12021 December 03

I felt excited, and i started moving quickly to the west with the other person. We were in a narrow corridor of the large room, which seemed like a department store. The corridor was an aisle that ran along the southern wall of the room. Clothing and items filled the southern wall, and shirts or jackets hung along the northern side of the aisle. A wall seemed to run for a short section of the northern wall, but the wall did not extend all the way to the ceiling, which seemed to be around five meters overhead. I felt mischievous as i ran, thinking that i was supposed to do something here. As i passed the area where the aisle was contained by the northern wall, i grabbed a small white box from the north of me and carried it to the west. It was part of the game. I was then aware that two other people were following me. I thought that they were after me. They were on the other team, and they would try to get the thing that i had grabbed. It was an object that was worth points. I did not care much about the game, though. I was having fun and not really paying attention to the game. The area around me opened up a little, but the area was still filled with racks of merchandise. I stopped, realizing that i was not sure where to go. The others would catch up with me. I thought that they would shoot me to take me out of the game. I felt concerned about this. I did not want to be terminated. I looked back as the two people approached from the narrow part of the aisle. The man on the northern side had medium skin and curly black hair. He seemed shorter than i, and he wore a heavy brown pull-over shirt that had a high collar. The woman to the south was a little shorter than the man and had light skin and shoulder-length straight black hair. I felt nervous, hoping that they did not kill me. I then tossed the man the box that i had been holding. I did not really care if i had it or not. I then wondered if the people would shoot me or not. I decided to leave, and i started climbing up on several metal poles that crossed the area. The metal bars seemed to be suspended by wires from the ceiling, and they crossed over the area on the western end of the store at random angles. I quickly climbed toward the ceiling over the poles. The other two people had not shot me and seemed to have lost interested in me. I started moving to the east, over the aisle that i had walked down before. I was stepping on the top of the metal rack, which was against the southern wall. The rack was formed of black rubber-coated metal mesh. As i crossed over the section of coats, i saw a woman below me. I realized that she was one of the dangerous people in the game. She seemed to be in charge of the store. She was holding a small folded collapsible umbrella in her hand, holding the tan umbrella to the southwest of her. She suddenly glanced up at me and fixed her stare on me. She was upset, and i knew that she would come after us. I ran to the west, stepping along the tops of the racks. I had to get away from the woman before she caught us. I hopped to the northern side of the gap and continued on the other rooftop. I was running along a narrow ledge at the edge of the roof. I hurried, thinking that the woman was after us. She was below me, in the alley. The gap between the roof to the north and the roof to the south was only about a meter. I ran along the edge of the old brick building, which had a thicker ledge that leaned out over the front face of the building. The next building to the west would not be as easy to run along, though. The next building also ended after about ten meters. I jumped across the gap, which was now about two meters. I seemed to be over a street, which seemed like The Commons. I started running along a thick ledge at the northern edge of the roof of the building. This building had dull-orangish-yellow tiles on the front, and the tiles curved around the northern edge of the ledge at the edge of the roof. The ledge seemed about a meter wide. I felt nervous about balancing on the narrow ledge, and i ran with narrow steps. At the western end of the building, i was aware of a man with a young boy to the south of me. They were on the main part of the roof. As i reached the western edge, i thought about jumping across the street and back to the building on the northern side of the street, but the building to the northwest of me had a tall sloped fake roof on the facade. The roof seemed pale blue, with thin ridges running down the steep slope. It was about a meter and a half tall. Instead, i jumped to the west, onto the next building on the southern side of the street. To my surprise, the young boy whom i had passed started running after me. His father did not seem to mind him chasing me, and the father started jogging after both of us. I worried that the young boy might fall from the roof, though. I was again running on a narrow rim on the northern edge of the building. This time, the roof was only a deci or so below the level of where i was, to the south of me. I was aware of a large skylight in the center of the roof to the south. The panes of glass seemed to be supported by thin black metal supports. I thought that the skylight led into the old diner. Something about this building seemed familiar. As i reached the western end of the building, some planters seemed to be to the south of the surface that i was running on. I was then aware of a man running to the north of me. I was no longer near the edge of the roof, and the roof was significantly lower to the ground here. The cement surface that i was running on was part of a raised terrace. A low wall to the north of me separated me from the edge of the terrace. Raised planters and a raised skylight to the south seemed to be part of an underground building. The man was running down a driveway to the north of the terrace. I realized that the man might be trying to catch me. Looking to the west, i could see the large structure in front of me. A building seemed to be over me, to the west, and thin brick walls at the corners suspended it. The walls ran east to west. At the western end of the terrace, a set of stairs ran down to a lower terrace under the building. A thin brick wall ran to the north of the stairs, separating it from the drive to the north of the buildings. I knew that the middle terrace under the building had a low wall to the north, which would prevent the man from cutting in front of me under the building. I also knew that a second set of stairs descended to the east from the middle of the lower terrace. The lower stairs seemed to head into the building to the south of me. I thought that i could turn quickly under the building and head down the other set of steps before the man could round the walls on the northern side of the building. He would have to run all the way to the western end of the building, which seemed to be about fifteen meters by fifteen meters square, and enter through the opening on the western end of the middle terrace. The man was directly to the north of me as i turned to the southeast at the bottom of the first set of steps. It was dark now, and i was jogging down an old asphalt drive that ran along the southern side of the long low building. I slowed a little, looking to the northeast. I thought that my car would be in that direction. I was aware that the woman was still chasing us, and she would have rounded the western side of the building by now, but i did not care. I did not want to be caught, but i felt impartial to the woman. Something about this place was very interesting.

12021 December 04

I moved to the east, walking down the hallway on the upper floor of $P7. It had been a long time since i had been to this place, and it felt good to be back here. I turned to the north and walked down the central corridor. I thought that this place was the science wing, but it seemed unfamiliar. The corridor ended after only about ten meters. Beyond was a square atrium, and a balcony ran around the atrium at the level of the corridor. The corridor ended in the western end of the southern balcony of the atrium, but the square atrium seemed to be tipped slightly so that the eastern end was more to the north than the southern end. Bright sun came in through a skylight overhead, and the opening in the center of the room seemed to go all the way down to the first floor. A catwalk crossed the atrium from the northeast to the southwest, ending just to the north of the end of the corridor i was in. Many students were walking around on the balcony and catwalk. I moved through them, realizing that i was no longer a student here. I was now much older. I wondered if anyone noticed that i would be out of place among the students. I then wondered if they would think that i was here for reunion. I moved through the halls that seemed to lead off of the atrium. Everything here seemed new yet designed like an old building. A long table was set up to the northwest of me on the side of a corridor. A man behind the table was talking to the others near the table about reunion. They table seemed to be set up as a display for registration or information. As i approached, i wondered if the man was $A231. He seemed familiar in some way, but he seemed so much older. The people at the table were talking about an event, and i told them that i probably received an e-mail about it from the listserv. I then realized that i had not received any information on the event, and i told them that i had not beer getting e-mail from the listserv. I mentioned that i should probably give them a new contact address. I started to write down an e-mail address on the brown piece of paper that was on the table. It seemed to be part of a paper bag. The pen was a thick magic marker, and the letters i was writing seemed crude. I was having trouble writing legibly. Something seemed wrong. I tore off the end of the paper bag and tried writing again, but i again had trouble getting the letters clear. I felt frustrated. I again tore off a strip of paper from the brown paper and concentrating on writing the e-mail address more clearly. The woman commented that i had torn the paper multiple times to get a strip. I felt annoyed. I was not able to write cleanly on the paper.

I moved to the east, across the room of the house. It seemed like late evening, and i was moving through the new house. I watched the windows in the northern wall as i moved. Some of them had been open, because the day was warm, but i knew that i should close them, because it was going to get cold again. This house seemed old and worn, but i felt as though i had just moved into the house recently. I was not quite familiar with all of the features of the building yet. I moved to the east, closing some of the windows in the northern wall. They seemed like old multipane windows in wood frames. The northern wall seemed longer than the rest of the room, and the eastern end seemed to be farther to the north than the rest of the wall. As i moved to a window in the western end of the eastern section of the room, i could see a small porch through it. A door was in the wall, just to the west of me. The porch had been closed in with cheap wood, which was painted white. A thin wooden door was in the western end of the northern wall of the porch, and a window was to the east of it. Another window seemed to be in the eastern wall. The western wall of the porch seemed to be against a northern section of the house. As i closed the window to the porch, i wondered if other windows in this wall were locked. This house was cheaply made, and i thought that the windows might not lock like they should. I looked down the northern wall to the east. I felt uneasy about something. I headed back to the west. A kitchen area was set to the north of the western end of the northern wall. I stood in the room to the south of the kitchen, looking at the narrow kitchen area. It had brown cheap wooden cupboards along the northern, eastern and western walls. It was only about four meters deep. I moved to the windows in the kitchen area to close them. I was then closing a thin window that seemed to be in the southern end of a cabinet on the eastern side of the kitchen. The glass of the window was held in by thin white metal, which seemed flimsy. A leaver to lock the window was at the top of the window frame. I turned the leaver to the right, but it broke off. I felt annoyed that the window was so poorly made, but i was glad that it was not a real window. It did not lead outside. It seemed to be decorative, at the edge of where the kitchen design met the plain design of the northern wall of the room to the east. I moved to the west to close the window in the northern wall, above the sink, which seemed to be just west of the center of the room. The panes of glass on the outside windows were thin, and i felt disappointed in the quality of the house. I then headed to the east to close more windows. Others were now with me in the room. As i started past the kitchen area, i looked to the south. The entry door to the house was in the center of the southern wall, and i could see a woman walking toward the door. She had straight brown hair and an oval face. She seemed slightly rounded at her hips. I thought that she was coming to interview as a nanny. I would have to get the door, but i thought that i could close more windows first. I would pretend that i did not notice her coming to the door. I then turned back to the door. To my surprise, she was no longer there. I realized that she must have been at the door a moment and thought that no one was going to answer. She must have lost interest and walked away. A man was at the door instead. He must have been someone else interviewing for the position. I thought that a man would be an interesting choice for a nanny. Something about seemed out of place for this scene, though. I moved to the door, but the man was already walking away, heading south on the cement path in front of the house. When i opened the door, another woman was there. She had frizzy bleached-blond hair and a round face. I invited her in to the house. As i turned back to the north, i was now to the southwest of the house. A grassy lawn was to he north of me, and another house or some other structure seemed to be behind some trees to the northwest. The edge of the house’s lawn seemed to be just to the northwest of me, running north across the mowed grass. I started walking to the northeast, toward the house. I pointed out a playground to the woman. It was to the north of the house. I thought that it would be a great place for children to play, and i told the woman that the previous tenants of the house had actually left it there. I walked to the east a little, along the northern side of the road. A ditch was just to the north of the road, and i was hesitant about crossing it. I thought that the construction workers, who had been there earlier in the day, had dug it. I thought that they had been putting in some drainage pipes under the road. The woman was to the south of me, and i held her hand as i walked. I turned to the northeast and started across the ditch. The woman behind me, who was now wearing a princess dress, stepped into the mud of the ditch and fell over. I realized that the ground was too muddy to actually walk in. I apologized to the woman for leading her through the mud. I tried to trudge to the east, to get out of the ditch. I realized tat i was probably muddy too. I spoke to the woman as we headed for the house. I said something about Excalibur. I was not talking about the sword, but about something else. We had to deliver it to the house. It was a symbol related to an old myth, and it seemed important.

