12022 December 01

I wanted to go back to my house, but i did not want the others to know what i was heading back. I tried to sneak to the south, heading toward the street, which ran east to west. I then noticed someone coming out of a wooden structure to the west of me. A driveway seemed to be to the east of the structure, and $A649 walked out from under the structure and said something to me, smiling widely. I said hello to her, but i did not let her know that i was heading home. I felt uncomfortable. I did not want people to know what i was doing. I chatted for a moment as i continued to move to the south. I was then driving. I felt awkward, thinking that i really should not be headed back, but i felt as though i wanted to be alone. What i was doing still felt wrong. I was driving from the passenger’s seat of the car, and i noticed the flower pots that were in the seat to the left of me. Fuzzy green stalks fanned out from the separate pots. I realized that they were not the plants that i had put in the pots. I thought that the fuzzy stalks had been growing to the north of the car when the car was facing west, and i thought that they must have grown into the car and rooted in the pots. I remembered pulling the stalks from the car window as i started driving, and i was now disappointed that they had rooted and grown in the pots. I would have to try to pull them out. I turned the car to the west, driving through the suburban neighborhood. Small houses were on both sides of the road, with short lawn in front of them. I looked at the plants as i drove, annoyed with the fuzzy weeds. I grabbed one of the fuzzy stalks and tried to pull it from the dirt of the pot to the south of me. It started pulling from the dirt, but it seemed to have a thin stalk at the base of the plant. I thought that this was because it had rooted from the stalk. I grabbed the thin stem just above the roots and tugged at it in short pulls to get it out of the dirt. I then realized that i was not paying enough attention to the road. The road was curving to the northwest, and i had started to drift to the south, into the other lane. I quickly corrected, annoyed at myself for not paying attention. The road turned to the north and ended on an east-to-west street. I stopped just in the intersection from the road that i was on. My grandmother’s house was to the northwest of me, and her driveway seemed a little west of north from where i was. The northern wall also seemed like the wall of my grandmother’s kitchen as i stood in the doorway to the back end of the living room. I felt out of place here, but i had something to do here. A cat and dog ran from the west, crossing the street to the north of me. The cat continued to the east on the northern sidewalk, but the dog turned around and came toward me. It seemed like a golden retriever. It wagged its tail happily as it rubbed its head against my right arm and side. I was kneeling on the ground with my hands on the ground to the north of me. I lifted my right arm and hugged the dog. It flopped on its side under me, and i crouched over it, hugging it. I felt playful, but i realized that i might be stopping the dog from what it wanted to do. The dog limply lay under me, though, as i spoke happily to it. I hoped that it was not upset.

I was in the room on the western side of the building. I sat on a bench that seemed to be to the south of a table. I was facing south, looking at the others, who seemed to be sitting around some of the other rectangular tables. We had been here for an event, but the event seemed to have ended, even though it seemed that i had just arrived here. Some of the people started walking to the east, and there seemed to be fewer people in the room. I stood up and moved to the southwest, toward the western end of a table. I thought that i would help the people clean, but it seemed that most of the people were heading out. I headed to the north, carrying a small white cardboard box under my right arm. The box had some leftovers from this place. I would have to walk home. $F71 seemed to be with me as i headed to the north in the center of the northern wall. The northern wall seemed to be mostly glass. I stepped outside. The room i was in was on the eastern end of a building. A smaller cement structure was to the west of it, and i knew that the main entrance to the building was in the center of that part of the building. It was dark out, but the lights from the parking lot that was to the north of the building illuminated the cars and area around me. I seemed to be in a suburban area, which seemed like Community Corners. The sky was dark, but i could see gray clouds that reflected the lights from the town. I would have to walk to the west to get home, and i would be walking with the other person, who seemed like $F10. I looked to the west, though, and noticed that the sky was full of heavy dark clouds. A storm was coming from the west. I thought that it would be a heavy rain. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would get wet. I did not have a rain coat, and i thought that the box i was carrying would be wet as well. I worried that i would not be able to make it home without getting wet. I then remembered that someone in the room was going to drive, and i wondered if the person would give me and the other a ride. I headed back into the room. $F10 was moving around. I asked him if he had his car with him, and he said that he came on a bicycle. I felt disappointed, knowing that i could not ride with him. He started riding the bicycle to the west across the room. He had been speaking with a slur, and i realized that he was drunk. I told him that he should not ride his bicycle right now. He rode off to the west, though. I felt worried about him. I turned to the west and put the box i had down on a table along the northern end of the western wall. I was not sure what to do. Another person moved some of the leftover food to the table near my box. I did not want things to get confused, but the person had already put a large loaf of bread in my box. I felt annoyed that things were getting mixed up. The person then put a long plastic bag of bread just to the south of the box, leaning up against the box. The bread was dark and looked like a stack of thick pitas or pocket bread. I did not want more things in my box, and i did not want the things in my box confused with other food. The person moved to the south of me and asked me if i wanted more bread. I did not, but i pretended to consider. The person said that he had put something in my box to get rid of it. I thought that it was probably soft white bread. I said that i did not want it, but then i looked at the darker bread to the south, thinking that it might be a wheat bread. I considered it, but then i shook my head and said that i did not want any bread. I arranged the bags on the table, but i felt that i did not want more food at my house. I felt frustrated with the others, and i picked my box up from the table. The box was different now, though. It was now a tan cardboard box, and it was wider than before. I felt annoyed.

I focused on the metal frame to the north of me as i tried to screw something into the right side of it. The frame seemed to have a bolt sticking out of it, and i was trying to tighten the knob that fit oven the bolt. I knew that this frame had several knobs that had been loose before. I was sitting on the ground to the south of the gray metal frame, which seemed to be a leg-press machine. I was here exercising, but i had stopped to tighten the nuts on the machine. I looked down to the bottom of the thick metal bar to the northeast of me, trying to tighten a small nut with a plastic grip ring and a rounded head. As i tried to tighten it, the nut fell off and bounced on the floor. I did not see where it went, but i heard it roll under me to the west. I looked to the west of me, but did not see it right away. I turned back to the east and tried to screw another similar nut on to the thin bolt. The second nut seemed a little too loose for the bolt, but i continued turning it until it seemed somewhat tight. I glanced to the south, where another person was sitting at another leg machine, facing northeast. He looked back at me. I turned my attention back to the nut. I then noticed a man coming out of a room to the north-northeast of me. Windows in the northern wall looked into the room, and the metal door had a window in the upper half. The man seemed to be wearing a uniform of the gym, which seemed like a pair of tan slacks and a colored polo shirt, and he paused in the doorway to reach to the west. He turned off the lights in the room and closed the door behind him. He glanced at me and nodded. I realized that he was closing the room for the night, and i thought that the gym must have been closing as well. I asked if it the gym was closing soon. It did not seem late enough for the gym to close, but i knew that it was getting dark early this time of year, so it made sense that the gym might close early. The man headed to the east. I thought that i should finish up so i could leave. I then wondered if i had enough time to finish and change before they closed.

12022 December 03

I was sleeping in the passenger’s seat of the car as my mother drove to the northeast. We seemed to be passing through a rural area, but i knew that it was really a park or open area in a suburban area. We followed a narrow road to the north, and i gazed periodically at the road ahead of us. The grass was cut on both sides of the road, forming a boarder to the road that was about a meter to a meter and a half wide. Thick leafy bushes grew over the grass in places, and taller trees grew beyond them. The road curved from the north to the east, and the area to the north became more open. I opened my eyes. The ground sloped down from the road to the north, and the grassy area was rounded on the northern side. A large low bushy tree with thick white flowers was growing in the center of the grassy lawn. It seemed to be dusk, and the white of the tree stood out against the bluish-gray background. I thought that the tree looked very picturesque, and i pointed it out to my mother, asking what kind of tree it was. I was surprised that it would have lowers at this time of year. I then realized that the tree was a magnolia, and i said this to my mother. I watched the tree as we continued to the east, thinking that $F71 would like the seed pods of the tree once they grew. I then seemed to drift off into sleep again. When i opened my eyes, it was still dusk, and i noticed other bushes very close to the car as we drove. The bushes had flowers on them as well. I thought that it was strange that flowers would be out on the plants at this time of year. It seemed out of place. The first bush i had noticed was on the northern side of the car, but a second bush passed very close to the passenger’s window, on the southern side of the car. I then realized that my mother was turning the car in different directions, heading generally to the east. I became more alert, realizing that we were driving on the grass of the open area. My mother said that she could not find the road, so we were driving on the lawn. I thought that the road would continue on the grass for a bit before becoming worn tracks again. I looked around, noticing that the rolling ground around us was actually a golf course. My mother was off the road and driving on the fairways. I realized that she was heading for a fairway, and i told her not to drive straight across the fairway. I thought that the car might get stuck in the mud on the fairway. We turned to the northeast, and the grass ahead of us seemed to be flattened. I thought that others must have driven on the grass here. My mother followed the matted grass around the western side of a wide cluster of bushes. The followed the matted grass around the bush until we were heading east again. As she reached the eastern side and started heading south again, i realized that the packed grass leaded in a circle around the bush. My mother slowed the car as it was facing southwest. I looked around the open area to the northeast of us. Tall buildings were sticking up over the trees in the distance. I thought that these buildings were part of Cornell’s campus. We seemed to be headed to the campus, but we could not take the road that we had been trying to drive on. I wondered how we could get there. As we stared along the southern side of the bushes, a car came from the west. It was a large gray car, and it started passing us on the south. My mother stopped the car, calling to the other car to get directions. I watched the gray car as it moved to the south of us. It had the Rolls-Royce emblem on the front, and it had gray fins along the rear trunk. I realized that they were probable wealthy snobby people who did not talk to others not in the upper class. I told my mother that they were not the kind of people to listen to us. The gray car turned to the south, and i noticed that the sides of the car looked like they were armor plated. It was also higher off the ground that i had thought it should be. I remembered that Rolls-Royce made specialty cars. It continued to the south, and its red tail lights glowed brightly. Other cars then started heading toward us from the west. They had strange shapes. One had a large horn on the front and an armor shell on the top, which made the car look like a rhinoceros. We turned to the south and started driving in the direction that the Rolls-Royce had gone. I thought that we could probably get out of here on the same road. We came to an area where a large warehouse structure stood. The large building was to the south of us, but we had to pass between two smaller dirty-white buildings before we reached it. The building seemed to be open to the north, and i could see the cement or iron framework inside. We slowed for a moment, noticing that the cars that were coming into the building were gathering to the west of us. I started to feel uncomfortable here, thinking that these people were gathering for an exclusive event, and they would not allow us to remain here. I told my mother that we should leave.

I was talking to the people to the east of me as i worked on the wooden structure in the back yard of the house. The back yard of the house seemed to be a large deck, and a railing ran in the middle of the deck about three meters from the house. The house was to the southeast of me, and the deck was to the north of he house. I was standing near the western end of the wooden structure, looking at the small pieces of wood in my hand. I was here with several other people, and we were trying to fix the structure for the owners of the house. I looked at the two pieces of wood that i was holding as the others with me talked to the older man and older woman who owned the house. The pieces of wood seemed worn and rotting. I looked up, noticing a tall wooden fence that ran to the north along the western side of the yard. The southern end of the fence was just to the north of us now. A section of the fence in the middle of the wall seemed to have rotted through. The decaying wood had collapsed in the center. The vertical planks that formed the fence seemed to be very thick, and they had deep pockets of rot in them. I thought that we could probably not buy this type of board anymore, and i thought that we would have to buy new thin planks for the deck that we were working on. We would have to get thick boards for the fence, though, because we would have to match the boards that were there. No one could see the thickness of the deck, but they would see the thickness of the fence structure. I rolled the two boards over in my hand, feeling the spongy wood texture and rounded edges where the wood had worn off. As i rolled them, more of the rotten sections started to fall off, leaving a small piece of wood in my hand. I felt disappointed, and i showed the man to the east of me. The small piece looked new once all of the worn rotting material had fallen off. The small wooden pieces were rounded and oddly shaped. The one in my left hand looked like a person with their arms and legs crossed. The figure seemed to have a flat wide head. I pictured the wood as a character, and i told the other person that it was the spirit of the wood. The shape of the wood amused me, and i thought that i should keep it.

