12020 December 01

I held the small object in my hands as i faced north, listening to the others. The man to the east told the others that they would have to turn off their electronic equipment. He seemed to be a teacher, and he was instructing a small group of people. I was not part of the class, but i knew that the object i had would create a radio signal that the man would detect. I pressed some buttons on the top of the object. The buttons looked like roll wheels. The two rectangular surfaces that were exposed on the surface of the top of the white box were parallel to each other. They were about a half centimeter wide, two centimeters long, and about five centimeters apart. I had set some dials on the front of the box, and i had to press the dials to engage the code. I knew that i had to enter “8866” on the machine. I turned toward the man, now on the southern side of the room. I wondered if he was picking up the signal from the code that i was sending. Something seemed wrong, though. He looked down at his laptop, which was to the west of him, and he told the two or three people who were standing in front of him that he could see that they did not all have their equipment turned off. I thought that my signal was not quite getting out, though. I felt concerned about this. I turned back to the north, looking at the white box. It had rounded corners and two dials on the front side. I looked at the dials, which seemed like dials on a stove: round dials with a thin ridge that spanned the lower disk. I thought that the dials registered every other number, but i realized that this would be okay, because the code that i was trying to type had only even numbers in it. I tried to set the dials again to send out “8866”. I then noticed a small tab on the ridge on the top of each dial. The tab leaver was near the bottom of the ridge, along the disk. It might control part of the numbers. I wanted this to work.

12020 December 03

I was in the vehicle with the other people, heading east down the road in the rural area. I was near the front of the vehicle, which seemed like a bus. The road sloped down slightly as it stretched to the east. The land on both sides was covered with dry brown corn. I was driving the bus, and i remembered that i had had trouble trying to slow down the car. I reached for the brake with my right foot, trying to slow down the bus to see if i could. I could feel a small pedal in the center of the gas pedal. I pictured it as a small square metal pedal with rounded vertical grooves. I put my foot under the pedal and pulled up, trying to see if it would slow the bus. The bus lurched to the south. The people behind me gasped. I looked up to the front of the bus to see tall corn stalks filling up the window. We had swerved off the southern side of the road, and we were now skidding through the corn filed. I grabbed the wheel and tried to get control of the bus. I thought that we were simply driving through the field now, so all i had to do was steer back to the north, and we would eventually come across the road again. I felt around on the floor with my feet, trying to find the correct pedals to slow the bus. I then saw over the tops of the corn stalks for a moment. I could see the road ahead of us, to the northeast of us. I let the bus go straight until we hit the road and started driving to the east again. I then wondered if we were actually on the same road, or if i had somehow turned onto a different road. I continued to the east, trying to figure out how the pedals worked. I felt frustrated that i could not keep the bus under control. I could not seem to figure them out. I decided that i would have to stop the bus and look over the pedals. I turned to the south, into a driveway. The bus came to a stop. The driveway was dirt, and an old wooden farmhouse was to the east of the driveway. We had stopped just to the west of the house. The wood of the house seemed rundown and weather worn. Its paint had been worn off, and the wood was now a dull gray color. A large barn was to the south and southwest of us. It seemed to be open on the northern side. It too seemed rundown. I was out of the bus now, standing to the east of the front of it. I felt that we were intruding on the property, and i hoped that the people in the house did not get hostile toward us. I felt that we had to be cautious of the people here. No one seemed at home at the moment, though. I moved to the south, stopping in front of the bus. I wondered how we were going to fix the vehicle. I thought about this as i wandered around in the small driveway. A trailer was to the south of the bus now. We had been towing it. The southern end of the trailer had a wooden frame, and the wooden pieces were coming apart because of the drive through the corn field. I then looked to the north at the bus. I wondered if we would be able to push the bus out of the driveway so that the people who lived here did not get angry with us. I turned back to the south and started pacing to the southwest. I noticed some of the tools on an old piece of farm equipment in the opening of the barn. I wondered if we could use the tools of the barn to fix the wood on the trailer. I thought that the people in the house might get angry if we used their tools without asking. I wondered what i should do. I then wondered if it would be normal in this area for someone to borrow tools without asking, as long as they put them back. I moved back to the southern end of the bus. I pushed on the wooden structure that was on the southern side of the bus, hoping that i could push the bus out of the driveway. The bus did not move much. I looked at the wooden box, thinking that it was coming apart and would not support the weight of the bus. I felt frustrated. I then heard a voice from the east of me. Someone responded to the first voice, and they were referring to us. I felt uneasy, and i put down the board that i held, laying it on the ground to the south of the bus. I looked at the house again. A large window in the center of the wall had pale thin curtains, and i could see figures moving through them. Two people had been standing on some furniture to look out the window. They backed away from the screen in the window. The person on the southern side stepped down to the east, and the woman, in the summer dress crouched down to step off of the surface. People then started coming out of the southern side of the house. Several children came out with the adults, and all of them were wearing faded old clothing. An older balding man stopped to the south of the house, a little to the southeast of me. He stood with a slight lean to the east as he faced me. He wore a loose white shirt that had red and black shapes scattered in a vertical line on the right breast. A young boy with long blond hair walked to the west, along the south of me. He wore blue jeans and did not have a shirt on. Several of the people were sitting on some of the farming equipment to the west of me now. The young boy reclined along the southern side of a tractor till. They spoke of us to one another, making jokes about us. I felt annoyed with them, but i ignored them. A man stood to the southeast of me now. He had short fuzzy black hair, and he scowled at me. I asked him for help, telling him that there was a problem with the bus. The others moved around, but they did not respond to me. I looked to the west, noticing someone reclined on the southern side of the tractor equipment. He was shirtless, and he had nice chest muscles. I suddenly realized that it was the boy, and i thought that he was too young to be as attractive as he seemed. He seemed to be fifteen or sixteen. His long blond hair hung down over his shoulders, and he considered me with a dour grin. I felt annoyed with these people. I turned to the north, thinking that i had to fix the bus and leave this place. I was in the bus again. I sat in the driver’s seat and looked for the pedals. I had to figure out how they worked. I could see the gas pedal, but i could not see an extra brake pedal. I could see the small metal pedal in the middle of the gas pedal, though. I knew that this worked as the break, because i had stopped the bus too fast before using it. I then noticed some leavers to the west of the driver’s seat, which was facing south. I wondered if they could be the break, but i noticed the symbols on them. They controlled the handicap ramp. I then noticed the yellow handles over the driver’s seat. It was for the eject system. I wondered how every thing on the bus worked. It seemed very complicated, but i could not see a break pedal. I moved the bus a little to the north, letting it roll up the slope of the narrow corridor. The ceiling of the corridor was not far over my head, and i could see the bus beneath me. Now that i had gotten the bus moving, i wondered how i could get it to stop. I had to figure out the controls. I looked down the steep slope of the corridor to the south of the bus. The bus would start rolling to the south again, and i had to figure out how to stop it. I was frustrated that i could not find the break.

