12019 December 02

I stood in the suburban area, looking to the southwest. I seemed to be at a slightly higher elevation than the buildings to the southwest of me, even though i could not quite make out the buildings. I focused on a white building. It looked like a modern wooden church, with a square steeple at the front. The steeple had a large round opening in the front of it. I looked at the opening, but the scene was washed out with streaks of grayish white that blurred past the building. Someone had talked about the flooding and the severe weather. I was surprised that the water would be high enough here to wash out the buildings. It was covering most of the steeple, which means that it would have been over the roofs of most of the houses. This seemed very strange. I then focused on the white blur, thinking that it actually looked like snow. I was upset that he flood waters had gotten so high.

12019 December 05

I moved a little farther to the south, heading up the slope of the paved asphalt drive. I had been on the main street, which was now to the north of me, but i had to check something in this area. The alley ran between two old buildings. The building to the west seemed to be modern cement brick. $F71 was with me as i walked up the hill. The drive seemed to curve to the southwest farther up the hill to the south of us. I felt concerned as i looked for something. I then looked down at the guardrail that ran along the western side of the drive, just in front of the building. It looked like a curved metal rail, but it had cement pillars holding it up. I focused on a wide cement pillar in the middle of the rail. The two sections of the guardrail seemed to be banded together over the cement post with a darker metal sheet that was wrapped around the rails. Something seemed wrong with this. $F71 was talking to me as he wandered to the south, passing to the east of me. I thought that the guardrail had been broken around the column and had been poorly patched. The cement under the patched area also seemed to have been damaged. $F71 moved to the south of me and asked what i was doing. I pointed out the pillar, but he did not seem to understand what was wrong. He continued talking about something else. I felt a little annoyed. He then turned his attention back to me and asked what was wrong. I was then aware of the people moving to the south of us. I turned to see three or four men walking past the end of the alley, heading west on the main street. One of the men, who had short blond hair, was singing. He seemed interesting in some way, but i felt cautious of the other men. I thought that they were thugs, and i thought that we should not interact with them. We did not want to draw attention. $F71 was talking to me, and i thought that he should not speak too loudly or the men might try to challenge us. I was now standing in the main street, to the north of the entrance to the alley. $F71 was to the south of me, and the men were just turning the corner to the north at the western end of the street. The interesting man was wearing a green puffy parka, and he was on the southern side of the group. He seemed to be the last one to round the corner. He was singing, and something about the music seemed interesting. I was glad that they were gone so that they would not come after us. I said something to $F71. I then heard one of the men to the west of us. A tall thin man had come back around the corner and was holding up his right arm, pointing in an arc at us. I felt uneasy, thinking that they were coming back to harass us. The man seemed to be the man who was singing. Others started coming back with him. One man seemed heavyset, and he seemed threatening. I had short dark hair and looked like a caricature of a Mafioso. I felt cautious of him as i watched the other man approach. The man with the short blond hair had a round face, and he reminded me of $A770. There was something about him and the way he had been singing that seemed very interesting. He moved to the south of me now, asking me about something with animated movements. I felt interested in him and wanted to know about the things he was singing. It seemed like he was singing for some event, like karaoke. I was now standing in the northeaster part of a large room. People were gathered to the west and southwest around tables. The singing event seemed to be taking place here. The man stood to the east of me. He now wore a green and black mottled loose-fitting button-up shirt. It felt good to talk to him. I was interested in the event, and i wanted to be involved, but i was not sure how. I glanced to the north. I was now in a smaller room on the southern side of a corridor. The large man, who had looked like a Mafioso, walked past the entrance to the room, heading west. He also wore a loose-fitting button-up shirt. He walked with his head hunched slightly forward, and he seemed to be thinking about something as he looked to the west. I no longer felt cautious of him. I had met him and realized that he was actually a nice person. He was not the singer that i was interested in, though. The man who i felt interested in was to the west of me now, talking to me. I tried to focus on him, thinking that i wanted to learn something about this place.

12019 December 06

We had been traveling in a foreign land, which seemed to be somewhere in Europe. I was traveling with several other people, but we had stopped for something. My mother seemed to be with us, and we were talking about things. I moved around on the southern side of the room, trying to get my things ready again. I thought that we would need money in these countries. I said something to my mother about it, thinking that we would have to stop at a bank to withdraw local money. I then wondered if we would need money for the two weeks that we would be in Russia, and i said that it would be okay for us not to have money there. I moved a little to the west, stopping at the small round table that was against the northern wall of the room. The other people with me were from $G4. We had been traveling by car across this place, and we had stopped here to eat. I thought that we had to get going. I knew that we would be driving in two or three cars to the next city, which seemed to be to the northeast of us. I pictured a long road running north to south just to the east of us. The road seemed like West Avenue, and the steep hill to the east of it was like Libe Slope. The slope, however, was covered with tall thin trees and bushy shrubs. The trees had short branches that did not reach far from the trunks. I knew that a road ran up the southern side of the slope and connected with another road that headed back to the north. We would be taking that other road to the next city. I thought that some of the people with us had already returned to their cars and were driving north on that road. $F57 headed to the northeast from the small cafe where we had eaten. He was getting in another car. The people in my car were still to the west of me, in the room. $A788 also seemed to be to the north of me, waiting to head out. I moved a little to the west, saying that i needed to stop to get gas. I had been thinking about how to get gas in these countries. I then turned to the east and headed back toward my car. I was outside now, looking at the large stone buildings of the college that were on the southern side of the street. The building had thin vertical stone structures running up the sides of the towers, and it looked somewhat like the design of the British Parliament, but the stone was pale grayish tan. I thought that this was Trinity College in England. I thought that he building must be very old, and i thought that it was probably built in the 1400s. I admired the architecture as i walked to the east along the sidewalk, which was three to five meters from the building, with cut grass between. Some people were standing next to the building talking. I then noticed a carved block in the center of one of the towers that had the date “1788” carved in relief on it. I was surprised that the building was so modern. I had expected the college in England to be much older. I turned my attention back to the road that was just to the north of us. The other cars had already left and were on the road to the north, at the top of the hill, heading west. I felt impatient waiting for the others to get ready. I wanted to start traveling, and i knew that i still had to stop to get gas. I moved across the northern wall of the room, heading east. The northern wall of the room was a little shorter than i was, and the ceiling slanted up from the wall to the south. Both the wall and the ceiling seemed to be a very dark maroon. Two of the other people were at a square table to the east of me, which was against the northern wall. A third person was walking toward them from the southeast. I wanted them to hurry up. As i approached, i realized that the woman had been painting something. She still had the small paintbrush in her left hand, and the tip of the brush was colored with a bluish-white paint. A metal cooking pot was on the table to the east of the woman. The woman stood to the west of the southwestern corner of the table, wearing a white smock. I told the others that i wanted to leave, and i urged them to hurry to get ready. I continued to the east.

