that i did not loose my balance and fall. I paid attention to the wall that i was walking on, looking down at the packed rocks and dirt that ran between the patches of water. Water was then on the southern side of the wall as well. I looked down at the driftwood that was now on the stony beach just to the north of me. Most of it seemed to be branches. I thought that the water from the north would be flowing into the beach in waves, and i thought about using the sticks to keep it out. All of the sticks had been pushed ashore by the water. I thought that they would have support if i used them to hold something up. It had something to do with the waves of water. I then thought that they were pushed ashore so that they were pointing into the water. This must be the natural way that they align to the force of the waves. I would have to keep them lengthwise to support the weight because that was the direction they were now in as they resisted the water. I then came to a narrow section of the wall where water was again on both sides. I walked across it carefully, noticing the roots growing over the dirt that i was walking on. I then remembered coming this way before. I had come from the other direction last time, and i was unable to see the ground because it was dark. I had stopped here before, and i remembered feeling the ground with my feet. I could feel it better now because i was barefoot. I stepped carefully over the roots, crossing the narrow section. On the western side, i came to the end of the mound that i had been walking on. It ended at a second beach. The other beach ran north to south. Several people seemed to be on the beach to the north-northeast, but i had to turn to the southwest. The other beach had small drifted rocks in clusters on the dark wet sand. I jumped down to the new beach and started to the southwest. The man that had been with me started jogging to the north. Other people said that he had changed the beach. I looked to the north, seeing the narrow strip of beach that ran between the two bodies of water. The waves were coming from the north in the water to the northeast of me, and they were coming from the west in the water to the northwest of me. I headed to the southwest down the beach. I ran around the northern side of the small wooden cottage, which seemed to be right on the sandy beach. It was set on wooden poles about a meter from the ground. I circled from the western side to the southern side, walking to the stairs, which descended from the entry door in the eastern end of the southern side of the house. The southeastern corner of the house had a niche in it so that the door was set back from the southernmost part of the house. Without climbing the stairs, i knocked on the door of the house. I leaned backward from the eastern side of the small porch, looking up at the door. My mother came to the door as i knocked a second time. She looked down at me, and i said hello to her. She looked at me as if she thought i was doing something very strange, and she asked me if anything was wrong. I did feel uneasy and upset about something, but i told her that i was just here to see them. I said that i had been in the area and just wanted to surprise them.

12014 December 17

The people i was with were planning to steal something, and i was driving the van up and down the cement slope. The slope seemed to be in the middle of an old factory yard, and it ascended steeply to the west. I moved up and down the slope a few times, noticing the square holes in the cement. I would have to avoid them. I would also have to be careful of the ridges that ran across the cement slab. The van would bounce when it hit them. They looked like mini ramps. As i passed down the hill once, i noticed the old rusted metal bolts that still stuck up through the cement. I thought that i would have to avoid driving on them because they could easily pop the tires of the van. I drove down the hill twice in the van, and then turned around in the large parking lot, heading to the south. We were getting ready to do what we came to do in this old factory. As we drove into the lot, i could see the cement hill to the west of us. A large brick building seemed to be to the east, and a long structure ran overhead from the west to the east. I realized that another car was parked in the lot to the south of us. It was an old white car that looked like a seventies design. I worried that someone else was already here. No one should have been here. I was annoyed, thinking that our plans had been spoiled. If they saw us, they would be able to tell others that we were here. I turned the van to the west and drove up the hill. We had to leave this place before the person in the white car got a good look at us. The man in the car seemed angry that we were there, and i heard him say that he would call the police. He was then discussing this with someone else. I did not look back at them. I thought that we would have to get away. I worried that he might see the license plate of our van as we drove up the hill. The scene was then dark, the man stood on the eastern side of it as i looked to the west. He said that the van might be stolen, but at least he could report a 503. This meant that, if he could not accuse us of trespassing on the property, at least he could report a stolen car. The scene was then looking to the southwest at us as we drove away in the car. We were heading to the east, and it was dark out. The men in the car were talking to each other. Flashing lights then came from the west. The police had found them and were trying to pull them over. I wondered if the people really did own the vehicle.