12020 December 04

The other person was driving the bus to the east, down the rural road. The land on either side of the road was covered with forest that was filled with autumn leafs. The hill sloped down slightly to the east, and i could see the road to the north that we were to take. The man slowed the bus, but we were still going too fast to make the turn. The man drove the bus past the intersection, but managed to slow the bus to a stop. I felt humored, and i told the man that he was always slowing down too late for intersections. We backed up so that we could turn to the north. I turned to the west and thought about where we were. I said something to the man. We had driven to this place for some reason. I was now driving to the west along the northern side of the building, which seemed like a mall. I was trying to think of how we should get to where we need to go. A section of the building extended to the north, farther than the rest of the building, and i stopped near the western end of the section. I was aware of the man to the east. I told the person with me that i could feel the other man’s presence. I thought that it was Cutthroat or Marcus, but i was not sure. I knew that it was one of the regular characters in the story. I was in the bus again, and we were heading to the west to the north of the mall. We had to get somewhere, and it seemed that we needed to head to the east, but i was not sure how we would do that. I slowed the bus down, telling the other person that we should turn around. I drove the bus to the west a little further and then turned to the north on a narrow driveway. We were driving down the roads between several areas of a large parking lot. I thought that the bus was moving too quickly, and i thought that we should slow it down. The lot around us had only a few cars in it. It seemed to have trees growing along the western side. The lot that we had been in to the south had more cars in it. At the northern end of the lot, i turned the bus to the east, heading down a narrow drive that ran between several of the lots. A small building seemed to be on a small hill to the southeast of the drive. It seemed to be a white single-story house with pine shrubs to the north of it. The road we were following curved back to the south on the eastern side of the house. I worried that we were moving too fast of the corners, and i worried that we would not be able to slow the bus fast enough. As we rounded the corner of the narrow drive, turning back to the south, i felt around with my feet for the brake pedal. I then remembered being on the bus before when i could not feel the brake pedal. I remembered finding the small metal pedal. I felt for the real brake pedal now. The road had curved to the southeast, and i saw that the road to the southeast forked into two directions. The road we had been on ran straight to the east, but we had headed southeast around the curve. The drive to the southeast curved back to the east, but a second drive ran uphill to the southwest. I felt uncertain about which way to go, and i started up the one-lane road to the southwest. I quickly realized that this was not the correct direction, though. A one-way sign was on the lower drive: the one that ran to the southeast. I stopped the bus before we had gone too far up the slope to the southwest, thinking that this was a one-way street, and we would be going the wrong direction. We seemed to be to the north of the college campus. The buildings to the south of us seemed like buildings from North Campus. The bus stopped on the slope, but it had been going fast and slided to the east a little. A long triangular section of pavement was between the two roads, and it had an asphalt mound in the center of it. The bus slided over the mound and started teetering from side to side. The back end of the bus then slipped down the slope to the east, spinning the front of the bus to the west. The back end of the bus landed on the lower road to the south, and then the front end of the bus slided down the hill after it. The bus ended up facing south on the lower road. I was relieved that we did not get stuck, and i started driving the bus to the south again. The road curved to the east in front of the building, and i stopped the bus near the building. I felt confused, and i wondered what i should do. The other person drove the small white delivery truck to the east, on the road that ran along the northern side of the buildings. I watched the truck as it followed the narrow drive to the north. Another building was to the east of us, extending from part of the building to the south of us. I knew that the drive did not go all the way around the building, though. I had been on the road in the past, and i remembered that it ended near the northern side of the building, just to the east of a stone terrace where people could eat. I thought that the building was the student cafeteria, and i called it Willard Straight. I wondered what to do with the truck that i had been driving. It was parked to the east of me, near the western end of the building to the south of us. I then heard the man who had driven the white truck to the east cursing. He must have reached the end of the drive and realized that he would have to turn back. I thought that he was $F57. I moved to the south, toward the building, crossing a small parking lot. I thought that i should look for the others. I turned back to the north. I could see the bus that we had been driving. It was currently parked in the lot with some other cars. The line of cars ran to the north, and i was at the southern end of the driving lane to the east of the row of cars. The bus or truck was parked five or six cars from the southern end of the row. I started walking toward it. A man was then standing near the back of the truck. He asked me about the truck, seeming to admire it. The truck had a square back end, and i realized that i had left the hatchback door open. The white metal arm of a small backhoe was sticking out of the trunk. The man smiled and said that he liked the construction equipment. He seemed to be impressed by it. I said something about the equipment as i tried to push the backhoe arm into the truck so that i could close the door. The arm was hard to move. As i pushed, i suddenly realized that a small technical truck was inside my truck. It had metal cases along the sides to store equipment. This surprised me. I had not had all of this equipment inside my truck before. I wondered suddenly if this was really my truck. I backed up a little to the east no look at the truck. It seemed to be mine. I pushed the metal arm of the backhoe into the truck and tried to push the door closed. It was a swinging door that hinged on the southern side. The man was still hovering around me, and he still was very interested in the equipment that i had in the truck. I felt a little annoyed with him. I then looked back at the truck. The man was now inside the cab of the truck, trying to close the back door from the inside. The white plastic lid that was the door was deforming a little as it bent around a corner of the truck that was inside the truck. I felt annoyed. I turned to the south and started walking down the corridor that sloped down to the south. I had parked the truck here. The corridor seemed to be a delivery bay for a tractor-trailer, and it had tall white cement walls. I looked to the east, into a shallow side corridor on the eastern side of the main corridor. The truck was parked in the alcove to the east, and it was facing east. The man had tried to back the truck out of the alcove, but the top of the truck was taller than a set of green wooden shelving that ran across the mouth of the bay. The truck pushed the shelfs and tore them down from the ceiling. I was annoyed with the man, and i complained about the shelfs and the damage they had caused to the truck. A woman to the north of me seemed to be the wife of the man. She seemed concerned. The truck moved to the west again, and the counter that was across the back of the truck tipped out ward. A container of candy, which had been on the top of the shelf, tipped over and the candies of various pastel colors spilled over the cement ground. I complained to the man, telling him to stop. Annoyed, i crouched down to pick up the candy. The manager of the store will be annoyed that we wrecked the counters and cupboards that were across the western end of the alcove. I stood up and pushed up on the northern end of the green wooden cabinets. The wood was coming apart, and the cabinets were ready to collapse. I tried to push them so that they were out of the way of the truck, so that we could back the truck out without causing any more damage. The store manager then came toward me from the east, walking to the north of the truck. He stood near the woman. I noticed debris from the shelfs in the rear part of the truck. I suddenly realized that the truck was about a deci taller than the shelfs. I wondered how i had driven the truck into the bay without hitting the shelfs. It did not make any sense. The man should not have tried driving the truck. I looked at the rear of the truck, noticing that the wooden supports of the storage compartment were broken across the top edge. A large hole was now in the back of the truck. I felt upset, thinking that i would have to pay for the damage to the rental truck now. The man should not have tried to drive it. I wondered how i was going to get it out of the bay now that the shelfs were hanging lower than they had been before. I turned to the west and walked back into the middle of the main corridor. $A601 was standing at the entrance of the corridor, to the north of me. The drive sloped down to the south and had pavement on the ground and a ceiling above. Its northern end was open to the outside. $A601 was talking to someone to the west of him now. $A601 was the person who had driven east on the road that ended near the terrace at the northern side of the student union. I wondered if he had found the character that we were supposed to meet. I started walking up the sloped toward them. The young man that $A601 was talking to stood to the west of $A601. Something about the young man seemed interesting, and i realized that he seemed very attractive. He had short hair and was wearing a tank top. He had nice shoulder muscles. I felt very interested in him. Before i could reach them, they started walking off to the west. They disappeared around the edge of the cement wall on the western side of the corridor. I hurried up the ramp to see where they had gone. I reached the entrance of the corridor and looked to the west. The sidewalk ran to the west from the top of the entrance, but quickly curved to the north. It then curved around a wide patio area before heading back to the west. The patio area had stones on the ground, and it was to the west and northwest of me. People sat around small round tables in the area. Something about this place seemed like a community college. I thought that the western part of the mall, which was the large building to the south of us, was a community college. The people gathered in the outdoor area to the northeast of it were students. I looked through the crowd for the young man, but i could not see him. A square gray section of building extended to the north from the main building and into the patio. The people were seated to the east, northeast, and north of it. I spotted was in a chair to the northeast of a table, which was in the middle of the patio, to the northwest of me. He was talking with the person to the south of him as he slouched in the chair. He was wearing a gray tank-top shirt and had a tattoo that extended over his left shoulder and down his arm. The tattoo started with gray at the top and faded into dull red near the bottom. I recognized the man, thinking that he usually hung out here. I also thought that $A601 usually spoke to him as well. He was not as attractive as the man i had seen talking to $A601, though. He had flabby arms and did not seem as athletic. I walked slowly to the west, looking around the crowd for the young man. I then noticed a young well-dressed man sitting at a table to the west of me. He sat on the northern side of a table that was against the building to the west. He smiled as he spoke to a woman, who was sitting to the south of him. He was wearing a light-colored button-up shirt. I then realized that most of the people in the area were wearing tank tops or shirts with the sleeves cut off. Most of them also had tattoos on their arms. Most of the tattoos contained red and black square patters. I looked again at the man in the shirt, realizing that he and the woman were eating a meal. I remembered that this place was part of a restaurant. It seemed strange that no one here was wearing a mask, though. I started to feel a little uncomfortable looking around the area, and i started walking to the northwest to go around the area. I could not see the young man that $A601 had been talking to. I wanted to find him, and i was disappointed that i could not see him.

12020 December 05

I stood on the western side of the control room, looking at the screens that were on the northern side of the room. An important event was happening somewhere to the northeast of us, and the president seemed to be at the event. I felt suspicious of something, and i imagined that something was going wrong at the event. I told the others that there were people on the northwestern side of the area that we had to be aware of. I was then walking to the east, down a cement path that ran along the northern side of the large building. It was about four or five meters from the building. A long low building was to the north of the path, ten to fifteen meters away. It was sunny out, but i was in the shade of the building to the south of me. I could see a rounded grassy hill to the northeast and north of me, over the top of the building to the north. I felt suspicious of the area to the north, thinking that people would be sneaking into the area from that direction. The main event seemed to be to the east of me. I pictured the crowd mostly on the northern side of the path, to the northeast of the main building, which seemed somewhat like a school. I had told the others in the control room about the danger from the northwest, but no one responded to me on the radio. I wondered if the people in the control room were in on the crime. I looked to the north at the hill over the top of the building. A tall chain-link fence ran along the northwestern side of the hill. I decided that this was the spot where i would see the bad guys approaching over the hill. I would tell the people over the radio that the invaders were carrying things, and i would add that the things might be assault rifles. I said something on the radio, feeling urgent, but the security people who responded only said that they were doing something. I felt that they were not going to do anything. I thought that the president must have already started talking to the east, and i felt worried. The path ahead of me curved to the south along the eastern side of the building. To the east of the path was a large open lawn. People were gathered on the lawn, watching the speech. I noticed that several people had tall branches with them. They carried the branches with the leafs upward. The leafs looked like the leafs of a rubber-tree plant. One man was carrying a large branch, and a woman with him told him to cut it. The man responded by saying that he was good at cutting. He held up a pair of scissor to the lower part of the branch, ready to cut. This seemed strange. The lower part of the branch seemed at least five centimeters thick, so i did not think that the scissors would be able to cut it. $F71 was walking to the west of me as we headed south on the path. I felt concerned about the situation. I looked at the building to the west of us. The path then curved to the west, turning into a driveway that ran to the south of the buildings. Several buildings were along the drive, and i focused on the second one in from the east. It looked very familiar. I recognized it as $P31. I pointed out the building to $F71, saying that i had gone to school there. The cubical building stood out in style from the other buildings that crowded around it. It was a small modern building with black-glass sides and narrow horizontal features. I motioned the other buildings as i spoke to $F71, telling him that all of the apartments around the school were new. I added that the school building was probably not used as a school anymore. I did not think that a school would be crowded in my so many apartment buildings. We continued to the west, passing the small school building. I was surprised at all of the other new buildings in the area. This place seemed to be suddenly overpopulated. $F71 then asked which building was my old school. I pointed back to the northeast of us, at the small building, which seemed out of place among the taller apartments.