12019 December 07

I ran with $G4, heading north on the road, which passed through land that had trees and grassy fields on the sides of the road. We seemed to be in a suburban area or on the outskirts of an urban area, but this area had trees growing and few houses in sight. The road rose up a long straight hill to the north of us, but we turned to the northeast on a side road. It seemed that we had just started the run at the bottom of the hill on the main road. I followed the others for a moment, looking at the grassy field that sloped steeply up to the northwest along the northwestern side of the curving road, on the inside of the curve. Some people had started heading across the grass to the north, but i had continued to the east with a few others. We were looking for the correct trail. I stopped after a few moments. A person ahead of me was jogging in gray clothing. I started talking with someone to the north of me about the trail. I then saw a map, which showed that the trail followed the road to the northeast as t curved to the north. It met up with another road that ran east to west, and the black line that indicated the trail showed that the trail turned to the west on that road. It then turned back to the south at the top of the steep hill. The trail headed down the walkway that descended the hill and ended up on the road that we had started on. I could also see a shorter trail turning to the southeast from the road that descended the southern side of the hill. I thought that this must be the trail that the people in the field were trying to follow. The trail seemed to look back to the starting point at the top of the hill, just before where we had turned to the northeast on the road, and it seemed very short. I wondered if this was only the beginning of the trail. I thought that $A619 had set the trail, so it should be longer than this. The two loops would be for those who wanted to run fast and those who wanted to walk, but even the long trail seemed short. I thought that he must have set more of the trail to the south of the starting point. I looked up at the steep hill, which was now directly to the north of me. I had come back to the starting point of the run, on the main north-to-south road. The hill was conical, with a thick covering of trees on the southeastern face. I could see the narrow split in the trees where the trail ran straight up to the summit. I thought that we could simply cut straight up to the top. I had been chatting with the others about the trail. I decided to simply head to the top of the mountain. It would be steep heading directly up, but i did it anyway. I started jogging slowly on the narrow dirt path. Soon, i started to feel the effort of climbing the steep hill. My legs seemed very tired, and i thought that i was breathing fast. I was disappointed that i would get worn out so easily, and i continued up the hill, thinking that i would get used to the effort after i warmed up. The path then turned sharply to the northeast and then back to the southwest. I was climbing up a rocky area, but the rocks had been worn smooth by the continual climbing of people up the trail. I followed the trail, suddenly finding myself jogging along the western edge of a large field. It was the field that we had been at the bottom of when we were on the road to the northeast. Other $G4 were still heading up the filed to the southeast and east of me. A few of them seemed to be heading directly to the north, though. I thought that the trail should have run diagonally to the northwest somewhere so that it would hook up with the trail that ran straight up the southern face of the hill. I veered a little to the northeast and crossed part of the grassy field, heading for the road, which ran along the northern side of the field. I could see a few people already on the road. They were coming from the east, so i thought that they must have followed the road all the way around the look to the east. An old brick factory building was to the northeast of me, on the southern side of the road, at the top of the field. An old chain-link fence seemed to run across the top of the field as well. The hill seemed very steep just below the road near the building, but i had climbed up a little farther to the west. I then heard some people in the field yelling to someone. Someone had been trying to climb directly up the steep slope and was having trouble. I could not see who it was, but i could see the others in the middle of the field, just below the man, yelling for the man to stop. They were worried that he was getting into a dangerous place. I moved to the east, trying to see what was happening. The man was just below me on the slope, a little to the southeast. I could not see him though. A flat surface was sticking up from the slope, just to the southeast of me, and i thought that the man was climbing for the southern face of it. The square shape seemed like part of a fence, but it was a flat solid square, with cables or wires crossing the northern side in the shape of an X. Several of these flat surfaces seemed to be set up along the top of the slope. It seemed dangerous for the man to be climbing them, and the others were trying to stop him from climbing toward them. They were worried that he would get injured. I moved to the top of the square so that the man was below me. Others were trying to help him up the hill so that he did not fall, but they were having difficulty pulling him up. The people seemed very tense as they tried to help the man up. I wondered who he was. I pictured him to be tall and skinny with red hair. A man grabbed the western side of the square panel to the south of me and reached down to the east, trying to help the other man up. I could see only a little of the man through the gap between the panel and the ground, so i could not really do anything to help. The others were trying to get the man safely to the top of the hill. I headed back to the east on the road. The others were around me now. I stopped at the intersection where the road headed to the south, down the slope of the hill. I could see the straight road descending to the bottom. Houses were on both sides of the hill here, and houses seemed to be most of the way down the hill. I could see a suburban neighborhood in the distance to the south. A utility line seemed to run along the western side of the road, where the part in the trees seemed very straight. The others were gathered around me now, and they were talking about the trail. We knew that we had started at the bottom of the hill, so some people started heading to the south, back down the hill. I remembered that a trail had run diagonally to the southeast from here, cutting across the field. I thought that the others were actually supposed to head up the trail from the road below, but i had not run that part of trail, and i thought that it would be interesting to do so. I started jogging east down a short road. Houses were on both sides of the road, but i thought that the road must end in a very short distance, and the trail down the field would be somewhere to the southeast. I mentioned this to some of the others as i ran. I knew that they would wonder why i was heading down a dead-end road to the east when most people knew that the tail went to the south, down the main road.

I headed to the west, down the hall of the mall. I had been talking to the others. They seemed to be from $G4. We had been at an event, which seemed to have been on the previous day. It was now morning, and we were getting ready to leave. I thought that the people would be out looking for food. I was not going with them, though. I felt unsure of what the others were doing, so i continued to head to the west. I now seemed to be in a mall. I thought that several restaurants were to the west, in a large open court to the north of the main corridor. I then spotted a short woman walking out of one of the doorways to the north of me. She seemed like $A776, and she was carrying a container of food in her hand. She must have come to this place for breakfast. I felt uneasy, thinking that i should have joined some of the others. I did not feel like interacting, though. I was not sure what to do. I waved hello to the woman, but continued to the west, thinking that i could have to get my own breakfast.

My grandmother was standing just to the west of me, bent over and staring at the floor to the north of me. She was indicating the dirt on the floor. She held the handle of the vacuum cleaner. I had been cleaning the floor. A blue cushioned chair was against the northern wall, just to the north of my grandmother, but i noticed some dry leafs on the ground against the baseboard, just to the east of the chair. I took the vacuum cleaner handle from my grandmother and started sweeping up the floor. The handle was a long metal pole with a black wide end. I had been cleaning the room for a little while, but i had not gotten to the wall here, and i wondered the grains of dirt came from. A tall lamp with a round metal base and pole was to the east of where i was vacuuming, and i was having trouble pushing the head of the vacuum around the base of the lamp. I was then aware of the small black dog that was standing very close to the west of me, between my grandmother and me. I looked down at the dog, which seemed to be a boxer mix. It had short black fur with white spots here and there. It looked up at me curiously and then down to the area where i was vacuuming. It seemed to be very interested in the vacuum. I felt a little uneasy with the dog, but i continued vacuuming. I then turned to the west, backing into the room. The room seemed to open up to the west on the southern side of the room, and i was now standing just to the west of the inner corner of the room. A tall black cabinet was against the wall just to the west of me, and i started vacuuming up some dirt that was no the floor to the north of it. My mother was then to the west of me. I looked at the end of the vacuum where it was cleaning up the dirt. The end of the vacuum now seemed to be loose. I pulled the handle toward me, noticing that the gray plastic on the underside of the handle was cracked and coming apart. I was annoyed that the vacuum was broken, and i asked my grandmother why the vacuum was broken. She was with my mother to the west of me. I pulled the handle toward me and looked at the separating pieces. The handle had a thick joint in the middle that was made of plastic. It was about a half meter above the bottom of the handle. The joint was thicker than the metal pole that extended from it, and the plastic on the bottom of the cylindrical join had come apart at one of the seams. The edge of the separating gray plastic seemed to have small teeth that fit together. I was annoyed that the vacuum was broken. I said something to my mother and then turned my attention back to the north of me. I pulled the vacuum across the area in the center of the room. The seam stayed together this time, but the black rubber mat that was on the ground pulled up a little. I tried to push it back into place with the handle. I now seemed to be vacuuming something in the middle of a recessed area of the floor. The rubber mat seemed to be the belt of a treadmill, but the belt was oddly shaped. It ran north to south, but had a wide area in the center of it that reached out to the east and west. The belt covered the entire recessed area. It had narrow ridges that ran north to south along the belt. I pulled on the handle, and part of the mat lifted with it. The mat was sticking to the vacuum head where the suction was. I pushed it back down and pulled more slowly, trying to clean the recessed area. The area seemed to be set about a half meter into the floor, which now seemed to be on the western side of the Engineering Quad.