I walked to the north on the western side of eh school yard. Armchairs were set up in rows and columns for the classroom, which seemed to be outside. I had to get ready for class. I hurried to the northern side of the room and sat down in one of the armchairs, which was on the western side of the front row of the class, facing north. I then looked to the northeast at the board on the front wall of the room. I realized that i could not see the board that well. I felt a little frustrated and moved around to try to get a better view. The other seats in the class were empty, and i realized that it was really recess. A woman near the front of the class, to the northeast of me, asked me to get something from the office. I headed to the west, down the corridor of the school. The building seemed mostly empty, with only a few people in the dimly lighted hallways. I came into the building on the western end, but i had to go to the east to get to the office. The hallway had a rectangular opening in the center of the floor, and i was walking along the southern side of it. The walls seemed very plain and modern. They also seemed to be cement. I moved toward the eastern end of the building, suddenly realizing that i was not quite sure where the office was. I looked around at the metal doors, which were set into the southern wall. None of them looked like an office. These must be the classrooms of the school. I rounded the eastern end of the hall and started back along the northern side, still looking at the rooms for the office. I then realized that i would probably have to walk down the short set of stairs that led into one of the holes in the floor. I stepped onto the wooden stairs, which seemed to be a narrow bridge that crossed the rectangular hole in the thick cement floor. The bridge swayed as i stepped onto it. I knew that the other stairs and bridges in this building were also shaky. It was a trait of this building, but it made me nervous about walking on them. The bridge kept shaking as i stood on it, trying to cross. I looked again at the southern wall of the building, wondering where the offices were. I thought that one of the openings in the white southern wall must be a corridor to the offices. I had headed down one of the narrow passageways, which was not much more than a meter wide. I could not find what i was looking for, so i headed back to the north, toward the main hallway. Just before the main hallway, i stopped and turned back to the south. An office was to the east of me, and a man sat behind a desk. He wore a suit and seemed to be someone in the administration. I looked at the sign just to the south of the door. A long white sign said that he was the vice president of something. I thought that this corridor might lead to the offices that i was looking for, so i started down it to the south. A man to the south of me was heading north in the corridor. A rounded object, like a shallow soda-pop machine, was sticking out from the western wall, and the man walked sideways to squeeze past it. The rounded surface had red on it. I let him pass and then i continued down the hallway to the south. The other signs on the offices also listed vice presidents of other different fields. I needed to find the office for academic services. The corridor ended along the eastern end of an open area, which seemed to be a larger office. A service counter ran down the center of the area, but no one was there at the moment. I tried to think of the office that i was looking for as i headed down the hall to the west. The office had a four-letter acronym, but i could not remember what it was. I decided that this corridor was just more of the office that i was not looking for, so i headed back to the east. As i started up the corridor to the north on the eastern side of the open space, i noticed a bulletin board on the eastern wall. It was full of paper, and i started reading some of them. $A395 passed me from the south. When she was to the north of me, she made a joke about the papers. I said that i should write programs for this office to make their bulletin-board postings better. I remembered doing computer programming for this place before. I then said that $A166 would write the programs, because i knew that he worked here. I then realized that he was now to the west of me in the corridor, standing just behind me. I joked about the offices around here and i started to the north to look for the one that i needed.

12014 December 18

I moved around the northern side of the room, feeling uncomfortable. I had been talking with the other people in the house. They were to the north of me, in the hallway that ran north to south outside the room. We were all staying in this house, but it seemed that we were adversaries. The other group had a room to stay in, and we were staying in the large bedroom that i was in. A doorway in the northern wall led to the hallway. I was aware of the other group to the southeast of us. They seemed threatening, and i worried that they would attack us if we fell asleep here. We would not be able to defend against them. I wandered near the doorway in the northern wall, thinking that we could close the door. I wondered if we would be able to hear it when it was opened. We had to have some way of warning us when the others were coming. I thought about making a fence that would rattle when the others came, but a person would be able to get around it if they knew it was there. I felt unsafe here.