12020 December 07

I was working on the western side of the office. The office seemed to be in a large one-story building, and it had other rooms to the southeast and east of us. $F67 was working at a desk just to the north of me. Both of us seemed to be at desks that faced the western wall of the room, and we were both in the northern half of the room. The main door to the office seemed to be in the center of the western wall. The western wall was very plain, with large square windows. An opening was in the eastern wall, directly to the east of the main entrance, and the room beyond seemed to open up to the south. It seemed like a large office space, but it was currently empty. I walked toward the doorway and stopped in it. I thought that people were remodeling the office, and the space to the southeast had been cleared so that the space could be remade. I stood in the doorway now. A doorway was in the western end of the northern wall of the eastern room. It led to a corridor that ran parallel to the northern wall. I knew that the bathrooms were on the northern side of the corridor. I moved back into the western section of the office, considering how the office could be rearranged. I thought that the workers could cut a doorway in the western end of the corridor near the bathrooms to connect the corridor to the western part of the office. They could then seal off the main entrance between the eastern and western sections of the office. I thought that i should propose this to the people designing the space. It seemed like a good solution to separating the office space. It would also make the bathrooms more available to people in the eastern part of the building; they would no longer have to walk through the western office to get to the bathrooms. I then thought that my idea might involve more construction than the owners wanted to consider. I stood in the western side of the office, looking to the east-southeast at the doorway between the two sections of office. I then looked a little farther to the south at the second doorway in the wall. The second doorway had been sealed off in previous construction, though it was not covered over with a new section of wall. The old doors were simply closed and painted over. They were wooden doors, with windowpanes covering most of the length. The panes of glass were covered with an off-white paint, but the old doorknobs and plates were still on the door. The metal plates and knobs looked brassy. I thought that this building had been an old house that was converted into an office. I then looked to the north, into the small space on the northern end of the room. I noticed another opening to the east in the eastern wall to the northeast of me. I knew that this window should be boarded up, because the bathrooms had been built to the east of it, and the bathrooms would have a solid wall on the other side of the window. A woman was standing to the west of me, and i started talking with her about the office redesign. I mentioned putting a hole in the eastern end of the corridor outside the bathrooms to connect the two sections of the office. I then looked to the south as i spoke. The southern wall of the office was a large multipane window. It seemed to have small green plants growing in front of it. $F67 was now at a desk in the southwestern corner of the office, working. The wall to the west of her was also covered with glass panes. I then realized that the scene to the south of me was moving to the west. I moved to the southern side of the office, trying to figure out what was moving outside. I could see across a small plaza to the south of the building. A street ran along the other side, and i wide gray building rose four or five stories across the street from where we were. The building seemed to be moving to the west. I then realized that the motion was actually caused by the office rotating. This surprised me. I told the other that i was not aware that the office rotated. I watched the gray stone building, which looked like an old building in London, as it moved to the window that had been the western wall. $F67 was now sitting to the southeast of me at the desk in the corner of the office. I turned to the north, looking at other buildings of the city that were now visible. I suddenly recognized the tall white building that was directly to the north of us. I could see the top of it over the top of the white office that we were in. We had been in the white building before. I remembered entering it and walking around in the empty spaces. It had been abandoned and was under construction at the time. I remembered clear plastic sheeting over the front of the building. I had entered through the main door in the center of the southern side of the building. I remembered the entry hall having a tall ceiling, and the walls were covered with stone. The top floors of the building now seemed to be partly deconstructed. It seemed that i could see the framework and interior walls between the small rooms of the upper floor. I walked to the east with $Z, talking about the buildings in this area. We mentioned the reconstruction of the office. $Z then pointed out a building to the east of us. It was a low brown building, and it was partly obscured by the thick green crowns of some trees. I told him that we had been in that building before. We seemed to be walking down a cement sidewalk that ran to the south of the tall buildings. We had just past the large white building that was under construction, and the brown building seemed to be the next one. It too had some open rooms on the upper floor. $Z said that we could get some interesting photographs of the details of the brown building. I agreed with him, telling him that i had taken pictures of the brown building when we were on top of the white building. I remembered being in the abandoned rooms near the top of the white building. I turned to look over my left shoulder at the white building, but i could not see it at the moment. The trees were blocking my view. I said that i could see down into the open rooms of the brown building. I said that there was a lot of detail to the brown building that would make interesting pictures, but i could not zoom in close enough to get a good picture of the details. $Z agreed with me. I then turned to the north and started walking down the narrow aisle between the two tall walls. We came out on the eastern side of the area, which seemed to be a yard to the northeast of an old house. The house seemed to be a museum or historical place. We had been walking around to the north of the house, but it was time for us to leave. I rounded an obstacle and turned to the southwest. I knew that i would have to head southwest to get back to our car, which was parked somewhere to the south of the building. The lawn just to the east of the house was green grass, and i walked across it. A tall wooden wall extended to the east from the southeastern corner of the house. I was following a woman, who was headed to the southwest. I then realized that the fence ran to the southeast from the house and curved to the east. The woman was walking toward the curve in the fence, and i did not see a way to get through the fence. I wondered if i was heading in the correct direction to get back to the parking lot. We had passed a tall thin man who had come from this direction, so i thought that there must be a gate somewhere in the curved area of the fence, but i did not see it. The woman ahead of me reached the wall and pushed on the vertical wooden planks, trying to find the door. I did not see any obvious way to get through the wall, so i thought that there might not actually be a doorway there. I told the woman this. I started looking for an opening in the wall to the south of me. The wall still seemed solid. I then noticed that the woman had pulled a corner of the wall open. The wall did not actually open like a door, but the woman had pulled a small section to the west of me open about a half meter. She walked into the opening, heading east. The opening formed a narrow passageway between two sections of the fence. The passage was about three meters long, but there was an opening on the southern side at the eastern end. I followed the woman around the corner to the south and came into a narrow gate that opened to the south. I walked through it, but i then remembered that $F71 was still to the northeast of me. I thought that he had gone to look for an opening in the fence elsewhere. I felt frustrated that he had not followed me, and i thought that i should go back to tell him that i was leaving the area. I called for him, but i did not hear any response. I felt annoyed, and i started to the south again. $F10 was then to the southwest of me. He had been heading to the northeast, into the yard area. I said hello to him, happy to see him again. It was good to see him. I then remembered that his parents lived very close to this place, to the northeast of it. I greeted him quickly, but we did not talk. He had to get to the northeast, and i had to leave. I headed to the southwest across the lawn. $F71 then caught up with me. I told him that i had met several people i knew in the area. I tried to think of others that i had met outside of $F10, but i could not remember others. It seemed that there were others to the north of the house that i had talked to, though. One woman seemed to be from $G4. $F71 and i continued to the southwest.

12020 December 08

I had been talking to the others in the area to the north, which seemed like a camp. We were in a forested area, and the terrain to the east of me seemed rather rugged, with short jagged hills and dense vegetation. I had left the camp area and was walking along the eastern side of a road or open space. The land sloped steeply down just to the east of me, into what seemed to be a creek ravine. To the south of me was a short cliff, which seemed to be rocks and dirt. It extended to the east, merging with a hill, and it seemed to run to the west only as far as the road. We had climbed this cliff before, but we had stopped before reaching the top. The northern face seemed like tan sedimentary rock, and i remembered that it was easy to climb just to the southeast of the path that i was on. I wanted to climb it now, but i wanted to go over the top and into the valley on the other side. I thought that $F71 was still to the north of me, and i thought that he should see me on the wall from where he is. He would know where i was heading. I started up the wall, but i stopped after climbing only a few meters. I had turned slightly to the southwest, and i noticed that the rocks on the western side of the cliff were not stable. The rocks now seemed to be white cement beams, but they were oddly stacked so that they did not fit together. As i leaned on them, i thought that they might shift and fall. I turned to the east and moved along the cliff carefully, moving back to the section that looked like natural rock. I thought that i could climb that section more easily. I then thought that i would limb to the top of the cliff and stay there for a while.

12020 December 09

I left the apartment and headed to the south, crossing the parking lot to the south of the two-story apartment building. The building seemed like the one in $P124. My car was parked in the middle of the lot, facing west, toward a narrow median of grass. I got in the car. It seemed that i was supposed to get something from the car. It started raining, though, so i closed the door and sat in the driver’s seat. The sky seemed gray, and the rain was heavy. Something seemed strange about the situation. I felt cautious of the rain. The windshield of the car was blurry so that i could not see out of it, so i turned on the wipers for a moment. I noticed that the car was starting to roll to the west. I felt suddenly concerned and tried to stop the car from rolling. The car slowed but would not stop quickly. It had already rolled out into the aisle to the west. Annoyed, i decided that i would have to drive the car around in a circle to get it back into the parking spot. It was now in the middle of the lot and in the way. I drove the car to the west, looking for a place to turn around. A narrow road left the parking lot and turned to the north. I felt anxious about returning the car to the lot, but i could not easily turn around where i was. I turned to the north, onto the dirt road. This place was familiar, and i thought that it was near a lake where cottages were. I wanted to turn around, but i could not control the car well enough to do it on the narrow road. A car then came from the north. I felt tense as i tried to control the car i was in so that it could pass. As it passed, i felt that i had to get the car back to the parking lot quickly, but i was not sure how to do that. Tall grass seemed to be on both sides of the road, and i could see periodic trees to the northwest. They had wide crowns, like trees that grew near water. It seemed as though it was dark out, but i could still see very well. I felt nervous about getting back in time. I reached the northern end of the road, and i looked at the building to the northeast. The wet grassy area around the road had ended, and a narrow street joined the road from the south-southeast. I had just past the intersection where they met, and a small building, which seemed like a restaurant or pub, was on the eastern side of the road. It had a narrow paved lot of parking spaces along the western side of the building. The building was on the intersection of another street that ran to the north of it. I remembered coming from the north before. This was the road that led to the cottages. I turned toward the small parking area, noticing the large green dumpster that was against the brown wooden restaurant, on the southern side of the parking spaces. I made the turn slowly, awkwardly trying not to hit the dumpster or the building. My car did not seem to turn as sharply as i would have liked. Another car passed me from the north. I turned around and started heading back to the south, feeling uneasy about this place. I was then aware that i felt very tense. I realized that i had been riding by bicycle on the road, but i had not been paying attention. Something had been distracting me. I was biking down a hallway of an unfinished building. The framework of the house had been put up, and a wall seemed to define the eastern side, to the east of me, but the two-by-four beams to the west formed rooms that had no walls. Clear plastic sheeting seemed to be handing from the wood in tattered sheets. Someone seemed to be to the south of me as i crossed through one of the unfinished walls. I then came to a stop. My bicycle had gotten stuck on something. I looked down to see some of the plastic sheeting caught in the front tire. Annoyed, i reached down to pull it out, aware of the person to the south of me. I felt very uneasy as i untangled the plastic. Something about this place made me nervous. I pulled out a piece of the plastic, realizing that it was not clear. It was white with dark-blue and dark-green patterns on it. The patterns seemed to form alternating bulb shapes with pointed tops and bottoms. Something about the pattern reminded me of the seventies or sixties. I remembered seeing the pattern before. The person to the south seemed closer to me, but i focused on the patterns of the material, which i held low and to the north of me. They were very familiar, and i thought there was some significance to remembering them.