12019 December 08

I moved around the small room on the eastern end of the building. I called someone, who seemed very familiar to me. I held the telephone to my left hear as i paced around the room. As i listened to the telephone ring, i walked to the southeast, leaving the building. I headed west, into the open yard. I suddenly wondered if i was allowed to have a telephone in this area. This place seemed like a prison or detention center. I adjusted the walkie-talkie in my hand, thinking that the guards from the large cement building to the north of me might be watching me, and i did not think that they would let us talk on the phones. I put the small black walkie-talkie into the back left pocket of my pants as i held the other object to my ear. I had to coordinate the two communication devices to talk to the person, who seemed very familiar to me. I then looked across the landscape to the south of me. The land was very flat and barren. It was tan and brown, and the gray sky seemed reddish in hue. Around twenty people were pacing the yard near me. They were widely spaced, and they all seemed to be talking on telephones as well. The person i was calling picked up, and i said hello. Something was wrong, though. I had to coordinate the buttons of the walkie-talkie and the telephone. I said something to the person as i pulled out the walkie-talkie and looked at the buttons on it. It had a small red switch on the side that was between two vertical fins. I pulled the switch down and it sprung back up. This was good to do what i wanted, but i realized that i had done things out of order. The connection was lost. I paced to the southwest and tried again, looking at the control board that was in my left hand. It had many buttons, but i knew that the small red switch was what i had to use. I thought that i would have to use the switch before i connected the call with the phone. I tried again, but the man did not answer the telephone. I was annoyed that i had done it incorrectly the first time. I started to pace in circles, wondering if i the man would try to contact me. I looked at the large control board that was to the southwest of me now as i paced to the northwest. I looked at the red switch on the board, but then noticed all of the other controls. I noticed a small square section of leavers that could be pulled back to the southeast. They were set into a dark-gray rectangle, and the metal leavers had pointed ends. They had something to do with the speed of the boat. I knew that i did not want to pull them. I listened to the telephone, realizing that it was still ringing. Something had gone wrong. I turned to the northeast, carrying the large control board with me. I placed the smaller control board on the eastern end of the rectangular table. It was light gray and looked like a multichannel mixing board. I then pushed it to the west a little so that i could put down the large black and white board. A man was to the northeast of me, on the northern side of the table. He seemed like $A107. He tried to move the boards, but i asked him not to move them. I was trying to call again, and i wanted to make sure i pressed the controls in the correct order. I had to start the call, press the red switch, and then complete the call. I felt frustrated. I then realized that i had spoken abruptly to the man, who had quickly backed away. I felt sorry for doing so, but i wanted to make sure that i could connect the call. I turned back to the south, now in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. The man had descended the stairs to the northeast of me as i paced the room, listening to the telephone. I noticed the apple pie that was on the floor to the east, under the window. It was in a glass pie pan, and a little more than a quarter of it was missing from the southern side. This pie was left over from the holiday dinner. I moved around the room, thinking that i would have to pack my things to leave. I was then heading south. I had already left. I remembered that the pie was on the floor and thought that we were supposed to take it. I had not. I did not care that i had left it. I also remembered a few other food items that i had not taken with me, but i did not care that i had left them.

12019 December 10

I was on the southeastern side of the room with some other people, but we headed to the east. The ground outside had a thin layer of snow, and we were walking along the northern side of a campus building, which seemed to be at Cornell. The old stone building ran to the south of us, and the northern side was the short side of the building. My parents were with me as we passed the northeastern corner of the building and came into the parking lot. We seemed to be on the northern side of the campus, and a gorge seemed to be just to the north of us. My car was parked on the eastern side of the narrow parking lot, which ran along the eastern side of the stone building. The lot seemed to be a dirt lot, and it rose slightly on the eastern edge. My car was facing east. I was talking to my parents as i approached the rear end of the driver’s side. I could see that the back seat of the car was full of things. I had packed up my college things in the car. We were supposed to drive back to the place, which was to the northwest of where we were, but we would not all be able to fit in the car. I told my parents to take the car back. I said that i would walk. $K1 was to the south of me, and i said that i would walk with her back to the place. My parents continued to the car, and i turned around and started walking back to the west. I chatted with $K1 for a moment as we walked along the northern side of the building. We had to do something before we headed all the way back. I realized that i was still holding my cup in my right hand. $K1 said that she was interested in a drink, so we stopped by the counter, which was to the west of us. We were now in a recess in the building that was to the south of us. As we moved to the south a little, to get into the queue by the counter, i mentioned that i still had cola in my glass. I offered $K1 a sip, but i knew that she would not want any. She then said that she wanted to use the bathroom. I said i would get her something from the counter. The counter rounded a corner to the west. The queue seemed to end near the rounded corner. I stopped near the corner as $K1 headed to the west, into the bathrooms. I then realized that i was not exactly at the end of the line. A man was standing just to the south of me, and the line was facing north. I walked around the eastern side of the man to get behind him, but another man walked up from the south and started talking to the man i was walking around. I thought that i would now have to go around the other man. I tried to get back to the counter, but the man moved away from the counter, causing me to walk farther to the east, into the room. I felt annoyed with him. I knew that he was not intentionally moving so that i could not get on the end of the queue, but i felt frustrated that he was keeping me from the counter. I walked around to the west of him and moved to the counter. I then realized that it would seem that i was cutting in front of him. I thought that i would stay near the counter anyway. The counter was now to the south of me, and the corner to the west of me curved to the south. I still felt annoyed that i had been pushed to the back of the line. A man was sitting at the counter, just to the west of me. I had not paid attention to him, but he turned his head to look at me and greeted me brightly. He asked how i was, and i told him that i was well. I then asked how he was, surprised at how good it felt to chat with him. I then noticed the yellow cards that were stacked on the counter just to the east of him. He had been doing something with the cards. The yellow cardboard cards were about a deci long and about two-thirds of a deci wide. They had rounded corners and something purple on the left side of them. The purple object seemed to be a gradient blob on the page. Black lines ran across the card. It looked like people were supposed to write things on the card. I knew that the cards were instructions for improvisation. I told the man that i recognized the cards from when i used to act. I thought that they were usually for improve comedy troupes, though. I wondered if the man was part of a comedy troupe. He smiled when he realized that i knew about the cards, and he said something to me. He said that he liked the cards, and suggested that he liked that i knew what they were. He then stood up from his seat, standing on something that seemed to be a lower part of the stool or chair. He pointed his right hand to the west, saying something aloud to the others around him. I was not quite sure what he was saying, and i could see that he was not really pointing at anything. I looked at his outstretched hand. He was thin, and his index finger had a long white nail on the end of it. I asked him what he was pointing at, even though i knew that he was referring to the others in the room around him. The other people here were part of his singing or acting group, and he was trying to call their attention. I felt very interested in the people, but none of them seemed to respond to the man. He was about to call to them again, but he said something to me. I was going to respond, but something interrupted us. A man had taken two packets from my left hand. He was on the southern side of the counter, which was to the south of us. He was a large man, and he seemed to be one of the chefs here. He wore a white shirt and apron. I objected, standing up to follow the man. He headed to the east and then walked inward. I rounded the western corner of the counter and headed into the building. Inside, i rounded another corner and came to the counter on the eastern side of the entrance. The man was behind it, looking at the two packets. He handed me one back and searched through some other packets for other things. I told the man that i needed the packets. He did not seem to understand. I knew that he was taking the packets because i had two of the same kind of packet, but he did not know that i had used the packets to write things on. I needed the notes, not the contents of the small square packets. I felt upset that he was not listening to me. Two women to the east of me were facing the man, and they seemed to be waiting for one of the packets. I thought that they had asked for something that i had, and the man had decided that i had two of the same kind, so he would swap one of them out for something different so that the women could have one of the packets that i had. It seemed logical, but i needed the notes on the packet, and i objected to the man, trying to get his attention. One of the women to the west of me was thin, with long dark hair. She seemed East Asian, and she stood patiently as the man looked at the packets. I grabbed for the packets that the man had, saying that i needed them. He did not seem to understand and was becoming annoyed with me. I told him that the packets had writing on them. I took the packet from the man and tried to show him. I opened up the packet, unfolding the larger sheet of paper. It had an image on the side of it. I remembered someone drawing the picture on it before, but i was looking for the writing that i had written in pencil. To my disappointment, the pencil seemed to have faded. I could barely see the writing in the square of the unfolding packet. I was upset. I could not read the writing. As i unfolded the large square of paper, though, i noticed a larger drawing on the inside. It was a drawing in black ink of a woman’s bust. She seemed to be a clown, and she had long green hair. She smiled. Her shirt had black and white decorations on it, and writing was across her upper chest and neck. The chef stood to the south of me, looking at the drawing. I was disappointed that i could not show him the notes, but i was interested in the picture. The writing on the neck was in cursive, and it was made with a thick wide-point ink pen. It said “looking for you”. I thought that the man from the acting troupe must have written the letter to me. He was showing interest in me. This made me feel good. I thought that he was very interesting, and i liked that he had drawn me a picture.