12014 December 19

I felt the thumb nail of my left hand. Something seemed wrong about the nail. It was very thin and it felt weird to touch. I looked at the nail. It was now really long. I did not know that i had let it grow that far. I rubbed it, noticing that it was chipping along the edges. It looked thin and pieces of it were flaking off. I wondered why the nail was deteriorating so much.

12014 December 20

I unwrapped part of the gift as i sat on the southern side of the wooden rectangular lunch table in the school cafeteria. $F4 was sitting across the table to the northeast of me. I looked at the small box of items and pulled out a roll of tissue paper. It had some money in it. The money must have been part of the gift from the school. I pulled a single from the wrapping paper. I then noticed some other singles in the other coils of wrapping paper. I thought that several singles must be hidden in the rolled up paper. As i unrolled one of the pieces of paper, however, i noticed a five-dollar bill. I was surprised to see the money. It did not seem right that the gift would have money in it. I then realized that some of the rolls of paper had larger bills in them. I started to feel uncomfortable with the money. $F4 told me that the box actually contained two thousand dollars. I told him that this could not be true, but i worried that he was correct. He said that it was part of the other gift. I thought that they must have been talking about a special person who received a gift of more money. I did not think that they would have given the gift to me because i had not done anything special in the school. I then started to feel uneasy with so much money, so i started rolling it back up. I put it in the paper bag and tried to repack the box that the gift had come in. The gift seemed to be a paper merry-go-round, with horses. It was not assembled, so i put each piece back into the box separately. I could not get everything to fit nicely back into the box, however. I put the round top of the carousel back into the upper part of the box, but i could not get the horses to fit in correctly. I wondered if i had assembled something that was in the box. I thought that the folded pieces of paper must have been put together so now some of them did not fit back into the box. I told $F4 this, and i chatted with him as i tried to repack the box and hide the money that had come with it.

12014 December 22

I walked to the south through the shopping district and down the city street. Everything seemed gray, and it was chilly out. The stores were closing, and i thought that it was because it was just before a holiday, like Christmas Eve. I walked down the eastern sidewalk of the street, looking at the stores near me. I thought that i needed something old and made of metal. I tried to think of what it was, and then i imagined going back in time to a store where i could buy it new. Things made of metal would have been more common in the past. I looked around, thinking that these stores should now be in the past because i had imagined that i was back in time. I passed the white store and came to the other shop with large windows on the front. I looked into the open door of the shop, noticing many old things in it. This was an antique shop, and nothing in the store was modern. The main room of the store was white and mostly empty. All of the items were around the walls, like a gallery. The store would be closing soon because it was near the end of the day. It did not have what i needed, and i felt a little frustrated about that. I turned back to the north and started walking up the street. This was Christmas Eve, and i could hear Christmas music playing from someplace. I looked up the street, which seemed like $P143. The intersection at the northern end the street was thirty or fourty meters ahead of me. The overhead light was blinking red, and a truck was pulling into the intersection from the west, turning north. The black pick-up truck was pulling a large trailer behind it that was stacked high with large speakers. The Christmas music was coming from the speakers. Something yellow was on top of the speakers. It looked like a square siren horn with opposing cones. As the truck started up the western lane of the road to the north, it swerved suddenly to the east. The trailer swinged to the east behind the truck, but flipped over, pulling the truck over with it. A short woman with long black hair was standing just to the north of me on the sidewalk. She had shoulder-length black hair, and she screamed in shock. She started screaming that a man was inside the truck still. Someone to the west of me made fun of her for panicking. I did not have my cell phone with me, but i thought that someone should call emergency. I walked quickly to the north to see if i could help. I passed the short woman and stopped at the intersection. I waited for a moment until it was clear to cross. Traffic was still coming from the east and west. I then realized that i was still barefoot. I had been walking on the cold cement ground, but i thought that i would have to be careful about the debris around the accident site. As i looked down at the blacktop in the intersection, it seemed to have some debris on it as well. I heard the voice of a man commenting about the wreckage across the street from me. I looked up at it. I thought that the driver of the truck must have been trying to tease the man and not been paying attention to the road. I then noticed the driver in a small piece of wreckage on the eastern side of the road. The black metal box seemed to be the cab of the truck, and the man had his lower body inside the box. His upper body was handing over the western side of the box, but something like a door had closed over his torso so that he could not get out. I crossed the street and moved to help the driver, but someone reached him before i did and helped him step out of the wreckage. A man was suddenly to the west of me. He asked me about the record that i had. I looked down to see a coil of rope in my left hand. It was not what the man was talking about, but it was all that i was carrying. The man’s voice was low and distinct, and he said that i had stolen the record. He said that this was a misdemeanor, and that i would get four years in prison for it. I did not understand what he was talking about. He was obviously threatening me, but i did not understand. I reached the truck, but the man had gotten out and i had nothing to do. The man to the west of me then said something about the truck driver and the wreck. I looked at him. He was a little shorter than i and had a wide body, but he was not fat. He wore a dark shirt that was pulled out from his pants, and he covered it with a long dark trench coat. He had a hat that shaded his eyes and made him seem like a detective. I could not see his face, but he seemed to have a fuzzy graying mustache. I thought that he must be a lawyer. I wondered why he was threatening me. Maybe he was trying to protect the driver of the truck from something i had seen.

