12018 December 01

I got out of the car, which i had parked on the northern side of the road, facing east. We were in a small gravel parking lot on the side of the road. I stood to the southwest of the small gray car, which was my car. $F70 stood to the south of me. I seemed to be watching myself from the southwest of $F70, and i could see myself pointing with my left hand at the house to the north of us. My arm pointed to the northeast. I was telling $F70 about the house. It seemed to be a simple cubical building, but i knew that it was my parents’ farmhouse. I turned and looked to the west, looking down the center of a large room. The room was the central bedroom of the house, but it looked different than i remembered. The peaked ceiling was very high, but the walls still had the yellow wallpaper with the small flowers on it. The stove was in the middle of the eastern wall, and a black stove pipe ran up to the ceiling from it. A staircase ran up on the northeastern side of the room. This did not seem quite right. I mentioned that the house had changed. I then remembered that others lived here now, so the house was not the same as when my parents lived here.

12018 December 05

I moved around anxiously in the small bedroom. I had to get ready for school, and i seemed to be running late. My mother had already left the house, and i thought that i was driving myself to school. I looked down at my pants. I was wearing uniform pants, with dark strips down the outsides. I felt tense, thinking that i could not get my things together in time. I looked up at the clock on the stove, which was on the eastern end of the northern wall. It said that it was 11:09. It was almost time for me to be at school. I felt upset, thinking that i would still have to drive an hour to get to school.

12018 December 07

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as $F71 drove down the road to the east. We were talking about the song on the radio. $F71 had said that the song was interesting, and i told him that the singer was Suzanne Vega. As we talked about this, i noticed the road ahead. We were traveling down a long straight road that ran through an area of widespread low buildings. The sky was full of large balloon-like objects, and they were drifting in different directions. They seemed fascinating, and they were in many different shapes and colors. A purple balloon with three spherical bulges was in the northeastern sky, moving to the southeast. This road seemed familiar, and i was interested in the many things flying through the air. We were traveling to the hotel, which was on the northern side of the road, still a ways to the east of us. We were on vacation here. The buildings around us seemed to be part of different resorts. I was then in the room of the hotel, looking out the large window to the north of us. I was still lying in bed, on my stomach. The window looked out over a tan and brown desert landscape of wind-worn sandstone buttes. I thought that we had to do something, but i was interested in the landscape. It seemed very interesting in detail. Vague stripes ran horizontally across it. I then imagined how tall people would look on the landscape. I thought that they would be very small. I thought that they should be there, however, because it would give the landscape some perspective. I looked at the tall mesa to the northwest. It was taller than the building. We seemed to be four or five stories from the ground, and the mesa was just as tall above us. I looked at the worn layers of rock along the southern cliff of the mesa, thinking that people could easily walk along it. I imagined many people coming our direction on the cliffs. I thought that i would have to alert $F71 of the incoming army, which i imagined would be invading the area. I felt happy thinking about this story. I could see no people as i looked at the cliff. I then turned back to the west. My vision panned all the way to the south, still looking out the window, which was now to the south of me. To the west and slightly to the south was another cubical building of the resort that we were in. The horizontal layers of the building were obvious because of the balconies on the outside of the building. A parking lot was to the south of the building, to the southwest of us, and a third building was to the south-southwest of us. At the bottom of the third building, i could see people lounging in chairs near the pool. I spotted $A682 on the side of the pool, lying in a reclining chair. Several of his friends from the concert tour seemed to be with him. $A747 was just to the east of him. They were both sitting on the western end of the patio, to the south of the pool. They were looking up at me, and $A682 said something to the person to the east of him. They were smiling and laughing about something. They then stood up and walked to the north. I thought that they were coming up to the hotel. I said something to $F71, who was sleeping in the large bed to the east of me. The window was in the western end of the southern wall of the room, and the bed was just to the east of it. I felt that we should get going to the concert before $A682 returned. I turned and looked at the clock to the north of us. It was 6:04, and i thought that the concert was in only a few hours. I told $F71 that we had to get to the concert. I hurried to get ready, starting to feel rushed. $A682 was in the hallway to the north of us. I could see him walk past through the open doorway. I felt a little awkward with him here, because i was with $F71. At first, $F71 seemed to be doing something in the room to the south of me, but, after a moment, i was in the hallway getting things ready, and $F71 was to the east of me, chatting with $A682. They stood on the northern side of the hallway. I then thought about the concert, thinking that we were going to see Suzanne Vega. I realized that we had just talked about her in the car, and it seemed interesting that we were now going to see her. I moved down the hall to the west. I had a towel around my waist, and i wanted to take a shower before we left. I had washed up in a room on the northern side of the hallway last time. I stopped in the hallway, looking into a shop window to the north. This was the shop that i had stopped in before. It seemed that i was in need of shelter before, and these people had helped me. Through the large window on the front of the shop, i could see a glass deli case with a curved front window. The case had been empty before, but it was full of green leafy things and a bundle of red to the west of it. A woman was standing behind the eastern end of the counter, talking to someone to the east of her. To the north of her, was a glass door that led into a back room of the shop. I had taken a shower in that room before, but the store had not been open before. Now that it was, i felt uncomfortable imposing on them. I then remembered that i had a hotel room on the southern side of the hall to the east. I could have simply showered there. I headed back down the hall to the east.

I left the others had headed to the west, across the college campus. It seemed cold and damp out, but i did not feel cold. I was carrying things back to my car, which seemed to be parked on the western side of the college, which seemed to be Cornell. As i wandered between the tightly spaced stone buildings, i noticed that few other people were around. It was gray out, and a few people moved past, bundled in puffy coats. I thought that it was near the end of the semester, and the students had gone home. This place feels old and nostalgic, and i felt good being here again, even though the place seemed lonely. I wandered across an open space between buildings, walking down a grassy hill to the west. I had something things in my arms. I paused, thinking that i might have to head back to the east to get something. I shifted the things in my arms. I then realized that i was carrying two scythes with long curved blades. I thought that it might startle the campus police if they had seen me. I wondered if i could shift them in my hands so that they would seem less conspicuous. I then realized that a large tan dry leaf was also attached the scythes. It seemed to be part of the plant that i was carrying. I thought that i could adjust it so that the large leaf, which seemed more than a meter long, could cover the blades that i had tipped downward. I continued to the west, finding myself standing on the snowy ground between the two houses in the residential district. I seemed to live in one of the houses to the west. I had left several of my things here, and i thought that i had to move them. A large white wood house was to the north of me, and a smaller matching garage was to the south. A blue bicycle was propped up against the garage. I had left it here earlier, but i now realized that the space between the buildings was so narrow that the bicycle was impeding foot traffic between the buildings. I decided to move the bicycle myself. I grabbed it by the handles and started rolling it to the west. The passage between the buildings became narrower. Dry leafless bushes grew along the garage to the south of me, and a small garden ran along the southwestern corner side of the house to the north of me. I walked carefully down the slight hill between the buildings. The snow had been walked on, so it was now muddy and slippery. I looked through the thin wire fence around the garden as i moved. A small sapling was growing on the western end of the garden, and the ground in the garden was bare. I was still carrying the round seeds in my hand, so i tossed several into the garden. As the pale seeds bounced on the ground, i realized that the neighbors might not want the seeds growing in their garden. I thought that i should not toss them there, but i could not have them in my hand, so i tossed some more onto the bare ground.