I was talking with $F71 as we stood on the southern side of the area, which seemed to be a campground or park. We were here for a festival, and we had to get to someplace that was to the northwest of us. I looked to the west, noticing that the dirt path rose up a steep hill. I had been pushing a cart, and i felt tired of pushing it up the steep hill, which seemed to slope at an almost fourty-five-degree angle. The path to the west of us seemed like a set of deep steps, and i knew that the cart could not easily be rolled up it. It was also a dirt driveway. I did not feel like pushing the cart up the steep hill to the west, so i told $F71 that we should take the cart up the slope to the north of us. The land sloped up more steeply to the north, and a narrow dirt trail ran up the slope, between low scrub vegetation. Several meters up the slope, the trail ran along the western side of a brown cabin. $F71 continued to the west with the other person as i pushed the shopping car up the path, toward the cement steps that led the remaining five to seven meters to the top. Two men were walking up the path ahead of me as i reached the bottom of the stairs. I realized how difficult it would be to pull the shopping cart up the steps, so i thought that i should make it lighter. A dog had been sitting in the cart, and i dumped the cart forward, letting the dog step out. I wanted the dog to climb the stairs so that i could pull the cart up empty. I knew that the stairs ended on a dirt path that ran to the west. The path was another dirt road, and it would intersect with the dirt road that $F71 had been walking on to the west. The black labrador slipped out of the cart lethargically and started climbing the stairs. I felt bad for the dog, because i knew that it was sick. This was why i had been pushing it in the cart. I climbed the stairs and was then at the top. The dog seemed nervous and upset. It belonged to $F71, and i thought that it might be looking around for him, because he did not climb the same path with me. I moved to the west, toward the intersection of the two paths. I waited for $F71, looking down the other road to see where he was. I could not see him, but i knew that he would eventually make it up the hill. The dog seemed upset and started wining. I bent over to hug it, trying to comfort it. I looked down the road again, realizing that i still could not see $F71. It was taking him a long time to climb the hill, and i started to worry that something had happened to him. I walked about five meters to the west until i reached the junction of the two roads. From here, i could better see down the hill that $F71 would be walking up. I could still not see $F71. The dog still seemed worried, so i hugged it more. I had been standing over the dog as i hugged it, but the large dog stated to roll. I let the dog roll over me as i hugged it. I then realized that the dog might consider this sexual, and i did not want the dog to think that i was trying to be intimate with it. I let go of the dog and stood back up. The dog tried walking a little to the west, but it was limping. It was wounded, and it was holding up its right front paw as it wined. The dog was now pale, and i called it by name. I called it $X28. This then seemed strange that i had now named the dog. I wondered why i had not given the dog a name before. I asked the dog to come, but it did not seem to be paying attention to me. It kept looking down the hill to the southeast. I thought that i would have to speak to it in a more commanding voice, like $F71 does. I turned to the north, walking into the small living room. I had been staying here, with the family. I was a young boy, but the family was not my family. I turned to the west and walked down the hallway that seemed to be on the southern side of the building. Near the end, i turned to the north into the bedroom. This is the bedroom where i had been staying. The room was plain, with no windows. Single beds ran along the eastern and western walls, and clothing or dressers seemed to be against the northern wall. I felt strange here, thinking that these people had children before in this room. I paced around the room. I had been staying with this family, but it felt awkward to be here. I was not sure why i was staying with them. Closets were on both sides of the northern wall, and a large bin was in the center of the wall. The bin had a tall hatch over the center. The hatch was shaped like an ironing board, and i thought that it could fold out and be used for ironing clothing. I moved close to the hatch and looked at it. A piece of shag carpeting hung loosely over the hatch. I thought that the area behind the carpeting was used for storage. I looked through the small opening, noticing small bins behind in a small square space. I thought that these bins used to store corn and other grains. I then remembered that a large garden was to the northwest of the house. The children that had lived here had tended it. Something about the area felt like an uncomfortable memory. I headed to the south, to the center of the room. I then noticed a hallway to the east, and i could see a bathroom to the north of the hall. It had a shower on the northern wall and a sink on the eastern wall. It seemed like a very small room. I thought that another bathroom was to the west, but i felt uncertain about it. I headed back to the west, coming into the other bathroom. It opened to south of the corridor, and it was much larger than the first one i had seen. I thought that the first was the children’s bathroom, and this bathroom went with the master bedroom of the house. I then realized that the corridor ended at a large room. This large room must be the master bedroom. I stepped into the doorway, looking around at the large room beyond. A large bed was on the northern wall, and dressers seemed to be along the southern side of the western wall and on the southern wall. This house seemed oddly arranged, with the rooms connecting in unusual ways. I then felt uncomfortable here again, and i thought that the family might not like me snooping around the rooms. I headed back to the east, to the central room of the western wing of the house. I still felt agitated and did not feel comfortable here.

I came into the southern end of the large room from the west. The room was being set up with tables for a large flea market. People were moving around the tables, getting things ready. I had to set up a table for something. I moved to the smaller eastern room, which had more used items in it. I entered the room though a door in the southern end of the western wall and i crossed to the northeast, putting down the things that i had been carrying in my arms. Other people were there, and they started talking to me. I tried to arrange the things that i had been carrying. I thought that i would have to set up a table for them to be on. I opened up the white plastic folding table and put some of the things on it. I put the table in the center of the small room. I thought that the table might be in the way in the center of the room, so i would have to push it to the west, against the wall, to get it out of the way. I moved some of the thing on to the table. The other person then said that the table was not for sale. I felt confused, saying that i thought the table was for sale. I started to feel concerned that i had moved the wrong table. Annoyed, i gathered up some of the things that i had put on the table and carried them to the north. I was carrying several long metal things that seemed like rods and fins. I tried to gather them together in a bundle to make them easier to carry. I crossed the room, which now seemed to be part of a larger warehouse. I walked through a doorway in the northern wall, carrying the items into a larger room that had tall metal shelfs. I thought that i could put the items i was carrying on the shelfs on the eastern side of the room. I was then near the southern side of the cement room, and a woman was standing to the southwest of me. She started talking to me about something as i stood the long thin objects up against the eastern wall. She then mentioned that she was from $P51. I asked her the name of the place, and she said $P51 again, adding that it was in New York State. I told her that i grew up in $P5. The two places seemed very close. She asked me how i would get to $P5. I tried to picture the roads in my head. I thought that she would have to head west to the main road, which ran south. She would then have to take the main road south. The road would pass through $P5, but i thought that she would have to leave the main road in the center of the town and head to the south more.

I stood on the western side of a small parking lot, which seemed like the parking lot at $P19. The area around us seemed suburban, and a field was to the north of us. Someone near me was talking about men who were training for an event. I turned to the east to see the men in the parking lot. They were young men, and they were athletically built. They were doing things near the large trees that ran along the northern side of the lot. Fewer men seemed to be here now, though. I thought that there had been more earlier. I thought that this event was weeding down competitors and that some must have been eliminated already. Several of the men were hanging by the trees, with black ropes under their arms to support them. They were trying to climb the wall to the north, which as covered with a gridwork of black ropes. The branches of the trees made climbing difficult, but it was part of the competition. I seemed to be looking down at the people now, and it was hard to see them through the leafs of the trees. I tried to see them, but i did not move to get a better view. I did not feel as interested in what they were doing as i had before. There were also fewer people now. Some spectators were standing near me now, and they started talking to each other as i watched the men climb the ropes. The wall was to the northeast of me, and i watched the nearest man. He had short blond hair and a sharp face. I then hear the sound of an airplane overhead. I looked up, suddenly realizing that i could see the climbers on the wall. The trees had disappeared. I wondered where they had gone suddenly. Someone then said that the airplane might observe the climbers, so everyone would have to hide to stay out of the airplane’s view. People started to clear the area, and the climbers looked up, ready to hide from the airplane. The men were trying to erect a camouflage net over them to hide them from site, but the system was now working. Something seemed wrong. I headed to the west, trying to get a better view of what the men were doing. I thought that something must have been blocking the camouflage. The men would a need special technical person to solve this part of the puzzle. Someone then mentioned Rip as the person who could do it. I thought that they actually meant that they needed Constantine. I thought that it was probably some form of magic stopping their shield, so they should be asking for John Constantine to help remove the spell. I turned to the east. Velma was to the east of me, but she was a cartoon. I felt confused. I had expected to see John Constantine. I focused on Velma, noticing that she was on a television screen. This did not make sense. I wondered why she was showing here. The screen i was looking at was in the upper left corner of four screens. A few of the other screens had Velma on them as well, but she was doing something different, as though these were parallel versions of Velma. More screens showed up in the grid, and i focused on the Velma in the center cube. The other Velmas were changing faces now, showing that they were different versions of the same person. One of the Velmas on the top row had a pumpkin head. After several of the others Velmas changed shape to show their origins, they disappeared, and Daphnie appeared on the screen to the left of the center screen. Velma remained in the center screen. This did not make sense to me. I wondered why __Scoobie Doo_ cartoons were needed for this magic. I did not understand the relation.

12022 December 04

We headed to the south, through the urban area. We seemed to be west of the city center, and the buildings around us were old and not that tall. We were driving on a street, looking for a hotel that we had been to before. My mother was in the front seat, and i was in the back seat. She asked me about the hotel, and i told her to continue to the south. We seemed to pass through a large building at the end of the street. The buildings seemed wide east to west, and they had streets running on both sides of them. I remembered that we had walked to the west from the hotel the last time we were here, and we had gone into a large building, which was a shopping mall. I told her not to pass through that building as we drove. We would want to turn to the east once we got to the mall. As we came out of the dark-gray stone-block building, i could see the lager dark-brown stone-block building ahead of us. I thought that it was the mall. We paused for a moment, and i was looking up at the modern stone-block building to the south of us. The center of the building was slightly higher than the eastern and western ends, and it seemed to have a clock in a small wide section of stone. We were then on the street to the east of the mall, where the hotel was. We started down the street to the south, and i looked at the shops on the eastern side of the street. The hotel was the second or third building from the intersection to the north. I remembered that parking here had been very difficult before, but sides of the street seemed mostly empty now. A white wall seemed to run along the western side of the street, and white lines extended from it to show the parking spots. My mother pulled into a parking spot behind a dark van. I stepped out of the eastern side of the car, and noticed that the car was not quite parked in the spot. It was about a half meter farther into the street than the van ahead of us, and it seemed to be at a slight angle, with the front facing a little more to the curb than the back. I told my mother, and she asked me to adjust it. I got in the driver’s seat and started moving the car back. I looked in the rearview mirror to see that no one was driving down the street, and i backed up quite a way. I then started forward again. I looked at the hotel again. Something seemed different on the street. I was having trouble moving toward the curb. I thought that i should be able to pull up behind the van, but i also thought that i would have to pull up to the east of the van and parallel park. I did not want to parallel park. I felt a little distracted and confused, not sure how to pull the car over to the western side of the street. I then noticed that the parking lanes on the western side of the street were perpendicular parking. This seemed easier to do. I turned the car, and i was then backed into one of the spots. The rear of the car seemed very close to the white cement wall on the edge of the road. As i got out, i thought that we had to hurry to get somewhere. I grabbed some of my things and hurried to take them somewhere. I started ascending a set of stairs to the east. The stairs ran between white cement walls and seemed to be near the eastern side of a building. Above me and to the north was another set of stairs ascending to the west. I could not see the stairs, but i knew that they were there. A few people seemed to be on them. My mother said something about the guns on the white car that we had parked. I thought that the guns mounted on the rear of the car were now too close to the cement wall, and we would not be able to fire them. Someone mentioned the guns jamming. I thought that the bullets might rebound from the wall and get stuck in the long barrels of the guns. I thought this as i reached the landing on the eastern end of the stairs and started up to the west on the second flight. The stairs seemed to come to a terrace on the roof of the building. I was still pulling my bags behind me as i climbed. Others seemed to be gathered on the terrace for some event. I moved around, feeling that we had to get to someplace. The scene then changed. I walked to the east, down the long hallway. My parents were with me. This place seemed like the central corridor of a mall, but it was narrower, and it seemed to have doorways on either side rather than shops. The walls were brown, and the hall was warmly lighted by incandescent light. I felt rushed, and i moved quickly down the corridor, walking near the northern wall. My mother was behind me, and she asked me a question. As i approached a frame in the hall, i answered her, but i stopped and moved to the northern wall to let a man, who was coming from the other direction, pass. I felt a little frustrated. We had to get back to the place. My father seemed to be ahead of me, and he turned down a corridor to the north. I came to the intersection of the corridor and could see a long set of dark steps descending down a corridor with a white ceiling. The steps seemed to descend two floors. This did not seem like the correct corridor. My mother called to my father, saying that it was the correct route, but i told her that i did not think that it was. I remembered coming up a set of stairs to get to this corridor, but i did not remember turning to head down the long corridor when we came in. I felt confused. I looked to the east, but the corridor ended about ten meters after the intersection. I thought that we must have come up the stairs before, but it still did not seem correct. My mother paused by the top of the stairs. She seemed to want to hurry. I told her that i would be right with her. I had to pick up my things, which i had put down on the floor. I picked up my backpack, which i now remembered getting from the truck. I would also need to put my shoes back on. I looked at the objects on the ground to the northeast of me. Several sets of sandals were along the northern wall, just to the east of the passageway to the north. I thought that i could put on one of the pair of plastic flip-flops, but i then thought that i should have had sneakers. I felt confused and hurried. I moved a little to the east. A small end table with a shelf below it was against the northern wall. I could see the black elastic band on top of it. The band had a black running sensor attached to it. I thought that an older man must have been running and left the band on the table. I thought that he had been running with another older man here. I picked it up, wondering if i should take it with me, but this seemed strange, so i put it back down on the table. I turned to the southwest, where i had set my black backpack on the table. I stuffed a few things into it. I felt concerned that i did not have everything that i was supposed to have. I turned back to the northeast, looking for my sneakers. I should have had my running shoes. I now noticed that a black plastic band with several buttons on it was on the shelf under the end table. I realized that the band was the controller for the health monitor that i had seen before. Someone had left the monitor on the top and the controller on the bottom. I again thought that i should take the components, but i knew that they were someone else’s, so i left them. I turned to the west to find my shoes. I still needed to put my shoes on, and i was not sure that i could find my sandals. I noticed several sets of sandals on the ground. Most of them were black with bright colorings of orange and white along the forward edges. The colors were bright around the leading edges of the sandals but faded into the black within a few centimeters. I spotted a nice pair of black flip-flops, and i thought that i should put them on. I then wondered if they were mine. They did look too small for my feet. I was not sure where my shoes were. A man and a women were then to the west of me. They were looking at the shoes on the ground as well. I said something to them, and they responded. I then said that i needed my shoes. I still felt rushed to catch up with my parents. I put on a pair of large sandals from the floor. I then remembered that i had run here, and i mentioned this to the man and woman. I could see the white soles of shoes on the western end of the several sets of shoes that were no the ground. The soles had orange along the toe edge. I remembered that the soles had fallen off of the shoes. At first, i thought that i could wear the rubber soles like sandals, but that did not make sense. I then realized that i would not be able to reattach the soles to the sneakers, so i decided that the sneakers were no longer any good. I said something to the man, who had asked me a question. I picked up the pale tan pair of sneakers that was just to the west of the soles. I turned to the northeast and tossed them in the trash bin, which was against the northern wall. It had a white plastic liner in it. I then headed down the long flight of stairs to the north. Something seemed wrong, and i felt anxious and tense.