12020 December 10

I had been doing something in the rooms on the eastern side of the house. I felt mischievous now, and started moving to the west. This large house seemed old, with old off-white paint on the walls and worn woodwork on fake columns. $G3 seemed to live in this house. I passed through a room in the center of the building, which seemed like an entry hall. I was aware of some of the others to the northeast of me in another room. The house seemed very wide east to west. I did something and then started running down the corridor. The wall to the south of me seemed continuous as i ran across the length of the building. I thought that i had to stay out of view of $G3. On the western side of the building, i turned to the south, passing through a doorway. The hallway on the other side was not as well designed as the rest of the building. It seemed to have a cement western wall, and a set of stairs led down into the basement area. The stairs seemed to curve to the southeast at the bottom, and i came out into a large empty basement room, which spanned the length of the building, which did not seem so wide anymore. The room was empty, except for a few items of furniture that seemed to be clustered in the center of the room. The walls and floor of the room were cement, and the room seemed a little dingy. One of the items of furniture in the center of the room seemed to be a red fake-leather couch. I walked to the center of the northern side of the room, wondering what i should do. I was with $F71 now on the eastern side of the building. A crowd of people was now in the center of the room to the west of us. Some event seemed to be happening. I moved toward the crowd, thinking that i should join the event, but i realized that the people in the crowd were not wearing masks. They were crowded together, which was against quarantine protocol. I felt uneasy with the crowd. It seemed strange to have an event like this when there was a pandemic happening. I decided that i did not want to be with the people, so i turned to the east and left the house. I started walking to the north, across the grassy lawn. A driveway seemed to run down the center of the lawn to the west of us, heading toward the center of the front of the building. The eastern side of the lawn was roughly triangular, with the smaller end to the north. It was covered with bright-green well-cut grass, and the eastern edge was not a straight line. The trees and dry leafs of the forested area ran unevenly along the eastern edge. I knew that a stream ran just beyond the trees and defined the shape of the yard. The gully formed by the creek seemed about five meters deep. I thought that $P19 was just across the stream, to the northeast. I told $F71 that it was there, but i said that we would walk to the entrance at the northern side of the yard and walk down the road to $P19. I felt awkward as we walked. Something seemed to be irritating me.

I followed my parents into the narrow store, heading south into the northern end of the store, which seemed to be a second-hand store. The walls of the store seemed worn, and the items in the store seemed old. My parents turned to the east and headed through a doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. The room to the east also seemed very narrow. I continued to the south, walking slowly and looking at the things in the store. I wondered if they had any CDs that i would be interested in. I turned to the east, looking at the old white bins that extended from the eastern wall. I moved to the south of the bin, looking at the items in it. I then noticed that the sides of my trench coat were opening up and rubbing against things in the store. I pulled the right side of the coat closed and buttoned one of the buttons. I looked over the things in the bin to the north of me, noticing some old pin buttons on the western side of the bins. They seemed interesting, but i was not interested in buying them. I wanted to find something interesting. I then noticed the man who was standing on the northern end of the store. He had turned toward me and was staring at me. I realized that he was the shopkeeper. He was standing in front of the register, which was on a counter against the northern wall, to the east of the door. The man seemed stern, and i realized that he was keeping an eye on me. I wondered if he thought that i was stealing something from the store. I realized that i had adjusted my coat, and i thought that he might have thought that i put something into my coat. I felt annoyed, but i ignored the man. I looked at some of the other things in the bin, but there was really nothing that i wanted here. I started walking back to the north. I then realized that, if i headed toward the door, the man would think my actions were more suspicious, because it would seem like i was trying to leave right away. I stopped on the northern end of the store and looked into the room to the east. I wondered where my relatives were. A man moved from the southeast and approached the manager. He seemed to have come from the room to the east. The manager said something to him that seemed like small talk. He second man turned his head to look at me. I thought that the manager must have been talking in code to tell the other person that i was a shoplifter. The manager irritated me, and i wondered what i should do. I buttoned up my trench coat, but the second man moved to the southeast of me. He stood sternly near me and told me that i should not bother buttoning up my jacket. I rolled my eyes and told the man to search as i opened up my jacket. My trench coat was made of a thin material, and it came tight around my waist. I liked the style of it. As i opened up my jacket, the man looked inside. He quickly realized that i had no pockets on the jacket. I scowled at him as he realized that he had been mistaken. I turned away and started looking at the bins to the north of me. Nothing interesting seemed to be here, so i walked back to the south. I wondered when my relatives would be done in the room to the east. I then looked at one of the bins on the eastern side of the main aisle. The bin now looked familiar, and i wondered if it had something i would be interested in.

I hurriedly moved around the eastern side of the apartment, trying to get ready to leave. I had to get things in order before i could leave the place. I would be leaving this place for a while, so i had to make sure everything was prepared. Another person was in the apartment with me. The person seemed like $A645. She was watching me as i moved around the room. I paused for a moment, feeling somewhat sad to leave this place. I felt nostalgic about it. I looked to the south, noticing the large figures on the southern wall. The wallpaper seemed old in design. It formed two or three large black figures that were shaped roughly like people. The figures were made of two triangles that intersected on one corner, one over the other. The upper triangle pointed down and formed the shoulders of the people. The second pointed up and seemed to form a waist or legs. A smaller triangle seemed to form the heads. The background of the paper was cream-tan, but a large pale-blue swath ran horizontally behind the figures. The triangles themselves were white, but had a mottled texture, as if the background was showing through here and there. I mentioned that i liked the renderings to no one in particular. The other person to the east asked if i wanted to buy this place. I said no. I considered the apartment. It was an old run-down building, and i did not want to have to keep it up. It seemed to be a cheaply made place, and something about it felt entrapping. I looked at the person to the east, who was now $A682. He was smiling shyly at me. I had to leave, and i realized that he seemed to want to stay here. I told him that he would have to leave too. I felt bad for saying it, but i could not have him staying in the apartment after i left. I did not want him staying here, because i could not trust him. I thought that i would have to go on the vacation, and i started heading to the southwest. I thought about my trip, thinking that there was a secondary trip to Russia in the middle of my vacation. I felt tense. Something about these events made me uncomfortable.

12020 December 12

I was on the train as it rode to the north, following the other train closely. It seemed that we had to catch the other train. I felt anxious. We approached an intersection. We were moving along the western side of the roads, and the other train crossed the intersection, heading to the northeast. I thought that the lights had just changed, so i stopped the train that i was on at the southwestern edge of the intersection. The other train crossed the intersection and continued north along the eastern side of the street to the north. I felt impatient, wanting to hurry up and follow the other train. I then realized that no other cars were moving through the intersection, and i decided that we would still be able to go. I started walking into the intersection, pulling the front of the train with me. It was to the east of me. As i started into the intersection, i thought that the lights had changed again. I hoped that they did not signal the other cars to move. A pickup truck came into the intersection from the east. I felt annoyed, but i continued to push the train to the northeast. I stopped and pushed the low chain of things ahead of me, watching them move over the ground to the northeast. The small boxes of the car were about a half meter square and about five centimeters tall. They were solid gray, and they rolled over the ground on hidden wheels. The front car moved relatively in a straight line, but i realized that, because i was pushing the chain forward, the front car was not moving exactly in the right direction. It started to stray to the west. I was aware that the pick-up truck that had come from the east had started to turn to the south, so i was relieved that i was not blocking its path. I thought that i still had the right of way. I moved to the head of the train and started pulling the cars again. I had to get them across the northern street to the western side. As i pulled, i started to feel exhausted. A large blue bus came from the northern side of the intersection and stopped as i pulled the train in front of it. I was limping and was barely able to pull the chain. Something seemed wrong. I was becoming weak. I fell to my knees but struggled to pull the train with me. The bus pulled a little closer and turned to the east. I struggled to pull the train toward the curb on the western side of the street. I felt short of breath now, like i was exhausting myself. I reached for a metal signpost that was in front of me with my left hand. I tried to pull myself to the curb, but something was wrong.