12018 December 09

I carried some of my things to the south, toward the bed that was against the southern wall of the large room. I was staying in this place with several other people. The beds were oddly placed around the room, and they were very white. They looked like large plastic pads that were being used as beds. All of the beds ran north to south. One was in the northeastern corner of room and another was in the northwestern corner. They were about a meter from the eastern and western walls. Two more beds were on the southern side of the room, but they were closer to the center of the room. They were about three meters apart, leaving about five meters between the beds and the eastern and western walls. The walls of the room were very plain. I moved to the western bed on the southern side of the room. The beds to the south actually seemed to be connected by a section that ran along the southern wall, making the two beds the long ends of a U-shaped pad. I started to get into the bed, but someone spoke to the south of me. A man was sitting up on the east-to-west section of the bed. I was trying to pull a sheet up from the southern side of the bed, even though i had brought my bedding with me. The man was wearing a white T-shirt and boxer shorts. He seemed to be sleeping in the bed that i was trying to use. I realized that i might be in his bed. I stepped back, aware that the floor was now covered with water. I backed into the center of the room, feeling that we were in a bad situation here. The water on the floor was about a deci deep. I felt like something had to change. I was then walking to the south with the other person. We were talking about the stadium ahead of us. It seemed like a large stadium, but it did not look that large at the moment. We walked through a door and into a corridor that ran along the eastern side of the building. The corridor ended on the eastern side of a large rounded room. I was surprised to see how damaged the room was. Metal beams had fallen from the ceiling on the southern side of the room. They were bent down on the eastern side, where they touched the floor. Debris was all over the floor, and the stadium seats seemed to be crumbled all around the outsides of the building. Construction crews were working in the large area, trying to clean up the place. I could not tell where the beds had been in the room when we had stayed here, and i wondered where all the people had gone. It seemed later now. As we paused on the northeastern side of the room, i realized that we probably should not be entering the building when the construction crews were here. A man with a white hardhat approached us from the south. He said something to us, which made it seem that we should not be here. I told him that we had come to see the building. I said that we had not seen it since we had been here on New Year’s Eve. I was telling him that we were here when the damage happened. I thought that it might have been the storm. The man with me, who was standing to the east of me, then said something about the rebuilding of the structure. He was offering suggestions to the construction people. One of the workers from the south argued with him for a moment, saying that the state law determined how something should be. My friend, who seemed like $Z, seemed to be annoyed, and he tried to explain himself. He was acting defensive because he thought that the people were not listening to him. I felt uncomfortable with his attitude, and i started walking to the west, across the northern side of the room. $Z then said something to the man. I looked back to the southeast. $Z said something as he started walking stiffly toward me, and then he added “I was just trying to help.” He seemed to be acting childish, and i felt that i did not want to interact with him at the moment. I then noticed the sparkling in the sky to the south. The walls between the red I-beams in the western end of the southern wall and southern end of the western wall were missing. To the south, i could see round bulbs of narrow white light. I thought that it must be fireworks. I acted distracted by it so that i would not have to listen to $Z complain to the contractors. I moved to the south and walked out the western side of the building. The bulbs did not move, and they continued to sparkle. The bulbs were in two or three rows, with six or seven bulbs in the top row and four or five in the bottom. As i reached the outside of the building, i realized that the bulbs were not fireworks. They were formed by water spraying out of the tall tree-shaped fountain to the south of the stadium. Light was reflecting off of the narrow streams of water, which radiated from small heads. As i watched, the water seemed to be off, but the streams were still sparkling. Thin dull-white lines then extended from the fountain heads. The thin pencil-shaped forms grew from the center heads first, and then started growing out of the other heads. I realized that, now that the water pressure had turned down, the water was freezing into thin icicles that radiated from the head. Some of the crystals twitched back and forth as they grew, because the water was still coming out of the heads. When the water stopped, the crystals stayed on the heads. A second burst of water then came out of the fountain heads. I stepped back, realizing that spray from the water was drifting toward me. I did not want to get wet in the cold.

