12017 December 01

I ran from the group of others, heading to the north. Something had just happened, and i was now in this new place. Someone had transported us here. I felt cautious of this place, and i knew that we should not be here. I crossed the damp street of the darkened urban area around us. It seemed to be night, and lights were on in some of the shops around us. The area was run down. The large building on the northern side of the street had a loading bay with a large rolling metal door. I ran into the building, passing through a small entryway and stopping in an alumninium-framed doorway. Everything in the place seemed unclean. Three or four people were sitting on the western side of the northern end of the small room to the north of me. This place seemed to be a barber shop, and the people were standing around a barber chair, in which one person was sitting. The man in the chair was wearing a white jacket that looked like a lab coat. The men were East Asian, and they looked up at me as i crouched down in the doorway, trying to clear my senses. I felt unsteady from the transport here. I asked the men a question about this area, but i already knew that they would not be able to understand me. I was in a foreign country. The men stared at me, and i looked up at the signs that were hanging from the ceiling. The upper parts of the walls were painted black, but the paint was chipping and scratched, revealing light-colored and dingy gray patches. I knew that i was in China, but i had to let the men discover that i was unaware of this. I glanced at a sign on the western wall, just to the south of the men and then back to the black standing placard just to the east of me. The writing was East Asian. I lifted my head to look at the men again, and said “China”, pronouncing it with a soft “ch” and a long “i” and accenting the last syllable as an “e”. I thought that this was how the word would be pronounced in Mandarin. The men smiled and nodded in agreement with me. They understood that i was not from here. I turned and ran back to the southwest, back across the street. My large car was parked on the southern side of the street. I felt upset and confused. The others were still on the southern side of the road. I then heard an alarm. Someone from the building had sounded an alarm. I wondered if they knew that we were here. I then thought that they might be responding to the fact that we had showed up here. Someone said that we had to get away from the building. We now seemed to be on the northern side of the building, and the others started running down the street to the west. I ran across the street to the northwest to join them. I worried that we would be captured here. I then thought about my car, which i had parked on the southern side of the street, across from the building. I thought that the authorities would find it there. I would not be able to go back for it. I ran down the southern side of the street with the others, stopping only a few blocks to the west. We turned to the south into a small park. A road seemed to turn south from the street that we were on just to the west of us. It ran only a few meters before it met a street that ran to the west, parallel to the main road. It seemed to run through the pale green grass of the park. I stood with the others for a moment, listening to the police cars to the east of us arrive at the building were we had been. I told the others that i was worried about my car. I pictured it as a large light-blue Cadillac, facing to the west on the street. I looked to the west at the others. We were crouched or standing bent over at the eastern end of the road through the park. A large bush seemed to be to the east of us, blocking our view of the building to the east. A tall muscular dark-skinned woman was to the west of me now, and she had heard what i had said about the car. She looked sternly at me and asked me if i had my papers for the car. I told her that they were with the car. I then realized that she was one of the officials of the city. I should not have said anything to her. She seemed annoyed by my answer, and she turned to face the west. I worried that i would be in trouble for not having the correct papers. A dark-skinned man was then to the west of me. He announced in a loud voice to those seated around me that all people must have the appropriate papers. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that they would try to search me and detain me.

My father drove the car to the west on the old dirt road. I knew that we were heading between the small towns near their house. I had been on these old roads in the past, and i remembered that one of the roads was very narrow and turned into a one-lane dirt road before disappearing into the forest. These roads seemed to be in the back country, and we were on a narrow paved road heading west. I focused on the road again, noticing that we were now heading to the east. I thought about the roads, thinking that my father would not take the narrow dirt road. I tried to remember how the roads ran between these downs. It seemed confusing, and i thought that we could easily get lost in the forest. I seemed to have been doing something that was preventing me from focusing on the roads. My father stopped the car at an intersection. I wondered if the road we had just come to was the road that turned into a trail in the forest. I knew that my father would know which way to go, so i did not think that we would head the wrong way on the road. We were then heading to the west again on the road. I looked ahead again, again aware that i had not been paying attention to where we had been heading. The road seemed long in front of us, and i could see it descend into a shallow valley and start up the other hill to the west. The trees were very close to the road here, and i thought that the road was very narrow. I then realized that we were traveling on a dirt road. We must have taken the wrong road. I knew that this road did not go all the way to the small town anymore. I felt uneasy, and i told my father that this was the wrong road to drive on. I looked ahead of us, noticing the deep ruts in the muddy road. We were now driving a Volkswagen Beetle. I worried that we would get stuck in the mud. I wondered why my father was still heading in this direction. I remembered that the road curved to the north a little and headed along the eastern slope of a hill, with a creek at the bottom of the hill. The road had turned into a trail by that point, and, as it started up the northern side of the slope, it curved to the northwest, coming into a small clearing of tall grass. I remembered that the road disappeared somewhere in the clearing. I looked ahead again, thinking that we were going to get stuck in the dirt on the road. We then walked to the west, into the house. We had gotten stuck, and we came here to see if we could get some help. I felt a little uncomfortable here, thinking that we were walking into a house that had been hidden in the forest for a long time. Someone was living here, and the room was well lighted. The wood on the walls and floor seemed new and unfinished. It was rough. My father walked ahead of me, to the northwest of me. I thought that the man who lived here was somewhere to the northwest, in a side room. The main room of the house was very large, and the furnishings seemed simple but well kept. A couch was just to the west of us. My father said something to the man who lived here while i looked around the room. I then noticed a small puppy hanging from the eastern wall just to the south of the entry door. The puppy was tan, and it had a metal chain collar. The collar was hanging by a nail in the wall. I watched the puppy breath for a moment, thinking that the person living here must have hung it up to sleep. I wondered if hanging it by its neck restricted the blood floor a little, forcing the puppy sleep. My father continued talking to the man, whom i could not see. I looked at the dog hanging from the southern wall to the southwest of me. This dog looked like a bulldog. It was brown with a white stomach. It breathed, but started to struggle a little, lifting its back leg as if to scratch its head. It was also hanging by its collar. I felt uncomfortable in this house, and i wanted to leave.

12017 December 02

I woke up in the back seat of the minivan. My mother was driving down the road to the southwest. I felt suddenly concerned about where we were, and i looked out at the road. The long road ran straight, and it was very narrow. Leafless trees crowded in on both sides of the road. This did not look like the correct road. I asked where we were, and i wondered how we had gotten lost. I was straining to see out the front window, as though i was not tall enough to see over the dashboard from the front seat. I wanted to know how to find out where we were. We were now driving west. I told my mother that i was not sure where we were, saying that i did not recognize this road at all. Sat back into the east, moving to the northern side of the car. I took out my cell phone to try to look up. I looked at the phone for a moment, unable to see the forest ousted the passenger’s window of the back seat of the car. I felt impatient waiting for the phone to locate my position. I then realized that i could not really see where we were at all. I started to feel frustrated and wanted to do something. I then sat up in the back seat, seeing the large purple statue of a dinosaur to the southwest of us. We drove past the statue, and i thought that i knew where we were. I recognized the statue, but i could not see the land ousted the window. I was still too short to see over the sides of the car. I remembered the dinosaur, but i could not think of where i had seen it. The others seemed to know where we were, though. I was then outside the car, and i looked to the east at the large wooden building. We were in a shopping plaza. The building to the east of us was surfaced with unfinished wood beams. It seemed like an outdoor store or a country-style store in a modern shopping plaza. The dinosaur was to the north or northwest of the store. I remembered the plaza from somewhere downtown. I pictured us on the flats near the lake in Ithaca. The area around us seemed to be mostly trees. This place seemed very familiar, and i remembered being here before.

