11993 Autumn

I looked down at the buildings that were in the center of the city. I was flying over the city. I could see the large cathedral with its domed roof. To the east of it was the atrium, a rectangular building with two courtyards in the middle. It was aligned roughly north to south. There was a large open area to the east of the atrium which seemed to be an excavated pit. It was roughly square, and it wrapped around the east and south sides of the red building. I thought that the lower section was really an area where the docking bays were. The area on the south seemed to get shallower to the west, as though it was a ramp up to the street level. The main building of the university was to the south and a little bit to the west of the cathedral. It looked modern compared to the other buildings. The wide roof over a terrace on the north side of the university building had a square hole in it which was slightly off center to the north. The roof connected to the large flat roof of the rest of the university. I swooped low to the thin square columns which supported the roof around the terrace. The rest of the university’s campus spread out to the southeast of the main university building. I was then very high above the city. I could see the grid of the city streets. The grid was irregular in the center of the city around the cathedral. I was now standing on top of the parking garage which was on the hill above the city. The hills to the northwest of me had elegant houses all along them. The houses were cut into the cliffs and had tall balconies and terraces. Sets of stairs ran down to the lake at the base of the hill. There were a few deep gorges cut into the steep hills. There were stairs and bridges across many of the gorges. I flew close to the cliffs and came to a large stone mansion. The stones were dark red, and there were white stones for trimming. Several terraces surrounded the front of the house. The terraces were covered with green plants and vines. I then passed over the house to the large grassy area just beyond. This was a city park on the hill. It looked down over the city. I looked back down at the city. There was a long road which ran down the hill. It became a street at the edge of the city and disappeared into the grid of streets.