12018 December 10

I turned to the west, in the wide hallway of the school. I was taking a break between classes, and i sat down on the bench that was against the southern wall of the hallway. Others moved back and forth in the hallway to the north of me. I put the backpack on my lap and opened it up. I suddenly did not remember packing a lunch, and i felt bad that i had forgotten to bring a lunch. I thought that i would have to buy one somewhere. I remembered that i would have to sign out of the school to go somewhere to buy lunch. I kept looking through my backpack for something. A man came from the west. He was heading south, toward the doorway that was in the southern wall, just to the west of the bench that i was sitting on. He stopped near me and reached out toward me. He put the palm of his hand near my face with his hands spread. I was not sure what he was doing. He held his hand there for a moment, and then he started to the south again. I felt annoyed with him, but he walked away, so i ignored him. I was standing now, trying to get things back into my backpack. A bed was to the south of me, and i started to pick up the clothing that was on it. A pair of black swimming trunks was lying on a towel. I folded the towel over the shorts, thinking that i would roll it up and stuff it in my bag. I thought that the shorts must be my father’s. My grandmother must have left them out for me to take back with me. I felt hurried and anxious. I left the office area and headed to the north, into the main lobby of the large college library. I felt that i could not leave this place yet, and i thought that i would hang out in the library for a while. I seemed to have left an office with $A14. I descended a set of stone steps that curved along the inside southern wall of the stairwell. The wall curved outward to the south, and the stairs followed the curve. To the north of the stairs seemed to be an open area leading down to the lower level. The stairwell seemed semicircular, and the stairs started at the western end of the northern wall and ended just before a doorway in the eastern wall. As i reached the bottom of the stair near the eastern wall, i thought that i should hang out in the section of the library where i used to read the old books on beliefs. I walked to the north on the lower floor of the library, looking into the rooms to the west. I came to a doorway, which seemed to be the first doorway after the stairwell. The door was recessed in the western wall, and a few people were waiting to walk in. The doorway seemed narrow because one of the double doors was still closed. The door on the southern side was closed. It was pale wood. I could see the old red leather-bound volumes on the metal shelfs on the western wall. I then thought that someone was standing near the door, checking the IDs of people entering the room. I did not have my college ID with me anymore, because i no longer worked here. I reached the door and tried to walk through, but the duffel bag that i had slung over my shoulder caught on the door to the south of me. I saw a man sitting on a ledge or stool against the northern wall of the corridor that led into the larger room. He wore a blue shirt and pale pants, and he seemed a little pudgy. He had fussy dark hair and a matching beard. I tried to adjust my bags to fit through the doorway. I was wearing a backpack over my right shoulder and carrying the duffel bag near my left side. I commented to the man that i was getting my bags stuck. He said that i would not be able to come into the room. He did not even ask me for my ID. He said that the room was full and i would not be able to come in. I felt disappointed about this. The man tried to explain something, but i turned and started walking away, heading to the southeast. I then heard the man say something that sounded like a concession. I continued walking to the southeast. I headed to the north again, coming into a large lobby area on the eastern side of the building. I remembered that exhibits were set up in this area. I thought about one that had recently happened. I thought that i would be interested to see it, but i thought that a different exhibit now was in the room. The old room seemed mostly empty. The western wall of the room was filled with windows that looked into a larger room beyond. To the northwest in the other room i could see a large round tent made of brown sheer material. Heavier material was hung from the thin fabric to resemble trees and plants. This was one of the exhibits. It seemed rather small, and few people were around to look at it. Three or four people walked ahead of me as i headed to a doorway in the middle of the western wall. Part of the exhibit seemed to be in the room that i was in, but it seemed unused and old. I thought that this exhibit was not well done, as if the library no longer had money for better exhibits. I stopped just before the doorway, watching the others head toward the brown tented area. I looked to the north, into another room. A pair of French doors was open to the north of me, and i could see a small room that bordered both the main hall and the room to the west. The doorway was now only a meter to the north of me. Several boxes were on the floor. On top of one of them, i noticed a tall doll. It was about a meter tall, and it was a turtle with human-like arms and legs. It was one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was face down on the box. I then noticed several more of the dolls to the west. They must have been used as part of the exhibit, but they were now lying discarded in the storage room. I thought that the dolls must have been gifts for visitors to the exhibit. I then was standing in the center of the room again, and the northern wall was three or four meters away. Another door in the middle of the northern wall was open It was to the east of the storage-room door. I could see a sign hanging from the ceiling that said “Apple”. It was a gray sign with black letters, and i thought that it was from Apple Incorporated. The room must have been used to sell Apple products. It looked empty now, and a pudgy man moved around the northeastern side of it. I sat down on the couch near the western wall. A man was near me now. I was aware of where he was without looking at him. He moved to the northeast of me. I had been trying to do something, and i opened the passenger’s door of the small gray car to the east of me. The man was standing behind the car. He had gotten out of the car. He put a large white or pale-yellow plastic mug on the top of the car. Another man was getting out of the driver’s side of the car. He seemed like $F71. I closed the passenger’s door, and the large mug slided to the west. I put my hand up to catch it from falling off of the car. Something about the action seemed unusual. I did not know the man to the northwest of me, but i felt a connection to him. I did not want his drink to fall off the car. He thanked me for catching it. I handed the mug to him as he moved to the west and then southwest of me. I said goodbye to him, thinking that he would be leaving to go somewhere. I then turned to hug him. I felt close to him. As i hugged him, i mentioned that it had only been two days since we had met. Something seemed strange about the statement, and i wondered if it really had been only two days. It had only seemed like two days to me, but i thought that i could have been missing several days of memory. The man repeated the words “two days” as if he questioned it. He did not object, but seemed to consider me oddly. He moved to the south of me, and i felt that i would miss him.

12018 December 13

I was sitting on the seat in the bus, facing east as the bus drove east. I could hear the sound of the music on the radio, but the radio show was only playing small parts of songs. The show was giving samples of music from Beck, and talking about the artist. I realized that Beck was sitting to the north of me, in the seat next to me on the bus. I talked about the songs, pretending that i was not aware that the man sitting next to me was Beck. I had liked the music i could hear on the radio, but i wanted the radio to play full songs. The radio was playing popular songs, but then a song started that i knew was not a popular song. I listened to the guitar part for a moment. The song was “Bogusflow”. I mentioned this song, saying that i liked it and that i wondered why they did not play the full song. I listened for a moment more, now close to the front of the bus. Beck walked to the east, leaving the bus through a door in the southern end of the eastern wall. The bus was moving again, and i knew that we were heading down a road. I looked to the northwest, realizing that the driver’s seat of the bus was empty. A friend of mine seemed to have been driving the bus, but he was not there anymore. He seemed like $F47. I could see others sitting around the empty driver’s seat. The driver’s seat was a large black leather seat with a tall back. The other people around me seemed to be $G4. I asked where the driver had gone, and then i mentioned that the bus must be on autopilot. I knew that cars had a system to allow them to drive themselves, but i did not trust it. I stood up, feeling worried about the bus driving by itself. I knew that the road that we were traveling on was wide, but i knew that it curved. A rived seemed to be flowing to the north of us. I started looking around on the wall to the east of me for the autopilot controls. I thought that we should stop the bus. The others had stood up and were walking to the west. A booth was against the eastern wall, and i was looking at the controls on the southern side of the wall. The wall was dull and black and the dull white and metal control buttons looked old and worn. The booth was a wooden framed enclosure with windows on the top and western side. The thin wood supports were painted pale-yellow. I felt uneasy, thinking that i had to find the right control. I asked the others, but they had already walked away. I searched the controls. I looked to the west, but no one was near me anymore. I moved to the north of the booth and looked at the controls on the eastern wall there. Few controls were on this side of the wall. It looked like a utility room, with a few mops or brooms propped up against the wall. Some people moved past me to the west. I felt annoyed, and i moved back to the south of the booth to look over the controls.

I walked to the south across the rooftop area. The walls to the east and west seemed tall, as if they were taller buildings around us. I had been in the pool in this area, and now i was talking to some of the people to the southeast of me. We were enjoying ourselves in this place. I then headed to the northwest, going inside. Another man was to the west of me. I talked to him for a while. I had to take a shower, and i moved to the east to do so. I was now rinsing off. I stood in the shower, facing north. The water was coming down from the south. I thought that i was going to dive into the pool again, but i realized that i was rinsing the chlorine out of my hair. I would not want to go back into the pool water after i did that. I told the man to the southwest of me that i was rinsing.