I had been traveling on the road, and i had just arrived at the place. I pulled my car to the curb on the southern side of the street. This place seemed like a small town. The event was to the southeast of me. I got out of the car and greeted $F4. It felt very good to see him. I thought that i had come here to see him, but i realized that $F12 was to the southwest of me with $A564. They were getting married, and i had come here for the wedding. I thought that $F4 had come for the wedding as well, but then i realized that $F4 and $F12 did not know each other. There should have been no relation between them. I was not sure why $F4 would be here for the wedding. $F4 was wearing a light-yellow polo shirt and tan shorts. I told him about my trip, but i admitted that i did not remember most of the trip. It was as if i had woken up and was here. I thought about the trip, picturing the map to the north of me. I remembered driving the long distance to the north, and i could see the road on the map, which seemed to cross the territory, heading a little to the west near the top. The route was marked in red. I thought that the territory was central New York State, but it also seemed like part of the United States. I told $F4 that i did not remember driving to New England. I knew that, after driving north, i had taken a road east for a great distance. The map now looked like the southern shoreline of New England, and the route, which was marked in red, ran east near the shore. It seemed to run along the southern border of Massachusetts, and i thought that we had stopped somewhere in eastern Massachusetts, near northern Rhode Island. I told $F4 that i did not remember the trip through New England. He seemed concerned by this, and it seemed strange that i would not remember something that had taken up so much time. I felt worried a little too. I then dismissed the idea, trying to ease $F4’s concerns. I told him that it was probably one of those roads like I-88. I told him that this road was very plain, saying that it all looked alike. I knew that this was not true, and i tried to think of why i would have said that. As i said this, i was looking to the northwest. We were now riding in a bus on a narrow road, heading slightly up hill. The land sloped up to the northeast of us. The land seemed to be dull in color. A dark leafless shrub fell off the hill and tumbled into the road. I felt concerned and tensed, but the bus driver, who was just to the northwest of us, drove the bus evenly over the thin branches. I thought that it was good that he did not swerve, because there was a cliff on the western side of the road. I continued telling $F4 about the landscape of the road that i did not remember, saying that I-88 had a hill on one side and a valley on the other. I did not want to say that “cliff”, because i was aware that i was describing the road that i was on. I pictured the wide curves in I-88 and the changing scenery of farmland. I wondered if it seemed so varied because i had been traveling the road since i was young. I still felt concerned that i did not remember driving for such a long distance. I was then aware of the wedding people to the southeast of us again. Again, i wondered how $F4 knew $F12, and i wandered if $F4 had been invited as my guest. This seemed strange, because i knew that i would not consider $F4 a date. I then realized that i was sitting in the back seat of my car on the passenger’s side. The car was still parked on the southern side of the street. I had wandered here, and i had started to undress. I did not remember doing this, and i felt annoyed that i had done so. I had taken my blue button-up dress shirt off and was wearing only a white T-shirt. I also noticed that i had taken my pants off. I remembered unbuttoning my shirt before, which had seemed inappropriate then. I had to put it back on before and to rebutton it. I still needed to be dressed up for the wedding ceremony. I felt confused, and i started to get dressed. The wedding would be starting. I buttoned my blue shirt and started walking to the southeast. The large room was mostly empty, and people were sitting in a cluster of chairs in the southeastern corner of the room. I approached the cluster, wondering where to go. I noticed a group of people sitting on the eastern side of the cluster. They were still dressed in brightly colored short-sleeve shirts. I thought that they were the band. $F12 and $A564 were sitting on the southeastern side of the group. $F12 watched me as i walked. He seemed uncertain about something. I walked around the outside of the chairs, stopping on the southwestern side. $F4 was sitting in a chair just to the north of me, and i sat near him. It was good to see him. He still seemed to be dressed in bright colors, and i wondered if he was invited here as my guest. I then realized that something had happened to the east. The band had moved to do something, and people were gathering near the northern side of the chairs. The ceremony had already started. People were reaching their hands together and holding one another’s hands in a circle. This was some kind of pledge. I moved toward them, realizing that i should be joining in. I leaned over the edge of the large grand piano and held someone’s hand, joining the southwestern part of the circle. I realized that i was reaching over part of the keyboard. The conductor for the orchestra was to the east of me, and he was trying to play something as he reached around the music stand on the top of the piano. I was in his way. I moved a little bit, trying to continue with the others and stay out of the pianist�s way. I felt confused. I wondered why i was here with $F4 again. I started wandering to the northwest, crossing the asphalt parking lot. The others were still in a group on the southeastern side of the lot. I was trying to remember something, but i could not quite concentrate. I noticed the empty parking spaces along the western side of the lot. A lane ran along the western edge of the lot, and aisles ran east to west. No cars were parked in the lot, but the white lines marked the parking spots. I seemed to be driving my car to the north. I noticed that some of the western ends of the rows had signs on them that marked the westernmost spaces for handicapped vehicles. I could see that i had left one of my shoes in one of the spots. I thought that i should move it before my car gets towed. I rolled my car forward, thinking that i could park it anywhere in the lot. I stopped it in one of the handicapped spots, though. I knew that i should not be parking here, and i worried that my car might get towed. I wondered if i would have to go back to my car and get it before it was towed away. Something was concerning me, and i was not quite able to focus on it. I was aware that the ceremony to the southeast was still going on.

12020 December 13

I walked to the north, up Central Avenue, toward campus. I had the small rubber ball in my right hand, and i thought that i could throw it down the steep slope that i would be walking past as i crossed campus. I had found the rubber ball in some things that i had, but i did not want to keep it. I considered keeping it, but i knew that i would really have no use for it. I passed through the people walking along the street near me, and i thought about where on the slope i could throw it. I would want it to bounce on the pavement below. The southern end of Libe Slope would have more pavement, but that was near where i was now. I wanted to throw it more toward the middle of the slope, where fewer people were around me when i tossed it. I thought about how it would bounce, now seeing the slope from the air. I wondered if i would be able to climb the clock tower and toss it onto the plaza to the south. It would bounce on the pavement there. I thought about how it would bounce, and i imagined it bouncing between some students. A young man would be in a conversation with a woman to the northwest of him, and they would both be surprised by the ball bouncing near them. They would not know where it came from. A man then walked up to the students and started asking questions. I was standing near them. I still held the ball in my right hand. The man seemed to be a police officer, and he was asking people questions. I did not feel intimidated by him, so i waited while he asked everyone questions. I had the coin in the palm of my right hand, and my middle and ring fingers were closed over it, with my thumb turned in on the side. It was dark now, and i seemed to be lying on my back as the man asked me questions. He lifted my right hand, noticing that i had something in it, but i continued talking to him, pulling my hand back. I was standing on the bottom of the slope, but i could see my right hand extended to the east, as though i were lying on my back. I adjusted my fingers over the coin and lowered my arm. The man was still talking to the south of me, but i looked to the north. I was at the bottom of the slope, where the students had been, and i would not be able to throw the ball from down here. I would have to take it back to the top of the slope. I could see a path running to the north-northeast, diagonally up the slope. It was dark out now, but the path was lighted from somewhere. I would have to take the path to get back to where i was staying, so i would have to throw the ball from the top of the slope near the end of the path. I was a little disappointed, because that would mean that i would have to throw the ball from the northern end of the slope, were fewer people would see it and where there was less pavement for it to bounce on. The man continued to question me. He lifted my hand again and asked what i had in it. I was annoyed that he was asking such questions, but i opened up my hand and showed him the coin, saying that it was a quarter. I then realized that it was more the size of a silver dollar, but it was bronze in color. It looked old, with worn edges. It had thick designs on the front of it, and i remembered that it was from Ethiopia. I told the man that the woman had given me the coin, and i told him that it was Ethiopian. I then corrected myself about the type of coin, commenting on the color by calling it “brassy”. I then said that it was really more “bronze”. As i said that, i wondered if the coin could actually be made of bronze. I hoped that it was not, because that might mean that the coin could have had some value. The man took the coin and walked to the northwest of me. We were in the small room now, which seemed to be on the upper floor of a house. I told the man that i could look up what the coin was, and i stepped to the east a little before opening the door on the southern side of the hallway that we were in. I walked into the small bedroom, which was my old bedroom. It was crowded, with an L-shaped shelf that ran along the western end of the southern wall and the western wall. The shelf was covered with papers and books, which seemed to be in disarray. An old Apple II computer was on the western end of the southern wall, and i said something about it to the man. I would have to turn it on to look up something, but i knew that it had been running a program. I felt a little uneasy here. I turned to the east to look through some things. The scene seemed to change. The man had trapped us here. We had some information from the computer that he wanted, and we had not given it to him. This place was an attic room, with two smaller rooms on the southern side of the attic. The others seemed to be tied up near the center and eastern end of the northern wall. I had escaped from the room to the southwest, and i thought that we had to escape from this area. I untied the others and moved around the room, wondering how we could get out of this place. A small octagonal window was in the northern half of the eastern wall. I moved to it, thinking that we should turn off the lights in this part of the attic so that we did not draw any attention. I looked around on the southern wall for the switches. A set of stairs seemed to descend to the west from the eastern side of the room, near the southern wall. The supports of a wall ran along the northern side of the stairs, but the wall had no surface to it. I then noticed a large white plastic panel with quite a few switches on it. Three or four switches were in a row on the lower right of the panel, and a few more were above them. Two switches were sideways on the upper left of the panel, with one vertical switch to the right of them. The lower of the two horizontal switches was switched to the right, while the top one was to the left. I thought that one of those two switches controlled the lights on the eastern side of the room. I turned the lights off. I then thought that we would need the lights to the stairs so that we could descend. I moved to the small room to the southwest to get something, and then i returned to the top of the stairs. I descended to the east, coming into a small hallway at the western side of the building. I could see the narrow hall leading to the east. The hall opened up to the south into a small room, which i knew was the entry room of the building. This building seemed like a government agency, and i knew that the bad men would try to prevent us from escaping with what we knew. I could see the front door of the building in the center of the eastern wall of the room, though, and i thought that we could simply head for it. I carefully walked down the narrow hall, stopping just before the room. The desk of the receptionist was just to the south of the corridor, against the western wall of the entryway. I noticed that no one was at the desk. I remembered trying to escape before. I had come into this room with the others, but we had lingered here for some reason. I thought that we should not have done that. It seemed that $A750 had been with me at that time. She had stood near the northern wall, where a corridor ran to the north, flush with the eastern wall of the entryway. I did not think that we should hesitate. I walked directly across the entryway and left the building. I was in a city now, and i thought that i should get away as quickly as i could. I headed across the wide street, heading generally to the east-southeast. I would have to walk down the street to the east, which met the street i was crossing just to the southeast of the building i had left. I hurried down the northern sidewalk of that street, hoping that i was out of the line of sight of the building. I was then standing in the western side of a house. The room seemed to be a kitchen, and a narrow corridor ran to the east of me. I had come here to hide, but i now heard the sound of the troops at the front door of the house. This was the house of my relatives, but they did not know that i had come here. I wondered what my mother would think of the troops being after me. My parents would not believe that i had done anything wrong. I wondered if they would help hide me if they knew that i was here. I did not want to be caught, but i did not think that i could escape from this place. The troops must be all around the house. I would have to hide the information that they were trying to get from us. I still had the small memory chip in the box of tissues that i had stuffed into the right front breast of my jacket. I took the chip out, hiding it in the kitchen area of the house. I would take the box of tissues and a few other things so that they would find them on me and think that it was all i had. I ran to he northern side of the basement of the house, which seemed to be underneath the kitchen that i had been in. I was not sure where to hide. I had come into the basement from the opening in the southern end of the western wall. The basement was cement, and it had large appliances along the southern and northern walls. I moved into the northwestern corner of the room, hiding between the northern wall and a large refrigerator. I thought that the guards might come into the center of the room and not look around that well. They might not see me behind the refrigerator. I tried to move the appliance so that the front corner was closer to the wall, giving the appearance that it was too close to the wall for a person to hide between it and the wall. I then decided that i could pull the appliance closer to the wall if i moved my right leg behind the refrigerator, between it and the western wall. I lifted my leg and slide it behind the refrigerator. I then realized that the front door of the refrigerator was facing the western wall. I looked to the east, noticing that the cooling coils were facing the center of the room. I wondered if the guards searching might think that this made it less likely that i would be hiding here. I hoped so. I then heard people moving upstairs, and i heard them say something about the dogs. I worried that the bad guys had brought search dogs with them, and i wondered what i could do. I felt hopeless.