12022 December 05

I poured water into the toilet, but i realized that it had not flushed. I thought that it must be clogged. The toilet was to the south of me, on the eastern side of the room. I looked down into the bowl, thinking that i could use a plunger to get the water to go down before the tank stopped filling. I picked up a plunger with my left hand, noticing that a turd was still in the bottom of the bowl, and a sheet of toilet paper was floating on the northern side of the bowl, the front of the bowl. I put the plunger in and pushed down, and the water started flowing down the drain. I then moved to the west, looking south as i spoke to the others. A man was to the southwest of me, and i told him that the water had been clogged in the toilet. Something about what i said did not seem honest, though, and i thought that i would have to explain what had happened more clearly. I motioned to the east with my right arm, asking the man if he remembered the water backing up on the western side of the house. We were standing outside a small brown house now. The house was to the southwest of us. The man furled his brow, not quite sure what i was talking about. I realized that i might sound incredulous, and i tried to explain what i was trying to say. I felt uncomfortable, though. It seemed like i was trying to make something up, and i was not quite sure why i would be doing so.

12022 December 08

I walked to the west, along the southern side of the street or wide corridor. I was looking at the shops on the southern side of the corridor as i passed them. I was looking for a specific shop, and i thought that it would be the last shop on the western end of the shops. It had a specific interest to me. I reached the modern-looking shop. The door was glass, and i stopped just outside. A man was standing outside the shop, to the west of me. I looked at the shop, ready to go in, but the shop now seemed to be an office. It seemed that the shop had been converted a while ago. I felt disappointed. A small sign inside and in the window seemed to indicate that the office had something to do with self help. I looked at the store for a moment, net sure where to go now. I chatted with the man to the west of me. I then headed back to the east, looking at the other shops in the row of stores. I noticed that they seemed to be different now. I thought that most of them had been changed from what i remembered. I felt disillusioned as i continued to the east in the wide corridor. I was in a large building in the old city. The walls seemed to be made of plaster. I looked at my right hand as i walked, realizing that i still had the keys with me. I realized that i had taken them from the shop, and i thought that i should put them back. I thought about taking the keys back, but i could not remember where they had come from. I tried to picture where i would have taken them from, but i could not. I felt concerned. To the south of me, the front end of a shop was open. A woman sat on a stool behind a counter, near the eastern wall. The wall to the east of her was covered with stained wood, and it had a grid of hooks on it. The shop itself seemed very narrow, only about four meters wide. I looked at the small metal hooks on the wall, and i wondered if the keys would go on the hooks. I was not sure what i should do. I felt confused, because i could not remember where the keys should go. The man was still to the west of me, talking about something. I looked down at the ring of keys i had in my left hand. Many keys were on the ring. I flipped through them, wondering what i should do with them. Each key had a mark on it, which seemed to be some kind of official identifier. The largest key on the ring sparkled like glitter. I was not sure what i should do. I turned to the east and wandered along the shops. I felt that i was looking for a specific shop. I then stopped and turned to the west. The man was still standing near me. He was wearing a heavy red pullover, and he looked like a wrestler from $P52. I thought that he was familiar, but i did not know who he was. He recognized me, though, and he mimicked pulling up a jacket collar. I realized that he was referring to the way that i wear my peacoat when it is cold. I nodded in acknowledgement to him, saying “True.” I could not remember his name, though, and i admitted that to him. I said that i knew that i recognized him from wrestling. I then told him that he needed to curl his fingers in and put his hands over his ears. I thought that it would help me recognize him. Instead, he pulled his chin-length black hair back, away from his face. I thought he was suggesting that he did not have long hair when he was wrestling. I still could not remember his name, and i told him so. I said that i was very bad at remembering names, though i did think that his name started with an M. A woman was then standing near the man, and she started talking to him. She referred to him as “Joe”. I tried to remember what his last name was, but i could only think that it started with an M. I followed the man to the west as we talked. We came into an area that seemed to be a park. I remembered this area from before. Stone blocks ran to the east, on the southern side of the paved sidewalk that we were following. The sidewalk was mode up of large stone squares, and it zigzagged through the park. I was aware of the call city buildings to the north. We seemed to be less than one hundred meters from a street, but the thick green bushes and trees blocked the view. Shorter plants were in the gardens along the path, with some in raised beds in stone boxes. A canal ran to the north of the path, following the same back-and-forth path as the sidewalk. Something about this place seemed very nice. The canal was about three meters deep and about two meters wide. The walls were made of stacked blocks of stone. Atop the blocks along the canal’s top edge were periodic red stones. Thin grassy plants seemed to be between me and the canal, but i could see that the stones along the top of the channel were carved into intricate floral designs. I was still following the man down the path. The path widened into a semicircular area just to the south of the canal, and the man moved to a stone bench that was along the southern side of the curve. The bench faced north. I turned to the north in the area, noticing a slab of stone that crossed the water. I crossed over the bridge, looking down at the canal. The path ran to the west along the northern side of the canal, and another path ran to the northeast, up two or three steps to a higher area. I started down the path to the west but stopped to look at the canal. The height of the canal varied along the side of the path. As the path ascended some stairs to the northwest of me, the canal turned to the northwest at a sudden angle, the upper edge now matching the height of the higher ground. An embankment ran along the southwestern side of the stairs, and i stopped just before it. Something seemed very familiar here. I had started up the steps to the northwest, but i stepped back to the east and stopped just to the north of the bridge. The canal was only a meter or so deep here, and i could see the shallow water at the bottom flowing to the east. I looked up to the south, seeing the man on the bench, which was in front of a short retaining wall. He was looking off to the east. I had followed him down the path, and i felt a little awkward for staying with him, realizing that i had followed him into the park for no obvious reason. I mentioned to him that my running group had come through this park, indicating the path around me with my right hand. I remembered this place from before. I felt that i really had nothing to say to the man, though. I headed west along the path on the northern side of the channel. I started to ascend the four or five steps to the northwest, but i only put my foot on the first step and did not continue. I felt interested in this place, but i felt uncomfortable here, because i had followed the man here and had nothing better to do. I thought that i had parked my car on the street to the north and that i should probably go back to it. I thought that i should not bother the man. I looked to the south, noticing the large grassy field to the south of the canal. Buildings seemed to surround it. I wondered what i should do.

I followed the other person to the west. It seemed like we had to get to somewhere. The area around us seemed like a park, with trees and bushes scattered across the grassy lawn. A river seemed to run along the southern side of the area, and i thought that it was the Susquehanna. A picnic table was ahead of us, and i started passing to the north of it. The other man walked to the south of the picnic table. The table seemed to be in a pavilion, and several people were on the southern side of the table. The man with me weaved through the crowd, trying to get to the western side. As we reached the western side of the pavilion, the man passed between the picnic table and the wooden wall of the southern side of the pavilion. The wall seemed to be made of brown-stained rough wood. The space between the table and the wall was narrow, and it became very narrow on the western side. I rounded the northwestern corner post of the pavilion and turned to the south to look at the man. He seemed to have gotten stuck between the table and the wall. A wooden beam was at the western end of the table, and the man’s back was against it. He leaned into the beam, lifting his left foot along the southern wall. He pushed with both of his feet against the wall, trying to push his way through the opening. I moved toward the opening, wondering if i could help. A horizontal bar ran across the opening on the western side of the pavilion, spanning between the support beam and the corner column. It was about a half meter from the ground. The man had one of his feet under the bar, and he was moving his weight against the beam as he tried to squeeze past the wall. I realized that he was probably cutting his leg against the splintered edge of the rusty metal bar. I grabbed the bar, trying to pull it away from the man’s leg. The bar seemed to have been a steel bar in a wide-lipped U shape, but the end of the bar was rusted into a ragged edge. As i pulled on the bar, i was now standing to the north of the pavilion, just to the east of the northwestern corner. The man was stuck to the west of the picnic table, which ran along the northern side of the pavilion, with the northern bench against the railing that was the northern wall. A man was sitting on the northern side of the table, and i realized that, when i pulled on the metal bar, the eastern end of the bark might have pivoted in and hit him. I worried that i might have injured the man. The man on the bench was to the southeast of me, and he wore a yellow plaid button-up shirt. He glanced at me and then motioned to the man caught by the beams. He said that the man who was stuck got cut. I turned to the south to see a man standing on the other side of the picnic table. He wore biker shorts and stood straddling a bicycle. He had dark skin and a round face, and he stared at me in concern. I looked down at his leg, noticing a large area of scrapped skin on his right calf. The skin had been mostly scrapped off. The man did not seem aware of his injury, so i pointed it out to him. I then turned my attention back to the man who was sitting on the bench to the southeast of me. The shirt that the man was wearing was short-sleeved. I touched the skin on his right arm, trying to see if the open cut was there. Not seeing any, i touched the right side of his scalp. He had short hair. He had only a minor cut on the side of his head, just behind his ear. I looked down at the rusted bar near him, which was still across the opening. I noticed that it actually had a good amount of blood on it. It did not make sense that it came from the man on the bench, unless he had a wound that i had not noticed. I felt confused, wondering who was bleeding. The man from the bench then stood up. He stood to the east of me, and i noticed how skinny he was. He was also about two decis shorter than i.

12022 December 10

The scenes occurred to the north of me, showing me different settings. One of the settings seemed to be a steam-punk movie. It took place in a time that seemed like the beginning of the 1900s, but the movie took place in outer space. The ship was run by steam. It seemed strange, but i knew that it was supposed to be a genre that conflicted with reality. The scene switched, and i could see another scene that seemed to have conflicting genres. I then saw a scene of a western that seemed to have futuristic extraterrestrials in it. I continued walking to the east, thinking about the combination of genres and how i had become a way to make science-fiction books interesting.

12022 December 11

I walked to the northeast, through the store. Few other people seemed to be around. The tables and displays around me seemed close together, and they were filled with things. I felt that i should not be here, and i walked quietly toward the exit door, which seemed to be to the northeast. I moved stiffly, hoping that people did not notice me. Someone then called to me. I pretended not to hear and continued walking. I was then aware of men rushing toward me from the west. I turned to see men with guns approaching me. I looked surprised, pretending that i was not sure what was happening to me. I was not sure what to do. A man appeared near me, to the north of me. He started asking me questions as we walked to the east. He wanted to know why i was here. I motioned to the north, unable to speak. I thought that i was not quite familiar with his language, but then i thought that i really knew the language and was just pretending to speak a different language. We headed toward the glass door in the eastern wall. I said something in a different language, using the word to refer to something to the northeast of us. I had motioned with my left arm to the northeast as i said it. The man did not seem to understand what i had meant. I used only basic words to form crude sentences. I was now walking to the north, toward the glass door of the store. The wall around the door was also glass, and i could see the dull orange glow of the sun low in the sky to the northwest. The sun seemed to be setting. It had a hazy orange cloud surrounding it. The cloud spread out horizontally, to the sides of the sun. I said the word i had used before, motioning to the sun. I was telling the man the name of the sun in the primitive language that i was pretending to speak. The sun was special in our primitive culture, and i thought that the man would recognize that. We had left the store, and we were now walking to the north, down a long stretch of road. The land around us seemed flat, but it slowly rose to the north. The land near the road seemed to be covered with fields, but i was aware of green trees in the distance. I said something to the man, trying to explain the open country around us. I used simple words in the sentence, thinking that my language was primitive enough and did not have many of the unnecessary words that English had. I thought that it would also not have a word for the verb “to be”. I motioned to the south, telling the man that a large city was in that direction. I knew that this was not true of the land that we were in, but i knew that it would be true of the place that i was thinking of. I then motioned to the west, telling him that a smaller city was in that direction. He nodded as if understanding. The man looked to the west, and i wondered if what i was saying would sound familiar to him. I then looked up to the north, seeing the land from a very high altitude. The area seemed like a map, and i could see a large area of forest stretching to the north and northwest of us. I remembered this area from before. It seemed very familiar, and i remembered doing something in the dense forest to the north or northwest. It seemed like a place that i had been to in a dream before. I motioned to the north as i told the man that the forest was there. I added that tall mountains ran beyond the forest. I then said that the mountains were sacred, trying to impart the beliefs that i thought the man would deem primitive.