12018 December 17

I was driving my car to the east on the highway, but i was following someone who was about to turn to the north. We had to get to the small town for something. The tan car turned to the north, crossing the grassy median on the narrow paved path. I turned to the north as well, watching the crowd of automobiles on the highway around me continue to the east down the road. I stopped at the end of the drive, waiting to cross the other side of the highway. However, the tan car had turned back to the east and somehow made a U-turn. It was now facing west, just to the east of me. I wondered if it was trying to head back to where it came from. This did not make sense to me. It would not be able to travel west in the eastbound lane of the divided highway. I wondered where we were exactly. I looked to the north. I was at an intersection, but the road did not continue to the north of me. A pack of cars was waiting to the northeast of me at the traffic light. They suddenly started to go. I looked back to the east, at the tan car that i had been following. We were supposed to turn to the north to get into the small town, but i did not know where to go. I then noticed a large light blue sign over the highway to the east. A large intersection was to the east of me, and i realized that the tan car was probably just in the left lane, waiting to turn to the north at the intersection. Cars were already waiting in the northernmost lanes at a red light. The blue sign with white letters seemed to indicate that the town was just to the north of the intersection. This place seemed like Alexandria Bay. The white letters were very large on the sign. I turned to the north and walked from the parking lot into the large room. The event had already stated, and someone was pouring wine at a table near the entrance. My mother said something about the wine. The female who was pouring the wine wore a pale skirt with a matching vest. The outfit seemed very plain and old fashioned. She stood to the west of the small round table as she poured the wine. She said something about the white wine as she poured a little in a glass. My mother took a bit, and someone referred to it as champaign. I took the glass as my mother handed it toward me. It only had a few centiliters in it. The server had wanted us to try it before we got a full glass. I was not interested in the white wine. I wanted some red wine. My mother would drink the champaign. I walked to the northwest, carrying the glass with me. I thought that some of the other vendors or tables would have a local red wine. The room seemed to be set up into small exhibits. Wooden barrels formed most of the tables, and wooden boxes or crates formed temporary walls between stalls. I was looking for wine, and many place seemed to be serving different kinds. I turned back to the east then, still carrying the glass with me. A set of two or three steps descended to the northeast. The southern side of the room was at a slightly higher elevation than the rest. As i stepped to the lower level, i turned back to the west. My mother was still on the steps, and she had said something to me. She then stumbled. I looked down, realizing that one of her sandals had fallen off on the steps. She said something about it, and i looked at the thick sandals. Her right foot was still in a sandal, which seemed to be a thick wooden or cork platform with glittery gold trim around the upper part and straps. The second sandal was tipped on its side, to the east of her right foot. I said something to her, and we moved to the east, stopping at the table. I talked to her at the table for a minute. I then realized that i had put the glass of wine that i had down on a table to the west. I said that i had forgotten it, and i moved back to the southwest to get it. I had to go to the southwest to pass through the opening to the western side of the building. As i walked up the steps on the southern side of the room, i realized that the servers were no longer serving wine. They seemed to be packing up their things. I felt annoyed, thinking that i had missed most of the event. I thought that i would have to find my glass so i could get some wine. I turned to the west and walked across the southern side of the room. Once i had passed through an opening in the western wall, i started walking to the northwest again. I seemed to be outside on a grassy lawn now. Cars were lined up in a row that ran to the northwest. All of the cars were facing southwest. I had left my glass of red wine on the hood of one of the cars. I could see a glass of wine on an old fifties car. I started walking toward it. A woman was working near the front of one of the cars closer to me. I then realized that a second glass of wine was on a car farther down. I did not know which glass was mine. I stopped and looked at the first glass, and then i moved to the northwest a little to look at the second. I was aware that the woman was cleaning the top of a table just to the southeast of me. The cars were actually part of a counter to the northeast of me. I moved along the counter, now noticing many partially empty glasses. The hoods of the cars seemed to be lids on the counter. Many glasses were on the counter now, and i could not figure out which was mine. The woman to the southeast of me was picking up glasses and washing them in a sink. I moved a little farther to the northwest. The room was a narrow hallway now, with counters on both walls. I could not find what i was looking for, and i felt very frustrated. I also felt disappointed that i missed out on my chance to get a glass of wine. I started to walk to the northwest again when a woman asked me what i was looking for. I told her that i had left my glass of wine here. She said that she could not tell which glass was which. She then seemed sympathetic and started to offer me something. I decided that i really did not need anything, so i told her that i would be fine. I did not want them to do anything special just for me. I started walking to the northwest again, toward the doorway in the northwestern wall. A heavyset man came through the doorway just as i reached it. He noticed that i had been looking for something, and he tried to tell me that there was nothing he could do. He acted apologetic, though, and i felt uncomfortable making them think that they should go out of their way.

12018 December 18

The room seemed old, with crude wood beams and exposed wood planking on the eastern wall. I was in the room with several other people, and it seemed that we had been in this place for a reason. The others said that we had to do something. It seemed that the leaders wanted to see us. They started heading to the south. I stood on the western side of the group, facing east as i spoke to some of the people. This place seemed related to a church, and i thought that the leaders of the church, which seemed to be an old Catholic church, wanted to talk to us. I knew that we would have to come down from this upstairs floor of the building. The room seemed to be a loft or old unused part of the building. I moved to the north, where an open window was in the northern wall. The other person had climbed down on the other side of the window. I moved toward the ladder, which was leaning into the window. I thought that the ladder was very tall. I looked down to the ground to the north of me. The ladder stretched about twenty meters to the ground. I could see a few people standing near the bottom of the ladder. They were talking about climbing to the top of some tower. I started to climb down the ladder toward them. I seemed to be very high up on the old building. The others talked about their work on the tower. One man then said that he did not want to climb up to the top of the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower seemed to be to the south and a little to the east of us. I did not want to go there, and i felt a little negative toward what the others wanted to do there. As i reached the ground, one of the men commented that the Eiffel Tower was like a well, so it would be hard to climb. I pictured the tower with a rope running from the top down the center. I thought that the men were going to climb up the ladder to the top of the tower and then head down the cylindrical shaft that passed through the levels at the center of the tower. It seemed like a deep drilling well, and i pictured the structure in black wire-frame. The rounded domed top had a white collar inside the shaft, and a black rope ran vertically from the top down a dotted-line shaft to the bottom. I looked to the southeast as i leaned on the ladder. A large grassy area was to the southwest of the building that i had been in, and i thought that we were supposed to head there to see something. A woman was standing to the east of me. She seemed to be the vice president of the university, and she said something to me. She had light-colored hair that puffed out, away her cheeks. I thought that she was still directing us to go to the area. I looked to the southeast, noticing the top of a cubical tower. It was one of the university buildings. The cement top floor of the building was narrower than the rest of the building, and the western side was colored with bright stripes and dots. The bright-red, white, and green strips ran diagonally across the building, leaving the upper left corner with white dots on a black or dark-blue background. I thought that the arts festival was happening on the university to the south, and i thought that artistic movies were being projected onto the plain walls of the buildings. I remembered these brightly colored movies from when i was young, and i felt excited about seeing the movies here. I stated to the south, following some of the others. We walked into the main hallway of the building, which seemed like an old high school. The corridor had a low ceiling, and the walls seemed off white. The people i was following stopped on the eastern side of the corridor, to the southeast of me. They were chatting with people who had come to the doorway of a room in the eastern wall. I could not see them, because i was looking to the west, down a corridor that led to another part of the building. We had to do something here. Someone then said something about $F43. I felt uneasy about seeing here, and i knew that she was in the building here. I then saw here walking out of a room on the northern side of the hallway. She did not see me, but she must have known that i was here. She seemed upset, and i knew that she did not want to see me. Another man had come to the door with her, but he turned around and walked back to the north, into the room. She wore a black tweed jacket with white flecks on it. She held her fists on her hips as she turned to the west, pacing tensely in front of the door of the room. She turned back to the room a few times, but then walked to the west and then to the north, into her classroom, which was the next room down. She quickly turned around in the doorway and leaned on the eastern part of the door frame. She looked up at me for the first time and smiled. Her smile seemed forced and unusual. It did not seem that she was mad at me, but something about her expression made me cautious.