The man and the child were in the area to the west of me. Others were moving around on the grassy lawn. The light from the sky was diminished, as though the air were full of smoke or dense clouds. The ground to the west had low white cement structures across it that looked like squat pyramids or domes. I focused on the man with the child. There was something special about the two people, and i knew that they were important to the story. Another man was standing to the northwest of them. He seemed to be in an old military uniform, and he seemed concerned. The scene then panned to the northwest. I focused on a light in the sky. An old propeller airplane was burning, and it was falling from the sky. It was heading toward us. It would be a danger to the people on the ground. I thought that the man and child were in danger, but i knew that nothing could happen to them because they were important to the plot. This seemed to be a scene from an old war movie. The scene then panned back to the west. The people started running to get out of the way from the falling airplane. The man in the uniform moved toward me. I then noticed the large squat pyramid to the southwest. The man with the child was leaning against the northern side of it. The base of the pyramid was about two-thirds of a meter tall, with square sides. The pyramid rose another two meters above the base. Each side of the pyramid seemed to be about six or seven meters long. I knew that the airplane could not hit the man, but i felt uncertain. The scene then jerked back to the west, and i could see the front of the falling airplane skid to a halt just in front of me. The propeller on the near wing of the airplane cut into the ground. The man in the uniform had moved to the east and was now just out of range of the propeller. He seemed to be the commander of the troops here. The stacks of money that had been on the ground, however, were now being torn apart by the spinning propeller. The man in the uniform watched as the blades slowly came to a rest, and the loose money blew to the south. I thought that the man with the child could take some of the money. It would be his reward in the story. I moved to the south and looked southwest. The paper money blew up against the cement structure, which seemed like the support to a bridge. It had plain round cement columns that supported a large rectangular cement block. The people from the field rushed to grab the money. I looked down at the paper still blowing against the cement columns. The white sheets were not money at all. They had red letters in the center, which said “FOOD”. I thought that they must be credit slips for food in this place. I thought that the man with the child should get some, but he was not present. The people crowded around the papers until i could not see the papers. They started saying “Food.” over and over again. Something seemed wrong with the plot, and i felt anxious about it. I looked to the south. The man with the child was sitting on the northern edge of the drainage ditch that was on the side of the dirt road. The child was playing in the ditch near the southern slope. The ground of the ditch was pale dirt. I thought that the commander would see the man and the child ignoring the money, and he would reward the man for his goodness. I thought that the man had to be given something in the story. I looked again at the man. He was now to the northeast of me. He still sat on the side of the ditch, but the child had walked across the road to the east. Both the man and the child seemed oblivious to the people grabbing up the money to the west of them. I waited for the commander to reward the man, but i did not see the scene. I felt confused and anxious. I then headed to the north, walking down the road. The crowd of people moved with me. We were leaving this area. It was dark now. We followed the paved road to the intersection with the main road. The intersection seemed to have two lanes of traffic on the road that i was coming from, and the crowd of people filled both lanes. I stopped near the front of the group, waiting for the two red traffic lights to turn green so that i could turn to the west. The lights were hung over the intersection on a cable. The others stood with me. I had a small dog on a leash, and i felt impatient waiting for the light. When the light did not turn, others started to become impatient. Some then started walking to the west. Cars were waiting at the light to the west of us, and the people were walking to the south of the cars. The lights then turned green for us. A group of people rushed to the north, across the intersection. I thought that they must have been turning to the east, because the road did not continue to the north. The dog i was walking turned to the west and started walking. We moved onto the sidewalk on the southern side of the road. I had the dog on a leash, but i leaned forward and rested myself on the back of the dog. The dog supported my weight, but i realized that it was too small of a dog to carry me far. I would have to stand up. I stood up and started walking to the west with the dog.

12017 December 04

I was at work, and it seemed as though i had just returned from somewhere. I had been watching movies on my computer at work. It seemed that i had been watching a lot of movies, spending most of my time doing so. This had something to do with the week of training that i had done. The movies had something to do with the training, but i started to feel uncomfortable that i had spent so much time watching movies. I looked around the office as i sat to the east of the computers. $F66 was to the northwest of me, and she seemed unhappy with me. I thought that she was disappointed with me for watching the movies at work. I knew that i had to watch them, though. I still felt uncomfortable about watching so many. I was now sitting to the north of a counter where the computers were. The floor to the east and southeast of me was covered with papers. I should have been working on the papers. I looked up at the old computers to the south of me. I had just turned them on. I sat down in the old metal-framed chair with the wooden seat. Someone was sitting to the east of me. Two computers were set up on the counter in front of me. The one on the right seemed to be a modern computer, but the one on the left seemed very old. It had a large CRT monitor with a black screen. I imagined the white letters of the command-line interface on the screen as it was starting. Something seemed important about the old system. I felt very uneasy here, and i chatted with the person near me. I referred to the old computer, saying something about it. She looked at me and then at the computer. She seemed uncertain about something. She then reached her left hand to the left side of the monitor and pulled a cable from the computer. The monitor went blank. I thought that she had broken the computer for some reason, and i felt annoyed with her. I looked over the computers, wondering what i should do with them. I then wondered what i should do at work. I felt that i was not quite sure what i should be doing here. I wondered why i had watched the television shows at work. It seemed like a waste of time, and i was upset that i had done it. I pictured one of the shows. I thought that i had been watching old episodes of Seinfeld. This did not make sense.

I was with the small crowd of people in the neighborhood on the outside of the city. This place seemed like West Endicott. The air was very clear, and the sky seemed very blue. The old brick buildings around us were low and seemed space away from each other. We were standing in the middle of the street, just to the north of an old store. The storefront seemed like a fire station. The building was made of brick. The people of the crowd were spread out in different small groups on the street, talking. I was talking to some of the people near me. I then noticed the squadron of helicopters in the southwestern sky. They were flying to the east in a V-shaped formation. They seemed very narrow and roughly drawn in dark colors against the sky. I felt cautious of them. They seemed to be government troops moving in to the city. I cautioned one of the other people about them. They were heading to the center of the city, which seemed to be to the east of us. We were just on the outskirts of the city, which seemed to be Albany. I watched the helicopters fly to the east. The land to the east seemed flat, and i could see the tops of the city buildings in the shallow valley in the distance. I thought that the troops would attack the protesters in Albany. They would start killing people. The others around me had watched the helicopters fly past and were now watching them move off to the east. I told them that we had to leave this place. I worried that the helicopters would start to take aim at us. I started to move to the north, thinking that i should move away from the building to the south of us. The crowd around me might be a target. I then noticed a light in the sky to the west. It was another helicopter coming. It had come from the northwest and turned east just to the west of us. This one had a large bomb-shaped gun on the front of it. The red rounded cone at the front of the gun had a depressed center that seemed to be duller than the rest of the red, bell-shaped frame. The red dome was mounted on the front of a large green disk, which was about a meter thick with rounded edges. Metal braces seemed to hold the cone a deci or so from the pale-green metal. This weapon seemed dangerous. The helicopter hovered to the south of us for a moment, and i worried that they would use the weapon on us. I started to move to the north again. The helicopter then flew to the east, but it stopped just to the east of us. A large wall now separated us from the main part of the city. The white wall had a gate in it on the street where we were. The helicopter lowered to the ground on the southern side of the street, pointing the weapon at the gate. Other troops seemed to be ready to enter the gate. The weapon now seemed to be on a long tube that was attached to a pale-green truck. I told the others that we were not far enough away from the weapon, and i started running to the northwest. I thought that i had to get back to the hotel where i had been before. I asked someone about the hotel as we stood in the restaurant.