I drove to the northeast on the highway, toward the large city. I seemed to be entering the outskirts of the city. I knew that i would have to take the highway along the southwestern edge of the city as i headed to the northwest, toward the other city. Something about these two cities reminded me of Albany and Schenectady. It seemed that i was trying to figure out how to drive the highway to Schenectady. I remembered coming on these roads before, but i remembered that i had always had trouble navigating the exits. It was always difficult to figure out which road ran to the second city, and i thought that i used to get lost. I seemed to be in the center lane of the highway, and i hoped that it was the correct lane. I thought that it would be the correct lane, because i thought that i would have to stay on the highway until i got to the next city. I wanted t make sure that i did not get off the highway. The highway curved to the east and started down a slight hill, passing through an industrial area. High overpasses seemed to run over my head. Several street lights or signs hung down from them. I spotted two tall thin bridges to the east of me, crossing a wide river. The air over the river was hazy, and i could not see the other side of the river. The bridges were very tall, and i thought that the slopes up their sides were very steep. They seemed absurdly steep for a bridge, but the cars seemed to be heading up them. I felt a little uncertain about the bridges, but i knew that the highway would cross over them. As the road descended the hill, i knew that i had to cross one of the bridges, and i focused on the arch of the bridge. It looked like a parabola in the air. I hoped that the road i was the correct one to cross the bridge. As i started over the crest of the shallow hill, i could not see where the road i was on met the river to the east, but i could tell that it was heading for the bridge. Metal signs that hung from overhead then obscured my view of the bridge. I watched it with anticipation as i continued driving over the crest of the hill. I was then able to see the water to the east of me. To my disappointment, the road that i was on did not cross the water. I could see water between the bridge and me. I thought that one of the overhead roads must be the correct road to get to the bridge. I was annoyed, and i thought that i would have to find a way to get back on the highway that headed northwest. The road i was on headed down the slope toward the river and ended on a gray road that ran east to west along the bank. The entire area seemed to be covered with overpasses. I turned to the west, saying something to someone as i looked down the slope at the water. I had to find another bridge to cross. I thought that some of the side streets would have bridges that i could use. I started passing between buildings, which blocked my view of the water. I was riding a bicycle and descending the hill at a diagonal. I then thought that i should take the side streets rather than the highway anyway, because i was on a bicycle. Others were to the east of me as i moved west. I told them that we would have to use another bridge to cross the river. I caught a glimpse of a thick metal bridge down the hill to the north-northwest of me as i passed an opening between two dark buildings. Someone said that the town was Bridgeport, and i thought that it was where the old river crossing was. I headed north, through the outskirts of the city to get to the bridge. The land then rose to the north of me. The man to the east of me asked me something. He seemed to be asking me if i knew where i was going. I could see a wide intersection ahead of me, and i slowed the bicycle along the eastern side of the road that i was on, looking at the intersection and hoping that it seemed familiar. The road that i was on ascended a shallow slope. The land continued to rise to the north of me, cresting about thirty or fourty meters away. The intersection was very wide, but the roads running out of it did not seem that wide. A road ran directly to the west, and the road ahead of me was just a little to the northwest of where was, and it ran north. To the northeast of the intersection was a grassy area, which seemed like the entrance to a park or cemetery. A road ran to the northeast from the intersection, curving a little to the north across the park and then turning to the east. A short wall of thick stone ran along the northern side of the grassy park. The large stone blocks looked like they formed an embankment. I was aware of the man watching me from the southeast as i decided which road to choose. I headed northeast, thinking that the road would go over the hill and down to the river. I was hoping that one of the routes would seem more familiar than the others, but i was not sure which route i had taken before. The road passed through the park and started downhill. The stone embankment was to the north of me, and trees were to the south. This looked familiar, so i hoped that i was heading in the correct direction.

I was with $G4 in an area that seemed to be on the northern side of the Ag Quad. I stood near the western end of the group, who were standing on the page area. I talked to some of the others as some people came from the northwest to join our group. $A713 approached me from the northwest. He had been jogging with our group, and i was surprised to see him there. I did not know that he had been running with $G4. I said hello to him as he approached, noticing that he was shirtless. He seemed huskier than i remembered, but he looked very attractive. I wanted to talk to him, but he continued walking to the southeast, past me, saying that he had to do something. He then implied that he was living in this town again. I was surprised that he was back, and i asked him if he was back in town. He waved to me, deferring the question so that he could continue to the southeast. I wanted to talk to him, but i let him go. I turned back to the north. I then turned to the east, walking into the store. The store seemed old. The plaster walls were dull with age, and the lower halfs of the walls were covered with wood planks. The store seemed to be on the western end of the room, and the eastern part was a bank, with wooden counters and service windows that matched the walls. I moved to one of the counters where a register was. The counter stood near the northern wall of the room, and a man sat to the east of it. It looked like an old metal cash register. I asked for something, and the man gave me several bills for change. The man to the east of the counter then tried to do something on the register. He sayed that something was not on the wall. I looked to the north, where a whiteboard hung on the wall. The man moved to the white board, pointing to a section near the top. Some writing was on the board, but the area near the top did not have any numbers in it. I realized that the numbers would show the number for something that i was trying to purchase. The man turned to the east and called to a woman, who was near one of the counters along the eastern wall. I thought that he might need the number of the store to log in to the register. He seemed annoyed with the question. I put some things on the board as i talked about the store number. The man moved back to the cash register to process something. The register was now on a counter that extended to the north from the southern wall. It was closer to the eastern wall, and i thought that it was part of the bank. He looked at the register, and he said that it would be three dollars. I took the money out of my wallet, thinking that i could pay for the purchase in cash. I had the small bills. I pulled some bills out of my wallet and started counting them. I put one of the bills on the counter and sort through the other bills to find singles. One of the people to the southeast of the counter then said that the bills i had were Canadian. I looked at the bill i had placed on the counter, realizing that it was a Canadian bill. The other singles in my hand were also Canadian. I remembered that the bank person had given me bills, and i thought that he had given me Canadian bills. I had thought that i only had one Canadian bill, but i seemed to have several. I was surprised to see them, but i also felt disappointed that he had given me so many. I thought that i would not be able to spend the bills here. The man behind the register then told me that it was okay to spend Canadian bills here. I pulled the other two Canadian singles out of my wallet and gave them to the man, placing them on the counter to the south of the register. The bills were white, with nicely etched pictures on them. They looked like large pieces of paper. The man then pointed to the bills and asked about the numbers at the top of the paper. I turned the bills over to see that a tear-off section ran along the top of the bill. This did not seem right, and i felt confused. The man seemed confused by the bills too, and he stood up from his stool and walked to the southeast to talk to the woman. I remained sitting to the west of the counter, and i started to sort my bills. I could hear the man talking to the woman in an office to the south. The office seemed to have frosted wire glass in the window in the upper half. The woman comes out from a hallway that ran to the south from the southwest of me. She said that she needed to talk to me. I thought that she was suspicious of the bills. I said okay, and i started to follow her to the south. As i approached the entrance to the hall, i noticed a banana and a pickle slice on the ground just to the northeast of the corridor. I thought that it must have fallen from my lap as i stood up. I stopped in the entrance to the corridor and took a few steps backward to pick them up. I would have to throw them in the trash. After picking them up, i stood up and started walking toward the corridor. I seemed to be wearing a trench coat.

12022 December 12

I entered the southwestern part of the office from the south. The room was large and open, with desks arranged in clusters. It had been a long time since i had been here. I stopped between two groups of desks, which were arranged in rows to the east and west of me. The cluster to the west seemed to form more of a cube, with desks on all sides. The desks to the east seemed to be in a row from north to south. I thought that my desk was on the northern side of the western cluster, and i walked to the northern end of the aisle between the two sections and started to turn west. I felt that i had been gone from this place for so long that i was not actually sure where desk was. I thought that it was the desk with the seat to the north, on the northeastern corner of the block of desks. A man was sitting in front of a computer at that desk, though. I realized that the desks had been moved around in my absence. I wandered back down the aisle to the south, looking at the computers on the desks to the east of me. All of the desks seemed to face east, with chairs on the western sides. I realized that the southernmost desk was now supposed to be mine. I moved to the chair and sat down in front of the large monitor of the computer. I had several bags just to the south of the chair, near the desk. One seemed to be my backpack. $F67 was in the room now, to the southwest of me. I talked to her as i looked at the computer. She walked to the north. It seemed nice to see her. $A643 was then in the room. She walked to the north, down the aisle between the two sections of desks. I told her that my desk had moved. I then sat for a moment at my desk, not sure what i should do for work. I felt a little out of place here. To the north of me, a man was lecturing to a small audience, who seemed to be sitting on the floor to the north of the desks. The man stood to the north of the group, talking about something. The people seemed to be in two lines, which ran south from the man. I was sitting at the north end of the western line now, watching the man. I talked to $F67 as the man talked to the north. A woman behind me then hugged me from behind. I continued to chat with $F67, but i was amused by the woman who was hugging me. I could not see her, but i knew that she was $A275. As i talked to $F67, $A275 started pulling me backward, to the south. My feet were dragging as i was pulled down the aisle between the two rows of people. The people were still watching the man to the north. I realized that this situation was awkward. I had been talking to $F67, and the woman had interrupted me and then pulled me away from the conversation. As she slowed near the southern end of the group of people, i realized that the woman was probably taking me away from $F67 to upset $F67, who also seemed like $F79. I started to feel uncomfortable, thinking that it was not nice of the woman abducting me just to upset the other woman. I turned to the woman near me and asked her if she had pulled me away just to upset the other person. She said yes. I felt annoyed with her, and i told her that what she did was not nice. I turned to the south and started walking across the small outdoor plaza. The ground was covered with a brown marble-like stone, and several benches or planters were around the sides. The area seemed rectangular, extending to the south. I entered from the northeastern corner.

I had been walking with $F71 on the northern side of the road, heading east. I seemed to be the southeast of us, watching us walk. $F71 continued to the east, but i stopped and headed to the north, into a small square field of dry cut grass. A dotted white line ran to the center of the field from the center of the southern side, and several people seemed to be following the marks. I thought that this was part of a trail from $G4. As i reached the center of the field, i slowed to a walk, noticing a square marked in chalk on the ground. The dotted line ran to the center of the square, and a small box was drawn at the end of it. I noticed that three round dots were to the east of the center square. I knew that these were marks from $G4. The three dots indicated that trail did not go in that direction. Others slowed to a walk and started gathering around the square mark in the center. A man moved just to the northwest of me. He had wavy brown hair, and he wore a running tanktop with a pair of shorts. He had his mouth open as he tried to catch his breath from running. He had been walking north, but turned to the west and glanced at me over his shoulder as i said something about the marks. He seemed to respond to me without saying anything. A man was standing to the west of the central mark, and he seemed to be showing the others who were gathering the marks on the ground. I thought that he was showing them where the trail should go. He must have been one of the people organizing the run. I thought that the other runners had come from the northwest, and had run down a road that was on the western side of the field. A narrow thicket of leafless trees and shrubs surrounded the field. We seemed to have entered the field through a break in the southern tree line. I thought that, if the runners had come down the road on the northern side of the field and the marks led them into the field from the south, then the trail had to go either north or east. I mentioned this. The man with the brown hair turned to listen to me. He was still pacing around to catch his breath. He seemed somewhat muscled, but not detailed. I said that the trail had to go either east or north, and the man started walking to the east, passing to the north of me. I thought that he should not head east, though. The three dots had blocked that direction from the center mark, so the trail should have gone to the north. I wanted to say something to the man, but i turned to the west and looked at the others who had gathered here instead. I realized that this was not the group of $G4 that i had started the run with. They seemed to be a group from Albany. I then noticed $A633 standing with another person to the west of the main group. He stood close to the other person, to the south of the other person. He had his head turned, watching me. He smiled as he said something to the person with him. I nodded hello to him. I knew that this group was just starting a large event. I thought that they were having a campout and that the campout would be to the northwest somewhere. They had run from the camp to here to review the marks on the ground. I started talking about their run with someone near me, and i asked where their camp was. I thought that i would be going to their event as well. The event had not yet started, though. I started jogging back to the south, following the dotted line back out of the filed. I crossed the street and headed down a driveway that curved to the southwest. It seemed to enter a large park, though the entrance area to the park was covered with cement and planters or short walls. I followed the driveway as it curved to the west and started to descend into the ground. I was then watching the dark stone of the driveway below me as i jogged. I was looking for marks that i could follow. My view was focused on the pavement. A steep rocky hill that was almost a cliff ran up to the north of me, and a less steep hill was to the south. It seemed as though i was following the road around a tight curve for a while, but i continued heading toward the west. After a little while, i realized that the marks on the ground that i had been seeing were written in pink and blue chalk. The marks seemed faded a little from the weather. The glossy rock surface of the driveway seemed strange. It looked almost like marble, but it had no seams. I stopped, thinking that i had followed the marks too far. I should have seen a mark that was more distinct. I looked more closely at the marks on the ground, and i realized that they were not marks for trail. I called back up to the others. I looked up to the southeast. The road i was on had started to curve to the northwest. I could not see anyone on the hill of the driveway, which curved to the east and northeast around the steep pale rocks to the north. I started walking back up the hill, looking down at the marks as i passed. I realized that they were marks made by the construction crews who had been working to the north of the road. Several marks looked like variables with vector symbols over them. Others looked like equations. I ran back up the hill. As i reached the top and started back to the north, i realized that i had not finished the run that i had been on with $F71. I thought that i should have finished the run with that group first. I started to feel uncomfortable, thinking that i had made a mistake by starting to follow this group. I then thought that i should also not follow these people to their camp. I thought that i would be attending their event, but i would have to finish the event that i was on first. I started to feel uncomfortable, feeling that i should not have started following the other group. I wondered why i had been doing this, and i felt worried about my decision.