12018 December 19

I was running to the west, on the southern side of the body of water, which seemed like a small lake. The other person was running with me. He ran to the north of me as we moved down the road. As we approached the western end of the lake, the road curved to the north. I thought that we would turn back to the east just before we reached the bridge that crossed the inlet or outlet of the lake. The lake seemed narrow and shallow on this end. I then realized that the southern shore of the lake on the western end was grassy and swampy. As we approached the bridge, i looked to the east, across the short grass of the bumpy ground. We would not be able to run down the southern shore of the lake like i had picture. There was no trail there, and we did not want to run through the weeds. I had forgotten that we could not run here. I then thought that, if we continued, we would have to run all the way around the lake. This seemed like a very long distance. I did not want to run that far. I said something to the other person as we approached the bridge, not sure what we should do. We were then running to the west, and we were on the northern side of the lake. It seemed that we were approaching the end of the very long race. I spoke to the other person, who was running to the north of me. Something seemed strange about how we were running. I felt as though my legs were bending strangely as i ran. The man with me then started lagging behind a little. I felt concerned for him. He was starting to stumble. As we rounded the narrow western end of the lake, the man moved to the east of me. He started to collapse. I tried to catch him around the torso, but his arms went up as he went limp. He said something about not being able to breath. I was looking down at him as he wobbled toward the ground. He was $A754. I felt very worried about him. I remembered that he was supposed to die in this scenario.

I was driving the car to the east, just entering the small town, which seemed to be in the middle of the state. A police man was standing on the southern side of the road ahead of me, and he was pointing a radar gun at me. I felt nervous, but i knew that i was not speeding. I checked my speed. I hoped that i was going slowly enough. Several other people were on the side of the road. They were checking the cars that were entering the town for the festival. I moved forward, trying to casually slow down some more. I was sitting on the front hood of the car, and i thought that this position might show the police officer that i was being cautious. He wore a black uniform with short sleeves. I slowed the car as i passed the man. A large white truck was parked on the southern side of the street, and i started to go around it. Other people were standing around the truck, trying to regulate the traffic. I would have to buy a ticket for the festival here. I said something to the man on the side of the street. I thought that i had been to this festival several times before. I mentioned how i was approaching the area. The man was selling me a ticket, and he asked where i had come from. I wondered if i could get a discount on the ticket if i were a local. I thought about where i had come from. I had come from quite a few miles to the west. I had left my parents’ house. I realized that this place seemed to be somewhere in the Leatherstocking Region of New York. It seemed to be just to the south of I88. I tried to act as if i knew the area, but i knew that the place i had come from was quite a ways away to the east. I thought that i could tell the man that i had come from Greenville, but then he would know that i had not come from someplace nearby. I asked the man something, and he told me about parking. He seemed very rude and impersonal. I drove on to the east. I was in the village now, and small houses were on either side of the street. The land on the southern side of the street rose slightly toward the houses, which were ten meters from the road. I pulled over to the side of the street, but then i realized that parking on the streets would probably be forbidden during the festival. I would have to park on one of the side streets. I tried to remember where i had parked the last time i was here. I pictured a side street that ran off to the south. I drove a little farther east, now in an area with larger buildings that were close to the street. I remembered a narrow street to the south. As i approached an intersection, i looked to the southeast. This street seemed like the one i had parked on before. The street to the south had a wide grassy median in the center that formed a small park. It was about five meters wide, and i remembered stores or old businesses around it. The street was called something like Vanishing Lane or Interrupted Lane. As i reached the intersection, though, i realized that this was not the street that i had been on before. I looked to the south, noticing the closed stores along the southern side of the small square park. The builds were painted with bright colors, but they seemed to be boarded up. One of them was pale yellow near the eastern end of the square. The short street ended on another side street that ran east to west. I turned to the south, thinking that i should be able to park on this side street. I walked to the south, down the western sidewalk of the street. I thought that i would probably want to walk to the west on the side street that was to the south of me. It seemed familiar, but i did not know this area. At the end of the street was an old cement building with a double glass door in the middle of it. I knew that it was an old store. I could not head west on the side street here, so i walked into the store. I found myself in a small foyer of an old supply store. I remembered that $A754 had told me about this store. He had stumbled across an old army-navy store and said that it was interesting. A wooden bin was to the south of me, and it had old alumninium fishing nets stacked in it. The nets stood with the green nets folded to the east, and they were held in rows and columns in the bin. I felt interested in this store, thinking that i could run into many old things that had been forgotten. A short set of cement steps led up to the east against the southern wall, leading to the main entrance of the store. Several people were coming down them as i looked around. I had to get to the west, though. Another glass door was in the western wall of the room. I moved toward it, looking at a small cement court outside. I wondered if i could walk to the west down the alley from here. I seemed to be able to. Just before i reached the door, though, someone had come in, and another person stopped in front of the door, blocking my view. I waited for the person to move, but he or she stood in front of the door for a moment. I felt impatient. I thought that the alley ran west from the northern side of the courtyard, so it went were i was headed. The person finally moved, and i pushed open the door.

12018 December 24

I entered the room from the eastern end of the northern wall. the room seemed to be a small gym. The room was rectangular and had plain featureless walls. windows seemed to be in the southern wall. I moved to the center of the southern wall, talking to someone there. I felt that i really should not be in this place. I did not seem to belong to this place. I then moved to the south, walking out across the college area. I headed to the southwest, crossing the streets in the residential area. This place seemed like Collegetown. I did not quite recognize it, but it as very familiar.

I stopped on the sidewalk and looked to the north, up the driveway. This was the driveway to my grandmother’s house. I looked at the foundations of the houses on either side of the driveway. Something about the rock foundations seemed peculiar. I focused on the rocks under the neighbor’s house, which was to the east of the driveway. I could see a pipe sticking out of the foundation wall. A hole was around the pipe. A few other pipes were sticking out of the wall as well. I looked at one near the southern end of the wall, wondering if it as a camera. I thought that the houses might have cameras in them. I focused on the pipe, but i could not tell if it was a camera or not. I then realized that several things seemed to be mounted on the house to the east of the driveway. The house seemed to be in poor shape. The pipes and things mounted on the surface seemed to have damaged the walls. I looked at a pipe that was sticking out of the middle of the foundation. It was coming out of the center of a conical hole. I thought that someone must have tried to vandalize the pipe and cracked the stone around it. I thought that someone could have kicked the pipe from the south and cracked the cement around it. I looked back at my grandmother’s house. Her house seemed to be in much nicer shape than the neighbor’s house. The foundation wall had a spigot in the center of it, but the wall seemed smooth and well maintained. I looked back and forth between the two houses. I wondered where the cameras really were. Someone was then standing to the east of me. He said that the camera was watching me. He pointed to a small pipe in the foundation of my grandmother’s house. The pipe was set into a small roughly square notch in the wall. The edges of the opening were rough, as if the opening had been cut into the wall recently. I looked at the pipe, noticing the reflective surface at the end, which i thought must be the camera lens. I then looked back at the neighbor’s house, feeling nervous that i was being watched. I now noticed a round camera mounted on a meter-long white pole above me, sticking out from the white siding of the neighbor’s house. I then thought that i should not be uneasy, because there was no reason that i should not be allowed in my grandmother’s driveway.