12021 December 06

I headed to the northwest, walking into the building. The area still seemed very open around me, as though i was outdoors, but i was aware that i was getting into a building that was protected from the weather. I felt uncomfortable about the outside are that i had been in. Something about it seemed awkwardly rural, and i felt out of place here. It was dark out, but the place that i was in now was well lighted. It looked like a fare, with several vendor tents. I walked toward the southern side of one as the man walked to the west of me. I had left some other people to the east. As i walked to the west along the southern side of the tent, i noticed the low round domed object under the southwestern side of the tent. It was cylindrical, and was about a meter and a quarter in diameter and about a meter tall. The top of it was shallowly domed. It was painted yellow, but the paint seemed old and worn. I noticed that several coiled springs rested along the top, and a few of them were glowing white. The long springs were draped over the top of the dome, connecting in what seemed to be a loose web. Two or three of the coils on the southwestern side of the dome had white halos around them. I thought that it had something to do with the lightning outside. I felt wary of the lightning outside, and i worried that the electricity of the coils might attract the lighting to the building. A man to the west of the yellow canister reached toward the coils. I warned him not to, thinking that he would be electrocuted. Several others were then near the canister, reaching for it. I felt tense. One of them then tapped one of the coils on the top. Nothing happened to the man. I felt confused. I wondered why the electricity from the coil would not have affected the man. I started heading to the northwest again. I thought about the rural nature of this place. Something felt uncomfortable about it, and i seemed to think that the discomfort was to the northeast of me.

12021 December 07

I moved around in the northeastern side of the area. I felt groggy, as though i had just woken up. Several people were around me. I turned to the east and poured something into a small mug, which as in my left hand. I then turned to the south. I was standing in a long narrow room that ran along the southern side of the building. The ground below me seemed to be made of stone, and it was about a meter above the level of the outside ground to the south of me. No wall was to the south of me. The room looked out into a small courtyard. This place seemed like part of my house, but there were other people there. This place also seemed like the ILR Quad. I started to the south, taking a step down from the level of the house toward the ground. I stopped, though, noticing the people sitting in the middle of the courtyard. They looked like a family, but they were not part of my family. They were visiting this place, but i lived here. A few people sat in a couch that was facing west. The couch was to the east of a low cubical surface, which seemed to be a coffee table. The two or three people on the couch were holding automatic rifles, and they were aiming at something to the west. I felt annoyed, realizing that i would not be able to cross the courtyard without walking between them and what they were aiming at. I thought that it would be dangerous for me to cross. I then noticed some others sitting on the coffee table and a few people sitting on the ground to the west. They were all pointing their guns to the west. I thought that they should not have brought guns to this area, and i wanted them to leave so that i could cross the room safely. Annoyed, i started walking to the west, thinking that i could simply call the police on my cell phone and tell them that people with guns were in the courtyard. The police would be suspicious of people with guns on the college campus. I was amused by the idea of the police arresting the people who were on the courtyard. I walked down a path to the west, which seemed like the path to the south of Day Hall. The area was filled with people, and some event seemed to be happening to the west of me. I thought that it was some kind of festival. I moved through the crowd, wondering what i should do. I then turned to the south, heading down a side path that led to a low plain gray building. The cement building had a flat roof and a metal door in the northern side. Few people were moving around near the building, though black straps on poles ran from the door and down the sides of the cement path that led to it. I still held my cell phone in my left hand, wondering what to do. I was talking to someone, though not on the telephone. I thought that my throat was sore, and i moved to the north again. Something felt wrong, and i wondered if i had gotten sick. I thought that i had a sore throat. I continued talking, but my voice sounded strange and hoarse. I started to wonder if i had contracted a disease. I thought that i should not be walking around in the crowd. I headed back down the path to the east, thinking that i would have to get back to my house so that i could rest. I felt bad. A man then heard me talking, and he asked me if i was sick. I told him that i had a sore throat. I looked back to the west at him. He seemed tall and thin, wearing a baggy T-shirt. He seemed to have dark skin and wide fuzzy hair, and his shirt seemed dull pinkish-red. I did not want him to think that i was a danger to anyone. I had to get out of the crowd and back to my house.

I was on the northeastern side of the rectangular room, and i was talking with others. We had to go somewhere, and i felt as though i was not quite sure that i should go. A woman was in the room to the southwest of me. She had on a blue winter parka, and she walked to the west, following the others as they left. She said that i should go with her, and i reluctantly went. She sat in the driver’s seat of the car, to the south of me, as we drove through the small town. A lake seemed to be to the southwest of us. I realized that i had been on my lunch break when i was talking to the others in the room, and if i continued riding to the west, it would be a long time before i could return to work. I worried that i would be gone too long. I felt uncomfortable, but i was not sure what to do. A second car was driving ahead of us, and i knew that the other people were in it. The woman who was driving me seemed like $A623 or someone similar. The land to the north of the road ahead of us seemed pale gray, as though it were covered with a dusting of snow. We were now driving along the shore of the lake, and i could see the water to the southwest of us. I felt nervous, thinking that it would take a while to complete this trip, and i thought that i had to get back before too long.

I moved to the east, into the center of the room. I had been doing something with other people, and i was now following some of them into this room. I could hear the sound of some kind of music, which sounded like an acoustic instrument. The people in the room started talking about the instruments here. I stopped as some of the people settled onto a couch that was against the southern wall of the room. They had small instruments in their hands. The instruments seemed like violins or small guitars. I was very interested in the instrument, and i wanted to play one, but i thought that these were expensive instruments that belonged to the people here. I thought that they might not like me playing them. I felt uncomfortable here. A man was sitting on the back of the eastern end of the couch, with his feet on the cushions. He had a long thick pole, which had strings down one side of it. The pole seemed about two meters long and about a half-deci wide near the top and almost a full deci wide near the bottom. It had thin metal rods sticking out of the top of it, and it seemed to have long strings running down one side. I thought that most of these instruments were hand made. I thought that, because these instruments did not have to be acoustic, they could take pretty much any shape, and i thought that they could even have multiple sets of strings on different sides. I felt very interested in the instruments. I looked at a small one as i stepped to the east. It was a wooden pole about two decis long, and it had a very similar shape to the larger instrument that the man was holding. It was made of an unfinished wood, and the side under the strings was flat. I rotated the instrument in my hand, noticing that it had several sets of strings on different sides. I wanted to have an instrument like this so that i could play it. I stopped near the eastern end of the couch and turned back to the west. I bent over and looked at another cylindrical instrument, picking it up in my left hand. This one was shaped more like a pepper grinder, and it was made of a very pale wood, with a slight discoloration in the grain forming a wedge that pointed down on one side. It was more perfectly cylindrical than the others, and it only seemed to have one set of strings. I sat down on the couch that was against the eastern wall, and i listened to the music that the others were playing. It sounded like a long steady note on a violin, but something about it seemed familiar. A woman sat to the south of me on the couch, and she seemed to be playing the music. She then started playing arpeggios. It sounded like something by Philip Glass, but i recognized the song as something from Laurie Anderson. I asked the woman if it was a Laurie Anderson song, and she said that it was. I told her that i liked Laurie, and it felt good to be relating to the others. I then continued walking to the east, into my room. This was a bedroom, and the large white bed was against the eastern wall. I was aware that i had left the double doors in the center of the western wall partially open, and i thought that the woman might see what i was doing. I wondered if she would notice the Laurie Anderson posters on the eastern wall above the bed. I looked at the pale wall, noticing that few posters were there. One was above the bed, near the northern side of the bed. It was a black and white photograph that had been tinted light blue. To the south of it was an open space. I thought that another poster used to be there. I realized that there were few posters on the wall, and none of the were of Laurie Anderson albums. I then noticed the piece of drawing paper attached to the wall to the south of the bed. It had a hand-drawn picture of a face in blue ball-point ink. The face was of a woman with bushy hair. Her hair was parted over her face, and she was looking up to the right of the image. I remembered that i had gotten this drawing at a Laurie Anderson concert. The artwork would not be easily recognizable by the woman as something relating to Laurie Anderson, but i knew that it was something special. A loose zigzag below the neck of the drawing was a signature. I thought that the drawing might be worth some money. I then noticed that i had cut the paper around the head so that the head could be mounted on the wall. A piece of the paper still seemed to hang over the southern side of the face, though. I lifted it up, wondering what i should do with it. I then thought that i should have had a Laurie Anderson poster over the bed. I looked over the bed again. The wall had more pictures on it that it had previously, but there was a large rectangular space over the southern side of the bed. I realized that one of the posters must have fallen off the wall. I looked between the mattress and the wall and noticed the top edge of it. I pulled it up and put it back on the wall, pushing it in place. It did not quite fit the space on the aluminium-foil-covered wall. A small square colorful postcard was partly underneath the upper right edge of it. I tried moving the postcard a little to make room for the large poster. I then noticed that the postcard was actually a sticker that had been stuck to the wall. It had a glob of off-white putty stuck to the upper corners of it. I pulled the putty, trying to spread it across the back of the image that i was trying to hang back up.

12021 December 08

I moved to the south, down the center of the small narrow room. I was aware of the ceremony happening to the southwest of me. I had to get ready for a party, but i was aware that the ceremony was happening at the same time. I wished that i could go to the ceremony, which seemed to be my parents’ wedding. I felt rushed. A counter was to the east of me, and it seemed like a large control board. I had placed my suit coat on it, and i started changing my clothes. I thought that i had to go to the party that $F1 was having. I wanted to go to the wedding, and i thought that i should attend that ceremony, but i had to attend the other party at the same time. I felt sad that i would miss the wedding because of $F1’s party. I picked up the white button-up shirt from the counter to the east and started to put it on. This suddenly seemed strange. I wondered why i would not go to the wedding instead. It seemed that it would be a very important ceremony for me. I picked up the dark suit jacket to the northeast from the counter to the east. I moved around the room as i changed my shirt. I then heard people talking in the ceremony. I thought that i could hear them through the speakers in the booth that i was in. I looked out the window to the west, noticing that my father standing on the northern side of a low round stage on the western side of the room. A small audience was gathered in chairs to the east of the stage. The audience curved slightly around the curve of the oval stage. I felt anxious, wanting to attend the wedding, but i felt that i had to go to the other party. I turned back to the east, thinking that i needed a nicer shirt. I tried to change my clothing. I looked up to the east, seeing through a doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall and into a small plain room with plain walls. I then turned back to the west, looking out the window at the ceremony. I was surprised to see that everyone had left. The chairs of the audience were now stacked in a small pile in the center of the room, and the lights were dimmed. I had missed the wedding ceremony. I thought that the people must be at the reception. I thought that i could still make it to the reception. I felt uneasy. This situation seemed very strange, and i was not sure what i should do. I thought that i should finish getting dressed and go to the reception. I could skip the event with $F1.