12022 December 15

I was in the room, which seemed like it was part of a hallway. It ran to the east-northeast of me, and the walls were dull black. Some people were sitting in chairs in a small circle at the eastern end of the hallway. $A623 was with them. I could hear her discussing a strategy for the group. I listened to them as i walked to the east. I did not feel like i was part of the group, but i was interested in what they were doing. I started doing something on the southern side of the hallway. I was cleaning up some of the things here. $A623 then left, and i thought that she was heading somewhere to get coffee. I picked up a bag of trash and carried it to the doorway to the southwest of me. The doorway faced west, yet seemed to be in the southern wall of the hallway. As i opened the door to put the trash into a small room, i suddenly felt that i was one of the only people here cleaning up. I wondered if the others considered me a servant of the group, because i was doing the menial chores. I had been part of this group, and i felt annoyed that i might be considered less than the others. I turned back to the north. A group was still on the eastern end of the corridor, but i as aware of two small rooms to the northwest of me. They were set into the hallway, and the door was open. A group of people was sitting in the eastern room. They sat in metal folding chairs in a small circle. They were discussing something. I heard one of them talking about getting coffee. $A623 then asked me if i wanted to go with them to get coffee. I told them that i did not drink coffee, and i walked to the east. I took my things from a table near the southern wall and headed back to the southwest. I was carrying my coat over my left hard, and i held a head of cabbage and another thing under my right arm. I thought that i would head to one of the restaurants to the northeast of us and get lunch. I thought about the restaurants, which seemed to be in Collegetown.

12022 December 17

I stood in the water on the northern end of the large swimming pool. I walked slowly to the east through the water. I had just finished a workout. I had been with some others, but they had already left the room through a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I then noticed two people walking from the north, down the western side of the pool deck. They looked like life guards. I thought that they were just about to start their shift. The lap swimming was about to start. I had been in the pool during the wading hours, but i had been trying to do laps along one of the side lanes. I thought that i should do a lap across the pool now that it was open for laps. I then felt decisive, thinking that it might be strange that i did only one lap and then did not continue to do laps. I wanted to do laps, actually, but i had just finished a work out and did not think that i would be able to do more laps. I moved east, to the center of the northern side of the pool. I wanted to do laps, but i was not sure that i should. I then noticed men coming into the pool to the west of me. They walked through the water to the southern end and gathered to the south of me. They seemed to be a sports team, and i thought that they might be wrestlers. They wore T-shirts and shorts in the water as they walked back to the northern end of the pool. I felt interested in them, but i thought that they should leave. They gathered on the northern end of the pool, around me. I left the pool and headed to the northeast. A doorway was in the northern wall of the room, and i walked through it and found myself in a tile-covered corridor. I was looking fro the changing rooms. I had been in this building before, and i remembered that the lockers were to the west of the hall i was in. I then thought that some were to the north of the end of the corridor. This building was familiar, and i tried to remember what the locker rooms were like. I remembered that the locker room to the west was in disrepair. I had been in the first part of the locker room before, and i remembered that several toilet stalls were in the room, but none of them worked. I remembered a dirty shower room on the northern side of the room and a stall to the south, just to the south of the door in the western wall. The last time i was here, i could not find a toilet that worked. I had been disappointed in the area. As i walked through the door and headed into the locker room to the west, though, i was surprised to find that the room looked much different. The room was very clean, with new tile. A large white bathtub was in the floor to the south of the door, and new toilet stalls seemed to be to the north of the aisle down the center of the room. I then realized that there were no shower stalls in this room anymore. It had been redesigned as a bathroom without shower stalls. I continued across the room, wondering if the shower rooms to the west would still be there. As i reached the door, though, i noticed that a metal gate was across it. A sign was in the center of the gate, but it was facing the other way. I pushed open the gate, suddenly wondering if the shower room that i had been in was now a women’s shower room. I felt confused about the change, and i thought that i should not have been in the room. I hoped that no one would mind that i had walked through the shower room. I moved into the next room, noticing that it was a small office with an island counter in the center. The counter seemed like a service counter, but it was very narrow. The room was only about three meters wide east to west, and the counter reached to the north from the southern wall. I walked around the northern side of the counter. I remembered this room before, but it had been made into an office. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that i should not have been here. I wondered where the locker room was. I moved to the west, heading toward the doorway in the northern end of the western wall. I thought that the locker room might have been the next room. I walked through the doorway, but i came into an entryway on the western side of the building. The room had a high ceiling, with dark stone walls and floor. It seemed to have glass on the southern half of the western wall and on the western half of the southern wall. Sets of stairs seemed to cross on the western side of the room. Someone came into the southern end of the room from the west, entering the building from the outside. A large display case was set into the eastern wall of the hall. It seemed to have gold-colored shelfs, and it looked very nice. I still did not know where the lockers were. I wondered if the doors to the south, in the eastern end of the southern wall, lead down to the pool. I then noticed a door to the east of me, just to the south of the door that i had come out of. The metallic door was inset in the wall, like an elevator. I thought that it must go down to the pool level. I headed for the door, thinking that it was the door what i needed. As i reached it, i noticed the glass window to the south of it. I could see some people coming up the staircase on the other side of the door, to the southeast. I was then at the northern end of the hallway on the eastern side of the building, where it met the northern hall that ran east and west. I started to turn to the west to head for the pool. A woman came from the east, and she asked me where i was going. I turned around. She seemed like a college student, and she seemed to want to help me. I asked her where the pool is. She told me something, motioning to the west. She mentioned “OMB” as something related to the pool. I told her that i did not know what the term meant. I thought that it must be one of the acronyms that college students had started using: probably an internet term. She repeated the letters, surprised that i did not know what she was talking about. Another woman had joining the first, standing to the southeast of her. Both of them seemed surprised that i did not know what they were saying. I headed down the hall to the west, leaving them. I thought about the letters, thinking that i should look up what they meant. “OBA” sounded familiar, but i did not think that those were the letters the women used.

I was on the eastern side of the small kitchen, which was filled with other people. They were cooking a meal. I had been staying in this house, and i wanted to help get some of the food ready. A wooden counter was in the middle of the room, and i walked to the southwest, to the south of the counter. This house seemed to be in a foreign land. I wanted to know what i could do to help the others prepare the meal. Someone asked me about the food, and i said that i would have some. I felt unsure and spoke politely to them. I knew that they would be cooking a lot of meat, but i thought that i could eat the vegetables they were serving. I felt that i should do something to help, but i did not know what. I moved back and forth on the southern side of the room. A woman to the southeast of me had a pan in her hand, and she lifted some of the vegetables from the pan up with a fork. She had a round face and round torso. She seemed to wear a pale sweater, and her frizzy black hair came down to her shoulders. She had a questioning look as she held up the vegetables for me to see. The vegetables seemed like long thin strands of asparagus. The strands were about a half centimeter thick and dark. I thought that they were some kind of eggplant. She only had a few strands on the plate, and i thought that she only had enough for herself. She smiled uneasily at me. I said that it was okay that she did not have enough. I knew that there would be more food. I turned to the west, looking for other things to eat. I then turned back to the east to get a pot that was on the counter. It was a long pot, and it was oddly shaped. I noticed that it had too much water in it. I carried the pot in my left had as i turned back to the west. I moved to a sink that was on the southern side of the western wall. As i approached the sink, i heard $A682 talking to someone the phone to the north of me. He seemed upset about something, and he mentioned that he had to do something for a concert. I felt disappointed that he was angry at someone for no reason. I felt that it was his own fault that he had gotten into the situation, and i was uninterested in what he was doing. I held the pot with my right hand as i started to pour the water out over the sink. The pot was oddly shaped. It was very long. It looked like a long narrow bread pan, but it had a cross section on the southern end. I tried to pour the water into a large pot that was just to the southwest of me, but a woman moved to the north of me, pointing out that i was spilling a little water into the sink under my right hand. I tipped the pot level and looked into the sink, apologizing. I tried to pour more slowly so that the water only poured out the pointed southern end of the pan. The southern end of the pot had two cross bars to the east and west, and the southern end of the cross seemed to form an arrowhead. The bright metal seemed to be held together with wood braces. It seemed that the frame of the pan was wood, and the metal had been folded over the top of the wood and tacked in place. A metal brace ran across the top of the pan, holding the sides together.

12022 December 18

I moved to the west, along the southern wall of the room in the old building. The building seemed like an old hotel or other formal building. The walls seemed dull yellow, and the lower halfs had darkly stained wood paneling. I felt uneasy here, as though i did not quite belong here. I hoped n one noticed that i was here. A set of stairs ran up the southern wall, and i started to ascend them. Someone was walking up the stairs just ahead of me. I thought that i had to get somewhere before the people here noticed that i did not belong here. The stairs were very narrow, and they were made of the same darkly stained wood as the walls. A thin railing ran along the northern side of the staircase. As i reached the top of the staircase, i noticed that the stairs curved to the northwest. The top part of the staircase seemed to narrow and curved back to the southwest before connecting to a landing. The landing seemed to run from the southwest to the northeast. The person on the stairs ahead of me, who seemed to be a woman, was walking on the uneven part of the stairs toward the landing to the west. I looked at the railing on the northern side of the stairs, noticing that the top of the railing was now a polished branch from a tree. It had an uneven surface and bowed up on the western end and had a short bow down on the eastern end. The wood had thick tendons across it, and it had a bluish streak along the upper part of the western end. I remembered climbing over the railing before to get to the landing to the north of the stairs. It was a shortcut from the stairs to the landing. I started climbing over the railing again. I could feel the strain in my arms as i supported my weight on the wooden branch. It seemed difficult to move over the railing, but i struggled to get over. I was also aware of the person to the west of me walking from the stairs to the landing. The person would then have to head back toward me on the landing. I talked to the person as i reached the landing and started walking to the west on the narrow metal bridge, which seemed like a catwalk. The landing had run along the northwestern wall of the room, but the northeastern end of the landing passed through a doorway, connecting to the walkway. The walkway seemed to have thick metal gratings on the walking surface, and the gratings seemed to have wide yellow stripes across them. The room around the walkway was huge, with a very high ceiling and dark-red walls. The walls seemed like rock, and water seemed to be to the west of the catwalk. As i reached the northern end of the bridge, i was aware of some people ahead of me. Guards in black combat uniforms were guarding the east-to-west walkway at the end of the bridge. I thought that i would not be able to get past the checkpoint. I would have to be careful so that the guards did not arrest me. They seemed to be part of a military government. I turned back to the south and casually started walking back down the bridge. A small group of people stood in the center of the bridge. They seemed to be standing in a tight phalanx of three or four people to a side. I had to be careful as i passed to the east of them. The other person was still with me. I felt worried. $F12 was trapped in this place, and i felt that i had to get him out. The guards here did not know that i did not belong here, though, so i had to be careful not to tip them off. I walked into the dark room on the eastern side of the building. The building had risers that ascended to the west, forming seats. The seats seemed to be semicircular, but they ran linearly from north to south across the room. The guards were sitting at the bottom of the room, to the east. The guards were watching the few people who were sitting on the risers. $F12 was one of the people. He was sitting on one of the lower risers in the northeastern part of the room. I approached him from the north, pretending that i was doing something not related to him. I could not let the guards know that i was trying to help $F12. The other person stopped in the doorway to the north of me. I walked to the east of $F12, looking at him as i told the guards behind me that i was checking the tickets. I wondered how i could free $F12. I felt that i needed to get him out of the building. $F12 sat still, looking to the east. He seemed scared. I felt concerned for him. I needed to do something to get him out. I thought that i should wink at him to let him know that i was trying to help him. I noticed that the benches of the risers had tickets all over them where others had been sitting. I passed to the south of him, and i started climbing the risers. The tickets on the benches seemed to be of slightly different shapes, with different styles of type. I had to pretend to do something official, so i started checking some of the tickets that were on the benches. I wondered if i could have $F12 sign a new ticket that i could sneak to him. It would help him get released. I moved around the benches on the western side of the room, pretending to look over the tickets on the benches and wondering what to do.

12022 December 19

The man to the northwest of me threw the baseball high up into the air. I was immediately concerned, knowing that the baseball was a weapon. The baseball exploded, and the area was filled with bright white light, which turned yellow and red after a moment. I thought that the baseball had been a nuclear bomb. I moved to the south to get away from the radiation, but the explosion was not as bad as i thought it should be. I moved quickly to the northwest across the flat open area. One of the people with me was talking about the bomb. I was still trying to prevent it from exploding. Someone then threw the small round white object up into the air. I saw the ball rise quickly up into the air, accelerating at is rose. I was annoyed that the person was trying to detonate the bomb, and i objected to what the bomb did. I told the others that it could not be a nuclear bomb, because i thought that it was too small to contain enough explosive fuel. The man confirmed that it should be a nuclear device. If it was a nuclear explosive, then i thought that it would destroy a very large area around us and there was no way that we could escape from blast. We moved into the building, entering it from an opening in the northwestern corner of the building. We stopped in the western half of the large open room. The floor was cement, and we seemed to be in a large garage. The garage seemed to have many nice cars in it, so i thought that it must be the garage of a rich person. We had to hide here, but i was not sure if the building would protect us from the explosion, which seemed to be to the northwest of us. We huddled in the center of the room. Lights then shined from the north. I looked up to see what appeared to be the headlights of a car to the north of us. I felt worried that we were discovered. A man to the northwest of me said something. I looked back to the north. The light now shined on the wall as though it were coming through a doorway. It shined a large square on the northern wall, and a shadow like a tentacled monster reached up from the bottom of the distorted square of light. The woman crouching to the north of me blocked the bottom of the light, so i could not see the base of what was causing the shadow on the wall. The creature was then standing to the north of us, and i could see it just past the left of the woman’s head. The creature was humanoid, with a yellow and green mottled head. It had small tentacles hanging from the sides of its face and chin. It walked toward the woman casually, as though coming to see what we were doing. It stopped just to the west of the woman. I knew that this would be a comic scene. The woman looked up at us, unaware of the creature standing next to her. She then glanced to the west, noticing it. The creature was now obviously a man with a gray mask over his face. The mask was of a wide face that had a smile that reached all the way across it. The mask had black hair. The woman was wearing a blue hooded cloak with a matching blue mask over her face. The mask had round white rings where the eyes and mouth would be. She looked at the man in the gray mask at the same time he looked at her, and both of them screamed from the startle. I recognized the mask that the man was wearing, thinking that it was a mask of one of the gargoyles from the old cartoon Gargoyles. The face looked like one of the young characters, with pointed ears and rounded wide cheeks.