12018 December 25

The place was like $P7, and i was on the lower floor of the building. I had come from the west, and i entered the room on the northern side of the hallway. The rectangular room was very plain and had smooth featureless walls. A woman was giving a speech here, and the audience was sitting in chairs around the edges of the room. The woman was middle aged, and she was a little pudgy, with thin legs. She seemed well dressed. this room was long east to west. I felt uneasy here, and i thought that i should not sit in the main room of the auditorium. I knew that the students would be here, and i thought that i would be uncomfortable sitting among them. I left the room through a doorway it he western side of the southern wall. I thought that i should go to the balcony. As i climbed up a set of stairs, i thought that the second floor was a small balcony that overlooked the auditorium from the south. It would also be filled with students, so i thought that i should go up to the higher balcony on the third floor. I thought that i would not seem as out of place there. I entered the balcony from the doorway in the northern of the eastern wall. The room sloped down to the west. Twenty or thirty rows of seats seemed to cross the slope of the floor. An aisle ran along the northern and southern side of the seats. I realized that many of the people sitting here were faculty members. I noticed $A305 and $A516 sitting in the middle of the room, next to each other and a little to the south of center. They were facing east, so they must have been talking to the people in the row behind them. I moved into the room and sat down in the center of the audience. It seemed strange that all of the teachers i knew were still here. I thought that some of them had retired already. I looked around at the many people here, feeling a little uncomfortable. The northern and western walls were open to the outside. The woman to the north of me was talking about the lecture. I knew that it was to the north of us. we should be able to see it, but all i could see was the water around us. The water to the west, the direction that the chairs were facing, seemed very blue and calm. We seemed to be looking across a small bay, which seemed like Otter Creek Bay. The woman to the south of me asked me about the building. she had mentioned the rooms below us, saying that they did not seem to have a lot of room. I thought about the building’s design, which seemed like Mudd Hall. we seemed to be in a sloped auditorium on the top of the northwestern corner of the building. I knew that there should be rooms below us, and i told the woman that the rooms should have enough space in them. I pictured the rooms, and they seemed like full rooms. I said this to the woman. I then mentioned the slope of the floor and looked again at the blue water to the west. I realized that the slope of the floor was very steep, and i thought that i should probably be nervous about the steep edge below me, but i realized that i had not been uneasy. I then looked to the north. $A46 was sitting one row behind me, on the northern end of the row. He still seemed young, and he was smiling at someone to the southeast of him as he spoke. His left arm rested on the back of the chair next to him as he looked into the row behind him. Something about this place seemed very special. I then realized that many people seemed to be young here. They were people i knew from high school. I looked around at the people. A red-headed man was standing in the audience to the southwest of me. He smiled and nodded as he caught my attention. He was $A764. A woman was then to the north of me. She leaned past me as i sat in a chair, and she spoke to the woman to the south of me, whom i had been talking with. As the woman to the north started to move back to the north, she glanced at me and smiled. I realized that she was $A157. I looked to the north, seeing $A36 and $A368 sitting in chairs at the northern end of the row in front of me. $A36 nodded and waved at me, smiling. He looked young, like he looked in college.

12018 December 27

I followed the other people to the west and then to the north. We had been talking about something, and we were heading to the building that was across the street, to the north of us. I started across the crosswalk, but something seemed strange about the way i was walking. I seemed to be bending as i walked, and it was difficult to move. I thought that i should really crawl, but i was trying to remain standing as i moved. We seemed to be on a college campus, and we seemed to be heading to Willard Straight Hall. I was annoyed that i could not move correctly, and i tried to focus on what i was doing, but my legs seemed to bend under my weight. I thought that i would have to crawl across the crosswalk. The street seemed to slope steeply down to the west of me.

I chatted with the people in the room on the eastern side of the building. This room seemed to be a dorm room. I had been heading to the bathroom, which was a room across the hall, to the southwest. The bedroom i had been in was to the east, at the end of a long hallway. At the end of the hall, a short corridor ran north to south for a few meters. The bathroom door was in the western wall of the southern side of the corridor. I stopped in front of the bathroom door, hearing the sound of metal clanking. I said something to the person to the east of me, who seemed to be on the bed against the eastern wall of the room. I looked out the window, thinking that i could see some people working out in the gym area. I could see a cement court outside, with some couches around the edges. Someone was moving to the west of me, but i could not see him because he was too close to the building. I could see the eastern end of a couch, which was against the building. In front of the couch, two large dull-yellow metal weight plates moved. The man had tipped one up and then moved the other next to it. They clanked together. The plates looked about three-quarters of a meter in diameter, and they had raised type on them. The man seemed to be getting a lifting bar, but i could not see him. I wanted to look at him, and i ran to the west, down the long hallway. I thought that i could go into another room where i could get a better look out the window. The center of the hallway seemed to have rooms to the south of it, so i ran all the way to the western end of the building and into an open room. This room had been a lounge, but, as i entered it, i realized that someone was sleeping in a bed near the southern wall. The single bed was about a meter from the southern wall, with its headboard against the eastern wall. The man was asleep. I stepped out of the room, thinking that no one had been sleeping in the lounge when i had been in here before. I then decided that i wanted to see out the window anyway. I jumped up and flew past the foot of the bed, landing on the ledge in front of the window. I looked out, but did not see anything. Instead, i looked to the east, noticing another cushioned surface that was against the southern wall. It looked like a bench with a mattress on it. A second person was sleeping on this bed. I wanted to see the man lifting the weights, but i did not see him. I then thought that i should leave the room, because the people in the beds were stirring. I jumped back to the north, thinking that i could fly away. I wondered what the people in the beds would think of someone flying in their room. As i jumped, i seemed to stop in the air. I was moving very slowly. I thought that this might look interesting to the young man watching from the bed by the southern wall. I strained to move to the north, but i was diving in slow motion. Something seemed wrong with this. I should have been moving more quickly. I tried to jump again, thinking that i should make the move look good to the man in the bed. I made the jump look more like a dive, with my arms out ahead of me, but i was still moving very slowly in the air. This seemed very strange, and i wondered what was holding me back. I thought about turning in the room and flying quickly down the corridor. I would have to get out of sight before the man could wake up.