12021 December 10

I walked to the south, along the western side of the small room. I had come down the hallway from the west and turned into this room, which seemed like a classroom. Some others were following me. It felt odd to be here. I thought that we had been told to attend school here, and it seemed as though this was no the place that we would normally attend. I thought that we had been traveling. $A712 and $A796 entered the room through the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. $A796 was grabbing $A712 as though trying to wrestle. I remembered that they had been pushing each other in the hallway too. $A712 walked to the south, to the east of me, and $A796 grabbed him from behind. They struggled for a moment, and then $A712 pulled away. Something seemed strange about the conflict, and i wondered if they were still joking around. I knew that $A796 was playing around. $A712 rushed to the northeast, at $A796, and pushed him back. $A712 seemed angry about the play and wanted it to stop. He shoved $A796 roughly into the northern wall. A woman was to the east of me, and she was watching the fight with me. $A712 was trying to end the play, because he was getting angry about it. $A712 let got of $A796 and turned back to the south, walking across the room. $A796 stayed against the northern wall for a moment. He seemed upset. He wore a loose long-sleeve shirt, and he sunk down a little against the wall. I suddenly felt that the fight was not over. Before $A712 could reach us, $A796 started walking after him. $A796 now seemed angry, and i thought that the two would start fighting. $A712 turned around to confront $A796. I moved to the center of the room, trying to separate them. $A796 seemed very upset and hurt, and i felt sorry for him. He did not seem to understand why $A712 was angry with him. He also seemed to be shirtless at the moment. I tried to calm them down. I then moved toward $A796 and put my arm over his shoulder, walking him to the east and away from the conflict. I tried to calm him, realizing that he did not understand why $A712 had attacked him. We stopped near the northern wall of the room and talked for a moment. The teacher was then to the southeast of us. He was a young man, and he said something to the class. Most of the class seemed to be in seats near the southern wall. I still felt that we had been sent here from somewhere else, and i thought that i had to get my things together. I looked up at the round object, which was just over our heads. The teacher had said something that made me think of it. It looked like a large hoop with black netting over it. It had some kind of tinsel decoration in the netting. I started pulling at one of the tinsel pieces, thinking that we had to clean something up. $A796 was still to the northeast of me. I then grabbed the edge of the hoop and pulled down, thinking that it would be easier to put things away if we moved it into a more convenient position. The hoop moved downward, and it opened up. It was aligned east to west, and there seemed to be two mesh-covered hoops together. As i pulled, the two hoops moved apart, pivoting from a hinge that seemed to connect them at the top of each hoop. The hoops moved to the southeast of me, tipping so that both hoops were parallel to the ground. One hoop was to the north of the other. I started pulling the tinsel from the northern hoop as the teacher talked to me. He had moved to the southwest of me. I responded to him as i tried to untangle a tinsel snowflake from the netting of the hoop. I realized that the large snowflake, which had a branch that was about five centimeters long and three wide, had the branch slipped through a square at the edge of the netting. All of the gold tinsel snowflakes seemed to be connected, so, if we could pull the branching ends out from the netting at the edges of the hoop, we could slide the entire section of tinsel off of the hoop. I pulled one of the branches out of a square in the mesh as i replied to the teacher. I felt interested in what he was saying. I then thought about how we had come to this place. I thought that i would eventually have to get my things together to leave. Something about the room seemed like a hotel room, but i was still talking to the teacher.

12021 December 11

The man was to the north of me, on the street. I had just walked down the street from the north, and i was looking back to see if he was following me. He had stopped about fifty meters from me, looking at something in his hand. We were in a neighborhood area, and trees shaded the road. It seemed like autumn, with mostly green leafs and a few red and orange leafs here and there. The houses seemed fairly close to the road and close together. I then noticed something moving to the northeast. A group of squirrels and some other small animals were running to the south and southeast across a yard. They seemed to be to the northeast of the man. I realized that a number of animals were running from something. I felt alert, thinking that something was wrong. I yelled to the man, who seemed to be $A682. I pointed out that the animals from the forest were running from something. The man seemed confused. I pointed toward the animals, but i could only see a few moving now. I felt that something was wrong, and i told $A682 that something was wrong. He started moving quickly toward me. I then noticed another rush of animals across the yard to the northeast. A large flock of blue jays flew through the trees as small animals scurried across the yard under them. I felt unsafe, and i started running to the west, down the main street of the small down. Houses were just off the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. As we passed the second or third house on the street, i noticed some older people sitting on the front porch. I thought that this was the house that we had been staying at, but i did not go in. $A682 continued to the west. I caught a glimpse of the older man who was sitting on the western side of the porch to the north of me. He was balding and had a round face. He sat with a slight hunch. I continued to the next house, thinking that this was not the house that we had been staying at. I then realized that this was $A682’s house. I remembered it. A small yellow structure was to the south of the house, attached as though part of a porch. It seemed to be a small shed where trash cans could be stored. It was about two and a half meters tall and about a meter deep. I ran to the north of it, thinking that i could reach the door of the house. I found that a thin wood wall ran from the house to the structure. I suddenly remembered this. The entry door was on the western side of the wall, and i knew that $A682 was on the western side of the wall, unlocking the door to the house. I worried about going back out and around the small shed to get to him, so i climbed over the thin wooden wall. We ran up a set of stairs to the north and turned east, into the northern end of a large room. The room was relatively square, with a high ceiling. A large bed was against the center of the western wall. Just to the east of the bed, the room seemed to be at a slightly lower level, with a step just under the foot of the bed. I remembered this room from before, and i had not been here in a long time. Large windows were in the northern, eastern, and western walls. A large window was also in the center of the ceiling. It had a white grid of supports holding the panes of glass in. I liked this place, and i wondered if i could come to this place more often. $A682 moved across the bed, heading south, and i crouched down in the center of the eastern side of the to pick up some things. Other people were in the room, and something changed. I was now standing in a small entryway on the northeastern side of the house. The room was open to the west, into the northern side of a larger room. Some people were moving around in the large room, and $A682 was just to the west of me, in the doorway to the entryway. A door seemed to the north of me, but the entry door was to the east of me, behind me. I suddenly realized that the entry door was open. I felt worried that the cat had gotten out. I remembered that it had come into the entryway from the west. I looked behind me to see that the door was ajar. I moved east, outside. I was on the southern end of a small street that ran north. The trees that hung over the street seemed orange with dry leafs. I called for the cat, but i did not see it. I then looked to the north, noticing the black cat in the middle of the street. The cat seemed to be running to the northeast. I was worried, and i called the cat’s name. I then realized that the cat was actually running toward me. I thought that it must have gotten out a while ago and was now relieved to get back inside. I was then back inside the entryway. I crouched down, facing west. The cat was approaching from the west, and i called its name. It seemed unsure of what to do. I called its name again, and i realized that i had now called it $X14, which was not the cat’s name. $A682 walked from the southwest, approaching from behind the cat. I crouched down and tried to get the cat to come to me, but it laid down, seeming impartial. I called its name, thinking that i could pet it and hold it in my arms.

I walked with the other person to the south on the street. We seemed to have come from some place to the north, on the western side of the street. The other person walked to the west of me, and we were talking about something. I looked at the modern house to the southeast. The person with me said that it was the new governor’s mansion. I told him that i remembered it from before. The large white marble structure to the east seemed to be the state museum, and i remembered that a small house had been attached to the back of it. I noticed that the plain green house now seemed to have two layers, one on the eastern side and a smaller section to the west. I thought that an addition might have been added to the building. The building seemed very plain, with no eves and thin trim around the windows. It seemed like a cheaply built house. We reached the southern end of the street and started walking back to the north. I thought that this new house was not the governor’s mansion, though. I remembered that as a large mansion on the corner. I thought that it would be to the north of us on the eastern side of the street. As we walked, i thought that the governor might have built a second house near the mansion. I then thought that the two yards could have been connected so that the governor could walk back and forth between the two. I pictured a cement path that curved between some pine trees between the two buildings. It would run to the east of us, from the new green house to the governor’s mansion to the north. I imagined that the path would keep the press on the sidewalk and away from the governor. I pictured a man in a long wool coat walking to the north with his aids. He would wave casually to the press. I then thought that he could not be secretive going between the two buildings. If he really wanted to sneak between the two buildings, they should have built an underground tunnel between the two. I saw a narrow gap to the east between the two buildings. It was about three meters wide. I wondered if they could dig a tunnel from inside the buildings to connect the two. I then reached the northern end of the street. My mother pointed out the house to the east, saying that, if it ever went for sale, she would like to buy it. I knew that she owned the house on the western side of the street. I looked at the large white house to the east. It was very close to the road, and i was looking up at the western side of the building. The old house had wood siding that had been painted white. The paint seemed thick, as though it had many layers of paint. The window frames had curved edges, and raised floral decorations were between the windows. One, which looked like an oval bud atop a curving stem, was under the peak of the room. The trimming and decorations were painted green. They also seemed to have several coats of paint. I then realized that this was not part of the governor’s mansion. I had thought that the mansion was here, but the mansion was an old gothic building made of weather-darkened gray stone. I knew that it was near the marble museum, so i thought that it must have been on the southeastern corner of the block. This building was something else. It looked like a very large old farmhouse.

12021 December 12

I was in the front room of the house. The room was on the northern side of the house. I was doing something in the room, and i could hear the noise of trucks outside, to the north. I moved around, trying to do something, but i looked to the north to see a large truck with a hose on a long crane arm. The trucks were very close to the house, on the edge of the street. The arm was directly to the north of me, and the truck was to the east of the arm. The truck seemed to be pumping cement onto the road. I thought that the trucks were doing some work on the road outside, and they must have been tearing up a channel on the side of the road to replace the drainage or utilities. I moved around the house, trying to finish what i was doing. The house seemed long and narrow, and it seemed to be on a steep slope. The slope seemed to descend from the street to the north. I left the room from the western end, heading south. I then moved to the eastern end of the house, where a stairwell led down. This place seemed like the house where $G3 lived. The corridor on the lower level ran to the east. It was narrow and dimly lighted. I walked to the center to get some more things from the small room on the northern side. This was the computer room. As i entered, i noticed that a section of plaster from the ceiling had fallen onto the large black printer that was on a surface on the western side of the room. Water had seeped through the ceiling, and the ceiling was crumbling onto the computer equipment. I felt annoyed by this and started to clean it up. I looked up at the spot where the plaster had fallen from the ceiling. Something about the dampness smelled like cement, and i thought that the cement trucks must have splattered some cement onto the roof of the house. I then wondered how this could happen. The trucks should not have been pouring the cement high enough to get it onto the roof of the house. Something did not make sense, but i thought that the cement on the roof had started the water leaking into the house. I was glad that there was not a lot of water in the wet plaster. I moved some of the computer equipment around, trying to move it to dry spots in the room. The computer seemed to be a laptop. I closed it and moved it to the southeast. I then moved to the east again, heading down the corridor. I could now see the long narrow grassy yard that ran along the southern side of the house. I moved to the west again, back into the center of the house. I was now in the basement, and i could see where water was dripping from the ceiling in the center of the large recreational room. Other $G3 were in the room around me. I thought that the water must be dripping down from the computer room above. I imagined the position of the two rooms. I could not quite get them to line up in my mind, but i thought that this water must be trickling down from the computer room. I turned to some of the other people in the room. A number of people were now here. $A767 seemed to be to the west of me. I talked to some of $G3, and it felt good to talk to them. I chatted with a few people in the group for a moment. We were then on the grassy yard to the south of the eastern side of the house. I walked to the west with a couple of people, talking to them. Several other people were to the west of us, gathered near a long wooden trough that ran along the southern side of the yard. Weeds and bushes grew along the southern side of the yard, just beyond the trough. The land also sloped steeply down just past the yard. As we approached the group of people to the west, i could see that they were digging through something in the trough. The square wooden chute seemed to slope down slightly to the west, but it ended in the center of the yard. Another wooden chute sloped to the south, running down the steep hill. The trough seemed to be filled with fresh cement. I thought that the construction workers must have installed the wooden chute. Several $G3 dug through the cement, exposing the pale-green metal pipe that was just under the surface. I moved to the northwest of the group, watching them dig for something in the chute. I then noticed a second trough to the south of the first. It was lower, and i thought that it must be the old chute. The construction people must have installed the new one. I spoke with the others as i looked down the steep hill, looking at how the square wood chute ran down. I could see the top of the metal pipe just above the level of the dark-gray cement.