I rode in the car as my mother drove to the east. We were looking for the place, which i knew was somewhere to the south. We turned off of the highway and started heading south on a hilly country road, which curved across the summery countryside. I knew that the small town would be somewhere to the south, but i was not sure where. It seemed like a special place, and i was not sure that it was on maps anymore. My mother then pointed out a place to the southeast. I imagined the town as a hidden abandoned village that no longer connected to the roads. It would be off of the main road. I looked at the map, trying to guess where it might be. The story said that we could count the roads on the map to find it. It would be marked as a road on the map, but it would no longer join up with the main road, so it would be found my noticing the two roads that it was between. I thought that the town should not be seen from the main road, or others would have noticed it before now. From the road, the forest should simply seem overgrown. The map that i was holding in my lap had a cream-brown background and black lines for roads. I looked up to the southeast, noticing a large cemetery in the forest on the steep hill across the narrow valley from us. The valley was a stream valley in the rounded hills. I realized that we must already be on the side road; otherwise, we would not have been able to see this part of the old town. I pointed out the cemetery to the others in the car. The flat headstones faced across the hillside, seeming to face north. One had a tall column with a garnished header and a pointed top. I wondered why we could not see any buildings. The others were interested in the cemetery on the hill to the east of us. As we started down he hill to the southeast, i could see an old road running north to south down the valley. It sloped upward to the north. I then started to see old buildings to the east. They were cement structures that looked like abandoned industrial buildings. I looked back to the book for the story of this abandoned town. I then talked to my mother about the town. We were now in a hotel room. I headed to the east, where a bed was against the eastern wall. The large king bed was covered with tan sheets. My mother laid down on the bed as i started to pace. I felt uncomfortable here because we were not really renting the room. I thought that we should leave. I then looked to the west. The room we were in was actually part of a large lobby of the hotel. Other people were in groups around the lobby, and they could easily see us. The main desk was in the center of the southern wall, and i heard one of the hotel staff tell someone that we would be out soon. I realized that a family was waiting for our room. The management did not know that we did not really belong here. I turned back to the east and told my mother that we needed to leave this place. I felt very awkward here. I then started to look around for my luggage, which had been against the eastern wall of the room. I could not see it, and i started to feel annoyed. It was a gray suitcase. I looked out into the larger room. Someone near the northern wall said that they had a gray bag. It was mine. I went to get it; then i started gathering my things so that we could leave.

12014 December 23

I was on the eastern side of the room, and the people gathered in the center of the room formed some kind of class. The people were singing from books that they held in their hands. I realized that i did not have a book with me, so i turned to the northeast to look for mine. I thought that the teacher might get annoyed if he or she found out i did not have my song book with me. I got the book and came back to the center of the glass, but i was having trouble reading the book. I had opened to the correct page number, but the page had a small rectangular design near the bottom of it that looked like stacked blocks. I tried to read it, but it did not make any sense to me. A man then backed away from the group and came near me. I could see the round drawing on his page. It looked like the face of a clock that had been divided into twelve sections. Each of the wedge-shaped sections had dark shading around the edges that was darker near the outer edge of the circle. Pictures were stamped in black ink in the center of each wedge. I thought that each picture represented part of the song, which was about the twelve days. I then realized that the man’s page did not have any text on it, so he must have been singing by the pictures. I looked at my book again. It did not have the song in it. I then noticed the writing near the top of the page. The letters were curved, and they did not look like the Latin alphabet. The letters looked like they were Armenian. I closed the book and read the cover. The first word said “Puer-do”. I thought that the book must be Puerto Rican. It was not the correct book, which should have been in English. I went back to the northeast to find another book.