12017 December 07

I left my parents and walked to the north. We were leaving the place and heading to our respective homes. We had walked up the eastern sidewalk of the road that came from the south. My parents headed to the west, across the street to the parking lot that was to the west of the road, but i had continued north to my car. The street made a rounded curve to the west, bordering the parking lot to the west on the eastern and northern sides. I was parked in the small lot to the north of the road. I was then in my car, and i started to back out. My parents said something about me. I turned to see them stopping at the entrance of the parking lot. They were in a red car, and they were waiting to turn west to leave the lot. I wondered if they knew that i could hear what they had said. It had something to do with what i had been doing. I turned back to the north and walked across the large rectangular area. The western and eastern sides of the area had walls. Some people were moving across the area near me. A man to the east of me then said something about the wheelchair that i was rolling in. The man seemed like $A20. It felt good that he was interested in helping me, and i remembered that i had been in the wheelchair because i had been injured. I then wondered why i was in the wheelchair. I felt that i really did not need it. The man moved off to the east, and i continued to the north. The chair in front of me had metal rails, which looked like railings on a walkway. They formed a V shape in front of me, with two cross beams and three vertical poles. The central vertical pole slanted forward a little. The railings seemed like a walker, and i was using them to walk. I was aware that i felt fine, though. I knew that i really did not need the walker to continued on. I moved quickly to the north, watching the pointed nose of the walker as i moved across the dark-gray area, which seemed like an airport terminal. As i reached the arched northern wall, i could see the tall rectangular windows that filled the upper half of the wall. They were held in place by thin vertical supports.

12017 December 08

I had woken up in the old house, and i was now moving with my mother to the southwest across the small rectangular room. The room was warmly lighted, and the house around us seemed old, with wood trim around the room and low ceilings. I had heard something to the south that sounded like broken glass. A wide doorway was in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. I could see a woman in a fluffy yellow housecoat walking toward us from the southeast. She had just woken up. A light was on in the small square room that she was in, and it shined light from the east. I could not see the light around the eastern side of the doorframe. The woman seemed sleepy as she walked toward me, and she said that the window was broken. I walked to the doorway and looked to the south. The western wall of the room was just to the west of the doorway. A set of windows filled most of the wall. The darkened windows were covered with thin white curtains. Through the gossamer curtains on the southernmost window, i could see a rounded section of broken glass. Someone had thrown something into the window. I worried that someone was outside of the window to the west. I knew that they would be able to see us in the room. I helped the woman into the room to the north, where my mother was. I told my mother that there was broken glass in the window. I then looked to the west. I was back in the small room, and the western wall of the room was about three meters from the doorway. I walked to the northernmost window and looked out. I could not see anyone outside at first, but when i looked down, i could see a red bandanna, which was on someone’s head. The head moved to look up at the window, and i backed out of the way. I thought that the people outside were high-school boys. They were trying to vandalize the house. I worried that they would try to break in. I went back into the room to the north and started to talk to my mother and the other woman. I was then aware of the people outside again. I knew that they would be coming into the windows of the room to the south. I told my mother that someone was breaking into the house. She opened her mouth in fear, and she leaned to the north as the other woman supported her. I knew that she was very upset. I turned to the south and headed for the door in the eastern end of the southern wall of the rectangular room. The door was now closed. It seemed like a modern door, with white padding on the bottom and a white smooth surface at the top. The doorknob was in the center of the door. It was brass and had a hexagonal shape to it. I turned the knob and walked into the room to the south. The western wall of the room was just to the west of the door, and it had a door in the center of it, which led to the small square room to the east where the windows had been. The door to the south of me was now open, and a light shined out of the room. I could hear the three young men talking in the other room. I felt upset. I knew that we should call the police, but i started walking determined toward the open door. I was going to confront the men. I knew that this was not a good idea, but i felt upset and angry. I turned to the west to walk into the room and confront the men.

I watched the man to the east of me moved through the shallow water. The water was cloudy and had a greenish-yellow hue to it. It seemed to be ocean water, and i thought that the waves were coming in from the east. The man was walking carefully to the south, searching for something in the dense clutter of twisting branches and sticks that ran along the eastern side of the river. The man was up to his knees in water, and he walked unevenly, holding his hands awkwardly near his shoulders for balance. He had ragged brown hair and an old worn shirt. He bent to the east, staring into the twisting branches. I could see the rotting top of an old wooden piling sticking out of the water in the middle of the tangle. I thought that the branches had been put along the edge of the water for a reason. I thought that they blocked the rolling waves, which was why the water here was not rough, but that was not why they were put there. The man wanted to capture something, and he said the word. It sounded like “horanu”. The word sounded special, and i pronounced it a few times. I knew that the word did not refer to a single thing, but to a class of things. I thought that the man was looking for spirits. The man moved to the southwest. The tangle of vines and branches now ran northeast to southwest. The man seemed disappointed that he could not find what he was looking for. He turned to the northeast. He was not in an office; the scene had changed. The office was dimly lighted, and a man was on the northern side of the long rectangular room. The ragged man complained about not being able to find what he was look for. The other man stood near the eastern wall of the room now. He wore a light blue business suit and matching pants. He seemed to be caricature of a lawyer from New York City, with a protruding belly that pushed his white shirt out from his open jacket. He had a square face with sagging features, and his short curly hair was turning white on the sides. He smiled at the man. I thought that he was not really interested in what the man was looking for. He just wanted to be rid of the man. He seemed to be mocking of the man as they spoke. He had told the man where to find the thing. The man turned back to the south and stormed across the rectangular area. The scene had changed again, and we were now outside in the middle of a jungle area. We seemed to be in the middle of a tribal village. The rectangular area of yellow sandy ground was surrounded by a brown outline. The outline was fuzzy, as if something small had been dumped into a narrow mound in a line to the east of us. Small piles of brown were here and there near the line. The man seemed determined to find the horanu. He had come from the northern side of the area, passing two of the native villagers who were on the northwestern side of the area. One of the villagers was crouching near the ground near the northern side, doing something, and the other was standing near the western side. They watched the man curiously as he stormed back and forth, trying to see something to the east. The standing villager had dark skin and was very thin. He had ragged chin-length straight black hair, and he wore only a pale loincloth. The man bent over to the east to stare at a small pile of something brown on the ground just beyond the brown border line of the area. He then stood back up and took a few steps toward the standing villager. He asked when the horanu would show up. The villager chuckled, finding the man silly. The villager said that one would have to wait for the spirits to arrive. I knew that this was a place to see the spirits, and i knew that the man would have to wait here a long time in order to see one. The man was impatient, and he became angry. He turned back to the north and stormed across the office of the man in the blue suit. The man in the suit was now sitting behind a large wooden desk on the northern side of the room. The northern side of the room did not seem well lighted at the moment. The man behind the desk seemed amused at the first man. I knew that he was not really trying to help the first man. He had just wanted him to leave. Both men were then walking to the southwest. The man in the suit was trying to convince the other man of something. They were now in a hallway, and they paused. A woman in a business suit came from the south. She seemed stern, and she said something to the couple. The man who had been searching walked to the west, into a room off of the hallway. He had been told by the two to go there. The woman was wearing a business coat with a long skirt. She seemed to be in authority over the man in the blue suit, and he seemed uncomfortable talking to her. He was trying to explain why things were not going well. I knew that the two did not really want the man to find the spirits. They were trying to use the man to find something. The man in the business suit was told to leave, so he walked back to the northeast. I was now to the south of the woman. She laughed as the man in the suit closed the door behind him. She was laughing about the man who was searching. Just as she started to laugh, the man who was searching opened the door on the western side of the hallway. He stopped in the middle of the doorway, looking suspiciously at the woman. She changed her laugh suddenly, nodding to her assistant, who was standing just to the north of her. Her assistant was a younger woman with shoulder-length straight black hair. She was thin and wore a tulip-shaped gray skirt. The lead woman was trying to convince the man that she had been laughing at something her assistant said. The man seemed to be placated.