I had done some yard work for the people in the house to the south of me. I thought that i had done something in the front yard of the house. I now stood on the southern side of the street, just to the north of the house. The small yard to the north of the house seemed well kept. The man from the family of the house had asked me to do some things in the yard. He had also asked me to do something in a yard that as to the south of the house. The second yard was down the street about a hundred meters. The small one-level house with a peaked roof was in an old neighborhood with trees growing in the yards. A street ran along the eastern side of the house, and the second yard seemed on the southwestern corner of another intersection, to the south of the first house. I had done some cleaning in the second yard, and i thought that the man wanted me to do some trimming on both yards as well. I thought about the work. I wondered why the man would want me doing work in the yard to the south, but i thought that i should do it. Something seemed strange about the work, but i thought that i should do it anyway. I needed to find a weed trimmer to do the trimming work. A garage was attached to the western side of the small house, and the door was open. I walked in, looking for a weed trimmer. I saw a small one resting against on old crock near the front of the garage. I wondered if there was a larger one. I spoke to myself as i looked through the equipment. A larger weed trimmer was to the northwest of the large cock, on the cement floor of the garage. It was upside down, and it was only the head of the trimmer. I picked it up. The triangular head was black on the bottom and orange on the top. It matched the coloring of the smaller one that i had found, but it was larger. I thought that the man must have taken it apart. The smaller one was an electric trimmer, but the larger one could have been part of a gas trimmer. I wondered which i should use. I moved to the southwest, looking at some of the other tools in the garage. A work bench was along the southern wall, and another small trimmer was leaning against it. I realized that several trimmer parts had been around the garage. A thick black metal pole leaning against the wooden work bench could have been the pole for the larger trimmer that i found. I decided that i would use the smaller trimmer, though. I headed back to the north, carrying the small trimmer with me. I would need to plug it in, and i wondered if there was electricity in the other yard to the south. I noticed a heavy green extension chord on the ground in the center of the garage. I picked it up and carried it with me. I was then walking to the south, down the street. The second house seemed to be on the eastern side of the road now. As i approached, i looked at the wooden fence that ran across the front of the yard. I would have to find someplace to plug in the trimmer. I then wondered if the man really wanted me doing work no this part of the yard first. I felt uncomfortable doing the work, not sure what i should be doing. I approached the wooden wall, which was the fence. A small square opening was in the bottom of the wall. It was about a meter wide, and it had a metal band running across it. I wondered if i could slip the extension chord through the hole to plug it in. As i approached the opening and crouched down, i noticed that there were two metal bands. The upper one seemed to be a thin white ribbon with metal woven into it. It seemed to be stretchable. It was attached by a metal loop at each end to a hook on the wall. I thought that this band might be electrified, and i thought that it would keep animals out of the yard. I was aware of a family walking a dog to the west of me. I was now crouching down to the north of the wall, and the wall and house seemed to be to the south of me now. I small writing across the white ribbon. It said that the band would keep cars out. I thought that the band would stretch around a car as the car passed but would keep animals out because of the electric charge. I then thought that the opening was too small for a car to pass through. Something did not make sense. I thought about this for a moment, looking around at the opening. I noticed a small doll near the top of the opening. It was a naked doll with a large head and an unnaturally shortened body. The doll was posed so that it was crawling on its knees, and its blond hair was fussy and sticking up over the back of the doll. The doll was on top of a piece of wood, which seemed to be the upper frame of the opening. It was facing east. The piece of wood was on the other side of the wall from me. Cross slats covered the surface of the wall near me, but a gap between the lower slat and the top of the frame of the opening left enough room for me to see the doll. The doll also seemed to have some pink paint on it, as though trying to make it look punk. I thought that the doll matched the other dolls i remembered from the lower part of the opening. I was amused by the decorations. I backed up from the wall a little, wondering where i could plug in the trimmer. I then noticed a large garage opening to the west. The garage was slightly down hill from where i was, and i was not sure that it was part of the same house. I walked into the garage and looked around. I was having trouble seeing the details in the darkened space, but i could tell that there were several plugs on the walls that i could use. I looked to the east, noticing that the closed garage door was to the east of the one that i had entered. The closed door was related to the small opening, so this garage must be part of the same house that i was trying to get in to. I looked along the cement walls for a plug. The lower parts of the walls were cement. The walls then sloped gradually outward from the cement for about a meter, where they met the vertical part of the wall. I noticed several plugs along the back side of the wall, but i continued looking for outlets in the side walls. I wanted an outlet that was closer to the door so that i had more room to move around outside. I thought i saw an outlet on the eastern wall, but i having trouble seeing. It seemed that something was blocking my vision. I tired to focus, and i moved my left hand across my face as if pushing something out of the way. I noticed an outlet. I then looked to the northeast, noticing that the other garage was to the northeast of me. A small alcove ran to the north from the other garage. I thought that the small opening must be in the small alcove. As i moved toward it, i could see sunlight coming in through the small opening in the upper part of the northern wall. Paneling covered the walls of the alcove. The paneling seemed to be painted gray to match the rest of the walls. I looked for a plug here, thinking that there must be one. I thought i noticed some on the eastern wall near the opening, but i was having trouble seeing them. I could not quite see the outlets. It was as if something were in my line of sight as i looked at them.

12021 December 13

We drove to the north on the long road, which seemed like North Road. The rural land around us was open farmland, with many fields for grazing. The man in the car with me said that he wanted a cow. This seemed like the area to get a cow. We slowed down as we approached an intersection, which seemed to be in Lambs Corners. I thought that we could go to $A328’s house, which was to the east of us. As we came to a stop, snow was on the land around us, and a thin layer was covering the road. The weather seemed pale with snow. We drove to the east and started up a shallow hill. I thought that $A328 lived just over the hill, on the northern side of the road. I pictured the house set back on the hill, with a pond to the east of it. Ahead of us, i could see a large truck across the road. I felt annoyed that the truck was blocking the road ahead of us. I felt impatient and did not want to wait for it to get out of the road. A large old wooden barn seemed to be on the southern side of the road, just to the south of the truck, and a larger truck was to the north of the dump truck, which was in the middle of the road, facing north. Neither truck seemed to be moving. The man driving the car that i was in did not stop. He drove very close to the southern end of the dump truck and passed between it and the structure to the south of it. I felt that we had squeezed through a very tight space. As we passed, i spotted another vehicle across the road in the distance. This one looked like a bus. I told the others i was annoyed that the way was blocked. As we approached the bus, i realized that the bus was not actually on the road. The bus was actually on a grassy area to the north of the road, and the road bowed to the south, curving around the southern edge of the field. Several large thins were in the field across the road from the bus. I tried looking at them as we passed, but i could not quite focus on them. The land on both sides of the road was open fields, and the field sloped up to the north. As we reached the eastern end of the field, where the trees started on both sides of the road, i noticed that the road ahead was relatively straight, and it had houses on both sides. This area did not seem correct. I realized that the field we had driven past was the field of the airport’s runway. We had already past the farm that i had been looking for. It should have been before the airport. I looked at the farm to the north of us, and i told the man driving that the airport was to the north of us and that we had passed the farm that we were trying to get to. I told him that it was the first farm on the road. The man turned to the north into the wrong property. He seemed to be turning around, but we were driving down the long dirt driveway that led north. I knew that this was not the correct farm, but i wondered if we could ask about the cow here anyway. The lawn was open, with a white colonial farmhouse in the northwestern corner of the property and an old faded red barn in the northeastern corner. I started talking to the others on the bus with me. Another man was sitting to the south of me, and we were both near the front of the bus. We had been driving to the northwest, but the bus was moving to the east. I looked at the old barn of the farm to the north of us. The ground all around it was worn bare. I told the others that we had passed the farm that we had intended to go to, again saying that we could ask the farm behind us for directions. I felt annoyed. The man to the south of me was not interested in going back, though. He said that we would not go back. I told him that i would just go to my house then. I told him that the main road was to the east of us. We seemed to be on Dart Drive, and the road this road seemed to end on a main road that ran north to sound along the side of the airport. $A626 was with us on the bus as i walked to the west, into the room. I talked to $A626 as i moved around the small room. A piano was to the west of me, and i tried to play a little on it. I knew that i could not play, though, but i ran my fingers along the keys. Something then seemed to change, and i was in the room with the others. I stood near the southern end of the room, and this place seemed like an office. I was here to work. Others were gathering in the room, and they asked me about the questions on the application. I looked at the white paper to the north of me. I could see the section at the bottom of the form that i had not yet answered. The question of the form seemed rather out of place, and i felt annoyed that i would have to answer it. I thought that i would not answer the question. Someone then asked about the top of the form. I looked up to the top of the page, noticing one line that had a question asking which position i wanted. I knew that the job i was applying for had something to do with waiting or food service. I had not answered this question, but i noticed that a second question was on the right side of the line, and i had answered that question. A woman to the north of me then asked a question. I know that she would be assigning me to a job. I felt a little uneasy, thinking that the others had been teasing me about something. The woman moved to the southeast of me, looking at me. She pointed out what i was wearing. I looked at my clothes, noticing that i was wearing a pale-blue button-up long-sleeve shirt, which seemed to be made of a heavy material. The woman commented that i would need a better pair of pants. I thought that the pants would have to be black dress pants if i was going to be waiting. The woman then started describing the job for food service.

12021 December 14

I had been running, and i stopped on the western end of the warehouse. I felt tense. I had been running from the other people. I looked around at the dirty cement walls around me. I was on the eastern side of a large open room, and a corridor ran to the east of me. The eastern side of the room was narrow, and the corridor seemed to have two levels. I had come from the lower level, but i could see a corridor above the lower one. It was open to where i was, with no stairs to it or balcony defining the end of it. I thought that i could fly up to the corridor and head east on the upper level. The people after me would not be able to fly, so they would have to find a set of stairs to take them up. I felt threatened here, but i also felt confident that i could get away from the people chasing me. I jumped to the east and flew into the upper corridor, passing through the doorway at the end and coming into a rectangular room. I circled the empty room, wondering what to do. This warehouse seemed to have been abandoned a long time ago, and the walls and floor seemed dirty, with pieces crumbling away. I thought that it would take a while for the others to get to where i was, so i knew that i had time to think about where to go. The northern, eastern, and southern walls had large square open windows in them. I thought that i could fly out onto the roof through the windows. From there, i should be able to fly in any direction. If i left quickly, the people following me would not be able to see in which direction i had flown.