12020 December 15

I was watching the show to the southeast of me. It seemed to be some kind of dance show, and it seemed like an old Hollywood dance musical. The show had something to do with David Bowie. I was unsure what was going on, and it seemed strange that the show would be happening. The dance did not seem to have anything to do with the song that was being played. I felt nervous and thought that i had to do something. My mother was with me. I moved to the southwest, trying to figure something out. The room i was in seemed very large, but it was very dark. Only the performers to the east were lighted. The ground now seemed to be ice, the performer was moving across the skating park. He had a top hat with him. The song seemed to be “Let’s Dance”. I thought about the words and wondered how the top hat fit into them. I heard the words about the shoes, and i wondered if there was a connection about wearing dress clothing. I watched the people move over the ice to the northeast of me as i continued south. My mother was somewhere to the southwest of me. I felt impatient, and i did not like the show. The show seemed cheaply made and uninteresting. I paced around the area. I was outside now, and i seemed to be in a small town, like Richford. Short rounded hills rose to the north of the narrow valley. I was siting in the car, which was parked in the small gravel lot to the west of the building. Something was upsetting me, and i felt tense. I had to do something. I looked to the east, out the window of the car. A building was to the east of me, and a billboard was to the northeast, extending to the northwest from the building. I realized that someone was standing just behind the billboard. I thought that the person was standing behind me but outside the window and that i had been seeing them in the mirror. I felt frustrated and annoyed with the person. I walked to the edge of the billboard. The person seemed short, but it was $A645. She seemed upset, and i thought that she was concerned about me. I felt concerned about her. I thought that $A755 had left her. She moved to the north of me, and she stuck out her index and middle finger of her right hand, touching them to my forehead. She was trying to do something to me. I thought that she was trying to help me, so i thought that i should let her work on me. I tried to relax and let her do something.

12020 December 16

Someone mentioned the area, and i pictured it on the map to the north of me. The others were heading into the area. The map was tan, and the area of the neighborhood seemed to be roughly rectangular. A road entered the area from the west. I moved closer to the image to see the details, but i noticed that the tan area did not seem to have any streets in it. Something about this area was special. I thought that it might be a reserved place, like a park or historic area. I looked closely at the road that entered from the west, seeing that it ran across most of the area but did not seem to connect to anything. It seemed strange. I looked to the north at the empty tan patches. The shading of the tan seemed to form two square areas: one on the east and one on the west. I watched something move around the area on the west in a counterclockwise motion. Something about the areas interested me. I wondered how we would get to the areas. I was jogging on a street in a suburban neighborhood, and a man was jogging with me. We were part of a larger running group, but we had strayed from the group to check out this direction. The road that we were on seemed to run slightly to the west of due north, and it seemed to be near the western side of the neighborhood. The other man was running slightly ahead of me, to the northeast of me. He turned to the east. I followed him down a short road, which ended on a north-to-south street on the eastern side of the small area. Something about the houses in this area felt special, and i felt cautious of the people who lived here. The land to the east of us seemed to be covered with tall dry grass and a few trees here and there. The man turned to the south and jogged a little way. I was several meters behind him. By the time i reached the corner, i could see that he was heading for a cul-de-sac. The road to the south ended after only about twenty meters. A large wooden farmhouse was on the southwestern side of the cul-de-sac, and some people were standing outside on the grass. Two or three small children were standing on the northwestern side of the porch steps. A boy seemed to be dressed in overalls, and a girl seemed to be wearing a summer dress. Some adults were on the porch to the southwest of them. The porch ran the length of the front of the two-story house, which seemed very narrow. A tall thick tree with a wide crown seemed to stand to the south of the cul-de-sac and to the southeast of the house. The children looked at us as the man ahead of me started to turn around. Something about the people here seemed special. I thought that they were not like other people, and i felt that they might not like us jogging in their area. The man passed me and headed to the north. Determining that the trail did not go this way, i turned to head back, but i saw that the man was now jogging to the north on the street, passing the intersection were we had come from the west. I thought that we should head back to the west so that we could leave this area. I then thought that we might be able to run around the northern side of this neighborhood and still find trail. Maybe the trail went to the north on the road that was on the western side of the neighborhood, but we had turned east. I thought that we might be able to take the next road to the west and maybe meet up with some of the other runners. I followed the man to the north, wondering where we would come out. The road ended at the end of the next block, intersecting a road that ran along the northern side of the small area. The man left the road and jogged to the north-northwest, crossing an old paved lot. The lot seemed to be to the south of an old factory, and forest seemed to be to the north of the factory. I did not understand why the man was running to the north. We did not have any trail to follow, and i thought that it would be better to try to find out if there was any trail to the west of us before we explored further. I turned to the north, looking over the crumbling pavement of the lot. It had small sprigs of grass growing up here and there. I jogged to the west until i came to the other street that we had been on. As i approached the intersection, another runner came from up the road from the south. The other runner seemed to be a woman, with thick muscular legs. She wore very short running shorts and a white tank top. She headed to the north, leaving the road and crossing over the western end of the broken parking lot. I turned to follow her, finding myself in an old room of the abandoned factory. The cement walls were dingy and crumbling. A window was in the northern wall, just to the east of a narrow opening in the wall. I walked to the window and leaned out. A crude rack embankment descended from just below the window to a wide creekbed of flat stones. The others of $G4 were sitting or standing along the embankment below the window, drinking beer and talking. Another parking lot seemed to be to the northwest. I thought that i should go outside with them, but i still felt uncomfortable in this area. Something about the people made me nervous about being here for too long. I had a small clay ball in my right hand, and i tossed it in the air. I had intended to bounce it against the cement wall to the northeast of me, but it hit the eastern edge of the window frame and bounced out the window. I looked out again, but i did not see where it had gone. I then turned and said something to the person to the southeast of me, talking about the ball. I now seemed to be in a corridor. People were gathered in the corridor to the east of me, crouching down against the northern wall as they talked. Some others were standing in the middle of the corridor, talking about Batman. Something seemed to be concerning the people. Someone then said that Superman could not fly. This seemed very strange, and i wondered if something had gone wrong. The people seemed to be trying to solve a problem that had to do with the superheroes. I then saw Superman in the middle of the crowd to the east. Several men were escorting him down the hall to the west. They hurriedly pushed through the people who were standing in the middle of the corridor. One of the men on the northern side of the corridor climbed over a few of the people who had been crouched on the ground. Something seemed to be urgent, and they were trying to hurry. I wondered if something was wrong. Someone on the southern side of the corridor then stepped between the approaching group and me. The person raised a gun and shot Superman, who was in the middle of the men being escorted. Superman winced and fell forward, clutching at his chest, where the bullet hit. This did not seem right. I thought that this person must not really be Superman, and i wondered why they were trying to pretend that he was. The men hurried Superman to the west. I wondered if the real Superman had left, and the authorities were trying to pass this man off as Superman to keep the people happy. I then looked up a little to the northeast. I saw Batman and Superman crouching down in the air. Other people were holding them. Batman was to the southeast of Superman, and Superman was only four or five meters from me, to the northeast. There were two people holding each of them in the air. I realized that neither of them could fly, but the people, who were dressed in black, were making it seem like they could. The wind pressed into their faces and clothes as they speeded to the east. They remained about the same distance from me, but i could see that they were moving very fast in the light-gray sky. I thought that they were trying to get used to flying so that they could pretend to do it for themselves. One of the handlers in black clothing reached up and grabbed an antenna that was on the right side of Superman’s head. It was shaped like an insect antenna, and it had started to vibrate from the wind. The person was trying to steady it so that it did not break off and fall. A crowd seemed to be below us, to the southeast of us, but, even though the heroes were moving very fast, they did not seem to be approaching the crowd that quickly. I knew that the flight spectacle was being put on for the crowd, though. Everything they were doing seemed very unusual, and i did not understand why they were doing it.

12020 December 19

I was walking to the north, along the top of the slope. I seemed to be in a park that was on the eastern side of the northern end of the lake. I seemed to be quite high above the water, and the land sloped gradually downward to the west. $F71 seemed to be with me. He was to the east of me as i walked north on a path. Something was bothering me, and i tried to think of it as i talked to $F71. I felt tense as i turned to the southwest and started down a path that led across the lawn of the area. Buildings seemed to be around me, as though this were a college campus. I had been here before, and this place seemed interesting, but i felt uncomfortable. I stopped on the path, thinking that i should fly, but i was not sure i could do that anymore. I stretched out my arms, imagining how i used to fly. I thought that someone to the northeast was watching me. I imagined flying out over the valley, but i did not. I turned back to the northwest and started up the hill on another path. I felt upset.

I walked with the others through the forested area, heading to the east. We were looking for something or trying to get to somewhere. It seemed hard to get through the area. A narrow ridge in the forest floor was just to the northeast of me, and i walked up on it, passing a tall rock structure, which seemed like a wall. The land to the east of us dropped off steeply. I looked over the low ridge, which was about a half meter tall, seeing a relatively square area to the north of me. The area was to the east of the large wall, and the wall seemed like a rock cliff on the western side of the area. Another cliff circled around the northern side of the area. The area was about a meter and a half below where i was, and the eastern side was open to the valley, which was far below. The eastern edge seemed rounded, and it bowed into the area a little. The others were continuing to the east, following the forested area, which now seemed to run along a cliff that looked to the north, over the valley. I could see a body of water in the valley just over the edge of the area to the north of me. Several small trees were growing in the area, and something about the area seemed very appealing to me. I told the others of this, finding the area very picturesque. The forest on the area seemed mossy and peaceful. I walked to the north as the others continued east. They were heading down into the valley. I reached the northern side of the area and noticed the rocks of the cliff to the north of me. A deep indent or cave was on the western end of the northern wall. I had stepped into the mouth of the cave, but i decided that i should not proceed further. I should go back to meet up with the others. As i turned around, though i realized that the way back did not seem as easy as it had seemed heading north. I thought that i had jumped easily over a gap in the ground to the east of the cliff, but i could no longer see a place that i could jump to in this direction. The cliff must have been designed so that traveling in one direction would be easier that traveling in the other. The surface of the cement-like rock of the cliff had a mesh of thick wire running over it. The wire followed the curves of the smooth rock wall. The wall projected a little to the east, about two meters to the south of me. I must have come around the bump before, but i would not be able to jump to it now. I felt annoyed and concerned. I grabbed on to the mesh with my right hand and decided that i would have to climb back across slowly. The hexagonal openings in the mesh were about a deci wide, and the cable was a few millimeters thick, so i could easily grab the mesh. The junctions of the mesh seemed to have metal sleeves around the cables. I looked down as i stuck my left toe into one of the openings in the mesh. I was annoyed to realize that i was still wearing thin-leather dress shoes that had narrow toes. They would fit into the mesh, but they would make it harder to get a good grip. I pulled myself to the south, across the surface of the wall. I called to the others to let them know that i was having difficulty. It seemed easy to climb across the wall, but it was slow. I felt annoyed that i kept having to pull myself up on the mesh, because i seemed to be getting too low on the wall. I had to get back onto the cliff that was to the south of me. After a few minutes, i realized that the things on the shelf behind the mesh were starting to slide out. Annoyed, i pushed the boxes of things back into the shelf. The shelf was on the southern end of the wall. I felt frustrated that the others were not trying to help me. I looked to the north, noticing that the boxes that had been on the shelf to the north were starting to slip out. I was loosening them by pulling on the wire mesh. I pushed the boxes, which seemed like cereal boxes, back into the shelfs to the north. I did not want people to know that we had attempted to climb across the gap. I thought that the people who had designed the wall as a trap would know that we had been here and the trap had failed. I turned my attention back to the boxes that were in the southern end of the western wall. They seemed to be old things that had been put in storage. I pushed them back into place and again called to the others. I was annoyed that they were not helping me.