12018 December 28

I watched the two people to the north of me as they talked about something for the show. The man directly to the north of me was Stephen Colbert. He held something up to the east of him, showing it to me and the rest of the audience, which did not seem to be in the area. The object was conical, with a rounded top. It looked like a blob of ice cream in a cone. He was offering someone the cone. I thought that i could buy the cone as a souvenir. I took out some money from my left pocket. Stephen said that the cone was for sale, but first he did something to it. He was holding the cone in his right hand, and he lifted his left hand and dropped an oily brown blob on the top of the cone. He said that he was adding a turd. This seemed disgusting, and i watched the turd melt into the pale-yellow butter that was on the top of the cone. It disappeared into the liquid. I thought that the butter would probably solidify over the fecal matter, sealing it into the cone. I already had my cash in my hand, so i decided to pay for the cone anyway. I handed someone a twenty-dollar bill and took the cone in my right hand. I thought that the gimmick of the cone might make it more valuable in the future, but i still felt uncomfortable with the feces on it. I held it carefully as the people talked to the west of me. Stephen then motioned me to the east, and we were moving down a long dark alley or corridor. We seemed to be driving. This was part of the skit. I noticed that the dark material of the cone was starting to drip, so i had to be careful of it. I tipped it away from me to pour off some of the dripping pieces. I then thought that something had dripped on my right hand. I would have to wash off my hand later, when the skit was over. We came to the end of the street, and we were in a large car, which seemed to be a limousine. The woman was with us. She did not know what was happening in the skit. The others were talking to her about something. She seemed to be a prostitute. We stood on the southern side of the black car, which was facing east. The woman stood against the car. She was ready to copulate with the man, who was leaning against the car to the east of her, but Stephen, who was standing to the southeast of her, stopped her and said something about the cone. She did not know what the joke was. She still thought that she was being paid to copulate. I tried to hold the cone to the east of me with my right hand. It seemed smaller now, and the top had a small hole in it. I thought that Stephen had squeezed out some of the filling into a smaller cone. Stephen then said that they would be leaving. He seemed to motion to the west. The prostitute seemed confused. She wore something fluffy around her collar. She turned to the man with the short blond hair. He seemed to have a round face and sheered hair. She was going to try to have sex with him, and she seemed anxious to do it. I knew that she would not be able to because we would be leaving. I then thought that it might be nice to caress the man. He seemed nicely muscled and attractive. We headed to the west. Stephen got into a small car with the other person. The metallic blue car was only three or four meters long, and it seemed very short. It had fins on the back fenders, mimicking a fifties design. The roof of the car was white. Through the large back window, i could see the driver facing away from me. Stephen got into the passenger’s seat and looked out the back window. They were about to drive away. I hopped onto the rear driver’s fender, looking into the window as the car started moving to the west. I realized that this would be funny. I held up the tiny ice-cream cone that was still in my right hand. The material on the top of the cone had been squeezed out of the original cone, which i thought was left with the car on the eastern end of the alley. I straddled the fender, looking into the window. I made an exaggerated expression of discomfort as i stared into the window, holding up the cone. I thought that it would make a funny scene when the people in the car turned around. The car moved to the west down the street. It was dark out. I started to feel that i should not be riding on the car for too long. I would have to get off before the car went too fast. We reached the western end of the area, and the car was driving on the southern side of a long grassy area, which seemed to be about five meters across. The dirt road ran along the southern side of the grass, and it met another crossroad on the eastern end of the field. We seemed to be going to fast, and i wanted to get off of the car. I thought that i should just drop off and roll. I lay on the ground to the west of the field, wondering if i should stay here and rest. I felt tired. Thick round timbers held up a partial roof along the western side of the road that i was on, and i had rolled between two of them. The others walked to the east of me. I felt very tired and thought that i should stay here and let myself become unconscious.

I moved to the south, heading down the stairs of the large house, which seemed like $P19. I had been in a dorm room, talking to several people. My memory of the room seemed hazy. I looked around the large open room to the southwest of me. It seemed to be early in the morning, and the people had not yet come back. The rooms seemed very clean, with pale wood flooring and light-colored walls. Several people were moving around to the north of me, but no one seemed in the large room as i crossed, heading to the west. I was thinking about something. It felt good to be here with the others. In the western side of the house, i turned around to the south. I was on the outside of the house now. I was looking at the features of the house, thinking that i wanted to see something. I looked over the thin vertical woodwork between the long windows than ran up the face of the building. I was on the northern end of a wing of the house that ran to the north. I thought that the main part of the house ran east to west, but this section was on the western end of the entire structure and stuck out to the north from the rest of the structure. I noticed a round stone block set into the center of the wall. It had a carved rolling feature in the center, which seemed like a flower or a knot. I wanted to climb on top of it. I tried to pull myself up to the top of the round stone, but it was a little high. I would have to grab on to other parts of the wall and pull myself up. The round stone seemed about the level of my chest, and a window was over the top of it. I realized that i could not see in the window, but i thought that the others would be able to see out. I was aware of some people to the northeast of me as i looked at the round stone again. It was a little over a meter across, and it was almost half a meter thick. I could easily stand on it if i could get up to it. I grabbed part of the stone to the west of the round thing and tried to climb. I then saw people moving inside the window. A man and a woman seemed to be looking for something in the room. They looked out the window at me. The woman seemed to be $A765. She smiled at me and waved as she moved her face close to the glass. The man to the east of her did the same. They seemed to be looking through the pile of clothes that were on the floor in front of the window. I could see into the small room beyond, where several people were. I walked past $A765, heading to the southwest. I stopped at the stairs, which ascended to the south, up the narrow hallway. Others were in the main room to the northeast of me. This place seemed so familiar and warm. I then noticed the bar running across the stairs. It was just above the opening in the bottom of the stairs. The bar had several joints in it, and it was attached to the western wall of the stairwell. It was tan and made of wood. The thick pole had two or three joints in it, and a shoe of the same wood connected to the end. The shoe was about three-quarters of a meter long, with a slightly curved bottom. It was about five decis wide and seemed to fit nicely against the wall on the eastern side of the stairwell. I moved the bar so that it ran over the top of the stairs. I decided that it was for a curtain. I pushed the foot up against the wall just under the landing above the stairs. The landing was to the south, crossing over the room below, and it was separated from the stairs by a railing of thin banisters. The wide end of the bar had a small wooden hook near the end. The hook curved down and out from the end of the shoe. I knew that this was to hold part of the curtain. I stepped back down the steps, asking the people in the room about the curtains. I remembered a red curtain being over the stairs when i had first moved into the house, but the memory was so tenuous, that i was unsure that i actually remembered it. I mentioned the curtains to the others, but they had not remembered them quite as well. I moved to the east in the lower room, trying to remember the curtains. I said that they had been pulled across the stairway to keep the cold from going up. I tried to picture how this would work. I could see the stairwell from above. The curtains would have to seal tight against a wall, but i could see the main stairwell of $P19, and the stairs ascended to the north on the eastern side of a large opening. The curtain would not only have to cover the stairs, but it would have to cover the opening as well. I pictured this as a tent. This did not seem right. I did not remember the curtain being this complicated. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking up to the north. The stairs here ascended to the north along the western side of a wide corridor. I could see a seam in the ceiling of the corridor to the east of the stairs, and i pointed to it as i talked about the curtains. It seemed that the curtains could easily have run along this seam, which would have blocked off the corridor. When i looked across the ceiling to the west, though. I could see that the ceiling arched up over the stairs. The seam followed the curve of the arch, but it seemed strange that the curtains would hang from here. It would allow the curtains to cover the bottom end of the stairs. $A592 was to the southeast of me now, and he said that the curtains did run along the seam. We talked about them as we walked up the stairs. $A592 was staying in a room at the top of the stairs, and he was going to show me something in the room that had to do with the curtains. He opened the door, saying something to the others in the hallway. He then looked down at the red spatter marks on the floor. I looked down, noticing that something had been spilled outside the room. $A592 commented that it was probably from the chicks. I wondered if he had chicks in the room. The room did seem messy and filled with clutter. As he entered i looked at the splattered liquid. It was red and very thin, and i noticed a few pieces of what looked like sliced celery in the middle of it. I told him that it was probably spilled soup. I then followed him into the room. Some of the others stood in the hallway around the door.