We were on our way out of the building, heading south, but we stopped when the other three men came in. Something was happening in this place. We had entered the building from the south, and we now seemed to be standing just inside the building. The corridor to the south had thick cement walls and was about two meters long. The three men turned to the east and headed toward a room, but the man with me said something, and the three men stopped and turned around. I felt a little uneasy, thinking that the people here were dangerous. A woman was with me as well, and she started questioning the three men. The people with me were soldiers or mercenaries. I did not seem to be one of them, but i was with them, and i knew that i would be protected here. The three men to the east all seemed to be East Asian. The young man on the northern side of the group had long black hair. Another man was older with similar black hair. They were mercenaries as well, but they seemed to be safe to be around. The woman wanted to make sure that these men were not the bad guys. The bad guys seemed to be somewhere to the southeast of us. I left the others and headed back to the south. I came outside, just to the south of the building. The land to the south of us seemed to be dry dessert. It was tan, with small rocks here and there. I seemed to be standing on a small porch of the building. The porch was cement, and it had a metal railing of round thick poles. A square cement archway was in the center of the southern side of the porch. It consisted of two cement walls with a ceiling on top. The cement was about a deci thick and around a meter and a half long north to south. I was standing just to the northeast of the gateway. I headed to the southwest, onto the land, but i quickly returned to the same position. I seemed to be looking for something, but i did not feel safe here. The woman was then to the west of me. She was standing just to the north of the archway. I chatted with her for a moment. One of the East Asian men then was to the north of me, in the doorway to the building. We were talking about this place. The man chatted with me in a friendly manner. I felt uneasy about something to the southeast, and i told the others of the threat that was there. I was not sure what it was. A man was then to the south of us, standing just to the south of the gate. The man with me moved quickly to block the northern entrance of the archway, which was only as wide as a doorway. He started questioning the new man. The woman with the gun stood to the west of the man with me, watching cautiously. The man near me questioned the new man, and then he made the new man turn around and face south. The man near me was going to search the newcomer. I watched over the man’s shoulders as he felt down the newcomer’s back. He then pulled down the newcomer’s pants roughly to halfway down the newcomer’s thighs. I wondered what he was searching for. The man put a small metal instrument under the newcomer, and i realized that he was doing a cavity search. I felt uncomfortable and looked to the southeast, across the dry land. A low stone rise was off to the southeast, running north to south-southwest. The man continued to insert the instrument into the newcomer’s anus. I joked about it, trying to make light of the event. I tried to move to the southeast to put a little more space between the two men and me, but i realized that the man’s left leg was pushed back to the northeast, as if he were bracing himself. It was blocking my motion to the southeast. I bumped it with my thigh but did not want to try to get around it. I did not seem to have enough room; i was now in the corner of the small porch area. I pushed down on the man’s leg, apologizing for bumping into it. As i touched the man’s leg, i could feel the solidity of his tense muscles. It seemed nice. I felt attracted to the man, but i still felt uncomfortable being here while he searched the newcomer. I tried not to watch. The man then turned around. It was time for the newcomer to search him. I thought that i should leave.

12019 December 11

I started playing the riff on the guitar. I was standing in the middle of a small room, facing west. I listened to the riff as i played, noticing the distorted guitar sound. It sounded like an old hard-rock song, but i was not sure what it was. The riff ran up and down a scale quickly, pausing on a few notes here and there. The song then transitioned to a part where i started playing chords. I was surprised that i was able to play the riff as well as i did. I had not been practicing in a while, so i thought that the notes would be clumsier than they were. I listened to the chord part, though, realizing that it did not south as good. I was not playing that part correctly. I tried to focus on the sound as i tried again. I looked at the blank white wall of the room to the south of me as i faced south. The wall seemed to have vertical pieces of molding that looked like square columns against the wall. Everything was painted white, and the molding blended in with the rest of the wall. A man was sitting to the east of me, and the guitar amp was on the floor to the southeast of me. Others were around the man to the east. I moved to the south as i thought about the music, walking through the doorway in the western side of the southern wall. The smaller room to the south was full of equipment, and a band was set up around the room. The drummer was in the southeastern corner, and i faced west as i started to play the riff again. Someone was standing to the east of me, watching me. When i reached the middle section of the song, i noticed that i was playing it much better now. It felt good to play music again. I then turned to the east. I felt different, more stressed. I had to get something from the east. My parents had said something to me. I felt uneasy as i stepped out of the house and stopped on the porch. The porch was a small area in the center of the eastern side of the old white farmhouse. It was a low platform with thin pillars that held up a small roof. I was watching myself move from the porch as i stood to the northeast of myself. I watched myself walk off of the porch and down the dirt drive or pathway. I was aware of a young child playing on the lawn to the south of me. Trees and undergrowth lined the southern edge of the yard. The main road seemed to come from the northwest and turn just to the north of the house, heading to the east from there. The dirt drive ran east-northeast until it met the road. This place seemed very rural, and no houses seemed to be around. A large tall tree stood to the north of me, on the edge of the road. I was then seeing things from my perspective as i turned around to face the small house again. A small wooden shed was to the south of me, at the back edge of the yard, about two meters from the tree line. It had been painted red, but the paint was worn and chipping. Something about this place made me feel very sad. I started heading to the east again, looking for something. The girl was playing near the shed, but she had stopped suddenly and stood in the doorway of the shed. I turned around and looked at the house to the west. I then looked toward the shed, seeing the girl in a dirty white dress standing hesitantly in the doorway. Something was out of place here. Something was not here that should have been here. The girl was watching me as though she did not know what to do. She then started moving to the house. I thought that she was trying to get to safety. I wondered if i should tell my parents that something was wrong. I felt uncertain and unhappy here.

I looked to the east, around the yard that was to the east of the house. The grass seemed very green, and the yard was long and cone shaped. Thick vegetation grew among the tall trees on the northern side of the yard, which was very close to me. A large tree with curved overhanging branches stood just inside the yard, to the north of me. Square wooden stakes stood up about a meter from the ground at regular intervals running to the east. They seemed to form the northern side of a garden bed. Someone was doing something on the lawn to the east. The man moved back and forth, as though he was cutting the lawn. He seemed familiar, and i thought that he was someone from $G4. He was tall and skinny and was not wearing a shirt. I watched him as he moved back and forth along the northern side of the lawn. I then started to feel bad because i was not helping with the lawn work. I moved to the east, into the house, thinking that i was supposed to be inside. I was not supposed to be doing anything in the yard, but i felt bad that i was not doing the work. I reclined on the wooden floor of the room that i was now in. The man to the east of me turned back to the west and started walking toward me along the northern side of the yard. I tried to slide lower on the floor so that he would not be able to see me. I seemed to be on the second floor of the house. The eastern end of the room was open to the outside, so he would be able to see me, but he was not looking for me. I tried to remain still, thinking that he might not notice that i was there as he passed. I stayed still as he moved to the south, across the lawn. I wondered if the man would notice me. He did not seem to. He turned back to the east and then headed north again. I felt anxious here. I stood up and headed to the west, thinking that i had to do something.

12019 December 12

I was at the event with $G3. People were around the house that i was in, and i headed east along the southern side of the building. As i passed through a doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall and entered into a long rectangular room, which expanded to the north, i saw $A185 just inside the door. The room seemed to be a shower room, and he was standing just to the north of a gray slate wall that extended from the northern trim of the door. He seemed to be in the shower, but he was fully clothed in what appeared to be a leather jacket. I smiled and said hello to him, and he smiled and replied. The jacket he was wearing was actually a varsity jacket form $P7. He was facing east, even though his head was looking to the south, facing me. I noticed that the large patch on the back of his dull-black jacket had been torn off, leaving an outline of stitching and nappy fabric. I asked what had happened to the letters on his jacket, and he said that he had caught it on something. I remembered having a similar jacket. I moved to the east of him, and i noticed that he had bright white flecks on his jacket. I pointed them out and tried to brush a few off. He said that $A765 had brushed against something, which was supposed to explain where the white flecks had come from. I thought that he had brushed against a wall. I continued chatting to him as i moved to the eastern side of the room, which now seemed like a bedroom. I was talking to $A532, who was now reclined on an army-green cot in the middle of the room, to the northwest of me. $A532 then told me that $A789 was not well. I said something about him, remembering when i had last seen him. I spoke in a quiet voice, thinking that i did not want others to know about $A789. Our conversation seemed to be about a private matter. I was then aware of a person to the east of me. I turned to see someone sleeping on the bunk that hung from the eastern wall. I turned back to $A532, not sure what to say. I felt concerned about $A789. I then crouched down and started petting the cat, which was to the west of me. The cat had long hair and seemed like $X24. I thought that i should be careful, because i knew that she did not like to be pet. I had a cheese grater on the end of my hand, and i was rubbing the cat’s back gently with it. The cat seemed to like the feeling. The other man stood to the west of me, watching. I had to wash the cat, but i did not want to disturb it. By using the grater, i was able to wash soap into the cat’s fur. I then moved the grater down, wondering if i could wash the cat’s belly as well. The cat did not like this and ran off to the north. I stood up, thinking that the cat should now be mostly covered with soap. I would have to catch it as find some way to get it to stay under a shower so that i could rinse it off.