12022 December 20

I walked through the crowd of the event, heading generally to the northwest. We seemed to be in a large room, and people were moving in different directions through the crowd. A man in a light-brown wool coat came from the north and passed to the west of me. I looked at him as he started to pass me, and i realized that he was looking at me questioningly. I thought that his face seemed familiar, but i did not know who he was. His face was narrow, with thin lips and thin light-brown hair. He had sharp cheekbones, and his face seemed smooth, even though he seemed old enough to have wrinkles. He continued to stair at me as he moved to the south of me. I stopped and stared into his eyes, trying to figure out if i knew him. I asked him if i knew him, and he seemed to say that we had met. The scene then changed, and i was to the south of the man. He was sitting on the northwestern side of a round dinner table. Another man had been sitting on the eastern side of the table, but the other man had stood up and was now leaving the restaurant, to the northeast. I talked to the man at the table. He said that he had met Michael Jackson at this event, and that they had gone on a date to the restaurant. He took a sip of wine with his left hand, holding his elbow high as he drank. He raised his eyebrows in indifference as he told me that Michael had turned out to be “totally uninteresting”. I thought that Michael Jackson had bored the man during their dinner date. I looked to the northeast. The northern wall of the restaurant was glass, and i could see the red and white lights of the traffic outside. I could see Michael driving northeast on the road in the suburban area. I was amused that the man found Michael Jackson to be uninteresting.

12022 December 22

I was walking through the people who were here for the event. We seemed to be in a small area, like the small rooms of an apartment. I moved to the east, seeming to be in a room that was at the back of a bus. $F4 was with me, and i talked to him about something. I then headed to the west. I had picked up $X25 and was cradling him in my arms. He was curled up, with his head to the south as i walked west. Someone to the southwest of me commented on $X25, and i told him that i would have to be careful not to let $X25 out of the house. I had to remember not to carry him out the door, which was in the center of the southern wall of the large room, which was on the western end of the house. I pet the black cat that i was holding in my arms as i moved to the north and sat down on the couch, which was against the eastern wall of the room. The man was still to the southwest of me, and i said something to him as i set the cat down on the ground. I stood up, noticing that the cat was running back to the east. I realized that i was now standing to the south of the small brown wooden house. The house seemed to be a single level, and it seemed long east to west. The ground to the south of the house was covered with snow, and i the cat was trotting along a cement path that ran along the front of the house. I worried that the cat would run away. I started to call its name, but i could not quite remember. I thought that i would call it “Caroline”, but i was not sure if that was correct. I was aware of the man to the southwest of me as i tried to remember the cat’s name. The cat was larger now, with long brown curly fur. It now seemed like a small dog. A person was standing just to the south of the path, near the southeastern corner of the building. The dog ran between the person and the house and turned around the corner to head north. I felt frustrated that i could not remember the cat’s name, and i started after it. I knew that others were in the side yard of the house. I reached the northeastern corner of the building and looked northeast. The southeastern corner of the building had a wooden corner, but the eastern wall seemed to be mostly covered by a window with tall thin panes. The roof seemed to slope down to the north. To the north, a thing wing of the house reached to the east-northeast from the northern side of the house. It seemed to have a lot of windows facing south. Several others were in the yard to the east of the house, and the cement path seemed to go to the eastern end of the long wing. The end of the wing was to the northeast of me. I turned, aware of others to the west of me now. I was moving smoothly to the east, over the asphalt pavement, which now seemed like a street. The people were in the street, to the west of the wide intersection, which seemed like the intersection of Paden and Grippen. I rolled to the east, in the center of the street. I seemed to be on a skateboard. I turned my feet sharply to the north, thinking that i had to turn around. I was aware of cars approaching from the east, though, and i thought that i would have to get out of their way. I hurried to the northern edge of the street and turned back to the west. I rolled slowly along the northern side of the street as the first car passed me. It had moved to the center of the street to avoid me. The second car, which seemed like a small black sports car with off-white trim, came closer to me. It seemed to swerve toward me, and i thought that the driver was trying to express his annoyance that i was in the street. I felt annoyed with the driver, but i ignored the car and kept rolling to the west. As i crossed the intersection, the man in the black sports car now seemed to be riding on a low rolling platform. He laughed as he glanced over his shoulder at me. He was wearing a dull-pink T-shirt and blue jeans. He sat with his left leg under him and his right leg reaching forward. He turned to the north in the intersection. The man, who had been in the first car, came running from the southern side of the intersection. He wore a dark shirt, and he grabbed the man in red as if trying to tackle him. They both slowed and bumped into the wall on the western side of the hallway. The man in the pink shirt was still close to me, and i still felt angry with him as he grinned about sideswiping me with his car. He laughed with the other man, but he was still directly in front of me. As i reached him, i pushed him roughly against the western wall. I then continued walking to the west, out of the intersection.

We hurried to get onto the train, which was heading to the east across the rural landscape. The sun brightly lighted the land, and the colors seemed tan and autumn. I was with my relatives, and we headed into the stairwell to head to the lower level of the train car, which seemed like a large carriage. I descended to the south and turned east, into the western end of the small room. The room seemed like a lounge, with padded couches against the eastern and southern walls. The walls were covered with wood paneling, and something about the car seemed old. I mentioned to the others that i thought that this part of the train was older than the rest of the train. I thought this because of the way that the train car was moving smoothly. The train seemed to be heading to the east-northeast. I looked in the room again, thinking that it was decorated like a room from the seventies. $A713 was standing to the south of me now. He stood with his arms against his sides, and he told me that the car we were in was actually a modern car. He said that it was one of the more modern cars of the train. He seemed confused as to why i would say otherwise. I told him that the train car was not moving like a modern train car. I started walking to the east, noticing now that the southern wall of the car had large windows. The ceiling was high in this room, and the second large window to the east of me was open, but the one near me had a white curtain over it. As i walked the curtain started to open from the eastern side. As the curtain approached me, i noticed that the view of the countryside outside seemed very picturesque. The room now seemed like a small dining room. It was longer to the east than it had been before, and round tables were set up along the northern wall. I looked at some of the tables as we walked east, thinking that they were all reserved, which was why they were all empty. I then remembered that the woman i had come with had asked someone about sitting in a compartment of the car. The conductor had told her something, and i thought that he must have told her that the compartments were reserved. This was why everything here was empty. We headed toward a narrow doorway in the northern half of the eastern wall of the room. As the others started through the door, i looked at one of the small round side tables that was to the south of a chair, which was to the southeast of a dining table. I noticed that the round side table had old printed tickets around the edges of it. The tickets seemed to be of different sizes with different types of text, and they were held on the table by a piece of round glass that was over them. I thought that these tickets were for the people who had reserved the car. I followed the others through the doorway and into the northern side of the next room. A woman was doing something just to the southeast of me. She was an older woman, with her faded blond hair pulled back into a tight bun that was slightly pointed at the top. She wore a dark-gray knee-length dress that had long sleeves. It seemed very formal. She had black stockings on under the dress. She leaned forward to look at something on a low table to the southwest of her. To the south of her was a wide doorway that led into another large room. I could see young children standing in a line across the room, from east to west. A few adults seemed to be coordinating them. I thought that the woman in the gray dress was organizing a show or campaign that involved the young children. A couple women stood to the northeast of her, watching her do something with the camera-like equipment that was on the low table in the middle of the room that we were in. I looked to the south again, but i had moved too far to the east, and i could no longer see the children. I wondered what the formal event was. I headed to the north, down a narrow hallway on the eastern side of the building. The white cement wall seemed rough, and i thought that this was a maintenance corridor. I was still here with some of my relatives, and someone was walking ahead of me in the hallway. I turned to the east and hung my peacoat up on a hook that was in the northern wall of the narrow crossing corridor. I took some things out of my pocket and started putting them in my coat, but i was distracted by the person to the west of me, whom i had been talking to. I wondered if i should actually leave my jacket here. I was not sure if it would be safe. I moved to the west to talk with the other person. I then realized that i still had some of my things in my hands. I should have put my things in my jacket. I wondered again if it would be okay for me to leave my things in the hallway with my jacket. I said something to $K1, who was to the southwest of me. We were in a small room on the western side of the building. I felt a little awkward holding the things in my hand, so i headed back to the north to get to my coat. The corridor on the western side of the northern wing of the building was narrow, like the corridor to the east. It was not well lighted. I started to feel concerned about my coat, and i turned to the east, down a narrow corridor. The corridor seemed to curve slightly from the east-northeast to the east-southeast, so i could not see all the way down the corridor. Several things seemed to be leaned against the northern wall of the corridor for storage, and the corridor seemed a little dirty. I did not see my coat in the corridor, and i realized that i must have been in the wrong corridor. I remembered that i was in one of the corridors near the northern end of the wing of the building, so i thought that i would have to head north and try another corridor. I hurried to the eastern end and turned north. Someone was with me, and i sayed something to the person as i walked. Ahead of me, i could see the end of the eastern corridor. The wall at the end curved to the west, and i remembered that my coat was in the last corridor to the west. I turned to the west, noticing a shallow cabinet with two hanger bars: one high in the cabinet and one about my chest level. This was where i had hung my coat. A dark-green cloak was now hanging in the center of the lower bar. It had been with my jacket, but it was not my jacket. I still had the things in my hand, and i thought that i should put them in the bedroom to the west, where i had put some of my bags and other things. I walked past the cabinet, to the end of the corridor. The corridor opened up a little to the north, and a doorway was in the southern end of the western wall. The doorway seemed to lead into a shallow closet. This was not the bedroom, though. I knew that the bedroom was just a little to the north of the closet. I wondered if i could sleep on the bed in the bedroom for a while. I then thought that the bedroom must have been set up as a child’s room for the promotional program that was happening to the south. I thought that the women might have set up the bedroom for the events, so i probably should not sleep on the bed. I reached the western wall and noticed that two cabinets were to the north of the closet door. The cabinets were designed like old shipping crates that had been placed against the wall. The wood on the crates was darkened with age and worn. I pulled on the southern edge of the southern cabinet, knowing that it would swing open to expose the door of the bedroom. A large bed was against the western wall of the room, and i had some of my things on the surface of the bed. I put the other things i was holding onto the bed with my black peacoat. I was concerned about leaving my things here, both because i worried that they might not be safe and because i thought that they might be in the way of the children’s event. I headed back to the east and came to the eastern end of the narrow corridor, still thinking about something to do with my jacket. I turned to the south and came into a kitchen, where the woman in the gray dress was cooking something on the island counter that was in the center of the room. A stove seemed to be against the eastern wall, just to the southeast of the woman. Two other women were standing on the northern side of the room: one to the northeast of the island counter and the other to the northwest. I had come into the room quickly, and found myself stopping abruptly at the northern edge of the counter. The gray marble surface of the counter varied from dark gray to light gray. The woman to the southeast of me was doing something with a tray that was near the southern side of the counter. I looked down at the tray, which seemed shaped like a very narrow pine tree. It had a pale-yellow gelatin in it, and the gel had small dark flecks. The woman stood to the east of the tray, looking down at it. The tray was arranged so that the tip of the pine tree faced west. I told the woman that the food looked very nice, and i asked her what flavor it was as i backed up from the counter. She said that it was a mix of several flavors. I noticed two large glass measuring cups on the counter: one in the center and one in the northwestern corner. The one in the center seemed to be empty, but the one in the northwestern corner, which was to the southwest of me, had a dark liquid in it. I asked the woman what the two flavors were, but before the woman could answer me, i leaned over the measuring glass to the southwest of me and smelled the steam rising from the liquid. It seemed like a dry spice, and it was a very familiar smell to me. Someone said that the yellow was lemon. The woman to the northwest of me said that the other was “aniset”. I recognized the spice, and i realized that it was not what i had thought of when i smelled the liquid. I tried to picture what i was thinking of, but i could only think of a dry cake that was pale tan with a white powdered-sugar coating. I told the women that the smell was good and that i liked both of the flavors.