12014 December 26

I moved around in the room with the other people. Most of them were to the north of me. The tall man then stepped in front of me, very near to me. He was tall and skinny, and he seemed to be pale white. Something about him was special. His left leg was in front of me, and i hugged it for a moment. It felt very dense. I then felt awkward near the man. He was so tall that i only came up to his waist. I let him pass to the west, and i thought about why he was so tall.

12014 December 27

I moved around the small bedroom on the eastern side of the house. We had just moved here, and i was cooking something for the event that was about to happen. The event seemed to be for $G4. I thought that it would be for their weekend event, and everyone would be gathering at my house. I hurried to get things ready. I put cheese on the small round things. Several people showed up to the west of me. I chatted with them for a moment. $A59 was one of them. They talked about the beginning of the run. I started to worry that too many people would be showing up here. I had just moved into this place, and it seemed uncomfortable to have too many people here. Someone then mentioned that they would be starting at the pub. I knew that the pub was just down the road to the west, on the northern side of the street. The street seemed to be just to the north of the house that i was in. The others were gathering here, but it seemed that they would be heading to the pub for the start of the run. I felt a little disappointed, looking again at the food that i had been preparing. I moved the tray to the north. I then realized that i had a small kitchenette in my bedroom. This seemed very nice. My hands were dirty from preparing the food, so i would have to clean them. I moved along the counter that was on the western wall of the bedroom. The door to the bedroom was in the southern end of the western wall. I put the tray of food down on the counter near the sink. The tray was covered with round food items that were covered with a brown sauce and cheese. I thought that the food was chicken.

12014 December 28

I wandered through the forest, heading on the trail to the northeast. I seemed to be in the middle of a suburban area, but i was not able to see the buildings near me. It seemed to be night, and i thought that i should probably not be on the tail by myself. I came to the top of a steep hill, which sloped down to a very narrow gully. The gully ran east to west and had grass growing on the almost-vertical slopes. I stopped at the top of the slope before continuing down the slope and up the other side. When i reached the top, i started to feel uneasy. A man then came from the northeast, following the trail. He reached me and turned to the east, walking down the worn path that ran along the crest of the northern mound. I became very uneasy here, thinking that i was not safe. I turned around to see a man coming down the trail that i had been following. He crossed the gully and came toward me. I had to act confident so that he did not think that i was afraid of him. He then held up a small knife in his left hand, staring at me. He was threatening me, but he was not going to attack me. He turned and headed back to the west. I quickly looked behind me to make sure that the other man was not there. I turned back to the southwest and crossed the gully. I started to the west along the southern slope of the gully. I stopped for a moment at the top of the slope near a small tree. A leafless bush was to the south of me. I noticed something gray and plastic on the ground. I picked it up to see that i was a cell phone. I suddenly wondered if it had been part of a murder scene. If so, i should not have touched it, or someone would think that i was involved. I wondered if i could use it to call emergency. Something seemed out of place with the phone, and i was not sure what i should do. I continued to the southwest to get away.