12019 December 14

I headed toward the entrance to the building, which was to the north-northeast of me. The building faced south, and it seemed to be a large modern brick building. People were working on the building near the entrance. I knew some of these construction workers, but i was not a part of this crew. I felt a little uneasy being here, because i would not be helping the others work on the building. Many people seemed to be working around the entrance. A crude wood frame seemed to be on the front of the building, and sheets of clear plastic were hung over parts of it. I said something to some of the workers as they greeted me. I felt awkward and thought that i should head into the building. One of the men to the east of me mentioned that i was sick. I did not think that i was sick. I was supposed to visit the people inside the building. Somehow, the people i was supposed to talk to seemed more privileged than the people here. I did not feel comfortable as i thought about being with them, but i really did not want to work on the building. I headed to the north, into the main hallway of the building. I thought that the others were in a room to the northwest of me. They seemed unaware that others were doing work for them, and i felt uncomfortable with the disparity. I walked into the room to talk to them, feeling that i had to be here. I was worried that something was going to happen, though. I did not feel that i really belonged with these people. I stood quietly as some of them talked to the north of me. They were sitting in the room on couches. Something about this place seemed like $A42’s house. I thought that he would be here with several other people i knew. $F7 walked from the west and passed to the north of me. He turned his head to look at me as he passed, smiling tightly and nodding. I felt tense here, thinking that we had to leave this area before the thing happened. I felt that the people would be coming from the south, and i thought that we would have to escape. I headed to the north as the others talked. I came out on the eastern side of the building, which seemed like $P7. It was dark. A sporting event seemed to have been taking place in the yard near the building, but the people who were sitting in the bleachers on the northern side of the field seemed to be leaving. I headed south, along the western end of the bleachers. Several spectators walked to the west past me. The bleachers were about five meters from a tall mound of dirt, which ran east to west. I thought that the sporting field was on the other side of the mound. I could not see what was happening on the field, but the spectators in the stands would have a better view. As i walked to the east along the mound, the area seemed dark and quiet. The people had all gone. I looked at the slope of the mound. I remembered climbing the dirt before. I had climbed somewhere to the west of where i was now. I turned around and headed back to the west, not interested in what was on the sporting field. The hill seemed much more developed now, and i thought that it would be harder to climb because the dirt slope was almost vertical. I wanted to see the athletes on the field, and i imagined that they were part of a football team. I looked for places to climb up the northern slope of the mound to see. I then noticed some square platforms on the side of the slope to the southwest of me. I moved to them, seeing that i could steep on them like stairs. The wall was lower in this area. I stepped on to a few of the pale square boards and started climbing. Before i could fully see over the wall, i saw a man standing just to the south of me. He had just come out of the pool and was standing near the low section of the mound. He wore a thin swimming suit and a swim cap. He was short, with a wide torso. The sports event had been over, but the man was still practicing in the pool. A few others seemed to be on the western end of the pool, but i could not see them. I stepped back as the man noticed me. I did not want to make it seem that i was trying to climb over the wall. He turned and moved to the west. I felt interested in what they were doing and wanted to see the swimmers in the pool, but i turned to the west and headed back along the wall. I thought that i should get back to the others. I still felt that we had to be careful in this area. Someone was still coming, and we had to escape. I headed toward the gap in the building, where an alley seemed to pass between the tall plain buildings to the north and south. I thought that the building to the south was $P7, and the building to the north was the house that i had been in. The crowd had mostly left the area, but people were still crowding through the alley, trying to move to the west. As i reached the eastern end of the alley, i noticed that the people crowding the area were actually students. They had not come from the stadium seating but were coming out of doorways in the two buildings. The doorways were on the eastern ends of the walls facing the alley. The students from the southern doorway wore blue jackets, and the students from the northern doorway wore red jackets. I realized that these were people from two different schools. The people from the south were from the women’s school, and the people from the north were from the men’s school. They were high-school students. I then realized that neither of the two buildings were the house that i had come from. The building to the north was actually $P7. I was in the wrong area. I turned to the north, thinking that the house i had come from was to the north of $P7. As i headed to the north, between the building and the bleachers to the east, i suddenly realized that the group of people i had been with was no longer gathered near the western end of the stands. I wondered where they had gone. I then realized that i had wandered off, and i wondered if they were looking for me. I would have to get back together with them, but i was not sure where they had gone. I turned to the west and walked down a corridor on the northern side of the building, which now seemed like the house that i had been in. Some of the spectators were still moving around the area. I thought that the people i had been with should be nearby somewhere. I decided that i should text them. I looked at the large pad in my left hand and tried to type out a text on it. I turned to the south, heading down a corridor that ran into the building. The corridor opened into a wide room, where a few people were standing around. They were not the people i was looking for. I looked at the pad as i tried to text. Something was on top of the screen. I realized that it was some kind of white sticker, and i tried to peel it off. The screen must have been new. This seemed strange. I moved into a small group of people as i turned to the east, trying to text my friends to see where they had gone.

12019 December 16

I was working on the newspaper article with the other person. We had to reprint the large article on the page of print that we were doing, and i thought that the original newspaper article would have to be inset into the article that we were working on. I moved the box with the old article in it around on the page. I thought that we should set the old article apart in some way, and i thought that maybe it would look good set in red type. I could see the box now with a light red background. The other person was standing to the southeast of me, and i asked him how we should do it. I liked the idea of red, but i was not sure that it looked quite right. We were in a small square office, which had a square table in the center of it. The table was just to the south of me. I put the newspaper on the table and turned to the west, talking to the other person about the paper. I was walking down the snow-covered road. The ground on either side of the road was covered with a thin layer of newly fallen white snow, and the sky seemed dark. I talked to the other person about the paper. I then tuned to the south again, now standing on the western side of the table. I said that i thought that the paper looked good.

12019 December 17

I was at the festival in downtown Albany with several other people. The other people seemed to be $G4, and $F58 and $F57 were with me. It felt good to be here. I moved through the crowd, not quite sure what i should be doing. I felt a little lost here, but i liked this place. We seemed to be looking for some other people in the crowd. I was on the southern side of the area, and i headed to the east, coming out to the terraces that descended to the east on the southeastern corner of the area. The terraces seemed to be part of the front lawn of the capitol building in Albany. I stopped in the middle of a small square terrace, which had short plants growing around the edges. The plants along the northern edge had yellow flowers. I moved to the eastern edge of the terrace and looked down the slope of the hill, seeing two more similar terraces below me. People seemed to be selling or showing off their wares on the terraces. A large crowd seemed to be to the north, enjoying the festival. I thought that we had to do something to find the others, but the others with me seemed indecisive. I felt annoyed, and i headed to the west to look for the others. I was now in the back corridor of the old building. I turned o the east, looking down the corridor. The corridor seemed to be on the southern side of an old factory building. The cement building was worn and dirty. The southern wall of the corridor was uneven, as if composed of several structures. The ground was packed dirt and covered with litter and debris. I remembered being in the corridor before. We had come through this place on our way here. The others talked about heading back, but i thought that we had to do something. I wandered to the west. I felt mischievous, and i wanted to do something. I walked down the cement corridor, carrying the large rubber object over my shoulders. The object was shaped like a wishbone, and i t was made of a heavy dark rubber. I had the long ends of the object draped over my shoulders. I felt that i should not be taking the rubber thing with me, but i seemed to be taking it as a prank. I turned to the north. The building to the north of me had ended, and a tall chain-link fence ran west from the southwestern end of the building. Most of the fence had black boards covering the chains, but a gate in the eastern end of the fence, about a meter from the building, had thin vertical pieces of green plastic in the links. I could hear the crowd on the northern side of the fence. I knew that the musical bands would be just to the northwest of me, on the other side of the fence. I pushed against the gate, but i realized that people were now standing against it. The area had been empty when we had come through before. I thought that the people here might be security guards and that they might be preventing people from walking through the gate and entering the area to the side of the stage. I thought that it might be a backstage area. I walked to the gate again and pushed, thinking that people would move out of the way. When i walked through the fence, the area to then north of the fence was empty. A small crowd as to the west, in front of the small stage, but the area to the west of the old cement building had only a few people standing around the edges. A small tent or pavilion was to the west of the building, to the northwest of me. It formed a narrow corridor between the building and itself. I walked to the western side of the tent, wondering what to do. I felt confused. I then realized that i was actually in a backstage area. The performers were moving around to the southwest of me. A man then moved from the west of me to the north of me. I had not been paying attention to people around me, but i looked up when he stepped to the north of me. I recognized him as a famous guitar player. He smiled and said something to me. I greeted him and responded. It felt good to meet the man. He had brown skin and short black hair with gray flecks. It seemed natural for me to be hanging out with the musicians. The man then headed to the northeast, and i looked around the crowd near me. I was looking for someone. I then wondered if i would run into $F7 and $F18 here. I had missed them and wanted to see them. Both of them then walked from the west, passing to the north of me. It was good to see them, but i felt strange here. Something seemed out of place, and i had something to do.