I woke up in the bed on the western side of the small square room of the house. I was aware of a man sleeping in the room to the north of me. He seemed special, and i felt as though i knew him well and liked him a lot. I had to do something. I moved my legs to the north, sticking them out from under the covers. I realized how warm i had been under the heavy covers. I lay still for a moment in the bed. My grandmother was lying on the southern side of the bed. she rolled over to say something to me. She rested her head and arms on a pillow that was just to the south of me. Her legs and body were stretched to the southeast. I said something to her, and then i called for the man. I felt strange here, but i was interested in asking the man something. I wanted to know something about him. I then told my grandmother that i had to make breakfast. I thought that the man was up, and i moved to the south down the corridor. I turned to the west at the stairs and started to descend. I was in $P19. As i descended the stairs, i noticed how clean and fresh the house seemed. IT was very quiet. I thought that everyone had gone away for winter break. I then wondered why i was sleeping here. It seemed strange that i would be back in this house. At the bottom of the stairs, i turned to the south. The kitchen was to the east of me. I glanced into the room, seeing two people standing near the northern wall on the western side of the room. They were cooking something on the large stove that was on the northern wall. A metal table was just to the southwest of them. I turned to the west and headed down the corridor. There were some people still here. The corridor ten opened up into a room to the west. I stopped just as the corridor ended, looking to the west. The room was filled with people. I realized that everyone was still here. I then wondered why i was here. It was good to see the people here, but i felt out of place here.

12017 December 12

I was in the small bedroom in the northeastern corner of the second floor of the old house. I had been watching television in the room to the south, but now i was trying to do something else. I felt impatient, feeling that i had to go back to watching television. I remembered watching Battle of the Planets. I could see the television screen to the east of me, with a picture of the Phoenix in blue and red. My family had left the house, and i felt that i had to watch the television while they were gone. I did something in the upstairs room in a hurry so that i could get back to the television. I wondered if the same show would be on. I thought that it would be over by now and i would have to watch something else. I hurried down the staircase that ran along the eastern wall of the house, coming out into the living room. This house was very much like $A664’s house. As i reached the bottom of the stairs, i could see my grandmother coming into the house to the south of me with my parents. I said something to them. The television was against the western end of the southern wall of the living room. I rushed to the west to watch it, wondering why i was so obsessed to see it. In the middle of the room, on the southern side, was a large stack of cookies. I pulled a clump of cookies from the stack and started eating them as i stood to the north of the television. It seemed strange that i would be so insistent on watching something. I then realized that i was not too fond of the flavor of the cookies that i had taken. I also felt a little full. I did not want to finish all of the cookies. I thought i should put the rest back and finish only the one that i had started. I put two cookies back onto the pile. My grandmother was then to the north of me with my mother. They seemed to be in the kitchen, unpacking something. My grandmother asked if i did not like the banana cookies. I realized that the flavor i was tasting was banana, and i said that i did not really like them. I then turned back to the television, feeling that i had to watch it. This did not make sense to me, and i wondered why i had to watch.

I stood to the north of the large wooden cutting table in the middle of the kitchen. The room did not seem to have any walls. $A116 was complaining about the oil. He had poured it into small vessels, which were placed on the table. The containers looked like white plastic funnels, but they also seemed like small martini glasses. He lifted something to his mouth to taste it and said that the oil had gone bad. I was disappointed to hear this. I did not know what i could do for him, and i did not want to have to go out to buy more oil. I asked him if he could use the oil, mentioning that it was canola oil. I leaned on the wooden table with my hands as i waited for his response. I felt uneasy. With my right hand, i started rubbing the side of the table. I could feel that a thin layer of wood was peeling from the knob that projected to the north from the northeastern corner of the table. I pushed on the thin layer with my right thumb, feeling it break off. I then realized that someone was standing to the east of me. I looked at him to see that he was watching my hand. He seemed like $A59. I felt bad for breaking the table, and i stood back up. I was not sure what to do about the oil, but i felt that it was my responsibility.

12017 December 14

The car was parked, facing north on the northern side of the parking lot. I got out of the rear door on the western side of the vehicle, which seemed to be an SUV. My relatives had gotten out of the car with me, and my father was near me. He seemed unstable, and i realized that he was falling. I grabbed him around the torso to hold him up. Something was wrong with his balance, and he could not stand easily by himself. I pulled him back to a standing position and helped him walk to the south. I had my arms around his arms as i held him. I felt bad for him, not sure what the problem was. We walked to the south and were in the building, which seemed like the bank in Greenville. My father kept tipping over. We walked back out of the building, heading back to the north. I kept holding him for support. He then became stable and walked on his own. I let him go. I realized that his condition came and went. I worried that something was wrong with him.

I stood quietly on the northern side of the small store, which seemed like a pharmacy. The others were standing near me. Something seemed to be different with the world outside. I thought that things had changed, and there was no power to the area. I spoke to the others as i looked around the store. The white metal shelfs filled most of the space around us. I then noticed that the tall shelfs that were attached to the southern wall of the room had many old glass bottles on top of them. Most of the bottles were green or brown, with some blue and clear. They were all of similar shape, with cylindrical bodies and domed tops that arched up to the narrow mouths of the bottles. The spouts had corks or caps on them. As the man to the west of me spoke, i noticed the cork on one of the bottles moving. I then thought that all of the bottles were wobbling, and i thought that it might be a quake or something heavy moving the ground. I then realized that the building was not shaking. The corks of various bottles were moving up and down slowly. I thought that it must be the pressure inside the bottles increasing and letting air out. It was very hot outside, so the heat must be changing the pressure in the bottles. This signaled something important. The world outside was in trouble, and we were taking shelter in here. I felt that we had to do something.