I stood up suddenly, finding myself on a grassy tennis court. Several courts were clustered in the secluded wooded area. I looked to the west, but did not recognize where i was. I had just woken up, or it seemed as though i had. I felt suddenly unsure of where i was. I did not remember getting here. I looked around. The forested rolling hills surrounded me. I knew that i was in a suburban area, but i could not see any houses around me. I felt lost, and i worried that i had been drugged. I had to concentrate to get out of the forest. I tried not to be worried, thinking that i did not have that far to go to get to the city, but i had to focus so that i did not wander around in circles. I started moving quickly to the east, finding myself on a city street. I had to find where i was. I turned to the south and ran through a building. The wooden door on the eastern end of the front of the brick building was open, and the greenish interior was lighted with fluorescent lights, making the place look sickly. I walked down the eastern wall of the room and turned to the southwest, passing through another doorway to come into a back room. An old East Asian man in a dirty white T-shirt was sitting on a wooden crate near the southern wall. He was listening to a woman play guitar to the northeast of him. The woman sat close to him. As i passed them, i realized that the woman was actually $F57. He was dressed in a brightly colored fringed dress and he had a blond wig on. His face had some blue makeup near the eyes. He did not noticed me, but i stopped and waved at him, saying hello. He looked at me and smiled, greeting me. He then went back to playing guitar. I felt a little hurt that he did not greet me in a warmer way, but i headed through the doorway to the south and came into a back alley. I turned to the east. After a moment, i was heading to the west on a long straight road, which seemed to run along the northern edge of a body of water. I looked at the large old building that was on the southern side of the road. I was driving to the west, down the wide highway, which seemed to be on a bridge in the middle of a wide body of water. The square cement building with the rounded corner details and the concentric cubical tower on top was a hotel. Flames were flickering out of the windows in the middle of the eastern end of the northern face of the structure. The hotel was on fire. I stared at the building as i passed it, watching the fire, which seemed to be in a line across the center of the building. I was actually circling the building now, and i came to the southern side of the building. I had been on the highway, which was several stories high on the side of the building, but, as i rounded the western side of the building, which seemed to be a long wooden pier, i descended to the level of the first floor of the building. The hotel was floating, and water was on the southern side. A large grassy courtyard was to the south of the building. The building closed in around it, but left a wide opening, which was adorned with tall thin white columns. I passed through the columns and come into the courtyard. People were running from the northeastern corner of the courtyard. They were evacuating the building from the fire alarm. The man leading the small group seemed to be a bellman, wearing a maroon uniform. I started to the northeast across the grass of the courtyard. I thought that i should probably not be here. This hotel seemed to be in France, and i knew that i had killed someone here. Men with guns then started coming from the north. I thought that we were not safe. Some men in black suits were already in the courtyard, investigating things in the grass. One of them commented on the snake. I thought that i could use the snake to bite one of the men with the guns. It would distract them while i got away. I ran to the east. I then realized that i was visiting $A671’s house. I felt uneasy about this, thinking that i was not really a guest here. I had left the house, but i did not have the keys to get back in. I called to $F45, who was to the east of me. I asked him to switch keys with me so that i could get back into the house. I was on a street to the south of a large house, which seemed to be here $A671 lived.

I was heading to the west on the wide road, but i was looking at the small stone building on the southern side of the road. The building seemed to be in a gorge, below the level of the road. I knew that a waterfall was to the south of the building, so the building must be a tourist area. I passed around the western side of the building, but descended into the gravel parking lot that was to the north of the building. An archway led through the front of the building and into a small courtyard, which was to the south of the building. I stopped in the middle of the stone courtyard, watching the children run around the southwestern corner of the building. They were heading to the north on the dirt path that led up the gorge toward the waterfall. I wanted to go on the trail, and i started toward the corner of the building. Several adults were near the path. A voice from the south then said that only children were allowed on the path. This seemed strange, and i felt upset that i could not see the waterfall too. I looked at the water that was to the south of me now. It seemed to run smoothly over some flat rocks, heading down the gorge toward a second waterfall, which i could not see. The stone building also seemed to continue along the eastern side of the gorge. I turned back to the north to see the small courtyard in the middle of the building. It had pale stone columns along the face of the building on the northern side of the yard. I then realized that i was floating on a raft in the middle of the courtyard, which was now a square pool. The pool was open to the south. The orange rubber raft then started to tip to the east. I tried to stabilize it, but it still swayed. I did not feel that it would tip over, but i thought that i had to get it under control. Someone else was on another raft to the west of me, but it was not affecting mine. I tried to keep the raft level, but it continued to tip. It then started to rotate in the water. I was now facing east, and i saw that the top of the raft was rubbing against the stone wall on the eastern side of the yard. I pushed the raft into the wall, trying to use the friction to keep it from tipping.