12019 December 22

I moved to the east with the others, heading down the rocky streambed. Cliffs seemed to be to the north and south of us. The brown cliffs of layered rocks seemed to be only a few meters tall, and the stream had bare flat rocks on both sides. I looked at the large flat brown rocks under me as i walked. Something about this area seemed very nice. The person with me then pointed out the room to the south. I looked to the southeast, noticing the square opening in the cliff wall to the south of the man, who was to the east of me. The man sounded excited about the place, and i knew that it was something special. I moved to the east and looked into the small cubical room. I could see a low cushioned stool on the ground just inside the room, on the western side. It looked like a square ottoman. It had a red book on top of it, and both the book and the stool were under water. I wondered if the water had flooded this place, but then i thought that the place must have been designed with the water. I moved into the center of the square entrance. The opening was about two meters square, and the walls of the room ran directly back from the opening. The room seemed wider to the south, and i realized that this place was a library. I felt excited to see it. I had been traveling with the other people, who were very good friends of mine. I thought that we had been traveling across the country. I was very happy to be here with these people, and i enjoyed seeing all of the special things that we had seen. I turned to the east and continued walking down the street. My three friends were to the northeast of me, and i felt very good being with them.

I moved through the small area with $F4. I had been traveling with him, and it felt very good to be with him. I turned to the east and headed down the brown street.

I started watching the television show on the screen to the north of me. The scene was dark, and it looked like the inside of an old temple. Two people started talking, and the camera passed them so that their shadowed figures moved off to the right of the screen. I thought that this might be an episode of Star Trek, but i did not recognize it. I had been watching an old series, and i thought that this must have been one of the later episodes, which i had not seen. Something about it did seem to be science fiction, but i was not really sure what i was watching. I wondered if it was from the Star Wars universe, but then i noticed the details of the tan wall as the camera moved to the right along it. The wall could have been from the Star Wars universe, but it looked more like a set design in the style of the modern Star Trek: Enterprise series. I could not be sure, though. The camera then turned away from the wall, showing the large eastern wall of the room. He wall was covered with vertical stelas that had what looked like Egyptian carvings. Tall thin figures faced right: one on the left side of the wall and a few in the center. Smaller carvings ran vertically down the wall. These looked familiar, and i thought that they were from the modern shows that i had been watching.

12019 December 23

I stood on the southern side of the large room, which was full of people. We were here for an event that featured different types of wine. I stood to the east of the round table, a goblet of white wine in my left hand. A woman stood to the northwest of the table. I chatted with her as the male waiter approached from the north and said something to us. I picked up the carafe of wine from the table and poured it into the bottle, which as sitting on the table just to the northwest of where the carafe had been. As i poured, i realized that this was a red wine, and i could not taste some of it before i finished the white wine that we had been drinking. I spilled some of the red wine that i was pouring. It dribbled down the side of the bottle. I then realized that i should not have been pouring the wine from the carafe into the bottle. I placed the empty carafe back down on the table, thinking that i should have poured the bottle into the carafe. The waiter, who was still standing to the north of me, said that the wine was “pino”. He was saying that it was a pino noir. I thanked the waiter, noticing that he was wearing a tuxedo. He seemed insistent about something, and i thought that he wanted the bottle of wine. I sipped the wine in my glass, realizing that i was drinking the red wine. It seemed strange that i had the red wine in my glass. I wondered what happened to the white wine. I put the bottle of red wine on the counter to the south of me and walked to the northeast to talk to the woman. I asked her where the white wine had gone. She laughed and said something to me. She seemed very drunk. I thought that she must have finished the white wine. I headed back to the southwest, to where i had been standing. I stopped by the counter and looked for the bottle of red wine, but i could not find it. I felt surprised, and i looked around the counter, moving the black wool coat from side to side. I felt disappointed that i could not find the bottle. I then felt uneasy, thinking that i was probably not supposed to take the bottle with s. It was not really our bottle of wine. We were supposed to be tasting the wines here, so i was only supposed to pour out a glass. I felt embarrassed, thinking that the waiter must have been annoyed with us for holding on to the bottle. I left the place and headed to the south, down the city street. I then turned to the east and walked along the northern sidewalk of the city street.

I walked to the north, heading underneath the old structure, which seemed like an old boathouse. I had come through the old building, which seemed like an old cement warehouse or storage facility that had been long abandoned. I remembered this place from before. Everything was run down. The place where i was now seemed like a boardwalk on a lake. I could see some leafless tree branches to the north, but i thought that the lake was to the north of this place. I said something to the people who were walking with, wondering if i should tell them what this place had been like when i was here. The floor was covered with old planks, which seemed to form a dock. Tall thin beams held up a tin roof, which was high overhead. Small buildings were on the southern side of the building. I asked the person walking to the west of me about the roof, remembering that it had been refinished. The person said something, and i thought that they had not done anything with the tin roof. I looked to the southwest, seeing the old run down building at the corner of the large building that i was in. I remembered that the building was a house. It had been redone so that it looked new and well maintained, but the house in front of me was still run down. The tin roof coming off the house was rusty, and a piece of tin was hanging oven the northeastern corner of the building. The paint on the building had worn off, and the wood looked weatherworn. Nothing had been changed on the building, though i remembered that it had been remodeled. The tin roof should have been connected to the overhanding roof of the large building that we were in. I told the woman to the west of me that this house existed in two parallel times. I told her that, in the parallel time, a Swedish family owned the house. I said that they had updated it and made it look nice. I thought of $F10’s family as i said this. I then realized that i did not want to stress how nice it was in the other time, because it would imply that it was not nice in this time. I knew that it was messy and falling down now, but i did not want to insult the people here by making too big a deal out of the comparison. I walked to the east a little, down the length of the large building. Other small cottages were along the southern side of the large boathouse. I looked at the small white one directly to the south of me. It looked like a trailer home, with graying white siding and an oddly fitting screen door on the eastern side of the northern face. The house was two stories, and i realized that it was where $A644 lived. The two-story house reached up to the roofline of the pavilion that i was under. I turned back to the north, noticing that a smaller version of the house was to the north of me. I thought that the houses were somehow connected by the structure above me. The other houses that were along the length of the pavilion would be the same. I turned to the northwest, now moving from the northwestern corner of the pavilion. The lake was just to the north of me. Dark leafless trees stood just to the north of the pavilion, in the shallow water, but a beach of gray muddy sand was just to the northwest of me. It was a small curved beach that was between the trees and leafless shrubs to the east and the mound of dry field grass to the west. I remembered this lake from before, and i thought that i was really back in time here. I flew to the northwest, heading out over the water. I seemed to be moving slowly. Something about this time seemed haunting. The colors of the lake were gray and dull. As i passed the trees to the east and came out over the open water, i noticed a group of people along the eastern shore of the lake. Teenagers were floating on the water in inner tubes. Fifteen to twenty people were floating in the shallow water along the eastern shore, where another sandy beach seemed to run between two taller mounds of dirt, which were both topped with dry dark grass. I remembered the young people who used to come to this place, and i was interested in them. They wore denim shorts, and they seemed to be from the late seventies or early eighties. I remembered when this place was nice. I turned my attention back to the northwest and tried to fly faster. The young people were watching me fly, and i thought that i could impress them if i flew faster. I then realized that i was flying very low, so i thought about moving upward. I speeded up and lifted into the air. The land to the northwest of me seemed to be mostly flat with a few tall narrow rocky hills. The colors of the land now seemed to be tinted with hues of pale orange and red.