12018 December 31

I stood among the large group of $G4 in the open area. People here seemed to be from many different places, and we had gathered for some large event. I had been chatting with some of the people here. and it felt very good to be here. I was standing in the group, but i was to the north of the center of the large mass. An opening was just to the south of me, and i looked at the people gathered around the southern side of the roughly circular opening. A man on the southeastern side of the opening faced west, and he said that we should start the run now. He wore a gray T-shirt, and he had short black hair and a short black beard. He was slightly shorter than i was, and he seemed somewhat muscled. I realized that i was not quite ready for the run; i still had to put on my running shoes. I hurried back to the east, entering the large building where we had been storing our things. I felt rushed as i grabbed my shoes from the floor near the southern side of the building. I had several things with me that i would have to leave here while i was on the run. I suddenly seemed to be carrying an armful of things as i stood to the west of the short pile of things. The things seemed to be stacked on top of a pallet. I put several things down, and then i picked up the poster from the floor to the southwest of me. The pallet seemed to be against the southern wall of the room, and the building seemed like a small warehouse. The poster had something to do with a comic book, and i put it down on top of the low stack of things on the pallet. Another stack of comic books seemed to be on the pallet, so i kept the poster with them. I pushed the books to the east so that they did not slide off the western end of the pallet. To my annoyance, the items on the eastern edge of the pallet tumbled onto the floor. I felt very frustrated, and i swore, saying “Fuck.” several times in a row. I quickly moved to the eastern side of the pallet and started picking up the small boxes that had fallen. They had bright colors on them. I also noticed several similarly shaped boxes already stacked on the floor at the edge of the pallet and on the wall to the south of the pallet. The eastern edge of the pallet was flush with the western wall of a short corridor that led to the south. The small black boxes, which were about five decis tall and three or four decis on a side, had small white writing on them. They seemed old, and i knew that they were boxes of tea. They had been here before. I thought that they were interesting, but i knew that i should not take them with me. As i restacked several of them up against the wall of the corridor, moving a few from next to the pallet to the stacks in the hall, i thought that i should take some with me. They were going to remain here and would not be used. I knew that i should not do this, though, so i continued to move them out of my way so that i could move the things that i was interested in back onto the pallet. I felt frustrated and hurried as i put several things back onto the pallet. I had more to pick up off the floor. A man came into the building through the doorway in the middle of the western wall. He saw what i was doing and told me to leave the things here. He wanted me to hurry to join the run. I put some more things down on the pallet. I did not want to leave these things on the floor, but i felt rushed to get the rest of my things together and to get on the run.

I headed to the southeast, entering the large department store through the door, which seemed to be set in the northwestern corner of the building. I had come from the open area to the northwest, which seemed to be a wide corridor of a mall. I would have to head to the southeast to get to the room in the store where i would have to do something. I then knew that i had already been to the room. It seemed to be to the east of me, in the northeastern corner of the store. I looked back to the northwest. I was waiting for $F67 to come, and i knew that she might have a difficult time trying to find this place. I could see her coming from the northwest, outside the doors. She walked down the corridor toward the doors to the store, and she was talking with two people, who were walking on either side of her. She seemed to be wearing a long coat, which seemed red, with black trim and a black stripe around the waist. I greeted her as she came near me, and i asked her about the room that we were supposed to go into. She did not know where the room was in this store. The room had some kind of special purpose. I told her that the rooms were usually easy to find, saying that they were almost always on one of the adjoining corners of the store. I pictured a square store with a red door in the northwestern corner. The northeastern and southwestern corners were marked with yellow squares, which marked the probability of the rooms. I told $F67 that the room would be in one of these corners. We started walking to the east, toward the room, but we were still near the entry door of the store. Two women with dark skin entered the store behind us. I turned to look at them as they smiled and greeted us. They wore tan trench coats and hugged us hello. I did not know them, and i felt mistrusting of them. I could feel the woman’s hands on my lower back and buttocks as she hugged me hello, and i wondered if the women were going to try to take things from us. I concentrated on the feeling of her hand, wondering if she would try to pick my pockets. The stepped back from us and then started to the east, and i thought that i was too suspicious of these people. I felt suddenly uncomfortable, wondering if i was suspicious because they had dark skin and i was thinking of them as stereotypes. Two other women were then to the east of us, in the doorway of the room that we were supposed to enter. They were both East Asian. They had done something for us, and i thanked them for doing it. Something seemed strange here, and i was not quite sure what it was.

I moved around on the southern side of the room. I was in my office. I had been away for a while, and i had just come back. I stood to the north of a rectangular table, and i was facing south. I was talking to someone who was to the southwest of me. The person seemed to be $F67. I was still taking off my peacoat and trying to put my things down. Something had been moved in the office while i was out. I wondered why things had been rearranged, and i mentioned it to no one in particular. Someone mentioned the water. I thought that a new water dispenser had been put in in the room to the southwest. There had been a drinking fountain in the alcove in the southern wall. The bathrooms seemed to be on either side of the alcove. I looked at the table, noticing that the computer on it was not quite right. I wondered if someone had moved my machine while i was away. I walked to the east, stopping in the hallway to the east of the office. A drinking fountain seemed to be on the eastern wall of the wide corridor, but other things in this building did not seem correct. I walked back into the office. I said something to the other people, thinking that $A643, who seemed to have an office to the west, had not yet come into the office yet. I looked around. The table to the south of me was empty. I felt confused, and i asked where my computer was. I was not sure where i should put my things. It seemed as though my desk had been moved. Someone to the east of me told me that our desks had been moved and that we would be using the terminals in the northern room. I felt upset that things had been changed while i was not here. I turned to look to the north, into the next room of the office. Many people seemed to be at desks in the office, which seemed like an office of $G6. I took a few steps to the north, looking at the large long table that stretched east to west down the center of the room. It had several old Macintosh computers on it. I felt disappointed that we would not be able to use the modern computers. It seemed that we were being treated as temporary employees. I held my jacket in my hand, not quite sure what i should do. I felt uncertain and upset.