11994 Winter

I walked through the crowded market place. There were many people making their way through the dark green canvas tents over the vendors. This place seemed like a foreign bazaar. I pushed my way through the crowded streets. This place was in the city. I could see the tall domes of the cathedral to the south of me. I moved quickly through the streets until i suddenly moved upward. I hovered the market place, looking down at the regular rows and columns of tents and kiosks. The crowds moved below me. I was hovering over the island. I was now high enough that i could see the whole island below me. I looked to the north to see the northern tip of the island stretching out to the horizon. The island was shaped roughly like a lima bean. It was curved inward along the western edge, and tapered off into a thin tip on the northwest corner. The bow of the eastern coast came to an uneven nub, which was closer to the south end of the island than the north. There were two towers standing on the eastern nub. As i flew over them, they seemed to be cooling towers, like you might see on a nuclear power plant, but i knew that they were more like obelisks. They were part of the eastern gate, and they looked out over the ocean. The city, Eurivvonerga, was to the south. The south gate was on the southern tip of the island, at the docks of the city. The south end of the island was wider and more rounded than the north. There were tall mountains in the center of the island. Beyond them, a good deal of farm land stretched out to the north. This was the land that supported the island. I flew to the north, where i could see the various colours of the squares of farm land stretching out toward the north peninsula.