12020 December 20

I walked down the hall of the hotel with my parents. We were heading west, and my mother was to the southeast of me. I seemed to be in the lead. I turned and talked to them, aware of the tall metal cylinder that was following us. It was an extraterrestrial creature. I felt a little wary of it, but i chatted casually with my parents as we walked. I did not like the creature, but i was trying to ignore it. It seemed like a plain metallic cylinder that stood around two meters tall. It had a darker cap on top and a ring around the upper part. I wondered if it would be angry that i was not paying it the proper attention. As we reached the western end of the hall, i thought that we would be taking the elevator that was to the north. Just before we reached the elevator, i noticed a round button on the wall. It was pale gray and had a dark-blue line across the top. A curved line near the bottom made it look like a smiley face. I knew that it was a crude representation of the extraterrestrial, and i wondered if the creature would be offended by the symbol. I found it funny that the creature would be upset by it. I said something to my mother as i stopped in front of the elevator door. To my surprise, the creature continued to the west and passed through a doorway at the end of the hall. I was surprised that it would be taking the stairs, and i wondered if it would just float up the center of the stairwell. I said something to my mother. She paused near me, but she decided to follow the creature to the west, into the stairwell. My father went with her. I thought that i would still take the elevator, and i passed through the doorway to the north. I realized that i was actually in a stairwell. I must have stepped through the doorway to the east of the elevator. I started to turn around and head back into the hall, but i realized that i was only climbing up five floors, and i thought that it would be nice to get the exercise instead of taking the elevator. I walked back into the stairwell. A red flight of metal stairs was to the west of me, ascending to the south. It seemed very narrow, and the room around it seemed very large. I followed a narrow walkway to the north to get to the bottom of the steps and then i started climbing. I remembered that i only had to climb up one flight of stairs to get to the upper floor of the hotel. As i ascended the stairs, i noticed the pool to the west. I had thought it would be nice to hang out in the pool while we were here, but i had not done it yet. I thought that i might be able to do it this evening. I came to the top of the stairs. A narrow walkway ran to the east, and a glass wall under a railing was to the south of me. The railing was a little over my head. It was part of a sitting area that overlooked the pool. I had been carrying a plastic bag of some things in my right hand, and i tossed them over the railing, thinking that i would have to climb over the railing to get to the upper level. I thought that i had done this before. As i started to pull myself up over the glass, i realized that i might break the glass. The wall to the south seemed to come up to my chest, and the glass railing now seemed to slant outward by about a deci near the top. A reclining yard chair was on the upper level, just to the southwest of me. I did not want to break the glass, but i thought that i had to get over the railing. I looked to the east, down the walkway where i was. A gap in the wall seemed to be on the eastern end of the walkway, and i thought a set of stairs might ascend to the upper level. I contemplated using the stairs or just climbing over the railing. I decided to walk to the east and take the stairs. The stairs were covered with pale-tan tiles. I climbed up them, looking to the west. I could see the exit doorway in the western end of the southern wall. A booth seemed to be to the west of the area, and the booth seemed to look over the area and the pool to the north. I started walking west, toward the door.

12020 December 23

The room had a volcano in it, and i was standing in the southeastern corner, wondering what we should do. It seemed dangerous to be so close to a volcano. The volcanic mound was in the northeastern corner of the room, but most of the eruption now seemed to be to the northwest. The erupting surface to the northwest looked like a pile of oddly shaped pale rocks. I could see areas of red and orange between some of the rocks. I thought that the people had to leave the area because of the danger of eruption. I felt hesitant being here, but i had to do something. I moved to the north, climbing on top of a mound that was in the northeastern corner. A closet was to the east of the mound, and i had to get something from the closet so that i could leave. I did not want to abandon the things here. I looked down as i stepped on the rocks, watching the ground sink slightly with my weight. I worried that my weight might cause the eruption. I pressed with my foot, testing the surface, but i decided that i should not be standing on top of the volcanic rock. I moved to the southeastern corner of the room, which now seemed like an office. People had been working in the small rooms to the east and south, but $A548 had to lay off all of the workers. She seemed to be to the south of me in one of the rooms. I felt sad that this place had to shut down because of the eruption.

12020 December 26

I talked with $Z as we walked to the northwest, across the open lawn. I had said that i was heading to the place, and i walked toward the tall round metal tower that was on the top of the wide shallow hill. The hill sloped up to the north. We had been with some other people, but we needed to do something. I felt good about this place, and i knew that we had to do something. I passed $Z, who was standing on the short grass of the hill. He was not sure where we were going, but i headed directly toward the white tower to the northwest. I could see a pill-shaped opening on the eastern face of the tower, several meters off the ground. I wondered if $Z knew that we would have to climb to get into the tower. A second tower seemed to be to the northwest of the first. As i walked toward the first, i was aware that $Z realized that i was heading for the tower. I could see flat metal loops running up the eastern side of the tower, below the opening. I thought that we might have to climb up the ladder they formed. $Z seemed surprised that i was heading for the towers. He did not think that we would climb into the towers. I reached the base of the tower, but started walking around the northern side. On the north, i headed to the west, following the white surface of the building. Another rounded opening was in the tower. This one was at the level of the ground, and a glass door in a thick aluminium frame was recessed about a meter into the opening. I could see a card lock in a black box on the eastern side of the door. Through the glass, i could see a light-gray corridor heading up a short flight of stairs to the west. This door was to the security office. I told this to $Z as i continued to the west. We would not be able to enter the building through the security door. I now seemed to be walking in a small narrow courtyard that was between two parts of a building. The building seemed very modern, with a white smooth exterior surface and horizontal details. I looked to the north as i continued west. Part of the building seemed to be a large gray arch. We had been trying to enter the arch. To the north of me was the opening under the arch. It seemed like the St. Louis Arch, but it was only six or seven meters across at the bottom. When i reached the western side of the arch, i noticed another doorway to the north of us. It had a label on it, and i knew that it would lead to the southwest, into a building of the Engineering Quad. I did not think that it would be open either. I walked past it a few paces, but $Z pulled the door open. I decided that we could go in though the door, and i wondered if we would be able to get to the arch from there. I knew that the stairs inside ascended to the north and then to the west. They would lead over the courtyard to the southwest. I could see the narrow stairs ascending into the open air as we climbed them. I followed $Z, who now seemed like $F10, into the small room. The rectangular room was very narrow, and two red chairs were on the western end. The chairs had thin metal bars forming the back and legs, and the seat seemed to be covered with red fake leather. $Z sat in the chair that was in the southwestern corner of the small room. I knew that these chairs were part of the theater seating, and that we would be able to see down into the theater. I sat in a chair to the north of $Z, against the western wall. I slouched slightly in the chair, but decided that i should sit up. I told $Z that i would be scared to fall asleep, because i could slide out of the chair and fall into the auditorium. I knew that it was quite a way down. I looked over the edge of the seat, to the west of me. I could see a dark open area below me, which i knew led to the lecture hall. It seemed a long way down.

The bus stopped, and $F71 stood up and walked to the northeast. We had been traveling to the west on the road that seemed like Main Street. We were stopped in front of a large dull-blue building, which was an apartment building. $F71 had gotten off to get something, but the bus started moving again to the west. I made a noise, and the bus driver stopped. I realized that i could not make the bus driver wait here until $F71 got out of the apartment. He had to get something. He stood in front of the door to the northeast of me, trying to unlock it. He pushed the door open and started to walk in. I told the driver that it was okay to leave. I said that i just wanted to make sure that $F71 was able to get into the apartment. I then wondered why $F71 had gotten out of the bus. We would have to leave him here. I thought that he would now have to walk to my grandmother’s house, where i was getting dropped off. I knew that it was only a few blocks away, thought, so it would not be far for $F71 to walk. I felt worried about him. I looked to the west, down the length of the bus. We had been sitting on the southern side of the bus, somewhere near the back. No one else was on the bus, and the bus driver was sitting on the southern side. He seemed to be wearing something dark, and i could not see his features. I then looked at the backs of the seats in front of me. The row of seats now seemed like the seats in a car. $F71 had left his things in a small pocket on the back of the black puffy fake-leather seats. I grabbed the receipts from the pocket and noticed some other things that $F71 had left behind. I felt annoyed that he had left them, and i started to gather all of them so i could take them off the bus with me.