12017 December 15

I headed to the east, down the hallway of the building. I had left $G4 in the large room to the west of me. I had to urinate, and i was looking for the bathroom. I turned to the northeast, entering a room on the northern side of the hallway. I walked to the middle of the room and stood with my legs wide, ready to urinate. I was aware of a man to the west of me, in a small room off of the one that i was in. I looked at the spot on the floor that i was going to urinate on. I was then aware that the man to the west of be did not seem to be one of $G4. I looked up at the doorway in the southern wall. I could see two men just around the corner to the north. One was looking at me and quickly pulled back with the other. They both seemed very young. I realized that people from the summer camp might occupy this room. I walked to the east and stopped in the doorway. The room to the east expanded to the north of the doorway. Another doorway was in the eastern wall of the room, directly to the east of me. I thought that it led to the other part of the camp. $G4 was renting this camp, but we were only using part of it. A mattress was on the floor against the eastern wall, and another was against the western wall. The young boys were sitting on the mattress. They looked at me unsurely. I turned and walked back to the southwest, heading back into the hallway that i had been in. I should not be in this part of the campground. I wondered where the bathroom was that i could use. I headed to the east a little. A laundry room opened to the south of the hallway, just to the east of me. Just as i took another step, a man came out of a doorway on the northern side of the hall. He seemed determined to do something, but stopped as soon as he saw me. He had a rounded figure, with short black hair on the sides of his head and a curly dark beard. He nodded to me and turned to walk back into the room. I realized that he must have been one of the camp councilors. He must have come out to see who had wandered into the room with the boys. He knew that i was allowed in this part of the camp, so he was not going to scold me for being there. I turned to the south, thinking that one of the small rooms off the eastern side of the laundry room might be a bathroom. A bicycle was in the middle of the room here. I picked it up and turned it so that it was facing west and resting against the white washing machine that was on the southern wall. It had been in the middle of the room with my other bicycles. I held the handlebars of the bicycle with my right hand, trying to get the bicycle to stay by itself. The bicycle was now a small scooter, with a thick blue body under the black seat. The handlebars were still metallic. The tires of the scooter were thick and small, and they seemed partially deflated. The front tire of the scooter was now over a sewer grate, which was on the southern side of the pavement. The scooter was leaning against the crude building to the south. The building seemed to have a thatched roof. As i adjusted to scooter to get it to stand by itself, i noticed the thick brush with black bristles that was attached to the underside of the scooter. It was attached near the foot rest, and it seemed to be in place of a kickstand. The brush was about a deci square, and i thought that the bristles, which faced down, were to allow static to dissipate into the ground. I was then aware of people to the northeast of me, on the pavement. I got the scooter to stand by itself, and i headed to the southwest. The crude buildings ran along the eastern and western side of the wide dirt drive. I walked to the south down the center of the drive, thinking that the barn to the south had a bathroom. I tried to remember where a good bathroom was. I remembered that the one to the south in the barn near the end of the drive was actually not fully functional. I had used it before, and it had problems. The two barns on the eastern side of the drive were just barns. I decided that i would have to go back to the main lobby of the campground, which was to the north of me, on the eastern side of the road. As i started back to the north, i glanced to the east at the building near me. It was a small store or restaurant. A blue and red fake-neon light was in the window. I remembered being in it before. I continued to the north, to the gray stone building that was the main building of the campus. I crossed the open room on the main floor and stepped into a small bathroom. The stall was on the eastern side of the room. I opened the thin wooden door and stepped in. A metal towel dispenser was hanging on the eastern wall, and seemed to be in the way. I tried to pull the door closed behind me, but the stall was very small. I had difficulty pulling the door closed behind me. I finally got the door as closed as i could. I cloud feel the pressure of the door on my back, pushing me into the white towel dispenser that was hanging on the wall. I turned to the north to urinate into a small white urinal on the wall. The urinal quickly overflowed, and i noticed a man to the north of the stall stepping back as if startled. I stopped urinating. I then realized that the urinal simply drained through the wall to the north, but the hole was not big enough to let too much water pass. I would have to urinate slowly. I focused on urinating only a little, trying to keep the cup from overflowing. The cup then seemed very tight, and it seemed as though i was cramming my penis and testicles into the cup to urinate. I felt very awkward here. I finished urinating and stepped back out into the room to the west, putting my pants back on. The rest of the tour group was here. I looked to the north, out the large window of the room. The landscape seemed forested, but it was rocky. Tall thin pillars of rock poked up among the trees here and there. This place seemed special. A woman to the east of me started talking about the area. She talked about leaving, and i knew that the tour group would be going back on the bus with her. I wanted to see more of this area, and i thought that i would have to do it some other time. It seemed that i had been in this area before, and i pictured it as the southwest, but i knew that it was really the northwest. I remembered the map of the hills and tall rounded mountains from before. The area seemed rocky, but the land was covered with small scrub trees. The woman then said that she wanted to go see Zion. I thought that it would be a nice place to visit. I then thought that it was strange for her to say. This place seemed to be somewhere in the northwestern United States. We were not near Utah. I looked at the towers of rock to the north, and then i turned to the east, seeing more along the rolling landscape. The hills were very low, rising only a meter or so into the distance. I pointed out the landscape to the woman, mentioning the mountains to the south. I could see the rock towers to the east and southeast of us, but the land to the south rose steeply into a short mountain. Along the face of the mountain were small clusters of rock. Some were tan, like the towers that dotted the rest of the landscape, but some looked like clusters of clam shells. I referred to them as scallops as i spoke to the woman. They were dark gray on the sides, with pale-gray ridges. Fine gray lines ran down the sides of the rounded clam-shaped features. The woman was surprised to see them. I looked around the area, talking about how i liked the strange rock formations here. I then looked to the south again. The haze in the sky seemed to be clearing, and i could now see the upper part of the cliffs to the south. The land rose in a curve where the clusters of gray and tan rocks were. To my surprise, above the gray was a tall tan cliff that extended upward and out of sight. This was the mountain. It seemed imposing, and i knew that it was a very tall feature. I pointed it out to the woman. When i looked again, the fog had cleared from more of the vertical rock. Small spots of bushes grew on the cliff face, and the mountainside seemed beautiful.

12017 December 20

I was talking to the other person about the typefaces. We had been looking at the documents, and the man said that the type was in Fernwood Caps. I pictured the font on the parchment to the east of me. The letters were very fancy. I thought that the typeface was actually Inglewood. I pictured a different font, with very clean letters. The type had serifs and seemed very clean, with rounded corners. I focused again on the uppercase letters on the parchment in front of me. They were very decorative. This was Fernwood Decorative Caps. I was looking at an uppercase letter F. It was formed of something that looked like a twig of a conifer tree with short thin needles extending to the right. The pine branch turned down on the left and formed the top part of the F. Other parts of a tree formed the rest of the letter. I thought that we would have to use Inglewood for the main type, though. It was a very clean font. I then turned to the north. I was in the small classroom on the northern side of the school building. $A101 was standing to the north of me. I felt as though there was something that i had to do. I started to wander to the east, down the hall outside of the classroom. I remembered this place from long ago. I turned to the south, into a classroom. I felt that i was looking for something, but i was not sure what it was. The classroom was not as how i remembered it. It was now a lower school classroom. It seemed to be first or second grade. I felt a little disappointed, thinking that it had been a math classroom. I started to feel uneasy. I turned to the east and walked into the long room. This place now seemed like a garage. I was upset, and i wanted to do something here. The northern and southern walls were not parallel, making the eastern end of the room narrower than the western end. The southern wall was straight, but the northern wall started with a slant to the west-northwest and then turned a little farther to the northwest in the middle of the wall. A low cabinet ran most of the length of the wall. Someone was on the western end of the room, and she spoke to me. She seemed like my mother. I opened a door on the eastern end of the cabinet. The cats had been locked inside the cabinet so that they would not get out. I felt uneasy about it. I took out one of the cats and held it.