12014 December 29

The woman said that i should make the recipe that i was reading. I stood with the group of others looking it over. I then turned to the east and walked into the kitchen of my parents’ house. I read the paper to see what i needed. The recipe was written on a piece of loose-leaf paper in pencil. On the upper right, it said that i would need tubers. I thought that i could use some of the mushrooms i had instead. I then realized that i did not actually have any mushrooms left. I put the paper down on the counter and thought about the recipe. It actually said root vegetables, so i would have to get some turnips or rutabagas. I wanted to make this recipe now, but i did not think that i had the ingredients. I thought about making it without some of the things, but decided that i should not. I felt frustrated that i could not make it now. I did not have time to run out to the store before work and buy the things, and i knew that i could not pick up these things at the convenience store at the bottom of the hill to the north. Annoyed, i decided that i would have to get them after work and make the food that night. I leaned against the northern side of the counter. A car then drove up the driveway, past the window. It must be the delivery person. I knew that he saw me in the window, but i did not want him to. I could not hide now. I did not want him to think that i was here. I sat down and leaned back against the cabinets under the counter. The window was to the east of me. The truck passed by the window again, slowing to a stop just outside the window. I looked to see a man in a winter jacket and a thick scraggly beard in the cab. He had a red knit hat. He did not look at me. I thought that he was putting the newspaper in the mailbox just to the south of the window. I said thank you as he drove off.

12014 December 30

The others started to leave, and i was lying on the floor of the locker room, reading something. The other person was lying next to me. I was reclined with my head to the northwest, near the northern wall of the room. The other man, who was $A68, was lying on his stomach to the southwest of me. As the others left, i noticed that the man lying near me seemed to be rather closet to me. A third man, who was a little pudgy and had short blond hair, was wrapping a large green towel around his waist to the south of us. He stared uncomfortably at us as he prepared to go into the shower. I realized that $A68 was rather close to me. He was actually lying over the top of my waist. The man in the towel must have thought that we were intimate, but i did not want him to think so. I felt uncomfortable, so i moved to the east and got up. I started wandering the locker room, looking for my locker. I could not seem to find it. I tried to remember where it was in the room, but i could not remember. Nothing looked quite familiar at the moment. I headed to the south on the western side of the locker room, exiting the room and finding myself in the main hallway, which ran long the southern side of the building. The white hallway was wide and bright and seemed to be very new and modern. I noticed the service desk to the west of me. This place seemed like $P37. I then looked to the north at the door set into the northern wall, which i had just walked through. I recognized the door as the one that i used to take into the locker room in the past. I now had a better idea where i was. I walked back to the east a little and headed to the north down the corridor, which i knew led back to the locker room. I passed through a set of glass doors in a glass wall. Someone held the door open for me as i headed back toward the locker room. I passed some other people in the hallway. The corridor turned a little to the north-northwest after the glass wall. I remembered this part of the corridor before. I turned to the west and headed into the large cafeteria. People were sitting around rectangular tables, which ran east to west. I was near the northern end of the room when i heard someone call my first name. I was facing northeast, looking at the table of people i had come here with, but i turned to the west to see who, if anyone, had called me. I saw $A185 standing just to the south of a table on the western side of the room. He wore blue jeans and seemed to be wearing a varsity jacket from $P7. He was facing west, but he seemed to have been looking over his right shoulder at me. I wondered if he had called his name. He started walking away, so i was not sure if he was really talking to me. I turned back to the east, looking at my friends, who were sitting at the table to the northwest of me. I then headed to the south to get something. I looked back to the northwest to see where $A185 had gone. He was sitting on the western end of the northern side of a table. The table was crowed with people. I then heard my last name called. I looked back at the table to see that $A185 was looking at me. He stood up, walked around the western end of the table, and came toward me. I thought that $A326 was sitting at the table with him. I wondered how many other people i knew from the table. I hugged $A185 hello and greeted him in the center of the room. A soda-pop machine seemed to be to the south of me, against the southern wall of the room.