12020 December 28

I stood to the southwest of the house, looking to the north at the six cards in front of me. They were a little larger than the size of playing cards, and they seemed to be collectors’ cards. The man to the east of me said that i should get the Jim card. I looked more closely at the cards, noticing one for $A1, one for $A58, and one for Jim. I felt confused by the cards. I told the man that $A1 and $A58 were both dead. Something about this did not feel right, and i did not want to do as the man said. I thought that i should not do anything with the cards. The man became angry with me, and he yelled at me to get the Jim card. He then mad fun of the person no the card, calling him “Porch Song Jim”. Something about the name seemed very familiar to me. The name seemed to refer to something that i had experience before. I felt hesitant to do as the man said, but i started writing the name on the window, which was to the north of me. The window seemed to be on the western side of the southern face of the house. I then thought that Jim was in the house. He seemed to be on the eastern side of the house now. I turned to the east and started talking to him. He seemed like someone i had not seen in a while.

I had been talking to the others to the north of me, but i turned to the south and started down the short trail. We were in a forested place, and the land seemed very flat. The trail to the south had a grassy surface, and it was about three meters wide. It led to the main trail, which ran east to west. The main trail seemed much wider. I turned to the west, realizing that the trail where i was standing was elevated. I now seemed to be about four or five meters off the ground. The main trail was a wide open tract that ran underneath the elevated surface that i was on, but i seemed to be on a narrow mound in the center of it. I started to the west, putting my hands on the railings to the sides of me as i moved. A wooden bridge was just to the west of me. As i reached it, i noticed that the darkly stained wooden planks on the surface of it looked weak. I thought that they might be rotting. I stepped on one carefully, watching as it sagged under my weight. I felt uncertain. I seemed to be a long way from the ground below me. I crossed the bridge, but the boards on the western end were loose. One slipped to the side as i stepped on it. I was very nervous about crossing. I thought that the wear on the western side of the bridge was probably caused by runners moving more quickly to get off of the bridge as they headed west. I carefully moved around the loose board and stepped onto the packed dirt at the edge of the bridge. I then turned to the south. The lower part of the path seemed to be below the elevated part, and i started to the east. I then stopped. Something seemed wrong. I could hear the sound. A large dumpster with three plastic doors was to the southeast of me. The noise seemed to be coming from the dumpster. It sounded like an animal growling. I wondered if a bear was in the dumpster. I felt nervous. I headed back to the north, crossing the hallway and entering the room to the north. The room was empty, and i looked into the southeastern corner as i entered. I felt cautious of the animal in the dumpster. I had to be careful.

12020 December 29

I was in the rectangular room, which seemed to be on the top floor of a house. I had been doing something here, but i had to leave to do something else. I had to get to someplace, and i thought that this place had something to do with the other place. I spoke to someone who was to the east of me as i walked east across the room. This area seemed to be part of a college, and i mentioned the name of the area to the other person. It was a very familiar place. After i said the name, i thought that it sounded like “Hamilton”. I thought that it was somewhere in Central New York. I thought that it must actually be in Oneonta, but i knew that the name did not make sense. I walked to the southwest, toward the top of a set of stairs, which descended to the west along the southern wall. The stairs dropped into the floor and did not seem to have a railing around them.

12020 December 30

I ran to the north, along the eastern side of the gorge. I was following the other person. The trail was dirt, and a road was to the east of us. The leafs of the trees and plants were verdant, and the growth seemed like late summer. We should head back on the run, but the man ahead of me turned to the east and started running on the old slate sidewalk that was on the northern side of the street. The area seemed very sunny and suburban. As i turned onto the sidewalk, i noticed a section where the slate formed steps. A small patio opened up at the bottom and to the south of the sidewalk. The sidewalk seemed to run along the northern side of the small area, which was about four meters long and two meters wide. A short stone wall bordered the southern side of the area, and the wall had a gap in the center of it where people could walk out to the street. A second set of steps seemed to lead down from the western side of the area, to the south of the sidewalk that i was approaching on. I thought that we would turn south into the small patio area and then head south down the one or two steps to the street and head back to the west. I thought about how nice this area looked, with mossy rocks and thick vegetation. I then realized that i had run past the patio and was now heading down the sidewalk to the east. I still seemed to be following the other person, who now seemed to be $A773. I thought that he was going to run a very long trail, and i wondered if i should do it with him. I wanted to run a very long distance, but i was not sure that i could do it anymore. I enjoyed the run, though. It felt good to be out here. I now seemed to be heading back to the north on the western side of a road, heading back toward the college campus.

I walked to the west, down the large empty hall of the college building. The ceilings were very high, and the walls seemed pale yellow or cream colored. I thought that i was heading to my next class, and i tired to remember which class it was. I then thought that i no longer attended this university. It felt strange to think that i was not taking classes here anymore, and i wondered why i was attending the classes. I felt free of the burden of having to attend classes, but i wanted to sit in on a class to learn something. I thought that my next class would have been a philosophy class, and i wondered if i could just sit in on the lecture without being noticed. I thought that i would have to be in a large enough lecture that the professor did not notice that i was not registered with the college. The hallway opened up into a wider corridor, and someone passed to the south of me, coming from the west. I thought that i should take a class in music theory. I had always wanted to do that.

I heard the people to the west of me as they approached the house. I knew that they were my parents returning to this place. This seemed like the house on $P12. I lay on my stomach in the middle of the dining room, with my head to the north and my face turned to the west. I seemed to be on a bed or other cushioned surface. The entrance door to the house was to the southwest of me, and i could hear someone at the door. I thought that it was my mother. I pictured her carrying some flat boxes in her arms. I stayed on the mattress, pretending that i was asleep. I thought that my mother would have seen me as she passed the kitchen window to the west of me, and i wondered if she had seen me lying down on the bed. I stayed still as i listened to the sound of someone trying to open the door. I wondered if i should do anything. I was aware that i was breathing heavily. It seemed that my right nostril was clogged, making it harder for me to breath through my nose. I had opened my mouth to breath more naturally, but i still seemed to be breathing very slowly. I wondered if my slow breathing was what was making me drowsy. I thought that it would probably make it easier for me to sleep because my system was trying to slow down. My chest felt uncomfortable, though. I could still hear my parents at the door, but they had not yet come into the house. I started to feel strange, and i wondered if it was because my breathing was so labored. I started to fall asleep again, but something felt wrong. I stood up and walked to the door to let my parents in. As i reached the door, i noticed that i still felt uncomfortable in my chest. I opened the door and turned back to the east to walk back to the dining room. I was having trouble moving, and something felt wrong.

I was in the laboratory in the college building. I stood to the east of the southern end of a black laboratory table, facing west. Two or three others were in the room with me, and they seemed to be to the west of me. I spoke to them as i was doing something with some test tubes on the table. I focused on one of the men suddenly. He seemed interesting in some way, and i realized that i was attracted to him. I said something to him, and he responded. He seemed interested in me as well, and i wondered if i should try to get to know him. We spoke for a few minutes, and i was aware of the other man standing to the southwest, watching us. I wondered if he was uneasy with the way his friend was talking to me. I then turned my attention to something else. I had to do something for the other people. I looked back to the north, and the man was standing near me. He was facing southwest as he talked to me. He seemed interested in me as he spoke, and he stood rather close to me. I noticed that he was wearing a dull-yellow T-shirt. The sleeves and collar of the T-shirt had been cut off, and i could see the skin of the man’s neck and shoulders. He seemed rather attractive. He was then facing east, and i looked at the muscles across the back of his neck. I noticed that he had a few hairs sticking out of his back here and there, but he still seemed attractive. He said something, and i responded to him, placing my hand on his left shoulder. He had his head tipped down a little as he turned toward me, and he looked up at me as he responded. I felt very attracted to him, and i wanted to get to know him. I then turned to the east. The others had asked me to get the wooden sticks. I was now outside near a campfire. People were gathered in a circle around the fire, and i was standing on the eastern side of the circle. Someone had asked me to find the four sticks that would be used to suspend food on the fire. I moved to the north, picking up the four sticks, which were tied together with a think woven wire. I knew that the person who had asked me to find the sticks wanted me to get new sticks, but i knew that these sticks had been used for the same purpose previously, so they should be good for what we want. I pulled on the sticks, trying to untangle the wires so that the four thin poles ran parallel. I was then back on the eastern side of the circle, just inside the ring of people. $A121 was standing to the east of me. She seemed to be running the event around the campfire. I held up two sticks, which still had some wire wound around them, and i told her that they were what she was looking for. She took the two sticks and looked at them skeptically. I told her that there were four originally, but that the other two were for something that we did not currently have, so we only needed two for what we were doing. She moved the sticks to the north of her, and a dog, which seemed like a German shepherd or husky, stared smelling the sticks. $A121 said that the sticks were not quite what she expected, and then she said that her dog was interested in them. I could still smell the fish smell from the sticks, and i told her that the sticks were used for cooking food before. I said that the wires and the sticks probably still smelled like fish. She seemed displeased by this and implied that we could not use those sticks. I said that i would go get new sticks. This seemed inconvenient, because the sticks i had were cut into nice wooden poles, but any new sticks i gathered from the nearby forest would be branches. I walked to the southwest, heading for the forested land to the west of us. I remembered the man i had been interested in talking to. I looked back to see him standing on the southern side of the circle of people. I called to him to get his attention, letting him know that i was walking out of the circle. He was now wearing gray pants and a short winter coat. He started to come with me, but then stopped and called someone on his cell phone. I thought that he had to tell someone something before he left the circle. I walked to the west along the southern side of the open area, looking at the thin trees to the west of me. I could see a nice relatively straight branch on the ground that would make a nice pole. I thought about the man. I wanted to be alone with him so that we could talk. I wondered if he wanted to be with me.

12020 December 31

I had been talking to the other person as i walked to the north. I had to take my things back to the south. I was outside of a building now, and i crouched down to pick up some boxes from a low surface to the south of me. The person stood to the south of me, talking about something. I gathered several things into my arms. I then noticed the orange and white cat that was on the couch under me. I was bending over the back of the couch to pick up the boxes. The cat should not have been outdoors, and i felt annoyed that it had followed us out. I would have to bring it back to the house. I picked up the duffel bag, which was underneath the cat. The cat lay down in the bag as i carried it. I thought that i could sling the bag over my shoulder, but i would have to be sure that the cat stayed in the bag and did not try to get out. The other person tried to help me carry some of the things as i dealt with the cat. I thought i could zip up the bag most of the way so that only that cat’s head stuck out. I started carrying the cat back to the southwest as i spoke to the other person.