I walked to the north, into the old building, which seemed to be my grandfather’s cottage. I stopped in the middle of the kitchen, thinking that i had something to do. I was back in time, and i had been in this house. I felt uncomfortable, though, because i knew that my grandfather no longer owned this place. Then again, i was back in time, so he did own it, but i was not the person that i used to be, so i would be out of place here. I heard people to the southwest of me, and a few people walked to the east, past the large windows in the southern wall. One of the people seemed to be my father’s mother, and the person following her was a younger woman. I did not want them to think that i was invading this place, so i turned to the south on the eastern end of the room and hurriedly tried to clean up. I had been doing something in the room. I closed the cabinet doors, pushing some of the boxes back into the cabinet. I wanted to make the place clean before the people came into the house. My father’s mother would want the kitchen clean, so i thought that i should make it look presentable. I then heard the car to the north of the house. I moved a little to the east, stepping out of the kitchen and into the hallway of the cottage. I could see the old station wagon backing up to the northern side of the house through a screen door in the back wall. My grandfather must want to unload the car as close to the cottage as possible. My grandfather then entered the house from the north with a few other people, and i greeted them. I felt a little awkward here, but i stayed in the middle of the room and said hello. Some children were running around to the east of me, in the living room. They ran to the north, laughing about something as they played. My grandfather knelt down to the north of one of the children and said something to one of the children, who stopped just to the east of me. I then realized that the young boy that my grandfather was talking to was my father. I was still back in time. I looked at the side of the boy’s face, noticing my father’s features in the child. I mentioned my father’s name, referring to the boy. The woman to the south of me seemed surprised that i knew the boy’s name. I then noticed the other boy to the northeast of the first. The second boy had fuzzy hair and seemed to be around ten, older than he had seemed a moment before. I realized that he must be $K24. He wore a dull wool sweater and shorts. He seemed older that i had expected. I was standing in the kitchen again as the boys ran around to the east of me. I was interested in talking to $K24, but i knew that i should not interfere in this timeline.

12019 December 24

I was a room on the northern side of $P19. The room seemed to be the dining room. I walked to the west, through the area, passing the people who were gathered there. $G3 seemed to have been gathered for a dinner or event, but they were now chatting with one another. A man to the southeast of me asked me when the dining room would be refinished. I turned toward him and commented that it should be done soon, but i then told him that he would have to ask the treasurer to be certain. I thought that the treasurer might have a better idea when the project could be completed. After i said this, i realized that i was no longer and officer in this place. I thought that i probably should not have said anything about the project. I told the person that the dining room was supposed to have been done last summer but that the broken pipe caused us to do another project instead. This was factual information that i did know about and on which i could comment. I turned back to the west and started heading toward the doorway in the northern end of the western wall of the room. A man was standing in the doorway, and he greeted me with a smile and a question about the building. I recognized him and felt good talking to him. He was shorter than i was, and he had short bushy black hair that came down over his ears. He seemed East Asian, and he wore a tan T-shirt. I then noticed that he had a pronounced chest under his shirt; he looked nicely muscled. He faced northeast as he spoke to me, and i noticed that, even though he had large chest muscles, his arms were very thin. This seemed like a strange disparity. I chatted with him, interested in talking to him.

12019 December 26

We hurried through the forested area, heading to the south. Some people seemed to be mad at us for invading their territory, but i knew that we had no other place to go. We had no other choice but to travel through this area, and i thought that we should hurry to the south to get out of this area. I said something to the woman, who was standing to the northwest of me. A tree to the north of us then blew up. The others had started destroying the area to keep us out. I then remembered that the commander of the other people had told someone to destroy the entire area. I told the woman that we would have to hurry, and i headed quickly to the south. I wondered if any of our people were to the north, where the tree had blown up. We came to a clearing. I could see the large gap of the gorge to the south of us. I knew that it was dangerous here. I thought that the people would blow up the rocks and collapse the gorge. We did not want to be around it. I told the others that they would have to hurry. I worried that they would be caught in the blast. Out of the corner of my eyes, i saw the green forested hill to the north of us burst into gray smoke. The others had blown up the trees where we had been. I hoped that all of our people were out of the area. I ran to the south, toward the gorge. I then realized that a tall chain-link fence separated us from the gorge. The stone around the edge of the gorge was pale gray. It looked like shale, but it had a smooth unbroken texture. I realized that a tan thin bridge stretched across the gorge just to the southeast of us. I was then struck by the realization that many walls and bridges ran across the land on the southern side of the gorge. This place still seemed to be inhabited. The dark chain-link fences ran along the upper edges of the walls and bridges. The tangle of crossing bridges and walls seemed to be designed to keep people out. I was surprised that such structures still stood. The world had been destroyed, and only a few survivors seemed to be around. Most of the survivors seemed to be roving bands of humans. I thought that the zombies would be roving around the world, so it seemed strange to see human construction still in use. I wondered if we could make it across one of the bridges before the others came after us. I then thought that it would not be safe to cross the bridge while the others were blowing things up. I still thought that they would destroy the areas along the sides of the gorge to keep others out. The gray stone along the southern rim of the deep gorge then erupted. The erupting crack raced along the eastern end of the gorge, just under the long bridge. The land near us then collapsed into the gorge. I turned to the east and ran across the open area of the rocks. The tall fencing blocked the eastern area, but a gate was in the fence, and a few guards were standing near the gate. I ran with a few others toward the gate, thinking that we could overwhelm the guards. I reached the gate quickly, but there was no one to offer resistance. I thought that we had to make it through the gate and out of the area before the others could detonate any more land. As i came inside the gate, i realized that the lawn inside was nicely mowed. So many of the structures here seemed to be new. The zombies must not have been in this area. This surprised me. I continued walking to the east, down the wide paved drive. The buildings to the north of me were in good condition and had obviously been maintained. They seemed to be part of a college. I recognized the pale-tan building to the north of me. I remembered if from somewhere before, though i was not sure from where. It was on the western side of the campus, next to the fence. Dark bushes and trees ran along the inside of the fence between the building and the fence. The building had dark metal beams that were exposed in horizontal lines along the building. I could not remember where i had seen the building before. I continued to the east, into the campus area. This place seemed very clean and modern, and i wondered how this place had survived. It was surprising to see it so well taken care of. People moved around the area, but they did not seem to notice that i was an outsider. I followed the asphalt drive to the east, but it curved suddenly to the north. The road seemed to be part of a highway. I was inside a vehicle as i drove along the northern edge of the lane, following the tight curve and it turned to the north and then back to the west. As it came to the west, it entered the lower level of a building. I stopped suddenly, looking at the large white garage doors to the west of me. I felt nervous, thinking that i would now stand out. I did not think that i had the correct passcodes to enter the building. I reached for the garage-door opener that was attached to the visor on the passenger’s side of the car. I knew that the remote was for my garage door, but i wondered if it would work here. I was afraid that they would discover that i did not belong here and arrest me. I pressed the button, and the white garage door to the west of me opened. I was surprised that the remote worked, but i headed to the west, walking down the corridor of the building. I walked quickly, not sure what i would run into. A few people passed me, but they did not seem to notice that i did not belong here. I felt nervous, but i continued, thinking that i had to get back to the western side of the area and escape this place and get back to someplace safe before we were captured. The corridor was not well lighted, but i could see that it was clean and well kept. We came to an area where the corridor opened to the south into a small room. Old radio equipment was on a black laboratory counter along the southern wall. A row of square columns continued where the southern wall of the corridor would have been on the northern side of the room. The columns were covered with simple wood paneling. Small wood tables were arranged in the room, which now looked like a small cafeteria. Doors were in the southern wall, and they had windows in the upper halfs. The rooms to the south seemed empty, and the lights were off, but light from outside windows lighted a few of the features in the room. I thought that we had to get to the west to get out of the building, but we had taken a wrong turn before and ended up in a dead-end area. We were now able to head back down the corridor. $F71 was with me as we stopped on the eastern end of the cafeteria area. No one was around, and the lights were low in the room. Some people then came from the south. They wore white lab coats. One of the men told $F71 to staple something together. I saw the documents on the table to the west of us. I told $F71 that he should do what they said. I continued to the west, down the northern edge of the room. The two men in the lab coats passed us and continued to the west. I was unsure what i should do. I noticed the white round table to the west of me. It had black symbols painted on the surface in crude strokes. The main symbol seemed to be a pentagram, but the smaller symbols were pictures of people and places. I headed to the southwest, noticing a set of double doors in the western end of the southern wall. They seemed to lead outside. I felt relieved that i had reached them. We had to get out of this place and back to where we had come from.