I felt bitter. I was in a room of people, and i was impersonating someone. I moved slowly through the crowd, thinking that i would have to get rid of the person whom i was impersonating. I felt indifferent about killing the other person, and i felt bad that i felt indifferent. This situations seemed strange and unreal. I was wearing a white button-up shirt, which i had taken from a short person in the room. I thought that some of the people in the room might ask about the shirt, wanting to know if it was mine or if i had taken it from the other person. I thought that they might recognize the shirt as the other person’s. I left the room and headed to the east, down a set of stairs in a cement stair well. I pulled at the bottom of my shirt, pretending to show it to someone as proof that it was mine. I would say that it was mine, even though i knew that it was not. I felt angry for some reason, but i also felt controlled. These emotions seemed strange, though, as though i was really observing the actions of a character. $A626 was then with me, and i started talking to him. He stood to the southeast of me as i stood near the bottom of the stairs. Something was not correct here.

I was in the plain rectangular room, talking to members of my family. I had been here for a little while, but i knew that i had to leave. I headed to the east, thinking that i had to go to the other island now. I was on one island, but i needed to travel to the other. I could see the island to the east of me now. I was looking down at a rendering of the island in the ocean. It was a crescent-shaped island, forming a backward C in the water, with the opening facing west-southwest. I thought that it was one of the Hawaiian Islands, but i was not sure which one. I knew that we were in a large city called Maui, and i knew that it was a famous place. I thought that the island must also have a famous name. I looked down at the island, spotting the city on the inside of the C, just to the north of the center. A tall pointed mountain peak was to the northwest of the city. The island looked interesting, and i felt excited about traveling around it to see the places.

12021 December 15

I was in the room on the western side of the building. This place was old, with worn wooden walls and a low ceiling. A woman was to the north of me. Someone had come to this place, looking for help with something, and i felt indifferent to the person. Someone then came into the room from the sound, and told us that someone was arriving. I thought that i was not interested in the man who had arrived, but i knew that he needed something from us. The people in the room said that he was giving birth. This seemed strange, and i felt concerned for the man. I moved to the north with the woman. We headed into the small bedroom, where the man sat on the western end of a cushioned surface in the middle of the room, facing north. I moved to the west of him, watching him as i approached. He wore a dark-gray long-sleeve button-up shirt, and he sat with a slight hunch forward. He seemed to be in discomfort. The woman, who was now to the southwest of me, said that a dragon was coming. I knew that she meant that the man was giving birth to a dragon. I unbuttoned the top of the man’s shirt. I knew that he had been a famous person in some athletic sport. He had been known for his attractive body, but he did not seem as impressive anymore. He still had a muscular chest, but it was no longer detailed. I also noticed that he had shaved his chest, and stubble was starting to grow. I could not see the dragon. I moved closer and pulled his shirt open, exposing the top part of his abdomen. A small dragon head was tucked against his abdomen inside the shirt. The dragon had its eyes closed and its head tipped down. I told the man that it was cute and softly pet it on the forehead. I knew that we would have to keep it warm. We would need to take care of it until it could take care of itself. I then thought that it was odd that a man like this would get a dragon. I felt a little jealous. I asked the others for hot water and some towels with which to clean the dragon. I thought that it was very important that we keep the dragon warm.

I headed to the north, along the shore of the large body of water. The water was to the west of me, and the sandy shore seemed packed. Several people were working on something near the water just ahead of me. They seemed to be on an old wooden dock. The docks stretched for several meters to the north, down the shore. I tried to go around the eastern side of the people so that i did not get in their way. I stayed on the sand to the east of the dock. The eastern edge of the dock near me was ragged from rot. As i started to pass the people, i heard a rumble of thunder. I hesitated, not sure what to do. I thought that something was wrong. I backed up a few paces to the south. I then looked to the south. A large dump truck was backing toward me from the south. Its back end was filled with cut firewood. I moved to the east to get out of the way of the truck. I thought that the people would be rebuilding the docks, but i thought that the wood was for a campfire. I watched as the truck slowed to a stop near the northern end of the dock. I wondered if i could help the others with the wood. I then heard a heavy thump, and i thought that it was another clap of thunder.

12021 December 17

I walked cautiously to the west through the building with the other person. The other person walked to the south of me, and we chatted in low conversation. I thought that we really did not want people to know that we were here. The corridor was darkened, and i looked to the northwest as we walked. Ahead of us, the corridor opened up into a wider area. This place seemed like an old mall. As we passed the opening in the northern wall, i saw that two people were sitting at a table just inside the area. A low terrace, about a meter tall, ran flush with the northern wall of the corridor. The southern and western sides seemed to be defined by low green bushy plants that grew from cement planters. I worried for a moment that the people at the table might be annoyed that we were here, but they did not seem to mind us. I then realized that bright theater lights illuminated them. Several cameras were around them and some microphone booms were over their heads. They were being filmed for an interview. We should be quiet so that we did not disturb them. I then realized that the person to the west of the table was a thin woman with long blond hair. She leaned forward over the table as she spoke to the other person. On the eastern side of the table sat a chimpanzee, who was wearing a red high-collar T-shirt. The chimpanzee seemed impartial to what the woman was saying, and he was staring off to the southwest. I knew that these people were experimenting with primates to make them smarter. A large glass window was in the wall to the north of the table, and i could see the well-lighted room inside. The room was a laboratory, and it had a large laboratory table in the center that had a white surface. The walls also seemed white. Two men in white laboratory coats were standing on the eastern side of the room, one to the north of the other near the table, and a third seemed to be on the western side of the room. The man near the northeastern corner of the table had a round face, a bald head, and square glasses. Several chimpanzees stood around the table, some seemed to be interacting with the men. One near the southern end of the western side of the table was staring off to the southeast. I felt interested in the chimpanzees. We rounded the southwestern corner of the terrace, where a corridor ran to the north along the western side of the terrace and laboratory. I did not want the people in the laboratory to notice us, but i was interested in the primates. We stopped to the west of the laboratory. The room was open to the corridor, and the people in the laboratory looked at us. A chimpanzee was just to the northeast of me. It turned to look at me, and then it suddenly moved toward me and hugged me around the waist. I felt very comforted by the hug. I was pleased that the chimpanzee felt comfortable with me, and i liked that it chose me to be friendly with. I looked down at the chimpanzee as it smiled up at me. It had a reddish hue to its fur. I put my hands on its shoulders to hug it back.

12021 December 18

I started walking to the south, thinking about the event that was happening to the northwest. The event covered a relatively large area and seemed to have something to do with wrestling. I had said that i would go to part of the event, and i thought about the signs that would be put up over the areas where things were happening. I imagined a red sign that would float like a balloon over the area that i was interested in. I thought about this as i moved to the south with some other people. One of the others was a woman, who walked to the northwest of me. I felt uneasy as i thought about the events. I seemed either anxious or disappointed. As we stopped, the others with me started talking about relationships. Something felt out of place, and i was not sure what to do. The woman was to the east of me now, and she seemed like $A815. She walked to the west, rounding the south of me, and she stopped to the southwest of me to hug me. I hugged her back, but i felt impartial to the situation. Something seemed to be distracting me. I was not sure what i should do, and i turned to the west. The woman was to the north of me now, and i seemed to be standing on the northern side of a street or alley, with a building just to the north of me. The woman stood in a doorway of the building. She was $A750. She seemed happy to see me. The others talked around us, and she smiled at me. I felt awkward. I wondered if i should ignore her or point out that she had decided not to talk to me. I did not think that she would be here, but she continued interacting with me as though she were a very close friend. Someone to the northeast of me then showed me the stone. It looked like a small diamond in a silver ring. $A750 had a question about the diamond as well. I took the small stone to look at it. A small piece of the stone fell on the ground as i brought it to me. I talked to the others as i bent over to pick up the small piece. The stone seemed to be about a centimeter wide, and the piece was a tiny chip. I looked over the surface of the stone, noticing a defect in the lower right side. I turned to the southeast to look more closely at it. I tried to see the rock better. The diamond seemed to be cut into the standard shape, with a low flat surface on top and a pointed bottom. I said something about the flat top to the man who was to the southeast of me. I rolled it over in my hands, seeing the slight brown discoloration near the chipped spot. The stone had a defect in it. I wondered if the defect had gone all the way through the stone. I turned it over again, removing a plastic casing. The plastic casing fell to the ground. One piece, which seemed like the top cap, bounced to the east, and the narrower piece, which seemed to be the bottom casing, fell directly under me. The man crouched down to pick up the top piece, and i bent over to pick up the small clear-plastic cup, which was about a quarter of a centimeter wide. Another small fleck of diamond had fallen out of the casing, and i picked that up as well. It was fan shaped, with a wider bulge near the center of the angle. It had bluish-gray impurities along the outer edge of the shape. The impurities looked like some kind of metal. I rolled the stone in my hand. It was about four centimeters wide and about three centimeters tall. When i turned it over, i could see that the bottom was discolored. Most of the lower left side of the stone was tinted brown, and the crystal seemed fractured and cloudy. I told the others that the stone had a fracture, and i wondered if it was put in the casing in such a way that it would hide the impurity. The casing would have at least held the stone together. I thought that it might break if i applied stress to it. I wanted to make sure that it did not break, though. I thought that i would have to be careful with the stone so that it does not break further.

12021 December 19

I walked west across the room on the top floor of the house. This was my old bedroom at my parents’ house. I had been doing something in the closet to the east. I had to clean out things so that they could be moved, and i was putting things in boxes. I pictured the closet as mostly empty, but it had some things stacked along the southern end of the eastern wall and some things hanging against the western wall, to the north of the door. The door was in the southern end of the western wall. The rectangular closet had exposed rafters on the eastern and southern walls. I looked to the north as i crossed the large bedroom outside. The closet door was in the southern end of the western wall of the room, and the door to leave the rectangular bedroom was in the western end of the southern wall. A small window was in the center of the northern wall, casting light into the room. The thin boards of the wood floor ran east to west, and they were covered with a layer of loose animal fur. It had been a while since i had cleaned this place. I looked back to the eastern side of the room, noticing that the room had no furnishings. The dust was everywhere on the floor. I thought that it would be a good time to vacuum the dust, because no furniture was in the room. I turned to the south and left the room. I came into another bedroom of the house. I thought that i had moved the bed from my bedroom to this room, but i did not see it as i looked to the east. I pictured the bed as a wood footboard and headboard that were almost black. They had bedposts on either side with pineapple-shaped tops, and the centers were slightly arced. I pictured them leaning against the eastern end of the northern wall of the bedroom, just on the eastern side of a bed with tan sheets. The bed in the room had no obvious headboard or footboard. I wondered where my parents had moved all of the things from my room. I turned back to the north and asked them. They were to the northeast of me now. I could not see them, but i knew that i was talking to my mother, and my father was near her. I asked about the bed. She seemed to say that it had been moved. I turned to the west as i started walking south. My parents’ bedroom seemed empty now. I realized that they had moved everything out of their room. I wondered to where they had move it. I walked to the south, through the center of the house. My mother seemed to say something about their bedroom. I then looked into the large room on the southeastern corner of the house. It was well decorated, and i realized that it had things from my parents’ bedroom. They had moved to a different bedroom of the house. This seemed like a great idea. I pictured their bedroom on the western side of the house near the northern end of the building. The room to the south had dark blue walls and a darkly-stained wood floor. It seemed older than the other room, and the furnishings were nicely polished. A small brick fireplace was in the center of the eastern wall. The bed was not in this room, but i knew that a doorway was in the center of the western wall, and it led to an adjoining room. My parents had set up their bed in that room, giving them two connected rooms as their bedroom. This seemed like a great idea. I then thought that the fireplace here was smaller than the wood stove that they had in their old bedroom. I wondered if it would heat up their room as much. I asked my mother about the two joining room. She said that they thought that it was a nice idea. She then said that the rooms had been created for the doctor and his patient, so that they had separated rooms. I thought again about connecting the two rooms into one. It seemed like a great idea.