12022 December 23

I was on the southern side of the restaurant, in a small dimly lighted room. Several other people were around me as i started walking to the east. We seemed to be on the second floor of the restaurant, near the southern end of the room, and the wall to the south of me was black. The room seemed to be open to the floor below, and i thought that an opening was in the floor to the north of me, leaving a few meters of walking space where we were. I was trying to do something, and i noticed the red ladder that was attached to the ceiling. The ladder was wooden, with thin wooden sides and thin wooden poles that were a little over a meter long. I reached up and grabbed the rungs of the ladder. The rungs detached from the ceiling on the western side. Each section of the ladder seemed separate, with pivots where the rungs attached to the side supports. I pulled on the ladder, and several more sections detached from the ceiling. The ladder unclipped from the west and hung down to the east. I thought that i would have to climb up the ladder, but there was no opening in the ceiling to climb into. I would have to pull more down until i could climb up. I was aware of a man to the west of me now. He seemed to be after me, and i thought that i had to leave this place. I moved to the east, into another section of the building. This room was smaller and seemed more like a mechanical room. A narrow red ladder ran across the ceiling from east to west. I followed it for a moment, stopping when i reached a woman on the eastern half of the room. She was trying to do something with the overhead ladder. I looked up, noticing large round tanks above us. One was to the southwest of me, and one was to the east. The woman was trying to grab the flat ladder over her head, near the western side of the eastern tank. I noticed a narrow vertical ladder ascending the eastern side of the tank to the southwest of me, and i told the woman that it was the ladder that i was looking for. I moved to it, and i was ascending. I seemed to be flying upward through a long dark cylinder. I was aware of the man following me. I slowed as i reached the top of the tall round chimney, and then i flew upward into the air. I thought that the man would be after me, and i thought that he might not know that i could fly. It was dark out, and i decided to fly up into the dark sky and hover just to the southeast of the smokestack. I thought that the man might not notice me. I felt nervous of him. I then thought that the tall chimney could have accelerated my ascension as i flew up it. I thought that it might be designed to amplify the south that i was making to levitate myself. I thought that i was making a sound with my mouth to propel myself. The closed cylinder of the old brick smokestack would have amplified the sound, allowing me to shoot out the top of the smokestack at a higher velocity. I had slowed as i reached the top, though, and then accelerated as i left. I floated down to the ground to the west of the chimney, passing to the north of the chimney as i descended. I felt worried about the man following. I knew that he was after me, and i thought that i could not look suspicious to him. I had to make it seem that i had been walking here and had not been the person who escaped from the smoke stack. I thought that he might have been able to sense me as i floated to the east of the building. I turned to the west and started down the hill. It was daylight now, and i started to fly toward the intersection, which was just to the west of me. I turned quickly to the north and started up the hill in the old suburban neighborhood. I knew that some people could see me flying, and i hoped that they could not follow me. I then worried that the man would be able to follow me by tracking my flight. I would be emitting specific frequencies as i flew, and the man should be able to track them. I was heading back to my house, which seemed to be to the northwest, but i did not want to lead the others there. I thought that i should have flown out of the smokestack and quickly moved to the east and landed. I pictured myself heading more to the southeast or south as i flew from the chimney. I walked a little to the east on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. I was now to the east of the smokestack, and i was walking through the neighborhood here. I thought that i would have to walk back to my house, which was far to the northwest, but the man would not be able to track me if i walked. I turned to the north, heading down a driveway that seemed to run down an alley. The alley ran between two bare-wood picket fences. I walked along the grass to the west of the driveway, stepping around the low rectangular shapes of shrubs. I then noticed that several of the rectangular shapes were actually plastic bins. They seemed to have a liquid in them, and small frosted cakes were in the liquid. The cakes looked like they had come from a large party. They had white frosting with thin yellow decorations on them. I walked past them, thinking that someone was probably saving them in water for a later time. At the middle of the block that i was crossing, the alley seemed to shift a little to the east. I continued on the second part of the alley, noticing some more pieces of cake, but these were not submerged in water. I was aware of a large tan building to the northwest of me. It had a narrow parking lot to the south of it, and a wide driveway that ran along the eastern side, bordering the alley. The tan stucco building seemed to be a church, and i thought that the cake was probably from a church event.

I entered the dormitory room from the south, walking to the northeast to my bed, which was against the eastern wall. I had been sleeping in this room while i stayed in this house. The house seemed related to $G3. I stopped near my bed, thinking that i should be doing something. I felt tired and needed to sleep, but i rearranged something on the green wool blanket that covered the bed. I was then aware of others in the room to the north of me. They seemed like $G3, and i thought that they must have been sleeping when i came in to do something. I hoped that i did not wake them up. I was aware of a bed with a white sheet over it just to the north of the bed, but no one seemed to be in it. I then heard someone moving to the north. I looked north. Three beds were along the northern side of the room. The outside ones ran along the eastern and western walls, and the central one extended from the northern wall between the other two. $A842 was sleeping in the center bed, with his head to the south. He coughed, but it sounded as though he was having some trouble breathing. I remembered that he had some allergies, and i hoped that he was okay. The person in the bed to the east of him sat up, and asked him if he needed anything. $A842 coughed some more, trying to clear his throat. I started to feel worried for him, but i turned to the east and did something on the bed near me. The man asked $A842 another question, and $A842 responded that he could use a pen. I thought that he was referring to an epi-pen. People from the beds on both sides of him were sitting up, and the man who was to the east of him stood up and hurried to the southwest to get the syringe. I wanted to do something, but i was not sure what, so i turned back to the east. I stood for a moment, moving my weight from leg to leg as i decided what to do. I could hear the others moving around to the north and northwest of me. I looked to the east. I was standing on the southeastern corner of an open area, which was to the north of a street. The street ran to the east, and i noticed a sign just to the east of me. The square sign was about a half meter wide, and it was mounted on a metal pole that stuck into the cement of the sidewalk. It seemed to be related to a bus stop, which seemed to be to the east of it. The sign seemed to be illuminated. It was mostly white, with a face on the right side and large text on the left. Something about the sign seemed interesting, and i thought that i should read it, but i was doing something. I turned back to the west, carrying something in my arms. I had to do something, and i said something to the person to the northwest of me. I then crossed the street, walking to the southeast. The street seemed to be only one lane wide, and many people were walking across it from all different directions. I carried the small dog across the street, talking to the young boy who was to the north of me. As i reached a bus shelter on the southern side of the street, i turned back to look at the boy. He was still walking slowly across the street. I cradled the dog in my arms, thinking that i was carrying it for the boy. I then remembered the sign at the bus stop. I wanted to read what it had said. I looked to the north, but the sign was directly to the north of me, and its sides were facing east and west, so i could net see what they said. The boy approached me. He seemed upset about something and was dragging his feet as he walked. I said something about the dog as i turned to the south and headed into the wooden structure, which seemed to be the house of the children. I no longer had the dog with me, and i could hear the young girl talking to the south. She said something about the cat. Her mother replied. She talked about several cats of different color, and she said that, when you combined them, they might be red. I was waiting for the girl and the boy to be ready. I turned to the east, saying that, if you mix all the different colors of the cats, they you might get black. I stepped to the east, into a small room with simple wooden walls and a wooden floor. The entry door was in the southern end of the western wall. The room had no furnishings, and the wood slats of the walls seemed to have gaps in them that led outside. I turned to the north, spreading my arms up as i explained that, actually, if you mixed all of the colors together, they should be white, because white was a combination of all of the colors. I then heard the door to the room slide closed behind me. I felt disappointed, thinking that the mother did not want me listening in on their conversations. She was blocking me out of the house until the boy and girl were ready. I hoped that they were not upset with me for being early. I lowered my arms and stood for a moment in the room, which now seemed like a porch on the eastern side of the house. The house was to the west and south of the small porch. I then heard the father come into the house from the north. I decided that i probably should not be here, and i thought that i should leave. I noticed a small opening in the northeastern corner of the porch. I could easily squeeze through, but i did not want the people in the house to know that i had been waiting on the porch. A window seemed to be in the western wall, to the south of me. I pushed myself against the wall of the house to the north of the window, hoping that the people inside did not see me. I had to leave the porch, though, and i though about squeezing through the opening to the northeast. I knew that i might block the light from the opening, which might alert the people that i was here. I hesitated, but i really thought that i should leave the house. I hurried to the northeast, hoping that i could make it out through the opening before the parents noticed me.

12022 December 24

We were in an urban area, in a city that seemed very open and spread out. I was with people who seemed to be $G4, and they were in the restaurant or pub that was to the north of the road. The room was long east to west, and long wooden tables with benches ran the length of the room. The walls seemed to be covered with pale wood planks, and the room seemed like on old dining hall. We had been here for a little while, and the others were just finishing. I had stopped somewhere before we had come into the hall. I had purchased something, and i was holding it to the north of me. It seemed to be a painting or large print, but it was now in a large flat card-board box, which was about a meter and a half tall and two meters wide. I remembered that we had been brought here on a bus, and i wondered if i could take the box with me. I did not want to carry it to the different pubs that we would be going to. $F71 was with me, and he stood to the west of me as we stood on the southern side of the room. $A843 was to the north of me. I asked her if i would be able to put the box on the bus so that i did not have to carry it. She said that i could. She then turned to the northwest and walked to the corner of the room. The others were just finishing up here, and i thought that we would be leaving soon. I stood to the south of the building. It was sunny. A driveway ran along the southern side of the building, and a few picnic tables seemed to be to the south of the driveway. I had something to drink, but i thought that i had to go somewhere before i could join the others in the traveling event. I moved to the west, to a table as $F71 walked north, crossing the driveway. I felt anxious about what i had to finish. I wanted to get it done so that i could join the others. I started moving to the east, across the grassy hillside. The hill sloped up slightly to the northeast. I was pushing a bicycle to the south of me. The others seemed to be ahead of me now, and i was still trying to catch up to them. A set of cement stairs was in the side of the hill, leading up to the northeast. I pushed my bicycle to the southeast of them, where a path started up the hill. I started to push my bicycle up the hill, but a young woman with short choppy hair was riding a bicycle from the northwest. She rode on a narrow dirt path that crossed the slope. The dirt path i was pushing my bicycle up ran into the path, so the woman had to stop. I backed my bicycle up a little so that i was not blocking her. She stopped and watched me for a moment. The hill to the north of me now seemed very steep, like a dirt cliff. The dirt path seemed dug into the cliff, but the section just to the north of me was very narrow. The hill seemed to have a narrow steeper section that crossed the path. It almost seemed as though the path formed a bridge over the narrow area. The woman on the bicycle seemed impatient with me, and i noticed a man on the path to the northwest of her. I thought that they were filming something on the path, and i was getting in their way. I apologized to her and started moving to the east on a path. The building that seemed to be the dining hall was again to the north of me. It seemed to be made of stone blocks, like an old college building. The others had already started to leave the dining hall and were heading to the east, down the narrow parking lot to the south of the building, and across the street to the east, toward the other building. I thought that we were moving to another venue for the traveling event that we were part of. $F71 had come out of the old building and was now walking to the north of me. I stopped, feeling my right pocket. I realized that i had left my jacket in the dining hall. I felt impatient and annoyed, and i turned back to the west and headed back down the parking lot. I told $F71 that i would join him in a moment. I shifted the head of cabbage under my right arm and moved my jacket over it. I hoped that i could still get into the first pub to get my vest.

12022 December 26

I moved around the northern side of the room, looking at the shirts that were hanging on the racks to the north and south of me. I had moved most of my clothing to this place, which seemed to be related to $P19. Something was bothering me, though. I thought that i had to change my shirts so that i could go to my class at $P7, but i could not find the correct shirts. The shirts to the south of me were white and seemed to be long-sleeve dress shirts. I was looking for my short-sleeve button-up shirts. I moved to the west, looking at the rack that ran along the western wall. It did not have the shirts either. I thought that the shirts should be on the southern side of the room. The metal rack to the south of me extended from the eastern wall and ran down the center of the room. I walked around the western side of it and looked at the clothing on the southern wall. Two people were now standing in the southwestern corner of the room. This place seemed to be part of a store, but i had been keeping my shirts here. The racks on the southern wall no longer had shirts, though. Two racks were on the southern wall, one above the other. They were now filled with children’s clothing. The bright yellow shirts on the western side of the wall had frilly collars. A blue shirt was to the east of it. This place seemed to be a store, and i thought that the people here must have moved my things to the closet to the east so that they could put up more merchandise. I felt upset that they had moved my things. I rounded the western end of the rack in the center of the room and looked at the doorway to the closet in the southern end of the eastern wall. I hoped that my clothing was there, but i was still angry that someone had moved it from the rack. I then felt worried about the other clothing that i had left here, because i knew that i was only keeping things here because i did not have any other place to keep things. I was then aware of the two people in the southwester part of the room. They seemed to be watching me, and i was worried that they were humored by my situation. I felt frustrated as i walked toward the closet.

I had been talking to the people to the north of me. They started talking to me as i moved to the west-southwest across the southern side of the area. I seemed to be talking to someone specific, who was on the western end of the northern side of the area, but i was aware of others to the east of him. I stretched out my arms to the west, placing them on the ice in front of me. I was holding up my weight on my hands and feet as i slided a little to the west on the ice. I thought that i had to control my position on the ice. The man to the north of me said something, and i responded to him. He seemed to be $A42. I moved my hands close to me, sliding them back and forth on the surface under me. I seemed to be holding on to some springs, and they allowed me to swing. I swinged to the south and then back to the north. I felt that i was talking to $A42 about something important. I looked down at the water under me as i swinged to the north. I thought that i could jump into the water. I felt a little uneasy about this, though. I said something to $A42 as i swinged back to the south. I then swinged to the north again, this time swinging higher than before. I looked down at the water, noticing the slightly different color of the water where the docks were. The docks ran form the flat eastern shore of the water, and they extended past me to the west. I had swinged over the southern dock and was hovering just to the south of the northern dock. I let go of the spring and fell toward the water. $A42 had started to say something to me as i plunged into the water. I watched the water go over my head, noticing the shadow of the dock just to the north of me. I thought that i would start to swim upward, but i was surprised at how fast i seemed to be sinking into the water. The shadows moved upward quickly. I worried suddenly that i was sinking too quickly, and i started swimming up toward the surface.