12017 December 21

The nurse walked to the west of me as we headed to the north-northeast, across the lobby area on the eastern side of the building. I had just come out of a doctor appointment, and the nurse was telling me that nothing was wrong. I felt disappointed that they continually found nothing wrong with me. I reached the northern end of the open area. We were on the second floor of the building, and i had to descend. The area to the east of me seemed to be open to the hallway below. To the northeast of me was a large white machine. I knew that it was the MRI machine. It was actually a slide to the lower level, i had approached it as if i was going to descend on the slide, but then i realized that i was not scheduled for an MRI scan, so i would not be able to use the spiral slide in the machine to get to the lower level. I knew that i would have to take the slide to the east of me, which descended to the lower lobby without a scan. I felt sad as i walked to the east to get onto the slide. As i neared the top of the slide or stairs, the nurse asked me to sign something. I took out the pen to sign the writing pad, but i dropped the pen on the floor. I crouched down to pick it up but managed to drop the pen again. I picked up the pen a second time and stood back up. The nurse asked me if it was normal for me to have trouble holding a pen. I admitted that i often dropped things several times. I then wondered if that was the correct response. I thought that the nurse might be asking if i had symptoms of a stroke. I walked to the east, onto the slide, and i sat down to descend. I slided to the south down the slope of the metal platform, but i slowed after only a few meters. The slide turned sharply to the west under the second floor, and several people were sitting on the slide ahead of me. The queue on the slide was backed up, so i would have to wait to descend with the others. I felt annoyed. I leaned back to the north and decided that i would sleep for a little while. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. I was then walking to the south, down the narrow street between the tall buildings. The road seemed like a corridor, but it seemed to be outside in a college area. The building to the southwest of me seemed very tall, with plain flat features on the outside. Students seemed to be returning for the beginning of a semester, and i thought that freshmen were arriving for the first time. I looked to the east, noticing two men standing in a recessed area of a tall brown building. They were talking to each other, and the man to the south seemed very interesting to me. I turned to the east and walked toward them. The recessed area was cubical and was set into the northwestern corner of the first floor of the building, sheltering an entryway. I started heading down the corridor, which was to the north of the building but also passing through the building. I stopped near the doorway where the two men were talking. They were now in a hallway just to the southeast of me. The man to the south had short blond hair and seemed very familiar. He reached up and grabbed on to a pipe that ran across the ceiling from east to west, running down the length of the hall. He hung from the pipe as he joked with the other man. He was wearing a blue tank top that sagged very low across his chest. I then realized that he was hanging with only his left hand. His left nipple was exposed above the top of his tank top, and he petted it with his right index finger, pretending to tempt the man with his action. I felt uncomfortable watching suddenly and thought that i should move on. As i started to turn away, the man called me by my first name, saying hello. I looked up at him, realizing that he was $A$RM11ofKDR. I greeted him, feeling good to be talking to him again. I hugged him hello and we sat down on the bench that was part of the southern wall. The lower part of the white cinder-block wall extended about a meter to form the bench. We sat next to each other as we chatted. As i spoke, i realized that he was leaning against me. He was sitting to the east of me on the bench. It felt good to be close to him as we talked. I asked him how he was. He seemed hesitant to reply for a moment, and then he said that he had left $P19. I did not feel surprised by this, but i felt a little disappointed. I did not want him to feel that i felt negatively of him because of his decision, so i tried not to say anything negative about it. I chatted with him, trying to reassure him and comfort him. He pressed his side against mine, and i hugged him as we talked. I asked him why he had left, but then i felt that it might be a tender subject, so i told him that he did not have to answer the question. I tried to talk about other things. I realized that he had his left had on my right thigh and he squeezed my thigh muscle. I felt flattered as we spoke. I looked to the north, talking about the building. I remembered this building from when i was in school here. I asked if this room was part of a suite, and he said that most of the floor was a large quite. We were now sitting in a small white empty room, which i thought was a dormitory room. The door in the center of the northern wall was open, and i could see several doors on the northern side of the hallway across from us. The doors were closed, and they had blue stripes across the middle of them. The cement walls continued the stripe down the length of the hallway. The doors seemed to be made of metal. I then noticed that white doorways were in the eastern and western walls of the room that we were in. I thought that they led to the adjoining rooms. This is what he meant by a suite. I looked at the doors across the hall, thinking that they were all very close together. I joked about the building being designed so that one could open all of the doors and wash out the entire building by having water flow through it. I thought that this would only happen in a flood, which i then thought would not happen here. $A$RM11ofKDR then said that he had to get to work. I was disappointed that he had to leave. He walked to the west, out of the room. I stood up and started to the north. I suddenly realized that i could not see $A$RM11ofKDR, and i had no idea where he had gone to. I headed to the northeast, heading for a doorway in the northern wall of the next room to the east. I had a small brown doll in my left hand, which i had picked up from the bench that we were sitting on. I thought that i should leave it on the bench, but then i realized that it had been abandoned. I looked at it. I was cylindrical, with long thin arms and legs that hung down from the sides of the cylinder. The tan face was set into the upper part of the brown fuzzy cylinder. I decided that i would take the doll with me. I stopped and held it to the south of me, wringing the water out of it first. I then started walking back to the north. As i walked, i realized that several black pieces from the doll had stuck to my hands. They felt sticky, and i could not shake them off my fingers. They seemed to come from the brown cowboy had that i had taken off of the doll. I tried to peel the black strips from the fingers of my right hand, but they continued to get stuck. I stopped and put the small brown cowboy hat on my head. I realized that it would look silly, but i thought that it would cover the bald spot that my other hat had been covering. I thought that the college students would not feel as uncomfortable with me in the area if they did not realize that i was so much older. I held my straw hat in my left hand, but i tucked it under my right arm so that i could use both hands to try to get the black sticky strips off of my right hand as i walked to the north. I then came to the center of the building. I seemed to be in a large open room in the center of the dormitory. It seemed to be an auditorium, though the ceiling did not seem to be any higher than the white hallway i had seen to the south. The floor here was finishing with a row of polished wood, which ran east to west. The doors to the west were also nicely polished wood. I headed out the doors of the west, thinking about this college area. I felt out of place in the dormitory, and realized that i actually felt out of place on campus now. As i passed through the wooden doors, i could see another set of wooden doors to the west of me. I looked to the northwest, seeing a doorway that led out to the porch of the building. A short wooden wall ran along the western side of the stone porch, and it seemed nicely kept; the wood was darkly stained and polished. Several college students were sitting just out of sight on the porch. I could see the legs of one man, who was sitting just to the north of the doorway. I thought that this porch was famous to some of the students. The students out there seemed to be artists, and i thought some of them were related to the musical groups on campus. I felt uneasy walking by them, thinking that i was too old to be on campus now. I headed toward the large heavy door to the west of me. The thick wood door was square, and it was also darkly stained. I pushed the door open and walked out. A gray stone wall ran west from the building to the north of the door. It was very stylish, looking like narrow eye-shaped rocks that were stacked in parallel columns. In the oval open spaces between the rocks, thin oddly shaped stone “sticks” hung on vertical supports. I could see people moving on the other side of the wall. They seemed to be in a restaurant setting. I could hear music coming from the restaurant area. As i started to the west again, i realized that i knew the song. It sounded like something from Koyannisquaatsi, but it was not quite the same. It had a similar organ part. I listened to the tune for a moment as i looked over the light-gray and dark-gray features of the wall. I lifted my right hand and pretended to play the arpeggios on a keyboard. The song made me feel good. I then realized that the wall turned to the south only a few meters to the west of me. I could not leave the building this way. I was stuck inside the walls. The wall of the building seemed to be to the south. I was in a small enclosed grassy area. Annoyed, i turned around to head back into the building. I still listened to the music and i walked back to the door. I then noticed that two people were sitting on bar stools in front of a counter that ran along the northern wall. The counter ran three or four meters from the door, and four or five stools were set up in front of it. The two men sat in the second and third stool from the door. I reached for the door, noticing a metal arm that ran across the door. As i pulled the door, the arm, which looked like a thick clock hand, dropped a little and hit the left shoulder of the man sitting nearest the door. This seemed strange. I realized that i must have hit him when i opened the door the first time. I watched the hand hit him a few times before i walked back through the door and headed to the north to leave by the other exit. The other doorway now led into a small room, which seemed like an old restaurant. The wall to the south was pale green and had restaurant decorations on it. This place seemed to be a pub. I remembered it from long ago, and i was surprised that it was still around. It was an old brewery. The room was trapezoidal, with the eastern wall shorter than the western wall. A U-shaped counter ran parallel to the walls. The northern side connected to the western wall, between two doorways in the wall, but the southern side left a gap between the counter and the western wall where bartenders could walk. The other people in front of me were walking along the northern side of the counter, so i followed them. It felt strange being back here. I had fond memories of this place, and thought that it actually no longer served beer like it used to. I looked at the old beer tap in the middle of the western wall, where the doorway had been. It was made of wood and had a thin brass tube, which looped up and then down to dispense the beer. I remembered that this place used to have many types of beer. I thought that this place had something to do with the Chapter House. A man was now standing just to the north of the taps, in the doorway that led to the west. He had shaggy hair and a curly beard. He watched me as i continued to the west. I then realized that i still had a handful of potato chips in my right hand. I wondered what i should with them. I passed through the doorway and came into the other part of the restaurant. Something was just inside the door against the southern wall. I had to step to the north to pass around it. The room opened up to the north, and round tables seemed crowded together in the middle of the room. I felt awkward here, but i thought that i should order something while i was here. A metal service counter ran along the southern wall, from the middle of the wall to the western end. People were standing behind it. A window to the kitchen seemed to be behind them. I looked up at the white sign over their heads. The menu listed several different types of beer. I thought that it was early, but i could stop here for a beer before i continued on. I felt unsure about it, but i wanted to have a beer like the old memories. The man asked me what i was interested in, and i told him that i was still reading the menu. The beer listed on the top of the left side of the menu was an Oktoberfest beer. I mentioned that to the man, but then i said that i had to decide. I stepped back a little from the counter and put my things on the eastern side of one of the round red tables. I dumped my handful of chips there as well. They had something to do with me feeling that i should get a beer. The man commented on the Oktoberfest beer, saying that it was a rye. This made sense.