12019 December 28

I was with the others in an area that seemed like the Engineering Quad. We had been at a lecture. I chatted with some of the other people in the open room on the northern side of the building, which seemed to be on the southern edge of the quadrangle. It felt good to be with these people. The room that i was in was oddly shaped, with thick objects projecting from the northern and southern walls. Some people were in the southwestern part of the room, but i was standing in the center of the northern side, facing southeast and looking at the people who were sitting around a table. The table was rectangular and had a thick dark-gray top that looking like the surface of a laboratory table. We had been gathered for some kind of conference or event. A few other people were just to the east of me, chatting with me. A man then approached from the southwest and told us about something. Something was happening outside, and everyone felt uneasy. I looked to the north. I now seemed to be outside the building, and a road ran east to west just to the north of me. The sky was gray and it seemed chilly outside. I realized that something was wrong, and i thought that we should get to someplace safe. The others to the south and southeast of me were moving around quickly now with a sense of urgency. I looked to the southwest. The sky there was dark, with a dark gray cloud blotting out the view. It looked like a heavy storm approaching, but i knew that it was something else. I would have to head to the north, to get to my house. The others would head to places for shelter. A man was standing to the east of me. He seemed familiar. He seemed to be East Asian. I told him that he could come to my house for safety with some others if they needed a place to hide out. I thought that it would be good to spend time with the man, but i knew that something was going to happen, and we had to get to a safe place.

I sat in the cushioned chair of the audience, facing east. I was in the second or third row from the front, on the northern side of the central aisle of the theater. A video was playing on the wall to the east of us. The people with me were sitting to the north of me in the same row. We had come to this conference for a few days, and it seemed that we were near the end of the showing. I watched the scene of the video for a moment. A man was speaking on the screen. I then realized that it was getting late in the morning, and i realized that we would still have to check out of our hotel room. I knew that we had things in the room that we would have to collect. I wondered if we were supposed to get them by now. $A540 was sitting two seats to the north of me. I asked her what time we were supposed to check out of our rooms. She looked surprised, realizing that we should have checked out already. I looked at the small screen that was on the back of the seat in front of me. The seats now looked like airline seats. The time at the bottom of the screen said 11:58. It was just before noon. The person just to the north of me asked about the checkout time. I said that it was noon, so we should have checked out already. I then noticed that the time on the screen on the seat in front of the person to the north of me said that it was a few minutes after noon. I looked up at the screen on the eastern wall of the room. A man was on the northern side of the screen, facing south. We could see only the man’s face. I wondered if we should leave before the movie was over. I thought that it was near the end of the movie. I felt annoyed that we had not thought about the room before.

12019 December 29

I walked up the slope toward the road. The road was to the north of me, and i was heading northeast, toward my car, which was parked on the southern side of the street, facing east. The others were following me. We had been doing something, but the others now had to be somewhere. I remembered the place where we had stayed last night, and i thought that the others would have to go somewhere else tonight. I knew that my house was close to here, but it seemed that the others would not be staying with me. This seemed strange. I knew that they would be headed to my place, but it seemed that they would have to go back to the other place to spend the night. I mentioned this to someone, saying that this seemed strange. As i reached my car, some of the others moved around me, passing on the southern and northern sides of the car. Something seemed strange. I opened the car door on the southern side of the car, which now seemed to be facing west. I thought that it would be easier for the others to stay here. I then thought about the long distance that we would have to travel. I thought that we would have to take the others to the west, across the ocean. I then thought about making the trip. I would have to fly a long distance across the Atlantic Ocean. I would not be taking an airplane, so i would have fly by myself. I was not sure that i could make such a long trip. It seemed that it would take a week or so to traverse the ocean, so i thought that it would be too dangerous to make it in one flight. I decided that i would have to follow the land around the northern rim of the Atlantic Ocean to get back to America. I thought about the trip, seeing the map in front of me, as though i were looking down at it. I could see continental Europe. A line was drawn from somewhere in southeastern France or northwestern Italy to the English Channel. I was very far south, so i would have to fly to England in order to start on the trips across the ocean, from landmass to landmass. I thought that i would head for Paris, thinking that it would be close to England. I could then start flying from Ireland to Iceland. I would have to see how long that trip took before i decided how far to travel in a day. I could rest on the landmasses. I thought that i could show my passport at the ports, as if i had traveled by boat. I continued to think about this trip.

12019 December 30

Many people were gathered in the back yard of my parents’ farmhouse. The lawn was very large, and people were clustered into small groups as they talked and did things on the green grass. I moved around the western side of the area, feeling a little uncomfortable. I had to do something here. I walked to the east, passing to the south of most of the people. I stopped in the middle of the yard, just to the south of a table where two people were playing chess. Both of the men sat on the northern side of the table, at opposite ends. The man on the western end was $A56. He nodded to me as i passed. He seemed to be in the shadow of the house, which was to the south of me. I headed to the north, moving around the lawn. I felt that i had to do work, but i did not want to interrupt the people here. I moved to the north, again moving along the western side of the large lawn. I felt that i should be mowing the lawn, but i did not want to disturb all of the people here. I started walking to the east, along the northern edge of the lawn. I could see the narrow lawn that ran along the eastern side of the house. I then realized that i could start mowing the front lawn. I knew that it was a fairly big lawn, so it would take me a while to mow it. I thought that the people would hear me mowing and might realized that the back lawn needed to be mowed as well. I thought that someone else might actually mow the back lawn by the time i finished with the front and side lawns. I headed toward the house, moving south along the eastern side of the area. I was now in a large open room, with many tables for the people to gather around. The large room was on the northern side of the house, and the people had been gathered in the room for the banquet. The walls of the room seemed to be off white, with a pinkish or yellowing hue, and they seemed to have a bubbled texture that made them look like satin with strings of pearls draped over them. I walked along the eastern side of the room, carrying something with me. I had to get ready to do something. I walked through a wide doorway and came into another room of the house. This room was one step up from the large room. Several people were gathered in this small room as well. The room had a polished wood floor, and a large aqua-green sofa was in the center, facing north. I had to change my clothes so that i could mow the lawn, but i did not want to do it in such a public area. I carried my clothes in my left hand as i passed the eastern end of the sofa and continued to a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. As i walked through the doorway, i realized that i was heading into a room that i had not yet been in. This house seemed to belong to a society, which i thought was Sigma Chi. We had been using the building for something. I looked around the room to the south. This room seemed very formal. A fireplace was in the eastern wall, just inside the doorway. It had a finely made wood mantle, with thin strips of raised decorative wood. A small area in the southeastern corner had old decorative furnishings, and the entire area was pale aqua green. The small sofa had a curved back that arched between the armrests. The armrests arced outward from the center of the couch a little, and they were covered with the same green and white cloth as the rest of the sofa. The cloth had an aqua-green background, with thin white patters that seemed floral, with trefoils or paisley patters in it. To the north of the couch was a polished wood end table, which had tall thin silver containers on it. The three or four round containers looked like something that would be part of a table setting for dinner. The tops of the tall round containers were made of silver that had been formed into domed buds with a ring around the side. I noticed a man standing just to the west of the sofa, doing something in the room, he was picking up something to the west of him, but he stopped and looked at me as i came into the room. I wondered if he was one of the caretakers of this place that we were renting. This room seemed like something special, and i thought that it must be one of the ceremony rooms of the society. I thought that the couch was probably the old smoking area where the members would sit around and smoke after dinner. I turned to the west and walked along the southern side of the room. I saw a large couch facing south along the northern wall, and i dropped the bundle of clothing that i had been carrying on the eastern end of the couch. Several people were in this southern room, but i had to change my clothes. I wondered if i could just change my clothes in the middle of the room. I would have to strip down to my underwear, but i did not think that it was that indecent. I wondered if the others would mind. Looking up to the north, i could see out across the large ballroom that i had come from. This room was not that private. $A157 was then to the north of me. She smiled and said something. It was good to see her again.