I was with $G4 in the outdoor area, which seemed like a small campground. We walked to the east along the northern side of the area. The others were gathered around a picnic table to the east of me. Many were sitting at the table, facing out, and others were standing near it. A low chain-link fence ran along the northern side of the yard, and a thin new forest was to the north of it. As i reached the table, i turned to the south. A police car was driving into the large gravel parking lot to the south of us. I was now at the eastern end of the picnic table, and i could hear the others putting down their cans of beer so that the officer did not see them. A long white building ran to the west along the northern side of the yard. It ended about fifteen meters to the west of us. The white paint on the building seemed to be chipping and worn. The building also seemed to have thin green trim along the edges of the roof. The gravel lot ran along the southern side of the white building before expanding into a slightly larger lot to the west. A small rectangular building was on the eastern end of the lot, on the southern side. It had a wood veranda across the front of it, with thin posts that held up the ceiling. I thought that it was a country store. The police car had white fenders and a black door. It stopped to the south of us, and people got out on both sides. I realized that some $G4 had been in the car with the officer. The officer had been doing something with the three women, and he was driving them to this place so that they could join us. I felt a little relieved that i did not have to go talk to him about letting us drink at the picnic table. The three women now stood near the rear of the car, facing north. The officer was to the northwest of the car, just to the west of the women. He said something to him as he faced north. I recognized the women, but they seemed quite different. They were wearing brightly colored makeup, as if they were in costume. They also seemed very short, though their proportions were similar to an average-sized woman. They were about two-thirds the height of the officer, who was wearing a dark short-sleeved uniform. The woman on the western side had frizzy dark-blond hair with blond tips, and she wore a red dress that seemed to have sequins on it. The woman in the middle reminded me of $A830. Her blond hair was fluffed out into a wide curved shape around her face. Her face seemed small and compressed, with bright makeup. They started walking to the north as some of the others from the picnic bench started heading to the southwest. I realized that something was happening, so i thought that i should follow after them to listen and take care of matters. The police car started to back out of the lot, but some of the people were walking behind it. I called out to them to “watch their backs”. A group stopped as the others continued to the southwest. They seemed to be walking toward an opening in the low chain-link fence that ran along the southern side of the area. I waited a moment as the car backed to the west. I was then walking east, along the fence on the northern side of the area. The others had walked to the east from the picnic bench. Someone had said that i should follow them to take care of some business that $G4 was doing. I could see a few of them ahead of me. It seemed that two of them had turned to the north, walking through an opening in the fence and heading into the forest. A set of trails must have started from the gap in the fence. I knew that the others would not have headed into the forest, though. They were trying to go someplace to have a meeting about something. The northern end of the small building that ran along the eastern side of the yard was just ahead of me. I thought that they could have entered the doorway that was on the northern end of the building. I passed the opening in the fence and headed toward the door in the building. As i turned into the doorway, though, i saw that the small room inside had only one person in it. The room was crowded with things. It seemed to be a utility room. A furnace or some other type of appliance with pipes was on the eastern end of the southern wall, and boxes and supplies were stacked in the northeastern side of the room. Aisles were left between the stacks so that people could walk. A man was to the south of me, putting clothes into a washing machine that was on top of a dryer. The stacked machines were against the southern end of the western wall. I recognized the man as $G4. He was not someone i was looking for, though. He did not notice me as he turned from the machine and headed to the west, through a doorway in the western wall, which was just to the north of the machines. I quickly headed out of the room and started west. I did not want to get caught talking to him; i had to find the others. I then thought that he was actually somewhat attractive, but i knew that i did not want to get involved with him. I wondered where the others had gone. It did not make sense that they had headed north, on the trails through the forest. I wondered where they had gone, and i mentioned this to someone else. I passed the opening in the fence and continued to the west. I did not want to head into the forest to look for the others. I thought that they should have been someplace on the grounds. I felt annoyed that i did not know where they had gone. The other person spoke to me from the northeast of me as we walked.

12021 December 20

I moved to the east, into the center of the large empty room. The room seemed to be on an upper floor of an apartment building. It seemed to take up the entire floor, because it had windows in all walls. $A682 was in the room with me. He moved close to me and hugged me. It felt good to hug him. We started moving around the center of the room as if dancing. I thought that, if we were going to be dancing, we should be moving more specifically. I pulled away from $A682, now to the east of him, and i took his right hand in my left and put my right hand on his hip. I started moving in a traditional dance step. As we moved, i started to wonder why i was here with $A682. I hugged him again, but it felt awkward. It had been a long time since we had been together, and i thought it strange that we were holding each other closely. I moved to the west suddenly, and i was outside of the building. It was sunny out, and the building was a tall brick building that was very plain in design. It seemed to be somewhat modern. I moved back toward the building, climbing in through the window in the western wall. It still felt awkward here.

I sat up. I had been lying on the ground with my feet to the west. I was lying just to the south of $A682. We had been watching the clouds overhead. Something about the situation seemed intimate, but i had to go back to the other place. I started moving east, down the paved asphalt path. I paused and looked back to the west for a moment. The path ran just a little south of due west. The path was about two meters wide, and it had another few meters of grass on either side. A river seemed to flow just to the south of the path to the west of us, but i could only see trees on either side. Someone was walking down the path to the west. $A682 was lying on the ground still. I thought that he would come with me as we headed back to the room in the building. The large brick building was just to the east of me. I wondered if i should wait for $A682 for a moment. I thought that he might be upset if i just disappeared without him. I glanced to the south. The path turned to the south and crossed over a narrow bridge. As i looked, a light flashed across the bridge. It seemed bright, even though it was daylight now. It was sunny, but the sky was gray. I thought that a train must be coming from the east. I could see a train moving down the tracks toward me. I looked back at $A682 to see that he was still lying down. I ran to the south to get on the bridge as the train ran under. I ran toward the bridge, which arced high over an old suburban neighborhood. The land to the south seemed filled with small houses. The bridge seemed to have small buildings along the tracks under it. The bridge was made of cement, and it had fencing on both sides. To the east, i could see the train tracks crossing the main street of a small town. The train sounded strange, and i realized that it was only a single car. As i watched it cross the main street, i realized that it was a red pick-up truck. It must be a maintenance vehicle on the tracks. The sound of the engine was now clearly the sound of a truck engine and not that of a train. The single set of tracks shifted to the north about three meters just to the west of the intersection. I watched the truck curve to the north and then continue toward me. It passed under me. I thought that it was not as interesting as if it had been a full train. I turned back to the north, thinking that i had to get back to the main path before $A682 started looking for me. A small house was now to the north of me. I had come down the path just to the east of it, but i was now directly to the south of the house’s driveway. The driveway led into a small garage, which was on the western side of the small house. I hurried toward the street to the south of the house, noticing a low table in the driveway with a metal grid on it. Someone had been working with metal to create a patterned grate. As i reached the road and headed northeast to get to the path, i looked at the grate. It was formed of small metal rectangles of black wrought-iron. Several rectangles were on the ground to the south of the table. The rectangles were arranged in a staggered diagonal pattern on the large grate that was on the table. I hurried past the house and stopped to the south of the large brick building. I could not see $A682 to the west anymore, so i turned to the east and headed along the building. I turned to the south, entering the building in what seemed like a delivery bay. I came into a dimly lighted hall that ran to the south for a bout four meters. A man was standing to the south of me. He wore a T-shirt, which seemed to be dull yellow. He stared at me in question. I said hello, noticing the sign on the wall behind him, which said “DTD”. I thought that the man was a member of a fraternity. I was in a dormitory, but i was on the wrong floor. I thought that i had come in on the second floor, and i needed to get to the room where $A682 and i were staying, which seemed to be on one of the upper floors. I told the man i was looking for the stairs, and i turned back around and headed north. A door just to the northwest of me said “3rd Floor”, which meant that i was currently on the third floor. I pushed through the door and headed west down a corridor. I was still on a lower floor of the dormitory. I had to find the stairwell to get to the upper floors. The short corridor was dark, but enough light shined that i could see where i was going. I looked at the different doors, but i could not find one that looked like a stairwell. I felt confused. I thought that i had to get out of the dormitory. I wondered if the man from the fraternity might think i was out of place here. I saw a door to the north, near where the short hallway turned to the south. I pushed open the door, but realized that the darkened room beyond was a dormitory room. The room seemed to be a dark shade of purple. Annoyed, i backed out. A woman was in the room, and she said something to me. I apologized to her and turned to the south, heading down the southern hall. Another doorway on the western side of the hall looked like it might be the stairwell. It looked like a generic door rather than a door to a dormitory room. I pushed open the door and walked through. I found myself in the northern end of a room that seemed like a bathroom. The room was dark-green, and the walls seemed to be covered with tiles. I realized that this must be a shower room and bathroom for the dormitory. I then thought about the woman who was in the room to the north. I wondered if this was the women’s shower room. Annoyed and frustrated, i headed out of the room to the east. The woman was standing in the hallway to the north of me. She seemed surprised and humored that i was there. I asked her what floor i was on, and then i realized that i might not even be in the correct building. I felt very confused. I told the woman that i was confused, and i asked her what building this was. She said that it was Sperry. I rolled my eyes, saying that i was not even on the correct campus. I thought that i was supposed to be on North Campus, but i was now in a building on West Campus. I told the woman this as apologized again. I then noticed the old house to the north of her. We were now outside, and it was sunny on the grassy slope. The hill rose slightly to the north, and a long stone house with wood columns on the arched inset verandas to either side of the main entrance was in the middle of the hill. I recognized the building as Alpha Delta Phi, and i mentioned this to the woman, saying that i should have known where i was by seeing that building. I thought that we must have walked from the southwest to the dorm and mistaken this area for North Campus. I pictured the area. We had come from downtown, up a road that ran along the western side of the steep valley. I thought that we should have stayed on the hill to the west and continued along the slope. Instead, we must have gone to the east a little and ended up at the lower end of the campus, in the center of the valley. The narrow valley seemed to slope steeply to the south, heading downtown. Houses seemed to cover most of the valley slopes. The campus started in a grassy area at the bottom of a V-shaped slope that rose to the north. I remembered the old stone academic buildings at the bottom of the grassy slope, which seemed covered with tall shady trees. I must have walked into the center of the slope when i hit the dorms. The old dorms of West Campus seemed to run along the western side of the V-shaped slope, and the old stone fraternity house seemed to be somewhere in the middle of the slope. I walked to the north, along the eastern side of the slope. The hill rose steeply there in a grassy slope. Students were sitting on the slope, facing south. A line of pines and deciduous trees ran along the western side of the open grassy strip, and the people seemed to be sitting in the shade of the trees. I continued up the hill, thinking that i would have to turn to the northwest when i got to the top to head to North Campus. As i reached the top of the slope, i focused on a man reclined to the northwest of me, just below the top of the hill. He had curly black hair and a square face. He seemed to be wearing a black and white plaid shirt. To the east of him was a jacked on the ground. I spotted a cat reclined on the red interior of the jacket. The jacket seemed to be a blue nylon parka with a red interior. I leaned toward the jacket to look at the cat, which was mostly white with patches of dark gray. It seemed to have fuzzy hair. I then noticed a small orange tabby kitten curled up to the east of it on another jacket. I had to be careful not to step on the cats. I mentioned the kitten to no one, cooing at it. I paused to look at the kitten for a moment and then continued up the hill to the northwest.