12017 December 22

The doctors said something to me and tried to guide my head into the small white machine to the east of me. The white machine had a round opening on the western side. The machine was cubical and seemed to be only a meter or so on a side. I knew that it was an MRI, and the doctors were trying to do some kind of test on me. As the doctor to the south of the machine guided my head into the opening, i realized that i was not quite comfortable. My neck was hitting the sides of the machine. I realized that my body was to the south of me, and i was leaning awkwardly to the north to get my head to the machine. I was partly kneeling on the floor, but i thought that i would be more comfortable if my knees were under me and i was sitting directly to the east of the machine. I told the doctors this, and they tried to move me to the machine again. I still did not seem to be in the correct position. I then saw the illuminated screen to the east. It flashed red and blue areas. The blocks of color had rounded corners, and they formed rectangles that did not quite touch. The first pattern had the two blocks side by side, with the red on the right and the blue on the left. The doctors asked me what the pattern was. The rectangles were then horizontal, with the red rectangle on the bottom and the blue on top. I told the doctors that the patterns were changing. They seemed confused by this. I thought that maybe i was supposed to see a static pattern. The pattern changed again, and most of the square screen was blue, but the upper right corner had a small red square in it. The corners of all of the objects were rounded, and a gap was between the different colors. These patterns seemed to keep changing, and they seemed random to me. I then realized that the screen was gray and hazy. Something had changed, and i could not see the distinct colors anymore. I then realized that the gray now seemed more like static. The pattern had stopped changing. It was now a constant gray static. I suddenly became worried that this test could cause seizures.

12017 December 24

I ran to the north, extending my arms out to my sides, keeping them low so that my hands were at the level of my waist. The wind was blowing from the north, and i felt it lifting me into the air. I had wings under my arms, and i could feel the wind lifting me from them. It felt good to be flying. I moved over the land to the north, looking down at the college buildings on the wide green campus. I then seemed to be very high. I tried to keep watch on the buildings to see where i was, but i was having trouble looking to the building. They kept slipping out of my line of sight, as if i could not look down at them directly. The buildings in my view shook violently, disappearing in and out of view at the lower edge of my vision. I decide that i would have to descend slowly, and i felt nervous about doing so. I concentrated on the tips of my wings. I picture red feathers running from my hands along the leading edge of the wings. I lowered my feet, thinking that the wind in the wings would slow my speed and allow me to descend. I could see the red feathers tipping up at the end of the wings as i started to descend. I was then on the ground on the eastern end of the hotel room. I walked to the west, along the northern wall of the room. My mother seemed to be in the room to the south. I felt as though i was still catching my breath. I turned to the north at the end of the room and then started walking back to the east on the northern corridor of the U-shaped room. As i turned east, i saw a door in the northern wall. It was open, but the screen door on the outside was closed. The screen door was one large window, though, so i worried that people from the street could easily look into the room. I told my mother and the others that the door had been left open. I walked to it and pulled the string so that the black vertical blinds closed over the window. I then continued to the east along the wall. Another door was in the northern wall on the eastern side of the room. I turned and started back to the west. A long counter now ran along the southern wall of the room. I was in a cafeteria area. I thought that i would have to get something to eat while i was here.