I was standing in the middle of the grocery store, to the west of a check-out counter. I was waiting for something. A man was waiting near me, to the northwest of me. I thought that he might be a clerk in the store. He seemed young and seemed to be wearing an apron. I then wondered if the store was closing. I thought that the clerk might be waiting for me to check out. I decided i should check out and moved abruptly toward the counter. It seemed very late. I hesitated as i looked to the east, not really sure what i should do. I asked a man near me if the store was closing. He was a friend of mine, and it seemed like a long time since i had seen him. I was now standing to the north of the check-out counter, which ran north to south. I started to walk down the aisle between the counters, which was to the west of the counter that i was near. A clerk moved around to the east of the counter near me, which was the eastern-most counter. A woman then came to the register near me and signed into the machine. The male clerk walked up behind her and pointed to the screen. They must have signed me into the system and were now looking at the profile picture that showed up. It must have been a very old profile picture from when i was working here a long time ago. That was the time that the man knew me from. I then realized that i should continue to check out my things, so i tried to collect them and put them on the counter. I was then standing to the north of the counter again, on the end of the counter. Others were now coming toward the counters to check out. I moved a little to the east, thinking that i had to get my things together to check out. I then noticed something on the floor at the end of the counter. I started toward it but a man walked in front of me. I let him pass and then bent over to pick up the black pair of thin headphones. They must have fallen from a rack. The black chord still seemed to be plugged in to something on the wall to the south of me. I picked them up to put them back.

12014 December 31

I ran to the west and stopped near the western end of the pool. I was on the northern side of it. The floor of the room was covered with small tiles. I had been in the pool before, but i was now about ready to jump in again. I hesitated, wondering if i should wait for something. People came to the edge of the pool near me and jumped in. I was near the metal ladder that curved out of the water and onto the tile floor. I wanted to jump into the pool as well, but i thought that i should not do it here because of the ladder and the people trying to climb on it. I was now wet, and i could feel the dampness on my hair. I then looked to the west, noticing a man reclined against the western wall of the room. He wore a blue bathing suit, and he was sitting in a shallow layer of water. The water must have overflowed the pool and was now about a deci deep on the floor. This seemed strange. I looked back to the east. The people were now in the pool for some kind of class. I was now standing on the floor to the south of the pool. People were in the water to the northeast of me, and they seemed to be performing some kind of race. I thought that i should be part of this race, but i felt distracted by something. A bulky woman with black hair sat on the southern side of the pool, talking to students, who were sitting around her in a circle. I looked back to the pool, trying to figure out how the race was working. The people seemed to be carrying something to the eastern end of the pool. It seemed like a large bottle, and i thought that they would have to fill the bottle at the eastern end. This did not make sense. The bottle would then be too heavy to carry if it was filled with water; it seemed to be at least twenty-five liters.

I had to building something with $A618. We walked to the west, into the classroom. I looked around the room and then back to the black square shape that $A618 was carrying. It looked like some kind of circuit to me, and i knew that we had to finish constructing it. We seemed to be at $P7, and this was part of our course work. $A618 took the black piece of paper to the west and put it down on the black laboratory table. The table was to the west of me and to the south of $A618. The paper had a white drawing of a circuit board on it. I told $A618 that we had to building it for something. I said that i knew that it was a timing circuit, but i was not sure what else it did. It seemed more complex that just a timer. $A618 then headed to the east, out of the room. He went to get something from the classroom on the other side of the hallway. I heard a teacher moving out in the hall. I thought that $A96 must have come into the other classroom. He was probably talking to $A618 at the moment. I headed to the east, into the hallway. I could not see anyone here. The doors to the classrooms on the opposite side of the hallway were open. I walked across the hall into the small library. I would pretend that i did not know that $A96 was there. I stepped into the room, which was actually a corridor between rooms. A wall was directly to the east of me, and a room opened up to the north and northeast. Another room was to the south. A student in dark clothing walked from the southern room into the northern room in front of me. I thought that $A618 had gone into the northern room with $A96 to talk about the project that we were supposed to be doing. The room was empty. The student crossed the room and headed out the door in the eastern wall. I wondered if $A618 and $A96 had gone into the other room. It seemed strange that no one was in the room where i was.