12021 December 26

My father turned the car to the north, and we started down the road, which seemed to be along the top of the hill in the city area. This place seemed like Ithaca, but i remembered the neighborhoods here as if they were part of a large city. My father seemed uncertain about the direction he was driving. I remembered the area, and i told him that he did want to turn to the northwest and head down the street through the neighborhood. I told him that the street that ran through the neighborhood to northwest would eventually lead to the place that we wanted to get to. We started down a hill on a road that curved from the west to northwest. The buildings along the outside of the curve were shops and restaurants. This place seemed like someplace in Collegetown, but it also seemed like somewhere near the northern end of Delaware Avenue. I knew that it would go to where we wanted. My father still seemed unsure, though. I kept convincing him that we were heading in the correct direction. We made a turn to the north, and the road curved to the west, heading steeply downhill. I thought that we would have to head up the hill on the other side of the valley, going northwest. A long narrow lake seemed to be in the northern side of the valley. As we reached the bottom of the hill, i recognized the old buildings around the intersection. A church seemed to be on the northeastern corner of the intersection, just to the north of us. I thought that we would have to turn to the north and head up the hill. However, the building directly to the west of us was our eventual destination. It seemed like Delta Phi Fraternity. I pointed out the building to my father. It was an old white wooden building. It seemed to have spindle details around the edges of the peaked roofs, and thin carved poles supported the verandas and porch. The house was painted white, and the trimming was green. A roof of a porch that seemed to face us seemed to have scaled wood tiles on the gable facing us. I knew that we would have come back down here, but my parents seemed interested in the building. We would be here for dinner. I looked at the veranda set into the northern side of the building. I thought that it overlooked the lake, and i thought that it would be a nice place to have dinner. We stopped in the middle of the entry hallway, which was on the southern side of the building. The entrance door seemed to be in the center of the southern side of the building, and the hall ran east to west. We were to the west of the entrance. The walls had wood paneling along the bottom, and a small counter stood in front of the wall to the north of us. It was made from the same brown stained wood as the walls. It seemed to be a greeting station for the building, and i thought that this was where we would have to check in for dinner when we came back. My father said something and moved to the north, passing through a wide doorway that was just to the west of the counter. My mother turned to the south and ordered something to drink from a person. I felt confused, and i asked them if our reservations were for later today. My mother said that we were first on the waiting list, so we had to confirm that we could get in if someone canceled. This seemed strange. I did no think that we should be here so early. This was a fraternity, and we were here for a dinner that was being served later in the old building. I felt uncomfortable. I looked to the south, though, noticing a man in a white shirt and a black waiter’s vest writing down my mother’s order on a piece of paper. He wrote down two things in dark ink, which seemed to come from an old cartridge pen. I wanted to get something to drink as well, but i felt uncomfortable here so early. I thought that i would order a rum and coke. I looked to the north, into the western side of the large empty dining room. The room had polished wood flooring. I then turned to the east. The hallway was now filled with people, but they all seemed to be members of the fraternity. I felt a little out of place, knowing that i was not a member of the fraternity. A man seemed to have fallen over to the north of the counter, which now ran to the east of me. Someone else was helping him. The men were dressed in black attire, which seemed fairly formal. I moved toward the man who left, thinking that i could help him. I again thought that i really did not belong here, and i wondered if they would let me help the fallen man. I then thought that they might be happier with me here if i helped the man. I felt confused, and i thought that i should order a rum and coke to drink before we ate dinner here.

12021 December 29

I walked down the dirt road to the north, stopping in the field of cut corn stalks. The stalks were tan and dry, and the field seemed to have a light layer of snow on it. I had been carrying some branches in my right hand, dragging them behind me. The edge of the field was about ten meters to the north of me, and i thought i should toss the sticks to the north, but i was aware of the house that was just to the west of me. It seemed like a small house with a large picture window in the front. The house was dark, but i thought that the owners were there and could see me in the field. This land seemed to be part of their front lawn, and i knew that they would not want me throwing the large sticks onto their yard. They seemed like neighbors. I turned back to the south and walked down the road that ran along the front of their house. I could not toss the sticks on the ground here. They could see that the sticks would be on their lawn. Their house was about ten meters from the road that i was walking on. At the edge of their property, the land to the west of me changed from cut grass to a ragged field of cut corn or hay. I turned along the southern side of the property line. A row of short pine trees was growing along the border of the two properties, and i thought that i could toss the sticks under the low branches of the trees. I wondered if they would be angry if they were on the edge of the property. It was dark out now, and i thought that they would not be able to see where i had tossed the branches. I tossed the branches under the pine trees, but i started to worry that the neighbors would not like them there. I looked to the north. A light was on at the back of their house. The house was now a little to the northeast of me. I could not see the house through the branches of the pine tree, but two people seemed to be on the small wooden deck that was off the back of the one-level house. They must have been letting the dog outside. I thought that the dog would notice that i was here. I could see the dog move from the porch to the yard, where it stopped and stood still. I took a few step backward, to the southwest, wondering if i should say anything. I then breathed out heavily, making a sound that the dog would hear. The dog barked and ran toward me. I laid down on the ground with my head to the west. A spot of dry tan field grass was matted down, forming an oval space on the ground. I lay down in the center of the opening, with my head to the west. I was watching myself lie down from above as i lie on my back and curled my knees to my chest. I thought that the dog would come to say hello. I was then standing in the field again as the men from the house to the north moved to the east of me. I had been staying here alone, and they had been getting the mail while i was out. I was now a teenager, and i stood to the southeast of me. $A825 was one of the neighbors, and he had a small package that was wrapped in aluminium foil. The teenager took the package, saying that he had been waiting for it. The package seemed to have some cookies in it, and i thought that the cookies had THC in them. I wondered if the man would be upset with the teenager for ordering THC. The teenager seemed too young to be taking THC. $A825 watched the boy with a scowl as the boy ate the cookie. Another teenager then came from the west and stopped near the other teenager. They both seemed interested in the cookies. $A824 moved to the southeast of $A825. They both seemed upset with the teenagers, and i was surprised that they were not saying anything to the teenagers about eating THC at their age. I knew that the drug was not yet legal here, and i wondered why the neighbors did not say anything. The teenagers then turned to the west and started walking down the street. I turned to the west, not on the street that ran along the northern side of a wall. Openings in the wall allowed me to see some things to the west of us. We seemed to be in a tunnel or large corridor. I caught a glimpse of flashing lights to the south, on a road that seemed to run from a square opening in the wall to the southeast of me. I thought that the ambulances were headed in our direction. I thought that the two neighbors would try to play tricks on the teenagers, who were now intoxicated. I felt amused, thinking that $A825 would tell the teenager that the police were coming for him. I walked to the west, down the road. The lights of cars or something else shined from the southern wall of the corridor. A concert seemed to be on the other side of the wall, and the boys were heading to it. I thought that they would be scared of the flashing lights that $A825 had warned them about though. The situation seemed funny. I turned to the east, again in the field. I thought about the lyrics as i heard the female singer sing them in my head. It sounded like a folk song, and she sang “I won’t lie down to lie down.”

12021 December 30

I turned to the north to look out the window of the bus with the others. We were standing on the northern side of the bus as it moved to the west. The road seemed to run along the slope of the low hill, which rose to the north. I pointed out something to the north, and the person to the west of me, who seemed to be $A754, agreed. We stared out the window for a moment. I then realized that my left wrist felt warm. I had been holding it near my left shoulder, as though i had something slung over the shoulder. I was standing close enough to $A754 that my wrist was touching his shoulder, and i could feel the warmth. I felt uncomfortable by this, thinking that i should not be touching him. I backed away, looking to the west, down the length of the long bus. The bus seemed dark inside, though it was daylight outside. We then turned to the south and looked down the shallow slope of the land. The land was grassy. We seemed to be on a road that ran parallel to the highway. A thin strip of bushes and young trees separated the two roads, but i could see the highway to the south of us. We would have to go to the south to the road. The highway seemed like Route 17 just to the east of Endwell. It seemed that we might have to go somewhere a little to the east on the highway. $K4 seemed to be near us.