I moved to the southwest, across the hotel room. We had just come here from someplace else. I thought that we had been renting a hotel in some other location, and we had brought all of our things here. I entered the roof from the northeast, and i stopped just inside the door. I reached into my right pocket and pulled out a long black object. It was a remote from a television. It was black and about a deci and a half long. I felt annoyed that i had forgotten i had it in my pocket. It was from the old hotel. I thought that we would have to bring it back to the other hotel. I wondered if we could mail it back to them. I carried the remote to the south, down the eastern wall of the room. I felt frustrated that we would have to mail it back. I knew that we would be charged a lot of money for the missing remote, so we would have to return it to the hotel. I turned to the east, walking through a doorway into another room to the east. The doorway was in the southern end of the eastern wall. My parents were in the small room to the east. My mother was to the northeast of me, standing to the north of a counter. She was doing something on the counter to the south of her as she talked to the woman to the east of her. I told her that i had been unpacking my luggage, and i found the remote there. I added that it would be a lot of money added to our hotel bill if we did not return it. My mother nodded, agreeing that it would be expensive. We would have to mail the remote back.

12022 December 27

I started back to the east, into the parking lot. I thought that i had forgotten something, but i stopped after a few steps, thinking that i had everything i needed for my class. I turned back to the west and walked the few meters to the western edge of the parking lot. The ground sloped down steeply at the edge of the lot to a street below. I noticed that the mulched ground between the lot and the road had a worn area where people had walked. It ran from where i was to the southwest, so i carefully stepped onto the brown dirt and made my way down. A large stone building, which seemed like Barton Hall, was to the west of the road. I had to get to my martial-arts class. I was then in a hallway that ran north to south in the building. I had to hurry to get to my class, so i changed clothing quickly. I started putting my things into the small metal lockers that were on the western wall of the hallway. I pushed some clothes into the small cage locker that was to the south of me. The small lockers were stacked on top of each other, and the locker that i was using was facing north but was still against the western wall. I put my black peacoat into the locker and pushed the door closed. I had a small brass padlock that used a key. I started to put it through the eastern side of the door, but i realized that i also had some of my things in the lower locker. I felt hurried, and i was aware that my mother was standing on the eastern side of the hall with some other people. I hurriedly opened the locker and pulled out a padlock with a metallic dial. I felt indecisive, and i was not sure what to do. I looked at the padlock, but i was not sure that i remembered the combination. I had not used this lock in a very long time. I felt frustrated as i walked a little way to the south. I had a second locker on the northern side of a set of lockers to the south of where i had been. I stopped and turned back to the north, thinking that i should lock the padlock to see if i could open it before i put it on the locker. My mother was watching me, and i said something to her. I moved back to the original lockers, and i pushed some of my clothing into them. I decided to use the brass key lock on the locker to the south and to leave the cage lockers unlocked. I thought that this must have been what i used to do when i attended the martial-arts class. I wondered if i really did not have any valuables in the locker. I knew that i was late for the class, so i closed the lockers and headed down the hall to the south. A woman in a red gi was trotting ahead of me. She stopped in front of a door in the eastern wall and pushed the door open slowly. I stopped at the second locker to put the lock on, watching her kneel to the ground and bow before entering the practice space. I started after her as she entered the room. I remembered that i would need to bow to enter the room. I pushed the door open. The door was now in the northern end of the eastern wall of the room, and i entered from the east. The class seemed to be in a large circle around the perimeter of the room, but most of them were clustered on the eastern side of the class, to the south of the door i had entered. I bowed and entered the room, but no one seemed notice. The others had already warmed up and were doing exercises. I then noticed that the center of the room had island counters in it and that the people in the southwestern and western parts of the room were not part of the class. They seemed to be wearing chef uniforms. This room was a kitchen, and my class was practicing around the others in the room, who were cooking a large meal. I walked to the center of the room, aware that my instructor was teaching something to the east. I headed back to the northern side of the room and decided to start stretching. I thought about swinging my knees up and out to stretch my hips.

I was in the parking area of my parents’ farmhouse, and i had to get to the house, which was to the west of me. I felt that something was going on in the house, and i hurried to the door in the western side of the house to see. As i reached the house, i saw a blue car in the back room of the house. The car was small, like an old compact car from the nineties, and it was facing south. It was to the west of the door. I wondered why my parents were driving a car though the house, and i felt that i had to get inside quickly to find out. I pulled open the door and entered the room, but the car had already moved to the south. I stepped into the room and looked through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. I could see through the doorway and across the dining room to the front door of the house. The front door was a double door, and it was open. I could not see the car, so i thought that the car must have been driven through the house and outside. I felt suspicious of the car being in the house, and i wondered if my parents were trying to hide the car from me. To the west of me, the back door of the house was open. It seemed very wide, so i thought that the car must have come into the house from that door. I felt anxious, wondering why my parents would be trying to hide the car. I looked back to the southeast, noticing the car out in the driveway of the house now. I started back to the east, not sure what to do. A number of people were in the room around me now. They had come from the northern side of the back room and were now heading for the door in the eastern wall. I thought that the event was ending, so several of them were leaving. Three or four people were to the north and northeast of me. I turned to the north and walked up to a woman. She was facing the other way, but i was going to say goodbye to her as soon as she turned around. She wore a long tan wool coat with a red cloth hanging over her head. I pulled on the red cloth, thinking that it was hanging loosely over her shoulders. She turned around. I suddenly realized that the red cloth was a scarf, so i would not be able to pull the loose part without tightening it around her neck. The woman was $F18. I apologized for pulling on her scarf as she turned to me. I could see that the red scarf also west over her head. She stood close to me and looked at me as we spoke. It was very good to see her again. I felt sad that she was heading out now. $F7 seemed to be standing just to the north of her. $F71 was then to the east of me, and he said that $F18 liked our kitchen. He said that she had told him that it was very much like their kitchen. I looked up to the southwest, noticing that our kitchen was a small room to the east of the back room of my parents’ house. I had been standing in the northwestern part of the kitchen. Counters ran along the northern wall of the room and along the northern part of the eastern wall. The exit door was in the center of the eastern wall of the room. A small round table was in the southeastern corner of the room. A large multipane window wrapped around the southeastern corner of the room. I thought that $F18 must have had a window in the southwestern corner of their kitchen, which made their kitchen seem like mine.

12022 December 28

I had been talking to the other person, but i turned to the east and headed across the yard of the church. The church was a large stone building to the north of me. Some of the others started heading to the southeast, but i had to get back to the east. I said something to the man, who was heading to the southeast, as i walked across the grass to the east. A small stone building was to the southeast of me. It stood just to the south of the church. It was very small, and it seemed to have a graveyard around it. The stone building was shaped like a church, with narrow spires and steeply peaked roofs. One buttress on the northern end of the western side of the building had a low peaked roof, which had stone tiles on it. Several small gravestones were in the grass around the western and southwestern sides of the building. I noticed a small pale stone near the base of the northern end of the western side of the building. It was about three-quarters of a meter wide and about a half meter tall. It sat in front of a window, which was level with the ground. I thought that the room inside the window was of a basement room. It seemed strange that a headstone would be just outside a window, but i thought that it was an old church, so it must have had a purpose when it was put in. The person to the south of me said something, but i turned my attention to the east of me. I was heading for the narrow space between the small church and the large building to the north of me. As i approached it, i looked up at the large church to the north. The gray stone of the building was worn and dulled by weather. The eastern end of the building was a little wider than the part i had been walking along. It stretched to the south about a little more than a meter from the rest of the building. The southwestern corner, which was just to the northeast of me, was mottled with oddly textured stone. A large arched recess cut diagonally across the corner, facing south-southwest, with more on the southern face of the building than on the western side. The stone was darker in the recess, and it was carved to have a rough cloud-like texture. In the center was an old worn stature of the Virgin Mary. She stood with her hands down at her sides, palms facing out. Green lichen was on the eastern side of the statue’s face. I thought that the building was very old, and it did not seem as well maintained as it should have been. I passed between the two buildings, but i realized that i was walking on part of the building. A low ledge stuck out near the base of the building, and i had been walking on it. I then realized that i was on a low terrace that was to the south of the building. I walked carefully on the ledge, heading east, but i soon noticed that the eastern end of the terrace had a wall, blocking me from heading east. The wall was about two meters tall, and it had small round indents in a diagonal grid pattern. I The bottom of the wall had several thin ledges that were layered like steps. They were decorative, and one seemed to be pale blue. I thought that i would have to head south and go around the wall, but the wall extended around the southern side of the square terrace. I would have to go back to the southeast and around the southern wall. I felt a little frustrated, but i started to the south to go around the wall. I imagined that the parking lot to the east of the wall was at a lower level than the terrace, but i wondered if i could climb the wall and jump over the other side. I headed west, toward the northwestern corner of the terrace. The terrace was now on the northern side of the large building, just to the north of the northeastern corner of the building. A tall wall blocked me from heading west along the building, and a wall on the northern side of the terrace seemed to hold back dirt of the higher ground to the north. I wondered if i could climb the wall to the west to get over it. As i approached it, though, i noticed that it seemed very thin. A statue stood in front of the center of the wall, to the southwest of me. The wall was pale and had shell-like radiating curves that reached up to the rounded bumps along the top edge. The cement of the wall seemed very thin at the top edge, and it looked like the edge of a clam shell. I reached up to grab the top edge, wondering if i could pull myself up. As i grabbed the plaster, the thin curve crumbled in my hand. I would not able to climb over the wall here. I felt annoyed that i had cracked part of the wall, and i hoped that it would not upset anyone. I turned back to the east, thinking that i had to go around the northern wall to the to the northern side of the main building. I started running, and i ran around the eastern end of the wall and turned back to the west. The building was now to the south of me, and it ran to the west. The sun shined on the northern face, and the brown stone building seemed very long. A parking lot was to the north of the building, and a lawn separated the lot from the building. The lot was about five meters from the building. The trees in the lawn seemed to have autumn leafs, and the sun seemed very orange on the green grass. Pale thick blocks of stone framed the doorway in the center of the northern wall of the building, to the southwest of me. A cement path ran north from the doorway, and someone had opened the glass door to step out as i jogged to the west. The man to the south of me said something. He had come out of the building near me, and he was asking me a question. I responded to him, but i was distracted by something to the west.

12022 December 29

I headed east along the northern sidewalk of the street. I seemed to be in a market area of a small city. It was sunny out, and the buildings along the northern side of the street, to the northeast of me were pale blue. Other people were walking down the street, and someone to the south of me commented on the frequency. He said that the radiation had been directed at the man’s pelvic area, and that the twenty-four hertz radio waves were very dangerous. I thought that the electromagnetic waves would be like microwaves and that they would heat up the man affected. I also thought that the waves could be very dangerous.

I was very rushed, and i hurried to the east to get ready. I had to get all of my things together so that i could get to school. My parents were in the house with me, and my mother had gone to the southwest. She said that i would have to hurry. I felt tense as i gathered some clothing on the chair, which as to the northwest of me. The chair was facing southeast. I stacked some clothing on the chair. I would have to change into the clothing, but i had to bring the clothing upstairs so that i could change. I piled the short stack of clothing on a blue backpack, which was on the chair. I realized that i could just take all of the clothing upstairs and quickly change. I did not seem to have too much else to do. I organized the clothing, wondering if i could simply change here. I then realized that i would need to go upstairs, to the south to shave and wash up. I moved the stack of clothing to the east, setting it on a counter near the back door of my parents’ farmhouse. The door was to the east of me, about a meter and a half past the counter. I still felt rushed, but i did not feel that i was in danger of being too late. I arranged some of the clothing in the stack, realizing that i had one tan leather glove on top of the stack. I remembered that i had put the other glove over the top of the chair, where i had hung my jacket. I would have to remember to grab the other glove so that i could work outside, in the cold. I turned back to the west. My father was just to the west of me. He told me that i should take the metal thing for my gloves, saying that it would keep my hands warm as i scraped the car. I imagined a black iron brick that i could hold in my hands to keep them warm. My father held out something in his left hand, and i looked down to take it. It was a rounded brass object. It looked like a carved statue, but it was triangular, with a rounded long side. The bumps over the surface made it seem as though the carving was imitating long hair or fur on an animal. Several short small appendages hung from the bottom of the brass object. I took the brass object, thinking that the rounded triangular shape would fit easily into the palm of my left hand as i put my glove on. As i turned back to the east, i wondered how i would grab tools with the brass thing in the palm of my hand. I thought of the car, which was parked in the driveway, just outside the door, facing south.

12022 December 30

When i got to the southern end of the short hallway, i turned to the east and headed down the corridor on the southern side of the building. The others were following me as i walked out into the parking lot. The parking lot seemed long east to west and narrow north to south, just like the building that i had come out of. It was dark now. We had been talking to the family in this place earlier, but we had come back to talk with them about something more official. I headed back to the east, and the two or three other people followed me. I headed west, down the northern corridor of the building. When i reached the central crossing corridor, i turned to the south. A service window was in the western wall of the hallway, but it seemed that the wall was a screen or set of windows. I could see the mother and the daughter inside. When we talked to the family earlier, we had talked to the mother, father, brother, and sister. As i stopped at the window, i called to the mother, addressing her as “misses” with her last name. We were friends with the family; they seemed to be $G4. However, we had to ask them something related to the business in this building, so i addressed her with a formal name, though my tone showed that i was still being friendly. The daughter was sitting on the southern end of the western side of a rectangular table, which extended from the southern wall, and the mother was standing behind her, leaning over her to see something on the table. The mother looked up as i spoke. The children seemed old enough to be out of college, and i seemed more friendly with the parents. The mother said something about the business, and i told her that we were here to talk about official business. I then realized that i would need my checkbook. As the mother talked with one of the others with me, i told the people that i would be right back. I hurried to the south and turned east down the corridor on the southern side of the building. I jogged to the east, out into the parking lot to get the checkbook from my car.