I felt very good here. The land was rolling, and i was on a college campus. I had been flying over the area, and i had landed at the top of the long shallow hill that descended to the south. The grass was very green, and the sky was scattered with gray hazy clouds. Someone was talking to the east of me, and i ran to the south and jumped over the edge of the top of the hill. I started to fall, and i tucked my arms close to my chest. I started gliding quickly over the grassy ground. I then spread my hands out and lifted high into the air, thinking that i was now catching the air. I then realized that the wind would be blowing in from the west, across the side of the hill. I thought that i would start catching the wind if i flew over the campus as i was now doing. I worried that the wind would lift me higher into the air than i wanted to go. I did not want to get too high off of the ground, because i was afraid that i would not be able to land easily. I was aware of someone below me, but i focused on the land below. I now seemed to be quite high over the college campus. The hill to the west now sloped steeply below me, and i worried that i was getting too high above it. I did not want to be that high off of the ground as i approached the hill, because i knew that the wind would lift me high from the updraft and carry me over the cliffs, which would put me even farther from the ground. I turned to the south and swooped low over the campus. I was then running on the ground again, and i ran to the west. I came to a quadrangle that had tall buildings along the eastern side and a low brown brick building on the northern and western sides. The woman was just to the south of me, and i jumped into the air. I thought that the people watching me would think that i was going to land hard on the ground. Instead, i flew to the west. When i reached the brown building, i turned suddenly to the north and flew into the large room of the building. People were gathered in the auditorium inside. This building seemed like an old school. I was looking for something here. A curtain covered the stage to the north, and i flew toward it, thinking that i had to find the camp office. The people were gathered in the southwestern corner of the empty auditorium. They were doing something. The cement floor of the room was flat, with no chairs. I lifted my feet up as i reached the stage, and slided under the heavy curtain that covered most of the opening of the stage. Someone was walking ahead of me to the east, and i agilely stood up as i came to a stop and started walking to the east. I realized that my flying and landing must have looked impressive to the people in the auditorium. I thought that i had to find the office of this building. I walked through a doorway and came into the northern end of a large room. This building seemed to have been abandoned. The gymnasium to the east was dark. Some light came in from the center of the ceiling, through what appeared to be a skylight. Something hung from the ceiling just to the north of the skylight. I turned to the south and headed for the wide doors in the center of the southern wall. The man had turned to the south and headed to the southeast. A group of people was playing basketball in the dimly lighted corner of the room. As i reached the doors in the southern wall, i found a woman near me. I asked her where the office of the school was. She motioned to the south. I looked at the food counter to the south of me now. I was now in an open quadrangle. The ground was covered with grass, but rows of food tents were set up on the ground. I walked down the hall to the west, with the row of food trucks to the south of me. The woman was describing something to me. I was still not quite sure where i was heading. As i reached the western end of the hallway, i noticed the holes in the ceiling of the school. Wires and flexible metal ducts were hanging through the open holes in the ceiling. Workmen were repairing something in the ceiling, but i thought that this building was far from being livable. The roof seemed to have been ripped off. A man on a ladder was standing partly in the ceiling to the northwest of me. He was doing something with the wires, and i could hear him talking to another workman on the roof. I was able to see the other man and a third man on the roof. They wore pale-brown overalls. I turned back to the south, noticing the red plastic roof over the food truck. The plastic roof was very much like the red plastic counter that was directly to the south of me. The surface of the counter had rows and columns of circular raised areas. The circles were about a deci in diameter, and they were raised about a half a millimeter from the rest of the surface. The counter was worn, and patches were broken so that the white plastic support structures could be seen under it. The counter had the same wear as the roof, and i could see the beams under the plastic roof of the food stand. I wondered how the roofs had gotten torn up like that. I did not think that it was from general disrepair. It seemed to be from wind damage. I wondered if a hurricane had come from the southwest. The woman was to the east of me, and she said something about this place. I kept looking at the details of the red plastic surface. I looked down at it, thinking that the white pillars would break through the thin worn red surface. I turned to the east and walked along the red surface. I was now on the roofs of the food trucks. The row of trucks extended to the southeast of me. I was aware of the woman watching me. I wanted to head to fly again. I thought that i could easily jump off of the end of the roof. I thought that people would be worried that i might be jumping off too high a surface, but they did not know that i could fly. I ran down the row of the buildings, heading to the south. I kept my eyes on the open green yard beyond. I jumped from the roof, tucking my arms against my torso as i glided over the ground. I stayed focused on the trees at the southern edge of the schoolyard. I then extended my arms downward and out, forming a triangle. I turned suddenly upward and headed into the sky. I felt that the angle of my arms was very important to how i was flying. I thought again about the parts of wing that extended from my hangs. I was facing to the southwest now as i rose quickly upward.

12017 December 25

I drove the bus to the west on the narrow dirt road. I had come from the south, and i was now near the area where the runners were competing in the race. I tried to turn the gray bus around. The road was wide where i was. I seemed to be on the northern side of a curve, which curved from the southeast to the southwest. The runners were coming from the east on the road and heading to the west. I turned the bus around so that it was facing south. I had to wait for someone. I made sure that the bus was not extending too far into the road so that the runner could pass. A creek seemed to be to the south of the road, and a small road seemed to head south, across the creek, to the southwest of where i was. I wondered if the dirt road was solid enough to support the weight of the bus. I stopped to the north of the road so that the front end of the bus was only a meter or so onto the road. The runners would have enough room to run past in the southern lane. I looked to the north, making sure that the mud on the road was not too thick for the bus. When i looked back to the south, though, i realized that the bus was now farther into the road that it had been. The brake had not held and it was rolling to the south. I quickly tried to back the bus up so that it was out of the road. A man to the southwest started jogging toward me, calling to me to move the bus out of the way of the runners. He seemed to be $A743. I felt anxious, annoyed that i was in his way. I waved at him in acknowledgment, and i tried to back the bus up. I then noticed that the southern side of the road was muddy, and i worried that the front tires of the large vehicle would get mired in the mud. I backed to the north, into the parking lot of the small convenience store. I stepped on the brakes, but they did not seem to work properly. I worried that the large camper would start rolling to the south again. I looked down at the pedals in front of me. Someone else was also in the front of the camper with me. The seats were facing north, and i looked at the pedals under them. A black metal bar crossed under both the driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat. The bars had triangular bends in them, and i thought that they were pedals. I then realized that they were not the pedals that controlled the truck. They were handles to adjust the seats. I turned to the south, looking at other things in the camper. $A633 was to the west of me, and he made a comment about the camper. He then seemed surprised to see me here. I realized that he was surprised that i was driving the camper. He thought that i was $A47, who had owned the camper before me. I thought about the camper, thinking that it was not that old. I had purchased it used, but it was still fairly new. I looked over the gray carpeting, noticing the television and other digital equipment on the northern wall of the cab. I lifted a sheet or blanket that was near the floor, exposing the game consoles that were on the floor. One of them looked like an Atari, but it was much newer. I wondered if my old Atari games would run on it. I then stood up and walked to the north, into the back of the camper. I was looking for something.

12017 December 31

I had to get somewhere, and i drove the car down the streets of the small town. I was moving through a shopping area, which had small houses to the north of it. I had to get to the north, and i thought about the college campus that was there. I felt that i had to get there soon. I had watched myself drive the car to the southeast, down the darkened street, but it was now daylight, and i was stopped at a small open area. Someone was to the west of me, and i mentioned the college to the person. I had to get my things and head there. I started walking to the north, feeling anxious. I then stopped, realizing that i did not have my bicycle with me. Frustrated, i turned back to the south. My blue bicycle was locked up on the western side of the road. I would have to take it with me. I then realized that i did not really bring what i needed with me. I told the other person that i did not have the right clothes. I said that i did not have a pair of clean underwear. I wondered if i could wear what i had after i had done something. I thought that they would be dirty, though, and i did not want to wear them. The others started gathering around the flatbed truck to the east of me. I was in an open lot, which seemed to be a construction site. I had been working here. I felt upset, not sure what i was doing. The group on the truck was gathering up their things to leave. I had to get my things here, but i was not really sure what i was doing.