I had entered the small room from the southwest, and i stopped near the center of the western wall. The others were talking about the test, and the young woman to the northwest of me asked a question about one of the questions on the test. She asked about a date in the eighteen hundreds, which seemed like 1847 or 1867. She moved toward the western wall and disappeared in the shadows of the wall. I was aware that she was still there with another person to the south of her, but i could no longer see here. The room seemed lighted with few lights, leaving the walls dark and in shadows. A man from the east asked the woman about the question, trying to get her to guess the correct answer. She said “We fight like hell.” This was one of the answers on the test, which seemed correct, because it related to war, but it also seemed like a very strange answer. I started walking to the southeast, toward an opening in the southern end of the western wall. I asked the woman what the other answers were for the question. She read them aloud. They all seemed strange, having nothing to do with history, but expressing things that might be related to the event of the date. As i reached the doorway in the wall, i agreed that the answer she chose was the best one for the date, but i admitted that they all sounded strange. I started walking to the east. I had a test paper in my right hand. I thought that i should start taking my own test. As i walked, i realized that i was not in a class at the moment. I would be taking the test by myself. I thought that this would not be a problem. I looked at the test, thinking that it was also a history test. I would have to make sure that i only spent a single class period on the test. I realized that the teacher might not know that i was taking the test, and i wondered if it would be okay for me to do so. I knew that the teacher would trust me to keep my time correctly. I sat down on the curb on the southern side of the driveway. It was a gray day, and the large school building was to the northeast of me. The driveway seemed to curve into a large loop to the southwest of the building. As i sat down, i imagined one of the other teachers asking me what i was doing. I would have to say that i was taking the exam. I pictured the teacher as older, with a pale button-up shirt and glasses. He seemed stern, and i hoped that he was not upset that i was taking my own test. I knew that i could properly time myself, and i thought it would be better to take it on my own time. A person approached from the east. I pictured him as the teacher, but she seemed like another student. She greeted me and moved to the north of me. I looked at my metal wristwatch, which i held in my right hand. It had a thick metal band and a large face. I would have to make sure that i as spending only an hour on the exam. I was not able to read the time on the watch, though. The hands seemed to be in the wrong position. I wondered if the watch was working. Several other people moved near me as i looked at the watch. They started talking to one another. I noticed that the hands on my watch were near the top of the watch, and the time marks on the watch fanned out from the center of the top of the watch, like rays. The minute hand was down to the left and the hour hand down to the right. I thought that it must be the style of the watch, but i then wondered how i would read it. The metal on the face of the watch was now pale gold in color. The radiating lines and the hands were both gold, as was the frame of the face. I wondered what i could do to use the watch to take the test. Others were around me now. I adjusted the knob on the right side of the watch, and the hands suddenly started moving. I thought that they were adjusting to the current time. I remembered that a clock would follow network time once it reestablished a connection to the network. This did not seem correct, though, because this watch was analog and should not have been on the network. I then realized that one of the hands was now pointing up from behind the glass on the front of the watch. The hands did move in a circle like a normal watch; they just rotated outside of the watch. The gold minute hand stuck straight up. Both hands were long tear-drop shaped. I looked up at one of the people approaching me from the north. He wore a pair of large plastic glasses. The glasses had a flat surface with gold rims across the top. A clock hand stuck up from the center of the glasses, just like the watch. The pale school building was now to the north and northwest of us, and i heard a buzzer from somewhere inside, indicating that a class period was starting. I could use the buzzer to define the time i took on the test. I looked back at the watch. The metal was more flat gray now. The hands indicated that it was six o’clock. This did not seem right. It should have been sometime in the middle of the day. I asked the woman what time it was, thinning that i could simply reset the watch. She said that it was the ten-fifteen. I realized that i had heard the buzzer indoors, and i mentioned to her that the buzzer must have been for the ten-fifteen class period. I tried to set the watch to the correct time, but it did not seem to be working. I then turned my attention to the test that i was taking. I turned to the east and looked at the front of the packet of stapled paper. I realized that the long list of things on the front were equations. This was a physics test. I looked at the top of the paper, noticing a rather complex integral equation on the top. I realized that i did not remember enough calculus, and i was not sure that i could solve this type of equation. I felt disappointed, and i wondered what i should do. It had been a long time since i had done any calculus, and i imagined explaining that to someone. I thought that i had done a lot in college and high school, but i had not used it since. The equations did not make sense to me. I turned the front page to the left and looked at the second page. It had a paragraph of text in the center. The left column seemed to be a list of instructions, which seemed easier to understand, but i knew that they still required an understanding of calculus to solve them. I faced east, imagining telling a male teacher that i had not used calculus in a long time. I then thought that i had studied physics in college and had several degrees, but i had done nothing related to them since. I was now near the southern side of a room. Two people were working on the eastern side of a counter near the eastern wall. They seemed to be making things out of a white ceramic putty. I felt interested in what they were doing, and i thought that i should try to make something out of the putty that i had in my hands. I realized that i would have to do the math test later, which i thought would be okay. I knew that there was no set time to take the test, though i felt as though i had to convince myself of this for a moment. I moved the putty around it my hands. It seemed soft but rubbery. I had formed an oval bowl. The bowl was about twenty centimeters tall, twenty-five centimeters wide, and fifteen centimeters deep. The sides seemed to be about three or four centimeters thick. The walls of the bowl seemed close to vertical, but the bottom still seemed smaller than the top. I moved the bowl around in my hands, trying to fix the putty on the sides. The others were to the north of me now, in the center of the room. They had moved their bowls to the floor on the western side of the room. I turned my bowl in my hand, trying to fix the stretch cracks that appeared on the surface. It seemed like a bread dough, but it held its shape fairly well. The putty was pale blue, but it seemed to form a pattern of off-white shapes, with thin white lines running across it. I noticed a thin spot in the far side of the bowl as i turned to the southeast. I looked as though the dough had torn through. I pulled the sides of the tear together and pinched them. I then tried to smooth out the surface again to get a nice-looking bowl. I noticed a bubble on the upper rim on the far side now. I slapped the top of the rim a few times and then pulled on the side, creating a smoother surface. The teacher was now to the southeast of me, near the eastern part of the room. I looked down into the center of the bowl that i was holding, noticing that small stretch tears were in the bottom of the putty, which looked like Play-Doh. I would have to seal up the bottom of the bowl so that i could let it set and harden. I dropped the bowl on the ground to force the dough back together. The bowl collapsed into a low pile. I felt annoyed, and i started pulling the sides back up to form a bowl again. The sides became very thin, though, and the putty formed a square sheet of paper with the pattern of the square shapes in shades of blue. I felt annoyed, and i curved the sheet into a tube to try to form a bowl again. As i brought the two ends of the sheet together on the far side of the bowl, i realized that i would not have a seam. I would have to smooth out the seam. I wondered if the new patters would match on both sides of the seam, though. I then wondered how i had gotten the bowl to be a single pattern before. As i started smoothing the seams, i realized that i still had a tube. The bottom of the bowl was not yet formed. I tried pushing the tube down to the ground, forcing the bottom of the tube to collapse together. I thought that this might make it easier to form the bottom, but the bowl collapsed into a wrinkled mound of heavy blue cloth. I pulled up the cloth. It was too thin to support its own weight. Something had happened. I thought that i had ruined the putty, and i was now stuck with a piece of cloth again. I felt frustrated, and i turned to the south to ask the teacher about it. He was to the south of a courter that was near the eastern end of the southern wall. I held up the cloth and asked him if he could show me how to make the bowl again. I said that i remembered how to do it, but i needed help. He was $A227. He agreed to help, and he moved to the west, to another counter that was near the southern wall. We would have to get the supplies together. He put a clear-plastic tray on the counter. I noticed that it had some loose pieces of white gauze-like cloth in it and a plastic bottle of a thick white liquid. I remembered that i had to cure the material before i started to form the putty. I started getting the supplies together. I turned to the east and walked into the next room, which was a small room with a counter in the center of it. $A227 was doing something on the eastern side of the counter. I looked for the supplies that i would need to make the putty again. As i turned back to the table to the west, i remembered that i would need about six scoops of powder to start the putty. I thought again about putting off the math test, but i thought that this was more interesting. $A227 grabbed some things from the counter to the east.

12021 December 31

I turned to the southwest as the others walked to the west, crossing in front of me. We were in an old city, in a small square or wide street. The man talked to me about something, and he started driving to the south, down one of the streets. I was in the passenger seat of his convertible car. I was interested in what he was saying, but i felt a little uncomfortable with him. I was not sure that i trusted him. It felt nice to drive in the car, though. The streets had trees growing on the sides, in front of the old tan buildings. We headed south down a wide street. A bridge across a canal seemed to be ahead of us. The man turned the car abruptly to the southwest, heading down a boulevard, which had flowers growing in the center. I felt very good here, but i still felt cautious of the man. IT felt like a privilege to be riding in the car, but i did not quite trust the man fully.

I talked to the others as we got off of the dark bus and headed to the west down the street. We seemed to be in a wide area, but people were gathering here from several different places. I felt as though i was in some type of costume, and i walked slowly through the scattered crowd in the parking area. A bus was to the north of us, and people were getting off of it. They moved around the bus as they got ready for the event, which seemed to be to the north. The people from the bus were in marching band uniforms, and they had shiny instruments with them. Their uniforms had faded blue on the sides with silvery-pale-blue running up the center. The insides of the pant legs and the center of the chest were silvery blue, but the patch ended at mid chest, where a shoulder cover ran across the upper torso. Their fuzzy hats had similar colors to it. I watched two or three people who were standing to the west of the bus, facing east. They seemed happy and were pretending to march in place. As i walked to the east of them, i wondered if i knew anyone in the band. I knew that many of the people i lived with part of the marching band, but i did not know if they would be here. I wondered if they would be able to recognize me in my costume. I seemed to be wearing something that seemed like a long brown trench coat. I talked to the other man, who was walking with me, to the southwest of me. We started walking quickly to the north. I thought that we had to get to the event. I started walking up the narrow set of dark-gray stairs that ascended to the north. A woman was describing what we had to do for our show. She instructed the man with me. He pushed on my lower back as we continued up the stairs. The woman then clarified. I let the man touch me as we continued up the stairs. I then felt his hand between my legs. I thought that he was trying to push me from underneath. This seemed strange, but i trusted the man, so i let him continue. I knew that this was just part of the show that we would be doing. The woman then said something and moved behind me. She started demonstrating what she wanted the man to do. I felt a little less comfortable with her touching me under my kilt. I stopped at the top of the stairs, where a sink was attached to the wall to the north of me. I looked it the mirror above the sink, waiting for the woman to be done. She held her hand under me for a moment, though. I was not sure what she was doing. I then felt her touch the bottom of my testicles. I recoiled a little from the sensation. I then moved back into place, telling the woman that the feeling tickled. I tried to stand still, but i felt uncomfortable with the woman holding her hand under my kilt. I felt uncomfortable, and i was not sure if i should stop her or let her demonstrate this part of the performance.

I talked to the man on the western side of the are. He seemed very happy to talk to me, and he smiled as we spoke. He had light skin and sort black hair. His face seemed fairly plain. He seemed very interested in me, and we turned to move to the east. We were then on the northeastern side of the room, which seemed like a theater. The seats sloped up to the west, and they faced east. Some people already seemed to be in the seats. A second man was to the south of me, and he started talking to me about the first man. I thought that he was a friend of the first man, and he wanted to know if i was going to hook up with the first man. He seemed to think that i was, and he asked me about it. I was not quite sure what was happening. I thought about the first man, and i thought that i had just met him. I felt as though i had agreed to copulate with him, but i was not sure why. The second man smiled at me as he asked about the first man. He pointed out that i had just met the first man, and he said that the first man was not quite my type. The second man had short red hair and a small face. He seemed interested in me, but he only talked about the first man. I realized that i was wearing a white towel around my waist. The red-headed man leaned down and hugged me, resting his head on my abdomen. He looked up at me and smiled. I thought about the other man, thinking that i had agreed to sleep with him, and i felt uncomfortable about it. I was not sure why i had agreed, and i thought that we might just be able to comfort each other instead.

I had been speaking to the other people as we headed to the north. We had to get to someplace, but the man with me was moving slowly. He seemed to be my grandfather. I wanted to hurry to the event to the northwest, but i felt that i could not leave the man behind. I was on a bicycle, and i started riding to the north. The narrow paved road curved to the northwest and sloped down hill. I told my grandfather that i would be riding ahead, and i started rolling down the hill. I thought that he would say something as i started to accelerate, but he did not. I realized that i would start going fairly fast as i rolled down the hill. Something on the slope seemed red. I pictured the narrow paved path as having red lines along the outside edges. My bicycle also seemed red. I started accelerating to the west, but i felt bad about getting too far ahead of my grandfather, so i squeezed the brakes and slowed down a little. The hill seemed fairly short, and i was moving quickly, but it took me a while to descend it. I slowed down near the bottom of the hill so that i was moving at a walking pace. The bicycle wobbled with the slow speed, and i wondered if my grandfather and the woman with him would notice that i was going slowly so that they could catch up. I rode slowly for a bout five meters before the pavement ended at the bottom. We would have to turn to the north on the sandy path and head to the sidewalk on the southern side of the road. The empty lot ahead of me had several patches of sand, but the sandy path ran to the north and south of me. The sandy ground in the lot had bright-green grass growing in patches over it. A house seemed to be on the northern side of the western edge of the lot. I turned my bicycle to the south and started slowly to the end of the sandy path, which seemed to be only five or seven meters away. I knew that this would give my grandfather time to catch up. I wondered if he and the woman with him would think that i was continuing on without them. I tried to pedal slowly in the sand. At the end of the path, i turned around. I could see my grandfather to the northwest of me, still walking on the paved path. The woman with him seemed like $A512. They reached the sandy path and started walking to the north. I started pedaling toward them. The sand under me seemed well packed, and i realized that it seemed easy to ride a bicycle over it. I had expected the tires of the bicycle to sink into the sand more, making pedaling difficult. I looked up again to the north. My grandfather and the woman had reached the part of the sandy path that sloped upward toward the sidewalk. They were having trouble walking on the loose sand. The woman was on her belly, trying to crawl up the slope. She wore a dull-blue wool coat and matching shoes. My grandfather was pulling himself up the slope to the east of her. He was farther up the slope. I started pedaling toward them, wondering if i would have trouble on the slope.