11993 Winter

I thought about the bugs. They were not from Earth, and yet they were related to some species here. They were large and had exoskeletons like earth bugs. I thought of how all species in the universe were related, and how they all shared similar origins. I thought of how i could not conceive of the old-fashioned was of viewing origins as evolving on a single planet. I thought about these things as i stepped out of the shower. I dried myself off and put my guitar in the corner, on top of a towel. I noticed the large amount of water that had collected around me on the floor, so i went back into the main shower room. I remembered that the thing about these creatures was that they had a strange way of giving birth. They had sex rarely and kept their children inside. When they would bite other animals, they would inject their young in to the animals. I told $A283 that they had a ceremony to go along with this, where they kept a cow-like creature in the hut. I then thought that this was wrong. As we walked, i explained to him that they kept their children inside, and that the children would eventually eat their way out. This was the woman’s sacrifice. I started to tell him about another insect which would inject a small creature into its prey. The small creature was a parasite, and its relationship with the insect was coincidental. Then $A283 walked on the other side of a crowd, and i could not finish the story. He reappeared through the arch, under the building, near the entrance. I tried to tell him the rest, but these two children got between us. I knelt down to adjust my skates, wondering if they would be ruined on the metal grates. $A283 tried to motion the children to one side so that he could sit down, but the two chinese boys continued to play near the bench. Both of us waited, watching the children with amusement. Finally, their father came and herded then to the front of the bus. The other three with me sat down, bottles of liquor in their hands. The two old women breathed a sigh of relief as the children left, and then mentioned that they could use a drink. I was standing, so they asked me about my friends’ bottles. I told them that we had not been drinking at all, thought i felt rather full with liquid. One of the women wanted to smell my breath, so i leaned forward and breathed on her, telling her that i just drank a lot of cranberry juice. It was somehow related to college. I was from $P6, and they were related to $P106. I said that it was the place in $P56, thinking that $P107 was just down the river. One woman complained that it was an old warehouse or something. I had not heard that, and said that, if it was, it was from an old warehouse. I thought of the block design of the campus and how it related to the buildings of the seventeen hundreds. The heavy man objected and claimed that it could not be that old, but that it would seem that way. He talked at me, asking how old the buildings on this campus were. I told him that they were form the eighteen hundreds, and he said that i was wrong. They were all from the nineteen hundreds. I said that i had thought that the university was older than that and asked when the founding date was. He treated me like i was ignorant. He said it was founded in 1896. I supposed that i was wrong, but i did think that it was founded earlier than that. Then i noticed the camera person in the window above us. She pulled away the blinds and pressed against the glass to get a good picture between the buildings. I realized that there was a parade happening on the main street and pointed it out to $A283 as i started to get into the car. I wondered why i did not know about the celebration, but, then again, nobody ever told me anything that was going on. Then i noticed the parade passing close to us, so i ran to the wall and pulled myself up to see. $G9 just turned the corner and started filing in front of me. I recognized $A6 in his red hat and shirt. I wondered why he looked so young and attractive still. Then two college men started clearing everyone off of the wall. I dropped back down to the ground and started to adjust my socks. They passed by me, as i hoped they would. Then i went back to the car where $A283 was waiting. I walked past the car and into the street at the edge of the parking lot. I looked down the street and wondered why i could not see the parade in the main part of the city. There was a crowd before. I just saw the traffic lights in the distance. It was dusk. I started to spin around in the street, looking back at the car. I wondered whether i could fly as i started down the narrow street. A melody came into my head, and i thought that it would make a good song, but i realized that it was the chorus to “The Unforgiven”, so i could not use it. I realized, though, that what made it a good melody was its quality to repeat. Just like “the sun machine is going down and we’re gonna have a party”, or “Atlantis” by Donnovan. I had to think of a repeating chorus and use it for my song.